Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A nVEIlTISEMENTS for tboso column will
cite taken until 12:30 : p. m , , for the orcnlnj
edition and until 8:30 p. in , for th * morning
edition and BUHDAT Dee.
rriKHMS-Caslilu acbanco. i
TDATE9 Aflvcrtlncmcntson thlip | t winb
J-Xcharirfd for at Iliuratoot 1V4 cent per word
tortho lint Insertion nnd Icont per word for
. vcli fiiib erjuent Inurtlnn , and 11.60 per line
\ ecr month , No ndrcrtlncinont taken for
> Iras than 21 cents for thu first Insertion.
INITIALS , figures , symbols , etc. , count each
ni ono word.
fTMIESB advertisements tnnst run consecn-
JLtlrely and under no circumstances will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephones
PAHTIES advertising In Ihcso columns nnd
liavlnu th lr answers nildrrmod to anum -
bcr d lett r" Incaro of Tint HEwill receive
R numbered check tocnabln them to got thclf
letters. Answers will no delivered only on
presentation of this ehock. Kncloso answer *
In envelopes properly atldrcisod ,
ALL ndvortl'omrnts undnr the head of
"Ssprclftl Notlri s"arn puljllshed In lidth the
morning and ovrnlngedltlons of TIIR IIBB. tlio
circulation of which URgrejatrs moro than
ai.OW ) papers dnlly. nnd gives tlio ndrortlscr
the beni'lll not only of tlm hrse circulation of
? 'IIK ItKKlu Omnha. but also In Council Illiiffii ,
.liuoln nnil otlii'r cltlrs nnil towns In < nn wrst
" " " "
ArtvortlilnR for thPio columns will betaken
on the nhovo conditions , iiltho followlr ? busl-
ness huuiea who arc authorized totakenpocUl
notlcoH. at tlio lame rate as caa had at the
inuln olUcc.
O sea N Btreet , Lister lllock.
Toil W. IIEI < L , rnurniaclat , 820SoulhTonth
* J utreet.
tc. FIDY ) , fltatloners nnd Prlnteri ,
113 South IClh street.
SII . FAUNSlYOUTII , I'harmaclst , : ! 115 Gum-
i trig itroet ,
\\T 3. IHJOIinS. I'harmaclst. ffi North Hth
W . Bt root.
HO. W. I'AUK , rhariiiaclat. 1718 Loa.Ten-
worth street.
-TTUailES' I'llAUMACY , 54th and Fnrnnm.
Iff ratet , ilc.iK fojxifiiHtolttmn nnthtx TKIO .
Tr\IIlHT-CIuss \ iiauls maker wants work ; to
- Ibo done at home. Address X 07 , cnrtHlep.
SITUATION by a younglady ns htonogrniili
cr. IxHikkc'i'por or ooiiylst ; best of refer -
CIICPS. Address X Cfi , Hce olllco. 10R-II *
Situationby youim men nnd
women to workiiiornliiK'M and evenings
forhouii ) . Addresser mill lit Standard short-
lianil school , IN. V Llte 'ld'g. M1UU * "
"IVANTKD-lly a young boy attending
< 4rhriol a ptnco lo board nnd do chores.
Oeo. Walters , 85 N. Cth blreut , Council HlufR
WANTKIl-Slonily winter work to run
steam lieatcror .lanltor worlc ; lri vemrs'
rxtioriciico and licensed Urcman. Address X
nflloo. 730 10
BAKIIll fioni 'England wishes to pluk up
Arncrlriin style ; wauosno object ; ( food city
references. Address. ) . 1'aul : illl Cus8t. _
\\7\\NTnn-Sltualloiisfor good plrls ; mv
TIviltln { rooms ar full from fl a. in , to
Tip in. No nerd of lirlnit nut of help a ( lay.
Mrs. Ilrcyn , illl't ' S. nth. Tel. SS4. _ 7MJJ
MlllAVEI/KIl ; open for engagement ns triv-
J olcr or bookkeeper ; n mailer ; ( list oluss
icfotoncos. Address J. 11,0. , JfiOl N ICtli st
fnr iatielc.iCt ! < riiiifxtcofttmu nn this wye.
AOENTS Wnnted everywlicro. Diamond ,
( told and nlckol letters , to fasten Insldoof
wlndiiw ; jiiHt out ; now. no\ol nnd profitable.
Hamnlosny mail. 550 llenver Letter Co. . Den
ver , Colo. , itiidUinclnnnll , O. MI ( > U-ia *
A GKN'l'H. mnlo nnd female , wanted. rlsbt- !
x nlii ' selllnt ? spoclalty just out ; sueccss
certain , Snnd stamp for Durtlciilars. 1'atter-
ken & Co , , : i-3 Dearborn street , Chicago.
WANTED-Imrnrdlately.a eond dress goods
snlesman. li. Tropanlor , lies Molncs , la.
M17S 15
WANTRD-Sulosmoii'to sell spring line of
JC.UIH. . Msslinoros cottimailcs , diess
Koodn nnd filnuhnms. to retailors. In connec
tion with tliidrotbcr business. Liberal com
mission paid. Address Frank D. LaLanno &
Co. , Philadelphia. M 182 13"
$7.r > .OOto 1250.01 a mouth can bo made work
IIIB for us. 1'or ons preferred who can fur
nish nliorsn nnd jjlvo tlielr whole thno to the
business. Spare inoiuuntsmay bo profitably
employed also. A few vacancies In towns nnd
titleII. . K. Johnson & Co. , MOOT Main St. , lllch-
niond Va.
. " \\7ANTED-Aii exporlcneod mule nursp at
rV once. Call aUV.U Hnrnoy street. MI13-1I1 *
\\rANTI01)-i ) ) > xporlonced salesmen to help
nell out Thu Fiilr. US
GOOD vvalclimaKor wnntod ; none hut first-
class workman need aiply. | Max Muvnr > t
llro. Co. i > - 1 4
IT solicitors. Onll at olllcoVosleru Mer
chant , room M , U. & Nat'l bank bldg. bolvveeii
7 anil ! ) p. in. MI.QO .
TL \ ETno'PIVK Wo vvnnt a man hi every lo-
-callty to not as jirlvuto deteetlvo under
our Instructions. Send for parlleulurs. 'Wnsli-
InKtoti llotcellvo AKCIICV , l > o787 , Washing
ton , luna. Lxpeiicnco not necessary.
118 DIB *
WANTED-Salpbiiinii who moot tlio grocery
tridc tosoll one of the beat articles on the
market on commission. Address. Xi' > , lleo.
"IjUllF.lnsuiuncu follcltor. Liberal coinnds-
J. mission to proper naity. bmoaton& Allen ,
10U7 I'ariiuiu street , 13
WANTKD-Anyono ilcslrlni ; thoopiiortunl-
ty to earn $ T > 0 to $7. > a month to audress E.
r. SteilliiK , l.nko Ilcntou , Minn , 127-12 *
\\7ANTED AKPIIIS wanted throuBhout Ne-
binska. Sondbtanip for reply , Jos. I * .
Mugralh. Oniiilm. r 4UO
\\rANTKD-Menlo travel for our Canadian
? * nursorles.btoni'.S : WellingtonMadlson.W'ls
VTT'ANT'ED-SIuii with good reference at
T ? JlettopolltauMfs. Co , JWO Iluwnrd st.
( .90 Jl
\\rANTED-A llfo , cnortrutlo iiarly In every
? T pliice to lut nnliico our pooua , no linro u
row line Hut will sell at every liousu nnd
iiqcntsrnn reap a harvest between now nnd
the holldnyc.VIIlnnya salary of 873 per
month If preferred nnd furnish a team froo.
Address at onco. Standard Silverware Co. ,
Doston Muss , SI Ktt-D 15 *
< ft. 'rf ' " ) " " ' < m t/i to
W ANTKD Olrl for Ronrral lieu .oworlt.
Mrs. O , E. UiirniL'Htvr , Wi Park avoiiup.
\\'ANTKD-A Rood stroiiK Rlrl for Reneral
IT hoiisonoik ; peed UIIKOS to n suitable
party , Apply at 1811 CumliiKstioet. Jl 177-14
\\7"ANT F.II-I'nstry eixik , * : m. Hot 8prla''s ;
TT hotel eoolc. Oscooln ; ( ii > riuan eookfor
Illalr , MS ! 2 waitresses for tlio west. K.1) ) , fares
paid , While's otllce , established 10 years , us
N. Ifith sued. M171-Kt'
r Vllll , pay ladles a milnryof lioporweok
Lto work fu mo In tliolr lociilltr athouic
. . „ orlc.good pny for part time. Write with
Mump , Mrs. II , F , larrlmtton. box 702 Chicago ;
ANTKD-A young Rlrl of 10 to nsslst wltli
children and second v\orU. Mrs. Quo
Heyn.K S.'JOtn st. 151 H
WANTED Todny. lady and young man To
receive Instructions and koopbooks , OH
Now York l.lfo building. 101 12J
WANTKD IloinoUi'fpor by widower wlu
ono child ; good homo , fall or ndilros
" " " 20th. M Hi-ii ( :
W ANTKD 10 experienced Halealiulles tc
help soil out Tlio Fair. lot
WANTii ; ) A good , rollunlo girl for geniira
liouscwork ; llornuu orDaulshpreferred
: W4 Kuril inn st. Jl % : 'Jli
r ANTKD Kiric olu waist tlnishors. Mrs
T , It. Davis , 1011 Howard st. Wl 12
Oooil Blrl for general house
work at2 1b l.caveinvorlh. Mt > u :
tit. , tre lop //lit fuliimnnii
GOOD cutter , llttor Rinl draper f rom Uliloapi
ilMlres work In families by the day , Ad
Jress X 0 , llee , USJ-LO *
ENOAOEMENTH todottruismnklng In faml
llei solicited. Mtus bturdy , 2010 ll.irncy . nl8U
US27D11 *
Forratts , tie , , tee taiiotfint cannon t/ui JKIJ
WANTKD-subsorlbcrs , tl.U per jaiar 111-
oludluz Inch Hiiace ttvf , sumplo copy 2
teat * . Halt and Kxouango Jounml , Slmlulr
la , M7-n
FivraU' , ttc. , Mt tntinf
1J1INE 0-room corner liousc. all ImproTo-
J inputs , convenient for business nnd wlmle-
ale district. A-l location. Apply a 8. Kl-
gillter , 407 First Nallonnl bunk. _ 157
TflOIl HENT-Slx-rooru house In Portland
-L1 Flnco. voryllttlocasb nnd balance monthly
I armonts huys It. J. Q. Cortcljou. 40Cliatnter
ofConimcreu , wliO
T710H IlKNT-Ko , 10-room corner brick dwell-
J- InK In best residence portion of city.
fn o-rootn dwulllng. Onss st.
11 % 8-rootu dwelling. Chicago st.
t' > v o-rnom dwelling , 22d and California.
Tlu-si ) ilvvellliKis have all modern conven
iences , vvllhln wiilklnu dlstiinro of postolllce.
Itcforcnrcs required. Imiulro Nethorton llall. st. , room I. W 1 *
lJlII.'TlnN-Koom : house , U10 N. 17th. 1 ur-
-L'mrce , kitchen range nnd bath , llullt for
rooming nndboardlng. M 1431 a *
GN r-3-room house. 17. 1.11 * N. lOtb st.
a.- M 140 H *
A N ft-rnnni detached house with all modern
convcnlencos , two-story without bnso-
meiit , Indoslrablo location. 135.10 per tnontli
lent. Will drive njipllcnnt to premises. r > nieu-
ton & Allen , 1007 Farnam street. I M4
OGISCup. nvc. . 6-roomcottnw. West half JtI
.SDim'iip. st.iilK'ms , Kiii.2. | > 19t'iiii.avc. Nil-.Td *
irOH KENT Largo lint for December , now
13 out. Houses * > .oo and up GeorRo.l. I'liul ,
1MB Knrnuin. .n
FOK UKNT Four elegant brlek liousc.s. 10th
nnd California streets. All modern 1011-
vcnloncos. Hou'-os Junt fomploted. . Ilcnts
vcrv moderate , llrennan k Co. , 622 N. \ . Life
building. MM-M
lilOU HENT To rcsponslbio pnrllos only.
X' tlio'o line now brick and stone houses on
Cleorgla nvtiiuc ; flftt'i'ii rooms and alcoves ;
more conveniences and better finished than
any liouso for lent In tlm city. II. II. Hender
son , 4tO I'uMon block , city. 401
"TjlOll HF.NT-Klegant 2 lloor houso. all i mod-
J- urn Improvements , also laundry .iHim , cor.
23rd and Chicago. Apply at 130 ! ) l-'urn st.
150 11
171OR HENT Seven room
J- corner Klgalhcntli nnd Doilvu streets. Largo
yanl nnd plc.isaiit III tin home. Very convun.
icut to business. Call nt premises. 101 13
FOll UKNT-Pmnll house , with or without
burn , 11)17 ) California st. . 7B9
OHOOM house to rent , near Sherman avc , I50C
Shecly blk. . 753
_ . . URNT Ono outsldo flat of 0
steam In peed repair. Llnlon blook ,
corner Ulh and Mason sts. Iniiiilro of John
Hanilln , In thu block store room No. 017 , 1W !
O 1I-HOOJI houses , por. 201 h nnd Ilodiru st. .2
O.VioomitlaKos , IKiflS. 15tli9t. O , l > \ Davis
Co. , JM'i I'arnain st. 8S 12
rilO Conductors and KnzlneersVoolTerthoso
A ten now nnd complete lints with all modern
conveniences , situated two blocks from the
now Tciitli street depot ! they have several
new anil commendable features and rent for
old v J''I.OO per month , 0 nnd 7 rooms each will
liirKohath nnd convenient closets. Cull and
cee tlit'in. Tin ) Slcad liivustmenl Co , , roon
41' ' . lice liulldliis. < V <
r-UOOM house with barn : nominal rent. C
K. llnrrl-oii. 013 N. Y. Mfe. 4Qj
II' YOU wish to rent a house or sloro sco II
E. Cole. Continental block. 40.
RKiNTAIjAuent-Geo.J. 1'aul. 1000 Karnain ,
Houses and stores for rent. Itonts col
lected. > $ "
SO , 11KNNETT , movliiR express olllco with
. Neal & Conrad , 1413 Dodge st. Tel. 127.
MKH-D14 *
FOH KENT Flats. 4 rooms each , city ater
and sewer connections 0. U. 12. and T. Co.
4 lleo bldi ; . M4
HOUSH for rt > nt at C2I IMcrco street , con
venient lo depot. Nice cottago. Inquire
of T. J. Lowiy. 131
" 171OU UI2NT Srnnll house on Cmmet St. ,
J- ? west of 24tti , 18 per month. Also 7-room
house , city water , batn , on Caldwell , between
aith nnd 27tb. J35 per month. G. li. Green ,
UootulW , llurkor block. N787
OH UINT KS Mapio Wockcn'-tOltli
bt. motor , 0 looms and unfinished ! l story
above , full lot , well , cistern and collur , peed
nelKhhorhood , J17.M ) per month. O. CJ. Wal
lace , HIOV.II block , Itlth ami Douglas. Ife8
I OUSK of 8 rooms , nicely papered , water ,
1. sewer nnd iras , : cird and UumhiR , WO per
o. 0 ! ' . Harrison. 012 N. Y. Ufo. It"
FormtrH , rtc. . tff"i > of firwf w > tnmn tin thti iwi fi
rp\VO or three looms for housekeeping , fur-
JL nlshud or unfurnished. 1512 Cass street.
T1OU KENT Furnished rooms ; gas , bath
2 and hteum , 1519 Honard. 4W
FOK lir.NT 1'leasaiit furnished room for
two gentlemen or contleman and wife. In
private house ; no other roomers ; location
central. Nn. HIG N. 20th btreot. MI4S 14 *
FUHNTSIIElrooms ; modern Improvements ;
suitable for 1 or a gentlemen. Apply 'Jf4 *
Dodge. 1. 18
T71OII KENT Furnished rooms , 1S14 Davcn-
J-1 port st , 139 U *
TjlUHNIHHRD rooms for rent , single or In
J2 suite , with KUsaniUtcumlioat , Iloforences.
1721 Dodxo su MI12-14 *
ri" O married couple pleasant rooms furnished
A for housekeeping , central location , Ad
dress XiS ( , lleo. 131 12 *
FUHNIbllCD rooms 1WW Capitol avo.
123 17' '
FHONT room , furnished , down stairs , 85.00
per month ; -J4 1'opploton enuc. : OJ1-13
FOll UF.iNT Furnished house with olcht
looms : all modern Improvements , heated
by furnace ; will rent until April 1 ; reference
rcinilrcd. Apply 1108 bouth Tenth street.
FOH KENT Elegantly fnrnMiod room ,
every convenience , half block to motor ,
very cheap to right parties. Inquire. 11012
Wooluorthuvenuo , or314 H. 12th street. 107 12 *
O HOOMS , light housekeeping. MCGSt. Mary's
avenue. 1174 Ifi *
N'lOG room , hteiun heat , 1719 Davenport
Wtt 20 *
POIl KENT Severn-room cottazo , cor. 2flth
ave. mid Cnp.ave. ImiiilroStilK ! ) O < IKO. M497
- 10" liluST Furnished rooms , 1000 Douglas
DFSIKA1ILE room , modern conveniences
1701 Capitol avo. 775
For talfx , fir. , rtt t < > ) > f frl rnltiiny on thir
B °
. JWI2-151
FOll KENT Nicely fnrnlslietl rooms with
board , all modem covenloucos ; nlso gent
wishes room mate. 1781 Davenport st. 8.VS-ia *
NIOI'LY furnished rooms , with all conven
iences ; ulso first-class table board ; torma
reasonublo. 20 ! ) N. 18th bt. 101 10 *
POI KENT Nicely furnl-iliod rooms with
boaid : strictly llrst-olassj location oon-
tral. 1(117 ( Dodge st. 125-11 *
DF.SIKAIILR lloonis grxid table board , at
* The .Merlam , 2.Hli and Dod u 6ts. UIVJ-l.V
NIOHLY furnished rocin. nil modern con-
vunlcneos , with or without board. 2017
Lcavenvvortl' . 755 li *
' GENTLEMEN only , now house , largo , hand J.
- somely furnished'rooms ; suitable for 2 ; 1
Hnmllor loom forl ; oxcollcnt bonnl. heut. gas ,
, bath ; tlrst-cluss ( irlvnto family. Turin H (25
permonth , Addicsa X 04 , lleo olllco. IV )
T71OR KF.NT Front. 2nd story room , with
J board. 201 So. ' nvu. . I)70-H )
. "ITlOllgotd boanl , nlio rooms , modern con venA -
- AIcnces , rato.s and location , the I'ullnian
house , 1310 Dodge at. , eaunot bo excelled.
' *
"TJOOMtJ U and board , hlO Chicago btreet. 719
: rilHF Lennox 514 anil MUN , 10th Is now open
; X for the reception of guests , Koouis will
ho fuinlsheil tobult oconpnnts or rented un
furnished , Superior board. HH u *
TTtURNMSIIED front room for rent ; modern
, JL. convlences ; board , 2207 Douglas street.
OT.OLAIH Kuropcan hotel , vvth dining room ,
* VJstc'iim heat In all rooms , littli and Doilgo. :
.Special rates by wcckor month. 001
For i at ft , ttc. , ue top ot flnt coiunm mi IM jxuie.
3 HOOMS for light liousukcopliiK,2512IIarnoy. >
51 117
E OOMSforllght housekeeping. 1713 Doug
las. 80915 *
- TI1 I OK 11ENT Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms to
JP family without children. 1'rlco tio.20. 1701
Webster st. M757
T710 HEN f 3 unfurnished rooms , 210 N. 13ta
JLlit . M 7M
- Fur rat e t , < lf. . y top of f nttolumn on tlilt payt ,
. PKNSION3 Tlio Cllncmon Pension Agency ,
U I'rcnior blouk. Information free 317
ForraiM , rte. , trc top of Jlrmt tolumn nnthlt pagt ,
IflOH UF.NT Store room , ono of the most
A ? desirable locations In the olty for line no
tions , dry goods or nulls. Located between
1.1th and ICtli on Douglas street. Address \
.M Ueo. MD50-15 *
\TOTIOE-Wo will have for rent Deo. 15th ,
J- > two linndseimo stores , suitable for grocery
and meat market , In a uood location , whore
nolidihors and owner will assure a llrst-olnss
business to n firm wlio will keep up a first-
class line of goods. Apply Kelkenny & Co. ,
room 11' ' . Continental nlook. 044-11
S TOURS nt70" " S. ICtli. steam heat furnish d.
Thou. I'.Hall.illl I'axton blk. 603
Foil KENT Thti 4- tory brick milldlng.wlth
orwltbout power fortnerly occupied by the
Heol'ubllslilnnCo. , OieFarnuni at. Tlio build-
lnic hn a fireproof cement basementcomplete
steam hoathiK fixtures , water on all tholloors ,
gnscto. Apply nt tlio olllco of The lleo. 015
T AUOE.dry basement for rent ; B. AM.track
JLJntplatform ! very convenient. Apply teA
A very Planter Co. , cor Hthnndrnclllc , B26-U
FOll KENT Hi .Tanuiirv I , 4-slnry building ,
88.S40 square feet ; mitt.ihlu for any kind
of wholesaling , t Font h nnd Jones street. (1. (
A. Llmlcjiicst. 311 ! South Fifteenth street. H > 3
T7 > OIl UKNT Corner store and basement ,
JU 27th and N M . , South Onmlia , ' ( block
from depot. Sirs. Ilrcsa , yi ! 4 s. 13th , Tel. 881.
mo UKNT After Jununry 1 , . store nnd flat
JLaU20 H. KJtii st. Enquire ut U08 Hrown
bldir. II. J. Kendall. W IKS
ITlOlt 11EKT or Halo-Fine , heavy brick flvo-
JL ; story corner warehouse with most central
truckage In elty ; lloorsurn 13r > 00sluaro feet.
HtrlnRcrA I'ennjv llarkor block. 183
f crtalc * , < lc. , tttlopaf fnl column on 1/1(4 / (
"TT OIl HKNT llrlck wnrchonse , two stories
JL ; lilth. basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age ; bust locution In the city. A , O. Fowell.
Ferrate * , ttc. , Htiopot ftntcolwnnontM * jxi(7 (
rpHAOKAGEstornzo at lowest rates. VI , Jt.
JL Iluslimnn. 1311 I.eivonuortli. : COG
STORAGE and trackage. David Cole , 813-817
llowanlst. W7
STOKAOE The best In city , cloun , dry , safe ,
and privately stored nt reasonable terras.
Omaha btovo Itcpatr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tol.
000. 852
Korrnf > . rtr. . trt ( < > p nf fint column nn I/if * page.
1ST your houses to soil or rent with O. I\
Hurrlnon. 013 N. Y. Life. W
H 1J. IHEVillra.rentJvlagcnts.L'OaN.Y.LIfo
. M4
_ _
E. COI F , rental ugent , Continental blk.
S TAIl Lund & Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
und Insurance rental agency , 073-1117
Korrnf'n , rte. . fee Inn nf firilcolitmn nnthtx
LOST noccmber 10. ono Initial F.ttlng emt
otrlnz , with small dlnmonil. Finder pleiisu
rutuiu toUeoullleo uud secure liberal luw.ud.
\M \ 12 *
For i atft.tlc. , tcti > iii > ! JlrAc'tlu on ( Mi pij/s.
l AllOD double silting desk , almost new
JUl' ' htlmmel , No.OU Jonus st. 818
"I710B SALE Two hcatlnK stoves , hard or
JL ? soft coal. In IIrat-class order and will bo
sold cheap. Cnll at 1 MO N. 18th st.
TT10H SALE cheap A 10 liorso power New
JL' Vork safety steam englno In llrst class
condition , l-'estnor Printing Oo , 1307 Howard
st. M 127
For ratc/i , dr. , nee top of flnl column on till * jvw *
" 1T10II SALK Handsome , large family horse ,
JL ! .young. Round und stylish. Also best
make phuoton nud harness. A nice turnout
uostlm ; over f.'iTJ. 1'iirtlcs lemovlng from city
and will sell turnout complete $ .K)0. ) Call ut
olllcu durln ? business hours , 1408Leavennoith
stieet. Kit 13
SKCONI ) hand omnibus. Phil ijtlmmol. No.
Vll Jones st. H17
" \ ! 17OIIIliorso $00. two-horse wagon t2) , dou-
TT bio work harness $15. Or will tunic for a
good lights ido bar buggy , II , E. Cole , Conti
nental l > loet 40T
TT10H. SALK 2 good work teams. Inqiltro at
JD CIS I'axton block , 500
T710K SALE W liorses nnd mares , cash or
JU time. Prices from $15 to KM. Would e.\-
hnngo some of them for Omaha rent estate.
W. T. oiinian,0mnha's largest variety wagons
and carriages. W
Forratex , etc. . tre fopi ofi > * l coliiMii on Ihia ptw.
PUQ uupplesforsale. lluom 47 , Barker block.
15114 *
Forrtttf t clr.t fte tftpttf ititf c.itirau on t'it < 1)17 ;
WANTED To buy 1 or 2 young red Irish
setters. Apply at the gun store of Cross
& Ihinmlru. M174-15 *
/1COD Upright folding boil , so cond .Ilium :
vlglvo price. Address XC3. lleo. iMirJ-14 *
W ANTED A second hnnd. ( .mull llro proof
snfo. Culbertson Milling Oo. , Uulbert-
soii , Neb. M170
-To buy cl.ilnis of nil kinds
against rallroul employes. Sums over
$20pioferrcd. Write Win. Uicharuson , Sioux
C'lty , la. , L. 11.308. S37-J.r > *
PUUNITUHE. household Roods , etc. Highest
cash prlco. Wells , 1111 Furnain. filO
Ferrates , ttc. , ttc top nf fm column nn thlt JKIQS
A WALL street innuuul free. Stocks bought
uud sold outright , or on margin. Large
orsmull accounts accepted , J.'fl upward. S , .1.
1'cclc & Co. , 02 Ilroudwny , N. V , JII81 13 *
TTIF.NOING classes Mill forming dally ; 1 lilies
-L'during the forenoon. Kcntlt'iiion ' afternoon
und evening. Kiisclnntlut : exorcise ; recom-
mcmlcd by physicians , llooui U , bubemont
N.V. Llfo. Omaha fencing ncndomy : b08 12
" \\7ANTKD some grading done and a lot
> illlcei. Co-opeiatlvo Land & Lot Co. , 20. )
North Sixteenth street. 1U211
DIVOUOF.3 nulotly. Advloo froo. Address -
dross , Lawyorilt Oliurch strcot , Now York
City. Oil 12 *
WANTKD To borrow JSOO for ono year on
coed second mortgage security. Address
I10X5.S3. Olty. 132 1C *
IF you have horses , carriage ; ) or houses to
trndo sco F. II. Jerome , room 317 , First Na
tional bank building. M710 J2 *
TVf ASSAGli-MiidBm Dclzlorover 010 Kl.lth.
AL EM .13 *
T AUinS&gnntstobuy thoriuiilor rocllnlnif
JJcliuIr ; unsurpassed for comfort. 321 N. 15th.
81H 1)1.1
i\1 AS AGF treatmont.clootro.tliormalbatlis ,
ULscalp and lialr treatment , innnlcnro and
chiropodist Mrs. 1'ost , 1120-21 , Wllhnoll bjk.
Forro.ttsetcKetapt > f Jlrst riiluiniian Wiliiujj.
IiLfortuno lullur In the city , tilio docs nut
deal In any fraud. Her terms aru the lowest.
400 N.JIith. 3rd llopr. 108-13 *
A HIlU'ED-Olnlrvoyant. naturnllv gifted ,
xx tells ] > ast and future , loto tmublcn , ith-
fient friends , chances , travel , business. Satis
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , 1308 Furnnin st.
Mlf-SES LDpy Oliiirvoynntandtrnnco me
diums ; massage a specialty. 131U Capitol
avenue. 850-12 *
MME. HurrouKli I'almlst tells tlio past , pres
ent nnd future from tlio llnon ot tlio hand.
In the old Gypsy way. Fcoo , tl : ladles only ,
18l7Iinrd Btreot. Omulm , 413 ift *
MASSAGC-Mudam Dclzlor , over010 ai3th ,
70 J' * *
MH8 , Nnnnlo V.Wurren , clairvoyant trance ,
speaking , writhiR nnd rullnbln buslncsa
tncalutu , four years In Omaha. Ill ) N. llth.
For ralfj , etc. , tee ( op afjlrsrt column an l/ib paj
Dn. liana Ilelliuann/phyaiclun and surgeon ,
IftlO Learenwortu St. ; juit arrived from
llerlln In Germany. Treatment of ar
diseases of throat , lunuu , akin and ch
under 1'rof. Kooh'i novr lynipli system. 1'astor
Kaulpp's of WoorUhofcn In Ilavurln oxaellent
bydropatIda treataiont of all chronic dUeaHcs ,
eipocbtllr of aatbniu. rkouMatlsm , neurulpla . ;
etc. . for the flrct time Introduced In Omaha. i
OBloe houn from J om. . to 8 p. m. Tel. 012
10012 *
lotratlt , < < < > . , ttt lop o/j1/t tclumn on tftli ptigt
iES.OOO.OO special fund ioltiin on city Improved
P property , Goo. J. Wnl , 1000 Furnamutroct ,
"PRIVATE funds to ia\n on short time. Ad-
X dress iioa Shouly bllg . 7M-J3
ifEYHTONE Mortgnjtn , ' Oo.-Loatu of 110 to
Jvfi.ooO ; got ourrntesipeforo borrowing nnrt
P.IVO money : loans on Ijurscs , furnlttiro or any
approved socurlty wlfu/uut / puollcltyt notes
bought ; for now loansrouewal | of old nud low-
cat rates , call l U. 03 , Shu ly blk , 15th & Howard.
( ) H .
ONEY to loan on s end mortgage.V . S
Wynn , KoomiCM Omaha Nat , Ilk. ' 721W.
. . . M 721
MONfcYtoloan j1 on Improved city property
-i nt current rates ; funds on liana ; no delay.
Oco. f HUut & Co. . 2U ) jlaingo bldg. toi-dlJ
MONEY to loau on Improved and vacant
property. Lowest rate. O. J. Caswoll , Hid
N. Y. Lite. _ avj 1 > . ' 4
_ _
KONKY to loan on real ostuto , Improved or
vacant. Gcr. Am. Bav'gs Hank , ICtli and
Farnain bts , 1M't
_ _ _ _ _ _
$ 5.000 short time loan wanted on real estate
security ; will pay 10 per cent and cash com
mission. J.L. lllcc , KHN. Y. Llfu. Ut7
STAR Land A : Loan Co. Uoal estate , loans
and Instiruuco rental agciu'y. t > 75-dl7
. private money to lonn at 8 per cent. C.
K. Harrison , 1)13 ) N. Y. Life. 107-13
T OANSof $1.000 nnd upwards on a
JUeolIatcral or real estate. W. 11 , MHlard,201
Omaha National bank building. bio
jlmnk , ! 119 S 15th st. , loans money
Won chattels or collateral nt reasonable rates
FIHST & second mortgages on vacant & Im-
( irovod city prop. County warrants bought.
Money on hand. F.M. Illcburdson.818 N.V.LIfe.
TlfONKV to loan on city and farm pioporty.
1V1.W. M. Harris , 1120 , Fron/or blk. , opp. 1' . 0.
f 5
mudo on choice city property at lowest
rates. Snmsof $ . % COOa"d upward ! perfcned.
Kliuball , Champ .t Hynu ,
1S05 rnrnam street. 6DlS (
TITOSRY ! W. 00 or 00 days , on household fnr-
lUnltuio. etc , 618 I'axton block , J. J. Wilkin
son. aui'o-vi
S TAH Land & Loan Co. lieal estate , loans
and Insurance rental iiKoner. 0"5-dlT
MONEY to loan by II. F. Masters on chattel
nnil collateral securities for any time from
I to 0 months , In any iimount to suit bor
Loans inndo on household coeds , plnnos , or-
Kans. horses , mulus. houses , luases , vvarehoiiBO
receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
Jly loans nro so arranged thutjou can make
n payment of any nniountat any time and ro-
dtioo both principal and Interest.
If you owe a balanceon your property i-r
have n loan you wish changed , I will pay It on
and carry It for you. If you llnd It more con I
venient , call up lelephono No. 1021 and your
business will bo arr.uiseil at home.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
II. F. Musters.
Itoom 4 , Wlthnollblk , 15th and llarncy sts.ol
ol i
MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , etc. , Without puullclty. Ilawkeyu
ItivcslmcntCo..Xt Douglas blk.lGtli unit Uoilsre.
& 11
WANTED 0 per cent real estate loans. O.
RIIairl90ii.012N. Y. l.lfo. M2
WANTED Flrst-clnss Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and sec 119. Mutual Invest- .
nientCo. , 1MI FarnaiiM &l l
BUILDING loans. ( I < 0 7 per cent ; no ndill-
tlonal cbarpos forcommlsslon or nttornoy's
fees , \V. 11. Melklc , First National bank bilk' .
ID KAL Kstato Loans Cash on hand. Globe
JLXLoan & Trust Co. . 307 b , Ifith st. No delay ,
no extra charges , lloilbcs for rent , good list.
OH. & 0. M.ANTI10NYH3 : N. Y. Llfo bulld-
liitr , lend money on'fnrms ' In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on coed
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
let ins ; no dclur ; nulnoy ready. Titles and
values passed on here. ' ) ; 5111
C11HAI' eastern money
riillndulphla NuMai0 nnd Trust Co. ,
always ronil > to loan ani pay promptly ; first
mortgages vanted. Gyorko W. I' . Coates , rep-
lescntatlve. room 7.bcpir < | ut trade. _ 01 ! )
TVfONEV ' to 'uan fnrthort'thnd'atldvf , . j,1. '
rates. , I.oucst rules
on poraonal nroporty.
The Henderson Mortsacn Investment Compa
ny , loom 400 , I'axton'Dlk. SJJ
Forratat , etc net tc of Klrt cnlmn nn tMt
FOH SALE Furniture and lease of a 40-
rooni hotelilihiKa splendid business and
In first class location. It will pay you to In-
vestlffatn this. W. H. Cooper. Morrlaui block.
Council IllutTs. ailB.1 10
FOR SALE Choice small creamery , been
ruunliiR two years at n prollt. Good loca
tion In Elkliorn Valloy. With or without clear
farm jolpliiK It. J. O. Cortelyou , 40Cliuiubnr
ofConimerco. M170
GOOD coal yard , building , teams , etc. . for
Rale , with good trade alieady established ;
profit this woulliur&O per day ; Jl.WWonly re
quired. K. K. Cook , 031 Now York Llfo build
ing , M17.1-22
/"tlGAII store In line location , nicely fur-
V > nlsned and well stookod. Oo-oporallvo
Lund& Lot Co. , 2U5 Neil liHixtucnth street.
TpOR SALE Moat market In Omnha. Good
J-location und business. Address Xfi. ! , lleo
M 142 Ih *
POR SALE Half Interest In a first class ,
well established beer agonoy. Good openIng -
Ing for right man with bmall capital. h.-itK-
factory reasons for soiling. Address X5\lloe.
TTTANTED A practical tire Insurance man
TT to take ohargoof the Insurance depart
ment of u well established company. Addros ,
X6S lleo. 120-10
A N established business for sale or trade.
M8. city. 10J
FOR SALE The furniture and fixtures of
restaurant doing good business and In
Rood location ; peed reason forsolllm ; . Inquire
on inemlses. N. W. cor. 15th and Webster
streets. l M2 *
LIVE hotel map wanted with two or three
thousand cash , to purcluiso half Intoiest
and open up ono of the best ! t.-rooiiitl.50 nnd
$2.00 hotels In Omaha ; line location ; reason
able rent ; brick building , well furnished ; or
will sell entire Interest and take part pay in
elear Nebraska land. Price 84,500. J. L. lllee.
022 N. Y. LlfO. W8-12 *
yorratc * , ( If. , tff ' " _ " / fntcnlumn on lht jxige.
n O TllADK A dandy pony and now road
JL wnKon for good top bupgy , Call at 2501 N
street. So. Uiualia. Miai-10 *
rPO TIIADE A clear lot In Morse i , limner's
J. add. for a No. 1 Jersey cow. Free , 1020 Cap
itol avo. 15J 14
EOR KXOIIANniNIco level lots Insldo the
city limits of I'lerrp. the onpltal of Bouth
Dakota , for onoiimbored property or land.
Apply nt701 N. Y. LIfe.jUtdtf. I2 r ; *
T710U TUADi : Heal cycalo and forilrst
X1 mortgage notes. A'lilrcbs 11. A. I ) . , room
04-lloardof Trade bul UIhg. 1021(1 (
TmOUEXOHANGE-a'llMs ' on West Lonv-
Jcnworth for house mid lot. C. J. Cnsvvull.Hin
N. Y. Lllo. ' § tw 12
GLEAM farm near CltJrlnda , lu. . worth $12.-
000. for olour lota or house and lot In Omn-
lui. U. F. Iliirrlson , QIC N ) V. Llfo. 1H7-KI
ANTED To oxohansOHomo valuablorcal
ohlutu for goods , trade mlist bo inado
quick. Address X 10. 1W < ! . M 708-21 *
COTTAGE and cnshlllftxchnngo for rnulty
In vacant lot. Hhaw , Bhccly blk : . 87 * D17
CHATTEL loans at l Vpst rates , Ilemnved
to 921 N. Y. Llfo bluij ; : ; , J. 11. Enmdngor.
, j | 624
ANTED A Iiorsa'.flr miiro lu part pay-
, meiit toward a wfc' ' > P or carriage. W. T.
Seaman , Omaha's larKS varlely wagons and
carriages. . , , < ' 1118
TOU EXCHANGETDrug store forliouso and
JL1 lot. U J. Oasvveli , 8 N. Y. Llfo. DM i
TT10U SALE Chop house with established
-L'trade , doing good business. In good locu
tion. Good chance for right persons. Address
XM , Ueo. OS7-1G *
forrattsete , ire top of fnl column nnCifi pig * .
-i- guitar , vocal Instruction , Htudlo WiShcoly
block. H7UT JS
EFOIIE buying a piano examine the now
scaleKlmball piano. A.Hospo.liiJDougiui.
GEO. F.aELLBNllKOKtouclicrot thabanjo
with Ilospc , 1S13 Ooaglas. 249
" \TIH3 II. J. Miles , experienced taachcn ot
-Jl. volcn culture , pupil of Madam Edna Hall ,
lloston , Muss. Itoom fXXI , Ilrowu building , cor.
iota and Douglas street * . 222 D21 *
fir > rroll * , t'If. , ft ) to i offnt column nn ( Ml r < i7
FULL east front , Hunscoinpl. . with ( -room
cottOKo. $ ,1,2001 easy torins. U , F , Hurrlnoii ,
012 N. Y. lfo. 135-lj
LOT 21 , block 4 , llavUhornot very cheap nt
11.600 ; ousr terms. OO , Wallace , 1110llrown
block. ICtli and Douglas , liro-13
rpHAOKAOE property for silo nt reasonable
JL price , corner TAxlvf t. Finn place for ware
house , mnnufuoturlng , coal , or lumber ynnl.
Investigate , t'o-operatlvo land & Lot Co , , 203
North Sixteenth street. 1UU5
rpllE best coiner on upper Kurnatn street.
JL f ror.tago on a streets ; splendid corner on
Farnam ) street , close tocourthousc.u bargain !
corner with trackage In H. E. part ot city :
giHid residences and low-priced cottages. Rood
lots for building , Komo us. low an $100 , insldo
acres. fnrm nnu unimproved land ,
Wo will soli any ot this properly , of which
wohaveentlro control , at prices way below
What you can buy at elsewhere.
Stringer c Penny , Marker block , 15th nnil
I arnain. M
J-HOOM mndorn house on ikltli t. bet. I'ur-
iiiini and Lcnvcmvorth1,500. . C. F , llurrl-
son. 012 N. V Life. 1JB-I3
TOOK SALE Two elegnnl lots In llrlitgs'
J- place ; south ( units on 1'nrnumj each J2,0u0 ;
ensy terms. U. ( i. Wallace , llrown block , ICtli
turn Douglas. tW-U
"IJANOIIF.Sand farms Wo arc sole agonls
JIV for MOIIIO elegant ranch and farm prop
erties , clour of Incunibrnneo Hint vvo can sell
on easy terms or trade for good Incoiuo properly -
orly ; o.2bO acres In lloono county , Neb. , llftccii
houses on It , llnely liuiroved | , price (120,000 ;
4,000 acres In Vermin county. Mo. , nine houses ,
and other oxoellont Improvements , JITO.OOJ ;
100 acres In Colfoy county , Knn. , very llnely
Improv ed.'MO.COO100 : ucros In Wichita county ,
Kan , , cvoiy necessary liiiprov ( > mont for a
Hrst-elnHs western stoeK ranch abiindntico of
water. Address M. A. Upton Co. . Uniuliu.
usiness lot ut theliutiil of Nicholas
JL1 st. on .Mth , $ Jix ) per front foot. O. F. liar-
i Ison. 1U2N. V. l.lfo. Kaa
Oll SA LK Lonso and carpets of the corlpst
llltlo eotttiRo In Omaha ; (71 ( seven looms ,
very low.and lesHthun live minutes walk from
P.O. Address X&l lleo olllce. 1UI15
T/1O11 BAM' At a bargain , GO \ I JO on Daven-
jl port near 17th. one block from now po t-
olllci ! . very cheno. S20.COO ; fOxKIJ corner iWth
ami Kiiriiiiin , * , ,000. 0 , L. Green , room W.
llarkor block. KX
- | 20 acres fine farm land adjoining good No-
Jbriiskatown ; nearly clear.
iraaciesllnoly Improvoil luud 21 ! miles from
county seat It : Nebraska ; llKhtly enciimbored.
120 acres Kood land IiiNebniHka , Smiles from
county heat ; S..10U Inhabltniils.
House nnd lot In town In Kansas ;
Oluar lot In Rood Nebraska town.
4 room house anil lot , barn , well and cistern ,
10th street. Omnbn ; sllshtly Ineumbered ; will
trade for Omiiba property unit assume Incum-
brances. II. E. Cole. Continental block. WO
ELKOANT i-esldenco In Kountzo I'laoo ; 0
rooms llnoly llnlslied and all modern con
veniences ; Wlrt st. . nuar 20th. Onn "oil on
ono-niiarturoiish payment and balance thno
lo rl lit party. This Is no cheap affair of a
house , but a eomforablo homo In every HOU O
und it bis snap bargain. V , K , Darling , llarkor
llloek. 1I.71U
7 11OOM cuttiiKo , full lot , Huiiscoin 1'laco.
east front mill a Rrout bargain for u fonr
days. Stu ill cash payment and balance on
long time. F. K. Diirllnir. llarkor block. Ml
POH SALIIorLeaso 47 feet east front by
201 feet deep , ulloy coi nor , 21th and Cumlng
utroctt , . Address Jean Sclions , lleo bulldim :
.A SNAP i2,750 will buy n nice 5-room house
XXiinii lot , with cellar. eNtorn , city water
sewer nnd barn , centrally lou.iteu ; terms
easy. J. 1).Ittlc. ) . 014 N. Y. Llfo , bOSdlit
QTAll Laud & Loan Co. real estate , loans
1 and Insurance rental lucnuy. U75-II17
B 1GOEST barKaln in Omaha. Only threeof
tlioso elesnnt houses on 41th and Farnam
loft out of six ; other three occupied l > y llrst-
cla'-s parties. Houses are open all day forln-
bpeutlon. r.very convenlenco In the houses ,
luoludliiK Ras nnd Kas fixtures.
Tnko a look at them durlnt ; this duo
weather ; buy tine and take Hfo comfortable
during the winter.
Only takes from KtOJ to J500 cash. See them
without fall for they v\lll please you. U. V.
Slmles , iil First Nnt'l bunk. OSO
FOll SALK His bnr aln ; 7 room hoii'-o nnd
full lot In Halter I'liiec ,
I'usv terms. Imiulro of owner , K. G. Jloirlll.
42ml and Cuss streets. Ul )
ONMOUTII I'ariThas motor Hue , city
water , sidewalks , graded Ktrcct.H anil the
llnest location for homos- about Omaha ; lots
nnil houses and lots on very easy terms. O. ( I.
Wallace , Agent , 210 Urown lilosk. Oi.5-l ' I
ILITAUYrond lots. In Clifton Hill , offer
the best opportunities for small Invest
ments or for oed business locations of any
property tlu distance out ; lots from $ . " > 0) )
to il.OOO : see mo ut oncn. G. G. Wallace. 310
llrown block , IGthand Doiml.'ia. 1KM-U
W AUGU & Wcbtcrfleld.rea estate.S.Omaha
Foil 8ALK Ono of the llneatstook farms in
the west. 51 miles southwest of Ivnnsas
City. In thoKimlen part of Kansas. The farm
consists of W ) ) aeres , all first class land , fenced
and cross-fenced. An elegant 12-room house
und other tine Improvements. A 12-acro
orchard , artlllclal lake , etc. , ete. To any one
wanting a icllt ed o Htock and eralu farm
nothing can he found that will mil rely fill the
hill butter tlian this : IWO head of cattle. 301)
tons of hay.'can bopurchased vi Ith the f ram If
desired. Wo will sell forciislinr part cash
and notes. Gilt edge Income pniierty | would
liu eonslilcied In exchungo. Address M. A.
Upton Co. . Omaha. Neb. 732
O ELEGANT homos In Kountzo place from
Ofr > ,000 to J8.500 : GOOcash , baliioco 4 years , (35
porinonth , U per cent Interest. Other good
homes In B'liuo addition to oxehnnuo forelty
property. K-rooiu modern houso. ' - ' , & blocks
westof 2ltb , on Caldwell St. . for 1,500 : J.VJJ
cash , balance 10 per month , 0 per cent Intor-
cst.f J. J. Gibson , sole uxont , Kountzo place.
M ONMOUTII 1'ark has motor line , city
water , sidewalks , graded streets nnd the
llnest location for homes about Omaha ; lots
and houses and lots on veiy easy terms. O. G.
Wallace , Agent , 1110 Brown block. g'S-ia '
5 room bo u HO. lot HJxSS. . K. comer Hth and
Vluton $1,70) .
G-rootn house , stable , lot DI'.JxK ' : , S. K. corner
llth and Vlnton2.oOO.
Ilr'ok boutio , and American house , lot COxMN.
R. corner 10th and Douglas. Ciuiulru 2121 S
11 tn. 111
Ferrate * , rte. . sec Kip of Jlnt rniumu nn I/its / vvjf.
H OllHKS and colts fed and oared for during
Iho whiter. Corn , hay and o.its , straw and
eut feed , Mock can also run at largo and feud
on 1K ( ) ucres of corn-stalks , 1'Ionty of water ,
stable und .shed room. miles south of South
Oniiihu on the west side of U. I1 , track. Tlioso
tbnthave no time to bring their horses , wilto
to mo your udilroMi tind number and I will
come und get them , i'rlce , $1.00 and J5.00 per
month. Oeorgo U. GiuiU , South Omaha.
103 13 *
wintered. Wo have the best accommodations
commodations In the stnto for wintering
horses. Hrtv or Hlnglo stalls , with paddock.
Apply to Windsor. Kemp & Co. , 20.J Now \ ork
Life bldg. , or to Chris Nuvlns. at cho stables ,
IrviiiRton , Nob.
Forrati * , ( tc. , nee t tjinr 'irnt columrt
mYl'EWUITKUS.all makcs.ljouglit. sold , ex-
JL changed , rented. J. 1' . iMogeathlG07 Furnam
For ratm , etr , tee ton nf till tnhtmn on tlitu ' agt.
MAfeHAOK bath nl Madam Hinith's parlors ,
M S. 13th st , next llarkor hotel. 310-14 *
M ASSAUEIodnm Del/ler , over 010 9 13th
720 .12 *
Forrflf" , ' ' < : . Mt fop of flriit columu.oii . < pq0a.
BKbT line hair goods In west ; hnlr Grossing.
wigs , switches , bungs , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty , Davles , hulr goods und milline
opposite postolllcc , HI H. lit n street , Omaha.
& 3
For ralei , ttc , , ete top nf frit column on till * page
/"CANADIAN employment olllco , 311) ) i S. 15th ,
V-/tho best place in Omaha to find ho. Ip ornlt-
nations , male or female. Tel. K81. WJ DJO
Korm ( < * . ttc , ite tup nf first colum't oil thttni < \ \
ATKNrTawyors and sollcltors.O.W. Sues &
Co. . lleo building , Oinnhn. llranoli otllce at
Washington. 1 > . O. Consultation fn-o. Kt5
Fnr rattn , tic. , tre tup nf first column on thit pau
I71UEI1 Moble louni money on diamond ! and
Ju watches , Jewely.eto.S. E.cor , F rnam 4.11th
Forrattt. tie , , rte top ofr t column on thti pnoe.
L AO1F.3 ami gentlemen cau rent muRquor-
; ado suits at 622 X. Itttu nt. 4311)27 *
Mutter of application of Ohns. V , Kittle , K. F .
llruce , W , II. Ooodnll nnd 0. K. llcdtiell fur
permit tonell liquor us n > druggist.
Notice In hereby clven , that Uhns. V , Illnke ,
E. E. llritor. W. II. OoodiiU and U. E. llednell ,
doing business under firm muuo of Illako ,
llruvo St Co. . did. UIKUI the Bill dny ot Decem
ber. A. I ) . iftfl , ilia their nppllcatlon to tlio
board of fire nnd ( xillco commissioners of
Onmha for permit to .soil malt , spirituous und
vinous liquors as a druggist , for medicinal ,
mcolinnloal and chomlcnl purposes only , at
No. WW-BIO-III2 LcavonnortliMrei't. First ward ,
Omulm , Nob. , from the first day ot January ,
1S-U. to the llrst diiy ot .lantinry. 18'J2. '
If thorn bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Hied within two weeks from December
U. A. 1) . IS'M. the said permit will bo granted.
IKS l.'i lli.AKK. lliii'cu .v Co. . Applicants ,
Hy Clins. F. Illnke , 11II llruceV. . II. Uood- .
all , O. E. llodnoll , partners.
iSoiliM ) .
Matter of Application nf Samuel J. Montgom
ery and James Adiims , partners us Mont
gomery A Adams , for liquor license.
Notice- hereby given I lint Snniuid J. Mont
gomery < nnil Juntos Ail.uns did upon tlio fth
day of Ducomber. A. D , isyo , fllo tno.r . nppllra-
tlon with the board of lire and pollco oonuuls-
sloncM of Omiilui , for llceiisu to soil mult ,
spirituous mid \lnuuuH liquors , unde-rtlu * llrm
name ot Montgomery & Adnins. at No. 101 and
IM South Hth street. Third Ward , Omnha.
Neb. , from the 1st day of January , 1S01 , to lho
1st dny of .luuunry iwtt.
If there be no objection , remonstrance/
protest tiled within tvio vvoeks fiom the Dth
day of December , A. I ) . 1WK ) , the said lli-eiitc
will bo granted. Montgomery \Adaius.
S. J. MoiiROtuery
D-O-IG und ,1 nines Adnins.
Parliu'iaund Applicants.
Not or.
Matter of application of Funllimnd Adler and
Albert Heller , partners as Adler & Heller ,
for liquor license.
Notice Is heioby clven that Ferdinand Adler -
lor nnil Albmt Heller did upon thu lilli nay of
December. A. 1) . ISlKi , lllo their application
with the bo.ud of lho and police commis
sioners of Omaha , for llccnso to soil mult ,
spirituous and vlnuoiis Hiiuiirs , under the
llrm naluoof Adler .V Holler , nt No. Mil Far
nam stieet. Third Ward , Omaha , Neb. , It urn
the 1st dav of January , IS'Jl , lo the IBL day of
January , Wti.
If their bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest llled within two weeks from thu Cth
day of December , A. D. lb"0 , lho Raid llccnso
will Lu grunted. Adler & Hollor.
Ford Inn ml Aillur
and Albert Heller ,
D-8-1B. I'arlneiB and Applicants.
Matter ot application of John Oarvoy nud
Thomas Garvey , partners usUarvey Hrotlierd.
for lliiuor license.
Notice Is hereby glvon that John Oarvoy
und Thomas Gurvoy did upon the I'-'lh dny ot
December , A. D. Ih'Jtl ' , Ille theirnpplleutIon with
the bii.ird of lire and pollen coiumlssloner.sot
Omaha , for license In bell malt , spirituous
and vinous Honors , tinder the llrm iiiinio of
( l.irvoy lliotliur , at No. 702 youth Thirteenth
street. Second ward. Omaha , Nub. , from tlio 1st
day of .lunuury , uui , to the Ibt day of Jtinu-
u rv. 1892.
. . If tlii'io bo no objection , remonstrnnco or
protest , filed within two weeks from the Mth
day of December , A , O. is * ) , tlioBiild llcouso
will bo granted. GAHVKV linos.
John Gnrvey and Thomas Ourvey , 1'uit-
nurs , and Appllcanta. D 1J-'J )
* Notluo.
Matter of application of Henry Krug null
Charles King , partners us Krug Hrothurs , for
liquor 1 llceiisu.
1C Notice Is huroby Riven thnt Henry KniR nnd
Charles 1I Krug did noon the liith day of Dceom-
bor , A 1 > . 1 'JJ ' , lllo tlielr application with tlm
boaid I of llro and police commissioners of
Omaha for llconsu to soil ninlt , spirituous nnd
vinous Illinois under the Hun 11,11110 ot Krug
HrotlicrsatNo.2Al I ) South Thirteenth stieet ,
IJ First waul , Omaha , Nob. , from the 1st day of
January. IS'Jl ' , to the 1st day of January , Is'J. ' ' .
If there bu no objection , romoiisti.iucu or
protest llled within two weeks from the Mth
day of December , A. 1) ) . Ifc'H ' ) , the said llccu-o
will bo granted. Kituu Ilimriiciis. .
JlKNKV Klltlll ,
(11:1-20 : . Partners and Applicants.
Matter of Application of Thomas Oummtngs
for Honor Ilceiihc.
Notice Is horby given that Thomas Cum-
mlngs did upon the 12th day of Doceiubor , A.
D. IHLK ) , tlio his application wltli the board of
lire and polluo commlsslom'as of Omaha , for
license to still malt. Hplrltous nnd vinous
liquors , at No. 3824 Hu-inian in Dime. Fifth
ward , Omaha. Neb , from tlio 1st day of Janu
ary , 1SUI , to the 1st day of Jnuuniy. 18U8.
If there bo no object Ion. imiiomitraiico or
nrolest , ( lied within two vveol > s from December
li. A. I ) . ISiW , the said license will bo giantud.
1)13-20 THOMAS CUMMIMIS , Applicant.
Mutter of application of John Divyer for per
mit to suit liquor us a drugglHt.
Notice Is hereby given that John Divycrdld
upon the 12lh duv of December , A. D. , IS'X ' ) .
lilu his application to tlm board of llro and
policecommlsslonoisof Omaliu , for pormitto
hell nuiltspliltnuus and vinous liquors , lisa
driuglst , for medicinal , and
chemical purposes only , at No. 21VJ Hamilton
btreet , Eighth ward. Omalia.cNeb. . from the
1st day of January , 18'Jl ' , to thu 1st day of
January. 1MB.
Iftheiobo no objeotlon , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from December
li. A. I ) . , Ib90 , the said permit will bo izninlcd.
clKI-'O JOHN DWVKlt , Applluant.
Matter of application of Michael T. Ilurko for
liquor license.
Notlco is hereby given that Michael T.
HurKu did upon tlio llth day of December. A.
D. , IS'K ' ) , lllo his application with the board ( if
tire pollen commissions of Omaha , for lleunsu
to M'll malt , bpiiitousnml vlnlous Hquoi.-v at
No. 2 21 Fnrnum stieet , Ninth word , Omaha ,
Nob. , from the 1st day of January , IbOl , to the
1st , day of January 1HD2.
If thoio be no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from December
11. A. I ) . , IS'JO. ' the said HceiiMi will bugiuiiled.
d 12-10 .MlL'liAlvl.T. Ituuitt ! . Applicant.
Matter of application of Frank Sautter for
liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby given that Frank feuutlor
did upon the llth duy ot December. A. I ) . , lh' ' ,
lllo his application \\ltli the bo.ird of ( Ire and
pollco commissioners of Omahu for a license to
soli mult , spirituous nnd v inous liquors at No.
U23) ) lluncroltstieut. First VTiird , Omaha. Neb. ,
from tlio 1st day of January , 1MI1 , to the 1st
day ut Januuiy , 16H2.
If there bo no objection , rcmonstr.incoor
protest Hied vvltliln two vvcok-i from December
12,1SK ! ) . the said license will bo granted.
D 12 U Finnic buutter , uppljcant.
Matter of application of William J , Lemp
for liquor license. , , , , . , , ,
Notfco Is hereby glveu th.itUltuiiiJ. . Lemp
did upon the lllh day of Duccnibui. A. 1) . JMJl ) .
illo his upp.lcatlon with the boanl offliu mid
police coniiiils.slonrsof ! Omaha , for license to
sell malt , spirituous and vinous llquors.ut No.
1517 Nicholas.street. Fifth waul , Omuua. Neb. ,
from the 1st day of January. Ib'Jl , to the Lit
day January , 1 B.
Ifthurobo no objection , lomotistrancu or
protest ( lied vvltliln two weeks from December
12. A. D. 1890 , tlm Miild license will bugrantod.
I ) 12 10 William J. Lump , ,
Matter of application of Nicholas Yasor for
liquor HcoiiM ) .
Notlco U hereby given that Nicholas Yager
did upon the llth day of December , A. D. l ) l ) .
tlio bis application with tint lloind of Flru and
1'ollcu Comml-slonors of Omaha , for llccnso
toeeil mult , apliltuous anil vinous Illinoisut
No. Him Fariium Httuol. Third nuril , Omaha ,
Nch , fiom thu 1st day of Juiiuury , 1SJ1 , to thu
1st day of January , IrtC' .
Iftlieiubu no objection , rcinonslranco or
protest Hied within two weeks from December
12th , A. D. IMX ) , the s.ild license will bo
gianted. NICIIOI.AM VAUUII , Applicant.
Dl 10
Mutter of apgllcutlou of Michael Hlclonls for
llvuor license.
Notice Is hereby given that Michael lllakcrds
did upon tno 12tli ilny of December , A. D. , 1MKI ,
lllo his apnllcutlon with the boaid of lira nnd
Foltco c'ommlsslonuis of Omaha , for license to
Hi'll malt , spirituous and vinous liquors tit No.
711 North .si.Nteunth Htreot , Fifth ward , Onri-
liu. Neb. , fioin the llrst day of January , Io91 ,
to the Urst day of January , IBs. ' .
If there be no objection , rrmonstrnnro or
protest Illcd within two neuUsfmm December
12 A. 1) ) . , IB'-K ' ) , the said license will bo gianti-d.
MlUIIAKb lllCKEUOS , Appllculll.
Notice * .
Mutter of application of Wm. Novo for liquor
Notleuls hereby given that Wm. Novo did
upontliu 12th day of December , A. I ) . 1MKJ , lllo
ills application vrlth the Hoard ot Flrti and
1'ollcu commissioners of Omaha , for llconsn to
sell mult , bplrltuous nnd vinous liquorsut No.
410 and 412 bouth 18th Street , Fourth ward ,
Umabn , Nob. , from thu 1st day of January ,
IbOl. to the 1st day of January , 1892.
If thtro bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tllod within two weeks from December
12th , A. D. 1SUO , the Raid llccnso will bo
grunted. Wa. Nun : , ApplloanU
Matter of application ot Henry Illcscr for
liquor llconse.
Notlco Is hereby given that Henry Illcser
did uiran the 12tti duy of Doeombor , A. I ) , IW10.
Illo liir ) application with tlio boanl of llto and
pollco commlH.sloQersot Omaha , for llvi-nso to
sell malt , sptrltuou * and vinous Hquois at No.
1HO North IClh Btreot , Fifth ward , Omaha ,
Neb. , from the lit dny ot January , Ib'Jl ' , to the
1st day of Jimuary , Irt'.i2.
If them bu no objootlon , rtinionstrnnco or
protest lllod within two weeks from Dccemlmr
12 , A. D. 1390 , the said Hcoiuto will bo granted.
d2-lO ! HKNHV Uitstii , Appllvauu
Matter of npptlcntloti ot H , Itnsiuiisson for
pormllto-ftoll liquor us ilrufslut. .
Notlco IH horobr given thnt U , llnsininsou
d d upon thp nth day of Dt > comhor , A. I ) , ISM ,
lllo his nppllcatlon to the hoard of tlio nnd po
lice commissioners of Oiualin , for permit to
cell mnlt , spirituous and vinous liquors , as n
( IrugcUt , for medicinal , mechanical , and
ehcmteid .purposes only , nt No. I.V > 1 Vluton
ttrut.jfml waul. Omaha , Neb , from tlu > ! lst day
of January , 1891 , to the 1st day of January ,
IbO , ' .
If thcro bono objoellon , remonslranco or
protest Hied within two weeks from Docombof
II , A , D. 1800 , the xnld permit \ \ \ \ \ bo granted.
1)11-18 It. fUsMusaiiN. Applicant.
Matter of annllcntlon of Frank W. FOJJR fo
permit to nell lliimr | us a ilrugitlst.
Notlco Is hereby given that Frank W. Fosg
did upon thi > 12th day of Dncombur. A. D. , IS'.Ki. '
Illii his application to lho boml ut llro and
pollco commissioners of Omaha for permit to
uell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors as u
druggist formodleliial. mechanical and chcnil-
cul purposes only , at No. 12t N. lith .slreot ,
Third ward. Oniiinn , Neb , froiu the l-t day of
January , IWI. ) to tlm 1st day nt January , 1802 ,
If there bo no objoottoii , remonslranro or
protest tiled wltliln t o weuUsfrom Deeember
12 , A. D. , Ib'JO , tlio said penult will bit granted.
d 13-20 1'iiAMK W. I'odn , Appllcnnt.
Matter of application ot Oscar Maugur fur
Notlco Is hereby glvon that Oscar Maiuor
dill upon till ) 12th day of Dovombor , A. I ) . , 18tX ) ,
llln hfs application with the board ot tire and
pollen commissioners of Omaha , for llrcusn to
sell mull , spirituous and vinous liquors at Nos.
IUK ) and 10I. ' > Farniiin street , ' 1'lilid ward ,
Omaha , Nub. , from thu 1st. dav of January ,
1S I. to the 1st duy of January , IS1. ! . ' .
If them bo no objootlon. remonstrance or
protest II led within two wioks fioni December
l.l , A. D. , IBIW , thu ald llconso will be granled ,
(11,1-20 OsUAIl MAMini , Appllcnnt.
Not ico.
Matter of application ot Julius Tieltsehko
for llquiir license.
Notlco Is hereby given that JiillusTieltschko
did upon 1 be 12th day of December , A. D. . 1SOO.
Illo his application wltu lho board of llro nnd
| Hillc commissioners of Omaha , for license to
sell malt , spirituous uud vliumslliiuors , at No.
Ml-Ma-Ml ) Ninth 13th Ktroct. Third ward ,
Omahi , Neb. , from tlio 1st d.iy of January.
b'H. ' totbu 1st day of .lanitary. 1S ! > 2.
If there bu no obloctlon. remonstruiico or
prote > t Hied within two woeUs from Dooembor
13 , A. 1) . , 1SUJ , tlio said license will bo granted.
dl3-20 JULIUS TIIIMT.-U'IIKI : , Appllcjut.
Matter of application of S It. CooliO for por-
mlt to sell liquor us a iliugglDt.
Notleo Is heii'by glvon that H. H. CooUo dlil
upon the 12th day of December. A. D. IM ) > , Ilia
his application to the board of llro and police )
commissioners < < f Oinnhn for penult to sell
mull , spirituous nnd vinous Hiiuurs as it drug
gist. for miMllulnal , mi'ch.inlciil uud ubiuiilOHl only at ; r.4 North Kith street. Fourth
ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of Janu
ary , 1MI1 , to the 1st day of January , HTJ
It theic bo no objoellon , remonstrance or
piotest llled within two weeUs from Diici'tnber
1.1. A. D , IS'JO ' , the salcl piMtiiltwIll bo granted ,
1)13-20 S It. Coimi : , Aiiiluunt. | |
Noilui > . .
Matter of application of Dennis . O'NolH
for Iliiuor llceusu.
Not Ice Is hiiroby given tlmlDciuils W O'Neill
did | upon the 12th ( lay of December. A. D. , 1890.
Illo j | his application with tlio boaid of lire and
police comml'-sloiH'rs of Omaha , for lloonso la
soil malt , spirituous uud vinous llqiuirs at No.
S''l Nor 111 Sl\toenth.stu > t. Fifth waid.Omalui ,
Nob. , fiom Hut 1st day of January , 1MH , to the
1st dny of January , 1H9. ' .
If there bo no objection , rvmoivtraiioo or
protest llled vvlliiln tvvo vvueKsfrotii December
U A. 1) ) . . ISDO , tlmsalil license will louianted ,
D n 20 Dl'.NMS W. O'NKILU AppllC'iiit.
Mutter of application of Alfred F. Wolff f 01.
liquor license ,
Not cu Is hereby glvon that Alfred K. Vtollf
did upon lho l-'tli dav of Dccrmhoi , A. D. 1M)0. ) ,
flio his application with the board of lire and
pollco commissioners of Omaha for license to
'nil mult , spliltuous and vinous liquors nt No.
22U1 Ciimlm ; ntioot , Klghth ward. Omaha ,
Neb , from the 1st ( lav of January , IbOl. lo tha
1st day of January , l ' 1--
If then. ) b no obiTtlon ) , remonstrance or
protest lllod within tvvo ttouks from Doeemuol
i.l. A. I ) . Ib'JO , lho said license will bo grsinted ,
Dii : 20 Al.niKl ) F. Wot.FK , Applicant
Matter of uppllo.itlou of 1'otur Nelson for
liquor license
Notice Is hereby given that 1'oter Nelson did ,
uiio ntho llth day of December A. D. 1BUJ. Illo
his application with the boaid of Ilio and po
llen cummlsslonois ot Omaha , for llconsu to
sell malt. Hplritousnnd vinous HIIUOIH. nt No.
101SI Farnamstioet. Tblrd ward , Omulm. Nub. ,
fioni thu 1st day of Januarv 18'Jl , to the 1st
day of Jununiy I Ml. .
It tlioiu I JO ho obJoOtlon. M-iniiMHtrimi'-or
prott'sl lllod within two weeks fium DOOIMII-
liur llth , A. D. 18'K ' ) , the said Demise will ba
Kninluil. l'i TKII NKI-MIN.
I ) U'-IO Applicant.
Mailer of application of George Mcilur for
liquor license.
Niilliii Is hereby glvon that ( ieorgo Moder
did UKDII the 121 li Hay of Doceiubor. A. D. , isuo.
Illo his HpilUcitlon ! with the Imurdof Hie and
pollL'ucommlssUinors of Omaha for ilueuso to
sell malt , .spirituous and vinous liquors .it No.
1022 North Kith street , Fifth ward. Omiihn ,
Neb. , fiom the 1st day of January , IH'JI , to tlio
1st dayof Jiinuiiiy , lAtti.
If thorn bu no obj"0tlon , ii'inniistranco or
piolost IIlod , within two weeks friini Docuii-
her 12 , A. 1) , , 18.0 , thu said license will bo
granted. UuorsoModer ,
1) IS 1U AplillcaiU.
Not or- .
Matter of application of I'eter MeLiiuglilln
for liquor license.
Notice Isheieby given Hint I'uter McLnugh-
lln did , upon the llth liny of December , A. D ,
IS'.M. ' Illehls npplluat Inn with thu board of tlm
and tiolleo commlssloiieiH of Oruaha , for II-
couso to soil malt , spirituous and vinous
liquors at No. : HK)2 ) Walnut street , f-inontli
ward , Omaha , Neb , , from the 1st dny of Janu
ary , 1MU , to the b.t day of .lanuury , UlU.
If thuio bo no obli'Ctlon , lonioiistriinco or
piotest filed within two weeks fiom Doi-t'inbor
12. A. I ) . IS'K ' ) . tlm ttald llfcnso will bo ginnlod.
docl.-lO Futer MuLiiughlln , Applicant.
Notlui * . i
Matter of application of 1'aul Senf for liquor
Notlco Is hereby slvcu that 1'aul Sou t did
upon the llth day of Dee. A. D. 1KIX ) . Ille his up-
plh'ullon with the bo.ird of tiio and poltuo
commissioners of Oniiilm , for license lo si-ll
mult , spirituous and vinous liquors , at No.
lUOli Viiitou stioet , Second vard. Omuliii. Nek ,
from the llrt day of Juiiuaiy 1NU1 , to lholii-,1
dav ot January 181I2.
If there IH ) no oblection , rimiontstraneoor ,
piotestH llled within two weeks from Pro. U
A. I ) , isuo , tha bidd llcmisowlll bo granted.
D12-11) ) 1'Aur. SB.VP , Applicant.
Matter of application of Ernst Wet/Is foi
liquor Hcenso.
Notlco Is hereby given that Ki list Uotzlg
did , upon thu llth duy of Dorumbor , A. D. IK'.M. '
lile application with tlm board of II in ami
poltcoeoiumlsslDiiutsof Omaha , for lleeiiso to
sull limit , siililtuous ami vinous liquors , at
No. 2SIH sliont , Nlnlh vuird , Omaha ,
Nob. , from the 1st Hay of Juiiuary , Iblll , to the
1st day of January. m'i2. '
If thorn bo mi ohju'tlon , nimdiistrancii or
iiiotcst llled within two weens Ttum Deeomhcr
II , A. D. IKW , the said llccnsu will bu gi.intod.
deor.-l' ' ' Krust Wet/lg.Applleaul.
Mailer of ippllcallon of F. II. Fnrnswoith for
penult tosoll lliiiir | IIH li ( hilgglst.
iVolleo Is lieii-by given that rl. II. Fai-iis-
woitlidld upon Ihu llthdavof .
ivui , lllo his application to Ihu boaid of Iliuiuid
pollco ' ommNsloiioi-s of Omahu. for penult lo
sell malt , spirituous and vluons liquorus a
druggist fur medicinal , mvi' nndcliom-
Icnl purpoM'soiily , ul No. 2115 OiimluK ( .tronl ,
Klghtli vv.ird. Omulm. Nob. , from Hut llr t day
of Jiuiuaiy. Ib'JI , to the lust -day of January ,
If there bo no objection , romoiist ranee or
puitosl Illcd within two vvoeU fiom Dreumbor
12. A. I ) . , IM * ! , the wild peiiiilt will l.o grantod.
SAM II. FAii.NbttOiiTii , Applicant.
OMAHA , Neb , , Hoc. I' . 1RM.
Notlco Is hereby given tlmttbnnnnunl meet-
Ingot the stockholders of | the I'nlon olovutoi
compaiiy for the purpoMi of electing Ruven
dliectoiA , and Hiich other IIUHIIICMM ns limy
( iiopcrly i-oiiHi beforu the meotliig will be held
ut thoottlcoof John M. Thiirnton. Union I'u-
cllie building , Omabn , Neb. , iiou | Monday , tha
Mil day ot January , H'll ' , belvvoon the hours ol
IU o'clock a. m. and 0 o'clock | i. m.
OMMIA , Neb , , Doo. a , 1900 ,
Notleo Is hereby given that thoniiniial iiieet-
liiKiif thflNtookholders of lho Omaha t'.lk-
horti Vnlloy riillwi.y I'-omp.uiy forthuniirpo-u
of I'lpctlng seven directors und Much other
biiklnos * ns m.iy wopnily rome buforo tbu
moctlng , will bo hoiil at the olllco tit John M.
Thurciun Union IVcino bullillim. Omidia ,
Nob. , upon Wcdnoxhiy , the 7th dayot Jan
uary , 1801 , nt 10 o'clock n. m ,
\V. J. OAitiioM , A'ilt , > t'U" ' "
Notlc'r ,
The regular nniiual mortlns of tlm trck-
linlilorxotllio Onmha llnrbed Fcneti and Nail
; o , will behold at the ofllce of the company
on Monday. Junuiuy Mb , at 10 o'clock a.m. ,
for the piirpusuof e-lcotlng a bniird of uliuu-
torH to cervo for tlio ( tnsulng year , undl'io '
transaction of mioh other bujmi'wi us may
como Imfoio It. Jurr. W. IlKiiromi.
li llL'it ir.8Tiii : , I'rojbleut.