THE OMAHA DAILY ' BEE : SUNDAy = BEOEMBBR 21 , 1890-TWENTY PAGES. 13 LINGERING SPORTS OF AUTUMN litest Qoralp bf Amatoar and Profes sional. WHISPERINGS OF THE WHEEL. The Illlllfird Tournament Ono Hun * drod BIlIo Ilncc Ilino BIntoh nnd Miscellaneous Local BportH. Tbo progressive state of Nebraska boasted of over thirty base ball teams last season , notwithstanding the low ebb public interest In the gntno had reached. Now , that the prospects nro flattering for n general revival of enthusiasm over the great sport , the long tnlkcd-of state league should bo formed. Th ! ยง is nn enterprise advocated in TUB Bun for three years past , and in 1SW It came within an nco of nmtcrlnllzliig. Thcro nro ton or twelve extra good ball teams in the state , nnd thcro Js no reason why a paying lenguo should not bo organized from this numbor. Such cities as Fremont , Grand Island.Kenrnoy , Hastings , York , Nebraska City , Beatrice , and others that could be mentioned should bestir themselves - solves in the Interests of such a move. Good teams can bo secured at llttlo cost the coming season , ns the woods will be full of pluvcrs anxious for n position with any kind of a team. Such a league would awaken the intcnscst rivalry and af ford thcso cities the summer luxury of good base ball. Tun Brns will gladly lend nny as sistance within Its power to advance the cause of a state or inter-state league. TIio Downfall of Harries. John S , Barnes , the ox-prize lighter , who kept the Western association hanging on the ropes during bis connections with the St. Pauls , Is In trouble out at Spokauo been giving somebody the double-cross again , that's nil. Speaking about eliminating bums nnd hoodlums in tbo far nor'wcst , they would do well to bciln ; with their managers. Say I You never heard about bow Barnes cleaned out the Omaha baseball management in l&W & , did youl Well , It shall bo short. About the middle of the season , ono after noon during the progress of a game , ho got Into a dispute with Man ager Sclco over some special arrange ment about n division of the receipts. Hn became very abusive , and In tbo presence o a largo audience , heaped the vilest epithets hi Solco's head , but Frank was a gcntlenun , nnd after Informing the burly prize lighter that ho would settle with him al the ofllco in the morning , ho loft him and returned to his coat on the players' bench. The next morning Barnes was on hand , good nnd solid , nt McCormlck's ' ofllco. Mc- Cormlck nnd Selco wore also there , nnd so was Arthur II , , Mr. McConnlck's Appolo- hkn son-in-law. Barnes , saus ccremonio , opened up his bnttcrles in good shape , re suming his abuse of Manager Sclco and finally turning on Mr. McCormlck , declaring bis willingness to reach for his neck , If ho had anv objections to oiler. Simultaneous with this bellicose prouunclamcnto a six-foot flguro loomed up llko a specter from behind the ofllcn desk , nn arm Hue u piston-rod shot straight out from Ijio shoulder , and the pret tiest bunch of fives you over saw wont up against the St. Paul manager's mouth like the kick of a mule. Ho went over the spittoon teen backwards , tbo back of bis head making a dent in tbo cured oak Mooring that is to bo seen there to this day. That's all. After that , when the Apostles carao to Omaha , Mr. Barnes was consnicuous by his absence. Ho is no bog , and knows when bo's got enough. The Pulaoo Hllllard Tourney. The palace bllllnrd tournament Is now c fixed certainty , and the balls will bo sot roll' ing on the afternoon of December 20 , at 8 o'clock sharp. The arrangements have all boon perfected and the management is countIng - Ing on n big success. The contestants arc all local experts , evenly enough matched tc assure close contests In each case. When there is a well known superiority , a handlcnr , has been provided , and each contestant stands an equal show to carry off a hnndsorm money prize. The schedule of games Is t good ono , nnd all lovers of'tho beautiful garni can count on a week of genuine pleasure Following is the week's card : Friday afternoon , E. Cahn vs Harry i'ar rlsh , 1200 points up , Parrlsh to receive u ban dican of IX ) points. Friday night , Charlie Beck vs W. E. Mag , 200 points up. " Saturday afternoon , Harry Parrish vs W Hall , 200 points up. Saturday nlffht. C. Beck vs E. Cahn , 201 points , Cahn handicapped at CO points. Sunday night , Parrlsh vs Magnor , 20C points up. Monday afternoon , W. Halo vs Magnor , 20 points up. Monday night , Calm vs Halo , Cahn liandl capped nt 00 points. Tuesday afternoon Calm vs Mngnor , Cohi hnndlcnpped at 00 points. Wednesday afternoon Book vs Parrlsh , 20 points up. There Is much interest being manifested litho the tourney , and the prospects are for brilliant success. The Cowboy President Talks. President Speos says of the proposed re ductlon In salaries : "Tho Kansas City clu has always treated players fairly , aud it wl continue to do so. Wo have always though the players got too much , and the men wh put up money In baseball got too llttlo. I baseball the risk Is what my bo termed oxtr hazardous , nnd the man who puts money Int It Is entitled to any reasonable dividend ; And bo ought to got It before the player got an unreasonable salary. Baseball isn't business In which 10 per cent interest o money Invested Is a fair thing. If you wei Insured of 10 per cent straight along the would do very well , but In any year n , clu may bo almost wiped out by heavy losses. ] is a thing that Is llablo to occur at any tlnu Then wlioro are you ! Players should thin about thcso matters before they charge th men bucking baseball with being ovor-oxaci Ing and all that. " TIio Shninrockn * Kino Showing. Following will bo found the past season' ' record of the Shamrocks , ono of the cltj best nmaturo baseball teams : Shamrocks ? , Elchtccnth Street Stan ( Shamrocks 5 , West Lawns 4 , 11 Inning : Shamrocks 13 , Diamonds 13 , 10 Inning ; Shamrocks 13 , Diamonds 11 , 10 Inning : Shamrocks 8 , West Lawns 0 , 10 Inning ; Shamrocks 10 , Prospect Hills 7 ; ShamrocV 17 , Eighteenth Streets 9 ; Slmmrovbs 1 : South Omaha 10 ; Shamrocks 7 , Switchman ( Shamrocks 27 , Acmes 12 ; Shamrocks li Clippers 7 ; Shamrocks 22 , Nonpareils 2 ; Shamrocks 1C , Diamonds 12 ; Shamrocks Prospect Hills 11 ; Shamrocks 17 , Clippers i Shamrocks 12 , Stiver Moons 15 ; Sbamrocl 17 , Gate Citvs 8 ; Shamrocks 11 , Sixth Stre Jlcds 8 : Shamrocks 12 , Sobatbkers ' Shamrocks 0 , Sixth Street Hods 4 ; Shat rocks li ) , Sixth Street Kcds 2 ; Shamrocks Athletics 4 ; Shamrocks 20 , Lushors 9. TIio Tjtnonln GlnutH IlcilivlviiH. William Custone , manager of the Ltnco Giants last season , was In the city ycstcrdn having Just returned from Now York. I vtll reorganize the Giants , making the stronger than over , and Is desirous of locii Ing them In some good town with the vlow i entering the proposed state league. Arouml the Olllco Htovc. The country is safe. The Brotherhood at Sitting Bull uro both dead. "Old" Joe Miller will bo put back on th ! base again next season for tbo Minnies. Kansas City' has made Loulsvlllo an off lor Raymond , the crock third baseman. The cranks are crazy to know the "inoli up" of thu teams for 1891. and the woods a full of pi dilutions. Look ouV-for a panic on Wall street. Th say Charley Cushman Is about to InvostfcJ.O In Milwaukee real estate. Charllo Lord , the old Omaha manager , nc of SU Joe , is agitating the formation of Missouri-Kansas league. Davoltowo says that Lincoln , with Sundi gamps , will bo the best city In the Westc association. Philip Best , Dave probab means. Davlos , tbo old Milwaukee pitcher , has i ooTcroil his health and- would like to play with Omaha next season. We'll BCO about It , Gcorgo. It has been stated that Fred Pfoffor wanted to mnnago the Oinahas next season. Thoro' * nothing in it. Milwaukee seams to bo doing moro strengthening Just now than any other club , The ' 'brewers" seem to want a pennant next season , Charley NIchoh-"KId" ho has been titled Is now n fond father. It's a girl , and at she was born ID Boston , she will wear blue stockings. Elmer Foster ts living a quiet life at his Dome at Mlnnchaha Falls. Elmer says ho would like to play with Minneapolis again next season , Joe Qulnn writes from St. Louis to a Bos ton friend that ho must have a ralso in salary next season. Joe probably never heard of the Brotherhood war. Kansas City would llko to sign Young Cllngman , with Cincinnati the latter part of the season. Mncullar of Lincoln may bo given a trial at short in the spring. The Omaha management Is still waiting. As soon as the National league and American association coma to n conclusion active work will bo commenced in the local camp. Jimmy Manning writes from the seclusion of bis drug store at Fall Hlver that ho is keeping his eyes skinned tor players , nnd that Kmsas City will bo very much In it next season. Minncatwlls would give a pretty penny for the return of Klmor Foster. That Is , they say they would , but they wouldn't. Base ball clubs are not giving pretty pennies away this winter. "Billy" Burdlck Is still running as grlpman on the First nvenuo electric lino. "Bill's" nose looks rather red of a cold morning stand ing on the front end of a car , but he sticks to his Job llko gluo. The captain of the Minneapolis team , says Baron Hach , will likely bo Snugcrt. A cap tain ought to bo an intloldor , and Shugcrt Is the most llkolv man wo havo. Carroll doesn't ' like the position. The Kansas City scribes are sort o' souring on old Hick Carpenter , notwithstanding It was as much his work as any member of the team , Smith possibly executed , that won the championship for thorn , The team which wins the pennant that will bo emblematic of the world's championship , In 1801 , will have to play n steady game from first to last , and moat of the time tholr work will have to bo of the most brilliant descrip tion. tion.Tho The so-called correspondents of tno St. Louis Sporting News and Philadelphia Sporting Life make up their letters bodily from matter stolen from the SUNDAY BIE. : They don't even have the decency to rowrita the matter. Managers Harrington and Watklns of Min neapolis aud St. Paul both bcoruln the rustle. Shortstop Shug.irt's engagement by Har rington is a good ono , and Watkins Is getting a cluster of youngsters nbout him who may prove oyo-openers 'long "bout Juno. Omaha and Milwaukee are bavin ? a wordy scrap over their comparative merits as ball towns. Kansns City Times. That's the first wo have heard of it hero In Omaha. If Mil waukee isn't u better hall town than Omaha , the Lord help Milwaukee , that's all. Kansas City , St. Paul nnd Milwaukee hnvo lines out for Short Stop Cllngman of the Cln- clnatl club reserved by the league. Ho has been held by the latter body despite the fact that ho was ofllclally given his release by the secretary of the Cincinnati club on Octo ber 4. Manager Jim Powell of Sioux City and Billy Brennnn have purchased the saloon at 2-15 First avenue , south of S. J. Hichardson. If the venture proves successful it is not llko- ly that Powell will hold aown the initial sack for the braves next season. Ho would give coiuildcrablo to be released to Minneapolis. Manager Watkius has engaged Ford , a southpaw twirlcr who was with Columbus and Brooklyn lost season , and Brown , a catcher who caught for Saginnw , In the In ternational league. "Watty" intends to have enough catchers next season. Ho has only four signed already Brown , Urquahart , Trost and McMahon. W. E. Rockwell , formerly of this olty , has retired from the management of the Seattle baseball team to accept n lucrative position with the Itushnell lee Machine company ol Tacoma.Rocks , " however , will continue to fill the onico of secretary and treasurer ol the Pacific Northwest league , to which posi tion ho was recently elected. All talk nbout St. Louis and Chicago being taken into the Western association next sofr son Is tbo veriest rot. The Western associa tion had a bollyfull of these tillages In 18S7 , Neither club took in enough money to pay the wages of the ground keeper , und at the end ol the season the players' averages were tnad ( up from the city market reports. Jock Pickott Is In a pretty hard row ol stumps. Ono of the best baseball lawyers Ir the United States says ho belongs to Kansas City and must como hero unless released bj the Kansas City club. Plckett cost Kansas City about 83,000. All tbo city got out of hhr was a few months of miserable playing ant fbOO to dismiss Injunction proceedings. Then 5 is still something coming1 to the club. Some people never will learn by expert onco. The Western association now wants u place a team in Cnlcago. Has the fate of th < Ill-starred Maroons of a couple of years ai > < already been forgotten. Sporting Life. Yoi are mistaken Hichtcr , tbo Western associa tlon has no use for Chicago , and only tot well docs she remember the Maroons. Yoi must not think of your mlllonluui plan al time. Give somebody else a chance. Concerning the recent sensational roporl from Kansas City to the effect that step : were on foot to embrace the Notional league Western league and American association li a triple alliance that would bo practically i bugo baseball trust , proof against any futuri revolts , A. G. Spalding laughs at the cntlp story. Hu bus not been near Kansas City ( a the ropoit stated ) , and Anson was there enl ; to attend the trap shooting contest bctwooi tbo Kansas City nnd Chicago teams. i. Goftslp Among the A in it ours. 3 Flynn can cover first In great stylo. 3tl Keim will hold down first bng for Blair. o Stonoy may play with the West Omahas. t HIghtowur will play with the Eden Musoes b Toner will cover first base for the Non t parlels. i. Shannahan Is hustling for nsxt season' Nonpariels. Wlgman , the Cranes' center fielder , Is ver weak at the bat. Elmer Gcist may pitch for an Omaha tear the coming season. ' Schwartz will cover third for the Gran 's company's next season. 8 Purcell Is not a success as an intloldci Outtleld Is his position. The West Omahas have a great battery 1 Grandjcan nnd Lluahan. Hart will cover second regularly for th West Omaha next season. Norgrcn will cover short for his old tcan the Wnst Omabas , In 1891. Charley Tow of last season's Blair tcamh : signed with the West Omahas. Gallagher , who covered snort for the Lea- - City , S. D. , team , is m tbo city. The Eighteenth Street Stars will bo on j-ougcr than over for next season. My I what a Kama Dowman docs put up i llrst base , Just llko Wally Andrews. JacU Corrlgan has hod an offer from tl : Sioux City Western association club. Stockbam , the Rrent twlrlcr , will bo c deck stroiifjer than ever next season. In Saco , the crack catcher of the West Lawn ! , , would be a good addition to some team. The West Lawns will probably not have team next year , but It is not certain yet. 1'attorson , the CltyStcams' third basemai la tending bar on North Sixteenth street. Hurley will piny center hold and chant pitcher for the strong- West Omaha team. Jack Morse , formerly with the City Steam would like to ] oln some good Omaha team. Lawson Is the best batting first basomai and Is also the poorest tickling ono la Omuh "Irish , " shortstop for tbo Shamrocks , booked for n glove contest in the near fulur Qr It la rumored that a strong team will rept sentN. 0 , Falconer In the City league no : lore year. Lead City , S. D. , would llko to sccu Hart , Lluabnnnnd Purcell for next season team. Blair would llko to hear from a got catcher and pitcher for tholr next season team. The Nonpareils bavo signed Moriarity i last seasons Shamrocks. Ho looks llko a be player. Golden played first , for the Nonpareils , I great style as also did Jake Thompson for tl Museea. o- Catcher Graves may play with Blai Golat has nlao boon offered t plaoo In the snmo tcnm. The Dlnmonds have begun preparations for next year's team. They bavo secured soma now players. The Kilen MUSMS made Third Dnaeman Pattcnon n nnttering offer for next icoson , which ho declined , Copcland , who formerly twirled for the City Steams , U now traveling with an Undo Tom's Cabin troop. Dick Cody of Fort Omaha is a good player managers should not overlook In making up next season's teams. Thompson and Llnnban are good mon la their class , but they would not bo in it In the Western association , Fremont has mMe Pltchor "Williams nn offer for next season. Whom would tbo Cranes bo without him ! Hlghtowerof tno Musccs covered every inch of ground in bis territory , ho stopping at least a couple of raus. Tbo Ktlon Museos and West Omahas will open the Indoor ball season at tbo Coliseum this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The West Omahas have scoured Pitcher Grnndjoan for uoxt year's ' team. In him they got the best amateur in Omaha. Martin Nelson , the rattling right Colder and general nil-round player , will bo found with next seasons sVcstOtnnhas. "ICld" Mlllor , who twirled this season for tbo Lincoln Giants and Prospect Hills , would like an engagement with some good team. Cnrrlgan is a good bluffer , but ho should remember his teams' two defeats by the Steams , also their 13 to 0 dose by tbo Non pariels. "Spuil" Farrlsh Is not saying much , but Is quietly getting a good tcam for next season nnd the cruuUs can rest assured that they will bo In it. It's In order for \VostOmahnsto change the name of th ir uniform , or people will think that it is that Hoblnson Crusoe outfit rejuvenated. There will bo a strong colored team organ ized for next season. It will include most of the old Lincoln Giants and a few now- moo nro to bo secured. The players In the indoor lenguo nro held down by contracts that stop thorn from play ing with other teams without first having ro- colvod their release. The indoor team of the West Omaha club IsLlnnhnn , c ; Graiidoan ] , p ; llowmnn , 1 ; Patterson. 2 ; Nelson , s ; Tow , 3 : Hurley , mf ; Hart , If ; itonoy , rf. Fremont Is still on the hunt Tor material for Its next season's team. They have just signed two more promising amateurs , but I failed to get their names. Heymer of Missouri Valley Is working Ina printing ofllco in that burg. Ho Will take care of right orchard next season , , as bis pitching days have gone by. Ettinser nud Wlllson of lost year's Iowa and Illinois Icaguo will postpone tholr de- pnrturo to the Hot Springs until after the Indoor Dall league schedule Is coniplotod. A state lenguo is talked of for next season , to consist of the followinR towns : ICenrney , Grand Island , Hastings. Norfolk , Sowanl , York , Blair , Fremont , Plattstnouth nnd Nebraska braska City. If Indoor baseball is to bo a succesi Carri- gan should bo made to keep still aud not in- tcrforo so much when clubs nro playing. Also bo should remember bo is not playing in a ten acre lot. Tow , who covered short for the Blair club this season , may possibly bo found with ono of the teams hero next season. Ho is a good , hard working player and wus the best bailer in the Blair toam. Butler of the Cranes made a cntcb In the game last Wednesday night that U It bad boon made at tbo ball park people in surrounding towns would have thought an earthquake had bit this metropolis. William Castono , formerly of the Lincoln Giants , is in Omaha in the Interests of tbo state league for next year. Ho has secured several good men for a tcam to bo placed in one of the leading cities. Purcell and Butler , after signing with the West Omaha club , went back on their word and siRiied with the Crane company team. The West Omahas have secured bettor men , and say they never will bo missed. What is the matter with that Nebraska state leaguol It is astonishing with what regularity that it presents itself every win- trr onlv to drop , with n dull thud , when the dk'kio birds make their appearance. The game this afternoon' at the coliseum between tno Eden Musees nnd West Ornahns promises to bo a corker. Both teams are in peed practice nnd each Intends to win. Everybody turn out and encourage the boys. The Shamrocks played twonty-thrco games this season and only lost four , ono being to the Nonparlols by the score of Jito ! : , ' 2. They surely huvo an excellent record. They nro getting now suits made for next season , and expect to have ono of the host teams in the city. city.Any Any tcam in the Indoor league that thinks It has a walk-away for championship honors is politely off , as the pitcher Is ono of the least factors in the game. The tcam that displays the most agility Is the team to bank on. A man has to display quicker judgment than In the old game , the bases are so close that by n player inoroly pausing the runner is liable to beat the ball to first baso. Sllscollaiicous Loual Sports. The Coliseum will bo the scene of a pro fessional six-day race early in January. Tbo row in the League of American wheel men is assuming niegathcrian proportions The Buffalo club has withdrawn. C. A , Bogardus of Allegheny has challenged the veteran , Captain A. H. Bogardus , for a friendly match at 1,000 class balls. The rifle shots will assemble on the bar across tbo bridge this afternoon and hold an old-fashioned Christmas turkey shoot. No loss than GUI trotters nnd picers have beaten 'J :20 : to harness. There were over ono hundred ndditions to the list this year. The Ohio man shines In the field. J. A. R. Elliott of Kansas City , the champion wing shot of Americawas boruiuMansttold. Mul- ford. ford.Tho The Indoor baseball championship season opens this afternoon nt the Coliseum with a gauio between the Eden MUSCOJ and West Omahas. Frank Hart , the colored "pod , " says ho used to go to school nt Boston with Nat Goodwin , . Fields of Fields & Hanson , and Henry E. Daroy. Luclen Mare Christol , who was In Omaha a few weeks ago , has now bobbed up In Dal las , Tex. , whore ho defeated William Hcsscl , a Lone Star favotlto , for $350. Cincinnati shooters are to use English sparrows for targets on Christmas day. A not has been made hero for trapping the pro lific little members of the feathered tribo. Down in Kansas City ono of the local pool rooms has sub-lot a part of one of its rooms tea a pawnbroker , so that Its customers will not 3 have to luavo the houso. That Is the conclu sion drawn bv the Star. I , Kansas has elected several freaks to con gress , and one of them Is a Methodist preacher named Baker , who , in addition tc nn ability to talk tbo plaster off a celling , in no mean boxer , nnd ono of the best shots in the stato. "In these latter days" many records have boon snmsned and the only tltno record made in the 'ISO's which still heads the list Is Nor folk's tbrco mile heat race at Sacramento In IbOo. Norfolk beat Lodl on that occasion ir 0 5 sTTX and 5:29)4. : 0n Fred Fuller of this city and F. L. Sachet ! n of Council Bluffs will Indulge In a rifle match tomorrow afternoon at liohrcr's park. Council Bluffs , for ? J5 n aide. The condl tlons are ten shots each , oil-hand , 200 yards with 33 Winohostcx-s. What a match J. A. It. Elliot and Al Ban dlo could make 1 Captain Bandlo's record 100 straight live pigeons made hero oc 'O Christmas day three years ago , has novoi been equaled but once. Captain Bopardui accomplished tbo feat at Chicago on July 21 3. ISOO.-Tlmcs-Star. The Trap nt 8t Joe. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Deo. 20 , [ Special to Tin BEH. ] Following Is the score of a llvo bird team shoot that took place hero today fo : $100 and the cost of the birds , modified Eng llsh rules : J. W , Untohellor. . U'f.'t 10121 11120 01KI1 112C1-21 J. Combo. 12111 2130 01ZU 11010 10002-18-3 Dorsey W. Humus * . 01112 LM001 11120 Sllll 00212-13 J. A. Powell , 20200 021CO 21225 12123 20202-17 A One Hundred Mile Oliaso. Monday , December 23 , there will bo an exciting citing bicycle race nt the Coliseum between Edward Heading , Frank Shlll , Manila' un HENRY M. STANLEY ! THE GREAT . -A.T THEX- , Dec. 24 The Rescue of Eini The Ford Pipics and The March HENRY M. STANLEY. LECTURE COURSE ; GRAND OPERA HOUSE , OMAHA , NEB/ HENRY M. STANLEY The Renowned Hfrican Explorer , . . . MANAGEMENT OF J. P. POND. The RescUB of Emin Pasha ! The Forests , Pig mies , and March Harass Rfrioa , The subject upon which the minds of men is rivited. known nnd ether cniok rldors forswoop- suikcs , gate money and championship. Each entree must deposit ' $10 with the referee , the winner of this race to take all. Shlll boat Heading n few evenings ago in a fifty-mile acoand savsho cnn'beat him In a 100-mllo ace. Mnrdls thinks his man can boat thorn both. TIio nice will start at 4 p. m. , sharp , ucl Uio finish will take place between 8:30 : , H < 19:30. This a square bicycle raoo and these enjoying Rood bicycle riding should not fall to see Omaha's best bicyclists next Monday ovoning. The management la- vltcs all laaios wbo , when accompanied by escorts will bo admitted froo. The Appllo's Budget. Look out for tho'Apollo's tournament In 1891. 1891.President President Mears leaves for a short trip to the Uocklos next week. Young Wertz Is studying dentistry under his father. Dr. G. W.Vertz. . A largo number of the Apollos visited the iollscum In a body last evening , An indoor baseball club composed of the Apollo's host athletes bos boon tormcil. Uicndorf , Muntorfering and Smith made the mn to Fremont last Sunday In 8:17. : Thcro U talk of sovornl of the Apollo boys putting In applications for membership to "hlcago's 2r > 0 club. It Is probable that the Apollo club will move into new quarters , 1313 Dodge street , tbo first of tbo year. O. Vf. Ilichivrdson , a seventeen-year-old member of tbo Chicago cycling club , has In vented a cushion tiro. Next. William Van Wagoner , the Rhode Island flyer , has returned from the racing path and will hereafter confine himself strictly to busi ness. Jocksnlpo Martin , It is said , intends turnIng - Ing professional soon. It Is dollars to dough nuts that ho Is to bo Manila' unknown la the coming 100 mile professional raco. Zimmerman , ono of the eastern flyers , has won over 81,800 worth of prizes in tbo last two years , nnd still some crank of a wheel man alludes to the nmaturo racing man as riding for tin medals , glory and cheap note riety. Now Orleans Is to have n club composed of raring men only , similar to these formed at Philadelphia nnd Chicago. Only riders capa- bloof making a mile in 3:20 : or bettor , will bo admitted. The club will bo known as the Crescent City Cycling club. A company has boon organized In Chicago for the delivery of parcels and light-weight goods throughout the city nnd suburbs by means of bicycles. Articles of incorporation have been applied for under the title of "Tho Chicago Blcyclo 1'arcol Delivery Co. " For violating clause L of the L. A. W ama teur rules , section 0 , article 3 of the constitu tion , nt Goshen , Ind. , July 4 , 18UO , Messrs. Charles paniols nnd Charles n , Bomonilorfor of Ooshen , have boon by the racing board de clared to have forfeited tholr amateur status. A cruel , hard-hearted manager of a female bicycle racing troupe skipped out and lofthls fairies destitute and mouoylcss at East Liverpool O. Tbo "aching" erpool , girls are Just now for a sight of the "manager. " If ho Is "wiso beyond his years" ho will allow the girls to "acho. " At the monthly meeting last Monday the application of Air. Ellison for membership was accepted , as was also Bert Potter's resig nation. It was further resolved that a man must bo the possossbr'pf a wheel and bo over eighteen years of agd 'to bo eligible to mem bership. ' The bare nnd hound chase lost Sunday was a "howling" success. .Denman and Fleschor were chosen hares . qnd given two minutes handicap. After n ndo of two hours they re turned to the club hoi so just tbrco minutes ahead of tbo hounds'leaving gained one min ute on tuotn. f f So faros heard froin/F. J. Allsupof Cincin nati , O. , stands at tlorhoad ; of the mileage record scorchers wl the very tidy figures of O.bOSforsix months'Vidlng , from May 1 to November 1. Ills opponent ( name not Klven ) rode 7,500 miles In the same time. Warren Welch of the Wlssamckon wheelmen , bus u record of 0.180 milotf'from ' January 1 to No vember 18 , Nozt , ptoaso. Omaha WlieekClub GOBSp. ! The weather clerk 'Is so conservative of late that the road officials of the Omaha Wheel club have not called a run for today. F. E. Pearce fa convalescent and will bo able to resume his business in a few days. Quito a number of our best and bravest will ride to Florence this morning regardless of the elements. Some of our Juvonllo friends have nwak- cnecl to tbo realization that Kastmau U a pretty fair Judge of bicycle racing after all. Tbo pool and billiard tournament commit tee are also among the missing. Unless soma information is reached regarding tholr whcro- nbouts In a few dayn a liborul reward will bo offered for somebody's scalp. The Washington Blcyclo club of Chicago issues guest tickets , good for ono month , that entitle the holders to the privileges of tbo club. This practice is a pod ono und the local club could follow their example with credit. Indianapolis , Ind. , and Providence , It I. , Ovide Musin Concert Company January S , 1891 , Ovibo Muain , the grout Violinist , assisted by Vocalists of proat ability. A NIGHT OF MUSIC AND SONG. George Kennan , February 7 , 1891. NoivBpnpor Corrcapondpiit and Traveler. "RUSSIAN POLICE. EXILES AND PRISONS. " General Horatio C. King , March 16 , 1891 .Tudpo Advccnto General of Now York. "FROM WINCHESTER TO APPOMATTOX. " A Thrilling War Story. ' "I bollovo the TKKUOMANOANKSK'VATKHS at NUTUBE'S OWN TONIC. 'Itcgcnt' Spring , to bo T11E IIKST TON 10 'WATKHS IN . Till : WOULU. " DR. W. P. MABON , Professor Analfttoal Chemistry , Ronraelaor Polytechnic Institute , Troy , N , Y. FERRO"I FERRO- I Are Invalnablo for naorhoro a general tonic effect U reeded , and particularly In Female Trouble * nrialng from on mpovorlsliod condition of the blood. ThpBO waters nre also actively diuretic nnd nearly specific for Inflammation and Catarrh Of the Dlnddor , Bright's Disease , Diabetes , Rheumatism , chronic and acute , Rheumatic Gout , Dropsy ua n au- eiuea dependent on urio acid diatheses. lllIKUSIATISSI. CHICAGO , ILL. , Jane 5,1800. 1 take pleasure In filvlns testimony to the curative powers of yonr mineral waters. Hnvlnit I icon compelled to walk cm crutches ( or night yours on account of hip disease , 1 van In n mil plight \vhon I wns uKain compelled to use crutches for cigbt montlis on account of ecintio rhetimntiam. Alter BOTcrnl montht treatment my iihjpicinnn could fcivn mo very little onconrasomcnt , rheumatism hivinc nffoctcd my l.imo If K. As n lout resort , 1 vlnitcd Hie Hpringn < limnc 1W , Ixiinff then compelled to travel by sUiuo from Liberty. Within two weeks niter my visit I was nuablod to dispunso witli ono crutch , aftpr which time 1 was compelled to return to Kansas City on account of bapinera , but continued taklnc the waters bluing them scut tome. Within n month after my first iisim ? the wntor I could walk withont crutches with the nld of n cano. 1 have visited the HprinRS Boveml times el lice then but moro on account of ploUHnre than from necessity. Very truly yonra , UKOHOK T. HKYVES , With tlioUrunt Western Electrical tiupply Co. , 100 and 192 Fifth avenue , Chicago , 111. are both claiming the distinction of posses sing the first Chinese bloyolo rldor in Amer ica. Tbls is all wrong. Omaha claims tbo record for Jo Scphl , who comnieucod riding in 1881. Van Wagoner has signified his Intention of retiring from tbo racing path , nnd oxpresset tbo utmost contempt for the L. A.V , and the notions of its racing board in a recent let ter to the Bulletin. There Is n great deal to bo said on both sides. Friends and admirers of Captain Emerson liavo grave fears of bis safety. Ho has not been seen at the club for some time , nnd they do not , llko to bollovo that seine ono has eloped with both himself nnd bicycle , but nro , propariug themselves to fnco thu worst. H. D. LaBottof Grand Island , Neb , , was a visitor at the club house lust week. Mr. La Bolt is manager of the Grand Island ox. 1/osltlon , and his visit was for tbo purpose of securing some of Omaha's flyers to enter the races to bo hold tboro in the near future. * Inthcso days of questionable ) expense ac counts , generous laundry bills and "sich , " some of our local talent cnn watch the strug gles of tbo unfortunates dangling from the L. A. VV. gibbet with moro complacency than as thousb tboyworo under the protecting guidance of the league hangman. Thcro inay bo some virtue In seclusion lift or nil. A. Norwich , Conn. , sidewalk rider was re cently the principal actor In an object lesson tbut some of our public nuisances would do well to profit by. Following his favorite pnstimc , coasting down hill on the wullc , his wheel becnmo unmmingcnble and fired him over the handle bars , leaving him suspended between now and the hereafter on the busi ness end of n picket fence. That "ladles' night" Is very popular wltll tbo Omaha Wheel club members was fully demonstrated by tro enjoyment of the merry company congregate ! at the club house last Wednesday evening. The entertainment consisted of card nnd billiard playIng - Ing , muslo and dancing , nnd was enjoyed by about thlrty-flvo club men and their lady friends. Dancing will bo tbo programme for next "Wednesday evening. Tbo hliflvo tournament of the Omubn \vliecl club openeu last Monday evening under the most favorable auspices. Chairman Townsend wus master of ceremonies und everything ran smoothly under his practical management. There were thirty-two contest ants uud a lively interest was manifested during the hour and a halt of hard playing , Atthoclosoof the tenth game the score showed that live had won seven out of tbo ton games , tbo highest average , while Wai- cott claimed the distinction of having the lowest pciventogo , having won butonoguino. A number of now entries will swell thocrowd tomorrow night , aad the list will bo Uoptopon until December US ) . QucatloiiH nnd Answers. Todeoldon bet will you kindly Blvo us your opinion on thin vasu : A. 11 , U und 1) uro | iluy- Ins frotuu out , peeler tuktuc chips , A Is dual- In ? . O caiiuia In , so docs 1) . A also COIIICH In. but lie has only two chips. H also stays after thodrnw. U buts two chips ; IK'iillsjIt Is a show-down with A , but U ruUes O nnd I ) tit teen chips : 0 calls ; D passes. Now Iho CYSTITIS. MINNEAPOLIS , Jlrss , , Jnly 17 , 1600. Enclosed find Chicago draft for $7 M for which plonno e nd mo nnotlior CBBO of fifty botilea , quartH , of Urgent Sprinc wnler. 1 hecrnu drinkliiu the water n week ago tjutunlay nnd lit that Unit ) 1 wua fullur. Intt most intcnsu piin ; and Imd tomakomy urine o\ery ten or fifteen minutes. TIio firtt idaHH 1 drank cat inn nlmo t Imtnntanoonsrolicf nnd dnrinK thn past week I have boon nblo to hold my urinr < from thron to four hours. 1 had vinited Kurnkn Snrinirn aud Waukffslut and drank almostevory mineral water In the United Htntos that clnlinn to Ira beneficial to nrinary cliwai-o without ruliof , I feel rery much cn- courattcd from the lieni'fit I Imvn rocolvod from drinking Excelsior waters nnd heliovo that in limo. if the improromcnt continues , 1 shall be cared by it. Yours , M. It. DRESNKN , No. 2 Colloin niock. The above tostlmonloU nro from thonanndi on filo. ! THE WATERS AI1E BOTTIiED without Iwlns allowed to como in contact uitlinir , thns retaining all tholr qnalitlM. ( FOR SALE BY LEADING DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. Sold only In Bottles , never In Bulk. [ For illustrated pamphlet descriptive of Kxcelsior Hprings , the \Vator , and THE ELMS Hotel , ( oi > en-all-tho-yeu ) , addroM | H C. B. MOORE & CO. Wliolosalo and Hot nil Agents . .615 Dodge Street , OMAHA , NEB. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS CO. , H. C. FISH , General Manager , EXCELSIOR SPRINGS , MISSOURI question Is , ( loon D have n chance for the original pot or not ? 1'lcaso answer In Sunday's Ilpi. A Constant Reader of Tim HEE , Atun- son , Not ) . Ans. Ho does not , To decldo a hot. In hasohall please answer In Sunday's HKE : Tliero was a man on third l > aso nnd n man on second haso ; the rnnn on third started to steal homo ; the man on second end run up and touched third , and then the man MMilnK lie was collie to eptuuucbt ItiK homo returned to third. 1 claim the man that ran to third could go hack to second being touched with the hall without. forcing thn ether man out. Danlol Llnahan , Union Tactile shops. Ans. Daniel , you are correct. Will you please answer In Sunday's HKK how imioh the following linnd In crllilciKii counts , and ohllvo a subscriber : A holds C , 7. 2 and nco , with 0 spot for deck head ? Ira Williams , Uodnr HluIVs , Iowa. Ans. Fifteen 0 and n pair makes 8. Will a rlflo Dull flr > ( l Into the nlrovorlican despond In the sanui tlmo which It taUes It to ascend ? Your answer In Hunduy's UEB will ohllRo. Houdor , Uhadron , Neb. Ans. If tbo atmospheric conditions nro the the sn mo during the ascent and descent , the time covsumod is precisely the sumo. Dr. I ) , F. Jones , Kearney , Nob. Scow , the Fifteenth street taxidermist , can supply you with a Uirpo number of mounted birds nnd frame animals which you desire. Ills collec tion Is very extensive , and bis work up to tbo highest standard. Drop him n lino. California Kxciirslons. Pullman tourist sleeping cur excur sions to Cnllfornitt and Pacific const points leave Chicago every Thursday , Kiwsas City every LVliluy via the Sutitn Fo route. Tiokut rate from Chicago $47.50 , from Sioux City , Omalui , Lincoln orKunsas City $35 , stooping car ruto from Chienjfo $4 per double berth , from Kansas City $3 per douhlo borth. Kvory- thing furnished except meals. Thouo excursions are personally conductud by experienced excursion innnajjors who accompany parties to destination. For excursion fold or containing full particu lars and map folder imd time tublo of Santa Fo route nnd reserving of Bleeping car berths , address S. M , Osgood , gen eral ngont , E. L. Palmer , freight and passenger ngont , A.T. & S. P. railroad , 1308 Farniim street , Omaha , Nebraska. Old POUCH at Homo. They will bo there and expecting a visit from you at Christmns time , and the Union Pacific will soil tickets on Do- ccmlwr 24 , 25 and 'U , 185)0 , and January 1. 1801 , to all KunSiiH nnd Nebraska points nt ono and ono-thlrd faro for the round trip , good returning until Junu ary C , 181)1. ) Tickets at lowest rules nnd en parlor accommodations via the grout Rock Island route Ticket oHlco , 1003 Six teenth and i'urrmm streets Omaha. DELIVERS His thrilling lecture on "The Rescue of Ernin Pasha , at the Grand Opera House Wednes day , December 24th. TICKETS $1 , $2 , $2.8O and $3 , which entitle the hold er to attend the entire course of four enter tainments. TIio Winter of Our Content Is the title of n recent charming paper by that brillant writer Charloa Dudley wnrnor , wherein the glories of the Pucitlo coast , as a winter resort , nro most graphically described. The Amer ican pcoplo uro beginning to understand that the 1'ugot Sound country is ono of our moat splendid possessions nnd that the name of the ' 'Mediterranean of the Pucillc" is a happy title not iniHUppliod. In HCiking | ) ! of Mount Tacoma , Senator Gcorgo ttdinundssaya : "I would bo willing1 to po 500 miles again to BOO that scene. The continent la yet in ignornnco of what will bo ono of the grandest show places M well as sanitariums. If Swit/orhmd is rightly called the playground of Europe , I urn satisfied that around the base of Mount Kidnior will become n prominent place of retort , not for America only , but for the world besides - sides , with thousands of Kites for build ing purposes , that are nowhere excelled for the grandeur of the view that can bo obtained from thorn , with topographical features that would make the moat per fect system of drainage both possible and easy , nnd with a moat ngroonbl6 and health giving climalo. " Thousands ol doliglitca tourists over the Union P.valllc HI.O past your bear miiplo testimony to ttlio botiuty and majesty of thia now ornpiro of the i'aclllo northwest. 1G02. Sixteenth and Parnnia streets la the now Ilock Island ticket office. Tick ets to all points oust at lowest rate * . Marked InternHt is now shown by eastern people in the Hottlomont of Oregon and Washington , particularly that region adjacent to Pugol Sound. Thoroawm for this in the almost unlimited resources thttt have lately boon opened up , and the Burprls- ing growth of Portland , Tacoma , Seattle and other cities aud tovvnu along Puget Sound. The Union Pacific on account of its fast time , short line , through Pullman palace nloopors , free reclining chdircnra , elugunt dining CIM ; , and frou LJullman colonist Blcopors , from thu Missouri river , is the favorite roulo to this region , and ticket * via this line should ulwaya ho askud for. For complete information relative to tills roirmrkuldo section , time of trninu , rates , pamphlets , etc. , call on your near est ticket agent or adilix-SH the under * signed. M L. LOMAX , General Passenger Agent , Oimihii , Nob. Dr. Blrnoy cured catarrh , Boo bid- ; ,