I 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE/ SATURDAY , DECEMBER 13 , 1.890 , 4 THE CITY , The lioso compiinles were cnllod to Eighteenth nnd Vinton streets nt 2 o'clock .veitordtiy afternoon on a fnlno alnrm oi fire. The temperature ns reported by the locrd slgni ! ! odlco was 111 follows : At 7 a , m. , 1P ( ; nt 10 u. tn. , 23 ° nnd tit 1 p. in. 31 ° . The deed for the property sold by Jnmcs McCord to the Nebraska Tolo- nhono company at Eighteenth and Doiiff- Ins street , was ( lied for record yestcrduy.t The consideration was Ml,000. The following clerks on the Omnha and Ojfdcn railway mall service have received promotions : W. A. Crosby , , T. M. Reynolds , G.V. . Jones and Clinton D. Haker. John M. Thurston has sued the stockholders - holders of the Wcstllchev Courier pub lishing company for $ ii"7 attorney fees. Among the defendants arc distillers , brewers , politicians , merchants , lawyers and congressmen. I Oliver II. P. Halo IB wanted on a > charge of larceny as bailee. Jorollan L. Rico allogcs that lie lot Halo have a horse , \n\Ktty \ \ and harness , all of the vnluo of SoIJj , and that Halo has con verted the same to his own uso. Hugh Murphy , who has the contract for paving Sherman nvoniio with Sioux Fall granite , will complete the job next , week. This will give a continuous line of pavement aa far north as the north- cast corner of the fair grounds. P. E. Young , who has been the con fidential clerk of Superintendent Harry Gilmore of the Bolt line road for the past two years , has gone to Mexico City , Mexico , where ho has accented a posi tion as aosoclato editor on El Llberiiul , the principal paper of the country. Ho has been succeeded in Mr. Gilmoro's of fice by Frank Smith of Atchison , Knn. Ella Ilorlln wants Robert McGco ar rested for larceny as bailee. She alleges that she gave Robert a $ UO-bill and sent him out to got it changed. Robert ex perienced such a pleasant sensation whllo the money was in his possession that ho decided to keep it , and that is why Eilu has invoked the aid of the strong arm of the law to deal harshly with the culprit. c The correctness of the maxim "nothing Buccccils llku success" Is well exemplified in Aynr's Sarsnnnrllla. The most successful combination of alteratives nnd tonics , It nl- ways succeeds In curlnijdlscasesof the blood , and hcnco Its wonderful popularity. All Music nt llnlf Price. GflOO pieces only lOc a copy at Moin berg's , 10th st. bet. Capital ave & Dodges. The HcstlcHS American. What a restless people wo arol Never happy unless wo tire doing something with all our tniirht. Wo fall only when wo attempt to pltiy. And yet nothing is j easier now than a visit to California j over the Union Pacific , the original overland route , and the Pacilio coast climate in winter is unrivalled still. The Union Pacilio and Southern Pacific company , profiting' ' by past experience , have spared no pains or expense during the past summer to perfect the roadbed nnd the equipment of the line via Ojjdon , and the ontlro tour from the Missouri river to San Francisco oven in midwinter , is the supromcst luxury of railroading without the delay so often experienced in winter. Banker Prcttynmn Indicted. CHICAGO , Deo. 12. The grand Jury this af- lornoon Indicted Bunker Prettymnn , whoso bank went to the wall a short time- ago , and lila onoliior , O. 8. Johnson , on chnrgoa of em bezzlement. Capiases for their arrest were nt once issued. The basis of the Indictment is the receipt of money from de positors when the Insolvency of the bank was apparent. _ To Nervous Debilitated Men If you will send us your address wo will ecnd you Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Voltaic Belt nud Appliances oa trial They will quickly restore you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet frco. VOJ.TAIU BULT Co. , Marshall , Mich. The now ofllcos of the Great Rock Island route , 100- Sixteenth and Fnrnam Btrcols , Omaha , are the finest in the city. Call and boo them. Tickets to all points east at lowest rates. I'rciUutH a < _ all net Crlsln. , LONDONDoe. . IS. [ Special Cablegram to Tin ; Br.D.j TUo Paris correspondent or the Times declares Unit the French cabinet will only last until the now loan has bcun Issued nud that Houvier , minister of finance , will then probably fall aim thu premiership cbango bands. 1 For CoiiRtin ami Throat Dlsorilur.s use Brown's Bronchial Troches. "Ihivo never changed my mind respecting them , ex cept I think bettor of that which I began thinking well of. " Hov. Henry Ward Boeclicr. Sold only in boxes. I * - Through coaches Pullman palace Bloopers , dining care , frco reclining chair cars to Chicago nnd intervening points via the great Rock Island route. Ticket olllco lliOU , Sixteenth and Faruaia Right 1'coplo Itiirncd to Dentil. WAKSAW , Dec. 12. The porcelain fac tory nt Mellow bu'rnoil today and eight em ployes lost their lives in the lire. HorsfoiMl Anil Impnrtslicnowcil S ticngth md vigor where thcro has been exhaustion. The Gold Premium. BUKNOS Avu > : , Deo. 12. [ Special Cable- Bram to Tin : Ben. ] Gold today was quoted at " 00 per cent premium. Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothing Svrup for chil dren teething gives quiet , hulisfal rest. ' > cents n bottlu. TUB UUAIjTV MAKKGT. INSTIIUMENT3 ylaooJ on roddrJ Uooo n- bor 12. MTAIWAXTT L & L Albilght coinp'nny tn A M I'otor- soii , lotHO niul ID. lilk 4 , lloppo's Hi ) ' sulxllv , lots III and 14 , blk U , ' . . f 1,700 Daniel Clifton niul wlfo to I'rcston Koines , Mm i cs In o > ; , nisO-H-ll . lo ndwurtl Kpnn anil wlfu to John McGor- ry , lots , ink 1. Yanl'iimp's nilu . 1 Ciilhno lluloy to J ( J Christie.v ; ia ftiet lots 1 iiiulS , Illicit , llronu I'urk . . . . . . . SOO T O inul Thomas JotTrliH to 0 W Tracy. lots , blk1.1 , JulTrlos * loplut . . , UW Otto Johns in to J I' Jorpo , uSJ foot of w 120 foot of n IX' feut lot 111) ) , NeUoii's mm . j gnr J U I.nUo nnd wlfo to Wlltliim anil tl M Dow. lot 11. I.ulio , t Tomnlotou's ailil. . 1,000 A U McUniulloss ami ttlto toV 11 Jones. lot ; i , luirr's Mibihv , hi IsOell add . i ; oo James MeCiml anil ulfo 10 Nubraskn tulcpliono company , in , lots 1 unit 8 , lilk n. Umaha . . . 31,000 J W Miifoanil wlfo to I' 8 llt'iinott , lots 8 to 1(1 ( Jill ; 17. bcully'a , mhl . 64.000 Miles > v ThompMin to Amliew Itoiewa- tt > r. lot 11) ) , Alusllolil mill . . . . 725 A A I'otcrsnn and wlfo to A l 1'eturbon , lotl.VblkD , Matthows'Buu . 500 A S SlmttueU tot \ \Voodruir , tnul 1-5 lot'.1 , blk .1. I'ltilnvlevr . 1 Union 1'uulllo railway roinpiiny to G \ Ill-own , bono and no so ls-15-io . SCO L J Wooilriilt to J L McUugue , lot : ' , blk D , I'lulnvluvr . i 030 Amelia Weehrr to Wlllhim Itorinmiin , o v li lot 7 , llUSa , Oinalui . . . . 0,000 QUITCI UM Iir.KDS. B J Knrr and husband tnV If Jones lot a. Knrr'HfiiblnuIkU , iBboll'iuM . i W H Stutiimn mid ulfo to Mrs ICuto i : Moore , lot U , Oinulin building and su\- IIIK association add . . . 1 School district Not ) to J 1) Crcighton , I bijimro ucro In s\v corner no -16-li. . . , , \ DEEDS. I I" Iloyd , sheriff , to WSStutmnn , lot 13 , Uninnu building ulul savings ussoola- clntlon add . . . . l.a C \V Loomls. luliiilnUtrttor , to Anna Kiiliou. lot O.-Ouk Hill . 600 Kotal amount Of tranafcrs. . . . 1101,58 ; I Itook Halo Tomorrow. To mnko room "for our now stock of S1LVEH WAHK , FOHKS , SPOONS , rKA SETS , etc. , that wo shall upon to- norrow morning , wo arc obliged to snc- rlflco our books , nnd will place on sale .omorrow 600 complete sols Dickens' works at $3.76. L',000 volumes , 12 mos. , bound In cloth nnd gilt , now issuesbest rending , 21 cents. All our books must bo sold before next week , its wo have a magnificent new stock of all kinds of PLATED SILVER WARE. Forks , spoons , castors , pitchers , urns , vnsos , trays , lea sots , etc. , to bo placed on sale tomorrow In the room now occu pied by books. 1 TIIE AIORSK DRY GOODS CO. Christmas ilownlry at Auction. The entire stock of diamonds , watches , silverware and jewelry of the diamond mrlpra at 1-lth and l < "immm streets hav- tig boon purchased from the receiver , I will sell the saino at auction between low and January 1 , 1801 , commencing1 Thursday , December 11 , nt 70 : ! ! p. in. , and continuing afternoon and evening until the entire stock Is sold. ThciC ? oed were purchased for llrst-chus : riulo , and parties doalrltifr to buy holi day presents can procure the finest arti cles known to the trade at their own figures. This is a bona fide auction sale of iowolry , and all goods arc warranted to jo as represented. JEFF W. BEDFORD , Diamond Parlors , 14th and Farnam sts. Went her I'rolmt > llltlH. For December Indications point to cold , frosty weather. That , however , will make no diltoronca to these who travel in the steam-heated and electric- lighted , limited vestibule- train which is run only by the Ghicigo , Milwaukee & St. Paul lly. betwosn Ouviha and Chicago. This elegant train leaves Omaha at G:10 : p. in. arriving in Chicago at 0tO : ; a. m. , in time to make all eastern connections. For further information apply at city ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam HI. , Omaha. F. A. N.\bir , J. E. PHKSTON. General Agent. City Passenger Agent. DISJIUGT COUHT. The Frank Murder Trinl Sovornl Hi- vorccwGrunted. In Judge Clarksou's court the Tony Frank munlcr trial occupied the day. 'i'ho case creates hut little interest , nud yesterday scarcely n dozen spectators were In the room. The morning session was devoted to the cross examination of Mrs Austin Heed. Nothing new developed , and ahout the only fact that the dcfcnso succeeded in jnoving was that Mrs. Hoed had been a much mar ried woman ; th.it with two husbands dead and two Hvluir , she had been looking after others. John Babbitt , the owner of the pun found on the Heed farm the morning nftor the mur der , tcslillcd thnt two weeks prim- to the commission of the .cilmo ho h.ul loaded this jiun , au old Zulu musket , and had hung It m Urn barn. Frank , Ober and several other parties hud acces > s to the barn * Babbitt was at the Heed farm shortly after the murder and found Chronlster sit- tliiR untight in his chair , dead Ho saw tracks in the snow outside of the house , but could not tell by whom they were made. Mrs. John Struble , who was in the house at the time the shot was flrcd , at once ran out doors , but could see no one. She knew both Tony Frank and Chronister and sup posed they wcro on friendly terms. Judge wakeley spent n greater portion ot the day listening to the tales of woo told by mlsnuitcd partlKi. Last October people who wrro not on wondered why the elegant mansion of . Dr. Samuel 1C. Cimmbcrs , at Sherman avenue and Burdctto streets , was so suddenly vacated and a "For Heat" card huni ; in the window. There was a skeleton In the closet , but none excepting the inter ested pai tics and a few friends know of this Tact. MaryJ. Chambers , the wlfo of the Horse doctor , had au Idea that her liejjo lord was stepping outsldo the paths of virtue. So under prctcnsp of visiting her parents at Exeter , this state , she took n d.iv off , and lining a private iloteutlvo watched the move ments of the lieidcr of the Ills that horse flesh is heir to. The detective got la his work , and on the night of October located the doctor iu a Ninth street house of quostioimhlo re pute. This fact confirmed all of the reports that had reached the cars of Mrs. Clmmocrs , and she nt once commenced divorce proceed ings. Ycsteiday the case was heard and the pravor of the petitioner granted. rive years ago Curtie.I. and Otto ICcnyon entered upon a sail over the matrimonial MMS , and for a timu the storms were few , but later on lu tlio voyage Otto lingered long at the cup , and as a result bccamo a drunkard , or at least that is what his wife stated ! Thedivoico was granted in duo form. The case of Dr. Husscdorf against his wife , Sarah J , , was next called. The doctor came from Now York three years ago. The wife Visited the town later on , but not liking the people , said that she would not llvo in nasty , illity Omalin , and , packing her trunks , re moved to the metropolis of the United States , whore , tlio doctor states , she Is now running a fuinlshcd room house. The nmu of pills did not get his divorce , though the court took the case under advisement. James F. Illckox wanted to bo separated from his wife , Kittle L. For several jcars the paities were residents of tills city , but in March , 18S7 , the woman concluded to be come a M.I ) . With this object In view she went to Chicago , where she catered a medi cal college and graduated. Since that time she lias abandoned James' bed and board. The divorce la this case was granted. Lucy Wells , colored , asked for the severing of the matrimonial knot that existed between herbolf nnrt her husband , Thomas Alleiir She was able to prove that Thomas Allen was n drunkard and a worthless vagabond , nnd for this reason she got what she asked. Hattlo Carter and her husband Joseph are both persons of color. Joseph has horso- whlpped Ilattio upon divers and sundry oc casions , nnd for this reason she was granted u divorce. Esther O. D.Vebb \ has brought suit to foreclose a fJ.OOO mortgage executed by Louis Peterson and wlfo. County Court. In the county court Walter Brandos has brought suit against the city of Omaha and asks for a judgment of $1,000 , In his peti tion the plaintiff alleges that owing to the construction of the now viaduct bis business , carried on nt 811 South Tenth street , has been ruined. Ho ube alleges that In the ap praisement of damages ho was ignored and was never given a chance to prove his loss. Kdwnrd Ainscow has sued Stow & Her , alleging that they ewe him ? CUO rontT J. L. Welshans alleges that Emma II. Thnyerowes him the sum of . ' 83 for plumb ing that was put into her house. Cwdta UlUlouol Homes uzearithoBt&nddrl * AS FINE AS THEY MAKE . 'EM. We want tm.isay a word to you about FINE OVERCOATS. By that we mean ments made of mateiuals such as your tailor makes to order and charges twenty-five thirty- five , forty , fifty and even sixty dollars for. We sell that sort of coats , but not at that ' sort of prices. You go to your tailor , he takes your measure , pats you on the back , turns you around three or four times , remarks on-your fine figure , says he'll put his best coat maker on your coat ( they're all best coat makers ) , and says : "OhI YesI I'll have your coat done for you Saturday night SURE. " You put on your old coat and go home , you put it on every time you go out and each time it seems to look shabbier than before until Saturday night when you put it on for the last time and go to your tailors with a bright smile arid a determination to owe him for it ( couldn't do that with us ) and are met with the cheerful intelligence that "our best workman was taken sick and it was impossible to get your coat out. " Its different when you buy a gar ment of us. You come into our store , state your needs , hundreds to choose from , every shape , every size , every style , sure to get a fit. You make your selection , no waiting , no annoy ance and you've saved money besides. THE COATS WE SPEAK OF TODAY - - Are made by men whohave made a life study of the clothing business , \vho buy thousands of yards of the best goods made direct from the mills , who buy trimmings by the case , who em ploy the best workmen money can hire , who by making thousands of coats instead of dozens are able to turn out a coat ready to wear for what your tailor pays for his materials. WE OPEN TODAY A RECENT PURCHASE Of the finest line of high grade coats we have ever shown , at a saving ofB , $1O , nay , even $18 - TWELVE DOLLARS - Gives you your choice of piles of beautiful Kerseys in black or brown , with Italian lining and satin sleeve lining ; and hundreds of splendid Chinchillas in black or blue , with excellent trim mings throughout. _ _ AT THIRTEEN-FIFTY AND FOURTEEN-SEVENTY-FIVE You get your choice of dozens of elegant Kerseys in brown , blue or black , with silk and wool linings and heavy satin marvellieux sleeve linings. AT SEVENTEENDOLLA RS You can buy of us as good a Chinchilla coat as is usually sold for thirty dollars , a saving of thirteen dollars ( for once thirteen is lucky. ) AT EIGHTEEN-FIFTY A very fine Kersey , made up better than the average merchant tailor makes a coat , very fint , linings , and very finely trimmed throughout. Three shades black , brown and mode. AT EIGHTEEN-FIFTY AND NINETEEN FIFTY We are showing some magnificent Scotch Shetland Ulsters in handsome colors. They'll defy any blizzard due this year. AT NINETEEN AND THREE QUARTERS DOLLARS We sell a beautiful Kersey , made up in fine style , the upper part lined with a fine quality of satin duchesse and the lower with a fine quality all wool eassimere. TWENTY-ONE-FIFTY AND TWENTY-TWO-FIFTY Buys as gjood a coat of us as any tailor can make "to your order. " The materials are as good as money can buy. -workmanship as good as can be done. The trimmings are first class , and the shades as handsome as any man in Omaha wears. To gentlemen who claim to be fine dressers , and who are not averse to saving a few dol- srs , we extend a cordial invitation to inspect these very fine garments. NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. , IS S 1 HUMPHREYS ! Du.lIUMriinKYg'Srrcii'-icsnrosclontincallyniid carefully prepared prescriptions I used for innuy years lu private pratt Ice w Ith surceos.aml for over thirty years used by tlio people. Kvery eltiftlo fepo- clla ! aspeclnl euro for the tllscaio named. Tlieio hpcclllca euro without iliiiRRlni ; , purg ing or reducing ? the B ) stem , nnd nr In Inct nud deed the Hovcrclgurc-iiifillciiul tlioWorlcl. UST OK rUIXCIPAI. M53. COHEH. riUCl . 1 1'nvorn , CotiKi tIon , Itu'.iiinmatlon . . . ' - ! . > it WovniH. Worm lV tr. Worm Ojlle . 'J.S olle.orTreth iiRof Infanta . ' . ! . ' ) II JIUIIUIICII UH OIU.Vll.l.i.v.n . . . . . . ( , " J 111 nyHPFPHln , IHlloiM btninarn. . . .Jo II HiimircdHCilor I'nlnfiil 1'crloUH. , 'i5 I'i WblluM , too I'rofuso 1'irloiln . . . , ' > 1 li Uronp. Cougli , DinicultllroatliliiH . . . 1 t Milt Rliouiii , } : r ? ! ; ielasl.riiitlou8. .Jf ' ' . ' 15 tUiuiliiintlHni , IllieumnlloI'nlni III iWcrnml ARIIP , ClilllcMalaria . . .SO . . . . M f fiiu t jiiiimu * * Mvt ' } ; HI Ciitnrrli , Inlliiciira , Coldliitholleail till Whuopliiic Cinitth. Violent CounliB. VJI ( irnrrnl II.-I.I11H .IhyBlcalWcaknvsa U7 IvIilnoylllMtnHp . JS Ncrtoui Onblllty , , , > : i llrlunry WriiUiirsH. WoltlnBllfil. .3J { J-Z IUHCIIHL-Huf tliollciirtl'nliltatloul.0p "iolil bynrugK tsTor dentnoilpnU ! on receipt of jTlco. ln lliMi-iiRETh' MASJJAI. ( HI nasca ) richly bound In rl < ilh and sold , mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Oor. William and John Streets , New XT * § P E C i F 8 C S _ "Let every bird sing its own note : ' While the air is full of rumors of bargains we "RISE TO EXPLAIN" that in it is better to pay a fair price and secure a good thing , than to waste money on cheap garments. Ex amine our fine CHEVIOTS AND CASSIMERES , and you will agree that they nro fully worth the money we ask for them. In quality , fit and finish they ore not to bo excelled even by first-class custom work. Cold weather is here , it is high time to don a heavy suit , AMUSEM HINTS. Boya's , OOMM13NOINQ T _ 11 T11UUSOA.V. JLJ < 3G. JLJL SUASO.V. SUCCESS U.VUIATEI ) BU Mr. Gus Thomas' Unique Comedy- U Drama , BR THE BURGLRR | A Sltlllnil Interpreted Llsudhig byn ot n Laughter Great and Tea-fc Company. 1NCI.UDINU MR , A. S. LIPMAN , 1'rlcc ns ti'iiul. biiloof scntsWednofdo ) BICYCLE RACE , Saturday Evcniii , Dec. 13 REXADINO vs. vs.SHILJU Admission. 25 Cents. START 7:30 : P. M. . This will bo n square race and o.xcit- nglfrom start to linish. iz > r\-ii rt' c Four NighSi ! .i J \ f JJ "UL < s Oommeucing Sunday , December / / / / / , -TIIK HRNLON-UOLTER AND MARJTINETTI English Pantomime anil Novelty Company Under the nianoscmont nf Illch 4 : llnrrls. The Miistnilon Specialty Organization. M Tlfty KutoiHinn Artists 50. A I'lo-'iainino ot Novelties. 'I ho Most Knjoyfililo Kiitortaliunont T.ver rresentcd. Sulu opens Suturdiiy. DIME E'BEN ' MUSEE. WILL I.AWI.Kll , Maniecr. Corner llth nnd Farnam ireola Omalia. LWcokof Doc. btli. MITE , HHE MIDGET , Ace 10 , wclfflit U pounds , hnl ht SI Inches. A rare , curious wonder ; u freak unrlvulleil. /.anzaillt.i , ma sic : Iho Ailnms children , Hol- llns1ro wnlkur.iunil u host of attrnetlons. DR. BAILEY , GRADUATE DENTI3T A 1'ull Set of Toot'i on Kubbar , for I'IVE Dou-tiis. A nnrfopt lit fiinrnntOC'l. Tt'Otll extracted ? . .wULout nnaoi- thetlos. Gold and silver 111 nS at lowest ratea Ilrldgoiuid Ciown Work. Tcoth wlth- oiitplaloi All work warranted _ . „ . , . , , OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16FII AND FARNAM Kntrarco , ICth htteot elevator Open oveu- ngs until 8 o'clock- WRITE TO HER/ "I wa not nblo to rte rar housework for IS jour * , . . DUIiluntit. . llnmilo. i\r > M > - -i.Mclioliti on.t2S. N , V. "Docloreil with nmnr I'linlclunt for fenmlo . woakuenunduieilmanjr roiucdloinltlioutucnent .1 toxes .SUIIVK IIEA.NK curoil iroi 1 nm Btronu OH eu-ri do all my own work. " II porbox. Six boxot for l& . Addre.'NK11VK 11KAN TO , HUKKA1.O , N V. bk ( OiuaUu THE BEST , IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BV TIIE WoonsoGkBt i Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo arc their western agents und always carry a lanro stock. Address , Binericefljiand Sewed Shoe Go 1204 and 1206 Harney Street. JOtl. r lllll ITAlkU Ikrouib ! . I > IMIIKTIC rKI < l ! > Hi > r Iia OUX-t-ldbribUKiw llCTHIC BCIT AND tUJHIISORt hlilkt , Will for ibliipcdlKpur. ji , Cir of G i r llt H k m. tllltj Krttlj. I11M , J tk ; ! , l ll im i lurrt.O ' Kltitrlcllr lbt ih < ll AK K PiilTH . roiw lB tb.rolo limllll .l tIMIIIIll HHTKIIiUTII IlMlrii Inrrtit K ll l l llj , or t ftilitl IJOXI la tuk , HILT 4 4 .ttorr Ct | ilrlt II. 1 f ' ont Mill f > r * u. lr ( .c.4 IB thru neolbi. Sitlil ptutliUl riji. AMDM XUOiaiO CO , , l UltU * lit. j tHICAIt.Ilt MO OUR.EX ! NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. FcTonteen ycnrs experlonco A rennlarcriKluiite In medicine , mdlplomns hnw , Imtlll Iranllnitwith IliOfrcnlcHnucci'is , nil .Nervous , Chronic ami I'rlrnto Dlia 1101 Aponnnnont curn niinruitotM for Cittarrn , HjicrnintorrlHi'n , Io t Mnnliootl HomlnalVuiknois , Nljjlit Uiiios. Inniotoncr , Snihllli , Blrletnro , unit nil rtl - cn e of tlio llUiod , Skin uiul Urlmry Orir.ini N II 1 KiiirnntuottUO/or o ery CAIO 1 umlurtnkii iina full to euro. C'oniullatlon ttua lluukUljralurlui of l.lfoj suntfruu OiUcobouri 9a. 01. tut p. to , Uuailayg 111 u , iu , lo 12 ui. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Street. Steve repairs of till descriptions for cmk and ho itln ? fitnvoi , family and hotel itt.iclimtiits a spocl.ilty. Telephone QQO- ROBERT UHUIG , Proprietor- - C. M. EATON , OUR METALLIC LATH ! HAVE YOU USED IT ? If not , you will find It ndnptod to nil kinds of aur.'nco' , the boat form of FIRE PROOFING , moat easily andohoaply nppllod. Loading ArchltootBSpoolfy.lt. SAMPLE BY MAIL. THE CINCINNATI CORRUGATING CO. , PIQUA , OHIO. \ J Gulfars.Mandollns&Zithers . In Tplumennil quilitr of Uino tra Iba Lent In Mi * tturlil. W rrantl to ar In tnv clrnnla. holil li ; ill le J. Inn deiilcrj IK'i'itlfuli ; Illuitritrd. d . . LYON&HEALY.CHICAQO. FEWSAJ.E BEASTS Abtolutrlr relliUr , perfwt'y tuf.i. moil | wie rful frmtl * rwuUtorkoown i ne * r Wf. U Uit. lei | > ld icno lu i - ' - ' * ? liirllilll Ilnbll TT a-H'-U'TTk/g , Jir JL tI J.V.aciir.iiniotoaiKuri , Hop | flllUui 4.DB J. rhlthrdrr1 * HnclUh DUmonil llrail. 'ENNYROYAL PILLS V rl lnyindO | lflrnutnr. . N SAIC , > l iii r IUlli. L OII nt i § -it ) Druiilil for nic c < trr < fn/lli ; / < ! / \tnanJ//rifiJln Hi il in I brrliu > ullli\ yjIUboiti.ii l < xI < UU Huulhf n. Tulo i i fvjlloolhrr. ri/vil Jwrc'itlulilllu- > ( ll ar l ilrt aliU " , J'il&li'J47S ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " 2