Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1890, Page 6, Image 7

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The Romance in the Career of Admiral
Porter's ' Daughter.
The FnHoliintlon of ft I'nlr of nitiok
KJCH Turnicr JIIIIICH' Fortune In
u JtlnclRt Yoiutff
Tlio tcrlous turn tKVittho Illness of
Atlinlral Porter has taken In the last
week innkcslt Improbable that the mat-
rlafro o ( his daughter , Miss Uloim , to
Mr. C H. Campbell \vlllbo BUiTOinuled
by as brilliant features us the couple bad
anticipated , writes Willinm U. Curtis
from Washington to the Chicago News ,
The Invitations for the wedding on 15th
of this month were sent out a week ago.
Thoovent is to culminate an ongitce
ment of tit least ton yours'
standing. No couple in AViiHii-
itifjlon bavo over as stoutly de
fied parental objection and certainly no
wedding can bo attended by as satisfied
a company ns has been bidden to wit
ness this. Mr. Campbell's attentions to
the daughter of Admiral Porter began
when ho was a captain in the army , lie
has since been retired and for several
yeais him been a valued attache o ( the
department of state. From the very
first , while his suit was favorably re
garded by the lady of hisehoico , it was
violently opposed by Admiral and Mrs.
Poiter , Aliba Porter has , bow-
ever , never wavered in her
determination to marry Mr.
Campbell when she could manage to ( ret
her father's consent. For ton years Mr.
Campbell has never entered the Porter
mansion , because one- day Mrs. Porter
had said that if olio ever found him In
her parlor HMO would tciivo the room.
The courtship has therefore been alino&t
nn object of public property. Every
body in the west end has watehcd the
devoted lovers cvory afternoon , rain or
Rhino , out together for a promenade.
Ir Mr. Campbell's custom was to call at
I ! the door for bis lady love , and tis she
It was always waiting ho had scarcely oven
o ring the boll.
Mr. Campbell lately fell heir to some
money and this justified him In asking
Inn Ihincca to name a day. When the
subject was broached to Admiral Porter
ter it met with the usual storm of objo e
tions , but bo yielded at last and the
long-looked-for consent was won. Delighted -
lighted with her success and with the
evident change lor the bettor in her
father's health , Miss Porter joy
fully told her friends the news mid
began the arrangements for her wedding1
this month. Her troubles wore not over
yet , as Mrs. Porter still sordidly ob
jected to the marriage. She would not
permit the invitations to go out in her
tinmo. This dilemma was solved by Mrs.
Archibald Cnnipboll , mother of the
i , groom-elect , bonding the cards herself.
| l ( und the preparations went forward until
now the critical condition of Admiral
Porter has again plunged the expectant
bride into more trouble. The Porter
family have long felt that the ad
miral was hardly llkoly over to lenvo
Ills room again. But it is only within
the hint week that it has boon forced
upon thorn that now it may only bo a
qucatlon of days. The patient devotion
of Miss Porter and Mr. Campbell has
invested their love with a romance that
Is making everybody hope that Admiral
Porter will live to glvo them his bless
ing on their wedding day.
"Oh , these eyes , those oyos. "
The speaker was a young Now Yorker ,
who stood sighing at the dock at Havre
just before balling for America , writes
u correspondent from Biost , Franco , to
the Now York Morning Journal
The eyes of the murdered Nancy never
haunted Eill Sykcs more persistently
than the dark orbs of the maid of Brit
tany who entered the life of the young
Thobo eyes called Into life a touching
romance , which has been ended by the
reluctant marriage of the heroine in u
little town in Brittany.
A year ago , BO the French papers say ,
the son of a rich Now Yorker wont to a
village near the town of Pontivy. Ho
had artistic tastes ana wont into Brit
tany to cultivate thoin. There ho met
Cuniilla Declaudo , the daughter of a
rich olil bourgeois , noted for las severity
nnd obstinacy.
Cumlllb was innocent and lovinc.
\Vith more independence than the average -
ago automatic French girl , sbo shared
the aspirations and dreams of the young
foreign artist. Together they lived an
ideal life of sweet confidence.
The young American went to the
fatherand avowed his love , telling him
to send Cnmillo to a girl's college , offer
ing expenses. The girl's great passion
was for music , but her education had
been neglected.
Then the American lover olTorcd to
pay for a full course at the Paris con
servatory , but nothing would suit the
old man.
Ho was determined to make an alliance
with the family of a rich old noble of the
vicinity , the Count do Gnrnlcr , whoso
estates lie In the vicinity. Ho had a son
of twonty-llvo , bad , dissolute and a crip-
Slo. Cnmillo protested and avowed un-
ylnjr fidelity to the New Yorker , but
the family pressure was so strong that
she at last yielded , and on October 27
was married to the cripple.
The American , with two frlondsbroko
in at the wedding and claimed the girl's
love. She fainted , and the three for
eigners wore driven away. Despondent
nnd broken hearted , the artist sailed
away , whileCnmillo , with tears on hoi-
dark lashes , listens for feet that will
never come.
Thirty years ago there lived , seven
miles north of Indianapolis , Ind. , on the
Peru railroad , an honest , industrious
farmer named James. The railroad sta
tion was named James' switch in his
honor ; and , ho performed the duties of
postmaster. In tlmo the old-fashioned
name of the switch gave place to the
more sounding title of Malott Park , and
the name of .lames disappeared from the
neighborhood. '
It was before these changes had taken
plneo that the events in the opening
chanter of the life romance recorded in
this article occurred. Mr. James had
two girls , twins , nnd as bright and
lively a pair of country dauifols as wore
to bo found anywhere. They wore
equally plump and pretty , both hail blue
eyes , and both possessed charming curls
of a decidedly auburn huo.
It was in the early years of the war
that a susceptible young captain of an
Indiana regiment chanced to sit be
hind ono of these maidens , Miss Jen
nie , then just turned blxlo.Mi. A camp-
mooting was in progress and , as she
bobbed her pretty head from ono side to
the other with its tantalizing wealth of
curls , ho could not resist the temptation
of giving ono of them a pull.
Of court o 8ho turned to look at the au
dacious wretch who had dared to tnko
Biieli n liberty , and the doughty captain
burromlorcd at once and humbly hogged
her pardon. So Captain James II. Miller -
lor , or that was bis name , inado h
R.UCO with the young lady , and a few
weeks later , when ho loft for Virginia ,
ho carried away a good-sl/cd ringlet ana
also a gold ring given him by Miss
The captain loftbrcalhlng vows of
deep devotion , to which her fond heart
responded faintly , but , as the lover
hoped , truly. However , she soon tired
of waiting for the captain , and married
another man who wore the blue , and as
the old man with the scythe und the
hour-glass has kept steady at work for
the past twenty-five years or more.novor
missing a swath in time's harvest
field , she has since married two other
Captain Miller , it Ecom.1" " , also married ,
but the ring nnd the ringlet ho had
taken from the pretty hiss in the days
when llfo was young had kept her In his
memory. So the "other day when ho
died , BO the dispatch that enmo from
Chicago says , ho loft her $011,000.
A revelation soon camo. "Joe's" real
name was Mrs Locy Ann Lohdcll , and
for years she had masqueraded in mtiscu-
line attire , completely beguiling the
entire community. Miss Perry pleaded
hard for her supposed husband , but the
obdurate relatives caused "Joe's"
arrest for donning male gnrb , and after
a trial , which was the sensation
of the hour in Plymouth county , "Joo"
was convicted rind sentenced to the
house of correction. Kven then Miss
Ferry's love for her supposed husband
did not languish , but she remained true
to the memory of her imprisoned love ,
and frequent epistles were forwarded to
the governor entreating his assistance
to clear "Joo" from the toils of the law.
DAfter securing their rclca&o Miss
Ferry nnd her strange companion visited
Pennsylvania. They were the subjects
of much attention on the part of the
Philadelphia papers , whiea contained
long accounts of their wanderings and
the strange manner of their peculiar
love-making. They lived together until
"Joo" died , nnd Miss Perry , a widow ,
returned to "Whitman , where she has
since resided , being employed In the
factory of Dunbar , Ilobart & Co. , at
East Whitman , She remained true to
her first and only love , and thought
that all the virtues , with the exception
of a little outsldo lovo-maklng , were em
bodied in her supposed husband.
It was subsequently ascertained that
"Joo" was the widow of an ollicer
in the Union army , and that she
had a son living , who icsldes
now somewhere in Now York.
The circumstances attending this strange
case , and the peculiar attraction which
"Joo" for the
possessed poor woman ,
made them the topic of more than ono
nowspaner article all over the country ,
but their peculiar escapade Is practi
cally unknown to the people of the pres
ent day , quieted as it has been for twenty
James Pierce , a vagrant who came up
in the municipal court ono day lust week
and was given a ton days' sentence , has
a history. Ho wouldn't bo a bad looking
fellow if refined by a Turkish bath and
lilted out with clean linen and a new
suit of clothes , says a Minneapolis ( lib-
patch to the Globe-Democrat. There was
a time when ho afforded good clothes
and plenty of them. Ho was a St. Louis
attorney then , young but successful la
fact ho was regarded by the older mem
bers of the St. Louis bir : as ono of the
most promising young attorneys of the
Mound City. Out ho foil , and , as a
woman caused his his fall , it is interest
ing. Pierce graduated from Princeton ,
and , if lie is to be believed , "James
Waldo Pierce , " besides writing the
class poem , a grand elTort , ranked third
in the class of bovpnty-six. His father
was a wealthy St. Louis merchant ,
and , being old when young Pierce
graduated and took up law , sold out and
retired. The son became connected
with an established law firm , and was
Boon getting along nicely. lip enjoyed
society nnd soon drifted into its inner
most circles , There ho mot Mu.bc ! Trnf-
ford , and the meeting marked the beginning
ginning of his fall. "Piorco foil madly
In love with her at first sight. .Miss
TralTord , Pierce says , was a blonde , nnd
if she felt no especial heart-swelling for
Pierce made believe she did. Anyway ,
llko the \ylll o' the wisp , she led him a
chase. His love for her made him more
ambitious , andho labored harder than
over in his practice , all for hor. After
a few months'ncquaintunco lie proposed.
They wore at a gay summer-night ball ,
at which the society of St. Louis had as
sembled In all its grandeur. After they
had danced a second waltz Pierce and
MibsTraflord strolled ont'tho lawon.and
teen found a secluded scat 'ncath three
largo masbivo oaks , upon whobO rough
bans \ incs had clung so thickly as. to
render the rustic beat within hidden
from all without. There ho proposed ,
Miss TralTord arose from the rusticbcnch
upon which they sat , laughed gently
and replied that she had never intended
that the acquaintance should over go bo
far. Whllo she was very sorry , she
thought that ho would recover in a day
or two.
"She oven told me that she thought
a cigar would help mo out then ,
and loft mo alone to smoke-
ono if I liked , " said Pierce , as ho
related the btory. Pierce couldn't re
cover , it scorns. His father died soon
after and loft a largo fortune. Pierce
thought ho could lit id halm in amuse
ments , poker and races , and went at
them with a will. lie drank , too , and
ore a year had gone by ho was penniless.
Ills old friends didn't know him , and in
this condition bo drifted out of St. Louis ,
umbltlonloss , and since has done
tlmo in every work house in the west
for vagrancy. Miss TratTord was
drowned whllo on a yachting excursion
three years after she jilted Pierce. Ho
says ho is waiting for death , and it can't
come too soon , Superintendent West ol
the work house says Pierce Is ono of the
best inmates' lie over had and is a great
Mary Carson bus long boon a recog
nised belle in the southern part of thu
public land strip , and many yoting men
aspired to win her hand , says a Hullalo ,
O. T , , special to the San Francisco Ex
aminer. A wealthy gentleman named
11oy on was most favored by her pa
rents , but Mary showed a preference -
once for a young nnd handsome
herder who had nothing but his
monthly wages on which to live. Mrs.
Carson hold , out against her parent's
wishes for some time , but at length she
consented to marry Koyson. Prepara
tions for a big wedding wore completed
and whoa they came people gathoroi
from all over the country for miles
Just before the hour Bet for the cere
mony John Holland , the preferred lever
appeared riding a largo norse and load
ing another , on which was a man's sad
die. lie was allowed to nartloipulo litho
the festivities. After dancing had beer
going on for some time it wns nottccc
that the girl nnd Holland had disap
peared , nnd a search revealed the fact
that both the her es wore also gone , A
chase was inaugurated and a largo party
soon got on the track of the ilooing
couple. The girl had dressed herself ii
a suit of men's clothes , was riding astride
with her lover and noroolf both heuvllj
armed. A running tight ensued on the
plains , In which old man Carson and his
herders wore shot
Itoybon had a horse killed under him
The couple escaped and rode Into Hut
falo , where they were married nnd tire
now awaiting patorniil forgiveness
Maria Perry , who died in Hanson
Mam. , loeontly at thoago of fifty-eight
hud a woman for a husband. To this
woman she had been married in duo
form by a clorpymnn , nnd with her sno
lived faithfully until hoi' death , snys n
special dispatch to the Globe-Democrat.
Some tivunty years ngo Mien Perry loft
lior homo and wont to Now
York , where she found omplov-
rnent. Here she mot " .Too"
Lobdell , nnd so the story goes showns
wooed by "Joo" uftortho regular Btvlo ,
mid slio cave her love In return. The
imirrlngo ceremony wns performed b aNew
Now York clergyman , nnd with her
spouse she roturnoil to Wlitlinnn , the
homo of her youth , where she occupied
n llttlo house on her father's estate , near
1'lensant street.
" .Too" innilo n good looking innn , could
perform H day's work with nny one , mow
ti Hold of grass or hoe a row of corn.
"Joe" foundomploymont tu Whitman ,
nnd for a nit borof .VOUMW.IS recognized
ns a hard working , Industrious citizen
nnd an o.xeinplary fiunlly man. Miss
1'orry wns doadtto "Joo's" interests.
Cortatii events led the relatives
of Miss I'orry to think
tlnit "Joo" was not nil that
ho appeared to bo. Ho dressed well ;
his appearance Indicated that ho under
stood the masculine nrts of gaining the
good graces of the feminine class , but
"Joe , " so It IH hinted , liked fcmiiilno so
ciety bptter than ho should , iMiss I'orry
grow jealous of the lavish alVuctlons
which " .Too" Is said to have distributed ,
not wisely , but too well , among the fair
femtilcs of East Whitman.
All humor. of the scalp , tetter sores and
dandruff cured , and falling htilr chocked ;
licnco , baldness prevented Uy using Hull's
Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ucuowcr.
The Imml uf Oplilr.
The bollef has long prevailed that the
enormous quantities of gold which con
tributed tu the splendor of the rolgn of
Solomon were brought from some part
of southeast Africa , says n writer in
Harper's Weekly. "And they came to
Ophlr , and fetched from thont'o gold ,
120 talents , and brought It to King Solo
mon. " Ophir was famous for it.s gold In
tbo days of Job , who speaks of "laying
up gold as dust , and the gold of Ophir as
the stones of the brooks. " Where was
Ophlr ? Some say in Malacca ; others
luivo located it in India ; others in Ara
bia ; and not a few have contended for
the southeast coast of Africa , about
Sofala. There has boon much discussion
on the subject , but the discussion has been
prolltlos.4. The Sofulti region of South
Africa has as much to rccommond it as
any other. As , told in the bible , the
story of the queen of Shaba and the
story of Ophlr have a singular relation
to each other , nnd scorn to buggest that
the location of the ono was not fur from
the homo of the other. In Solomon's
tlmo the round voyage to and from
Ophir covered n period of three years.
This has by some been considered fatal
to to South-African theory. When
wo consider the tunes. and
take into account the dlllloulty
of transport , the objection loses much of
its force. It is at least arcmarkablo clr-
cumstanco that discoveries should now
be made in the very region of South Af
rica to long favored by ono sot of tradi
tions discoveries which point unmis
takably to very niiclont occupation by a
people advanced in the arts and indus
tries of civili/ation , and also to the plen
tiful existence of gold in the region atone
ono tlmo , It may bo now.
At tno y. M. ca. .
There were 180 men present at tlio meeting
In tbo Young Men's Christian association
concert hall yesterday , addressed by I lev. F.
W. Poster , pastor Imnmml Unptist church ,
who took for the subject of his remarks I
Samuel 20:21 : : " 1 Have Played the Fool.
The address wns full of interest , the speaker
bringing out a number of points m regard to
the different ways In which young men may
play the fool , and showing them how they
eau avoid doing so. In an after meeting
of sQveaty-flve , conducted by J.M. Bothwell ,
general secretary of the railroad derailment ,
Grand Island , four young men asked for
On next Sunday n praise ineoUnc will beheld
hold , with a number of short addresses by
young men. The Owl club , consisting of
twenty nmlo voices , under direction of I'rof.
Krat/ , will assist In the music. Au interest
ing service Is looked for.
The young men of the city are reminded of
the grand reception to ho given on New
Years day , fi to 10 p. in. , to themselves and
fr'ends. ' One hundred young ladies will as
sist in receiving. All nro invited.
Dr.Birney. Nose and throat. Bcobldg.
A Clmi'iiilnxj Memory.
No improvement luivo been so marked ,
so signally perfect In attainment , in the
last few years , as the numerous luxuries
which have been introduced in traiibcon-
lincntnl travel. Instead of harrowing
recollections the tourist now has loft to
him when his journey is complotcd > u
charming memory of 'perfect train service -
vice and palace dining cars. The ar
rangements this winter for dining cars
on the Union and Southern Pneitle roads
is something far In advance of anything
in that hitherto attempted.
The IMiisccs'in. .
The opening game of the championship
season of Indoor baseball was played at the
Coliseum yesterday afternoon , the Musces
winning by the following scoio :
EdenMubccs. . . . ! 2 0 2 1 0 a 0 12
\Ycst Oimihus..1 00220000 0
Batteries Ellens , Van Armau and Thomp
son ; Qmahas , Graiuljcan uuu Ltnaban. Um
pires SwarU uud MaUonoy.
< s o
the progress of Consumption.
Tlio host authorities agree that it's
a scrofulous affection of the lungs.
If taken in time , and given a fair
trial , Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical
Discovery will effect a cure. Thou
sands have been saved by it thou
sands more are putting it , ofT till
too lato. For every form of Scrof
ula , Bronchial , Throat , and Lung
Affections , Weak Lungs , Severe
Coughs , and kindred ailments , at
is a positive remedy. It's guaran
teed to do all that's claimed for it.
If it doesn't benefit or cure , in
every case , your money is returned.
Tlio " Discovery" is the only
Liver , Blood and Lung Remedy
that's Bold go. Think what a medi
cine it must bo 1
Especially has it manifested its
potency iu curing Tetter , Salt-
rliciun , Eczema , Erysipelas , Boils ,
Carbuncles , Sore Eyes , Goitre , or
Thick Neck , and Enlarged Glands.
World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation , Makers , lsro. 003
Street , Buffalo , N. Y. ,
Nothing Else
equals Aycr'a rilli'/fV stimulating a torpid
ilvcr , strengthening digestion , nnd regu
lating the notion ot tlie boncN. They con-
lain no calomel , ' "hMr any other Injurious
drug , but nro composed of the ncthe prlncl-
l > les of the best > ctflUl > ] o cathartics ,
" I was a suiTerer tot > cars Iroin dyspepsia
nnd liver troubles , Mil fotimlcopcunnncnt
relict until I comntc'nccd taking Aycr's rills.
They haio e/Icclod / n complete cure. "
( Icorgo Jlooncy , Wnll.i Walla , W , T.
"Whenever I nm tloublcd with voiutlp.- &
tlonor , suffer from , Jpss of appetite , A jcr's
1'llls set mo light again.A. . J. Klscr , Jr. ,
Jtoclc House , Va. ' ,
"Tor the euro dr , headache , Ajcr's Ca
thartic I'llls are the most Directive medicine I
ucr nscd.-ll. K. James , Dorchester , Mass.
"Two lioxes of Ayci s 1'llls cured me ol
BO\ ere licnilnclic , from \\hlcli I was loiignsuf.
fcrcr. " Kinmit Keycs , llnbtnidstoii.Conn.
Ayer's Pills ,
u v
jilt. J. O. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
Sold by nil Dealers In Medicines.
Physicians , Surrjcons and Specialists ,
The mct widely nnd favorably tmow pce-
l.illsttln tlio United Srntci. Tliolr lonsox-
luirlcnoo , rO'inrknl ! > lu'i' < lll unit unlvernal suc
cess In the treatment und cure of NCFTOUS
Clironlo and Surgical I : . senses , entitle these
eminent pliynlcluns to tlid full confldcncuof
Uio adllctoil every when1. They nunrnntooi
the nwful effects of early vloo nnd the numer
ous ovlla that follow In its train ,
"peodlljr , completely mil ncrmnncntlr ournd.
OltDKUS yield readily to tliolr nklllful treat-
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
' '
nt-ntlr nnd gucccsfnlly cured In nrery Cftso.
inatorrhoa , Heinlnal V/ciikni-ss , LostMnnhood ,
NlKlit Emissions. Doeiyed Faculties , Foraalo
Wuuknosaand nil dullcato disorders peculiar
to ulMior sox positively cured , at well no nil
functional disorders that result from youth
ful follies nr the cxecsi of miituro yeari.
TPirTIIHK Umr.uiteed pormano ntl y
Ol ixlwl U 1\L/ cured , remotal couipleto ,
wtthou. dinting , cnunlo or dilatation. Cures
tlTccted at homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A TTPl ? niTi > TTho nwfiil effects of
tOU1L V UJ\l.i Caiiy vice which brines
nrpnnlo weakness , < l troyliu uolli mlud and
body , with nil Its dreaded ills , porinuneiity
nj.0 P-FTPs Addrcai these who bavo Im-
U1\O. UL.1 i.J puirud themselves by Im
proper Indulgence nml solitary habit * , which
ruin both mlntl and body , unfitting them for
bunlness. study or
. MAUimi : ) MKN or these c-ntorlngon that
happy llfo , awuro of physical debility , quloklj
Is band upon facts. First 1'ractloU axperl-
enco. Second Every case la specially ituultd ,
thi's starting right. Tlilrd Mtdlolnoa nro
propirod In our laboratory exactly to suit
each cue , thus effecting cu roa without InJ ury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
CL.Erickson , Local Afrt.20GN. 10th
Mutter of application of John N' . Welt/el for
liquor Ilcuii-i * .
Notl'-o Is hereby iilven that John N. Wcll/nl
did upon tlm lllh ( lav of Dwuiubur. A. 1) , IHK ) ,
Illo his application nlth thu lioaid of lire and
pnllcocnmnilsslonurcof Omaha forlleuncu to
oil mult , spirituous and \ hums Honors at "Kl
and SI. ! South Thirteenth strri't , Third ward.
Diiiahn , uNcI ) . , from thu lst avof January
IMil.lo the Ihtdny of January. 18.I2.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
niol-t ( filed within two \\ooks fioin DcciMiilwr
II , A. I ) . Ib'.K ' ) , tlio said HCIMISO Hill ho uiunlcd.
1) 15-J JOHN N. WMT/I.I , , Applicant ,
Mutter of nnplleiitliiii John A. Swanson and
John Hoist dolnv busMrsumlci ! - linn niiinii
of Swunson & HoUt , for puriull to sell liquor
ns a ( Irutfiflst ,
Notice Is hereby Klvcn that.Iohu A. Sivnnson
and John Hoist , piiitiu < r < .dolnK biiHlness under
Ilrmnaiioiif Swansniifc Hoistdid upon thclMh
day of December , A. I ) . b'K ' ) . Illu
their nppllcatlon to the Hoard of Tire
and 1'ollco UonTmlssloners of Omaha ,
for norm It to hull malt , spirituous and
vinous llijiiors as a druggist , for ,
mechanical und chemical ( imposes only , at
No.SOUUumlni ; street. I'.lKhth ward , Umaha ,
N'cb. , from tlio 1st day of January. 1691 , to thu
Ihtday of Jitiiunry. lsii. : :
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within ttto weeUs from December
i : , A. I ) . 1890 , the bald iiui ml t will ho iirantud.
JOHN lloi.sT.
ll.-ii Partners und Applicants.
Matter of implication of William W. Thomp
son for liquor license.
Notice IH heioby plvcn that William W.
Thompson did upon the 15th day of Di-eon-
hcr , A. I ) , , IbOO , tlio his application with the
hoaul of tire nnd pollto comiiiUslonnix of
Omahn , for license to soil malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors at rear of No. 1M7 Douglas
htreer. 1'uurlli ward , Omahii , Neb. , from thu
1st day of Jnniiury , Ib'Jl ' , to the 1st day of
January , IS)1. ! ) ' . !
If them bo no objection , romoiistranco or tiled wlthlutwo weeks fiom December
ir > . A. ! > . , IMU , the aaltUlurtiMi will ho granted.
D I3-J-J William W. Thompson.
i Applicant.
frft Ice .
Matter of application of August Grubo for
liquor license. , i
Notice ( s hereby B | > on that AiiRiist ( Jruliu
did upon the l.Mh diiyiof December A. D 1MIO.
IIhi his aptlcatloni\lt.h | ) ) the boar , ! of lire and
police commlsiloi'ors of Umaha , for license tit
Hell malt , Kplrltouvand vinous liquors , on
Thirtieth street , near I'ark on lot 10 , O'Hrlon's
nddltlon , Sixth ward , Onmhn , Neb. , from the
1st day of January.nlbOl , to the 1st day of Jan
nary. J8KJ. „
If thuro 1)0 no objection , remonstracco or
protest filed within two weeks from December
in , A. I ) . , 1600 , thoHfilcl llccnsolll bo uratited
d 15-'Jl ! ATOXJ8T UnuiiK , Applicant.
Matter of appllcntfAn of Trank O'llourko for
liquor license. , '
Notice U hereby given that I'rank O'ltourko
did , upon the nth day of December , A. I ) . 180) ) ,
Illo his application with thu board of lire and
police commissioners of Umaha for license to
sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at No.
Mia North liith street , fifth wind , Omahu ,
Neb. , from the Istduy of January , 1601 , to the
1st dav of January , 1 * > 2.
If there ho no objection , romoiistranco or
nrcitost Illotl within two weeks fiom December
15 , A. D. 1800 , tlm sa'd IleeiiMi will Losrantcd.
dccl5-iiJ I'HA.NK O HOUIIKB. Applicant.
Multor ot application of I'rnnk I1. licllumay
for liquor license.
Notice Is lioioby clvod that I'rnnk I , Itolln-
may did upon the 15th day of December. A. D.
: HUO , Illo his application with the board of lire
and police commbshmorsof Omahufor license
to sell mult. nplrltuoiiH and vinous liquors at
No. 101 South U'th Htieut , Third ward , Umaha ,
Nub. , fiom the Istilay of January , Ib'Jl ' , to thu
1st day of Jummiy , l"i'- .
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
nrotost tiled within two weeks from December
15 , A. D. Ib'JJ , thu said license will bo cruntud ,
1) 15-1'J THANK I' . UU.LAUAY , Applicant.
Otmli.l I l)0xit ) | Will nnJ Mason itrool * . | Omaha.
4.30 p m . , 7..Chicago Kxpreis HWJ a m
0.51 niii , Chicago Kxprcss. p m
U.10 p m Chicago Kxpross 1UUJ nm
e.Mp nil r : : Um.i locil. I00 in
I.cnvcJ UUIlMNtlTO.V A Mo. IllVtill , I Arrives
Ui.mlri nopol I'Jtli iiinl .Slnson stroun. iOnmhv _ :
10. ' . ' > n in'r . . . .OCIULT Tmjr Kiprois. JDJpm
lO.'JS am Denver Kxpruiii . . 0.15 p m
CM pin . . . .Denver Nltflit Uxpress 'J..TJ ' a in
6,1 jn in' ' Lincoln Local UlXJpra
U in ill a. | Dapol 10th nnd Maion alrooti. | Onnhi. _
900 a in ) Knniitis < Ujr Dnr'TOiprosi I li.10 p m
V 45 p in ! K. C. NlKlit Kip \ l If. 1' . Tri ; I IU5 a in
f Arrlvoi
On.nlm l ) pol Will nnd Marcy iilroqli. I Oniilba.
2 60 p in T Overland Hjrer 8.03 p m
7.80 p in Pacific Kxprusi 11.43 m
10. % n m Denver Kxprosj ,1.55 p m
7.07 a in KmisuCltr Kipreis UUJ n m
lonvo * | Cirn vOO , if I. AVATmif. ' [ | ArrlVeT
Omnhn. | a 1' . depot , IQtli and Miuer.Hti. I O.uaha.
6.10 p in Nli lit Kxprojj. . . . ID 03 a m
IIUS n nil Allnnllo Kxpro.ii . . 030 p m
4..W p nij . . . .j.Vestluiilo Ijlmlled.A 10.45 a m
TODXTTl'l" *
| lt. 1' . depot. 1'Jlli ' in I Mnrey ata. | Urn tilt
7.15 ix ml Sioux Cltr 1'aisonuor. . . . I
4.M p m | _ _ . . . . .St. 1'iiul.Kiproii . llQ.10 a in
l.uavoTT JTlOTJ'X tJlTi A PAUlflU I ArrlyiST"
Omalio. I Dupol 15lh and \Vtbiler Sis. JiJniah _
( , OJ p in | . .1st. 1'aul l.lmlleil I t > 2onm
'tiii/Aiio '
A NdlU'mv . . Arnvoi
Omnha J , 1 * . dupot , loth nnd Marcf till.
. < hlc.iffo Ksnrois. p in
. Vestibule /In ulted. ; . iL.VJ a m
6.15 p m Iowa Accummoilnllon ( liic. Sum 7.05 p m
. . .Knilern Klrcr. . . . . . . 2.45 p m
( cxojiiinKH-t ) KMBIx \ ( oxc.Moni 7 4 a m
Louv5r"tlllCAO | ) , MTlj. , A "BlvT I'.TCT * Arnvei"
Otnalia | U. 1 * . depot , 10th nnd .Mnrcy Sl Omahx
B.10 p ml Chicago Kiprusi y.10 a m
1I.55 a mj .Chlcuifii Kinrt'M Jj.M D na
Confer i DM A 11 A .v a r. " i Jo u ia AfrTfei" \ "
Onmlia. I U. I * , ilepot. iath _ and MarcrSti. Omaliiu
U p ni ) . „ , .bl. IAIUH Cnnnnn Hnll . . „ . | 12..W pm _
1 cnvoTT y. , K. AMD VAtVSY I ArriroT
Unintn . I Ioiotl5tli an I Webitur Iti | Oin iliv _
VUn ) nil . . .lllack I1IIU t > .3J p m
000 a iii.Hnstlnii | Kip. ( Kz. Silr.rtIT ) . . , L.X p m
6 10 p m Wall oo.M.ln I'm ( Kx.tjund'r ) 11 . . ' ! ' > a ra
6.10 p ml. . . .NortqU ( Kr. Sunilavl. . . .
lcnvci T C , , lilTiT T . TArrivoi
Omnln.J _ I > opoll5lli nnd Wolmor Sti. | Onu'iv
S.10 ami. .Sioux CUT Accommodation. . . 0 05 p m
1.00 p ru .hlouiClty Kiproai ( Ex. Sun. ) . l..IO p m
5Up ( in St. Paul I.lniltuil. 'J.-ii B m
6.15 ii m | Hancoft Pnsstfnuor ( Kr. 8.43 am
CT iveTT I Arrlvoi
rOmalin. I llopul 15th anil Walnter Sli. | Omihi.
0."J n in | .St. I.oulj A K. C. Express. , 459 P m
.J5 p mil , .ht. IxiiiU A K. C. Kiprosi. . . . ! 8..IO a m
l.envoiT"CHlCAOO".Tl.niT X PALiTioTT Arrive *
Trnnafur | Union I'cpot. Cniincii lllufli. ITr.inifer
6.30 p ml N'l tt Kxpreo 9S5 m
930 a ml AtlsnUO Eipre 665 p m
6 00 p ni | Ve tlbulo l.lrallod 10.30 &jn
" "
"Arrive *
Trni naferl Unit on Depot , Cuuncll lllun . Trans far
1 > .U a ru Chicago Kxpren i/OU p m
( j.W p m Vestibule Limited D.'lU a ra
10.UU p .n ICantem Flier 2UO p m
it'M p m Atlantic Mall . 'M a m
iwn Aprommmlnllnn ( Kxc. Snnl < UO p m
. , MlHT & rf' I Arrlvio
Transfer Union Depot. Council lllug iTransfer
'fi.30iT 113"Chlcftjfo " Kxprois. . . . . . . .Mi.15 n m
. : _ Chlcayo Kiprea- J _ I ! W p m
Luafos I K7TJTr3tr3OI\ [ Arrlv i
Trnn fcr | Union Dopot. Council lll'igi ll'rnnitor
lOoTn ui"PT7Kinia ( $ CUT l ) r Kxpreii . . .I 6 4,1 p m
10 15 p ni l . .Knnmi Cljr NlKht Kipran. . [ fi70 a in
J avot I OMA'llX A HT7rO arS f Arnvor
Trniufurl Union Dopol , Coimrll lllngs I'l'ranafnr
KuTji ju ] 3Z Jt. | .oiih _ nnon " "II Il2.15jiin
LcavB. , OlirCAfiOlUH17N ! A QUfNOT | Airlfoi
Trnnsfor 1 Union llopot. Council IlluttV Trnnsfor
0 40 a mT Chlcnuo Kipruss tl.W p in
10 U ) p m .ChlcaKO Uiprosi. 0.40 a m
7 .05 p m . .Crcdlon 1 ocnl. IjjOajn
aioiix vii'V A I-ACIHU. "Arrlvoi
Trnnnfor Union Depot , Council ninffi. Transfer
1M m1..Sioux Cltv Accommodallon. , , .i.lll n ra
IIUJIj p ml fit. l ul Kxpreas. 1U.I/J p ra
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jon. 1st , 189O - B7OOO
OOceriand Dlrectors'-Henrj W. Ynl i , President )
t nlsS. U eJ , Tlce-rroildcnl ; James W. Savige , W ,
V , Mor . JohnS. Coillns , H. C. Cuihlci , J , N. K
PUiloi , W. II. B. Uuubei , c&salor.
Corner 12th and ITarnam Sts.
ral Unnklng lluaini'ss Trnn < antQ'1.
VOUS nEHIMTV. Wuaknois nf Hotly and
Mind ; lllfoutsof Krrnrs or oxcosseitlii Old or
Younir. Koliust , Noble MANHOOD fullv ro-
Blorcd Wo Kunrnntoo every ease or tmmoy
refunded. Kuiiiplo course , live days' truut-
inent. Ill full coiirsu. J" > . bocurely se.ilod from
bcervntlon. Cook ICoincdy Co. . Omulm , Nub
St.Olall i Jtll 11j ) lit i >
BONDS Total Issues of CITIES.
Correspondent e solicited.
. . , ,
103-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO ,
15 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 State St. , BOSTON.
Clicinlst nml Assuycr.
Tormorly InChi'iiilcnl Laboratory of the Union
1'uulUu Itiillwuy Coinpiiiiy ,
Special Attention Given to Ores ,
"Waters and Oils.
1112 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb.
Volt 1Anns Ixmuos I'nrludlral I'llli
tli rr ncbremudr , acton tliu inuu.lrual nyniuiu nnU
cure luppres.lon from whatever cuuie , 1'ruuiota
menitruallon , Tbeau nlllsiliould Hot bu takea Our-
n pregnancy. Aui. I'lll Co , Royalty 1'roin . Hpun-
cer.Clur Co. , la. Gumitno bf Blierman i McConnell ,
Doduo t. near I1. O.Omahl ! U A. Melclior , SoutU
i U. 1 * . UllU. Cuuucll UluBt. 12 , vt J lor i
UlllUIUUtllll'lS ' ( I
Omaha Ecpublioan Printing Co. ,
Law Irlofs , bank supilla | % mil uvorythliiz In the
printing lino.
lOthnntl Douglti street .
Ackormann Bros. & Ileintzo ,
Printer' , binder" , cloctrotTpcrs , blank book tunnu-
fnituroM ,
tlld Ilownnl struct ,
Goo , Oborno & ( b. , J , S. Smith k Oj , ,
8. Uth atroot , M08-14I3
- Imvonirorthit
Onmlia. Omnha.
Paxton & Viorlhiff Omabn Snfo & Iron
Iron Work' , Works
iroiittlit nml cn t Iron ,
tiulMliitfwork. rnglnei , Mnnuf'rs flro nnit tnujhf
lirnM work , Kanornl proof Mfe * . Taulu , Jail
foiimlrv , nmrhliio mil TMirk , Iron shutters nml
hlflckirnilli tvurk , U. 1' . lire i > o | Hi. ( I , Au
Ilr.iimllttliKt , dri'ciiIllliVJnckson ti
Acino Iron nnd Wire Wilsou & Drake ,
Works , M'f'R ' tubtilnr flues , ( ltd
Iron , wlro nnd brin Wk ) . box liollori , link * , ot
SliS Utli troot.
\V. llvclil , Proprietor , I'lerconnl loth street * .
Bees Printing Oo.
Uthosrnphlnir. Printing
nml lllank Hooks.
11th nntl llownnlHt * .
Her & Oo. , William D.\rst ,
I.lqnor Mcrchinli. Wines , Liquors nnd Cl-
111. Hartley street. .
' ' (
Mnnuinctur'rs Kenno Ij's
Kntt linlla Hitters. 1,111 St. , Omiht
R. H , Grotto , Prank Dollono & Oo. ,
Iniiorlcr | nml .lobbor of '
Liquors nml OomilnoN'o-
\Vlne iiiul Million .Hli
ntnl Lunvomvurth 8ti. vnila Clears.
1'rlco lints on nppllcnllon 1MJ DoiiKlu ? Street.
L. Kirsoht&Oo. , A. Priok&Oo , ,
Wholesale UriuorDonlors WholesaleI.lquorDeslcri
407 nhiMWa. lOlli SI. FOI - W S IQtli 31 ,
0. W. Douglass & 0o. John A. Wfikefield ,
Imported , Anierlrnnl'ort ,
llnrdivood Lumber , lamt CementMllw nuke
lljilnuillc C'enii'n t an
1310 North1 Bill Street. ( julnejr Wlilto I.lino.
Charles R. Lee , WyaU-BullardLuni-
Itnnlnooil lunilicr , wood
dupel'iind pupjuot bor Oo.
llonrltiK ,
Pill nnd Douglas. SOUinnllznrJStreeU ,
Prod W. Gray , Louis Bradford ,
1,1 me , Comcnt , Kin , r.lo I.umbor , Mine , comont.otd .
Cor Oth nnd Dounlai re.l llnnutni atreet.
0. A. StOUOllill , L Oborfelder & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notions Importers nml Jobbori In
Cloilti , Illo .Millinery.
203,210 and LT. "oiltb llth ,
11G-1I3 S. ICth St. , Oin.ilu ttrcet.
Max Meyer &Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
Al'f'l ! Jeweler' , rtcnlon In 1'lanos , Artist *
muslcnl Initriimcnts ,
etc. , Material * , Utc. ,
Knrnnra nnd ICth. I5ii : lloiiclai Street.
Oonsolidatoil Tank
Line Oo.
Heflncd nnd Intirlontlni
oil . nxlo Kronse , oto.
A. H. lllsliop , Manager.
A. Bootli Packing Oo , , Platt & Oo , ,
Oysters , IHi nnd canned "Tiger brand , " freshoy -
Kuodi. lur ,
Onnbn brnneh ,
1308 Jxrivonworth. CIS nnd 817 Howard.
Oarpentor Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'ka '
Carry n full dock of Oold , silver anil nlckol
nnd pltttlni ; on all mcUila.
, wrnpplnR
wrltliiB paper , cnrd pa 1'ollr-lilns lirnii A cliaa-
per , etc. < lellur ork 1114
Eibbel & Smith , Schroeder & Oo , ,
Denlrm In conntrr prod Cash curort biillor nna
uce , fruits , vcgctiiblos , Kiti , nnd Kt'nnrnl com1
1207 llownrd street. 42J South llth street
0 , Rosso & Oo. , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
Foreign , California and I'roducp. f rulti of all
Iroplcnl fruits , klnil.a ) liters ,
. 1211 Hovrnrd street.
121J llownrd street.
Porter Bros , Oo. , Robert Purvis ,
1217 How
California , Klorldi and "
truplcnl fruits. \Vrlto for prlcos
MI-H1I .lunus ntreot. lor , CKUS , poultry and
O.V Units , - .Manager. Kiune.
Kirsclibraun & Sons , Olark & Oo , ,
liuttcr cues nnd poultry. Huttcr , chee o. c c i
poultry nml Knino ,
1WJ Ho < vnnlslrcot. W.I South 13th street.
B tes & Oo. , Williaun & Grow ,
, frulti ,
produce '
I'roduco nnd fruits
vmctatifof '
, Krooors'
Spt'ClllltlOH. ItMll , SplOOt ,
etc , 417-4111 S. Utti St. 1214 Hnrnov street.
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Manufacturing nn 1 Job
bers nil klniU ruhbor
lOOi Karirim stroot.
A. L. Deano & Oo. , Emerson Seed Oo , ,
General atrenti for Hall's Seed crowoM , doilors In
Sufus. K.irdon , ir.i3i , uruloaaa
321 nnd UJJ Smith 10th St. , treosee In ,
42l-4ii South Uth.
M. A , Disbrow & Oo , , Bohn Sash & Door Oo ,
Manufncturnrs of Ba b , Manufacturer ! of moulJr
doors , bl I mil nnd InKt , blind i , doorj ,
Moiildlngi ! , llrnnnhof- oto.
Uce , 12lh nnd Iinrd sts. ICth nnd Clark ntrocti.
Parroll & Oompiny , Dnffy-Trjwbridjo
Wbolesnlo mnnfactiirors Steve Minufao'g ' Oo , ,
srups , molniios and
vlaok'.in , Manufatnr'K stnveinnl
utovo plpj. . _
217-213 South 8th street. I2I3-12I5 Io.ivenworth ilT
Consolidated Ooffaa
Company ,
1411 and Hill Hurnoyit.
Omnhn. Neb.
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L. Straii & Sons ,
Pump Oo. ,
llnlll'lny ' wind mills. 31R 1002-1001 Knrnnm street
nml U20 Jonent. (1 ( V.
Kusa , ndlnt ; manager. Omnha , Neb.
Orane Oorapauy ,
llcno bpltlnv , pncklnit ,
bteam ] iurnu , plunibbu
1U2-3I Urnitin street.
H. Hardy & Oo. , The Omnlia Type
Toj-n , dolls , albumsfancy Foundry.
goods , house furnishing Printers' Huppllo * .
' Now uiul M'cond-liansl
liootla , children's car- niachlnurr.
rluKes. I'Jt'J t'urnamst. lliailonard olruot.
Boyer & Truitt , Martin Bros , ,
41-W K tlmnio
[ Ilulldlnt
Ki'lian.'O ilulldlnif ,
I > 8-W ChldlKO.
Oioahn. SKKhunxo IliillOIne ,
Houtli fcouth Oiuiiha ,
S. J. Ooffman , Smiley Hunter &
& Oo , ,
30 Kio
26 i : cli n o llulldlnz ,
Houth Umaha , ( ioulh Omuiu.
Wood Brothers ,
U Exchange Ilulldluir ,
South Ouinha