Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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liy Cnrrlcr In uny nnrtof tiioCltr.
ii , TII/TON. - - - UANVUIU :
fluMncu Onirc. No. U
V NlKlit Editor , No. "i\ \ .
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs iMimberCo. .
The Knights of Labor ball liut night wa <
largely attended imd proved to bo one of
the most brilliant parties of tbo season ,
I' . .1. Uoiiahoo was lined * ll ) and costs nt
evening session of ttio pollio court , lust night.
Too much whlsUy wus the cause of his
H. U. Itnlloy , editor of the Kinross-Repub
lican. published at MIIHOII City , In. , wns In
the metropolis yesterday looking after noino
real ea to to imcstincnts.
> l. II. Ilnidley , president of the iirndlcy
manufuctUfliiK company , was in the city yci-
terday In consultation with tbo inunuKcra of
the gencrnl western branch in this city.
An clppint baiiUct ( | wns spread nt the
Council illuffs rcstaiinintoit Main street lust
night for the ICnlKhts of Labor ball. A
special banquet \viis tendered the press rep
The Klonas Literary society , connected
with the Fiwt Unptlit church , met with Ml
.Icnnio Uuittnr on North Klghtli street , last
oven Ing , A very pleasant cvcnliiK wai
passed , the progriunino consisting of music ,
readings , rccltutlons , etc.
The St. Helena Riillil , a newly orpanl/cd
society In St. 1'iiul's eliurch , gave a butterllv
social last evening nt the ic.-ddcneo ot Mrs. P.
Trade ' ' street.
, at 'J'J South Twenty-second
Thu society li composed wholly of young
Indies of the church. They I'ntertnlm-d their
friends royally lust evening and created u
nice little 8uin for tlieir tie.isury.
Atnoti ) . ' tlio crowds of penniless plUrims
that drift in and out of the rity evoiy day n
, twclvo jear old boy yesterday attracted a
peed deal of uttcnt inn. lie K\\\O \ tlioiminoof
lloincrl'oiry , nnd fninhly admitted that ho
wns miming a\s ay fioni Ills homo in Kearney.
Neb. His oujcctivo point was Marshalltov.ii ,
In. , where hochiiihPil tolmve iflntives living ,
anil whom ho tiinu ht would bo Klndcrto
him than bis father , whom he su.vs , used to
whip him rcKulaily every day.
liy u slip Tin : Hix was inudo to plva the
Modern \Voodinon credit for the "plenilld
performance at lliu opera house on Wednes
day evening for the ooncllt of the Christian
homo. Many of the Woodmen were present
and some of thorn took active ptrts : in the
play , hut the credit ot the enterprise belongs
to tbo Ancient Order of United Workmen ,
who organized it and under whoso auspices
it was iilven. Both societies are very strong
In tbo city nnd auotiud In good deeds , but
neither desires any credit that d ocs not belong -
long to it.
The Information convoved to the police
that , Frank Kane , the leaclur of tbo ( 'aiiKS of
toughs which have dlatlnKutshcd themselves
In the southern part of the city , was under
nrreitat Darlington , Mo , will not result in
his being brought back. Warrants are out
for his arrest upon several minor charges ,
but none of them are of sutllclcnt Importance
to Justify the expense of semlhiK an ofth-er
after him. If ho will keep away from town
for good no further notice will bo taken of
him. Ho is not'clmnrod with a serious of
fense by the Missouri ofllcors.
A telegram was received hero yesterday
morning by the sons of 1'otor Mnrtlson an
nouncing his death at Mercy hospital , Dav
enport , whitluir he was taken last summer ,
having been adjudged insane. He was clip-
pled on the Chicago & Hock Island road
twelve years ugo , and it is thought that ho
never lecovercd fiotn the effects of the acci
dent. For tli o past five years he has been
steadily failing , nnd so his dcatti was not
whollv u noxuectod , lie leaves two sons iu
this city , M. I ) . and Martin Murtison , and a
wife , two sons und a daughter in Kucluo ,
A rominisccni'o of the cuttmp affray at Big1
lake last summer for which "Slippery Sam"
Davis is servliif ? utorni in the penitentiary
drifted into the city Jnll yesterday. It vnsm
the form of ix chili-actor known us Hobnrt
Scott , who was u witness of the bloody us-
biuilt by Davis upon Smith , ami wo * au
associate of the coloicd ro/or wicldor.
On Augmt 9 bo wus urrcstcd for
intoxication , and llko a good many
other fellows ) whohavo dofeatca the ends of
L Justice by lllinif a bond , secured n stay of ten
days by clving the necessary bond. Ho
skipped the city immediately nnd loft his
bondsman to settle. Yesterday ho returned
_ to the city nnd his bondsman suirondcred
s mnv , IIo'was locked up and will bo obllped
to work out bis line on the streets In the rig
orous weather of December instead of tb < j
balmy air of August.
Tlio sympathies of many people wore
touched yesterday morning by the distress
ing condition in which n husband and wife
found themselves when they arrived at the
union depot. They | ? uvo tlio names
of Mr. and Airs. Charles Alartln ,
and were cnroulo Irom Denver to Iowa
City. Mnrtlu was a helpless invalid ixml his
wife wus trying to get him back to tbo lown
town where they hud friends. Their moiio.v
gave out at this point , and penniless anil
friendless their pitublo condition excited n
great deal of sympathy. Tlio excitement ol
the situation caused the husband to become
much , and tlio young wife had grave
reason to fear that aho would hnvo to continuo -
tinuo tbo Joui'iiey alone. Slio stoouup bravolj
under the trying situation and procure ! ]
menus to get her dj Ing husband away bj
modest nppculs for charity. A haud onil
Ellin was raised in a few moments nnd tnov
took the Northwestern train last evening ,
An attempt was made at 11 :30 : on Thursday
night to burglarl/o the residence of UV ,
Atwood , chlof cleric In ttio Omiiha & St.
Louis railway general oflices. Mr. anil Mrs ,
Atwood own a handsome little cottnp.ii on
Bond street , nnd on Thursday they locued it
up and attended n hicli live party nt the rcsl
dunce of Mr. and Mrs. ilcreld. At thohoui
stated two young ladles who live in ad
Joining residences noticed a couple o
men endeavoring to rntso a side win
dow. They watched them for some time ,
and when they realized that they werj
burglars became frightened and beat n hast ;
retrent. The nolso they made attracted tin
attention of the burglars , nnd they left wltliou
effecting nn entrance. They would huvo sue
cccdcct in RCttliiK a nice haul if they had no
been frightened awuy , including two goli
watches. This mnkei ttio second attempt re
cently to ijet Into Air. Atwood's residence
and ho has mndo arrangements now to d
some shooting if another attempt is mndo.
Tlio Attraction This
The attraction of the people looking fo
holiday goods is entirely centered at Klsc
man's store. H calls out thousands of ladle
and children to visit their holiday depart
incut. People nro astonisticd wlipu they se
our Immense vatloty. Ttio question of ever.
ono is , bow could they got such an nssori
ment together ! and how can tlioy sell thel
poods so cho.ipt The icason is , because vj
buy them cheat ) cnouph and don't believe 1
the largo profit system tbnt other houses dt
\Yusell them close and sell lots of them
Every market of the world lias contrlbutci
to our display for this holiday season. 1
mutters not what you i\ ant to buy como t
our store and you will find It.
Wo have goods for the poor , the medlui
and the richest , and poods lor all classes c
trade , and cheaper than you can find thoi
olscwhoro. Therefore , iiuiko no inlslauo , cu
at Kisoinans1 store bcforo you think of ii
vesting a cent , for the purchuMng power <
flat our store Is equal to 3 cUowiicre. .
word to the wise is suftlciont.
Ilr.xiiv KISMAX&CO. ,
Broadway and Pearl streets ,
Council IHuiTs , la.
J , 0. Blxby , steam Doatlng , sanitary er
glncor , U13 Llfo bull ling , Ouuki ; 'JJJ AIoi
rlaui bloclc , Council Dluffs.
For clothing nnd furnishing Goods , try O
tonholmcr's Broadway.
No D ink Account.
0. O. Maloney yojtcrday liad a man n :
rested for boa1 Ing him out of > worth <
food and lodging at the Mnnnwa hotel. It
claimed that the man , who gives hi * name i
S. K. Pierce , on bcln > f presented with h
hotel bill gave In payment a check on tli
First Is' nUoiitu Imih , and that on present
tion of this check it was discovered thut tl
follow biul no account there and no mono ;
On being arrested ho was unable to gl\ \
bonds and wus cent to the couuty lull to wu
tor the bparlng which will take place bcfo
( liutlco Shurz next WoUuesday.
Disposed of by the District Court
Judge Yesterday ,
City Unpllsls Sho\f Their
KMocm for Ilicil1 Ijnto Pastor
I'olici ! NUMS Minor .Mention
and Personal.
Jtulrc Dccmer held court for a time yester
day merely to dispose of some motions mid
rentier n few decisions. Among thuso cases
\vas that of Or.iy vsVlille. . In which n decis
ion wns rendered ngalnst Gray. This \vns im
equity case In which Oiay claimed that cer
tain property whiih was In Wlilto's name
was liclng liulu mciely in trust , although ttio
deeds showed nn absolute conveyiinee. The
court held that \vhllo a iloctslon nqnltist Gray
might result In White retaining title to ptop-
crty to which hova * not fully entitled , yet it
appeared that Gray win not blameless in
thu matter. One ttlio sought jus
tices in u couit of equity must
himself have clean handi , and U ray's hands
did not appear to bu clean. A man could not
place propci ty In the hands of another to
avoid his cioditors uctllnR hold of it , nntl
then come Into court and heck to set n < lilo
such conveyance utter It hud served such n
In the case of Leo Snyilor vs TJ. P. Wrlslit ,
the defendant tiad defaulted , as ho claims by
soinu undcr4undln ? or jiilsunilcrstanillnK
with an attoincy. The motion to have this
default set usldo was overruled ,
In the main court room .liulgo Cai'son was
licarimr the case of Dtituhur vs GalhifiliPr ,
which has been on trial several days , The
arguments wcro beinu madu In the afternoon
ptopuratory to submitting the case to u Jury.
Grand Holiday Display.
At the
TlioHoston store's gtand Christmas open
ing display taltcs place Thursday , Friday
and Satnrd.iv , llth , liith and lltth. The
btoro laving been recently enlarged and re-
modelled to double its former capacity , milk-
ItiK it one of the best lighted , oust ventilated
stores in the west , Now occupjlntf store-
looms 401 , 103 and 4t Uroadway. Our
thousands of patrons lliul it a pleas
ure to trade at the Boston
Store , \vlicro they receive courteous
treatment , pollto clerks , ono prica too\cry-
body and that always the very lowest mar
ket pike , everything purchased will ho
found O'J ' times out of 100 lower than they can
bo found elsewhere. Our aim , standard
goods , our prices always the the lowest. The
tils play of holiday goods excclls all our
former offoits , consisting of dolH , china tea
sets , children's books , rocking horses , glass-
warn , baskets , plush goods , leather goods ,
rocking horscj , blackboards , etc.Vc show
thousands of bargains in our dry iroods de
partment for this wcok well worthy of your
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In.
N. B. See sliotv windows for holiday dis
Pete Biltgcn. or BIlRon , the name under
which ho w > is nrresteJ u short time ago , was
caught by Deputy Murshnl I'owler yesterday
nftcrnoon under circumstance * that indicate
that ho is thoroughly depraved. Ho is the
wretch who haunted the outhouses In the
girls' department of the Hloo'.ner school ,
scrawled shockingly vulgar stuff on the walls
and sent brutally indecent notes to many of
the older glils. Ho was fliully captured and
bound over to the grand jury for the January
term of the district court , but sifter laying In
Jail for a week or inoro was liberated by his
Jrionds llllnc tbo necessary bonds.
Since getting out of Jnll ho hits not been
known tolsifc the Illooinor building , but foi days past has transferred tils attoii'
lions to thu high school , on Washington
avenue. Firemen ut No. ! 1 hose -house have
noticed himgoing under thoMuluand Hryant
street bridges and disappearing from sight
for tin hour or mom. Their attention was at
tracted also by the fact that he
timed his visits to conform wllli
tlio hours of dismissing and convening
school when several hundred young ladies
would bo obliged to pass overt he bi id gos
On Wednesday they sa\v the fellow disap
pear under the llryaut street bridge short ! )
before 1 ! ' ( ) , the hour school ii called. Onool
the llronicn comludnl ho would Investigate
thu ni.ittor a little , and slipping down mulct
the bridge found ttiltgon kneeling upon tin
bunk under the sidew.Uk pu-l with lib faci
pressed agalnsta cruvico between the plunks
eagerly g.ulng upward.
The olllcors wove apprised of the fact bj
tok'imono and Deputy Marshal Fowler \viu
sent to take him. The ofllcers found bin
under the north end of the bridge bnoatti
the ( .idowalk on tbo west sUo. Ho wus take ,
to the central st.itIon and locked up but IK
chatgo was winced against him , ntthomiuus
of the city nttorncy , who is determined ti
make an effort this'time to teach the fellow i
lesson that he will not soon forget.
Riltgcn It a shamblingrepulsive looking ; fcl
low about twenty-two years of age. and ha :
the appo.iianou of being debased to a shock
Ing degree.
No Humbug.
Our special sale of watches and diamond
is now tlio great attraction. The best good
furnished at the lowest prices.Vo malt
it a point not to bu undersold.
0.11. JACQUKMIN & Co. ,
2 South Main street.
Duy from Elseman direct ami get you
goods at wholesale price.
Chinese good's , Japanese novelties atNo. 3S
Broadway , Odd Christmas gifts. .Jim Lon
Wanted-Boys at American District Tel
cgruph ofllce.
Buy your coal and wood of O. D. FacI Co ,
53 ! ) Uroadway. Telephone 130.
Thirty Days in tlio County .Jnll.
Pollco Judge MuCSco yesterday sent Sheil
O'Neill two hoarders to bo cared for duiin
the next thirty days. The flrst ono was Da
\Vnllace , ( ho clotbos thief , who was coi
victcd of stealing the family washing c
Jacob Haworth. It was a plain cnso of toll
depravity , and the sovorojt penalty undt
the law was ghcn the rascal.
The other unfortunate was poor old Dav
Tostovin , who has been struggling Tor u wee
with bis ancient and only enoni ;
lie was insisted by four days conflnoniei
in the city Jail during tlio lirst of tl
weak , wtilcu was putt of asentcuco of sevc
days on Iho streets , but the remainder of tl
sentence wa-s remitted by Judge McCSco upc
the insurance of the victim that ho would in
get drunk again for a while. Ho was libo
atcd Thursday afternoon , and hy night t
hail forgotten his promise and was In u co :
dltlim that made It necessary for tlio pair
wagon to carry him to thocontrul station ,
thirty-day sentence to tbo solitude of the b
cylinder wus deemed nccoss > nry to Rive hi
an opportunity to recover his equilibrium.
An opportunity for the money saving pu
lie , largo and small buyers , to get goods ;
awuy down pilcos is at Ehoinuiis' .
Money to loan at straight. A per cent pi
annum , K. S. Burnett , ugeut.
The only llrst-class fresh candy rondo f
the holiday trade , at A. C. Dcmpsey's , 1
Main strcot.
A stock of over f 250,000 to select from , tl
best that life-long experience ran gather I
gcthcr can bo found at Elsomans' , corner
r- Broadway and Pearl strcot , Council Bluffs.
I They Laved 'Jlielr Pnstnr.
The Mason City Exprcss-Rcpublien
prlatod n tlio former bouio of Ilov. L.
Hull , tbo" newly installcil pastor of the Fli
Baptist church in this city , prints the folloi
liiK lu Its last issue , as an evidence of t
high regard In which tlio minister was he
hy those ninoni ; whom ho has lived and
bored for the past live yearn :
Lust Sunday Hov. L , . A , Hull closed blsH
1 years pastorate \vltU tbo Uantist cliurc
Tlio house In the morning wns crowilcil to
overflowing The thciuo of dlicoursov.s
"Tlio Mission ol n Christian Church. " in
connection with the sermon was a review1 of
the iloctrlt.ol emphasis iilaccil upon thu hu
man element lit the nlvatlon ot man ,
The Dlrilio coadltions arc ntwnya the
same , Uod standing nt the door
of men's lives willing to cuter
and occupy the entire ficlJ. The speaker
rofeircd to Uis tlvsl lutroductlon to the
church , Its condition spiritually , noclal nnd
flnnnclatly. During tno flvo years of his
pastorate ho has baptised 191 persons , rccclv-
liiK Icttew.'il , iimkltiK In all21' ' . The mem
bership nt the tthiu ho began wits about IM ) .
The not pain nbouL 4iX ) . Ho has onicl.itod at
1H7 funerals , lOfi wcdiluips nnd ortrnnlzed the
social ntul missionary orpanlyatlons of the
church. The evening service was to bo held
in the church , but the crowd of the morning
caused cl'arker Urotliers to anticipate the
greater need of room for the evening
and they klnilly offered to keep the
opera liouso In icndlm'ss If neudcd ,
Tlirco-quattors of nu hour before the
hour of service the church wns overflowing
with people. Tbo pastor announced tlmt ho
preferred to "close his pastorate la the place
xvhoio he had dotio his \vork , but us huvas
Informed that the opera house was one-third
full the people ndjourned to tholiu'Kerhulld-
In jr. The house wus soon packed toltsut *
most capacity. Hundreds later were turned
nwiiyMr , Hall's thetnovas "Truth Not
Hound. " In oloiliiR ho thanUcd the eltlrens
for their many courtoilcs extended to him by
nil classes of business nnd professional men.
Ho closed by inviting them to cull en him at
his new home ntCouncil DlulTs.
C. A. Beebo & Co. are poms outot the retail
tail tradnnnd will close out their line llucot
Indies' writing nnd oftlco dusks , book cases
uhHToiiieis , parlor tables , parlor and chamber
suits , foldlnp ucds , plain and fancy rockers ,
cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less than
co t. _
Tlio Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41S
A stock of over § . ' 50,000 to select from nt
Ijnrncst Hoiisti in ttio West.
Being the largest house In the west wo
cheerfully invite the public to compare our
stock and prices with those of other houses ,
knowing that \vo nro lu position to not onlv
plvo you the very larpost variety to select
Irom but also to save you equal to one-half on
other houses' prices Try us.
Hr.XKY Cisr.Miv &Co. ,
Broadway and Pearl street , Council UlulTs.
Tickets at lowest ; rates and su porior
accommodations via the grout Rock
Island route Ticket ofllco , 1C02 Sixteenth -
teenth und Furmim strcuts Oinuluu
Kdwnvd Rich was tried in police court
yesterday upon u charge of liircuny and
lined S10 and costs.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The most widely and favorably knowm > poo-
lallsts In the Unit tit Btntea. Tholr lonj ox-
porlenoe , remarknblo s'llll and untTeraal luo-
cc'S9 In the trontinont and cuio of Norrous ,
Chronic and SurRlcal Discuses , entitle these
eminent phynlolnna to thn full conldenceol
the a til let pel erorynhcro. They guarantee :
the awful otTocta of carl v vlco nnd the numer
ous OYlls that follow In Its train ,
speedily , oomulotoly r.nil pormanontlv cured ,
OUDERSylold readily totholr skillful Vreat-
Ruiirantocd cured without pain or dotoatlon
"u-UROolliE AND VAUICOOELK porraa-
DentlVHDd ucccisfully cured la every ease
matorrhea. Seminal Weaknnss , Lost Manhood
Night Emlsalons. Docaytd Kacultloi , Koniali
\Yuul < neaa and all dollcnto disorders pocnllai
to either sox positively cured , as wulluonll
functional disorders tfint result from youth
ful foll'os ' or the cicessot inuturo year * .
Ouiirantpod portnano ntl y
ourea , rorno\al couiploto
nlthuutoutthi ? , oanstloor dilatation. Cure ;
ilT , > ctod nt homo by patient without & mo
ment's patn or ammynnce.
A QIIPT ? fllRl , Tbo nwful effects o :
n. OLUxll U1\I ; , curly vlco which brlngi
orjranlo weakness , dostroyliiK both mind lint
body , with all Its drcuded ills , peruibnentj
RFTT Addresi those who bare Im
. uLi l i * J paired themselves by 1m
proper Indulgence and solitary h-xblti. wblol
ruin both mind and body , unflttlng them fo :
Dullness. Btndv ormarrbiRO.
MAHHIEU MEN or tboso entering on thai
huppy life , aw a rout physical debility , quloklj
la baitd upon f nets. First Praottotl rperl
cnc . Meoond Every case Is specially Btuulod
Ibus itkrtlag right. Third-ModlolnM ar
prepared In our laboratory exactly to ml
th ouo. tbus efloctlugcureivrlthout Injur )
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Ourei CouRha , Colds and LUHR Dlseaoe0
Or Council Bluffs.
DIUEOTOKS-I. A , Miller , V. 0. Gleason , H. 1
f Impart , K. K. Hurt , J. I ) . Kdmundson. C'lurli
U. lluunan. bnnkltu bus
ness. Largest capital and surplus ot uu
bank In South wosturu Iowa ,
: r
Over C. n. Jacnuomlu ft Cos Juwelrr Stoi
V rlllir ? Justice of the I'caco. Oflleo ov
a , 01 UU U American Exprosj , No. )
llrojdn ay , Council UlnlTs. luwiu
< at Law. I'm
\1linflPrc Atlor"iys !
) tCC | „ , 'tho 8tulo „
federal courts. Rooms It , 4 and 3 bhugi
llenoblock , Council lllulfs. Iowa.
\ .
'it ' D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
vC ho Butchers' ' aid Packers1 Supplia :
id Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Fnlppsand SansaRo MnkorVMiioliliiary , K
vo KX Main St. , Council Ulutta , la. Also Ucali
h. hi 11 Idea and Furs.
XfSX. AnnnfnlljJEfm.
Ing core for ei
InilVeAknoffl ,
8l > cruintcrtliot ,
Impolencr nH
nil dlsemoJ thnl
follow a l > M-
quenfo of Pol/ / ,
nhuicl aildMqf
Memory , tnlvor-
OSfORnAlllBQ. ! M tiiio ntR TARIMO ,
1'nln In the llnck , llmnc of \ I'lon , I'renntur * Old
Aft , nnilnmnr otli nll > f " "t Icml lo Insimlt ;
, . . ,
[ Tullpnrtlculnrii In ourpntnpnleu wnlrh we tic-
slro lo ipnil free by mull to tier/inc. ( I jTTlio Spo-
cine Mdllclnels sold nttl pet packaiiti , or all t" > ck.
nsc for 15 , or will lit 'Oil 'rco bl ' "ill on receipt ol
thoiuoncj , by nddrriflnK
1110 FAiittAM STiiKir : , OMAHA , Nun.
On account of counterfeit ! we liave adopted thl
jellow wmppor ; lliu onlr Konulnc. t
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc
606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
Corner Main and Tiroiilwav.
Pcalors la forolju and tlomustlo oxoban l.
Colloollon in ado mid Interest p.iUl ou tlino
deposits.W.C. . ESTEP ,
Council IllnlTH , lown.
It North Jlalu Strcnt.
Fuiicrnl Director and I2mlnliiicr.
BOOTS AND Slier -Stock of boots unil
shoos toi'XuliiuiKO for tinjiroipd clear Iowa
liuid aiulVasli. Addicsi V U , lleo , Council
WAXTHD Tncruotlo liuly or Rent : pcrniii-
ni'nt position snpor ncuk ; oxporlunco
not iicoobs.iry. K. C. S. , M)7 U'lllow avi-iiuc.
LOST Sutiirdiiy evening on llroadway , a
( llninonil brncnlet containing elu'lit dla-
inoiulM , The bracelet , or any Information con-
( .criilni : It , may bo left lit thu Urn olllvc , Coun
cil ItliilTs anil n liberal ro ard will ho paid by
Mrs. L FIiiKoIstoln.
FOU HV.NT. riirnlshocl front room. Sitting
mid bed rooiiiciisiilto. OJ5 Klflh uvcnuo.
\VANTKD , Acoodglrl tn'do pcnornl liouso-
world will pay llrst class wages. Apply
utlOSKTtli street.
rooms nt very rcisoualilo
" terms , ensultoor slnplo ; btiths and stcain
hour now hnuw , newly furnlslioil. Mrs. Stu-
pliLMison , 103 I'm K u venue. Council IMuirs.
"I7 < AIMd ! rortfiilo A lotiKillst , many of
J- tit low prlcus ; ulso UO.ucres lluo ciirdun
nnd fruit land near lliu Vlty limits , IIOIHC ,
liarn imd ether linprorcnioiils : also M ucrui
fruit mid L'nidcu land lust utitslilo tlio city lit
OCW. W. A. Wood & Co. . : M Muln street.
T\7ANTii : > OHlco l > oy a ( deaf and dumb In-
11 Htltiitlon , Council HltilH. A Rood boy.
must co i no well recommended. Wa es f- and
lioanlpurweelc. Apply li ; person to llcnry
W. Itothcrt , suiiorlntendont.
WASTED-LndvorRunt wllllnsr to work !
DiTinanent position ; 3i."i ) to JJJ.OO a day.
1' . C. S. , fi07 Willow avenue , Council IJliiirs.
FOH KENT -Tho MoMnlmn tliroe-story
brick Lloclc , No. MS , Mdlilst , wltlieluvator
J. NV.Squlie. *
W ANTRD A young irlrl to holn nt house
work. Mrs. I' . M , Pryor. 010 liluff street.
M IKS. AMHLIA. NI ELSO.V , M. 1)special mid-
wife. lil'-VS live , Council lllulls , In.
W AI/TEU S. STftLS.AV , Marcus ,
Notary 1'iibliccollcotlons , typewriting.
"I710H SALE Lcaso and furnlturo of Scott
-U House , Council Hluffs. 'J5 rdoms. Cheap ; , i
bargain. Address J. H , Jordan , CouncilIllull's.
POK SAIjE or Rent Qanlon laud , with
bousos , by J. U. Itlco. Vfl Main St. , Oouuoil
Bluff *
.Matterof Application of L , A. Goldsmith for
lliiior | license.
Notlco Is hereby Klvcn that L. A. Gold
smith did upon HID luth day of December , A.
I ) . 1V.KI , tlio his application vlth the Hoard of
Kl round I'olleo C'onimlssloncrs of Oninhn , for
lleenso to sell malt , spirituous nnd vinous li
quors , nt No. W7 North Ninth street , Third
wniil.Otimhu. . N'eb. , fiom tbo lirst dny of Jaii-
unry , 1MM. to the llrst ( lay oi January , Is'r ' ' ,
If tboro ho nn objection , roiiionstr.inec or
protest tiled within two weeks from December
10th , A. 1) . IblW , the hild DceiibO will lo
granted. L. A. GOLDSMITH. Applicant.
Matterof application of Hilwurd Qulnn for
liquor license.
Notlco Is licrcby Rlvon that Hdwnrd Qulnn
did upon the 10th dayof Decctitlior , A. U. Is'iO ' ,
Hie his application wltli the uoaril of llro and
pollen commissioners of Omaha , for license to
hi 11 malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at No.
lu-'l nnd lOiJ North blxteenth street , I'lfth
ward , Oinnha.Nrn. , from tlio Jbtdiiy of Janu
ary. 1M)1 , totho lst < lay of January , isitt.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illed within two weeks f mm December
11. A. D. 1890 , the snld llcenso will be erantcd.
1)11-18 ) KDWAUD QUINN , Ajiplloant.
Matterof application of Andrew Scliold foi
liquor llcenso.
Notlco Is hereby Riven that Andrew Schcld
did upon the eighth day of December. A. I ) . ,
Ibll ) . Illo his application with tliu board of lire
and police commissioners of Omaha , for 11-
cense to soil ni'ilt , spirituous and vlnoiu
liquors ut No. S001 I'lcruu htroct. Second ward.
Oiniibu , Neb. , from tbo first dayof January
IbUI. to the llrstday of January , IStfJ.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance 01
protest Illed wltliln two weeks from Decoinhoi
s. A.D. , IbDJ , the said llccnsn will bo emitted.
D-a-i ;
Slattor of application of llornnrtl Boyle foi
liquor lleonso.
Notlco Is hereby given that Ilornard lloyl <
did upon tlio 10th day of Deeombor , A. D. , lbKl !
Illo bis application ulth the board of llro niu
police commissioners of Omaha , for license u
roll mult , Hpliltuous and vinous liquors , a
No. IKH N. IKith itroet , 5th ward , Oinulia , Neb.
from the Istdny of Januury , h'Jl , to tlio Is
dny of Jnnnary , IMC.
If there 1)0 no objection , remonstrance o
protest Illod within two weeks from Doccmbo
11 , A. D. , bW , the Bald llcenso will bo ifruulcd
DIMS licilNAitri llbvi.i : Applicant.
Notice. '
Matter of nnpllcntlon nf A. D. nrown fo
permit to sell liquor ns adruuglst.
Notlco Is hereby irivon tuiit A. D , Hrown dli
upon thu 10th day of Doc. A. D. 181) ) . ) , Illo his up
pllc.itlon to the board ofIro / and police com
mlsslnnors of Omaha , for permit to sell malt
Nplrltuous and vinous Ilitnrrs ) , as u dru Klsl
for medicinal , iiieohnnlciUund chunilcal pur
poses only , at No. JWII Amos live , Slvth wnrtl
UiiKilin , Nob. , from tlui llrjtday of Jniiuar
iwil , to tbo Hist dny of January I8i
if there l > e no objection , remonstrance o
protuHt Illod within two wcijks from Dec. lull
A , D. 161)0 ) , the said permit will bo crnnl ed.
1 > 11-13 _ A IJ. , rown. Applicant.
Notil/e. /
Matterof application oMflil Schultz for llquc
Notlco Is hereby Klvon thatlCuI Hchnltz ill
Upon the 10th day of December , A. D. Ib'JO , 111
his application with Ilio board of llro and pc
lieu commissioners of Oninhn , for license toso
mult , spirituous and vinous liquors , ut No , ( > ' .
I'iellluStieut , 1st ward. Omulia , Neb. , fronith
1st day of January , Isui , to thu 1st duy ot Jui
uiuy. 1 1U.
It there bo no object Inn , remonstrance c
protest Illod within twowcoU * from Decembi
II , A. I ) . bDO , the bald llcenso will bo Kr.intei
1)11-18 ) KAlSciluirAppllcunt. .
ml Notice.
.rt Matter of application of James Douglas f <
liquor llcfiiHc.
Notice U lierohy glwn that Jnnies Pougli
did upon thu UUh dav of Hi'cemher , A. 1) ) . Is'J
Illo his applleutlon Kith tliobounl of ( Irani
Iiollcoi'omintaslonurs of Oiuiili.i , for license i
M > ll mult , Kpliltiious and vlnuus Ilunorsat N
IC-'I UoiiKlnshtri'ut , Third wind. Omaha , No I
fiom tliolHt ( In'of January , IBUI , to tlio 1
day of January. W.
If them ho no objection , remonstrance i
20 , tiroicbt HUM ! within two weeks from Ducunib
in 10. A. D. Ib'.M. , tlio Rtld license will bo giante
Dll-13 JAMKs DOUULAbrf , Applicant ,
What Are Misfits ?
Ihoy arc custom-mado clothing of merchant tailors , left on their hands for ono rcacon or another. Thcso wo buy in largo or email quan
tities for ready cosh , lor example , a suit of clothes costing originally $40 , wo can , according to style nud quality , sell for
$15 or $20. Just think of it , c saving of over CO per cent , ono half of the original ci3t ,
Many of them of the Latest Designs , from the Best Tailoring Estab
lishments Throughout the Country.
$70 rmtom nmtlo Mill Tor Si'2.r : 0 $05 custom inmli ; ( for fi'2.0 : ( ) $10 custom innlo niuits Tor $ S.25
$ ( iO ftiMoni umdo suit for ifIIO.OO $ < iO custom inailc Tor $28.51) ) $1 , ' custom uinilc limits Tor $7. " > 0
$ * ) > custom nmilu Mill Tor $ 27.00 $ > > 0 custom nmilo ouTcoit for $ 21.50 $1U custom iimik > imiit-t for fd.oO
tfiiO custom iniulo suit for $ -.00 $ 15 custom nude Tor f'20,00 fl'2 custom mnih > imis ) for ( ? I.OU !
$15 cti otu made suit for $ -20.01) $10 custom inaitc for $17.51) ) $10 custom iinuli' punts for $5.00
$10 custom iniulo tin It Tor $18,50 $ I5 ! custom inmlc oicrcuat for ft 1.01) ) $ S custom inuilo nuiiU for $1.50
C custom miulo suit Tor $15.0U $ 28 ciihtnm niiulo fur $1 . ' ! < " > $ 7 custom mil lo pants for $ il.75
Open evening's until 9 o'clock. Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock.
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309
At prices that will sur
prise you. The best
goods at lowest prices
in the city. Consult
your own interest and
buy your Winter Foot
wear at the
25 Main Street.
Matter of application of J. A. Wood anil H. 13.
Wliltmoro , puitncrs as J. A. Wood & Co. , for
ll < iuorllccnsc.
Notice Is liurolnr elvcn that J. A.Vroil and
H. K. Wliltmoro cfld uiion the 10th d'ly of Ji > -
c-emlicr , A. 1) . , 1890 , Illo their npullcatloii ivlth
the boii'd of jiro and pollen innnnhslon"r. of
Oiiuilni for lU'Ciifo to Mill iiiultHplrltiioiis nnd
\lnoiis lUninrs under Hits llrm naiuo of J. A.
Wood &Oo , at No.SCIH. tntli street , "d ward ,
Oinaliii , Neb , from tlio 1st day of January ,
18i | . to the 1st day of January , IsfC.
If there bo no objection , ioinniistrinco or
protest lilcd within two weeks fiom the llth
day of December , A. 1) . , 1890 , the Bald license
\\lll uo granted.
J. A. WOOD & CO. .
J. A. Wood , E. E. Wliltmniu.
D11-18 1'artnerjnncl Applicants
Matter of application of John li. Helm for
liquor llcuns'- .
Notice Is hereby Riven that John II. Helm
did upon tin ) lot li day of December , A. D. IMO.
Ille hS application \vltlitliolloanluf The ami
1'iillco C'otiunl-sloiiers of Uniiiha , for llci'iise to
si'll malt , spirituous and vinous llimori.ut No.
isas Noitli 'Jltli street , ritliuuil ,
Uniiiha , Nol > . . fiotn tlio llrst il.iy of January ,
Ifc'll. ' lothodibttliiy of January. Ib'C. '
If there lie no olijoetlon , luiiiHiistr-inco or
protest lllrd within two weeks from December
llth , A. U. ISM. the said llcenso will bo
granted. JOHN II. 1IOI1N , Applicant.
Matter of application of I'redorlclf Kms for
lliiioi | lluun > c.
Notlco Isheroliy Rhen tlrit Frcdnrlclc KriiR
did upon thol.itlidnyof . December , A 1) ) . 18'W ' ,
Illo Ills application vlth the lioanlof Ilio and
pollcuooiniiiNsloncrsof Oninliii. for license to
soli mult , spirituous nnd vinous Illinois m No.
1D01 tolOJTJncUson stiect , 1st \ .nd. Umaha.
Net ) . , fioni the 1st day of January , 1891 , to the
1st day of January , IHU
If tnulr lie no objection , remonstrance or
protest lllrd within two weeks fiom Diteinbor
II , A. 1) ) , 1600 , the suld license will bo planted ,
1) ) Jl-18 riuiEiucic : KIIUO , Applicant.
Matter of application of August Pchroodor for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby Hi von t hat August Schroeiler
did upon the llth day of December , A. 1) ) . Ib'.M ,
Illo his application ulth tlioboaiil of lire and
police commissioners of Uniiilia , for llccnsn to
toll malt , spirituous and vinous lliiiioisat No.
Ml Untiling street. KlKlitliurd , Omaha , Neb. ,
from the 1st duyof Juuimiy , 181)1 ) , to tlio 1st
day of January , Ife'X' .
If there ho no objection , reinonstianeo or
protest tiled wltliln two weeks , from Duemhcr
II , A.I ) . ItOO. Ihusaldllcensowill uojjnuitcil.
1) 11-13 AuaubT SciiiiOKiimi. Applicant.
Matter of apnllcntton of Gustav ItiullolT for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given Gustav ItudlolT
dl < l upon the Utli day of Decpmber , A. I ) . li'JO ' ,
Ulu his application with tlioboaidof Ilio ana
police commissioner of Omaha , for license to
soli malt , Hulrltiious and vinous llijuors at No.
181U Oiiinlng street , Kill watd , Uiiiului , Nob. ,
from the 1st day of Junuury , 1891 , to the 1st
day of January. M2.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest ( lied vrlllitiiKlwo weeks fiuin Doceni-
bor 10th. A , U. IH'K ) , said license
D 10-17 GUSTAV UUDijOPf. Applicant.
Siuttorof applloatloa of 1'otor Kaiser for
Notlco Islmreliy Klvon tbut I'etcr Kulsordld ilayof Deo. A , I ) . b'M ' , Illo his up.
plication with Ilio bouid of Ilio and police
commissioners of Omaha , for license to sell
malt , spirituous and vinous llfjuoii , at No.
Ml boutb lltli ht leot , Tlillil wind. Omnlii ,
Neb , , from tdo Mist day of January IbUI , to
tlioist duy of Jimiianriwc ,
Iftberulio no objection , remonstrance or
protest lllod within two weeks fiom Due. 10th ,
A. 1) . 1SOO , tlioauid lleoii-u will lie granted.
1) ) 10-17 i'etor Kaiser. Applicant ,
Mattorof application of Jo ? , Ilavllcck for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby elvon that Jos. Hnvllcolc
did upon tlio llth day of Dou. A. I ) . MX ) , Illo
Ills nilliahn | | ( with the board of lira and po-
llcu eonmiisiiloiiors of Oimihn , for license to
soil malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , at
No , 1101 nii'l misoutli iithstroel : , Klut ward.
Uiniiha , Nob. , from t'.io first day of January
Ib'll. to the llrst day of Junuury b'rJ. '
If there bo no oujcotlon , ruiiiiinstranca or
protest ( lltil wltliln tvo wioko from Dee. llth
A.D. Is'JO , the said license will bo miintoil.
1)11-18 Josepb llarllojk , Applicant
Matter of application of Iouls Schmidt for
Ihiuor llceiiso.
Notice Is hereby ulvon that I.oui Schmidt
did upon tlio lltli iluvof Decembur , A , D.lbM ,
lliu his nppllciitlon with the l > oud : of llru nnd
liollco eommlsslonei-u of Omaha for license to
Hull malt , spliltuons and vinous liquors at No.
101 s ? . llith t. , Third ward.Umiilia. Neb. , fioni
thu ht duy of Juuuury , 1891 , to the 1st duyol
Junuury , 18 ! .
If lliuro ho no objection , remonstrance 01
protest filed within two uol < s from Dcoomboi
II , A. U.Uj'A ) , the said llcoiuo will ho granted
LU 13 JuOl'iu bcuiiliJl , Applicant.
Mutterof application of Chiii'.cs Motz and
Tied JIet7 , ji. . partners us .Mcli& llrother , for
liquor license ,
Not leu Is heiohv pi von t Im t Churl esMeUn nil
1'rrd Alct/.1r. , illd iinon Ilio I''th tiny of December -
comber , A. II. 1MM , Ulu their applleutlonvltli
the board of llro and pollio commissioners of
Oinnlin.for license to ucll nialt , splrltuouu and
vinous liquors , uniler the linn name of Met/
& Hi other , at No bOl South 7th street , 1'li-st
ward. Omaha , Neb. , from the M day of .limn-
uiy , 1SOI. to the 1st day of January , h'.rj.
Iftheiobo no obleetlon , leiuonstraneo or
protest Hied nltliin two weol.s from the IDlli
daj of Dcuunibur , A. D. 1MK ) , tbe said license
will bogianted. Motz & Hi other ,
Chiirh-s.Vet/ ,
KiedMet/ . ,
D12 10 I'arlnois nnd Applicants ;
fuit cc.
Matterof aiiplleatlon ot Amly V. Oram and
'S 1' . Jensen , partners us Gram and Jen-
hen. for llpuor llcenso.
Not leo Is fieieby given that Andy P. Oram
: iml James 1 * . Jensen did UIMIII tliefith d ly of
.December , A. D. 110 , Illo their application
vlth the board of lliu nnd police commissioner
erot ! Omahi : foi license to wll mult , spbltu-
rnis and vliHius liquors uniicr the llrm numu
rf Li ram .t Jensrn. at No. SIK1I t'nmliiK slii'ol.
r.i-htb Haul , Umaliii , Neb. fiom tliol.stday
of Junuury . IM ) ! , totho 1st day of January.
1 ! ) . ' .
If there bo no objection , rcmonstr inco or
piolost Hied within twowcoKs fiom tlio tltli
< lnv of December , A I > . 151U , the sulil llccnsi ;
will bo granted. ( iriim& Jensen.
Andy 1 * . (
nnd Uiui's I' . Jensen ,
D-0-10 1'aituoi-snnd Appllciints.
Matter of application of Adam Sloup anil
I'roknp ICruinul. iiaitners as Hloup & Kru-
mol , for liquor license.
Notice Is lieieby given that Adam Sloup nnd
1'roKop Ivrmnul did upon thu I''th day of Do-
icnihcr , A. I ) . 18UU , Ido Ihulr iippllc.itlon with
Hie llourd of 1'lro uid 1'ollce L'omiiilsyioneis
of Oiniilin , for llcens.0 to syll malt , Hpliltuous
nnd vinous llqnoH , under tbo Him 11:11110 of
Moup tc Ivruinol , nt the norlheiist corner of
14lh anil Williams stieots. Hucond wind ,
Omahii , Noli , , from tbo Istd.iy of January ,
il. to Ibo 1st ilny of January , id)2. : )
If there lie no objection , lomonstinnce or
protest Hied wltliln two weeks from tlio 1-lh
d.iy of Deeembor , A. I ) . 1MU , tliu said license
will boKrantcd. Hi.oui-A. KUUMI : ,
AIIVM Hr.oiji' ,
I'HOKOI'KutJMi : ! , ,
IJI2 10 Partners and Applicants.
Matter of Application of Huns Schumann for
liquor lleeiiM1.
Notice Is hrro'jy given tint IIi : 4Schumann
did upon tliohthd.iy of December , A. D. I 'U ,
Illo his application with the liourdof llro and
police commissioners of Omaha for Iccu ! o to
BCll malt , aplrltuons nnd vlnoiH liquorvt
southeast loinoi of llOtli and ripuuldlnu
streets , bixlb waul , Omiiha , Nob. , from tbo 1st
duy of Januury. 18'Jl. ' to thu llratd.iy of Janu
ary. JW > .
If there bo no oblectlon , remonstrance or
retest Illrd within twowi ! Ks from Decembur
) , A. D. Ib'JO , this snld llccnsu will bu granted ,
du-m HANSCIIUMANN. . ApplliMiit.
Matter of Ion of James i'oisytli , for
poi mlt to sell liquor a u ilrujjh'l-tt.
Notice Is lieiohy Klycn that .lamps l.or.svth
did upon the lltli day of Deo. A. I ) , IH'.Kl. Illo his
application to tlio bond of Ilio and pol co
coiiiinlbsloiiurs of Omaha , for penult to sell
ma It , spirituous mill vinous liquors as u iltux-
Klst , for medicinal , mechanical , and eliemhal
imipoMJs only , nt No. "ICJ noith Kith strict ,
i'ouitli ward , Omaha , Neb , , from Ilio Hist day
of Jumiary tbe HisVdny of Junuury
If thoio bo no objection , remonstrance or
jnoti'Lt Hied within two weeks from Dee , lltli
A , D , l-.W , the said penult will lie Krantcd.
IJll-lb James I'orsyth ,
Matter of application of Antliony Weber foi
llquiir lletnse.
Notlco Is hereby jilvcn that Antliony V , eber
did iiiion tliu llthilayif Dceomber , A. D. 1 0) ) ,
Illo his application with the Hoard of 1'la
and I'ollco Uommlsslonorn of Omalnt. fet
license to sell mult , spirituous and vinous II-
quors , at No. 111 ! North Ultb street. Klf Ih ward.
Oiimlm , Neb.from the 1st day of JanuaryIs'JI
lo tliiilstduy of January , ! ! ) - ' .
If therubo no objection , remonstrance in
protest Illed wllliln two \\coks from the lltl
ilny of Decembur , A. 1) . Ib'Ji ' , tliu salt
llcenst ) will bo j'i'iintod ,
Dll-18 ANTIIONV Wruuii. Aiiplluant.
Matter of application of Michael Mullen foi
lluuar license.
Notlco Is hereby ulum that Michael Mullet
did upon tlio lltli dayof DeeoniLcr , A , I ) . Ib'IJ '
Illo his application witb tlio lio.ird of llru am
pollcoeoiiiiiilhsliiiiorti of Omaha for lliuno li
sell malt , spirituous imd vinous Ihinors at Nn
: mi > ' , Hlthst. , 1'oiirth wntil.Oiiialia , Nel.fron
the 1st day of January , lo'Jl ' , to the lutduyo
Januury , HW.
If tliiiiu bu no objietlon , remonstrance.o
protest tiled within two weeks from Dcceinbe
11. A. U. 16'JU ' , thoHuld llccnsu will uouruntod
1)1118 MICHAEL , MUU.UN , Apyllcunt ,
Notice- .
Matter of application of II. C. lloll and J. W
Hell , pailners us It. I ) . Hell it Co. , for permit
to sell liquor us dtuplsts ,
Notice Is h vichy Riven that II. t1. Hell anil
. .I.V Ucll , pailners ilolait buslni'ssas H. 0.
llell.l Co. , did upon the llltlidn.v ot HIM ember.
A. I ) . , IMK ) . Ille their nppllcatlon to the boaid
of lire and pol lee commissioners of Omaha , for
permit tnull mall , spirituous nnd vlmms
lliiior | > . ns ditiKKlsts , for inedlcliuil , mechani
cal nnd cbcmleiil purposes only , at No. nO'J
S. Illth st , .second ward , Omalin , Nek , fiom thn
1st day of January , Ih'Jl , to tbu 1st day of
January , NX' .
If there be no objection , ii'immsliaiicr or"
protest Illed within t no wrecks fiom Decembct
10 , A. I ) . , IS'.HJ. tbe said permit will he uinnlcd
11. L' . Hell & .Co. ,
II. li. Hell.
J \V. lloll ,
I ) 10 17 Partners and Applicants.
Matterof application of Jobn Hoffman and
Albt'it , KIICU , paitneisas lloll man & ICuoafor
liquor license.
Nollc > Ishoreby Kl\en Ihat Jolin IlolTmaix
and Albert ICnen did upon the lUlli day of Do
Cfinbcr. A I ) . M'l. Illo their nppllcallon with
tbe bo. ml of Ilio and police commissioners of
Om.ibn , for licence to n'll malt , spirituous nnd
vinous Illinois , imdi'i the Him name of HolT-
nian.V Kueii.ntNo W4 South lllth , Thliil
uaid , Omalin. Nub. , from the 1st day of .lanu1
r\ , is-.ll , ID tlio Jstd.iv of Jaiiunry , IMfJ.
( f ( here bo no oblectlon , lemonstiance or
pi olest Illed within tno weeks fiom the lOtll
day of December , A. li. IwKi.the llcunse will bd
rallied. Ihillinaii X 1C lie. I.
John Hodman ,
Albert KIICU ,
D 10 IT 1'artntrs and Applicants.
Not cc.
'latter of nppllcallon of .T. C. Richardson ,
.las , HIch.iHlMHi , Jr. , U. \Voller and Aino3
Klchl , dehiK buslncHUis HlcliariKon Drug Co. ,
for pel mil to soil liquor as druggists ,
Notleo Isheieby islvon that .1.1' . ItlelmriN
MIII , .las. Kluhiuuson , Jr. , 0. 1Wel'er ' , Amo3
I'leld , dohiK business us ItloharilMin Hi UK Co. .
did upon thu lllth day of Dee A D 1M.U Ille.
their application to I ho board of Ilio and pollcq
comniNsloiiuis of UinalKi , for permit to sell
innlt , sph It uons and vinous liquor * its druggists - *
gists , for medicinal , mechanical , undchoinlcn.1
pmpDscsonty at Nn. IXC , 1104 and 1HM1 Jackson
stieet. Third mud , Om ilia , Neb. , fiom the
II 1st day of Januury IbUI , to the HIM ilny of.
January IS'O. '
If them bo no objection , remonstrance ov
prole- tiled within two WCOUR fiom Dec. llth
A. I ) . Ib'K ) , tlio said permit will bo granted.
1)11-18 ) Richardson Druj : Co. , Applicant" .
Mutter of application of Andrew NT. Crick and
( 'buries Herbertpartneiu as I'rlek & Her'
belt ? , for liquor llcijnse ,
Notleo Is hereby clvon that Andrew N. I'rlok
and Chailes Herbert/ , did upon thoUtli day ot
December , A. 1) . , \ 'M , lliu their application
with the boaid of lira and police comn Issloii *
uriof Omiiha , for license to hell mult , spirit
uous and \ IIIOIIH llqiinrc , under the Him name
of 1'ilck A. llerbeitat 1001 I'urnnm htreetl
lid ward , Omabn , Neb. , from the 1st day of
January , 1MU to the 1st day of Jaimurv , > > ! > ? .
If there bo no objection , lemonslianee 05
piotost Illed within * two ueuks from the lulli
day of December , A. D. . If'X ' ) . the said lieeiibO
wiri bo Kiuiiivd. Kiuoif
ly ! Andiow N , 1'rleU and ( . 'bailes lleibeitA ,
I'artncrs and Appllc ants.
1)10-17 )
Mutter of application of Horiuann.1. Meyoi
for liquor llcrnso.
Notlco Is licri'hy Klvcn that Ilciinann J.
Slojor did , npiin Ilio lllth day of Doccnihor. A.
I ) , INK ) . Illo his application with the lioanl ot
Ilio anil polleo commissioner * of Unuiha for
llcenso lo soil mull , hiililtnoiis nnd vlnoiia
liquors lit No. " 07 bonth Tliirtuontli utri'ct ,
Thlid waul , Omaha , Nob. , from the Mist day
of January , IbUI , to tlio llrst day of January ,
If I hero bo no obloollon , remonstrance or
pmti'M lllrd wltliln \\eoksfroin Deec'inbor
10 , A 1) ) . Ib'JJ ' , till ) Mild llcenso will bo minted.
deulu-17 llcriiianii J.Meyur , Applicant.
Notlci- .
Matter of application of Anton fijoil for
penult tost-11 lliiiioi as ndriiKKM.
Notlco Is hereby Rlvon that Anton Cujoi 1 illd
upon tliolUthdiivof Pueuinhor. A. 1) ) . IMK ) . Illo
Ills aiMilloatlon to Ilio bo.ud of llru and polled
commissionersof Uinab.i , for penult to toll
mult , hpliltnims and vinous Illinois , ivsiidrug-
glst , foriniMllolnal , mechanic.u and chrmloul
purposes only , at No. ( Mil 1'ltsieo Htii'i't , I list
n.uil. Omalin , NoV. , fioni HID 1st day of Janu-
niy. lo'il ' , to the 1st day of January , IMf. .
If them h no objection , rt'iiionwiramn or
Illed within two weoltH from Dei'omber
Ulh. A. 1) ) . Ib'JO.tho said purnilt will IAI granted ,
1)1017 ) Anton Cajiirl , Applicant.
Not id1.
Matterof application of ilonry Uoenfcidt fet
liquor llcenso.
Notice Is lieioby Klvun thaMlenry Itoonfoldt
did upon thn Sill ihiy of Deeonilicr , A. I ) , IMK ) .
Ilio his application with thu hoiiid of Ilio and
pollcu comml'-sloners of Omaha , for UCUIIMI to
sell mull , Hplillnims and vliiiions liquors , at
No. Gil Ninth ll.tli stioot. I'lfth Wat.l. Onialia ,
Neb. , f loin the 1st il.iy of Januury , h'.U. ' to the
ladayof \ .lamiat > , IMU.
If them ho no olijuetlon. reinonstianeo or
piotiM lllrd wltliln two wuckn from Dccuiubc *
'J , A. D. IWiO , tlio s.ild llcc-nsu will lo granted.
D-IMD. Ilonry lloonfofdl , AppUciint.
Matterof application of M. J. Itaufmmm for
liquor license.
Notice Is livrohy glvun Unit M. J , Kanfmaiin
did upon thcbtli dayof Dcruinbur. A. I ) 1S.U/ . ) .
lliu liNiipnlleillon with tlio bour < l of Ilio and
police i OMiiiilssloners of Oiniilni , fin HI-IMISO to
sell mult , hpirltumih and vlniiinin llqnorrt at
No. l.lll DouKlus slicol. Thlid Ward ,
Omiiha. Nob. , fiom tbn llrst day ot January
b'H ' , to tliu llrst ( lay of January IM ) . ' .
if.tlii'U ) hi ) no olijuetlon. rumoniir.inco or
piotest HU'd with two weohs fioni Di'ccnihuf
U , A. I ) . IblK ) , the said will ho KI allied.
U-iu ! ) M. J. KAIIPMANN , Applicant.
Matter of nppllcallon of Henry Kohl IT , for
lUiuor lleoiihv ,
NoticH IH liuicby given that Ilonry liohlS
did upon the lUlhday of Dcceinhoi , A I ) , ltW.
Illo his application with the lioardof tlio and
polleo coiiiiiilhNlonuiH of Omalin , forllueiiko to
hell malt , spliltuous mid vinous llniinrH.nt No.
LKIH ! I'onpltiion avenilo , Second ward , Omaha ,
Nub.- from the Ihliluy of January , IMI ) , to tliu
Ut dayof January , I " ' . ' - '
If then ) Im no olijoellon , remonstrance or
proti-st llli'il within two wcoksfiom Droeinbof
loth. A 1) . IbW , tiiOHiildllei'nso will ho grantuU ,
D1U17 Ilonry Itohlir , Applicant.
Matterof niiplleiitlon if Charles Stor * for 11
qilor IkuiiM ) ,
Notice Is lioruliy Klven Hint C'harh'H Btorz ,
did upon thoUth day of Docembcr. A D. li-W.
lliu hh application wltli Iho iHKiid ( if flru and
pollco euiiimlsslonor-i of Omaha , foi lieenxo to
hull mull , spliltiions and vinous lliiioin | at No ,
KOI N. ' , ' 4tli htrtut , llth wiuil , Oiuiih i , Neb. .
i fiom the llrst day of January , Is'JI ' , to lliu drat
f day of January , IM .
lie no objection , remonstrance 01
luoH'st Illud within two wuokti fion ) Ucfum *
tier IV , A. I ) . , IH'IO , tlio said Ih'uii'-o will U {
grunttd. 011/.lttiS : STOltli , Applicant