T1-1JD OJMAJ1A DALLX DECEMBER 20 , 1800. THE OMAHA BEJ3 COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. rellverul l > y Currier Jniuiy part of thoClty II , W. Tll/roN. 1IANAUKH TEMUM10NE3 ! - \ Jli.sIncMi Office. No. 'L } Mght Editor , No. 23. JllMtlt JUIA'J'IU.V N. Y. P. Co. llurhorn'n for watches. Council mud's Lumber Co. . coat. f -'lilof L'nroynowsava the variants mus ' , , < , , "ami ufllccrs must arrest tliotn on slirlit. % . . Jettoi ) < ; nJ. Stotnlcr Jim none to Wnuimn , WIs. ' * ' { . , . . ' . ho will spend the romalnucr of tin winter. Tills evening Charles Unas , George A KccllnontiU others Klvo a select ball lu tut Uoynl .Arcnnlum ball. .Subscriptions to periodicals nt wliolcsn.li prltc'H. Drop mo a card and I will call 01 you. F , .1. Honghml , No. 10UU Sixth mifmT ; r meinberei tnlloa of "a forgo nud elegant" clock for 111 : ofilco. Tlio clerks of tlio C. 0. D. grocery store ro mcmburcd the manager , Jklr. KM Ilrown , b ; presenting to him with n tlnowutch chuln o the Knights of f.'ythlns design. City Marshal Templcton soys It is nlmos iniposslbla to keep Bryant street cleared o fanners' ' teams , so long ns the city has sucl limited room for n market place. Superintendent Sawyer Is spending th hollunys with his family In Trenton , Mo. and there will bo no meeting of the hoard o education until curly In January. Charles I awson and Charles Young , alln "Dutch , " will htivo n hearing In ttio anpcrlo court today upon the clmrgo of vugtnncj which lins'bccn preferred against them. Tbe , spent their Christmas In tbo city jail. John Gilbert , the plumberhas been fatten Ing n line turkey for his Christinas dlnnui but on the eve of execution day some thli ; got tbo start of him 'anil the turkey wn served yesterday ou some unknown tnblo. Uov. ( J. W. Crofts , whoso Httlo volume o poems , "Golden lied , " lias proved so populai Is bolnir wronged by having whole noein stolen from Ills book mid published wlthou ns much as "by your leave. " Ho purpose taking stops to stop the literary piracy. Charles Ouster , an employe of tlio Chlcagt Burlington it Qulncy , Is suffering Irani pinch received while coupling ears In tn yards. It Is thought hovlll speedily n cover , but It Is difllcult for tbo physicians t tell nt present the full extent of the It Junes. All tbo churches of the city will unite In week of special prayer commencing .lanunt 4. The Kpiscop.il nlllimco of tbo Unite States has requested such a union tncotin for the commencement of thn now year nn thu Council iluffs ] churches bavo uctepte the invitation. In the midst of Christmas festivities thci wcro not a few sad events , coming In strati } : contrast with tbo general Joy of tbo da ; Among these was the burinl of little Jolmni only four years old , the son of Mr. and Mr Henry Scott , who live on Frank street. So vices were held at St. I'otcr's German Cath Ic church. Among the many pleasant social oven that trnnspirod hist night , the cntcrtalnnioi provided by the Young Men's Christian ass clutlon is worthy of especial notice. Ail tl young peoples * societies of tlio diffcrci churches united nntl presented a fine music ; nnd literary programme. The attendant illlcd thu rooms. Mrs , John O'Brion , the Imly whosodrunkc husband throw her and her child outof dooi mill nearly murdered the Innocent by liurlir It against the loneo , were remembered by tl charitable people yesterday , The woiiian husband has dcscrtctl her and shc Is in a dc tltuto condition. Several well Illlcd baake found their way to the hmnblo homo c South Eighth street. A report was la circulation last night th tbo body of a man bud been found near tl motor truck Just cost of thu bridge. It wi reported that ho was taken to Oninba in private wagon. The rumor also stated th ho had been murdorcd , and that llvo stlllct woundc. had been found on his body. No 01 In Council Hluffs , connected with the poll department or otherwise , could bo found substantiate the story. Charles T. Bruy Is protesting against tl council letting any of the levee repair wo to Mitchell , claiming that thoInttcr's bid w not in accordance with the requirements ai provisions of the city clerk's udvortiseinei - -and for that reason should bo thrown 01 The f } / engineer claims the objection Is on a technical one. If Mitchell's bid is throv out , his part of tbo work will go to John Leo as the next lowest bitldur. Many of the ladies nnd gentlemen who t slstcd In serving tbo banquet to the ] > o children yesterday gathered up largo baskc of the food that was loft over and carri them to deserving families In various pai x of tbo city. It Is certain that no Minil amount of money contributed for charltal purposes was over more wisely distributed reached n greater number of deserving pee | than the few hundred dollars so quiet raised on Wednesday afternoon. The printers' masked ball last night wai great success. The hall was tilled to such extent that the dancers wcro interfered wil The costumes wcro hiuulsomo and mil < | i anil many of them strikingly original. 'I grand march was tbo event of tbo cvenh and among the novel features was a real II tlonltoy without any mask , Ho was broil ) : In to complete the character of a in Ing prospector assumed by ono the gentlemen , ami carried a pa saddle wltu a load of miners' to Many of the costumes wcro very rich. 1 bull was the most successful ever given the Typographical union both socially n financially. Neckwear , silk mufllors , plush caps , el for holiday presents. Ottonboltner's , Broadway. _ Our Motloon. A "Ilest Quality of Goods for the Lc Money , " "Special Kffort Made to Ploi Every Ono , " "No Trouble to Show Go < and Give Prices , " "Prices to Suit Tltnes. " "Llvo and Lot Live. " Head i profit by buying your holiday goods at 1 old established house of E. Burborn , 17 M street. _ Ilcniovctl. A. D. Foster has removed from thoEvci bloek to tbo Archer building. No. .Ill Bro way ten doors west of Ids former pluco business. _ I'lito Holiday I'I-OHOIUH. Every person In the city and surround country Is Invited to call and exumlna line line ot holiday-goods at tbo old relia business house of E. Burhorn , ITMulustn Buy your coal nnd wood of C. B. Fuel C 631) ) Uroudway. Telephone 183. C. A. Reobo ft Co. nro going out of the tall trade and will close out their line llr.i ladles' writing and oftlco dusks , boolc en chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chain suits , folding beds , plain und fancy rocki cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less tl cost. _ Sitttt house , 23 N. Main st. , Co. Bin Good board , nice rooms and beds , lowest ra J.C. Blxby , steam noatlns ; , sanitary glnccr , 013 Llfa building , O.naha i ; 'JJJ \ rlnm block , Council llluffj. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , Broadway. Clionp Iotn nt A rim H us llnrbor. City lota can bo bought in Arnn Harbor , Texas , today cheaper than average ni'Ico paltl iu villages locixtci the interior containing ltOOO pomilntl uiul yet no city was over Btnrtcu in United Sttvtos with greater resoucci all the ossontliU requisites to niuk ( grout city lilio A run MIS llnrbor. Go On uVlHlt. Here is n. chunco to ( jo homo nntl v thu old folks during : the holidays. ' Union I'uolflo will sell on Doccmbor 25 and 81 , 1800 , unil January 1 , II round trio tickets to ull Kimsus and briibka. points for one ivud ono-thlnl I for the round trip , good returning1 Ju nry 5 , 1801. Till * NK\YS \ 1\T TUP LlllJ liljllO ul ll\\t \ \ Hccrj EiEnnitiD & Co. M.ko AH Aesignmen' ' for the Benefit oflboSr Orcdltora. VERY HEAVY LIABILITIES AND ASSETS I'lMlmhlllty or n .Speedy AiljUHtincn How tliti J'onr Clilltlrcn of the City Were Jlnntjiifttcd Yostcr- liny 31lnor .A Yesterday was nn eventful Christinas foi Henry Wsoinan & Co. , the proprietors of th palatial dry sooils house In this city , and on of the largest In the west. The day befor the retail business of the house had bocn th heaviest over known , ami the llvo cxprcs luiihlollvcry vig5ti5-j4jU Jjivf-i ) ! ; "fuiihllfj Jjiiiy'muiuntll Into " t" night uellvci-iii | the Christmas c leri of the customers wen unable to clear nway the piles of goods Urn had been left for delivery. Early in th' ' morning yesterday crowds of people came ti the store to get xjackagcs they bud left or t complete their Christmas purchases , llutln stead of the usual bright boy door-tondcr thi massive portal was guarded by n stalwart boarded deputy sheriff , who refuse admittance to every person. The new was quickly spread , throughout the clt , that the great commercial house of Ilcnr Klscinnn it Co had failed. No annouccmen could have created a profoundcr sensation nnd the quest for information by all clnsse of people was eager and keen. An alarm o lire could scarcely have attracted a greatc crowd around the coiiiinorcial palace , an men and women stopped to peer through th plato glass and make fruitless inquiries as t the nature of the calamity that had befalls ; thotirm. The llrm has made an assignment of all th property belonging to them , both parsont and real , for tbo bcnetHof the creditors. Tb aisignmcnt was practically madu after 1 o'clocK Wednesday night , but the luslgnc did not tnlto possession until yosterila morning. The nssignmciit is made to S. 1 McConnell , manager of the Chicago lumbe company of this city , and covers every della of the property of the Ilnn. A great deal of dlfllculty was experience ! bv the reporters In getting the details of th failure on account of It being a legal holiday A visit was inudo to Assignee MoUonncU an ho was found in the olllw of Wright it Bali win. Mr. Baldwin is tbo attorney for th Klsomans and bespoke for the assignee. " . statement cannot bo given at tbo preset ! time , " said he , "for wo do not know Just o nctly what the situation Is.Yo hope tht the assets will exceed the liabilltic : ana every creditor will got his monoi The assessment was rendered necessary b the stringent condition of the money murkt mm tbo dull trade. There have been thrc dull seasons lu succession , three sueccsslt winters when there was little or no deinan for the heavy and expensive winter goods th Jinn has been compelled to carry. The coi dltions have been such that they have bee unable to get the trade and do the Uuslnes necessary for the largo stock they worn absi lutely compelled to carry in order to incotth demands of their customers. Bellcvine tht two bad seasons would not likely bo followe by u third , they purchased an unusuall largo stock for the present season's tradi and it has been tbo worst year of nil. wit the ndued dlsaO vantage of n stringency In tl money market that Uas been of itself sufli ent to break many of the heaviest firms I the United States. It will not bo known f < u few days what the exact condition Is , bt the present Indications are that the llrm wl be able to pay ovcry dollar of. Us obllg tlons. " Besides the beautiful commercial palace I this city tilled from basement to garret wit iu splendid stock of goods , which is rated t the commercial agencies at nearly a qunrti of a million dollars , tbo tlrm own and opera ftxto.islvo stock of coeds in Omaha and Mi sour ! Valloy. Their stock la Missouri Vullt is the lending ono in the place , und tb > sto ( will invoice about S.T,000 , . and tbo Omal branch known ns the Parisian Cloak coi pany , contains n stock of about $ JO,000. Tl assignment covers till the stock and llxtur In those , und as quickly as deputy shcril could reach the places yesterday mornii they were put in charge of the goods. The total amount of tlio liabilities w aggregate somewhere in the neighborhood $ -tii ) , < HX ) , and the assets will reach near 350,000. A reporter forTur. Bnn called upon M Simon Elseman nt bis residence yestordi aftornoon. Uu looked careworn and wear and thcro was a sadness about his maim that , ho could not conceal. "I cannot tell yi anything th.it will bo of any interest to tl public any further than to assure every 01 who has a claim against us that It will be in just ns far as it is in our power to do so. V have assigned to a good , straight , clean Du : ness man everything wo have , and it will used for the benefit of our creditors. Wh more than that can nn honest man do ) The positive assurance is given by the who tire in a position to know whereof tlv speak that the financial condition of the Hi Is not as bad as It appears on thu surface , ni that ttio store will bo reopened for businc in a very short time , or as soon as an invoi can bo taken. This will bo u big Job and w occupy at least two wcoks. Thcro were many Christmas dinners son what saddened by the financial blow. T saddest of these were In the homes of 1 Kisoman's clerks , many of whom have be with tbo llrm for years and have a deeper i gnrd for "Uncle Henry" and Simon th marks common friendship. Tbo army of e ploycs whoarotlms thrown out of employ me In midwinter will number at least liJ. ) U cirsslng the matter yesterday , they did n scomto consider their situations , but t nlorrd the blow that had fallen on the hou Said Mr. It. C. Green , thotloor manager , bnvo boon employed by some of the largi commercial houses inthiscountry , but I ha never been employed by u llrm for \vhon had such n profound respect as I have learn to cherish for Henry ana Simon Klscnu Truer men and more honorable and uprlp gentlemen It has never been my good fortu to meet. As carsful , prudent business in I do not know their superior. Every clc and nmployo who has been with tnem a length of time has learned to entertain I same high regard for them. " Yesterday being : a legal holiday there" v llttlo opportunity for illlng papers in I case. Late the evening before there w some important papers filed In the com recorder's ofllce , among thorn a chattel mo gage In favor of Oflleer &t'usoy for Slt. ! & ono In favor of Simon Uenbergcr of SaltLt for 811,770 , this being upon the fixtures , a not on the stock ; one In favor of St Kroitso & Co. of St. Louis for | jOU5on sto and ono of & ! r , a on stock In favor of III Bt ix it Co. , of St. Louis. Thcro was la tiled the assignment to S. P. McConnoll. Tbo stock was lirst taken possession of the sheriff under the chattel mortgage fuvorof O01cer& Piissov but was early the d.iy bv an agreement of parties , placed the bands of the assignee. ShorilT O'Nc who for some tlmo thought ho would havi t bo at the head of u great dry goods establl ment for months , porhap * . to come , i greatly gratified when Informed the ho \ relieved of the necessity of guarding the ] ace. ace.Tho Parisian clonk company of Omuh ; ono of Klscman it Co.'s establishment. I covered by the general assignment of firm to Mr. McConnell. \Vantcd-Boys at American District 1 egraph ofllco. Great success. Itoliablo goods. Fair dealing. Bottom prices , At C. B. Jacquomln & Co. , No.27 Main st : First-class fresh candy made for the I day tnulo.u t A. C. Penipsoy's , 105 Main s I'Yadliie I'tior Children , it was a strange and almost pitiful si tbat attracted the attention of people pas : along Pearl street and llroudway ycstci afternoon. The two entrances to the r formerly occupied by Foster's drug stet the Everett block were marked by uam announcing-n''free dinner to the poort drcn. " The spread that had been laid that provided by C , II. Hunuua of the I zeni' bank und J , F , Kinibnll of Klmbal Champ , who conceived the .scheme of gl' ' Uia poor children of the city u Christ fe.nt , nnd had spent part of Wednesday afternoon in follcltniK subscriptions for the event. It wosn gratifying Indication of the fact that thcro nro not as many poor in the city as popularly supposed when less than 100 hungry children responded to the invita tion because they had no Christmat dinner to cat nt home ? . The doors were opened nt 1 : : w , and the roomwnsvory comfort nblo by the blazing ( Ires that had been kindled in tbo fuiiiacci early in the forenoon. Two long rows of camp chairs were placed around the rcoms next to the walls , nnd in the center was a table sixty feet long covered with ni generous n dinner as any person could wish to sit down to , Jscurly all of the chairs were occupied by hungry llttlo bodies , and their ragged clothes nnd unwashed faces indicated that they came from homos whcro poverty had supreme control. Tbo majority of them > vero boys nnd none of them wcro over thirteen years old , while there were many llttlo ones Just able to toddle , under the charge of older brothers and sisters. With one or two exceptions nil of them wcro clad In garments that were torn nnd rugged , and many of them bail cast-oil men's shoes on their feet , through which their feet could be seen , Hero and there wu a youngster whoso clothes wcro scrupulously clean and whoso clean face and general nea't Qpiwnrnneo Indicated a J.'joihcr's watchful carc > u > sJ to the torn garments. Every llttlo fttcoshowiVJiitir 'iitenso expectancy as the hungry eyes devoured the steaming viands on the table. At a o'clock the dinner was ready to bo served , and ninety-one little hungry girls and boys responded to nn invitation to the feast. A number of ladles , including Mrs. Atkins , Mrs , Porter , Mrs. Davis , Miss Motile Hice , Mm. Lynchnrd , Mrs. Stewart nnd Miss Stella Lynchnrd , waited on the llttlo people and saw that each ono had Justns much as de sired. ( Jlinrles U. Hannnn , J. V. Ktmball , J , D. Kdnmndson , 11. S , Uawson. .1. J. Stewart anil other gentlemen assisted the Indies , and a Jollier banquet was never witnessed , The menu consisted of turkey , chicken , several kinds of meats , vegetables , bread and butter and any quantity of pie , with plenty of hot coffee. It was nn event to sco the llt tlo waifs put tbo victuals out of sight. ICacli child was on Its best behavior and the efforts that wcro made to observe a proper decorum wore almost ludicrous. They could scarcely restrain their Joy , nnd if hearty appreciation of a favor is any reward for bestowing It. the gentlemen who wcro responsible for tbo fensl wcro amply repaid for tbo labor and inonoy II cost. cost.Tho ladles to6k great oaro to sco that encli llttlo ono got all It wanted to eat. They did not know much about dining in courses , ami many of them attacked the plo nnd pastrj llrst and others mingled turlioy nnd pie IndlS' crimlnately. One little fellow aftsr eating all the plo that had been allotted to him tlinidlj asked ono nf the ladies if ho could have inon than one piece. After being assured that hi could have all the pie ho wanted ho could nol restrain n wild hurrah as ho seized nnothci section , After the dinner was over the motor com pany sent up sufllcient cars to glvo the little jicoplo a ride over the city and across tb < uriugo ami over the company's ' lines It Omaha. The motor cars never carried a hap pier crowd. They returned from the ride at 5 o'clocl and were let out in front of the banquet hal and each given a package of candy and ai orange as a farewell blessing. The committee still have on hand nearly s barrel of candy nncl a lot of other stuff , be sides a considerable part of the SIMM ) raised They desire to make a proper distribution o it , and are considering the advisability o giving the children another feast on No\\ \ Years. _ L.AST OPPORTUNITIES To Get th" Great nnrgalim Offerer By the Huston Store , Council lUufl' : lnst and licst Murrains. Only a few more days to get the little one ; nnd the loved ones the presents that wil gladden hearts anil make thu day what 1 should be , the happiest iu all the year Ttteso few days will bo full of events fo the pconlo who como to the Iloston Stove Council 13Hula. In that tlmo all the hollda ; goods there will bo sold. During the im week thousands of dollars worth of holida ; goods have been sold notwithstanding tin summery weather , and thousands of dollars worth yet remain to bo disposed of , sold n prices that will take your breath away rrotn now on our customers wil have an opportunity to got the mostusc ful nnd beautiful articles at sacrifice Dricos Ladles cannot make their gentlemen friend amore appropriate present than by givini thoin handkerchiefs , gloves or scarfs , am the stock that we have to select from is th largest In the city. Gentlemen cannot make their lady friend any more appropriate or acceptable prcscn than Is found in the Immense line of plus goods. Including toilet cases and workboxc : Hecollcet that while you have the largcs stock of the latest novelties to select f roi you will only be asked to uav popular price : which means a saving of 2 , " ) percent. Only a few days more and our toyiloparl ment on thosccond floor will bo closed ou Como and sco what wo have got to offer yo for tbo least money you ever paid for toys. The Kreatest book sale ever seen in Counc liluffswill mark this closing holiday offc We make you the greatest book otfer of tt nco when wo guarantee you the latest r printnf the English and American encycli pcdinbritnnlcn , the ninth edition , at $ ! . " ( > pi volume , cloth binding , or $1..10 for balcTtu sin , the lint volume of the half Kasaia ft We , or-'W.l)0 ) for the entire set of twenty-fiv volumes. Look at these prices for a fc samples of other books : Publishers' Ot Price. Prlc E. P. Koo's-works * 1.50 $ . ' Dickens , ir volumes 15.00 4.i Palestine , England and Africa ( illustrated ) 5.00 l.i Scott's \Vavorly novels 18.00 4. ! Tnnckcruy , 10 volumes 15.00 4,1 Webster's unabridged 10.00 1.1 Webster's unabridged , indexed 10.60 2. " History of New York state. . . . History of Now England History of Ohio 1.50 .1 Lifoof Christopher Columbus. 1.50 History of the United States. . . 1.00 . ! Bon IlW 2.00 . ' Fair God 2.00 Hacauloy's essays and voems , ! J volumes 8.75 1. Martha Finloy's works 1.25 Household poems 2.50 1. ! 5,000 volumes ot beautiful bound books 22c per volume over ! ! 00 titles to select froi 1,000 volumes of the celebrated Edgowot edition , with side and back gold stamp , ! ! < per volume. ClIILDIIKN'S BOOKS. Publisher's Ou Price Pri Ilnppy Hours tl.OO Sunbeams 1,00 Children of Winter , Summer , Autumn and Spring 1,50 Song Birds 1,00 People of Council Bluffs will find the grcs cst bargains this week In all other lines th wo have ever mail' ) them since wo came ho to introduce and promote low prices. HOSTON STOHE , FOTIIEIIINGIIAM.WHITKLAW & CO. . Ull , 403104 , , Council Bluffs , i No Now City will bo started during the next quart' ' of ncontury olToritifj such grand oppo Utilities for investments us A runs Harbor , Texas. MAGAIliY AVAS IUV. ) Onn Occasion AVhon the Great Cat ract Kallcil to Hour. Almost incredible Is the fact Unit ono tiuio in its history the gronte&t a most wonderful waterfall in the woi actually ran dry. Nevertheless , tl occurred on March 2'J ' , 1818 , nnd for few hours ) scarcely an water passed o\ Niagara Fulls. The winter of that year had , boon exceptionally severe ono nnd ice of v usual thinUnesH' had formed on Lu Erie , ways the Now York Morning Joi mil. The warm spring rains loosen this congealedjrmss , mid ou the day Question a brib'k east wind clrovo the far up into the lake. About sunset the wind suddenly vcoi about imd blow tv heavy gale from 1 west. Thin naturally turned tlio ice its course , and bringing It down to 1 mouth of the Niagara river , piled It in n bollil , impenetrable wall. So closely was It packed and BO gr was its force that In ushert time the c lot to the lake was completely choked and little or no water could possibly capo. Iu a very short BJMCC ot time " u' i y water below this frozen warrior passed over the falls , anil the * vxt mornliiL' tin iwoplo residing in thponelj'liborlicoi , were treated , to ft moat toxtruordltuvrj spectacle. . , / . - The roaring , tumullap rnplils nbov < the falls wcro nlniost obliterated , am nothing but the cold , blnclc rocks won visible in all dlrccttfyif. The nowi nuli'ldy spren.l nnd crowds of suecttitot1 : llockeu to view the sceiity the banks or each side of the river belnp lined \vltl people during tlio 'vhcKoMlay. At lasi there came a break In Uio Ice ; It was re leased from its rcstninitj the punt-ut wall of water rushed ddwnward and Ni ngtira was Itself again. ' - Mothers will flna Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy for their children 23 cents a bottle. Only n Quosilon ol'Xlmo. Clothier nnd FaiwWicr : Ciistomer- I bought a slii'rfhoro the oilier day am the sleeves \voro too long. Ycetorday changed it for this one , the sleeves o which are too short. Fresh clerk And I suppose you wan to chtingo this for something just right don't youV Customer No , I want to miiko a fo\ \ more changes , and then I ahull probivbl , have to got something inllunnul for sum mo r. Dr.Birnay. nose and throat. Bee bldg IIIIUIIM.YUK. A Devoted Mother HUH It Ucpluooil b Skin from Her Own Arm. A series of operations have been pel formed at the Southern hospital diirin the past two wcoks which are alike i interest to the medical and surgical pri fcssion and the general public , amivhie \ prove the depth of a mother's dovotioi snys the Plttsburc dispatch. Louts "Wostman , thirteen venrs oh' Imd a largo and peculiar birthmark o his forehead removed. This feat wi ; accomplished by a system of graftln skin. Forty-two pieces of skin wet tnkon from his mother's an nnd transferred to the forehead of tli boy. The operations were very success ! ful. The now white skin on the forohca is growing nicely , and the olToets of hot tlio birthmark and the operations at faet disappearing. It has long been thought an imposs bility to remove a birthmark , but sclcnc has at last found a way to countcnu nature's slips. The method is not ei tlroly a now discovery ; It is but the a ] plication of n now principle In eurgeri That principle is the grafting of ski from the body of a person or animal I the all'ectcd portion. Skin grafting has been employed fc some time in tlio case of wounds or sort that did not heal over , and it wi thought that it might work just ns.wo with birthmarks. The boy operate unon had a largo blackish blotch upc Ills forehead , extending from the nose I the car. The surface was rough and tl mark had an unsightly appearance. A number of medical men were into csted in the case bytholond mother , ar last Tuesday the boy . was taken to tl South side hospital us a private puticn where ho could have the proper trea ment. Dr. John Million Duff did tl work , A number of Other prominei doctors , ntmmg them prs. McQuisli and Glnner , were present. It waw proposed to use the skin of oitl or a frog or a dog , . but the motln strenuously objected to having anv fn or dog's sfcin on her b'oy > s forehead" . 1 a last resort she barejl her arm ana t lowed pieces of her own skin to bo r moved and transferred to the forohei of her boy. ThnU portion ot the skin su face of the boy's ' forehead alTootodby tl " 'irthmark ' was made like raw beef , tl kin being entirely1 destroyed. Thqdoctor , then , witluv needle , ralsi little skin on the woman's arm , in citha sharp , knife-like instrument r moved it. But a very small portio "ttio larger than a pin head , was put i , ho raw place at once. Six grafts wore made the first Urn ut the boy rubbed the bandages and d pealed the grafts , und consequent 'estroyed their effect. Ti ist time thirty-six pieces kin wore grafted on the forehead in tinny distinct portions. These litl ) loces , coming from a body fresh ni ull of vitality , and being applied to icrfectly healthy surface , whore t.ho rns good circulation , began to grt .gain as though they were parts of t ! ody. The little pieces of skin grow o n till directions until they mot nnd ina \ complete surface. It baa now been over two weeks sin he grafting was done , and the opoi ions are reported to have been vo ucccHsful. The mother is overjoy * mil the boywho is a bright little folio 's happy It isn't to do again. ' i Tlio American ttlmi s that "nothing Is too good for mo wh t travel , " and In consequence wo ha become noted as the most luxurious tn ilors in the world , That which the JH plo demand , the roads must supply , a : hus we have also the most perfectly ! pointed railway service in the wor The traveler now dines in a 1'ullnmn p ice dining cnrcloar through in hlsjoi noy , from Council BlulTs nnd Omaha San Francisco , on the Union and Soul orn Pacific roads. America's First Runic. Of all this , the upshot Is that Ly ins now what I call the finest park America , writes Kdward Everett Ilall the Now England magazine. Has u other city a park , close on the ocoi rising often to points more than fi hundred feet above it , with prccipitt descent , perhaps , so that the prospect wholly unbroken ? Nay , an the mi measurement of acres , what other c has In ono inclosuro 1,600 acres , of wh you would not willingly spare ono Int Such is the gift which the good 0 ivorking through social history r latural history , and tftututo laws and i hearts of men , has givcji to the nrest and future people of 'Lynn. ' And tl let Boston people come and go at th Will. .III ! Ilnokcil by I'o\VjiJul ; Inlluciioc ? . The City of Aransas , llnrbor , Tex , backed by the railroad ; influences , i the company to whom the congress the United States gmnjoil the oxclut right of obtaining cj'oop water over bar at Aransas Pass./ ; Got a Monument lj } > 'n > ro Ills Den For the past ton days there has b in Washington on business before < grcss a man who hairdo- most danger and peculiar oxporfpnco , says the 1 York Sun. Ho Is onq,6f the few moi history whohavehnd monuments orcc to them before they wore tnkon bv dot The man is Colonel James P. Wllso Virginia , hut originally of Illln Colonel Wilson marched intoVirgl during the Into war nt the head ot Illinois regiment. Ills homo was Peoria. in that state. At the battlt Clmneollorsvlllo ho was In the thlcl of It. A bullet struck him in the ft head and came out nt thu back of head. Ho was reported dead to the department , and through that clnu to his family nt homo. But ho was dead. An old colored man dlscovo signs ot lifol n him the day after fighting and took him to his cabin , ' bullet had followed the convolutlor the brain , and the man lived , fin ! flvo or six years ho remembered not ! prior to the time nt which ho cam himself in the old darky's cabin. II tnbHshoa himself In Virginia after tlio war wns over , and built up n good busi ness. Ho entered Into politics and be came ono of the republican loaders. Gradually his rnlnd cleaved up , nnil recalled the nntoecdonts of bis life. Ho wont back to his homo In reorln anil found his family nil well , lie also found In tbo family lot In the cemetery - tory a nont monument eroded by his wife nnd children to the memory of Colonel Charles F. Wilson , "who fell fightlnpr valiantly for his country at tbo battloof Cluuicollorsvlllo. " Colonel Wil son had become so enamored of life In Virginia that bo took bis family buck there with him ns pcrinimont residents. His monument still stands In 1'oorla , Colonel \Vllson says that ho would not have It taken down for anything. And besides ho doesn't know when ho will ever got another. Van Houton's Cocoa Largest sale In lha world. The only rntlroutl train out of Omnha run expressly for tbo accommodation of Omaha , Council liluffs , Dos Molnos and Chicago business is the Hock Island vcs- tlbulctl limited , leaving Omaha at 4IC : ! p. in. dally. Ticket olllco , 1002 Sixteenth and Furnam sts. , Omaha. 'TAIUKI'1 AS IS TAUIIiT. " In Venezuela It 1 tun KM all the "Way from IJJfl to JJ.OOO Per Cent. "You Americans of the north kicked ngninst tbo MuKlnlay bill , " said Jose Cualquier of Caracas , Venezuela , to n reporter for the Chicago Tribune , "but I toll you you don't know what a rcnlli "ilgh tarllt in. I can tell you about tar- II lists tariff. What do you think of a 'uty of 12 , ) per cent on gum arable. ? Oi 50 percent on common thimbles ? Ant luce wo are talking of tariff , what ilc ; ou think of GOO per cent on cotton cloth' Hooks gotten up with volvol : ovors or mother of pear' tacks pay 1,000 percent. That Is , If t jook costs $1 nt the port it costs you $1 : , o buy it. Everything Unit has the least ) lt ot silk In It , whether a silk hat or t luuidkoruhlof , or any admixture of silk has a duty ou it of from 1.(100 ( to 2.000poi cont. Do they collect it ? "Woll , it'i ] ust the Biunc in Venezuela as It is ii 'Los ' Kstndos Unidos del Norto. ' Yet 'an ' bribe the customs olllcors. Whoa ; ; amo to this country I said : 'I'm In txi awful hurry to catch a train foi San Francisco. ' 'llow much of ; uirryl' asked the inspector. 'Abou HO worth , ' said I , and my trunk wn ahalkod just In the spot where I pu lown u $10 gold piece. Thov do tin same thing iu Venezuela. And , mint , 'ou , Unit in not only a tariff protcctloi , o protect , for instance , the silk monop ) ly , but it is strictly and purely iv taril tor revenue , for there is no other way o maintaining the government than b ; larill's. From my experience In Vonc zuola I should say that the only sonslbl way to maintain a government was b , direct taxation , leaving all busines completely free to come and go us i pleased. " Holiday On December 21 , 2o nnd 81 , 1800 , nn January 1 , IS'Jl ' , the Union I3ncifie wil soil tickets to ull points in ICunsma an Nebraska at ono and one-third faro fu Iho round trip , crootl returning until Jui nary 5. 18'Jl. ' Remember the dates. OILi ON Til \VAT12ItS. . How an An cry Sen Was Stilled by tli XJso of I'nr.ifllnp. The Reel Cross line steamer Mi rand hurt a fearful experience with recei Kales , says a Halifax special to tl : Globo-Doinocrnt. She loft St. Johns c November 25) ) for Now York via LTnlifn : It was blowing heavy from the noi'tl east when eho atnrled , and : becuino BO bad that she hn to put into the Bay of Bulls tl ; Kama night. It having1 moderated o Sunday nho loft thoronnd the next nlgl it commenced to blow strong from tli southeast. By midnight it hud increase to a hurricane , with u sea that looke moro like a solid wall than any thin olso. The Btoamor was then about lift miles east of Canso. It became so bad i SIR MORELL MACKENZIE EXPERIMENTED WITH PHOF , KOCH'S ' LYMPt The results of his experiments will 1 made public shortly , lioth Prof. Koc and Sir Moroll Maukcnziohnvoforyen used and recommended the Soden Mil oral Pastilles for Catarrh , Sore Throa Coughs , Colds and all throat and lun diseases. Sir Mnrcll Mackenzie said in the Jou nnl of Larnygology , edited by him ( N vomher No. , 1887) ) : "Tho Sodon Miner Pastilles ( Troches ) , produced from tl Sodon Springs by evaporation , tire pa ticularty serviceable in Catarrhal I flnmmutlon , Sore Throat , Coughs , Bro chitis and Lung Troubles. " Dr. Koch said : "A cough for which tried many other medicines , which hi not the slightest olTect , soon became be tor and has now entirely disappeared The genuine Sodon Mineral Pnstill must have the testimonial nnd signatu of Sir Moroll Mackenzie around cai box PEERLESS BL Is in every respect the bes market. It lasts longer , produces m any other Iowa coal. One ton the ordinary stuff , and it costs ni grades commonly sold. Try it f L. G. KNOTTS , ] All kinds of Wood and Coal prorr 29 South Main lost that the captain was obliged to turn hornnd run bade , proceeding about fllxty miles , whonbo hove to. The wind and sen \voro8omothlng terrible. Thoshlp , which was heavily Itulon with ore und ush , was completely under water , and those on board expected she would roll over every mlnuto. They never expected to weather the storm. Tbo passengom , about thirty , who wore all below - low , wcro all terror-stricken , ninny of the women fainting , while others prayed. The deck was swept of nil movables , tbo bridge damaged , nnd thu water poured Into the saloon and second cabin , which wcro onlv kept clear by constant balling of the crow. It was impossible for anv ono to bo on deck anil It was with the greatest dllllculty that those on the bridge kepi their places. Several times sens came over , washing them from from their WMls. The second ufliccr was knocked down and hud his urnm badly hurt and ono eye nearly knocked out. Numbers of others wcro slightly Injured , As a last hope Captain Leso- man ordered oil to bo used. Accord ingly pnrallno oil wns placed over the sides and bow , about thirty gallons being - ing used. The olTccl WHS magical. It s wend out about the ship lihoa charmed circle. OutDldo of the oil the monster sea would como tearing along , asthoiiL'h to crush the steamer , but no sooner did they como In contact with the oil tliiin they would break and roll hnrmlostly It was only this that saved the ship from foundering. 15y daylight Tuesday it had moderated twine , and the coal being almost all it was decided to run for St. Pierre Miguolon. That niirht n- olbor uiilo rngcd , and the French brig Caroline , which was to coal at Miranda , \vasdriv3ii ashore and ro- malncd there sixteen hours before get ting oil' . The gale continued without abatement till bvidoy night , making it impossible to do anv work till Srlurduy morning. Thin Is what caused the long delay at St. Viorro. Captain Loseninn says it wtw the most terrible oxporienuo ho over had. and the oil was their salva tion. SPECIAL "NOTICES. COUNCIL BIUFF3. _ "TVOU SA LK On easy torins , KiOacrm choice J. ' Iowa liinil iiiuli'r cultivation , Cull on or address A. A.Soaitravc , 41 Mulii Mroot. \rRKClIAMlSE to oxchiniKO fur lown I'l fiiiins , Johnston > t Vim 1'atton , Coiinull Itluirs. lu. _ In fmltnnrt voifotnlilo lumK BARGAINS fiTiu'tct , 8' ) rods north of Clinu- liuiquu Ri-oiimlsj misk > rti blonu , llnu siU-ln s. flno spring brook. land voryrlchi wllliiull In to oriO licit ) lota at M i > or : iurcor JM pcruerofor whole tnict , 1 uorc's on Grantl nvcmic ; flue orchard wind mill , line KI-OVO , KltuuUul on Myn-iur proposed motor line ; jirlco * ! " > ( ) iicr ncrr. 10 ucius adlolnlni ; city limits t\u \ > story house. | ! oml burn , line orchaid uiul small fruits. 1'rloo , f,000. 0 acres on U rand avouuc1 , lli tulles from 1 * . O. KiOOiin aero. 110 ncros , thrca mlloi from city limits , Kootl liouso , burn unit out bulldlnns , * > huarliig apple trees mill simill fruits , 1'rlco , ! (1,000. ( Stoi'k farm , 4.M ) IICITS , line Imprcnoiiumts , well watered , only ono nillo from Htutlon , I'Ji un aero If taken soon. Knsy terms. I'lirni nntl elty property for silc. : . C ' , . Stauy , room 4. Opi'ru house lilU , Council Hlufl'g. \\7" ANTED Kncritotlo liuly orKonti pormii- ' nunt position ; $ l" > per wcpk ; uxpurlcnuc not iiucc.shiiry. 1' . O. S. , ( W7 Willow avrniiu. TTIOU UKST. l.111-ulslicil fmnl room , Sitting J- ' and bctl loom unsulte. CSS L'lftb avcnua , TTHIHNIriHI'n roDins at very rcis : < iniil > lt L' terms , t'n suite nr single ; baths nnil hlcun lioiitj nowlintisiMiewlv ftinilsliotl. Mrs , Bto- plionsoii , IK ) Park avenue. Council lllulTx. "T AKMB Tor yule A IOIIK list , ninny of thun -L allow ill-Ice's ; also 'JO nurm line ( lanloi and fruit himl iioar the city limits , house harn anil otliur linproveincntH ; also IU acre : fruit anil uarilru liiiiiljustoutsldo thu city u t OO. W. A. Wood & Co. . ftJ ! Muln street. ' "E1OH HUNT The MoMtxhon tlirt-e-storj Jlirlck block , No. U5S. Main st , wltliulovatot J.W. 8 < i u Ire. or Uont Qarilen Iniul , wltl - hnuies , by J , R. Klco. 1D1 Muln st. , Oounoll Bluff * _ W. C. ESTEP , C < iunoll niiifTrf , lti\v.i. 14 North Main Klreet. Fiincrnl Dlrcutor nnd Knilialiner. CITIZENS STATE BAP Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL . $150,00 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 50,00 , LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 350,00 DIUECTOIH I. A. Miller , V. O. Oloason , R. L Bluuart , K. 1C. Mart , J. D. EdimiiHlson , Oliarlu C , lltuiimn. TrunH-.ict Kcncrat liankhK bnsl nrss. Lnr ont capital uiul surptiu of un ; liatilcln Soulliwealoru Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS Corner .Main nn'l Ilvoidway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign nnd domostlo o < cohan ? Colluetluu inado und Interest paid ou Urn deposits. D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' and Packers' Suppliss Market Fixtures , Casing , Spices and SansaKo MakerV Mtiolilnory. fi ? 8i > Muln hi. . Coimutl llluirs. Iu. Also ucalui In Hliies jViitl 1'ura. ICK PEERLESS Coal for domestic purposes in tli e heat and burns up cleaner tha /ill go as tor * as n ton and n half < more than thocheap , unsutlsfactor ' cooking nnd heating. Sold only fc UEL MERCHAN1 Cobs n specialty. Full weight an t delivery. > t. Telephone 303. Al'INE ' LINE OF" is Iso ivo of HQLIDKY Lho tli. jen oil- pus ' 'ow ilin AND ted th. \VINTER lot \ jls , nlu FOOTWEAR. annt nt At prices that will sur i of prise you. The best 03t goods at lowest prices iro- in the city. Consult tlio your own interest and viir Winter Foot buy your incl \vearat the not the roil BOOT Ul'SIDE DOWN Cho a offer for u Muiiu ing , 3CH' o to 2S Main Street. Don t THE SHO W WINDOW ! THE SUCCESSFUL CONTESTANT for our $20 Suit Prize was Mr , Joseph Getncr , 1306 North 18th sjlrcct , this city. We promised the public A NOT PIER SURPRISE , and here it is. Wednesday , Dec. 77 , We will place Something in Our Shoiv Windoiv But we won't tell you about it here , because we want you to SEE IT IN OUR SHO W WINDOW AND NOT HERE. We will cheerfully answer all letters of inquiry from out of the city. The $5 0 Overcoats For $10 Which at present are all the go [ in the newspapers and in your mind ] we never had , but we have biggest trade we ever had in our 36 } rears' bus i n e s s experience in Omaha. We own our goods as low as any honest merchant in the world , and we are clos ing them out at a very small profit , to make room for one of the finest Spring stocks ever shown in Omaha. D ON'T ' FOR GET THE SHOW WINDOW. Call on us before you buy Cloth ing or Fn r n i s h i ng Goods ! . ' ! It will pay you ! ! I By the way , we just got in an immense line of Holi day Neckwear , one in a box , if you want them for a present [ and no fancy price on them ] . The choice of our stock is going fast. Come soon. WlaniF The Oldest House in the Slate. DON'T FORGE7 TJIE SHOW WINDOW.