THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTIETH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 13. 1890. NUMBER 178. FRIENDLY INDIANS SENT OUT , of an Armed Band of Braves From Pine Eldgo , THEY ARE GOING AFTER THE HOSTILES , Ynnkton Ohnrloy's Story of a Plfiht In tlio Und Lands Cnnflrmctl Gront K.valtoincnt at jlapltl City. PINT. Umnn , S. D. , ( via nushvlllo , Nob. , ) Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hr.n. ] Although everything , oven to the saddling of the pack mules , seems In readiness for the military to move on the hostlles , yet the or der to start has not boon given. Why this order h withheld nobody knows but General Btookc , nnd of course ho will not tell. That the mysterious sending out toward the bad lands of n largo number of the supposedly friendly Indians from this agency , all fully nrmed nnd supplied with rations nnd camp ing outfits , this forenoon , Is a forerunner of battle can scarcely bo doubted. There were possibly some two hundred , moroorlcsstn the band , and they were all In strictly Indian garb , notwithstanding many wcro recognized ns those who \isunlly go about the agency in ' civilized attire. None of them wcro agency police , nnd few had ever before been enlisted In the service of tbo government. I asked Agent Roycr If he had sent them out , and ho said no. Then I asked Special Agent Cooper , and ho , too , replied no. Next I went to Gen eral Brooko. "I have sent out no armed Indians , " ho an swered. "Who did , thcn ? IasUd. "Well , I didn't. ' " "That Is singular. " "What Is singular ! " asked tbo general. That n big party of armed Indians , fully equipped for n long march , should leave hero without orders from nn y of those in author ity. " At this the general moved uneasily in his chair , nnd after stroking his forehead several times , said : "I pnvo my permission for them to go out. " "Who provided them with arms , etc ? " "I gave them no arms. " " \VhodIdl" "That is another matter. " "Can you refer mo to tlio person who will tell mot11 "I pnvo them no arms and I do not think best to talk about the matter. " "Where are they going ! " I next asked. "Did you see them start ! " nikcu ho In re- piy."Yes "Yes , sir. They started toward the bad lands. " ' You are sure of that I" "I nm. " "All right , thnn. " "Did tnoy co to the bad lands ) " I urged. "How should I know , " said the general , "sinco I did not send them ? " From what I have boon able to glean outJ sldo of official circles , It seems that the Idea Is that If this body of Indians go to the bad lands , light the hostilcs and get whipped , then the soldiers , n very large proportion of whom have been fairly aching to bo turned loose on the rebels , will perhaps bo given an opportunity to show what they can do. Little Bat , as ho Is most widely known , nnt other of the scouts sent back with the hostile chiefs who came in and hud the council with General , Brooke hist Saturday , has returned - turned and substantiates the report -bamgbt In yesterday by Ynnkton Char- loyp that the Indians had n big fight among themselves over the question of ceas ing hostilities. IIo says that whllo some may bo able to make their cscnpo from the hostile camp jet many are bound to remain and meet the troops In battle. Later Slnco writing the nbovo I have made another skirmish to discover who Is responsible for sending out that body of friendly Indians armed , nnd to ascertain definitely whether or no they wcro going to the bad lands. It Is said that by order of General Brooke the friendly chiefs that nro hero belli n secret council yesterday at a rc- inoto point from the agency'and , were told by a scout direct , from the general that the lat ter wanted them to have their you.ig men go out to tbo bad lands ami bring in the hostllcs , The chiefs compiled with General Brooke's request , nnd the result was the departure this morniug of the armed company of young friendllca. They go to bring them In , if not In ono way then In another. The peril which Is anticipated as attending the important had , It is thought by ninny , a great deal to do with the secrecy maintained In repard to the matter. William Stcelo , ono of the farm superin tendents of this agency , hasjust arrived from Hapld City and brings Intelligence that two companies of cavalry and 250 armed citizens loft Rapid City yesterday for the bad lands. lie says the people there nro much excited. C. H. C. Movements of the Slxtli Cavalry. OASIP ON Si'iiiNfl CiiniiK , SOUTHFOIIK Onr.T- " ENNK RIVER ( per courier to Hapld City , S. D , , Dec. 12. [ SpecialTelegram toTitn BIK. ] Two troops of the Sixth cavalry , comprising flvo officers and 125 men and horses , all under the command of Major 1'eiry , went Into camp on Spring crock during the day. Several parties of friendly Indians wcro seen , but no hostile . A rancher named Wilson was seen In the early pirtof the day , and with him were two cowboys. All seemed greatly excited , and said that they had seen the Sixth cavalry advancing from ono of the hills and had hidden themselves , having Bakcn the party for hostile Indians. Ho re ported that they hud scon ix party of about forty hostllcs some eighteen miles to the south , coining slowly northward. Tlieso hostllcs had advance guards thrown out and looked ns though they expected an attack from cowbova or troops. Charlie Rivers , n government scout , carao in late in the evening with n dispatch from Colonel Han ford and reported that ho was in the vicinity of the lioitllo camp > and that 150 lodges ( about seven hundred and fifty Indians ) have loft there nnd are camped nt the mouth of the Hidden Hutte creek , on their way to Pine lildgo agency to surrender themselves. The rest ( about fifty lodges or about two hundred and fifty Indians ) are trying to work their way north toward Choy- cnno Klver agency and have n largo quantity of stolen stock with them. A courier was m' from General Cnrr's cnmpnt Rapid City with the In formation that in all probability ho would start from there tomorrow with the rest of his command and follow up the trail taken by Major Tuppor nnd would then branch off north. Oencrnl Suliolleld'H "AilvleeH. WAPIIISOTON , Deo. IS.-Gencrnl Schofldd received a telegram this morning from Gen eral Drooko , through General Miles at Chicago ilad cage , s > nylng that n few Indians In the bad lands had broken away and were marching north across the Choycnno river , but the troops were on their trail and honed to inter cept them. Tlio nnnoliinoii .Cxiispnrntcd. GOHUON , Neb. , Dee 12. | Special Telegram toTiii : BEE. ] Settlers and cattlemen are getting exasperated uuil hayo notified the military that if the army cannot put a stop to the depredations of tbo Indians that the set tlers , ranchmen nnd cowboys would tnko the matter In their own bands and would not bo responsible for the consequences , as their homos nnd property wcro being destroyed , und If the government cannot glvo thorn pro tection they will protect themselves. hot tiers Scared by Slonr. MiN-siurou" , Minn. , Dec. 12. The Jdiir- nal's Now Uockford special says : New Kock- ford people slept on their arms last night. A party of Sioux camped near the town and kept up tbo ghojt dance nil night. The In dians .stole Hour from the mill hero until an armed guard wan placed in the building. A few cattle wcro also killed. Settlers are com ing In from all directions this morning. An Oklatiomn Ind inn Sunrc. Nnw Onr.inxs , La. , , Doc. 12. A special fiom Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , to the Picayune says n courier rushed in this morning and repurtcd that ono thou sand Indium had pone Into camp three miles cant of Clioctaw City this morning. The Inhabitants of that plnco became nlnrmcd nnd flocked to Oklahoma City to nsk the pro tection of troops. Captain Stcolo has tele graphed to Washington. Ooiiurnl Hrooko'H Iltport. CUICAOO , Doc. 12. General Miles today ro- cclvcd a dispatch from General Brooke nt Pine Kldgo , saying that from reports received ho Is of ttic opinion thntTwo Strike nndmost of the other chiefs are coming In. Short Dull and ICIcklng Bear , with a small follow ing , went back Into the bad lands. Thcro was quite ri tight and some of the Indians wcro hurt. Ho will try to get them Into the agency , but they may get beyond his reach. Ilcpnrlcil Hklrnilntics. DKSVKH , Colo.Doc. _ 12. A special from Hnpld City , DalrT , says that a squaw man brought In a story this afternoon that a light had occurred between the troops and Indians under Kicking Hoar several miles north of Pine Uldge ; that H number on both sides wcro killed and wounded , and that the In- illans wcro routed. The story lacks continua tion. tion.A A special from French creek says that a party of Indians attacked eighteen whlto men today and four Indians were killed. \Vlint White Swan Wants. MtNNCAi' , Minn. , Dec. 12. A Tribune special from Pierre says : Whlto Swan , head cbiofof _ the Mlnnckanju trlbo of Sioux at Cboycnno agency , came to this city today to secure counsel from the govcn.tnent au thorities as to the best way to disarm Big Foot's band of hostiles , stating that his entire tribe , 700 strong , were ready to assist. Whlto Swan stands high In the esteem of the whites , being ono of the most advanced and Intelligent Indians. Ho wants tbo Messiah notion dispelled , stating that many of the ghost dancers are suffering and even dying now from a form of grippe Induced by danc ing outdoors during tbo cold weather. As no agency phvslcinn Is allowed to go among them tbo disease is spreading rapidly. is noyi ) x.iTVMi.trr/.EDt A Curious Complloition in tin ; Cane of Nebrnnkn's Oliver nor-101 cot. CI.EVIUAND , O. , Dec. 12. A special from Zunosrllle , O. , says : A curious complication has j arisen in the case of Governor-elect Bo3'd of Nebraska. Ho was liom In Ireland in 1S34 and came to this city with bis father , Joseph Boyd , in 1849. His father tiled t notice of bis Intention to be come n citizen , but did not take out final papers until November , 1800. The son did ; iot tiiku out papers bore , and it is i stated that ho has never been naturalized In 1 Nebraska. The statutes provide that where u father Is naturalized his sons under twcnty-ono t years of ago are naturalized. In this 1 case the father Hied his declaration In 1649 1 , but did not take out linal papers until 1890. I . limitless Troubles. CmOAflo , Doo. 12. P. McGurn & Co. , grain and commission , assigned today. Liabilities , S,000 ; assets , $25,000. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 12. Marr & Fround , who failed some two weeks ago , have settled with their creditors with notei p.iyablo In six , twelve mid eighteen months. CI.CVKUNU , O. , Deo. 12. The Davis plat form binder company , manufacturers of har vesters and binders , today went Into the hands of a receiver. The assets nro said to bo about S-IOO.OOO ; liabilities , about SSO.OOOJ The embarrassment Is declared to bo only temporary and caused by the stringency of the money market. , Pa. , Dee. 12.--H Is understood that Delamatcr & Co. will propose to their creditors u compromise at 5U cents on the dollar. Now Western Freight Hat 8. CHICAGO , Dec. 12. The Western Freight association has agreed that rates on soft coal ilo from Springfield ami Peorla group ? to the Missouri river bo made on the lowest com i- bination of local * . It was azrocd that the coal rate from Iowa poinU to Omaha bo made on the basis of the Iowa distance tariff for short line distances plus 10 cents per ton. The lumber rate from St. Louis to Sioux City was made Ifl cents. A rate of 10 cents per 100 on petroleum and Its products In car loads from Chicago to St. Pnul was adopted I , the rate committee belne instructed to check rates to Iowa points on this basis. Will Study the PitiLUHiu'iiiA , Dec. 12 , A supply of Koch's ' lymph was received today by the commission appointed by the university of Pennsylvania to investigate the method. All cases selected will bo admitted to the university and n critical scientific study made of each. Morn U. P. S'vltuhmen oil Strike. EVANSTOX , Wyo. , Deo. 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Br.u. ] The Union Pacific switchmen at this point are nil out on a strike. They demand shorter hours and ' more wages. It is doubtful If tbo company [ will pay any attention to their demands. HoVta Short us Treasurer. TIFFIN" , O. , Dec. 12. It has been learned that State Representative Brandt , who died two days ago , was $ (1,000 ( short as treasurer of Venice township , Seneca county. Ho was also bankrupt , with liabilities of $30,000 and assets of only $10,000. An Erroneous Statement. Rio JANRIRO , Dee. 12. The statement that the government had authorized the Issue of a loan of ( iOO,000,000 mllrels was erroneous. It nutliorl/eil the now bank to Issue notes teSt the nominal value of 000,000 mllrels against $200,000 in gold. rntnlly Shot His Son-ln-Tmw. DUIUND , Wls. , Dec. 12. John Itoycs today went to tbo honso of George Hill , so daughter ho tind recently married , but ho had left him , and In the altercation that ensued Hill fatally shot his son-in-law. A Publtu UnllilliiK Kill. WASHINGTON . Dec. 12. Senator Spoonor today reported favorably the bill for the erection of n publio building at n loomlngton ' , 111. , with an amendment reducing tbo appro priation to J75.0W. TIio Ucnth Record , IXDI vNArous , Ind. , Dec.12. Judge Mitchell of the supreme court of Indiana , died sud denly nt his homo In Coshon this morning of congestion of tbo bowels. Ills ago was about fifty years. The \Voixther Forecast. For Omaha and vicinity Fair ; wanner. l-'or Nebraska , Io\vn \ and South Dakota- Fair : southerly wlnus ; warmer Saturday and Sunday , PARNELL IN A NEW GUISE , Disputing the Paternity of the Labor Move ment with Michael Davitt. HE MAKES A STATEMENT FOR THE PRESS , More Favorably Itccolvocl nt Kil kenny Tlmn Davitt and Iloaly An Interview wltti the Deposed Chief. Oonlonlfiiitett.1 , Dec. 12. [ New York llor.ild Cable Special to TiiEBKU.l This has boon a rather exciting day. That part of. Cork that went to bed early hut night got little sleep beforS o'clock this morning. Purnell's shoutcrs bavo stronir lungs and so long ns there was anything to bo made by staying up they stayed. Pnrnoll appeared In a new guise today. Ho was called upon early by the sec retnrles of two labor societies , They told him they recognized him as their cnlef and that Davitt was not the father of tholr movement. Parnell said Davitt claimed to bo the father of everything. Soon nfter a small committee of the national league called nnd word was at once sent by Parnell to the correspondents , of whom there wcro about thirty , that ho had a statement to make. Wo filled the room In which ho sat. His friends say ho looks well , but ho is so thlii bis clothes hang loosely , and his face Is haggard , his eyes look tired and his voice Is husity and almost gone. The exertion of the last couple of weeks has told terribly on him , but nil his suffering is not physlcnl. Wh.Uo ostensibly speaking , to the league commlttco ho really &poko to the cor respondents. Ho began sitting , hut after wards stood up. Ho talked slowly as If weighing each word. The gist of his state ment is ns follows : "I have for several months considered the questions relating to the different bodies of Irishmen , the position of the national league Cork nnd the condition of the laborers' move ment in Cork county , and have considered how far I or your leader can and ought to reconcile the interests of the laborers' move ment with the Interests of the national move ment. " Ho added that ho did not consider the task Insuperable. Ills thoughts and In stincts bad always been with the workingmen - men of Ireland : It had always been his desire to have on his sldo the hard-fisted sons of toll , and ho looked to them for every con sideration. Ho would return the compliment fully nnd hoped they would not shirk. Davitt would have been amused to near his words taken out of his mouth by tbo man who always fought against the Introduction of such n question Into Irish politics. This Is not the Pnrnell of other days. IIo Is he- coining absolutely lukewarm In manner nnd does not carry his bands In his pockets ready to grasp any chance to gain his ends , and If Irishmen love any isms they care to have Parnell advocate , now is the time. Politics not statesmanship is his business. Only his tbick-atid-thln adherents claim that the people of Cork are for him. By people they understand voters. Ho has 'Shoutcrs and Is likely to hn cj thorn wherever ho goes , but the tide against him is growing stronger. In tbo church of St. Peter and St. Paul , a priest this morning advised his hear ers to take down the Parnell pictures from their walls. They have been taken down from many walls of late and they are no longer the favorite chromo. Shouters by the hundred saw him leave Cork for Kilkenny this afternoon. Thcro were fifty Queen's college students In the throng. IIo spoke for u few moments. It was the same old speech ho felt t. jro of win ning so long as the people of Ireland were nt ito his back. Thcro was n terrific cheer from the Irish youths. At the small stations on the 0t way some cheered nnd some groaned. At Port Arlington the crowd was divided half cheered and half groaned. Some said to Par- neil , "May the curse of God meet you. " His adherents and opponents were almost equally violent. There wao a great crowd at the Kilkenny station. Sixty police made a psssago. The workingmen's club received him and there was great cheering ns ho drove to the hotel. I It was generally admitted ttial there was a small percentage of voters In the crowd , still Parnell received much better treatment than D.ivitt and Healy hero today. Healy was hooted vigorously , but Davitt not so much. 'If there are not desperate collisions before the now members for North Kllkenney nro oleeted everyone will ho surprised. It is impossible yet to say bow the election will result. Both sides nro confident on tbo surface , but the Parnell sldo can't explain why and the other side can't ' explain why. The other sldo has the priests nnd they are doing effective wsrk. Healy ana Davitt ro nlono so far. Pailioll has William d , Fitzgerald , Mahotoy , O'ICelly , Harrison and Nolng with htm. I had nn Interview with Parnell this nftcr- noon. In It ho said ; "Tho manifesto of the delegates In America represents the situation us they Imagine it before f ho split , but not the situation as it actually was. It Is not strange that this should bo so Impossible. Wo could have communicated with thorn but had no time. It was my desire to have the ; situation fully explained. I wan ted the whole party to discuss calmly nil points of dlffor- enco and permit the country to express its views and have , cither through elections , eras as you have witnossol in Dublin and Cork , communication between thosoeedere nnd the delegates In America. But they reply in full to our communication In a limited short cable from O'Kclloy to O'Connor , and two or three other short telegrams. Why so much haste if the good of the party and tbo love of their country actuated the secedorsl My object has been to preserve the unity of the party. If , after the whole party had con sidered fully the situation und Ireland had been given the opportunity of doing the same , nnd both had demonstrated their lief in the propriety and necessity of helot action taken by the scccdors , there would not bo two parties In Ireland. The wreckers of the party saw their chance. Wltti O'Brien and Dillon absent tbo wreckers had reed weight than with these men hero and forced the game. These wreckers are the people whom wo fought when the movement on which the Irish party originated was born. They are the whlgs of Irish politics. Their views have never boon our views , but cir cumstances were too strong for them and they accepted ours ; but tuclr discontent has been long rankling In them and they grasped the tlrst chance to crcato a split. I nm con fident of winning. I am certain that 1 have the people of Ireland -with me. The result of the election In Kilkenny will cer tainly bo an Indication of the general feeling , but not beyond question. It is a county in which \ny \ views nro not so favorably - ably entertained as elsewhere , but m splto i of that belief wo will win. Thcro Is our candi date , Vincent Scolly , a lamUord In Tlpperary. IIo bos beeti a bomo-rulo and monoyoil sup porter ol the cause for yean. No , I do not consider tbo day of comfiromlsojpast. It may be dlfllcult to effect'hilt I am not the ono to put ! tt out of the question , and If O'Brien nnd : Dillon want to 800,010 , lu Paris I will bo glad ] to meet them there. " Thcro are men In the party with whom P.irncll , can never bnd ! Intercourse , nnd when I asked him how the lion and the lamb lay down together ho intimated that the laP people would settle that at the pollsi Par- neil goes to Waterford tomorrow night and teSt Tlppornry on Sunday to attend a demon * stratlon for which great preparations have been made. A meeting of some of Hennessey's chief supporters was held bite tonlglit nt the Im perial < hotel at which ayorFcnton presided. There were several priests there. Timothy Healy and Sir Thomas pdmond spoke. lloaly said a good war-cry would bo "Cuckoo. " SfA Antt-Pimiollltcs cnterifl the National league rooms < in Dublin today jmd secured the books. Healy says Parnoll will bo made to account for every penny. Ho claims money was used for ( corruption purposes which belongs to ten ants. The mutual bitterness Is Intense both among the leaders and generals of both sides , I have been asked my politics a dozen times tonight , and rather staggered my questioners by saying that I was a democrat. , Pour of Them liujrlotl luntost Story Aliont the Arkansas Traced ) ' . FOUT SMITH , Ark. , toeo. 12. Mrs. John Miller , ono of the victims of Charles Joplln's ' gun , died this morning , and this evening father , mother and dauphtcr and Dr. Stewart were buried nt the same tlmo. At last no- counts the body of the murderer , Jop * lln. was still lying whuro no foil. Joplln has a wife somewhere in MtMiourl and an undo nnmedJoo Hatter nt Springfield , III. Investigation brings to light that Joplln seduced Ml'B.MIller nnd called on Stewart to perform a criminal operation. Stewart refused and told of the affair. It was reported that Joplln was going to bo arrested and the shooting followed. Joplln told n friend here yesterday that ho was goiup to Texas , bqt In place of doing so ho shouldered his gun and started for Jonuy Llnd , twelve miles from this city , on foot. AVhen ho reached that plaeo bo went direct to Stewart's store , and 'when ' the latter saw him coming lie grabbed bis Winchester and as Joplln entered presented it and pulled the trigger , but the gun failed to lire , and ho was shot Instantly by Jopliu , who put three loads into his victim. Hothon proceeded to Miller's and after shooting the father , mother ana daughter fired one shot at a twelve-year-old Rlrl as she ran off , shooting her in the hand. Ho then ulaccd the mimic of the gun to nls forehead and pulled the Jrigfror , scattering his brains around promiscuously. Dull , his first victim , has a wifd lit Cheney , Kan. , and his mother lives at Charleston , Kan. He bad been visiting relatives lu the lower part of the state and was on his way homo. Joplln baa been In this section sotno months , working In the Jenny Llnd coal mines , and was well thought of. Ho was Was a line specimen of physical manhood and was linown as ono of tno best shots In tbo west Hanker Prottymaii Indicted. CniCAoo , Dec. 12. Thoigrand Jury this af ternoon Indicted Banker Prottymaii , whoso bank went to the wall a short tlmo ago , and his cashier , C. S. Johnson , on charges of cm- bozzlcment. Crtpiiises for their arrest wcro at once Issued. - Tno basis of tbo indictment Is the receipt of money from de positors when the insolvency of the bank was apparent. . - Prottyman ana Cashliir Johnson worosuo- scquently taken int/ycd lody andlntorrc- leased o > . bond- The ? UVS'itg oftho bank , the lumber company and Prottymap's estate , were scheduled today by the assignee at $153,000. Moving Northward. S" . PAUI , , Minn , , Doo. 12. A Fort Keogh , Mont. , special says : Two bands have dis appeared. The Indians under Short Bull and Kicking Bear are supposed to bo united and movlng'northward with the intention of seeking the reservation lu North Dakota , or crossing into Canada. Fifty lodges and a b.ind ol stolen ponies nro with them. The troops will leave early In the morning to head them off and deliver them to Fort Lincoln. Mexicans Studying Pork Packing. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Doc. 12. A party of Mexicans nnd Americans from Mexico nro here studying up the pork packing business. Ono of them In nn interview said that the Mexican Rovornraent.wili undoubtedly pass a bill excluding American' pork products In re taliation for the McICinlo.y bill. In anticipa tion of this gentlemen are studying up the business In order' ' to start the Industry in Mexico when the law is enacted. Tills Kefcr. " * to t-'ninpb.idy. LONDON , Deo. 12. At a conference between the Aborigines Protection society , a number of members of tbo house of commons and the loaders of several religious bodies a resolu tion was adopted demanding that the govern ment Institute nn Inquiry Into the atrocities committed la Central Africa "by English ex plorers and other ad venturers. " An Anti-Nosro Convention. HOVSTON- , Tex , , Dec. 12. The white repub lican convention mot hero yesterday In nc- cordanco with the call. Addresses were made advocating the supremacy of the whlto man over the negro and holding that the gov ernment must bo run by * white men and not by negroes , The attend an co was small. Murder nt Salt SAW LAKH CITV , Utah , Dec. 12. During n quarrel today Edwin Scott , foreman of the carpenters working on a building , was in stantly killed by William Diamond , who drove a chisel Into Scott's forehead. The murdered man's wlfu 1 $ supposed to bo in Mount Pioasart , la. llio Hltuati < > ii Boroiis. ! CINCINNATI , O. , Doc. 13i A telegram from Monongaholn , W. Va. , says that the situation unions the striking miuerp is becoming more serious hourly. Jenkins , the murderer of Jason Hall , will bo lynehedilf caught. There Is no prospect of a settlement of the troubles. Joint W. Cnmornit'H'ApiHileitniont. DES MOINKS , la. . Dec18. . Governor Bol es has appointed John W.Cunoron to .111 the vacancy of the nrosoqutlon of Iowa war claims In Washington caused bv the death of W. W. Belknap. Freight Collision on the U. I * . WAI.I.A WAI.M , Wash. , Dec. 12. Two freight trains on the Unlrm Pacific collided near Coyote this morning. Brakeman James wns killed and the engineer and fireman seri ously Injured. Throe Woman Itlntvii to Pieces. Pnnssiiuuo , Hungary ; Jtec 12. An oxplo- slon occurred today In n fHctory nt Zundarff , where the now explosive , megatln , Is manu factured. Three women were blown ute pieces. i Fatal Freight Wreuk In Ton ness no. ATLANTA , Oa. , Dc f2. In a freight wreck on the East Tennessee road today Engineer Tyndall and Brakeman Jlay wcro killed and Fireman Ferns fatally Infured , An OhI Postal Cleric Arrested. lNUiANAi-oi.13 , Ind. , poo. 13. iWllllam E. Elliott , who has boqh a poitnl cleric for twenty years , was arrested tonight for rob bing the malls. % J _ Bays the Oovi'rnur Is Wrong. QAI.VESTON , Tux. , Dec. 12. British Consul Lyall writes to the press , saying that he Is blameless and the governor wrong lu their controversy. PADDOCK TO SUCCEED SAVAGE The No1 raska Delegation Recommends Him for the Vacant Directorship , A PROTRACTED AND EXCITING MEETING , Jnck McColl Still the Preferred Can didate If n Ilcpiibllcnn Is to bo Appointed Tlio Heappor- tlonmcnt 111 11. WASUIXOTON RminAti Tnc OMKTU BnB , | t > ll ! FouiiTKi'.XTii STIIKRT , \ WASHINGTON , U. C. , Doc. ' 12. | The meeting of the Nebraska delegation to recommend n successor to tbo late Judge James W. Savage as government director of the Union Pnclllo railroad company was the longest and most exciting of any heretofore hold. The names of nlno candidates were considered , viz : Frank Murphy , J. W. Pad dock , George L. Miller , Henry W. Yntos , Hugh 0. Clark nnd J. N. II. Patrick of Omaha , nnd W. H. Mungerof Fremont , J. E. North of Columbus and U. S. Bibb of Beat rice. Very positive preferences were ex pressed for the different can&ldatea by the several members of the delegation nnd dis agreements wcro developed which it seemed almost Impossible to harmonize. The mem bers of the delegation mimed their first , second end , third and fourth cholooj , and after pro tracted balloting and consideration it was found that the easiest candidate to harmonize on ! was Major J. W. Paddock of Onuha. Ho was finally unanimously chosen and his name was accordingly presented in a strong letter oltc recommendation to the president , subject tcv the prior recommendation o f J. 11. McColl , whoso name was nenln very vigorously urged us : the first choice of Mobraska If u republican should bo considered. Tin ; CUNSUS AND IIKU'I'OUTIOXMENT. The census committee met this morning nt 10 o'clock for the purpose of listening to the arguments of the democratic delegation from the city of Brooklyn , which promised that If It was given an opportunity It would show conclusively that there was a good deal of republican fraud In the enumeration of tbcs City of Churches. Congressman Felix Camp bell was to bo the spokesman and bo was to bo aided by the corporation counsel , and ho was going to produce volumes of figures with which to confront and astound Superintend ent Porter , but Mr. Campbell's showing proved to ho a complete fiasco. IIo admitted very rc.idily as soon as he entered the cjin- mlttco room that no had no evidence what ever to present , nnd asked that the matter bo Indollnltely postponed. Congressman Dun- neil , the chairman of the committee , asked whntber any effort hud been made to induce Superintendent Porter to recount the popu lation , but Mr. Porto'r replied that ho had never received n solitary word of complaint from the local authorities of Brooklyn in re gard to the matter , but , on the contrary , the greatest satisfaction with the supervisor had been expressed. ThH was admitted by the delegation , and It left the room. This matter Is of interest because the Now York City and Brooklyn alleged frauds have been published nil ever the country and a great ado has been made about allgod at tempts to deprive that city of state legisla tion. Mr. Porter has shown very conclusively that nil the howl over Now York's enumera tion b unfounded. The committee , , otter liavlup glvon Now Yorkuud , Brooklyn men every opportunity-to make their cases , concluded to wait no longer before deciding upon n re-apportionment claim , and they consequently took up , dis cussed and agreed to the Frank bill , which provides for a new congress of 358 members. Under this plan , which has noon heretofore explained In these dispatches , no state will lose n member and there will bo n total gala of twenty-four , of which Nebraika leaus with a clear gain of three , Illinois , Minnesota seta , Pennsylvania and Texas como next with gains "of two each , and the remain der are scattered among various ( states. If It shall bo proven that there has boon fraud or neglect in the matter of enumera tion In New York city an amendment will bo added to the bill after It shall have passed , ceding ono member if the population In the Bin pi ro state Is found to bo so much greater than that reported as to warrant the clmngo. This renpportionmcnt schema meets with very general approval on both sides of the chamber , and aside from the democratic faction opposition to the hill it Is bollovod will pass eventually In the shape In which It will bo reported to "tho house tomorrow , The most Important feature is the section which Is designed to prevent , gerrymandering t > y providing tlio maximum number in each district may exceed another , and also that there shall bo more compactness in the formation of the district. A nuxiAi , rnoM SCCIICTARY HUSK. The attention of Secretary Husk was called this evening to a dispatch from Chicago In which It was asserted that ho had been inter viewed nnd had expressed himself in very vigorous terms against the so-called reaper trust , and had said that ho knew that such n trust existed , because ho had been offered stock in the concern. Mr. Rusk says tbo whole story , so far as it connects his ntnno with It , Is untrue , nnd what would bo called "a fake" In n newspaper oflico. "I have been interviewed on no subject' relating to politics cither In a near or remote way since the election , " said the secretary , "and I have persistently refused to express nny opinions on any political subject. As to the merits of the question , I do not believe that American agricultural Implement manufacturer. ? nro unable to dispose of their products abroad nt lower prices than they receive at homo. The story that I have been offered stock In the concern Is equally false with the others. " MISCELLANEOUS. In the semite today Mr. Allison Introduced Mlk n petition and resolution from the Iowa Stock Breeders' association , adopted at their mcot- Ing hold In Osknloosa , December 3 , protest- Ing against thj ) decision of the interstate com merce commission required dressed hogs nto ho carried at ns high a rate as live ones , and asking for legislation by congress setting " asUlo this decision. Ho also introduced "ga petition from the association In favor of the adoption of the Conger lard and anti-option bills. bills.Senator Senator Paddock today presented a mem orial from delegates' representing three far mers' nlllanccs and industrial unions irof twenty-live states and three territories , and resolutions adopted by the supreme council ; of the farmers' alliance mid Industrial union. atOcala , Fin. , praying for the passage of the Paddock pure food bill and protesting against the adoption of tbo Conger lard bill. The secretary of the Interior has disallowed the claim of Moore Brothers of Sidney , Neb. , amounting to J.ViTfl , for alleged Indian depre dations committed In lbOr-US-09-70 by Sioux Indians. The secretary of the Interior today dis missed the motion for review of Jones Olsen . , Involving land In township W , range 67 ' , Ynnkton , S. D. Tbo comptroller of ttio currency toJny cer ! tified the extension of the corporate exist ence of the First National bank of Alblu , la , till January 1,1(111. ( The following postmasters were appointed today for Iowa : Buffalo Fork , Jtossuth county , T. A. Huttcrilcld , vice L. K. Smith , resigned ; Sprlngllcld , ICeokuk county , B , A. : Watcrhouso , vice Eva Bell , resigned. President Palmer of the world's fair com mission , who Is now In the city as n puest of Senator Mandorson , is very sanguine ever nero forthcoming fair In Chicago. Ho says tticro hno reasonable doubt of success ; that heed site bns been selected and money subscribed mid otherwise provided for and that an ' cfllclont and effective organization has been , perfected. PKimr S. HEATH. After nil Attorney General. COMJMIIIA , S. C. , Deo. 12. A warrant las been sworn out by n newspnpct man against I Attorney General Popo. The attorney gen- I cral discharged from his department Thoum Butler , a clerk , who in the late elections acted ' with the Haskcll bolters. Informing him . that while ho ( I'opo ) was attorney gen eral no Independent would bo retained In ofllco by him , The general statutes provide II line of from 50 to f 1 , < > OU and Imprison incut from three mouths to ono year for IntlmldatA Ing nuy citizen because of political opinion or for ( discharging any ono for such cnuso. S Tit VVK A JV.Y.7 AXlt S11XK. Loss of the City of Hilton Kogiiu with Two lrok Pnmengprn. Nr.w OIU.KVX ? , La. , Dec. 113. The Anchor line ' steamer City of Unton Itoguo , from St. Louis , struck n sung near Hcrinltago Landing thU afternoon nnd sunk. Two unknown deck passengers are known to have been drowned. It Is reported that six or eight passengers taken on board on the way down were lost , but this h not authen tic. Tno steamer was valued at $75,000 and the cargo nt $100,01)0. ) „ lIOItJtJIIf.KJIUItHKlt A Hnslmnd Kills UN AVIfo nnd Tlion IMutilntoH Her llody. PAIIIS , Dec. 12 , [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BKK.I A horrible murder of awlfoby her husband was committed In this city today. Mine , La , Cnssliio , wife of a work man who was recently released from Jail , after serving a three months' sentence , re fused to maintain marital relations with her husband. Her refusal enraged La Casslno , who , upon meeting her on the street today , again requested her to assume her for mer relations with him. She ng.iln refused , whereupon La Casslno drew a revolver and fired four shots Into her body. The woman fell to the sidewalk nnd her husband , draw ing n knife , attacked her with fiendish fer- oolt. " , horribly mutilating her about the lower portion of tbo body. Ho then attempted to Icill himself. riu : fijimit.iTio\ Siiiniiol GouipcrH llc-I31cutoil Presi dent of ( lie Orcnnl/.ittion. DI-.TIIOIT , Mich. , Dec. 12. At the conven tion of the Federation of L'abor this morning greetings were sent to the farmers' alliance convention and to the international labor con gress at Brussels. Support was pledged to tbo painters , who will strike for eight hours May next. Congress will bo petitioned to forbid United States enlisted musicians from com peting for business with free musicians. The convention decided that only bona fldo members of trades can hereafter bo aelo- gates. On the question of the readjustment of the cxecutlvo board and the power of the presi dent , thocomnilttoo reported back tlio amend ment regarded by the friends of the president ns of a restrictive tendency. President Gom- pers rose to a question of personal explana tion , in which ho said ho was not effected with "big bend.1 When the vote wns counted it. was found that the amendment did not have tbo necessary two-thirds vote , and It was declared lost. This is regarded as n sui-cass for Gompors. In the afternoon Gonincra was ro-electcd president. All the other old officers were reelected - elected , with the exception of treasurer , the present incumbent dcclingtnga ronomlnntion. J. B. Lemoro was elected trcasuter by ac clamation. Birmingham , Ala. , was selected as the plnco of holding thonoxt convention. The report of the committee on constitu tion wns again taken up nnd the matter of a strike fund for local unions was referred to the executive committee , with Instructions to formulate n plan for carrying out 'the in- tc.ntum of the amendment and submit the same to the local unions interested. A resolution to send a delegation to the convention of'tho mtornailouul brick layers' union nt Toronto next January , with n view of Inducing that union to affiliate with the federation , was adopted. Several other resolutions wcro disposed of. among them ono pledging the federation nnd delegates to ox6rt efforts to secure legislation prohibiting the employment of children under the ago of fourteen hi factories. In accordance with the direction of the con vention the ofllcors have drawn up a me morial requesting congress to pass resolu tions already /ornbly reported by the proper committee proposing an amendment to the national constitution for woman suffrage. "That the question may go before the pee ple. " StrAtculc Capture nfn Murderer. Su/r LIKI : , Utah , Doc. 13. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Br.B.l Sheiiff Burt returned from Montana today with Walter Bell , wanted for murder nt Pueblo , Bi'll wni re cently released from pollen arrest In this city bv habeas corpus , when ho made trucks 1m- mediately for Montana. Ho no sooner gone than Deputy Sheriff Ilorod of Pueblo cnmo after him. Dell was finally located at rn Crange ! , nn obscure camp , nnd there Sher iffs Burt mid Herod found him industriously working a giimo of craps. Some h genious work was required to got the fugitive across the line , but Burt brought all his artifices to bear and finally induced Bell to take a walk with him. A few minutes later they were seated in a railway coach and Bell wns n prisoner. Since leaving the city on Saturday evening last Sheriff Bart has traveled over a thousand miles in the capture of Bell. An Evasion of thn Antt-fioltory Law. ATCiiifONKan. . , Dec. 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii.J : Postmaster Washer to day received a direct ruling from Washing ton on the "Dauphin-Dauphin" advertise- ment. The department holds tlmt the adver tisement is nn evasion of the anti-lottery law nnd Intended to direct the attention of the public to the fact that the Louisiana lottery is still in business. Acting upon this instruc tion , Poitmaster Washer withhold from de livery a number of copies of the Kansas City Post , a German publication , because it con tained the objectionable advertisement. Tlio SwitQlimmi'H Slrllco nt Ogdcn. OODRX , Utah , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bnn.J-rTho strike situation in the Ogdcn yards scorned to change somewhat In favor of the Union Paclllo company today. Besides tno official1 ! , olgbt men in nil , about thirty makes up tbo regular day nnd night forces , but no night work Is done now. About three hundred cars were moved today. The strikers nro not allowed to go about tno yards nt nil. No collisions took place between the switchmen and company's men. An Old Ididy'n Mixl'ortline. EVAXSTOV , Wyo. , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BIK. : | On arrival of the west bound Union Pnciflo passenger train at Kock Springs , nn aged lady of sixty-live years boarded the train for the purpose of bidding homo friends Kood-byo. The train started suddenly and , in her hastu to got oft the moving train , HIO slipped , fell under the wheels and hud both legs cut off nbovo the ankles. On account 01 her extreme old ago her recovery is doubtful. IJeiitonnnt OencralH'ilp. WASHINGTON. Dec. 12. The house military affairs commlttoo today ordered a favorable report on the bill to revive the grade of lieutenant iX tenant general ot the army und on the bill to ) Increase to 7. " > percent the number of army officers whom the president may detail for : duty at educational Imttltutlons whcro mili tary tactics are taught. A UtnM Mine H.xploslon. SALT LAKH , Utah , Dee. 12.-fSpeclal Tele gram to Tin : Bii.J : : News reached this city at midnight of n terrible explosion In n mine at Castle Gate , Utah. Jerry McGrady and James Berry were killed nnd John DIxon i.s missing. Illinois 111llroad rnininlasloncrti. : i.n , III. , Doe. 12.Tho hoard of railroad and warehouse commissioners today adopted u now llvo stock schedule , which reduces - ducos Bomowhat the present carrying charges , They adopted 100-pound rates Instead of thu preseut carload rules , . 'E8ATORS INDULGE IN SLURS. A Lively Debate Over a Resolution Bo * twoon Butler and Hoar , THE FORMER CALLS THE LATTER A LIAR. Tlio Kntlro Afternoon Committed by the HOHHO In the Discussion of Measure * on Uio I'rlvtiln Calendar. W. IUXOTOV , Dec. 13.--In the senate today ai number of unimportant bills wciurcportou from committees and placed on tho.i'nlondur , after which Mr. Plumb's resolution , llxlnpf the hour for dully meetings , win taken up. It was agreed to after being amended by striking out the chuiHO for evening sessions , and making It tnlto affect nflor tomorrow. anDi The resolution offered yesterday by Mr ? Dolph , instructing the committee on priv * lieges and elections to Inquire and report whether the right to vote at nny election for presidential electors , members of cougres , legislatures or onicors Is denied to any male citizen of any state or Is nbrldged except for participation In the rebellion or ot'ior ' crlnio , wns taken up. Air. Dolph said lie particu larly wanted the committee to glvo attention to whether some states had not provided lu their constitutions or laws .such voting quail * llcntlons as were not permitted by the fourteenth amendment to the constitution without . aa noi-Id moment ol congressional rcincscntntlon. Ho said the constitution recently adopted In Mis sissippi did impose such qualification1) and thoicprcscntntlon of that slate should bo abridged. Ho sent to the clerk's ' desk ana had read the recent Inaugural message of Governor Tlllmau of South Carolina , which , . said , was 1111 ofllcliil declaration that thd great mass of the colored men of tbo south were not lit to exorcise thoclcctlvo franchise ; that the white people of the south were In control of the stuto governments and pro posed to maintain control at all hazards. The propositions showed clearly , Mr. Dolph saiiJ , that tno colored people of thesoutli would not bo permitted to vote as long us they voted the republican ticket or whora their voting would f.icuro republican control , tlSi Mr. Vest moved an amendment ln- > structlng the committee to Inquire fur ther , whether by nny state legislation any citi/en of the United StaU-s was dented the right to work on public Improvement by reason of their color. He raid nclauiofrom a recent , statute of the Oregon republican legislature authorizing the building of bridges and providing that none but white laborers should bo employed on the works. It might be , Mr. Vest said , that the provision waa ln tended to exclude Chinese labor , but the Inn- uUDgo of the statute excluded Mongolian , In dian and negro. Democratic stnten had never denied the negro the right to c\in \ his bread by his honest labor. Mr , Uolpti replied , and In the further dis cussion au allusion to Tlllmanls mossugo brought out n declaration from Mr. Butler that ho was perfectly willing to bland by tha Mr , Dop sa o was norme , Butl'or himself had threatened the colored men In his omplov that bo would discharge them If they voted the republican ticket. Mr , Butler replied that whoever maJo that statement was guilty of u deliberate and will ful falsehood. Mr. Hoar iiroso and snld he had mailo the statement , having read within twenty-four hours Inn public-document the testimony of the senator from South Carolina before a committee , in which ho said ho had told the colored people on his plantation that ho should dismiss them If they voted the repub lican ticket. Mr. Butler Then the remark I made ap plies of course to the senator from Massa chusetts. Mr. Hoar replied that ho was not to bo de terred from saying what ho hail to m v either by the manner or the behavior of Mr. Butlor. The resolution then wont over until tomor * row. row.Tho house , bill for a public bulMing at Davenport , Iii. , wns reported favorably and placed on the calendar. Tbo elections bill \vas \ then taken up and Messrs. und WultbaU HJIO'KU in op position to it. Mr. Hoar then referred to the Incident of the morning and had read the testimony In. qucstliin , which wat from a minority report ) made to the house in 1870. In It Mr. Butler is ropoited ns sayhift that his gave tickets to colored < man and told them they had a right to vote the republican ticket if they pleased } that they were free men , but If they exer cised that right nnd imposed laves upon him that would destroy his propoity und pros pects ho should throw himself bade on some rights ho hail nnd see that they left h4 ! plantntlon. Ho Intended to inform himself how they voted. The question was asked : "With a view to turning them off If they voted the republican tlcketl" Mr. Butler Not for voting the republican ticket , If they hud an honest ticket , but for voting for these thieves and rob bers. Mr. Butler said this testimony was garbled. Ho bad never seen the report before , but said now that bo bad. never at any tlmo at tempted to inlluenco a Blnglo negro on his plantation lu the exorclso of franchise. Messrs. Hoar and Butler then expressed the greatest rotpoet for each other and the matter was dropped. Mr. Jones of Arkansas took the floor on the election bill , and the senate adjourned. lloiibe. WASIIIXOIOX , Dec. 12. After the reading1 of the Journal the house went Into committee of the whole on the private calendar , All the afternoon was consumed in the discussion of a few bills , which wcro finally passed , and the house adjourned. NolmiHka , lownund Dakota I'oiiNlonH. WASHINGTON' . Deo. 13. fSpoolul Tolcgram toTnr. Ban , ] Pensions were granted today to the following Nobruskans : Original William H. Marsh , ; Morris M. Aaron , Ilosa ; William 13. Shrum , Vesta ; Lewis H. Martin , Harvard ; Thomas U. Walker , Atkinson ; Seth P. Barnes , Homer ; RldredRO Campbell , Genoa ; James W. Dean , Firth. Increase David T. Smiley , Hillsdale ; William 13. Keith , Pccet ; John D. Mav , Maniuotto ; Jacob 13. Long , Arizona ; Franklin Sliaffner , Alma ; William II. Judd , Central City , Original widows , etc. Mary A. , widow of John Wldle , Waco ; Marlu , widow of John I'nitlicr , Waco. Iowa : Original - PitorVInn , Ottutnwaj Salem Turner. Manchester ; .lunio-s F. Mc- Llon , Uoi Molncs ; Samuel ISyer , Charter Oak ; Jacob Kodenlmugh , DoiMolne * ; Daniel N. Dutchcr , Iowa City ; Matthew Dlckson , Kldgcdalo ; Allcn.I. Lawrcni'o , Hock Incifiiso Henry Brown , On awn : Walker Nnthon Bennett , Datuvia ; John Alien , Alar- fihalltown ; Job It. MoKaln , Washing ton ; John II. Weldner , Clar- Indn ; Thomas H. Richardson , Nas sau : William II. Bean , Newmarket ; Andrew J , Shell , Avoca ; Charles II. Hollows , New Alula ; Kobcrt W. Humiunt , KhollClty , George Moore. Iluvliigtoii : Alfred A. Lcason , Ottumwa. Kehsuo William II. Forman , Kcoknk. Original widows lliimmh A. , widow of Alonzol. Pope , SlKOiirnoy ; Kunico D. , widow of Aimer L. McClurc , Hopovillo ; Aarrlet , widow of Luther Conklln , Cherokee ; Mary A. , wldowof William Gallagher , Tama. South Dakota : Original-Silas P , Hall , Wentworth ; James M. Clicatliiim , Aberdeen ; ( Jcorgo W. UilKhtof , Arlington , Increase- John Welch. Alexandria ; Tlionwi Conloy. WiUon ; John II. Wood. Hurley. Original widows , etc. McUcn , widow of William N. Kcinlngtoii , Do Kmet ; Jacob , father of James 1C. Klpllngor , Ulklinrt. f-'ecnH.'ir.v N'olilo'n Ill-other Dond. Coi.otnufi , O , , Dec , 12. Henry C Noble , a prominent attorney and brother of Secre tary Noble of the interior department , died this evening.