Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1890, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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Western Business Men Know All About the
Financial Strlngoncj.
Bettor Times Com I UK In tlio Spring
Muoli MnncvGoInc for Christ-
limn GftH-\Vhat ! ilio Now
Vonr Will Brlnj ? .
Tlio condition of business and finance in
the west Is not nil that could bo desired , but
business man nnd banker.nro fully alive to
the situation , find In that fact lies the great-
cat safeguard. Country merchants and city
Jobbers , ono and all , nro awnroof an existing
stringency in money nnd nro shaphiR tliolr
business accord I ugly. No unnecessary obli
gations nro being undertaken , and so long as
that course Is followed they arc bound to ho
on the safe sldo. A wlso spirit of conserva
tism scorns to prevail ID Omaha ana ado-
termination tomako the best of the present
Bomowliat unfavorable condition of affairs.
"WMlo there may bo , to some degree , a lack ol
confidence in tlio immediate present , it would
bo unrd work to discover n wicicnwako busi
ness man who docs not look forward to much
bolter times In the spring.
Just nt present complaints are beard ol
poor collections , hut it must bo borne In mini ]
that complaints of this kind are most always
heard. In a greater or less degree , about the
holiday season , nnd the present dlfllculty ir
the collection of outstanding accounts must
not bo ascribed entirely to a scarcity ol
money. Hums of money , which it would be
Impossible to estimate and which nro tnucli
larger than mlcbt bo generally supposed
are nt this season of tbo ycni
withdrawn from ttio regular course o
trade nnd Invested In holiday poods
Individuals , running small accounts at stores
nro not so prompt In payment as usual , cm
ploying the money Instead In the purchase o
Christinas fts. All this tends to tjiaUi
collections slow , nnd nt a tlmo when monoj
Is rather tight , the effect is .moro goncrallj
In the Jobbing trade of Omaha the usua
botwcen-scosons quiet prevailed. In semi
lines of business sorting up orders nro com
Ing in from the country , hut generally speak
Ing , the movement of ioods Is not large. A
the snmo time , trade Is ns good as jobber
anticipated it would bo nnd they are not com
plaining. Colder weather might liven up tin
demand for winter goods and would bo ver ;
acceptable , but the benefit would fall mor'
largely to the retail dealers who have alrcad ;
put in their stocks of goods.
In eastern money centers the past week hn
not developed anything either of mnrkcd on
courngcment or discouragement , but it Is note
to bo Inferred that there huvo been n
changes. On tbo contrary , changes In tin
reports sent out , at least , have been frequent
Ono day the world is told money I
cosier nnd everything hopeful , while In th
next report the pessimist comes to the fron
with the dark sldo of the picture. Just n
present the possibility of some near leglslj
tlon regarding monetary matters is said t
have n depressing effect from the very fac
of its uncertainty. The situation Is stil
further harrasscd by the number of failure
nnd the rather Unsatisfactory con
dltions prevailing In some importun
lines of trade. New York , Boston
Philadelphia and other important caston
cities appear to bo suffering moro from a lad
of conllilonco than from any actually exist
Inp causes. It is generally believed , however
over , that January 1 will bo tbo turnin
point In the road called "hard times" an
that after that date the condition of affair
will commence to Improve.
Whllu Europe , and especially London , ha
ceased to ho n disturbing element la th
finances of this country , the reports of th
past weolc Indicate that affairs on the othc
side oftho , Atlantic are not In such a cond
tion .as European 111 nanciers might wist
London , whence all the financial dtfllcultio
of the past few weeks originated , relieve
her necessities from the Hank of France
Tais money is now needed In I'Ynnc '
nnd a demand has been mndo upon th
Bank of England for a portion , at least , c
the millions advanced to that Instltutioi
Humors of financial disturbances at Uerll
were quite numerous last weok. German ;
is in need of more money and the Dank d
England has been appealed to from the
course. It is safe to say that this country 1
In" ftrily as good shape financially ns any pai
of the old world and thut in this country th
stringency In money is the least felt lii th
As hinted above the cnuso of much of tb
financial ( llfilcultlcs in the cast was tlio lac
of con'fldenco and It is only when the subjoc
is closely looked Into that the folly of thl
want of confidence becomes fully apparon
The events of the past two wceV
liavo furnished splendid opportun
ties for the pessimists to prodii
nil sorts of disaster. That the commercli
prospect was overcast cannot bo denied , hi
that tliero wns nny occasion for the stern
against which the prophets of evil tried I
warn the business world is certainly imtru
U'ho croakers lost slsrht , as they usually def
of the strong recuperative powers which tt
country's varied interests combine to pr
duce , nnd which render a lasting commerei
depression almost an Impossibility. Cond
tlons born of fear must vanish as soon i
confidence Is restored , nnd conservative bus
ness men of the east , as well as of tbo wes
have named the first of the now year as tl
limit to the season of fear. On that day the
will commence the work of nnotber year co
fldcnt of success , and while the reaction ins ;
cot bo immediate it must como.
031 All. \ 31AIIK.E1S.
OMAHA , Doo. 20 , iaoo. Estimated receipts of eattlo 1. < X
M compared with 1'J33 yesterday and 1.1
Saturday of last wook. The market oponi
with buyers offering lower prleos , Idttlo trai
Ing was done till Into , When tradlnit hog !
It was on an nnovon market , ma
kot being ftftlOo lower , Host butchers' stoc
* - WHS active and strontror , others , steady. Tl
demand for feeders exceeded the receipts ar
prices are linn.
lions Kitlmatod receipts oC liocs , 4,000 ,
compiirod with 11,513 yesterday and 11,513 Sn
urday of last weok. The market opened a
" " " -"ttvouud fx ] to 10a higher. The quality w
poor. All were sold early. Tlio nmno
tbo prices paid was JiiXVimo , the bullc so' '
Ine utKLaoiaiUtt Pics , : llcht. * j.
3.20 : hoiif/l KI.)0KI.JOj : ) ! mixed. $ LSUCI5. : Tl
average of the prices paid was Jl.'il . > , us coi
pared with Ki.l8 } { yesterday andM'-J Saturdi
of last weok.
BiiKKi' There were no fresh receipts
shuop , Good mutton ! ) nro In demand ntatoni
prices. Natives. I2.KK31.50 ; westerns ,
CArrr.i ! .
Thofollowliisls a Ublo of prices n.ald
this market for the er&do of stock montlono
Fancy steers , 1. to 1BOO Uu , . , . . . &I.23 Q&.U.
Prlmo steers , Ui.V ) to 147,1 11)3 . : i.M Qtl.s
( iooiUtoors , lUklto HWllis. . II.TO ( itl.O
lliiteliors'8teorslo : 0tiaoolbs. ( . . . 3.50 < aa.
Ronimon.SiX ) to 1200 Ibs . ' . ' .75
Fulrto oed cows . l.oo
fiood to eholcoeows . 00
Choice to fancy cows , , , . ' . ' .40
Hoifori . , . 2.0.1
Voarllnss . . . " .00
Kcedurs . , . --I )
Btookors . 1.40
Oannora . ; . . . . . . . . . 1-W . .
Hulh . ! . . > aia.O
Oxen . i. S.25 60-'l.l >
BtURS . l.M
Oalrcs . 1.M ( itl.O
Western corn fed steers . "Jti Cc4.i
WoHtcru steers , i . 1.50
Western cows. , . l.CO
llnnjjo of I'rloos ,
SIlKUl * .
The following table uhows the prices p :
1'rlmo flit sheep . II 50 < Z4 ! ! >
flood f at slieou . a : ) Wi 0
POIIIIUOII to nicilluin sheep . 2 - " > OKI 0
Western . . . 3 00 464 1
Average Cost of
The following table Rives the average cost
the dates mentioned :
December t. . , , . 3 4
December 0. . , , . 3 4
I > cerubcr 0 3 J
December tt 3 3
December f > 3 t
December 10 , , , . , 3 J
December II 3 !
December 12 , , , . . 3 3
December UL. , , . 3 :
December IS 3 Z
December 1(1. , . , . 3 9
December 17 3 1
Docomhor t it 4.1 nocomlwirIft. . . . X QH \
December 2. . . . . 3 30 December ID .1 1SH
December U. . . . 3 40 December ! 3 ttl.S
Arcrneo 1'rloo of
Showing the average prlco paid forMoadinf
hogs on the days Indicated 111 1837,1383,1S39 unJ
Slock Ilcuolptq.
Estimated Today. Odlolal YcstorOav.
Cattle. . . . f,0 cars. 1,600 Oattlo. . . 6S cars , l.ltln
Host CO , 4,000 lings. . . . K > oars , 3,513
Shcop. . . 2 cars , 200
Highest und IjowoHt Sales
Today. Ycstordav.
Ulylicst M no Illnliest $3 45
Lowest 2 00 lowest 2 CO
Comparative ? Table.
The following table shows the range In
prices on hogs :
Monday , November 17 3.00 < < M.OO
Tuesday , November 18 3.00 56.1.90
Wednesday. November 19 3,00 < t&3.70
Thursday , November20 3.00 Cft'1.70
Friday , November 21 3.00
Haturilay , November22 3.0) )
Mondny. November 21 It. " ) ffKI.8.1
Tuesdayi Novcmbor2."i J.20 W\.K \ >
Wednesday. November 28 3.25 "
Thursday , November S7 11.00
Friday , November 28 il.15 SKIM
Saturday , November 29 11.25 CK1. " . " >
Monday , December 1 B.05 ( fi.-I.CTi
Tuesday , December 2 . ' 1.10 ( rtfUU
Wednesday. December 3 : i.0 , " >
Thtirsdnv , Icconiber4 : t.OO Cfcl.70
l''rlday. UcRomborfi 3.00 fiKI.70
Saturday , December C 11.00 54:1.60 :
Monday , Decembers . ' 1.00
Tuesday , December 0. 2.80
Wednesday , December 10 B.SO SJ3.B )
Thursday , Decomberll 2.75
Krlday , December 12 2.75
Saturday. December 13 2.75
Monday , Docombbr 15 2.00 Ci3.00
Tuesday , December 10 2.75 OW.45
Wednesday. December 17 i. 2.G5 5C3.40
Thursday , Dccombcr 18 2.55 © : uo
Friday , December 10 2.fy >
Saturday , Decombor20 2,00
JlL-oolpts nucl Shipments.
Showing the olllolal receipts and shipments
of cattle , hogs and snoop on the dates Indi
cated :
l > : itoi. | Cntllo. | Hogs. I HIicop.
Disposition of Stock.
Showing the number ot head of stock pur
chased on this market as reported by the
wnlKhtmaatorot the Stockyards company fur
December 20 :
Buyers. No.
Swlft < fcCo 3CC
Tno O. II , Hammond Packing company. . . . Iftl
The Cudahy packing company 4:1 : =
Hamilton Stephen \M \
Shlpporsand feeders , 41 !
The Cudahy packing company 2,07 :
Omaha pack In ; company 1,221
Swift & Oo 02 :
The Q. II , Hammond packing Co M (
The AVeclc.
Showing the number of head of stooh
purchased on this market as reported by the
wclzhniastcrsot the Stockyards company foi
the week ending Saturday , Uccomuor'iU :
8wlft&0o 2.00 :
The tionrso H. llnmmond company 1,40 !
The Gudahy packing company lci !
Omaha pacKlnx company y.
Shippers and foedcn. 3,72 *
ThoOudahv packing company 15,10"
Omaha paekltig company 7-in :
Snltt&Oo 5.S3I
The O. H. Hammond packing company. . 3,28'
Shippers and feeders. 5,17 ;
SwIft.tCo C2i
Shippers and feeders , * . . . . , 8 !
Representative Sales ,
No. Ar. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1..1020 $2 00 22..1102 | 3 30 lfl.12.V ) 1305
5..1110 2 no 20.,1108 330 S..1100 400
8 , . 071 275 17..1155 3 40 4U. 1207 400
2 , . Ki' ) a 00 12..1070 3 40 21. .1185 410
1..H80 a oo 35. . 12:12 3 45 20..i2.s2 420
1 , . 070 300 20..11G8 a 70 23. .14.11 425
1. . 880 300 12..1122 3 80 19. ,11173 450
1..1140 310 23.1170 3 85 17..13M 4 CO
1..1270 325 20..11C3 3 85 2. . 1380 485
1..10JO 3 25
30. . 045 2 25 8..1071 3 00
1. . COO 125 -1. . 7.r > 0 2 00 14. . 077 215
2 . 015 1 25 10. . 039 2 00 13 . OSG 220
M , . 1(100 ( 125 15..1008 2 00 21. .1002 220
1..10SU 1 (13 21. . 173 2 00 10. .1120 210
1 , . 770 1 R5 2. . 1170 2 00 0. .1145 220
1. . IWO 1 75 1. . 080 2 10 It ) . 1075 220
1..1010 175 20..1124 2 10 21. . 1V > 4 225
1. OSO 175 20..1005 2 10 2. . 1100 230
1. . 950 175 10. , 0113 2 10 10.10.a 245
1,1UX ! ) 1 85 14. . 1WJ 2 15 SI. . 1001 250
15. . 820 2 00 22. . 050 2 13 7..1067 250
1. . OoO 8 00 11 , . 807 2 15
Cl..lfMO 1 M 2..1455 165 1..1580 225
f2.1030 170 2..1420 100 4..1437 225
2..1135 170 1..11110 100 ) 1..1800 230
(1 ( , 1051 1 VS 1..1500 2 00 1..1750 260
IL.10.10 175 1..1480 200 1. 15CO 205
1..12SO 1 80
20. . 810 215 4 ; 5S5 240 4. . 745.255
23. . fi."xl 2 M 8. . 607 2 45 5. , 868 1 55
' 3 . 790 2 33
I. . 2l 00
12. ' . C71 100 1. . 750 225 1 , , COO 850
1..1400 3 00
OXB * .
4..1537 2 75
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
65 200 200 $200 74 255 120 (3 27' '
60 301 100 327
55 2J5 40 327
S3 281 120 330
67 28 240 330
CM . . . .282 1110 330
30 2SH 80 330
40 277 100 330
01 267 UU 330
03 201 80 330
C2 230 120 3iO
Ul 277 80 3:10
07 207 80 3IK
Ml .TO 80 3t5 :
M 293 240 335
63..309 200 3.'B
f.S ; WJ 40 3U5
M 27 100 335
07 . . 311 335
M 100 200 335
fa aH SO H35
70..2(18 ( 120 335
08 . . . .Ml 101 335
G7..35 ! 340
42 310 340
4 ! ) M 2riO 340
67 3H 200 340
03 251 SO 340
00 IM 345
00 S 343
On 319 345
62 . . . . 330 350
pins AND iioiion.
23 . 00 200 40 . 123 2G5
11 . 123 240
1 . SOO 160
CANNED KutiiTS-nallfornla Apricots. JJ.30
O2.40j poaches. IJ.TT/iJi'J.WI ! pears , $ -.DO ( ? 2.70 !
prapos , mvai.Wi cherries , white , B-fiOTJ
2.75 ; cherries , black. fcJ.2.vS2.0 | iiulnceH ,
J'.OU ; blaekliorrlcs , J3.SS ; raspbcrrlew. SLOOi
strawberries , W.00 | currants , J2,2l ! Kcxxobor *
rlcs. 12.3 ' : pluniH , ege , il.H.viJI.O.'i ! plums , green
paRi-s , tl.aoiJt.t ) ) . Kastt-rn cnnni'd fruit
Poaehei , socoivls , ( J.2nW.30 ! tipples , 3-lli , fl.IO ;
Kal , Ji doIn ca o , $ .1.40 ! Ronsol > orroq ; , llaltl-
moro standard , 2-lh , $1.10 ; struwliorrlcs , $ l.25 |
raspberries. { ! .40hluoiicrrc" ( < , $ l.w rod rasp.
herrlM , tl.5ij.hlackborrlc ; < . tl.UM cherries , 11.25
Ol.isi ; iilncapplus , sliced , $ t.2.ViS.40. !
Mot.ASsnsllblsN. . O , fancy , per cal. 40S
4V- ; choice , 4K61.V,1 ! Kond,2a'Wo : Oubn. haklnif ,
2Vi ? . : el blackstrap , lb ® o ; syrup , Til grade ,
hhl3/2ikj ; jjbbl , 2ac ; 4-gnl kegs , (1.21 : 2-gai
SUCIAII Granulated , C o ; cnbosMa \ \ out
loaf. 74o ! ; . powdered , standard. OTic : XXXX
powdered , 7ijo : yellow O. Bo : canary , fijjoi
hllKt I'.x. O. : > H < Q , < confectioners' \ A , l > MC.
OMVCS Quarts , per doz , J4.00 ; pints , per dor ,
$ . ' .50 : bulk , poral ( , J1.2X Ollvo oil , Ji pints , S ,
dor. per o use , $1.50(25.20. (
OcjumoK. ETC.-Oottoui twlno
cotton clothes llnrq , .il. ( " > ; 00-foot sisal linos.
$1.75 ; GO-fout jutcfl.8.t ! wool twine ? , 8 o. Ma-
nllliiropo All sl/cs fromT-lflto 1 In. . 14ct sisal
rope , all slos fnim 7-Kt to 1 In. , Dos "now
processes , " all sizes from 7-10 to 1 In. , 74ot } cot
ton rope , y-lii. . Ifio.
OIIKBSK r , O. twin flats , per Ib , llo ; F. 0 , ,
ouiiitAmerloa , imo ! domcst lo Swiss , 15Ko |
brlok. He ; Kdam , In foil , each , $1.00.
I'iciaus Medium , huls , &UX > : Riiuill , 110.001
gherkins. } | | .uoi llostonmlxvd , J12.00 ,
KICK Java. Oo ; choice , Oo ; fancy , Go ; head ,
Uiiidt l'cr bhi , refined , ttUttj hatfbbl , $ . " > . .rxj )
hard elder , pure , per bbl. * 5.00 ; orange elder ,
half hbl , * n..V ) ; iiuarcldor , halt hbl , $ < > . ! .
OIIIKII FnuiTtf Turkish prunes , less than
liiUls , l ! > , gc ; apples , vvaporated , now ring
choice , 14'lc ; apricots , fancy , In saeUs. lOJJu ;
blackbcrrloH , now , Oc ; raspborrlcs , 25 Ibs to
box , 32e ; currants , now , fi'/io ; Votlzzuourrants ,
extra , In boxes , GHo : peaches , Oaliu , choice ,
lic ! : California drlo < l Rrapcs , la bap. Re ;
seudlras Sultanassaoks , logics muscatels , 84c ! ;
new Valencia , 80 ; Ondura. layer , Bo ; HKS , lay-
era , 14B2Uc ; citron , lioghoru , 2lo ) ; Uinon peel ,
15c.MAi'tE SBOAU tier Ib So cakes , 80-lb boxes ,
Klo ; lOc cakes , : )0-ll ) ) boxes , 12He ; 1-lb brlcka , ; U
Ibs In box , pure , llo.
ItuooMH j-tlo p irlor , S3.00 ; 4-tlo , J2.75 ! 3-tlc ,
12.25 ; 3-tlo , plain , $1.80 ; warehouse , $3.00 ; toy.
I1.B5 ; whisk , * 1.0J@l.Bfl.
SoAl1 Castile , mottled , perlb. lOo ; do white ,
per Ib , 14o ; laundry soap , per 100 bars , t.'t. IT , ®
uOO ; shavlnesoap , 5J"jQ perdoz ; toilet soap ,
It cakes per box , per doz , r > ilo3-.25 ,
NUTfc I'erlb-AImonds. 18o ; IJrazlIs , ! lo ; fil
berts , I3o ; peeans , 13llo ; walnuts , 180 ; pea
nuts , fanoy white. He ; roasted , lOo ,
SAM Oalry. 2SO Ibs la bbls. bulk , $2.10f best
; radc , ( iO .Is , J..ailj best ( trade , 10U Us , $2.40 ; best
rude , 280i. \ . 2.23 ; rook salt , crushed , $2.10.
SOUA Packages , 00 Ibs to box , 5&o ; kegs ,
SAI.SODA-KOBS , ISo per lb ; bbls , IJio ; gran-
ulatud. 100 11) boxes , 2c.
UA > NLI : ) VEOKTAIII.KS Tomatoes 3-lb , 81.0C
ai.10. Oora Very line , $1.25ftl.332-lb ; sncar ,
11.15 ; 2-lb standard western brands , * 1.IO.
Mushrooms l-lb French , extra line , 222."ic ;
1-lb French , line , ISffiWo ; l-lb French , ordi
nary , llllc. ! 1'oaa 2-lb early June , 81,25 ; B-lli
Marrow , standard brands , il. 10 ; 2-lb soaked ,
i"0o. French peas Per case of 100.l.OJa22.00 ,
String buain 2-lb lilvrli grade , Wo ; 2-lb was
beans , S5c2-lb ; string beans , SOe. Lima beam
2-lb soaked. a" o. lioston baked beans 3-lb ,
I.t5Ql.r : > 5. Bweot potatoes 3-lb Now Jersey ,
lf 0 ; 3-lb okra and tomatoes , Jl.Mi a-lb okra ,
I.X ( ) ; [ iHuriiKiis.i ] ; lb , $ , ' .8533.75 ; rhubarb. 3-lb ,
$1.40 ; succotash , 11.20(31.25. (
llAitiNo I'OW-DEH Kiiyal , dime cans , per doz. ,
) Sc ; K-lb cans. $1.45lb ; cans , $2.03 ; l-lb nans ,
$3.1)0 ) ; 1'rlco's dlmo cans , UJe ; U-lb cans , 81.33 |
K-lbctins.l.ViO ; l-lb cans. SI.75 ; other kinds ,
-lb cans , perdoz. , $1.00@3.b3.
Wiui'i'iNO I'Ai'KU 1'or lb , boat straw , 15x18
, ot2x44. : IHo ; dry uooils , 4o ; extra quality ,
nunllhi. Utu ! ; inanllla tea , 12x18 , Vo ; dark raj ; ,
hardware. 21ie.
KAIIINALEOUH GOODS llarley , 4o ; farina
Icess , $ . " > .00 ; split peas,3c ; Rreon peas , 2o ; oat-
inoal , bblsi.2.-ya ; } ! . ' 0 ; iialfhbls , $ ! I.2.VT .M ; inac-
uronl. 12c'verinlcelll ; , 12c ; satto and tapioca. (
iUHic ; Lima beaiia.OJIc ; eoroalincJ.24llakcil ;
lioinlny , : ijo. !
CorifEK-Urcoii Klo , 23W11Kc ; Java , 28c
Slocha , 29c. lloastod Aroslu. 25iCj } Hunola
25-ie ! ! Oorman , 2, ; Plllworth's , > % < ! , Mon
" . ' ) ' / > ! Mnllpouch , 2o'/JoCordo ; via , SS'/Ju ; Mocha
: > 2e0. ; ( J. Java. oOc. OoH'ce Kssonee W UTO
boxes. J1.3.V5J1.50 ! chlc.kory , 7J5a ! 4c.
VINEO AH Apple older. lOc ; double cldor , 12ci
white , wine , 12c ; triple stronuth , l < Ja ,
OILS JfiOprlmo white , 9iu } ; 150 water white
i. headllKht. 13o ; 74 'gasoline , lUic. 01
ciins-1 gal , $3.003.2j ; 2 gal , $3.754.80 ; 5 gal
8ii.ftwain.cO. : ,
TOIIACCOS Fine cut , per lb , 2575o ; plue , 2 :
a7Hoj smoking , 22lo ( ; fancy .brands , 00c < 0
IIIAS Japan , baskot-llrcd,2or > 5o ; sun drfcd
20 < S45o ; green , 2U50c ; Oimpowdor. 2050c
Kngllsh breakfast , 3375o ; Vounir llySon , 20S
5Ue ; Oolong , 25343o : 2-lb package dust , I3c. '
OANDV Mixed , 30-lb palls , 8Wi8io ! ; stick
twist stick , Oc ; French mixed ,
hoarhound stick , 8c ; ; jar and case candles
" -lb boxes. 1521o ; extra flno goods , 53S)3o. ( "
AXI.B GUKASK L'cr gross Fnizlor's largi
tins , WJ.OO ; medium tins , $27.00 ; small , $15.0) )
other makes , wood , $3 M8.r > 0.
i 3 doIn box , 3075c ; ladies' she <
43cJl,00 ; stove polish , per gross
IILUKINO Liquid , 4 ox , 3doz In hex. 90cJ1.75
8oz. 3 doz In box , 21.503C'3 ; Ury , amall , 25o
largn , 43e.
Si'lCKS I'opper Singapore , sifted , 1510o
shot , 22o ; allspice , 10o ; cloves. Fenang. se
lected , 17@lUu ; cassia , Ohlna , 4-Ib , mats. Do
nutmuKs , Mo. 1. 75o ; nuicassor , 05e ; plokllni
splco. 10-11) boxes , 25u ,
OIIACKEIIS SoJa , Oo ; oyster , 6Ko ; oroara
o ; RliiRor simps , 84c. !
UIIOCOI.ATI : . ETC. 1Mb boxes , 31@35o ; Ger
man sweet. 224o ' ; cocoa , 3400 ! ) ! Itronio. ; cia
OOCOANUT 15-lb cases. H nnd M-lb paok
BROS , perlb. 2 ® 27o ; ImlU , 15-1 lj palls , 23c.
HXTHACTB I.cmon , 2 07. , Rlc l.bOj 4 oz , Jl.COi
3.50 ; vanilla , 2 oz , ( irx42.bO ; 4 oz , $ ! ' 23 < a5.50
Jamaica glntrer , 4oz , } 1,85.
BATCHES 1'arlor. 200 and 300 per box , 81.C5C
1.70 per gross : sulphur , Si.l.Vil.w. ( :
IliiusiiKS Bhoo , pordoz. $1.25Q'l.r > 0 ; daubers
75catl.OO ; scrub brushes , GOct-MX ) .
STAllcu-l'or Hi. CVi < aSc > .
limn SKEI > Mixed bird , l-lb pkgs.&c ; canary
4Hos hemp , 4Hc ; anise , 15c.
VooI > E WAnE 1'er doz. Tubs , No. 1. J8.33
No. 2 , $7. : ; No. 3 , ifU.33 : keolors , oak grain , 5-lt
best , $ l.riU ; white Cedar. 4-ln. host , S1.23 ; palls
3-hoop , oak grMned , $1.75 ; 2-hooo , tl.50 ; syrur
$ l.av dowel ) , $1.75 ; paper , metal hoops , $2.r > Q
cedar , a brass hoops. No. 1 all red , $5.50 ; cedai
3 hrass hoops , No. 2 rod , 13.00 ; cedar , 3 bras
hoops. No. 1 striped , $ "i.OO ; cedar , 3 brass hoop !
No. 2 striped. $ I.M ; horse , extra heavy , No. :
$2.73 ; well buckets. M.25. lluttarwaro Tubs
ash , 3-ln , per nest , 70c ; usli , 2-ln , 2 largo size :
per nest , 45o ; butter ladles , hard wood , 70c
butter paddles orspados,70o. Washboards-
Slnglo. X1.40 < & 2.00 ; double , t2.50Q3.25. Olothos
pins-5 gross boxes , Kio.
CANDLES 40 Ibs to 'box , Otfo ; mliilnt' , IW
wax , llo.
FllESH POIIK I'ork loln . GJio ; tenderloin :
llo ; spuro ribs , 5o ; shoulders 5o ; hooka. 3c
trimmings , 5o ; back bones , 2o ; dressed hog !
4 ? c ; cleaned pigs' foot , per doz , 30o ; roug
uncloaned pigs' feet , per doz , 20o.
MUTTON Choice dressed mutton , 8Mo ; racli
of mutton , 14o ; sarldles of mutton , Oo ; lirCusI
of mutton , 3e ; log of mutton , lOo. '
FIIKSII llKKFOuTa-lJolls,7Mo ; beef t'ondoi
loins. 14oi sirloin butts. 7o ; boneless strips , 7 <
strip loins , 5Ko rouiid.s , rump ulT , Uo ; round
rump on , Do ; rounds shank oir , SVio ; bonolo !
rumps , 4io ! ; chucks , Ito ; plates , Yu ; bao
halves. 4c ; shoulder oloils , 4Jio ; beef loin ;
No. 1 , steer , iiai4o : ; hoof loins , No. 2 , 101U
beef loins. No. 3 , 7io ! ; beef ribs , 03o ; bet
ribs , No. 1 , lOOIlo ; sweotbroadn , per tiof. . 33C
kidneys , each , 3o ; ox tails , oaoh , 3oi llvor
each , 15o ; boot hearts , each , 4o ; boot tongue
each , 40o.
SMOKEP MEATS Sugar Curod-Hnms 11 to 1
lb avorago. .to ; hams , 20 to 22 lb average ) . H4 ! <
bams , 12 Ib average , l Hc ; sklnnoU hams , O'i (
Hhoiilders , 5Mo ; olear. breakfast bacon , 7j ? (
boneless breakfast bacon backs , O' c ; faniov
boned ham , 7c ; l/allfornla or ptcnle hams , ft <
boneless ham , 8c ; titled boot hams ( sots ) 7i ! (
dried beef clods , Oo ; shortsplccd rolls or liai
roulette , eye ; smoked beef tongues ( per dm i spcolal hams , 12 to 15 11) average , lOlii
special boneless breakfnst bncon , 10o ; Boleotc
dried beef hums , Insldes and knuckles , Oo ; b <
lected wide oloar breakfast bacon , ll ic.
lnr ) SALT MEATS I'ancy light weight she
clears. Go ; long clears. ! > ? ic ; short alcars , 5 < , ii
short ribs , npjoi nhoulders , 4 > ic ; eloar belllu
6 > io ; clear backs , 5io. !
SMOKED Mtjvrx Unv SALT OuiiEn Fane
light wH ht bacon , short clears , OUo ; bacc
short ribs , Co ; bacon short cluars , Uljo ; bacc :
louir elears , Co ; bacon clear backs , OHo ; baec bellies. 6Uo ; bacon shoulders , 4Uc.
SwEKTl'ioKi.KU MEATS Hams , tlorcos , 8Ui
shouldnrs ( N. Y.cuUtlorcos , 5o ; hollies , tlurco
OHo ; California bam , tlorcos , 5o ! ; boot hum
bbls. $12.00.
I'ICKLKK liEBrToxoura-UarroIs , 120.00 ; ha
barrels , lee Ibi , ! O..V ) : tiuartor barrels , 50 lb
IW.OO ; olghth barrels , 25 Ibs , $3.60.
, jier lb , tlerco basis ,
compound , per lb , tlerco baols , OUo ; apeol
kettle rendered loaf lardj perlb , tierce bus !
llnmiEi.KD I'OIIK ANIJ IlEF.r-l'or barrel
Sh < pork ( now ) 110,75 ; family pork , 10.75 ; bat
nnrk.ill.23 ; Utidahy short cut oloar pork , $11.5
aundorland short cut oloar pork , il'j.75 ; bon
loss pig poric ( funny ) , 813.00 ; extra mcssbo (
84.00 ; Platu heof. 87.00 ; oxtru plate beef , ftUl
extra family beef ( bonOluss ) . 18.00 ; rolled bo
( bonolc.sji. t-S.51 ; rump butts , i-V < 0.
Via 1'oiiK Ilonuleis Ilarmla , 200 Ibs eao
813.00 ; half barroK 100 Ibs oaoh. (7.00 ; Quart
barrels. M Ibs each , (3.75 ; eighth barrels , va I
each. 12.00.
OILS I'rlmo lard oil , winter strained , 47
extra lard'oll , winter strained , 45eVi ; extra N
1 lard ell , 41c ; No. 1 lard oil , 33o ; No.l ! lard o
30o ; extra noat's-foot oil , 45e ; tallow oil , 4Gc.
tJAU8AnKS llolognva , 4o ; amokod SHUS&F
7o ; blood oaiuago , 4Ho ; liver sausage , 4H
head ohoeso , 4Ko ; fresh pork sausage ,
ItnltB , Co ; fresh pork n niaito. In bulk.
ninokod | iork Biinsaan-rf ! Frnnkfurt nnusago ,
To ; xtnound head elicbsp Go ; 1'ollnh nitusngo ,
To ; Knoblauch snusatfo,1 7o ; tongue ,
Col mimtnor snn-mec , 13c. The nlioro prices nro
for lotsof M pounds amttipwards alcssqaan-
tlty a half a cent mor < M
. .
IIUTrrn The markqtris weak ami the move
ment slotr. There Is.Jv tendency toward the
accumulation of stock ! * . Select country rolls ,
10318e ; good cuntry rolls , 14aiOo ; Inferior. 7O
12c : good country , HOlUn liaokod , IMllOo ; choice
dairy , isijcoo ; good creamery , Sia-lc ; fancy ,
SAUSrc. oY
OAJIR Unhblts nnd < iuall nro plentyanil the
marketweiik , wltllo utUlrlo chleUom nrn not
BO plenty and tlnn , rralrln chickens. ( . 'I.7DO
4.W ; iiuall. $1.25 : Jaolfpibblts. 82.OJfW.Mi tlcor
and antelope cnrca" tK8saddles , lOo ,
KiKiA The market Istteuk and dealers find
It hard work to get alum 2oc , nt which point
tbo bulk of the eggs arc sellini ; ,
1'oui/riiY The mnrkot on dressed chickens
continues slow nnd weak , sales of good stock
bohiR made at 4ffl. > o. Llvn chlokcns do not
move very readily and 11.7.1 buys n consider
able many. Turkeys , lOOllc ; gceso and ducks ,
7(390. ( _ _ _
ONIONS Choice stock , 81.4 ai.M ; Spanish ,
81.10 tier crate.
llUTAUAOAs-Somo eholco Michigan stock U
selling at OOQKkj per bushel.
HWKBT I'OTAiOES-Thcro Is some very choice
stock outliu market which Is iiuotcd nttl.25 ®
4.r > o.
o.I'OTATOKS ConsUlornblo Wisconsin stook Is
being thrown upon the market nt UOc&il.OO per
bushel , Oood Colorado potatoes are quoted at
UIU.KIIV Choice stock , 404,1o.
LETTUCE Choice stook. 4oc.
I'AusLKV Fresh stock , 40c.
OAIIIIAOU I'nr crate , $ .1.00413.50.
I'AiisNii-s-l'or bbls , 82.25.
IIKKTfl-l'orbu. 81,25.
HumiAtii ) SqUASll rcr doz , $1.2531.50.
Fresli Frulta.
1'KAHS Largo and fanoy , per
JOX , & 3.003.50.
I.n.MONS Choice stook , 80.50137.00.
CIIANIIP.HIIIUSHtooks contlnuo light , hut
novuniilto freely , considering the high prices.
\nnay \ Capo Ted , JI2.00 ii.OO. :
OIIANOES Mexicans , boxes. 81.00 ! Florldas ,
right , I4.004.50 ; russets , 83.5Xf ( 4.00.
I'KIISIMMONS California. 8t.75O3.00 per tray ,
Al'i'LES Htocks are not very heavy and any-
hlng at all dcslrablo Is hold at
GiiAi'ES Malaga , KJ.50O8.50 ; Concord , per 10-
bbuskots , 75o.
STitAvriiEiuuKS 1'or box , oOc ; pints , SOo.
HIOKOHY NUTS Largo , per bushel , 81.35 ®
.50 ; small. 81.7.Va2.00.
I'op CoriN Choice last season's Btoek,22V4o
per Ih.
COCOANUTS Porhundrod , sacked 83.00 | bulk ,
OiiKSTNUTS Largo Italian , 17o per lb.
ItUAN Sacked , per tou , 820.00 ; chopped food.
1 1 ONKYVhlto clover , lib frames , porlb ,
[ So ; 2 lb frames. 17c.
LEATIIKU Hemlock slaughter solo , 2&It20o
perlb. ; hemlock dry hide sole , 20Xft2lo ; oak
note , 3034c ; French kip skins , U0c@$1.10 :
French calf skin. 31.23U2.00 ; Aniorlcan oak
: alf. 8'icJl.I5 ; American hcmtook calf. 75c ®
M.10 ; American oak kip , 75tt8.w ; American
.lomlock kip , G0 ( 7.'in ; sheep skins , CWciWl.OO ;
gout skins , per foot , 2030o.
LIME , OEMEMT , LTO. ( Jn lioard cars nt Omaha
1'or bbl. Ash Orovo lime , OOo ; Champion
ime , 85o ; Qnlncy whlto , 8 Jo ; Louisville oo-
iicnt , 81.50 ; Mllwaukun cement , $1.45 ; Utlca
cement , $1.40 ; Kngllsh I'ortlund cement , 8.'I.49 ;
Now York plaster , 82.23 ; Michigan plaster ,
00 ; I'ort Dod 20 plastor. 91.75 ; whlto sand ,
.00 ; 1' . P. hair , per bale , JI.OO.
COAL On board cars ( it Omaha Anthracite
Chestnut , range aud ogit , JV.5 ) per ton ; grate ,
} 3.on. Soft coal Ohio , 43.00 ; Southern Illinois.
tl.75 ; walnut block , 8150 ; Iowa lump , 73.50 ;
Iowa nut. 83.00. ' " .
OIIESTNUTS Italian , largo , loo.
HIDES Frozen hldoaijaio ! No.l grconsaltod
liu * < w H * J n * * * tvvj j > i | vri ( trj LVJ tu iua ' 4VI73'J t
No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 13 Ibs , To : No. 2 veal calf. 8
to 15 Ibs. 5o : No. 1 dry ( lint hides , 7o ; No. 2 dry
Hint hides. So ; No. 1 ury salted hides , .VTCfio.
Shuop polls Qrecn siuted , onch , rn-ll.2J ;
Kreen salted shearlings , ( short wooled early
sKlns ) nach. 1035odry shoarllutcs ( short
woolud early skins ) No. 1 , oaoh , f. < S10o ; No. 2 ,
each , 60i ury flint .ICansas and Nebraska
butcher wool pelts , nor bound , actual weight ,
KKfilUlSci dry illntKansns nnd Nebraska mur
rain wool pelt" , per poliitcl , actual wolzht , 6 ®
12ot dry Hint Colorado butcher wool Dolts , per
DO und , actual weight , .IWfclSKo ; dry Hint Colorado
rado murrain wool uojVs , per pound , actual
weight , 610o ; dry pieces and bucks , actual
well-lit , 7Uo. . f.
TAM.OW AND OiiEABK4Tallow No. 1 , 31 © 4o :
Tallow No. S.'iJ.'itWKoi ' fcronso , white a , 44WKc :
rease , whtto b , UHi : fli ( proano , yellow , lie ;
reasu , dark , ' . /ic ; oldluttor,22llc ) ; beeswax ,
jirlino , K ila ; roiiKh tallow , IHdtiji . - i
HONKS incur lots , njly ; Dry buffalo , per
ton. JI8.00@18.00 ; dry country , bloaehcd , per
ton , $10.00313.00 : dry 'country , damn and
inauty , per ton , SS.OIXBIO.OO. These nrloes arc
for hones wclchod anddollvorod In Ohlcaco.
UAV On track at Omaha Upland , No.l ,
$0.50 per ton ; coarse blue stem , SO.OO ; oats
straw , W.OO per ton.
FnozEN per Ib. Lake Trout , medium.
small. Oc ; trout , lar o. Be : white , lOc ; pcrch.7o ;
ilko , ( to ; pickerel , So ; black bass , Ibo ; cropplo ,
.uu. Sea fish Steak end. Ho : flounders , Kc ) ;
red snapnor , 14o ; blue fish. 2Uo : cols , ISo ; lob-
Btors , Ibc : scollops , per gal. , 11.4,0 ; mackerel ,
large , DWWJo each.
PIUUE LAnu OilWlntor ( strained ) , 40a ; ex
tra lard oil ( winter straluod ) , 47o : extra No
1 lard oil. 40c ; No. 1 lard oil , 34c ; No. 2 lard oil ,
3lc ; extra Noat's foot oil , 45o ; tallow oil , 45o ;
lialf-bbls 3o over bbls ; 5-cal cans (2 ( In a case ;
' 10 over bbls ; 1-cal eans (10 ( In a case ) lOo ovoi
bbls ; ! 4-Rul case (20 ( In a on so ) 15c over bbls ,
ENGINK Oirs Diamond crescent engine oil. .
per paljon , 40o ; perfection engine oil , Mo
btorllng engine nil , 4Ior hercules engine oil
50oVAitNisriKS Furniture , No. 1 , OOo : furniture
oxtra. ll.OJ ; coach , No. 1 , $1.10 ; coach , extra
hard oil finish , light , 11.20.
68 75 and 10 per cent from list of March
IjRAn WniTBinOity-Cartor , In 500-lb lots
J7.50 ; Inl.OOO-lb lots , per owt , 47.20 ; Sonthorr
Co. , St. Louis , In 50l-lb lots , 37.50 ; In 1,000-11
lots , per owt , 87.20 ; lied Seal , St. Louis. In 500-11
lots. J7.50 ; in 1,000-lb lota , per owt , * 7.20.
WHITE DHV Oliaer'a whiting , nor lb , IMo
Conunorclul whltlnp , per lb , lo ; English 0. 9
Paris whlto , per Ib. IKe.
Hun Dnr American Venetian rod , Uio
( 'hattanooga , 2c ; English Venetian , barrel 3 *
Ibs. 2Ko ; Indian No. i , 12o ; Tuscan English , 20c
YKLLOW Cromo yellow , GffllOo ; ochor. Ho
chellu. 2Ko ; oohcr. woshed Dntch , 4c ; ocher
washed Vronoh. 2ftp.
I'tiTTV Pure , In barrels , kegs nnd tubs , 2o !
In bladders , 2Mo ; In M-lb tins , 2o.
VEOETAIII.K OILS Linseed , domestic raw , Ii
barrels , per gallon , G2a ; linseed , domcstli
boiled. In barrels , per gallon , ( Bo.
ANH Kisn OILS Whale , blenchci
winter , per gallon , 55o ; whale , extra blonchoi
winter. OOo ; sperm , bleached winter , $1,00.
R. T. Davis Mill Co. , high patent No. 1 am
Oroum.J2.70i Itluo D. full patent , (2.50 ; Hawk
eye , half patent , 82.30 ; spoolal Itnyal patent
No. 10. J2.80 : Minnesota patent , 12.75 ; Knnsa
hard wheat -patent , 12.55 ; Nebraska sprlni
wheat patent , $2.00.
H. V. Oilman's gold modal , $7.75 ; Snow White
t2.i5 : ; Snow Flako. $2.10 ; low crude. 11.80.
Itrokon How roller mills Cronm , { 2.00 ; Myr
tie , JJ.50 ; Claim , HJ.20 ; XXX , 11.80 ; Fldolltj
$2.00 ; Mlnnosota Chlofa.50 ; Patent. J2.70.
O khamp's ready to raise buckwheat lloui
14,73 per case of 50 2 lb packages ; buckwhca
In bbls , N. y. , MOO ; "Excelsiorbrand , 15.50 ; Sla
Jack meal , $4.00 per case of 50 2 lb packages.
Dry Goods.
OiiiCKS-OaledonlaX , oya ; Oalodonhi X3i
lOVio ; Economy , 8 0 ; VUs,8Ko.
VfiANNBLS 1'lald , rfftSman , 20cs Cosher
324o ; Clear Lake. 32jo ! ; Mnplo Olty , : Mc
whlto O II No. 2 , 2'Wo : O II No. 2. ft. 27Hc
II H No. 2. , 21Uo ; htrNo. 2 , f , 20Mo ; Quo
boo No. 1. 4io ! ; QuobooNf.3 , M. 42Ku ; Quobui
, No. 4 , 32 o ; Agwari. 13 o ; Windsor X 0 , S
in.,15VJo ; OF.ISc ; H A Ii"Y. 23o ; J U F.'jj
27MO ! O , , 20c.
COTTON f'rANNEr. Qiiftrtllan LU 5Wo , not ! O
OuardCO,6 > t'o ; 8S , 7 Q EE. 8Jo ; GO. Wc
XX.lOVio ; 00 , HWp ; N . ' K'/o ; AA. 14o ; 1)1
I5iot ! TT IGHo ; YV , 18c ; nil. IDo ; bloaohoc
No. 20. b'/ioj ' No. GO. lOSio ; No. 80 , 12V4o ; brow
and slato. No. 50 , Oo ; No , 70 , ISHoj No. 00 , lOc
colored Missouri valley. 12ic. !
llr.KACHEi ) COTTON Ilorkoley Cambr e Ni
BO , QIJC ; HostYot. OVio ; llfittoroloth XX. 4 c
Cabot. 7c ; Klrst Call , O c ; Krultof the Loon
Do ; Hill Sompor Iil'iulr8o ; Housekeeper Hiit
King Philip Cambric , ( ( MV Lanedon O 11 , 01-ic
Lonsdalo.Do ; LnnsdaWJEainbric , 10 > Jo ; Ne
York mills , llo ; Oak thrai , 7o.
CoroiiEnCAMiiiucrt-AVpwn. 4Ho ; Hod Sta
4Mo ; Olovor , So ; HlatotiWillud , ! > Mc ; high col
ors , lo oxtra. ' - -
, .
Not-I'opnoroll.43 In , lOiio ; I'opporoll , 8-4,18 (
I'opiioroU.lM. SOo : I'cpporoll. lo-4,2.'JSo ; Utloi
48 In , I5o | Utlou , r > 8 In. 17io ! ; Utloa , 22 In , 2 c
Utlea. 84ln,20o : Utlca , .twin. 2150. lllnacho
Net Pipporoll-42 In. lOVjo : 1'eppnrell , 48 h
IHJot I'opperoll , ii-4 , 1501 I'omiorell , 8-4,20i
I'opnorell.lM , fflKo ; Pen no roll , 10-4 , Sot Utlci
8-4 , 2lo ; Utlca , 0-4. 2Jo ( ; Utloa , 10-4 , 2dc.
lillCK West Point. 28 In , boz. lOJio : Wei
Point , 28 In , 10 or. r.'Hot West Point , 29 In , :
oz. 15c : West I'olnt , 40)iiH ) oz , 15Vio.
llATTS Standixnl.Po ; MohawklOVic ; beaut'
12Ho | Uoono , 140 ; U , cased , ta.OO ; Boo , JI.75 pi
COTTON WAUP IllbbS , white , 18oi } coloroi
ISVic ,
Kr.NTUCKr jEANS-Momorlal , 15o | Dakoti
2lo ; Dunham , 28ijo : lloroulea. lOo ; Lcmlugtoi
M 24o ! ; Uottswood,27 o ; Melvlllo. 25o.
i. CiiNfjiiAM AmoskeaK. 7c ; Amoskoair dros
85,40 : Hatos. Olio ; Warwick drosses. 80 ; hiuiua
tor. OMo ; Ulonalre , fliioVhlttondon ; ilruns , t
I'niNTS Kanoy Kddystone , dHo ; 8l < s
lllver. 601 Itamapn , 4 > { a ; tit. Ludgor , 6V4
BiilrtlnR Martha \Vashlnton , 41iu ; Murrlinu
4 0 ! Turkor lUMl-FounIMn , 6 } < c | ( Junior , 7ot
CronUoId. 8KOj llorlln , 0)le. )
1'niNTS IndlKo HIuo-Not-Mnttha Wash
ington , 6Wo | American , ( Wo ! Arnold , r.'jo ; Ar
nold II , long cloth , lee ; Stlllo A. U4o ; Morrl-
nino. 7-8. loot Hold Loaf. 8Hc | Hamilton , r > Mo |
Allen I'lnk.i , fiVJo ; Allen Chnmbray , del Olou-
cluvstor , r > vjO ! llnrtol , riio.
llr.AVV HnowN COTTONS Atlantic , 7lJc At-
lantlu ll,7o | Atlantic I ) , Oi.c ( | Atlantic I * . r > o |
Aurora 0. 4i'c ? ; buck's head , 7Hc ; Cabot W ,
( Hie : ParllngKin , fi'ic ; farmers' No. I , 4 u
4iio ; llooslrr I.L , fHio ; Indian head , 7ic ! | Law-
ri-nco LIfifc ? ; Henrietta Mr > Me.
KINK liuowN CoTTONrt-'Atiatitlo t < TRe ; Au
rora 11 , C'ie ; Aurora U , nUn ; Atlas , ON1I , 7Ho |
chcesn cloth , 4o ; Clinton KF , DUtil 1'uppcroll It ,
OUo ; IiniiRdon , OH , 7e.
IINI.MS ) Net Amoskpaff , fl oz , IRVJo ; Vork
camlet. 12c ; Kverotu Htnndard , 12ic ! ; llay-
makors' , 7a ! ; Did Vork , XX , IDVfo ; Lawrence ,
220,12Jc ! ; Lawrence , 0 oz , 15iu ! ; fnney stripe *
mill ch cUs , lltic.
COTro.vAiiK'i York , nankin , 10' < 0 ! Kvorott.
fie , I8o ; Lowlston , 10 oz , 22ioorl } ; < liigmaa
He.TiCK -York. 32ln. 12 e ; Swift Rlv < > r , Tlloi
Thorndyko , OO , 8'io ; Thorndyke , KR 8ic } ;
Thorndyko , 120 , BVie ; Thnrndyko , XX , lie ;
Cordls , No. 5.8140 ! I'onlU. No. I. 05lo.
WIOANS Net Thistle , eye ; Ited Ctos , 7Uc ,
CitAHM Stovonf H. 10-ln , 6Wc ; Htovons' I ) ,
18-lnt'h,0l c : Stevens' A , 10-lncn. 7Uo ; Slovens
P. 18-lnch , oi Stevens' M , 18-Inch , Do : Slovens'
N , 20-Inch , Oc : Stevens' NN. 22-Inch , lOo : Slo
vens' STU , 20-lnob , I2o : bleached. lo extra.
Quotations nro for car lots on board cars nt
Omaha :
IS ft. 14 ft Id ft 18 ft M ft 22 ft 21 ft
2x1. . { 15 00 1501) 1500 1550 1000 1700 18 CO
2x0. . IfiOO 1500 1500 1550 1000 1800 1300
2x8. . 15 00 1500 1500 1550 1(100 ( 17 CO 1900
2.V10. 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 BO 10 00 17 fO IB 00
2x13. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 CO 19 00
1x4 to
6x8 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 IS 00 10 00 10 00
llOAIIUS-No. icom , $ I8. > : No. 2 com. J1.VO ! ) ;
No. 3 com , tn.50 : No. 4 com , Jll.M.
Fu.NOiNn No. i.G-ln , is and 14 ft , rf , 110.00 ;
No. 1 , n-In. 10 ft , Jl MX ) ; 4-ln , { 111.00 ; No.
2 , n-ln. IS and 14 ft , rf. W.oo ; 4-ln. J14.00 : No. 2 ,
U-ln. ir ftiin.OO ; 4-ln. tlG.OO ; No. a , n-ln. I'J and
14ft , mu < l | 4-ln. I13.00i No. 3,0-ln , 10 ft , f 13.00 ;
4-ln , 113.00.
SliilNO A. 12 , 14 nnd 15 ft , J22.00 ; C , 817.60 ; 11 ,
,18 , 14 and 10 ft. S20. BO ; I ) , UI4.50.
1' t.OOlltNO A , 0-ln , ivhlto pine. J3S.OO : fl
$ .1).M : 11. 0-ln , white nine. $ .T.00 : 1) , $20.50 ; E ,
( Hn , white plno ( sol. fencing ) , (17.UO : dropsld-
Inir , Mupur.M extra.
STOCK UOAIIIIS A.U-ln. sl , J IS.OO ; H , 12-in ,
sl9 , 3-15.00 ; 0. $40.00 : I ) . 125.00 ; No. t common. 12-
In. His , 10. 12 and Id ft , f 'I.OU ' ; No. 2 , JlH 5'Ji No , 1
common , 12-ln , 8(9 ( , 14 ft , $20.00 ; No. 2 , JI7.V1 ; No.
1 coinmon. 12-ln , his , ID ft , 19.50 ; No , 2 , $17.00 ;
No. 1 common , 12-in , sis , 20 ft , (21.03 ; No. 2 ,
IIR.50 ,
HiiiPlAi--No. l.plnln.S nnd 10-ln , $10.00 : No.
2 , $10.00 : No. I , O. 0. , 8-tn , $111.00 : No. 2 , $1(1.50 ( ; 10-
In , grooved roolliiK , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , JIU.fiO.
l'lNlsiiiNn-lstand2del. . 1-ln , 2s. flll.OO ; HI ,
IV and 2 , f I'.i.nii ; ; ; d clear , l-ln , s''s , JI.VOO : l.i ! , Itt
and 2. )7.0Ui A , selout , 1-ln , s2s , $11.00 ; 14 , l'/4 and
2-ln , $45.00 ; 11 , select , 1-ln , K2. , 11.00 ! mm and
i-ln. ! $10.00 : 0 , select , 1-Iu , s2sJ 7.00i IK.lKi and
-in , J.UOO
A. il or 0 soloet all 15 ft. 11.00 extra.
HOUTMEHN YKM.OW PiNK-lHt and Jd clear
floorlnp Ulfl.J.iuistur , i-lfl. ; fl'.l.OO ; com lloor-
IIR , 13-10 , 2,500 rift clear , l.'l-lt ) , $2ti.OO ; Island 2d
: Iuar , % culling , Jll.ffl ; 1st and 2d clenr.K eoll-
nK S10.50 ; 1st und 2d clear , colllnp , SitOO ; 1st
nnd ' . ' (1 ( clear , finish. b2i , from 1 In , $27,00 ; 1st
nnd I'd ulear finish. s2i , from Hi In , 4iO.OO : : 1st
nnd 2d clour , llnhli , s2afroni \ ' / and 2 lnfiO.M : ;
1st and 2d clear , y p casings. $30.001 base ,
BASH , Doons , ETC. Tar board , $1.50 ; sash , S5
per ol : doors. 55 per ot ; blinds , M per ct ;
inouIdliiKSro percent ; tarred felt , per c\vtW.10 |
straw hoard , 91,20 ,
POI > II\II LuMiun : 8 Inch and up , 1st nnd Sil
clear , 1 Inch , s2s , $30.00 : 8 Inch and up , 1st and
2d clear , ! i Inch panel , $21).iHi. )
HATTKNS , WKM/riniiNO. KTC. O. O. 2 5 inch ,
CT > c ; ! ixt : , sis , U5o ; : t Inch well tublntr " , I ) . & M.
and bov , SMO ; pickets , U. & If. , Hat , $20.50 ; l ) .
A H. , Ml , J20.50.
SiiiNiir.p.s. LATH Extra "A , " pine , W.80 ;
standard "A , " 82.45 ; extra "A. " cedar , S2.f > 5 ; U
'ncli clear nine , $1.00 ; clear redwood , JI.'JJ ;
nth , $2.80.
POSTS White cedar , 0 Inch , ! 4s , lie : fl luch ,
qrs. He ; white cedar , 5Vi Inch , \i \ t. Do : 8 Inch ,
qrs , 6c ; white cedar , 4 Inch , round , 1'xj ; split
oak , Co ; Tenncssoo red cedar , split , 14o.
; oinmlssloners Still Wrestling \Vltli
tlio 1'crploxliij ; Problem ,
As soon ns the county commissioners con-
cued yesterday evening n motion was carried
that the reading of the minutes bo dispensed
with. After this Rev. John A. Henderson
appeared before tno commissioners nud
asked that a room bo sot aside for
religious scrVlcos in the now hos
pital rfind that tho' ministers of the
city churches bo permitted to put a free
library into the hospital.
Without any discussion the matter was re
ferred to the committee on poor fnrm.
Judge Shields reported that the county
court is without an index. Ho stated that
such a book could bo prepared In ono year , at
a cost of $1,000. This was referred.
A. J. McNair presented a petition , showing
that ho does not like the names , poor farm
nnd poor houso. Ho nskod that the names be
changed to the Douglas county inlirmary.
Uavld F. Hunter applied for. admission tc
the Soldiers' homo nt Grand Island. The ap
plication was npproi-cd , and Mr. Hunter will
become an intimate of that Institution.
The following bill was presented by H. C.
Stroblo : 1To board lug Chroimtor , who was
killed at Elkhorn , durhiR his lifetime. " The
bill was promptly rejected , notwithstanding
It amounted to only $ 'J.50. '
The question of lighting tlio now hospital
was brought up. The members of the com
mittee on poor farm had visited all of the
plants of the city and surrounding country ,
but had been unable to agree upon anything.
All of the plants that the gentlemen had sect
had worked well , but they were not roadj
to roportupon any system.
At the close of the meeting Mr. Berlin , t
member of the committee , stated that ho was
of the opinion that the poor house will bt
lighted by lamps and candles until ncxi
spring , unless the gas company should see IV
to extend ttaeir lines to the hospital nt once
'Tho elecrlo light would bo n good thing , '
said ho , "but it is too expensive , as It woulO
require the purchase of now engines ant
several thousand dollars worth of addltlonu
machinery. " *
The Improvement Itecord.
The following figures give the totals o
real estate transfers , building permits and
bank clearings for the past week :
Monday . $27,84
Tuesday . C9.K1
Wednesday . 44 , ( > ! )
Thursday . . ' . . H'.l.M
Krlday . 411.80
Saturday. . ; . lf > 8,51
CfiTotal . . , . V..SMIW
Monday . . . 9 3,27
Tuesday . . . . . . . , . 4ai
Wednesday . 17,20
Thursday . 7,25
Friday. . ' . . : .
Saturday. . 0. . 10,40
Total . $ 43,07
Monday . t 7S0.4G2.r
Tuesday . 74. > , OH > .7
Wednesday . 07. < .75fl.l
Thursday . , . ( ttUllu.l
Krlday . K24l.Vi.c
Saturday . , . K7l,7r ) ( .t
Total . ? lir > 9i9U :
. A decrease of 7.7 per cent from the corrc
8pondhi wuejtof last year ,
Thirtieth Anniversary Services.
Today the people of the First Prosb ;
torlan church , comer of Seventeenth on
Dodge streets , will celebrate In on appn
prlato way , the thirtieth , anniversary c
the organization of their church. Th
church will bo decorated for the occasion b
the ladies anil at the morning service at 10:1 :
o'clock , the pastor , Dr. Ilnrsha , will dcllve
a historical discourse , reviewing the progrcs
of Prcsbytcrianlsm In Omaha.
At 3 o'clock p. in. another meeting will I
hold , in which the other Presbyterian coi
gregations of the city will Join with the inothc
church In doing honor to tlto occasion.
There will bo n number of addresses b
pastors of ttieso churches , which will natu :
ally bo a looking backward over the succo :
sivo steps of establishment nnd growtt
There will bo no evening service , but n
these interested In this anniversary occaslo
are invited to bo present at the morning an
afternoon meetings.
A Now Ollluo.
Mrs. Elta Matboson of Nollgh has boon a ]
pointed bookkeeper and cashier at tbo pos
ofllce. This Is a now ofllco which bas bee
created by Postmaster Clarkson , nutnority I
do so having been received from Washlngtoi
The business of tlio oflloo has grown to sue
proportions that it required all the tlmo i
tbo assistant postmaster to look after tl
paying of tno employes and details conacctc
therewith. It was therefore deemed ex pod
ent to create the position obovo named.
Mrs. Matheson Is well known in Omab
being a daughter of the Into O. P. Hurfor
an old resident of this city. She is an expe
bookkeeper and well quaurlea lor the posltlo
Trading in all Markets Starts With a Hush
and Dwindles Down.
They Unloaded lit tJin First Oppor
tunity Shorts ( Jrntbod nt the
Sixmo Tlmo Tlio Crowd Fol
low * tlio Sellers.
CitlCAno , Doe. 20. ( Special Telegram to TUB
HKK. ] There was n show of firmness in till
markets on'changaiit tlia opening lint both
strength nnil activity disappeared after tlio
first half liour and business uu the ( tour came
ticar being stagnnnt ut 11 o'clock. Wheat
started a fraction tii nt ll.OO.'f.solcl ntll.OOVolf
tolLOO } ) and then nULOO.M Mil ut thocmlof the
hour. Corn on a lltllu bulge sold r.ritfl'ic ami
buok la KIKo. Outs were stoudy. 1'ork and
ribs opened n trlflo higher on Unlit receipts of
hogs but there was no further gain nnd the
pit liccamo qulut with prices at hut night's
For the third dny In suceosilon the wheat
mnrkot hits about hold Its own with enough
bull news each dny to warrant n good ad-
vunco under ordinary circumstances. Throe
days ago May wheat was nt 11.00.
At noon . today the price wns $1.00 ,
aftcTBolllnsr ntH.OJ , ' ; and ODyc. Tlio backot
todny was of n surprise to those
who try todo business on natural Influences.
Hut the whims of speculators cannot bo fore
told. The talk was that wheat had to follow
silver and that being olT another point n do-
cltno must follow. Hat silver was off two
points yesterday nnd wheat did not follow.
The truth la that the trade w.n8 huavlly long
of whqat headed by llulchlnsnu nnd when
thoysaw a Rood array of hull nmvs to support
the market they unloaded rlshtnnd luft. The
shorts at n II mo grabbed n good deal without
much notice or effect. Tiu < enrly udvanco was
chocked by offerings by llaldwln. by Logan &
Co. and selling by GlITord and 1'ardrldgo.
The crowd followed the sellers. Later lliitch-
Inson sold heavily nnd this broke the marko t.
There wns good buying by MuDougall , Heath
& Co. Konnott.Hopklns.Couiisolman and many
others. The notion of the market W H Jl.OOJi
to$$1.00i ! to $1.00 ? , ' to OO o to JI.OO.
Tlyerowasa howl about the break In cash
\vhcatut Si. Louis nnd Minneapolis. Answers
to Inquiries said cash wheat was off m > nioro
than futures. Tlio statement of the Millers'
Journal thai wheat In farmers' hands In the
northwest Is equal to ono year ago was used
by the boars against this sort of douht fill bear
nows. Hull points vroro : I'rlinus report claim-
In that growing wheat has not hold Its own
for thirty days nnd Is sulTorlng from dry
woalher and the Hessian fly In states ;
Liverpool cables , which were firm early and
closed higher for spot wheat ! the Now York
mnk statement , showing- Inuroaso of
(4,000,000 ( In reserve for the week and
lauslng a strong closing In Hloeks. Kvport
iloarancesat Xow York In wheat nnd Hour
oday were about 1SO.OU. ) biHicU ; at Hall Imorn
; i couple of boatloads of whnat ; at Huston
ibout 25,000 barrels of Hour. For the four At-
antlo ports for the week , 4WtniO bushel.of !
ivhrat and ilOO.OOJ packages of Hour or ubout
J.800.1100 In wheat anil Hour for the week. Jill-
waukeo inlllors advanced the nrlco utoounl ry
fitailoos lc , but nothing prevailed nealnst the
otided and bearish crowd. On the eurh prlvl-
Jcgrs In Slay were at O1) ? . for puts and tl.Oiij for
Tlio corn market was very sick most of the
session. Nothing but the nhsoiicn of any
stock of corn hero anil the doubt about any
liberal receipts prevented the bears from
smashing the market by sol II UK short. This
'a too dangerous , because. the market
an bo so easily controlled by tlio
bull sldo. The weakness , therefore ,
comes simply from the luck of
hiipport. There was a llttlo spurt of
buying early on the strength carried from the
curb. On this May sold at file nnd r > l $ il > 6c.
Then HiiU'hliiwn sold some corn and the looal
crowd followed , No ono was anxious to take
olYorlngs and the prlco went down to Klfaa or
! } o utulor the clo.o yesterday. There was no
recovery from this point nt I o'clock. There
wns a little recovery In corn at the close. The
'ast price for May wns fililjo. The only trnd-
ng In December was at M'-ie when Amy was
i.'lo and the nominal ulosu was thiMoforoD'Jc.
January was quoted at. fillio and f > l' ' o at the
cloo. The shipping denmnd was not good
: md larger receipts are looked for. Aluy corn
privileges sold at Dil'/io nnd KlJio and Ku ) and
Oats showed moro flniinoss than anything
else on the lloor with less than He toss for the
dny In the only active feature. May sold nt
4."i14c and 4lJ.o , clo.slni ; at 4T > c , or ! © ! io lower.
Nominal prices for othnr months were ! lo-
comber , 41ioto ? ll ! o to 4Hc ; January , 42o to
If , as surmised , packers have been giving
the provision market support from time to
time when It most needed It In order 13 hold
the market to soil their product * on. then that
support came toanend toilaV * Keallzlns that
thn and the public were prettv well ad
vised on the situation manufacturers of pro-
luels today made a bold strlko to sell as
nnch as jiosslblo while yet nny strength
remained In the market. Light re
ceipts of hogs this morning caused
a firm opening. Packers opened lire narly and
prices dropped 5IOo all around before the
call at0M \ : a. m. It wns on the call that tlio
Ouduhyn , Armour & Oo. and other packers
sold hln blocks of stulV. Cudahy xvan credited
with liirgo sales of ribs and 10,000 barrels of
pork to top elf with. Armour's house was a
seller on a big scale , Sleover , who bought
pork on call , sold It later , llaldwln and Uri
were free boilers. llutchliiMm sold ' lard. .
Holders of products Kdicrally attempted to
liquidate. Lard had.thu best support because
tlio stocks hero aru not expected to help the
bears. The break In prices wns from JIU.IWS
toJ' ' ) . ! H for January pork amlJll.'JJ'/i ' !
for May , with the close at * 9.93 and } | U.U7 ! { .
Hales of old pork for December were at $ T.OO
I.ard yliililed to"i.75for January and * l.i.i : foi
May. Itlbs wont down more easily to 41.00 foi
January and $3,55 for May or lOc under las I
nlLht. _
OntCAOo , Dec. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tirs
HEE. ] CATTLE A few good utoors were on salt
early nnd disposed of ut prices equally as gooi
ns yesterday and In aRonoral way there wus
llttioorno ehnngoas compnroa with Friday
The stoeker trade closed extremely dull will 1,000 carried over. No prime Christ
mas. steers were on sale. Pair to good , JI.50 t <
* 4.9.- ; second class , $1.00 to { 4.25 ; third class
SJ.OO to $1.5) : common. $1.00 to $2.50 ; ( .lookers
lions The demand was fair and price
strong und 5o higher on prime , heavy am
butcher weights , but thJ ordinary run of Ugh
mixed showed "llttlo or no advance us largi
numbers agaln'sold within a range of $ ; i.iOi :
: ur > . and host mixed at iHfKlt ) > , while prlrn
heavy and butcher weights sold at $ 'I.Mx3iriC
Ono or two lots sold at S.'UVi. Assort oil llgh
sold lOo higher at $ .IOB'I.W. ( butcomuionmlxei
light and ulgssold about the sumo as vostor
(1 ay . ay at
NEW YOIIK , Doc. 20. [ Special Telegram t
THE UEK.I Last week the Increase In bank reserves
serves was about 1,000,000 , today the stnto
inont shows an Increase for the week of elos
to $ l,000,0)0. ( ) This wns the only redoemin
feature In stock olrclos during thn halt da ;
session. On the bank figures tliero was u return
turn of life to business on the exchange and i
nlco llttlo advance all around which cansei
closing prlcos to show gains o/or 1'rlday's fig
uresof Htolf per cent. Kxcoiitlons to till
were declines of ! i each In Northwostorr
Uoadlngandnllttloupwardshootof S point
In Hugiir llollnoiles. Sllvcrwnsoir nearly
points the llrst hour to 10HJ but closoil at 10 !
it the stocks depressed yesterday , Loulsvlll <
recovered the most , ? per cent to 7J . Atclil
win regained \ , to'J8 ? < and other western stock
H to % all around. Money wus easy nnd trad
liiz of a limited and profu.sslminl character.
The following were the closing quotations :
MONEV On call , easy and closed ollerod . .
4 per cent.
1'iUMKMEUOANTit.K PAVEH-7'/4Ofl per oonl
HIEIIMNO KxcMiANOE-Qulut , fairly stoudj
sixty-day bills , 8l.bOU ; demand ,
Tim Correct Alurlcot ,
NEW YOIIK , Doo.20. [ Special Tfdogram t
TUB DEE. ] Coffee Options opened stead ;
IS point * up toft points down , closed * toaJ ;
5 points up to 10 j-olnts down , unl
Sales ; 12,250 Last , IncludliiL' Occumbv-r , 817 , :
. January , 8l .4.vrai8.50 ; February , f 18.00i
Mnrch. 8I.\M ; Jlay. 815.15. Snot Ulo iiulot and
ttruii f lt eargooa. IliUai No.7.117.75.
The Weekly Unnk Stat iuoiit ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Doo. 20. ( Special Tolt'Kraia ' to
THE HKK. ] Thn weekly bank st.ttomont ghorri
the following ; change-si
Kesorvo. Incroaio I IWI.THS
Loans , Incroaw 410,100
HpiHili1 , IncroiiKO 4i : .7uo
Legal tender. Inoroaso OKMKI
DpplMtlR , IIILTOASO 3,573,500
Circulation , Incruaio 22.WO
Thohnnksnow hold 1I.4HOOO In O.XCCM of the
pqulromcnlsof tho23 iiuroent riilo. The experts -
ports of speelo from the port of Now York
last WOOK amounted to 8111,44.1. of which
$ iMSi ) wns In-gold and II17.0M In silver. Of the
total exports Jiouo In silver was shipped to
Knropo , and nil ( ho gold nnd $ lllli3l in sil
ver wont to South America. Thn Imports of
opoclfl during the wmik amonnlcd to 2.212,571 ,
of which I2tivi.ui2 wai In gold anil MS.IV. ! } In sil
ver. Thoirold on the Lahn Is not Included lu
this week's statement ,
Miiilni ;
NKW YOIIK , Dee. 20. ISpoolat Tolosram to
TIIK IlEE. ] The fullowln ; are the mlnlnz
stock ciuotatlons :
ClllCAflO , Deo. 20. 1 n. m. cloio-\Vhoat
Steady : cash , fUVo [ ! January , UlJioi May ,
Corn Kagy ; cash , 52o : January ,
Uats : cash , 4l < 4JU o ; January ,
Mny , 4l ? , C > o.
I'urK Dull ; cash , J7.75 : January , t0.ft5 |
Lard Dull ; casli , fo.70 ; January , Ki.T5 |
ay , fil.n ; .
Sliort Ulln-Dull ; cash , tl.70ai.75 ; Jnu-
tliiry. t-l.IM : Mav.J. ' > .CO.
ltyc-liill ) iit'fffc.
llarlov NnmlniiL
Klnx Steady nt. $1.12.
Timothy Kmy at Jl.lft
Whlskv-.U. !
' , W.OrtiW.OOi
l'lnur--Sloady : uprlint patents
winter putunts , jl.7u < ifr > . ( ) i ) : halters' , $ ; i.ioa4.00. :
Hulk Miiiiti-Shniildfr.t , Jl.avai.n : ; hort
clear , J5.IOiTi.VJl : Hhorl rlln.JI.7lKai.75.
llutter ITnehanged ; ereainory , 10K30I
dnlrr. lOffKSe.
KURS ITiu-linnRoO : fresh. 22 JStc.
Oheeso Uneliaiwedi full cronni ohoddars ,
Blfififl'ic : llati , Kf6l'/o ! ' } : YOIIIIK Americas , lOMo.
Hides Unchansi'd : heavy nnd llitht Rreon
Raited , IK ; ; Krevn , li ltieisaltodhiillhldoi Vioi
preen salted , fli7e ! dry Hint , Hu ; dry united
hliloH , lV37c : dry ealf , RJi'.Hii ' deaconi , uaeh. 850.
Tallow Uiipiiiinitud ; No. 1 , solid pauked ,
43iOlc ; No. ' . ' .aaayuj cake. 4'4c ,
ICecelpt . Shlpmonts.
Hour. libl . 81,000
Wheat , liu . 51,000 ill.OOO
Corn , liu . 117,000 102,000
Oats , bu . ir > 7,000 iW.OOO
NEW YOHK , Deo. 20. Wheat IJeeolpKKM.OO
hnihols ; exports , KI.500 : spot , stronu-er : No. 3
riul , tl.o : < ? jil.w ; In elevator , ifl.OT'/.ill.OTH
nlloiit ; Sl.oa Ol.OSM f. o. h. Options cIotcMl
lower ; Nn. 2 red , DceiMiiher , closlin ? at tl.OTiXi
Corn Hocolnls IM.t-Oi liushels : experts , 4a' 0i
sjiot , weak ; No. * . ' , tW\Q \ In elevator , ( Mo
atloat ; tumradrd mixed , r > K$04o. Options
lower : Doceniber closing at ra'c. '
Oats litcelnt.t , bushels : oiporK 24 |
sjiot easier ; No. 1 ! while , r lc : nilxoif western ,
l-vfjriDc : white western. nmij5ric. Options weaker ,
December closing at 4l4 ) ( . ' .
Sugar Haw stoa/ly ; fair n-llnlne. 4 0-llo ( :
centrifugals , IX ] test , DUo ; ruUncd , bteadyi
t'etroleuin United closed for January at
OSe.TKPS - Steady : western , -VS'Jfc.
1'ork htiMirtyj now mess. jll.OOUI2.00.
hard Ulosud weak : wostiTu .sltviiii.M.IO
Huttiir Easy ; western dairy , H'li-'li ; ; croam-
erv.1JI.1Jo : Klgln , ' . " .tiifflOo.
Cheese I'lrni ; light sUlms ,
ST. J.ouis , Hoc. 20. Wheat Lower : cash ,
j'ic ; May , lHftKfc. ) ! (
Corn Lowers cash , 47io : Mav. Wii.VJio. )
Oats Irrejjulnr ; cash , WKo : May , 4ic.
Pork -Steady at JlO.-'o.
lluttor Qulot. _
MiNNRtpor.13 , Deo. 2J. Wheats-Spot very
weak , dragplng nnd prices lOio lower , llo-
oolpls , 410 ears : shlumonts , .r > 0 cars. Closliij ;
No. 1 hard , Doceniher , Ulo : January , ! Co ; on
track. Ific ; No. 1 northern , Deceinher , PHoi
May , OCHc : on track. Silo : No. 2 northern , De
cember , 500Jnimary , Hie ; on track , Wie.
KANSAS CITV. line. 2) . Wheat Weak : No.
2 hard , cash , Ktc hid ; No. 2 red. eash. 87o hid ,
Corn Steady : No. S cash. 471Jo : December ,
47.Jo auked.
oats Qulot ; No. 2 cash und December , 40Ho
asked , _ _ _ _ _ _ .
MILWAUKEE. Deo. 20. Wheat Qulot ; No. J
sprhiK , cash , 8T8io ! : May , HUSe.
Corn Quiet : cash. No. : i , 48i ! < iiinc.
Onts-Qulut ; No. 2whllo. 4fiOntfc. :
1'rovlslons Easier ; pork , January , 10.05.
OINCINKATI , Doo. SO. Wheat Easy ; No. 3
red. D4o.
Oorn Steady : No. 2 mixed , GS
Oats Dull ; No. ' . mixed , 40o.
Whisky $1.14.
Doo. 20. Wheat Klrm : de
maud fallen off : red western winter , 7s Hd ,
Corn Qulut ; unchanged : mixed western , 5i
5'id porcontal. _
OlllOAOO. 1)00. 2) ) . Oattlo HpcolpK 4,000 :
mnrkot stondy to limit no prime Chrlitmns
Hteers on sale ; common to good steers , Jl.CHHJ
. , . . .
IIo s Hocolpts , KI.OU3 ; market strong and
hluher : llsht mixed , KLt1iLi5 : ( ! : : ; prime heavy ,
and butcher weights , * I.SWQ3.U5 ; light , t3.4u ®
y.r > n.
n.Hhcep Hocolpts , 2.000 ; market slow and
.owor ; natives , ? IUO > 3C.UD : weslurns. * 1.054.iO ; ;
Texans , Ul.yO : lambs , $ ! .OJBV.M. ;
, Doe. 20. Cattle Heeolpts , 1,800
.load ; shlpmiMits , ii50 : head ; market higher :
steers. & ! . ! > 05.00 ; fancy Cnrlstnias Btoors ,
S'i.005ft5.Ki : eows , ? 1.50j.ij ; ! ; atookers and feed
er * ti.yyiifi.yi.
llo' h Kocelpts , 5,000 head ; nhlpinents , DM
head ; market higher ; all grades , $ J.OOi47.00.
ST. Louis. Dec. 20. Cattle Itoeelpts , 4,000
head ; shipments , 1,300 head ; market steady ; *
fair to fanoy native steers , $ I.OOitV.W ; Htockors
and feeilers , J-.Mu'f.w. :
Hess HocohitH. liO : ( ) head ; shipments. 2. : D
head ; market higher : hcavyJ.4Ult3..r > j ; tnlxod ,
IJl.10tt3.40 ; light , H.UOfrfrU.'O.
the Ncoily.
Since the last publlcntion the following
donations have boon received by tlio board of
trade for the relief of the western drought
sufferers :
ClotuhiR Bundles E. C. Itrownlcc , 1 ; Mr.
Guo , 'J : ( HIT North Twenty-seventh street , ! ;
Mrs. Dr. U. F. Cnimincr , 1 ; Cherry Hill
Congregational church , 12010 ; Leavenworth
street , 1 ; Center school , 15 ; Dr. Ilydo , II ;
Heal Kstato oxchiingu , 4 : Mr. Hrutior , 3 ;
Webster street school , 20 ; .Inckson street
school , it ; U. E. Hcldcn , 2 ; O. C ! . Wnlloco. 1 ;
ISO' ' , ) Chicago street , 2 ; Mrs. J.H.Tata , 1 ;
Saratoga precinct , 1 ; lj. U. Korty , 8 : Mr.
Wallace , : i ; William Sehiirroneber , 1 ; Q. M.
Hitchcock , 3 ; Saratoga school , 111 ; Mr.Vll -
ber , It ; W. il. McKay , 1 ; Mrs. A. Morreinnn ,
lOaltluiid ; , Nob.,2.
Cash-.I. O. Phillip ! , fora ludy , $5 ; Center
school , 51.05.
.Miscellaneous Two tons of coal , by W. II.
Baldwin , jr. ; ono case of hats , C. II. Freder
ick ifc Co. ; Johnson Bros. , use of team for two
The secretary also announces that supplies
of the following kinds have been supplied to
the following towns : Imperial , Chnso county ;
Stocltvlllo , Frontier ; Hayes Center , Hayes ;
Thed ford , Thomas ; Houver City , Fumas ;
Chndron , Dawosj Benhlcmaii ; Grunt , Per
kins ; Indlniiola , Hod Willow ; Alliance , Hex
liutto ; Ogallnla , Kolth ; Hurrisbunr , Hunhcr ;
Uuncly , l.opati ; Klniliall , Kiinball. Klmlmll ;
North Plntto , Lincoln ; Chnppell , Dcuol :
Boxes of meat , 114 ; sucks of meat , 'M ; bans of
beans. : ; sacks of colToo , 10 ; boxes of uruulc-
ors , 42 ; sacks of flour , 41 ; bags of rico , aa ;
barrels of apples , 10.
County Conn.
In the county court the Klvcrsldo distil
lery company has brought suit against Will-
lam Fleming & Co. to collect a bill of Ml'Jfof
goods sold nnd delivered.
Prey Brothers have sued Hurry C. Moyora
and others. IIo seeks to recover MT7 , duo
on n promlsory note executed two years ago.
II. K. Burke tt has brought suit against the
Adams express company to recover u hill of
$ J7S. On August Ul Hurkctt conslgnod the
oody of Percy Cnlllngtinm to the dolcndanta
to bo transported to friends nt Providence ,
H. I. , ana sent a bill of f'JTS to bo collected before -
fore the corpse wns dollvcrod. The express
company delivered tbo body over to tbo rcja-
lations , but failed to collect.
Chicago Intor-Occan ; Old smokers will
note with sorrow that the Bultimoro .Ameri
can says : "A special brand of cigars Is uuido
for Christinas , They nro for presents aud
not for salo. "
Smith , Gray & Co.'s Monthly : The boy
who felt into his stocking and found It empty
now Iinowg the meaning of tlio expression ,
"tho vasty deep. "
, * - a./jA