fl1HlQ OiMAHA .DALJUV : BJiHiJ , THUlttSDAJf , DJ12UEM.13E.K 2o , 1800. 3 THE OMAHA HEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL , ST. rellvorril by Carrier in liny part of the City II , W. T1LT.ON. - - - MANAUKK liuslncM Office , Nail. Night Editor , No. 21 K , Y. P. Co. Hurhorn'a for watches. Council BltiUs Lumber Co. . coal. Chr.stmas trees for thoboncflt of children drew great crowds nt nearly all of the churches last evening. Subscriptions to periodicals nt wholesale prices. Drop mo n card and I will call on you. F. J. Hoaglnnd , No. lOOUHtxthiwcnuo. Tun lint : is urged to request tlio ladies to como to the Foster drug store building , In Kvcrott block , at 1 o'clock ' today and assist in feeding the hundreds of poor children who will bo provided w'lth a royal banquet through the generosity of the business men. The committee who has charge of the dis tribution of a largo number of chickens nnd turkeys desire to have the names of all needy families left ntTuii Hm : ofllco bofcro noon to day , and If the number Is not too great they will endeavor to send each family tlio mate rial for n nice Christmas dinner. Severnlhours of the timoof JustlcoBarnctt \viii occupied In li curing the case of tlio state ngalnst Albert Sayers. 'This was the case where tbo defendant was charged with as sault and battery on ono Thomas Nnylon near Island park , a tow miles out from this city , on the 18th day of this month. Prom the Btorlos told on the witness stand It appears that tliooccaslou of the fracas was n charivari party given to the station agent , Mr. Lively , who had Just been married. Both Nnylon and Buyers wcro members of the party , and as they wore returning they bcnutig Involved in a dispute. In which Sayors assaulted Nay- Ion , ami. ns Sayers declares , Naylon tried to assault him. C. 11. Ilannan , .1. F. IClmball and ether gentlemen who Imvo arranged to give the poor children of the city a royal banquet and a free iiiotor ride today over the two cities , desire the assistance of a number of ladles in serving the banquet and looking after the children , Tbo rooms formerly occupied by Foitor's drug store are admirably adapted to tbo purpolo of banquelting tlie children. They uro largo and clean and have en trances on 1'carl street and Broadway. In addition to the $ Wl ) fund that ha ? been rahod to pay for the dinners a large number of turkeys nnd chickens have hcen donated , and tbo committee desire to have these given to the worthy poor nil over the city. If any of TUB BKB readers in Council Bluffs know of any poor family not provided with the customary Christmas turkoy. tho" address of the family left at this oftlco before noon will result in the want being supplied. Neckwear , silk mu filers , plush caps , etc. , for holiday presents. Ottenheiricr's , 414 Hroiiuway. _ Our Mottoes. "Best Quality of Goods for the Least Money , " "Special Effort Made to Please Every One , " "No Trouble to Show Goods nnd Give Prices , " "Prices to Suit the Times. " "Live nnd Let Live. " Head and profit by buying your holiday goods at the 'old. established house of K. IHirhoni , IT Main btreet. Itnmovctl. A. 1) . Foster hns removed from the I3verott block to the Archer building , No. fill Broadway ' way ten doors west of his' former plnco of business. /Vrrrstod lor Attempted Murder. About two months ago O. I.Vilson ami A. W. Turner , two tenants , on the Coylo farm several miles south of Council Bluffs , - Ueeaino Involved In a quarrel over some mutters connected with their business. The quarrel resulted In Wilson making a savngo attacl ; upon Turner with a singletree. Tur ner received several injuries , nnd was under tliccaroof a physician for some time. The assault was so vicious and the Implement used wni of such n murderous character that Turner had reason for believing that Wilson meant to taho Uis life , and with this con viction signed an Information charging him with assault with Intent to commit murder. Tlio information was Hied in Justice Schurz' ofllco and tlio warrant was given toConstablo Wesley. When tlio o nicer reached the scene ofcnrnago Wilson had flown without leaving any announcement of his destination. Turner tTlftWlv recovered from his Injurl .3 and tlio J , scurt'h-Jor AVIIson was not prosecuted very vigorously. A few days ago Wilson returned " to the farm ami Turner came to town and renewcil thu Information and at the same time applied for an injunction from the dis trict court restraining .lames Coyle , the owner of the form , Constable Wesley unll others from selling or disposing of a pair of mules over which tliero hud been sorno controversy. Constable Covult served the notice of Injunction upon Coyloycstcrday and in his Inside poelict ho carried a warrant for the arrest of Turner on the old charge. Turner was found and brough to town and looked up iu the county Jail to answer the chiirtroof attempted murder. The case was set for hearing in Sclnm' ' court on Friday , but Turner's lawyer moved for a rhango of yen no to Burnett , and the case will bo heard in the latter tribunal on the ilato llxod. The district court granted the Injunction asked for by Turner. [ laving deckled not to carry this line wo are closing out our entire stock of holiday goods. Consequently can offei\ you better uarirnlns than any other house' in the city. AVe have a handsome line of plush poods and toys , Christinas trees , etc. Como and sco us , Kelly & Younkerman , 101 Broadway. Great success , Reliable goods. Fair dealing. Bottom prices , M C. n. .fne < iuomln &Co. , No. 2 Main street Buy your eonl nnd wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 63'J Broadway. Telephone ; 18 ! ) . Tlio Frnlncy Casr. The long drawn out Prninoy case was sub jnittcdyestorday afternoon , and Judge.Mncy will now have the task of going through n . jujss of papers and deciding the matter. The cuso Is brought by ono Smith , as adminis trator , against Mrs. Frulnoy. It Is claimed that Fralnoy used $1,000 of the money secured - cured from his father's .estate and used It lu building n house In which ho now lives and which stands in Mrs. ralnoy's name. It Is urged that the money did not belong to . I'raliioy , and that Mrs , Fralnoy should be compelled to relinquish the house , the deed conveying It to her being fraudulent. Mrs. 1'Valnoy ' claims that the * 1COO was money which she had been saving llttlo by little. It was shown that when Fralnoy wont south to attend his father's funeral he secured certain notes belonging to his father's estate , and sold tneso , and sent tl.iJOO by ox- picss to his wife la Council Bluffs. The same day that she received the money she deposited $1MX ) In a bank hero , ana used It lu paying for thohouso In controversy. On the other hand It Is claimed that she tool < this money from the express ofllco and turned it ever to her husband , ami that thu tl.COC deposited by her was money which she haii been six yearn saving , and that she had con cluded that day to put It in the bank instead of concealing it uround the homo any longer Plush coeds , Christmas books and bolldnj foods at Dell G. Morgan &Co.'sT42 , Lowtn llroudway , _ C. A , Beobo & Co. are going out of the ro- lull trade and will close out their line line ol Indies' writing aud oftlco dusks , book cases , /'chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor und elmmbei ' in Us , folding beds , plain and fancy rockers , cabinets , mirrors , eta , etc , for less tbui ; cost. _ _ _ _ _ A Christum * Putzlc , \Vhat shall wo buy for the holiday. } I this puzles you come in nnd sco our holldcj attractions : beautiful diamonds ; gold ant nlvcr watches ami chains ; quaint , novel , now patterned Jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces lockets ; gold-hoailed canes ; solid silver ani plated ware ; too many novelties to name jou must sco thorn to appreciate them , thus lroso artlstlo and beautiful ; visitors wcl rome to see our display , C. U. Jucnuomln A Co. , N. 27 Wain it. THE MS IN THE BLUFFS , All Arrangements Perfected for n Metiy Onristinos for the Poor. A FREE MOTOR RIDE FOR THE CHILQREM. _ _ _ _ v Cleveland n Member or n Ilnril CJatiR Arrcstoil for n. Murderous As ? wuiU Held J > owu nnil Rubbed Ttio Fralncy Cnse : Today will boa "green" Clirlstrncu , but it Will bo a happy ouo for the thousands of people ple In Council Bluffs , In all the diuretics elaborate preparations Imvo boon made for observing the thy anil tbo table ? of all the charitable Institutions tn the city will groan under tliclr hurden of luxury. Ttio chUsf event of ttic day anil ono that will bo remem bered for yours by hundreds of poor children , to whom Christmas might otherwise bo only an empty name , will bo tlio grand frea b.in- duotnudrlilo that has boon oi-wngcd for tlicin. Air. Haimnn of tlio Citizens' bank nnd Mr. IClinbull of Ktmball & Gump were yesterday nftornoon soliciting the necessary funds iwd milking tlio needed arrangements for n free Christmas dinner for the poor children of Council UlufTa. In about nn hour they se- uurcd the needed money , tlio citizens ro- spondlng promptly nnd generously to the ap peal. As a result , tlio announcement Is made tills morning that , any and every child in tlio city who is too poor to have a Christmas dinner at homo is nvlted to como to the Kvcrctt ilocn , corner of Pearl nnd Broadway , this f tcrnoon at 1 o'clock. The store room lately 'ceuplcd ' by Foster's drugstore- will bo used 'or the occasion , nnd a free dinner will bo orved to idl the poor children who may 'OHIO. In connection with this dinner the cltoons ave arranged for a ride on the motor , the notor company generously nsruolut ? to fur- ilsh nil sucti children n free ride to Omnnn mil return. The children must secure tholr iekets of either Mr. Klinball or Mr. Hunnnn ut the timoof securing their dinner , and with out such tickets they cannot ride. St. P.uil's church has been beautifully decorated for Christmas. A rood screen has icon placed In front of the chancel arch , ,1-lmmo.l with holly , the background being ivhlle and spangled with diamond dust. The laucttmry lias wreaths of ovurcrcens nnd bunches of holly around the walls and the roredos anil nltar arc decorated with the amo materials. liunnlng along 'the organ on n background of scarlet edged with green are the words , "Glory to ( JoU In tbo Highest , on Earth 1'enco and Good Will to Men. " Festoons of evergreens adorn the pulit | , fontiind choir stalls , making a beautiful effect. The service will bo held nt 10 : . ' )0 ) and the following programme will bo rendered by the full choir. Processional Hymn "Wo March to Vlctoiy Anthem "ilurlc , the Humid AiuuN SliiK. " Uuv. K. V. Hal Vonlto-l'lulii ehant To lieu in Clarke Wliltllclil In R ,1111)111110 , ) UliirkoWliltllnldln B iVntlmm "Hehold I Ilrlns You Good Tlcl- IIIZH" llnrnby 'Kyrie.Siinutns mid Gloria In ExecUts" . . . Oixrrott In I' Hymn "HI'111110 Upon tlioMldnlsthU'lenr" UccM'sslonal "Ten TJioutnucI Times Ten Thousand" Hurt Hliinns , original The imblic and strangers uro cord hilly in vited to nttcnd this Christmas day service. High mass and German sermon at(5 ( o'clock n. in. The girls' and boys' choir , under the management of Sister TheUlu Mcuulro , will sing Battmaim's mass In F. At 8 o'clock mass and general communion of branch i4 C. 1C. of A. nnrt ether societies At 10iu : ! high mass and English sermon ; St , Cecilia's mass will be rendered by the church choir under tha cHlcIcnt , management of the organist of the church , Mrs. Margaret Dillon , ably supported by the Misses Uiof ami Kirschtnnd Messrs. Valentino Furnckes , the excellent tenor , Leonard Kirscut and Wenzeslnns Wottcngel , line bassos. The First Baptist Sabbath school will give a Christmas entertainment In the church this ovcnlngj consisting of songs by the chil dren , recitations and brief addresses. All friends of the church and Sunday school are invited. The children of the Christian Homo will have n fine time Christmas. Manager Lemon is exercising himself for the occasion. The merchants and others nro responding liber ally and every little wait will bo vemiiulod of the day by a present. First-olass fresh canjy maelo for the holi day trade , at A. C. Dempsoy's , 105 Jlaln st. Kino Holiday Presents. Kvery person in the city and surrounding country is invited to call and examine the line line ot holiday goods at thoolil reliable ) business house of 10. Burliorn , 17 Main street. LAST Ol'l'OIUTJNI To Get tlm Grout Uargains Offered lly the Hostoti Store , Council 111 nil's Mint mid Best Ilnr aliiH. Only throe- days moro until Christmas ! Only tbrc'o moro ilays to get the llttlo ones und the loved ones the presents that will gladden hearts nnd ninko tbo dav what it should be , the happiest in till the year ! Tneso three days will be full of events for tlio people who como to the Boston Store , Council liluiTs. In that time all the holiday goods thcro will bo sold. During the nast week thousands of dollars worth of holiday goods have been sold notwithstanding tlio summery weather , nnd thousands of dollars' worth yet remain to bo disposed of , sold nt prices that will take your breath away. From now until Christinas our customers will have an.opportunity to get tlio jnogtuso- fid and beautiful articles at sacrifice prices. Ladles cannot make their gentlemen friends a moro appropriate present than by giving them handkerchiefs , gloves or scarfs , and the stock that wo have to select from is thu largest in the city. Gentlemen cannot make their lady friends any moro appropriate or acceptable present than is found In tbo immense line of plush goods , including1 toilet cases nnd workboxes. Hccolleet that while you have the largest stock of the latest novelties to select from you will only bo asked to nav popular prices , which means a suvlng of 25 percent. Only three days more and our toy depart ment on the second lloor will bo closed out. Come and see what wo Imvo got to offer you for the least money you over paid for toys. The greatest book sale over seen In Council muffs will mark this closing holiday offer. Wo make you the greatest book offer of the ago when wo guarantee you the latest re print of the English nnd American encyclo pedia britanicn , thu ninth edition , nt Sl.L'O per volume , cloth binding , or 81.W ) for halfHus- sia , the lirst volume of the half Kussla for ( Wo , or ltf.K ( ) for the entire set of twenty-live volumes. Look nt these prices for a few samples of ether books : Publishers' Our Price. Price. E. P. HOC'H works S 1.50 $ .70 Utcknus , 15 volumes 15.00 4.SO Palestine , Bnglnn'd and Africa ( Illustrated ) 5.00 l.'JS Scott's Wnverly novels 18.00 4.S ! ) Thackeray , 10 volumes 15.00 4.80 Webster's unabridged 10.00 1 . ' .15 Webster's unabridged , Indexed 10.50 2.1'J History of New York state. . , . History of Now England History of Ohio 1.50 .60 Life of Christopher Columbus. 1.50 .7fi HIstoiT Of the United States. , . 1.00 .2.1 Hen Hur ' . ' .00 , < ti Fair God 2,00 .93 Mucuuloy's essays and poems , ! 1 volumes n.i'5 l.M Martha Finley's works 1.35 .78 Household poems 2.50 1.2J 5,000 volumes of beautiful bound books ut 22c per voluino over JiOO titles to select from , 1,000 volumes of the celebrated Edgcwood edition , with sldo and buck gold stamp , iiOc per volume. CIIIUIHES'S nooKs. Publisher's Our I'rieo Prici Happy Hours tl.OO .2.1 Sunbeams 1.00 .2. " Children of Winter , Summer , Autumn and Spring l.GO ,4J Song Birds 1.00 .21 ! People of Council Bluffs will find thogreat- est bargains this m < okln all other lines that wo have over nuul'i them since wo came heit to Introduce and promote low prices. BOSTON STOKE. FOTI1E1UNIUIAM\VIHTKLAW & CO. , 401 , WJ , 401 , Council Bluffs , la. TOO BUSY TO WHITE ADV'TS ' , That is What Honrj Eiseman & Co. Say , But They Must Let the People Kuow It. A COMMERCIAL PALACE CROWDED. /V Ulanuo Tliroujjli the Ijnracst Goni- iiicrutnl IloiiHoln the West Snnta Clans' Hcnilqunrlnrs-iV For * tune In Bargains. ToTnnO.MAitx BEB Ad. Man : It-Is im possible fcr us to write out tbo largo ndvcr- tlsemcntthatwo spoke of , as our store Is so full of customers that it requires all of our time and attention to wait on them. You can u&o your own Judgement and write such facts as you may know about our holi day goods and let the public know that Else- man's ' is headquarters for any and nil kinds of holiday presents and that wo will discount anybody's prices. Uespcctfully , HUNUV IRISHMAN & Cf. . Council 1)1 ) ufts , la. The above note to Tun BEE advertising man , written by Mr. Simon Eiseman on a telegraph blniik , was the Invitation to the re porter-sent to enjoy nn hour in rumbling through the linlf mile of ulslcs on the live lloor of the Klscmans' great commercial palace. The hour was Insufllclcnt to see all but enough was noted to support Mr. Klse- innn's assertion that there was no person about tbo building who could llnd time to write advertisements without neglecting patient customers. On the llrst lloor Saturday afternoon there was scarcely standing room , Tlio Indies were making their purchases ol dress goods from the great display of rare bargains for ' .ho holiday trade. Itwnsns busy n scene ns Council Illufts over witnessed. Clerks were ilinost concealed behind the piles and tacks of. goods that had hecn taken down to . suit the varying tastes of the shoppers. Every loom in the civilized world had contributed to the stock , and the lady who did not buy hail no excuse to plead except the single ono that she had ilre.idy bought too much for her purse in omo of the other departments. The greatest attraction was on the third leer , which is devoted wholly to the toy de partment and the holiday goods. Of Itself , t is as large as t\vo ordinary stores , but every foot of room that was nol tnkon up by the crowds of people was occupied hy stacks of goods designed for presents. Santa Claus , the real live old gentleman In flesh and blood , was there making bis way through the crowd followed by .troops of happy children. The hundreds of visitors wcro unstinting in their commendations of the elegant exhibit , and the children especially were exuberant in their exclamations of dcligut at the many things peculiarly attractive to them. Snnta Claus was in all his glory and the kindly oln king Of the Juvenile heart was followed about as ho led the way from ono attractive exhibit to another by a band of enthusiastic children who abundantly as sured him of their love nnd loyalty. And what did ho show them I A brilliant display of an nlmost endless variety of toys a de partment which Is a veritable museum of curiosities , embracing cvervthing that the cenlus of invention has brought out for the amuseinent of the children. The mechanical nnd steam toys were particularly attractive and elicited the most vociferous ex clamations of delight from the little ones. While Santa Clausi was escorting the ju veniles through the crowded and beautifully arranged departments allotted to them , the older visitors were finding gratification in an inspection of the superb stocks in which there are hundreds of appropriate gifts for gentlemen , young nnd old , unique and desira ble presents for Indies of all ages , and many articles useful and beautiful , which are always in demand. Hero is a partial list of thcjholiday display , about ono article In n thousand , and the clerks tell you when you inquire tlio price of anything that it is Just one-half what it was a week ago that Mr. Eiseinan ordered them to sell everything at halt price until after the holidays : Soldiers and canon , magic lanterns , trum pet. ) that automatically play beautiful tunes , trombones , swinging horses , ranges and stoves , hook nnd ladders , tire engines , hose carts , drays , wagons , express wagons , dog carts , passenger trains , freight trains , Han som cabs and horses , mouth organs , Jack in the box fifty different kinds , tops that hum and tops that sing , rubber balls , violins , guns , printing presses , sheep that cry and sheep that "bah , " ' dudes' drawing slates , > vritingdesks , drums , and a thousand others wo can't think of. The assortment in albums Is really start ling. Beautiful plush albums for 60o and up to many dollars. Plush boxes , toilet cases , manicure sots , perfumery sets , collar and cuft boxes , glove boxes , pin cushions , foot stools , work boxes , shaving sets , smoking acts , etc , , etc. Oxyal nl silver smoking sets , toilet sots , manicure sets , pin cushions , and many others too numerous to mention. Dolls I A bewiildoring assortment from the low priced doll atloto $15 , with china , patent bisque and washable heads. Dolls that talk , dolls that cry , and dolls ttint go to sleep no mere newspaper description can do them justice ; a kid body doll tor 20c ; a real prince for only $1 8. * > , little sailor boys'little : Scotch girls. Uashets in every conceivable shape , style and color. Jnpancso baskets ; German bas kets , Indian baskets , ranging in price from lie to $ o,75. There are moro plush goods on this floor than used to come to the city In an entire season , and "everything Is of the newest anil handsomest design , nnd tacked to each js the startling legend "half price. " On the-second lloor is displayed the finest and largest line of clonks nnd jackets to bo found in any house in the west. This depart ment was likewise crowded , and the fact that so many pcoplo from abroad , aswell us from the city , were buying was explained by the clerks , when they would tell the custom ers that the management had determined to close out the season's stock by the llrst of the year , and rather than carry over anything had cut the prices on every garment to the wholesale llgure. Among the purchasers were noted several dealers replenishing their .stock. In all the other departments the sumo busy scene is noted , proving the assertion of the management that Elseman's Is the headquart ers for this western country lor every line of dry goods. Scott bouse , 22 N. Main St. , Co. Bluffs. Good board , nice rooms and beds , lowest rates , When buying your Christmas presents stop in and sco If wo haven't got something yon want. Dell O. .Morgan & Co. , 74'J Lower Broadwav. _ J , C. Itlxby , steam beating , sanitary en gineer , 1)43 ) Llfo buildin ? , Onuhaj 29J Mer riam block , Council Blurts. Wanted' Boys at American District Tel- cgrapu oftlco. _ . New masquerade costu ines at Montclth's 317 Broadway , The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41 $ Broadway. The only railroad , train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation ot Omaha , Council Bhil'fn , Dos Moines and Chicago business is the Rock Islam ! ves- tlhuled limited , loavlnff Omaha nt 4:80 p. in. dally. Ticket ofllco , 1002 Sixteenth and Fnrnutu sts. , Omaha , Held Down and Itobbcil. Barney McSorloy , a coach cleaner em ployed at the Rock island yards , had a lively e : rienco with footpads Tuesday night. Ho was proceeding from hU work homeward and following the track had reached a rather dark place when ho was suddenly seized by two fellows , who throw him down before ho had SIR MORRELL MACKENZIE _ _ The eminent Throat Specialist says : "Tlio ted on Mlumil 1'iistlllca ( troclios ) pro. duced from tlio Soilon Hprlnzs by evaporn * Ion , are riuticulurly sorvlcoubo In C'u turrluil IiitlumniattoiiH , Fore Throat , CouRlis , llronoliltls and \M\\K \ \ Troubles" Kormlo by ulldriiKKltitH. Obtain tlio genuine only , whU'li must Imvo tlio Hlgnutura nnil tchtliiionlal ot Sir M or re ) I Mackenzie with each tax. mi opportunity to resist. Tbojr quickly wont through his iwckets nnil secured ! , all tlio inoticy lie Imd with the ox- ccption of n lUtlfl clmirre ; Ills injvrlcs were not serious. The whole nlTnlr WM so ever mul the felldwA'Tvorc so licet In iusacarliiB | ) | tlmt ho could , jot ( gain n very clear description of thorn. Mothers will find MrnAUjHslow's Sooth- hip Byrup the beat rcmoil&foivthelr chlUlrcn. 23 icnts n bottle. = - , * : p . \ The Amcrlom Js that "nothing Is ted for mo whence I travel , " and in eonsc co wo Imvo bcoumo noted as tlio nu ; ui'lous trnv- clew in the world Th irwliioh the people - ple domund , tlio roads irjuylj simply , and thus wo have also the mas * ( perfectly up. pointed railway sorvifcu-Jh thu world. The traveler now dinofilnju ace dining car clour throuL'ji In his jour ney , from Council BlulTs uml Oinamv to San Prancisco , on the Union and South ern Pacific roads. Clicnp Iots nt ArniiHiis Ilnrlior. City lots can bo bought in Arnnsaa Harbor , Toxns , today uheitpor than tlio iiverajjo pi-ico paid in villages located in the interior containing 1,000 population , and yet no city was ever blurted in tlio United States with greater rcsouccd of all the essential reciuiBitea to make a great city llko Anmsiis Hm-bor. No New City will bo started during the next quart or of a century olTcnng 'stioh grand oppor tunities for investments as Aransas Harbor , Texas. lr. Bii'iioy. nose and throat. Holiday On December IM , Uoand 31 , 1890 , and Jaiumryl , 1891 , the Union Pacific will soil tickets to all points In Kansas and Nebraska at ono and one-third faro for the round trip , good roturntnp until Jan uary 5 , 1891. Komombor the dates. Tlio now oflicoa of the Great Rock Island route , 1002 Sixteenth mid Furnnin streets , Omaha , are the 11 nest in the city. Call and BO'O them. Tickets to ull poin'ts east at lowest rates. Go On n Visit. Iloro is a clninco to RO homo nnd visit the old folks during the holidays. The Union Pacific will sell on December 21 , 2o and 111 , 1890 , and January 1 , 1891 , round trip tickets to all Kansas and Ne braska points for ono and one-third faro for the round trip , good returning1 Janu ary 6 , 1891. Hacked 1 > 1'owcrliil Influences. The City of Aransas Harbor , Tex. , is backed by the railroad influences , also the company to whom the congress of tlio United States grunted the exclusive right of obtaining deep water over the bar at Arun&ua Pass. Onvcll Out or Jail. C. D. Covell , who was arrested the other day for swindling Mr. Sctioeilsack out ol $300 on a pretended electric light scheme , was yes terday released on ball , \V. S. Mayno going on his bond for the sum L'.KE ' GEN'L ! GRANT'S. I had a cancer on , my , Fatal tonxuo that t-prcad xin- results til my thro , t was sd at- , . rOIT1 fietcd that I could ECIVCC- ly swallow. My phytl- cancer clan said it was a ca'-o ous sores very simitar to 'Gen'L have G ant's. S. S. S. ciive'j ' . often mo sound and -wcllo } ! . been itsaveil luo. ' " Irlieve myluo. : . averted. . A. M. Goldsmith Mrs. , f by tak lirooklyn , N. % ing S. S' . S. Hook on lilood ami Skin disease freo. T ' S-i tSiiprllip. To . Atlanti , ( la. ETERINARYSPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , j AND POULTRY. 000 Fatre Hook n Treatment of Aniinala nnd Chart Bout Free. crnE8 < Kcvcrst'onuc8tl < iiSjrnlumnintloii A.A.i.SpInal niruingltiH , BlllU 1'ovcr. JI.Il.--StrnlnH , I.anionfHH , IllieiiinatUnir C.C.-.IHntciuupr , Nnsnl IM cliiirucs. ] ) . ! ) . Hot * or Grubs , \V < irniH. K.K. Conahs , Heaves , Pnpunionln. F.I' . Colic or ( Jrlpca , Ilcllyaclio. ( J.-.1IlHcarrlnitc. IlomorrliiiBCH. 11.11. Urlnnryanti Ulilucy IHseases. . . Eruptive DlnpnoCH , mangp. J.I. . DlBcancaof Ulicntlan. Paralysis. Elugle Bottle ( over W doses ) , - - .00 Stable Case , with Spcclflc * Manuiu , Veterinary Cure Oil and Sledlcator , 87.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil. - - l.OU Sold by DrngeisU ! or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of f rice. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. . Corner William and John Sta. , Mew York. _ ISPEGIFIC N In ese 30 jears. The only iracceasful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nd FrostrBtlon , from over-work or other causes. 91 per vial , or o vUls and large vial powder , for SS. SOLD BY DRDOOBIS , orteut post paid on receipt ol prlco.-HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Oor. William and John Bin. , N. T. Both the method and results * , vhei Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plensnr. mid refreshing to the tnste , mid net gently yet promptly on the Kitlnr. Liver and Bowels , cleanses the EJ tern eflecttmlly , dispels colds , licni. aches and fevers nml cures Imbitti i constipation. Syrup of Figs is 111 only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd nc ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficinl in itr cHecta , pvepnred only from the most healthy nnd agreeable substnnces , ite many excellent qualities commend it to all and Imve inudo it the most popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and 61 bottles oy 11 lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any ono who wishes to tiy it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. IOUISV1LLE , KY. auu.V IV YORK. CI.V. SPECIAL NOTICES. cbuNCIL BLUFFS. Foil SAI/K-OH iMisy terms , HiO ncru * eliolce Iowa land Under cultivation , full on or address A , A Scnftravo , tl Main street. KUCIIAMHSK to "pxeluumo for Iowa farms , Johnston & Van 1'iUten , Council llliiir.s. la. BAUOAIXH 111 f rnlt and vcRctabla laucK Forsaler > 7 iicios , SJiods north of Cliuu- laiuiua Kroutiils ; eastern slonc , linn line sprhiK biook.lund vury rich : will sell In 10 or 0 ucro lots at $ M > per ucrc , or .f ij per ucro for whole , tract. LM ncri's on Grand avenues fine orchard wind mill , line prove , situated on Mynstcr piopohcd motor llnui prlcu WlOpcrncrc. 10 acres adjoining city limits two story house , peed burn , line orcliaul and small fruits. Price , { 5,000 , ITncri'S on Oriiml avenue , 1 ! { miles from P. O. IKIO'J an aero. 110 ucres tlirco miles from city limits , Rood hou e , barn and out uiilldliiitR , SJ hearing npplo trees and sniidl fruits. 1'rlco , ? a , < X , Stock fiirm , 450 acres , line Improvements , well watered , only ono mlle from station , $25 nn aero If taken soon. Ki : y term" . 1'arin nnd city property for sale. W. C. Stacy , room 4 , Upora hoiiJO bll ( , Council limns. WAXTKD-Kiicrgotlo lady or Rent : perma nent position ; if 15 per week ; experience not necessary. K. 0. S. , DO" Willow avenue. poll KENT.-KimilshwiTfront room. Blttlii ! | .1 ? arid bed room cnstiltc. RBrMftli avenue. "TjlUUNlSllEf ) rooms at very reasonable i- terms , en anile or sluplu ; bnths and sU'um heat ; new Imiiso , newly furnished. Mrs , Slo- Iilieiison , lO.11'nrh avuinio. Council llltinX T71A.KMS Kor Halo A IOIIB list , many of them -C : it low prices ; ulso 'M ucri's line garden nnd fruit. land near tlio ully limits , lionsp. barn nnd othci : Improvements ; also 'M acres fruit mid Kiuilon land just outside the city : it fri,500. W. A. Wood & Co. . .VJO Main struct. T71OU KENT ' 1 ho MeMtilion three-story JU brlclt block , No. 115 fs. Miilnstvlthelovator J. W. Squire. TflOK S\hE or Uout-Qa.rrtaii land , with -C homes , by J. K. Uioo. 1CU Main it. , Council Bluffs W. C. ESTEP , Council DlufTM , Iowa. 14 North Main Street. Funeral Director and ICiiilmlmcr. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dying und I'lonnlng < 1nno in tlio llluhost Sty loot tlio Art , Paili-d and SttilniHl I'ubrlos tnuilo to look im coed at now. Work promptly done and delivered In all parts of thu country. cnd for price ll t. 0. A. MAUHAN. 1'rop. , I01J lironuway. Near Northwestern UepoU COUNCIL U. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc " AGENTS WANTED , Dtt. C , 1JJUDD. QOO Broadway , Council Bluffs , la K , 07. iinmiF.Ncn , it 27' MAIN STREET. Over C. It. Jae < incmlii A Cos Juwolry Slor V CfilinfT .Tiisttuonf thql'caco. Onico ever ldtllllU American K\pre . No. 4''I Urondway , Council UlnlTs. Iowa. ) n thu Klllto und federal courts. Uooins : i , 4 and & Shugart llcno block , Council lllulTs , Iowa CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 , LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 , DinECTOiis-I. A. Miller , F. 0. Oleason. E. lj. Shuenrt , K. K. Hurt , .1. 1) . Edimimlsori , Oliarloi O. llunnan. Transact gcner.il bankliis busi ness. Largest cnpltul und surplus of any liank In Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nivl 11 roadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In forelKn und domestic nxelianjt , Collection luudu uud Interest paid on tlmo deposits , HtoclcliohlorH1 Mcctlnt ; . OMAHA , Neb. , Doc. n. 1600. Notice Is hereby glen tlmt Hie uiiniiiil nieiit- Ini ? of the stockholders of the Omaha & I'.llc- horn Valley railway cnmpuny for the purpose of oloetliiK beven directors and such other business as may properly como before tlio ineotliiK , will bo held at tlin ofllcaof .Mm Al , Tlinrsion Union Puulflc bullillnr | , Oiiinhu , Nob. , upon Wednesday , thu Tth day of Jan uary , 19il ! , ixt 10 o'clock a. in. W. J. CAUHOI.I , , Assistant Secretary. Dee iuas.lt M A PINE LINE OP HQLIDHY AND WINTER FOOTWEAR. At prices that will sur prise you. The best goods at lowest prices in the city. Consult your own interest and buy your Winter Foot wear at the BOOT UPSIDE DOWN irnnnn 4 , 2B Main Street. A.TO hej are custom-made clothing of merchant tailors , loft on their hauds for cue reason or auother. These we buy iu lavw or i n . ' I tities for ready cash. For example , a suit of clothes costing originally $40ve , can , according to style and quality , soil for $16 or $20. Just think of it , a saving of over 50 per cent , one half of the original cost , Many of them of the Latest Designs , from the Best Tailoring EstaS < ' lishments Throughout the Country. ! 1 0 * ALL ALTEPX.'ftlONSD ' ONE FREE OF CHARGETO INSURE A PERFECT FIT. WHAT YOU CAN SAVE. SUITS. - ' . , $70 custom made suit for. , $ ! )2. ) " > 0 $110 custom made suit JTor ; ' . ' ijtfO.OO $55 custom mmlo suit [ fore ; $27.50 $50 custom made suit for.1 ! ' $ 5.00 $45 custom iinido suit $ ) ' , ' $20.00 $40 custom inmlo suit Tor' ; -$18.50 5 custom iniiilo suit for $15.00 FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS , $05 custom niiule overcoat for $112.0 ! ) $00 custom Hindis overcoat for. . . . . $28.50 $50 custom in ml o overcoat for $21.50 $45 custom made overcoat for $20.01) $10 custom in ml o overcoat for $17.50 $ : I5 custom made overcoat for $14.0 ! ) $28 custom niiido overcoat for $12.25 PANTS. $10 custom nitt'lu pants I'nr $8.25 $15 custom made pants Till' $7.50 $ lt ! custom iiuvlo pants fur $0.50 $12 custom made p.mU for $0.00 $10 custom inailu pants fur $5.00 $ 8 custom inn lu pau'U for $1.50 $ 7 custom irni'li' ' pants fur $11.75 FULL DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OR HIRE. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday cvonings until 10 o'clock. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Famam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 Don't THE- SHO W WIN DO W ! TJIE SUCCESSFUL CONTESTANT for our $20 Suit Prize \v.is Mr. Joseph Gctncr , 1306 North 18th street , this city. We promised the public ANOTHER SURPRISE , and here it is. Wednesday , Dec. 17 , We will place , Something m Our Show Window But we won't tell you about it here , because we want you to SEE IT IN OUR SHOW WINDOW AND NOT HERE. We will cheerfully answer all letters of inquiry from out of the city. The $50 Overcoats For $10 Which at present are all the go [ in the newspapers and in yo'ur mind ] we never had , but we have biggest trade we ever had in our 36 years' business experience in Omaha. We own our goods as low as any honest merchant in the world , and we are clos ing them out at a very small profit , to make room for one of the finest Spring stocks ever shown in Omaha. DON'T FORGET THE SHOW WINDOW. Call OH its before you buy Clotliing or Fii r n i s It i ng Goods ! ! ! It will pay you ! ! ! By the way , we just got I in an immense line of Holi day Neckwear , one in a box , if you want them fora present [ and no fancy price | on them ] . The choice of our stock I is going fast. . Come soon. iLLM oFOL. The Oldest House in the State. DON'T FORGE'l THE SHOW WIND Oil'