-T ( . _ _ " 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 10 , 1890. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Improved Pinancial Conditions and Other Influences Strengthen All Lines. WHEAT ACTIVE AND CLOSING HIGHER , Corn Up and Stronn to llio Close OnlN Cllnil ) Avltti I ho Ilcst The Provisions Mvo Stock. CiiiCAco , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to THE Jlr.E. [ The receipts of all cereals hero wcro under the estimates of yesterday , The finan cial conditions In the cast nppearcd much Im proved , according lo curly dispatches. Thcso with other lull nonces started all the markets . ' on 'elinnjjo strong. I'rovl.slonaore helped by ' nnotlier ndvanco In prices nt tbo yards. f Wheat moved up and down today easily. ( There was some manipulation , M > mo chasing of the market by scalpers nnd borne streiHth ' on the Improved flmuiolnl condition early. r Tl.o ilny opened with a bull market. DIs- patchns fioni Now York represented a better ntatoof things In Wall street nnil stocks en joying a little boom. UoeelptH here wcro less tliiui tlio estimate. The market was unduly depressed yesterday by false rumors and u re action was In order. The market opened ? o j up"ut ( 'So ' for Mny. There wns pretty free ! selling fora tlmoby MeOortnlck & Co. Whlto , , & Co , nnd a few otlior houses. On this tlio d prlco touched ffliioKaslor cables and nn In- ? crenso of 1,400,000 biiHhcls on ocean pus- - , tago i aiiscd hesitation for a tlino , then : the ciowd turned buyers und small shorts ? covered. Irwln-Orvcn were good buyers and { ' llutclilnson began buying. New York cleared fc 18,000 bushels of wheat nnd 13,000 barrels of ' flour ; Now Orleans nlso cleared wheat for Y Liverpool. Stocks at Now York kept on nd- \ vnnelng. The prlco of wheat went from IfiJio 5 to 0lio In n short time. The advance brought f. out u prcntdcalof wheat. I'nrdrldgo sold - freely nml the crowd sold for a re.ic- y tlon or to roallia profits. There wns n ronc- ' ' tlonof ViV at once. A little later reports of n * failure In ttock circles at Ts'ew York caused a j | break of nnotlier Ho to 079 c , the low figure of J the morning. 1'or thohourfollowlngtho prlco vibrated between OSo nnd 08ic ? and held at the 'it latter figure , over last night , at 1 o'clock. \f \ Tlioro win no frcHh news In wheat the last r half hour , but tliu market recovered Its early Itrcngtli In sympathy with a good upward movement In Wall street stocks. The prlco of May ndvitni'od Just before the close to OS ? ; ® [ ' W.iC and closed at OSfjc , or 1'ic over last P night. Deceinlcr wns quoted nt 8ScandOCc , 6 closing nlSOTic ! Jaiuiury.UOc to Ol' c , closing B , nt Ol5c. ! The corn market had several thlnes to help It to better prices this morning. Uccclpts were sixty cars less than tlio estimate , olTcr- Ings wore very light during early trading , the local crowd was largely short nnd proceeded to cover , and Ilutehlnson bccnino nn active buyer ; the prlco went up ? 4c the first hour at Now York , chiefly on the Improved financial conditions , and wheat ai\d hog products were higher tit the very start. Under tlieso Influ ences May corn started ! { o higher nt 5l ? e , with the first tradlngof consuiiuonuo at OIKc. mid n quick advance to Clc , or Ho over the closoyestcrday. Kroni this nolnt there was a Blow doollne on a slow market to5l ? c , with a second rally to Hiu an hour before the close , and the mnrkot steady tit CITic at 1 o'clock. ThohlronKth In corn hold to tliu close. May closed ut 51,7ic , , or lie over the close hist nlxht , mnliliii ; a Rain of lic ! In two days. Tlioro was n. brisk .demand for December corn at the clcsi ) . 'i'ho last regular sales wcro reported at 62 Je , or Ic up for the day , with Mjjc , bid and paid for Ilcceinlicr after the boll. January VIIR quoted at 5IUo to C > 2u ut the close. Jlay corn privileges sold , at 3 p. in. , ra Sl ? c und 65 c. Oats closed with an advance over the clos ing prlt-0 yesterday of ? o for all months. The market opened ( Inn and slightly advanced with other cereals , with May nt 4Go. This month sold at 4G.l o nnd closed at 4GUu bid. December was quoted at43 < c to 4Uic : , closing at nio ; ; January , 4iJio : to 4'JUc , closing at S There was ( iiilto a bulgoln prices of provls- Ions early. The receipts of hogs wcro again much lighter tliun expected , and early dis patches quoted prices Goto ibo higher. There was , besides , a strong feeling on tlio curb fet wheat , and corn , and fears of a bull mnrkot all around cnused shorts In provisions to bid Ui very rapidly at the opening. I'ork opened 13c higher , but no ( itd'-'rs could bo filled until an other 5o was added lo the advance , putting January at $10.11.1 and May at $11.If . An curly ndvnnco carried the prlco to $10.4714 for Jan uary and $11.4.1 for May , a gain of : iOc to : i2c ! over last night. The host prices did not hold , und at the eloso January was at 810.10 and May nt , (11,10. I.uril was IInn nnd In demand to the close , when the highest prices were paid at tr > .8 ? ! { for January nnd * 1.47 ! for May , or lOo tc 12)Jo ) over yesterday. Itlbs wcro up 7 > > o to lOo § 5 j. n s r : 3 , WHEAT Dee 187 ? Mny . . . . t'b ' IfcK Cou.N Jim. Mny. . . U S4X OATS Mny. . . 1C 40 45J | I'liHK Jan. . . . 10 42 } 10 H ) 10 xnt 1017H May. . . 11 40 11 45 11 15 1.AIID Jan , , . | 40j j ? fil & BO S75 Mnjr. . . U 40 647H 035 Hills- Jan. 522' ' 6 m , ! > Vi < 4 6 12l | 5774 4 Bah 5 Tib CHICAGO TAVK STOCK. OiiicAno , noo. O.-lSpcclal Telegram to Tin BEE. ] CATTI.K Trade was slow from oponln ; to close. With the iniiiibor carried over las night and the fresh receipts today It was ostl muted thut thoru was from 10,000 to 18,000 licac of all klnda on sale , and among the fresh ar rivals were many loads of extra and prlmi eteers and moro to come. As to whuther gooc to eholeo cattle wcro telling for moroorlesi money than yesterday It was dllllcult to do tcrmlne , ns prices were slow and uneven especially on medium to good steers and goo < dresscd-boof stock. There would scorn to bi little or no chance for nny Improvement till week , us receipts here and elsewhere so f u nro nearly as hoary us last week , on ono o the big runs for the season. Tlioro nro m Texans In sight , yet cows , holfors nnd butch crs' stock lomaln nt the lowest figures for i year. Stookurs are soiling n shade lower thai Inst week ono car of Christmas steers sold a 15.05 , and soreral other carloads nearly a p oo < l , at $5.oi iW.3.i. Uholco export nnd drrssoi b eof btoeU , $4.5034.03 ; medium , $ l.o > xa4.2.1 eomnion , J2.7. ; a.75 ; c-ows , bulls and commoi IVPU'1 > l ( ) . - llirK" It0t ) I'0C" ' Bi'ltl ' at $1.3.iJ1.75 ( , and steers nt $1.75@2.33 itookors , * l.lioy.2.B\ llods-Ihiimind fair , with prlmo heavy am butoherwolelit.sbclllngnbonta nickel higher tint ooinnioii light mixed and packing grade ehowed no partlrulur cliunso. Itough am common lUlit mlxeil , W.40Q.'l.r > 0 ; good toehole inlxed , $3.123.70 ; prlmo heavy and fane 80' ' " " ' " * -JA M NEW VOIIK , Pec. 0. [ Spcclal Telegram t Tun llEE.l It was no EiirprUo to the stroc that stocks opened with a bound this morn Ing. The Improvement wns started before th close Monday and continued with added fore when the operators mot today. Th tracing ot hoary selling to the Gould Caimnnck coiiililnntlou yesterday whtl money wus loaning at 00 per ecu nnd the flcrco covering of certain steel Jato In the day by the snmo parties , led tli irado to sco moro dourly tlinn ever the dooj Inld manipulation In progress. Ono of the ad vices sent out last night wus much moro hope fill nnd Investors were assured thut thei could bo no mistake In taking standard share nt present prices Iluylng by shorts wus n doubled this morning and there were glens c a bull market everywhere. All classes c stocks started higher , a few showing gains c less tlinn 1 per cent , whllo Consolidated Qu With 2 ! { , Louisville & Nashville with 2 , uu Missouri 1'aclllo with 2 , led , Tlio last name opened with sales at MJJ , 68 and &MJ , the Ins figure being ! ) ) { per tout bettor than Its Ins night's prlco. The helxht to wlilch prices ha been forced , however , brought in liberal reul ( rations with some short Kales , nnd Mtssoui buck to & 7S'i whllo Northern I't clflc prrferrcd lo t Ji , Loiilsrlllo A NaMivlllo and HeadlnK each H , and others generally Btnall fraction ! ) . In no ojine , however , was nil if the opening gnln lost. Tlioro wns nctlvo iiHliirjs ( liirlim the curlier portion of the our. In wlilcli at. 1'aul , I.nckawnnnn. Missouri 1'nclflc , Union Pacific , 1-ou- ivtllo ft. Nnslivlllo , AtohUon and itcadln ; ; wcro most prominent ; but nftcr tlio inovomcnts mentioned worn com- itotcd conipnr.itlvo dullness Marked the ro * nnlndcr of the liniir. The hour to noon iron all a second period nf good all-round biiyltu-Miiid the best prices ot the inornln * worn iiRiiln reached nnd uvon pnwcl In few stocks. IlutlliiRtiin rose lo 67 , Northwestern tolOI't ' ( iiBalnst. to last lilKht ) . St. I'aul lo4Si ! , nnd Union 1'actlloto 13'i. ' Western Union was iicavy ntul ulT to 72)4 ) , nnd Ileadlnit olT to 27 ] from ? J ul the openhiK. The dny In slocks cnilcd as It begun , with a broad nnd strpm , ' rnarkcl , and some roninrUuhlu guln ? record oil. After inlddny liuylnir liccamo moro general , shorts covered moro freely , the railroad cltua- lion looked better In tlm west , bond purchases by tlinpovcrnmont nnd llio eiiKniroinentH of Hold for Import milled to tlio bull feeling and ptlces went climbing. The remarkable ad vance WIIH In Union 1'iiolllc-up nbout " > points nt47K. Other Importiint Rains were Missouri l'aolllo3i.St. ! I'miin to m. Hook MiitultlU to 701J. Nortliwcsternim to I02 , Ilurllnatou2 to 8S , Atclilson2i ! toSOVi , Nortliern I'nclllu pro- forrrd2'i lofil , Chicago Gas 2 tolls and many other slocks f rom 1 to 2 percent. Mnnltiilla- ! ors loaned money freely In the street , but the trndo hesitated to think the Improvement will bo permanent. Uiislncis wns enormous. The following were tlio closing ( [ notations ; _ J. . If regular . 121 Nnrtlicrn I'nclllo * > 'i II H. Is cniiien . 122 ilo tirofrrrcd . . . . < ! ! II , H. 4 i roifiilar . IK ? ' . AN , W A. . 103 U.S. 4Hi coupons. . . .Itn ilo preferred ISiiW I'nclllcils of W . 1011 New Vork Central. . . . W ( Vntrnll'ncltlo . . . . W I' . . I ) , A is ll'f MlilcncoA Alton . 188 Il0'h Idlnml TD'l C. , M.ASI. I' ta 03 iloprefuirocl 102J ( I ) . , I. . A.V . . , .1W St. I'niil.VOninliii . . . 21 IlllnolnCfiitril . US clopri'forri'il' . 77W 1I& W . Ifnlon I'aclltc 474 snn , V Toms . 11 W. . St. f > . & I * li-H l.nlinHliur . do preferred K .Mlchliinn Ccntrnl. . , Western Union 7334 .Ml-iouil I'nclBc . MONEV On call , close , raugliiB f rom 1 to 5 percent ; closed offered at 3. I'UIMB MfcliOANTll.v. I'M'Klt T'/tftlO per cent. STKIII.INH KXCIIANCII- : Active nnd eteady ; sixty-day bills , { 1.70 ; demand. J-I.82S4. Mlnlni ; Hliurcn. Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to TUP. IlKK.l-Tho followln ; uro tliu mining stock quotations. ! nm Con , lir , Ontario 2T.V ) Con. Co I. ft Vn 2.S.1 Oplilr as.l llnlo A Norcro.i3 140 S.iviik'C l.'fl llmue.'tnku HX ) Stnndnnl 100 Horn Sllvor iWO Union Cun loj .Mcxlcnn ; t The Coffee market. NEW YOIIK , Uec. 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB lliiK.l-Coirco Options opened steady. Ito 10 points upaiid closcdstoady 10@0 points up. Sales : 1(1,00. ( . ) bags , Incluillng December , JI7.SVfJ17.i'i : ) .In nuary , JlG.2.- > HIR.i5 : ; March , SI5.40 sl."i43i Mny , JlMSj snot Iflodull and easy ; fair cargoes , tlWX ; No. 7. S17msO17.70. ( JL'ltOltVVK 31A ItHE'lS , CninAno , Dee. 0. 1 p. m. oloso. Wheat- Market llrm ; cash , S'J.Vo ; January , Oliic ; May , Corn Firm ; cash,52Sjc ; January , 52j ; May , Oats Slriulv ; cash , -a'iI31Sc ) ; January , Alps * I'orx l > 'lnii ; cash , t3.121 { ; January , Jin.l."i ; Mny , $11.10. Lard 1'Inn : cash , 8o. . " > jft5.GO ; January , J..87'May.W. ; . 7H. Kyc Easy at BSc. Jlarloy Kiisy at 75 Flax Quiet at tl.a > ! i. Timothy I asy at fl..tll.3l. Whlskv-ll.tl. Flour Unchanged ; easy ; winter patents , $ l,7ivr.00 ; spring patents , tl.Ki35.oo ; bakers , . . . Hulk Mpats-Plioiilders , Jl.WVfU.OS'Ji short clear , f,1.2Vii : > . : ; short rlli . $ .1.01X2J'.0.1. nines , ii > ! ( , c ! urv can. twii'u ' ; ueacons , oatn. - Tallow Uneliangoil ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4'ilc ; No. L' , D < 3i.io : ! ; cake. 4'c. } Hccelpts. Shlpinents. Klour. hills ll,0.)0 ! ) I'.OIK ) Wheatbu 7(1,000 ( 10.000 Corn , bu l o.O'JO 57,0011 Oats , bu L'0.-OOJ 12.,0 < X > New YOIIK. Dec. n. Wheat Hccelpts , bushels ; exports , 48,500 ; spot. 3i Al'io lKher and strong ; No. 2 red , 1.02' In elevator , tl.OIVi alloat. * I.OtUQI.05 : 5 f. o. b. Options advanced H.iQlic mid closed strong ; No. 2 red , December , closing atI.O. ? . { . Corn Itccolpts , f)4RK ! ) ; exports. 10,003 ; spot higher : No. 2 , C2.V0.'ttto In elevator , Ulo afloat ; uiiKraden mixed , C-'UfeMo. Options strong , Deccinbcr closing at d.e. ) Oats Hecelpls , 58,000 ; exports , none ; spot steady : No. a white , 5Ui@lic ? ; mixed \\oti- ern , 4.1lcvhltu ; westeiii , 517 ! e. Options Orinor , December closing at 50'ic. SiiRiir Haw , steady ; ccntrlfintal" , CO test , 5 5-lGo ; lellniMl. steady and quiet. I'otroloum United closed for January at Kasy ; western , 2fi2'c. ) I'ork Dull ; mess. } IO. 75 12.00 Lard Higher and strong ; western steam. $0.10. flutter Firm ; western dairy , ll@21c ! crcatu- cry.2l < a2.'c ; Klein. Me. CheeseI'll in : light skims , 4JQ.O4'o. ! ? ST. hotns , Ileo. 0. Wheat Steady ; cash , 02ic ; Iieceinber , OUc ; January , oajc ; Mny , 07oulv [ ; ! 7'ti87ic. ( ! Corn Higher ; ensh,52)2ic ! ; December , 51c ; January. I0'icMay \ , 5'ic. Oats Lower ; cash , 45c ; Jlay , firm tit 40 ( ® Jie. I'ork Quiet at f hard Dull at W.50. Whlhky-Steady at $1.14. llutter Unchanged ; creamery ,24 < 2Cojaalry , MINNEAPOLIS , Dec , n. Tlio demand for cash wheat Is rather er. Kecclpts , u eni-.s ; shlpmonls , 120 cars ; closlm ; : No. 1 hard , De cember , fciie : on track , b7c ; No. 1 norlbern , December - cember , KlVioj Slaj" , ! Ulio ; on traok , 83o ; No. 2 noitborn , December , 77o ; on trade , 7lSWOc. KANSAS CITV. Doe. Wheat-Quiet , No. 2 hard , cash , Kic hid ; December , Kio bid ; No. 2 red , casn. felic bid. Corn ( Julot ; No. 2 , cash , 494 ( ! bid ; Decem ber , 48jo bid. Oats Stoutly ) No. 2 , casli,45o aslcotl ; Decom- ber. 44o bid. _ MILWAUKEE , Dec , 0. Wheat I'Irin : No. 2 sprlnK , cash , 8ou8Ce ( ; ; May , Ulie ; No. 1 north ern , We. Corn Quiet ; No. .1 , cash , 40 ! c. Oats-yulet ; No. 2 while , cash. 44'jC. ! 1'iovlslons I'irm ; pork , J10447i. ! CINCINNATI , Dee. 0. Wheat Firms No. 2 red , ( We. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , MXGIXI. * lats ) More aetlvn ; No. 2 mixed , 4Sc. \Vhlsky-l.U. _ I.ivr.iii'ooi. , Dec. 8. Whout Quiet ; lioldors oll'er moderatuly ; California , No. 1 , TsCdfo 7s ( l'jd. ' Corn Qulot and lower ; mixed western , 5s 4Jil ! per cental. STOf'Ji. CiiiCAno , I3eo. 0. Oattlo Hccolpts , 0,000 ; market slow ; prices low ; Christmas Blears. S.l.tiO ; choice export and dressed beef stock , M.U.V3.VI5 ; common tomedlum. 42.55SM.2.1 ; cowB. bulls and mixed , Xl.lW&i.W Texas cattle , ( l.u : < aaiSs : stockers , tl.0or42.8.1. HOKS Hocelpts. 2,1.000 ; market steady to higher ; roiiKh and common light mixed , (1.40 ® a.M ; peed to eholeo mixed , $ { .4033.70 ; prime heavy nnd butcher weights , JJ.75SK.83 ; light , $3.4.V&.50. ! Sheep liecolpts , 8,000 ; market steady ; na tives. ' . JI.2K23.OUj westerns , l 4.2J < Zil.70 ; lambs , ST. Louis. Dec. 0. Cattlo-IJecclpts , 2,000 head ; shipments , 400 head ; market elo\v ; fair to fancy native steers , S.U04i5.00 ) ; sloolcurt and feeders , Ju'.OOWI.lO. HORS Uccclpts , 5,000 head ; Milpmems , none ; market steady and Higher ; heavy , J3.50ija.70 mixed , (3.20 1.5.1 ; light , $ J.203.3j. KANSAS OITV , Dec. 9. Cattle Hccolpts , 8.300 head ; shipments , 1,100 head ; market bteady steers , M.501.2,1 ; cows , II.7JO 1.00 ; stockersaiu feeders , tl.WHfcl.V > , Hues Receipts , 10,030 head ; shlpmoiits.nono rnarket steady and higher ; all grades , W.Ojfi 3.70. _ OJ/.1J/.I JI.UIKE ZS. OMAHA , Dec. 0 , 1600. CATTLE Estimated receipts of cattle 2,500 us compared with 1,7M yesterday and 2,041 Tuesday of last week. The quality ot the re ceipts was poor. The miirlcet was slow and lOo lower on beet os and lOu to I5e lower on butch er stock. Feeders are slow and unchanged. lions Estimated receipts of hogs. b.bOO , as compared with 4. 40U yesterday and 7,810 Tues day of lust week. The market opened slow and steady to 5o lower.and closed Miluo lower ' 1 ho average of tbo prices paid was 10.41 ns cniuiiaretl wltn Sl.asu yebtorday and I3.31 Tuesday of lust week. Hlicop Estimated receipts of sheep , 5S2 The inurkot on Rood mutton was btroug. Nil tlvus , &UXM.10 ; westerns. $2.00 < ai.lO. of Stock. Showing the number of head of stock pur chased on this market as reported by tin wnlKhtmastcrot the Stockyards company fo Decembers ; CATTI.n. lluyers. NO , SwIft&Co . 61 Ueorgoll. Hunuiiond .VCo . 17 The Armour-Ouduhy packing company. . . Off Otuaha puoklng couiyauy . , . , . , , U Mlt.KCItS AM ) Isprlnsor . $1000 Imllker . . . 2000 1 milker . aaoo OAI.VE3. 1. . 130 350 1. . 210 375 1. . 140 400 1. . 100 3 50 3. . 810 2 23 0..1000 2 40 COWS AND IIUL.I.B. 21. . 1137 1 75 oxnN. 2 .1010 2 50 4. 1012 2 70 BTACS. 1..1030 000 MIXHD. 20. . 600 2 25 03IA1IA irMKHKH.tlE Jl.iltKETS. Groceries. MoblRRRS IlbH N. O. fancy , pergiil , 4SS59c : choice , 4345c ; nood. 30i4.'r.'ci Utiha , hakhi . 2i ( TDJWc ; liluckstrap , 20 ® ! c ; syrup , T'l ' t-nde , hbls , 2Cu ; lihbl,23u ; 4-gal kegs , JI.-JI ; L'-gul kilts , G7o. G7o.OANSKP FKUITS California Apricots. $2.20 © 3.W ) ! peeled nprlcota. S4.2. . ! pcaclies , } 2.70iO 3.00i pours J2.13 ; llartlett peiirs. J2.C5 : Knipes , 11.00 ; chni-1'leH , while , $ S..Vj ® ' . > .7V , cherries. tra lliio Kouds Aprleols. $ l.nu ; yellow Uruw- fordpuaclics , 91. 0 ; sliced ponehus for ei-eiim , Jl.2.1 : llartlctt pears , U85 ; egg plums. iKl.50j irroen Knsos , W 10. Kastc-rn cnnncd frnlt- roaeht-s , seconds , J2.20iii2.aO ; apples , 3-lh , Jl.lOj gill , lidoIn uasc , 41.20 ; Boosdhiirrlos , Haiti- more htniiilurd , 2-lb. $1.10 ; stniwherrles , 81.2.1 ; ruspborrh's. $1.40 ; blnehorrles. $ l.aoj rod ran p- hurrles , $1.50 ; blaokherrles. 81.10 ; cherries , Jl.aMil.iaj nlncanplos , sllucil , ? I.2.VSi2.40. HUOAU Urnnulutod. 6',5o : aiilips , oyn : cut loaf. 75c. ! powdered , standard , ? t'o ; .XXXX , pnwcioil , 7Jo ! ; yellow 0 , 5o ; canary , 5c ! ; light E.v. 0 , 5ia ( o ; oonfoctlonors' A , HJie. JlAri.i : buaAii I'or Ih 5o cakes , yo-lb Im.xcs. 13o ; lOo oakes , 30-lh boxes , U'K c ; 1-lb bricks , XI Ibs In box , iniro. 14c. HiloOMS 5-tlo parlor , J.1.00 ; 4-tlo. $ i.75 ; 3-ttp , J2.25 ; 3-tlo. plnln , $1.80 ; wurohonse , $3.00 ; toy. $1.2.1 ; whisk , $1.001.25. SOAIOastllc , mottled , pcrlb. lOo ; dowhitp. per Ih , 14c ; laundry soip. : per 100 , . . 5.LO ; .shaving soap , W > j ? ? ; > e nc-r dotollot sonp , 3 cakes per box. per doz , 50e 32.25. NUTS 1'cr Ib Almonds , l u ; HrazIIs. 21o ; lllberts , 1'Jo : nocans , laiailc ; walnuts , l.lc ; pua- 11 nts , fancy white , Be ; roasted , lOc. Oi.ivcs Quarts , per ( | OA 81.00 ; pints , pordoz , 82.50 ; bulk , porpil. $1.10. Ollvo oil , / pints , 2 doz per 0,11.0 , $ l.wa5.20. SALT Dairy , ya Iba In bbl , bulk , 8J.10 ; lit-st grade , GO 5s , $2.iO : ; best grade , 100 as , 12.40 ; best grade , 23 109 , 42.23 j rock salt , crushed , ? 2.10. SODA I'aukases , GO Ibs to box , 5ic ? ; kegs , 4Uc. SAI.SOOA Ki-gs , 17'oporlb ; bbls , IJic ; gran ulated , lOJ-lb buvosc. . CAN.NEII VKOIITAIII.IS Toinatoca-U-lb , $1.00 Cil.10. Corn Very line , * 1.2V31.i5 : ; 2-lbaugar , $1.15 : 2-lb Btiindnrd wo.stcrn hrands. $1.10 , Mushrooms 1-lb Kronch , oxtru line , 2i'ffi.'Mci 1-lb I'ronch , line , 18 < ! : i2''o ; 1-lb I'roncli , ordi nary , loaibo. l'nas-2-lb early Juno. $1,2,1 ; 2- Ib Marrow , standard hrandi , fl.lO2-lb | snukod , 70e. Kronch peas 1'or CHSO of 100 , Jl.1.003 22.00. Hiring beiuiH-2-lb lilgh grailo. uOo ; 2-lu wiix beans , b.1o ; 2-lb string beans. H3o. I.lmu beans 2-lbsoiikcd , 8.V. Iloston bilked bonus il-lb , 8I.3.V31.M. Sweet potatoes-a-lb Now .Toisoy , (1.50 ; 3-lbol < ra and toinatoos , ( IV ( > ; 3- lbokni.fl.GU ; asparagus , 3-lb , $ ' . ' .h.VTta.7J ; rhu barb , 3-11) , $1.40 ; suecotasli. $1.20(31.25. ( TWINKS , ContiAUt : , Kia. Cotton twine. "Illhb , " very linoll ! > bales , 22o ; cotton twine , XX brand , > . : -lU bales. lt > u ; hump twine , H-lb bales , 18o ; salt twine , 20u ; candlowlck , 22o ; 40-foot cotton olothos lines , II. 4IJ 00-foot outton olnthos lines , $1.05 ; no-foot slsil : llnoa , $1.75 ; 00-foit Jute. 81.85 ; wool twines , UVie , Ma nilla rouo All sizes Irom 7-1(1 to 1 In. , lie ; sisal rope , till sl/.os from 7-1(1 ( to 1 In. , 0'c ; "now processes , " all sizes from 7-10 to tin , bu ; cotton roue , U-ln. . lUc , AMMU.siTios-lUflo powder , per keg , $3.50 ; nor /I hug , 12' ' , ' Ibs , $3,00 ; rlllo , per U keg. Wi Ibs , $1.0.1 ; blasting , A , per keg , $ ' . ' .05 ; blr.slln ? , ll.porokeg , $2.15. Shot Drop , per bagl.U5j buck J1.1R ) ; chilled. il..U. Uaps-av aio per M , HAKINO 1'owDKit Itovul , clliiiociins , pordoz , , OSo , U-lbenns1.4"i ; > i-lb cans , $ . ' .i'i ; 1-lb cans. t.1.00 ; I'rlco'H dhuo cans , We ; u-11) oiins , $ ! . : ; ii-lbcans , (2.50 ; 1-lb cans , fl,73 ; otlior kinds , 1-lhonns , pordoz , $ l.00a > 3. 1'Ai'Kit 1'er Ib , best straw , 15x18 to32x44 , lj i dry goods , 440 ; extra quality manlllu , Oi'ic : inanlllu tea , 12x13 , Do ; durk rug , hardware , 2'Jc , CIIKESK-K. 0. twin flat ? , per Ib , 10Voi { I0. . , Young Amorle.n , lUic ; doinestlo Swlts , 15Jio ; brlok. 14o ; Kdnin , In foil , ouch it.OO. FAHI.VACEOUS QOOPB llarloy , 4o ; farina , hogs , J3.00 ; split peas. Bo ; grcon peas , So ; oat meal , bbli , KU e.M } | ball bbU , W au.W | mncnmnl , Ic | vermicelli , I2ct nftgo nnd tanl- oca. OQO'Joi Mma lAills,3Voi ) ccroallno , $ : U4 ; Ihiknd hominy , a'.io. Diur.n I'liuira Tiirlilgli prunes , less tlinn < , Set aiplrsrovaporntod | ! , now ring scL'dle s Hiiltaiiiis.siioUp.lOSiO ! wu.soiilels. 8'icj ' Now Valencia,8ej ( Jndiira layer. Ho ; llgs. lay ers , l.i'SISei ' dates , ruraln.G.1-lb bo.\,7ci oltrou , Leghorn , 22c | leinoii'peel ' , 15c. ComiK Uii'on-llhv 2ii ; ! < il2llio : Jnvn. 2 < c ; Mochn.2ic ) > . lloiistcsl-tAroaln. iBJJei Iliinola , ja } l'l 'o.rninn ' , 2.3'Kj ; Ulllwoilh's , 25o ; ! l.lon , 254ei ! Mnllpouch , .V.iioi I'orilovlii.av jo | Mocha , B2cj OO. .luvii , 3j < j ( , ; orrco Kssonco ! i gro. boxes Jl.a5QI.5u : ehlckory , 7'i ! 4f. VlMKdAli Apple cldt-r , Uc ) : doiihlocider , ISo 11.1.5031 J 10 , ToiiACCos-rinpcilt , per Ib , 2.175 ! Jilug , 22 ( iJ'i'oi smoking , 2Juiui ; fancy braiufs , OOcW 11.50. OANDV Mlxud. uu-lb imlls , SiidiSJJc ; stick , BSc ! ; twist stluk , Be ; Ftonch mixed , llUio ; lioarlKMiiuUtlcIv , 8ljc ; Jir : und onso oaiuflos , B-ll ) boxes , l.VB21c ; I'xtru line goods. KfilOte , ASM ; lliiKAsu-l'or gross-rrazlcr's larzo 11ns. .00 ; inodliim tins , $27.00 ; smiill , $1.1.50 ; other iniiUcs. WDotI , t,1.5'JO9.50. ltl.ACKINl-3doz ( III box. 301f..Vi Indies' slioc dri'silng , l.lctttl.OO ; steve | : ollsh , ] ior gross , l. I o adoz lnbox.IWcSfl.75 ; Roz , iidox In box , 11.50 ( 2.75 ; dry , small , 25o ; i' , 4. , c. Hi'K'Kf I'cppor-SliiRaporo , sifted , IftSISo ; Blip ) , 2ve ; ailspleo , inc ; cloves. I'eniiiirf , soluL-led , 2Uo : oiihsla. China , 4-lh Hints , Uo ; nut- ineps , No. l,73c ; inauiissor , 05o ; I'lokllng bilco | , 10-lb boxes. Kin. CiiACKiiis-fodi : , Oo ; oyster , 5ic ! ; cioam , 6ic ! ; glngi-r snaps , 8'it1. Unocoi.ATii. KTC.--I2-1I ) boxes , 247iX1o ; Ger man sweet. 2-24ui cocoa. aikaiOo : Ilromo , 32e , CocoANUT-l.l-lb ciiM-s , U nnd 'Mb pack- np s , pi-r Ib , 2iVa27o ; bulk , 15-11) ) palls , 2,1 < ; . r KxiiiACT.s-U-nmn , 2 o . Me1.8Ui 4 oz. $ l.00 < a a..V ) ; vanilla. 2 oz. Wefl.fiM ) ! 4 oz , II.2.V33.3'J | Jamaica ginger. 4 or. . $ | .S5. MATCIIKSI'urlor. . wo and aoo per box , $1 C.V3 1.70 pergnxs ; sulphur. tl.OVI4t,40. I'lCKl.KS-Modluni , bbls. JS.OO : small , $9.50 ; gherkins. tli.o-J : Huston mixed , JlS.uo. KICI : Jura , Co ; choice , Cc ; funoy , CUe ; head , tl'tC.Oinnii ' Oinnii I'or libl , icllncd , ? fl.01 ; hulf bbl , ? 321 ; hard elder , pun- , per bbl , J5.HU ; or.nigo older , half 1,1)1. ) KMt pear older , hulf bbl. $ ) . . ' ) . HIIII.SIII.SIKH. . . perdu/ . JI.S.vaa.50 ! duubers 75c < ajl.n'i : M-riili linislios.OeSUOO. STAIICII IVr Ib. li'tffii-o. HiiiPSKii--MI.\iMl : bird. l-hpkgs,5j ! ; canary 4JJiliouip , 4'it ' ; ; anise. We. .WnotiK.NWAuii-l'or doTubs. . No. I. J .a. , No. 2 , $ " . . ' 1.1 ; No. 3 , { ii.3.1 ; koolorc , oikuralii,5-lii : 11 if i tinu inviiimi , i ( Mi , > fit iPi | L , t-iiu i ii uiiin ; hoops , N' . I htrlpi'd. if.'uiu ; uuilnr , il liruss lionns Nd. 'Jxti-liiuil , J4..VI ; litii-o , extra lu-iivy. No. 1 S'.p ; well liuclvots. f.li ) . lliitturwiu-o Tnln a.sli , a-ln. jiur nust , 70c : ash. L'-in. ' . ' liirjjii slzu.s nor nest. JV ; liutti'r Indies , hurd wooil , TOo liuttcrpaddlutor sniiilrs , \Vnsliloirds- ) : - Sln li'l.4ia.X ! ( ) ! double jL'.5Cffia.ai. Ulathus- plns-5 uniis bo.M'-t , { Vic. UAMIMIU lb < to box , 0Jc ! : inlnlnu , JCK2 10ic ! ; wax. lie. S.MOKKiiMBAT.s-Siigarciii-cd Hams , 14 to K Ibs average. ! Hc : hams , 20 to 22 Ibs average Hie ! ; liiiins , K lusavuingc , fl'ie ' : skinned hums Ityei hums , No. 2 , 8e ; shoulders. ( .0 ; clem lireukfasl bacon , 8c ; boneless breakfast bacoi : bucks , ( PRlionuil ; Invin. Be ; California , or pie- nlo hams , ( i'je ' ; boneless liiiin. 8ic ! ; dried heel liiiini. sets , , 'ie ; dried beef clods Bo ; shorl spiced lolls or ham louletle , 73.fe ; smoked beef tongues per doz , $0.50 ; specl.il brand hum ? . 12 to 15 Ibs average , Uc ; special brand boneless bioakfast buemi. lie ; selected dried hei't hams. Insldes mid knuckles UHc ; selected \vldc elour breakfast bai'on.U'ie. DHVS.AI.T.MIIATH 1'aiicy light weight shorl clears. ( > V5c ; long clours. BJJO ; short clears , liei short rllis. Bye ; .shoulders , Be ; clear bullies , B14o ; clear hacks , Cl > . SMIIKKD MIATS : Dry salt cured 1'ancy llglii weight bacon sluiit i-luars , 7e ; bacon shorl ribs , o'iu ; bauon short clear.s. O'.ja ' ; liacoti lonu eleais. lijji'i bacon ctenr hacks , Cjjo ; bacoi eleur bellies. 7e ; biicon sliiiuldurs , 5'io. tiWKi'.T I'lC'Ki.Kii MKATS Iliuns , tlurecs "Ho shouldui-s Now York eat. tierces , . " c ; bellies tien'i'S. s callfornlii ham. tierces , 5ic ! ; heel hum , bbls , ? 12.UO. I'tcni.iiilliai'TiNfluis : ( : Hulf lilils. 100 lb fKCifll fiiiarter bids , 5U Ibs , ? O.OJ ; eighth barrels - rels , 60 llio. } : i50. SWIJKT I'lCKi.cn PirAHi : Kins Tierces. 300 Ihi net uelKbt , $13.30 ; biivri'Is. 200 Ibs net weight SS.dOj half barrels. lOOjIus net wclullt. * t.75. LAIIU I'uro leaf , pfir Ib , tierce'basisO'Jc ' coinnound , per Hi , tlurce basis , 5Uc ; pure lard per Ih , tierce basis. ( J. c ; kettle rendered leal lard , per Ib , tlnrco busts , 7c. HAIIIIIKII : : I'OIIK AKII 11KKK-Per barrol- Jless pork ( new ) $11.50 ; finally pork. | | 1.3V short cut clear nork , S12..V ) ; short eutcleui pork. $11.23 ; Doneless pig pork ( fanny ) J14.HO I'.xtra iiie-.s hecf , Sfl.t'O ' ; plate beef , J7.0U : oxtr : plate beef , $ " .00 ; extra fatnllv beuf ( boneless vS.CO ; tolled beef ( boneless ) $ i < . ! > 0 ; rump butts 83.50 , I'm POIIK Honeless H Ii made of the lies cuts of choice pigs , has a bright , fresh color Hiirrels. 20) ) Ibs each , 114.00 ; hulf barrels , 101 Ibs each. $7.5' ) : quarter barrels. 50 Ibs each JI.OO ; eighth linnets , 23 Ibs each. ' . .25. SAIISAOK Hoiosnu , 4o ; smoked sausage , 7c blood suiisngu , 4'/io ' ; liver sausage , 4'Jo ' ; hoiu ehei-sc , 4'Jc ' ; fresh porkMms.wdlnks ) tic ; fresl pork saiibiigo ( biilk)5ic ; smokeil pork sausa c 8c ; rrankfurt satinago. 7c ; smoked hoai cheese , t'ci I'ollsh sausage. 7c ; Knoblauch suu snird , 7e ; toiniue sansnuc. e. The above prices uio for lots of tlfty pound ! unil upwards ; a less quantity ' , ' , cent more. FIIKHII lliir : L'UTS llolls , 7c : beef tender' loins. 14e ; hli-luln butts , GHc ; boneless strips OVc ; strip loins , BJic ; rounds , rump off. liu rounds , rump on , Bo ; lomids , shank off , BV4u boneless rumps 4o : chucks , 3u ; plates , 24 ! back hulvcs , 4c ; shoulder clods , 4 o ; boo loins No. 1 , steer. IflQMe ; No. 2. lOJUIc ; No. 3 7r ; beef ribs , 5H5t8e ; No. 1 , lOGlle ; sweo breads , per doz. . 35cj kidneys , each , 3u ; o : tnlls , each , 3c ; llvors. each. 15 ; beef heat-In each. 4p ; bcof tongues , ouch. lOc. MUTTON OliolcailiesM'd mutton , S'/Je ; racki of mutton , 14o ; suddlt-s of mutton , lie ; li'ieusti of mutton , 3o ; lus of mutton , lOe. l'insii : I'oitK I'ork loins Oe : lenderli'lns ' lie ; sjiaro rllis5u ; shoulders. 5c : hocks. 3o trliiiinlngs , 5c ; bauk bones , 2u ; dic.ssed bnu < , 5V.io ; cluiincil iilirV feel , per doz. , 30c ; roual uncleaned pigs' feet , uer ilo2 c. Country Produce. HUTTKH The market does not present anj marked changes , but It Is flrnior than i week ago. Oooil country rolls. 144tIGe : choice lOWlfc : Inferior , 7@I-'c ; good country solh Iiaeked , IWJKia ; choice dairy , 1820c ; gooc eri-iimory 'JlJi'.Ve ; fancy , 2.VW.c. I'oui.Tiiv The receipts of chickens nroqiilti largo and the market Is nut very strong. I reiptlrus extra good stock to lirhig over 7c Turkeys , lO'ifillc ; geese and ducks , I0i ? . A fov live chickens uro coming , hut they are no wanted. Knas I'rlcos range from 5lffi2Cc. nnd an oc casloniil small Htouk of very bright stock I ; Hold en seine > poehil order at 24e. OAMI : The market Is Ih-in and arrival ; are meeting with quite ready t > alo. I'ralrlc chickens , per dozen , $ .l.50@3,75 ; mallard iluaks noiiilnnlly. fc'.7.Vfi3.0J ; leal ducks. ifl.ODl.23 nilM'il d links. $1.5' ' ) ; quail. } l.V5'Qll..V1 ; .lack rih < lilts , tf.fayi.03 ; small rablilts , 75e5lll.oO ; deal und nntelopi ) cjroasscs , 80o ; saddle 12JT" " 3 There Is nodemuud. Voijotn bin ? . I'OTATOKS Homo crown stoek Is prnctlcall' ' out of the iiiarxut. Good Colorado stool lnlnssHSuai.33. ONiONS-Oholce stock , $ I.40 < SI. ! > 0 ; Spanish 81.7Spereratc , SWKUT l'OTATOis-Good : stock , MSOffll.OO po bbl. lIKANS-Ilcslrnnle stock , J2.40a2.75. OKI.KHV wxjy c jterdo/ . OAimAflK In crates , peril ) , 2S2Jo. ! l.r.rriiCK1'or doz. , xviMuo. OAUI.IfMlWKII I'urtlOZ. } J.fiO. TtJlisil'.s Hutabiigfts , choice , COS05o pc bushel. HKETS Choice stocK. 75o per bushel , Krcah Krillls. CALIKOIINIA I'nmT-.Small winter Nulls , U.a Gl.u.'i per half box. 11 AN AN * s Vollo\y , f5.25 < 31.00 nor bunch. Oii.VNdEs MoYleans , crates , jl.SO ; boxes , J3.7 C84.00 ; I'lorluas , brlsut , JU.7.V34.2J ; russets , SLD Q.I-00. I'KiisiMMO.vH-CiitlMrntu.tS.OOQS.SO per tray TANOKIIINKS l-'lorlda - , per case , f5.H ( ) . G'liANiiKimiRg Kunay Oapu Cod , f 12.50) ) fane' bell and cherry , JlO.U'i. ' I/KSIO.NS ( Jholco Rtock. $ . .r)0a7.00. Ai'i'i.is-Thosupiilyof mip'.es lias been cu down vury niatorlally , and stocks held In th cltv at the picsent lime are not large. Th quotations raiuo from IU.0 to (1.25 , uccordln to the iiuullty. n , | i,50 ! < a.00. JMetalH. STF.EI , WiunNAir.s-Ilasc , 12 , GO ; steel nulls base , $2.15. .KnopiNU Charcoal , I. 0. , 14xM , 112 , 10.00) ) 1 " tillKKTlnoN-No.26.M.50) ) No , 27 , Kl.fiO. Her IIKH Strictly half nml half , lUo. Tl.v 1'i.ATu-I. of. luv.'l , 47.50 ; I. X , 10x11 , J9.M coke. 4X1W. 11 ° fo.73. PlIKKT.INOkc. . Ooi'i'Kii Klnnlshcd holler slzo. ! Bo per 111 cold rolled. : tOuperlb ) shrctlng , 2So pcrlb ; pi mid Data , iUupor 11) . -aiar.a. . . . . llr.ocK TiN-bmitll pig. IWo per Ib ) bar , 30 per Ib. GAi vANlZEiiSimET IitoN-Ulscount 50-10 pc cent ) put. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 anil 27 A , l Flour. H. T. Davis'Mill Co. . high patent No. 1 an Cream,82.70 ; llluo D , full patent. I2.M ; Hawk eye. hulf patent , 12.30 ; special lloval paten Ko. 10 , (2.60 ; Mlnuetota patent , t2.75 ; liuusa mrd wheat patent , 12.55 ; Nebraska sprlne wheat patent. tJ.CO. S. V. ( Illmnn's gold mcilal , tJ.POi Snow Whlto , ' 2.40 ; Snow riako , t'.tOt low itrndc. tl.80. Ilrokcn How Holler Mills' Orcnin , $2.Wj Myr tle. K.M ! Clnlm. $ l.SO | l-'lilollty , * 2.UO ! Minnesota seta Cliluf , $2.60 ; Patent , t.70. Uskninp'Hrcadv to raise buckwheat flour , ! . * > on pcrcimoof 50 2-lb tmokanos ; buckwheat In libls , N. Y..M.OO ! Kxcelslorbrand , $3.50) ) Ship Jack meal , (1,03 Her case of 50 2-lb packages , .j PalnlH nnil Oils. : I.Aiin Oib-OVIiitpr strained ) . 40c | ex tra lard oil ( winter strained ) , 47c : ex I liinl oil , 4Oo ; No. 1 lard oil. 3lci No. 2 Inrd oil , lie : extra Neat's foot oil , 45o | tallow oil , 45ci mlf bbls ! ! o over hbls ; 5-ual uiuis (2 In n cuie ioovcr bills ) l-f nl runs (10 ( In n eusc ) lOc ovci bids ; 4-gal casu (2i ( ) In a case ) l.'io over bbls. RMIINK Olt.s Diamond ereacent engine nil per gallon , 40o ! perfection engine oil , f > 0 | 'orllng engine oll,45e : hereiiles I'liitlnuoll.noc , VAKNisliKS-Ktirnlture. No. I , Wo ; furniture extra , tl.noi coach. No. 1. tl.Kit coach , extra , " . M : hard oil lliiWi , light , $1.20. Hi.Afss 75 and 10 per cent from list of Muroli , IIAP : WIIITK IN On , Carter , In 600-lb lota J7.no ; In 1,000-lb lots , per ewt , 17.20 ; Southori J'o. , Ht , I.onls. In fiOO'llilntH. $7.60 ; III , ( ( ) - lots , per ewt. J7.VO ; Ili-d Seal , St. I.ouls. In 500-11 him. ? ; . . ' > ! ) ! In I,000-Hi lots , pcrcwt , $7.10. WIIITK liiv ) Ollder'H whiting , jicrlb. l' < o : Commercial \vlittlng , per Ib , Ic ! English ( , ' . S 1'arls white , pur Ib. P4'c. Kmi DHV Aini'ileun Vonctlan rod , I'iei Chuttauoocn. 2o ! KnglMi Veiii'tluti , buriel : UI < Ibs , 24c ! ; Indian No. l.r.'c ; luscau , Kngllsh Ale- . AleYKU.OWS Clirmno yellnw , (1 ( tolOc ; oilier Itoehelii' . 2Ue ; oeliur. wushed Dutch , 4o ; ocher wnslicd 1'rciich , 2 ! > u. I'OTTV I'uns In barrels , kegs and tubs , 2Uo ; In bladders , ' . " Jo ; ln.r > ( i-lbtliis , 2'ic. VKIIKTAIII.KOII.S Klnu-ed , domestlo raw , It barrels , per Ballon. C''e ; linseed , doinustu boiled. In barrels , per gallon , Ii5c. ANIMAL AND l-'isii OILS \Vhule , bloachoi1 winter , per gallon. .Vic ; whule , oxlr.i bleachei winter , ( we ; sperm , bleached winter , SI OU. Miscellaneous. HIACK WALNUTS 1'or bushel. $1.23. HICKOIIV Ntrrs l.ar c , per bushel , ! 1.25 small , (1.75 2.00. I'oi1 UditN C'bolco last season's stock. 2&24 ! < per Ib. CocoANtrrs I'cr hundred , sucked J5.03. ciiiKST.NtiTS--l.urgo Italian. I8c jicrlli. HIIAN SuL'kud , per ton. JltUiO ! chopped feed J2I.OO. HAY On truck at Oiiialm Upland. No. 1 JS.OO per ton : coarse blue stem , J7.00 ; onti straw , W.OO ] i r ton. lluiKd AMI I'r.i/rs Orcen salted hides. No. 1 44' < s iu ; No.2. 2 ? . ( 43o ; dry Hint bides , 7'ii3.Se ' calf hlde > , 7e ; iliuinisca hides , I'/iu les sheep pelts giccn , eai'h , 33c3ii,25 ; sbcei pollsdrv , per Ib , UXRllc. T.vi.t.ow A No. 1 , 34i-l4c ? ! ; No. 2 , 3c ! grease whlto , 3Hftlc ; yellow , 2iii3o ! ; Mearhm , ( Hjc. IlONKs yuolallons are for ilollvcrv In'lil < cage Iry buffalo , per ton , tlO.O ( Jlii.Oij do country , ulcaehed. $ l.OJ(2ii.UOi ( ) ( ; ) country , dami and meaty , JSOOS10.00. hKATiiKit Hemlock Maualilor sole. I20 < iJ2fli per Hi. ; hcinl < i < 'k dry hide sole. 2 , : < it24c ! oal sole , : to3lc ; I'rcnch kip skins Wcfltl.lO French cult skin , fI.'J.VU2. < K ) ; American oal calf , K5eM.l < > ; Amcrlean hemlock calf , 75cu ( J1.IU ; Aineilcun oak kip. 75t&85o ; Aincrlcai hemlock kip , ( Kit,5u ) ; sheep skins , MJc&tl.UO goat skins , per foot. a.iu&'lOv. IjiMH.CKMKST , KTO. On board oars at Omaht I'dbbl. . Ash Orovo lime , i.ic ) ; Uliiiinplot lime. 85c ; ( Julncy white , 80o ; IiiiUvIlh ue- inent , J1.5 ( ) | MlhTiiukco ecment , tl.45 ; I'tlci cement , 11.40 ; Kimllsh I'oitlimd cement , $ .1.43 Now York iilastor , } ' . ' .25 ; Mlclilcun plaster J2.00 ; Fort ledge ) plaster. $1.75 ; white hand * 2.0Tj 1' . P. hair , per bale. $1.00. COAI. On board cars at Umalia AnthraclK Chestnut , range ami egtt , Jf.'JSperton ; grate JS.oo. .Soft coal-Ohio , r > .f > 0 ; Sou them llMnols $4.75 | walnut block , J.I.M ; Iowa lump , SJ.50 Iowa nut , $ : ! .00. Ijumlicr. Quotations uro for car lots on board cars a Oiniiha : DIMENSIONS 12 ft 14 ft 16 ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 f 2x4.$15 00 15 Oil 15 ( JO 1560 1000 1700 180 2x0. . 15 00 15 00 15 ( ) , ) 15 50 1(1 ( 00 IS 00 1C 0' ' 2x8. . 15 (10 ( 1300 150) ) 1560 1C , 00 175' ) ISO 2x10. 15 03 15 0. ) 15 00 15 60 10 OJ 17 60 IS 0 2.\I2. 10 OU 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 5'J K ) 0 4x4 to 8.\S 1(1 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 IS 00 10 00 10 0 HoAltlis No. 1 com , J1S60 ; No. 2 com , $1" > .0'J ' No. 8 com , { 13.50 ; No. 4 com , fII.BO. 1'K.N-ci.xn-No. 1. ( i-in. 12 and 14 ft. rf , $10.00 No. I , li-ln. 10 ft. JID.CO ; 4-ln. JltX ) ( ) ; No 2 , C-ln. 12 and 14 ft , rf. 114.00 ; 4-ln. $14.00 ; No. 'J li-ln. HI ft. flii.OO ; 4-ln. 4111.00 : No. 3 , I'-111 , 12 nn 14 ft , $13.00 ; 4-ln , $18.00 ; No. 3 , 0-ln , 10 ft , $13.00 4-ln13.00. SllilNOA. . 12,14 and IB ft. J22.00 ; C , ? 17.53 ; I ! 12,14 and 1C ft , $2d. 60 ; 1) ) . $14.50. 1'UKiitixn ' A , n-ln , whlto pine , $33.00 ; 0 $20.50 ; H. 6-1 n. whlto pine. $ .10.00 ; 1) , $20.53 ; K C-ln , while pine ( sol. fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop bid lug , AOu per M extra. STOCK HoAiiDS A. 12-ln. sis , $48.00 ; B , 12-in sin , $45.00 ; 0. $40.110 ; 1) ) . $25.00 ; No. 1 common , 12 In. sis , 10. 12 and IS ft , $ . ' 1.00 ; No. 2 , glH 5'J ; No. common , 12-in , sis , 14 ft.$20.00 ; No.2 , ? 17.30 ; No 1 common. 12-ln , sis , 10 ft , $10.59 ; No. 2 , JI7.0J No. 1 common , 12-ln , sis. 20 ft , $21.00 ; No.il . Slliri.Ai' No. 1. plnln , 8 nnd 10-ln , 810.00 ; No 2 , $10.00 ; No. 1 , O. U. , H-ln , S1U.03 ; No. 2 , $1(1.50 ( ; 10 In , crooved rooting , 12.14 and 10 ft. JIO..Y ) . I'lNlSlHNO 1st and 2il cl. . 1-ln. h''s. S49.00 ; 1 ! $ I/ ! and 2. JIU.OO : 3d clear , 1-ln , R''H , $41.00 ; 1'i , 1 ! nnd 2. $7.00 ; A , select , 1-ln , s3s , $11.00 ; 1 > 4 , Wt uni 2-ln , W.1.00 ; H , ROleotl-ln.s2sJil.X : ( ) ; Ui.lJiam 2-ln. JIO.OO ; O , select , 1-ln , s'J.-$27.00 ; lU.l'/i am 2-ln , KI.1.UO. A. 11 or O select all 18 ft , $1.00 oxtra. SOUTIIKIIN YELLOW l'iNi-lst : and 2d cleai Doorlnc Ki-lil. 2,10) star , llt-lli , JIO.Ou ; eom lloor Hid , ii-10. ; ! , .r > ( H ) rift clear , 18-16. $2K.Ou ; 1st and 2c clear , I'ullIiiB , J14.W ; 1st and 2d clear , ' , C'oll- liiK tlH.fiO ; iHt nnd 2d clear , celllni : , Ji'i.oO ; Isl and 2d clear , llnlsb , s'.M , from 1 In , $27.00 ; 1st and 2d clear llnlsli , s2s , from 1 4 In , $110.00 ; Is and I'd clear , IhiMi , s'Js.from l'/a and 2 In.J.'W.CO 1st and 2d clear , y p uaslngtj. $ . ' 10.00 ; base SUO.W. SASH , Doons , ETC. Tar board , $ I.r)0 ; sasli. K per ot ; doors. 5) ) per ct ; blinds , .r > 0 per ct niotildInKs0 percent ; tarred fclt.per cwt-.ll ) straw board , $1.20. I'oi'i.AH Lu.Miir.it S Inch and up , 1st and 2i clear , 1 Inch , s2 > , if.'I'l.00 ; K Inch and up , 1st am 2d clear , ' , inch panel , $20.00. HATTKNSVKI.I. . Tuuixn. ETC. 0. O. 2S ! Ineli I ; : > L- | ! J.\i. : sis. .Tic ; : tlnelM\ell tublii ? , 1) . &M. nnd bov , J28.UO ; pickets , I ) . & If. , Hut , $20.50 : 1) ) .S : II. . t.nKO..V ) . SlllNdi.KS. LATH Extra "A , " pine , $5.60 standard "A , " $2.4.1 ; extra "A. " cedar , S2.55 ; I Inch ulear pine , $1.90 ; clear redwood , S4.2."n lath , $2.bO. POSTS White coilnr , 0 Ineli , ! Ss. lie ; fl Inch qrs , liewhlto ; cellar , ,1J ! Inch , ' /.s. Ho ; 8 Inch qrs , He ; whlto cedar , 4 inch , round , lac ; spill oak , 60 ; Tennessee red codur , split , 14c. Dry Goods. CHUCKS Caledonia X , 0Sc ! ; Caledonia XX lOHcj Economy , Hlic ; Otis , HJo. ! I''IANNKI.S ' 1'Iald ' , raftsman , 20c ; Goslicn IBlio ; Clear Lake , 32Jo ! ; Jlanlo C'lty , IWlJc white G 11 No. 2 , S8JSBI U II No. 2 , ? . , ' , 27'5c ' II II No. 2. ? , 2I c ; II U No. 2 , . 2lVic ( ; Quu- bee No. 1 , 42o ; Quebec No , 3 , ? 4' . 42Jie ; Oilobec ' , ' , , No. 4 , 32'io ' ; AKWIIII , ii4'c : ; Windsor X U , 21 ln..l.1Kc ; G K15c ; 11 A P , U , 2.1c ; J U V , > i STijo : O , H , 2c. ! ) COTTON I'LANNRIGuardian LT/.5Vo , not ; Or OuardCO , 04'cj SS , 7Jfo ; KE , b4c ; ( JO , 0'c } ] XX , lOV'.c ; OO , llijo ; NN. ISlio ; AA , Ho ; 111) ) , ISiJo ; TT , IfiUc ; YY , 18c ; Illi. lOe ; blcnolioil , No. 20. K'/jo ; No. 00 , 1040 ; No. M , 12'io ; brown and slate , No.'dO , Uc ; No. 70. 121ic ; No. 00 , IGui colored Missouri valley. 12'ic. ' lti.iACiui : : ) COTTON Hurkiiloy Cambric No , 0) , UHoi Host Yet , ( llic ; Hiittereloth XX.liici Cabot. "Uc ; Flist Call , ( i'-ic ; Kruttof the Loom , Ik1 ; Hill Sniupor Idem , 80 ; Housekeeper 8'ci KhiK 1'hlllp Cambric , lOc ; I.aiiKdon G II , O'/tCi l.onsdale , Vo ; LniiKihilo cambric , 10ic ! ; Now York mills , lie ; Oak Iu\vn,7o. Coi.oui : ! ) UAMIIIIICB Urown 4c ! ; Ited Star , 4e ! ; Clover , Do ; Sinter Itollcd , r > c ; hlih col ors , lo extra. GINOHAMH I'lunket ehecks , eye ; Whltton- ton , 0ie ; York , ( l ? c ; N'orniandl dress , 8e ; Cal cutta dress , 7jo ! ; Wldttenton dross , 8c ; lied- forddres-i , bJQ12c. ! WANTED 1 Total IBBUCS of CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , ST. n.R.COMPANIESUc. Correspondence lollcltrtl. N.WIIARRIS&GOMPANYBankers , 103-169 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 15 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 70 State St. , BOSTON. Helena , Montana , Tbo proiperltr of Jlontanils not enblect to tut Tlcissltudea nf iiicceit or Jalluru at crops , to droull or Hood , to Uaanclal trlniieiicUor panics , lli-l crop ot prccloui metals Is lifted out of the uroum nllh hourly recularltj and Increailnabulk.lnaurlnc business opportunities bated upou loundatloni ol KUblllty itnd endurance , The mlnri now oprned produce nnnnnll ] In Ould , Mllver , Cupptr unit I. - d , ! , OOO.OOO. ninety percent of which Is dlsburtci inthaSt&to. There are thouiniuli niai-euquuM ) M promising , ttwaltlos capital for dOTClopuicnt There is Iron , Coal , Building Stone , Clay ant Timber In Abundance. Investment ! In Tattle , Ilnrsei unit Bheep with Kood mnnaneinent , nvernKe a rroRi of nion thun lorty percent , a ; eur , Tlio vail Unndi of stocl roura tbrouKboui ibeenllroyeur. In excellent condl lion , lupportcd by lliocured trus e on ilia tround Tbo builDCsa U niamsred hy Arroclatloni In aucli i manner ibut erory person'a po e lon ure as tali en itieranueasir conilnedloiin Included paature. Tlia city 4irilelcn 11 tbo political , financial octal , railroad , bujuieaa , Bud cdaciitlODtl conte of ttio tuUto Bute. For full Informatloc , address , L. 0 , PHELPS , Soc'y Citizens CompiUleo , Uclona , Monlanc. OMAHA i iaiuiittutiii'i/ii / $ ( DIRECTORY , BILLIARDS. | BOXES. The Bninawick-B.xlko John L. Wilkle , Oollcndor flo. Illlllnrd luorrlmnilhD. Om.tlmpniiorbox fuctor H.-iloon fliluro ) . 131T-tni3 1)011x1,11. 407. ( TO S. Ulh MrtMt , Uiunlin. OrUcrs pruinptlr flllo.J. BOOK BINDER3 & STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Oj. , lirlofs , bank IIIIIIM | | | , uiut aver/thin ; In the printing line. lOttinml I > oiik'li : rtreati. Ackormann Uros. & Hointzo , I'rlnlcrj , binders , ( lo'-'lrotrporj , til.ink book rnnmi- fncturi-rs , 1110 llovrnr I rlrcct , Oinihi. T Oinihi."V. .