8 OMAHA. DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , DECEMBER 21 , ISOO.-TWENTT PAGES. BORN IN OMAHA , A Robust Yonng Life Insnranco Company All Onr Own , Kcllallc , AVcll nnd on n Hollcl Financial HnHlH , It nt Once Into I'ub- llo Co n lid c n cc. ' /ho grand prerequisite to the success ful growth nnd prosperity of a city is confidence In its possibilities The past year has rolled away the last cloud that darkened our horizon. Our star has arisen in the east and the wibo men are coining this way , bringing their shecklcs with them. But while the golden stream flowed in , millions have gone out to en rich foreign corporations. A careful estimateplaces the amount sent out during the year just closing at $1,000,000. Think of the commorclnl vuluo of this enormous sum to the city. Omaha B citizens are not slow to appreciate an opportunity and seeing Is to not. Be lieving that a homo life Insur- mice company , whoso fetock should bo owned by Nebraska men , would bo popular In this state , a num ber of Omaha's substantial capitalists have secured the removal ot the company Union Life Insurance pany now known us the surance company to this city. It. is an Institution financially sound and care fully managed , backed by u number of Omaha's wealthy citl'/.ens , whoso names , in connection with it , are a guarantee of its stability. The Union Lifo Insurance company is regularly incorporated , has its articles Iiledand Is now ready for busi ness , which , considering the high char acter of its incorporators , cannot bo slow in coming to them. The company was originally organised in Hastings , Neb. , In 1885 aim" comes to Omaha with nearly $2,000,000 worth of business. A number of agencies have been organized already and the establishment of agencies throughout Nebraska and outside the state will bo pushed In the near future. The olllcial board is as follows : E. M. Mor cman , president ; I ) . M. McElhin- ney , first vice president ; Frank Murphy , second vice president ; A. L. "Wigton , fcecrelary ; Truman Buck , treasurer ; J. H. Hunter , general manager ; Charles II. Brown , counsel ; Dr. Li F. McKonnn , medical director ; W. B. Harrison , cashier. J. II. Millard , president Omaha Na- tionnl bank , Omaha ; Frank Murphy , president Merchants' National bank , Omaha ; D. L. McElhinnoy , vice presi dent Nebraska loan and trust company , Hastings ; II. T. Chirk , capitalist , Omaha ; W. U. Holcomb , iirst vice president Union Pacific railway com pany , Omaha ; George "VV. Iloldrege , gen eral manager Burlington & Missouri railroad company , Omaha ; Charles II. Dietrich , president German national bank , Hastings ; Charles H. Brown , at torney , Omaha ; M. L. Alexander , whole- Bale hardware , Hastings ; Jacob Fisher , director Gorman national bank , Hast ings1. ; E. Fan-ell , director Gorman na tional bank , Hastings ; 1) . E. Thompson , president Farmers' and Merchants'in surance company , Lincoln ; Euclid Mar tin , president board of trade , Omaha ; I ? . C. dishing , mayor , Omaha ; J. R. Hun ter , insurance , Omaha ; Dr. L. Loda , western manager , Salt Lake City , Utah. The stockholders are : J. J. Brown , vice president Omaha loan and trust company , Omaha ; W. N. Nason , secre tary board of trade , Omaha : F. C. Grablo , real estate dealer , Omaha ; William Wallace , cashier Omaha nati onal bank , Omaha ; Guy C. Barton , pre sident Omaha and Grant smelting works , Omaha ; E. W. Nash , secretary and treasurer Omaha and Grant smelt ing works , OmabajS. T. Jobsolyn , secre tary Omaha lire insurance company , Omaha ; Thomas L. Kimball , third vice president Union Pacific railway com pany , Omaha ; W. H. Baldwin , jr. , assis tant manager Union Pacific railway company. Omaha ; C. N. Doitz , wholesale nnd retail lumber , Omaha ; A. J. Simp- Bon , carriage manufacturer , Omaha ; Ben B. Wood , cashier Merchants' nati onal bank , Omaha ; Samuel E. Rogers , vlco president Merchants' national bank , OmabaC. ; S. Montgomery , attorney at law , Omaha ; Henry Pundt , grocer , Omaha ; E. M. Morsmnn , president and general manager Pacific express company , Omaha ; R. D. Hall , attorney , Omaha ; II. G. Clark , treasurer board ol trade , Omaha ; Henry Bolln , managing director Gorman savincs bank , Omaha ; John Rush , city treasurer. Omaha ; C. E. Yost , manager Nebraska telephone company , Omaha ; August Pratt , lumber and coal , Omaha ; C. F. Goodmanwhole- Bale druggist , Omaha ; J. 13. Kuony , re tired merchant , Omaha ; E. Bignnl , di vision superintendent Burlington & Mis souri railway company , Lincoln ; Samuel Alexander , Hastings. The capital stock of the company is $125,000. , Each stockholder owns twenty shares at $100 each , that being the max- mum number each Is allowed to own. The oflicors of the company tire located in Brown's block , cor. Douglas and 10th Btrcots , whore the are ifabiilng policies upon all the approved plans consifatonl with safety to both the policy holdoi nnd the company. Any citizen of Omalu or Nebraska desiring' llfo insurance foi the protection of their wives and chll dren should call on or communicate with the Union Lifo and thereby patron i'/oanu iibsist in building up a "hom < institution. " HAVIIUN 1JIIOS. ' Clothing Snln. For Monday , Tuesday and "Wedncsda1 wo will Boll all of our MEN'S , BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING nt one-half of former prices ; wo meai and nro doing exactly what wo udvor tiso. tiso.Men's Men's suits , $3.00 to $18.00. Thos Bulls are best make and finest materials A saving of &t,00 to $5.00 on each suit. MEN'S OVKUCOATS. $2.50 to $17.60 , wo can suit anybody no matter who it Is , in one of our olgan overcoats. Children's knee pants suits $1.00 , $ l,2o $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.60 , $3.00 , $3.2o , $3.7 $1,2 , " ) , $5.00. On any one of these price named you will save 50 percent. Single knee pants sale , 25u , 60c , C5c 76e , UOe , $1.00 and $1.50. Kilt suits S2.UO up to $5.00. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Clothing MTH. J. Ilcnson. All plush goods , manicure sots , foldln mirrors , cull nnd collar boxes , infants tollot sots nnd many other elegant good Eultablo for holiday presents at oxaytl half prlco. NllS. J. BENSON : Fifth annual ball of thoCigarmakoi union , No. 03 , of Omaha , will bo hoi December 21 at Gormania hall , 10th an Harnoy streets. Tickets 60c , admlttin gentleman and ladies. Special bargains in watches , diamonc nnd jewelry at S. Bank's , 607 N. IGth. Dr. J. E. McGrow , the specialist , n turned hu t night from Pilgor , Neb where ho had been called by telegrai tOHoo Mra. T. J. Whalon , the wife of prominent fanner nnd stock raiber < Btmiton county. 'inEFAlRS"LASTTHREEDAYS ' By Christmas the "Whole Stock Must bo Closed Out , AUCTION OF TOYS EVERY EVENING , Every Yard of Dress Goods , Hosiery , Underwear , Clunks nnd IMIIHncry ItltiHt. All bo .Sold Monday , Ttic&dtiy nail WctlncHilny. DRESS GOODS WIL.L . GO FAST. Every yard of dress gooJs now remain- ng in our establishment has been cut so oiv that wo expect them all to bo sold Monday. Wo btlll have ISO elegant dress pat terns whloh go In live lots as follows : At 800 a full dress pattern of eight , -ards. double fold Scotch plaid , reduced rom * 1.7o. At $1.115 , a full dress pattern II inches , fine wool homespuns , reduced from nso. At $1.75 a full dress pattern , 42 inches , gray or brown all wool Jliumcl. At $2.50 an entlro pattern of flno col ored silk finish honrfottn , former price $0.00. At $ .1.00 the flnest quality silk finished all wool lionriotta , also some choice nov elties In side band clVects in striped French serges that sold as high as $1.00 nynrd. Wo will sell you an entire pat tern of eight yards nt$3.1)0. ) SILK MUFFLERS. 75c silk and wool mufllcrs JMc. 81.S3 while silk mulllors 50c. $1.60 brocaded silk mufllers "oc. $2.00 imported silk mulllors $1.00. $2.60 imported all silk mulllors $1.2o. Very finest grades silk mulllors $1.76. SILK UANDKliRCIIlEFS. Fine brocaded colored silk handker chiefs reduced from 2o to lUjc. Fine quality $1.50 silk handkerchiefs reduced to COc. Best grades of $1.50 silk handker chiefs reduced to 76c. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. To close out our stock of ladles' hand- chiefs , wo olTer you the choice of any white or colored bonier U.S. handker chiefs or white lace drawn sheer lawn handkerchiefs for oo. LADIES' WOOL HOSIERY. Ladles' line all-wool cashmere hose , worth Soc , loc. Our very line all-wool Imported plain and ribbed cashmere hose , Uoc , reduced from 7oc. Our misses' and children's all-wool seamless and cashmere hose , reduced from Hoc to 12Jc , PLUSH CLOAKS. Notice what a cut wo make from our foimor prices. $0 An elegant seal plush , quilted satin lined garment , real seal orna ments reduced from $20 to $9. 812.60 This is one of the finest grade real London dyed , extra long seal plush garments , marked down from $2o.OO to $12.50. 810 silk plush sacques , made of the best grade of plush manufactured. Can't bo distinguished from a real seal- bkin ; reduced from5 , ! to $10. LADIES' NEWMARKETS. $5.00 nowmarkets , reduced to $1.75. 87.50 nowinarkets , reduced to $2.75. 810.00 newmarkcts , reduced to $1,08. $16.00 nowmarkots , reduced to 87.50. WHITE AND COLORED BLANK ETS. All of our heavy white and gray wool blankets reduced from $2.60 to $1.50. All of our $5 white and colored blank ets reduced to $2.50. All our flnest grade of all wool Cali fornia blankets reduced to S3.50. COMFORTERS. All our $1 full size comforters 40c. All our finest full size comforters , $1.25. All our imported $1 sateen comforters $2.23. TOYS , DOLLS , HOLIDAY GOODS. If you want anything- this line come hero and got it ; the price is no object to us. Wo have marked them all down to loss than n quarter of their real value. Wo sell you at these prices all day and at public auction every evening. All our tin and mechanical toys go at 5c and lOc , worth up to COc and 75e. Wo sell you a nice doll for 5c , worth 20c. 20c.A A dressed doll for lOc , worth 35c , Elegant largo , llfo size , dolls for 25c , 50e and 7Cc , worth up to $2.60. Fine plush and leather albums at 2oc , 50c and 75c , worth up to $2,00. All plush nnd oxidized bllvor toilet sots at prices that will astonish you. Hobby horses , drums , chairs , wash sots , bicycles and other largo wooden toys go at a fractioaof their real value. Monday , Tuesday and "Wednesday ol this week will be your last chances tc visit THE PAIR , J. L. BIIANIMISS & SON. Corneivl3th and Howard. Mrs. R. IT. Dnvics will for the next three elays sell hats trimmed or untriminodat one-half thoh actual cost. All our flno French patterns , formoi price 818.00 , now $10.00. All our fine French patterns , formoi price 815,00 , now $8.50. All our fine French patterns , formoi price $12.00 , now $7.00. AH our fine French patterns , formoi price 810.00 , now $0.00. All our line French patterns , fovia i price $8.00 , now $5 00. , All our line French patterns , loruoi price 80.00 , now S4.00. All our line French patterns , formoi price 85.00 , now $3.00. Now ladies , thisisararo chance fo you to uuy a line French pattern for one half their actual cost. Wo have an over stock and must sell them , as wo don' want to carry over any ot our hats. MRS. II. II. DAV1ES , 111 S. 15th btreot , opposite P. O. * ' Wo will sell all our untrimmcdFronel felt hats , former price $2.50 , at 89o. Al our wool felt hats , former prices $1.2 and $1.50 , at 4c. ! ) Now is your chance ladies , if you want a pretty stylish Ha for little money ; the season is almos ever now , and wo are compelled to eu prices. ivlus. II II. DAVIES , 111 South 15th street , opp. P. 0 Ladies , this is the last chance of thi season for you to buy a pretty hat. For fine preserves and jollies C. B. MOORE & CO. , Cash grocers. Mrs. J. UCIIHOII , All plush goodsmanicure BOts , foldlnj mirrors , cull and collar boxes , Infant : tollot sots and many ether elegant good suitable- for holiday presents at oxactl half price. MKS. J. BENSON. Sterling silver and sllvorplated wart A. B. Ilubormann , llltli nnd Douglu Every enterprising grocer is scllln R. T. Davis' Hour for the beat in tb market. You ought to use Aunt Jemima par cake Hour for hot cakes. They can't b bent. For bale at all loading grocers , For inlnco mont , fruit cake , plum put dln and brandy fruits U. B. MOORE & CO. , Cash grocers. MYDEN BHOS , Letting Down the Prices on ( Jrooaries and House furnishing ( bed ! . _ j > Our Prices Mnko Other Dcnlcrs Tired , Hut Our Customers Mko It null They Arc the Ones Wo Aim to IMcnso. 25 pounds sugar $1.00. The whole- Bale dealers and retailers -will toll you lint it Is not good sugar , but you toll them yon will see it and judge for your self. They only toll you this to imvko you pay inoro for the saino sugar. Do lol lot thoin bulldoze yon. 12 bars pure wax soap , 12a This la the llnost you over used , I'lonl6 hams , Cc : sugar curcil hams , lOo ; boneless ham , lOc ; head cheese , oc ; bologno sausage , Cc ; liver sausage , 5e ; imported chow chow , 15c per qt ; imported largo queen ) llvos , Z3a per qt ; you can not buy them or loss than 75c nor qt ; very boat sour traut , "ic per qt ; Imported upplo butter , "ic per pound ; this is put up in boiled cider ; 3 pound can very host solid packed .omutoes , Oc ; 2 pounds best sugar corn , Jo : needless to say that this Is half the meo you pay to any other store in own ; you know this. All kinds of Call- ornta pi 111113 , such as egg , Samson , gage , golden drop ; all this class 3 pound cans for 17jc ; California 3 pound can apri cots , lOc ; evaporated blackberries , lOc ; evaporated raspberries , 32c ; imported English currants , 7 c ; imported valonci alsins , 8Jc ; Kocko's self-rising' buck- vlicatflour.Ulcer 7jcfor2 pound pack- igo ; Kings , the same ; strictly pure Hickwhoat Hour , 3c. ' "Wo will pay yon $10.00 if you can detect anything but the " > ur j buckwheat. Broken Java , cofFco , Mo : iinortod ) prunes 81c ; good country jultor , 12Jc , loc , 18c ; creamery butter , 22c ; Snow Flake , $1.00 ; Minneapolis Best Superlative , $1.35 ; Davis' Royal No. 10 , $1.60. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Groceries. FOR MONDAY" , TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. China cnps and saucers , 7c , lOo. 15c , 20cand25c. Imported Hungarian vases for ISc , SOc , 2oc , IlOc , 40o and 50e. Imported Hungarian flower baskets at 2oc and ! 15o. China fruit plates , 8c , lOc , 15c , 20c and 2oc. 2oc.Moustache Moustache cups and saucers , 15c , 25o and 50c. Bisque figures , lOc , 15c , 29caiid ' 10e. Perfume bulb paper weights , some thing now , 25c. Fancy tollot bottles , loc , 2oo and 35c , and a largo handsome , line bottle , with line cut stopper , 5Jc. ( Engraved and colored cream sots , 20c , 40e , GOc.Sl , $1.60 and $1.75 , Fancy salts and poppers , 5c , lOo and loc Milk sots , 60c and 75c. Oil and vinegar jujjs , 15c , 25c and -10c , in all colors. Fine syrup jugs , Ific , 2oc and -lOc , in all colors. Fine wine sots with engraved decanter and glasses , OSc. Toilet sots at $2.331.23 , $6.25. Dinner sots , a li)0-pieco ) decorated Wedgowood , $10.00. Wo also carry ton open stock patterns 'rom which you can select a pot from $1.00 up. Vienna china tea sots , $0.60 , $8.50 and $10.95 In decorated and gold band. Fine bisque vase lamp shade , and bowl to match , $1.05 , $2.83 and a Rochester vase lamp in bisque $3.15 , a solid brass piano lamp , all complete , with silk fringed ahiulo , $5.35. Banquet lamps , $1.65 , $3.-15 , $4.65 and $8.00. Hanging lamps , $1.75 , $2.98$3.85$4.35 , , $5.75 , $0.87 and $7.60. Carving sets in stag , celluloid , silver , ivory and walrus handles , all warranted steel blades , 20c , $1.G5 , $2.75 up to $10.50 per set. Carpet sweepers , OSc , $1.75. $2.35 and $3.50. Full line of Tom and Jerry sots , $4.2o , largo bowl and 12 mugs. Fine china cuspidores , COc , Coo and 41 or ; . . vl. O. Fancy imported colored glass pitcher and tumblers , $1.7.5 per sot. The Rose , the Nelly Bly , the Baby McKco and Happy Thought night lamps , 25c , 50oaiid7fC. Cups , saucers and plates in velvet cases , 50c and 75c ; fine imported engraved - graved tumblers and goblets , 5c , Oc , lOo and 15c each ; engraved cake and fruit stands , 40c ; L alry lamps , 49c ; fancy Jap oyster and oatmeal bowls , lOc , 15c and 2oe ; cake plates , lOc , 16o and 2oc ; olive trays , ISc ; blacking stands , 85c. 1IAYUENBROS. , Dry Goods and House Furnishings. ADAM BNYUER. Juicy ricel * . Mutton , Vcnl , Fat Tur keys niul Gimic. As usual Adam Snyder has the finest array of Christinas meats in the city. This year ho has prepared his display with even more than Ills usual caro. lie will hivng up for inspection and sale the dressed carcasses of 15 or 20 of the finest Durham and Horford cattle over scon west of Chicago , The sheep and lambs for his display of mutton wore fatted es' peclally for Mr. Snyder by Col. Pratt on his Suminorvillo farm which is i guarantee that they nro the best the market affords. A line lot of small roasting pigs also from this famous fanr are a special feature. There is veal ant" game in great variety' ducks , chlcUoas , everything you could wish for and the very best that money could purchase The stock of Christinas turkeys issupcrb They are of the varlotycalled the bron/ < turkey , which is the flnest turkey foi the table oxtant. The entire display ii gotten up with excellent taste and ii beautifully trimmed with evergreens. Before you buy your Christinas sup plies go and see Adam Snydor's market The tempting array of good things will compel you to buy , and the af tor-enjoy mont of them , if you do buy , will mulct you a merry Christmas , Ladies must call and see our volvo toques , they go at $3.00 each. Jns think of the small sura of $3.00 each- Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday. MRS. R. II. DAVIES. 100-111 South 15th street , opposite I' . O Seal caps S1.05 , Hayden 13ro3. * fc- For the next 3 days wo will soil nny c our 30.00 and $5.00 velvet toques fo $3,00 ; all of good silk velvet and vor , becoming stylos.Miss. Miss. E. H. DAVins , 109-111 South 15th street , opp. P. C Baby rings and silver thlmblos , 25c A. U. Hubermann , _ 13th and Douglas The OOCanl Store. Special bargains Monday in dolls , al bums , toilet sots , etc. , etc. Now is your ohanco , perfumes , soaps fancy { roods of all kinds at cost atSuxo'i Holiday novelties , watches and die monds. A. I ) . Ilubormann , 13th an Douglas streets. In ordering don't forgot a package ( Aunt Jemima pancake flour , made < wheat , corn and rice. Davis' flour is the cheapest and best. THE BOSTON STORE Is Oompollcd toEcll Out Its Entire Stock Tomorrow Of All Shipwrecked. Goods , DollH , Toys , cte. , to Make Itootn fur n Stock of in. Clilongo Fancy Dry Goods House. AND THESE PIUOES WILL DO IT. All the ladles * gloves from the ship wreck that are in any way damaged or mussed by water go at Oc u pair. All the flnest Indies' kid trloves from the shipwreck go nt 25c. All tlio $1.2-5 and $1.60 kid gloves from Lho wreck that wore packed in water tight cases , all perfect , go nt-l(5 ! ) ( Ono case of line hand made linen oro- chot tidies worth $1.50 and $2,00 , slightly wet , go at lOc. A bolid case of figured double faced draperies , worth 60c a yard , go nt 12c. } 10 pieces of two toned high colored moleskin for fancy work , worth 76o a yard , at lOc a vard. SHIPWRECKED DRESS GOODS GO. All our remaining dross goods from , his immense shipwreck stock now go in Lhrco lots at 15o , 23o and 35c , worth up 7flo a yard. ALL SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS FHOM THE WKECK. Fine white drawn thread and hem stitched handkerchiefs , 3Sc , worth loo. Ladies' nnd gents' line white and col ored border line handkerchiefs at lOc each , worth 2oe and 35c. Cream silk brocaded mufllers at 35c. Satin striped cnshmoro and all silk mufllors nt 50c each , worth up to. $2.00. OurDScnnd $1.60 line of mulllors from Lho ship wreck are usually sold from $2.50 to 84.00. The very finest grade of extra largo Japanese silk handkerchiefs , that sell regular for $1.60 , all sound and perfect , go at 75c. TOYS AND DOLLS FROM THE WRECK. All the damaged kid body , blsqiio head , French dolls , largo sb.o , go at 26c each ; if perfect , would bo worth $2. Big lot nice china limbed doll go atlc. Fine china dolls , adjustable limbs , real hair , also extra largo china dolls gent nt 5c each. Nice largo wax dolls lOc. Finest imported French dolls , adjust able limbs , movable bisque head , well worth $1.2,5 , go for 35c. Fine kid bodleddolls , real bisque head , natural hair , SOc. Extra largo lifo-sizokld bodied , bisque head , sleeping dolls , worth $1.60 , go for SOc. oFancy doll , foot high , says papa and mamuia when you pull the string , for 2oc. 2oc.Our Our very largest 3-foot doll , worth fully$3 60 , goat $1.00. All our Imported fancy dressed French dolls go for quarter of their valuo. PLUSH TOILET CASES PROM THE SHIPWRECK. All the flno plush manicure tollot sots and jewel cases from the shipwreck that in any way nro musseddamaged or soiled go in lots at lOc , 2oc and SOc ; would bo worth ten times the amount if perfect. All the finest oxidized , silver and plush toilet sots , manicure sots , shaving sots , jewelry cases , etc , , go in lots at 25c , 60o , 75c , OSc , $1.25 , $2.00 , S2.50.83.50 and $5.00. You will positively bo surprised to eeo such grund goods for so littio money. PICTURE BOOKS > FROM THE SHIP- "WRECK. Hero's an elegant lot , ever 3,000 books , that wo have placed in lots , at 2c , Gc , lOc , 15c , 25c. TOYS FROM THE SHIPWRECK. An immense lot of Noah's Arks , filled with men and aulraals , go for 15c , all complete. Largo sots ninepins go at lOc com plete. Largo , complete tool chests at 50o. Fine painted wooden chairs at 19c , 25c and 35c. Elegant doll's high chairs j0 at 2oc. Children's play trunks go at 50c , 75e and $1.00. Thousands of other toys of any and every description go at a fraction of their real value. StOre open until 0 o'clock in the even ing. THE BOSTON STORE , JH S. Kith street. For Christinas Delicacies go to C. D. MOORE & CO. , Cash grocers. Attractive Holiday Gifts. The 90 cent store is doing the largeal holiday business in the city. Look in u1 the crowds and judge for yourself. For best goods at bottom prices go tc the pioneer jewelry house of Omaha , A. B. Ilubormann , _ 13th and Douglas , Rich holiday goods , elegant presents of all kinds nt cost at Saxo's drug storo. 16th and Furnam. Elegant figs , dates table raisins nni fresh nuts. C. B. MOORB & CO. , 1515 Dodge street. * Tlio 00 Cent Storo. Special bargains Monday in ladies work baskets , shopping bags , pocket books , handkorehlof cases , etc. Look at the prices in our windows. A B. Hubermann , llith and Douglas streets This means business. Saxo is goinf south. Everything must go rather thai pay freight. Cost is all wo ask. Hot cakes quick , so handy and nice , Aunt Jemima pancake flour. Try one package. The "Royal Davis No. 10 flour has takot the load of all flours. A. iMnxiIIoUlieiinor Co. Flno watoh ropiirinjj , 1413 Douglas st. Reliable watches , boys' size $4.00. A B. IIuborinann,13th mid Douglas streets Solid gold baby rings from 3oo up al S. Bank's , 607 N < 10th , R. T. Davis' royal No. 10 flour. The l > 0 Coat. Storo. Special bargains Monday in toys of al kinds. Now goods just received ; inus bo closed out at onco. Airs , VT. UciiHon. All plush goods , manlcuro sots , fold ing mirrors , cull nnd collar boxes , In fnnts' toilet sots and many ether olognn goods suitable for holiday presents at ex actly half prlco. MRS. J. UENSON. . Cars ? Nn. Among tno many exigencies of modorr travel there is one requirement which is always popular and always in demand and that is "a through service. " Llfi is too short to "change cars" every fev hundred miles , nnd the travelling pub lie have very properly rebelled agalnsl all such old-fashioned railroading. Tin through equipment of the Union Pacllio "tho original ovorjnnd route , " provide for a throu-'h car aorvico for all points west from tlio Missouri river. IIAYDEN BROS , Santa Olau.8 Headquarters for Omann , Ne braska , Only Tlireo More Onyo nml tTio in citement Will lie nil Over and Uvoryuoely Will Do Huppy llnydcn ttroi. \Vo nro overstocked on toys ; wo don't want to carry any over ; wo nro going1 to nako prices tomorrow that will CIOHO > ut lots ; whole lots of thorn ; no limit to /ho / quantityas ; long as they last yon cnn itivo them , and as many as you want. \Vo have a great many games on hand , and wo shall offer you steeple chase , chivalry , Spanish main , Rex , Itoyal Arabia , Kilkenny cats , etc. ; choice of one or nil of them at 0 ) o apiece. Hero ire a number of games such as corner grocery , game of traders , country motion , Tiddledy Winks , My wife and , authors , famous men , Billy Bomb ? , Ya.ikeo peddler , letters , battle Hold , etc. ; choice of any on Monday and until ill goneat Oo each , icgulnr price , U5c : checkers , Gc , 15o and 2Je ; dominoes , lOo , Go , etc.drums ; in all the sl/.os from 2oc to $2.50 each ; best inako ) f velocipedes from $1.08 up ; big ino of children's toy trunks , 1'2-ln trunk , Ji'Jc ' ; 11-in trunk GSc etc ; bes nako of iron wagons , SI.USc each and ipwards. How is this ? Hayden Bros. ' ron axle express wagons , only 50c each ; loll buggies , 2oc , 35c , 50c and 90c each ; blackboards on frame , all complete , 'i'Jo mil GOo each ; toy stoves , lOc , ICc , 2oc , 47cnndup to $ 75 , the best line over shown by any house ; tin kitchens In all . . Wo have too many Uhrlstmas cards nnd wo are well aware of it ; line cards In lots to close to Sun- lay schools or teachers nt Ic , 2c , 3c , 60 each ; finer cards at about i their former prices ; very fine cards at 75o , $1.00 , and $1.2-3 , worth up to $1.00. Photo ramosin endless variety. The lowest irices on plush tollot sets , manicure sots , work boxes , shaving- bets , etc. , over made by nny house ; no old stock Jarrled over ; everything- and direct 'rom ' _ the manufacturer and in larger quantities than last season , and our low- prices will bell them all this sea- &on : don't wait until the last lay the article you want nmy bo gone. Dur stock of albums is three times 119 , argo as last season and our prices are .owor. Tomorrow wo place on the re duced list COO plush albums at 39c each , worth 75c. You can buy one or n dozca at 39c _ each , better guide in same pro portion. Wo don't allow any house to beat our prices , not even on toys. Hay- dons' prices are always the lowest , no matter what they cost , timc boxes and accordeons all at reduced priciw. It is impossible for us to mention every item tluit has been reduced as the qual ity and variety is too largo. All wo ask of you is to give us a call and examine 3iir display and prices and see how far a iittlo money will go to inako tlio young folks happy. UAYDKN BUGS. , Headquarters on tovs. CLOAK SALE. Monday and during this week wo will olTer the greatest bargains in plush cloaks , fancy cloth cloaks , jackets and wraps. Closing prices will bo made while the goods are seasonable. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and cloaks. MILLINERY CLOSING SALE. Though the line is still complete in newest styles no sacrifice will bo too great to close the entire stock. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and millinery. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. The most attractive linrgaias of the season in line torchon and silk laces , lace llouncings , embroidered llouncings , vall- ings , ruchlngs , ladies' fine silk and linen handkerchiefs for the holiday trade. Remember wo show an endless variety in latest styles and novelties. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and embroideries. CARPETS AND CURTAINS. This department is mnldng extraordi nary efforts to close out everything In carpets , curtains , shades and draperies before making alterations in carpet room. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and carpets. 9 TlieOO Cent Store. Every toy must bo cleaned out the coining week. Bobt stock to select from in the city. Prices way down to bed rock. "An American Girl hi Africa" Would bo as greatly nonplussed as her sister at home , who Is about to select a box of choice cigars for her Christmas gift ! Now , ladies , if you will just rely upon the judgment of Robertson Bros- , cigar importers , 210 South 15th street , wo will give you the bonolit of our knowl edge in this line , so that your gift maybe bo appreciated by the recipient and not thrown asldo as vile stun , only lit to bo cast in the mire. Wo cater to tlio most refined tastes , and will doubly exert our selves to assist you In your endeavor to gratify the most fascinating indulgence of mankind. Our reputation is estab lished among the smokers ; glvo us the opportunity to prove our assertions. Pooplo''s cash market , cheapest moats In town. See him , 171-1 Nicholas. Aunt Jemima pancake flour for doll- ious cakes ready for instant uso. Ask your grocer for it. Trade mark regis tered. Take no othor. Dr. Hamilton Warren of Cotner uni versity is at homo , 119 N. 10th btreot , till January 5th. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg , IMrH. J. IScnsoii. All plush goods , manicure sets , folding mirrors , cull'nnd collar boxes , infants' ' toilet sots and many other elegant geode suitable for holiday presents at exactly half price. MRS , J. BENSON. Mis. n , H. Duvlos. Velvet toques that wore cheap al $5.00 and $0.01) ) will bo sold on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday for $3.00. OSoal cnps S4.05 , Haydcu Bros. Gold nnd silver headed canes nnd um brellas. A. B. Hubonuunn , 13th and Douglas streets. Best and cheapest Davis' Royal No , 10 Hour. Water Itonts Duo Jniuinry Int. 5 per cent discount allowed If paid on or before Jan. 1st , at company's or lice , DUE building. Itcforo A piano examine the now scale Klimnll piano. A , llospo , 1513 Douglas. All Muslu nt Hoiluucd Pi-lee. G,000 pieces only lOo a copy nt borg'd , lUth bt. bet. Capitol ave & Dodge , Peacock coal. No toot , quick fire white ash. A. J. Meyer & Co. , opp. P. O , Flno carriages , Seaman's repository Abk for Davis' No. 10 Hour if yoi want the best. N , B , FALCONER , A Grand Christinas Clearing Sale in All De partments. Tomorrow Wo Offer Some K-xirnorillnary Uur aluMVo \ Cull Special Attention to Hand * korclilofn , Umbrella * , Hto. Immediately after Christinas wo take slock , so tomorrow , Monday , wo start a great clearing1 salo. Wo will Boll ladies' handkerchiefs at 3 Jo.Wonts' Wonts' handkerchiefs nt SJc. cuts' mufllt'rs , 2oc. A dross pattern of the now scarlet tweeds , $3.00. $1.26 bed spread for OSc. Umbrellas , gloves , draperies , silks ; in fact every department will bo ropre- rented in this great sale , gents' furnish ings partlcularlv. AlHN'S 'FURNISTIIXCa CJents' fancy bordered linen handker chiefs for Sic each. Gents' plain homst itched and tape bor der handkerchiefs for lOe , llc and H > 3e. Gents' white pongee silk initial hand kerchiefs for 50c each. Gents'lino China silk handkerchiefs in plain and colored border for 76c , 800 ami $1.00each. Gents' mufllers la fancy nnd solid col ors for oOooach. Gents' heavy twilled black silk muf fle rs at $1.75 and 12.00. Gents' fancy and solid colored suspenders - ors for iWc , 30o and SOc. Gents' plain and embroidered black suspenders for $1.60 and $2.00 u pair , Gent's fancy trimmed night robes for ISc each. A larero line of satcoii , plquo and em broidered linen , full diws shirt sfor $1,00 , $1.25 , 81.50 to $2.50 each. NECK WEAK. Just put in stock a largo lot of 50c neckwear , consisting of teck puiTs and four-in-hand scarfs , in light and dark colorings. JS'o bettor value over shown in tlio city. A handsjomolinoof high novelties In light colored pulls and leeks for evening wear : also a new lot of plain white satin nnd groa grain Bilk for oOc and $1.00 each. each.All All the latest shapes in linen collavs and oulTs for ] 2o mid 20c , and the Earl & "Wilson goods at 25c , or S2.75 a dozen. A handbomo line of smoking jackets in fancy tweed and silks , very cheap. Post and express paid on all mail or ders. Conio early and get first choice. N. B. FALCONER. CI1AS. tlANIjKV HAS MOVED. Tlio Number of His Grocery Is Now 1022-Ut South 10th. A good general when ho finds one po sition untenable , immediately seeks an other and a belter ono if possible. This is exactly what Charles Ilanlcy , the popular 10th street grocer lias done , when the big viaduct walled up his frontdoor , ho did not sulk in his tent , but energetically took up his goods and moved two blocks south to the corner of 10th and Pacific streets , only ono block from the south end of the now viaduct , where ho secured ono of the most deslr- slrablo and accessible locations in the southern part of the city. 'With more goods , more room and bettor facilities ho is now bettor pre pared than ever to supply thn wants of his customers. Besides keeping a com plete line of fancy and staple groceries Mr. Hanloy makes a specialty of flno Colorado potatoes , the finest on the mar ket , as well as a superior quality of winter - tor apples A word to the ladies If you want the best creamery and country but ter to bo had for love or money , you can find it at Charles Hanloy's grocery. Ho receives it direct from the crosunorles and farmers and it is flno as silk. Hanloy's choice flour is the equal of Pillsbury's or Wabhburn's. His stock of canned goods Is superb , embracing a full line of Plait's canned fruits and vegetables , Heint/ ' pickles as well as many other popular brands. Mr. Ilnn- ley has had nearly nine years' experi ence in the grocery business and his line selection and great variety is evi dence of the fact that ho has profited by his experience. All goodssoldaroguar- antecd to bo ns rcpretontcd or money refunded. Remember the now location 1022-2-1 South 10th street. Sirs. J. Dongon. All plush goods , manicure sets , folding mirrors , cull and collar boxes , infants' toilet sots and many other elegant goods suitnblo for holiday presents at exactly half prico. MRS. J. BENSON. Seal caps $4.95 , Haydcn Bros. See the holiday stock at the pioneer jewelry house of Omaha. A , B. Hubor- mann. 18th and Douglas streets. Art Koniii Damaged. The flno nrt room of Gntch & Lnunmn was damaged by lire Friday evening. Tlio damage was almost entirely eon- fined to the stock of candles , candle sticks , shades , etc. This line will bo on sale Monday. Some slightly soiled goods at great bur- gains. CATCH & LAUMAN , 1511 Furnam street. Leaving Omaha , going south , goods at cost till Christmas at Suxo'a. Must sell everything. Only Three Days Sfnrc. Did you think how short the tlmo Is to buy Christmas gifts ? Uo you want a Bet of Rodger's knives or forks , only $ ] .76V Wo have watches , rings , clocks , diamonds mends ; anything you want at rock bottom tom prices. U. L. EHICKSOK , JiOO N. lUth btrcet. HOLIDAY KXOUKSION IIATISS. P. , i : . iVt M. V. niul S.O. & V. KallrontlH. Agents are instructed to sell Decem ber 21th , 2oth , 31st , 1890 and January 1st , 1801. round trip tickets to points within the states of Iowa and Nebraska , within a two hmi'lrod inilo limit , at ono and one-third faro , and agents in Wyom ing and Soutli Dakota to sell oa name dates to points within their respective states nt ono fare ; if to a point uutbide thostato , within the two hundred mile limit , at ono and one-third faro. Going passage limited to date of sale ; return limit January 5th , IfeUl. J. ll. BUCHANAN , General passenger agent. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest , Dra Hillings & Shorrndon , dentists , 101 S. 15th street , opp. V. O. Htiltnlilo Holiday 1'i-CHCUts , Ladles' desks. Onyx and brass tables. Rattan nickers. Upholstered rockers. Easy chairs. Parlor cabinets. Jilublc racks , Dowcy & Stone Furniture Cc * . Carpcti. Chas. Shlvorick &Co. , 120J , 1203 nnd 1210 Fan i a in blruet. BENNISON BROS , Great Sale of Holiday Qooils for Tuesday ami Wednesday. Don't Delay Any Ijonjjer lluy You * Clirlstnms I'rcBuntH Now Tlio f 1'rlecR nro ] { | glit Ilollilnr GooilH Must bo Closed Out. Carloads of dolls at IGe , ISc and 250 each. Tlio best , largest and nicest kid body doll west ot Js'ow York at $1.00 and $1.125. They are simply beauties ; If you want a nice doll don't fall to see thorn. 200 plush boxes , tollot sets , with cel luloid comb , brush and glass , only 760 each ; bold elsewhere as a leader : itS1.25- 600 boxes child's building blocks go tit 5c bo.x. SOO boxes building blocks , largo sl/.o , go at lOe box. , 100 checker boards nt IJlo each. 100 two-wheel carts , lOo each. 200 plush albums , GOo each ; cheap at $1.00. 1,000 paper back novels at lOc each. 100 children's black boards on stands only -ISc each. Gents' plush collar and cull boxes 7Co set. 100 boys' nnd girls' sleighs at 39o oaeh. Fancy toys car loads of horses , donkeys , mules , cats , dogs and all kinds of foreign animals. Got an Iron axel express wagon nt 59o each , worth $1.00. Largo lines of fancy china cups anoT * saucers , fancy cut glass cologne bottles , fancy plush and oxidlxed sett ? . All at reduced prices to close out quick. Thousands of flno handkerchiefs for Indies' , gents' and children. Must bo closed in three days , regardless of value , Great cloak sale. Great sale of flno aprons. Great sale of furs. Great sale of gloves , underwear and hosiery. Great sale of 20 moro tons of candy at our usual pulverized prices. BENiVISON BROS. Mr. " . Dnvicn. Every untrlimncd hat In our sloro must bo sold in the next 3 days. The largo fine French felt Hats that wore sold for $2.50 go now for Se. ! ) All our wool felt Hats go now for -10c. Remember , ladies , this chance of your llfo to buy a trimmed hat at one-hall their actual cost. MRS.R. . U. DA VIES , 111 South 15th street , opposite P. O. Lowell Citizen : "What do you want for a Christmas present , my dear ! " said a fon4 wife to her devoted husband. "Money , " WM. _ the ready response. "I need It to pay for th Christmas present I am Koin to buy tot you. " Seal caps $ -1.05 , Ilnyden Bros. An 'lion. Mortgagee's sale of boots and _ and ladles' cloaks. Commencing Mon day , Dec , 22 , at 2 and 7:30p. in. , and con tinue until all sold at our salesroom , 1410 Dodge street. GATJJ CITY AUCTION. Mondy's China titoro. no2 N. IGth street. Only a few of those $7.50 decorated English dinner sots loft. Call and see them at Moody'e. 302 N. IGth street. Seaman's carriages best and cheapest A Choice Clirlstmns Cake. Ono of the best authorltieS 6i household editorial stall of the Ladles' Homo Journal gives the following recipe - cipo for a Christmas .cako in the Decem ber mmibor : Cream ono pound of butter and add ono pound of soft white sugar. Beah fourteen eggs very light , the yolks and whites separately. Sift and warm ono pound of Hour , and add it by the hand ful to the sugar and butler 'alternately with the egg yolks and whites. Stir in ono tablespoonful of esboneo of lemon and ono tablespoonful of mixed spicca , beaten very line and sifted. Have ready two pounds of Stoned and chopped ral- bins ; two of currants , picked , washed and dried ; two of citron , cut small ; two pounds of almonds , blanched and pounded with rosewater , and ono gill ol sweet cidor. Mix the fruit and cider thoroughly Into tlio cake and bake it very blowly and carefully. Jewelry Must II B Sold. All the former elegant Van Cott stock of diamonds , jewelry , silverware , etc. , etc. , is being knocked down under the hammer at what it will bring. Visit the auction bale every evening cor. Far- nam and 14th. Goods sold during the day at auction. prico. Sherman &McConnnll , proscrlpllonists and family chemists. 1513 Dodge. - nt Hull' I'rlcc. Great bargains at the closing out sala of Diamond Parlor , Mth and Fnrniun btreets. Soiling watches , diamonds , Rogers' plated ware at one-half nWnu- facturors * cost. Private sale during the day. Auctions every evening at 7:30. : All goods warranted. o ChflstinnHroullin In "Windows. Wo want a littio more ot sentimental ity in this world and a little loss realism. Tlio Christinas wreath , the star of Beth- lohcm hung in your window 'and mine , tolls the outsiders that wo believe that the Oh rib t has como and that wo wish good will to men , writes Isabel Million in the Ladles' Homo Journal. In many a homo It is the only token o ! Christmas , and the bit of green , tolling , as it docs , of a belief in the present and a hone for the future , is something too precious to bo cast imide. Say , mother , that it is your boy or mine , far oil la Bomo city alone on Christmas eve ; Bft that ho has done that which is wronjj and 1ms fled from the bight of all who knew him ; hay that ho has boon wonder ing around wondering what they are all doing at homo , thinking of the time when ho helped llx Christmas wreatha and now there seems no homo , no God , nothing for him. Ho pasios by hla neighbor's window , and the bright light from across the street shows him the green wreath and the read star just as it was last year. It is In homebody olso'a window , to bo biiro ; but then he knovX that though the world is so big , though/1 the people are HO many , there are yet those who put up the sigh of joy and gladness that gives him , a btrnngor within tlio gates , a thought of a no\r lifo nnd a willingness to go ahead with all his might , that ho may go back , netlike like the prodigal , to the old homo and , bo welcomed with joy and honor. Thnt'a what the wreath In the window does , It whimpers in every berry , in every groea sprig , of hope and oneouragoinunt , and , it tells again nnd again that the angola nro proclaiming afresh , "Glory to God in the highest , mid on earth peace and good will to men. "