8 THE OJMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DEOEMBEK 10 , 1890 , THE CITY , The lompcrnluvo ns reported by tlio local slgnm olllco was n follows : At 7 a. m. , 110s ; nt 10 n. ra. , 43 ° nud at 1 p. m. 65 ° . Edwnrd Stronpvns tried In police court yesterday for malicious destruction of property nncl bound over to the dis trict court under bonds of $200. Ex-l'olIceman Doug Davis nncl Miss Jessie OoiT of the telephone exchange vroro married last avonlng at the resi dence of Kov. Herbert y. Mann. Missionary Rcccly 1ms taken charge ol the case of Mrs. Hoed and family. JYiendH desiring to assist Mrs. Heed would do well to confer with him. Owlnpr to the Illness of his attorney the motion for a now trial of Kovnolds who was convicted of manslaughter r few days ago , was not argued yesterday. I Dr. Keogh , the county physician , whc j was thrown from his buggy last liYldaj 1 while his horse was running away. Is re I covering rapidly from the injuries ro , cclvcd. Thcro will bo a union love fcas thla evening , at 7:80 : , of all the Methodist Kpiscop'il churches of Oiniiht and vicinity In the First church , cornoi j of Twentieth an'd Davenport Htrcots. Del Perkins was tried before Judpi I Holsloy yesterday upon the charge o ( having assaulted hla wife with Intent t < j kill. Ho waived examination and wu i bound over to the district court undo bonds of $500. Thcro will bo a mooting at Ilawlov' gymnasium , next Thursday night , fo the purpose of orgunl/ing an iniloo | i baseball league. Three nines have nl ready been selected , the Cranes , th Nonpareils and the Eden Musces. 1 fourth nine will bo selected later. ! \V J. Flannlgan , lately a postal clorl running between Lincoln and Crawford I was arrested in Lincoln ye&tofday inori : ing and brought to Omaha charged wit ! i refusing to turn over the records , etc. , i his pos&ebsion to hi < j successor. Ho wil have an examination before Judg ! Dundy. General Superintendent Scott an Superintendent of Telegraph Hope c the St. Paul & Omaha wore in the cit yesterday on a Hying trip of invest ! gallon. They left at SJ a. in. in a spcoin 'i ' train , accompanied by Suporintondon 'j ' Jaynes , for a trip over the western on < of the road. j ! Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg 11 A. M. French Class. French or Gorman conversation guai nntccd in five weeks. i > 'ionch at 11 a. n and 7 p. in. Gorman at 1:30 : and 8 p. u This term only will bo givon. Y. M. C A. lecture hall. ire THE Thcro "Will Ho Only 15O Saloons I Onmlm Next Yonr. Those who anticipate retailing liquor ii Omaha during 1601 nro at the present tim hustling to complete their preliminary ai rnngemcnts. Thcro , will , perbnp1 bo ninety fewer saloons no year Umti there were List year At least , the indications point that waj Last year -10 licenses weio granted. Up t the picscut time only 1.10 person Imvo applied to the commissioners fo blanks. As u reason for the re ductlou of the number of saloon It is stated the brewers are not ns anxious t back retailers as freely as they have douo ii the p.ist. Ono brewer said : "I nrn sure there wl. not ho as many saloons ns there were las year. Our firm has lost too muc money on bad salopn dutits to tali chnuucs on anything but soun fellows this season. Thcro are men hoi from Iowa and central Nohraslca looking fo location , hut unless they have cash enough t pay for their licenses and u little more the may us well return homo , for the urowei will not hack them. Last ye ; was n poor year for brewer ; "Wo anticipate a successful seaso In 1891but do not propose to take the chaua wo have taken In the past , " Last year the license board required appl cants , when they llleO their petition for license , to furnish a receipt from the trea urcr snowing they had deposited $1,00 Tills year the board is nioro lenient. Tl money does not now have to ho pa until nlici * the application has been advc iked. All applications must have been a vortlscd for two weeks before the llccn 3 board can tnko any action. In accordan f- ' with this tact , the saloon men bhoulu 11 , their applications and advertise before tl ' ICth.in order to give the board an opportunl I 1 to net cm their petition before the urst of tl year. . ' Several saloons have already closed ai | will not ho nKuln opoiic * f m K For burns , sealds , bruUcs and all pain ai i Boroncss of the llcsh , the grand housoho ' remedy Is Dr. Thomas' Electric oil. Bo su you got the genuine. The Now I'oliuo CoininiRslon. Thcro Is beginning to bo sorao little talk I police circles with reference to the co ; position of the next lire and police conun slou. The governor has the power to o point practically whom ho pleases as me bora of the board , and the terms of some the present members of the board will c plro with the year. Should Governor-olc Boyii succeed in holding the oflico to whi ho was elected , ho , of course , will have t pleasure of filling tncso much sougl for places , and will probably I them to the satisfaction of t bettor classes of the city. But should J Towers , who Is contesting the election of Boyd , ho given the olllce by vote of the leg laturo , it is thought by leading men in tl city that there will bo ft pretty kettle of 11 In Omaha with reference to the men whc Powers will appoint on the police conun Bion. Of course nt this time it is nil spccu tlon , but from the talk going about town it evident that to the saloonkeepers at least tl is a mighty Interesting subject. Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup ford ill en teething gives quiet , helpful rest , cents a bottle. IlysHclinrt IH Hurrcd. Contractor Hyssehart , who graded Emm street and against whom material men a laborers have claims of about $1,600 , has \ \ found out that ho cannot do any more w < for the city. Samuel Katz has the coutn for grading on Soutti Eleventh street , a the other day sub-let tlio Job to Hysschn Yesterday Chairman Ulrkhauser of the hot of public works learned of the dc.il nnd wr Mr. Katz as follows : "It must bodistinc understood that , knowing the record of Uy cluut , from this tlmo hence , whllo I air member of the hoard , ho cannot have a c contract , nor can ho net ns foreman on n work that is being performed for the city.1 A \XO I/A Ci : 31KXTS , ThObtoryof "Tho Burglar , " which Is open an engagement of four performances the Boyd oa Thursday evening of this we Is that ol a young man with homo , fortu friends , handsome , educated , married i loved , nnd yet a burglar by profess ! The character of William Lewis , burglar , Is berne by Mr. A. S. Llpman , well Itnown leading man , who for sovc Reasons supported Hobson & Crane and tcrly Hose Coghlan , and this character Is < of the great successes of this clover arti' ' career. Mr , Llpman Is well supported. ' . ealeofseuts for lTho Burglar" opcus t morning. Mr. William C. Cameron , representing Ilanlon , Voltors St Murtiucttl Kuglish pai inlmo and novelty company , is it : tbo c His attraction will open at the Boyd ou u Sunday evening. J Two more performance /will / bo given , Con Murphy's roiiwutld'Irish drama , " 'I j Fairies' Well , " at the U > yd this afterno ud night. MOIIBG'S. Attractions All Over , Our cntlro store is filled with bargains In Christmas poods : ask any of your friends who visited our 6th floor toy dop't last night ( wo nro open until 0 o'clock ) nnd they will say it is the llneat display over made in the city ; bring the children tonight. OPKN TILL 9 TONIGHT-CHRIST MAS DISPLAY ON FIFTH FLOOR. "Wo Invlto everyone to como ; our stock Is ENTIRKLY now wo nro three weeks Info in opening it , other now depart ments have occupied the tlmo , and wo must sell it at once. USEFUL TOYS. "Wo have no poor or useless toys that Eorvo to litter up a house. Como and see what wo have ; on the 6th floor everything in plain sight. DOLLS 10O TO $75. All our dolls were bought by our com- mlsstonaros In Paris and shipped direct to Omaha in bond. 6th lloor , SJ ele vators. vators.THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Itemovrct , Dr. C. Rosewntcr , physician nnd sur- peon , has moved to the Ueo building , Uoora ! 2 ± ' . , tclophonoJiOI. ThtYlnioiMif Our ( 'output is the title of a recent charming paper by that brlllnnt writer Charles Dudley Wnrnor , wherein the Diodes of the Pacific coast , as a wlntor robert , arc most graphically described. Tho'Amor- lean pcoplo nro beginning to understand that the Puget Sound country is one ol our most splendid possessions and thai the name of the 'Wedltorrnnoan of the Pacific'1 Is a happy title not misapplied , In spcnldnp of Mount Tni-omu , Senatoi George R Edmunds says : "I would bo willing to go 600 miles again to see that scone. The continonl is yet in ignorance of what will bo one. of the grandest sho.w places as wel as sanitariums. If Switzerland is rightly called the playground o Europe , I am satisfied thai around the base of Mount Rainier wil become a prominent place of retort , no for America only , but for the world besides sides , with thousands of sites for build ing purposes , that are nowhere oxcollec for the grandeur of the view that can be obtained from them , with topographlca features that would make the most nor feet system of drainngo both posslblt and easy , and with a most agreeable am health giving climate " Thousands of delighted tourists ovoi the Union Pacific the past year boa ample testimony to the beauty am majesty of this now empire of the Pacill northwest. All Music nt Hair Price. 0,000 pieces only lOc a copy at Moln berg's , 10th st. bet. Capital ave & Dodge KHBATE2 CLAIMS. They Arc Made by Ijoxvry of Llncoli from tlio U. & M. Judge Cnldwell took up the case of Lowr ; against the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnc ; railway company oa a motion by the plaintif to remand the case to the district couit ii Lancaster county. The cuso Is ono Involving $140,000 clulmet as rebate or overcharge on shipments o grain from Lincoln to eastern points , thi transactions coveting a period of about five years. The case was opnealea to the Unltet States court by the defendant on the grouni that the Issue involved the constructlot of a section of the intcr-stato coinmerci act , and it was claimed that a rate which hoc been oniclally published and posted could nebo bo challenged. The plaintiff moved to remand on th > ground that the question at issue was ouo o law only. * The arguments ou the motion consume * nearly the entire day. In Judge Dundy's court the case ngalns Ahner Peeler , the counterfeiter , who i charged with having counterfeit gold eoin in his possession with intent to defraud , wa concluded at uoon and given to the JUIT. The Jury returned at the opening of com In the alternoon with a verdict of "nc guilty. " Peeler- was at once discharged. After consuming four days in argumcn the caseof Fitzgerald against"tlio Fit/gornU Mallory construction company and the Ml ; souri Pncillc , for an accounting , was contin ued until March 15 , to give the plamtill tlm to Ulo additional briefs. The court announced that the npplicatio for n rehearing in the Nobr.islca City bridp bonds would bo heard before u full bench o the 15th inst. Judge Dundv spent most of the aftcrnoo In dealing witii offenders against tno laws i the government. The case against Frt \ \ igglns was put on for trial. Wiggins is young man from Indianola , nnd on th 1'Jt day of September ho went into John Augu tluuiann's restaurant , where ho passed bogus dollar in payment for his dinner. . few days later he vas arrested , nnd upon h person was found a quantity of the spurioi coin. Henry Kid den of Lancaster county , restaurant man , who sold temperance drinl known to the trade as "Palm root alo" ni the "elixcr of life , " was found guilty , tl judge holding that the concoctions were of c intoxicating nature. A. E. Stewart , who used the malls f transporting' "green goods , " plead guilty ai will be sentenced at some future date. Joseph Baker was _ Indicted and chnrgi with having sold liquor to William Harlo and Charley Campbell , two Winnebago I dmns. lie wuntod to plead guilty , but tl Judge told him to stand trial nnd by so aoh I no might got off easier. The fellow took tl ndvico of the court and will incur the ex pen of a trial. Dr. Blrney cures catarrh , Ceo blclg. Union I'aclllo Firemen. Lewis Clark , chairman of the genet board of adjustment , Union Paciflu systci presided over the annual meeting of flrem of that road In 1C. of P. hall at Fourteen ) and Douglas streets again yesterday mornln Thcro nro twenty-two delegates prosen This Is a full representation. Those ineetln nro held annually and are of a private natui It wiU perhaps require thrco inoro days complete the work. d l , o 0ll ll llt t,0 Cscdln Millions of Homes ,0 to yearn the Standard. 's ' 10 DR. BAILEY Is rsmr GRADUATE DENTI ! A Full Sot ot Too on Itubbor , fo five UOLUAHS. A perfect H Rttarantoeil. Teeth extraol without pnln or danxor , ana wittout nna thetlcs. Gold and llver Ull tigs at low : ate . Hrlclgo ntl Crown Work. TeotU wl * llntc4 All work warmnteu. OffFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARN * ntrar.co , 10th utroot elevator Opeu ov < uutll 8 o'clock. ' AS HNE AS THEY MAKE 'EM. * We want to say -word to you about FINE OVERCOATS. By that we moan gar ments made of materiials such as your tailor makes to order and charges twenty-five , thirty- five , forty , fifty and even sixty dollars for. We sell that sort of coats , but not at that sort of prices. You go to yotir tailor , he takes your measure , pats you on the back , turns you around three or four times , remarks on your fine figure , says he'll put his best coat maker on your coat ( they're all best coat makers ) , and says : "Oh ! Yes ! I'll have your coat done for you Saturday night SURE. " You put on your old coat and go home , you put it on every timeyou go out and each time it seems to look shabbier than before until Saturday night -when you put it on for the last time and go .to your tailors with a bright smile and a determination to owe him for Jt ( couldn't do that with us ) and are met with the cheerful intelligence that "our best workman -was taken sick and it was impossible to get your coat out. " Its different when you buy a gar ment of us. You come into our store , state your needs , hundreds to choose from , every shape , every size , every style , sure to get a fit. You make your selection , no waiting , no annoy ance and you've saved money besides. = = THE COATS WE SPEAK OF TODAY - . Are made by men who have made a life study of the clothing business , who buy thousands of yards of the best goods made direct from the mills , who buy trimmings by the case , who em ploy the best -workmen money can hire , who by making thousands of coats instead of dozens are able to turn out a coat ready to wear for what your tailor pays for his materials. WE OPEN TODAY A RECENT PURCHASE Of the finest line of high grade coats we have ever shown , at a saving of $ S , $1O , nay , even $18 TWELVE DOLLARS Gives you your choice of piles of beautiful Kerseys in black or brown , -with Italian lining and satin sleeve lining ; and hundreds of splendid Chinchillas in black or blue , with excellent trim mings throughout. * AT THIRTEEN-FIFTY AND FOURTEEN-SEVENTY-FIVE You get your choice of dozens of elegant Kerseys in brown , blue or black , with silk and wool linings and heavy satin marvellieux sleeve linings. AT SEVENTEEN DOLLARS You can buy of us as good a Chinchilla coat as is usually sold for thirty dollars , a saving of thirteen dollars ( for once thirteen is lucky. ) AT EIGHTEEN-FIFTY A very fine Kersey , made up better than the average merchant tailor makes a coat , very fine linings , and very finely trimmed throughout. Three shades black , brown and mode. AT EIGHTEEN-FIFTY AND NINETEEN FIFTY We are showing some magnificent Scotch Shetland Ulsters in handsome colors. They'll defy any blizzard due this year. AT NINETEEN AND THREE QUARTERS DOLLARS We sell a beautiful Kersey , made up in fine style , the upper part lined with a fine quality of satin duchesse and the lower with a fine quality all wool cassimere. TWENTY-ONE-FIFTY AND TWENTY-TWO-FIFTY Buys as good a coat of us as any tailor can make "to your order. " The materials are as good as money can buy. The workmanship as good as can be done. The trimmings are first class , and the shades as handsome as any man in Omaha wears. To gentlemen who claim to be fine dressers , and who are not averse to saving a few dollars lars , -we extend a cordial invitation to inspect these very fine garments. NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. DOUGLAS till nine o'clock , , . , clock. MOUSE'S. Attractions All Over. Our entire store is llllcd with burpaina in Christinas goods ; ask any of your friends who visited our Cth lloor toy dop't last night ( wo are open until U o'clock ) and they will bay It is the finest dlbplay over miulo in iho uity ; briny the children tonight OPEN TILL i ) TONIGHT CHRIST MAS DISPLAY ON FIFTH FLOOR We invite everyone to como ; our stock is ENTIRELY now wo nro throe wcolca late in opening it , other new depart ments iinvo occupied the time , and wo must hell it at onco. USEFUL TOYS. Wo have no poor or usolebs toys that servo to litter up a honso. Como and see what wo have ; on the Cth lloor , , everything thingin plain sight. DOLLS IOC TO $75. All our dolls wore bought by our com missioners in Paris and bhippod direct to Omaha in bond , oth lloor , two olo- valors. valors.THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Dr Blrney euros catarrh , BJO bid ; * . County Court. In Judge Shields' court tbo following Judg ments-were rendered yesterday : Louis Brad ford against Sidney Smith , fSOl ; same apalnst same , $7&1 ; same against same , $7 ! . ! i.V Paxton-Vierllng iron works against J.E. Hiloy , | 9'J'J. John Spoorl has brought suit to recover $1,000 from Louli llillokc. Spoorl alleges that lie roatod for hotel purposes a building from the defendant , and that the agreement was that it should bo repaired and otherwise Improved. This , ho alleges , h.vs not been done , and ho now proposes to have pay for the loss ho has bustaincd. Presto ! Chanpol Gray and fudcd boards made to assume their oiiguml color by apply ing BuckltiKhain's Dye for the whiskers. It never falls to satisfy. TII13 OV13UBUC1C ACCIDENT. Tlio TrnlnniDti ixml Others Toll How the Man \\'HH KUIml. The inquest to dcternilno the cause of death of Martin Ovorbcck , who was killed by a Bolt line train Sunday evening , was continued yesterday morning' , the flrst witness being Dr. Penbody. who testified that ho attended the injured man nt tlio Webster street station ana found htm ap parently nsleop. His breath smclled very strongly of liquor and the physician found an abrasion of the skin on the right shlo of the body , The man's pulse was good and ho. was taken to lits homo in ft carriage. At his homo ho walked up two flights of stairs and took oft his own clothes. The physician loft , thinking the man \yas only sovoiely brulbed. Soon after ho was sent for again anil found the man dying. After death a postmortem examination revealed the fact that the Hvor was ruptured badly in two places anu slightly in two other places. Death resulted from shock and from the noa- teruled blood getting Into the lungs. A. C. Wise , the motornmn on the train near the accident , saw tlio dummy coming ami stopped his train. Ho heard his conductor calling to some ono and saw a bugcy containing n man and a woman coining rapidly from the south. The driver attempted to cross the track but tuined be fore lie had crossed nnd attempted to get out of the way , The engine struck the buggy and throw the occupants out. K. C. Marsh , the conductor of the motor train , said ho saw tno buggy coining , and saw that the woman hail the man by the arm try ing to get him to stop. The witness called to them but they kept right on. When the ongluo struck the buggy the man was thrown about twenty feel and the witness helped him ton sitting posture. Blood gushed from his mouth , but bovni conscious. Mr. Harry Gllmoro , the superintendent ol the Holt t Hue , tcstlllcd that trainmen all had orders to run slow over the bridge Immediately cast of tha sccno of the accident. Ho nlsc Bind that the engine used on the Belt line dummy train was usually run backward it : coming Into Omaha. The tenuor was so eon > structcd that ll afforded a good view of the track. id This completed the testimony nnd the Jurj a * returned a vordlot to the effect that the" deceased ceased canio to his death from his own care lessness , The Jury also recommended tha the fence around the fair ground bo taker down so as to leave an unobstructed view o : the track from tbo south. "Let every bird sing' its own note. " While the air is full of rumors of bargciinsve "RISE TO EXPLAIN" that in i it is better to pay a fair price and secure a good thing , than to waste money on cheap garments. Ex amine our fine CHEVIOTS CASSIMERES , and you will agree that they ore fully worth the money wo ask for them. Inqunlityu fit and finish they are not to bo excelled even by first-class custom work. Cold weather is here , It is high time to don a heavy suit , To euro nillouanom. Sick Headache. Constipation. Ualarln. Liver ComplMnts , take tha oato and certain remedy , SMITH'S C otlioBMAIhSIZE(40 llttlo lujansto fholx > t. tlo ) , They nro the incut convenient : suit all O cs , 1'rlcoot cither kite , S3 cents per buttle. B ? | QBfiI/n | > at 7. 17. 70s Photo-crnvuro , B4.IOOIOVIW4 panel elio or this jilcluru for 4 cotita ( coppers or eUiupn ) . J. F. BMITII & CO , Makonof "llllu Ucans,1 bu Louis. Mo. fffi PERFECT HEALTr Hlclmra II. Boek. Ix > rkport. N. V. , wrlla , that nft mnnr yonr,1 mitrerliiK from Nervona Dolilllty , Hloj | losanoas , Twltohlnic of Muicloa hn wm restored lj tour hoxea NKUVB HBANH. "I nm EO , " ho nyn , "bi ; Jeolllkonydimanuin. " II per box , postpaid. 1'ou ; pliletfroe. NKUVK 11KAN CO . HurrAl.u. N. Y. Bold by ( loodmivn Druit Co . lllti Karniirn St. . O nil orBlvSrellf like"lr. , . W "tI . "youwanttli Truis. " Ithascurfdtliotnandal . 1 UKbTnnd4o In alainps , < or f reelMinplilvt i\o. JUluetlo lilaatlc Iruta C . , b a FraucUco , Cl THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsockBt & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo are their woator.1 nffonts and always carry a largo stock. Address , Sewed Shoe Bo 1204 and 1206 llarney Street. If joiiKudrr from (1IIM3C3 reused by [ EXCESSES nr YOUTHF I ncf Mstthnfll , irJ5RsYMuTiw : Lusi MdllllUUU , ; > Dmlneor unykindandunnt to knowliowtncrim iourtuKi f at homo , sonil ID rents for our Umk , TAOID ton WEAK HEN."mailed 111 plain four ! Mention Hill II.IIHT. INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 269 Dearborn St. , Chicago , III. , _ ONLY REGULATOR , Safe. and Certain to a Jay or money re Securel oaleJ from or > NO GUR.EX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATlVO"the Wonderful Spooler. Jtumrdy , cnrea all Nervous lllipsaee. gucb na Weak Mem ory , Loeg of Dralu Power , llcadacho , U'nkcfulncpR , J/ini , -1 f-tfJI4ZZ& Manhood , NcrvoiiB- afore & , After Use nees , Jjiesltude , all Fholuxrapned ( ruin Luc. drains aud lee ol power of the Generative OrKnna , In either ecz , caneod by over eicrtlon , youthful ln < liicretlon , ot the CXCCF | VO use of tobacco .opTiun , or ttlmiila.ite , whlcli ultimately lend to Infirmity , Consumption anil Insanity. Put tin In convenient form to carry In tbo vert pocket. 1'rlcc $1 n package , or C for' Sentliymnll to any address. Circular free. " tlon tliht paper , Addrtrn aiCBlDCUXilULCO. , 117 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. KU hAl.i : IN OMAHA. Nl.ll. , IIY Kuhn A Co. Cur , IStli iV ltmy\im , \ StreeU. J. A. Fuller A Co. . Uor. lllli A lloueliu fitrcctj. A. D. fuller & Co. . Council tlluUi. Iowa. X.IQUOJH. IN ALL THE WOULD THEHE IS BUT ONE CURE DR , RAINES' QQLDEN SPECIFIC , It tun lie fxtttn In M ruji uf t'ltfTri * ur Itu. ur In lir. llcle * uffuou , without tbo knowledge 01 Ilie putlont , if neomoiry. II Ii abiolutely hariul ia and will enctl permaotut And ape dy euro , hethcr the patiiri.t u moderata drinker uraualuobohaM rook. 11 .Nl.tMC KAIl.t. It opttratea to quitlly mid wuh auoh cer- Umty that tUo paitvnt unctergoea no Inooaventcuce. And era h in aware , hia compleU ) relormatlon la etiectod. 4Bpaffo book of particular * fr o. To tx > Uatol KU11N to CO. , J&th Uougl . c IMh A : C'umincBH. C'J'Trade rupplled by DI.AKE. UUUUi ! K CO , aud JUCUAUDSOS URUa C'O..Oin.bl. roul < AniES OVLY-nr. Uduo't I-orlodlcitl I'lll , thsKrnnchrumcity.net on the inenitrual / loin ntid euro auppruialon from uliatorur cauae , I'romnto inenatruatlon.1'huao nllla abould nut bo taken dur- .ngpregnancy. Am. I'lll Co , Itoynlly l'rop , Hpun- cer. Clay Co , la. Uunuluu by Ulmrman H MeConnall , IJodeo it. noir 1' . O.Ouiauai U. A. Melchor , My Omaha- . 1 * . UU. Council UluBi. tl. or i tar U on. 1'ructlco llnilloii to DUciuos of Iho LUNGS AM ) Nervous System tncltiilliiK Neuralgia , 1'nialyila , : | , ' | y , Ciitaluixy , llyxtcro Epllupiy , Co n vu I- lun , hulnnl Inltu- tlun , Khmitnnlliin I lironlo Alcoholism Nunou , llcadiulif. Nerruus ProBtrntlun coiuimiiiUon mid ni ItoouisilK ! to 3.W , BEE BUILDING. OMAIU. _ OOUMEDAL , W. BA kER CO.'Sj Breakfast Cocoa It abtcliitelu pure atul it i soluble. No Clicmicalat > r , ui.J la 111 prtparillon. It lit , IMT Dan Ikril linn Ikl ilrtnylK ( jt Cooe4 inl d with Starch , Arrowroot or But lid Ii tlitrtf it tu more jconomli tculiif till ( tail en < tint a tvy. ll ( l llctoii t iiouri hln , ilrthKtticuuir , i tui.Y DIUHIWI , euJ aJnilraUyadtpA hi Invalid * ai Htllai | 'tr oui In hvaltk * Hold Lj ( Jrorora u erjnher , W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchester ,