THE OMAHA DAlljV JLJljJJW ; JMOJ&PAY , DJilOBiMBEK 15 , 1890 THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFlCi : , NO. 12 PEARL St. fcllvftccl by Carrier In uny purl of Ihot'lty. II , W. Tll/TON. - - MANAUKlt TiiEIMIONE3l : niuln'M Office , No. 4 L NlRlit I-Mllui. No. 13. N. Y. P. Co. Council niulTH Lumber Co. . coal. A goodly delegation of Hcd Men went over toOmnha Saturday evening to visit their brethren of the Ynhnandnhsu tribe. ThoM. M. A. will give another entertain ment this evening , with nh nddress by Colonel nel H , U. llubbnrd. Uecltatlons nnd inuilc. The concert given by the Trcubund In Peterson's hnll yesterday evening was largely atlcndcd. A merry dance followed , There will bo n meeting of the Women's Christian association Monday , II p. in. , nt the residence of Mrs. Oeorgo Phclns , corner Sixth street nnd Willow avenue. The Frst Presbyterian church holds 1U an nual meeting this evening. One of the most Important questions to bo discussed nnd de cided is whether to have rented pows or free Mrs , Colby's Iccturo In the Baptist church Tuesday evening will prove an Interesting ono , without n doubt. She will talk on woman's stilTrago. Tlio Iccturo is under the auspices of the Women's ' Christian Temper- nnco union nnd wlll'bo free , Tbo typos nro making great . preparations . . . . for thefr" annual masquerade In 1 teniplo hall Christmas night. Tlio variety and novelty of costumes promises to excel nny previous attempt. Yesterday's telegraphic rolutnns contained nn account of the ronoery of I'HJuh Kemp at Heutrlcc , Nob. Kemp was snld to ho a resi dent of Council Illuffs. No ono here , not even of these bearing tlio name of Kemp , seems to have nny knowledge of such a man. The news reaches hero that James Me- Lauchlln , a former rusldcntof this city nnd .1 bricklayer by trade , wns killed last Friday nt Pcnsncola , Fin. , by fnlling from a scaffold on which ho was at work. Ho left Council Bluffs ten years ago , nnd was about tinrty- eight years of ago. H is reported that the cause for the recent reduction of the pay of station men , clerks nnd freight handlers In the Milwnnl < co sys tem wns the demand of the trainmen for in creased wages. The company was obliged to nccedo to the demand , nnd did so by cutting down one si-t of their employes to raise the wages of another. Ofllcer Fnltz brought over over nn unfortu nate nnmoil Peter MoN'nlloy from the Island last night nnd booked him for intoxication nnd disturbing the peace. McNnlloy made the long trip on a buukhoard nnd in irons , hut ho was still o thoroughly stupilled by livuor when ho readied the station that two officers were required to help him out of the improvised patrol wngon. The now 160 horse power engine built by the OKdcn Iron works in this city for the electric light station will bo given an otllcial test In a few days. It was built to compete with the Wostlnghouso automatic engines , four of which nro working bv the side of the Ogdcn engine. If tlio results already indi cated nru achieved It will bo an Important victory fora deserving Council IJluffs manu facturer. The case of Dutchcr vs. Gallagher has at lust rcacncd a finish , after a contest of nearly a week , in which the quoition of bos cholor.i wns a leading fcatnro , The jury has given the plaintiff u Judgment for $00. The plaint iff is the owner of n farm leased by the de fendant , and attached the1 crop ? to secure payment of the rent. The defendant mndo a claim fordnmasos on account of hog cholera , and for services rendered the plaintiff In var ious ways. 1'oto Dlltgcn , the strangely constituted youth who has created so much trouble about the school houses by his depraved propensi ties , will have a hearing In the pollco court this morning. A half dozen subpunites were Issued yesterday evening for witnesses who have seen the fellow prowling under the bridges neur the Washington school. CJItv Attorney Stewart will prosecute , ana will submit an array of evidence that will mnkc a stroi.f ? LMSO. lilltgcn has employed Burke St TInloy to defend him. His defense will he thnt ho did notgo under the bridge for a vile purpose. A novel children's party was entertained nt the residence of J. W. bqulro , on Third street , Saturday night , by some of the friends of Willie. It wns u sight , sound , tastoparty. The prizes were won by May Perry , Anna k Stephen" , George Corner , Hattlo'Cochrati nnd Dick Stewart. After the games rc- Jroshmeuts ; were served. The following word-present : Nellie Jacobs , Nellie Hardln , Anna Stephens , Mamie Field , FranKlo Bow- mnn , Nellie Dodge , May Perry , Huttlo Cooli- V Stowart. Dr. Phelps addressed a largo number of railway men at tho. Young Men's Christian association meeting' yesterday afternoon. These regular Sabbath afternoon meetings specially for the benefit of the railway men nro becoming very -popular , and are exerting a beneficial influence upon the railway em ployes who spend Sunday In the city nnu have no other places than their boarding houses and the common places of resort to go to. The secretary niul other nctlvo members of the association will endeavor to make the meetings of increasing interest , and will have the best speakers in the city to deliver ad' dresses each Sunday afternoon during the winter. The city council tonight will wrestle wltti the question of whether it were better tc build an entirely now levee half n mlle nortl : of the old ono or repair and wliton out the old bank. All the members iiro personally familiar with tha situation and nro udvlsci pretty fully in to the cost of each of the pro posed Improvements , and they will bo pro jiurcd to discuss the problem Intelligently. Ii is estimated thnt the now levee will cosl about glO.Ol'O , whllo the improvements pro pr.sed to bo nuulo upon the old emb.inkmcni will cost but u few thousand. The qucstloi will resolve itself simply into the plain ono , will enough nroucrty bo bonellted by the now levee to Justify ttio expense of erecting it ! Twoof the most prominent attorneys in th < city will examine eight or ten promlnea ladles anil gentlemen In Justice Sctiur/ court this afternoon for the purpose of on delivering to llx tha legal status of Httli Johnny Jameson nnd bis 50 cent drum " Johnny hiw declared tno trure off , and nov the complaining witness , Mr. F. Wlos , ha : decided to push the prosco'itlon nnd ascer tain what privileges tlio son of His nelghbo : has. ( Jeorgo F. Wright , Solomon Foster Mrs. Jcnnlo McConncll nnd Captain O. M Drown nro ntnonc tno witnesses that havi been called for the prosecution , and man ; others of equal .iromlnenco have been sub pcuuiccd to defend Johnny and his drum. Kid Glove Snlo At Elsomnn's. For Monday only we otfe 100 dozen kid gloves nt W cents n pair. The ; nro sold the world over nt (1.00 nnd $1.23 Wo have them in till sizes and shades , amlnl nro fresh , now goods. Of all the kid glov sales wo have over had this boats them all Don't miss It. Ho on hand e.irly Mouda ; morning nnd got your choice whllo ttio as sort incut Is complete. Only two pair will bo sold to nny ono customer tomor , so please don't ask for moro. Hour ; Kisoman &CO. , IJroadway und Pearl streets Council Bluffs , la. M'EiiHOXAL J'AIl.tGUAM'lIS. W. n. Oaks , cashier of the bank at Silve City , was In the city yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. P. Dodge leave tills wee for California , where they will spend som time1. Mrs. Colby , who Is to lecture hero Tuosdn evening , will bo the guest of Mrs. D. t Hloomor during her stay in the city. F. L. Hayden , who has been so active nn successful in newspaper work , has conclude to turn to the ministry. Ho will live r Neoin , and also supply the church at Mann In the meantime pursuing a course of stud necessary for llnul ordination as a Presb ; tcrlnn minuter. Ho bos been for some tlin active In church work , and will douutlcs win success. The finest assortment to select from nt Klsi man's. The only first-class fresh candy made fc the holiday trade , at A. C. Doiuusoy's. K UalnUreot. THE NEWS IN THE Councilman Hfck's of Philadelphia Seeking Valuable Statistical Lore. WHERE THE TAXES COME FROM. Council Illiiffii 1'nyH Off the County's Totnl-A IMaco for I'rlzs Fights lilt With n Milliard Cue- Minor Mention. Councilman Thomas L. Hicks of Philadel phia Is not trouble.1 with the belief that the position of imyor of a live town like Council Bluffs Is n sinecure , nnd ho consequently docs not hesitate to nsk Mayor Macrae a whole string of questions. Helms forwarded n list that required an hour or two for his typowiitcr to transcribe , and requests that each ono bo answered in detail , In n pro- fortory note Councilman Hicks Informs the- mayor that ho desires to repeat the expert * tnent attempted three years ago when ho pro cured similar statistics from the city govern ment of this city , nnd after tabulating them gave the exhibit a prominent place in his Philadelphia ofllcc. H served to attract a great deal of attention to the growth and re sources of the city. The mayor rcaiUoa the Importance of the showing nnd has agreed to furnish all de sired information. Colonel K. J. Abbott , who Is putting in his time under the direc tion of the tlnnncc committee of the council In the ofllces of the city clerk and auditor , has been directed to gather the statistics and furnish thorn In an accurate nnd comprehen sible form , nnd ho will bctdn the Job today. When it is concluded ho will forward them to Philadelphia , where Mr. Hicks says they ' , vill bo compiled and .printed with'similar tatistics of other Important cities and given wide circulation over the country. The questions tire subdivided under the 'oliowing heads : General , financial depart ment , highway department , water depart ment , department , pollcodcpartmcnt , lire department and school department. Under ho HrsthcadMr. Hicks inquires what area ) f the city Is In square miles , what the poim- atlon Is. the number of are and Incandescent Ights , tno amount appropriated for electric Ifc'ht extension In 1890 , the number of gaso- Ino lights used nnd the number ol miles of steam , horse , eloctrlo nnd cable railways in operation here. Under the head of the flnnncial department n variety of questions are propounded. Mr. Hicks wants to know , for instance , the as sessed valuation of both real and personal property taxed for municipal purposes , the sources of rovehuo , the tax rate on $100 valu ation of property , the gross doot , the amount of the sinking fund , the net debt , the per cent of interest paid , the gross revenue and nnnual expenses , the amount paid for lu cres t on the debt , the annual department ex penses , the amount appropriated In 1810 * for permanent Improvements and extensions and the revenue from liquor sellers. In regard to the highways the questions asked concern the miles of streets or roads n the city , the inllos of paved or macada- nl/ed roads or streets , the number of miles of sewer , both mains and branches , the amount appropriated during 1800 for repairs to paved nnd unpaved streets and sewer ex tensions. Mr. Illcks also wants to know the number of miles of water pipes laid , the total daily capacity of the waterworks , and the total storage capacity of the reservoirs , tbo average - ago daily consumption of water , tno number of lire h'dr.mts in use , the general nimunl charge for water per dwelling , nnd the reve nue from water ronti annually , how much was oppropiiatod for department and the appropriations lor water extensions during the Inst year. Ho also wants to know regarding the num ber of miles of eras plpo laid In this city , the number of public gas lamps In use , the daily capacity of the gas works , the average daily consumption of gas , the average price of gas to consumers , the revenue from the sales of gas annually , the amount appropriated for the gas department during the year 1890 and the amount appropriated for gas extensions dar ing the sumo time. Under the head of police department the number of police , the amount appropriated for pollco service during the year , the system of subdividing the force and the titles of the officers are all asked for. Under the head of the lira department the number of engine companies and hook nnd ladder companies Is required ; also the number of men engaged and the amount appropriated annually for the support of the department. The questions also cover the total number of nubile schools , teachers and scholars , the value of school properties , and the annual cost of the school department. See the elegant Christmas cards , thousands to select from at Klsemau's. Vases worth from -10 cents to 75 cents , only 25 cents. Lund Bros. , 23 Main st Money to loan at straight 5 per cent per annum. E. S. Barnctt , agent. Ono lot of vases worth from 50 cents to 80 cents go this month at 4'J cents each. Lund Bros. Bros."A "A Wonderful Toy Department. " That Is what every man , woman and child says when they look through Eisemnn's third floor. It feasts the eyes of everybody , not only In the great variety of goods on exhibition , but when they learn the low prices. Ordinarily merchants who handle fancy goods ask big profits , hutHiscman'sare sclllngthoirtoys so chcan that $1 pocs further toward buying a supply than $2 elsewhere. The assortment is so immense that it would bo Impossible to cmuncrato them. It would tnko moro than the entire columns of this paper to enumer ate them. Wo have everything ornamental and useful for holiday presents. Coma and see thorn. Price thorn and you will surely buy. HENHV E1SEMAN & CO. , Broadway and Pearl street. Council Bluffs , la. Lamps greatly reduced. Lund Bros. , 2i Main st. _ Eleennt Handkerchief * ) . From lo apiece up to S.TO.OO and thousands to select from at Eiscman's. Buy your coal nnd wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 580 Broadway. Telephone 133. J. C. Blxby , steam noattnc * , sanitary en gineer. ' . ' 1,1 Lifo bullilmcr , O.ivatn ; AJJ Mor rlam block , Council Bluffs. Sninsh'ilVlih a Billiard Cue. Some time after midnight Sunday mornlni William Lnngdon hunted up Justice Sehur , and exhibited to him a badly bruUod ant swelled head. Ho Informed tbo jus tlco that n warrant for the ar rest of the man who had nssatiltc < him would do him moro good than a visi from a physician. Langdon signed the In formation charging William Probstlo , allu Dutch Bill , with having been the author o his misery. A warrant was issued and \Vil Ham was pulled out of bed mid looked u | In the city prison at 3 o'clock in the morning Probslalo keeps a saloon at 'Jlfi Broadway and ho says Langdon cnmo there a few niln utcs before midnight and wanted to go credit for enough beer to finish up a gooi sized drunk. Credit was refused and Lang don then attempted to break up a bllllan pamo In which Probstnlo was engaged Probstnlo dissuaded him by tbo vlgorrus us < of tno butt end of the cue , inflicting som ugly looking bruises. The case will b heard today. _ Elsoman's store is the center of nttractloi at the present time. The real live Sant Glaus will arrive nt their store tomorrow Monday evening , nnd will make his heail quarter * at their store. Children who wlsl to write to him must , bring or bond their let tore addressed to "Santa Claus , " euro o Eiscman's storo. Who l u8 tlio Tnxes ? Tha completed balance sheets drawn f ron the county's books by Auditor Ilciulrlcks which have Just been made public , furnls some Interesting in formation. It Is proscntci in a formidable array of figures. H show that the total valuation of the county Is ovc $ lt,000,000 ! returned by the as sessors for taxation , which is based upon ) per cent of the real valuation. Of till amount over (0,000,000 are rcturnc from the city of .Council llluff . The figures also show the total amount of tix 03 for each fund that will bo realized for the year. In Council Bluffs the general fund gets J. ' > 7,210-H7 ; bond nnd in terest , (11,11:1.37 , : ; Intersection pavlnc and grading bonds' , tlM4n.37 ; funded debt , $ V M3.fi3j Intersection sewer , $ . " ,721.ID ( ; general sewer , $ lUW.37j Judgment , ( . ' 11,330.11 ; city bridge , f3M2.r,3 ; library , fo.7Jl.fi9 ; park , f.VJI.OO ; park sinking , Fi.WO.S.'i ; water , I' , ( W3.44 : special paving , $ 'JVNH.V < U ; special grading , $1S,7C6 W ; special curbing , So.ilOO M ) ; special sewer , ? l I.OIW.i'l ; special sidewalk , l3.yi0.77 ; total , $ tUOW9.7t ) . The total valuation ot the is $13,770 , . . , . . . , . county . . , , * " - ' nn * .All * „ Anrti ! &iLit r.n * * > * * 'l ( Interest , $ .1,442.07 ; soldiers' rcllof , ? 3,4W.57 teachers , $11 0 , ! > ( )9.1fl ; contingent , $15. MI526 ; school house , $15,71111.42 : road. * l2,7sil7 ; cemetery. S-JiMl ; Oaklnnd city , $ . - 12.43 ; Carson city , $107 ; Avoca city , $ . ' ,700.19 ; Walnut city , $1,180.27 ; Manawa city , $ i70.5i5 ; Ncola city , $ lU3.-i.75. A recapitulation shows the total state , county and school taxes to bo 17.OSlH.i7 [ ; city of Council Bluffs tixos , $101.070.01 ; city of Council Bluffs special , $7:3,731.03 : ; total , $810,009.70. , Special Sjale of Bliutkois nnd Com forters. This week. Prices way down. They must go.Vo have too many of them and must sell them. Call nt Elsemnn's. ' The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway. . . Special Sale of Furs During this week at Eiscman's. ' Holiday presents. Lund Bros. The Greatest Offer nftlio lOtli Century At the book department of the Boston store. Fotheringham , Whltclaw & Co. , Council Bluffs , In. Some kind of n cyclopedia Is recognized ns a necessity , and hitherto the best has been most costly. Wo now offer you the heaped- up knowledge of the centuries , the latest , greatest work in English literature , the great Brltatmlca , at the lowest price. Wo give not only reasons but reasonable reasons wny this Is so. The Henry G. Allen company , by now methods of book-making , have reduced tlio cost so ns to permit Its sale in stores. Here tofore sales have been inauo by the expensive house-to-house canvass , which nlono added greatly to the price. We dispense with the traveling canvasser , the installment deliverer and the periodical collector , and you pocliut the saving by coming to our store and trans acting your own business. Quito recently there has been perfected the "Smytho BookSewcr , " which sows our books precisely as the "Oxford Teacher's Bible" Is sewed by hand. This labor-saver accom plishes a two-fold good It makes tha most durable of bindings , and nt the same tlmo re duces the cost holow former prices 1 A "Brltannlca war" is now on. The prices are cut nearly to cost , until now it Is merely a question of endurance. In our Judgment this war will soon end , either by surrender or combination. Therefore If you hope to over own the great work you should act now ; wo have but a limited contract and are not sura of holding this offer open for twenty four hours. You need not pay for the sot at once , but If you only order now , you will secure the work at these figures , no matter when , and no matter how hliu the prlco goes up. Since tbo necessity of "cash down" Is removed , why delay 1 Why I We will give , Vol. I for 00 cents , for a sulllclontanswerfrom ono who appreciates the work I The Allen reprint is ttio only complete ro- print. the only un mutilated icproduction of any Britnnnlca , the only roprlntof the latest , 'iNlnth Edition. " If your present knowledge or casual examination docs not satisfy you on these points , call at our store and wo will prove these statements or forfot a sot of books 1 The only popular-priced edition of the only 'American Supplement to the Encyclopedia :3ritannlca : , " Is controlled by the Allen com pany exclusively. Five firms have failed In attempts at Brlt annlca ; only the Allen company succeeded. You need not fear a fragment ; the entire set of thirty volumes is now ready. You need not take all at once , but may take ono or any number of volumes per month , just as you please , and paying1 as you get them. Green cloth $1.20 per volume , and half liussia $1.50 per volume. If you have bcjjun the purchase of any al- cged reprint , and have received not too many volumes , wo will tnko up your volumes , trade ours for them , and complete the set at your prlco. Como and see , and look over the work carefully or wrlto for a fuller explanation. Very respectfully , FoTiicmxoiiAM , WHITP.IAW & Co. , Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. Nn Humbug. Our special sale of watchcs , and diamonds is now the great attraction. The host goods furnished at the lowest prices. Wo make it a point not to bo undersold. C. B. JACCJUKMIN & Co. , 27 South Main street. Chinese goods , Japanese novelties at No. 330 Broadway. Odd Christmas gifts. Jim Long For clothing nnd furnishing goods , try Ot- tcnheimer's , 414 Broadway. A line line of China dinner sets. Lund Bros. , 23 Main st. Holiday Gilt * . See these beautiful silk umbrellas at Else- man's. Just the thing fora holiday gift from a lady to a gentleman , or vlco versa. Go to Lund Bros , nnd buy ono of these tea pots and Kot a pound of good tea thrown in. 2U Main st. , Mrs. Louis' clearnncosalo of millinery com mences this week. Masonic block. Ono lot flno toilet sets , worth from $1.25 tc $5.00 , only $1,00 this month. Lund Bros. Will Witness Mnny The fact that there is no law In Iowa pro hibiting prlzo fighting nnd that the partici pants la the most savugo battles can only be prosecuted for simple misdemeanor unless they necidcatjlly kill ono another , coupled Vtlth the additional fact that two athletic clubs nave boon recently organized hero , make It certain that Council Bluffs will be the sccno of some ilrst-class encounters in the fistic arena , The first event of Importance that Is In sight and certain to transpire ocforo the hell ilajs cud is an encounter between Jack Torrj and Jack Davis for $2,000 stakes. T/ho / artl cles wore signed on Saturday afternoon , but the date has not been rovoalcd if It has boeu definitely fl\ed , the agreement being that the light shall take place within rlfty miles ol Council Bluffs within two weeks. Two ounc < gloves are designated , arffl the battle wll only end when ono or the other of the pugs h put to sloop. Although it cannot bo stated ns n fact , It Is quietly whispered that the fight will tak ( place In n building not moro than a blocli from Broadway nnd the date will bo Christ mas night. _ Dolls ( ilven Away. With every rnlssos' or child's ' cloak pur chased at our store this week wo will glvo t beautiful doll for a present , bosldoa saving you at least 'Jo per cent on the cloak. Takt advantage of this offer , and tr.ulo at Klso man's. _ Wanted Boys nt American District Tel egraph ofllco. _ C. A. Bcobo & Co. nro going out of tharof tall trndo nnd will close out their line line o ladles' writing und ofllco desks , book cases chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chamboi suits , folding beds , plain und fancy rockers cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. tor less thai cost. Muff * Civ-en Away. With every cloak bought nt Elseman's this week you will receive an elopant inuff for i present. MISKUY'S AUCTION. HowPooplo Become Heirs to Suloldci An Oild Fnnture of City 11 IK "Misery's auction salo" took plnco tin other day In Now York City. It win hold at 5 Duma ) street , mill though tha is not its olllcial name , it occurred to i reporter who heard it called so us a mos appropriate cue. The auction hits nn odd and 'gruoRomi origin. When a muii commits auicldi by ulstol or ktilfo the coroner takes pea wcsilon of the weapon , iays the Now York Sun. U tlio man Ju > a no frloiula nor rohvllvcs nnd leave * , no will , his clothes nnd uny personal clTccta that ho may have RO with It. ' | After the unfortunate'Iff Inldboncnth the soil of potter's iloM , nnil nil the legal formulas hiivo boon observed , the coroner hiitids nil tlu'so things over to the public uilmlnlBtrntor. The IIU-L'O number of sulchlos In this big city , the mysterious deaths of unknown mon und women , nnd the deaths In the poor gnr- rots servo to swell this ollVlnl'.s interest ing collection of estates , add holt-looms to such n slzo that a f tx-'eliil man is Uopt busy looking after thorn. Should nny of tlu-so nrtlclos bo vnlimblo they tire placed in the olllco safe , or else nont to a snfo dopo-jit company. But the bulk of the stult that falls into the ad ministrator's liands Is of llttlo value , conslbting mostly of cheap furniture , clothes , betiding , revolvers , knives and odds and ends , offhlch every man pos sesses bin sliiiro. These things are bent to the storehouse at o Dunne street , ad joining the Newsboys' lodging house , and ihuro they neoumulato untiltho pllo grows too bif ? for the plnco , when they nro auctioned all to the highest bidder. Ono of these sales was hold last Thurs day , nnd very intorest'ng ' it was. The building Is tin old , dilapidated structure which pcoms in imminent diingor of collapsing , The auction room is on the llrst floor "up ono flight , " as the rude sign on the wall declares. The flight is a wild one. The rough wooden stops bquonk , nnd , if the visitor is in a hurry , the building shakes aiultho walls tremble. When the reporter entered the place the sale wns in progress. The auctioneer's pulpit-llko stand was in the middle of the room , and that function nry , in a silkhat , was deeply engaged in overcoming1 the objections of a poorly drcascd stout Irish woman to buying n cheap watch that might have boon silver or stool. The room was filled with a motley gathering of mon and women. It was a poor looking1 crowd , although hero nnd there a scintillating spark betrayed a diamond on the person of a Chatham Btroot "curiosity" dealer. Mnny people who daily pass the curiosity shops on the Bowery have wondered"whore till the odds and ends displayed in the windows dews came from. Had they attended this auction they wotrld have known. There were perhaps a dozen of ; heso dealers present , and they bought argely. Then there were many women , j > oorjy dressed creatures , who stoupod bidding when tbo article passed the dol- ' .ar point. Whore they came from , or ivhat they wanted the stuff for , nobody Icnovy save themselves. The auctioneer his money ho didn't care. The curiosity dealers shrugged their shoul ders it was none of theirbusiness. The stock olTored was scattered about tlio room. It included knives , umbrellas , old clothes , bedsteads , rusty bayonets , billiard balls , carpenters' rulespeddlor's outfits , jjhromos , revolvers , chairs , tables , stovepipes , etc. , nil mingled in rusty , dusty confusion. Tlio sale pro ceeded after this manner. The auc tioneer saying : "How much dy'ebid ? Forty , forty , forty , forty forty-live. Fine silica urn- broil i. May bo u duke owned it ; may bo a duohoss ; maybe a bum stole it. Forty- flvol Once , twice , down she goes. Mrs. Mulligan , that's the name isn't it ? Now wo have lot number 2.58 , a saO/o. How much d'ye , " and so on. There was n story connected with every ono of these articles , a romantic ono undoubtedly in many cases , but no ono there know it , or evinced the least desire to learn anything about it. A suit of clothes was held'up ' by the boy. "How much d'yo bid ) ? Thodo. nearest the stand felt the cloth and examined the clothes carefully , tlion a bid was offerednnd another and so on , until the hummer fell. Mrs. Mullignn must own a second-hand clothing store , for sbo bought a great deal of clothing. "Lot number 347 , ono coat and vest. How much d'yo bid' ? " cumo the monoto nous formula of tbo auctioneer. "Lemmo see , choviotor what ? What's it made of , " asked Mrs. Mulligan. She examined it closely for a moment with nn eager face. Thou she said in a dis appointed wav : "It's got a hole in it. " Yes , sure enough , there was a small hole in the coat , right above the upper outside pocket. The auctioneer pressed his finger on the spot for a moment andthcn remarked in a inattor-of-fuct voice : "I guess that's whore the bullet wont through. " The coat nnd vest wore sold , nnd when seine poor follow buys them ho will never know that a bullet once pierced his coat nnd reached u mnn't heart. "Whore's lot SSOV" asked the auc tioneer. The assistant handed up a package wrapped in a dirty piece of yellow pi\por. It was untied , nnd with u clat tering noise a lotof sovolvors and knives foil out on the table. Big revolvers , little revolvers , old-fashioned ones , self cocking affairs , Colts , Smith & Wessons , bull-dogs , American and European makes , daggers , bowio-knivos , slilottos , bright , rustv , all kinds and in all condi tions , and tbo sight was enough to bom ! a chill through u man. The pcoplo wlic were gathered in that room , however , did not see anything suggestive in this and offered their bids on each weapon as it was put up as though it were an ovory-day occurrence with thorn. Some of- the revolvers wore etill loaded , am : tbo empty shell and the trigger in tin snmo , position ns they were after the las shot nad been fired. These weapon : were sold nt remarkably low prices , am often a lot for there were several pack ages of the same kind was sold at om time. Then pawn tickets , for small amounti generally , were sold for 2o and 30 cent apiece. When the last article hud beoi sold the auctioneer said : "Tho sale is ended , ladies and gentle mon. Thank you for your courtesy. . ' hone to BOO you soon Again. " Then there was aclattor , nnd din a each buyer insisted on having his or ho purchase delivered first , and quiet wa not restored until all' ' the strange stool hud been taken awnyv , Cnllforiila'H Bliipnmit of Halalni. During the last year'thousands ' of ncrc have been planted to raisin vines In nil HIM lions of the state where'oll , cllmnto and ten peraturearocondusivo to the successful cu turo of the fruit , says the San Francisco K > nminer. In Fresno county alone 50,000 ncrc nro devoted to raisin grapes , nil of which wi bq in full bearing in four years. As a rulotb crop from an aero is valued nt $200 , so that i lb'J5 ' the product from oiie wl 1 bo wort $10,000,000. This is a conservative estlmaU as instances nro known'whoro ' under favoi able circumstances and by careful cultlvatioi ono aero of Muscat vluci has yielded as muc as $150. Change Cam ? No. Among tno many exigencies of modori travel there is ono requirement whiel is always popular and always in demand and that Is "a through service. " Llf is too short to ' 'change cars" every fo' ' hundred inllos , und the travelling'pul lie have very properly rebelled agains all such old-fashioned railroading. Tli through equipment of the Union Pacific "the original overland route , " provide for a through car service for all point west from the Missouri river. i An ICiuhrzzlliii : Bookkeeper Kuloldet MILWAUKEE , \Vls. Dec , 14 , Kmll P. Wolf bookkeeper for Gross & Co. , who was ycstoi day found to bo Jl.'iOO short In his account ! committed sulcldo thb morning by shootln himself , THE DEACON'S MISFT. Knrnest A. Young : in the Yankton Illmlo : "I do wish , " oxclnlmcd Mr& Dcncon Apploby , "that everything wouldn't nllus comol n a hoapl" "Wall , wall , Samnntlm , don't fret , " ( mid the deacon , who sat in n corner mending a "hold back , " which had broken whllo driving homo from town that afternoon. "I guess if somebody didn't frotlhlngs would git wuss than they bo , for all the procrnstlnatin' critters you beat the wust of 'em. The Idea of you wailln' till Sat urday afore you wont to town to got thorn clothes , nnd not a thing to put on your back for Sundnyl" "No , use of stowln' about that , no\v \ that I've been and got back , and bought the clothes"said the deacon , his tem per not the least rufllod by the lashing of his consort's rather sharp tongue. "You've bought 'cm , but they ain't hero , " returned the good woman. "I couldn't wait for 'em to bo fixed. The misfit parlor man said that they allus cal'hitcd to have the goods a per fect bang-up nobby fit afore ho delivered 'em to customers. Lucky , Samnnthn , that I bco that advortlbomontof tlio mis- lit parlors , for there you can git custom- made goods at roady-mado prices1' ! "You picked up a good many slang words , for ono trip to town , it scorns tome mo , " sntd Mrs. Apploby , amid a great clatter of tea kettle and other domestic utensils upon the kitchen stovo. "Them'ore ain't slang. Tlioy'ro terms that belong to the trndo , " explained the deacon. "Wall , I dunne what n suit o' clo'cs ' 11 amount to yo , with you in ono town and they In another , s posin' they don't come. " ' 'I could wear a shawl o' yourn to meot'n nnd have it given out from the pulpit with the rest of the church no- ices that I'd got a now outfit Home- vhores on the way , " suggested the lencon with a humorous twist of his .ips , which always had a binlle lurking ibout them , ready to spring into visible existence. "I wouldn't ' mnko sport out of sacred ubjccts , if I was in your place , " said jnmantha. with unabated asperity. The current of debate was turned nt .his . point by the appearance of Doris , whoso twenty years of life had developed : ho energetic qualities of her mother , vltb the never falling good temper of iior father , a combination , by the wav , ivhich wont very well with a sweetly simple manner and a full share of beauty. The coach is coining , father , " she announced , "and I think it brings Mr. 3ravos , the now minister. " "For pity sakol" cried Mrs. Apploby. "I never thought of its boin' tlmo for .ho . coach yit , " exclaimed the deacon , lustily thrusting the piece of harness nto a pocket , and running to the sink to wash ills hands. "Doris has got to moot him at the door. I sba'n't with this faded caliker on , " said Mrs. Appleby. "I willmeet him , mother , and show him to his room , " said Dorrte , and she dded , "you and father will have time to brush yourselves up a bit before ho comes down to supper. " With nothing but sunshine upon her sweet face , she adjusted a ribbon at her throat , nnd another at her waist , with the effect of a general change of attire , for it took but little to adorn her simple beauty. She ononcd the front door just as Mr. Graves alighted from the coach. lib was n pleasant-faced young man a stu dent sent there for "ono Sabbath ns a "candidate , " As yet ho had not gained a very ministerial look , especially , since ho were a traveling suit of gray , with russet shoos and crush hat. Doris greeted him with unconscious grace , but ho was a little embarrassed. "If I may tax your kindness so soon,1' ho said , as ho paused in the doorway of the pleasant chamber to which she con ducted him , "I would like a needle and thread. I caught my coat sleeve on the door of the coach , and the result is a sad looking rent. " And ho hold up his nrm to show the extent of the damage. "That is too bad , but I can soon mend it for you. I'm afraid , " she added , with her bunny smile , "that unless you nro moro nimble with the needle than father is , you would Lave a bard time mending that. It is a dreadful tear , and it will show , tbo best I can do. " Mr. Graves laughed , and handed her the garment with a grateful look. "The worst of it is , " ho added , "I had a parcel checked on the cars , nnd the baggage man couldn't ' find it nt the sta tion when I arrived. It contained moro suitable garments than these for to morrow. " "I hope it is not lost ? " said Doris. "Probably it will bo found in time for mo to check it buck again when I re turn. " In tbo meantime Mrs. Apploby was bustling about In the preparation of tea , and the deacon , having finished mendIng - Ing the harness , wns out attending to the chores , which always hurried him at Unit hour. Six o'clock came ; . supper wns all ready. Still no express bundle arrived for the deacon. It ought to have come on the coach. Mrs. Apploby grow moro nncl more uneasy ; oven the calm deacon begun to brush with his hand the clothes ho had on , wondering if they couldn't bo made to answer in cnso his now suit did nol come. But no they would not do. He had been hurniluted enough bj being compelled to wear then to town that day. The trull wns , his thrifty wife had undertaken , f few days before thcso events , to sponge the deacon's clothes with a famous cleansing soap which had boot recommended to her. The soap was indeed effective. It removed moved all the stains and grcn&o. But i nt the hiimo time took out every vestig < of the original dye wherever the spong < was applied. The result was ngonoralh mottled effect which wns so rkliculou' that the warer laughed every time hi looked nt them. Ho had hoped that the now suit wouli arrive before the young minister cnim ' down to supper. But 'it was a vnii hopo. "I guess he'll think we're mortal poor for you to wear thorn things , " said Mrs Apploby. "Mabbo ho'll think I'm all the mon stiddy for a deacon , if I don't pay si much attention to dross , like the world' pcoplo , " was the ready reply. As a matter of fnut , Mr. Graves dli not think of noticing his genial host's at tire , and , although Mrs. Apploby wa "lidgotty" at the table , Doris nnd ho father were pleasant enough to mak up. up.But when 0 o'clock the deacon's bed tlmo cnmo , and Mr. Graves retired fo tbo night , the Applebys looked at two ] other in dismay. "Now what d'yo think ? " oxclaimci Mrs. Apploby. "Looks as if I'd got to stay nt bom from inootin' tomorrow , or go and woa these hero brindled trousers , " said th deacon , with a rather dismal smllo. "If it only wasn't wicked to pretend t bo lllluid not to go , " said DorlH faintly "But it is wicked , " asbortcd the father "Jout as I expected 'twould ' turn ou when you como homo \vlttioul.tho now clo'cs,1' said MM , Anploby. "I don't POO how I coulil help It , They needed flxln' over nnd I know you'd scold If I nxod you to do It with so litllo timo. " "You otiglitor got'om the fust of the week us I told yo to. It all comes of your procrastlnntin' that I'm ' nllus tollln' yo about. " "Thero Is pomebody at the door this mlnuto , " cried Doris , and she How to answer the knock. A boy stood on the stop with r. bundle. "Kxpross for the doai'on , " explained the youngster. "Carried by on t'other train , and come back on the ono from the west. Dad told mo to fetch it right up , nsyo might bo wanting of IU" "Thoro , there , Snmantlml" cried the deacon , holding the bundla exultantly close to the good lady's fnco. "Now what comes of nil your ? Here 'ro the clo'od , and they sent 'om just as they said they would/ * Samnnthn relented In spirit nsshousu ally did after the worry of the day was over , and i-o they retired In po.tco. The deacon would have liked to try on bis purchases before going to bed , but it oc curred to him that that would appear like boyish impatience , so ho contented himself with tearing a hole in the wrap ping paper and obtaining a glimpse of the dark goods through the opening. In the morning , for some mmcuuunt- nblo ronson the Applobys all ovor-tlopt , and when the don con and hit energetic wife arose they found that they hud a ' narrow margin of time in which'to do tlio ordinary morning work of a farm , which cannot bo omitted even on the Sabbath. Tliis tended to irritate Sninanthn , nnd oven the deacon found it hard to keep his Sunday countenance during a has tily prepared breakfast. Mr. Graves was a llttlo anxious over the coming or deal of preaching , for the second time in his experience , a regular written ser mon. "We'll ho into , just as sure ns the world 1" said Mrs. Apploby for the do/- enth time , after Mr. Graves had gone to his room for a half hour of meditation. "Timo enough , mother ; don't fret , " said the deacon. "But you've pot yonre'lnthcstochnngo yet , and no knowin' whether they'll come within a rod of llttin'ye"persisted Mrs. Apploby. "I'll risk it. I'll wear 'em nny wny. fit or no lit , ' " said the deacon impatiently. "I will hitch up the horse for you , father , so you can htivo more time , " said Doris. "That's I wish would a peed gull yo , or I declare for it , I hate to have tor ivistlo round eo like a house uliro Sun- ay morning , " Mr , Graves came down , ready to start. Mrs. Apploby tried to entertain him ivith becoming before-mooting topics ivhilo the deacon was getting ready. Doris came in and said the team was rondv. Still , Deacon Apploby did not put in an appearance. Ills wife fidgeted , Doris became uneasy , and Mr. Graves looked it his watch. "What in the name of natur' can that nan bu doinV'1 oxclnlmcd Mrs. Appleby U Inst. She started to go and see , when the door opened and Deacon Apploby wimo 'n. His face was very red anil there ivas a queer pucker about his lips ns .bough lie were suppressing an inclina tion to laugh. "Good hind ! " ejaculated Mrs. Ap ploby. "Why , father ! " Doris exclaimed. Mr. Graves stared at the apparition in ho doorway , then looked down nt his own slim length , nnd back again nt tbo ample figure of his ho&t , while his pale becks became almost as red as the doucon's. "Got the hess ready ? " ventured tbo .alter. "Yes , father. But " "Wall , wo hain't much time to spare. Yo see " the good man was on the point of making an explanation , but checked himself , nnd began , with short , cautious stops , to cross the room , add- h'g , "Como , coiao , if the hess is ready. " A moro ridiculous figure thnn that cut by the deacon it would bo hard to imagine. no had put on bis now suit of clothes. They were made of dark goods of line quality. But the logs were several inches too short , and so tight that they sot like the costume of u circus-per former. The coat wns equally short , and to introduce the buttons to their re spective button holes would have been an impossibility. And every moment the deacon mndo a vain attempt to stretch the too-economical waist-coat down to cover a zone of white shirt and suspender buttons betwixt that garment nnd the trousers. "What in the world did you buy them duds forV" gasped Samantha in tno dea con's ear , whoa they were seated beside each other on the forward scat of the beach wagon. "Don't bay n word , plea o don't , and innbbo there won't nobody notice it ! " was the hurried response. "Not notice 'om ! " echoed Mrs. Apple by. by."There's "There's a pesky mistake , unless the clo'cs _ bhrunk tremendously after I loft them , " said the deacon. At the meeting house the latter glided into a pew near the door partially unob served , after tbo services were begun. And in perspiring misery ho sat through tbo hour of worship , until nrouscd bv a touch upon his arm. It was the boy who had brought tbo cxprobs bundle the evening before , nnd ho had nnothor bundle now. "Dad didn't BOO this ono when ho sent mo up last night , nnd BO I fetched it here , knowin' you always was tor meotin' " snid the handing , boy , over another bundle. "What have you there , father ? " Doric exclaimed , noticing the bundle hugged under his arm. "Oh yes I forgot but it's your'n , I guess"ho btammorod , giving it to Mr. Graves. The latter looked at it nnd shook lib head. "T think not. Mine was larger , and Ir plain wrapping. The deacon stared nt the bundle whiel : was returned to his chnrgo , and tin words MISFIT rAHI.OUS , in largo letters , swam before his gaze , On the wny homo Mr , Graves niu Doris did all the talking. The dencot wont Into the house with the bun'dloniu the lli'Ht thing bo did was to open it. "Wall , 1 do vuml" ho c.\cnlmcdhold ! Ing up coat nnd trousers which were cer tntnly n fit for himself. "Them ate the clo'cs I bought ! " hi declared. Then whoso nro them you've beet tryhi' to squeo/.o yourself into , I'd llk < to know ? " demanded Mrs. Apploby. Both glanced towards tlio doorway Mr. Graves and Doris stood on tin threshold and both were smiling. "Father , " said Doris , with her sweet cst laugh , "tho parcel which came las night was for Mr. Graves. Those an his clothes which you have on. " It hardly seemed like Sunday in i deacon's household , with a minister fo aguost , during the next half hour , I would bo dllllcult to say which laughoi the hardest , for oven Mrs. Apploby dli liorHharo in that line , "Wnll.wo'd better swap back , if 'tl the Sabbath , " said the duncon , at last And M.\ Graves laughingly lumontoO , * * * * * * * Mr ? Graves remained through his vu Many Clergymen , nciofJ. nnd public siMkora | use A > cr's Clicrry 1'octoral. It Is the fawlto remedy fur ho.iMonrsi niul nil nfTcctlons u ( the vocal ornuns , throat , nnd lungs. As nn anodyne niul cxpcctoiniit , the effects ot tlili preparation nro promptly realized. "Ay er' Cherry rcctorallumloncmoKirnt Rood. H It n splendid remedy for nil ills- of thu throat itiut IIIIIRS , tuid I have much pleasure In te.Mlfylnc to IM moillV ( Icv. ! ) C. N. Nlclinh , No. TlOinry , Mais. "In my profession ot nil auctioneer , nny nflcctlon ot tliflolcoor tl.umt . | j a salons matter , but , at each ntt.ick , I hn\o been ro- lleicd l > y n few do es of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. ThU remedy , lib ordinary c.ire , IMS worked such iitnilcnli'ITcet | ; Hint I Jiavo sullurcdciy llttlo Incemrnlcncc. I jitivu nlto used It In my family , with my excel. lent i emits. In con lu , coMs , &e. " Win. II , Qu.irtlj , Mlnlaton , .So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , n v X > n. J. C. AVER. & CO. , Lowell , Mnno. Bold by all Drugglm * . 1'rlce ( t ; di tolllci , & . SPECIAL " NOTICES : COUNCIL BLUFFS. BAHRAIN'S hi fruit nnd trKolnhlo hind' ) , i'or iilo. : Mimic * , 8J it ) Is north ot t'li tiuniun. proundi ; enstorii slom > , line line tprlinr brook , bind very rlcht will sell In 10 or'.flucro lots tit * t > 0 per ncie.or J7l per aero for whole tract. 1 acrci on Orund nveiiuo ; flnii oielmnl wind mill , line ciove , situated on Mynstor proposed motor line ; jirlcn M.V1 par ncre. 10 iiL'HM iulolnlriK ! city Minus t o story IIOIIH' . k-ood linrti. line orchard und small 'mils. Vrlco. jvoo. u lines on ( Iraiut avenue , Hi miles from 1 * . O. J.W3 nn nure. 110 acres three miles from olty llmlK coed hou c , burn nnd out buildings 8.1 bearing umilu trem und itunll frulK I'llui1 , } flUOO , Sloi-lc tut in , < V ) nvri'4 , Hun IniproMMiioiits wull wuteied , only ono mlle front Million , t- ! nn uoio if taken soon. Euiy term * . Turin niul dty pi-opoitv for s.tlo.V. . 0. Staey , room 4. Oponi lioti'-oblk , Council ItlutTs. BOOTS AND SIIOKSStock of boots and shoes to o\ehnmjo for Improved clear Iowa In nil nnd cash. Ambuss V lit , lluo , Co u neil llluirs. _ \\rANTno IJupritPtlo lady urgent ! pornia- i iicnt position ; ( It pur weeks mpcrlenoo not ncccsi.iry. F. C. ! j. . 00 ? Wlllo.v a\euuo. T710K UiNT : rirnbicd | front room. Hlltlns -L and bed room ensnlle. ( KB I'lftli ii\oniu' . \ V ANTni ) A Rood Klrl lo do iri'iioral housq * work : will puy llrt class WIIKU * . Apply iitlOSs.lh Btruut. rooms ut very ro.isonahlo terms , en suite or Hlni-'lo ; baths ami Htenm heat ; new bouse , nowlv furnished. Mrs , Sto- phensoii , 1CVI I'nrk n\unue , Uonncll lllulls. 17UKM ! ! Tor ) ? iiaA \ Ion * list , nmnv of them JL1 utlow prices ! also ! W acres line curtluii nnd fruit land nunr tlio elty limits , liouso. bain nnd other Improvements ; also i(4 ( nerea fruit und nurclrn Inuil Justoutsltlo the city ut taVX ) . W. A. Wood Si Co. . Ml Main htieot. -T\OU \ KENT"n ho SleMnbou threo-slory JL1 lirlcU block , No. : o S. Main nt , wlthcluviUor J.J\V. \ Squire. _ _ M"US. AMKUA Ntr.LSON. M. . . mid wife. ir.'ii-S : a\c , I'ouncll lllnlVs , In. \VAI/rii : { P. STIM/MAN. Marcus bloalc , i Notary Publiccollection * , typewriting. IilOU SALE I.osisn mil fiiinlluro of Poott llouso , Uounult lllulTs , ' ' , " rooms. Cheap ! a bargain. Address ,1. H. Jortlun , Couiu'll lllulTs. TIIOU SAIjE or Kent Cordon laud ] with" J' houses , by J. U. Itlco. 1'JJ ' Mill a st. , 'Jounolt Bluffs COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS AH kinds of Dying nnd Gleaning done In the llKhcst Style of the Art , Faded und Studied -'uuilusmiulo to look us Kood as now. Work iiroinptly done and delivered In all pnru or he country , bond for pilco list. 0. A. MivUIIAN. 1'roii. , OU Broadwav. Near Northwestern HupoU UOUM'llj Ul.Ufl'.H. I A. . CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,003 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 OIHBCTOIIS I. A. Mlllnr , F. 0 , Gloason. H. U Shuxait , 10. K. Hurl , J. 1) . Edmumlson , Ulurloi U. Hunnan. banking busi ness. Largest capital iiiid surplus of uu ? tianlc In Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TiME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Comer Main mil Ilroidwny , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Pcalrirs In fornl n and domestic nxa'iinib Collection made anil Interest paid on lima deposit ! . . D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Market Fixtures , Casing , Pplcosnnd Hntihiij ? ! ! MnUnrV Mnohlmiry. R70- k'ii Main ht. . Council lilull'H , la. AUo de.ilom In Hides unit I'm1 ! ) . W. C. ESTEP , Council Illufftt , town. M \ortli Jin In Ktrect. Funeral Director anil Kmluilmor. cntion nnrt preached rcgulnrly nt tha llulo mecthifr-houso. With the next term ho graduated , was culled to the rural iiarish and but tip his homo there , with Doris Appleby to furnish tniiiHhino for him. ICtytnoloKlonlly ConH'clcrnl. Lord Coloi'iiifro objects to the word "lunuh , " nnd so do some other people , when It Is iihcd k ) ilesifjmito any inoiil served after 12 noon , BHVH the Hobtoa Tlurald. Wliothor "lunclr'oi1 ' "luncheon" Is Correct niatturu llltlo , if thosa partak * inpr "f it will recollect that the word Big- nllicfi a "lump of food , " only Unit nnd nothing moro. A luncheon according to Dryden ! H a hunch of breml cut from the loaf. Now wlion 11. IH wild by ellp- Bhotl wi'ltoi'H that "a nice llttlo lunch was sorvcd during1 the evening , " that In not what IB mount at all , The hunch of broad , tlio stop-taken at noon tlrno , is a very different alTulr from the "mipnoi' " a meal , whatever Us proportions , which follows illnnm1 as surely as night followH day. If that appetizing ropuflt , contesting of uracUcrb and chuodo , or the toothbomo Welsh rarebit , or any other indigestible dainty that tops off an evening - ing nrt Is called ' 'lunch , "it IB a grievous on or in tlio jmllcial cars of Lord Colo- ridge and other etymologists. Old Folks at Home. They will ho there and expecting a visit from you at GhrlstmiiH time , ami the Union Pacific will sell tickets on Do- coinbor 21 , 2o and 111 , 18')0 ' ) , and January 1. 1891 , to nil Kansas anil Nebraska polntHiitono and one-third faro for tha round trip , good returning until Janu nry 5 , 1891 , _ Go O.i n VlHit. Tloro is a chance to go homo nnd visit tlio old folks during the holidays. Tlio Union Pacific will soil on December 21 , iir and 81 , 1SOO , and January 1 , 1891 , round trip tickets to all Kansas and No * braska points for ono and onu-third faro for the round trip , good returning Janu ary 0 , 1891.