Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1890, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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ffllvcml by Carrier lu uny ptirtofthoCrty.
fluslnrss Office. No. 41
NlRht Editor , No. Sf.
JllXOtl JIKX'flOX.
N. Y. 1Co. .
Council IlluiTs Lumber Co. . coal.
Several tnoro attachments wore taken out
In the superior court yesterday ngalnst the
stock of AtKlns & Jensen.
The regular monthly meeting of the Min
isterial association will bo held tomorrow nt
the study of Dr. 1'holps , The hour named is
lOi.TOn. in.
It Is reported that stops will bo tnkcn to
test the sanity of nilt cn , the "Pooping
I'etc. " whoso unaccountiihlo depravity m
caused so much talk.
\V. 1C. Alardls was arrested on ft warrant
from Justice Schurz last night und locked up
In the city jail. Ho 1 charged with com-
mlttliiR nn assuult upon a young man named
Walter L. Smith , the nowlv elected Jud o
of the district court , took his oath of oftluo
last week. Ills first term will bo held In
Clnrlnda , Page county , nnd his friends will
not hnvo the pleasuro'of seeing him preside
here until November of next year.
Poonlo should not forgot that Mrs. Colby ,
of the Woman's Tribune , will deliver an nd-
tlrcss on the "Social Involution of Woman"
at the First Baptist cliureh next Tuesday
evening. Tno subject Is not now , nnd the
address will no doubt bo interesting.
Hev. Li. A. Hall , the now pastor of the
First Baptist church , was yesterday culled
by telegram to Mason City , his former home ,
to oftlclato at the funeral of Mr. Thompson ,
the stocK dealer who' met his death In a rail
way wreck while enrouto to California.
Those who nre Interested In the advance-
. mcnt of women will take special delight in
the lecture to bo Riven by Mrs. Clara U.
Colby next Tuesday evening In the First
Baptist church. Her subject will bo "Social
Evolution of Woman. " The lecture will bo
The First Baptist Sunday school held their
minimi election lust Thursday evening und
the following onlcors wore elected. W. C.
Cttirman , superintendent ; J. N. Skrnpgs , as-
sl.stant superintendent ; Miss Jcnnlu Uulttur ,
treasurer ; II. K. Joseph , librarian ; Miss
Lillian Wcstner , secretary.
% Iohn W. Smith , general Inspector of the
national board of llro underwriters , was in
the city yeftorday looking Into the condition
of the Bluff's lire department. Ho made a
thorough luvcstillittlon and was highly
pleased with the arrangement of the force
and apparatus , and the personnel of the coin-
panics. It is barely possible that his favora
ble report will' result In lower Insurance
rates for next year.
Miss Lawless appeared as the plaintiff in
In an attachment suit in Justlco Bnrnctt's
court yesterday. She has been conducting a
boarding house In the southern part of the
city and bus boarded Contractor M. II. King
and a lot of his teamsters while they wore
working ; on the Indian creek ditch. A board
bill to the amount of J100 had not been settled
and Mrs. Lawlcr attached twenty of King's
scrapers. King Is the contractor who built
the government building in this city.
Kdltor Edwards of Dubuque , who pub
lished such a substantial article concerning
the school squabble In Council Bluffs , makes
a full and complete retraction in the last is
sue of his educational monthly. Ho says ho
was misinformed and hence hastens to apolo
gize to Messrs. Wells , Schoentgen nnd Stev
ens , who were the special objects of abuse la
the obnoxious article. The summing up of
the whole matter is thus stated : "All
charges made against them by this journal
were unfounded , nnd wholly undeserved.
The gentlemen who have unjustly suffered
by the article appear to bo sntilled with the
apology , nnd the matter will doubtless now
bo dropped.
Attorney John Lindt raised an interesting
question in the uollco court yesterday. It is
of some Interest to the unfortunates who
dally pass under the rod of Judge McOco , but
it is of more personal Importance to the city
marshal and the police lorco. Chris Mardls
was arrested for intoxication. Ac had f 12 in
his pocitot when bearchod at the city buildIng -
Ing , and the officer felt pretty sure of'collcct-
ing the fine that might bo assessed. Mardls
concluded that he was , not drunk and engaged
the services of Colonel Lindt. It required
live or six witnesses to prove that ho had
taken something moro than a simple medicine
for catarrh , nnd that a bottle half filled with
whisky found In his possession when ar
rested had not been prescribed by n physician
in Mlnncola for hay fever , as Mardls alleged.
Judge McGee considered the evidence
suftlclcnt and assessed a fine of $10 and
osts. The amount of the line was counted
out of the pile in the hands of the marshal
and paid Into the city treasury , and then
Colonel Limit objected to the payment of the
rests , which amounted to several dollars.
The ofllccrs refused to apply the money paid
in to the payment of the line , and main
tained that the costs should bo paid ilrst.
11 Lindt refused to accede to It and the officers
refused to glvo Mardls his liberty. The matter -
. . tor was referred to the Jutlgo and ho per-
" mlttcd the victim to go nnd took the propo
sition under consideration. Lindt claims
that his proposition is impregnable and says
ho will not back down. If ho should bo sus
tained it will give the police court victims
another advantage that will prove even more
popular than the practice of appealing case. ' )
where objectionably largo llnoj are assessed ,
Holiday Gift * .
See these beautiful silk umbrellas at Elso-
man's. Just the thing fora holiday gift from
tv lady to a gentleman , or vice versa.
Go to Luna Bros , and buy ono of these ten
pots nnd get n pound of good tea thrown In ,
23 Main st.
Mrs. Louis' olcaranco sale of millinery com
mences this week. Masonic block.
It don't ' malto any difference how hungry
you are , you can got all you want at Trinity
lair next week.
New Year Party.
The ladies of the Pythian Sisterhood ,
Calantho assembly No. 1 , Knights of Pythias !
contemplate giving a royal ontortalmncnt on
the evening of January 1,18U1. They began
early in the preparation for the occasion bj
Issuing Invitations to their friends through
out the city and elsewhere. A very larg <
committee of the sisterhood has been ac
lively at work attending to all the details re
luting to such occasions. This will bo tin
Ilrst annual celebration of the organization 01
the sisterhood In this city , nnd as a starter il
promises to rank llrat class in the catcgon
of important events for this winter's season ,
No HiunlMi ; ; ,
Our special sale of watches and diamond !
Is now the great attraction. The best goods
furnished tit the lowest prices. Wo iiiuki
It a point not to bo undersold ,
C , B. JACO.II.MIX ! : & Co. ,
S7 South Alain street.
Chinese goods , Japanese novelties at No. 3SI
Bronuway. Odd Christmas gifts. Jim Loni
For clothing nnd furnishing goods , try Ot
tcnhelmer's , 414 Broadway.
A line line of China dinner sots. Luni
Bros. , 'JUMalti st.
A Spirited Foot Itaac.
A spirited foot nice was run between Whit
ney and Lazier at the driving park ycstcrda ;
afternoon , The race was fifty yards , run fo
$10 n side. On tbo tlrst contest Whltno ,
placed his foot over the mark and Lozlor ml
out on him.
This gave Lozlor the race. Whitney tmine
dlatoly challenged him niruln nnd another rui
was arranged. The start was oven and th
run ended oven. A repetition resulted Ii
Whitney defeating Lozicr by about a yard
The stakes were turned over toVhlti > o >
The vaco was n spirited one , but the opluloi
among the admirers of that class of sports i
to the effect that Lozicr ran slow and cvl
ilcnccd a perceptible decline In celerity.
lOIcgnut Fans.
The finest assortment to select from at Else
The only flrst-olftas fresh caiuly made fo
the holiday trudo , at A. C. Doiupsoy's , 10
JJuiu streoU
nstlco Hondricka Oallcd Upon to Assist in
Collecting Some Boom Subscriptions.
Johnny Must Bring III * Drum In Court
Sol/Inn Atkln's Stock or Goods
Sparring for Points-
Minor Mention.
Justlco Ilcndrlcks was yesterday listening
o the case of the Lake Manawa railway
company ngalnst F. O. Qlcason. It was
tipulatcd that llko vases against John dim-
en , F. Lovlne , J. 1'almor and J. It ! . Hark-
icsj should bo subject to the same decision
vhlch should bo rendered In the case on trial ,
he evidence and law questions being about
ho same lu all the cases. Thcsu suits were
brought to enforce the payment of amounts
subscribed to the MannwJi enterprise. When
the subscription paper was first passed
around the signers subscribed certain
amounts for which they were to receive stock
n the company. Later It was decided by
-hoso then in charge of the company that this
ncihod would not result in securing the en
terprise , and that subscriptions should bo
tnkcn only in the form of donations. Sub
scribers were seen and asked to agrco to
tills now amiugaincnt , nnd certain represen
tations wcro made as to when the
oad was to bo completed and In operation.
Some agreed to the change from stock sub
scription to donation , and s > omo , in fact most
of these who paid anything , paid one-half the
amount subscribed. The rood was not com-
> leted for. a year or moro after the date
verbally agreed upon , and many refused to
pay the rest of the subscription. Now suits
ire being brought to enforce the payment ,
there being many who ore .still refusing. The
decision ot these cases will probably decide
nil the others. Colonel Heed , who now owns
.ho road , claims to have been an innocent
mrchnscr of this subscription list , and that
.heroi'oro ho should recover. It is claimed
.hat the original subscription list is a con-
.ract , which , with the change made later
Tom stock to donation , is complete in Itself ,
nul that the question of the tlmo of com-
ilction Is not an essence of this contract.
-1'iio defendant claims that tholnttcr nrrango-
ncnt was u ne\v contract , annulling tho.old
mil written one , and that the new contract ,
which was verbal , was annulled by the fail
ure of the company to construct the roads
iromlscd at that time. Justlej Hendrlcks is
taking the case under advisement.
The Grrui test Offer of the llHh Century
At the book department of the Boston store ,
b'othi'rlngham , Whltelaw ft Co. , Council
Bluffs , In.
Some kind of n cyclopedia Is recognized ns
a necessity , and hitherto the best has been
most costly. We now offer you the heaped-
up knowledge of the centuries , the latest ,
jreatest work m English literature- , the great
Urltnnnlcn , at the lowest prlui ) . Wo give not
inly reasons but reasonable reasons why this
s so.
The Henry O. Allen company , by new
methods of book-making , have reduced trio
cost so as to permit its sale In stores. Here
tofore sales have been made by the expensive.
: iouso-to-houso canvass , which alone added
greatly to the price. Wo dispense with the
traveling canvasser , the Installment deliverer
and the periodical collector , and you pocket
the saving by comir.f ; to our store and trans
acting your own. business.
Quito recently there has been perfected the
"Smytho Book Sewer , " which HOWS our books
precisely as the "Oxford Teacher's Bible" is
sewed by hand. This labor-saver accom
plishes a two-fold good it makes the most
durable of binding * , and at the same tlmo re
duces the cost below former prices !
A "Britannlca war" is now on. The prices
are cut nearly to cost , until now It Is merely
a question of endurance. In our Judgment
this war will soon end , either by surrender
or combination. Therefore if you hope to
over own the great work you should act now ;
wo have but a limited contract and nro not
sure of holding this offer open for twenty
four hours.
You need not pay for the sot at once , but
If you only order now , you will secure the
work at these figures , no matter when , nnd
no matter how hush the prlco goes up. Since
the necessity of "cash down" is removed ,
why delay ! Why I We will give Vol. I for
00 cents , for a suftleiontanswei'from ono who
appreciates the work 1
The Allen reprint is the only complete re
print , the only unmutllated icpnlduction of
any Brltnnnlcu , the only roprlntof the latest ,
'iNinth ' Kdltlon. " If your present knowledge
or casual examination does not satisfy you
on thcbo points , cull at our store and wo will
prove these statements or forfet a set of
books I
The only popular-priced edition of the only
"American Supplement to the Encyclopedia
liritannlcn , " is controlled by the Allen com
pany exclusively.
Five firms have failed in attempts at Brit-
nnnicii ; only the Allen company succeeded.
You need not fear a fragment ; the entire set
of thirty volumes is now ready.
You need not take all at once , but may take
ono or any number of volumes per month ,
just ns you please , and paying ns you get
them. Green cloth SI.20 per volume , and hall
Uussia ? 1.50 per volume.
If you have begun the purchase of nny al
leged reprint , and have received not too many
volumes , wo will take up your volumes , trade
ours for them , and complete the sot at yout
prlco. Como iuul see- , and look over the work
carefully or write for a fuller explanation ,
Very respectfully ,
FOTIIKIII.NOIUM , Wiimn.vw it Co. .
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Eiseman's store is the center of attraction
at the present time. The real llvo Snntn
Claus will arrive , at their store tomorrow
Monday evening , nnd will make his head
quartern nt their store. Children who wisli
to write to him must bring or send their letters -
tors addressed to "Santa Glaus , " care ol
Kisoman's storo.
Ono lot line toilet sets , worth from $1.23 t <
$5.00 , only ? 1.00 this month. Lund Bros.
Gypsy entertainment next week.Vtfi
for ft. _
They .Sparred for PolatH.
A boxing match that had been liberally ad
vertised took plac-Q nt Armour's hall , a well
known heiidquartors for bucolio sport ;
situated about twelve miles northeast ol
Council Bluffs. About forty well known
sports from Council Bluffs and Omaha took
carriages and drove out to the scono. Upon
arriving at the place a big crowd was found
atTtho ground , the contest having" boon well
advertised in that plrt ; of the country. Before
the real contest came off tuero were
bouts between country lads , who are pupils
of Jack Torry. After agreeing as to referee ,
Union , etc. , the two contestants stepped Inti
the ring. The unknown from this city cam <
to the scratch nt 100 pound * , whllo Tcrrj
tipped the beam at ISo. Those who nttcmloi
With a view to seeing a light to the flnlsl
were sorely disappointed , as the contest wa
with three-ounce gloves , limited to si :
rounds , and was for points only , $100 boint
the money consideration. Both men workei
hard , maldng n line contest. At the close o
the sixth round the battle was declared i
draxr , but it is the opinion of those who wit
nesscd It , and who are good judges , that thi
unknown was entitled'to the contest. Neltho
was badly punished. The sports returned t (
the city nt 1 o'clock , apparently well satisllei
With the result.
Hid Glove Sale
At Elsemau's , For Monday only wo oifc
KM ) dozen kid gloves utJO cents a pair. The'
nro sold the world over at $1.00 and f 1.2.1
Wo have them In all sizes and shades , nndal
are fresh , now goods. Ol all the kid glov <
sales wo have over had this beats them all
Don't miss it. Bo ou hand early Moiula'
morning and got your choice whllo tno ns
sortment Is complete.
Only two pair will bo sold to any ono cus
totner , so plenso' don't ask for moro. Honrj
Eiscman & Co. , Broadway und Pearl streets
Council I ) luff u , la.
Holiday presents. Lund Bros.
This County a Km It Winner.
In the telegram from Atlantic ] fixing th' '
award of premiums for exhibits of fruit n
the Western Iowa Horticultural society i
was stated that Pottawattamlo county re
cclved 24 special premiums. The figures
haulalinro been ill , nnd Mills county 21.
'ottawnttninlo county cannot bo beaten In
ruit raising. I'ottawnttamlo county re-
elvcd moro money In premiums than any
ther county exhibiting. Mr. J. F. Wllcox
f this city received n special premium of { 3.
or an especially line exhibit of vegetables.
"A Wonderful Toy Department. "
That Is what every man , woman and child
ays when they look through Blsainnn' * third
ioor. It feasts thooycs of every body , not only
n the grout variety of goods on exhibition , but
vhen they learn tno low prices. Ordinarily
uerchnnts who handle fancy goods ask big
irollts , butKlscrnnn's are selling their toys so
cheap that ? 1 goes further toward buying n
upply than fc-J elsewhere. The assortment is
o immense that It would bo Impossible to
enumerate them. It would take moro than
ho entire columns of this paper : to enumer
ate tnetn. Wo hnvo everything ornamental
md useful for holiday presents. Como and
eo them. Prlco them and you will surely
buy. 1IENHY KISJJMAfr & CO. ,
Broadway and Pearl street.
Council Bluffs , la.
Christmas books nt Doll O. Morgan It Co.'s ,
io. 742 lower Uroadway.
Lamps greatly reduced , Lund Bros. , 23
> lnln st. _ .
Ainonir thn diuretics.
Preaching at Twenty-ninth street Baptist
mission by the pastor at 3 p. m.
Temperance Mission society , Ilov. J , Fjslt ,
cUniilaln , will meet today at il o'clock p. m. at
ho comer of North Tentli'stroet ' nnd avenue
ivr. .
Revival meetings , beginning tonight and
loldlng for a wcoic , at Overtoil mission am )
'eoplo's church , Fourth avenue and Seven-
.ccnth street.
Berean Baptist church Divine service
nomine and evening. Ttio young people
vlll be addressed at the latter service. Sun
day school at 11:45 : a. in.
Bethany Baptist- church , corner Sixteenth
ivenue and High street. Hov. E. N. Harris ,
mstor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching
it 11 a. in , and 7JO : ! p. in. Young People's
ncctmgUiiiO p.m.
Hallxvav men's meeting Ilev. Mclv.
Stuart will address the railroad men In the
Young Men's Christian association rooms nt
J p. m. Mr. I , M. Troynor will slug some
Inn solos. All railroad men invited.
Young Men's Christian association , Mor-
rlnm block Mr. C. K. Oberof New York
21ty will address the younc men's meeting
oday nt 4 p. m. A cordial invitation to all
ncn of the city. Any stramrers In the city
vill be welcome.
Uegulnr services at the First street Baptist
church tomorrow , Hov. L. A. Hull ( now pas-
or ) , officiating. Morning theme "God's
? owcr through Eurthon Vessels. " Evening
homo What is meant by "Not Far from tno
Clngdomof God < "
Congregational Services morning and
evening. Preaching by the pastor. Morning
subject : "Looking Unto .Tesus. " Evening :
'Getting Heady for the Harvest. " Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt
0 : ao. All are cordially welcome.
First Presbyterian church , corner of Wil-
ow avenue and Seventh street , Hcv. Stephen
helps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor nt
0:110 : a. in. nnd 7iU : ! p. in. Sabbath school at
! J m. Young people's meeting at 0:30 p. m.
Strangers and others cordially invited.
Trinity Methodist church , South Main
street , opposite Eighth avenue , S. Alexander ,
wstor ; residence 2 0 Eleventh avenue ,
. 'reaching nt 10:90 : n. in. and " : ! ! ( ) p. in. Sun-
lay school at 13 m. Class mooting ; 10 a. in.
Young people's mooting 7 p. in. Prayer
ncetlng Wednesday , 7:30 : p. m.
Broadway M. E. church , T. M. 1C ; Stuart ,
iasU > r. llosldenco , 250 Fletcher avenue.
services at Masonic temple , corner of Fourth
street nnd Broadway , 10:1)0 a. m. Theme :
The Inlinltability of Dlvino Goodness , "
: liOp. m. theme"Walking : and Talking
with Jesus. " Sabbath school 12 in. , class
nectliiL'UiO : ! p. in.
Klccnnt Handkerchiefs.
From lo apiece up to SM.OO and thousands
to select from ut Eisoman's.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
530 Broadway. Telephone 131) ) .
J. C. Blxby , swsain Heating , sanitary en
gineer. 943 Llfo bulldin ? , Ooutii ; 2JJ Mor
riara block. Council Bluffs.
the AtkiiiH Stock.
Tour now attachments were sworn out
ycstorday afternoon by the creditors of
CJharles Atkins , the Middle Broadway gen
eral merchant who failed a short time ago.
In the suits F. Peterson was made the def -
f undent. M.'lio day before the failure was an
nounced Atkins executed a chattel mortgng
to Peterson to cover a claim for $ tXX ) , and it
was this mortgage that attracted the atten
tion of other creditors and caused them to
close in upon the stock. Peterson's mortgage
was larger than any other single claim and
hnd the additional advantage of priority , and
ho promptly foreclosed It and took possession
of the goods. Part of them were moved from
the store occupied by Atkins and taken on
Upper Uroadway nnd placed In a vacant
bulldin ? belonging to Peterson. The attach
ments issued yesterday covered these goods
nnd provided for their seizure nnd removal.
The claims were hold by Hoffmaycr & Co. ,
Duquette it Co. , of this city , and Brad &
Suipniiin of Kansas and the Broken Bow
roller mills of Broken Bow , Neb. The ng-
crercato amount of tbo claims Is only $300.
Tno writs were put Into the hiinds of Mar
shal Templcton , and ho executed thorn
promptly bv seizing the goods that had boon
stored in Peterson's building , und hauled
them to the city building. The writs wcro
issued from the superior court and Justice
Uarnett's tribunal , und are inado returnable
on Monday. _
Special Halo of liliinkols anil Com
This weeic. Prices way down. They must
go. Wo have too many of them and must
sell them. Call at Elscmun's.
Hose leaves in bulk at Dell G. Morgan &
Co.'s drug store , 742 Broadway.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413
Broadway. , _
Dressed dolls , all sizes and kinds , nt Trin
ity fair next week.
Special Knlo of Purs
During this week at Elsemau's.
Will Mghtto u Finish.
Local sporting circles were thrown Into n
flutter yesterday by the announcement that
representatives of Jack Terry and Jack Davla
were In thn city and for the purpose of sign
ing articles of agreement fora light to a finish
with two ounce gloves or bare knuckles , tlic
fight to take plnco within fifty miles of Coun
cil Bluffs within two weeks. The amount ol
the stakes was understood to bo way up in
the thousands. The reporters were given a
lively chase , but up to 7 o'clock could not ob
tain dcllnlto particulars , but were given the
positive assurance that the match would be
inuauand the battle would bo fought as
Davis Is not ununown to the prglllstlc
world , A few weeks ago ho fought n battle
In the rooms of the California nthlotlo club at
San Francisco with Joe Choyinskt fora purse
of § 3,300 , and lost It after tin ) eleventh round.
Dolls Given Away.
With misses' child's cloak
every or pur
chased at our store this week wo will glvo a
beautiful doll for a present , besides saving
you at least 25 per cent on the cloak. Take
advantage of this offer , and trade at Elso.
man's. _
Walt for Penko Sisters next week.
Wanted Boys at American District Tel
egraph oftlco. _
C. A. Beobo ft Co. are going out of there i
tail trade nnd will close out their line line o
ladies' writing and olllco desks , book cases
chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chainboi
suits , folding beds , plain and fancy rockers ,
cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less thai :
l'nr Mun'ri ( ilven Away.
With every cloak bought at Eisoman's this
week you will receive an elegant muff for i
MIIH'II Whloh Until No Clinrnih.
The case of Johnny and his drum will b <
up before Justice Schurz on Monday , Whor
the case was Ilrst brought up , and continued
n agreement wiicntercd Into oy which
ohnny was only tajiVyo his drum In the cot-
ar , or some other w > t of retirement , where
ha discordant sounwi could not disturb the
iclghbors. It Is ( MJd thai- for the past few
lays ho hat been dtarugnrdlug the agreement ,
nd the nib-n-dub-dub has been again annoy.
ng Mr.VlesM tiioivoinplnlnlng neighbor.
lu Is therefore anxious now to press the case ,
and sco If sonio rcll cannot bo obtained In
Sco the elegant Christmas cards , thousands
o select from nt Elscman's.
Find pcrfumci nUJc'll Q. Morgan it Co.'s ,
42 lower Broadway ,
Vases worth from 40 cents to 75 cents , only
5 cents. Lund IJtw. , 2't Main st.
Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent per
annum. K. S. Barnett , agent.
Ono lot of vases orth from M ) cents to 60
cents go this month at 4'J cents each. Lund
A Number of Witnesses Yet to Uo Ex
TljoTony Frank murder trial dragged Its
weary way along in Judge Clarkson's court
inttl 5 o'clock hut , evening , who n an ad-
ournmcnt was taken until tomorrow morn *
ng , the jury bslng Instructed notto road any-
.hlng pertaining to the caso. Today the
-welvo men will bo locked in their room in
the court house.
The testimony Introduced ycstorday devel
oped nothing now and was practically the
same ns that given at the former trial. The
case will drag along towards the last of this
week , as the state has yet twelve witnesses
: o put on the stand , while the defense will
take the testimony of nt least llfteen , mostot
whom will testify to Tony Frank's good
character. Just bo fora adjournment lust
light Frank's attorneys asked that the Jury
; > o taken to the scene of the murder , that
, t might examine the premises. They asked
hat the trip bo made today.
The statcs's attorney was on his
feet In nn Instant nnd opposed a Sunday *
[ .rip , saying : "I have no objection to the
ury visltlnp1 the scene of the homicide , but
shall oppose a Sunday trip , ns I do not want
such a question to be brought up should an
appeal bo taken. There is another reason , "
said ho. "I think the expense would bo too
great to Justify the movement , unless the de
fense cares to hire seine of the teams that
would bo required to take tbo jury to Elk-
horn. I also It understood that no part
of this trial shall take place on Sunday , "
Judge Clarkson held with the prosecution ,
tnd snld : "I think I shall refuse ; , as such a
long trip would bo too expensive. "
The defense took exceptions to the court's
ruling and will go to the supreme court on
this point should the Jury return a verdict of
In the equity court Judge Wakclcy handed
down the following decisions :
Scholler vs West furniture company Held
that in case of a sale of personal property on
in agreement that the title shall remain in
uho vender until the property Is paid for , the
transaction Is not a mortgage but n condi
tional sale ; nnd nn action cannot bo main-
valued for a penalty for refusal to release
the vender's claim on the records ot the
county register.
Hrayton vs Schwartzlnnder Judgment for
balance due to plaintiff on a contractor's Hen
for f.-r,4.
Burllngham vs Cooper Held that in nn no
tion for n mechanic's or material men's Hen ,
which must bo commenced within two years
from the filing of the lien , It Is not sufficient
that the petition bo. filed within two years ,
but the summons must ba issued within that
Anderson vs Anderson Divorce granted
for extreme cruelty. The title to the lot nnd
buildings In controvcry confirmed in tne
wife , who has the support of the children.
No alimony allowed.
State ex rel ICessuor vs Noomor ot al A
suit cannot bo commenced and maintained In
the numo of the sUite by an Individual citizen
and taxpayer to enjoin the misappropriation
of the funds of a municipal corporation. It
must bo nrou ht In his own naniu and oa his
It Is Again the Subject or DlHcu slon
by the Hoarder LMnuntlon.
The committee on rules of the board of
enuration should have met last night to con
sider proposed changes In the rules , but as
only u part of the committee responded to the
call , these who did attend simply held nn in
formal talk upon the matter of grading the
salaries of principals nnd teachers and then
adjourned to meet some evening this week.
Mr. Babcock Is decidedly opposed to the
custom of increasing the salary of the princi
pals every time another room is added to the
building over which they have charge. Ho
thinks them should bo a limit ut which the
salary of a principal must stop , and Instead
of having some principals superintend from
sixteen to twenty rooms and draw very
largo salaries , ho would have the
work of the principals made as nearly equal
ns possible nnd their pay in proportion.
Where there nro moro rooms In a district
than ono principal should bo asked to super
intend , ho would glvo the principal the maxi
mum number of rooms and have competent
teachers take charge of tlto rest and report
direct to the superintendent of schools In
stead of to the principal.
There will probably bo some effort made
also to do it way with the ' 0011111111100 on boun
daries , and place that work in the hands of
the superintendent , ns It used to bo. The
committee on boundaries has found the worlc
very unsatisfactory and laborious , but some
members of the board nro still In favor of
keeping the committed on boundaries. They
claim that , although It Is attended by a great
amount of work , much hotter results are at
tained In this way than by'leaving the mat
ter to the superintendent.
Another Hold-Up.
Lewis Jones and Frank Bush wcro ar
rested last night on the charge of holding up
Pat Hoach , who lives at 2-.1-0 Charles street.
According to Roach's story , he was met near
his homo by Jones and Bush shortly after 10
o'clock last night and ordered to throw up
his hands. They then went through his
pockets , but only secured 42 cents. Roach
kept tbo men In sight and tallowed them into
the Coliseum , where ho pointed them out to
Officer Haze , who made the arrest .
Injured by n Motor.
At 1 o'clock last night as Eugene O'Neill
was driving on Farnum street near Twenty-
fourth his buggy was struck by nn eastbound -
bound motor train and completely demolished.
O'Neill was thrown to the pavement , receiv
ing some severe bruises on the head , Ho was
carried into Torbitt's drug store , where his
wounds were dressed , after which ho was
taken to his homo at-1318 Farnnin. Conduc
tor Haltnr and Motorman Marsh were In
charge of the car. The car was running at n
rapid rate and down eradoat thopluco where
O'Neill was struck.
The Ai-t Kxlnliir.
The Omaha art exhibit will bo open today
from 10 n. in. to 10 o'clock p. m. This will be
the last Sunday on which the inagnlticcnt ex
hibit may bo vlslted'id there Is sufficient In
the great exhibition to afford amusement nnd
enlightenment for humlroJs of peoplo.
"When I used tq ( r.ninblo"suld n peed
citi/.en to u roporlo'r ' for the Kansas City
Star , "if I won I iClWnya made it a point
lo buy now clothe or nay my board n
month ahead , or buy a diamond , or some
thing like that. That's the only aure
way to boat the gamo. Men who don't
do that ( jot the worst of It. All gamblers
hi-o superstitious. I defy nny man to
hundlo a pack of cards any length ol
tlmo nnd not ( jot a lot of miporntltlom-
mixed up with it. Cards will coino sc
peculiarly. Sometimes a peculiarity
will last only through oho night. I remember -
member playing pokur ono evening nnd
having ovorv hand beaten that had a ton
spot in it. 1 % hands , too , some of 'cm.
I had four tens beaten that night by four
jacks , nnd I'd scon an uco in the discard ,
too. Another weakness I can't shako oil
IH n horror of the queen of spades. 1
won't ' drttw to queens , anyhow , unless
I've got three of 'oin , but I'm afraid ol
the qucon of spadoa especially. I won't
draw to a matter what I've got ,
if the qucon of spades is thoro. I've tiiod
it , and I never made it win. "
He Dufcnts the Holillcr llleyollst by
About Two Koct.
The HcntUtig-Shlll fifty mlle blcyclo race nt
the Coliseum lost night drew n fair sized
crowd. The two men got off in fair shape
and covered eighteen miles nnd six laps dur
ing tlio Ilrst hour. After that it was n tame
affair , with Slilll setting the pace. During
the last mlle Heading mrulo n Might effort to
pass Shlll but agnln foil In behind nnd lost
the race hy about two foot. The tlmo wns
tlireo hours nnd llvo minutes.
As soon nt the men left their saddles tlio
nlr wns full of challenges. M. L. Mnrdls
lind an unknown champion to mutch ngalnst
nny man on earth In n 100 mile race for J.VJ or
? 1H ) , whllo n rcmijnnt of tno Ramblers polo
team wanted to bet WO they could defeat the
Continentals In n game of polo to bo played
Christum * night.
Now "What Doc * This Moan ?
OMAHA , Nob. , IJco. 12. To the Sporting
Editor of TUB Uini : I hereby challenge Eil-
ward Heading , the soldier bicyclist to rldo n
Jlflv-mllo rncoon the Coliseum truck for $100
n side nnd the total gnto receipts. The race to
como off bufore January 1 ,
\Vlitnperlnir of the Wheel.
His said Arthur Zimmerman's prizes for
the racing season of 1S1KJ aggregate in value
HufTnlo , N. V. , claims to have moro cycling
clubs than any other city in the United
The management of the pool and billiard
tournament U working hard to malio it what
It should ho a success ,
Vf. C. Nolan hus gone agnln on ncoinmerclal
tour. This tlmo for a four months' trip
through Colorado , Utah and Now Mexico.
The Omaha \Vhcel eltlh will rldo to South
Omahii this morning nnd Invlto nil wheelmen
to Join. The return will bo In time for din
F. E. 1'cntvo Is quite 111 and lins boon con-
lined to his room at the Octngon club fo. *
several days past. Wohopo to sco him out
The New Castle , Pa. , blcyclo club , after
six years ot life , disbanded the other day nnd
donated the $ ! surplus In the treasury to
Townsend spent the early part of last week
Running In the vicinity of Persimmons lagoon
nnd sucecdcd In bugging a number of llunncl-
buck mud hens.
High llvo , billiards nnd ladles night are the
nil-Important subjects of conversation about
the club house , and all anticipate a very lively
time this winter.
Windlo has been twlco oxpdlcu from the
League of American Wheelmen. The third
time's the charm , however , in byklng laws
ns well ns nny other.
AVhat a glorious climate for riding tnls is
to bo sure. Another week of this delightful
weather will place December ou the list as a
prominent cycling month ,
Chicaeo has twcnty.ono cyelo clubs nnd
they have distinctive colors and all nro in a
nourishing condition. Omnha has but two ,
crcdltnblo affairs , both of them , however.
A. Halifax has patented nn "Ico cycle. "
The machine has two runners driven by n
rear wheel with a spiked tiro. The working
gear is similar to that of an ordinary tricycle.
The eastern clubs nro beginning to look
forward to Iho ' 01 tournaments , nnd Hart
ford , Conn. , has already decided to hold their
annual races on September 8 nnd 0 of next
Oscar Epenler Is In Suit Lalto City , hob
nobbing with the Mormons and combining
business with plo.isu.ra. IIo thinks of secur
ing Amelia palace for the local blcyclo club If
ho decides thero.
Fred Gasman has returned from his western -
ern trip nnd Is ngaln ono of us. Travel evi
dently agrees with Fred , but ho is nn active
and energetic wheelman nnd wo hope to keep
him in Omaha for the balance of the winter.
Thn Apollos nmlitct.
Dcnman and Floscher have Joined the
Regular business meeting of the Apallos
t o-morrow evening.
The Apollos talk of organizing a football
team. They can llnd a good eleven In the
The boys took a spin to'thc Bluffs last Sun
day afternoon and the scorchers were along
as usual.
There will probably bo n race between two
of our amateur champions at the Coliseum
in the near future.
Fluschor has had his mustache taken off.
It did not grow fast enough to suit Louie , so
ho will give It n new start.
A ball bearing tire Is the latest Invention
In the bicycle world. It was invented by W.
Ulchwino of Philadelphia , Pa.
Every wheelman in the city Is invited to
take part in the A. C. C. hare ami' hound
chase todny , The hares will not bo allowed
to go outside the city limits.
There is talk of the Apollos building a
quarter mile track in the spring , with a club
house on the grounds. That would bo an
enterprise worth talking ubout.
Many of tlio eastern amateur flyers have
been suspended from the L. A. W. and many
more will follow. Among the most promin
ent are Windlo , Zimmerman , Vim Wagoner ,
Tuttle and Murphey.
The club will have n hare and hound chnso
todny on wheels , the bares leaving the club
house live minutes in advance of the hounds
nnd the chase to begin at a : 'M sharp , All
wheelmen are invited to tnko part.
Our neighbor state , Missouri , has nearly
llvo hundred Li. A.V. . members , while Ne
braska hasn't cot a hundred yet. Still
Omaha alone boasts of 500 whenhncn. Why
don't the chief consul wnko up and hustle a
littlel The state is sadly in need of a good
consul. Pcrrigo would bo just the man.
Twenty-flvo couples assembled at the club
house on Wednesday evening to celebrate
Indies'night ' in a litting manner. Music and
dancing wcro the order of the evening and all
enjoyed the appetizing lunch and pleasing
A casual observer would think that this Is
a rather late day to indulge in averse crit
icism on the rulings of Hefereo ICastman in
the recent blcylo race , especially wlion the
monitor is so averse to newspaper contro
versy. Lotus bo consistent , il nothing else.
The high-five tournament will begin tomor
row night at 8 p. in. The game will bo pro
gressive and will continue for ten consecutive
weeks on each Monday evening. To compete
for prl/es contestant must play seven evenIng -
Ing out of the series. The entries -nro largo
and some exciting games will bo the result
when our crack players meet in fricndlv com
The Apollos nro laboring under the Impres
sion , for some reason or other , that the
Omalia Wheel club boys nro jealous or envious
of them. This is an erroneous iaoa and should
bo gotten rid of the sooner the quicker.
Tnero are no good grounds for bad feeling on
cither side , and really none exists , although
some disgruntled patrons or both clubs would
bo pleased to nuiito it appear so. These two
growing clubs should bo on the best terms
and work In harmony in furtherance of their
mutual benefit and advancement.
Hobort Gcrwlng , who recently , by consent ,
heat Jack Prince In a couple of blcyclo races
races at Denver , is really quite n good one.
His record for tlio mlle is 'J m. ! ) ! ) 5-4 s. , which
ho made last week at Sportsman's park. Ho
Is the acknowledged champion of Colorado
cither on tlio road or on the track having
been the first man on each of the last two
road races between the Denver Ha'mblers and
Social Wheel club. He Is unmarried , Is also
a printer by trailo , nnd Is as modest as ho is
good hearted , which Is Haying lots. Ho hat
been nick-named "Our Bob" by his follow
club mates , and In the Denver club rooms
"Bob" is always a synonym for Gerwlng.
Starvation WngPH In New York ,
There are thousands of young women in
the Now York retail stores who receive $1 a
week salary. In tins employment oftlccH
waitresses und parlormaids turn up their
noses when ottered f 11 a month.
A POSITIVE indpermanent CURE lor all
dlseai.toTlhe URINARY ORGANS. Cures
where othertrcatmentl li .FulTdir ctiont with each
fafiitlo. Price , ono dollir. See Elgiaturooi E , U
SMHL For Sale By All Druggists.
Buffering from tlio emeu of youthful rrrurs , early
decay , waning fukni > M , l < t mauhcxxl , i to. . I will
Mini a valuable treatise ( wnlcill contalnliiK full
partlculari for homo cure. I'llKli of rhaivp. \
Blilc'lldl'l ' ini'illoal wiirltl uhoulit Im rend ty every
man who U ncrrom anil ilcl.llluinl. AildreM ,
1'rof. 1' . C. I'O IVLI.,11 , IUoouu , Couii4
Trousers Made to Order
Novel Prices , < V
Several thousand Trouscr lengths ( only one or two alike ) ,
mostly sample lengths no further use to us. l
W consider tliom a little less than Christinas Present :
$5 , $6 and $8 each , made to measure from goods worth double aa
prices go around these parts.
It's our way of clearing up sample lengths used for window
drapery , etc. In previous seasons we've measured an average ,
several hundred pairs a da'of these.
Dressy men order two and three pair each.
SUITINGS , special low prices on fins Worsted Suitings for the holidays ,
$30 and $36 , worth $10 more. We make these low prices
on fine fabrics so as to keep our best workmen employed.
OVERCOATINGS. A man inside one of our $20 or $25 made to
order overcoats gets a heap of style and comfort for the
Open evenings , Mail orders filled.
1409 CHICAGO 1409
in " 2rr QjURrS r-- L/L-IM V Ul\
: - - ! . - : - PORTLAND , OREGON. - : - _ : : *
Rohrbough Bros. , Proprietors. - Corner i5th and Dodge S5tSr
ELOCUTION and VOOAfj MUSIC Now clns > .e * next Monday , private or class lessonsi
private lessons 50 cents , olii s lessons SI per month ! special nttuntkn iiulil to crstim1 , volco
en 11 urv , etc , , 1'iof. A. C. Ong , Instructnr. Short liutuland Typewrit Inc-Ni'wclns-vs Monday , tea
now Kcniliiglons positions obtained , 1'iof. .Mivihar , Instructor. All mislnuss brunches taught.
Xuw oliiSM-s every week , Spuulal attention Rlvim to Koomi'tory , aljii'brn , oalestlicnli's anil
Corinnii. Normal coiir-o for teachers. All di > pwrliitciits running olcht professors. : illi stu
dents cnroiH'u. Over thirty now student * In ton nnvs Two literary societies. I.onturo
course H'lenty of places to work for hoard. Ptiiilnnts can enter any tlinu. Short , hnml
taught hy mull , two lessons free to any mldruss. Hoard K per week , \\rlto liolirlHiuch Hros.
oIicuFiirs anil ppoclnmn of pennian" hip.
BAHRAIN'S In fruit and vpi ( > tn.llo ) land" .
For Hiilo , r > 7 ivcies , W north of Clinii-
t.'iu < iui : Knmncls ; nnstern sloue. linn springs ,
line sprlnc liiimk.lnnd vury rich ! will * ell In 10
iir'.Oauio lots at W ) pur ucre , or .fT.i per aero for
whnln tract.
! iim-H on rirnnd avenue ; flnu orchard
wind mill , line KIOVC , Minuted on Mynstcr
proposed motor line ; prlco if'LVl par acre.
10 aeies ndioliiltiR city limits , two story
house , j-'ooil barn , line urclmrd und sirmll
/mils. Price. t > , iO.
Uacifs on ( Iriind avenue , li ! miles fiom P.
0. &NU an aeio.
110 acres , throe miles from city limits , good
house , barn and out IjulldlucH , SI bearing
iipplo trees nnd small fruits. I'rleo , td.OOU ,
.s'touk farm , 4.V ) acres , line Improvements ,
well watered , only 0110 mile from stutlon , W
nn ueio If taken soon. Easy tot-ins
Kill-in and oily properly for silo. : \ \ . C.
Stacy , room 4. Oporu hon o blk , Council HlntTa.
AN'l ) PHOKS-Stoek of boots and
BOOTS toi'xehanco for linprnvcduluar Iowa
hind and easlu Address V ii : , life , Council
lllu ITs.
WANTED KniTgotlo lady or Kent : perma
nent position ; $15 per weokj experience
not necessary. V. C. S. , CUT Willow avenue.
TTlOlTuKN'T. FiirnlsliPd front room. SHUni ?
Aand bed room ensulte. fi.5 1'lftli avenue.
\ \ / ANTKD A Rood girl to do general house-
TT work : will pay llrat class wages. Apply
atll ) 5 S. 7th street ,
FUHNISIIKI ) rooms at vorv reasonable
terms , en suite or Hlnirlo ; baths and Htonm
heat ; now lionso , nmvlv furnished. Mrs. Stephenson -
phonson , 103 Park avenue. Council IHullH.
I'orSnlo-A hms lUt. many of thorn
nt low prices ; also ' , ' 0 iieius line garden
nnd fruit land near tint city limits , liouso ,
liarn nnd oilier Iiiiprns'emoiits ; also HI nuns
fruit und "anlou land Just outside tbo vlty ut
ja.5W.V. . A. Wood & Co. . MO .Main street.
1J1OU KENT Thu MaMalinn three-story
X1 brick block , No. lloS. Mulnst , with elevator
J. W. Squire. _ ' _
Mits. AMKMA'NIEI.SON.M. u. , special mid-
wlfo. ir.ii-S : uvti , t.'oiiiii'll HluilH , la.
W PAI/rr.Il ? . STIUiMAV. Miireus block ,
Notary Pulillccollections , typewriting ,
FOHSAM'J Lonsn and fiirnlturo of Scott
House , Council Itlutl's. 25 rooms. Cheap ; i
bargain , Address. I. H. Jordan , Council lllutK
FOH SALE or Kent Onrdon land , with
houion. by J. It. Ulco. 101 Main at. . Oounoll
or Council Bluffs.
PAIU UP CAPITAL . $150,003
I. A. Mllliir , V. O. Oleason , K. h
Shiigurt , K. H. Hart , J. U. Ediimn < lsnn,0liarloi
U. 1 1 rum an. Transact huakliu busl *
ness. Largest capital and tmrplu * ot uny
hank In ijoutliwoitorn Iowa.
Try I ou CUM ( \Vtllftrmmtnilr. . Im.W/ifnt ; ,
uncl you'll Mr or U JiriiuHtnl ' We Haill'-ulfy
iiri- All UVaUiic c aMl IIUcn r < ir.'ln !
EitluiUiUithodiln Jluuir 7'r irmnif. < ltitrll > < > t
i innlliiti frrti Air n xtitirl
OOKlgiy mjiaS ! lVv' !
Ttillmoolili , EmrtbUl conldtntUI ,
SulHlstiMico Stores. Olllco of PnrrhiisliiK
nnd Depot , Commissary ot Subsistence. I ) . B.
Army. Otniiba , Neb. , November IT , IHiU.
S-eiiled proposals. In lrlpllcat\vlll bo received
ut this olllco until 13 o'clock M. , cent ml stand
ard time , on Tuesday , December Id , 1SUO , at
wlilcb tlmo iuul plaee they will bu opened In
the pres.Mieo of blildors , for the funilsliln
and delivery at Omaha , Nub. , thti following
subsistence Htoren , vlhard : bread ; ebeesu ,
V. A. ; erackeis ; mult ; and oatmeal , cooked.
Preference will bo given to 'irtlules of domes
tic production or mini uf net me. conditions of
Miiallty mid prlco ( lintluillni ; In tbo prlco of
foielxn piodiietlons or nruiiifacturo tint duty
thereon ) being enuul. The right Is lesorveil
to reluct any orall lilds. Blank proposals : md
Hpeelllcatlons showing In dotall the articles
nml iiiuntltlcs | romilrod ami giving full ln-
foriinilloa as to condition of eontrnetH , will ba
furnished on application to this olllco.V. . If.
lllvl.U .Major ami C , H. . U. B. A.nlTil 41(111-15
1 M cot I UK.
OMAHA , Neb. . Doc. I' . 1R90.
Notice Is hereby given that the annul meet *
Ingof the stockholders of Jtlio Union eicvatof
c-oinpnny for tbo iiurpoMi of ulcctlin ; seven
dlieulors , and such other business as may
properly come bofoio the meeting will bu held
ut the ollleo of John M. ThiirMon. Union 1'u-
clllo litillillnu , Oinahii , Neb , , upon Momliiylhi >
fithdny "t .In inmry , 1M)1 ) , between the hours ot
10 o'clock a. m , and U o'clock p. m.
W. J. UAIIIIOM. , Assistant Sccietary.
OMAHA , Neb. , I ROD. _
Notion In hereby given that.lhoanuuiil meet
ing of the stockholders ef the Omaha & Klk-
liorn Vnlloy railway Tconipatiy for the purpose
of electing seven directors nnd such ntlio
business as may nropnrly conm before tbo
meeting , will bo held nt the olllco of John M.
Thin-sum Union I'nelllc building , Umalm ,
> ivb. , upon Wednesday , the Tth duy of Jan
uary , IMI , til in o'clock n. m.
W. J , OAIUIOM , , Assistant ' ecretnry.
Notice to StocklioldiM'H.
The animal meeting of the stockholders of
TDK UIK : Iliilldln ? Company will bu held ac
the olllco of 'JIIK OMAHA 111:1 : , Hii : Uiilblliix.
Uiiialin , Neb , , at 4 o'clock p. m. , Tile-day. Jun-
iniry "il , for the purpose of olectlng a board of
( Ilieutcntfor the ensuing your and Ilio trans
action of such other business as may come ho-
fore t ho meeting. Hy order of Ilio picHldcnt.
X. P. I''KII. . fcecrotary.
Dissolution .Notion.
The undersigned doing business under the
llrni namii of Hanson it .lonsuii. Is this dny ills-
so vod ny iimtuul consent. The business will
bo conduct od at Vm N.'lib si. , by I' . C ) . Han
son , uho will pay all debts and leeulyoall
moneys duo uiild llrm. U , 1' . Jensen. lotlilnt ; .
P. o. HANHK.V ,
It. P. IK.S'HK.V.
Oninhu , Nel ) . , December 1'i , 1V.K ) DKldilt *
Notice Is hereby Klvcn that the animal
meeting of thn slociiholdurs of Ilio Union
. touU Yard Hunk , of Smtli Oniiiliu , Nob. , for
tli election nf tllicotoM and the tninsactlorj
of such business n may pioporly urlse , will
be hold at thu First National Hunk , of Omaha ,
Neb , , \VoUiiosduy , January 7 , I Ml I , ut 4 p. in ,
K. II , ItitANCii , CiiHlilor.Cl
Houlh Omaha. Neb. , Dee. ( I. IM ) . decCditO Y ,
To whom It may rnnc'irn. ' Notion U hereby
glvun that , from and utter this date I wilt noti
bo responsible for nny debts wliatsuovur con- .
Iruuled by my chlKImn , and I linieby warn
any person ngi'lnstgiving oicdlt to them ou
thu Htmixth of my name. Churlus TluU.7d7t
7d7t *
fMAKKN-l'l' by tlio uwlornlKnod iiDout Dot-
1 Si , IMK ) , ono red tituer , about 15 months old ,
with whllo Hpot In fnco. Tlio ownervan hnvo
the HIIIIIII by provliiK property and pavInK
elmrguH. Mra. Sidney Dillon. 5 miles west ot
Jrvln ton. > ; i il7-H-'l-iy
rilAKKN UP Cow with Kruy and yellow
.1 spots. t'U ) California kU iWUI-ftvU-ttl