s PART TWO.THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAGES 9 TO 16 TWENTIETH YEAR. OMAHA SUNDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 14 , 1890-THIRTY-TWO PAGES. NUMBER 170. Xmas ONLY ONLY ONLY - Xrnas Ends NINE , NINE NINE Ends The DAYS DAYS .DAYS The Fair. MORE. MORE. MORE. Fair. .NINE ONLY Only Nine Will be DAYS MORE Days Ended NOVvT. Positively the last 9 days of the Fair. Nearly 300 Dress Patterns That mil at bo oloiort out tomorrow. Wo stllthiro about .TK ) dross pattcrtm In various differ ent styles which hao beta reduced for tomorrow as follows ! Wo will Cloio Out Tomorrow DOUBLE FOLD SCI ) Mil PLAIDS , AT FINE WOOL ENGLISH CASHMERES , Each Pattern containing a full dross ot eight yards. Entire Dross Pattern Koduccil froui $1.76. HAIL ORDERS FILLED. FULL nnrss PATTIIUNB FINE WOOL 110MOTNS , AT ELECA8TREPELUNT CLOTH Good winter weight. 8 yards , 41-inch poods. ENTIRE DRESS PAT IERN- Keducod from $2.50 to $1.35. WE HAVE AI10UT UO ALL WOOL TRICOT. AT FINE IMPORTED LADIES' ClOTB , All 42 inches in Grey and Brown Mixtures at ENTIRE DRESS PATTERN. 81.75 ( or entire pattern ot 8 yardq. 23 Black and Colored AT S2.50 SILRFINISS HENRIETTAS . Those ixro patterns wo formerly sold for . for $0. Wo close thorn tomorrow at $2.CO. ENTIRE DRSES PATTERN. FINEST QUALITY 8ILK TINISII 3.90 ALL WOOL HENRIETTAS' - All our 42 Inches wide goods thtif sold for 81.00 . a yard. Also some choice novelties in side band ellocts in striped french serge that sold as high . as $1.60 a yard , but wo soil you the entire pattern Entire Dress Pattern. These . of 8 yard * at $3.00. muko cleeunt Xmus presents. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Owlnff to our proat Bales of dress pattern novelties , a croat nuantyty of roranont has accumulated in the past thrco months , and to close thorn out Monday , wo place them on our collators lu the following lots ; All the short lengths of reg- 19cular 25c and 40c dress goods W in lengths of 1 to 2 % yds at 19c We will give you all the lengths up to rt 50c yards of all wool dress goods , fancy stripes and checks , worth from 750 to $ i , all go at W 500 a length. c : All the remnants of .the finest imported rtE pluids , checks and stripes so popular this sea son. and all wool brilliantines , Henriettas and W mohairs , worth up to $2.50 , go at 750. We will give you all the remnants of the rte E 98c finest silk mixtures , plaids and silk warp hen- .fa 0) riettas , suitable for combinations , worth up W to $3.5o , for 980. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. WHITE. AND COLORED BLANKETS AU our hoa > ywhUo and AH our t5Vhlto ; inU Col \11 our Durst crndo of all gruy ored wool California WOOL BLANKETS 111 Reduced Reduced Reduced from fl1 to $2.50 1)1,1 ) to Comforter B. All our It full site AH our finest full slie All our Imported H cutacn COMFORTERS - COMFORTERS COMFORTERS KAIL ORDERS FILLED. Mail Orders Filled. Only * & * iaf-A\ \ Nine Days More 9 days more to .close out " this" entire remaining lot of seven hundred cloaks , j ackets etc. 'Bet them bring what they nmy5they must go PLUSH CLOAKS , Notice What a Cut we Make From Our Former Prices. ' An Elegant Seal Plush , Quilted sntin lined gar ment , real beiil orrmmonts reduced from $20 to $9. DA This is one of the illlflnegt pr.ado real London Uyed , extra long Seal Plush Garments , Marked down from $25.00 to $12.60. Silk I'lusli ' Jacques , Mmlo of the boat grade of plush inunufaeturoil. Can'tbe * distihguisried * ' from a real sealskin ; ro- duco'dfrom $35.00 to $10. CHILDREN'S Readu Made Dresses , Ages 1 to 4 years ; dark Ginghams and hand somely trimmed , REDUCED FROM $1.25 TO ' SIZES MISSES'DRESSES 2 TO 8 YEARS Made of Glnghnm and Dark Sateen , ' none worth less than $1.50 , MISSES' ' DRESSES SIZES 4 TO 12 YEARS Mtuleof Tliio Cnshincro and All Wool Flannel , huudsomcly trimmed , worth ui > to W 00 YOUR CHOICE 7c. YOUR CHOICE or oun Finest Misses' Dresses BJ j jf WlS T oSco'S ? , ? ? WW > la th ° lttt- DRESSES , Wo liavo 103 Ladles' Dresses , inadoot Cnsli- raoro , Tricot and All Wool 1'luiuiol , tilmmod hnndsaiioly and In tno latest style , farmer price { 13.50 to JJ3 03 , to Close , SHAWLS , A Large All Wool SHAWL , Our Ten Dollar Beaver " -AND- , Velvet 8HHWL8 , Child's Cloaks , Ages 1 to 8 joars ; trimmed with Astraclmn or braided , with capo , reduced from $4.2.5 to $1.00. Ladies' Jackets , All our $5 ladles' Jaclicls In All Wool Cloth , trimmed with Astriiclmn , loose fronts reduced totl.50. Ladies' ; Newmarkets , $5.00 $ NEWJIAIlKr c < luccd to $1.75 C7 C ( ) NEWMARKKTS , tote to NEWMARKETS , O * 7 Reduced to u > I m MILLINERY Inor.lortoclosoout nil our Trimmed lints tomoiiowolmo placed tiicin lu four lots , AT AT AT AT Oi nr Ji/5 / , SatinRibbons Wo havn about 10,000 yardiof 1'lno Silk 7111)- bens , In all colors , tlmt must bo Bold to-mor row. Your choice of the whole lot , ToQf A Morrow , .t _ _ > IV _ > Yard. FURS. Must bo Closed Outl All our Tlno Tur Muffs , 19c , 75c , $1 $1.50. FUR CAPES , Our Tlno Fur Oupcs that were J7.M , go now for $2.50. ANY MAN'S SUIT IN OUR HOUS In the Cassimere , Regardless of GOES Men's Clothing Worsteds , Former Price NOW SY.5O Department. Cheviots , or Value. FOR SELLING OUT MEN'S SUITS FOR $7.50-worth as high as $20.00- LEMDING RTTRflGTION IN THE OMAHA Will be the Closing Out of the Clothing Department and Your Choice of the Entire Lot for $7.50. ALL MEN'S ALL MEN'S ALL MEN'S ALL MEN'S SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS $7.50 $7-50 $7.50 . L BRANDEIS & SONS , Christmas and the Pair. Positively closing out Muffleis & everything- MAIL. OHDEK3 FILLED. 7. ucut silk uiul ucol . . > * 1.S. silk tl 59 brocuilcil silk MUFFLERS MUFFLERS MUFFLERS > SOc $2 Imported sllle 12 W impurtcil all silk Very flnost grades silk MUFFLERS MUFFLERS MUFFLERS $1.OO $1.28 $1.78 Fine brocaded colored Finest quality $1.50 Best grades of $1.50 Silk ildk'fs Silk Ildk'fs Silk Ildk'fs Reduced from 25c to Reduced to Reduced to I2&C 5oc. ' ' YOUR Ladies' Handk'fe CMOIC EMAIL To close out our stock of Ladies' Handkerchiefs we offer you the choice of any white or colored border H. S. Hd'kfs or white lace drawn sheer lawn Handkerchiefs , for MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Ladies' ' Wool Hosiery Ladies' Fine all -wool CASHMERE - HOSE Worth 38c. Our Very Fine all wool Imported Plain & Ribbed Cashmere HOSB Reduced from 75c , Our Misses' and Children's All Wool Seamless and 12k Cashmere - to12k Reduced from 38e to MAIL ORDJCR8 FILLED. Our entire stock of Our very finest all Jersey Ribbed wool Medicated Gray - Underwear Scarlet and Zephyr Knit Underwear 25 cents 75 cents Worth up to 75c Worth up to$2.50 MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Only Nine SELLING Days More Infants' Slices 25o Child's liongola Slices 60o School Shoes 7fio Lartlos' fine unrni Shoes OOo Ladies' vnrni lined 0.\foiU Ties Aiorlh $2 OOo Ladles' extra quality $2 Dongola Shoes . . . ' . $1.25 All 4i : Shoes In kid nnil ilon olu to close nt $1.75 Ladles' $ ! J.r 0 patent leather tip line Don ola Shoes $2,00 Ladles' line whlto Ikcco lined Dea der Opera Sllnncis OOo ChllrtN jmteiit leather tin Shoes , 5to8 ! 76o Men's Aligator Slippers Men's Bxtra Eine Hni- broidercd Slippers 99c. 6ldMenTWarm"Slippers 90 cents Girls' Felt Slippers 40 cents Men's Felt Boots , only - 25c a pair Ladies' -Rubbers 19c. Ladies' Overshoes 45c. Boys' Overshoes 39c. . Men's Overshoes 75c. MAIL OUDEIIS FILLKD. 502 , 504,506 , AND 508 SOUTH 13 I'll STREET. Mail Orders Filled. . '