Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1890, Page 3, Image 4

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    I ; T11E ( B1AHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY" DECEMBER 22 , 1890.
I filtered liy Carrier In any part oftho City
II. W. TlLTUJf. . . . MASAOI'.U
nitslntsa onico , No. U
Night Editor , No. ' ! .
N. V. P. Co.
Burboru'a for watches.
Council Muffs Lumber Co. . coal.
The school clilldien have entered upon
their holiday \acatlon ot two weeks , this
being the drat.
Mr. and Mrs , 1 . Warner of On thrlo county ,
town , are the guests of li11. . Warner on
Washington nvnuo ,
A party of Union Pacific oillclals went
louthon the Wabash lust evening. Thu ob-
Icctlvo point Is St. Louis.
Several ministers yesterday preached to
their congregations holiday sermonsdrawing
lessons especially from Christinas.
( Subscriptions to periodicals at wholesale
* pi Ices. Urop mo n card and I will call on
jon. R .1. llonglnnd , No. 100'J ' Sixth avenue.
IPfe"N. Christmas cantata has been prepared for
presentation nt thu Congregational clmivh
Wednesday evening for the enjoyment of the
Bunduy school and the friends of the church
The dally receipts of mall and express mat
ter at the transfer at the present tlmo Is the
heaviest ever known , and exceeds the amount
recoiled on the days preceding Christmas
last jcar by at leust S3 per cent.
/.oo Onvton , tbo pedestrian actress , loft
yesterday morning on her walk east , She
will go from hcio to Chicago over the Keck
Island route , walking along the railway
I track ,
A llttlo girl , bareheaded and clad in n sum
mer dress , playing on the court house
grounds ycstcidny afternoon , a moro striking
comment nil the weather than any signal ser
vice report.
IPfe" The vnluo of public grounds and buildings
In Council Bluffs Is llgurod out as $ la SOJO
which includes the school buildings , valued
at S'i.UOO , the state , county and city build
ings and grounds.
A Biicied concert was given in the Congre
putlonul church last evening. The pisto
made a brief address , the choir gave spccl.i
anthotns.antl there weio recitations and varl
oua other Inteiestlng features.
.fny Smith , a fanner of Lewis township
while in the city Saturday , was the victim o
a rnnawnv. Ills horses tool ; fright on Touitl
street , and ho wns thrown fioin the wauon
receiving several bruises , hut uo scriou
A forty-pound turkey cooped in the show
window of the Model icstamant Is ono of the
interesting lomindcrs that Christmas is near
at hand , and that Council 13 In Its is located in
u country whcro aslnplo turkey grows bi.r "
enough to inako n feast for several lamillcs.
T. D. King & Co have ono of their show
windows devoted to a inlninturowliiterscenc ,
representing n snow-clad mountain , with a
wonderful little ensile near the summit. The
children , whoso ejcs will dance with delight
in looking upon it , should thank Mr. Autolno
IJinkhowus the skillful decouitor.
J K. Iludd scorns to bo unfortunate with
his horse nnd wagon. Hccenlly the horse
wont ttiiough a plate glass in Uan Cnrrlgg's
place. Saturday as liudd was driving the
snmo horse along Ilroadvvay a motor struck
the wagon and pushed and dragged the ilg
along the track , but luckily uo serious damage -
ago resulted.
Attorney General Stone , while In the city
yesterday , touched his expressions of conn-
dunce in the outcome of tbo controversy In
regird to whether Cut-Off Island is in Iowa
or Nebraska. Theio was nothing new to bo
reported , but the hunt among musty docu
ments and old maps had given Mr. Stone 10-
ncwed faith that Iowa would win in the con
Hans Hnnscn pot fighting drunk last night
mid It required two police oflleers to eet him
Into the central station and two moro to
81'nrch him nnd throw him into the hole , lie
will hold up his bruised and buttered bead
before Judge McGce this morning and swear
that ho was not chunk. A charge of Indecent
conduct on the street wus also placed ugalnst
Dr. J. H. Clcnver was called yesterday
morning to render surgical services to u boy
at511 Broadway who had chopped off his
right thumb with a Intohet while attempt
ing to split kindling , The member
was entirely dissevered , but tbo doctor stuck
It on again and will enjoy un interesting sur-
olcal experiment ivliile endeavoring to make
it unite again with tbo hand.
" yiio reported attempt to burglarize the
Hock Island ticket onico grew out of a simple
mistake. Ono of the clerks m the ofllce had
a friend in thoioofterotllco hours , nnd when
they had llulslied their smoke and their chat
they started for borne , going out of the rear
door and locking It. Seine one who saw the
two fumbling with the door , and disappear
ing ooforo ho could reach them , hurried oft
to spread the warning tint burglars wore
prowling nbout nnd had been frightened
away by his approach.
The city council this evening will decldo
the Important question of whether it is bettor
to widen tbo old levee or build a new one.
The public opinion among the people most In
terested w hi'revcr it has been given expres
sion , Is stronely In favor of applying the ex- necessary to rebuild the old bank upon
the now embankment , and it isery probable
the city council will barken to the general
desire , and advertise for bids for the now
work nftor deciding to abandon the old. " Iho
general feeling Is tint any money spent on
the old levee will simply amount to nothing
but a temporary Improvement while the pro
posed noiv bank , which will cost hut llttlo
moro , will bo a permanent linpioveincnt.
Mrs. Abigail Crane Downs , mother of Cap
tain J. P. Williams , died yesterday at the
residence of her 3011 , WXl Washington avcnuo.
She had rc.ichcd tha ripe old ago of nearly
olgtliy-flvo years , but doith was caused by
an unfortunate accident that happened to hoi
a week ago last Sunday. While descending
the steps at the Hirst Baptist chuich after
the conclusion of the services she slipped and
fell heavily on the pavement , and leceived
injuries that rendered her unconscious foi
several hours. She was taken homo in a car-
rlago and her physician summoned. She was
tenderly cared for but never rallied from the
shock. She was born in Johnson , Vt. , April
29 , 1800 , nnd removed to Council
Bluffs with her husband , E. R. Downs
. in 1801. Until her unfortunate accident
Bho was active nnd strong and gave promise
of ninny years of useful life. The funeral
will bo held on Tuesday at a p. m. from tbt
residence. The services will bo conducted
by Hov. L. A. Hall , the now pistor of tin
, church she attended so long and faithfully
DoIIavcn has just opened a largo stock ol
bountiful Christmas goods which he U odor
Ing at great bargain.
Pluvh Roods , Christmas books and bolldai
coeds nt Dell Q , Morgan & Co 's , 7-U Lowe
Hold Tor Kent.
Ogden house. Council Bluffs , nt low rental
Inqulro at hotel.
J. C. Btxby , steam hoitln ? , sanitary on
eInccr.OiaL.ifo bullilini ; , O.mtii ; JJJ Mtir
riam block , Council IHulTj.
C. A. Heobo A Co. nro fiompr out of the re
tail tradn and will close out their line lli.o o
ladles' writing and onico desks , book cases
chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chninbe
Bults , folding beds , plain and fancy rockorc
cabinets , mirrors , olo. , etc. for less thai
Kino Holiday 1'resomn.
Every person In the city nnd siirrounrtln ,
country is Invited to call and examine th
line line ot liolldav Rood ) at the old rollabl
business house of K. Burhoru , 17 Malu streel
Neckwear , silk mufllcn , plush caps , etc ,
( or holiday prtooaU. Ottenholncr's , 41
11 road way.
"When buy ing your Chdstntas presents sto
la nnd see If wo haven't not something yo
want. Uell ( } , Morgan X Co. , 713 Lowe
Brottdwnv ,
Our Mottoes
"Ilest Quality of Goods "for the I-eas
Money , " "Social KlTort Made to Pleas
Kvory One , " "No Trouble to Show Good
and ( llvo Prices , " "Prices to Suit th
Times. " "Llvo and Lot Live. " Head an
profit b.v buying your holiday eoods ut th
old established nouso of L. Burhoru , 17 Mai
Ohicf Carey anil Hh Ihn Spend tha Sal- )
bath .Hunting for Burglars.
Jlrpufy Mnr4lml Wlilto Indulge * In
Item In INCPIIUCH Forty-night Men
In llxUU Puct-Clty l-'lnances
Minor Meat on.
Chief Carey and his men are engaged Iu
looking up two cases of burglary that were
reported yesterday , but no Information sufll-
clcntly definite WM obUincd to any
Shoitly before noon Mrs , Juno Carroll , the
only xvoman snloonkeeuur In the city , who
runs a place at SO'i Main street , reported to
Ofllcer ICetnp thut her saloon had been bur-
glnrl/cd vvliilo she was attending church , and
robbed of $100 in cash. She had only boon
absent from the place abou t an hour , and before
fore leaving had t iken nil the money she baden
on hand and concc-Jled It In what she im
agined was a safe place In a room adjoining
the s iloon in the roar , The operation was
evidently witnessed by seine ono through
the rear winnow , for when she ro-
tinned from church the window bad been
foiced and her monoj.taken , OfllccrlCemp's
examination revealed nothing in the way of i
duo but the Imprint of a very largo boot hco
In the dust at the bottom of the window.
The woman herself has some infortnatloi
which she thinks will enable the police to ur
rest the buiglar.
AtS : : ) o'clock Saturday night the resl
deuce ot Geo.-goT. Plielps. on tlio corner of
Sixth street nml Willow avenue , was burg <
bed. The servant nirl had gone out and Mrs
Plielps had stopncd across the street to chat
with , , x neighbor for a few moments , leaving
the doors unlocked. She was only absent i
shorttlmo , but during the time a rear win
dovv was raised mil tlio house raided. Tin
matter not icported until jcsterdaj
morning. The only article ? t.ikoii tlut linv
been inlssi'dso far were a half do/.cu old sll
vor spoons , marked "M. A. K , , " and hlghlj
piiiod on account of their association , In n
pile of ashes lying not far from the window
and la the soft earth beneath th
\vlndow on the outside were th
unpi hits of a very small foot
tndlcMting thnt the buiglar was cither
worn in or a child. A hirso lot of silverware
sitting on the sideboard In the dining root
\vhciothospoonsvvero taken was left ur
touched , further stictigtticnitig the imprea
slon that the crlmo was not committed by
professional butglar.
To Got tli" Great Bargains Offered
Ily the Hostoii Storv , Council UliifTs
I/list niul Hest Dargnltm.
Only three days moro until Christmas 1
Onlj thrco more days to got the llttlo ones
nnd the loved ones the presents that will
gladden hearts and make the day what It
should be , the happiest In all the jenrl
Tneso thrco days will bo full of events for
the people -who como to the Boston Store ,
Council IJlulTs. In that tlmo all the holiday
goods thcro will bo sold. Dating tlio east
week thousands of dollars worth of holiday
goods have been sold i.otwithstanding the
summery weather , and thousands of dolhrs'
worth yet icmain to bo disposed of , sold at
prices that will take jour breath away.
From now until Christmas our customers
will have nn opportunity to get the mostuso-
ful and beautiful articles at sacrifice prices.
Ladles c.mnot inako their gentlemen friends
a moio nppropilatc present than by giving
them banukeichlolb , gloves or scarfs , and
the stock that \vo have to select from is the
largest in the city.
Gentlemen cannot tnako tholr lady friends
any more appropriate or acceptable present
than Is found In tbo Immense line of plush
goods , including toilet cases and workboxcs.
Recollect that while you have the largest
stock of the latest novelties to select from
you w ill only bo asked to pav popular prices ,
which means a saving of 25 percent.
Only thiee days more and our toy depart
ment on tlio second floor will be closed out.
Como and sco what wo have got to offer you
for the least money jou over paid for toys.
The greatest book sale over seen iu Council
Bluffs will mnik this closing holiday offer.
Wo make you thu greatest book offer of the
ago when wo guarantee you the latest re
print of the Kngllsh nnd American encyclo
pedia britanicn , the ninth edition , at $1. 0 per
volume , cloth binding , orgl.fiO for halfUus-
sin , the first volume of the half Russia for
( iOc , or ? . ! 00 for the entire set of twenty-live
volumes. Look at tueno prices for a few
samples of other books :
Publishers' Our
Pi ice. Price.
E. P. Roc's woiks . $ 1.50 $ .75
Dickens , 15 volumes . 15,00 0.00
Palestine , England nnd Africa
( illustrated ) . fiOO 1.25
Scott's Wnverly novels . 18,00 0.00
Tnackei.iy , 10 volumes . Ifi.UO 5.00
Webster's unabridged . 1000 S.50
Webster's un ibrlducd , indexed 10.50 8.75
History of New York state. . . .
History of Now England .
HUtoryofOhio . 1.50 .CO
Lifoof Christopher Columbus. 1.50 .75
HistorvotthoUnitcdStates. . . 1.00 .25
The Gieate = t Thing In the
World , by Prof. Drunmiond. l.W .3. >
Mueauloj's essays and uoenw ,
U volumes . 3.75 l.fiO
Martha Tin-ley s works . 1.25 .75
Household poems . 2.50 1.25
5,000 volumes of beautiful bound books 5'j
25o per volume over I00 ! titles to select f rom ' ,
1,01)0 ) volumes of the celebrated Edgowood 'j
edition , with , side and back gold stamp , UOc
per volume.
ClllI.DUl.N'S ' HOOKS.
Publisher's Our
Pilco Price
Happy Hours . fl.OO .8.1
WldoAvtako , 1S90 . 1.50 .08
Chatterbox. 1891 . , . l.f.O .85
Homo Sunshine . 1.00 .35
Aunt Virginia's Pretty Hook 1.00 .33
- People of Council Bluffs will flnd the great
est bargains this week in all other lines that
wo have over maid them since wo came hereto
to introduce and piomota low prices.
HOI , 403 , 4M , Council Bluffs , la.
City Treasurer Kinnchan will submit bis
report of the finances nf the city dining the
month of November ut the mooting tonight.
The following is the exhibit prepared by him
for publication : fund . I 1ST BO
Howl loan fund . DS.bhJ ! U
Intel eotlon paving and
Ciudlnc . 1.17040
y Tntirsecllon sewer bluklng 4. < > : ! HX ( >
I'.irU fund
Library fund . " . ' . : . . . „ ; . . . ; 'OJ4t
Oniblnnimd 4.871 M
1'ollro Mail J.VI4T.1' )
, Iiitorsiictlon nuvier 14.IJ.II 02
Special nssc'ssmcMit grading , 101 TO
Keili'mptlon fund . -4i 02
honor ulatrirt No. S . . . . 4W50
City brliluo fund . l.mi Itt
ruiidud iloht . ID.UMJ h"
( Icncralsmvcr . 4.0TU b8
bpcclal as-oismunt paving. . J.lfil7 ! 21
bpi'Olnl usiessiiioat sowur. . . . IKS 71
liulance In city ueasury . 4VC1S y
Total . J70.871 b7 JTUJWl 67
First-class fresh cnnJy inado for the hell
day trade , at A. C. Dempsoy's ' , 105 Main st.
Having decided not to carry this line re
are closing out our entire stock of hollda ;
ho goods. Consequently can offer you botte'
do bargalna than any other house in the city
. Wo have n handsome line of plush goods let
lojs , Christmas trees , etc. Come and bco us
Kelly & V'ounkennan , 101 Broadway.
In the City Jail.
The police register yesterday morning I
op showed that the usual number of tinfortun
ntcs had found their \vny Into the city ill
and were spending the bright Sunday in th
thick atmosphere of the small cells and nar
row corridor thnt inako the city prison any
ist thing but a pleasant place to stay in. y10
.so ds cells and conidor are ventilated on sclcntlll
ho principles , but it would require somethln
ml more than the operation of an air blast t
ho carry away the foul odors as fast as they ai
.In created ,
Yet despite the crowded condition and tin
many discomforts , many of the unfortunates
were managing to get n great deal of enjoy
ment out of It. Thosoundof a banjo and tlio
musical voice of a colored man who has ono
day more to servo to complete a ten day's sen
tence for Intoxlcntlonnrosclnstevenlng above
the hum of conversation nnd the clutter of
awl ft feet keeping time to his music and ap
plauding his minstrel songs.
"Yes , the old place Is prcttv well filled , "
remarked Dcputv Mirshnl White , "but wo
don't consider twenty-live or thlrtvmuch of
n crowd. The entire size of the room occu
pied bv these men J About 1-txJJ foot , minus
the thickness of the plating and tbo walls of
the cells. Thoio are only bunks for about n
dozen Thoroinalnder havoto hunt asoft place
In the cement lloor , but If they have n
blanket that Is about as comfortable as the
buiiki , for the softest side of the bunks is
composed of chilled steel.
"What is the largest number of prisoners
wo have ever h id hero nt one tlmo ! Forty-
eight , I bcllovo. The hold of the old building
was full then , and the overflow reached up
Into tbo upper rooms. At thnt tlmo the eltv
jail was the most compactly Illled building
In the city. Besides the inultltudo of
prisoners wo had to furnish accommoda
tions for the police headquarters , about all
the city papers thit had accumulated slnco
the town was incorporated , the marshal's
ofllee , a largo pirt of tlio tr.ifs and belong
ings of the cltv engineer's onico , nnd n lot of
other stuff. That was ono of tho'blgnest
davs wo have over had. The stieets were
full of drunks and the ofllcers had run in
the parilciimnts In half a doen lights , nnd
when wo thought wo were about Illled up a
gang of twenty-live or thirty tr.mips attacked
Detective Price nt the Milwaukee yaids and
nil the oftlccrs that could bo sp.irod were sent
down to assist him and capture the gang.
They get a lot ot them and the arrests for
the day amounted to moro than fifty , Tlio
Milwaukee tr.imps were the most vicious
looking snt of thugs I over saw , ntul wo
picked out the worst of the lot and sentthom
down to Jlinmlo O'Neil , to bo cared for In the
county Jail. You recollect they catno pretty
nearly murdciing the detective , and if everyone
ono of them was not a murderer then their
countenances libeled them. Sheriff O'Ncil '
still sa\s the 11 f teen wo sent him were tlio
hardest ho over had in the big cylinder.
They gave him lots of trouble aim ho had to
Keep them caged all the time , and onca was
compelled to turn the hose upon thorn and
neaily diovvn them before ho could reduce
them to subjugation.
"Yes , wo have had lots of murderers in
heie , and none of them has over made his
escape. I think there have at least been
thirty. There has only been ono escape since
I have been hoio in llvo J cars , and that was
whoa nioung fellow who is well known nnd
need not. bo named got into the rear of the
cells and mndo his osenpo by digging through
the brick wall.
"Wo are hotter fixed now that wo over
were for taking care of the boys. Slnco the
police headquarters have been moved Into
the new building -wo have nil the up
stairs , nnd Marshal Tcinplcton has ariangei !
thrco additional room * , giving us four whoio
wo used to have only ono , enabling us to keep
about seventy men hero at ono time. I don't '
think there Is another building in the city of
tbo same size that you could con line that
number of men in and not have a repetition
of the black hole horror of Calcutta during
the Crimean war. Any pluco for women
prisoners i 0vcs. . Wo tnvo the "brlda !
chamber" up stairs , a room fourteen feel
square , with two leal beds in it , n table am
two or throe chairs. It has n south and wcsl
front , and is quitoa comfortable place. Whet
thcro me no women in it It is the height o
each prisoner's ' ambttton to got on the gooi
sldo of the Jailor and bo permitted to occupj
the bridal chamber.
"Never since I have been hero have thcro
been out two occasions when the jail wa <
empty for twenty-four hours at a time , li
the stream of humanity tbut pours in and ou (
from ono year to another there are hundred !
of familiar faces. T.iko any rcllned man o
your acquaintance and let him bo locked ii
there for llvo minutes vhen the cells nnc
corridors nro full , or let him peer through th
grated door , and ho would not consent to
spend ono night in thcro for $7JO , yet mci
\villsntTerthodiscomfortsof the place fo
dajs and weeks nt a time nnd get back again
within twenty-four hours after they nro i"
"Wo keep It as clean nnd comfortable awe
wo can , but the place is not a health resort
but it has no terrors for the crowds tha
como and go , " _
Christmas and holiday goods at cost at De-
, stoio.
Scott house , 23 N. Main st , Co. Bluffs.
Good board , nice rooms and beds , lowest rates.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 418
Broadway. _
Wanted Boys at American District Tel
egraph otUco. _
Another Burglary.
The third burglary reported In the last
twenty-four hours occurred last night at the
icsidcnco of Mrs , Hoagland , on tbo corner of
Third avenue nnd Ninth street. The fnmily
had gone to church , and the burglary was
committed between 7:80 : nnd 0 o'clock , at
which time Mr. tloagland returned to the
house and saw at a gl.inco that it had been
thoroughly overhauled during his absence.
A fuithor investigation showed that a rear
class door hud been broken open to gain an
entrance. A bundle or clothes lying oa the
icar porch had been use-l to inufllo the sound
and the glass in the door broken. Tlie buig-
lais v\ero apparently not satisfied with the
opening thus made , but had loiccd the door
open by breaking the lock and splitting the
casing on the inside.
A hasty Inventory of the household ( roods
showed the absence of a line chinchilla over
coat belonging to the head oftho family , a
blue dress belonging to Mrs. HoaglanU.n gold
headed cane , n , razor and other smaller arti-
clcs. If nnvthing clso was taken it was not
discovered and reported to the police. Olllcer
Wcgetlc Investigated the case but could ilnd
nothing to servo as a clue.
On Saturday night an attempt was made
to enter the residence of P. H. Hill in the
sumo block , but it was not attended with
The police think this last burglary gives
some evidence of the presence of profession-
Great success.
Reliable coods.
Pair dealing.
Bottom prices.
At C. B. Jaequomlu & Co. , No. 27 Main street
Buy your coal and wood of O. B. Fuel Co. ,
WJ Bioathuiy. Tele-phono 180.
A llanilHoino Donation.
Dr. J. F. White , the custodian oftho funds
raised by the United Workman at the enter
tainment elvon by the members of the order
on lust Wednesday evening f or the benefit of
the homo of the friendless In this city , turned
over the proceeds on Satuuluy evening. The
proceeds amounted to J.WU.US and \\oro pre
sented by Ur. AVhito , C , U. Frank , master
workmen ; A. 1J , Enclerton , past master
workman ; William Arnclt , llnnncior , and K.
II. Ohlondor. The order hero wishes to ex
tend their thanks to the members of Union
1'acilic lodijfj , No , 17 , and Onulia led e , No.
IS , of Oiniha for tliclr cordial assistance in
the enterprise.
Foil REST A new eight-room cottnjjo with
all modern linpiovemcnts , corner ' Broadway
aucl Sixteenth streets J , C. 1) , HOOEX.
Dr.Blrney , Noboand throat. Ueobldg * .
Tlio Shining
Of the old. world , Boldlors , statesmen and
men of loiters , allwrlto , in the most ox-
truvnK"iit prulbo of our facilities for
travel in America And \vo are entitled
to tlio prnlbo. On every English line
thorn IH thu bRine old dusty lunch counter <
tor , kiioivn by all tourists for these many
. yours. Not even a drink of water , nor n
crust of bread to bo had on the train.
No wonder our trniib-Atlantlofriends ex-
pess aniiucmont when they Hit down ton
? hotel dlnnor on ono of the naluco dining
II- CIUHOII th i Union and Southern Pacific
railways an urrnngamenl which is the
ho moat perfect Iu the country today.
y- Dr.Birnoy. Nosoandthroat. Uoobldfj ,
'Il | > n lor Tmlaj'H llaocs.
Tirst rnco Bradford , Lepanto.
to Keoondineo-Lysaudor , Tom Nost.
10 Third raee-Mwlo , St. Piitrtek.
Fourth ratio Prlnco IMward , Leo Brijcl
Sixth race nuroy , Joe Courtney.
TLftt is What Henry Eiaipjan & Oo. Say , But
They Must Let the People Know It.
i IP
A ninnua Through IHo Iinrscst Com *
luerclul House in flic Wont Santa
Clans' llondiiunrtors A For
tune In
ToTun OMUIVBKI : Ad. "Man : It Is im
possible for us to wrlto out the largo adver
tisement that wo spoke of , ns our store Is so
full of customers tlmt It requires till ot our
time ami attention to unit on them ,
You can use your own Judgement ntul wrlto
such fuels us you miy know about our holi
day woods ntul let the public know tlmt Hlso-
man's Is headquarters for nny ami all kinds
of holiday presents nnd tlmt we will discount
anybodj'a pi Ices. Hoapeotfully ,
IIi'Mtv UISBMAV & Co. .
Council Bluffs , In.
The nbovo note to Tin ? nni : advertising
man , written by Mr. Simon Elseman on a
telegraph blank , was tlio invitntlon to the re
porter sent to enjoy an hour In rambling
through the half nillo of aisles on the IIvo
lloor of the Elsomans' preat cominorclal
palnco. Tlio hour wim Insulllclent to see nil
but enough was noted to support Mr. Else-
inim's assertion thut there was no person
about the building who could llnd time to
wrlto advertisements without neglecting
patent customers.
On the Hist floor Saturday afternoon thcro
was scarcely standing room. The l.idioa
were miking their purchases ol dress goods
from the grout display of raio bargains for
tlio liolldav trade. It was as busy n scene as
Council llluffa ever witnessed. Clerics wcio
almost concealed behind the piles uiul
stacks of goods that had been taken
down to suit the varying1 tastes
of the shoppers. Kvorv loom In the
clvill/cii world had contributed to the stock ,
and the lady who did not buy hud no oicuso
to pie id except the single ono that she had
alre.uh bought too much for her purse In
some of the other departments.
The greatest attraction was on the third
floor , which is devoted wholly to the toy do-
pirtment ntul tlio holMny goons. Of itself
Ills us largo ns two ordinary stores , but
every fOt of room that was not Ukenup by
thu crowds of people was occupied by stacks
of goods designed for presents. SantaClnus ,
the real live old gentleman In llcsh and blood ,
was thcro making his way through the crowd
followed by troops of happy children. The
hundieds of visitors were unstinting In their
commendations of the clegmt exhibit , anil
the children especially weio In
their exclamations of delight at the many
things peculiarly attractive to them
Santa Glaus was in nil his ( 'lory and
tlio kindly olri king of the Juvenile heart was
followed ubout .is ho led the way from onu
attractive exhibit to another by a band of
enthusiastic children wild abundantly as
sured him of their love and loyalty. And
uhntdld hoshow thcmi A brilliant display
of an almost endless variety of toys ti de
partment which is a veritable museum of
curiosities , embracing -cvervthlue that the
genius of Invention has brought out for
tlio amusement ot the children. Tlio
mechanical and stciun toys were paiticulnrly
attractive mid elicited the most \oclforous ex
clamations of delight from the llttlo ones.
While Santa Claus Was escorting the Ju
veniles through the crowded and beautifully
in ranged departments allotted to them , the
older visitors weio finding gratification in an
Inspection of the superb stocks in which
there are hundreds of appropriate gifts for
geutloiiion , young and old , unique and desira
ble presents for ladies of all ages , and many
articles useful and hoiutlful , which aio
always in demand.
Hero is a partial list of thelhollday display ;
about ono article in a thousand , and the
clerks tell jou when you inquire tuo price of
anything that ills Just Ono half what It wasn
ucckago that Mr. Kibonun ordoicd them
to sell everything at half pilce until aftcrtho
holidays :
Soldiers and canon , magic lanterns , trum
pets that automatically piny beautiful tunes ,
trombones , swinging horses , ranges and
stovoa , hook and ladders , lire engines , hose
carts , drajs , wagons , express wagons , dog
carts , passenger trains , freight trains , Han
som cabs and horses , mouth organs , Jack in
the box fifty different kinds , tops that hum
and tops that sing , rubber balls , violins ,
guris , printing presses , sheep that cry and
sheep that "bah,11 dudes' drawing slates ,
ivritlng desks , drums , and a thousand others
wo can't think of.
The assortment in albums is really start
ling. Beautiful plush albums for 5u ( ) and up
to many dollars. Plush boxes , toilet cases ,
manicure sets , perfumery sets , collar and
cuff boxes , glove boxes , pin cushions , foot
stools , work boxes , shaving sets , smoking
sots , etc. , tto.
Oxyulzed silver smoking sets , toilet sets ,
manicure sets , pin cushions , and many others
too numerous to mention.
Dolls I A hewiildering assortment from
the low priced doll at 40 to $ lfi , with china ,
patent bisque and \\ashahlo heads. Dolls
that talk , dolls that cry , and dolls that go to
sleep no mere newspaper description can do
them justice ; a kid body doll for SOo ; a real
prince for only $1.25 , little sailor boys : llttlo
Scotch girls.
Baskets In every conceivable shape , style
and color. Japanese baskets ; Germ in bas
kets , Indian baskets , ranging in price from
! io to $3.75.
There are more plush goods on this floor
than used to como to the city in nn entire
season , and everything is of the newest and
handsomest design , and tacked to each is
the startling legend "half price. "
On the second lloor is displayed the finest
and largest line of cloaks and Jackets to bo
found in any house in the west. This depart
ment was likewise crowded , and the fact
that so many people from abroad , as well as
from the city , wore buying was explained by
the clerks , when they would tell the custom
ers that the management had determined to
clobo out the season's stock by the Una of the
year , and rather than carry over anything
had cut the prices on every garment to the
wholesale figure. Among the purchasers
were noted several dealers replenishing tbolr
In all the other departments the same busy
scene is noted , proving the assertion of the
management that Elseman's is the hradnuart-
era for this western country lor every line of
dry goods.
The favorable irapiesslon produced on the
first nppearaiiLO of the agree iblo liquid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs a few ycais ago has
been more than continued by the pleasant ex
perience of all who lii'o ! used it , and the suc
cess of the proprietor , and manufacturers
tbo California Fig Syrup company ,
Dr.Blrnoy. Nose arid throat. Beobldg.
Samuel Burnt ) hli'S laced on sale IOC
riouvonlr cups and Rancors , 2oc to $1,00.
Sco them. * fl
Hov. AVIIlnrd Sootf Talks of the liiflii-
enco ol' the Country's KoiiiHlors.
Rev. Wlllnrd Scott q ( the St. Mary's nvo
nuo Congregational church delivered alec
turo lust nicht upon ' -Tho Spirit of the Purl
tans. " V " *
The discourse dealt < vvlth the early settler :
of Virginia , and of tu'o Massachusottes col
ony as well as with thb Purlsans who cann
over iu the Mnyflovvcr. The latter , Mr
Scott said , were but a fragment of these win
suffeicdnnd believed practically the siinu
things. The Pilgrims , ns the Mayflowei
vo ) tigers were called , were soon absorbed uj
the Massachusetts colony but ns i
moral episode the expcilcnco of tin
Pilgrims was grind. Puritanism reall iyf. ;
began with the revival of learning In the lit
tcenth century , was stimulated by the reformation
formation in thu sixteenth century nnd wa
still further ilpcncd and brought to Its ftilles
development by the involution In the seven
tcenth century.
There vvcro thrco classes in the church of
England that were dlstatUlled with oxutlni !
regulations. First , tlio > o who vvcro incllnei {
toward more llborullty for Catholicism in the
o lurch ; soconil , the o who were kin vvn as
conformists at d want el to reform the churcl
fiMn , and third , the separatists , vvh
had given up the tiopc of remaining in the
church and having the religious freedom they
Those three sects wore represented ninon g
the Purltatls. The sop iratlsts had been vir
tually driven out of Kiulutul. They went to
Holland but found that their children were
rapidly adopting the ways of the Dutch niul
would eventually bccomo n , Dutch people so
they cnuio to America. Besides these three
fleets from J'nglaml there woio Puritans
from Scotland , franco and Swltzcilnnd.
What was the belief of the 1'urltans I They
wanted more simplicity In religious worship.
Tnoy wanted n religion that had not so much
of the mystoilous about It and was free from
the formalities and ceremonies of the churh
of Kngland. They wanted priests who should
Iw looked upon ns men not ns mysterious
beings endowed with nny special power.
They wanted a religions state based upon
Boelety that should bo established by them
selves. . They wished to bo consid
ered the subjects of King James ,
but wanted religious freedom. They
caino for conscience sake , but it was
for tlio sake of their own consciences. Th oy
never Intended to tolerate In others what
thov did not believe themselves. The bible
to them was supreme and they Intended to
enforce It ns they understood ft.
Tbo non-conformist ol Boston was no moro
liberal than the non-conformist of London ,
but the men were larger and hotter than
their creed , Tlictoas no nrlstocracv in
property for there was plenty of land. They
recognized no exiwnont of the word of God
ns high ns the word itself. Magistrates
had to keep Its commands niul kings had to
look up to it The theatres and other amuse
ments that they prohibited aio not desired in
the present day. They were laughed at Just
as tlio strictly lellglous of all ages nro
laughed at , but the great central truths that
they clung to regarding simplicity of ro-
llglous worship and the dealing away of the
mysterious authority that used toclotho the
priests and ministers arc n pirt of our belief
and practice today. Wo of the
presei.t do not bellevo in the
things which they fought npnlnst
Why has the Puritan declined ? Because
work ho had to accomplish lias been done.
Church and state in this country mo sepa
rated. The priests are now ministers with
only the authority of num. Hullgion is ap
plied In n rational way to soclctv and the
evils that the Puritan strove against ha\
The struggles of puritanic days are over ,
but wo should bo grateful for the work the
Puritans accomplished. Wo should feel
grateful for the heroic men ami vigorous
characters of these days , and wo should ro-
iDPinoer that tnelr efforts shaped the relig
ious customs and the religious freedom that
we ciijoy.
Bui dock Blood Blttcr.s taken after eating
will rellovo any feeling of weight or over full
ness of the stomach. Sold everywhere.
The now ofllcc3 ot the Great Rock
Island route , 10013 Sixteenth and Farnnm
streets , Omaha , are the finest In the city.
Call and BCO them. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rutos.
Holiday Incursions.
On December 24 , 2-5 nnd 31 , 1800 , nnd
January 1 , 1801 , the Union Piicifle will
soil tickets to all points in Kansas and
Nebraska at ono and oiio-third faro for
tlio round trip , treed returning until Jan
uary 5. l&Ul. Komombor the dates.
Pr.Birnoy. Nosoand throat. Beobldg.
Cliarlty Society
The rcnlous labors of the Hov. Father D.
W. MorUulty , priest la charge of St. Agnes
parish , have been the cause of organizing an
other society for purely charitable puiposes.
At a well attended meeting In St. Agnes'
hall jcstcrday afternoon , the St. Vincent do
Paul society was organized. The ofllcers
electee are : Kuv. rather Morlarity. presi
dent and spiritual adviser ; C. W. Slattery ,
vico-picsldent ; John riynn , secretary ; Kev.
Father Charles Mug.m , treasurer. The
society will meet in St. Agnes' ' hall every
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The object ol
the soclotv is to care for the needy. Commit
tees will bo appointed from time to time to
Inquire into the needs of persons , and every
effort will bo made to relieve the needs o :
these meriting the Christian oHlces of this
commendable organization.
Notes About the City.
A daughter has been horn unto Mr. am
Mrs. Peter Faust , Third ward.
Mrs. Emma Packet of Mattoon , 111 , Is hera
visiting her mother and brothers.
George Stephens reports to the police that
seine thief stele an overcoat , a uibloandsoma
trinkets from him.
Maud , Tiged two years , daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Dougherty , Twenty-fourth
and Q streets , died ut 7 o'clock Satuiday
evening , and will bo buried in St. Mary's
cemetery Tuesday.
The three outlets of disease arc the bowels ,
the skin and the kidnovs. Uegulato their ac
tion with the best purifying tonic , Burdock
Blood Bitters.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy for their childion.
.Jo cents a bottle.
Tlio Dry GoodH .Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEK. ] The dry goods market was do ,
void of features of interest as to demand and
thcro was no new development except the
naming of iho prices of spring fancy i > ' 'nts
by two leading mills , the Windsor un 4 Mi
Arnold print works , showing no chaugo In
quotations , namely ( Me. though discounts are
probably liberal In view of the low cost of
print cloths. A good business Is reported in
the prints shown. The general maikot tone
Is unchanged and steady.
1'nriiell'H I'lnns.
KILKENNY * . Dec. 21. Parnell goes to Avondale -
dale after the election in Kilkenny and will
proceed thence to Paris to confer with
O'Brien. Uavitt made addresses at Goio's
bridge and Gowran today.
Mrs. Hetty Given.
Mrs. Hetty Green is said to bo the
richest woman in the United States , and
$40,000,000 is the estimated Bum of hoi-
wealth. She is a liberal pivor toro-
ligious and educational projects , moro
than u hundred churches having hcon
endowed by her , while upward of 11 fly"
schools ewe their establishment to her
generosity. Against this muniflconco ,
however , in her own life and surround
ings aho shows a romarlcahlo thrift. She
spout the bummer of labt year in a Long
Island village , routing for the purpose u
shabby litllo place moht sparsely fur
nished. Hero she lived for nearly three
months , ana the townpooplo hud an oo-
portunltv to discover for themselves how
prodigality of income can bo sillied with
penury of expenditure.
On thu day of lior arrival fiho wont tea
a neighbor's house and wanted to buy a
quart of milk. She was not known , and was nothing In her apponr.inco to
indicate nor Identity. The family did
not sell milk , fao her request was at first
refused , although she was told thut pos
sibly some milk might bo spared , to
which she would bo welcome. Mrs.
Gieen declined the milk as u gift , and
told who she was , adding that she
wanted to inako an arrangement , if pos
alblo , to got n daily quart , for which bhc
was willing to pay 10 cents , the cunonl
price hointr 7 cents. Such an arrange'
mont w'as 'finallv concluded , when Mrs ,
Green asked that a pitcher bo lent tc
her for the milk borvico during the sum'
mor < in which particular she was
accommodat''d. Than Mrs.Grcon wanted
a tlio milk sent to her , but this was no-
feasible ; consequently , on every morning
pf her stay she wont with the borrower
f. pitcher for her dally quart. Her faou niu
- ( luughtor constituted the household wit ) hs
hornolf. They wore regular attoiidiuiU
at church , nnd onoh of the trio invnrin
- bly put a bill of generous donuminutioi | :
upjii every round of the plate.
{ Too Mini.
10 Lovnov , Dec. 21. Mr , Cunningham Grn l
ham , in a letter to the Gpiphio condemn
h Americans for "murdering Sitting Bull To >
usiilug foou for his tribe , "
At prices thnt will sur-
prlso you. The best
goods nt lowest prices
n the city. Consult
your own Interostnncl
ouy your Winter Foot
wear at the
2S Main Street.
Is in every respect the best Conl for domestic purposes in tha
It lasts longer , produces more hent nnd burns up clenner than
nny other Iowa coal. One ton will go as far ns n ton nnd n half of
the oral nary stuff , and it costs no more than the cheap , unsatisfactory
grades commonly sold. Try it for cooking and heating Sold only by
All kinds of 'Wood nnd Conl. Cobs n specialty. Kull weight and.
prompt delivery.
29 South Main St. Telephone SOS.
The Great Vnluo of Hminciisllo In
Nnvnl Warfare.
The oi'dnanco burcJut of the navy is
still oxnorimonting with the high explosive -
plosive invented by Dr. Stephen 11. Em
inent ! and known ns eminoiiBite , and it is
believed the result thus fur obtained in
dicate that another most important of
fensive ncfcncy will soon bo at tlio dis
posal of the navy , Bays a Washington
special to the Chicago Tribune.
The experiments bhow that the com
pound , when exploded with a fuhninnto
detonator , bus about the sumo explosive
force us jjun cotton ; that it is insensible
to friction and impact , and only locally
ignited by Hume ; thnt it is not affected
by { Treat changes in temperature nor in
jured by freezing nor thawing , and tlmt
it loses little of its strength nftor bolng
repeatedly naturntcd with water and
A largo number of projectiles loaded
with it have been llrcd from powder
guns without a single premature explo
sion or accident of any kind , and the
bureau ih now making preparations to
test it on a larger scale. For this pur
pose a special gun is to bo built ut tbo
Washington ordnance foundry capable
of throwing n projectile containing a
bursting churyo of 100 pounds
of emmensito. Thib gun is to beef
of stool , built up much as the regular
service rillo , but will not bo so long. It
will bo rather a rilled mortar , longer
in the tube , however , than the ordinary
typo of rilled mortars being built for the
army. The tube will bo short enough to
avoid the danger of premature explosion
by excessive ho.iting of the pro-
jeutile in tlio bore of the gun , as inignt
result if the long service gun were
iibcd , and it will btill bo long enoucrti to
o much greater range , and con-
oqucntly greater accuracy can bo ob
tained than with the ordinary mortar.
As soon as this gun is completed it will
bo taken to the now proving ground at
Indian Head , on the Potomac , and n
serins of tests will bo made to ascertain
Iho capabilities of the now explosive and
the limitations of its usefulness.
Just what place it is destined to oc
cupy in the arm.iment of war vessels
will not bo definitely decided until nftor
oi-o experiment ; ) , but it is believed that
it will bo specially useful for vessels that
are expected to fight at elo o quartern ,
suoh as the Ainmeii ram and the torpedo
cruisers. Tlio ordnnnco bureau has al
ways hold that high explosives in n.ival
operations should bo fired from a pow
der gun , and it is thought that
the now gun will provo supe
rior to the pneumatic guns with
which the gun cotton cruiser Vesuvius
is provided. The gun to bo built at the
ordnance foundry can bo handled just
the sanio as the otdinary torvico gun in
every respect , while the pneumatic guns
of the Vesuvius are built into her hull
and can only un aimed by maneuvering
tlio vosaol , and their range can only bo
varied by varying tlio amount of air ad
mitted to lire them.
Remarked by R. 0. Joiner of Allen P. O. ,
Ilillsdale Co , Mich , : "Nothing Rave my
rheumatism Mich quick icllef us Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil believe it infallible for iliou-
A strong company desires to meet n
special agent of responsibility , with
capital , to represent its business in n
largo way in Omahn. . Address S. K. M. ,
care Novv York Advertising Agency , (5 (
Wall street , Now York City.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council BluITs , DCS Molnos and
Chicago business is the Hock Island ves-
tibulod limited , leaving Omahn nt 4HO :
p. in. daily. Ticket olllco , 1G ( Sixteenth
and Farnuin fits. . Oninho ,
Dr.Blrnoy. Noao and throat. Beobldg ,
Samuel Burns has six of these piano
lamps loft at$0.60 ; formerly , $12.00.
Go On a Visit.
Hero is a chance to go homo nijd visit
the old folks during the holidays. The
Union 1'aciflc will soil on December 21 ,
2o and 31 , 1890 , and January 1 , 1891 ,
round trlu tickets to all Kansas anil Ne
braska points for ono and one-third faro
for the round trip , good returning Janu
ary 6 , 1691.
Conductor and Ornkemnii Holilird ,
I.viiiANU' , Ind. , Dec. 21. An Uvnns-
villo Bpcclal to the Sentinel saja : While a
special tr.iln on the Pcorla , Dccatur & Evans-
vlllo railroad stopped at Olnoy , 111 , , today
for tbo locomotive to tnko water twc
masked men entered tbo caboose and
robbed Conductor Hampton nnd a brukcman
of their watdios nnd considerable money.
Tlie robbers caught them oil their ( junnl unil
covered them closely with their revolvers
while they efCeclcil tnelr purpose.
The eminent Throat Specialist says ! ' 'Tlio
Bodon Mineral 1'astlllos ( troche * ) pro
duced fioia tlut Hiilon Springs by uvapora-
Ion , iiru particularly hurvlccubo In Cii-
turilml liilliiiiiin.illoiiH , Sere Throat , Coimlis
llronchltlH mid I.niiK Troubles. " I'orsaloliy
is iilldruxKlHtH. Obtain the fcmiiilneonly , will 1
r imwt h.ivo the ulKiiuturti anil t < t-Urnonlul o
fair-Morrcll Muckuiulu wltli each box.
FOIt SAliH On easy terms , IM aurns clioIcA
Iowa land under cultivation Cilloao *
address A. A Seagri\o , 41 Main stioot.
TKOIIANI : > TSK to o\eliimRo for TOW *
f.ums , Johnston & Van 1'uitun , Council
III u Us. In.
AllGAlNS In fruit nnd vonclttlilff hunts , n
1'or Nile , Miic're * . 8J roils not t hot UhftU *
timqiia grounds ; eastern hloiio , Him NprlngsU
line sprliiK Inook , bind \oryrleli , wlUsoll In 10
or LO.IUIO hits attsO pur ncie. or J7" > per acre folr
whole traet.
1 ae.i-s on Clr.ind iivcauii ; flue orchard
wind mill , IIMO .JIO'L- , situated on Mynstor
proposed motor lln price M.V ) per ucru.
10 acres adjoining city limits , ( no storjf
liouso. peed bun , line orchard and small
fruit" . 1'rleo , $ V ) H > .
Uactos on U rand nvunuc , IVi miles from P.
O. f-WJ nn no 10.
lIDaercs , thico miles from olty limits , good
IIOUM' , barn and out build Inns , 81 bearing
niiplo ti i > os and small fruits. Price , KOOO ,
block firm , 4'ifl ucrus , line Ituvmnmui'iitA
well watered , only ono nillo from station , $ 5
an uoro If tiilccn soon. H isy turmi.
I'nrm and city property foi > ih' w. Ot
Stacy , loom 4. Opera , lumsoblltCouncil HhilTit ,
ATVrANTIID Kin-rootle lady or uunt : pcrmaf
tic-lit position ; JH per weoU ; ovperloiioi
not necessary. 1' . ( . ' . H. , liO ? Willow au'iiuu.
( Tit 11P.NT. I'urnlshod front room Sitting
and bed loom unsnltc ti-jl'lftli m unite.
FURNISHED rooms nt very isonablt
terms , on Hiilto or Hindu ; baths and strum
beat ! now hnii&o , nonlr furnished , Mrs , fate *
phenson , 103 I'arlc iivunuo. Council I'luli's.
Per Sale -A Ions list , ninny of them
ut Ion prices ; also iKi neros line Riirdotl
nnd fitilt land near the city limits , lioiise.
burn and other Improvements ; also , U uorol
fruit and garden land lust outside the city at
2.10J. W. A. Wood ACo..B3JMnlH8trc'ot.
Oil HUNT 'Iho McMnlion throo-storj
I > 1 lok block , No. : i3S. M.Unst , wlthulovutof
. W , Sqiilie. .
FOK SALE or Honk Oat-dun Jnml , witty
homei , by J. H. Ulco. 101 Main at. , Oounoll
All kinds or Hying nnd Gleaning dnno In tha
HlKhest btyloof tliu Art , Fiided and btalnoqj
Kiibrlch niutlo to look us gond as mnv.Vorl
pro'uptlv done anil delivered Iu all p.irts of
tliu country , bcmlfor prlco list.
0. A. MAUUA.N. Prop ,
101J nroidvvnv. Noir Northwustcru Uepotk
COUNCIL ItLui-frf. I A.
Or Council Bluffs.
DIIIECTOIIS-I. A. Mlllor , F. O. Oloason , E. I *
Bbu urt , K. T. Mart , J. D KdmumUon , Uharlol
O. ll.innau. b.inkliu bimlt
ness. Largest capital and surplus of auj
hank In Southwestern Iowa
Corner Main nnd nrovlwav ,
Dealers In foreign and domestic nxohanxt
Collection made and Interest paid on tluit
d epos Us.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' and Packers' Supplies ,
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Spires mid hausiiRii Mukori' Jlaeldiioiy , 820.
hiMuln KL. , Council IllulTs , Iu. A No donlorl
la Illdei and I'urs.
Council DliiffM , Iowa.
It North Main Street.
Funeral Director and lOiiilialiner.
1'n ten i H Granted to "Women ,
The number of patents granted to
women In this country and in Kngland
Blnco 188.5 shows a ( jroat increase eve ?
pruvioim years. It IH particularly no.
ticeablo Unit while American women
soar rltflit into the tnaHcullnc ntino3
phero of mechanical and hciontlilo ro-
bcarch and invention , Kn llBh women
aio mostly content with what in gener
ally refill ( led by mem as their own pocu *
liar sphere , while nn Amorlc.ui lii-
ventB a mowing miiuhluo , her Kngllsh
Bister takes out a ji.itent for an improved
baking powder. At the numo tlmo tha
Knglibh list , although It is very small
when compared with the American one ,
alTordH much evidence of hit'lior mcH
chanlcal genius.
HorHlord'n I'lioHpliato
Kor AlliiHU of AIoolnil.
It relieves the depression therefrom.
"Wreck at tlio Summit.
Union Paclllo locomotive No , COO jcstorday
afternoon ran Into a hiring of half a dozen
freight cars near the Summit , badly wreck *
liiK the cars , lioth the engineer and IlioniDfl
were Injured and \\uio at once tukuu ttt
Omaha for medical aid.