THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE : SATUKDAY , DECEMBER 13 , 1890 o CITIZENS \YITI1 \ GRIEVANCES. Bomo of Them Are Assessed Twice on Ono Piece of Propoity , OBJECT TO BEING BANKRUPTED , \ Others Mnko Ynrlous Coiniilnlnts and Dcninnd Itcllcf from ttio Council lldnnl ofKqual- Izatlon. The city council mot M n board of oquall- F.atlon In the city clerk's oillco yostcrJay tuonitng. Mr. Lowry was elected chairman. The space outslJe the railing was Jammed to sufTocntlon with property owners who had cotno to lay their grluvaticcs bcforo the board , Mr. Lotvry stated that , altliouRh the hoard vnulii Ifsten to nil general grievances nt the rresoTiV ho would Insist that nil complaints oo reduced to wrltlnjj and handed In to the board before any dcllnlto action should bo taken. Inspector O'Donovnn hnd a largo , healthy Rriovunco. Ho gnld ho owned property on Bouth Thlrtocnth street south of Vlnton utrcot , on which ho had been assessed twice , tfho flrat tlmo 83.J4 cents nnd the second tlmo 18K cents per runnhiB foot. They now proposed to nsscst him n ain tor the opening of the street from Spring to the city limits. Ho consid ered that It would bo fnlr for the board to nward the men In hi ? district credit for the past two assessments nml then assess cauh property owner south to the limits and north to Furtinin street equally after the rebate was granted. His comparison was that > nen who resided or owned property south of town would bo greatly bonollUcd by tlio owning of the street , as nt the present time they no street nt nil nnd In sorno In- Btanccs the road would jiass directly through their Inml , thereby grading them property on both sldos of the street , nnd in addition to this they could recover $ ! ,000 dnm.tKos , when ho would bo elevated twenty or thirty leot , nnd could only recover $ i or $11) ) . Mr. Charles Elguttor was In the same boat with O'Donovan. Mr. Powers lamented tlio fact that the city owed him over ? T)00 damages , which ho could Jiot collect , but nt the satno time ho was com pelled to pay interest on $1(10 ( taxes duo. Mr. Zimmerman and others who live on Eleventh street , south of the viaduct , ob- 3ectcil to paylhR the assessment for darn- nges allowed by the court In favor of IlUhop "Worthingtou's property. When the assessment for change of grade Was tnado In this locality It Is claimed that nearly all the property holders waived dam- BROS. Bishop Worthlnirton braucht suit and l-ecovorod $ T > 00. The other property owners nro now assessed to pay this amount nnd ac cordingly object. Said Mr. Lowry : "When the viaduct was built the city paid one-fifth of the cost , the property owners ono-llith and the rail roads threo-llfths. Wo consider It nn itnpo- eltlon now to assess the property owners oa Recount of damages by that structure. The citizens railed S2-IOi ) by subscription nnd paid it into the 'city treasury. Among the llrst things I pro- posu to do is to find out what bccamo of that nionoy. " The expense of opening Twenty-ninth nvo- nuo will perhaps bo paid from the money re ceived from the sale of parts of Twonty-nlnth street , as the court has decided that the latter jnav bo sold. Couuciltnen Blumor nnd Olson were ap pointed to assist the chairman In his work. On Monday next the committee will care fully canvass each grievance. "Biill-dosc-hiB" Is at present going on at such a rate In this community that our dealr. Is hardly nblo to keep up a supply of Dea llull's popular and excellent Cough Syrup. ftcw Holland Pa. , Clarion. You would not bellovo It , but now yon It now that Salvation Oil Is the best liniment. JS cts. The \Vlntor ol' Our Content is the title of a rocont. charming' paper by that bflllimt write : * Charles Dudley "Warner , whoroln the glories of the Pucillo const , as a winter resort , are inoHt graphically described. The Amer ican people nro beginning to understand that the Puget Sound country is ono of our most , splendid possos-fions and that the nntno of the "AledUorriineuu of the Pneirio" is a happy title not inisappllcd. Jn spunking of Mount Tacoma , Senator . George F. Edniuiuln says : " "I would bo willing to go COO miles ngain to sco that scene. The continent Is yet in ignorance of what will bo ono of the grandest show places as well ns sanitariums. Jf Switzerland is rightly called the playground of Europe , I am satisfied that tiround the base of Mount Rnlnlor will become a prominent place of resort , not for America only , but for the world bo- Bides , with thousands of sltoa for build ing purposes , that are nowhere excelled lor the grandeur of the view that can bo obtained from them , with topographical features that would make the most per fect system of drainage both possible nnd easy , and with a most agreeable and health giving clhnato. " Thousands of dolightea tourists over the Union Pacific * the pas t year bear nmplo testimony to ttho beauty and majesty of this now empire of the Pacific northwest. PtTHLlO WOHICS. b. New Sidewalk Ordinance DrnfiOil Ily tlio Hoard. All of the members of the board of public works attended the meeting held yesterday afternoon. The first "business transacted was opening : the bids for grading oil of the streets In Walnut 11111. In this matter the property owners pay the entire expanse hi order to get tlio work done. The contract will umout to about fJ2,000 , nnd the contractor will be required to enter into bonds of fclO.OOO for tliu completion of the work nnd the payment Of the labor claims. There were three bids ns follows : John - O'KcciTo , ; ! ! ) cents per cubic yard ; Lnmoreaux Brothers , 174-10 cents per cu bio yard , urn ) Katz & Callahan VHJf cents per cublo yard , Upon motion the contract was awarded to Katz & Callahan. The following estimates were allowed ! Hugh Murphy , curbing Twenty-second street from St. Mary's nvenuo to Leaven- worth street , (7 l,12 ; same , curb- lnT ( Fifteenth street from Jackson to Lcavenworth street $ S4I.93 ; same , paving Locust street foom Thirteenth street to Buer- loan avenue , lt17.30 ! ; C. D. Woodworth , curbing Fourteenth street Irom Wob- stur to Nicholas street , $1,291.35 ; Jid C. Callanim grading Thirty-sixth Btroct from Hamilton to Parker , street ; Pleasant street from Hamilton tc Parker , and Hamilton from Thirty-sixth tc the Kelt line railroad , fl,407.r,0 ; kd. Calla lian , grading Martha street In Chirlt place , Mcccalh street In Uupont plnco and Twenty' ninth street from Hickory to Mogoatli street , I753..V3. The board adjourned and then reconvened ot 4 o'clock to prepare the draft of nn or dlnanco ruiattnj ; to the laying of sidewalks This ordinance , which also provides for tin vpecitlcations xvhlch will bo submitted to bidders dors , differs very materially from the or alliance now in force. The draft to bo sub inltted to the council forndoptlon andpassngt will provlilo that when u man contracts ti lay any \vullc In tuo city lie will bo reo.utrct to Rlvo a bond , securing the payment of ma lorlal used , as well as for the payment of the labor performed , It will uUo provide tha property Insldo of the curb lltio may bo cu Sown to conform to the grade of the street nuU tbat the expense shall be taxed agalns the abutting property and collected In thi tauio manner as the sidewalk tux. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo Kortltlontlona for Frnnoe. I AUIS , Doe. 13. [ Spoclal Cablegram tt tt'iiH DKK. ] It ls the Intention of the ROV erument to construct an entrenched camp a Toul , department of Mourtho. on the rallwiv from Paris to Strasbourg. The defences o the camp will bo such that It will bo capabl tl resisting strong German artillery. CUbLKN'S TWENTY THOUSAND. WorkH tlio Mcxleari Lottery Tor the Aninunt nnd Then Skips The dctectlvci hnvo established o camp la the Now York Life building. Two men oc cupy It during the tiny nnd the same number mount guard whllo the lamp holds out to burn nt night. They nro waiting nnd watchIng - Ing for a man named John W. Cullen of Nashville , Tcnn. John was agent for the Mexican inter national Improvement company of the City of Mexico. lift Is , however , no longer In the employ of that corporation but it Is claimed , U Indebted to it in the paltry sum of | w > 0,0 < X ) . The said Improvement company li said to own the Lotcrla do la Bencflcencia 1'ubllca ; in other words , what Is ntoro or less known to some as the Mexican lottery , Cullen , it seems , was accustomed to receive thu numbers drawing prizes by wlro from Mexico and It Is alleged that ho secured a prominent gentleman In Nashville to present for payment two prize drawing tickets of $ . " , tJOJ each to the Hunk of Commereolti Nnsh- vlile , which bank has , it Is said , a largo deposit from the companv. It Is also said that the list of prizes which ho supplied the bank was nl.tored so as to admit of the pay ment of these tickets. The money was paid , the bank having used Cullcn's lists so long did not for a moment suspect that it was being victimized. Fltiully the fact was telegraphed the ofllcors of the lottery nnd they wired Immediately that those numbers had bean sold In another tilaco nnd that the prizes they had drawn had been paid. As soon us this fact was made known , the man \vho had presented the tickets was hunted up. Ho acknowledged that he hud been Induced by Cullen to present the tickets for redemption on the proposition of receiv ing $1.000 for so doing , when ho discovered that ho had boon used as a catspaw , bo promptly refunded the $1,000 which ho had been given by the wily agent. Cullen was then sought , bulcoukl not bo found. The chief of police wired Chief Soavoy of the circumstance , ordering him to nrrcst Cul len , giving at the same tlmo n description of thu fellow , coupled with the fact that Cullen hud been at one tlmo a partner of Charles II. Mantel , the Omaha agent of the lottery , whoso oillco Is In tlio building above referred to. It is In hones that the wily ox-nioMit may call upon his old partner that the detectives longingly and lovingly wait at the latter's door. door.Mr. Mr. Mantel , however , says that Cullen has not been in partnership with him since last October , nnd that he is also n victim of tlio fellow's dishonesty. Ho has had no com munication with him slnco then mid stoutly holds that Cullen would as soon fueoMoplils- toplieloi "as face him. Nevertheless the sleuths watch und wait. They can afford to wait , because , if bagged , Ctillon will be goou game. The harsh , drastic purgatives , oncodocmed so Indispensable , have given place to milder nnd moro skillfully prop.ired laxatives ; hcticu the great nnd growing demand for Aycr's Pills. Physicians overywncre recommend them for costivcness , Indigestion and liver complaints. Dr. Birney cures catarrh. Boo Bldg. A SKU'lOUa"QUESTION. . Without Legal Publication ll < iuor IjicennpH Mny Ho Void. Last year when the tlmo came for publish ing the notices of application of liquor deal ers the newspapers of this county were re- lucstod by the flro nnd police com mission to 11 lo with that board sworn statements of circulation in Doug- Ins county. TUB BBB promptly responded , whllo the other daily papers declined to do so for prudential reasons. This year , owing to nn oversight , the board did not make a request upon the nowspaperr for statements of circulation. Tim BKK , however , promptly mndo and published a sworn statement for tho. reason that such a course was the only ono left to enable applicants for licenses to proceed under the law covering the publica tion of notices. The nflldavit is as follows : State of Nebraska , I „ Douglas County , f Ororgo It T/sjhuek , secretary of Tun HUB Publishing Company , publishers of TUB DMAIIA. HKH. bolns duly suorii according to law , deposes un < l says , tlmt Urn actual Mr- n.'o dully circulation of TUB DAILY HUB In , \ia County of Uoiiitlas fur two weeks ending IJpcomborlO , oicliiblvu ot sample topics nnil conies on salu , was' 11,05 ? copies. GKOIICK II. TZSCIIUCK. Sworn to before ma and subscribed In my this Htli day of December , A. 1) . , 189U. N. 1' . IY.IU Notary I'ublle. Upon the publication of this aflldavlt several llnuor dealers requested a similar statement of the World-Herald people. As was to hnvo been expected , it was refused point blank. The only course now open for liquor dealers Is to publish their notices in this paper , which Is thus conceded , oven by tho' world- Herald , to have the largest circulation in the county. The illegal publication of any of these no tices will load to n protest which may bo prosecuted through the district court , and if necessary through ttio supreme court. In the event of such protest , the license cannot bo Issued until the court has deter mined the Issue. Should those- cases go to the supreme court a decision could not be reached in less thnn u year , during which tlmo the liquor dealer would bo deprived of his license , unil therefore could not do busi n ttcr Than liver. The southern Pacific company have expended largo sums of nionoy on the truck and snow sheds during the past year in improving their line via Ogden to San Francisco , and thcso improve ments , in connection with the magnifi cent equipment of the Union Pacific , gives the traveling public a well nigh perfect service from the Missouri river to the Golden Gato. All of the details have boon bo arranged 'as to make this trip-tho very luxury of travel. Dr. Blrnoy cures catari-n , Bee bldg. Army Notca. Sergeant"Soinmcrs , Company 1C , { Seven teenth Infantry , has been ordered relieved from recruiting duty nt Uoehestor , N. Y. . nnd will Join his company at Fort D. A. Rus sell , Wyo. Captain II. n. Osgood , commissary of sub sistence , has been ordered relieved from duty at Jefferson barracks and ordered to report to General Brooke as assistant to Major Dell In this city. Sovcn members of the United States hos pital corps from eastern * stations passed through Omaha on route to Pine Ulilgo ngency for dutv with the troops In the Hold. They were fully equipped for winter Hold service. Oesslcr's Magic Headache Wafers. Cure all headaches in JOmiuutos. Atoll druggists. Marriage ijicniises. The following nurriasa licansos were Is sued by Judga Shields yojtordiy : Nnmonna address. Age I OeorsoC. Favorite. Chicago . 28 ( Anna K. Hiimlln , Chicago . " 4 j Ocorso Carson , Mlndcn , la . 25 1 Edith UusiOll , Chicago . 20 * Do yon llko dry champagne ) Try Cook's Imperial ; its flavor is unrivalled and It is per fectly pure. Bulletins ; i'oriiiit * . The fallowing permit was Issue d by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : W. M. Doll , ono nnd ouo-lialf story frame dwullliiit , Tnenty-tlilrd und Lain ! stroutH . . . I l.COQ SICK HEADACHE ' Positively cured by thcso Little Pills. CARTER'S They also relieve Dis tress Irom Dyspepsia , in ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty IVER Eating' . A perfect rem edy ( or Ulzzlnesa , Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness , Dad Taste In the Mouth. Coated Tongue , rain In the Side , TORPID IITER , They regulate tlio Bowels. Purely Vegetable , SMALL FILL SIUILDOSE. SHALL PRICE. Both the metliod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken j it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnsto , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Dowels , cleanses the ays- tcm effectually , dispels colds , head- nches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the nnly remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the inetc and no ccptahlo to tlio stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eftecta , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , iU many excellent qualities commend it to all and Imvc made it the inoet popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and 81 bottles oy till leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to tiy it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. IOUISV1LLE. M. - - - N W YORK. H.Y. Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphitos Of Lime and Soda. There arc einuJ.iloim anil emulsion * , and tlicrf i Mil tnurh nkhiiintil milk ic/i < WKiifyiirrni/ct ait trcnin. TJJin ttiei.l tt'lft many tnanitfitctitrers caniint so ( ( ( sf/iiltn their coil Itrcr oil tin to tnnlta it palntnlilii tonrtnllti'i-nlnillitrlni , .Scnlt'H KmnMotiofl'ltltK NOIlWlUilAH COD JjIfKll OIfjfiitnlilncil wltli Jlypnjitini- jthllc.i { } iilnnitt a jmlalnlila in tnllli. A'vr Hilt reason at rc/l nt for ttin furl of the Hnnitntlritt qaalUtn of tltr llijito- pliai > liitfi , J'liyiiclitnx f rc < ltivntly jire- scrlbo it In cams of CONSUMPTION , SCROFULA , mioxcnma n > i < i CllKONIC COVqUorStWEKll COLD. All Drtiffdlsta mil itliut IMS sure yon get the genuine , at there ara poor imitations. LieMg Bompani's ' EXTRACT OF BEEF Kor Ininrovcd nnil coonomlo cook- cry , use It for SvtiiiN , Siiticen anil Jlmlc Itinlii'n. In flavor liicuni' famblt , and dissolves pcrfoutly clear In water. Mukoi ilellulo u Hoof Tea und keeps in all climate * for uny length of tliau. 1 Ib eiiuul to 10 Ibs of lean lieof. Only sort punrantcod Rcmilno byJusttiH von Mchlg and boars hl.H signa ture In blue , thus : C. L. Erlokson , Local Agt,20G N.lGth S EXCELSIOR'SPRSNGS ' Nitura't Tonic , Diuretic and Uric Solvent. SOIJJ ONI.Y IK DOTTLltS ET C B. MOORE & CO. , Agti. ISIS Dodge Si. CoMnental Clothing House > \J ij Attractive Bargain Lines This Week. Honest fioods , SiJpBrior Workmanship , Every Garment Guaranteed , The Boys , and Children's Department. Special Sale of Boys' Ulsters , Overcoats and Suits. - The Boys' and Children's Department is one of the most important : in our store. We carry an immense stock , keep lines that cannot be found in other stores , and spare no pains in selecting materials and originating new designs. Our reputation as dealers in only the best has been gainecTby the closest attention to the manufacturing of our goods and selling only fabrics which we know to be reliable , and in every instance to represent goods just as they arc. Prices are cut at our special sales , but quality is always guaranteed. Only a few weeks remain for us to close our immense stock of Winter Goods in the boys' department , and prices have been made so low that you cannot afford to look at any other until you have seen our stock. This week we offer special prices on Boys' Ulsters , Overcoats and Knee Pant Suits , and call atten tion to a special bargain line of ofBoys' Ulsters Price $5.50. For boys , the Ulster is the most popular garment in our stock. We have a full line for boys of all ages , in freize and chinchilla. We ofTer at this sale a special line of Wool Ulsters wide collars , full length , with wool trimmings , at $5.50. The largest assortment of Boys' Ulsters and at prices which will be sure to interest all in search of honest goods at bottom prices. BOYS , KNEE PANT SUITS , PRICE $3.5o. Cut in sizes 6 to 12 , plain sacks and plaited jackets , in two shades of neat cassimere goods , sold everywhere for $5 and $5.60. We have large quantities of them and this price will sell them rapidly. Don't wait , but come early and get first choice. Price S3.So . Sizes 6 to 12. Men's Departraent. OVERCOATS ANDOJLSTERS. Our show windows this week give you some idea of variety , but our windows arc not large enough to show a sample of all the different styles. We will not attempt a description , but will show you styles enough and at prices which cannot be equalled where quality is considered. , " ; ; ; PRIOEXS S8 TO & 3O. : EREIZE ULSTERS. IK Our saleS.this season on Genuine Irish Freize Ulsters have been larger than at any pre vious season. We keep them in several shades and in all sizes cloth lined and wind proof ulsters. | ' ' . FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. A special clrive in underwear for Friday and Saturday. Our big sale of underwear last week was one of the most successful sale.s ever inaugurated and would like to repeat it , but our stoclcwill not permit of it. Mail orders for the goods were filled from every section within a thousand miles of , Omaha. We will offer on Friday and Saturday the only large lot left in our stock Vicuna Underwear SI.00 Per Garment. 150 dozen of the finest quality Vicuna Underwear ever placed on our counters , It is made of pure Australian wool. Regular patent shapes and for gentlemen who appreciate an undergarment of the finest , softest texture that is manufactured in this country , these goods will commend themselves. They are full heavy weight , 12 pounds per dozen , and have been sold by us'for the past two years for § 2 per garment. With a view of extending- trade to the fullest extent with gentlemen who appreciate fine underwear and furnishing- goods , we will offer this lot until closed , at precisely one half our former price , viz : $1.00 Each Garment. $1.00 Each Garment. $1.00 Each Garment. With the limitation to delivering not more than four garments to each buyer. This is ' the most attractive bargain ever offered in our Furnishing Goods Department since we have been in business. HAT DEPARTMENT. Boys' Cloth Windsors and Driving- Caps , 50 cents. We will sell ten styles of Boys Cloth Windsors and 15 dozen Jersey Turbans on Friday and Saturday at 50 cents each. F reeland , Lvoomis & Oo. THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures nil disorders of the btomnch , Liver , Hownl' , KlUnoys , lUnild or , Nerv ous DlscnsoH. Loss of Appetite. Hnadnolie , Constipation , Costiveness , Indices- tton , ItllloiiHiiess , Fever , IMlos , Etc. , anil renders tun system loss liable to con- rtADWAY'S TILLS nro n euro for this complaint. Tliejrtono > 'P the , , Internal , , Bcoretlons to . oniible It tfl norform 1U fiiiiotlon.1. nealthy notion , restore strength to the stonuioli. iinjl I'rleolSoabox. Sold by nil druggists , or mulled by UAUWAY & CO. , JU Warren Street , wow JTork , on receipt of price. THE STANDARD COCOA OP THE WORLD. r w r w r ws r * * * wl * w fwww 1 KING OF COCOAS-- " ROYAL COCOA FACTORY. " Kings are but men , but all men are not kings. Therefore , when the King of Holland says , as he did by deed pf August 12 , 1889 , that he is greatly pleased with VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA , "BEST & GOES FARTHEST , " nnnfl nfl and , entirely unsolicited , grants the manufacturers the sole right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , a significance - ; nificance attaches to the act which would aoi > were he ! not "every inch a king. " M No other preparation is "as good as" Pond's Extract. TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS JORTH Oli1 CONTHAOr WORK U belnjr advertised NEWS AND AwEiuatN 11A1MVAT JooitNAf. ; published at Trlbtino Ilulldlng , New York OHy , and forsalo by nil uovTbdculors. Prlco , 1 ! coats. PARKER HOUSE BOSTON , J. REED WHIFFLE 4e CO. , Proprietors YOUNG'S HOTEL , BOSTON. J. REED WHIFFLE &e CO. , Proprietors. Cooking and BerTlce excelled by none. Complete In all anpolntmonta B&it location In the city. Tno lloston Transcript Bayti "Mr. Wlilpple Ua prince of landlords , and patrons of Parlors' msy anticipate s > return to too good old tlraoi of IU founder. Horror I ) . Parker. Mr. WlIJl'I'J.lJ will coDttnu * the managomeiit o Vounif's as horototors. DR. I'rnctlco llmllPdto ll l'U303 Of Ihl ) LUNGS AND Kcrvous System Including NoutnlRln , 1'aralyHls , I'pllcprty , ' Cutuleixy , Uyatcro Kp loony , Convii 1- floiu , Hnlnnl Iriltn- tlon , HIiumnntlMii , Thronlo AIculiolNiu , Nervous lloadurlu * . Nervous I'rostrutlon ciinsumptlon und nil illtvascsodlio lunKx ItoomsSIG to 820 , BEE BUILDING , OMAHA. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. Tf. BAKEIl & CO.'S It aliiflntr.iljture mill U t fallible. No Chemicals , art UHd In IU frtnirttlon. It hi ) mav tkan t\rtt ttnet tht itr ngtot Cocoa mlitj with Stitch , Arru roct or HafU , and li thenfm fat more tconomlcit , fofrtnt lut ( ton out tint a iff. II ( l ( lullcluai , nourliUng , itrtn thcnlnfC , K * . SII.Y Diacsni ) , and admirably adapt * ! fjr IniaUdi ai vrtUaijwrionl In hcaltlk Sold by Oroceri tTerynhere. W. BAKES & CO. . Dorchester. Maaa GRATEFUL COMFOR TING Epps's Cocoa. BREAKFAST. "Ily n tliqrough knowlMgo of the nnturnl lawi which govern the operations of iKxotlon ami nutri tion , nnd by a careful upiillcatlon of the line proper ties of nellielected Cocoa , Mr. Kppa liai prurldvd onr breakfait table * with u delicately flavored tiovor- nc which mar i&Te ui many hearr doctura' lilllK. It U by the ludlciuui moot inch articles of diet that a conitltntlan m y bo gradually built np until strong enough to realst every tondenoy to dlaeaaa. Jlun- drcd of subtle maludlcs are IDallng around us ready to attack wbererer tlicro Is a weak point. We mar oicapo uanr a Utul shaft by keoptog ours elves well fortltlpd with pure blood , nnil a urorarlr nourished f ramB.-Clylf8crTlco ( iniotte JlMde simply with bolllnu water or milk. Bald only In half pouud tins , by grocers , latxilod thus : Homcuupatbla ChoinUU , , London. Enijlund. iiiiiliUTUIUlA.IAII CUIHIDH lp r ttut dUllnll ; . UtmforutU. nwtll _ ; cu Corner Oth and. Harnoy StreoU , OmaUi. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MoTjATJQHLIN , President. Founded by Dr. J. W. MoMonamy. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A.T 1302 Farrmm Street. Harry P. Deuel , City Puasonffor nntl Ticlcot Ajjont. FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE andp.rnnnenl CURE for nil dl.e.stjDTiheymNARYORGANS , Curti h othirtreitmenualls.FulTdirectioniMUh r oaeh bottle. Price , ono dollar. See signature ot E. U STAHU For Bale Dy All DR.MCG-REW THE SPECIALIST. Morotlmn 15 jours' eiportenroln llio trcntnionta' PRIVATE DISEASES Aciirogunrnntcotl In 8 to UroilAjrivrllliout tholoM of > n Uour'a tlrao. STRICTURE ' rnrotl without p ln or lint-iim'tilM r cutting ) mxlllaUnx. The tumt remru'i i'.i rumoj known to inoilorn cloncVtlto fordruulirt. SYPHILIS CURED IN DO TO 00 DAYS. Dr. Mcdrow'i tri'ntinout for thin terrible Wood ill ) OHM ) hni lipon | > rum > iinr < 'il tlio limit powerful ntv Micemsfnl riMiioJr ovrriUtctiTrrnil for the ntnoliifc suroof thli ill oi'o. : ills micc 4 with thh iltio.M lias novcr I'i'oii cuimllcvl. A complete funs HIT AH ANTKKD. Wrlto for clrciilnrs. LOST MANHOOD find nil wcnhnimof tlinnoxniitorRnn' , norronnoii ImMltr and floipoiiilrnor nlmliiloljr curoJ Tliari > lof In Imim-UhUo unit cumptctu , SKIN DISEASES , ftitnrrli , rtiGiimfttUm , nml nit tlliotoiuf ti ! J Jlojl llrcr , kidneys nnJ bladder pcrnrmcntlj enrol F EMALE DISEASES nndncnrnlxln , nervmtmicm nnilillrn < oi of lliontoin nfti cured. The Hoctor's "Homo Trcntmcnt" fo Indict ) proiioiinroU l > r nit who Imvo imml It. to t > tlmmot conip ott > ttml convenient roinoily over of rerod for tint trontmmit of fi'nmlo dlsoind. It I trulr n wonderful remedy. No liiUrumenU ; in pain. llumiM ton IJAIIIKH ritou 3 TO I UNI.V. DR. McGREW'S mnrvolom < nircp" lim won for him n which li truly imtlnml In clmrnctnr , nnil lili croj nrmjr of nittlont * ronolio * frum tlio Atlnntla to til 1'AClllo. Doctor of " . The \ n arnclnnta "IIKIIUI.AH mpdlplno nnd lmi htxd lontrnml carufiil oxpurleuco t lie pltnl prnottcis nnit It clnwl nmonit the lo.iilli ipcclnlliti In iniiilorn science. Troitmunt br curr upomlenco. VVtllo for clrculin about uauhot tt aboro dhcaaon , FIIER. Office , 1 4th and Farnam Stj Kntrnncoon t > lthor etro ot. THE DUEBt.fl FACTORIES HAMPDEN LABQE8T WATCHES IN THE : THE BEST. WORLD. SEND FOR THE DUEBER OUR DOOK , WATCH CAGE "FRAUDS MFG. CO. , W WATCHEn. " CANTON , OHIO. J LITTLE VESETABU PIUS CURB ji Sslck IScnilncIif. _ ± HyiiioiViiiii. ImllgrMlon , /Will frei * /tnefvattm BILIOUSNESS , 0 , , f all UK .UIOTD and fotlior dlsor * clem. They .in , Slomach < Complainls. N ° /nul ( Jrlpv. very ) J * > nnil . purely fctn. 1 of vi'Kstnbtca In. x-noiu to ctlirnrnta. /Irs tlitiiu 45 pIlU In 'each vial. a abiulutely cured by , efirctiUa vUli B for 66 < , , or ti forftl. Fnr < ale byclrupslitfl. orbj mall. AJdrcis HOSE'S MICiriHE DO. . PHCP'5. SAM fRABCISCO CUi FOI1 8AI.H IN OMAHA. NKD. , 11Y Kuhn k Co. , Cor. 15ih & Oouitlai &lncln. J. A. Fuller A Co. , Cor. Hlh St. I > ouel i Streets. A. D. Foitcr & Co. . Council lllulla. [ onn. AND PRINCIPAL DRUCQIETS CVC1VWHIRC. NEBRASKA. National Bank V. & DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , WEB. Capital. . . . . $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - 07,0 OO OBcenind Dlrectori Henry W. Tatei , Kwl 8. Brad , Vlce-J'ruslilent ; Jnm i W. Barogn , W V. Mor . John 8. Coilloi , U. 0. CuihUui , J. N. Patrlok , W. n. B. tlunbo , oaibler. THE IRON BANK. Corner 12th nnd Fornnm Bta. A Ocnnral llnnklnz 1 < ntli ) s5Tran a(1tr' < 1. FOR SEVERE COUGHS OR COLDS IDr. F. C. Werner's COUGH DROPS Are highly rocom.nionilcd nftur seven years ot successful experience by the sole manufacturers , Kopp , Dreibus& Co. , STKAM CONFECTIONERS , 1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Sold everywhere , 60 per packttgo , Send for WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Bpedflo for ? lyitrlapliilne5irt ! .i ; imlrla. Wnke. lulnast. Mental lwpr i lon. Kottenlnirof tliu I. rulilnif In Inianlty leaninir to mlinry dorav or.j doitli , Prtmature Old ARe. Hairunnni. Lum ot 1'ower Inolther cox. llivoltintary Laifles , anil B { > rlii0torrhco4 cautoit by oTur koitloi of Iho brain , relrtbuMo or otcr-lndblncnco. Kachbox contalntontmonlt'i treab menU | i a hot , or tli for 81 * font by inrJliiret > altl. Yfltli oacli order lor tlx lioin. will tend imrcbunr ruaraotco tf > refniiit ncley If the treatment falidtd euro. UuaranUe * Indued anil aenuino olU uiUf br GOODMAN DUUO CO. , UlOl'aruaia ytrcot. - - Omaha Neb , BRACE UP , MAN ! Certain disorders of Iff KM make them Illus. Tlmt'i tipcaiHH they limo hoiio too iioonl I n.n . . . . . . _ _ _ . . I ( mullril falPil Iri-n tat I OUR NEW BOOK I { fSlS'SaSJff.'lK ' clttHit't ' * * Tf rl/i < f"liavo uon imft * * Tf nitoiiofu O/Wlirrr * * . " EUIE MEDICAL C0.luflftl , N. Y , HHVE SOME STELE ! _ \A7 A KIT'n' T ) Atsonti tn Kdll tlm I'lnlcHl VV vn J. iwLuiolliei Iiluut the < mlj line uvcrlnvnnludtlint tiolilw thuulotlivs with. out pliib ; u purfuut success ; pulunt reccntlj Issuedi Mild only hy niiili ( , In wlioin thn ux * elusive rl hl ItKlvon. Uiiruciilnt u ( Ml ton Is w will ht-nd a Rilinplo llnu by mull ) also clrcii- Ini-s ; nrlco list und tornia U ) uKimt. Hi-cum ynurlorrltory nt oncu. Aildrosn Till ; 1'IN- il S OIOTfi.S [ : LINK CO. . I" llurmnn i-t. , Wore ester TO WEAK MEN ButTrrln from tbn vnicts of jouthful errun , rarl/ decay , wruilim wi > akncu , toil miinhout , rtc. , I will lend a valuable trcattta ( valnll cuiiUi' lnliiK full particulars for homo curn , I'll I'M ! of clmrKr. A Splendid tncUlcal worki Khoulil > > n rra < l by every man whn I * nnrrnim anil ilctillltAtrd , Xddrma. 1'rof.lf.