Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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    ? - : : -
fcrrotti , rteiutoytif [ columnon 1/iU paji.
ANTEn-Posltloti by lady stenographer
und bookkeeper. Address V 15 , lice.
A YOUNO lady would Ilko n. place to woik
OTcnlngR nnd tnoriilngH for board and
room. Address Y10 , Hco. Ml 14 *
\\rANTED-Hltuatlon by lady stenoirapher.
TT Four years In loan oillcet experlenco'ln
law and wholesale buwliicss ; good education.
Address V lilloo. ! av 20 *
WANTKl-Hy ) nn eiporhnccd traveling
man. n eltuatlon on the road. Add ros \
I , Hco ofllce. SIV10 *
CITHATION wnnled-A young man with
t-J Uftren ytats experience \ itlm \ railway ser- naming tluo n month with ft we'torn
reid , would like n position In Umuliawhi'iolio
lins n home ! can show clnar record , best of
rtforcncc'H , furnlili bond nnd has a large cv-
pcrloni'o working frelghland passenger Inter
ests ; have mercantile experience and citii
liunclln ixnythlng ; huvo HOIIIO I'XpcHonco ill
town Nlti-rt nnd if yon fan use nflrHl-oliiHs mini
would h pleased to hoar from you. Address
Yin care Omaha lice , Omaha , Neb. gl ! 4 *
1"MTllsONAL-w7intod - Position'"wUlTesTah -
llshccl llrrn In the city ; ngn 28 ! mnirled ;
several yean experience In Bonertil niorchan-
< ll o business ! some oxperlenco In re.d estate ;
liavoconshlcrabloknonledge of bookkeeping ;
\vllllhgto begin with Binall suliiryi uiin fur
nish , bond or colbitornlse-
rurlty ; write a fair buslnens hand ! Killing lo
prove- ability by trial. Address II , Mcl'aguo
Favlngsjmnk , Sil-11 *
QITUATION by n young lady Htcnocrnpher.
\J Thoroughly competent anil correct mnthc-
Matlclan. Has n typn writer , llcst of refur-
i-nccB. Addrcsa Y.C , Hco. 217 14 *
WANTKD A young man Idcslresa position
us cook In prlratu family. Good reftsr-
tnccn , address , Y 8. Hoc. 2ft'-14
\X7ANTEl ) A position by a young man to
euro for furnace and do chores , ( lood
references. Address , Y 7 , Hco. 203-14 *
SITUATION by a young lady as stenograph
er , bookkeeper or eiipylsts best of refer-
cnccB. Address XCC. Hie olllco. 1TO-14 *
WANTED Situations by young men und
women to work mornings and evenings
for lionrd. Address or call atKtaudard shnrt-
linnd school , iloaN. V. Mfo H'M'g. M 141 U * n
IIUo wilting to do at home ,
Address X 72 lice. 131 14 *
WANTED Steady ttlntor work to run
itonm heater or Innttor work ! 15 years'
experience and llcensod llroiniiii. Address 7C
to Hob olllce. ' r.M m
WANTED Situations for good Rlrlsj mv
waiting rooms are full from n a. in. to
fip. in , Noncod.of bolmj out of help n day.
Mra. llroKa , 3UM H. l.'itli. Tel , 8S | . 7.V ) J'l
For tdfr * . ete , , eettopof fnt ciiliininniil/id wrje.
\ GENTS-r to 110 per clay collecting imul
a"X pictures for us to enlarge. Katlsfnctlon
ruuranteed und all nutllt free. A Dunne &
Co.jifl Itoude street. Now York. JM'rJ ! !
T\7ANTED Actlvo younc man to miuinpr
'branch ofJIco. Ono willing to go to some
other city. Must furnish cool references and
IOO cash capital. Sulary $1,000 per yuan Oall
Monday p. ra. , Merchants hotel. G. W , Wise.
C 207-14'
WANTED Actlvo mim to travel and place
agents. 1100 per month , Koom 40.1 lice
building. 2C7-14' '
WANTED Salesmen to solicit buslucss
men throughout the emintry with two
linos'hf Hrstoloss labor-saving Koiids , A lively
business , big money and purmaiient work
Address K. O. Lemon , U3-1 Dearborn street
Chicago , 111. M-14' '
WANTED A young man In a publWiInp
ollleu ; must not bn under I" and must re-
hide with parents. Permanency mid futnic
urospcots must Ira of mottilmportancullmti
Jirescnt largo salary. Call nftr 10 o'clock ,
Monday , onioo , 12 Orelgh ton block. S'.I-HI
A DVEUTISINO thcrmomelors "for sale
JAgunts wanted. Ooodsnell to largest ami
hound concerns ; 100,000 used by rtuo firm alone
deed men clear from flO to ICO per nouU. Acl-
dross , with reference and experience , to Con-
polldated Thcrmonioter Co , of America , ( W
Norlh4th street , 1'lulaiMlplila. 2J1 ] '
"IT .ANTED . Travcllnj salesman specialties -
ties , imrlngtIOO toJ.'jDper niaiith. Alii-
ton & Oo. , fta Dearborn street. Chicago. 51211' '
WANTED Salesmen on salary or commit" '
_ & | oiito handle. thA now patent chemical
Ink erasing pniioll. . The , sell Ing nov
elty over produced. Erases Ink thoroughly h
two seconds , no abrasion of paper. 200 to M
percent , profit. Ono agent's sales aniountcc'
to $020.In six dnysj another $ .CJ In two hours
ivo want ono onergotla general agent for until
Kate and territory. 8iniplo by mall Do cents ,
J-or terms and full partlcularH , nddreis The
Momoe Kraser Mfg. Uo. , LaC'rosse , WIs.M .
M S15 10
< % 11 u * ttijii t \.r inii-ic t tl V t > tl | * VI tl I ! 111
O. A. Long , 110 Dearborn s-rcot. Chicago , 111.
AOENTS-Send 25o for booK. "How to lh-
come an Kxport Salesman. " Toadies yo\
Jiow to sell goods. Adilross II. E. Oolo , hlou :
! lty , In. 2C8-14
"V\rANTED Traveling Balosmmi ! can nmUi
' KiO per week permanently : tr.ido special
tics. Tabor , 325 Dearborn street , Chicago.201M4
* | \17TKOTIVES wanted to net In the socro
JL/korvlco under Instructions of Cant. ( Iran
) iuncx-chlctofdctectlvphofJncInnat ( ! , Expo
j-Ieneo not necessary. Particulars froe. ( Jrnn
nan Dotcctlro IlurouuCo. . 41 Arcade , Clnuln
"XTiTANTED Immcdlatcly.aeood dress good
' salesman. I * . Tropnnlcr , UesMolncs. In
M17H 1
PV\7'ANTED aeTperlcnced salesmen to hell
TT sen put The Fair. 1C
GOOD watchmaker wanted ; none but first
class workman need apply , ilax Meyur. '
li ro. Co. lin-l
DETECTIVE Wo ant a man In every lo
callty to act as private defective uncle
our Instructions. Send for particulars. Wash
Jngtou DotcotlTO AROiicy. box 787Vashlng
ton , Iowa. Kxpcrienco not necessary.
, 118 PIS * _ _
"V7 ANTED Saloainiui who moot the grocer
trade to sell ono of the best articles on tli'
market on commission. Address. X 135 , lice.K
" \X7ANTEI > Agents wauled throuchout No
'Tbraska. Bend stamp for reply. Jos. 1
Mcgonth. Omaha. 4 <
"WANTED Men to travel for our uiumclhT
' nurserios.fctonoi\VcIlliigtonMadUonWI ,
, 4
with good reference n
Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , IGCi ) lion-aril .st.
, s C''QJ '
W'ANTED A live , en rgcllo partv In over
place to Intmdiuo our goods , \Vo have
new line that will cll nt every noitsu nn
uEcntM can ronpa hnrvest hntween now tnn
the holidays Will pay a salary of J75 pc
nionlh If preferred and fuintsh n team froi
Address at once. Standard Sllvnrwaro Oo
Boston JIasss. M ( rrj-u 15 *
forrattf. tie , , wmunf n.ltiiniinn thl IKUJI
" \V ANTED-OIrl for general housewot
11 2aH Howard Htreet. 274-1
"Vlf ANTED 10salesladies Monday at the !
' cent store , 13lli ruruarn stroet. STJ-I
"V\7 ANTED Three lady solicitors ; only i ho-
\tllllnKto work need apply ; will pi
pnliry for Rood , honest workers , lloom 41
Jico building. ay.j
yANTErju-A Klrl for Konoru'l hou o\sr' i
* \17ANTEI ? > Pastrycoolc.J.TO. Hot Sprlniri
T' hotel cook. Os.-nola ; neniuin onok fo
nialr , SlSj 2 wallrut-sen for tlio we-t , f,1) ) , fun
paid. White's olllce , established 10 yours , i
y.lCth slroot. M171-1
" \17ANTED-airl for general housenork I
TT Binall family. Hjxll funtlay or Jlondn
3n roar 1118 North IQlli stieel. aiJ-I
"VirANTED-OIrl for gentTrTriTou u\vor
Mrs.0. E. llurineitorW,1 Park : i\eime.
\VANTED-Asooilntrnnn Klrl for generi
' housework ; c < d wages to n hiiltab
3)arty. Apply > t lailUuiulns btrcoU J1I77-I
TWILIi pay tactics a salary of flu perm
to work fo mo In their locality nt horn
light work.BocdiMiy for pint time. Write wll
Btamp. Mrs. II. ! . 1'arrliiglon. IMIX 702 Uhlcug
\\rANTEI > -A youiiK slrl ofTc to nssUt wit
children and second work , Mrs. lie
. aliisu ) 151
" TTANTKDIO nxpoHoncod talcladtes I
TT help sell out The 1'alr.
"TirANTED A uood , reliable Klrl forgen
T t housework : Oeriiuui or Danish preferro
" \"VANTE1)-Ioo < l Klrl for general lions
TT work ntais I/cavoimurth. .Mi >
TPENSIONB-TlieCHiisman Petition AKPIIC
JL il Ku'Dier block. lu formation free 'lit
for rate , tt ( . , tet tnp of jlmtc jurnn nn tliUpaye.
for ltunt-7-room ilnuUlng.
HOUHK9 , Hurt street , , .123 M
R-ronmdwclllnirtli and \Voolwortli. . . . V-'O 00
D-roum dwelling , Douglas tlreet , Htcam .
heat , MOO
10-rootn dwelling , modern. 1'arUnvcniio , , DO 00
70room lint , Ifith and Jouos , now
6-room tint , rarnain street . . . . . . M
Other dwellings and Hutu nil parts of city.
JJincalon ti Allen , 1B071'arnaiu street. 278 15
1711NE P-room corner houso. all Improve-
JL1 nirnts. coiivonlcnt for business and whole-
fliilo dlHtrlet. A-l location , Apply 0. B. Kl-
guttcr , 4071'lrst National bank. 15
POH HITNT Slt-room liousO In Portland
Place , very llttlo cash nnd balance monthly
payments buys It , J. U. Cortolyou. 4UUbamt > er
of Commerce. JlliO
1710K KENT fl room Hat ! pas , city water
JL1 bath room mid closet , In Sander's hloJk
Inqnlro atclothlii ) ; store , 2112 Cumlngstreet
I neil KENT MS , ID-room corner hrlek l well
ing In best tvsldonco portion of clly.
$ .VM-room ) dwelling , CJnssst.
IM.I-8-room clwclllug , CnlcaKo st.
Kvwrooiii dwelling,22d and California.
These dwellings ho nil moilorn conven
iences , within wiilklni dlslnnuoof postolllco.
Hnfcrenocs rocinlrrcl , Inquire Ncthortoit Hall.
2la S. tsth at , , room 1. 158U
irTKr.N-lcoom house. 210 N. 17lh. VM-
nace. kllchen rnngu and bath , llullt for
roomlnff nnd Iwmlln ? . > I 143 16 *
FOH HEX I1 3-loom house , $7. 1314 N. ItHh st.
M140 14 *
f.OK UEN'T HIIIIFO of 4 rooms In gooH repair -
' pair , city and clslcrn water. 825 8. ihtli.
AN8-room detached house with all modern
conveniences , two-story without baio-
iiient , In desirable looatlon. SUM ) per montn
rent. Wllldrlxennpllennt to premises. Smca-
ton A. Allen , 1C07 lainain slreot. Utt H
UIINT Two small houses , 812.W nnd J9
FOK mouth , near business center. The O.K.
Davis Co. 10110
On'2Cnp. ' avo..S-rooni rottase.Vesthalf25H
lavenp.stiH'm3inq.ai8Cai : : ) . avc.801-JU *
H OUHE for rent , ten rooms.modcrn conven
iences. RMS. IDtli street. a,215 *
SIX-KOOM cottacc. collar , cistern and elty
water. 817 H. 18thnearLoavcnworth.
204 15 *
TJ1011 KHNT To responsible parties only.
JL ? those line now brick nnd stone bouses on
Ueorgl n avenue : fifteen iioms nndalco s ;
moro convrnlcnceH and Letter finished than
nny house for rent In the city. 11. 11. Honder-
son. 410 1'nxtoii block , city. 491
FOH IIKNT Elegants floor house. .all I mod-
era Improvement1" , also laundry room. cor.
23rd I and Chicago Apply at IDO'J ' ' I'nrnam t.
" 171011 KENT Seven room cottage , isnuthwcst
JL ? cornerElg.ithcnthiindDodgosl reels. Largo
yard and pleasant llltlo homo. Very coupon ,
lout lo biHnoss. Oall at piejinlscs. lul IB
FOK HCNTmnll house , with or without
barn , 1017 California Ht. 780
/ " ? HOOM house lo rent , near Sherman ave , SOS
Ufehccly blk. TKt
TjlOll KENT Ono outside flat of 0 rooms.
JL ? steam heat , In good repair. Llnton block ,
corner Wth nud Mason sts. Innulroof John
llnmllii , In the block store room No. U17. 1'JG
T 10 Conduct on and Engineers \VoolTer these
ten new und complete Huts with ull modern
conveniences , situated two blocks fiom llui
new Tenth stieet depot ! they have several
iiuwanil commendable features and rent for
only j' i 00 per month , G nnd 7 rooms each with
largo bath nnd eomcnlent closets. Call and
.see them. Tim Mead Investment Co. . room
442 , Ileo building. Ml
fT-HOOM house with barns nominal rent. C.
I' . Harrison.Dig N , V. l.lfn. 493
IP YOU wish to rent n house or store sec II.
E. Cole. Continental block. 49:1 :
TJENTAL Agent Coo. J , I'nul , 1G01) ) Enrnain ,
JiVHoiises and stores for lent. Kcnts col
lected. M7
SO. HENNETT. moving express offlco with
Neul & Conrad , fill ! Dodge st. Tel. 127.
aiaa-im *
FOIl KENT Hats , 4 rooms each , city watoi
and sewer connections. O , U. K. and T , Co ,
4 Hco bldg. & 4j
"TjlOH HENT-Small house on Emmet st , ,
-K west of 24th , $3 nor month , AboT-room
house , city water , bath , on Caldwell , between
! th and S7th , ! . ' > per inoiitlk O. L. Green ,
Itoom 'JX > , Ihtrkcr block. M787
T7IOR. JlKN.T-SKKItlapia st , 4 block east 24tli
JL lit. motor , 0 rooms mid unfinished H Htor.y
above , full lot , well , cistern nnd cellar , zooil
neighborhood , JlT/fl per month. 0. O. Wal
lace , Urown block , 16th nnd Douglas. OS8
HOUHE of 8 rooms , nicely papered , water ,
sewer nnd ens , : urdnnd Cumlng , 830 poi
mo. O. K Harrison , 1)12 ) N. V. Life. 331
Forratrt , etc. , rrt tnim' timt rnliiniii imt/iLi ] vt7
furnished room wltn 'all
- - modern conveniences , 2123 California.
"nUIUNISHEb rooint , also II unfurnished
-L bath , gas , nil conveniences nt KC4 Capita
ave. 2TJ 15' '
ONE or two furnished rooms for young ludj
In cottage with pilvato family , gnsiiiu
bath , cheap. Z110 Chicago. 270-14' '
"plUHNlSUEU rooms , 119 South S3th street.
/\NE largo and ono small furnished room t <
V/rentla a prlvnto family to parties onv
ployed during the day. lieforcneos required
lill'/llornoy st. 210-17
MIOELY furnished room , steam heat , south
-l-il ernoxpoiuro. K4 ! bouth blxtcentli street
Hat D. 2(8-14' ( '
flWO or three rooms for housekeeping , fur
JL nishcd or unfurnished. 1512 Cass street.
'M 111-14
T71OH ItENT-Furnlshed rooms ! gas , batl
-t ? and steam , 1511) ) Howard. 40
OUUNISllEI ) rooms , steam heat.2air. Doug
JL1 las st. 191 li )
T71UUNISHEO f jont room , Gil S. 191U st.
J ! Ml 14
TiO married couple pleasant rooms f iirnlshci
for liouseKeepliu , central location. Ad
dress Xfi. , lice. 131 14
Tj [ OH KENT 1'lcasaut furnished room fo
JL1 two gentlemen or gentleman and wife. Ii
private houio ; no other roomers ; locatloi
central. No. SIC N. 20th street , M1IS 14
TpUIlMSllEl ) rooms ; modern Improvements
JL' Hultablu tor 1 or 2 gcntlumon. Apply -04
TilOU KENT-rurnlshed rooms , 1814 Uavon
J port st. 1B14'
"filUKNISHEI ) rooms for rent , single or Ii
JL'suitevlthgasandstcamhoat. . Itofercnco !
1721 Dodge st. M1I2-14
T11UKNISIIED rooms 1003 Cupltol ave.
TIIOK KENT Furnished house with clgh
JL1 rooms : all modern Improvements , heatci
by furnace ! will rent until April 1 ; ruferoiic
required. Apply 1103 South Tenth street.M1I411
0 KOOMS , light housekeeping. C020St. Jlary'
avenue. 074 K
" \TIOE room , steam heat , 1719 Davcnpoi
1 il IXf * * Y
TOK RENT-So\on-min cottage , cor. 81 !
JJ ave. and Unp.ave. IiHinlro ilij DoOgo. M41
T71OK ItnNT-li'urnlshcd rooms.
E 41
DKSIHAHLK room , modern convenfuucc
1701 Uapttol avc. 773
UniVED-t'ialrvoyatit i naturaiiv" " " h'tci
tells pust and future , love troubhs , nl
sent friends , chunsui. travel , business. Satis
faction given , Jlrs.Vulluce , luwrarnam s
MM4 g.
ME.Hurtough Palmist tells the pustpre
out und future from the lines ot thn hum
in thoold liypsy way. 1'cuc. } 1 : ladies on h
1 17 Izard hlrtet , Oiiiului , 44J -
E .Madam L'elzlur , oterUlO S. KUI
T'.O J :
MK8. Nannie V.Wnrrcn , clairvoyant tranci
spedklng , wrlllng IUKI reliable buslno-
mealum , four years InOninba. HON. 10th.
I f'ur nilf * . f re. , MX lop offrst minimum Mil pnj
A FIItBTclass dressmakt-r from Now Vor
city desires engagemunts by the day I
private families , or would taUo work bom
Aildie s V II , Iteeoftlco , 2.Vi 1
M ISS J. KAV will tit present dotlrossmnUh
at home , HMN. l lh nt. Iir7-ll
/7J ODD cutter , fitter nnd draper from t'liloa
vJ deslrea work hi fumllK > 4uy tlmiluy , A
d tvs < X 8. Ueo. U i-20 *
"IpNOAOEMKNTB todotlreumaklnc lu fain
J-JHcj sotlcltoa. Utii Sturdy. 2010 llarney s
lor tatti. rlcM tee fnp nfrat foaimnoti thtt IMOt
\VTAN rED-KoumoM and boarders ! first-
IT eh as boi nl | all modern conveniences for
rooms , Innulro io * Dodge street. 170-10 *
T.TANDSOMKT/Y furnished rooms , single or
J J-niiMilto , with satisfactory bourd , utte'i per
Month each ) modern residence ) near buslnesi
center ! no other boarders ! references ex-
changed. Addrrsi Y21 , Hea. 200-15 *
T > OO.M and board. CIO S 17th street.
JV . 227-lft
PrilNISIIED rooms with bourd. Uufoionccs.
2.-U rnrniun. 237-20'
17 UHNISHEI ) front room for rent : sultnulo
1 for two gentlemen ; board If dculrcil | refer
ences required. Apply 1213 N. 18th street.
l 'rwo young ladles occupied tint-
Ins thoduy lo Imvo n boinc-bonrd nnd
front room. Uurerenco reiiulrud. Aclilii" < 9 V
1. Iluo. 310 H *
_ _
17OOJI andboui'd , $1.00 , 17130bngliiasrfot. (
J.V _ jiwj-ij ; ! *
and.boara for twoiroiitlcinon.
LWJSt. Jlary'savo. 1UO 10
NlOHIjY ( itrnlsliotl rooms , with nil conven
iences ! Hi to first-class table board ! terms
reasonable. 1.TO N. IStli st , 101 10 *
1710K HKNT Xlculy ftirnhhed rooms with
X ? board : strictly ilrst-olusa ; location CPU- 1(117 ( ItodRo it. 125-11 *
DESIKAHLRHoonis-good table board , at
The aiL'fhiiii. ! th and Dodge sta. KfiO-15 *
XTIOEIiY furnished room , all modern eon-
1 > cnIenees , with or without boatd. 2017
Lcavcnworth. 753 Ii *
GnNTLEMEN only , now lion so. lurRO , hand-
froiuoly ( urnUhea rooms suitable ( or 2j 1
nmuller loom forl ; excollcntboard , beat. RIIS ,
bath ; llrot-clnsa private family. Terms $ >
per inontli. Address X M , lloo olllco. IM
T71OR KENT I'ront. Sntl story room , with
J board. Wl So 25th ave. 070-14
BOAUDEUS wanted. 1512 Davenport.
FOIt Rood board , nice rooms , modern conven
iences , rates and location , tbo 1'iillman
bouse. 1310 Dodge st. . cannot be oxcollcd ,
ROOMS and board , 1810 Chicago street.
T7MJItXlfIIKl ) front room for rent ! modern
J couvlciiccs ; board , 'J2U7 Douglas street.
_ _ i MUOO-15 *
ST.OtjAIK European hotel , \vtli ( II til up room ,
steam heat In till rooms , HHIi and Dodso.
Bueulal rates by weokor month. 501
rnrratcn , cle. , welnp nt flrtl nuiir'in on tMs jioas.
T71OU linXT rourgood uufurnlshod rooms
JL1 for lltfht housckeoplng. laia Douglas street.
231 10 *
POUR unfiirnNlicd rooms , all conveniences
for housekeeping. Koforcnco required. iSOl
Parnain st. 248 17 *
O KOOMS for light liouseUcopliig,2T 12Harnoy.
0 M 147
TDOO&IS for light housekeeping. 1715 Dong-
FOK KENT Suit of 4 nnfurnlsliod rooms to
family without children. 1'rlco $15.'o. 170J
Volisterst. M757
FOIl IlENT auiifarnlshcd rooms. 210 N. 13th
st. M 7M
. tlo. . rretni > uf Jmt column iinthli
FOU IlKNT-Tlcsk room In 1'lrst National
batik liulldlns. Address Y It. lice. 23J10
"tTiOIl HKN'T btoro room , ono of the most
J- desirable locations In the city for llnd no
tions , dry goods or suits. Located botwcon
"Bth and ICth on Douglas street. Address X
> : j lice. '
NOT I OKo will ha\o for rent Dec. 13th ,
two liundRnmu stores , suitable for grocery
ind meat market. In a coed locution , \\herc
noU'libors and owner will nssmo n llrtolass
mslncss to a firm who will kcnn up a llrst-
class line of goods. Apply Koluemiy & Co. .
room 11) ) . Continental Dloclc , Ml-14
CJT01r.Sut7UOS. 1Clli.stcam.hcat furnished.
Thos. r.Hallaill'axton blk , ftoa
TjlOU HKNT The 4-story brick buIldliiR.wlth
JL' orwltbout power formerly occupied hytho
tool'iilllslilii'C'o.OIC-l'iiri\iun ) ( st. The build-
in : has a flroprooC ceniunt baBOineiito > nplote
Htouin lieatlni ; llxtuieiv-wtitor on all the floors ,
Kas.etc. Apply at the olllco of The Bee. 015
T AUGE.dry basement for rent ! B. & SI. track
XJat platform ! very convenient. Apply to
Avcry I'lnntorCo. , cor 8th and Pacific. U26-14
TI\OU \ ItENT Hi Jammrv 1. 4-story building.
JL } ; wS40squaro feet ; suitable for any kind
of wholesaling , at Tenth and Jones street. O.
A. Imditicsi ) , UIO South fifteenth street. . 508
TO UENT After January 1 , store and flat
atC20 H. 1 Bin st. Enquire at UOO'llrowii
bhlir. U. J. Kendall. y97D25
I poll KENT or Sale-Kino , heavy brick fivo-
slory corner \varehouso withtiioit central
t.ricka : oln cltv : Iloorn are iifAstiiaro ; ] feet.
StrlnserA I'cnny. Darker block. 183
fcrrottt , etc. , trt top of Jlril r/iiimii on 1/itn
FOR HUNT Hrlck warehouse , two stories
hlzh , basement , hydranllo clovntor. tr.iok-
uge ; best location In the city. A. O. 1'ownll.
Formte * . etc , , tee top o' fittl column nn UiLi TXICW
'IIRAOKAGE storage at lowest rates. W. BI ,
.L Iliishman , 1311 Leavenworth. 500
STOUAOE and trackage David Cole , 815-817
- HowarJ st. 507
STO1CAOE The best In city , clean.dry. safe ,
and privately Htorod at reasonable terms.
Omaha Move Hopalr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel.
OCO. . W2
Fortntttttc. . tee Inpnt Jlrtl column
LOST Prospectus of Century dictionary ,
1'nrty llndlntr It will bo rewarded by leav
ing lit Iho lice llIice. 11B-13'
For rato.cte. , fee tup of flrti eaiii'nn thli pi7e.
" | AUOE double slttliif ? desk , almost now
JUl'hll Stlnuncl. No. Oil Jones st. - 81 !
TTlOn SALK-Two heatln Btovos , hard 01
-i-soft coal. In llrst-elnss order and will be
sold cheap. Call at 1MU N. 18th U
T710U SAI H cheap A 10 horse power Now
JL Vork safety steam engine in first clasi
condition. I'estnor 1'rln.tlaK Co. , 1307 Howard
For rale * , etc. , tee ti-pnf first column nn this
T710K8ALE llandsonio , largo family horse
X' young , sound and stylUh. Also heal
innki ) phaeton and htirness , A nlcu turnout
co < > tln ) . ' ovortJW. I'.irtlcs removing fiom eltj
nnd will sell turnout romploto * ) . Call at
otllco durlu ; business hours , HIM J.L'aveiiMot-tl
stieet. l&4 i :
SECOND liiiiul omnibus. I'hll Stlmmol. No
all Jones t. 81' '
TrORIC her < o $81 , two-horso wiixon f2) , dou-
bio work harness $13. Or will trauo for t
lUhtsldo bar buggy. II , E. Cole , Contl
ncntnl liloe.c 40 :
TTIOIt SALK-2ROod work teams. Inquire a
JJ 018 I'axton block. 50
EOH SALR-CO liorscs nnd mnrcs. cash o
time , 1'rkvs from $15 to J.WJ. Would ox
rhniiKoeonicot them for Omulia real estate
\ \ , 1. tifl.iman.Oiiiuliu'slarKost variety wagon
nnd carriages. : u
fc/rrtilAi. etc. . tte tnpnf flnl rotuum nil th\i\xiqt \
"TI1OII 3A liK-S tlrit-class hoatlnK stoves. In
X' qulro 1712 Dodue street. 270-10
$ I. W bank block for sale. Star Land & Loai
Co. aia-i
_ _
AN elegant upright piano for H.ilo at hal
cost ) o\\iicr U'uvlni ; city. Address Y n Hoe
' . ' 14 11
.K-A line uprlKht piano at a saurl
JL' llcoimdstbo sold at once. Inquire atNc
2118 Caldtt-ollat. Ill
TjlOll SALE I.easo nnd carpets of the cozies
Jlittle cottauo In Omahu ; (7) ( seven itxinii
very low.andleM-ithan llvx minutes \\ulkfroti
1' . u. AddruisCI Hou olllco. lot l
1)UO uupptes forsale. Hooni 47 , Harkerblocli
131 n
Fcrrattt , ttc , , tee lt > \ \ ut ] tni nilumn u thu vnjt
KOUSKS wlntured.Vo lTavo Vliobest ob
coiiunoautloiis In the state for wlnterln
liorses. Hex or alimlo talls , with paddocli
Atiply to Windsor. Kemp * Do. . OKI Now Vor
wfo blrtB. , or to Chris Novlns , at ( bo htablc :
Irvlngtou , Nob. M09t
lei t-atu , ttc. , ue l' > iV > / ftt column onill
Oil ATTKMoans at lowest rates. Ketnovcd
to lr.4 N. V. l.lfo bldg , J , II , EiumliiKor.
"PRIVATE funds to loan onWfltt time. A d-
JL Urcsi : ios Shuely blu. 753-J.l
TrKVSTOMl MortRiigo Co.-I.onn of 110 to
4-SlWOi get our rates before borrowlnit ami
R.IVO money ) loans on horses , furiilUtro or any
npprotod s"curlty without puolloltyt notes
bought ! for now loans , renewal of old and low
est rales , call H. 203 , Shccly blKlSth& Howard.
HONEY to loan on second mortgage.V. . 8
UVynn , lloomXI Oiiiiha Nat. lib , HIM * .
MONFA to loan-nn Improved city pronqrty
lit current rntiw : f Ands on hand ; ) nudolay.
Oeo. I'1 lllust vt Coritt ) UnnlgobUlK , Wl-dlu
MONEY to loan on Improved nnd vncnnt
nroiiorty. Lowest rate , ft J , Uaswoll. * lfl
N. Y. Mfo. TO D.4
" ] \I OXHYtolonnon real estate , Improved or
J'Lvnciint. Gcr. Am. Sav'gs Itnuk , 10th find
rariium sts 1SS 24
( C5.000short tltno loan wnnteJ on real estate
PHoctirlty : will n.iy lonpr cent mid cash com
mission. J.L , Hlco , OiJN. Y. Ufc. OJ7
S 1TAU Land & Loan Co. Itcal estate , loans
and Insurance ronlal nconey. U73-dl7
T.OANSof Jl.TOO nnd upwards on unproved
. collateral or real esla'to.V. \ . 11. illllard. 201
Onialm Nntloiml lunU-tiillJInK. 81U
ruiATTKIibnnk , : tlo Bin tint. , loans money
won chattels or collateral at reasonable ratm
TjltltST & second niorturtRCSon , vacant & Im-
-L' proved city iirop. County warrants boiiRlit.
Money on hand , I'.M. Hlclnirilsoti.Sli ) NYLIo ( ,
ONRY to loan on city nnil farm property.
w. M , Harris , II BO , rrenior blk , , opp. I * . 6.
TVfONKY M , COorOOdaj-s , on household fnr-
iTJLnllure. etc. 0181'uxton block , J , J. Willcln-
wn. M070-F1
S ITAU Land A Loan Co. Kcal estate. lontu
nud Insurance rental agcncf. W73-dl"
MONKY to loan by It. V. Masters on chattel
and collateral oecurltlvsfor any thnef rom
1 to 0 months , la our amount to suit bor
rower ,
Loans made on household cooiH phitios , or-
( tans , horses , mules. IIOIIHCS'leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. . at the lowest possible rules ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are Boartanxcd that you can make
a pajmentof any a mount at any time and re
duce both principal nnd interest.
If ou oTio n hiilancii on your property or
Ji.ivu a loan you wish changed , I will pay It olT
nnd carry It for you. If you llnd It moro con-
venleiit. call up telephone No. IBJl and your
business will boarranjed athotnu.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity , Loncstiatus.
H. T. Masters ,
Room 4 , Wltlmoll blk , 15tb and llarney sts.
" \TOSEY loaned nt low rates on furniture ,
i'JLhorses , cto. , without putillclty. llnwkeyo
In vcatmont l/o. , & Douglas blk. 16th and Dodgo.
WANTED < J per cent real estate loans. C.
F. Harrison. 012 N. V. Lite. 513
WANTED rirst-class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Oall and sco us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1T04 Karnum , 513
BUILDING loans Gto 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges forcomnilsslou or attorney's
fees. W. 11. Mclklo , First National bank bide.M7
REAL Kstato Loans-Cash on hand. Olobo
hoan& : : S. ICth st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rout , good list.
-I > i > 513
OE. & 0. M.ANTJJOXy,3B N. Y. Llfohulld-
lii . lend inonoy-'Oiif firms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on Rood
Otniiha lesldeiice property ; lowest rates ; best
terms : no dclar : "money toady. Titles and
values passed on luyi' . < 511
CHEAP eastern money
1'hlIaUclphla Mortgage nnd Trust Co ,
always ready to loan ; ind pay promptly ; first
mortgages vanted. Oeorgo . 1 * . Coates , rep-
rescntatUo , room 7. board of trade. 515
MONEY to loan oSTirnksccurty
forsliOrl tliimnt low
rates. KjJowcat rates
on iH'rjfoftalluroporty.
The hcndcrson MomiiL-tJlnve.-tiiicnt Compa
ny , room400,1'axtpaiilli. f 520
Forrates , tic. , Kttnp of first column on , this pagi
INDIANS are on the warpath , and so are wo.
Money Wo will niaKo chattel loans of
from tS.OO to $25,00 reasonable.
If good personal security Is offered.
Furniture If you have uood furniture you
want to trade or Nell cheap , call on usto
have a customer for you.
Wo Imvcclear farms toexchnngo for grocer
ies , merchandise , boots and shoes , or
oliiar business , also for good Improved Omaha
Wanted Equity in coed lots , Do you want
to sell your lot ? Logan & Kvans , 410 Bco bide. ,
Omaha , Neb. " 77 11
illE Coeur < ! 'Alone Mines A beautiful ope-
clmen of riclisllver oio.Just as taken from
the mines , with a description of the greatest
mining country on earth , sent postpaid for
$1.00. French & PJRott , Osburn , Idaho. 'JilJU'
FOR reliable Information portalnlni to the
states of Washington , OrcROn , Montana ,
Idaho , California and lirttlsh provinces , ad
dress Western Information llureau , Wilson
block , Tncoinn , .Wush. ConcsnonclpnU In all
parts of thu United Slates and C'anadu. I'lill
Information In all matters ; ordinary fee , 92.00.
LADIHS will receive fieo proof of Dr.
Valon's medicated monthly bait , Address
Medicated licit Co. , box 174J. Now YorK city ,
JJ8 14 *
rflYKEWUITEUS fold. boiiRlit , oxclinngcd
-Land rented by the Smith I'remlorTypo-
writer Co. , lG09'i Farniiin st.Terms to suit.
Ho sure and see us before innklnu' nrrange-
mcnts elsewhere. E.H. Mayhew , ManaBt-r.
/"IHKISTMAS trees , large and line , from 12to
V SO foot hlsh , bales of evergreen branches
for decorations. Address L , A. AVIUlanis.
Glcnwood , la , L"OJ 15 *
" \X7ANThD omo grading done and n lot
l Illlcd. Co-operatlvo Land & Lot Oo. . SOS
North Sixteenth ( street. 1G214
WANTED To borrow JSOO for ono year on
coed second mortgage security. Address
Box 58T . Ulty. las 10 *
IF you have horses , carriages or houses to
tradeseo K. II. Jerome , room U17 , 1'lrst Na
tional bank building. M710 Ji +
MASSAOK Madam DeUlor. over 010 S 1'Jth.
J2UJ2 *
" \ / \ ASSAOR trcatinent.e'lectro.theniial baths.
a.'lsoulpinul lialr treatment , manicure nnd
chiropodist Mrs. 1'ost , U20-1 ! ! , Wltlmoll blk.W3
Forra'rntti.ttetoi > iif
WANTHD A. 57-tn bicycle , or safety. Must
be In coed coilltloa ! and cheap for cash.
Address 1' . O. Hex QJ. Omaha , Nub. 2I2-1U *
T OTS ! Wo have buyers for niedluni and for
J-Jlow priced lots : will piy all cash ; must bo
bargains. A lux Moore , 'Ml Shcely block.
213 10 *
W ANTED To buy. a grocery store , 308
Snoelyblock. 210
\VAN'rEI-To : IJuh lot In Darker placo.
TT ( Jllflon Hill. Miundors & Illmebaugh
add or Orchard Illll for part cash and horse ,
harness and phaeton. , AuUross E. Q , Slerrlll.
42d and I'ass sts. I "j UI2
"VST ANTED-Io bu olA or two-bcatcd box
TT bugav at IW.J SL'Oyi Jt ! li > 0-14
\V AKTni-To buy'U br 3 young red Iilsh
Bettors. Applyrut the Kunstoi-e of Gross
nmliu. JI174-15 *
Gcbl-ITprlght foldhii bed , second linnet ;
give price. AddriSXsftCM. llec. M17.M4'
WANTKI"to Ituy Itesldrnco lot In E. V ,
Smith's nildltlonj.jnusl be cheap ; will pay
cash. Address X 71 Itop , , j _ 1&14
"V\rANTniJ A seconrl band , small flro proof
1 1 .safe. Culbcilsoa .Milling Uo. , Culnort-
BOII. Neb , t ' 31170
_ _
\VANTii-To buy yJlms of all kinds
T iiKalnst riitlnndMttiimoycs. Sums over
RiJprtiferred. WrltuTVui. Hlehardson. Slonx
City. la. , L. II. ma. _ s37rJ5'
TTllIKNITUKE , household uoods. etc. Hlghpsl
-i- cash price. Wells , 3111 Kiiriiain. 51C
for rntf , tf f . . if lop of Jlnt column thlsjxtae.
LIST jour houses to soil or rent with C , V
Unrihon , UI2 N. Y. i-lte. tw ;
H 1J. IHEnra.rental ugents..200N.YLf , ! <
. 001
_ _
E. COLK , rental ngcnt , Continental blk
S TAH Lund , t Loan Co.-Ueul estato. lo-in ;
und Insurance-rent ill agency. 075-U17
IAD1US nnd penllemcncan rout mariner-
JaUo suits at U-J2 N. 10th st. 4J1D27 *
Forratct , etctee fa i ofjlfoit folmii on tViU PQ3
\\rANTKD 1'arlnor In n money making
' buslines , W Interest for $1,000. Address
YM , Meoollluo. 871-11'
dM { and satisfactory security n > von for iise of
n tiOU. 10 or todays. V II , Hoe. 55314'
T\rANTEIl-A. prnntnblo business Is olTorcd
> i for plthor u gontlcman or UUy. Apply
Itoom4ftl Uco building. _ 500-14 *
WKLI/ located $1,600 grocery stock InOmaha
nta bargain' llulchlnson , t Weail. K ' , ' 1
Uoiiulas , ' . ' 41-10
"lUKQAIN that Is a barRaln , Estab-
llshcd huslncs , largo olty , about 92,500 dry
Roods , Jl.OOOnrooorirft.vltli strlotly cash trade.
SIOO to 151 credit , thoroughly olonn
atock. Addtcss Y 4. care Omaha lloc. 523-14 *
T71OU SALE Klnrst saloon In ono of the best
J-1 eltlcKcounly scat ) In Nebraska. Uood bar-
Rain to rrsnectablo parties if possession taken
soon. Addrcig Ylt , lice. 504-21 *
'iron SAIE-A ffolcstnbllshcil
- * - furniture nnd household goods. Some
money mid ton n lots ur coed land. Address
O.U14 N. 17th street , Omaha. 250-1(1 (
UM.OOO lo J.1.000 c.i'li cnnseiMiro nt once estab-
I'llshel Kenvral limiohiindl o business soiling
strlotly forcash , JKHi to $150 per day. elpuii
stock , low rent. Address Y 3 , euro Oiunlia lei ! < .
T71IUST-OLAP9. opportunity for moloralo
-1- capital , A corporation manufacturing
patented nrtlclo reijulred everywhere , will
.sell Htato rights lo niannfiicture mid sell ,
l'ixllts ) < ory lur u. Will supply Roods If de
sired. Uoom 111) , 1171 Vultou btrcot , llrooklyn ,
ANEW YOlUv mamtfiu'tutlnK corporation
desires to locate a gincral state agency In
this olty , the represent al I vu thereof to appoint
local orKiib-iigonts In every city In the state
and pxerclso a general supervision thet-oof.
llusluess n monopoly , already In practical
dally operation In upwards ot tea thousand
buildings In Iho principal cities ; absolutely
required In every hou-oliold and returning 100
per cent net profits to the agency. Limited
capital rncuilrodi Address with credent lals.
lliu Unlou ( Jomiiany , 741 Broadway , Now York
City. 207-14 *
_ _
( tilO.OO-Havo > ou $10.00 to ln\est In land or
> p lots ? No risk , no gain. I am now Colling
lots In Omaha's latest addition for ten (10) ( )
dollnrseucli. Warm nty dee /Vbstruct nnd
plat Kixcti with o.ioh lot , Every lot warranted
a nice , level bulldliiR lot. Close toOiimha and
nilJolnhiK an addition wiioro lots sold for 8l- >
o.ich three years IIRO. Huniember , only one
pl.lco Intho United States wherti thcso lots
aio bold , at . ' 110 B. 15th street. Uinulm , Sale
now In progress. Chas. P. Iknjamlu. solo agl ,
UIO S. l..tli . Btieot. 2U8 '
FOU SALE Fiirnlttlro nnd louse of a 40-
room hotel , dolmjaHplcndld business nnd
in first class locution. It will imyyoutoln-
vestlgale lids.V. \ . S. Cooper. Jleri lam bloek.
CotuicM Itliiirs. _ M1H.1JO
FOK SALE Choice small creamery , been
running two vearsal a protlt. Good loca
tion in r.UUiorn Vallev , With or without clear
farm joining It. J. 0. Corlolycu , 40 Chamber
of 1'oiumuico. A1170
BOAHOINU house furnished complete , with
40 boarders ; reason for solllnu ; sicklies" .
1'rlco 8150. 1) ) . J.WUbon. 8JiN. ) Y. liltc. 18311 *
GOOD conl yard , building , teams , etc. , for
sale , with Kood trade already established !
profit this weather sfclO per day ; 11,500 only ic-
qulred. K r. Cook , Kil New York Life build
ing. _ M 175-22
CIGAR store In fine locallon , nicely fur-
nlsned and well slocked. Co-operative
Lund & Lot L'o.,205 Noith Sixteenth street.
17IORSALE Meat innrkal In Omaha. Good
J- location and bu lncss. Address XEI. Hco
_ M 142 lb
Foil SALE Half Interest In a first class ,
well established beer agency , Oood open-
In ; ; for right man wltn small capital. Satis
factory reasons for soiling. Address X5.1 lice.
_ 1 .Ml 14 *
IS/ANTED A practical flro Insuraneo man
'T to take charge of the Insutancodop.irt-
mont of a well established company. Addres
X58 Ileo. _ 120-10
AN established business for sale or trade.
Uoi 518. city. _ 100
Forratm. etc. , rer ( p of frat rnhimn on fhj ( ftagt ,
WANTED Good stocks merchamllzo for
clear land. 410 Ileo bldg. _ 28 1-14 *
WANTED-Good farms along the Klkhorn
Valley rallroacL.lnterest nnd taxes all
paid , for clear IdtH with ubstraots of titles.
Logon & Evans , fooin'UO Hco bldg.JlH * ,
cash ami baltuiqo In coed room and
board for man and wife will take nn ele
gant good as new iiprlcht piano , references
exchanged. Address V18 Dec. 260-21
F OH SALE Clear lot In west pnrt of city ,
uilued ut.ViO ; wilt take sufely hleyclo or
dl.imohd as part pay , balance easy terms. Add -
d ross V IB , lieu. _ 270-14 *
LEAUlols'to exchange for' wcstom land.
Address Y U Hoe olllce. iJJ2 20-
OITV property wanted In ovchaiiKO for full
paid , non-assessable Ineorporatlon btocks.
1'or putlculara , address Box (118 ( , Omaha.
LAND and grain elevator wanted in ex
change for full paid , non-assrssablo Incor
poration stocks ! Investigation solicited. Ad
dress Hex CI8-Omaha , 257-14 *
rplIHEElarKOlots. half block west oj Vlntoa
-L street , clear , for linage and lot.
Good horse and buggy for outside lot ,
K.xtra Kood ti-ioom house , mile und qaurter
from post olllco , for good lot.
100-aoro Improved farm , Sherldnii county ,
Nebraeku , flue soil , li lit Incumbranco , fa
outside lot , Alexander Moore , U01 Sliooly
block. 5il715 *
rpo EXCHANGE For residence or lots , my
JL 82,000 iutorost In 1KO iiorci unimproved
Iloono Co. land. J. 11 Danlolson , I'rairleilu
Olilen , WIs. 2ftM4 *
Nebraska farms for any
-I ? salable personal property , meichandlso
preferred. Bpnrgur AVIshcr , Oludron , r eb. .
TKADE A dnndy pony nnd now road
TO wacon for good top buggy , Cull at 2. > OI N
street , So. Omaha. M 12,1-16 *
rf.O TKADE A clear lot In Morse & Ilruner's
JL add. for a No. 1 Jersey cow. b'reo , 1020 Cap
itol nvo. 15214
"IT Oll TUADE-Real estate and cash for first
J-J mortviigo notes. Address II. A. D. . room
W , Itoaidof Trade building. 10J 10
WANTED To oxcbaiiKosonio valunbloreal
estate for goods , tr.ido must bo mudo
quick. Address X 19 , eo. M 703-21 *
WANTED A horse ormaro In part pay-i
ment toward a waponor carrluRc. W. T.
Seaman , Omaha's large&t variety wagons and
carriages. 343
FOK HALE Chop house with established
trade , dolnggoud business. In Kootl loca
tion. Gcod chance foi right ponons. Address
X 50 , Ileo. 087-10 *
I'onate * , etc. , rte fitntl 'irl roluin i on I't'n
not bo deeolvoil bv what other type
writer aKcntR In the city may tell jou , but
bo bine ninl Ht-'o the Smith I'remler typewriter
ucforo you milko u purcliaso. It will pay you.
WE trust you will Investigate the Smith
i'romlcr typewriter before purebaslng , as
It has many valual lo Improvements over all
other wnthiK machines on the market today.
Thu Pinlth I'remlor Typewriter Co. , lUWi I'ar-
nuinst. K , II. Muyhew , Jlauager. 2ii-l :
ll makes , bought , told , cx-
changed , rented , J , I * . .MogeatblW71''arnam
street. 4H !
forntCM.ctc. ttttapot Jlnltnlumt nil Mi
JL pultar , vocal Instruction. btudIo.Mir > Sheely
bloek. M 7U7 J5 *
buying a piano oxamlno the now
scale Klmball piano. A.HospclM3Douglas.
CO. r.OELLKNIIKOK.teaelierof the banjo
with Hospo , 1D1J Douglas , 241) )
II , J. .Miles , experienced teacher ] of
M1S3 culture , pupil otMiicliini Edna Hall ,
Hoston , Muss. HoomfiO * ' ) , llrowu building , cor.
' Puuslus streets. 23 IX1 ! *
Forratw , tic. , we tupaf firiit cotiiHin mi thtt pa ;
. 1 1 ii us llellmnnn/physiclnn and surgeon
DIt. ) I.ciivenwoilli at. ; Just arrived fron
lleilln In Comiiiny , Truatmenlof tuberculin
diseases of throat. luncs , akin and sto-imcl
under Prof. Kocli'a now lyniDn kystcm. 1'nstoi
Knelpp'sof Woorlshofen In lla\arla excellent
hydropathic t nut mint of nil chronic diseases
especially of usrtuna , rhcuiiatUm , ncurulgla
etc. , for the first time Introduced In Ormlia
Otllco hours f rum U a. m , to V p. m , Tel. 01 :
100 15 *
r nrtaiV , tie. , utt top.of flnl cfJumn OH thti page
I7MUCI ) Mohlo loun money on dlamondi anc
JL ; wutchoa , Je ulyctcS , E.cor. 1'urnum & lit !
'o. ' elt.t tea h ) of tnt mlumit nn fill
"POH SALE- Potter & Ocorno company sub-
- - mlt Iho following list of property to pnr-
tlM wlshliii' to make Investments In either
business or residence properties ;
Corner on Hlh nnd Howard streets ,
Mxi : ft. . vacant $ 40,000
Corner on lUli and Howard streets , GCx
lWfeflUvac.itit 43,000
On l.envumvorlli , between 10th and llth
ft.vnciitit er , ooo
Corner 101 h nnd Jones streets , 44 < tW fl , ,
Ittiprmnil 18,000
Corner llth and Mason streets , 1J\1Y ! )
ft. , vat-ant 40,000
Corncrllth and Howard streets , COvlW
ft. , vacant ! ! 7JW
On Jack-ion , between 5th nnd Clh streets ,
CflxKBfU. vacant 10iX)3 )
Ont'nultol aunme , butneen Ifith and
10thRtieots,44xl. rt. , .13,003
On Douglas , between I'-'lli and iitli ;
stroMs , UxUJ ft. , Improved 57000
On Nicholas , between llth and 12th
streets. dflti.B , ft , , well Improved : tT.,00) )
On Karniim , lietween''lstaml S.M Mtreol.s ,
MxlIfifU. well Improxeil : i\OM
CorneiOiiiulnit and 'JJIh Htrcols , ( J0\ir ; )
ft. , ImproNcd ! W,003
On Oas < . between 17th and 19th Btrcots ,
Klxi.'ttft. . ImproM'd . . . 'JO.OJO
On Dodge , between 11thmid 1,1th slrcots ,
4lxi ; ft , . viicant ar > , OM
Corner loth and Howard streets , GOxlIU
fl. . vaeant 4r > ,000
On Unrnoy.lictwecn Dili and 10th streets ,
4lxir'ft. : . vacant ! ! 2OJO
On Knrimm , between IL'tli and lillh
streets , iHxCE ! ft. , welllmpioved 33,000
Northeast corner of 2X1 and Chicago
streits. with ID-room house , all modern
convenience" , prleo t 0,000
Thirty-three foot , east front , on Oeorrflu
avenue , .lint north , of I'nclflo street ,
with 8-room bouse , all modern con-
enlenot'.s , prleo 0,000
1 Ifty feet , east front , en Jllststreet near
Poppletou avenue , with goad 8-room
house , prlco 0,200
1'lfty feet , east trout , on 'KM street nuar
Woolworlh stieel , with good 8-ioom
house , prlco 7 , . " 00
Eighty feet , south front , on 1'nclflo
street nearIRd street , with thichotiSo
of 14 rooms nnd all conveniences ,
price 13,000
Corner Hist and \VooHvorlli avenue.
100M.V ) feel , \\llli ono frame house of
uroiims and ono brick house of 8 rooms ,
bulb neatly new , price 20,000
Now 8-rooin brick house cm JauKsou
.street nodrilTith street , prleo , . 5,000
llfty feet on Hlnney stieot between 17th
and ISth streets , with line 10-rooiu
house , prleo 12,500
On Cuss street between 2llh nnd : tli
streets , llfty feet , with 8-room house ,
prloo 5,000
Unimproved Kesldoiico I'roporty.
Lots 7 and 8.blk7 , llllUlde No. I , being
inilfton Chicago st and IS ) ft on : wth
tst , pileo 0,000
I Ifty fent on Dnu'uport st between : tOtli
andlllstsli. south front , prleo 2.VX )
Lol 12 , hi U 7 , HlllsldoNo. 1.prlco 3,100
Lot r. and east > . , ' lot ! , Ilk H , Illllsldo No.
1. b liiB 7" > ( t onCassst , jirleo 4,700
Lot.s 10nnd 11. hlk * , HIllsfdoNo. 1 , prlco 5.500
Lot 17i-unnjside addition , prlco 2,500
Lois 2H und : . : i. yiuinysldu addition , being
100 ft on Cass st by 127 ft on 2ith M ,
prleo 5,500
Lol I ) , talk 9 , "hull's ! ! ml addition , prlco. . 2,500
Lol5. blks , KHby Pluce , prieo 2.2'O
Lot IS. blkL' , Klluy lMn"e. prlco S.5M
Lots , bile n. Highland Place , price : tOOJ
Lot tl , Illmehaugh i'lace , prlco y.WiO
Lot 22 , bliii , Potter's addition , price 1,550
Lot 23 , blk I , Potter's addition , price 1WO
Lot 4 , hlk I. Potter'n.addition , price J.bOO
Lot.s land2 , bile2 , I'oltor's ndditloii , for
both , price _ . . 4,000
Lots ; i and 4 , blk 2.1'otter's addition , for
both , price . r , y.200
i outli Omaha Piopeity ,
COxlSO ft on 2Gtli street near O street well
Impioved , being lot U , block SO , ptlcc. $11,000
01x15. ) ft on 23111 street , with two-story
frame store building , well rented ,
priori aMO
Lot 2 , block77. being IW ft on UTith stieet ,
nenr.M street , fiinall house , prlco 0,000
Lot , II , block 8 , 1st mill It Ion to South
Omabn. being 00 ft on ' 'Ith street near
Q.street , in Ice 2,200
South 40 ft of lot 10 , block 79 , on 2. > lh
street near Nslroot , prlco
Corner SStli and M streets , 12i\loO ) ft.
price 20,000
wo also have residence lots In Potter , t
Cobli's 1st uiiil 2d additions to South Omnha
ranging In nrlce from JlOO.uoto $1,003.00 pur lot ,
nccoidlngto location , also a number of dc-
slrabl erestdenco lots that vo can otl'er at rea
sonable llgurcs anil on easy terms In llroun
Park , .letter's addition , and the northern pait
of South Omaha proper.
We also have for sain a number of lots In
Steelennd In Woods' addition in East Omaha
at from $ " . ' > 0 to 11,000 each. This Is the only
that is being offered for mile In East
& malm , and wo ventuio tusaj- that thoru Ii a
bettor show of making larger profits and
iquicKcr returns on Investments In this prop
erty today than nny other property around
Omnha. for the reason that it is only ono and
three-fourths miles f-om the Omaha ptist-
olllce , and the large amount of money bolng
spent on Improvements In Kast Omahu can
not help adding greatly to the value of all
property In that locality.
Kor further Information concerning any of
the above property call or address
Potter & QUOI-RCI Company ,
ICOiruinam st.
BARGAINS Imtiroxod lots.
Insldo mlle limit , cottage and cast
front lot $1,075 ,
( Two similar have been sold last week )
all cash required o\cnpt loan of SbOO of
fered for short time only ,
Neat house , lot ; ilx 12. ) , 2dtli noarOiimlng , . 2WO
Collage nnd half lot , 27th and Douglas ,
* : OJcasli 2,000
Elegant lots near llunsuoni Park , on
which house will be built to suit pur
Iliitchliisoiut Wead , 1521 Douglas.
TUSr think of It. I'ull lot , fiOxlt ! . on irade.
' 201 h and Vlnton. only Jl.ffiiO. Kasy terms.
SiuouUm k Allen , 1007 I'miKim street , 270 21
$10. Oommeucliij : Monday , December 15 , 1
nm going to sell Minoieof those < f0 ! lots In
Omaha's latest addition. lylni ; betwecnOmaha
iiuil Iho new I'ort Omaha. } IO Is full payment.
\Viirrimtyileed.absliaet and plat clvcn with
each lot. I'omo early for choice. Host show
jou will ever hnvo toheoomo nnOmuha prop
erly owner , Noinoitxrfco on this piupotty
Everything clean and will hour close In vo tl-
gatlon , 1'or plats and Information cull on ir
send 2o iiosta e to Charles 1' . llenjamln. solo
. ' until 15th street , Omaha. L''W-H *
FOK SALE A (1.20) house , the bnlldlnn of
which you can uurerlntend y.oursclf. nnda
corner lot north t.2UO ) , a little \M"itof Kount/o
Place , all for Jl.SOO , teims not haixl. Colscth
& Johnson , room D , Hoard of Trade. 224-17
FOU SALE You can't hue. Am now sell-
Ing lots on Went Leavenxvorlh , near the
now fair grounds the addition ovoi looks thu
city , UK ) sold last wuak. Coma anil leave
yourorder. The prleo will bo $ u" > 00 to ifMOO
till Dcoemlicr 25 , Scay. lf > l' Kiirnam. 22.VI4 *
0-Koom cottage and barn , M foot of ground.
A nice home. One mile from po-t olllce.
$ lKXlon oasv paymcnls.V. \ . 11. Cutci , Mri-.VM
N. V.i \ fjlmlldlii ! ; . Telephone : )0. ) aw- ill
B 22 feet on ICth street near P. 0 . . , .
CflMXl , eoi ncr , & blocks from P. O. , east of
Kill . 110,000
IMxIX ! , truckage. I'Uavetuvnrth street. . . . 2H.OOO
ra\ic : , corner , .Inuk-on streel . ICUXK )
44.\iiJ. : Howard nosir 1,1th , . 24.200
Hartley street , corner . 40,000
llutcliinson A. Wunil , 15. ' ! Douglns ,
Ttlephono l.V.U
B AHC ! AINS In business and resldcnro prop
erty , btiir Land A. Co. 2II9-14
"IDANCHEs ? and farnmVo are M > | O avrents
JLV for MIUO elegant runth and farm prop
erties , clour of Inoumbraiuo that o can soil
on cnsy terms or trnilo for good Income prop
erly ! 5.2 0ncro < ln llonnu couuly , Nub. , llflcun
houses on It , finely Improved , nrlco $120,000 ;
4.00J acres In Vcuion county. Mo. , nlno hou < ics ,
nnd other uxinllent improvemontti , tinu.UOl ;
IiOOnciesIn Gnlfoy lounly , Kim. , very finely
liupovedilOOUi ) ! : > .00aeieslu Wichita county ,
Kan , , o\ery nceessury Improvement for a
Ilist-cliiss wosirru MOCK ranch ulmndanco of
water. Address M , A , Upton Co , Omahu.
< *
POH S.VIiE At a barsaln. nn\12'J ' on Daven
port near 1'tli , ono block fiom new post-
offlcc. very clir.m. J-JO.OOO ; SOxllI ! corner 20th
and Karnnni , $ .10,000. U , L. Qruen , loom : w.
llarker bloclr. B37
-I 20 acres duo farm land adjolnln ; good No-
JL bmskiilowni nearly
100 acres Ilnoly ImprovoJ land2Vi inllos from
county hunt In NebiMsknj IlKhtlyeneiimbiMrd.
12J acres good land In Nebraska , 5 miles from
county Ecat ; 2,5X ) Inhabitant * .
House nnd lot la town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nalinmka town.
4 loom houue und lot , burn , well sum cistern ,
Ifitli street. Oinulin ; sllzlitlv Incumbered ; will
tradn forOnmhu property and assume Incum-
branees. H. K ( 'olc. Contlnenlal block. 1)30
a lot for ! 10,0) hi Omaha's latest addi
BUY . It will get In somurody's way one of
tliuso linn day and will alt'ord you a good
prolll. Oharlut I' . Ilunjamln , bole agent. : iIO
property , HtarLnna.fe
BAlUlAINBInuuro 833-14
LEGANrlosufeTioo'ln Kountzu i'laooi I )
roonn llnely llnlihed and all modern con
veniences ! Wlrt Ht. , near aoth. Can sell on
one-quarlorcasli iiaymiint and biiluneo llmo
to right party , This Is no cheap affair of a
house , but n t-omfornblo home In itvcry
nudablssuapbaririilu. IMC. Darllux , , Ilnrkor
T710H SALE Or trade fora btouk of groceries
J or boots und shoes , u goou hoiibo und lot
und ICO acred of land. Address V 2 , Ueo ,
l\irrafatte.t < ctn < > f flirt column on thlt
W VAN'S Iteal
Ji' ' aoSN. V.litfoblclK ,
* / * IXK ( )
A coutli front nrnrltltli street , north. . , . ! 5W
An east front , high nnd sightly , just
north of Lo.ivpnworth street , a beauty ft
A sou Hi front , llltolu'oek'n , high anil ftCO
slKhty . . . . . . . . . . . CO ) *
A south fronton depot . 1.000
An east front , 1 mile from P.O. . close to
schools , ears , eto , . . , , . . . . . , . 1,000
Uilts H and 7. Ink fl. West ( 'uinliiK , each , . . ! , ( )
Eust frontHlii Oartlmge , line . uu
East front , Thornborg , near cars . < > 00
Iteautlfiil nere Inl'nlrvlew. , , , . tuo
W foot lot , 1/iwo's ndil , at tnulo. . . . . 1,000
WJO other lots. iKJOO to JI.IXK ) .
Evans Estate ,
East front , Kvnus' add , onn mlle
from P. O. , close to cars , schools , etc. ,
.only 1,0)0 )
North ( route , JM ) feet dcrti , . 1,000
Corner ! Mt h and C'ass. In Hawthorne. . . , 1,500
Pjuu east fronts In llnwthmuo , trees . , , 1,800
West fronts nt grade. Hawthorne 1WO (
A corner , Mxl.Vi. east fionl , at grade ,
lien r UMNO a venue ! , *
A corner , HK1.V ) , south front , at giudo
near Lowonvenuo U.OJ3
South front , Hamilton uoiir I.OMO ave
nue , line , , , „ l.tWI
CornerMMHli fiont , Davenport nwl SiSlh ' . ' ,000
liiko a look nt Iii Vela I'lnee , on I.owo
avenue north of Hnxcnport , Ills the
" 01 cam of thn Illll. " Jl,4iK ) to 2,000
A line east front In I'laluvlow
S-outh fronton paved stieut , ! block from
21th , a bargain ,
North front on unveil Ktrt'ot , 200 feet
from 24th , a bill gal u 1,500
400 other lots , $1,000 to
Evans Heal Estate ,
A perfect cottage , new0 rooms , bath ,
stein room , \V , O , etc. , 60 foot east
fionl , Hanseoni Place : i,000
49feoti'nHt front , I.owo a\onuo near
Davenport 2fp )
50 foot cast front , Lowe a\ouue , above
grade 2,000
50 foot east front , corner. Iowo u\enuc ,
nbovogrado 2 , !
I'lne lot on Pleas int just north of 1'ar-
iiani , u liiirgaln
South front , noarlMlii , In Hillside
East front,21th streel. p ivod , a b.irgntn
; isightly lotson : c.'nd , near Pncllln
I'lne tues , east fuiiit , ; ilrd near Mason. .
Corner , Davenportstreet , In Hawthorne ,
only 2,100
Last front , 20th street near I'opplctou
aveinio 2COD
300 other pioportlos , 82.003 to U.OOO
KVUIH Hcnl Estate.
J 1,0(10. (
A now / room collage , with pantry ,
bathroom , water closet , H. and 0.
water , honor , cist fiont corner In lluii-
scom I'lnee. only 3,500
A 0 mom eotlnge , oust front on 2sth
st reet. In llnnscom Place near Mason ,
rontsti'i 4,000
South nnd east fiont , comer Hist and
I'aelllu streets 4.000
Eastfiont , : ilst north of I'uelllo : i.'ivi
East fiont , ; t'iid nortb of Paellle : i,5) >
East fiont , IC-'ud near Park : i.r > oi )
East fiont , Hist near Pin k ; iroo
East front , Georgia : i\c.nuo near Woolworth -
worth . . : iWO
CO feet on Hurt , line trees ; iioo
West front ) 2Sth street , lluti ! > coin IMaee ,
cottage nnd burn .l.'M
SOOothor propeitles. $ ' . 1,000 to 4,00
Kvuns Itonl Estate ,
$ flM)0.
Ill oust front , corner Thlrty-llfth and
Da > onporl 5,000
IlaiiHcom place , a line house on Thirty-
llrst street , burn , etc , , only D.OOO
8-room houso. bath , gas , furnace , elf. ,
fine locution , bargain 4,5W
llandsomo ueweottage.all conveniences ,
! 17 foot lot. nloe t ices iiiul lawn , close to
cats , schools , etc 4,500 ,
I'lnost double eornor In dreston 4.VW
110 footsouth fionton Webstersightly D,500
boil th and east front , corner , on Tuonly-
sixth , very line , two lots 5,700
A good 2-story collage , 7 rooms , good lo
cation , easy terms 4,500
Fnrnam slieel , opposllu Turner house ,
I'lno cottage , trees , etc. , on Twenty-sev
enth BtlUOt 5,500
'Kvans Itenl Estate.
Corner on Nicholas with track. , 7,100
74 fooleorner m Nicholas with track. . . . ll.OJO
A new beuullfulhonioon Popplotoii ave
nue , spacious rooms and over v modern
convenience 10,090
Corner Twenty-sixth and Leavenworth. 10,000
IlanilsomeO-ioomhouse , till comenlouu-
es , ( roiitliiR llnnscom park 08,500
75 foot by 810. fronting park 7.WO
0-ioom house , now with every con veil
Icnce , Georgia avenue 8,500
12-room liouso beautifully llnhhrd In
hardwood , east front corner hi Hans-
corn place 10,000
12S foot sinmro on puvod slreot near Si.
'Mury'B avenue 10.000
C4 foot double end , Twenty-seventh and
Twcuty-slxthstrect , O.GOJ
A beautiful home , 100 feet south front ,
llnosliado trees , choice locality . . . . . . . 15.000
South and east front , corner 1'wcnty-
sovcnth and Jaokson , ( xlxUO 12,000
Corner on Nicholas with track .12,000
Double corner on MumIIton street 14,000
.Many other line places ut from ! IOuOO to 25,000 ,
Evans. Until Lslato.
5 acres on North Sixteenth streol , two
blocks from paved street and ears. , . 10,000
10 acres on Noith Twenty-fourth stieet. 10,0 *
10 ncres on t'11-.s street 500
10 aurcs adjoining South Omaha * . . 8,000
25 acres adjoining South Omaha 20,000
. "tacies In town 45,000
Cacrcs , vest side 0,000
Choice farms and raw hinds thioiighout
the state.
, Kvnns , Heal "Estate ,
! )03 ) N. Y. Life building.
REAUTIKIJLIot on 28th street near Wool-
l- > worth , only } . ' ,100. K'isy teims. bmontou
6 Allen , 1007 I/amain street. OT 21
A good 1.1-acro tract , Insldo fl miles , on
which encumbrance must bu paid , can bo had ;
u snap.
lO.icies , near Dundee I'lacc , at 11,250 00
Sacrcs. L'ontlold , at 00)00 )
8 IKS res. trackage , 2 mlle limit , at 3,500 00
40 acres , 5 mile limit at 15000
llutcliliisontVoucl , 1521 DoiiBlnfi.
HOMES on inontlily payments ,
low prices. Homes built tq suit. Htur
Lund & I/oan Co , KB-14
FLORIDA Paying investments ! oningo
grovosi winter homes In well t > ottlod coun
try : write for particulars. Htlth & Jackson.
.Mallland , 1'ln. 10-11 *
VTOU cun never become a free holder for les *
X th.tii ! 10.00. liny a lot In Omaha's latest
addition for 310.0 , ) ; trade It for a piano , horse
ami buggv. You certainly stand no nliow lo
lose anything. Halo no win progress at 310 d.
J5th st. Charles P. llciijatiiln. sole agent.
riTHAOKAOE projcrty forsaloat reasomiblo
JL prluc , corner foxIMft. 1'Inn place for ware
house , mnnufavliirlng. coal , or lumber yunl.
Investigate. Co-opeiutlvcland k LotC'o.,20' >
North Sixteenth Btreiit. Hill 15
TIIIIE licit eoinor onuppor LOirnam street.
JL. frontage on : i streets ; Nplendld corner on
r.iriiiiin si rue t , elosu tocourt housc.n bargalii ;
corner with tniokaito InH. 12. part of city :
good residences anil low-priced cottages , good
lots for building. Home as low us $100 , insldu
ucres. farms and unimproved land.
We will sell any ot this property , of which
wo have entire control , at prices way below
what you can buy at eUowhero.
Stringer Si Penny , Darker block , 15th and
1'ai-nuii ! . 1M
In vacant lots.
BAHOAINB feet , Hulford plnco MO
Two lots , south front , corner Orchard
Illll on Pleasant slreot StOO :
Corner nnar Walnut Illll , Kio.xIM , soilth-
onst front , very nightly a bargain 1,100
I'opplotoii Park , south front 1,800
Lincoln Place 7M
50 foot houth front on Farnain , east of
3aih , Icsslhiin ( i.OOQ
Full lot , Georgia avenue , paved 2.H.V )
llanscom Place , 111 st fctreel 2,500
Hiitchlnson Si Wuad , l. > 24 Douglas.
r7 KOOM toting" , full lot. Ilanscom 1'laeo.
I oust front and a great bargain for a few
days. Km ill eusli puyinent and balaiicoon
long lime. K. 1C. Darllim. Darker block. Kit
OU HALIJorl.oaBo 47 feet east front by
201 feet deep , alloy corner , 24lh and Cmiilnn
streets. Address Jean bchons , Itco building.
' Land A Loan Co.-ronl estate , loims
S' and Insurance rental aeuey. U7.dl7
\\tli \ place lots for mlo , or will leasn on
H lonKthiu * . Htnr Luml k Loan Co. 2fM4
TciOEhT bnrgaln In Omnha. Onlythruo of
thosoelogunt houses on llth and I iirmini
left out of NtJij other three occupied liy flrsl-
clnss patties. Houses are open nil day for In-
Rpoi'tlou. Kvory convonleneo In the house * ,
Including gas nnd gas fl.xtuiiis. . . . .
Take n look at them during this flno
weather ! buy ono nnd take Ufa comfortable
during the winter.
Only tnl. PS from $ .100 to $ .VX ) cash , fico them
without fall for they will please you. I ) , V.
Kholes , 2IJ l-'irstNat'lbniik. _ KtO
HAIiIC A largo llstof choice residence
FOU business iiroperty , Houses und lots on
monthly puvmentt ; l,2. > u uiiil upwards ;
vacant lots $500 and up , Qcorgu .1 , Piiul , ir.01
Fariium , Zvi
5 room house , latuS3 ; , fj , E , corner llth und
Vlnton tl.TOV.
0-rooin house , stable , lotai1/- , corner
llth ami Vluton fc',000.
llrluk bouse , and Amorloan house , l
II corner lOtli and Doujlas. Enqulro 2UI H
11 tn. 111