Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1890, Page 10, Image 10

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-cibo taken unlll 12:30 : p.m..for tueovenlnf
edition mid until 8no p , m. , tor th morning
edition tnd 8tm > Ar llKi
rpEUMS-Cmh in advance.
TjATTB-A : < lTertli < cment ontriHp r _ .
JCV churgtd for nt the rate of 1M cent per word
tor the first Insertion nnd 1 cent per word for
, ach nubncnucnt limertlnn. and HM per line
per month. No advertisement taken for
I PIS than 21 cents for the first Insertion.
INITIAI/S. n urcs , gymbols , uto. , count e&cb
mono word.
rpllESE advfrtlnomontil must runconiccn-
-L lively and under no clrcumstnncps will
they l > o taken or discontinued by telephone.
ndvortlilnn In these columns and
PAHTIHH answers ntlclri < sncl to a "num-
ber-d Ictlnr" In cnro of TUB 11KK will receive
it numbered clicck to enable them to got tnoir
letters. AnsRorswIH bo delivered only on
presentation of thl ? check. Kncloso answers
In envelopes property addressed.
lit * mlvcrtl emi > ntfl under Iho bead of
A "Special Nutters" urn published In l > oth the
morning Mid nvonlng editions of Tim DKE. the
circulation of which ngrro ( ntrs inoro than papers dally , and give * Iho advertiser
tlie bonuflt not only of the Inrse circulation of
J'llKHiKln Omaha , but also In Council IllulTs ,
Lincoln and other cllls imtl towns In the west
Advertising for tlioso columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , at thofollowlr f busl-
BCM homes who nro autliorUod to toke special
notices , at the same rates as can had at the
main office. _ .
S itCZI M Btrcot. Llslur Illock.
TOHN Vf. nEIjLl'niiriimclst , 820 South Tenth
/ street.
& EDDY , Btatlonors and Prlntcri ,
CHASE thlflth strcot.
TT/FAItNSWORTH , 1'harmaolst , 2115 Oum-
S i Ing street. _ _ _ _ _
JnTJaiIE3. Pharmacist , C24 North l th
. W. PAUR , I'harinnclst , 171S Lonron-
vrorth street.
U01IES' PIIAUMAOY. 24th and Karnam.
Trrrattt , re.iec lop of frut folnmn < " > tlih page.
wiintod by yoiini ; man of
SITUATION afraid of work. Itoferoneo
given. Address Yzt , co. M114-13'
&TUATIOK by n young lady usslenoRraplif
Oor. hoolc-Keopt-r or copyist ; best of rofcr-
CIICUH. AildrcsM , X CO. lice ofllco. 320 18 *
ANTED-l'usTtlon by lady stenojrrajihor
and bookkeeper. Address Y15 , lieo.
TlTANTKn-Pltuutlonbylndy stone ripher.
, IT 1'oiir In loanoinco ; oxporlcnco In
lav nnd vrnolosalo business ; good education.
Address Y12jtoe. , 2J.-.20 *
\TTANTEn-Sltuations for Rood glrH ; mv
Vl wultln ? ron us are full from n a. m. to
5 p.m. No need of being out of help a < iny.
Mrs. llregn , 31455 S. l.-ith. Tol.HSI. 750 J1
Fur iir , rtc , , rcttnpof fnt column mi tht *
COO salesmen wunti-d to sell our premium
nnr cry stock. Tlio Inrsest nursery west of
tlm SIlsslssljipl river. Tim finest stock. All
tlin now nnd old fruits. The lowest prices turn
blgpest pay to agents. Money advanced overv
week. Outfit free Write us at once. The (1.
J. Carpenter Co. , Fiilrlmry , Nob. 354 J1S
ANTED-50 carppntors nt Swift & Co.'s
Ice houso. Ashland , Neb. SU 18'
\I7 ANTKD-500 laborers for Northvostorn
R. It. South Dakota. Free faro. 1,000
for Arkansas und Tunnussco. AVazcs $ .1.00 and
two per dny , Killoy & Oramur's labor agency.
210 Math stiout. 2S21I *
. ) A first-class broad and cnko
tinker ; noun but a first-class man need
apply ! one capable of taking charge. Address
ti Li. . Iloo onicc , Lincoln , Nob. 32:1-17 : *
Laborers nnd teamsters for
WANTED work on Northwestern. Free
fare. Laborers for the houtli. Kramer &
Kramer , labor agency. 210 South 12th street.
aa 10 *
TVE'rnOTlVE Wo want a man In every lo-
Jfcallly lo not as private detective under
our Instructions. Sondforpirtlculars. Wash
ington Detective Agency , box 7H7. Washing
ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary.
W ANTED 3eipprloncod salesmen to help
fiell outThoFnlr. 163
WANTED Salesman who meet the grocery
trade to Roll one of the hRstartlclcs on tlio
market on commission. Address. X 30 , Heo.
WANTED Agents wanted throughout Ne
braska. Bond stamp for reply , Jos. P.
? lege th. Uninlin. 493
W ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
mi i-horlc3.btoni.vV WellingtonSladlson.WIs
T\7ANTED Man with good roforofico at
T T Metropolitan ! u"fg. Co. . ma ) Howard st.
f or rate * , tic. , ttr iiii nf ftit rohirnn on thl * nine.
AN TED Iffm-cliss girl : mostly cook-
Inp : no washing or Ironing. 21241Jlnney
street , Kountzo place , UC4-2I. *
WANTED A glil for general hoti'sowork.
tiorman or D.tnlsh preferred , ; woi Farnam
itroct. 348 21
T7t7 ANTKD-Cook out of town. $10 ; cooks for
T T private fnmHle % no wnslilm ; ; second
elrls , and coed girls fop general housework.
Now Kmnloyinunt Agency , IJank bjdfc' , 10th
tnd Dodge. mi 17 *
' \A7"ANTED Olrt fur.general housework nt
T V 811'J Cass st SCO-17 *
WANTED Experienced snloslndv. Apply
Now York 4 and lOo store , 212 N. ioth fit ;
W "ANTED Girl for general house work.
Sirs. Wright , No. 2G14 Bernard st Mill MS1
A TED-A Kirl : must bo a good cook
nnd luutidrcfi * . Kmiulro'J207 Uodgo street ,
_ _ _
" \7irANTEn A competent housework girl In
iiiiull fnmllv. Good wages. References
doslred. Aoply 122 South 25th strcot , elty.
. _ > I30 (
4. _ _ _
Yy AJNTHD-Annt-cluss second jjlrl , atoncc ,
GOOD girl for kltchon work , must boeooil
washer and Ironorj roferonccs. SHlt Home v ,
. _ _ _ _ _ -
W'ANTED-A compolont clrl to cnok and dc
T % lllu.n , rj ; nrlCl At)1)1 * to llrsOcorfo \V
Donne. 202J .
Ohlcaso st. 2S5-1 !
\\7ANTKD 10 oxporlenood sulcsliullc.s t <
TT help Mill out Tha Fair. iw
\K7ANTED-tlooa elrl for general house
workatSIIS Lenvenworth. Jiso ;
f orrtitettCftitninf fnlcalumn onthli juge
T OIl KENT A. now 5 room cottngo on tree
- * . car llnoolty water , splendid nolghliorhood
cbenp to small family. Dan II. Wheeler
jr. , Douglas and 15th street , Kontal agenoii"
plo.iso list. SI aiu ji
I UN n 9- room corner house , all Improve
monta. coin cnlcnb for btistnoss nnd whole
Mlo iltktrlot ; A-l looatloiC Apply O. S. El
Biiltor , 407 First National bank. 15
YVANTED-At Ilrownoll hull young ladles
boardlnit school a good , strong girl to holi
the cook.
_ il3SJ-lli
TpIFTEEN-ltoom house , ' . ' 10 N. 17th. Fur
. - naoo , kltolion r n o and bath , llnllt fo
rooming and boarding. _ H na is ,
* ) H12 Cap. aye. . 8-room cottnrc. West half 2.4'iii8Enii.2jl3Uap. nvc. Mi-Jo
OK WENT-li-Int. 7 rooms. 2nd floor , 705 S Ifitl
- 8t. , range nuil other tconvenlunoes. fSi
Ocorgo Clousur. 701 8 Uth bU _ gill 21
7KOOM ' house w Hh barn : nominal rent.
F. Harrison , PISH. Y.LIfn. _ < u
OHIlENT-S223 lopie st. h block east 24tl
( t. motor , 0 rooms and unfinished H dor
nbpvo. full lot , -well , olslern and collar , geol
nelKhborhood. S17/0 per monlh. O. 0. Wai
luce , Urownblook. 18th and Douglas. l 8
HOUHB of 8 rooms , nicely paporod. wntei
A ° 0 "ndi " " * a3r < l Bn < 1 Uuinlnji , M ) pc
tap. 0 K Harrison , 018 ft. Y. Ufp.
TTtOU RKNT To icsi > onslbio partloi enl )
J-1 those line now brick nnd itono houses iii
Georgia uveiiuoj fifteen I-OOIUB nnd alcoves
Inoro conveniences nnd bettor finished tha
any house for rent In th3 city , It , ll. Header
son. 4lOI'a > ton block , olty. _
T70K KENT rial * . 4 rooms each , olty watc
S and tevrer connection * . O , It. E. ana T. Cc
4 lice i bltlg. _ M
HOUSB for rout , ten roouismodcrn convon
luncos. liil tJ. Itta street. 203 13
TT10K 11KNT Good B-rooni housei , convcn
jp lent to St car tinea , 120 nor month. Jno , 1
Tale , B. 15 , Cliuiubiir of Uouimerco. UU Jll
For ratet , tie , nttopofflrH _ 'rijtumu on lt\tyaatt
TPOIt TlKNT Jan , I , 6-room cottage , nrst-
JL'olansIn < nory rcinoct-bai : ) , hot and cold
water ; on motor Una , Onll at 1521 Shormana vn.
T710II RKNT-Now B-room brlok hounowith
JL' nil conveniences. 2011 Spruce st , Mu.
ft-room house , .city walor nnd bath , STC3
Davenport st , | , r .
ft-room homo rear RH South 17th t , $12.
Apply to F. F. Williams , 1st Nut'l bank Miltf.
1 011 ItENT-At Kos. 2207 mid 2200 Fnrnnm
JL1 Btrcot , two li-rooiu liousc.t , modern con
veniences. At 2-.MI Farimin street , u. A-rooin
collage , city wnturnnd In Rood repair. Apply
to Win. U. 1/oano , 515 N. Y. Llfo liulldlnff.
. at 7 10.
THOU RENT-Homo of Brooms with all mod-
i. urn coavcnloncos. Inquire ut CU S , IHth nt
YOU wish to rent a house or store ECO H ,
i : . Coh- . Continental block. 4KI
"OI'NTAL Agent Quo. J. I'aul. 1WO F.iirnain ,
JLMloubCH and stores for rent. RunU col
lected. 687
FOR RENT To responsible parties without
children. 8-room house and barn , fur-
iiMicd , i 10 per month In ahnncn ; refcrcncus
renulnd , Cull In tlio morning from U toll , at
2211 Ohio at. 3.V3-17 *
rpo Conductors and Engineers \\'ooffer these
JL ten now and complete flats \vllli nil modern
convnnlonccs , sltiintt'il two blocks from the
now Truth struuldopoli they hnvo several
new and commuiidiibla features and rent for
only J'i'iCO per monlh , C nnd 7 rooms ouch \v\l\\ \ \
largo hath nnd convenient closets. Call and
fire tlicni. Tbo Ulead Investment Co. , room
412. Hep I'lilldlnit. ' Wl
IilOIt "RKNt Small house on Emmet St. ,
west of 24th , W vermouth. Also7-room
house , city water , bath , on Uiildwcll , between
litli nnd 27th , Si" > per month. U. L. Green ,
Room it1' ' , Harhor lilock , M7H7
"I71OU RENT Six-room house In Portland
JtJ I'lnce , very llttlcoaih and lialiuicomonthly
inyiucnls husit. J. U , Cnrtulyou. 4(1 ( Chiunticr
of Commerce. M170
TTlOlS RENT One outsldo Ilixt of 0 rooms ,
JL. steam heat , in good repair. LInton block ,
comer 13th nnd Mason sts. Inquire of John
llnmlln , In llio block store room Mo. 017. 1M
1 0-Itooni flat two blocks from post office ; rent
XJ70.00. I'rlco of furniturefuo.OO ! KfOO.CO cnsh
ialaiito$2. > .00 per month. Co-operative Land
t Lot Co. . 20.1 N 10th strcot. 200-17
I'orrattt. etc. , ff t t > of timt mntmn nn thl/i
1URNISHED roonislli ) South 23th strcot.
1 25121 *
.NF largo and ono small furnished , room to
v/rent In a private family to parties ern-
iloycd during the day. Kcforonccs required.
012 Hnrnoyst , 240-17 *
TjlOU RENT Furnished rooms ; gas , bath
J-1 nnd steam , 1510 Houard. 493
FUUNISHED rooms , steam heat. 2315 DOUR-
1ns St. 101 ID *
TnUHNISHEUrooms ; modern Improvements :
JL' suitable for lor 2 gcutlomon. Apply 21'47
odgo. ' 1K118
ONE furnished room , steam heat , $12 , r > 24 S.
IBthst , llat D. 35U-19 *
" \TIOKIVY furnlsliod room with heat , ? ? .00 per
J-1 ( month , 010 N 17th. J4 ! 18
TOR KRNT Front room , furnishedin prl-
Jvato house , J10 per month , 1510 Howard st.
IC-oa Capitol avc.
"VTIOE room , btoam bent , 1710 Davenport
-LX nna M *
POH KENT Sovori-room cottage , cor. 28th
nvc , nnd Cap. avu. Tminlro 2918 Dodge. M4J7
TJ1OU HEM Furnished rooms , 1000 DotiRlns.
"J"VESIKAllIjE room , modern conveniences
J-71701 Uapltol ave. 775
For tales , tte. , ret lap nf fntt column on t/ilr
1411 Jones , corner J4th ,
AVIllbo thoroughly refurnished and ready
for occupancy Thuisday.
Neat single rooms.
Oheup double rooms.
Nlco parlor bed rooms.
The neatest , olu-apest and best prlrato
hoarding house In Omalm. M31G-22 *
NICELY furnlsbod room with or without
board ; with hoard $5.00 -week. . C02 N. 1'tli
st. 202-17 *
VJOOSI and board. Cltt S 17th street.
T71URNIS1IED rooms with board. Hoferonces.
JL ! 2214 Farnam. 237-20 *
NIOH room nnd board for two gentlemen.
202. St. Mary's avo. IQQ l'j
NIOEIjY furnished room , all modern cnu-
\cnlcnuus , with or nlthout board. 2017
Lcuvcnworth. 753 li *
rjOTIiKMENonly. now houso. largo , hand-
VTjJwiioly furnished rooms suitable for 2 ; 1
smiillor room for 1 : excellent hoard , hout. gas ,
Imtb ; first-class private family. Terms J2.1
per month. AiUIruss X 04. lleuolUco. 1M
TjlORsood board , nlco rooms , modern oonven-
JlenccH , nitc.s nnd location , the 1'ullniun
1310 Uodgo St. . qunnot bo exccllod.
811 J r
ROOMS and board , 1810 Chicago street.
710 d31
QT.OIiAIR European hotel , wtli ( llnliip room ,
Ostcam heat In all rooms , 13th uud Dodgo.
Sueolal rntos by wcokor month. WJI
Farrates. etc. , tatopnfIrst coiumimn
FOUKinfurnlshodrooms. . all convenience !
for housekeeping. Reference required. 2.101
Farnam st. . 2IG 21 <
O ROOMS for light housekeeping , 2312 Ilurncy ,
PORIirNT Suit of 4 unfurnished roomi tc
family without chlldron. 1'rioo (10.20.1701
Wobator st. M757
FOR IIENT 0 unfurnished rooms. Slf ) N. 13tti
st. 738
Ferrate * , tte. , KC top of Jlr l column aiithtx
I710R RENT-Tho third floor of No. 1S07 How.
L' ard street , with stwim heat and power II
desired ; rent reasonable. Fcstner Printing
Co. 1 07 Howard. M3I !
TTIOR KKNT-Desk room In First Natlona
JP bank bulldhiK. Address Y 2.K Iloo. 310 1 !
at 700 8. Itth. steam heat furnished
Tims , IMlnll. 311 1'uxUin blk ,
"CIOH IlKNT-Tho 4-story brick bulldlng.wltl
-L' orwttliout power formerly occupied bytlu
lice Publishing Co. , 01C Fnrnum st. The build
ing has a flreprnof cement buscruentcanilct | <
steam heating lIxturCH , wutur on all tlio Hours
g s , utc. Apply ut the olllco nf The Dee. 01 :
POH RENT-Hs January 1.4-story bulldUisr
SS.MQ square foot : sultublo for unylilni
of wholesaling , at .Tenth and Jones street. O
A. Lindqucsi. am South Kittcentli street. M
rpO HUNT After January 1 , store and flu
X ut 020 S. mtu st. Enquire ut UK ] llrowr
bide. H. J. Kcndnll. 39D2i
Tmoil HEWT or Sale-Fine , heavy brick five-
-'story ' corner warehouse with nioit contra
trackage In olty ; floors are U.WGbrjuaro foot
titrlncxr& Penny. Darker block. ISA
. , ttetfij > i > f jlnt column on tliit pao (
TTiOlt RKNT-Urlok warehouse , two storlci
J- ' high , basement , liydruiillo elevator , truck-
ugo ; best locution la the olty , A. 0,1'owolL
forratartc. . tte tap of ] > nl culumii an thta
STOUAOE and IraoUago. David Cole , 615-H1
- Howard si. 60
STOHAOE The best In olty , clean , dry.safc
and privately sturod at reasonable terms
Omaha btovo Repair Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel
Icrrnta , ete. . ut topof frtt column on thit page
BKNN1 NO II AYES & ( JO. , rental"agcnu. . 20
Omaha National bunk. mil-JU
LIST your houses to sell or rent with a 1
Harrison. 013 N. Y. Lltu.
. IKEY& Bro. ,
HE. COLK , rental agent , Continental bit
STAH Land it IAJUII Oa Iloal estate , loan
and Inaiimnce ronttl ngonoy , 073-U17
for rattt , tic. , tat lop nf } nt lyilnmii _ yn Ihlt imji
LADlf > 5 nnil peutlomca can rout lauuiuer
ado suits at 022 N. ifith st ,
for mUi.ttf. , net \tny \ _ of ftr t * * ' ' *
double rtc/ilf / , almost now
i'hll Stlmniol. No. OHJonomit. _ _ _ _ B13
S1TOND hand furniture , sUivrs.carpets nnd
Singer fcowlna machine nt half price ; < my
uayments. Hnwkoyo Inv. : Doualas blk. .
" | T\OU \ HALK Two hontlnit stoves , hard tir
-L soft coal , In llrst-cliiM orJur and will bu
sold cheap , fall nt l.MD N. 18th st.
Tor ratrt , rtc. , rte tc | > o//lnitnititnmm Ifth 7 > W
TPOH PALE or Kxclinneo lgoo-1 her o and
JU wagon , 1 full blood Jersey oow with minio
iiotpsiiml other property for nplonr U of
land ; alwi 1 spin of mules , wagon and Imtiiow
cheap. Wo nlnu have IheJ blgai'At bargain In
Omnha In business property for a few dny
ouly. Do not put off till tomcrroiv what you
can dotoduy. It 17 , lloartl.Tnulo. 'Ml 23
QKCOND hand omnibus , 1'hll Stlmmol. No.
Quit Junes HI. , BI7
WORIC horse $05 , two-horse-wagon $2) , dou
ble work bnrncss $ ! . " > . Or will trailo for a
good Iljthti Ido bar buggy. H. li Cole , Contl-
iicntnl bloc 4OT
TT ° " BALK 2 good work teams. Inqulro at
JL1 0181'axton block. . 800
T7OII BATiEr-fiO horses nnd mares , cash or
JJ time , I'rlcos from $15 to KW9. Would ox-
rhniipoBonicof thorn for Omaha real ostnto.
W.T. Heamnn.Omaha'slargost variety wagons
and carriages. : H7
Yurralu , etc. . netnp nf first column on this IXWA
WA TKI ) known Two Imihols of rovol-
\crt , a number of handsome gold niid sil
ver wnlolics. illnmonds , rliius , typewriters
KhotKUns. ovorcoatt , ladles' nnd cents' boots
and Hliooi , oarpenters' tools , suItliiBs , silk
linndkcrclilcfH , rlbboiii. Indies' jackolfl , furs ,
tnllut sots , cliolco perfumery , clKiiw , razors ,
clearotteH and liuiulicds of other useful artl-
cli's at police salu tomorrow aflornoon. ! I40 17
rilYl'KWUlTKUS hold , bought. oxchnnRod
JL and rented by the Snilth 1'romler Type
writer Co. , 100 < J4 ! KaniMn St. Terms to suit ,
lie Hiiro nnd BCD tin. before making tirrnngo-
mcntsiilsowhuro. K. II , Jluyhow , manager.r | _
TjlOK SAIjK A Ilowo scale , as Rood as now ,
-L' capacity Otous. 8tTJ ! feet , warranted cor
rect and In perfect order , with combination
hcani. List prlcof305i will sell tbo same for
ilC > . W. It. Yiuigliaii , Dcmocratonice.Umnha ,
Neb. Jil 317 13
known One thousand useful
articles to no sold to the hlehcst bidder
at police headquarters tomorrow afternoon.
; ' ) 17
_ _ _
( LlOO ciiHh and balnnco in Rood room and
P board for man and wlfo will take an ele
gant good as now upright piano , reference' )
oxclinimLul. Address Y18 Hoc. 280-21
WANTED Everybody to attend the a'alo of
unclaimed prtiporty at police licudqimr-
all o'clock tomorrow afternoon. 1140 17
TT1OHSALE A flno upright pluno at a suorl-
-L' lice ! must bo sold nt once. Inquire at No.
2lllCiild\\ollBt. 103
T71OK SAI/R cheap A 10 horse power Now
J-1 York safety steam cnglno 3n llrst class
condition. Kostnor Printline Co. , 1307 Howard
St. M127
For ra'rf , rlr. , tec ( op of first uitumii nntfttt
WANTED To buy. lot In Barker place ,
Clifton Hill , launders & IllmobaiiKh
ndd or Orchard Hill for pirt casband horse ,
harness and phaeton. Address E. O. Merrill.
42d nn < l Cuss sto. 103
W ANTED Abecond hand , small flro proof
safe. Culbcrtson Milling Co. , Oulbert-
? on ; 2 ! > : _ M170
W ANTED To buy claims of ixli kinds
npalnst rallrond employes. Sums over
J20 piufeircd. WrltoV'm. . Ulchardson , Sioux
City. la. . Ii. n.iiC8. _ 8J7-J.V
IJlUItNlTUItK. household goods , etc. Highest
-L' cash price. Wells. 1111 Fiirnnin. .MO
Ferrates , etc. , tee fop of Jim column on thl * pact
TflOtt SALE-BOO tons of Ico. Olliicrt llros.
JL1 Council It lulls , la. MIICC-27
WANTKD Monov to moot claims against
Saint Tlmothr Mission before Now Year's
nnil tlio hupport of tlio mlhslonary. Address
Itov. J. J. II. llccdy , < JM N. Y. Life. 331-29
IF you have Jiorsea , carriages or houses to
tiado BOO F. H. Jerome , room 317 , KlnU Nu-
tloiml bank bulidlng. M710 J2 *
MAFSAQK Wadam Uolzlor , ovo'r 010 SUtli.
720 J2 *
MASSAGE trcatment.olectrO'thcrma ) hatht.
scalp and hair treatment , manicure nnd
chiropodist Mrs. Test , U 20-21 , Wlthnoll blk.
* ci fates , tic. , we fop nffirtt column on tAtj
loans at lowest ratos. Ilutnovcd
to 024 N. Y. Llfo bldg. J. U. EmmlnRor.
KTYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of J10 to
$1,000 ; got our rales before borrowing and
saVe money ; loans on horses , furniture or any
approved s-jcurlty without puollclty ; notes
bought ; for now loans , renewal of old and low
est rates , call R. 203 , fahcoly bile , 15th & Howard.
MONEY to loan or first mortgage bought ,
private funds , no delay , llullou llros. ,
busonient N. Y. Life. 332 19 *
'ONEY to loan on second mortgage.Y. . S
Wynn , Hoom 324 Omaha Nat Ilk , Dl'dir.
MONEY to loan on improved nnd vacant
property. Lowest rate. O. J. Uaswell , 816
N. Y. Llfo. XtiUA
" 1ONEY to loan on real estate , Improved or
-L'J-Yiicant. Cor. Am. Suv'gs llank , llith and
Fnriiam sts. 138 24
S' iTAH Land k Loan Co. Real estate , loans
and Insurance rental agency. 073-d 17
T OANBof 81.000 and upwards on approved
JUcollateral or real estate , \V. \ 11. UllTurd , 201
Omaha NaUoii'il bank building. 819
CHATTEL bank , 1U 8 15th st , , loans money
on cbuttolaor oollatoral at reasonable rates
T71IKST k second mortgages on vacant & 1m-
JJ proved city prop. County warrants bought.
Money on baud. F.M. Ulchardson.818N.YLlfe.
MONEY to loan on olty nnd fnrm property.
W. M , Uarrls , 1120. Fronzor blk. . opp. P. O.
MONEY ; , U ) or00 days , on household fnr-
nituro. etc. 0181'axton block , J.J. Wilkin
son. MG70-F1
Land & Loan Co. Heal cstato. lonns
jjind Insurance rortlnl agency. U75-dl7
fONEY to loan by It. F. Masters on chattel
-lU-nnd collateral itecurliics for any tlmof rom
1 to U months , in any amount to suit bor
Loans undo on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged t bat you can mnko
n payment of any amount at any time and re
el uro both principal and Interest.
If you own a balance on your properly or
liavo a loan you whl , changed. I will pay it oil
nnd curry it for you. If you find It more con
venient , call up telephone No. 1021 and your
business will bo arranged nthomc.
Money always on baud. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rutos. -
Tl. F. Masters ,
Room 4 , Wlthnoll blk , 15th and Harnoy sts.
WANTED < J per cent real cstato loans. 0
R Harrison , ,1)13 , ) N. Y. Life. _ M2
TSTANTED-Flrst-olaBs inside loans. Lowest
TT rules. Call and see us. Mutual Invest-
nient Co. , 1SOI Farnam. BK
loans. 0 to V per contj no iiddl-
-Utlonal charges for comml&slon or attorney'e
fees.V. . 1J. Molklo , First National bank bldg
_ _ _ si ;
T > EAL Estate Loans Cash on hum ) . Globe
JAioan & Trust Co. , U07 H. ICth st. No dulay ,
no extra charges. Houses for runt , good list.
_ _
K. te C. MANTI1ONV,3 N. Y. Llfo buildIng -
Ing , lend money on farms In cliolco coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on goot
Omahu residence property ; lowest rates ; bcsi
ternist no ( loin 7 1 money ready. Titles am
values passed on hero. _ 611
OH EAP eusterii money
Phlludolpbla Mortgage and Trust Co.
nlTrayn road ) to loan and pay promptly : firs
mortgiiKca vantcd. George W. P. Coates , rep-
reseniallve. room 7. board of trado. lit
MONEY to loan on any sccurty '
forshort time at low
raloi. Lowest rates
on personal uroparty.
Tlio ficndorson Mortgagn Investment Coinpn
ny , room 400 , Paxton blk. 621
For rate * , etc. , tfetepat ' frtttiiluinn on thl * jwt
TOST Or stolen , cooker spnnlol dog abou
J slx months' old , answers to the nuinoo
"Kenoi" has bluok curly hair. Jtoturn to-Vli
Bt , Mary's ave , and recclro reward C. D
WoocUurth. _ _ _ _ Sfll-lS
1' OBT Lady'agold huntliig oaho wutoh aiu
-J chain , near tbo corner of ' "A and Uu mini ;
Liberal reward for roturu to lt > ! Chlcagi
Blreul. MUJ5-18
LOST A child's satin lined , bt-aver bow , 01
Saturday morning , between Menu's anc
Harnoy unuTtvoiity-flratstrtwU , Pleuno louv <
at Gludstouo's grooory , 1.IUJ Djuclas ntruot
and receive rewnra. M b07-B
'nrrate * . rtt ret (6 ( i nt.Xl" > t rolmrt onfnd jni7J
; r\IRST \ Class meat mnrkot ; doing
Jof f.15 toMl per day ; reasons fur soiling
olng Into other huslnrM. Inquire toruorilJIli
nil Ilnrco. 1'tcd O. llnyes. _ MuuJ-l8 _ *
JIORSAI.Kor exchange for stock of Koncral
- nu'rcliiindUo ' . ' 40norpsof land ' . ' ) . miles
rom Orccloy Center , the coitntv neat of
Iroeliiy counly , 00 acres In cultivation , U
wells , windmill , liouto nndstahlo : black loam
oil ncntlr love ) ; u\ory foot of thin Uncle
t forcultlvatloii ! IncunibornnnSI.SoO ! rented
or next year. Alto IWncrcs unlmpi-ovcd land
miles fiom Oreiiluy Center mmi miles
rom first track ad joining Aekmlo bostofllri ) ;
ilaoklonmcoll , will glvo olcnr title of this
ract.or will axchamto for Omnbn or Council
Hull's rroporty , Aildross U. J , F , , Look box
il3. tlrooloy Center. Nob. S03J1C *
oriCL For Bnfr-Do you want to got In < \
coed bimlneis ? If von Oo , buy the Couuner
Inl nt Hrokon llnw. Nob. _ 2H3
1IOAtl store , \Waiirunt \ and other busl-
V- ' ness chances. ' t'rlccs reasonable and bust
of locations. Co-oncrtalvo Lund und Lot C'o. ,
5 N. 10th Hrcot. "j _ 293-17
FOR S A Iih $1.1.000 business for sale or trndo
for clear Omulnt'ipropcrty. will soil for H
value ; this Is the' iino opportunity of n life
line. Now Is tlio'tlhip. tomorrow may bo too
ate. IMT. llouulTnule , 151 ia
FOR SALE rinosj , saloon In ono of tl > o best
cities ( counly nedtln ) , Niibruska. Hood bar
gain to rosocctnhle parties 1C possession taken
loon. Address YM7tlloc. au-iil *
FOR HALK The furnlturo of a nine room
house by the pleoo or all togothor. llousu
full of boarders. 1030 Capitol nvcnnn.
M 303-20 *
_ _
I7IUR SALE or Tr flo Hnr fixtures cnmploto ,
L1 cost $ -.100. Imt.Uitlo used in Omahu. Address -
dress X. Y. 6. , Freniont , Neb. _ 3.11-17 *
FOR SALE Cliolco small creamery , boon
running two VOHM at a profit. Good loca-
lon In Klldiorn Valley. Wllh or without clear
arm joining It. JQ. Cortolyou , 40 Chamber
of Commerce. M 170
, _ j. . - coal yard , buildingteams , etc. , for
VJ sale , with good trade already established ; ,
profit this wi-uther } JO per day : $1,600 only re-
liilrod. K. F. Cook , 031 Now York Llfo bulld-
IIR. MI7.V23
F'OR HALE Moat market in Omaha , flood
location and business. Address X 01 , Iloo
M 142 IS *
AN established business for sale or trade ,
llox 518. city. 1GO
Forratc * . ffc.t rtt fup of fr > t column nn thli
FOR TRADE Stock of goods In country
town and stock of groceries In Omaha ,
. 'urlotish and rest trade. Inquire of John Lln-
dcrnolm , 310 South 15th street , Omaha.M11522
M115-22 *
TTIOH EXOHANan-Oood building lot for
* brick. Good business
- - block for residence.
10 acres oloso for residence. Omahu 1'ano-
rama slock for lot. Waterman & ; Hoall , Paxton -
ton I lock , 324 17 *
ILEARlotsto otchaiiBO for western land.
Address Y 13. Dee olflco. 252 20 *
$7,000 for line ID-room house 50th and Daven
port ! largo barn : very desirable property.
C.F. Harrison , 012 N.Y. LI to. 2SO-17
WANTED To cvchnngosomo valuable real
csluto for ( toods , trndo must bo made
quick. Address X 10 , Hoc. M 70S-21 *
WANTED A horse or mare In part Pay
ment toward a wagon or carriage.V. . T.
Keamnii , Omaha's largest variety wagons and
I urrntfjt , tic. , tet fop of fnl column on t/ili't3i. |
MRS. STEVEH Is Riving best success of any
fortune teller In the city. Slio noes not
deal in any fraud , lior terms are the lowest.
40(1 ( N. IBth. ilrd Iloor. 587-18 *
A RKIVED-Clalrvoynnt , naturally gifted ,
\ - tells past nnd future , love troubles , ab
sent friends , changes , travel , business. Satis
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , U08 Farnam st.
M984 24 *
MISSES EDDY Clairvoyant nnd trance me
diums ; inassugo a specialty. 1510 Capitol
uvcnuo. 290 21 *
TITHE. Rurrough Palmist tolls the pastprcs-
J-TJ-ent and future from the lines of tbo band ,
in the old Gypsy way. Fooo. tl : ladies only.
1817 Izard street , Omaha , 443 2 >
MASSAGE-BIadam Dolzler , ovortilO S. 13th.
7M J2 *
MRS. Nannlo V.Wurrcn , clairvoyant trance ,
speaking , writing and reliable business
medium , four years in Omaha. 110 N. 10th.
ferrate * , etc. tec top of fini column onltili
guitar , vocal Instruction , Btudlo 005 Shoely
block. N , M 7OT J5 *
BEFORE buylrfj 4a piano oxnmlno the new
scnlo Kimball faliuo. A.Hospe,1513 Douglas.
3t 4ftl
GEO. F.GKLLENUnOIC.toaohorof the banjo
with 11031)0,1513 ) Douglas. 249
MISS II. J , Miles , experienced touchers of
voice culture , pupil of Madam Edna Hall ,
Hoston , MIISJ. Koom [ AT , Drown building , cor.
iota and Douglas streets. 2221)21 ) *
For rates , ete , tee top of fftl column on f/il / 1 ags.
"I7HNKST electric and electro thermal bath
-L rooms. Including Turkish cabinet baths.
Ladles.S to 1 dally & Tuesday A Friday ov'ngs
GtolO. Dr. Richards , roomsU1S & < r > 0Uco bldg.
MASSAGE bath at Madam Smith's parlors ,
G07 8.13th st. next Darker hotel. U10-2I.
MASSAGEMadam IJelzler , over 010 8 13th
720 J2 *
For ratu , ere. , see top of first coliimnon Uidi vage.
T NOAGEMENTStododrcssmaklnc In faml-
Jiilies bollcltod. Miss Sturdy , 2010 Ilurnoy st.
284-J14 *
MISS J. BAY will atprescnl do drcssmaklni ;
at home , 1150 N. 10th sU 1U7-19 *
GOOD cutter , Utter nnd draper from Chicago
desires work in families by tlio duy , Ad
dress X G , Heo. 0 i-20 *
Fcrratet , etc. , ree top uf fint foJnmii on ihtu wit.
"TTORSES wintered. Wo have the host ao-
-i-L commouatlons In the state /or wintering
horses , llox or single stalls , v/lth paddock.
Apply to Windsor , Kemp & 0o. , 203 Now York
Llfo bldij. . or to Chris Novliu , at the stables ,
Irvlnglon. Nob. MGOI
Forratu. tte. , fee top of flrst column nn thti pace.
BKST line hair goods In west ; hnlrarobslng ,
wigs , Htvltohos , bangs , hair chains , etc. , a
SDcclulty. Dnvlos , hnlr goods and milliner ,
opposite postolllco , 111 S. 15th street , Oiuuha.
Forratff. tic , nee tap nf lint cotunri on tlt
PATENT lawyers and bolloltorsQ.\V. Sues &
JCo. . , Dee btilldlDR , Omaha , llrauch olllco at
Washington. D. 0. Consultation froo. 533
Formic ! , etc. , tte tip n ( Inl column on CMa 7x134
changed , routed. J , P. MugoallulOU ? Farnam
street. 49S
Forraltf , fir , tee top of ftrtt column on IM 71175
PRKD Mohlo loans money on diamonds and
witches , Jowely.oto.S. E.cor. Farnam & llth
For rales , etc , fee foji vffnl column on Ihl * yaj }
best pluco lo Guinhu to II nil help or sit
uations , mnlo or fuumlo. Tcl.WI. '
For rates , tte. , ut top ofrut colwnnonlhU jnoe.
PKXB IONS The oiu nmn 'enluarrARen
gl > renter blockr InforniAtlon f run U17
Furrattf , tic , ttt tointf flnt vilumn on Utlt
j 5Ji
/10R. 23d and Oais , rf.OOOi very cheap , a 1 *
V Harrlson. 013 NV. Lite. 2W-i :
VKKY nlco cotto'go on California and 22d
worth } 7,70J | Will ta osoine exoliuugo. O
F. Harrison. 013 NNY. Life. 8aO-r
K room house , loU3x8J , i ) , E.corner llth mil
- > Yliiton $1.700 , ' '
0-room house , stable , lotAUiiSJ , S , E. cornoi
llth und Vlnton two.
lir'.ok house , nnd Amorloati house , lotCflxMN
E. corner 10th unit Douglas. Dnqulro 2UI I
lltti , HI
j-nrrnlo. etc. , tn tn t nf rtl column on thti ? ay .
- - - - - - -
" J - - - -j
- - - - - - - - - - -
W foot lots.
Motorunrii ,
1'nvcd streets.
On icrndo.
I'lnco for
men of small
inennnto get
a hoiKe. Now
to liny In
Ames I'luce ,
bccati'ii buforo
dayn .
U nntit , thcro -
will bo a very
Kunural ndranco
In all Omaha
property. Coma
now nnd sco
Amrsl'lncolots. .
If you n rlt , you
will "
' simply ,
) > ay moro
money for
the M-ry
1507 Fatnnmst.
: C.7
"I71RUIT farm for sale of 40 acrow , from which
JL' worth of fruit tviis sold lust year.
Has all kinds of fruit and all complete with
buildings , nvaporators , flvo fruit cellni-s. etc.
Will be sold at a bargain for the next Ton
days. Address Johnston & Van ratten. Conn-
oUHluirs , In. . MM7-10
TUST think nf It. Full lot , MX It ! , on * ratio ,
- 20th ami Vlnton , only JI.JTiO. Kusy terms.
Snicaton & Allrn , 1007 Fnrnnm struct. 271) 21
: little boino not fur from Hnnscom
park , full cusl front lot , 5-room cottngo
with water In the hnnso iind ftonnr , on the
Blieot , Avorth. } . ) .f > oo. will sell for $ .1.200 ; terms
very easy. 0 , F. Harrison , 012 N V. IJf ; ; .
2s(5-17 (
TlOIt 9ALR-A $1,201 , house , the InilldlnK of
- which you can superintend yourself , niul a
corner lot worth 11.200 , nllttlowostof Kountre
1'laec , all for Jl.SOO , terms not hard. Colsoth
& Johnson , room 0 , Hoard of Trade , 2J4-17
EAST front lot on the high ground north of
tbo park , on the new motor extension ,
83,500. c. 1 > \ Harrison , 012 N. Y. Life. ibO-17 !
"I7ANCHES mill farms Wo arc BOO ! nconts
JLV for some elegant ranch nnd farm prop
erties , clour of Inuiimbranco tlint wo can soil
on easy terms or trade for good Income prop
erty ; 6.2M ) acres In Hoono county , Nob. , fifteen
houses on H. finely Improved , prlco $120,000 ;
4XX ( ) acres In Vernon county. Mo. , nlno houses ,
nnd otlior excellent Improvements , tino.OOli
IKW acres In Cnffov county. Knn. , very lltiely
Improvod.J.TO.OOO : 6,000 acres In Wichita county ,
Kan , , every necessary linprovcmont for a
llrst-clnss western stoclc ranch abundance of
water. Address M , A. Upton Co. , Omaha.
Harlem Lane.
Lane.Harlem Lano.
Motor ,
streets ,
desirable ,
1D07 KnnittTii St. ,
Solo Agents.H57
_ _ BAIjU Valuable real cstato. I'.O. liov
853. 325 22 *
TjlOU SAT n At a bargain. GGvliO on Ilavcn-
JL' port near 17th , one block from new post-
ofllcc , very ohoau. JJO.OOO ; OOxKlj corner 2Uth
and I > arnam , J-)0,003. O , L. Green , 100111 30.
Darker block. M
lot In Windsor Place. 3 blocks-
from new motor extension , ? 2,000. O. F.
Harrison , 1)12 N. Y. Olfo. 2SO-17
1 20 acres flno farm laud aUjolulnj good No-
Jbr ska town ; nearly clear. .
100 acres llnotv Improvoil land 214 miles from
county seat In Ncbr.iska : lightly encumbered.
120 acres good land In Nebraska , 5 miles from
"county Bout ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room house and lot , barn , well and cistern ,
ICth street. Omaha ; slightly lucumborcd ; will
trade for Omaha property nnd assume Incum-
branous. II. E. Colo. Continental block. JX)0 )
AS flno u building site as you can Hurt on the
hills near west Farnam nnd IlOWoa o.
j.2JO. C. V. Harrison. U12 N. Y. Life. 280-17
TT1OII SALE One of the finest stock farms in
JL1 the west. M miles southwest of Kansas
City. Intlio garden part of Kansas. Tlio farm
consists of UOJ acres , all first class land , fenced
and cross-fenced. An clugant 12-room house
nnd other flno Improvements. A 12-ncro
orchard , artificial lake , etc. , etc. To any ono
wanting a gilt cdgo stock nnd grain farm
nothing can bo found that will onlroly fill tlio
hill bettor thiin this : : 0 head of cattle. 300
tons of hav , can bepurohnscd with the friim If
desired. Wo nlll sell forcnshor Diirl. cash
nnd notes. Gilt cdgo Income property"would
bo considered In uxchaugo. Address M. A.
Upton Co. . Omaha. Nob. 732
80 acres ,
20 acres ,
10 ncros ,
all sultanlo forplattlnc ,
the best
In market
at lowest
prlcus , on
very easy terms.
1507 Farnam st.
Bole Agents ,
: i57
O ELEGANT homos In Kountzo place fiom
Oj-,030 to e , BOO ! W ) cash , balance 4 years , &U
per month , II per cent interest. Other good
homes In same addition to exchange for city
property. 8-room modern houso.i ! blocks
west of 2-llh , on Oaldwell St. , for J3.r 0 ; $533
cash , balance 830 per month , 0 per cent Inter
est. J. J. Gibson , solo agent , Kountzo place.
FOR 8 ALE A five year's lease on ono of the
best established livery barns In Lincoln.
Horses , carriages , hugzlesand harness cheap.
Doing good business. Satisfactory reason for
selling. Will sell one-half cash , bulunco to
suit purchaser. Address No. 10 , Bee box. Llu-
coln , Nob. Mi 18"
'ITILEGANT resilience ! In Kountzo 1'laoo ; U
JLU rooms flnoly finished and all modern con
veniences ; Wlrt Bt. . near 20th. Can toll on
ono-qunrtcrcash payment and balance time
lo right party. This Is no ohcnp affair of a
house , but a comforablo homo In every KOIHO
and a blesuap barcatn. V. K. Darling , Ituikor
lllock. M.703
FOR SALE Nlco residence , four lots , good
town ; will takn heavy learn , wagon nnd
harness part pay. F. J. lIolines.lllckmun.Noh.
132 foot on IRtli st , bet. Fnrnnm and Louvon-
worth , fJ5,003. U. F. Uanlson , 012 N. Y. Life.
A NICE little homo worth Jl.-'JJ for 100 acres
western land in Neb. D'Mcnt , Crab Orcli-
fird , Nob. 300 17 *
BEAUTIFUL lot on 28th street near Wool-
worth. only W.1CK ) . Knsy terms. Huioutoii
A Allen. 1C07 i'arnuin street. 27i ) 21
FTOxl32 on grade at the corner of 23d and Call-
'Jfornla. NotliliiK bettor for oleirant cottages
or a Hat , only JM per foot. U. F. Harrison ,
812 N. Y. Life. 280-17
rpllEbeJteotnor on nppor K.iruam strcot ,
X frontage on 3 streets ; splendid coiner on
Farnam street , close to court house , n bargain ;
corner with traokugo InH. E. part of city ;
good residences and lo\r-prlaod cottages , 300 J
lots for building , Homo as low an tlOO , insldo
acres , farms and unimproved land.
Wo will soil any of this properly , of which
wo have entire control , nt prices way below
what you can buy nt olsnwliort ) .
btrlngorft I'onny , llarkur block , 15th and
1" urnam. IhH
AFAItNAM st. lot uonr city hall for 10.000 ;
nit Investment. 0. F , Harrison , 012 N. Y.
7 ROOM cottngo , full lot. Hanscom 1'lacc.
oist front nnd u great bnrg.iln for a few
days. Snail tush payment and balance on
longtime. 1 < \ K. Darling. Uarkcr block. Kit
HOUSI ; ntul lot In gopd locution forsnlo ;
leuHoimbln ; also vacant lots. Co operative
Land and Lot Co.1U N llith struct. 1BU-17
. Truckage property In first class loca
tion. A bargain. Co-operative Lund &
Lot Co. . gQ'i N 10th street. J.D3-17
POR SALEorLoaso 47 feet east front by
201 feet deep , alloy cornur. 24th and Cumins
streets. Address Jcuu tichous , Dee building.
840 1)24
STAH Land & Loan Co. real rotate , loans
nnd insurance rental ogenoy. 075-dlT
"IT'OR BALE A largo list of cliolco residence
J-1 and business properly. Houses and lots on
monthly pitvinuntsi * I,2.V ) nnil upwards ;
vacunt tots $590 nnd up. Ueoreo J , Paul , li > 03
Furnum. 23Q
BIGGEST bargain In Omaha. Only tlirooof
tlloso elegant houses on 41th and Knrnam
loftoiitof Ht.\ ; other three occupied l > y first-
class parties. Houses itro open all day for In
spection. Uvury convenience In tliu houses ,
Including KUS unit gai futures ,
Tuko u look at them during this flno
vroathori buy ono und take llfo uouifortublo
during the winter.
Only Ukou from tlOO to 1500 cash. Boa them
without fall for they will please you. D. V.
Sholos. 213 First Nat'l bauk. 680
Not * co.
Matter of oppUoitton of J , 0. Klchanhon.
J s. Kloliairt , ii. | jr U. f , Waller nnd Amos
Field , doing binlnr n Rlolinrilson Drue Co. ,
forpnrnilt to sell liquor us druggists ,
Nulloolft hereby lvon tlnil J. O. Rlchard-
BOII. ,1ns. HlolmniMon , Jr. , 0. K. Wollnr. Amos
Kleld , doing business us Rlohardson Drug Co. ,
did upon the 10th day ( it Deo. A. I ) . 1MH ) . tiki
tbclr application to I lie board ol lira nnd l ollco
commlMloncr * of-Oninlin , for permit lo boll
mail , Mplrltuous niul vinous llnuorsAx driiK-
gUls , fiiriiicdlclnnl , moclmiilcnr , nndchomlcnl
purposes only nt No. IKH.U04 nnd HOO Jackson
Btri'ot. Third wnrd , Omaha , Nob. , from the
Hint day of January ] the first day of
Jnnunry IMC.
If there ho no objection. rem'on trnncoor
protest fllod within two weeks from Doo. llth
A. I ) . 18IK ) , the mild permit will bo Emitted.
1)11-18 Ulclmnlsim Drug Co. , Aipliuants. |
Blatlor of Appllcnt If n of Hurry JliWhltoliouoo ,
agent , for pormll lo sell liquor as a drgu-
Notice Is hereby given that Henry It. Whlto-
liousc , nccnt , did upon tlio 17th day of Decom-
Jwr. A. I ) . mxfllo his uppllctttlon with tint
boiird of tire and police uommlsslonrrs of
Omiihn , for llci'iiso to sell malt , spirituous
und vinous liquors , ni a druggist , for mrdlo-
liuil. inechiink'iil nnd chemical purposes only ,
ntNo. 7i > 2 N , mill street , Cth Ward , Omaha.
Nob. , from the Istdny of January , 1891 , to thu
1st day of . .lanuarywa. .
If thorn bo no objection , romonstrnnco or
protest filed within two wuoks from thclith
day of December , A. D. 18DJ , the sild license
will lioRi-aiitcil.
HAHHV II , WniTKiiousE , Agent ,
d7-2 ! < . Applicant.
Not too.
Matter of application of James 1'orsy tli , for
permit to sell lUjnora adriiKglst.
Notlco Is heroliy given that James 1'orsvth
did upon the llth day of Doe. A. D. 1800 , fllo his
application to the board of lire nnd pol i-o
commissioners of UiimUn , for permit to xcll
malt , splrltuoiisund vinousllqtior.s ns u drttg-
Clst , foi'inedlclnul , mcehanlcal , nnd chemical
purposes only , at No.202 north ICth street ,
Fourth ward , Oniiihn , Neb. , from the llrstday
of January Ib'Jl , to thollrstdny of January
IS '
If tlioro bo no objootlon. n > monslrnnce or
prolcctlllcd wllliln twowcoks from Dec. llth
A , D. IKK ) , the said permit will be granted ,
D11-18 Jiimus For.syth , AppllcanU
Matter of application of Anthony Weber for
liquor license ,
Notlco Is hereby given that Anthony'Wobor
did upon the llth day nf Dccumhur , A. I ) . IbOO ,
Illo his application with the Hoard of Flro
nnd Police Commissioners of Omaha , for
license to sell mult , spirituous and vinous li
quors , nt No. 418 North 10th slreuu Fifth ward ,
Omaha , Nob.from tlio 1st duv of Jmuuiry.lBSl ,
to the 1st duy of January , 1X02.
If there uo no objccllon. remonstrance or
protest fllod within two weeks from the llth
iliiy of Documbcr , A. 1) . 1S9J , the said
llceiiho will ho grantod.
Dll-18 ANTIIO.NI : Wunr.n. Applicant.
Mattorof application of Jos. Havllock for
liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby given that Jos. Hnvllcok
did upon the llth day of Dec , A. I ) . ISM. illo
Ills application with thchoaid of lire nnd po
lice fommlssloncis of Omnln , for license to
sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , at
No. 1401 and 149.1 south l.llh street , 1'list ward.
Omiihn , Neb. , from tlio first day of January
1801. to the Hist day of January 18ft ! .
If then ! bu no objection , rumonstranco or
protest Hied within two wooUs from Dec. llth
A. I > . IS'K ) , tlio said llcrinsu will bo granted.
D 11-18 Joseph llavllcik. Applicant
Mattorof application of John 11. Pope nnd
Fred C. Kulil. parlnurs as Pope & Kulil , for
llnuor license.
Notlco Is hcieby given that John U. Pope
nnd Fred O. Kulil dUl upon the 17tb day of
December , A. D. , IB'.U file tliulrapplication
with lliu board of fire and police commission
ers of Omaha for lluonso lo sell mnlt. spirit
uous nnd vinous liquors , under the firm iinmo
of Pope & Kulil , nt No. 4H Houtli 13th street ,
Third ward , Omaha , Noli. , from th 1st day
of January , 1801 , to the 1st day of January ,
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from tlio 17th
day of Di-ceiiibur , A. D. , li'JO. tlin snld license
will bo granted , Pope & Kulil ,
John II. I'ope ,
Fred C. Kuhl ,
d li-2l Partners and Applicants.
Notice ; .
Matter of application of R. K.'Grotto for
liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby given Unit R. R. Grotto illil
upon tin17th day of December , A. D. 161)0 ) , fllo
his application with tlin boaia cf flro and
police commissioners of Oimiluk. for license to
sell mult , spirituous and vinous liquors , at
Nos. 1020. lor. ! mid IH2I Fainiim streetThird
ward , Omiilm. Neb. , from the 1st day of Janu
ary , IS'll ' , to the 1st duy of January , JKUJ.
If thcro bu no objection , rcmonslrunco or
protest filed within two wopks from December
17th. A.D. 1S90 , the mId llconsowlllho granted.
d7-24 H. R , GIIOTTK , Applicant.
Matter of application of L. Rurmestcr for
lliiior | license.
Notlco Is hereby Klven that L' . Burmostcr
did iitioii tbo 17 th dayof December , A. 1) . 18110.
fllo Ills application with the board of flro and
police commissioners of Omaha , for license to
Mill malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , at
No. Ntt S. utli street. Third Wnid. Omaha ,
Nob. , from the 1st it.iy of January , 1MM. to the
1st day of Juniiniy. 1892.
If there bo no objection. riMiionstr.inco or
protest Hind within two weeks from DotTinber
17 , A.M ) . 1UJO , thoxald llcensu will bo granted.
D-17-24. L. HimuusTKii , Appltcnnl.
, Nollco ,
Mattcrof application of Airs. Peter Rculund
for llnuor license.
Notlco Is hereby jrlxun Unit Mrs Peter Uou-
lancl , did upon the 17th day of December , A. U.
fllo her application with thu bonrd of tire
and pollcoconuiiMIonursof Oniahaforllcnnso
to bell malt , spirituous nnd vinous HquorH nt
No. Ml North SlMfcntb street , I'lftii Ward.
Omaha. Neb , , from the first dav of January
IB'il , to the Hi st day of Jnnuiiry'lsyj.
If tlioro 1m no objection , remonstrance or
piotcst lllcd wllh two weeks from December
17 , A. I ) . 1890. the said llconso will bo granted.
d 17-24 Mns. PIITEII RUKLAND , Applicant.
IN ( it IPO.
Matter of apullcallon of"Asm us Jostou for
liquor llconso.
Notlco Is hereby Kl o that Asmns Josten
did upon the 17th day of December , A. D. 1SOO.
file his application with the board of flro and
police commlssionors of Omahu , for llconso to
sell mult spirituous and vinous liquors , at
No. 2.Vi2 Lcavenwnrth stioot 1'ourlli wind ,
Omaha. Neb. , from the 1st davnf January ,
1801. in tlio 1st dny of Juiiiinty. 1802.
If Ihoro ho no objection , lomonstinticoor
protest tllrd within two weeks fiom December
17th. A.D. 1893 , the Snld Ik-unso wlllboirrnntod.
d 17-2 4 Antuftt JOSTKN , Applicant.
INotlcc * .
Mnttcrof application of Eifuard L. Miller fcr
liquor llconso.
Notlco Is hereby lvpn that Edunrcl L.MIHer
did upon tliu 17th duy of December. A. D. 18W.
filed his application with the board of lira and
pollco commissioners of Omaha for license to
sell malt , HplrltuoiiH and vinous liquors at No.
Il2alougl ) sslrcot. Thhd wind. Omnhn. Nob. ,
from the 1st day of Januaiy , 1691. to the 1st
day of J mum ! y , IKK.
It there he no ohjoptlon , remonstrance or
piolcst lili'd within t o wuoks from Dcuombpr
17 , A. D. ISO ) , tlio said license will bo grunted.
d 17-24 KUIAUI > L. MII.LKII , Applicant.
Mattorof application of F , Dollono & Co. for
liquor lleiMit-o.
Notloo Is hereby given Hint F. Dcllono < fe
Co. did iiion the 17th dny of December , A. I ) .
1800. Illo liUnppllcntInn with tbo hoard of tlin
and pollco commissioners of Oiuulin , for llcciifo
4o sell malt , t > plrltiiiins and vinous liquors ,
under the firm nnmonf F. DHIomi &Co , , nt No.
1VOI Duuglus MtUMit Tlilr.l wnrd , Omaha. Nob. ,
from the 1st dny of January. 1891 , to Hip 1st
day of January , 1R' ' .
If tlioro bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest fllud within two weeks from the 17th
day of December , A. U. 18TO , tlm snld llcensu
will bo granted , F. DKW.ONK & Co.
IJyF. Dellone.
d7-24 Partners and Appllcunts.
Matter of application of Fred A. Fuller for
liquor llconso. ,
Notlco Is hoieby given Hint Tied A. Fuller
did upon thu 17th diy : of Ueunnibcr , A. D. W.O ,
file hfs application ivlth tbo board of flro nnd
pollen L'oiiinilfciloiiurs of Omnhn , for license to
sell malt , hpliltuoiH and vinous liquors , at
No. 121 N. lath strc-nt. Third Wnrd. Omabu ,
Nob. , from tlio 1st lny of Januaiy , 1801 , to the
1st day of Januaiy. lh' .
Iftliuro ho no ubject'on , rotnonstranco or
proto-it filed within two weeks fiom Dociinibor
ITtli , A.D. 1300,1110 xald llconso will bo granted.
d7-2t F , A. 1' , Applicant.
Matter of applloatlou of Mlohncl Loury for
llnuor license.
Notlco U hereby given that Michael I.carv
did iuum thn 17th dny of Dvcjombor. A. D. ISiW.
tile hw application with the board of flro and
polloo conimtsHloners of Omnhn , for HCUIIKO to
sell mult , uplrltuout and vlnour luiuori , ut
No. 1102 N , ICth stieet. riftb wnrd. Omaha.
Neb. , fnim thelulduy of January , IS'JI. to tha
1st duy of January , Ibitf.
If there bu no objection , romonstrnnco or
protest filed within two wookn from Dccomhitr
17th , A.D. 1800 , tlm suld license will bu granted.
017-24 MICIIAELLKAUV , Applluunt.
For noae-bleed ,
injec Pond'e Extract.
Notice ,
Mutter of application of J , A , Wood nd E. E.
Whltmoru , pnrtnor * as J. A. Wood A Co. , far
liquor license.
Nolli'o l hercbv plron tlmt J. A. Wcod nnd
H. K Wliltmorodid upon the loth d r of Dfl-
I'limber. A , D. . MM , Illn their uppllcutioil with
tha board of tire nnd pollco roinuiK-tlonoMof
Omaha for llcenso to soil malt , uplrltuous mid
vinous liquors under the firm nnmoof J.A ,
Wood & Co. . ut No. 31.1 H. HUi strcot. rd ward ,
Omaha. Neb. , from the 1st day of January ,
18U ! , to the 1st day of January , 1802. -
If thcro bo ni ) objection , remonstrance or f
protest fllod within two weeks from the llth '
ilnvof December , A. D. , 1890 , Iho said llocnso
will bo granted ,
J.A. WOOD& CO. ,
J.A. Wood , E.E. Whltmoro.
Dll-18 1'nrtnont nnit Applicants
Matter of application of Edward Quluti for
liquor license.
Notlco Is hrri'liy idvon Hint Edward Qiiltm
did upon tliu lOlh < iny of December , A. O , IdW.
Illo bis iippllcallon with the loaril of lire and
pollco ( oiiimlsiilonnr.s of Omnliu , for llconso to
Ni'll maltsplrltuoiiR nnd vinous Iliiuorn at No.
1021 and 10 l North Hlxleciith Hircot , Fifth
wnrd. Omiihn , Nob. , from the 1st day of Jnnu-
arv , IMll , to the 1st dny of January , 1S92.
If tlioro bo nn objection , rcmunstranco or
protest IIled within two weeks fitini Dofoiiilx-T
11 , A , l > . 1830 , tlm Rtild llucnso will bo granted.
Dll-18 KDWAUD QUINN , Applicant.
Mnllor of application of James Douglas for
liquor llccnso.
Notice Is hernby given Hint .Tnmes Douglnn
did upon the 10th dav of llucomber , A , I ) . IbOO ,
illnlifs aiipllentlon with the bonrd of lire ami
police I'ouimlrsloiii'rrt of Omaha , for ilcensn to
Moll mull , spirituous nnd vinous liquors at No.
13 ! ) Douglas street. Third wind , Omaha. Nob. ,
from tlmlst dayof January , 1601 , to the 1st
dnvof .Iniiiinry. IWB.
If tlioro bo no ohlcrtlon. romonntrnnco or
pioiust filed within two wroks from December
10 , A. 1) , 160C. tlniHiilil license ulll bugraiifed.
1)11-18 JAMES DOUGLASS , Applicant.
JIntterof Application of L. A. Goldsmith for
liquor Ilcenso.
Notlco Is heicby given that L. A. Cold-
smith did upon the loth day of December , A.
I ) , 1890. file his application with the Hoard of
Klro and Pollco Commissioners of Omnha , for
license lo soil malt , spirituous and vinous li
quors , at No. 127 North Ninth street , Third
wurd , Omalm , Nob. , from the first day of Jan
uary , 1811 , to the first day o. * January , 1802.
If thorn bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illrd within two wcnks from December
10th , A. D. 18JO. the said I'.ocnxo ' will bo
granted. L. A. GOLDSMITH. Applicant.
Not lor.
Matter of application of August Schrocdcr for
liquorIconsu. !
Notlco Is hereby given that August Schroodpr
did upon the llth dny of Duucmbor , A.1) . IS'JO.
Illo bis application with the board of fire and
police commissioners of Omnha. for llcenso to
hell mult , spirituous and vinous liquor * , nt No.
Jiol Cumins street. Eighth wnrd , Omalm , Nob. ,
from the 1st dayof January , 1891 , to the 1st
dav of January , IfcM.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Hied within two weeks from Dlcombur
H , A. D. UOO , Ihusuld license will bogrnnti'd. '
Dll-18 AUIIL-ST aciniOKDEn. Applicant.
Milter of application of K. Ila&mnsson for
permit to Koll liquor us a druggist.
Notlco I * hereby given that li. Rnsmusson
did upon the llth day nf Ducomber. A. D. 18'IU ,
fllo his application to tlm board of lire and po
llco commissioners of Omnhu , for permit to
soil malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , as a
druggist , for inodlrliinl. mechanical , and
clicmlcnl pin poses only , at No. IYU Vlntoii
fitrcot , 2nd waul. Omnbn , Neb. , from thollstday
of January , IbOl , to Iho 1st dny of January ,
lhO7 !
If thorobono objection , remonstrance or
protest lili'd within two wi-oksfrom December
11 , A. D. 1590 , the said permit will h grunted.
D 11-18 1C. KASMUSHO.V , Applicant.
Matter of application of John 1) . Helm for
liquor llci'iiso.
Notice Is hereby given that John B. Helm
did upon thn 10th day of December , A. I ) . 1MW.
Illo his application with Iho Itimrd of Flro nnd '
Pollcu Commissioners of Omnhn , for llconso to
sell mnlt , spitltuous uud vinous HqiiorontNo.
] 2 North 24th Hlrei't. Hlxth ward ,
Omnha , Nob. , fiom the fli-st day of January ,
It'll , to the flrstday of January , iffft
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illrd within two weeks from December
llth. A , I ) . 1890. thn said lluonso wilt bo
granted , JOHN II. 11OIIN. Applicant.
< Dll-18
Matter of application of Knl Schultr for liquor
Notice is hereby given that Kal Hclmltz did
upon the 10th day of December , A. D. If-'JO , fllo
his application with the hoard of flro and po
lice commissioners of Omnha. for license tuholl
malt , siilrltiious and vjnoin liquors , at No. 611
Piclllu street , 1st ward. Omaha , Neb. , fromllio
1st uay of January , IriUl , to thu 1st duy of Jan-
uuiy. Ift'y. ' i
It tiii-ro bo no ohloctlnn , remonstrance or
protest tiled wHIiln two \uiukH from December
11 , A. D. 189J , the said llc.i > n-m will Ijo granted.
D1I-1S KAI SciitiiTApplicant. .
Matter of application of Frederick ICrug for
liquor license. c-3"f
Notlco Is hereby given th-it FrcdiirlckTvrus *
did mwn the 1'itli ' day of December , A. D. isoo ,
( Ho hU application with thu board of flro nnd
pnllcGonmniKslonerHot Omalm. for Hounso to
sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at No.
HKll to 10J7 JnukMiu hlreet , ] at waid. Omalm ,
Nob. , fiom tlm Istdny of January , 1891 , to the
1st day of January. It-Oi
It their be no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed within two wcul > s from December
II , A. D , IblM , thu H'lld license will bo granted ,
Dll-18 FUKDISIIICK lutuu , Applicant.
Matter of application of Hcrnard Boyle for
liquor llconsu.
Notlco Is hereby ghcn that Hornard Iloylo
did upon the 10th day of December , A. D. , 1830 ,
Illo his npplleat Ion with the hoard of flro nnd
police commissioners of Omaha , for license to
toll malt , spltltuoiis nnd vinous liquors , ut
No. lill'i N. 2Jth street. Mh n ard , Omulin. Nob. ,
from thu Ibtdnyof January , IbOI , to the 1st
dny of January , IMC.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed within twououKs from December
II. A. I ) . , 1800 , the said license will bo limited.
Dll-18 URMNAIIII llovr.K Applicant.
Matter of application of A. D. Drown for
permit lo sell liquor as a druggist.
Notice Is lii'roby given that A. I ) . Uronn did
iiDoii the 10th duy nf Due. A. 1) ) . IblA Illo his ap
plication lo tlm board of flro and pollco com-
nils-Honors of Omaha , for permit to sell mnlt ,
Kplrltunut and vinous lliiuors , as a druggist ,
for medicinal , mechanical and chemical pur-
lio-acs onlv. ut No.IHll Ames uve , Sixth ward ,
Onmlin. Neb. , frim thn lint dny of January
1WH. to the flistday of Januiiry 1K
If there ho no oDli'dloii. rnmonslrnnco or
protest illod within two wc-eUs from Due. loth ,
A , D. lb9U , thn said permit will bo granted.
D 11-13 A D. Drown , Applicant.
Matter of application of Mlehaul Mullen for
liquor license ,
Notlco is hereby given that Mlolmol Mullen
did upon the llth dny uf I'ccombcr , A. I ) . Ih'M
Illo his apiillcatlon with the lio.irdof flru ami
police c'omnilsslonerf of Omnha for license U > -
soli malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors at No.
301 N. 10th Nt. . I'ouitli ward.Omaha , Nubfrom
tbo 1st day of January , IhUl , to thu 1st duy'of
January , J&irc.
if there be no objection , remonstruncoor
urolcst Illo I within two wuoks from Documbor
II , A. D. IbW , the Hulil Iknn.HU will bo craiitod ,
1)1118 ) MICIIAII. : MUM.KN , Applicant- .
Notice. ,
Matter of aiipllentlon of Liuln Schmidt for
liquor lleuiue.
Notlco Is horeby'KUou that Louis Schmidt
did upon thulltli dav of DciMMiilu-r , A. D. lh'.W ,
Illo his application with the bo ud of flro and
pollco commissioners of Onali i for lleciiso to
soil malt , spliltunusand vinous liquors ut No.
101 y. utli Nt. , Third wurd , Omnhn , Neb , fiom
tbo 1st day nf January , ib'.il , to the 1st duy of
Jnmiuiy. 1SW.
If tliuro bo no objection , icmonslrnnco or
protest fllod within two weeks f rum December
II. A. I ) . 18UJ , Ihotmld lluonso will ho xranled
Dll 18 Louis Hiii ; > illf , AppUoaut.
blookliolilors * "Meeting.
OMAHA , Nub. , Dee , 0,1SOO.
Notlco is hereby gl vcn that Ihn iiuniuil moot
ing of the stockholders of the Omaha & Klk-
horn Vnlloy railway 'company for the purpose
of electing suvt-n dliuulora and such other
buHliieaj as inuy priipnrly como hcfiiru the
meeting , will bo huh ) nt the onlco of Julin M.
Thmston , Union Puclflu hulldlnif , Omahu ,
Nub. , upon Wednesday , the 7th day of Jan
uary , 1WI. at 10 o'clock n. m.
W , J. OAUHOI.I. , AsslslnntSeoietary.
' DcolUd23tM
btuoUlloUlnra * Jlrotlnff.
OMAHA , Neb. , Hoc. l1.1SOO.
Notice Is hfrohy glen that HIP .iiniinl moot
ing of the stockholders of ( the Union elevator
company for tlio iiuipoiu of olccllng sovea
directors , und Riicli ciliur biiHinoss us may
pioperly conn ) hrforo thu moutlnx will bo held
ut tlio olllco of John M. Thurston. Union Pn-
olllu building , Ojiiuha. Neb. , upon Monday , the
Rth day of January , IbUl , brtwccu tliu hours of
10 o'clock n. m. und 0 o'clock p. m.
W , J. OAHUUI.L , Assistant Soorotary.