r THE OMABA DADDY BEE , SUNDAY , DECEMBER 14 , 1800 THIETY-TWO PAGES. AMONG FASHIONABLE PEOPLE , What Tbey Are Doing and Saying In the Emart World. SOCIETY ENTERTAINMENTS THE PAST V/EEK / 1 ho Oinnlia < ! imr < ) H null tlio Success \Milli Attended Their Ilrcoptlon A "Jlcnrtf. " 1'nriy Card I'nr- lien nnd Mrs. Burton Harrison , the very clover nutlior of the "Anglo-maniacs , " has recently Written tin article for the North American Ilcvlow , ontltlcd , "Maids and Maidens lu American Society. " If wo nro to bellovo Mrs. Harrison , mat rons mo to bud and blossom and bloomngnlu , nnd qulto naturally tnko all the lion's share of attention , whllo the "buds" and second , third nnd oven fourth season girls will have to look on and secretly lament that they do not belong to the mnturcr school as repre sented by their married slsteia. In looldntr over the smart world ot Omaha , ono cihinot help but admit that oven now come of the young married women command inoro attention than their younger Bisters , who , though quito as jirotty , hcl < - the experience In social customs , these llttlo amenities which are so courted by ttio male sex. "Whether a dance or liono show , opera , or drum , the woman most conspicuously fol lowed utid fntcd by tlio other sex is , In nine cnsos out of ten , in marriage bonds. None can pretend to vie with her except the real rolgnlug 'beauties , ' who nro almost nhvuvs 'about to marry some ono.1 'Ihls quotation Mrs. Harrison Is responsi ble for und In very many cases it is the gospel - pol truth. It Is piobably n wring Idea of civ- ili/ution , but tliou a woman some how or othci becomes moro charming , moro IN inning tun man's eyes , when bo knows thntsomu other nun ] has the right to her smiles , Is en titled to her caresses , whllo bo can simply look on nud regret .that tha pri/o did not foil to him. Still ho enjoys her conversation , ho listens Intently to her strictures upon forms of soci cty , ho crosses swords with her upon tbo great problems which sway mou's minds and ho relishes the bon moUs which fall from her lips , Auperllclnl probably , but still intensely alluring , "A married woman 1ms all tbo freedom of action thnt a widow enjoys , " saja a writer in the Now York Woild , " "without the pro tection Afforded by the worldly wisdom of tliatporjion. " Anil contlnulnp n'cug ' the line laid down above , the writer further snys , speaking of the gradual evolution of the society favorite. . ' Ono by ono nil tlio good people of tbo town , us it grows larger , got beyond the trammels and toils of provincialisms and colloquialisms. The 'do tells" and the 'haows' become 'icidlys' ' nndyou suiprlso mes ' "Then somebody electrifies every ono else by giving a tea at which salad Is served with a mayonnaise upon It , which no ono daios to cat heaitllv and soulfully. And thus goes on the evolution through all the grades of cookery and dress , until , la supreme clo- ganco , the women wtar light Clocks in tbo evening , tbo men don dross suits , and pie , if served ut all. Is called p.istry , and oysters add clcganco to e\cry social scene. "Ihen comes the mariied woman's dnv. The j OUIIK girls have had theirs In tbo earlier progiosaof civilization ; now the latter must be content to rustioato. hibernate and ruminate - nato whllo the founcr become the belles of society , to glitter and sparkle and gleam in the full light of popular favor. "Tlio community has reached the highest possible stage of social progress. " It Is to bo legrettcd , however , that tbo married woman should domlnato the world of fashion , as she aocs. It seems a little bit coUl-blqodcd for mon to fill n matron's dance profe'ramrao while around and about them nro seen fair young girls , with the roics that rival these of nntuio upon t-holr checks , bright , intelligent loWibld giils , walling , longing lot a dance that only comas , In so many cases , after tlio young married woman's card is flllod with the names of nor admirers. The debutante hns her rights. While they should not bo assoitcd to the disregard of the charms which young womanhood soboautl- f ullj typilies , still inoa should be taught that it Is to the unmarried woinitn they nro to give their nnino , not to the ono who enjoys a beautiful mauled llfo of her own. _ If this now order of tilings would dawn tthoicrvvoulJ. ho loss said about the vices of so ciety by these who are without the charmed last week was an off wiek for society. The guards' ball brightened the social utinosphcio a hit , but only to lapse again Into deeper shadow titan ucforo Until after the holidays thciowill bo llttlo doing in social circles , the rank and lllo bclnc busy with their own affairs , bujlng nnd link ing presents , alleviating distress , and doing tbo thousand nud ono things which are ro- gulled of the devotees of socictv. This week promises llttlo in the way of on- tcitainniont. The pace which was set at the beginning of the se.isonwus seemingly too warm to bo Kept up , nnd fewer affairs of note are lemarked. And then Lent comes so very shortly after Christinas that it is qulto safe to assume so ciety \ \ 111 have llttlo cluuico for amusement until Raster bunislicb the snck-clotli and ashes. Tlio Guard's Hull mid ICcooptlon. Tlio war's whole art each private soldier knows. And with .V gen'ral's love of conquest plows. Aiullson , "There Is something Intensely fascinating about brass buttons , " said n fair young dcbu- tanto to a civilian ns they whiilod through the mazes of the "Bluo Danube , " and the civilian who was haidly civil , replied that ho had hcaid it said that brass buttons could win any young girl's trusting hoart. 'So they will , whoa tlio right man is be hind thiMii , " said the "hud" as she Increased 'the step and a frown settled upon tbo face of the gentleman in n dross suit , which grew deeper ana deeper as tlio evening woroa\\ay. It was quite evident that the gay soldier _ bojs WPIO the fu\oiltes of the night , and If They were ilcllcicnt in the "bettings up , " It Mas all forgotten In the charm and delight of U'ucsdaj evening , the occasion of tbo Omaha Guard's inlllt.iry bill and reception at Wash- .lugtoii hall. The hall , which Is especially adapted for big affairs , was mtlstirally ( Uvnr.Uod la hon or of the thlid annual ball of the company. Around the rail of the balcony , Hags were festooned und allowed to Uopond buovv the bnltony line ; hunting was deftly arranged about the ceutuil chundollor , radiating llko the spokes of a wuool to different portions tions of the building. Around the raised platform which encloses the dancing spiui > , palms nnd hrjsaiitho- inuiiiH were placed , which , blending with the led , whltonnd oluoof the ling , made a ury nttlstio picture. A detail from the cnmpiny was stationed nt the head of thostnlrvv.iyvhllofouiMiou - lommlssloiicd ofllrvrs , If such n thing is not unknown to an independent infantry oigan- ization , acted in the capacity of ushers and dlsli ibutors nf dance cards. A lonely sea- tlnul stood guard ut the second landing , whllo two guardsman occupied the right ana lott positions ut the door Uuuling to the hall proper , 1or a tlmo a number of the pitroness s ro- rcivod the guests ns they entered the bill hut gradually they found moro congenial pleasure tu dancing or Joining the lookers-on , * und by 9 o'clock the lloor was occupied with tha dancers , tbo last of the lady patrons had capitulated to a guard.snmn. Twenty-two numbers were on the pro- cnimni'j , thy mualu for thu ovonlng being fnrnlshod by lit teen members of the Musical Union orchestra under tlio dlrcoilpn of .Mr. Harry Jivinc , Supper \\M served nt 11 o'clock , Mr. James Ualchof tbo Hotel Ilarlter having thnt \ < jry necoswiry feature of the evening In ehaigo. The illnlng room , w hllo not elaborately dcior- nted. was very prettily arranged , and the wrvlco was remarked for its excellence. For the elderly people who have long slnco given up dancing , and the young mon and maids who would rather sit opposite each other nud watch the lovellghtcomo nnd go , card tables were arranged la a room off the ( lining hall , and toward midnight they were nearly all occupied , They afforded pleasant opportunities for toto-a-totos , which wcro uu- dotibtedly greatly eujojed. Too much credit for the signal success of the reception cannot bo given the executive ( committee which had the affair In cbnrgoi Captain Mulford , Q. M. Sergeant , ,1. L. John son , Corporal Campbell , Privates Clenvr and 81C Cook. Tlio floor coinmltteo counistod of Cor poral ' Unrry McCorinlck and Prix'atcs Altcho- son , Moron , O'llcllly and Chat Ucdick. The patronesses were rcprcscittod by Mrs. il cnr > V. Yatcs , Mrs. Hoagland. Mw. General - oral ! Brooke , Mrs. Mulford , Mrs. K. S. Dundy , Jr , Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , jr. , Mrs. Clement Chnso , Mrs. Thurston , Mrs. MeCor- mlck , Mrs. Uroatch and a number of others. Mrs. Kelp Dundy , a general favorite In tbo social life of the city , uoro a very handsome siK gown of old rose crcpo with an effective glrdloof gold. Mrs. U. H. Wheeler. Jr. , another of the charming ) oung married women , appeircd In ono of the prettiest costumes at the ball , a dainty heliotrope crepe , beautifully trimmed about the neck by * a deep line of pansles , which qulto suited her complexion. Mrs. ll-nryMcCormlcK , a pretty nnd vivo- clotu brunette , were a go-.vn of red crepe , which \vai Just suited to hcrstjloof beauty. Mrs. Clement Chase , uiiotlicr of the favor ites In the smart world , were a dainty pink crcK | > trimmed with silk. Mrs. OcorgoV. . Ames , wbols alwajs re marked for her exceeding good tastuln nutters of dress , were a handsome Paiislun costume of Nile gicen silk with a pretty ovei dress of Incc , trimmed with ribbons of the satueshado us the silk. Mrs. Captain Mulford , black lace over black silk , red roses , Mrs. H , U. Lockwood , n beatlful creation of the modiste , black velvet , tiimmcd with yellow brocade , cutrnlne. Mrs. Uonll were a stjlisb black gown , trimmed with black passementerie. Mrs. C. S. Whitney , black silk trimmed with gold braid , ontralne. Mrs. W. N. liabcoclc were a pictty costume of lavender nnd white cmo. Miss Wnstncr of Orand Island attracted unUersal attention. She Is an exceedingly pretty gill , with liquid bluooycsnnd n peachy complexion , and were n gown of gray crepe with rosettes of the sumo shade of crcpoi duun the light panel. Miss Hlbbard , another of the pretty girls who wcio present to break the hearts of the sons of Mars , appeared In whllo cashmere with yellow satin trimmings. Miss Mm gnret AlooroOH : a stylish plnld > engaUnosllk gown with whitectepo , silver lussementorio. Miss Mihcl Pratt , pink silk trimmed with due tulle , a combination that on any ono clso , vould offend the cje , but colors which Miss ijrattweirs extremely well. Miss LJIIH Uuitisworoa very graceful cos- .umo of uliito China silk tilinincd ith a lofusionoC pmsles Miss Tournlin , whose debut Into the social ifoot Omaha has been so very successful. : iulto captivated bcr ft lends by u bewitching uiess of green rrcpo tiimmcd with slhcr. Miss Inez Haskell , white silk , \ery plainly but prettily made , with Inco trimmings. She iarrled a \ orvhnncUomo bunch of pink roses Miss Jennie McClelland , Nile green silk , rimmed with white silk fiin e. Miss Nellie Bums , n looker on In Vienna , , vuto n simple but pretty costuino of red crcpo rimmed with led silk. MI.SH Mamie Moore adorned a modish gown if blue tulle over blue silk , tiimmcd with ; ) ink for-getMiic nots. Miss Mary Hroxvn , an exceedingly charm- ng young \ \ omaiivlio inindsyou for nil .ho world of a Puritan maiden , woroastrlk- ng costume of bright red net' Miss Pearl Hurtnmn , lavender casuinere > rimmed with lavender silk nnd ribbons. Miss rnU.i Barnard a petite and pretty blonde , with light golden hair nnd dark brown ojes , an unusual tvpo of beauty , were white "TJrusscls net over white silk. Miss Hall , whoso last reception it was be- 'oiu Iciialng for her home In Minneapolis , an- icared in a delicate shade of gny net trim- ned with gray moire ribbons oor gray silk , a very sncot gown , bv the way. Miss Turner , white cashmere ttiinmed with ivlilto silk. Miss liuntnan , white net trimmed -with bows of white ribbon. Miss Bishop , n pretty costume of bright red cashmoio-tilmmod with llttlo puffings of creno. Miss Laura Hougland were a very foreign creation , which was purchased last summer in Pails , a black lace over llguiedold rose silk , Ixjimot to match , and with her sister , Miss Hoigland , Misa Bessie Yntes , Miss Biwlc , Miss Clara Brown and Mias Ludlng- ton hiado up a party of gay spectators In the balcony , i Among the l.'O guests present the following are recalled : Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Thurston , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. W. Yules , Miss Bessie Yates , Miss Brock , Mr. and Mrs. C. S Whitney - noy , Mr. uud Mrs. W. N. Babcdck , Mr. and Mrs. AithurUemlngton.Mr. and Mrs Ilariy McCormlck , Mr. and Mrs. William Uyger , Air. nnd Mrs. Lockwood , Mr. nnd Mis Hmry Whltinorc , Ml. nnd Mrs W. J. Broatoh , Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Mo\or , Mr. and Mis "Ucoigo W. Amos , Mr. and Mrs. Geoigo Kelley , Mr. nnd Mrs. Mctcnlf , Mr. ana Mis Dan Wheeler , Mrs. i : . S. Dundy , Jr. , Mcs I. W. Miner , Mrs. Clement Chase , Mrs , Geioral Biooke , Mis. Hill , Mrs. Boall. Mrs. D. C. Patterson , Colonel und Mrs. Sheridan , Captain nnd Mrs. Schaiff , Mr. nnd Mrs. iicindorff , Mr. nnd Mrs. ( Jeorgo A. Joslvn , Mr. and Mrs Grej- ory , Mr. nnd Mrs. Branch , Mr. und Mrs. IJ. S Kood , Mr. nnd Mrs. Guible , Mr. nnd Mrs. .Stntoy , Mrs. Lioutonaut Snrscn , JNIr. and Mrs. Jules Lombard , Mr. nnd Mrs. Paffenrath , Mr. and Mrs. ICuhn , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Itobmson , Mr. and airs Mul ford. Misses Touzalln , AVnkeloy , Doane , Curtis , Mabel Pratt , Margaret Moore , Mamie Moorq.nsiner. . MtClellund , H irtm in. Hnscull , Schmidt , T/schiiek , Hib- Inul , Knight , FriUn Bnimird , Hall , Turner , Johnson , liauin.iu , Whitman , Bishop , Maurei , iJurnoll , Maiy Blown. Mossrj. Siundeis , John Patrick , Captain Kennedy , Bcall , Dr. Wilcox , Crary , Baxter , Kedick , Jordon , Hath , Stockton Ileth , Wing Allen , O'llolllyVoid , Bamford , Campbell , Cook. Butler , Smith , Berlin , Lawrence , Palmiitlcr , Tabj'an , Atcluson , Soarlc , Njo , L.untGeorgo B. Tzchulk. Johnson. Toy , Balaiidgo , Belt , Tzschuck , George Miner. Whitehead , Knapp , Murray , Cone , Kdwaids , Morau , Loomis , Hess , Voss , Hull , K. C. Snyder. They IMnjoil nt "Jlonrts. " In honor of her diughtor. Miss Fritza Bar nard , Mrs. J , F. Barnard gave a very charm ing "heait.s'1 ' party Monday evening at her residence , 19J3 Capitol uvcnuo. Tbo floral decorations were very pretty , palms being effectively placed throughout the lower iloor , whllo the chandeliers wcro entwlnod with snillaxroses being distributed In pretty vases and bo wls on the mantels ana tables. Kofreshments , which were qulto elaborate , were served early in the evening- , cards being resumed afterwards. Ordinarily refresh ments come after the conclusion of the game and usually tciurinates the e\cning's pleas ures , but in this en > o n pleasant innovation was introduced whlcb was well received by the guests , Prizes wcro awarded as follows : First ladles' prjzo , n very pretty silver spoon , to Miss Sheppard ; second prize for women , to Mins Kmily Wakeloy , n rery dainty piece ol Dresden china. This was Miss Walcclcj " 3 llrst recognition of her ability as a card- player , and naturally plcasod the young lady greatly. The first gentle man's prlfo was won by Mr. Downs , a pretty ash receiver , the second going to Mr. Clinton Mills , which was a cal endar for IS',11 ' The follow ing were the guests present : Mr. mid Mrs. Harry MeCortnick , Misses Donne , n. Wakeloy , Toiunlln , Curtis , Hall , Bishop , HartmnnHakerBaum , Miller. Helen Smith , Sheppard , Hudson , Mason of Lincoln , and Burns. Messrs. Clapp , Loomis , Hess , ( liiiou , Lewis , Downs , Driscol , Mills , F. Mo- Corinlck , Wai rack , White , Jonlln.rosbonner , rail-field. Bnldwlgo , Meirick , Hotb , Alooros , Ucdick , Word , rorscnun , Cleaver , Keller , btanloy Smith , The game w s slnglo "propresslvo hearts , " and piovcd to bon pleasant relief from high live , which seemingly is the only soduty game , faslilomibln people know how t play . A House Mr. nud Mrs.tJ , J. Burgstrom hud n genuIne - Ino old fashloneilhousowaunltiK intheh now nnd elegant homo , No , 173 ? south Ninth street , last Sunday evening. The time wtis pleasantly wlnled away with music and slug- ingnnd every ono present was niado to feel thoroughly at homo. During tha evening n very appetizing repast wiw served up , to which all did amule Justice , Short speeches were made by Judge Anderson , John Stool and. I , Nonlwall. Among the guests were noticed the follow ing : Mr. and Mrs. John Nordwoll , Judge and Mrs. 0. Anderson , Mr , and Mrs. John Steel , Mr. nnd Mrs. K. LUJcnstolpc , Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Dahlstroin , Mr. and Mn. G. Audreen , Mr. and Mn. S. U , Johnson. Mr. nndMrs.Grundln.air. and Mrs. ILSandstodt , Mr. nnd Mrs. R Llndbcrg , Mr. nnd Mrs. Olof Johnson , Mr. and Mn. A. Isokson , Mr. nnd'Mrs. Cbnrles Johnson , Mr. nnd Mrs. Koticrt Sandln , Mr , and Airs. M. llltigcn , Mr. and Mrs. John Green. Mr. and Mrs. N. \V. Nelson ; Mcwrs. E. WldlngliOff , A. Bowman - man , .T. Sanilln , C. McManus , Charles linn- .son , A. Newman. Andy Johnson Axel Smith , M , Pirn , Lars Johnson , A. SJoberg , H. Llnd- berg. O. Nordnall ; Misses Ebba Lafgrcn , IdaSwcnson , Annie Nordwall , Lillie Stool , .Toslo Gustafson , Annie Nelson , Emma An derson and LouLio Grandla. Indies' Night nt the Wheel Club. At Its last regular moating the Omaha wheel club decided thnt In future It would celebrate what Is known by the club as "la dles' night" on Wednesdays Instead of Thurs. dajs as was the custom , nnd the wisdom of this change was made \cry apparent lait AVcdnesdiy cuulng on the occasion of the first entertainment under the now departure , tbo attendance being three tlmci as great as it had over been boforo. The club orchestra opened the entertain ment by cxecutliifr \orybrilltant overture , and this was followed by on excellent rendi tion of a ballad entitled 'The Answer , " sung by Mr. Lou Dale. Being lecnltcd , Mr. Dale then treated his friends to u comic song en * titled "Tho Banana Man. " The next on the piogramrno wns n cornet solo by Prof. Hov , who proved himself to bo n very tine musician , nnd tbosatno may bo said of Prof. A. B. Todd , who performed some lively \\ork ou the pianoforte. The talented orchestra gave a charming no- lection and Mr Uou Dale uanlii ontcrtnlncd the guests by singing "Lovo's Sorrow" and "Mako a Little Homo for the Old Jjlks. . " Then cune the most entertaining part of the programme , nnmoly , the refreshments , which comprised nil the delicacies that iiro In season at this tlmo of ttio jear. The ra in Under of tUo evening was consumed In dancing , Among these present wcro observed the following : Misses Meyer , Coombo , DpqlUtle , Blown , Livoscy , Parker. Polssant , HicUolc , Codso , Thomas , Lehman , strntinan , . Stratton nud Straup : Mi's. Underwood , Mrs. PalffM- rath , Mrs llollon. Mis. Wheeler : Messrs , 1\ PafTonrath , G. S. Giiertln , C. O Undervvool , W , Urandt , Dr. Jones , 12. B. Smith , \V. 1) . Townscud , W. II. Hold. 13 Ltftlo , B.VhcU - er. W. Coombe , W. Moriis. U. Epenetcr , AVIlliatn A. Gnnjcan , R Siefkln , J. E Eber- solo , B. Portorticld , II. II. Ithodcs , A. M. Cowle , T. G. Mathcns nnd B. Little. A Fancy Lamp 'liudo Snip. The lamp shade sale at Mrs. Uco. W. Ames'residence on Park avenue , under the auspices of the Parish Aid society of Alt Saints , Wednesday from " until 0 o'clock , was aery pictty und novel Idci The house , which is exceedingly well mhptcd for semi-social entertainments of this kind , although the object Is for charl- tnclo purposes , was darkened nnd a hrgo col lection of hindsomo lamps stood tn the drawIng - Ing room , decorated by nnny colored shudos mido by the fair hnnds of the members of the society. Thcro wcro green shadosx and blue shades , shades roprcsonline the ripen ing corn , rod shades and J ellow shades , nil bemtlfully rmdo nnd trimmed -with dcop fifhgesot tissue paper , which gu\o thorn a very handsome appearance. In the dining room a largo coutro table was placed , covered by u snow white cloth , and relieved bv a broad bind ofsmilax which completely circled the table. Upon this a half dozen old nnd rare cindolnhru were placed to display the beauties of the candle shides which had also been mlido for the sale. They were oxceedingy pretty nnd graceful and for luxurious entertaining there is nothing that so lights up a buiquet boaid as eflectivoly shaded candclabin. Tea was served hi the llbraiy off tno dining room , Mrs. Louis Bradford being the goddess of the urn. And hero the Indies congregated , for it was n cosy ictrcat , and discussed af fairs of chinch , state , possiblv tbo situation in Ireland , \vhilo they sipped the dclicioiwly brewed oolong imdntc the wafer which ac companied every cun of the beverage Owing to some misunderstanding as to the place where the silo would beheld , it was not as Inrgel } putroul/ed ns it deserved to bo. It was such a pretty idea however thnt tlio snlo ought to bo repeated , Just before Lout , nnd with proper advertising would undoubt edly attract u lareo croud of church peojile. The ladles having the sale in charge and who undo all the pretty things on. exhibition were Mrs. D H. Wheeler , ) r , president of the society ; Mrs. Ames , Mrs. Bradford , Mis. Hutit , Mrs. Cross , Mis Westphallng , Mis. Drake nnu Mrs. Will Ourloy. Among the \ Isltois who attended the sale during the af- aftcrnoon were Mesdames Arthur itotnlu- ton , Clement Chase , Dr. Mooic , E E. Ed- waids , Dundy , Pr Connor , Lockwood , Babcock - cock , Llaikson , Wool worth , Lohmer.Clmp- mau. Harris , /Calmer , W. F. Allen , Dudley Ev ans , Tillson and Miss Tatum. A Very I'rctty IConai 11-2ton. Mrs. 1) . B. Wood , in honor of Mrs Hin- man , a sister of Mrs. "WooJ , give a porfcctly appointed Kensington tea Thursday aftev- noon , which brought out the loproscntatlvo society people , the day being balmy and bright , an Ideal day in December. Mrs. Wood has a very pretty house at Tvvcntj-second and Davonpoit und interior- ally is ono of tlio mojt charming houses In the west. The decorations show the highest form of art , cvorj thing being in the most delightful good tusto , usjou would expect In the residence of ono of Omaha's beat known bankers. While a number of tbo puests brought their fancy work , the major portion plaj od cards , a feature of Kensingtons. These rtays which our mothers nnd may bo grandmothers would undoubtedly frown down , ns nn inno vation not In keeping with thoprlglnnl inten tion of the founders ot the society teas. Mrs Wood has three beautiful children , and their introduction to tbo guests was a pleasant feature of the altcruoou's chirm. Dainty refreshments by Balduff wcro served during the course of the tea , the guests in vited to paitlcipato in the pleixsuics of the nfiernoon being Mesdames Brooke , Hill , Ayers , Summers , Lnucli , Lchnior , Concdon , 1. H. Congdon , J. .1. Brown , Hustln , Coinlsh , Motcalf , Btn Smith , Howard Smith , Uik-gs , I ) . H. Wheeler , D. H. Wheeler , } r , AV. IT. Alien , P. H. Allen , Buck , T3cnnett , Duiulp , C.itlln , Sheridan , Hanscom , Horbach , ( jiucl- ncr , Richardson. Beall , J. N. H. Patrick , Peck , Kd Peck , Squiics , Bstabrook , 0 M. Carter , I > vl Caitor , Beobo , Kilpatrlck , Doano , Hill , Yost , MorsemanV. . V. Alort.o , Coutnnt , ,1 H. Millard , C. "W. Hamilton , Cumlng , WallaceCnrlis , Baldwin- ) . , Luvvls Rood , II. ( ! Burl , Joseph Marker , Geoigo Barker , Pritchctt , Green , Adams , McKeiinn , Wesscls , Chase , IMwnids , Linlngcr , Ilallor , CJuy Birton , Joseph Dm ton , II. 11. Hingwalt , Powell , Nicholas , AVood , Hodick , Woolworth - worth , S. D Barknlow , Lacy. . H. W. Yates , McCord , Misses Summers , Ijams , Ames ot ChicaRO , Carter , Knight of Texas , Dal- eoinbo. A Pancy Itnzanr and Imnihoon , Thursdaj afternoon from ! } until0 o'clock , a very pretty ba/aarvvaa held attherosl- donco of Mrs. William Gyger , 20J Half Howard street , while a luncheon was served at the residence of Mrs. Ford , adjoining , both cnlorUinments being for tuobonctltof the Westminster Presbytoiiati church. Mrs Gysnr's house was prottllv deco rated with gay ribbons and the fancy articles for snlo were suspended thorcon. Hut the paitlcular craze of the afternoon was tliodemana for butterfly lamp shades , n novelty Just Introduced from the cast. So gicitwas tkodonruul lorthoprottv trlllo , that the ludlos who wcro Instrumental In their ii ( iking , were compelled to take orders for udditlonnl ones , the supply being exhausted very early In the afternoon. The tables in Mrs. ford's lesldenco wcro decorated with chrysanthemums aiiclsmllax and was assisted by Moscamos Shields , Guild , nnd Miss Mercer , Among the ladies present dining the afternoon were : MesdamosIClor- stead. Stone , Botkln , Ed Williams , Barney , Miss Nettle Johnson , Mrj > . Allen ICocn , Mrs , Curtis , Mrs Wnrrcn , Mrs , Sbunk , Mn. ( Jur- toy , Airs. Bnitzlor , Mrs. Ferny the , Mrs Gun. dorson , Aim. George i licks , Mrs. Kandall , Mrs. Cleonro Oyger , Miss Gyjjer , Mrs. Will bur , Mrs. bheldon. Mrs. Croy , Mrs. Mclklo , Mrs. Love , Mrs. Nowcomb , Miss Nowoomb , Mrs. Penuell , Mrs. T , J. Penuoll , Miss Kas- son , Miss Murphy , , High F'ivu tutlio Horrlaui , Mr. L. P. Stlclmcy , manager of thoMer rlnin , and wife , Invited a fovr friends into the parlor on Monday evening , and throe tables of "high flvo" furnished lively entertainment during tlio evening' . These present woroi Mr. and Mrs. W. W , Morsman , Mr , and Mcs , II. N. Blood , Mr. and Mrs. I , W. Minor , Mr , and Mrs , 0. O. Hobble , Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P , Stlckney , Miss Logan , Mr. Hamilton and Mr , I. VI Feathorly. The refreshments wcro nmplo nnd very choice. Tbo lint ladles' prizo. a beautiful fairy candle , wfts won by Mrs. Morstnan ; the Unt ffOfittomau's prize , an OTydized silver smoklnifrJMt , waa cut for by Messrs. Hobhlo nnd Mltw , nnd was won by the former. The consolidation prizes \voro awarded to Misa Logan BM Mr. Fcathcrly. At the lljrmenonl Altar. CUNVINOIIAM JUt > CASBT. Mr. John Cunnlnghnik1 and Miss Loll N. Casey were united la jnarrlngo on Wednes day evening by Roy. Father McCarthy. The bride was attlrod In n btoutlful gown of dell- cato Dink silk nnd vvhlto plush , ornamented with orange blossom3.s"Sho were a whlto plush bat trimmed witnostrlch plumes. Mrs. T , J. Murphy , sister off tlio groom , acted ns bridesmaid , nnd Mr. Torn Casov , brother of the bride , ncted at best man. The groom Is In the postal service , nnd is a\ery promliinp young man. The hrldo is the jouugcst daughter of Mr. Tom Casoy. After tbo cere mony tlio bridal party went to the residence of the groom's parents , on South Tenth street , vvhcro an elegant supper WM served. Later in the evening n reception was held at the homo of the bride's parents , on Vintou street. Daiiclntr vvns n feature of the even ing , and elegant refreshments were served. The presents wcro numerous nnd costly. CAIISOS A > 'I > 11US9KM , . At tlio residence of Mr. Charles Driver , 2tU5 .North Tivontj-flfth street , Omaba.Nob. , December 11 , l&yo , by llov. W. K. Beans , pistor of Trinity M. C church , Mr. George H Canon ofMindoii , la , and Miss EaithM. Hussellof Chicago , 111. A .O.illuo 1'a.rty. Monday ovoulng Erfllag's hall was the scene of a very unique form of entertain ment , a calico party , glwa through the efforts of Mr. Powell and Mr. Holbrook. It was n very Jolly evening , nil the guests present showing a disposition to make as much na possible of the opportunity afforded for a good tlmo. The costumes -were varied as might bo ex pected aud many of them w are very elab orate. A gentleman who was In attendance was" heard to remark tint if his wlfo could looic so very handsome In a simple calico dress ho wondered win her dressmaker's bill inn up Into the hundreds during a season. Among the guests present were : Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis , Mr. and Mrs. Lally , Air. nnd Mrs. Fisher , Mr. and Mrs. Kid dell , Mr. and Mrs Campion , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wood , Ir. ) and Mrs Crummor , Dr. and Mp ) . Oapoii , Mr. and Mrs Mat Patrick , Mr. nnd Mis Frank Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. liolbiook , Mr. nnd Mi's. Lewis , Mr. and Mrs. McCo.v , Mr. and Mrs. Burke , Mr. and Mrs. Mole , Mr. and Mrs. Baiter , Mr. nnd Mrs. Diuibir , Mr and Mrs. Juvnos , Mr. aud Mrs. Williams , Mr , and Mrs. Blum , Mr. and Mrs. Chadwii'k , Mr. Klmmcl and Miss Kimmol , Mr. Chadwlck and the Misses Wolkor , Campion : mj Glacomiul. Tlio Don Ami Club. Dr. nnd Mrs. K. C. Moore entertained the Don Ami Card club Monday evening at their residence on Park nvcnuo. Tbo following members were piesont : Mr nnd Mrs. Pratt , Mr. and Mrs Clarke , Mr , nnd Mrs. Boscho , Mr. nnd Mrs Collins , Mr. and Mrs Tutum , Mr. und Mrs. Citlin , Mr airl Mrs. L. J. Oniko , Oolonol and Mrs SUnton , Dr. nnd Mrs. llrovvn , Mr. and Mr ? . Ilussio , Mr. und Mrs. Harris , Mr. and Mrs. JJahcock , Mr. nnd Mrs. lUymoad , Mr. nnd Mrs. Purvis , Mr. and Airs. Hobcrtson , Mrs. Ilamlln , Mr. Mor ton , Miss Pratt and Miss.Stanton. Mrs Collins took the firs't prirc , a lovely royal Worcester plaquea idJIr. Collins cip- tured the first gcutloidUn's honor , a tiny clock. Mr. Pratt and MI& Brown took second end prizes , fancy candhaioks 'llio Club HI plQfo Series. The fourth same of the series of five games at high live by the HighFlvodub was plaj ed Wednesday ovonmg at Jha residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Q. Mactin , near Nineteenth and Vintou streets. 'IliOHo who took part were Mr. nnd Mrs. R ) A * . Powell , Mr and Mrs. A. Li Lott , Mr. and-Tfvlrs Sol IJoppor , Samuel G. Wright , Mr ( and Mrs W. B. Cnoek , Mr. nUd Mrs. D'l ' iJl'arkhnrst , Misses Wallwork , Lour a"u"d Nltohlo and Messrs , CharH SJ-Porsyth. Li"TV MarUM/nhti-SHns Wright nnd Mr. and "Mb.ttataiilrG. Martin. The fifth and last game will bo played at the rcsldoitcfc of Mr. and Mrs. Jamos-G. Mur- tlii next " \Vcdnesday evening. < < ? ' 1 ho Ii idles' " Bliisifiil Sopletj- . The i eduction" the mombcrship fee of the Ladies' musical society is proving to ben very \v iso movement , and the morabcrdhlp is in- tre.i.liir in consequenco. At ono tlmo it looked a if the society would dioofdry rot , but tl.o active andencrgotic women who tm\e been connected with it from Its inception , oignt yo.ir ugo , determined to make on o more effort for its rcoigiiiizitioiu Mrs. J. .M Woolworth continues as the pios- iilcnt nnd Mis. J MMotcalfvho is nn en- thusiistic musician , has been prevailed upon to Uko the secretaryship Between these two very popular ladies , both in social nnd musicd'cluies , there ought to bo n.o question as tothosouot.v'ssuct.os3 this year. The third recital of tbo season , or moro propcily sneaking the ninety-seventh inn- sic.ilo , v'vill bo given nokt Wednesday after noon by Miss Gcnevioio Wcstormin , who is nnid to bo a very line pumlste , n graduate of the Boston conservatory of music under Oto Bnndlcks , who was a fnvouto pupil of thu great Lls/t It Is confidently oxneuted that thin iccital will bo up tothostandnrd of those which havoprccedod it , the programme bying as follows : Proliulo iind Fugue , O sharp v It.icb Auf ( loin wisserzu s'ngcn Sohuburt-IiK/t Ur.idlo hon ; KJirulf Auf clnvuiiK Beliiunanii Tarant % lli Oo 27 , No . ' .tioszkovvHkl Ktiide , Op iNo \ 2 i Uublnstuln Noetui IKI. 0 minor Chopin Boniiti. 1) inliior , Allegro. Adagio , Allo- k'rctto lliMitlmvcn Ulgoletto . . . . .Vordl-LKit and \V Mr. D. W. Hnynes , treasurer oftheBojd oicri nouso is visiting in Chicago A number of children's parties will bo givei during the next fortniRht. Messrs. W. N. Nason , C. P. Goodman and Joseph Garneau , Jr. , loft for Chicago on Woduosduy. Mrs. U. E. Squires returned homo Monday from a two weeks' visit ( o St. LouU. Miss Marccau of St. Louis has charge of the society work on Topics , Mlsslrono Simpson of Kobraskn City is a guest at the residence of Captain U'llcot. Mrs. FrcJ Nye Is vlsltlna friends In Pro- mont preparatory to Joining Mr. N } o In Chi cago. cago.Miss Miss JncMon of Svracuso , Now York , n lister of Mn. Dean Gardner , left for her homo on Monday , Mrs 'Wntch of Chicago is n guo < t at the Hotel Uarker , matting some Investments In Omaha realty. Miss Hall of Minneapolis , who hns be n the guest of Mis < Donno nnd Mlso Wakoloy , loft for her honioThundny. Miss Dvvlght o ( Peonn , n lady well known In Omaha , will he the guest of Miss Moore , 1059 Park nvenuc , this week. Miss Nettio Sherwood gave a dollphtful tea yeslcrdiv nftornonn tn n nitmbor of nor friciuN nt her rosldeuco on Dodge street. Mrs. WTOU Uoecrs Ins nmiounrod n luncheon nt I p m. Tlmrsday of next week , invitations hnvliie been issued this week. The Cosmopolitan club will civ o their next dance on Tuesday evening , December 2J , In stead of tho'J. > th us previously announced. Mrs. A. II IliimU , slitor of Mrs. E. C Snyder loft for her homo in Philadelphia on Wednesday after nu extended visit In Oniahn. Mr , nnd Mrs. Clmrles Tumor have Issued Invitations for a reception , which Is really a homo warming , Frlaiy evening , 10th , untie- Inp after. A number of Omaha's studcntsnt the vari ous colleges throughout the country are ex pected to return for the Cbrlsttup holidays the lattcrptrt of this week. The Misses Hoaglnud gave nn Informal dinner Thursday evening In honor of Miss Wymin , a cousin , who with her pirents has comd to Oniiha to rcsldo. Miss Smlo Colpot/cr li expected to return from her school next week ami will probably bo given n Dirty by MM , Colpotrcr iKJfora she returns to New York to resume her studies. Mri , Ificd Tjconnd her two sons are at pres ent guests of Mrs. .T. LifoCiirtli , an aunt of Mrs. Leo's , at SI513 Lake nvcnuo , Chicago , whcio they will loinain until after the boll- dais. dais.Mr. Mr. Casper E , Vest and Mr. Flemon Drake erom Washington Thursday Investigating the workings ot the telephone. Prom there they went to Now Yoik nud will return this week. "Wednesday evening Mrs R. C. Gushing gave n dclishtful luncheon in honor of Hishop ICenno of Washington , D. C , who is visiting friends in the city in the Intcicst of the CatholiCiCiiurcli. . The Elks club and lodco are planning a Indies' social in honor of Dr. Simon Quintan , uxnlteil Kund lulor of the older , on his re turn from the Piciflo coast The date has not jet been doildca upon. Mrs. O , W. Uugfjlos , the wife of the gonenl pissengecngcutof the Michigan Central rail way , and ale.ider in the sitnrt woild of Chicago cage , is the guest of Mrs. John Prancis on Virginia averuo , In vvhosuhonoracai-d party was given last e\oninc. Mr. D. IL Goodrich , who was a Chicago visitor lost week , returned homo Wednesday with \ > \K \ stories of the flno sloighlnt ? Chicago people aio havinp and how thoroughly suited the boulevards and drives of that metropolis are for the purpose. The Onntia division , No 120 , Order of Railwav Conductors , will give its second an nual ball and binquct nt Washington hall next Tuesday evening The invitations for the hall are very neatly potten up , having la illuminated letters the 'nonogrmnof the order , whUo In tha upper left hand corner in gold Is an engine , tender and caboose. Mrs. Raymond of Lincoln , who came up to piny the piano accomp initnents for tbo Apollo club concert Thursday evening , Is nt the head of the Oratorio society of the capital city which is hooked to pivo "Tho Messiah" daring the lirst vvpek In tbo now year at the first Congregational chinch. Mr. Torrens and Mr. Lombard will assist in the rendition of thobeautllul oratorio. The Postofllco social club gave their third paity Tuesday evening nt Metropolitan hall. TJio fifty or Uxty couples who attended thor oughly cnjoved a programme of twenty dances. Owing to the great , holiday rush nt the postoflicc the boys will nil bo compelled to postpone the party scheduled for the aid hist. The next party takes plucd on the flrst Tuesday In January. Miss Ada Stieppanl , who graduated on the harp and p'smo ' at St. Mnr-j's convent , Notre Danio , three yuir > > airo , a tall , stately hlomlo of most charming manner , with a voito that Is sujrtjestlvo of the x-lpplo of a mountain stieam , low and sweet , will bo found a charming addition to Omaha society , her parents having recently located hero , i Ward McAllister has been horribly scoffed. Sotietv hvs sneered at him. Priests hue denounced him. lie has been culled a snob nnd accused of giving i No to moial djspepsia in "the land of the free and the tiomo of the bravo. " In spite of nil this Mr McAllister hns the laugh ou Ills side for bis book sells like hot cukes In this umntiy tha follow whoso plant hnvo a money value can affoid to Ignoio rll the abuse which can bo put upon him "I'ho jinelo ofthc KUlena" does moro than help "tho hurt that honor fools.11 Mrs. L II. bcveraiuo ixturned on Friday to her tiomo in Now York , after two weeks of business and pli.iMiio in this city. This lt > her llrst visit since she was assistant priml- ual in thq high school six years ngo. She admits tint with nci information of what has been troing on here during thuso low years , she is perfectly iimazcd to behold such rapid inowth und hoe such miig'iificent buildings , and so m my of them and all occupied , the many milus of paved streets , the wagon inidgo across the river , the viaducts nnd tha rapid transit of the electric car system , mid csptLiullv the stupendous growth of the pub lic schools all over the city , which stio savs has done moro to advertise Omaha in the east than auj thing else. Such is her conll- denco in the future of this city that she his instructid h"r cousin , Gcoigo W. Holbrook ( whoso ( 'iiost s > ho has been ) , to purchase a tract of hind amounting to several thousand doll irs , an sbo considers it better thnn money at intciost. "The Mystic Circle"vill pivon grand mas querade ball nt the Coliseum Now Year's eve and as nn effective Inducement for handsome - some costuming- , offer n series of prlr.es ng- Rrogntlne $ TiOO. A largely augmontcd orchcs. tra iu addition to a military baud will ho In attendance to furnish proincnndo muslo dur ing the Intermission , The grnud match of the charnotors en tnosquo will tnko place at 0 o'clock nnd dnnctng nt 0:30. : No moro pleasant \vay at present suggcsst Itself , to welcome the dawning ot the new } oir , thin through the carnival which will liohold next Wednesday evening at the Coll- souni. Court Oato City , No. Ml , of the Order of Porester * , gave their second annual ball nt Porest halt , on Wodncsdav uvcnliiK list. Tlicro was an oxccllont ntteiuhnco and n pro- gmnnio rontaininir tvvmity-six numbers wus successtully earned out. The follow Ing gou- tlcmen had the management of this very en- ] onhlo affalri Master of ceremonies , M.I)1. ) Qpera Tlmrsday , Friday , Saturday and Sunday , December ISlli , 19lli , 20tli , 21st , MATINEE SATURDAY. Eeturn of the Favorite Comedians , lonnelly & Coil In the Greatest of All Furco Comodles , QMS la a NBWMer ] \ , Embellished with How Music , Now Songs , New Dances , Striking Costumes , Provoking Situations and Pretty Faces. Tbo Company of FunMukeri Include the follunlnit : Henry V I > oimollr , AtmloMiuk llorloln , HlffiiqlOlrnrd , Jlrro ( locdwln , Goo Mutplir , I.llUnn rjson , Pit i Murk. Cnrro Ilomn , J. W. Myers , Jlhnclio Howard , Sugar Mlilglcjr , JC5 lo fiitnlnur , Klwln Ijiwrcnco , Inutile Unit. Musical Director , UIC1IARU BTA1IU author of tlio Sea KliiK nnd Said I'mlia. Dolsnydcr ; commlttooou nrrniiROitionta , J , n. Dorland , J. M. Ilaldwln nnd Pimlol McLcirl reception , Thomas Donnollr. Charles Off and Thomas Thotnpum ; floor , MlUoOarvoy , F. B. Hanrnhnn , J nines Itlchnrdson nnd .Tunic * Crottloy ; door , 8. Campbell and James Ilros- sixn. A NIGHTS , Commencing Sunday , Dec. 14th Tl-IE .AND "muni COMPANY. Under the management of Eich & Harris , The Mastodon Specialty Organization. 50 lifty European Aitists-60 , A Programme of Novelties. The Most Enjoyable Entertainment Ever Presented. Sale opens Saturday. STANLEY In Darkest Africa. * - Brilliantly the explorer leads n great azidience Jrom coast to coast of Africa , and tells them oj those dreadful months under the dense , hot and steaming foliage of the Dark Continent. HENRY M. STANLEY. Will deliver his famous lodure entitled the "Rescue of Eniin Pasha ; The Forests ; Pigmies and March Across Africa' " at the Grand Opera House WEDNESDAY EVENING , DEC. 24 , ' 9O. Tickets , $1 , $2 , $2.BO and $3 , Including the following : HENRY M. STANLEY , DEC. 24. THE UKVOWNKD Al'KIOAN KXPLOUGH. fMilliiiKCincnt of J. 11. 1'ONI ) . ] The Rescue of Emln Pashal The Forests , Pigmies and March Across Africa. The subject ou wlilUi the minds ot HIGH Is rhctod. Ovide Musin Concert Co. , Jan. 8 , 1891 , Ovldo Musln , tlio giuit Violinist , .isnlstoJ byoonllst3 of rcat ability , A Night of Music and Song , ' George Kennan , February 7th , 1891 , NowsiuorCoriosponlont | ) nndTra\cIor. "Russian Police , Exiles and Prisons. " Au Intensely Interesting Lcuturo. Gen. Horatio C. King , March. 16tti , 1891 , riouret.ity 0. A. U : Judso Advocate Gononl of Now Vorlc. "From Winchester to Appomattox. " A Thrilling AVur Story. Owlns to the uiinrocodentocl domund for tlaUols tlio box oftlco of tlio Gr.ind Opera Ilouia will bo opcnod for tlio silo ( it rosorvutl heats'iiifsdiy , Die , tnth , ut U o'clnuk n in. The miinn- eur lias had iiiunyAi | > llcat Inns for every f'eit In tno ( Iriunl Oora | Ilruso , und Inonliirtu bo fair vtltlio ory one , linsili'ildtMl to put tlio tlckutsoii Hiilo ton days In ndvaiuoof the lucturo. Itpiiiuinljur. you KOI four Krand oiiturtiilnniuiilH for the prloo of 0110. faiouru yourboati carlv , and nvold tlm oliuiicunt not iotlliiK asout. I'aitloxholding an Invitation lo tlio tocentlrni and b.inqnot cnn Rot tlukotu nt tlio box office , Mull orders will rumlv o pronipl attention. DUE EDEN MUSEEP LxA-WliE. ! ? . , Manaser. Cor Ikh and Faraam Sts. - Week of Dec. 15. Donaldsons' ' Travelling Worlds' ' Fair Including Beasts , BirdsReptiles and Creeping and Crawling Insects and A NURSlG BABY MONKEY The only on born in captivity , a cunning little beast with the ways and manners and pranks of a \l\ ' , human baby. A stWdy for the student of animal history. \ j ' The mother and'baby monkey are a constant amuse- /VfH - J mcnt. The istandonly baby monkey born in America. (9 ( ' ] | THE UILLHBE ELRGKSM1TH DELINKS OP CRIMH A thrilllnff rnfjlish drama , presented ior the drat time in America , by the wall known Actor Jenn Anthony supported by a troupe of star urtlsta of the first magnitudo. Trie Tsteisliville Students Jublloo , Bongo.plnntiition . melodiesfancy buck , vvinpr , jljr and clog- dancing Introducing Tom Witliora , the greatest wing dancer la America ; and Richards the double voiced vocalist. A Rare Refined Entertainme nt. Curiosities , Freaks & Monstrosifies. The host ontortuininont of the year , at pormlar prices. One dlmo to all. On Saturday the children have the bostuouts froo.