Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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THE REAL PAINLESS DENTIST.Office No. 3SO Bee Building * ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
We positively guarantee to extract your teeth without pain or danger. Come and try us and be convinced. We make a specialty of Fine Cold Fillings , Gold and
Porcelain Crowns , Bridge Work , etc. , at very reasonable prices. All parties having $10worth of Dental Work done at this officeshall get their teeth extracted Free of
Charge by the aid of our new and only successful painless remedy. Sets of teeth from $3.OO on rubber up-ware ! to $7B.OO on gold.
We subjoin as an introductory to our advertisement an able article by the editor of a prominent Dental Journal , on the history of Mechanical Dentistry , its difficul
ties and its successes. He was induced to the writing of the following by a personal experience of the different kinds of work used fora period of over twenty-five years.
A Brief History of Mechanical Dentistry.
Difficulties Besetting its progress and Its Final Success.
The art of constructing nnd properly adjusting nrtifiulnl teeth nnd artificial
pi ales will not bo without interest , even to the casual reader , for the par/notion / to
which this most useful art has attained , from the period of its crude nnd bungling
csaavs , is perhaps , unsurp 8 od in any ether department and must afford pleasure
to every true lover of progress. One of the most serloun deformities and incon
veniences incident to npo. nnd ono , too , not confined to gray hairs , but common to
the adult , and oven to the outh , is-tho decay and final loss of those most uboful
organs of speech and muwli lion , the teoth.
* " And it must be a sort of gratification to every lover of progress , as well as
every friend of humanity , to Know that by the discoveries made in this art tliuso
dollclonclos can bo so far remedied as that the loss of our teeth can bo considered
no longer an uimllovinted allliction. They can now bo replaced by artificial cues
BO closely resembling the natural as not to bo detected without close examination
nnd BO wall Biibsorvincr every purpose as greatly to mitigate the inconvenience of
thoirlosa. It IB 11 pleasure to record thnt mechanical dentistry ims arrived at
such a state of perfection , which twenty years ago its most zealous operators
never anticipated or dreamed of.
But ho who thinks that practical and successful dentistry can be performed by
nny ono with almost no skill Is groutly mistaken. lie who would bo a suc
cessful dentist should unite an enlightened judgment with great practical skill.
Ho should understand the anatomy of physiology of the mouth nnd bo thoroughly
skilled in the various mechanical manipulatioiiH that pertain to the prothesis
of these organs.
Teeth can not , HUe coals , bo furnished ready made to order. No one can be
come a successful dentist in this department unless ho bo a natural mechanic.
There is now more quackery in this art than any ether extant. Lot us look
briefly at Its history.
Substances Employed for Artificial Teeth.
ThoqualitloB which should bo sought in artificial teeth are durability and
resemblance to the natural organs.
In the first ocsavs of this art human teeth were employed. When those wcro
eound and coated wfth n good enamel and were suitable in every respect they
wore esteemed preferable to any other substance. But think of the dilllcultles
presented hero in the defects of the material itself , deficiency of the supply , and
the revolting1 idea of wearing another's teeth , in which , perhaps , wore dlscnso.
The repugnance can scarcely bo overcome.
The teeth of neat cattle wore also used by altering their shape , these , of
course , being- lilted by sawing and filing ; but by the absorption and docotnposition
of the saliva they became fa'ttd. rondnrinir the tnsto and odor very offensive.
Teeth from ivory and tusks of the hippopotamus wcro next used , but those ,
like the last mentioned , wcro permeable by the fluids of the mouth and soon
became obnoxious to the wearer , ns well as to those who wore in his presence.
Porcelain tooth wore afterward introduced by the French , butthoso , too , wore
deficient in so many ways that they wore not received at first with approbation.
The Perfection of the Art Due to the Americans ,
Although the French led the way In this most valuable invention , it is princi
pally to American Dentists wo nro indebted for the perfection now attained in the
manufacture of porcelain tooth.
A want of resemblance to the natural tooth , in color and animation , was the
great objection urged against porcelain.
Such perfection has now been attained that few can toll these tooth from the
Tholi advantages over every sort of animal substance are numerous.
They can bo more perfectly fitted to the mouth and are worn with greater
convenience and comfort.
They do not absorb Its secretions , and , If properly cleansed , do not contam
inate the breath and never change their color.
These and ether considerations cntitlo-them to universal favor.
Methods of Applying Artificial Teeth.
Here great progress has boon attained in this art , as in the selection of the
material for the tooth. The methods for applying the teeth are four : First , on
roots of natural teeth ; second , on plate , with clasps ; third , with spring , and
fourth , by atmospheric pressure. Wo need notdosoant upon the comparative ad
vantages nnd disadvantages of these several methods.
The dependence upon atmospheric pressure Is now aln\ost universally re
garded as the most approved course , nnd the ono practiced most extensively.
The firmness with which teeth can bo made to adhere on this principle render
them the moat desirable. There may bo cases which might determine recourse
to ono of the ether methods , but they wHfcbo found rare indeed.
Gold has boon the kind of plato sanctioned and used almost entirely by Iho
host don lists until recently.
The modes of attaching the teeth are various , nnd to the dentist would fur
nish an interesting detail , but by the general reader would bo considered unwor
thy alien tloa.
Last Great Improvement Continuous Gum
s Work.
Il t the no plus ultra of the dental art , and that which should faperccdo n.11
fornuir imictico , is tliut which liar been dunomiim' d the continuous ( , 'um , in
vented by Dr. .1.Allen , formerly of Cincinnati , now i t Now York City.
On its first Introduction there wcro , as almost always happens , lanny practi
cal dillluultics to bo ovcrconio.
ilut all dilllcultloH hnvo , to the ono skilled in manipulation , at length boon
overcome , rendering the teeth , thus made , more durable , natural in appoarnnco , defying detection , and most cffeotivo in mastic'ition ' , the most important
function of teeth , and the one hitherto imperfectly attained.
A sot of continuous gum teeth has many advantages over these formed it ;
any ether way.
And , first , there can be no counterfeiting or alloying of the metal employed
for the plate , which is platinum.
If alloyed it will not boar the heat employed in baking' . The metal is not
acted upon by the fluids of the mouth. The platinum plato being more compact
nnd at the eamo time more pliable , is made to lit more completely every irregu
larity of the mouth , and when llowod over with porcelain , becomes very much
A train there are no Interstices in which the food can lodge , rendering artifi
cial teeth , as ordinarily made , ollonslvo and unhealthy.
Opportunity is fjrnlshcd to adapt the verge of the gum more perfectly to the
mouth , and thus filling out the contour of the jaw , rendering the face more youth
ful and natural In nupenrancu.
It is impossible to break the teeth olT by proper Ubngo. They are much
smoother to the mouth , and persons who have used both say that tliu continuous
gum Is a support and it is unpleasant to be without them. . Indeed , those who
have used the gold plato , made in the best possible mannerand subsequently the
continuous gum , say there is no comparison. * *
faction and. 1 would nere especially invite an , wno iitive itmeu. n UHA any < .uoc > n icwo.ivn.iy inn. oubioiui biwu. tw i * * * . . < _ * * j > r Ai miwiij m , . . ± < .m - ! _ / v v-
insert Artificial Palates , and am warranted in assuring the public who may be'afflicted witli malformation or loss of this organ , whether congenital , accidental or occa-
sioned by disease , that they will be successfully treated.
M. B. Poster Again Convicted of the Mur
der of Immet Reed.
An Iowa City Boy Klllctl White Piny-
Ing with u ntlle The Motli-
odlHt lOplscopal llnlvcrs-
. Ity Counted.
BEuronD , li. , Doc. at. [ Special Telegram
to TUB DKE. ] The retrial of M. B. Foster
for the murder of Emmet Heed bus just been
concluded hero , occupying ubout two woolcs.
The Jury was out about six hears , returning
u verdict of guilty , and Foster was sentenced
to imprisonment for life.
Tlio crime was committed nt Bloclttou in
September , 1887 , both Heed nnd l-Wer beiiiR
employed in the construction of the Chicago ,
St. Paul & Kansas City railway. KecU hud
in his passion several hundred dollars and
was about to rotira to Ills homo iu Kossuth
county. Ho had camped on the nislit ; of
September - near what was known n tho'
Sltum brldpe , mid there was n companion
with him who was supposed to be Foster ,
Tlio two wcro seen by several persons as they
went into camp nt night. Tliu next day
Poster was scon to drive away early in the ,
morning with all the camp outfit
and tennis , Ho went to Kansas City
and was there captured a few days after
ho hud left the sccno of the camp , with the
teams. Some boys worn watering some stock
near tlio camp when they saw a trunk above
the surfiii'o of the water. It wns brought to
shore and opened , and among other things It
contained a letter directed to Unitnot from a
lady la northern Iowa. Slio was telegraphed
to and responded. Tbo people of the neigh
borhood wore alarmed , and susplclonlng nil
"was not right , searched the river and the
Vicinity of where the trunk wns found and
soon brought to slioro the body of tlio iiiur-
dorud man. There wus a log chain nrouiul
hU neck and body , and the top of tils head
was crushed In by a blow from some heavy
Instrument. There was very great excite
ment nnd talk of lynching for some time , but
when the court found Fostorpuilty nnd the
sentence of death was pronounced the excite
incut died out , The supreme coutt ordered t
now trial nnd the verdict of hist night is the
final result. It is understood that the case
will again bo appealed ,
ClinrluH City Gets tlio University.
FOIIT DOIMIU , la. , Dec , 21.-Special [ Tolo
grain to TIIK liin.1 : The Northwestern
Methodist Kplscopul university , ordered re
moved from Galoua , 111 , , by tlio lait conference -
once , hni been located nt Clmrlu.-t City. The
board of trustees * decided in favor of Charles
City on condition that thnt town should do
nate $ aOXX , ( ) nnd a ten aero silo. If this Is not
clone within thirty days the university goes
to Storm Lake , which lius olTured $ J3UOU and
a site. Nearly ovary city in northwestern
Iowa wanted the university and the competi
tion was warm , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Boy Accidentally Shot.
IOWA UIT * , la. , Dec , 21. [ Special Tele-
( jrahi to THE IJuB.J-MVhllo Masters George
nnd Willlo Sloznk , sons of a prominent mer
chant , \vero struggling for the possess ! ou of
nrlllothls morning the weapon was dls-
charged and the ball penetrated Willie's
heart , ilo.ith resulting instantly.VlllIo
would , huvo been lourteen years old tomor
Cattle 'llilcvos Houtencoil.
RED OAK , Iu. , Bee. 21.-Special [ Telegram
to TUB HBK.IJoseph Skinington and George
Crowdcr , who stoloa car of c.utk' from J. M.
King and Hblppod them to South Omalia
\vcro sentenced today to four and two and
. ono-tmU years roinootlvoly , lu the penitent
iary ,
Champion Skater oftlia World.
LONDONDeo. . 21. Joe Dotioghuo , tlis
/Vincrivim / amateur champion bUutor , today
won the International amateur skating cham
pionship race on the Lingivy Feu. near Cum-
bridge. He covered a milo and a half iu 4
minutes nnd 40 seconds , Seating tlio world's
Press Opinion on the lOlectlon.
Loxnos , Dec. 34. [ bpoclal Cablegram to
Tun BEE.J-Tho Standard thinks Pnrnell
has some ground for the confidence lie pro
fesses to feel. "Had the election been held
in the town of Kilkenny , " it says , "there is
not nn atom of doubt that ho would have won
an overwhelming victory. Many who would
have otherwise supported I'arnell doubtless
abstained , bewildered by the priestly pres
sure. As long as the s.pllt lasts it is a matter
of Indifference to the unionists who wins. "
The Chronicle thinks the return of the
arch mlsenlof-maker" to the conservative
party cannot cause much joy to Gladstone
and Morley. Having so correctly gauged
the party feeling in KilknnnDavitt and
his friends , It soys , have probably gauged
it with equal accuracy ns regards Ireland
itself. If so , the l'urncllltc.4 will soon bo ex
The Telegraph says it remains to ho seen
how the McCartnyitcs can hold together
without Panicll's personal magnetism and
American aid to the necessitous gentlemen
who iiud lu patriotism their daily bread ,
A , Victory for tlio Priests.
KILKENNY , Dec. 24. [ Special Cablegram
to Tin : BKC.J The leading members of the
Parnelllto party or this section , after the an
nouncement of the defeat of Vincent Scully
had boon made , wcro to bo seen dolefully
parading the courthouse passages , apparently
being lu n very despondent state of mind.
Hennessy , when ho left the courthouse ,
claimed that he had at least a majority
of 1,000 , und when the actual llijui-cs were
given to the public it was seen that the antl-
i'arncllito candidate was not far out In his
estimate. As a matter of fact thoPnvnellites
were not so discouraged as they might bo ex
pected to be , for it is admitted that it was
really n victory foe the priests , and that had
they not adopted the tactics they did the rc-
bult of the election might have been different.
Tlio Vote Surprised McCarthy.
DOULOONII , Dec. 21. [ Special Cablegram to
Tins TJKK.J Justin McCarthy arrived hero
yesterday. Regarding the election in Kil
kenny , ho says the result surpassed his ex
pectations , its declslvo character being
accentuated by the fact that Scully's votes
Included at least from four hundred to six
hundred conservatives , making the total Pnr-
nclllto strength only one-quarter of the total
poll. McCarthy said ho bcllovcd the defeat
of Scully would have the effect of disorganiz
ing the opposition und would Induce many
wavorcrs to come out against Pariioll ,
Parncll HopON for I'cnco ,
DUIII.IN , Deo. 24. The Freeman's Journal
says PurnollwlU start for 1'aris tonight in or
der to meet Willlnm'O'Bricn. ' Parnoll , accord
ing to the Journal , refuses to believe that a
friendly conference between O'Brien nnd
himself will bo barren of results until they
hnvo definitely failed to establish u modus
Vivendi ,
Parncll Expected In I/onilon ,
LOMIOX , Dec. 24. [ Special Cablegram to
THE BCK.J I'aniell is expected to nrrivo In
London tonight and it is now snld thnt ho will
remain hero for a few days previous to going
to Paris ,
U Pleased the Pope.
Hd.ME , Dec. "J. It is announced on good
authority that the victory of Heutiosiy over
Scully nt the election lust Monday in North
Kilkenny was undoubtedly welcomed at the
Vatican , It U nlso understood that the pope
approved the attitude of the archbishops and
priests. The pone , however , it is added , will
not Interfere lu Irish politics , having decided
10 maintain his usual nttiludo of reserve so
far as Irish affairs uro concerned.
Prof. Stuart on the
LONDON , Dec. 24. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim BKK.J Prof. Stuart of Sydney uni
versity , who was sent by that institution to
Berlin to study the Koch treatment , has
made a report of his experience. In It ho
says that alter studying hundreds of cases
bo has arrived nt the conclusion that the pre
cise value of tlio Koch remedy cannot as yet
be llxocl. In advanced cases of consumption ,
ho snvs , injections of the lymph have proved
positively Injurious , but in early stages of
the disease the use of the lymph has appar
ently had a beneficial effect.
A nniificrouH Counterfoil.
CIUCVGO , Dec. 24. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK BKII.J A now counterfeit gJhas reached
Chicago and was taken to Captain Porter of
secret service , by the ofllcers of the National
bank of Illinois. The counterfeit has a small
round pink seal with \V. S. Hosccrans ,
register of the treasury , and C. J. JorJaii of
the United States treasury printed on the
face of the bill. No closer imitation of a
gcnulnii United States uoto has appeared in
years. The paper has no distributed fiber
and no parallel silk threads , whllo the pen-
\ilno bill has both. In the counterfeit
n few hairs of General Hancock's
moustache curl up while in the gonulno tbo
whole moustache Is slightly drooping. In the
words ' 'Hcghtorof the treasury" In thocoun-
terfoit tuo letter I in register is not dotted.
Thov nlso forgot to put n period after the
word "treasury. " whllo In the good bill the
letter I Is dotted and a period follows the
word "treasury. " So dangerous is the char
acter of this counterfeit that an expert has
great dlfllculty in detecting It.
The Scnteli Itnllway Strike.
GLASGOW , Dec. Ut. There are no signs of
Improvement in the railroad strike. It is
estimated that about seven thousand live
hundred men are now out and business is en
tirely at a standstill. The price of coal has
advanced 7 shillings a ton nnd it Is said a gas
famine is imminent. All the ship building
yards nnd public works are without fuel nnd
they expect none unless the strike Is settled
within u short time.
"William Gillette's successful American
drama , "Held by the Enemy , " begins a short
engagement this afternoon at the Grand.
This Is what the Louisville Commercial soys
of it :
"Tho piny was soon hero last season , when
it wns regarded as the very best drama yet
produced by an American author. Slnco then
Mr. Gillette has rewritten the third act , add
ing largely to the strength and effectiveness
of ttio story , nnd making It , ui n whole , more
complete and enjoyable. . Ono of the changes
most noticeabla Is the army headquarter *
scenes , where now a bombardment Is made
to take place , 'and nn exploding bomb wrecks
ono of the walls and shatter * the houses. This ,
with the cluttering of horses' hoofs and
the battle orders given. makes ono
of tlio strongest , most natural and olTcctlvo
scenes over seen on the staijo. 'Held by the
I'Jnemy' is a grand production , and tbo author
has been successful in writing a play founded
on the civil war , yet free nnd devoid of pre
judice , Helms been ublo to delicately con
struct a plot without wounding the Jecllngs
or sensibilities of any , whether they bavo
been sympathisers of the blue or the gray.
The play Is full of romance , humor and
pathos , the actions quick and the climaxes
natural and thrilling. It will stand at the
head of American dramas of its class for many
years to como. These wiio have seen it be
fore will apptcclnto the changes madoand en
joy it again ; these who hnvo not scon .it wll
bo the losers If they neglect the present op
portunity offered , "
"Everybody Knt. "
In pursuance of a time-honored custom
TIIK BKK publishing company compllmontot
the married men in its employ with Christ
mas turkoys. Thus on this festal occasion
there will bo fpaMlug , highly seasoned with
appreciation und cranberry sauro.
' llrown'x Hi onohlnl Troches' are
excellent for the relief of lio'arsoncss or sere
throat. They are exceedingly effective. "
Clirlbtlun World , London , Eug.
A nn ounce me n Is.
The churches throughout the city have
made unusual preparations for the celcbra
ion of Christmas. An attractive programme
ins been arranged for services at All Saints' ,
bcglnulngatlln.m. 'At St. Timothy's mis
sion at H n. in. At St. John's Collegiate
church solemn high mass will bo given nt
010 : ! a. m. , a musical feast to follow. At St-
PhUomcun's solemn high mass ut 10 :30 a. in.
At the first German I'resbytorlan church
.hero will bo preaching at 10:80 : a. m. and nt
7 :1C : p. m. At the Gorman Free Kvangullcal
church there will bo services at 10:30 : a. in ,
and 7 :30 : p. in.
At the Welsh Presbyterian church last
evening a Christmas contata was rendered ,
delighting its Sunday school pupils and pleas
ing its membership and these iu attendance.
llorsforcl's ' Acid Phosphate
I ' 'or AbiiHo of Alcohol.
It relieves the depression therefrom.
A Clerk in Disgrace.
There was a mildly theatrical sccno at the
dry goods store of S. P. Morse & Co. last
night about 10 o'clock. Ono of the young
lady clerks has boon in tbo habit of stealing
small rolls of ribbon and pocketing small
amounts of cash every few days for several
weeks past. Yesterday sbo was caught at
the same dishonest practice , and Mr. Morse
decided to Uavo her arrested. Ho tele
phoned to tlio station for a special
ofllcor and then called the young
woman Into his private oftico. When Snrgeant
Slgwart arrived at the store the clerk was in
tears und pleading with Mr. Morse not to
have her arrested and exposed. Her father's
appeal finally induced Mr. Morse to lot her
go without an arrest , but she was discharged
and promised that she would novcr como in
side of the store again. She wiped awny her
tears , put on her wraps and wont homo. Her
parenU are wall known and respectable.
Dr.Blrnoy , no o nnd throat. Boobldg.
The Case Will Go Higher.
The supreme court of the state 1ms reversed
the decision of the lower courts of Douglas
county In the case of 'Robinson vs several
citizens of Omaha who hold the title to cer
tain places of real estate bought from tbo at
torney of ono Robinson , who invested money
as Robinson's n > ; cuL several years ago.
Hoblnson had sued for possession nnd tltlo to
$05,000 worth of realty and the lower court
sustained the claim. The gist of tlio supreme
court's is that "a
ruling party cannot enter
Into public lands under the pro-cmptton laws
In trust for the bcnoilt and use of another , "
and that is what Robinson's ntjcnt did In the
state of Iowa , winch lands wore afterward
cold and the proceeds nvostod In Omaha.
Tno case will now go. . \ $ the United Stutos
supreme court. ,
A Christmas Monti.
The Windsor hotel "will pot bo previous
with Us Christinas 'dinner , uor has It been in
selecting its menu' cnrda and arranging Us
dinner cards , though * erie of the daintiest of
cards , with a pictorial tltlo page , wus sent to
TIIK BKB ofllca last evening. Tbo card is
handsome enough nud tUo bill of faro appo-
tlzlug enough , to b'o prized as a souvenir by
artist or epicure. Froin" the first course to
tbo last , soup to f Hills ? the choicest viands
are allied fur its Christmas dinner guests.
The board of education hold a meeting yes
terday afternoon and the members carried
away with tliom butUnubolo boquots , Christ
mas gifts from the ladyntcachors whoso December -
comber pay roll was allowed. Miss O'Con
nor was granted a tliroo months' leave ot
nbsimro aud the resignation of MUs Kills oo-
copied. Miss Kills had boon elected a
county superintendent of schools in Mlnno
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oi-tH Ground Unit iu Illn StooJiluj-s
The prolonged search ivtilch had bocu
mndo among t lie dusty records , folded papers
aad scraps of manuscript In the county oftlcos
resulted in the llndlng of the original
tract mudo with Isaac S. Hascall for lots IB
nnd 1(1 ( In block 'J of Douglas addition , Tliu
contract effectually dlspos es of Iloscall's claim
for rout save perhaps tor ground rent since
May 7 ,
Dr.Birnoy , nose und throat. Boobldg.
Mrs. E. L. Tinlany is spending the holidays
In St. Tiiul , Nob. , the guest of her aunt , Mrs
Granvllla Wliito.
Mrs. J. W , Tanner , wife of the editor of
tlio Fullerton Post , is visiting in the city.
She will visit relatives in Nevada , la. , before
returning homo.
Miss Bertha M. Dewey , teacher of calis
thenics In the public schools , loft for Chicago
yesterday , where she will spend the holiday
vacation with relatives ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John .Stoddnrd of Kcolcuk ,
In. , are in the city , visiting their daughter ,
Mrs. Frank M. Wooloy. Mr. Stoddard has
been in the employ of the Rock Island rail
road for twenty-seven years , running an en-
glno between ICeokuk and DCS Moines.
Dr.Birnoy. nose and throat. Bcobldg.
CIirlntinnH Kvi : DUIICCH.
Tno clparmakers' union gave n very enjoy-
ublo ball and supper last night In Gcrmanla
ball. About ono hundred and fifty couples
were present and the occasion was hugely
Success lodge , No. 135 of tbo trainmen's
union , gave a very successful ball and banquet -
quot last ni bt nt Washington hall. About
ono hundred couples wcro present ,
If you have no appetite for breakfast , a
pint of Cook's Extra Dry imperial Champagne -
pagno will give you one immediately.
nig Bale of City Ijoto.
- The largest auction sale of city lots
over hold in the south will tulco place
ut Arunsui Harbor Jnnnary 7 and 8.
\ HiirKliir'w CoiiHclenop.
A young man named William Newton
walked Into the police station last night and
gave himself up , stating that about eighteen
months ago ho burglarized a small pawn shop
on Tenth street in this city and curried away
some revolvers and a valise. Ho salu the
deed had become a heavy burden to his con
science and ho had to seek relief in confes
sion , '
An Elegant Clirlstiiiia Trnsont.
The employes of the George II. Hammond
packing company presented C. T. Welch
with a Una gold chain and charm last night.
Mr. Welch is manager of the city department
of the Hammond packing company , and this
is only OHO testimony of many ot the esteem
in which ho Is held by the various employe *
of the Institution.
Dr.Dlrnoy , nobOand throat. IJeoblclg.
A Christmas Cuntnta.
Thcro will bo a Christmas entertainment
this evening at the First Baptist church. It
will bo n cantata entitled "A Trip to Santa
Claus1 Home , " and will bo sung by the chil
dren of tbo Sunday school. Admission free ,
VI"I lost a crutch and found health at Excel
sior Springs , Mo.1' Mrs. J. H. Carruth ,
Lawrence , Kansas ,
A Federal Court KCCCRH.
The petit Jury In the United States court
has been excused until January 2. Friday
morning equity cases will bo taken up.
The Lincoln term ot tno court will begin Jan
uary 13 ,
' Positively cured by
those Littlu 1'llls.
They also relieve IMS'
trcas from Dyspeptla , In
ITTLE dlgctttlon and Too Hearty
IVER Eating. A perfect rem
cdy for Dizziness. Nausea ,
PILLS , Drowsiness. Had Taste
In the Moutn , Coated
Tongue , Pabi la tlio Side ,
regulate tlio Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Cocoa is of supreme importance as an article of diet.
Van Houten's has fifty per cent , more flesh-forming proper
ties than exist in the best of other cocoas.
The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to render
it easy of digestion , and , at the same time , the aroma is
highly developed.
* 3-VANHOUTEN'S COCOA , ( "once tried. nlvayRuiod " ) l tIieoi-lBlnfilpnro , olii-
lilut'ociin , Inventedpntcntednnd mutlolnlliilliiniltanil [ toJif bettor anil mart
thin any of tlio numerous imitations. In fact , ! comparative tout will eanily prove ,
that no otlitr Coco * equals this Jnrntor'i In nohbility , ngrooable t > ate and nutritive qunll-
tlos. " { .argot ulo Inthe world. " Ask for VNlloOTrH's nd tnlenoolhor. cs
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Douglas Street.
Stove icpalrsut all descriptions for cook mill heating sloven , family and liotol ranges. Wutci
ittauhiiicuts a specialty.
Telephone Q6O- ROBERT UHLIG , Proprietor
- C. M , EATON , Manager.
A POSITIVE ndperminent CURE for all
whereothtrtrealmenttallt. FulTdirectiontwIlh each
bottle. Prlci , on dollir , Sto slgnatureoi E , U
STAHL For aalo By All Druggists.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $40OOOO
BurptunJan. 1st , 1S9O - B7OOO
OtDcirannlDlroctora-.IIonrr W. Yitoi , President )
LewU9. RMil , Vloe-rVsildonf Jam i W. B T tf , W.
vTMorit. John 8. Colllni , It. 0. CuitOutf , J. M. B.
Ptizlok. W. a 8. iliiKliei , on.blur.
Corner Utti ui < J FunamSU.
A General Hanking lluslansi Truniaotcd.
Uarkor llljck , 1HU aul I'urniiu. Toluptiono CM
1S02 Fnrrmm Stroot.
Harry P. Deuel ,
City I'liasonffor and Ticket Agont.
Z&&ST * *
i ttihi.Mw
summon !
ro.i Cur..l ( l , rillii Utalim , lhlO | fo Kff.lj ,
, fit" " " " " l rr ti of Kl e < rlellr throaih ill
1'ARTH , muirlui lli.iu to HKUTII 4 tllKIHOI H HTBKMUTII
Kl iul . nit l > n ilf , or forfeit ii.ow in c b.
UH1.T . < A | xu > rr CoapWU i. > .d ID. W or l ! fin
> .MIr ( or l lo Ihno uonlhl. Hxlrd liimtlil.l ! .
\HDW KLKOTUIOOO. . W l-kill * lib , tHICWO. lib