THE OMAHA DAltY BEE , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 25 , 1800 'f 8PE01HL NOTICES. ATiVEUTISEMKNTS for thew column will ho taken until 12.30 p.m. . for theevcnlnf edition nnd until 6a : p. in. , fur th morning edition and BUHUAr Bun , adrance. . TQA.TES AdTertlwmenUon thlspif * will bo JLXcharged for at tlio rate of IVi cent per word SOT the first Inrortlon uml 1 cent per word for CVnch nutjscquont Insertion. nnd I1.SO per line month , No ndvcrlljomont taken for nuthnnZl cents for tliti first Insertion , INITIALS , Hgurcs , symbols , etc. , count etch M one word , rpllESE advertisements muit run eon eci - JLllroly and under no clrcnmntnncos will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. "JDAKTIE8 artvertlsltiR In thcso columns nnd f. htiTliiR their ainwern fiddrr-uprt to a num- bertd lottnr" In care of TIIK HKE will receiveR numbered check to ctmblu them to Rot their R ittors. Answers will IHI dollvorrd only on presentation of tliliclif-ck. Enclose answers In envelopes properly addressed , AIiTj SilvortlsetnrntH iindor tlio licnrt of "Hneclal Notlei-s" urn imtillthcil In both tlio morning nntl ou'iilnz editions of TUP. II BB. tlio circulation of which nguri-Kutcs nioro tliun 20,000 papora dally , and Riven the advertiser the benefit not only nf thulnrRO clrculntlon of Tin HEK In Onmlin , but also In Council IlltiiTs , Lincoln and other cities and towns In the went BRA.NCH OFFICES. Advertising for these column * will bo taken on the above conditions , ut thofollowtr < c busl- nen hotiscH who nro authorised to tnko special notices , at the name rates a can had at the main office. _ _ SOOTH OMAHA HHANOH OFPIOB-No. MZlNBtrcot , Msterlllock. JOHN W. UEbL , I'nariiiaolst.Ba ) South Tenth ttrctt. 1HA8E ft EDDY , Stationers and Printer ! , C 113 South Will street. tfjn. . HAUNBWOKTH , Pharmacist , ZHSOum- tfj Ingttrcet. i\r J. HUGHES , l'h rmaclstG24 North 10th YY itrect. GKO. W. PAUTl , Pharmacist , ITU worth street. Trr UGllES'I'lIAIlMAOy , 24th and Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED Ttrratet , rtcier tnvnf fnl column " _ t/ih PfW man liberally educated would AYOUNO ntsoinollBhtolllcowoiU. Ad- flrcas YM I lee. K 24 * _ I WOULD 111(0 to CIIKIISO with a wholesale II nn r mnlior nroferred clthrr us cashier or booKUccper. lliivehnd two jears' e\ierlenco und oun fiirnlilt b'liilc and otlicr llril clus * ref erences. Address yno , Hee. ai.Yd-27 * _ \irANTnfl-Sltilatioiis for Rood KlrN ! inv ' w.iltlu ; roo'iH are full from 0 a. in. to fipni. No need of boliii ! out of help a day , Mra. Itrcim. : II4' ' S. l.Hli. Tol.884. 1.V I'l - M ALE"HELP. . for rcitrt , elf , , ice lopoIrnt column on tlit iv > < ; ' . -nYTTTKKS and 1 allors w aiit'cif. Tl"io"0l"ovu- V luiidunttlnK sehool. now In the 12th year , had it larjror attendance for 1800 than ever be fore. nnd Indications point to Its belnsr crowd ed during the entire wlnlor for IS'JI ' , "What IB the roanon ? " Simply thin : Cutlcrx prudnco better results with the A. I ) . Undo now meth od than by any principles of cutting tiiucM. ta \\TANTED WO laborers nml U-nmsteri for Nnrtliwcuturn. 1'ieo fare. Kramer > V Kramer , labor agency , 210 South 12th street. ' * JI'i71-2T WANTED A ynnne who Is a coed tion- man nnd'hiis luul oxnorleni'is as ciopory rlerk. Kofcrencoi required. Addio s Y W. llooonieis - M1I8-2.V TIT ANTED S Rood news Apply In TI jiorsoutoH. U , News Co , K2-20 SIPsOLH men with jiood rcfereni'o who hoard away f mm iiome can hi'iirof way to mal.o money. Suhrmi ) honorable und t.ikes little tlmo. Address Y 51 . . ' . 2i > ' I'D Suleiman to niiinufiictnio and wholesale our now process elder , Hindu without apnlc'M. hxeollciit WIIKPS. I'artlcuhus 4c. Iowa elder infff. Co. . box 48 : . ' , lUddlnr. la , 518 .121 * MTANTED-Flrst class plant ) player. 108 N. TT Dili street , 538 WANTED laborers for Wyoming nnd Houth Dnkfita. VJ.OO .nor days teiimstois f.Kl per month and bouid , free transportation. Albright's ' labor agency , 11Lrurnam ) tt. 523 COO siilcsjucn wanted to soil our premium "nursery Mook. The largest nursery west of the MIssfsHlppl river. The llnost stock. All the now and old fruits. The lowest prices and biggest nil v to agents. Monev advanced every \ycok. On t lit f run Wnto usut onco. The G. J. Carpenter Co. , I'alrbury , Neb. KH Jlfl " \\7 ANTKIl-Hnlesmiin who moot thn Krocory TT trade to sail ono of the besttutlclos on the market on commission. Addicss , X > , llec. X. 821 NTKD Mc'iito tm\ol for our Canadian nil r irlcs.Stonc&WellliiKtoii , Mud Isoii.Wls 48 ! ) | t'17'ANTEI ) Man with pond reforeiieo at TT Mi'tiopolltnn Mfg. Co. . 1WU Howard st. 01)0.11 ) Forrattt. etc. , rff-1 < > \ > of Jltt column on thlsnaije , WANTED Klwt class girl for general hoiiMj work : must bo good cook ; good wages. S2S ! Hurt street. jniti-'O" \\7ANTED-Glrl for general housework nt T > 434 N. 17th at , ! Bt-3.V W ANTED Cllrl for hoUHOvvorkigood wages. Call 2A27 Unl Ifnrn la Ht. 5T > .I WWAJJTEU WAJJTEU A peed Kitchen ulrl. Apply to Sir ? . \V. B. VaiiBlin , ao47 , I'opplotou live. R.7 'Jil ) " \\T ANTED Woman ovor'JScupab'u of niiin- TT Hiring a business utter lealnlng It. Y V > . llco. M M.--ac GIKlifor Konorul housework , CIO N. 1'tli st Ml 21 WANTKD-A good woniiin to do work , 103N. Uthstieet. SB WANTED This week to meet deinnnd for competent hnok-kccnurs In .lunuury , two 1 idles , one yoniiR man. .1. It , Snillb , IMO Now York Lite. BI1-S4 * TXrANTEtv-l dlnhiK loom glil and Idlsh- TT wnshor. Olty hotel. 517-S * WANTED Good , rapid typewriter , lady or Rcntlemcn. Address Y 47. llec. In own handwriting. SllKo * ANTED-A wet nurse at 314 N 13th st. i 21 * WANTED Competent elrl for general housework. ' 'iiilU Popplclon a\o. 40i Ww w ANTED Good girl for Koncrnl house work nt ! lb Leaven worth. Mtw.1 FOR RENT-HOUSES. For'ivtei ' , etc. , rcstnpof flrxt rotiiinii on tlili 1J1OK KKNT J-1 7-roont house , 18th an < l Vlnton , J15.0J B-pooin house. 2itli and Cor by , $ ID.IH ) . 8-ioom lioune , Siitlt anil Culilwoll. f.00. . 8-room house. 27th and \VonU > orth , fr > .00. J. II. Johnson. 51111'lixtonlilk. flOQ-21 FOU KENT Flats , 4 rooms each , city water and sewer connections. 0. H. IX and T. ! cro. llco bldg. o.ill II' YOU wish to rent a liouso orstoro BOO nil K , Colo. Continental block. 41K HOUSE of 8 rooms , nicely papered , water wwurund irns , iBrd and ( Jumliig , $ JO pei mo. 0 K llnrrlaon. UliN. Y. Life. ' iff . TT1OH KENT To it'sponslbio parties only Jthosu llnu new brick und Btono houses or -Ceorgla IITCIIIIO ; llftron mount nnd alcoves moreconvi'iilonecs and bettor llnlsbed thai uny house for rent In tlio city. II. U. ( lender- ton , 410 I'n.xloii block , city. 49- ' TJIOIt KENT GtHxl 8-100111 houses , COIIMMI -L lent to a ear lines , ti ) per month. Jno. "r Tate , It. 15 , t/'liiiniberot Coniinoree. JIJ .lid' > > 'v i > . nvo. . F-rooin cottazo. West half SMI la\ . ' ! U'IIIH. Kru.aiSL/'iil | ) . qvo.Nll-Jtl' 7-ROOM house with bnrnt tent. a F. Harrison. UK ! N-.Y. Ufi , 41 ( * ThO CoiiiTuctorHimd Engineers Wo oiler thosi L ten now und roinplete Huts with all moderi couYcnlenecs. situated two blocks from he Tenth street donot ; they have al . /now ami ooniinendiiblofoaturtiS and rent foi only * iVOO jier month , 0 and 7 rooms onch will largo bath nnd convenient closets. Call ndmi fee them. The Mead Investment Co. . roon < 42. Hoc buHiling. W _ RENTAL ARent tieo. , U I'aul , Iwn ) Kiiriiaiii House * and btoros for rent. IScnts col " lectcd. _ _ _ ol52 "ITIOII. KENT A now lirk-k house , all moderi J.1 Improvement * , kitchen on 1st floor , nln rooms , elexunt locution , gixnl neighborhood " .Ml.2S 61" Parkjivi'iiuo. S20-'J "j\fOl ) > .H"N nowbrluk B-roonTlibiiso , nlcoi ] li-papored , choloo location , only | J3 pe' month. _ " 11. " K. 1'oie , Ca tljumtal block. _ Nj K"KN"T h'o en-room eottaVn , cor , 2stl liuiulto 2Ut iodg . ENlV-Jmt. 1 , fl-rooni tottatre , first J- class In every respect , hath , hot and col Trkturiou motor lino. Cull at 1321 Sherman UM : FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS Forratr * , rtc. . ire ti > t > f ftrrt column n th It TJOOMKeamabie ! Talcs t , tXS St. Mary's 1avenue. . M600-Jg4 _ LAUOE room for light housekeeping. (110 ( N. 17th Bt. Mt 24 _ _ LAHOE front room , private faintly. Hefcr- onces. gQISCuss. Ml-Jii * _ Foil HUNT Kooms furnMied or unfiir- nlshcd , contrnllr located cntinlcnt for clorkH , etc. Apply to Mrs. Julia Hlolii , : ej H 13th St. 65825 _ irU'llNIHIIEDrooinslna private family , 1514 JL1 llimioy BU SOUga- _ T7IOK KENT Down town cottage , furnlihert V romulotc , lo the right iiurtlcs. Inqtilro at 2103 Webster street. 47J 27 T710K UHNT-Ono larae. ono Hmnll fouth JU room , modern conveniences , private fain- lly.'Oiri Douglas. 51A-27' T71UKMHIIii : ) room , Htcniii heat , 1(1.00. ( W4 S. J ICIh strout , Hat D. f > 0 2 : > O UOOJIS , light housekeeping my Ht. Mary's - avenue. - J NK'KI/V furnished iooniH6'.0 S. lUth , Cuu- nlnzliam block. r > 2424 * TT10K KiNT-Juilito : Kelley's apartments nt -U "The Mcrrlnm" during his absence went n months. 414 2 ( , FOK HKNT KnrntHhcd rooms ; gas , bath nnd steam , 1511) Howard. 493 fllO LET llonutlfiil fiont room Is best part JL of elty. close to good board , Kent roason- ahlc. 123 f. 25th at. 4lj ) "plOH KENT FurnUhtd rooms , JC09 Douglas. DESIIIAIILK room , modern conveniences 1701 Capitol ave , 775 FURlvJISHEP ROOMS AND BOARD. Foi tnffit , etc. , ne fop nf Jint column on thir page. "OOOBI nnd boanl.f4.00 , 1712 Douglas street. IV Day board tll.Ui ) per week. 420-26 * board. 0163 17th street. * 555-20 rooms , with or without board. 1323 t18th st. 503-26' _ NHW house , largo , handsomely furnished room suitable for 2 ; 1 smaller room for 1 ; excellent board , heat , gns , bath ; first-class private family. Terms $25 each per month. Address XM. lice olllcc. IM TjlUKNISHnil rooms with ho.ird : ouolnigo L ! south front. Hefeicnces. 2214 Cm num. 2.17-27' _ OOM and bo.ud , $4.00 , 1712 Douglas stieot. 420 2G TfllJHNISIinD rooms with gus. bath and fnr- JL ? naco heat ! board If desired ; a. e. cor. VJilh avciiuo and llarncy. X > 2,1 * TTlOHgood board , nlcoiooms.inodein ronvcn- Jt leiices , r.xtes and location , the I'ulliuan house , 1310 Dodge si. , cannot be c\c llcd. 811 J 5 EOOMS and boaid , 1810 Chicago street. 718 (131 ( ST.UfjAlU Kiiropcan hotel , wth dining room , Htoam heat In all rooms , 13th and Dodge. Special rates by wcekot mouth. 601 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED Fortatr , etc.ttetopof coiiir'iiinii tliti-paqi. T71OUK unfurnished rooms , all conveniences JL ; for liouboia'oplnir , KefciciiLU icqulicd. 101 rarnam st. 240 25 * 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping , 2M2 Ihiinuy. M 147 TT\OU \ KCNT U unfurnished looms. 20SN. Kith JD st , M 7.50 FOR RENT STORtS & OFFICES. Forrnf , etc. , fc tup of Jitet column nn Wit * -page. ADKSIRA11LE store room to rent In tlio best dry goods or clothing location In He- atrlco. Address Harris & Friedman , Beatrice. Neb. . 4J1 T710U KENT The third Moor of No. 11107 IIow- -C ard street , with stoiini heat and power If ( leaded ; rent reasonable. 1'ostnor Printing Co. , 1307 Howard , M312 TOltns at700 S. IGlh. steam heat furnished. Thoa. IMIall , ! lll l'a\.lon blk , 503 TTIOU KHNT The 4-story brick hulldlncr.with JD or without power formerly occupied by the lleo Publishing Co , OIC rarnam at. The build ing has u fireproof cement basementcomplete steam heating fixtures , water on all the Hears , glis , etc. Apply at thoulllcoof The Dee. 015 OH KENT 11s Jiuiunrv 1,4-story building , 38.540 square foot ; suitable for any kind of wholesaling , at Tenth andJoncs street. O. A. Lmdtjuest , 31(1 ( South 1'lftecnth street , 61)3 ) rPO KENT After January 1. store and flat Jl at 020 H. IBtli st. Duiulro at 300 Drown bldg. H. J. Kendall. 3 7 D2J TTlOK RENT or Kalo-Fluo. heavy briek flvo- JU story corner warehouse with most central trnokngo In cltv ; llooisato 1.1,500square feet. HtrhiBcr& Penny , liarkcr block. 183 FOR RENT WAREHOUSES. terrain , ttc. , tcr top of Jltsl cnhtmn onil TTlOIl KENT Itrlclc warehouse , two htorlos JJ high , basement , hydr.iullo elevator , track- ago ; best location In the city , A. 0. 1'onnll. STORAGE. Fort off. etc. , ne top o' fr i column on0ifa _ > xio RAOlTAaE storage nt lowest i ates. AV. JI , JL llushman , 1311 I.caveinvorth. 50 ! STOKAOE and tmckage. Divld Cole , 813-817 Howard st. 507 STOKAGE The best In elty , clean , dry , safe , and privately stored at reasonable terms. Omaha fatovo Hopalr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tol. OCO. B52 WANTED" to RENT. 7'or nifM , etc. , eee ton ofIntt foliimn on Hits vr < t ' ANTED-Toreut a smnU buiiiling wltli steam boiler , Itoom 314,1'axton blk. M5.ll WANTED Kurnlshed or partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping for man and wlfo ; location must bo cantinl and have mod- cm conveniences. Addrt-ss V : tl llee. 411 iiJ * RENTAL AGtNCY. tic. , ff- fop nt fit it column on thin B N&CO rentaTTig Omaha National bank. M.H4-J1G * BLIST LIST your houses to ell or rent with C. I\ Hill rlson , 1)12 ) N. V. Mfu. 605 TT Ii. IKEY & Uro.rental ugcnts,200 N.Y.hlfo 604 H. : . COLK , rental agent , Continental blk. HOARDING. Hr rn < f . tte , , _ M\e \ _ ( op _ of fit st column on this Sl'KUIAL liiduecineiits to table boniders at The Hillside , nv. . cor. 18th and Dodge.nioa * nio-a > LOST. Forratei , etr. , tee fop of fit el column OH this LOST Near 14th and Loa\enworth streets , an old pocketbook contalnlni ? leeolpts for money from S. Kline. A reward of * . ! will bo . paid upon Its return to 15IH S 10th st. to .laeob VeNulman. BOJii * , T.OST Small black pocket book on . wiIJiicur 14th ; contained money and chccqnu I.eavout lieu ollleo and got reward. M52U-21 ! * , LOST , near llauscom I'aik , jiug doc ; rut urn to J. U. Sehrelvor at Morse Dry Goods t'o. and get reward. 477 POR SALt FURNITURE ETC. . I'or rate , cts. , fee l | i ofln' ciln on t/ilt / pn ; . - i AKQK double blttlni ; < U' U , almost now ll'hll btlmmel. No. till Jones st. t > 13 " 17IOKSAIE Two pool tables In good order ' 13 cheap for cash. 314 S 10th st. ( VVl'.V ' SECOND blind furniture , stovescarpets and ; blugor bowing machine at half prlee ; easy payments , llawkojo lav. Co. , : ci Douglas blk. , (5 Jlii "IJ1OK BALE Two heating htovos , hard or 13 noft coal , In tlrst-oliiss order and will be sold chuap. Call at 1510 N. mil at , SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Fontitf . etc. , fee fittaf 1il column nut/its jxiga , \\rEtrustyou will Investlcnto Tno bnilth TT premier typewriter before purchasing * - any other , as It ( ma many valuablu Improvo- mcuts over all other wrltlnu machines. Com petitors must Improve in order to ciiunl. Olllco \VM\l \ \ rurnam st , 37 . ? HORSES WINTERED. er ferrate * , etc. , te top < if ftrtt CMUIHH an thtt Olisi-i wlntortMl. Wo have the best , ao- commoautlons In the statu for wintering - ) iora ! i , Ho * or single stalls , with paddock. Apply to Windsor , Kemp & ( Jo. , 201 New York Ufa bldg. , or to ChrU Nuvliu , at ( ho stubltis , Irrlngtou , Neb MO'JI FOR SALE-HORSES WAGONS ETC. Fur ratft , etc. , tee trp of flrtl loliinm on ttilt pit < w T711NE top buggy nnd new harnoM , LCB < thtin JU half price. Koom 17 , Chamber Coiumercc. MW8-5U * S r.Ull Ull Jones si. " \\rollv horto t63. two-horso wnRonlSX dou- TT hie work harness $15. Or will ttuiie for-a good llaliti Ida bur buggy. It. C. Cole , Contl- iicntal bloorf 4il ) _ TTOK SAI E 2 good work teams. Inqulro Rt JL1 618 I'avtoulilock. WW _ TT10H SALE 50 horsei and mnres. cash or Jl3 time , 1'rlces from 815 toW. . Would ox- rhoiiRO some of them for Omaha real estate. W. T. ! ? c'imaiiOmaha's largest variety wagont and carriages. ' : i " FOR s"ALfc MIoCELLAJfTJEOUS" FM ratriFte. _ , rrctnp < > frtt columnon t > iu pogt T71OK SAU-rino : English setter puni. SOU JL1 DiWolstitMDt. MSCT-Si * _ 1T1OK SAM.-Cheap ; small safe ; call at room JO 3ti8 , I'lrst National bank building. MViO-2.1 * TJIOK SAMi-500 tons of Ice. Gilbert llros. . JJCourcIl llluffs. la. _ MjOO-27 T71OK SALE A flno upright piano al a sacrl- JL ? lice ; must bo sold at once , Inqulio at No. .SllOUaldwollst. _ JW TJfOK SALE cheip A 10 horse power Now J- York safety steam engine In first class condition. 1'catncr Printing Co. , 1J07 , Howard St. M 127 _ ' WANTED 7 O BUY. For t atn , etc. , tee fop of .first column on yrtgj WANTED To buy , lot In llnrker place , Ollflon Hill. Snundors & Htmobiuigli add or Orchard Hill for part ca h and Korse. harness and phaoton. Address E. O. Merrill. 42d and Cuss sts. 1W WANTED-To buy claims o' all kinds against railroad employes. Sums over S20 preferred. Write Win. Ulchardsoti , Sioux City , la. , L. H. 2C8. 837-J5 * T71UKNITUKE , household coods. etc. Highest J cash price. Wells , 1111 rarnam. , 510 MISCELLANEOUS. Fcrrofw , etc. , ee top of first column on thli ANTED Monov to meet claims acainst Saint Timothy Mission bofoie New Year's nnd thesuppottof the missionary. Address Hov. J. J. H. Kcedy , 42:1 : N. Y Life. ffil- ? ) IK you have lior es , carriages or houses to trade see I'II , .Jerome , loom 317 , I'lrst Na tional bank building. M710 Ji * FOK HALE-Unltcd States for the licit pat ent Inventee. no fake. Add. Y 53 lice.W.22IJ W.22IJ * EXCl'KSION to Aratisni Harbor Texas Auction saloof lots January 7th nnd Mil. I'or full partleulais and town plat , call on lo cal ugcntH , ilngcr& : H rail ley , 1510 I'nnmiii st. 513 MASaAGK-Madam Dobler , over 010 S flth. 720 JJ \1 ASSAaEtreatiuont.ulcctro-thormal baths. J-'J scalp nnd hair treatment , manicure und chlrpoodlst Mrs. Post , 31'lJi ' S. 15th Wlthnell blK MS MONEY TO LOAN. Icr i ales , etc. , tee top vfflrst coJimut on t/ifi page- loans at lowot rales , Kemo\cd wto Ri4 N. Y. Llfo bldg. J. 11 , Uuiinlngor. EYSTONH Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to Jl.OOO ; got our intes before borrowing nd = save money ; loans on horses , furniture or any appro\ed s"Ciirlty without piinllclty ; notes bought ; for now loans , renewal of old and low est rates , call K. 20 : * , Sheoly blk , 15th & Howard. 01(5 ( _ _ _ _ LOANS madeon Iniprnvod propoity ontsldu of Uolt line , Alex Moore , 301 sliculy block , 408 24- _ TirONEV to loan on second mortgaso. W , 8 iTlwynn , Koom ! tt Omaha Nat. Ilk. IH'dtC. yft MONEY to loan on Improved and vnqant nroporty. Lowest ratu. C. J. Caswcll' 810 N Y. Life. 351 DJ4 _ _ MONEY to lonn on real estate , Improved or vacant. Oor. Am. Sav'gs IJdnlc , lutlf Itlid Farnom sts. 1W ! 24 LOANS of $1,000 ami upwards on a1 collateral or real estate.V. . U. Sllllard,201 Omaha National bank building. - . bU > ij bank , 310 Hir.thst. . chattels or collateral at i oasymiblo rates F I KST& second moitgages on vacant & Im proved city prop. County warrants bought. Money on hand. KM. Kloliaidson.818 N.Y.LIfe. 522 MONEY to loan on city nuJ farm property. W. M. Harris , K 20 , rroiuor blk. , opp. P. 0me me MONEY 30 , CO or 00 days , on household fur niture , etc. 013 Paxton block , J. J. Wilkin son. .MG70-P1 MONEY to loan by 11 , K. Mastcis on chattel and collateral securities for any tlmo from ] to U months. In any amount to suit hoi- rower. Loans i.iada on household peed , plnnos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or lemoval of property. My loans arc .so arranged Unity mi can make a payment of any amount nt any time and iq- duce both principal and Intoicsc. If you owe a balance on your property or h.ivo n loan you wish changed , I will pay U oil" and carry It for you. If you find It moro con venient , call Ui ] telephone No. 1KJI und your business will bo arranged nt home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. 11. I' . Masters. Koom 4. Wlthnoll blk , 15th and Hainey sts. 514 WANTED per cent real estate loans. , C. F. Hai rlson. 012 N. Y. Life. ' 513 WANTED First-class Insldo loans. Lowest r.ites. Call and see ns. Mutual Invest ment Co. . 1504 Farnuin. 513 BUILDING loans fitoVpor cent ; no addi tional cliargcKfor commission or attorney's fees. W. 11. Molkle , First National bank blilg.M7 M7 REAL Estate Loans-Gash on hand. Globe Loan .t Trust Co. , 307 S. Ifith st. No delay , no extra charges. Houses for lent , good list. | 518 CE. & C. M.ANTHONY.31S N , i' . Llfo hulld- Ing , lend nionoy on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best ternis : no delajr ; money ready. Titles and values passed on here. 519 MONEY to loan on any securty forshort time at loir rates. Lowest rate * on personal nroporty. The Henderson Mortgagn Investment Compa ny , room 400. 1'axton ulk. 520 CLAIRVOYANT. Farratf * , ( te , , fee fop nf .first column on thttniai. A Kill \'ED Clairvoyant , naturally gifted , tells past nnd future , love tumbles , ab sent filcmK changes , travel , business. Satis faction gi\cn. Mrs. Wallace , U08 I'ninamst. M984 h * MISS-CS Eddy , clairvoyant and tianco mo- dlams ; massage a specialty. 1510 Capital nvuiiue. 514-24 * MMH. llirnoiigh Palmist tolls the past , pres ent and futuie from the lines of the bund. In thoold Oypsy way. 1'eee , tl ; ladles only. 1817 Izaid btrcct. Omaha. 443 27 * MAfcSAOE Madam Dolzlcr , OMirbtO S. 13th. TlO J2 * MKS. Nnnnlo V.Wnrron , clairvoyant trance , speaklnff , wilting and reliable business medium , four years In Omaha. 110 N. Kith , 53J .MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. For nifnt , fir , stolen of ftnl columnon tl\U \ MASSAGE hath at Madam Smith's parlors , U)7 ) ii. 13h | st. , next Darker lintel. IUG'.H * T71INKST electric und electro thermal bath JL' rooms. Including Turkish cabinet baths. Ladlesh tel dully & Tuesday A. Friday ov'ngs U to 10. Dr. Klchards , rooms .118 A 320lleo bldg. 350 MAbSAOEMadam Deliler , over 010 8 13th 720 J2 * MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. formtti , etc , teetup of jirii cntuiiri nnUiti JJTJJ. \X7ANTED Ily an experienced gpnernl reT - T T porter , a few pupils hi Hhorthund. hltiia- tlonswheii competent. Call , loom 43 , boaid M5(15 2o * _ _ _ _ . Pl'TEKHEN-l'ian'o , violin. 7ltUcr. guitar , > ocal Instruction. btudlo.VJ5 Sheoly block. _ _ _ . M.705 Ji * . ' BEl'OKE" buying u piano examliurthu now scale Klmball piano. A. llospe,1513 Douglas. 401 _ _ _ KO. K.HELLENltEOIv.tonoherof jlio banjo with llospo , I.M.I Douglas. ' 241) PENSION AGENCY , ENSIONS The Ollngiiiau Ponslon Agoney , 21 Kreuzer block. Information free ' 117 BUSINESS .CHANCES. Formic , elcfts tn of ftf rr lnm on thtt TfjIOIt 8ALK-itniiii'soiu tlprc , nicely fur- JL1 nlshcd , wellstockeil.jUtfAfs and novelties ; best location In city ; n'.ntylnt forsolllng. tltuo taken up with other business. Address , ,1 , J. 1'nlvey , general dullvef.v , jjnmlia. Neb. , -'fbi , 58J S T710K HALE-The tT. S.iJlfcnm laundry will bo JL' sold cheap If taken 1it'onee. A complete new oiitllt of machinery. Call or address Louis Connolly , 817 N. l \n/f. \ / , . Omaha. * I'l 541 * 4 " \\TANTED-Hellablo KiaiVWIth I.VX ) for po- TT sltlon of trust , wplcndlii otiportunlty. Y 61 , Hoe. M 544-20 * BUSINESSCliniieos Wanted six physicians to represent and ndiVitlse my new sniil- torluiuon the road..iOsilloUdcr , M. D. . Ht. Joseph , Mo. _ _ M 54030 * TT1OK KENT A well IniptOTved 00 acre farm , I1 three miles from BihYfli Omaha. A. H. Kllchle , CM I'a.xton block. MBOfl-28 * -\fEAT MAKKETforsule. Fitted up first Jilclass In every particular. Oood hiMlness. Will bear the strictest Investigation. Address lock box 400 , Council lltulTs. In. M 3JI-.I1 FOK SALE A stock of general merchan dise und llxtures In a good town nnd splen did location. This sulo must bo for cash or good short time paper . Write for particulars to riuundors Comity Nut'l Hank , Wahoo , Neb. 53,1 20 \V ANTED Active or Hllent partner or the TT use of JI.Uuo for ono year to extend my business ; will give real estate security and pay a good bonus. Address Y 2t ) , lice olllce. , rPHE only exclusive millinery house In ono .1. of tlio most thriving cities of 0,000 In the stnto of Nob. terms reasonable , big discount willbe given , possession at once , as am com pelled to go south on account uf my health. Address Y 52 Dec. 63027 * _ T71OK SALE or exchange for stock of general X' nierchniidlso 240 acres of land 2i ! miles from ( Irceloy Center , the county scat of Qroi'ley county , IK ) acres In cultivation. 2 wells , wind mill , house iiiul.stuble : black loam soil nearly level ; o\ory foot of this track lit for cultivation ; Incuiiibcrutioll.-V ) ; rented for next year Also ICO acres unltnpnivod land B miles from Greelcy Center and 214 miles from first track adjoining Ackmlo noatofllco ; black loam toll , will give , cloji title of this tract , or will oxclianiro foi Oinah t or Council HlulTs property. Address P. J , I".Lock bov lu" . Oreeley Center. Neb. bfMJlG * II Ol'EL 1'or Palo Do you want get Into a coed business ? If MMI do , buy the Cotnmer clal at lirokon How , Nob. " 88 FOK SAL1' Tinfiirnlturo of a nine room lionso by theplceu or nil tosotbor. llotibo full of boarders. 1000 Capitol avenue. avenue.M M3-29 * AN established business for sale or tntdo. Uox S18. city. 103 FOR EXCHANGE , I'orratct , cle. . ret top of flritl cnlnmn nntltLi page , TTIOK nXCIIANOn IV ) acres clear raw laud , J. want indso or good horses. lo ! < f USn,3lu > nan- doah , la. . M.'itu HI * V\ " HAT have you tooxclianco ? C'allorbend ' full description. Alex. Moore , U01 Sheoly blook. M530-80 * T AND nnd clear dwelling property , to ux- -LJchanpo for hotel furniture , both In larfo and small quantities , or would leasea Rood hotel that Is furnished. Addross-Y 49 , Hee. M5KMK * rno KXCHANOE ft-room housc with full lot , JLlMth ni-ur Poppleton. K7.000 : property Is clour. 0.1' . Harrison. 012 N. Y. hlfo. 611-24 WANTii ) Personal property of all kinds , such ns and Ingles , fuinltiireniid phi lias , niHelilnery. etc. , AlhO all kinds of stocks of merchandise , ctb. , clear lots and lands for equities , or ? jttt7tlrst , payment , In Omaha pioporty and railway lands. We ha\o a place for suuh properlti"and will gUe nn o\- ccptlonal trade If made Immediately. Ad- dless Y 4l ! llco. ' , f [ WANTHD Horse aha buggy In exchaiiRO for Omaha equities or railway lands. Addiess Yji llec. ' ' ) 1 WANTED A horbO orillaio In pait tmy- mcnt tow-aid a WHRfm'yr carriage. W. T. Seaman , Omaha's lurgust-vlit-lcty wuijons and carrlases. U48 FOR SALE Fortatet , cle. see ( opofstclfumii on this jtaoe "H1ORbusiness piopcrtyexatulno tills list : No. 1. : o\120 feett OajHCol flCvenin * . near 13th , 8S front foot. S " ' * ? J f No. 2. fflxoo feet , 1,1th , nfrar Davenport , $230 front foot. No. : i. 1)0x00 feet , 14th , near Dodge , $20.000. No. 4 , 23x06 feet. FnrnAfn. 10th , south front , J.KO front foot. No. 5. Undivided one-half Interest In three- story bilckstoio on I'arnam .street ; routsJ''OO permontlu will sell for 115,000. No. ( ! . Hi feot.south front , on Ctiinlng htreot , near 18th. JiV ) front font. No. ! > . Northwest corner 14th and Daven port sticets , liflM'H feet , a choice lot , NO.OOO. No. 10. A tine corner on 10th , near the now viaduct , W\183 feot. cheap. t4 : > .000. No. 11. ( X\GU feet , on corner Dodge and llth , 810.400. No. 12. 44\ii2 : foot. lodio ) , near 15th , $44.000. No. M. 3.1\1.'K feet , on Cumins btreet , be- tn oen 21st anil ? 'd stieots. WOU front foot. And a largo list of residence property. Houses und lots on monthly payments. lots froni.it500 up. . Paul , IC09 Farnam.4TO 4TO HGOEbT bargain In Omaha. Oniythreoof " those elegant houses on 44th anil Karnain loft out of six ; oth"r three occupied by first- class parties. Houses are open all day for In spection. Every convenience la tlio houses , Including gas and gas Hxtaros. Take a look at thorn during this flue weather : buy ono and take llfo comfort.ible durins the winter. Only takes from $ JOO to &VX ) cash. See thorn without fall for they will ploasu you. V. V , Sholes , 2U I'lrst Nat'l bank. G80 FOU SALE At a barsaln , CCxlSO on Daven port near 17th , one block from new po t- ofllce , very clii-nn. ISO.OOO ; 50xiij : corner Mth ) and Karnam. $ .10,00 ? . O , L , Green , mom 39 Barker block. 5J7 FOU SALK-Very cheap , or will trade for horse , lease of first tlaas house of U rooms at 42d and Uasssts.fioiuJan. 1stto.lujy 1st , 1391 , IiKiulro at house. 4J. EXOUKSION to Armisas Harbor , 'ioxas Auction saloof lots January 7th undtith. I'or full particulars and town ulat , eatl on lo cal iigontB , Klngor & llrudloy , l.M'J 1'arnam fit. 511 FOU SALE or Lease 17 feet nast front by 201 feet deep , alley corner , 24th and Ginning Btri'ets. Address Jean bchons , llco building. FOK SALE A largo list of choice residence and business property. Houses and lots on monthly payments ; Jl.lV ) ami upwards ; vacant lots J500 and up. Ucomo J. 1'aul , HKM Kurnam. ZM AUG1I & Westorflold.reulcstato.S.Omliaa 5J > ) 5-KOOM house , lot 33\82 , $1,700 ; also ( i-room hons'e. lot'Jl(1x82 ( , s.i > . cor. llth and Vlnton Bt. , J.2,000. Brick homo nnd American honso , lot lirtxCd , n. e , cor. lothnud Douglas , $10,000. .Mrs. Kiilihnniiii. i.1''l S. llth. 428 OUMTZE l'LAOE-0-room modern house on paved St. . for } \500 ; $ .VK1 cash , balance easy , Thlsoppoitunlty U olfered but once In a llfo time. J. J. OILion. solo agent Kountzc 1'lacc , room 'J , Urclghton block. 427 nplIE best comer on upp t < 'nrnam street , JLfror.tagoonS HtrceUisiillmdhl corner on rarnam street , close ted < iUrhousoa | bargain ; corner with trackage .Itifl.l K. p.irtof city : peed rosldoncos and low-priced cottages , KIM i lots for building , somot us , low as } 100 , insldo uores , farms and unimproved land. Wo will sell any of till * iltoporty , of which wo have entire controUottirtlcos way below what you can buy at olsrMLulro , Stringer & I'oiiny , llui-Uerlblook , isth and rarnam. i ah b ibd $ : i.20a for full cast troiM'ut with cottage. 25th and Woolworth. 0. I'.ijlldirlaoii , 012 N. Y. . , Life. 511-24 XOUUSION to Arani.Vi'vIltirbor ' , Tojcaf- Auctlon saloof Idts iinluiry 7th and 6th. I'or full particulars and Uwn ; plat , call on lo cal iigcnts , Klngor Sc Jlrjytvjy , 131 ! ) 1'ariiuni st. T RANClll.Sand farmsri\p. are solo agents for some elegant r'afjfh and faun piop- ortles , clear of liicumhrftrteo'-that wo can sell on easy ternis or trade fW nrood Income prop erty ; 5.2hO acres In lloono Bounty , Neb. . Hfteun houses on It , finely Improved , price $1 0,000 ) ; 4,000 acres In Vcrnon count > ' Mi ) . , nlno houses , and other excellent ImprovemontH , ilOO.ruj I ; 000 acres In Coffcv county , Kan.erylliiuly tmprovod , . ! 0ao ) ; fldOO ucrei In Wichita county. Knn , , every necessiry luiprovement for a llrst-clnssi western stnclc raiich-ithtindanceof water. Address M. A. Upton Co. . Omaha. DKSlUAHLi : house and lotonl tli Bt. bt 7. rurnam nml Lc.ivoiiworth , fl'iOO. U. 7.H Harrison. 1)13 ) N. V. Life. 511-31 _ 1 'JO acres line farm land adjoining good No- ) X bruiiktitowu ; nearly cluar. l/o ( acrus finely ImproveJ laud 2J miles from county scat In .Vobr.iskaj llghtljlencMimbcrcd. 1JO acres gooa land In Ncbrniikui 6 miles from county seat ; 2,500 Inlmblt.iutg. House and lot In town In Kansas ; clour. Clear lot In good Nebraska town. 4 room house and lot , barn , well and cistern. Iflth utreot. Omaha : slightly Incutubcrvd ! will trade forOmulm property and ussumo Incum- brnnces. 11 , E. Cole. Continental block. 000 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , Fnrraln , etc. , art tn > of ir t culu'riii nil till ' ' " " " " " MEs'rLASB- M fool lots. Motor cars , t'nvcd streets. On gr.ido. 1'lace for men of small inrnin to get a 111)1140. Now Is your time to buv In Amps I'lacrj , bccutiin bcloro GO Is oust , there will bo tiery Ri'iipntl luhanco In nit Oniiilin property. Conio now and see < Ames Place lot * . If yon wait , you will si in ply pay morn money for the very AMESIHIAI'KSTATI : ! : AGKNOY , 15'JT 1 itrnnm St.B7 ! B7 HAHLHS Kaufman .t Hon. real estate nnil loans. Choice viicunt nnd Improved residence and business property for sale In nil partaof the city uml youth Omaha on easy terms. Ilst your ptopertv with us. Loans nt lowest rutos. Ofllce lIlOJ I > otigl s st. Tel. WO. $4,000 for -10 feet , east front , with Rood cot- tiilto. on 20th ave ( Park a\c ) Just north of Kuinnni st , school , worth M.fiOO. or lll ex change for Indianapolis propoity. U. P. Harrison risen , lllii N. V. Life. tl2 $4,200 for very desirable 8-rooin IIOUMJ and full lotln noitliimrtof town. 0. P. Hani- SOH.U13N. V. Mfo. fill- : . ' ! , for 132 feet on Ifith st. In the hem t of $80,000 . O. K. llnrilson , Ul ! ! N. V. Life. FOH HALK-Onoof the finest stock fiirinst n the west. 04 miles southwest of Knnsii Olty , In the Harden Part of Kansas. The farm consists of 00) ) acres , all first class land , fenced and cross-fenced. An elegant 12-rooni house and other line Improvements. A 12-aero orchard , urtlllelal UUe , etc. , etc. To any ono wan tins a Kill , edRo utoek and ( train farm nothing can bo found that will cnlrely 1111 the 1)111 ) butter than this : : 0 head of enttlo , 'M tons of hnv. can hepurehnsed with the fnini If desired.Vo will sell for cash or unrt cash and notes ( Jilt cdtfo Income property would bo consldeiod In exchange. Address M. A. Upton Co. Uniuhii , Neb. TUi _ _ ELEGANT rosldeneo In Kutintzo I'liioo ; I ) room ? ( Inely Mulshed and all modor con- voiilonces ! Wlrt ht. . 'JOtli. fan fcoll i on oiie-qunHer ciish piyinont and balance tlmo to right party. This Is no cheap nlTiilr of a house , but n comforabUi homo In e\ery house nnd a bis snap bargain. V. K. Darling. llnrKor Uloclc. M .711.1 $2/100 for full east fiont lot on Br.itle. 26th st. lint far from I'oppluton. 0. V. Harrison , VK N. V. Life. r.ll-'Jl "ITOHPALTN'leo \ rosldenco , four lots , good -t town ; will taKh lioiivy team , wagon and harness part pay. 1' , J. Holmes , ! ! ckniaii.Neh. XW 2T * "RUNE resldOneo property In Cortland I'luce , -C "id and Ilowaid , worth $ .UO)0 ( ) : would takosonlo Ohlcnitniiiopcrty In part exchange. O. V , llarrgson. lliaN. Y. Life. 6U2j IT ROOM cottage , full lot. lliuisconi Place , ' east front nnd a great bargain for a few days. SniJ.ll cash payment and balance on long tlmo. r. K. Darling. ItqrUor block , Bit HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forrfitm. etc. , > f foji of flrsl culuiiin onib BKST line hair goods In west ; hair ure wigs , switches , InitiRs , hair chains , etu. , a sueelalty , Davies , hall gooUs and milliner , opposite postolllce , 111 B. l.tii street , Omaha.KW KW EMPLOYMENT AGENOY. For rales , etc. , sec top of fist column nn Hi l < page ANAYHANempioymcnt ollli-e.SlVli Sl5fli7 the best plaqq In Omaha to Ilnd help or sit uations , male or female. Tel KSI. MB D.'O PAWNBROKERS. Farmtts , etc. , see top nf flint column on this ITUtEl ) Mohle loans money on diamonds and JC watches , jew elyotcS. E.cor. rurnam & llth PATENT SOLICITORS. Ferrate * . etc./ic / foil nt ( jnC'colunm on tltlnonn fjATENT lawyers and soHcltors.d.W. Sues & Co. , Hoc liulhllnp , Omaha. Itranch olllco at Wushliigton. 1) . C. Consultation free. M. > DRESSMAKING. Konnto , rro. , w IDJI o//ii t totiininnii WiN i agi. ENOAOnMKNT tododresmiiaKliic In fami lies bOlloltud. Miss bturdy , JIO llnrney st. Ml-jll * COSTUMhS , furrata , etc. , tff ( o | > of firt nIumn mi fhh nage. LADIES and gciitlcinon can tent masiiuur atlo suits at V ! N. lUth .St. 1J1D2 7 THIS UEA.1/TY MAUKtiX. TN9TUUMENTS placed on roourU Dot-om- JL bor24. KN Dunn and wlfo to V H MacGIiire. lots 4 and 5. blk 04 , South Omnha . . $ .1,000 D S Hiitsforn u n I wlfo to I ) U Edwnnls , wSO'gof s US rt lot 11blk 1,1'urk Place , u c d . . . . > M KSnnpwln and husband toKmma and John Waller , n 47 ft o UO ft , blk " . ) " Milnn'sJtd add . . . . 2,000 Alfred Llndblow to M T Walker , lot 21 , blkl , Kalph I'laco. w d 6,000 L 0 Wvatt to A O Thompson. H 'i lot 1.1 , blk tK ! , " Prospect Place , w d ] ,030 E 0 Merrill and wlfo to Max Kyplnakl , lot ID , blk II , PiipDleton I'aik , w d . . . . 3iOO ! W J Wagon and wlfo to William JIalion , lots 8 undo , blk IVan llcurcn Heights , wd . . 700 O H Hoggs and wlfo to 11 L I'atrluk , lot 13 , blk M , U 11 Hogg's add. w d 150 Cliai les btort/ and w Ifc to G N Coub.SOxlO rds o and w In n\v corner sec 2-15-1J , w d 11,000 J 1' lloyd. hhorltr. to National bank of Commvicc , H V n U ) feet lots 7 and 8 , blk , Patrick's 2d add , deed . 010 lloyd , sheriff , to National band of Commerce , n : ! 0 ft of s ( X ) ft lots 7 and 8 , blk 7 , Patrick's 2.1 add , deed . 975 JL Miles to A G Hunt , lot * . bll < 7 , Oi- chard lllll.wd . COO _ Twelve tiausfen , . J 2-,530 Marriage The following mirriaso licoimnvcr < 3 Is sued by Judge Shields yesterday : Nnmoand address. A o. I Jwcrgon Hruhn , Omaha 2 ( ! I Anna Odcfcy. Omaha 24 I JohnSasgun , South Omaha 40 \ Louisa ur.iniesehke , South Omaha 27 i James Mo.Mnrtln , Dawsoii county 30 1 Ella.JI. Vanscysu , Valley 22 j Julius I Iclsor , South Omaha 21 1 Molllo Ilucldor , HoutliOmaha Id I 1'rort Drnpowo. South Oiiinnn 22 I Minnie Nnyiiion , South Omaha IK I James I'fallly. South Omaha ! ! 4 I Jlarla I'luld , South Oinilia ; 24 I Hen Mullen. Omaha 2T I Kva I. Ilicwer , Omaliii 18 J Hernhard O'Lyngstriini , Omaha 28 I iKthcr riullniatl.Omiiha. 21 I Alfred C'arlson , Omaha 2:1 : I HuldiiUurlson , Oiualni 22 j Itlchard Williams , Omaha : t2 | SlnrlBStockdalo.Omaha 20 j Grant Hnyne , Omaha 2:1 : I Mary Clbson , Omaha 17 j JohnW. Warde. Willis , Neb , f 20 ] Alice 11 , Woods , C.ilhoun , Neb 21 Itnlldiiii ; I'ornuts. IiTho followluj ; parmtts wore l3.iuoil by the superintendent of bulltllnijs yesterday : I , S. llnsciill. one-story hrlok > Htoic , I'lgh- teonth and Ylutoii htieets { 3,000 Tour minor permits 701) Total 35,700 Stockholder * * .Moetlut : . OMAHA. Nobranku. DccfinborSl. IbOO , Notice Is hereby given that thu annual meet ing of the stockholders of the I'lilon Land Company for thu elcetlon of Iho dlrcctois , and .such , other liuslness aa may juopcrly come before the meeting , will bo Held in the com pany's olllcu at Omaha , Nebraska , on Monday , the 12th day of January , IMll , at 10 o'clouli u. tn. /.J. LiAiiiioi.i. , Assistant Soerotary. Dec'.M-d.'fltM FEMALE BEANS Al > oluttlr relit hie , pfrfeotlr uro.mott ( Mwrrful fcm la rriruUtor known i never ralnlVa hoi , iKwrpat'l icntt boc uSlcleat. Adcjrewi I.IOS nfttfO ( H ) . tluir lo , H , Y. Bold bjraoobMANDHUucU. EVtnr WOMAN THAT HAS ANY 5EN5E , AND MANY THERE BE WE HOPE , V/JLL / 5PEND HER CENTS FOR A USEFULCAKt Of FAIRBANK'S-SANTA-CLAUS'SOAP RfilLWflYTIMBOSRD CHIUAUO. IIUItlilNUTO.N * W. , Arrlro Omnhii Depot lUtli nncl.Mi > un ulroota. Omaha. w p ra Chlcnuo Kjprou 8UUi in 95J t in Chlctixo ICjproti UVO p m 810 p m CblciiKO Ki > ra I i.nJ a m J.Mp m _ _ iiwa 1-ocnt. , u . ISUOm l HT TllOhLlNni'O.V t MO. Ill V Kit Arrlvoi ahft. | tetot | tutti nntiMmon dtroet < . .Omftha. 10 25 n m Denver l ) r 4 W p m 10 25 n m Dunrer Kxprou 0.15 p m 71.0 p m UJ5 m 11 HIM In I Im t il . . 'i ' SU p in JJ5 n ni . . . . . . . .Lincoln l./oil 0 DO p m LoavoTT r.j. A TArnvot OmaUn. I llopol 10th iiml Mniun ntroutl. I Omiiliiu t''O n mKan9u | Cltr Unr ICzprtsi . . .i 0.10 p m 45 p m I K. C. NlRlit Kin ' UI' . Trnn I ( US n m Txfnvori tJ.NTo.T PACIFIC ; " I Arrlvui Uinithit. | Bapot 10th Hint Marey Btroots. | Onulin. "s.W p ml . OvctTomt I'lyor . I 003 p m 730pm . i.Tnclllc KijiriMa . 11,45 it ru 10 'AJ null . . . . . .Denver Kiprcsa . a M p m ,707 JJ . .J1KninnCltr JCiirosj.Lti.120 [ | > n m rssf r "ticnrAOo.if rxfiACiviT5r | "Arr7fui Omaha IU. I * , depot , 10th nnil Mnrcr Ht I Umnlm. 610pm Night KTptesj . . . 10 OJ n m DOS am Atlantic Ripresj . 0 JO p ra 4JWp ni Veitlbule- Limited , . 10 | j n ia TxfnvoTi SloU.X. "Cll'i * PATTFlD. i Arrive" Omaha. | U. 1' . depot , 10th nml Marcr Sli | Omih-\ " 7.15 anil blonr CUT I'Mnennor. . . i J jQ p m | . _ . .Hl. I'aul Kigreis. . . . | 10 10 n m Omahn. I Depot 18th anil WcbiterMM. I Omnha ' J > _ ! "i . . . .Ht. Paul l.lmttuil. . . . V L cave iCtilUAdU * lfitn'h\VH.srh/li / : < ] Omnha | U. 1' . depot , IQtti nnJ Marcr Bli. | 915 a m ' rpren ; 6.3(1 ( P m 430 p m Vcitlb'uio ] . lmlto . . 0 M a m 6.15 p m Iowa Accomiiioilitlon ( Krc. Sun ) 7.03 P m 10 p m KasMrn KIrcr , 2 45 p m 11.45 n juj _ ( cxo Hv oji ) 7.(0 _ m Oninha. | U. 1'rilcpo't. ibth'rtijil' lixrcy Bt'i | Omaha. " 6.1U p ml . Chlcano ICiprun. . . . . . . . . ! U 41 a m llja am | . Chlcngo Bipren . I t.Jii m IXMtTOI I OMAllA.t BT 1-UUIM. I Arrivoi Omnlia. I IT. P. depot. 10th and MurcrSU | Omitha. IXU p nil 81. Uiuli Cnnni > n Iliill. . .j.ji2..jjiio ( Leave * * . , K.AMU VALbHV. Arrival Omaha. Dnpot litli anil Webitflf SH. m 520 p in ' ( . „ a e. I' . , M A ( j. Omaha. I llopotmii uml Wulntar 3tl. "sTUl a"m . . alum Cltr Acconimodntlon. I 90J P ru 100 p m .Sioux Cltr liiproi ) ( Ki. Sun ) I..ID p m 400 p m 8L I'AOl Llniltod I 'J n m [ 5 um _ .Ilanrort Pmaoimur ( Kr. Hun.11 ) 8 5 a m ilTeaVeTI "MiBSoTJiU" I'ADifiu T ATfTvo i COoiaha. Depot 15th and Webitoc rHti. I Om hv l 1030am ) . . , Ht. Louli A K. a Express. . p m _ _ J4.W * tn Relive ? i CllldAlTOrK. 1. * 1'AUh itii i Arrives Trnn for | Union Depot rfiiimin Hlnffi. iTranatar ' p ml NtKbt K > pre . . . I 9.14 a m 930 a ra Atlanlla Eijiroi 5 p m JJ30pmJ.ALLV8Ulbiilo Llmltort..110J0a _ m Tmnafcrl Union Depot. Council HIiKIn. 'iTmnater . Chicago m 6.00 p m Veitlbulo Limited. , OKI a m JO.UU p m Kaitern Flyer. . „ 200 p m 1.10 p m Atlnntlo Mall. 7.30 n m ( i. K ) p m lovra Arconimoilntlnn ( Kic. Bun ) tt 40 p m Leaves Tl'l a'S'tf I'ATli ; . ] Ar'rivBj Tn uinfcrl Union llcpot. Council llliitr . | Tran fer iWv m\ \ . Chlcnuo Kiprou . I tilinm 12 SO pjnj . Clilcnup Krpro ' . . I 11 00 p m Leave * I K.T7 , 8ff JOB A T5. If. f Arrives Trnniferl Union Depot. Counrll lll'ilT * jTrnnsfer lOOfiTniT CUT har Expro s. . .I 643 p m IU 35 p m I Knniai CltjrllKht } iPre' . | JO a in OMAHA A HT , UJUUT. 1 Arnvos Union Dopot. Counrlt JlhilTj ITraiisfor .St 1/ouls _ nnon Hnll . , , p in Ijenve * { CHICAGO. UtflllVN A. ( JUINOr I A"rHvoi Trnnaterl Union Depot , Coupcll Illulli , | Trnr.3for 9 < Uam Chlcano Kiproai , , 1000pm Chlcaxo Bipreal , . D 0 a m 7 05 pm Crcston lx > cal. . 11 M a ra Leaves BIOUXC1TV A I'ACIHU. I Arrives Tran ter | Union Depot , Council llluffs. Transfer Til a ni > . .StouxCltv Accommodation. . . ! .MO ni III'Uri p m ! at. Paul Kxpreai 110(10 p : MISSOUltl PACIFIC SUIIUU11AN i TKAIN3 < M 'fn yx ya Woitwarfl. gr < g ! < gr < § r g ( < a.ra a.m n m p in p 111 a.m. Webster Steak f > . 0 C.15 7.W 3.U ) 5.4' , a..10 oak Chatham. . . 5.62 8 57 8.W 4.0:1 : 5.57 8.42 1Z.57 Druid Hill 5 547.00 804 , 4.U ) Il.tX ) 8.45 1.00 Lake Street 5.6S 7.rtl 8.07 4.0) II.OJ H.4S 1.01 Walnut IISI1 . . . H.OO 7.US 8.0-J 4.10 lI.Oo 8.M 1.01 Uundoo t'lico. . . (1.0J7J ( 8.111 4,11 ti.W 8.M l.Oi \Voit Hide U.037. 8.15 1.15 li.10 8.M 1.10 Lawn ' 8.18 4IS 8.6J 1.14 Mascot 3.T ) 4.30 9.0 ] Hcymo uil'ark. . .24 4.2H 9.0C 1.21 portal S.oO 4.W II 15 Ha award. a m i 111 P ra. Portal B.I15 ,45 ! 1..13 beyuiour fork. . 8.4.1 4.IU 1.41 Mascot 8.411 I.W O.Hi 1.47 Lawn 9.49 4.5) 9.85 1.50 West Side G.I ! ) 7 .15 8.55 . ' , 03 U.1S 0.40 l.M Dundee Place. . U.17 .188.5- 5.07 H.17 9.42 1.67 Wnlnut Hill. . . 6.207 9.00 5,10 H.17M ( \ 9.45 2.0J Lake S treat. . . . O.J2 7. 9.0.1 5.1.1 U.2.1 9.4.1 3.01 Druid Hill .2 7 9.05 5.15 II.25 v.w 3.0a Oak Chatham. . . 0.2H 9.0S 5.13 ti.28 9.5) ) 2.03 Webiter Stroot. 0.4D 5.JU I1.4U 10.05 3.2U Do euro Dlllousneso. Rick Tlcadncho Conttlpatlon. Walarln. Llvor Complaints , tnko tlio safe and certain rcmody , SMITH'S BILE BEANS little txiann to fliobot- tie ) . They are tlio most convenient : suit all agea. J'rlcoof cither elic , 25 cenu per fjultle. KISSING nt7 > 17 < 70i Hioto-trrevura. I IOOII Vf panel sue of thla plcturo for 4 eeoU ( coppery or utuiupa ) . j. F. HMrrn&co , Vnkonof "llllo Beans , St. Louis , HP. C. L. Ki'Icksoi.Local ) Asront , 200 N.lOtli EXCELSIOR 'SPRINGS ' s ' „ . . , . w ATE RS'iatS Niture'i Tonlo , Diurelionnd Uric Solvent. tOI.T ) ONLY IN nOTTtlS DT C 0. MOORE & CO. , Agli. ISIS Dodg * 81. FOR SALE Mr I'Alnllng nnil I'aporliiinnlnii liuilnc * . Kitnb. Ililiod liM ) . Hun n null vulnctcil muck of Wall I'.ipcr , Wall Mnulitlmrii. 1'u'ntii ' , llrnnlic' , lc. P. WINDHEIM , fiKl h. KJtli Street , Omnliit. 'TO WEAK MEN" Buttering from tlui riltcu of youthful rrn > n , farlr uecajr. wa ilnz wraknewi. Ion manbood , i to. , I will tonrt a valuakln tnutlso ( npnloill containlnK full particular * for homo cure. I'lll'.K of charge. A cplcmlld mrillonl worki should IM rend br rrrrr nun who ti nerrnui and rtehllilatiMl. Xrtilreu. I'rof. V. C. rOWLL.II , California ( jerve FSOJ& & , Makes Now I'ronh Itlood nnd 1'ro- ilnrrK 1'U'Hli. C'unii Ana-lulu. Scrofula. Ilnd Circulation ami nil Imourltlon of the Dlood R welt tu tlui fuRmtliiE Nerve Dlsennes. viz : Nomius nnd IMiynli-lal Dehlllly , Vltnt jilinull : u , l'i < nintiini Di-mr , Vrvnililliir ; . llHtrrln , Ncr- Tiius Ili'uilitclin , I.OBH ofl'iiucr In Illu-r s < ' \ , N ) rv iiHnvHS In nny toriti. Colil lliimls 01 * Feet , I'aln In the Hark and other luring of irfikiifix. Dr. llobh'K Ncnn Tonic Fills tiring the roey tint of honlth to the Blmllow cliook. WIMIC , nervous pxoolo should lake tlilj Kreal Llfo Ronewor. 1 rj thorn , ami run 111 loin Iho thousands or humi ) iiirn anili mi < n h. ) dally l > lrs > Ur. ilnbD furnla work in tlu'lr tichair Ihrr nra siiRgrcnitrd M cenU n Mil For calu by Linctsu Otlijinall Aililrcss HOll'S MCDICIHE CO. , fRCPS. . SAN FRMCI. O , CAl. rOlt SAI.K IN OMAHA , MKIl , I1V Kunn A Co , Cur 15lh .V Dimclm SlriTK .1 A. rullcr * fit , Coi llth A liouglm Mntli A 1) . Pinter * - Co . Coillail llliiff ) , ln'tn KHn PRINCIPAL PSUCQICTS CVERVWHTRt Notice. Mutter of appllcallon of Oils Jonna nnd Henry ( IrafT , parlneisns .limas , V Ur.ill , Cor llijiiur lli'i'nsc. Nntlcnls hereby gl\cn that Oils .Toimi and Henry draff did , upon the ' . ' 4111 ilny of Deeeiubei. A. U. IS'X ' ) , Illo tlu'lr upplluatlon with thehoatd of lire and police eomiiilxslon * ersof Omaha for llcenso to sell malt , wplrltu- nusnndinoiH liquors nndei tin' firm nnmo ol Jonas > V Oiair , nt No , ! IU r > oiitli loth street , 1 bird wind. Omaha , Neb. , fiom the Istduyol .lannary , 1SOI , to the 1st day of .lanuary , If"- ) If them bu no obleetlon. icinonstiunco or protest tiled within t o weeks fiom the 'J4tli ( Iny of Decombci , A. 1) . 1S ! , the slid ll'unsu will bu gianted , Uus .K s , IlKMIV ( ill\K | . , JONAS &UuAir , dcc24-ll ) I'artneis iind Appllcnnts Notice. IMiitlerof nppllc.itlou of 11. Str.itlimiin nnd C. McCoimlci , , pirtni'fs. as Mrathman Mo ( ' ( iriuli'k for lliiiiur ueensc . Notice Is hereby given Unit U. Slralhniau and t' . Mcrornilek ' did uuim the IMth day of Decembi1 A. Ii. Ib'U ' , tile their apnllua- lion with the of II10 and police conunls- slonors of Omabn , for lieunso to sell mult , stililtiioiiB and vlnoullniiors. . under thu firm iiiimu of btratlinian & Alc ( ouiiluk.ut No. 01.1 .facksou stiect , I'hstuutl. . Oniiihii. Neb. fiom the 1st d.iy of Januaiy.lS'H. to the 1st day of .limitary. 16(0. ( Ifthcie bo no objoollou. icmoiialiiinco or piolcHt filed within two week ) r.mi tlio - > th tiny of iloci'iiiher , A. I ) . 18W ! , the .said llconso w HI be granted. SallATIIMAN. : MUCOIIMICK. 11. Stiathnian , C. Mct'ormlcK , p.irtcrt and applicants. di4-l ( ttucklioUlcrs' OMAHA , Neb. . Doe. It , 18'X ' ) . Notice Is li ( > ioby glxenthat the initial inert- Ing of tlio stotiMuildors of | the Union elevator company for tlio nuiposo of cleetlnic seven dlitctnis , and such other Intsiness us limy piopm ly come bcfoui HID meeting will bo held ut the otllcouf Joliu M. TlitirMon. I'nlon ' I'a- elflu building , Omnhii , Neb. , upon Monilny , tbo 5th day of .lanuary , 1MU. between ( lie limns of 10 o'clock a. m. mid H o'clock p m. \V. \ J. UAimor , ! * Assistant Secietnry , lcolOd2Jt.M ) Notice. Tin : 1'AriKic Kxritiiss CoMi-tNV OflUooflli Pieslilent. Oinnlm , Nel ) . , NoxiMiihcrL'Tlh , IS'W. > otlcc is lioieby hcn that , the annual meeting of thu stoeUholdris of Ihe ( ompiiny foi1 the election of dlri'i'tius nnd the tr.uiMie- llonof Micliothci liuslnci.s us limy juupcHy oomo bcfote U , ulll bu held at tlio ufllcoof the c'ompany , No. 1411 Hartley stii'el , Omtilni , Neb , , on Thuisday , Jnnuaiy 1 , 1M ) | , at II o'elouk n. m. lly oilier of the of dliei'toiN. Attest : K , .M. MOIISKMAN , W.M. I' . HKCIIKN , President. Secrotiir.v. Nov-S8-noc4-ll-l'i-S'i-.r .ill-l. A ii n tin I Kli > ntiii ( ; . Nottco Is hereby KlM'ii that thn annual meeting of the Mlocklioldi'is of Iho Union Stock Yard Itinlc , of South Oiiuili.i , Neb. , for the election of ill red on ami the irnns , ictlon of such business us mnv pinpuily arise , will bo hold at the l-'IrM , Nntldiial Hank , of Omabn , Neb. , \VeUnosdiv : , .lanuary T , IK1) ) ! , utl p. m. K. II. IIiiANCH. Uaslilor. South Omaha. Neb. , Dec. f > , IH'JJ. declid.U ) Nnto ( In Stookbolilers. The annual nu'ctlu ? of tliu Htocuholdois of The Hoc lliillillng Comn.inv will lie held at theollleo of'i MI : OMAHA HKK , liee Uulhlinir , Omalin , Neb , at I o'clock p. m. . Tuesday , .Jim- nnry .U for the pnrpnsu of oluc'tlng a bo trd of ( llreetors for ( he ensuing your nnd the tians- action of sui'li olhci business .is may come before - fore tlio meeting , lly older of the pieslilont. ( fdldaut N. P. rKiiSeciotniy. Bounty t oiu-r. Smith Brothers , living at Sweet AIo. , nro suing Dutos & Co , , commission men of this city , to recover Si'.l.'i. They nlloso thnt on November a they shipped 1.V1 barrel * of apples to the commission house to bo Hold , The riliiintllTs now claim thnt tbclr apples were sold , but that they never re ceived the proceeds. Walter Wills has brought suit asrulnat tha Amorlcan waterworks company to recover the sun ) ot $1,000. Ho alleges that by icasoa ofabiOtilc In tbo water main on Suwunl street the water broke through and tulnuil the foundation of his thrco-story brick block , Joseph Utirncau , jr. , nnd la a.m Hasc'ill liuvo brought still ii nlnst A. C. Iloatl to re cover $ . * iK ( ) on a promisbory note. 1. A. Slotnim nllcgoa tlmt.IuliusMoycrowes him Wll duo on an open account for money Don-owed between July (5 ( mid August 1' ) , 1880. William It. IJiuton asks David 11. Shannon to pay him $ .175. The nlulntllT nllegx's that ho sold u lut , for thu defendant and that on the .sain he has nuvor been paid his cominls'floii. As Ayer's Snnaparilla outstrips nil otlicr blood purifier in popular fnvor , so Ayer's Al- inatinu Is the most universally fiunilhir publl- cation of the kind In the world. It is printed in ton lauKimges and the annual issuoexceeds fourteen millions of copies. Ask your dm ti ght for it. Marked iiitorrHt Is now nliown by custom people ] p. Iho settlomoiit of Oregon \ViushIiiffton , pnrticuliirly thitt ro lon niljuuont to I'ligol Sound. The reiibon for this IH tlui alinoHt unlimited rosourcort tliut huvo Ititoly boon opened up , and the HiirprlH- ing growth of I'ortltind , Tiiconiii , Kuattlo and ether cities and towns along Pugut Sound , The Union Pnulllu on account of It * fnst tlmo , Hliort line , through Pullinaii ] mlnco Bloopoi-8 , free roollniiir ( chalrcurs , oloyant dining carri , and ftuo Pullinitn colonlBt HlcoporH , from the Missouri rlvor , IH the fitvnrltoroute to tlilH roglon , nnd tickets vl.i tlila line ithould nUvays bo asked fop. For complete Information rolatlvo to thin roiiiarKablo section , lima of IruitH , rates. piunhlotn ] , otc. , call on your iiour- est tiukot agent or ndtlriitH the undcr- slfned. R. L. LOJIAX , Oononil I'ussoiiKot1 Agent , Omnha , Neb , 1C02. Sixteenth anil Farnam Blrooti la the no\v Hock Island llokot olllco. Tick ets to all polutu east ut lowest