Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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8PE01RL NOT10E8.
"ApVEUTIBEMKNT8 for"tJio coluin * will
xlbe token until 12:30 : p. m. , for the orenlnf
edition and until 8:30 : p.m. , { or the wornlna
edition and BUNDAT HBI.
niEKUB Caih lu idrnnco ,
pATK8 A JTertt nientaon thlip f wllltft
JCVchawed tor it Iho rate of 1M cent per word
tor the first Insertion and 1 cent per word ( or
iweh iub cmient Insertion , and 11.60 per Una
rfer montli , No ndrcrtMcmont taken for
Iris than 21 conti for the first Insertion.
TNITIALS , figure * , symbols , oto. , count each
JLtione word.
advcrtlseincntii roust run consecn ;
THESE nnd under no clreurnttance will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
TDAHTIES advertising In thc .o columns find
JThfiYlnK tliclr answers ndtlrrwd to a "nura-
ter d lottor" In core of THK llEBwIll rccolra
a numbered check to onnblo them to get tliclr
ictterii. Answers will bo dullvcrcd only on
presentation of this check. Enclose answers
In envelopes properly addressed.
* ndvortlsomnnU under thn heart of
ALT NotleuV nrn published In txith the
roortiliij ? and avonlng editions of THK Hie. the
circulation of which nRRroxiitM inoro than
10,000 papers dally , and give * the advertiser
the benefit not only of Iho largo circulation of
Tim IlrK In Omnha , but also In Council Muff ; ,
Lincoln nnd otliorcltlfs find towtnlntho wc t
AdTertlslni ? for those columns will he tjken
0 the above conditions , ut the followlr * bunl-
ceii houses who are aulborltod totakespeclM
notices , tittle same rates as can had attho
main offlrp. -
S' 2C23N Street , LUtor Illock.
' OHN W.I1ELL , I'hiirmaolst , 620 South tenth
k EDDY , Stationers and Printers ,
01IABB street.
Sn.'PAnNSWOBTH , I'harmaclit , 2115 Oum-
Ing utrcot. _ _ _ _ _
' J. IlIiallES , Pharmacist , C24 North Hth
. W. PA11K , I'hnrmaclst , 1718 Icayen-
worth street.
TTUailES'I'lIAUMAOY , 21th nnd Farnnm.
If. , tee top of frrt
' with thrro yours' oxpcrl-
STENOOltAl'lIEH rourt n-pcutlnc deslrns
position .liiiiiinry 1 > llest of references. Acl-
dress Y. 43 lice. 401-83 *
ANTEl-Exporlonccd ) stonosraphor dc-
slres position whcro can do collecting ;
health requires being out doors part the tlmo :
bcsttcfcruiu-u. Address Y3 : > , lleo. 4O-2I *
businessman of undoubted repu
tation , hnvln * practical oxperlonco nnd
first class references , Is open for n position ns
bookkeeper or rnsdilor , bavo bad oxporlenco
ns aaalcsmnn. nnd nlso ronl estate convey
ancer. Address Y SI , llooolllco. 443-21 *
: \X7AT01IMAKE wlahos .situation. A 1 rcf-
T crpncp. Address Jeweler , care Stewart
House. 1'crry. Iowa. 4CO-22 *
SITUATION" by a youns lady as stenograph
er. bnok-kocpor or copy lit ; best of refer
linces. AddroHS , X fid , Hou ( illlco. 320 21
WANTED WnnbliiR nnd bouse clennlni ? to
do. Call 115 N. 13th stioet. M391 21 *
T\7"ANTED Situations for Rood clrls ; my
it waltln ; rooms are full from 0 a. in. to
5p. m. Nonoed of bolnitout of help a day.
Mrs. Hrepn. : il4VJ S. 15th. Tel. BS4. 759 Jn
For rates , tie. , rtetnpnf Jlrtt column nn tilts
Labornrs nnd trnmstcrs for rail
road work on Northwestern. Ii'reofnro.
Laborers for the eoutli. Krninnrj : Kramer ,
labor aceney , 210 South 12th stieot. 41W 23 *
W ANTED Koslslored drug olcrk , 1 * . O.
box -J72. KX ) 23'
WANTED A good , steady boy between the
ago of I'l ' and 18. to work In drug store. S.
E. corner IGlh und Farnam. 409 22
AN Unusiril Opportunity Under an ordi
nance of tlin uovornnient of Ceylon , thn
tea planters of Covlon , trud'nR ' under the
name of the Ceylon t'lnntors' Ton Co. , require
agents every whore on u new plan , which as
sure a llfo business. Responsibility u pro-
reciulsltp. Tbo Ceylon Planters' Tea Co. . 4
East22d Bt. . Now York. 481-21'
WANTED To moot demand for "competent
bookkeepers" three persons to receive
lust ructions and keep books. In January. J ,
II. Smith , 010 Now York Llfo building. 444-21'
! \\f ANTh'n Salesman who visits retail trade
' to sell manufacturer's line of cassimeroR ,
cottonades.Jcnns and damasks nsasldo line
on commission. Bouth Philadelphia woolen
wills , box 1341. Philadelphia , Pa. 48521'
WANTED A good barber , ROOCI wages ,
steady Job : colored preferred. Address
Ooo. Kennedy , Sioux falls. H. I ) . 48723'
AGENTS U. S. Census SI/.u und Growth o (
Oltlon ; price 50o. Census Map Co , , Now
York. 4C3-21'
OENTS-Fond 2.V for book. "How to Re-
como an Export Salesman. " Teaches you
how to sell ccods , Address H. E. Cole , Sioux
Olty , la. 4 : > 7-2P
WANTED Competent business man. good , nn manager. No capital , bul
references required. Stanloy-Uradloy Co.
TOi Broadway. N. Y. 48121' '
A SOMETHING Now tl.OO an hour oasllj
made by agents , male or female ; sampli
und full particulars free. Clnis. E. Marshall
Lookport , N. Y. 482 21' '
WANTED A blacksmith ; must bo gooc
uhoor ; must own tools ; year's rent free tx
man to run shop In Florence. Innulro or write
Ed. Prltchard , Florence , Neb. 453-33 *
A NEW YORK manufacturing corporatlor
XX dcslros to locatu a izenornl state agency li
tills city , the representative thereof to ap
point local or sub-agents In evorychy In tin
state and exerclso a general supcrvlsloi
thoroof. llnslnesn a monopoly , already Ii
practical dally oporatlon In upwards of toi
thousand buildings In the principal cities
absolutely required In every household nm
returning 100 per cent not profits to tin
agency. Limited capital required. Adclrns
with credentials. The Union Company , 74
Broadway. New York olty. 450-21
WANTED Salesman to sell our spring lln
of cnsmmnrcs. dross goods , jeans , cotton
ndon and Klnghams to retailers as a side line
Liberal commission. Address Manufacture !
box SCO , Philadelphia. 471-21
A QENT8 $ : > to 810 per day collecting' amnl
CX pictures for in to enlarge. Satlsfactloi
pn.nrantced and n$4outfit free. A Dunne , !
Co , 68 Reado street , Now York.
DETECTIVES wanted to net In the score
lervlcn under Instructions of Oapt. flrnn
nnn.ox-chlufofdetcotlvcsof Clnctnnat , Expo
rlonco not necessary. Particulars free. Gran
nan Detective Uurcuu Co. . 41 Arcade , Olnoln
natl , Ohio.
\ArANTEn-Salosmon on salary or commls
' Mon to handle the Now Patent Ohemlcn
Ink Erasing I'onoll. The greatest Rolling novelty
olty over produced. Erases Ink thoroughly 1
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. 200 to 50J p
cent profit. Ono agent's sales amounted t
KV In six days ; another VQ in two hours. W
want ono unergetlo general asentforoac
Rtuto and territory. Sample by mall 35 cu
1'nr terms and full particulars address Th
Monroe Eraser Mtg Co. , Laeres-se. WIs. 430-2 :
KOO siilosmen wanted to sell our promlui
Onurci-ry stock. The largest nursery west r
tbo Mlsslsstiipl river. Thn finest Block. A !
the now and old fruit * . The lowest prices an
biggest pay to agents. Money advanced over
wertk. Outfit free. Write in at once. The C
i J. Carpenter Co. , Kalrbury , Neb. 351 Jl
WANTED Younx man ( bov ) .o reoolvo Ir
struct Ions nnd Keen set or books. J. 1
Bmllli.lHO Now York Ufa bullillng. aso 21
WANTED Halcaman whompottho grocer
trade to Boll one of the bust articles on tli
market on commission. Address , X US , lloo.
WANTED Men to travel for ourCnnadln
nursorics-StonoS : WellingtonMad Ison.'W
_ 4i
WANTED-Mun with good reference i
Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , 1B30 Howard st ,
ferrate * , ttr. , tte top i > f Jinl column nn l/ilipaai
SnBPTn\'EU Isi Rivinglie : BUccdsV6rati
fortune teller In thu olty. Bho does ni
d tl In any fraud. Her terms arotholowoa
40 N. 16th. 3d floor. M278-2 :
IP A RUIVElJ-CIalrvoTnnt , naturally glfto
-CX tolls past and future , love troubles , al
sent friends , uhaugci , travel , business. Hall
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , lUOg Furnam t
TVT18SE3 EDDY-Clalrvoyiuit and trancom
U-ldlnma ; inassago a si > eelalty. ISIS Uaplt
urenuo , tM 9
MJIE. nurrough Palmist tolls the past pro
ent and future from the lines of the nam
in thuold Uypjy way. Keeo < , it ; ladles onl'
1817 Ixard street , Omaha , 443S
Tlf A88AQE Madam Dolilcr , over 610 8.13i
" - 7SOJ
MBS. Nnnnlo V.Warren , clairvoyant tranc
( peaking , writing and reliable buslne
tnealum , four year * In Omaha. 11V N , HUh.
For rait * , etc. , tte. top of flnt column nn IM.i ixiga.
lJT Tiay dTcH a salary of t9. ! 0 per wcok
io work for us In their locality. Light
work nndonsy. Address Manager , Uoom 40'l Iteo
liulldlng. 463 31'
_ _ _
ArmiHnloiladlcs : at Iloston Storo.
. _ 497 81
WANTRD-OIrl for jronornl housoxror k. Win
Hu.M ary'g avonuo. _ 475 23 *
"IXTANTKO 2 competent girls , linmodlalely ,
V > ut710 N. 22il , 451-21 *
_ _
- - Rlrli niostlv cookIng -
Ing : no washhix or Ironing. SISJUItincy
Ktrcct , Kountzo place. M atVl-51 *
WANTKD ( llrl for general housework ! no
washing uud Ironing , N. K. cor , 21st and
410 21 *
_ _ _
WANTED Thoroughly competent hotiso-
work girl. None others need apply.
Good wages and small family. 122 S. 23th st.
\\7 ANTED Competent Klrl for general
' housework. 2 < m I'oppleton ave , 402
WANTED A ulil for irnnonil housowork.
( lerman or Dunlsli preferred , IIOUI Farnam
street. 313 21
WANTKD Oood ( jlrl for general hoiiso-
work ntyjIS I/cavonwortli. MSQ3
Forrala , etc. . tte bumf flrx' cnlunn nn HIM P1
WANTED Young monte Join ovenlncclass
In nrchltcctural and moclmnlcal denw-
Inir. Monday. 7 p. m. , at It , Mil Hhcoloy block.
J. U. Gossollng. l'M8 1'lercu street. 476-21 *
F"or tit ' , etc. , fee trip of fnl column OH thin ptae.
RENT House of Brooms with all modern
ern conveniences , oniiulro ut Oil South Hth
street. 4SO 22 *
QfilSCnp. avo. . ft-rooni cottage. West half 2. " > ll
''io9 ' ) | : , Knq.UJlyCai ) . live. S01-JO *
r'-KOOM Hat , rout 330.00 , furniture $300.00 ;
" toO.OO clown , halanco payments. O'o-Opar-
atlve Lund and Lot Co. , 205 N. IGth street.
491 22
FOH KENT 2 fl-ioom flats In now brick
building on Leavenworth street , near 10th.
1193 21 *
T710R KENT Flat , 7rooms , 2nd lloor , 705 Slfith
ISt. . , range and other ( convcnloneus. } 'C ) .
George Olouscr , 701 S lOtli st , 201 21 *
rr-UOOM Jiouso with bnrn : nominal rent. O.
I'1. ' Harris. . . . 1)12 ) N. Y.LIfo. 4 !
TTlOKRENT-JKEaMnpio at , H block east 24th
J st. motor , 0 rooms nnd unfinished 1A story
above , full lot , well , cistern and cellar , peed
neighborhood. I17.M per month. 0. a. Wai-
Ince , Drown block. Kith and Douglas , 033
" ! ' YOU wish to rent n house or store see II.
LE. Cole. Continental bloclc. 403
FOU HENT-Klat,7 rooms,2nd lloor , 705S.lHh (
street , range nnd other conveniences. $ . ' ! . " > .
George Clousor , "M S. Kith Htroot. 291 21 *
"IjlINE 0-room corner house , nil Improve-
J merits , convenient for business and whole
sale district. A-l location. Apply O. S. El-
gutter , 407 First National bank. 157
S IX room cotUige , collar , cistern und city
water , 815 S. 18th St. , near Leavenwurth.
41521 *
HOUSE of 8 rooms , nicely papered , water ,
sewer and -ens , Klrd and Cumin ) ; , WJ per
mo. O f. Harrison , 012 M. Y. Mfe. 3T.7
TTIOU HENT To responsible parties only.
JL' those line now brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms und alcoves ;
moiu eonvonlenccs nnd bettor finished than
any house for irnt In the city. II. II. llondor-
Bon , 4101'axton block , city. 4U
T710H RENT Oood 8-room houses , conveu-
-A-1 lent to 3 car lines , $20 pur month. Jno. II.
Tate , U. 15 , Chamber of Oommorce. U42 J10 *
TH1OR KENT Jan. 1 , G-room cottusto , flrst-
JL' class In every respect , bath , hot and cold
water ; on motor line. Call ut 1321 Sbormiin avo.
rpo Conductors and EiiKlneers WoofTerthObO
J- ton now and complete flats with all modern
conveniences , situated two blocks from the
now Tenth struct depot ; they bavo several
new and eommcnd.iblo features nnd rent for
only 725.00 per month , G and 7 rooms cncb with
largo bath nnd convenient closets. 'Call und
see them. Tbo Mead Investment Co. , room
442. Iteo building. Oil
WIl KENT Seven-room cottage , cor. 29th
avo. nud 0up. avo. Inquire 2918 Dodge.
FOU RENT Ono outsldo Hat of G rooms ,
steam boat , In good repair. Union block ,
corner 13th nnd Miison sta. Inquire of .John
llainlln. In the block store room No. 017. itC :
* T > ENTAli Aient 0oo. J. I'aul , 1000 Eiirnam ,
Xtllousca and stores for rent. Rents col
lected. 5S1
TBt OUSE for rent , ton rooms.modern conven
iences. 021 a. lUth street. 202 21 *
MODERN now brlolt 8-room house , nlcolj
papered , cbolco location , only $23 pot
month. H. E. t'olo , Coatlnontal block. 4 > (
FOR RENT Flats , 4 rooms each , city watei
and sewer connections , O. R. E. and T. Co
4 Hco bldg. 64
Furrateo , etc. , ere ton t lirnt column mi tht * pee
NICELY furnlnlied large roomwith fitenn
heat , for one gentleman. 524 S , IGth street
lid lloor , Hat D. 504-21' '
TTIOR RENT Largo furnished room. 828 S
J I8th street. JO.--rj
TTIURNISHEU rooms , light hoiisokeoping
Jfrom $7.00 nor month and uowards. 410 S
10th atrcot , third lloor. 470-21' '
FOR RENT Down town cottage , furnished
comulotc , to the right parties. Inriulrn in
2103 Webster street. 473 'J
O ROOMS for housekeeping to man and wife
> rciit taken In board. 310 N. 17th. 420 2C
T71OU RENT Front room , modern convon
JL1 lencos , 021 8.10th street. 43322
O ROOMS , light housekeeping. 2020 St. Mary'i
[ 13
FURNISHED rooms , 110 South 2oth stroot.
FOR RENT .Tudgo Kolloy's aiinrtments a
"Tho Morrlnm" during his absence west
months. 434 2C
LAR3E south room furnished ; modern ; alsi
unfurnished room. 2020 Hurt st. UOU21
FOR RENT Furnished rooms ; gas , ball
and steam , 1510 Howard. 49
rpo LET Iloautlful front room Is best par
Jof city , close to good board. Rout reason
able. 123. & . 25th st. ' 41
FOR KENT Front room , furnished. In prl
vuto house , $10 per month , 1510 Howard si
KENT Furnished rooms , 1COO DouRlai
T\ESIUAI1LE room , modern convenience
J-/1701 Capitol ovc 773
Fortntci , ett. , tee tnp nf frt cnlitmn on thlr pant
NEW houso. largo , handsomely fu'rnlshc
room suitable for 3 ; 1 stnullor room fo
1 ; excellent board , heat , aas , bath ; llrst-clas
prlvnto family. Terms 823 each per inontl
Address X 64. Ilcoolllco. 15
"OURNISIIED rooms with board ; ono Inrg
L south front. References. 2211 Kurnam.
2U7-2 !
GOOD Ixiard and clean rospeotnhla lodpltn
for $1.00 nor.wook. Hods f mm ! o to ll.Oil
Meals. 15o , at Justice llouso , northwest oornn
ot 14th and Jackson stieots. 472 2L
TJOOJ1 and board , $1.00,1713 Douglas street ,
'AV 420 2 (
FOR RENT Elegantly furnlshoa room
slnglo or on suite , with board. Aopl
Shelton bouse , 101 S. 23th street. M : 0 2 :
Ull Jones , corner 14th ,
Will bo thoroughly rofurnlshoil and road
foroccnimnoy Thursday.
Neat slnglo rooms.
Obcap double riKims.
Nlco parlor bed rooms.
The neatest , cheapest and best prlTat
boardlngjiouso In Omnha. M3IO-S
T > OOM and board. CIS B 17th street.
AV 827-g
TTIUKNIHHED rooms with gas. bath and ftu
X' nnco heat ; board If desired ; t. o. cor. 'fit
avenue and llarney. a > 7 a
NICELY furnished rooms with board.strloi
ly first-class ; locution central ; 1017 Dodgi
F OK good board , nlcoroomsTmodern convei
lencos. rates and location , the Pullmu
house. 1310 Dodjjo st. , cannot be excelled.
OOMS nnd board , 1510 Chicago street
QT.OLAIR European hotel , wth dlDlngroon
kJHtenni heat lu all roouii , 13th and Dodg
Special rated by weokor montli. &
pEN8ION8-Tho Cllngman Pension Agooc
Jyi Kreoter block. Intormatlou froo. 317
Tor ifllw. tie. . Kt top at Jlrtl tnlwM ? n thti jxM * .
TTIOR RENT-Ilnck Iparlor nnrt bedroom for
-U light housekeeping. 010 N 17th at. 430 21
TJIOUR iinf urnlshod rooms , till conveniences
-L } for housekeeping. Reference required , 2101
Kurnixm at. 818 21 *
O ROOMS for light hoii.sckcoplnR,2312 Hnrnny.
OR RENf-3unfurnished rooms.208N , 13th
st. M 730
Formtf * , tte. , rtt top of frit column on mis
sloro room to rent In the
best dry goods or clothing location In llo-
ntrlco. Addrcsnlliirrls ; & Friedman , Itcattluo ,
Nub , 431
FOR RENT-Tho third floor of No. 1307 IIow-
nrd street , with strain heat and power If
desired ; rent totiBonablc. Fostnor Printing
( Jo.J307 Howard. > I ia
TOItES ntTOO S. 161 h. steam hout furnishod.
Thos. IMIull , all Piixton blk. CPU
lirUENT--Tho 4-story brlok bulldlng.wlth
orwlthout power formerly ocuupli'd by tbo
Heo Publishing Co. , OIC Farnam st. The Iniild-
Ing has a fireproof content , baeomoiit.i'oniplote
stoatn hi-atlng llxtures , water on all the floors ,
gas , etc. Apply at the olllco ot Thu Ueo. 013
TTIOR RENT Ila Jaiiuarv 1.4-story building ,
JL ? : ! S.r > 40Mitnro ] foot ; sultablo for any kind
of wholesaling , at , I'onth and Jones street. O ,
A. Llndn.uesi.3in South li'lftecnth struct. B'JS '
riAO RENT After Janunry 1 , store and Mat
JLutG2 < ) H. intn st. Enqulro ut 'M Ilrown
bide. U.J. Kendall. U07 1)23
WOK RENT or Salo-Flno. heavy brick Ovo-
- - - ? story corner warehouse with most central
trnckagoIn city ; floors aru ii,500square ; feet.
Stringer .t Penny , llarkor block. 183
lctrott $ , tic. , tec tnp of Jlnt C'lliiiiiu oil tilts pays
T710R KIJNT Itrlck wnrnbouse , two stories
J- high , basement , hydraullu elevator , track
age ; best location In the city , ' A.-O. Powell.
, etc , , tte tnp o' fni folumn nnthts
rilRAOKAQE storage nt lowest rates. W. M ,
X llushman , 1311 Lenvenworth , . MO
QTORAOE and trackage. DaVld Cole , 815-817
( Dllownrd st. fX)7 )
STORAOE The best In city , clean , dry , safe ,
and privately stored at reasonable terms.
Omaha Steve Repair Works , 12J7 Douglas. Tel.
Witt 852
For rat , etc. , sec ( ou nf flrst column on Uitt pro
\\7ANTEn-Furnlshed or partly fiirnlshnd
T t rooms for light lionsokeunln.u for man and
wlfo ; location must bu central and have mod
ern conveniences. Address Yftl lice. 411 " " > '
Farmta. ttt. , ( < / ! /op ntlist column nn tlitu j > cio .
I K you have any property you have to sell or
trade call on us ; all kinds nf trades made.
Hy. Mulmgrcn & Luvgren , Hitrkcrhlk , room 11.
ENNINOI1A YEN & CO. , rental ntrents. 2J7
Omaha National bank. MUM-JIG *
LIST your houses to soil or rent with 0. V.
Harrison. 1)12 ) N. Y. Llfu. S'.ri
iTTlBISY & . llra.runtul ageuts.200 N.Y.LIfo
HE. COLK , rental agent. Continental blk.
4'JJ '
For ratct , etc. , we top of flrst column nn tlilt
T \AY boarders wanted at. J512 Davenport , st.
21 *
For rates , etc. , sec top nfflrt/t column on tltis jinou
IKRSONAL The address of ladles and gen
tlemen.of the profession , or talented am
ateurs , wanted , to glvo a high class society
eomody In city In near future. lu full confi
dence , address , Y 41 , lice. 47421
forro/w. etc , , ff fop of firtt column nn thLi 7x13 *
LOST , near Hnnscom Park , pug dog ; return
to J. C. Schrolvor ut Morsu Dry Goods Uo.
and got reward. * ' 477
LOST on north 17th , ono Bold oarrlfig !
Undur rewarded. 1710 Olurk st. 435-21 *
For rctte , cte. , fee top uf tin' ci''i on tlili
TT1OR SALE At third value , furniture of six
-i ? rooms , folding beds , carpels , stoves , etc. ,
line location ; part cash , balance time. P.O. ,
m 48021 *
T7KJR SALE Furnlturo of Trroom bouse In
-U wholeorpart. Emiulro 1024 North 25th st.
445-23 *
EOR SALE Moruborshlp Omaha HoardTTf
Trade and very line cherry olllvv furnl-
turi > , cotiMistlmi of large roll top desk , large
leather covered rovolvliiK chair , leather cov
ered chair , bookkeeper's desk , copy press nnd
stand , typewriter desk , small Halls lire-proof
safe , mo'iuotte carpet , linoleum. Ouiahamaps ,
otc. H. A. Slonmn , 1301 t'arnam st. Uh2-21
LARGE double sitting desk , almost now
Phil Stlmmol. No. UllJonua Ut. 818
SECOND band furniture , stoves.carpets and
.Singer sowing machine at half prlcu ; easy
payments , llawkoyu Inv. Co. , : ui Douglas blk. ,
, 313
FOR SALE Two .boating stoves , haid or
soft coal , In Orst-olnss onlor and will bo
sold cheap. Call at 151'J ' N. lath st.
Far rules , etc. , see l ( > p offlnt ctilumn nn tt\ii \ paa
FOR SALE A Shetland pony mare , well
broken to saddle and lmrness"q ; uiot nnd
safe. "J , " 14J2 Douglas street. - 503-21
FOU SALE fi-yenr-o'.d ' horse , sound and
gentle. Jnqulro atbO.l Park avenue. 410 211'
FOR SALE or Exchunzo 1 good horse nnd
wagon , 1 full blood Jersey cow with some
notes and other property for a clour J4 of
land ; also 1 span of mules , wagon aniUiurncsa
cheap. Wo also have the' blguust bargain In
Oniulu In business property for a few days
only. Do not put olr till tomorrow what vou
can'dotoday. R17 , Hoard Trade. ail 21
QECONI ) hand omnibus. 1'hll Btlmuiel. No
( JUll Jones st. 811
WORIv horse (00 , two-horso wagon J21 , dou
ble work harness $15. Or will trauo for n
good IhhU Ido bar buggy. H. E. Cole , Oontl <
ncntalbloo 49 :
TT1OR SALE 2 good work teami InnUiro al
J0181'axton block. . BOJ
OR.SALE M horses and mare- , cash bi
F time. Prices from 815 to $ . ' W. Would exchange
change some of them for Omaha real estate
W. T. SeamanOmaha's largest variety wagon :
and carriages. W
Ftrrralft. ete. . reetnp of Jlrst rolumnon this pao ,
FOR SALE Plans , speclflcatlons nnd com
plete working details ot f ramo residence o
moderate cost. Now ; nothing Hko it in Omnha
Address O , P. O. box 62. 403-23
TTIOR SALE 500 tons of Ico. Gilbert Uros.
-13 Council Ululfs , la. MIiUfl-2
rilHE C'oour d'Alono Mines A beautiful spo
J. olmon of rich silver ere , just us taken f ran
the mines , with a description of the grentes
mining country on earth , pout postpaid fo
11.00. French Al'IsottOabiirn , Idaho. 450-21
FOR S ALE A Howe scale , as good as now
capacity 0 tons , 8x23 feet , warranted cor
rcct and In perfect order , wlthcomblnatloi
beam. List nrlco $305 ; will soil the same fo
I13A. W. U , VaughHn , DouOoratoIUeoOmalia
Nob. M 317 "
FOR SALE A tlno upright piano at a sacri
ilco ; must be sold at onco. Imiulre utNc
2410 Caldwell st. 19
TT OR SALE cheap A 10 horse power Nev
X ! York safety Htoam engine in flrst ulasi
condition. Festnar Printing Co. , 1307 , Howan
Bt , M127
For rate * , < tf , tee top offril column on Iftlt yacje
FINEST elootrlo and electro thermal batl
rooms. Including Turkish cabinet bathe
Ladlcs.S tel dally A Tuesday A' Friday ov'ng
Oto 10. lr.Rlob rderooms818It320lloo bldu
bath at Mudum Smlth'i parlors
GOT B. 18th at. next Uur-or hotel. 810-31
TITASSAaEMadam Del.l r. over CIO B.13th
WO Jl !
Far rote * , tte , , Ktiup vf flnt tolumn onthlt yew
LADIES and gontleuion eau rout inasqukr
ade suits at 023 N. Ifllh it. 431U.1
Fbrratftlr. . $ typ nf.Knt eulumn on Wilt \nqt \
V \ NTEU 8 Wwm house and lot w I tl barn
' for aboui.4noo on monthly paympnts.
W. ILUatcs _ , JtJ&S. N , Y. Lite. 447-21
TATANTED trjiTTuy Second hnnO show cases
V I and wall iltow cases. 218 North 10th ,
Ij ) 40323 *
_ _
\\TANTEDtohiiT flvo pcod horses. D. J.
VY Wlbon.tTO-K.Y. Llfo. 478-S1 *
T\7ANTEn-liJ | onal property _ of all klmla.
i such us horsrisaudbUKKlos , furniture and
plnnos , mauhlnury , etc , Also all kinds of
stocks of merchandise , oto. , clear lots and
lands for equities , or as flrst payment , In
Omaha proporlt-Hm ) railway lands. We have
n place fur such property and will glvo nn ex
ceptional trade if mndo Immediately. Ail-
ilrcss Y 43 lice ? * 4I3J31
W AvrED-W'buy , lot In Harkor placo.
Ullfton Hill , launders tt UlmobatiKli
add or Orchard Hill for part cash and horse ,
harness and phaeton. Address K. 0. Merrill.
42d and Cuss Ms. 102
ANTED-To buy a nice residence for
about $15.000. Will put In some cash and
some elty property , Hy. Mulmgren ft Lov-
gron. llarkor block , room 14. 374 21
-TO buy claims of all knds
T against rallroao employes. Sums over
$20 preferred. Write Wiu , Richardson , Sioux
City. la. . L. U.EC8. 837-JS *
TjlURNlTURE , household noods. oto. Highest
-i-1 cash price. Wells. 1111 Farnam. _ 610
Ferrate * , etc. , ttt top of Jlnt column on Hit * fiagt
LADIES wlllroeclvo frecTprmif of Dr. Valon's
medicated monthlv holt. Address Jledl-
caled Holt Co. , box 1715 * , Now York Olty. 4VV21 *
* T7OU reliable Information pertaining to the
J-state of Washington. Oregon , Montana ,
Idaho , California and llrltlsh provinces , nd-
dross Weptorn Information lluroau. Wilson
block. Tacoma , Wash. Correspondents : in all
parts of the United States and Canada. Full
Information In all matters. Ordinary fee ,
g2.00. 451-21 *
( CIO liny n lot for $10 free from mortgage , ab-
P straet and plat c'ven ' with each lot In
Omaha's latest addition. If you arc a trader
you will bo surprised what you can do with
It. Snlo all this wi-ok nt 310 South 15th street.
Chas. P , Ileiijaiuliii solo agent. 407-21 *
w ANTED Monov to moot claims against
Saint Timothy Mission before Now Year's
nnd the support of'the ' missionary. Address
Itov. J. J. 11. Heedy , 42 = ) N. Y. Life. 331-8 ! )
IF you have hor.-es , carriages or houses to
trade see V , It. Jerome , room 317 , KlMt Nil-
tliinal bank building. M710 J2 *
MASSAGE Madam Dolzlor , over 010 S I3th.
720 J2 *
ill ASHAaEtrontmont.olectro-thornuil baths ,
-l-'Asciili ) and hair treatment , manicure nnd
chiropodist Mrs. Post , 1120-21 , AVIthnoll blk.
lei tattt , etc. , sec top of first column ou Mill j o
M ONEY to loan on collaterals. Uoom 410.
Ueo H'd'g. M42.--21
CHATTEL loans at lowest rates , Removed
24 N. Y. Llfo bldg. J. 11. Emmlngur.
K KYHTONE Mortgasa Co. Loans of JIO to
? 1OJO ; cct our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loans on horses , furniture or nny
ippravcd s-cuflty.wllhout puollclty ; notes
miiKht ; for now loiins , renewal of old nod low
est rates , call R. 'JOVSheoly blk , 15th It Howard.
J " ' filfl
OANS made on lnirovcd property outside
Jot Ilelt line ! , , /Uex Moore , 301 Shoely Illock ,
, . , 408 24'
M ONEY to loan on second mortgage. W. S
Wynn , Room 3'l Omahu , Nat , lilt. Hl'de.
1 M 721
TV/CONEY / to loaa'on Improved nnd vacant
J.U. nronorty. JAirpst rate. 0. J. Oaswell , H18
N. Y. Life. i D I4
MONI'A to nn real estate. Improved or
vacant. GuK'Ain. Sav'gs Hank , Kith and
; ' 'arnnin sts. , 1118 24
LOANS of $1,003 And upwards on approved
collateral or realestate.V. , \ . 11. Mlllard , 201
JiiialiaNatloiialjiaulc building. 819
rHlATTKllanl-3IO ) SlSthst-i loans money
won cliattelsofoqluUrut ] ; iitroasonablo rate- )
* econdriuer.U < iKes on vacant It 1m-
- proved city jirqii. County warrants bought *
Jlonoy oil blind. FM.'Rlchnrdspn,8IS ; N.Y.Mfe.
Ji j)2J )
MONEY to loan'on city nnd firm property.
W. M , Harris , K20 , Kronzor blk. , opp. 1' . O.
MONEY ; , CO or 00 days , on household fur-
ulturo. etc. CIS 1'uxton block. J.J. Wilkin
son. J10TO-l-'l
MONEY to loan by II. V. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for anytlmofrom
1 to 0 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans i.inda on household poods pin nos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , at'the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of properly.
My loans uro so arranged that you can make
a payment of any amount at any time and ro-
dueo both principal nnd Interest.
If you ewe a balance on your property or
havi ) a loan you wish changed , I will pay It olT
iind carry It for you. If yon find It more con
venient , call up telephone No. IKil and your
business will bo arranged at home.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
II. P. Musters.
Room 4 , Wltlmell blk , 15th nnd llarnoy sts.
W ANTED 0 per cent real estate loans. C.
F. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Llfo. 512
WANTED First-class inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1504 Farnam. 513
BUILDING loans. Oto 'I ' per cent ; no addi
tional charges for commission or attorney's
fees. W. I ! . MolUle , First National bank bldg.
"ORAL Kstuto Loans Cash on hand. Olobo
-IVLoan& Trust Co. , 307 S. 10th st. No delay ,
no oxtra'clmrgcs. Houses for rent , good list.
OE. A C. M.ANTHONY.313 N. Y. Llfobulld-
Ing , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also ou coed
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; host
terms ; no dolaf ! money ready. Titles and
values passed on here. G19
MONEY to 'oan 011 njiv sccurty
forshort tlmo at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company
ny- , room 400 , Piixton oik. 620
ferrates , etc. rcetopuf jint column ontlili
TTROFdlT.PETERSEN , vroHnzTther ,
-L pultar , vocal Instruction. Studio SOSShccly
block , ' M 707 J5
BEPORE buying a piano oxnmlno the now
scale Klmbullplauo. A.Hospo,1513 Douglas.
GEO. F.OELLENHEOK.teachcrof the banjo
with Hospc , ] 5iq Uouglas , 24S
MISS II , J. Miles , oxporln'nced teachers ol
voice culturo.jDiipll of Madam lOdna Hall ,
Itostun , Mass. ItoOlivsOQ , Drown building , cor.
lOtn and Douglas sfrbots. 222 1)21 *
Fcrrata , etc. , tee tdpMflrat nrfunri nn this
TTOKSKSwIntcrofl. Wo have the best ao-
XJL conunouatlons In the state ( or wintering
horsoa. llox or single stalls , with paddock.
Apply to Windsor , Kemp Sc Co. , 203 Now York
Life hldR. , or to Chris Novlns , ' at the stables ,
Irvlngton , Nob. ' J * M U
Ferrates , etc. , tee m f Int column nn this
E trust you w fi In vestlgute Tno aiiiltl
premlor typU writer before purchasing
any ether , as It nusimany valuable Improve
ments over all other , Vrlttnz machines. Com
petitors must Improve m order to equal , Ofllcf
lOO-Jil Farnam st. .01 37 !
Forrattf , ete. , tee top of fret column nnthti pnye.
BEST line hair goods In west ; hair dressing
wigs , switches , bangi , hair otmlns , etc. , u
iuoolulty. Duvles , hair sooUs and milliner
opposite postofllco , HIS. 15th street , Omubo.
For ratet , ere. , ttt top ofjlrtt cotumnoii this page
to do dressmaking In faml-
ENGAGEMENTS Sturdy , 010 llurnoy st
For rate * , etc , , ut top of flrelutlumn on tliti pagt
ir Mohlo loans money on dlamonda uni
.1. wutolie , JowelyoUH ) , L'.cor. l''aroaia Sc lltl
, tie itt to i of flint rnlmn on ( At * p < ia
TIO liEAHB A 10 aero gArden spot , 1 nillo
fiiiiitluif lliiscr 1'ark. In Rood ahauo nnd
'tmdltlnn , well Improved , hoitso , barn , well.
tot-boils and everything necessary. To lease
or 1 to 0 years , possession given nt once * .
redout occupant Is eolng Into ether business.
Garden Rtutl on luitul nnd other atook Is also
or sain. Korfull particulars Inquire nt 204
lic-ely block , city. fjQS-22
A GOOD nnrlng nnnrdlnR house wanted.
TL-1L.J' " " " " ' ' m N < Y > Llte' 4 a'1'
_ .
\VAN" titfnor with $1.000 to iw to
i tuU a half Interest in hardware business
In an enterprising now town In Nebraska. Acl-
clrc-39 V3I , llcoolllce. * 402-21 *
AltKLIAHLE man or woman with cash or
clear real o.stafo can secure permanent
interest hi a nice growing business. Well es
tablished. Yields handsomely for amount In
vested. Address , I' . O. llox 752. 403 22 *
O 10 A It store In good location nnd paying
ucll. Party has ether business , Ki > nm
for sol I Ing , Co-Oporatlvo Land and Lot Co. .
805 N. 10th street. -190-23
I710US A LK-llest saloon In 8. E. Nob. , with
-L or without wholesale boor .npeneyi no eu-
cumbornncoM. Must sell at ouco to nave other
property. Adilrcss Y. w , lloo. 433-23 *
rilEN riMim brick boat-din ? houses blocks west
JLof P.O. ; rent J70 ; furniture , $ ? 00 , fSa cash ,
hnl. monthly , Uo-oporattvo Iiuiul und Lot Co. ,
5:05 N. 10th street. 441 21
EAT' ' MAUKKT for snlo.1'lttod up first
class In ovcry particular. Oood business.
Will bear the strictest Investigation , Address
lock box 4TO , Council Uluits. la. M'i'Ji-Jl '
A GOOD Thing AVIll neil or take rC part ncr In
our furniture and steve business nnd good
will ! reason too much to do , All equipped for
business , A llttlo money and some lots or lands
or a farm. Address U.OrilYJH N.lTtb st.Oni hn.
42J 21. !
POIl SALE or exchange for stock of general
murchiindlso 2li ) acres of hind IVt miles
from Grcoloy Center , the county seal of
drci'loy county , IK ) ncres In cultivation , i !
wells , wind mill , house and stable ; blaulc loam
soil nearly level ; every footof this track
tit for cultivation ; Inouinhoraiio $1,250 ; rented
for next year Also KX ) ncros unimproved land
5 miles from Orccloy Center and 24 ! miles
from first track adlolnlng'Ackmlo postotlh'o ;
black loam soil , will slvo cloui tltlo of this
trncu.orwlll oxcliuuan forOmahiOr Council
IllulTs rroperty. Address D. J. R. Lock box
1C5 , Urcoloy Center. Nob. . .KljlG *
7olrsALI FIrHt-oliisssaloon wither wlth-
- * - out wholesale bcor agency. Address Y. M ) .
Hon. 4jl7-KJ
HOTEtj Kor Snlo Do you want got Into n.
seed business ? If vou do , buy the Conunnr
elnl ut llroken llow , Nob. ! . ' 83
" 1I"OK SAIiE Iliitulsomo stoic , nicely fur-
- Antahpil , well stocked cigars and novelties ;
best location In elty ; reasons for selling , tlmo
taken up with other busliu\s : . Address J , J.
Lnlvoy , general delivery , Omnha , Nob. _
T7IOH PALE $15.000 business forsuloor trade
* - for clear Omaha uroporty , will soil for H
value ; this Is the ono opportunity of a life
time , Now Is the time , tomorrow may bo too
lafe. Ii , 17 , Ilonrcl Trade. Ml 23
\VANTED Silent partner or the use of
' ' Jl.lXKj for one year to extend my business ;
will give real estate security and pay ugond
bonus. Address Y 21 , Heo oliloc. 1172
SALE KInpst saloon In ono of tbo host
Jcltlfs ( county scat ) In Nebraska. Oood Riir-
K"ln to ii'sni'ctablo parties if possession taken
soon. Address Y 1" , Heo. 21(1-21 ( *
FOU SAIjK The furniture of a nlno room
house by the iileru or nil lozuthor. House
full of hoarders. 1030 Capitol avenno
GOOD coal yard , building , teams , etc. , for
sale , with good trade already established ;
profit this wi-athurStO per day ; 11,51)0 ) only re
quired. K. K Cook , 031 Now York Llfo luilld-
Ing. M1T5-22
A N established business for sale or trade ,
llox .118. city. 100
t'nrratrt. rtr. . itr tun of tml ciihtmn nn 1M 710/78 ,
I HAVE a customer who lias some line driv
ing horses , wagons and harnesses to ex-
chaime for vacant lots. Larinon 1' . I'ruyn &
Co. , 2tlOJumlng ( street. 001-21
1IIAVE cash and notes and real estate to
o.xcbango for iMO.UOO stocks of nierclinndlse.
Address lock box 70C poslolllce , Omaha , > eh.
\v 7 ANTED-Lincoln lots In exchange for
lands and lots. Address Y , 40 Ueo. 402-21 *
LAND.and grain elevator wanted In o.\-
eliango for full paid non-assessable cor
poration stocks. Investigation solicited. Address -
dross Ilo(118 ( , Omaha. 450-21 *
T71OK EXCHANGE Nebraska farms for any
J- salable personal propottv. Merchandise
preferred , sparguri Flshsr , Ohadron , Net ) .
4.VS-21 *
WANTKD Horse and buggy In exchange
for Omaha equities or railway Hums.
Address Y 44 Ueo. 4mil :
rilOTUAI E Full paid non-assossabl ccor-
-L poratlon stouKs for city property. Koi par-
tlculais address llox ( iiH , city. 44D-21
DESIKAUIiK lot to trade for furniture or
for horse and buggv. Will put in some
cnsh If trade Justifies It. Address YU4 , Ilco.
41S 22
TpOH TRADE 1ncro } IClrd and Hurt sts. for a
-L nooil farm In Page county , Iowa. Henawa
& Co. 4IJ 22
HAVE olear lots In Council lllulfs fur horses ,
iiuileR , or good equities In Nebraska farms.
Full particulars of farm wanted. Address Y
IB , Hoe. J14ir'Jl
TT'-XCHANGE-Who has a poodstock. of ! Iflob
-1-Jto . ' ,501) . nierehnndlse.too.\\haiiguforcjuar ;
farm. Address YDS , Hoc. M425-21
ONE of the best farms In North Nebraska to
exchange for merchandise and tlmo. $1,000
In niLTchandlse. balance4 years time. Do not
wait a minute If you want a "Homo. Sweet
Home. " Address YU7. Ilco. M42.1-21
TT\OR \ TRADE Stock of goods In country
JL town and stook of groceries In Omahn.
Pnrt cash and res tirade. Inqulro of John Lln-
derholm , U10 Houtli 15th street , Omaha.M3I322
M3I3-22 *
WKliaveagoodfarmtotrailo for horses or
eattle. Hy. Malmgren & Lovgrcn.llarkor
bloolc. room 14. 374 21
WE have sovnral stocks of general nidso.
and hnrdwiiroto trade for city and farm
properly. Hy. Rlalmgrcn & Lovuron , llarkor
lilook , room 14. 374 21
W ANTKD To exchange some valuable real
estate for Roods , trade must bo niiulo
Address X 10 , IJco. M 70.S-21 *
WANTED A horse ormnro In part nav-
incnt toward a wagon or carriage. W. T ,
Heainan , Omaha's largest variety wagons and
carriages. : I43
FOrmttt , ctc.see tnpof Jlnl column on this
TCOR business property exiiinlno this list :
No. L 33x120 feet. Capitol avenue , near 13th ,
} 2.'iO front foot.
No. 2 , Kl.vCfl feet , 13th , near Davenport , J250
front foot.
No. II. 00x05 feet. Hth , near Hodge. $20,000.
No. 4. 22\CO feet , I'lirnum. nuar 10th , south
front. * ) front foot.
No. n. Undivided one-half Interest in throe-
story brlcl * store on Kiirnnin street ; routs S200
per month ; will sell for $15.00' ) .
No. li. Oil fcct > south fronton Oumlng street ,
near 18tb. 4230 front foot ,
No.U , Noithwost corner 14th and Daven
port streets , UOxIU2 feet , a choice lot , 140.000.
No. 10. A line corner on loth , near the new
viaduct , WlxlK feet , clioap. II.'UXJO.
No. 11. CO.xCO feet , on corner Uodgo and llth ,
No. 12. 44xlS2 feet , Dodge , near 15th. $14,000.
No. W. ; xit : ! fcot : , on Uuiulni ; street , bet -
t oQn21st and 22d streets , $ : MO front foot.
And a largo list of roslduncu property.
Mouses nnd lots on monthly payments ,
Vacant lots from J.100 up.
George J. I'aul , 1C09 Farnam.
F OR BALE-Or trade
fl Htnies with
5 Hats above ,
lot 120 front ,
M foot dotip ,
Lake und 2iith.
Will take J2.000
In clear proportr ,
balnnoo In money.
uroperty forW.OOO.
1507 Itanium street ,
TOST think of It. Full lot , Mxirt' , on crude ,
tl uoth and VInton' , only 61,200. Easy terms.
Bmoaton & Allen , 1007 l < 'arnain street. 270 21
T > IGOEST bargain in Omaha. Only three ol
JJ these olegunt homes on 41th and Kariiuia
loft out of six ; other three occupied by lint-
class uartloa. Houses are open all day for In
spection. Every convenience la the houses ,
Including gas and gas fixtures.
Take a look at them during this fine
weather ; buy ono and take llfo comfortable
during the winter.
OnJjr takns from 1300 to J500 cash. Bee thorn
without fall for they will please you. 1) . V ,
Bholea , 213 First Nat'l bank. M
POIt BALE Very cheap , or trill trade foi
homo , lease ot first class houeo of 0 room !
at 42d and Cam nts. from Jan. Int to July 1st
1801. Inquire ut houBO , 43 ]
N ) foot lota.
Motor curs.
I'aved fitteot.i.
On grades
1'hico for
men of munll
tnriuiH to get
n houso. Mow
to liny In
Ame riiico ,
bocauKouefor *
is past , ( hero
will bo a very
general advanca
in nil Omnha
property. Coma
now andsee
Ames I'laco lols.
If you wait , you
iv 111
pay moro
money for
the very
15U71''nrniun ntOT
Kaufman & Son. ronl estate
and loans. Uholco vacant nnd Improved
residence and business proper ! y for sale In all
parts of the city and South Onmhii on ousv
terms. List your property with us. Loans at
lowest rates. Olllco l ! 'J Douglas st. Tel. 600.
481 J20
GAHDEN property , 0 acres nenr city , ull
nicely cultivated , splendid garden place ,
fnrwiln : small nmotintdown , balance on tlmo.
Co-Uperatlvo Laud nnd Lot Co. , SOS N IGth fct.
Harlem Lane.
llurlom bnno.
Motor ,
streets ,
desirable ,
1&07 Kitrnnin at. ,
Sole Agents.
OH SAbE Valuable real estate. 1' . O. box
b55. ig'i a *
$10 Seven-tenths of tbo rich men of the U.S.
made thnlr money out of land speculations ,
I'robablv very few of them over had an op
portunity to gel as u starter a iilco level build
ing lot five from mortgage , such as 1 am soil
ing between Oniuliii and the now I'ort Omaha
for ! Onpleeo. Ton dollars Is full payment ,
rumomber , and warranty dpcd , abstract and
plat given with each lot. Sale all week at 'MO
B. 15th st. ( Jims 1' . Ilcnjamln , solo agent.4CG21
4CG-21 *
FOH SALE JG.VOO each , on easy terms , for
lots f > 0vl5 > onVest l.oinonworth near fair
grounds and park ; Ti'isohl , Olllcoopon even-
Ing's. Soay. lhl5 Kurnniii. 440-21 *
ITIOU SALE Ala bargainCOxli ) on Daven-
-t ; port near 17tli , one block from now po t-
olllce. very chnan. SL'0,000 ; r > 'Jxti. ' : corner L'Olh
and Karnam. J.W.U03. U , L. Green , loom ' 10.
Marker block. fr.7
IflOU SALE One of the ttncstfltook f.mnsin'
thn west. Ct iiilk'3 southwest of Kansas
City. In the garden part ot Kansas. Tlio farm
consists otUOJ a01 os , all first class land , fenced
and cross-fenced , An olc ; uiL IS-room house
and other line Improvements. A 12-acro
orchard , artificial lake , etc. , etc. To any ono
wanting n e I It cd go .stock and grain farm
nothing can bo found that will enfruly fill the
bill better than this : J.OO head of cattle. OT
tonsof hay , can bepurchnsed with tbo f nun If
desired , wo will sell for cash or cart cash
and notes. Gilt edge Income property would
bo considered In exchange. Address M. A.
Upton Co. . Omnlin. Nob. 732
A' ' I CUE 1'UOl'EKTY ,
N ) acres ,
50 acres ,
10 acres ,
all suitable furulattl
the best
acre lots
In maillot
nt lowest
prices , on
vorv cusy terms.
! -ulo Agents.
. . 357
$10 This week I amolnK to sol I morn $10
lots. Jtcmomher , JIO Is lull payment. War
ranty deed , abstract and plat K'toii ' with each
lot. Tbo motor line will he continued from
bouth Omaha to the now fort grounds In thu
spring ; then yon will all wish you had bought
$10 lots , t'has. 1 * . Hcnjamln , solo asent. IllOS.
15th St. Omaha. 4U5-'l *
EbEOANT rosldonco In Kountzo 1'laoo ; 0
rooms finely finished and all modern con
veniences ! \Vlrt St. . war 20th. Can sell on
one-quarter cash payment nnd balance tlmo
to right party. This Is no cheap ulTalr of a
bouse , but a comforable homo In every sense
and a big snap bargain. U.K. Darling , Itarkor
Block. _ M.TO3 _
"ITLOUIDA Paying Investments ; orange
i ? groves ; winter homes In well settled coun
try , write for particulars , tit 1th & Jackson ,
Jliiltland , Klu. 450-21 *
rpIlAOICAOE An clegnnt corner. 75x08 ft. ,
X forsulo nt a bargain : very centrally lo
cated. Co-Operative Land ana Lot Co. . W < N
lUtlist , 44223
FOR SALE Nice residence , four lots , good
town ; will take lion vy team , wagon nnd
harness part pay. K. J. lIolmes.lliclcman.TVeh.
328 27 *
BEAUTIFUL lot on 28th street near Wool-
worth , only $2,100. Kitsy terms. Hmoaton
& Allen , 1C07 Karnam street 270 21
rpllE best coiner on upper b'nrnum street
JLfror.taKO on 3 streets ; splendid corner on
Fnrnam street , oloso to court bousea hargaln ;
corner with trackage InS. K. part of city ;
Kood rosldeiKtcsaml low-priced vottngcs , Rood
lots for building , some as low as $100 , tnsldo
acres , farms anil unimproved land.
Wo will soil any of this property , of which
wo have entire control. , at prices way below
what you can buy nt nlsowliore.
Strlnscrfc Penny , Hurkor block , 15th and
Farnau' . 183
$10 Are you a citizen of Omalml Do you
own nny piopcrty In or around It ? If you
do not It Is tlmu you did. Go to310 South l.r > th
street tomorrow and buy n lot for (10 free
from mortgage : abstract of tltlo nnd plat , all
for $10. Chits. 1' . llcnjumlii , solo auunt , 310
South Kith street. 463-21 *
r ? 110OM cottage , full lot , Ilanscom Place ,
' oust front nnd u great bargain for a few
days. Kni.ill cash payment and balance on
long tlmo. V , K. Darling , llurker block. 631
FOR SAIiE orLenso 47 feet cast front by
201 foot deep , alloy corner , 24th and Cumlng
Etroots. Address Jtian riclions , lice building.
Mi ) l)2t )
FOR SALE A largo list of choice residence
nnd business property. Houses and lots on
monthly payments ; ijl,2. > 0 nnd upwards :
vacant lots * Wl ) und up. Qeorxo J. Puul , HiO-.l
I'ariiiini. 23(1 (
for business
corners , 2 ft.
or44 ft. , wither
or without
tmnll buildings.
List nt once ,
lf > 07 Kariiam streot.
AUGII Si Wc.storflold.roalcstatc.S.Omhan .
5-UOOM house , lot KlvS2 , $1.700 ; alaoO-roam
house , lot : > lixRs.e. ! . cor. llth und Vlnton
st. , Hrlcli liomci nnd Ainorlean house ,
lot 11x00 , n. e. eor. lot bund DoiiKlas , WO.OOO.
Mrs. Kiildmnnn , Ul''lB. llth. 4 8
KOUMV.R I'LAOK-O-room modern house
on imvcd fit. , fort-Vnoui J.VK ) ciiHh , bnlaneo
easy. 'riil > i opportunity Is offered but once lu
u llfo tlmo , J.,1. Illkson , Hoht agent Kounlze
1'lace , room 3 , UrolKlilou liloek. 4U7
T > AN01IES and farms Wo are solo a. LTD Is
JLV forsoniu cloijiint ranch nnd fiirin prop-
orlles , clour of Ineiiinbrunce that weciiiiucll
on easy tonm or trade fur Kood Income prop
erly ; b.'M ncr os In lloonti county , Neb. , fifteen
honsea on it , llnoly Improvtid , price tr.'u.OOU ;
4,000 acres In Vernon county , AIo. , iitno bouses ,
nnd other excellent improvement tKXO ) ( ) ;
UOOacrcHln CofToy county , Knn. , very finely
improvedK10ux ) : r > , ( XKl aerenln Wichita county ,
Kan , , every necessary Improvement fur u
llrst-class western stoalc ranch uliumianco of
water. Addrum M. A. Uplou Co , , Oiunhu.
1JO acres fine furin land adjoining good No-
hruHkn town ; nearly cloar.
100 aeros finely improvo.l lundSH mlloa from
county teat in Nebraska ; lightly oncumbored.
130 acres good land In Nebraska , Gmlloa from
county sout ; 2..VX ) inhnbltautH.
House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clour lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room house nnd lot , barn , well and olatorn.
10th street , Oinahnt ( lightly incumbored : will
trade forOmuhu property unU assuiuo liicum-
branooj. II. E Cole , Continental block. WO
For ratet , tic. , tee top ofInt column on this jxio
employment onlcc. ami 8.13th.
the best pluco In Umalm to Iind help orslt-
u tlou .muleor fouialo. Lei. Ml. te > } \ > )
. tie , tte tun of < eulumn on t/iUixV75
PATENT Jaw * _ .
L Oo. , lloo iHilldltij ? , Omnha. Iranch ! oflloo nt
Washington. 1) . O. Consultation frno. " *
TNBTUUMENTS ptnood on rooord
.L bar in.
II V nnrkor and wlfo to J 1C Sauudera , an
Irregular trnot nnnr southeast corner f
' ' '
Miles & Thompson to Mary SVlilor''lot U ) ,
blk It , Cottier Archer's mill , wd 400
E F Heaver and \Ufolo.M K Overall , lots
12 and 1:1 : , blk "J , Omahii Vlu\v oiten-
slon. w d , 3,000
Theodore Miller to.I A Itoynolds , lot \ \
Idle 7. Potter & Cobb's 2d ndd to South
Oinnhn , iiod I
11 T Clarke mill wlfo to WV I'holps , 10
acres In so ne 0nnd 0 acres In BW nw
lll-M-IIl , wd P2fOO
1) ) I' Hurr nnd wlfo to 1II I ) olly , lot H' ' ,
blk C , Shriver I'lucc , wd
Edward Knives toS A Heoves , lot 3 , blk
M. I'lorenro , midland In l"'ll-13ii ( u d 1
SA Hcoves lo Kdwnrtl licevcs , lots0 and
7. bll5. " > , rioroni'p , < i od 1
N K Cowles to O M Struct , f.ixl25 : In no no
8(1-10-0 ( , w d sco
G M Street to II A I'luhhacU , & 'xl25 In tie
no : ; c-Ki-i > , n o < i 15
N Dohoolc and wlfo to \Vnllwork , lot 3 ,
Dike , Jotter's 1st ndd to South Omaha ,
w d 1,030
Anna Oorrrlenii to the public , dedicates
streets ami alloys In 1st add to Mis
souri uviMiun purlc. pint „
J\V ( ) rimth. trustco. to Christ Slmr-
guard , lotiS. blk II. linker I'laoiw d. , 45) )
South Omnlin land company to I'riink
Sautter , lots 11)nnd It , bile 10 , lot 3 , blk
13. South Omaha , w d 2.81)0 )
Mary Logan and Inisbinnl to h'clloy ,
HtelRer > t Co. , part lot U , blk P , 1'nrk
I'lni-e. wd 2fi09
Homo Investment company lo Samuel
Krordnmn , lot II , 1)11f. , Orchard Hill ,
( jo d 1,150
Homo Investment company to Samuel
Kreedman , lot 1 ; ' , blk 0 , Orchard Hill ,
qed 1,150
Samuel Krceilman to 0 11 Davldsim , lot
12 , blkfi , Orchard Illll. w d 1.1M
Snmuol 1' recilman to Jlarsarot David-
win. lot 11blkfiOrchard Hill , wd 1,150
J\V llaimhaiiout nncl wlfo lot' 1' Host-
wlek , lot.i : , hlk 7Houth Omaha , w d . . . 1,500
JM Crclgh to.I J\I \ llaldrldgu , lot2 , Idle 3 ,
Tlptou I'laoo , wd COO
0V Logan n'ml lfe to Thomas t'asoy , ;
lot ii ; , Kustln's add to I'liiliivlinv , w d. 1.000 < W.
M and .1 0 t-'uilth to Martin Murphy ,
lot SI , Kiilrinomit I'lnrv , wd 1,400
< J CoHiniuiaiM wlfo to I'lih'llty Itenl
Kstnto Oo , wV nw no and n 1.1 acres of
\iV sw no Cir'a. . w d 4',00) )
Vlrglnln Snuiiiror to 0 K nnd V 0 Wisy- 4',00)n
mullcr. part of Koverniuent Iot2 , In 2-
ir.-in.qod n
OK nnd I. ' ( J Woymulh > r to Ohas Storz ,
same , w d 1,000 to Ii \ \Vcymuller. . 3 tracts In gov
ernment lot ! . ' . In 2-l.r-ii. : wd. > 3,000
0V llammct ill lo OV Lynian , lot 1 ,
bllcO , Ijj'miui I'laco , ( jo cl 50
Twonty-nlno transfers tlCSftlil
Hitlldln < : I'er.'ints.
The following . .pormltivoro Issuocl by the
superintendent of uulldiiiij.s ycstordiiy :
A. P. Tul < i'y. one-story frame cottage ,
Clifton Hill JI.COO
Henry llrunrr. one-story frame cottage ,
litl ) Soul h ElKhlceuth stvoet 600
A. 1' . Turkey , one-story frame cottavo ,
Clifton Illll 1.000
A. 1 * Tuki-y , one-story frame cottage ,
Cllfttm Hill 1,000
MetItrothors. . ono and one-half siory
frame bain , ! iI4 South Twenty-eighth
street 1,500
A. 1' . Tulvcy , one-story frame cottage , ,
Clifton Hill 1,003
A. 1' . Tukey. oiic-story frame
Clifton Illll. . 800
Oeorpo Walker , one and one-half Htory
fnunodvrcllliip.UlIfton Hill . 2.GOD
Flvo minor pei-inus . . l.'Ml
The following imrrin j llojinoi were Is
sued by Judge Shlol Ja yj to.'Jay :
Name and address. Ace ,
I Moso llaliii , A-tlimtlc , In . 9
I Kay U Ulrliioh.Atlnntlu. . la . IM
JLawroncoVllson \ , Halt hake , Utah . 27
( Alary \VlmoU' , Oinalia . " 4
j Charles Larson. Oiniilia . 30
I Marie I'aulson , Omnha . .0
j M. II. I'enderprnst. Oinalia . 2 !
iMInlii llenilriuks , Omaha . ! M
An Appropriation for AVomoii.
Mrs.John S. Brlgjrs of this city , wlio Is ono
of thoNcbrnsUamomber-s on the bonrdoflady
managers of the World's Columbian commis
sion , has i-ccoivfcd the following suKRCstloii
from Bertha M. II. Palmer of Chicago , prcsl-
dent of the board. It speaks of the necessity of
the members enlisting in. the cause of an ap
propriation for women's work at the fair :
"Thn legislatures of the different states
will shortly bo in session , nnd the question
of apnrondations for the expenses of state
exhibits , organization , etc. , is an important
matter which will bo broil aht before tliciu
the commissioner of the several statcsT
"Tho lady managers uro urgently reiiucstnd
nt the snmo tlmo to use their best endeavors
toward ImvliiR a sum , as largo 113 possible ,
specifically muned and sob aildo for thostato
ivork of women , and the expenses Incident
"This is a most important consideration.
since a congressional appropriation , should
ono bo voted , would undoubtedly bo avail
able for state use. "
In view of tbo near approach of the conven
ing session of congress , nnd the possible
modification of portions of the bill which in-
corporatea the World's Columbian commis
sion , it honoovcs each and every member of
our board to bo especially vigilant concern-
inK that section C which relates to the duties
of the board of lady managers. And to that
end you nro earnestly directed to communicate -
cato with tlio senators and. representatives .of
your state itmnodiatoly , with Instructions to
carefully guard this section ut ovcry point
and prevent any change in the status of the
law.Tho flrst session of the lady managers has
fully justified the World's Columbian com
mission , which authorized the convening of
this board and proscribed its duties in no-
cordanco with the spirit of tlio net of con
gress , and has indicated to the world that
the commission niodo no mistake In its
numerical ensemble of the board , whllo the
cnlm dignity and wlso deliberations which
have charactoruod Its meetings hat com
pelled the enthusiastic endorsement of u
nithcrto skeptical public.
It becomes therefore our most serious nnd
iinporatlvoduty to HCO to it that no carping
spirit shall overthrow the will of the people t
in this initial success , nnd with the eternal
vitrihmcovhicu U over the price of nil good ,
lot us indicate to the World's Columbian
commission on r appreciation of its coai--
nrebcnaion of this act by directing our legis
lators to carolully watch , protect nnd uphold
the law as Indicated lu the net of congress.
Not Much Use Advertising.
Except lor the bcnofit of Btrnngors ,
bccnuso everyone llvliif ; in Oiniilia
knows tlio great Chlun go & Northwest
ern riuiH four ia.Hsongor trains every
clny to Clilciigo , and that the 4:30 : n. m.
and 9:10 : p. ni. nccolorntcd vcstibulo
trains wltli now sloopura nnd fruo parlot'
chair cars run direct from tlio U. P.
depot , Omahiv. thuya voiding the nnnoy-
Int , ' chiingo of can ) at Council ] iliilln.
Safe , sure , unmntuouB. Bwody ] , Batlsfiio-
tory. The city ticket olllco in nt 1401
Farnnm St. Hafna ; ! < o ohoukcil from
roBtdoncos. Sloopln } ' bortlis reserved
to Chicago and all points bo.ytmil on ull
llnca It. U. HITOIIIK ,
G. F. WKST , General Afont.
City Pass.
Van On iii ) ) Sivorii In.
Charles Van Camp apixiarcd boforoJudgo
Shields yesterday afternoon nnd took the oath
of ofllco at commissioner , proparulory to nv
sliming tlic autloa of the ofllco the lint of
next month.
Ilriluccil Holiday Knren.
The Burlinslon route will contribute
to tlio ( , roml clioor of the holiday BUIIBOII
by BollinL'iit reduced rates on Uocombcr
24 , 25 and 31 , nnd Jnnunry 1 , round trip
tickets from Omaha to r.ll txilntH on its
lines within a dlptnnco of liX ( ) miles , in-
cludlnrr Kansas City , good to return until
January 6 , 1891. For full Information ,
Bleeping cur berths , tlokotd , etc. , call ut
the city tlukot olllco , liiiU Karnam stroot.
The Sunday school of Grace Mission church
will ho hold nt the Druid Hill depot at C
o'clock this afternoon ,