Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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rcllvrrcd by Currier In hny part of thcCltjr ,
lliiMnr H Office , No. II.
NlKht Keillor , No. La
jiixoit ji
N. Y. P. Co.
Council IHufTa Lumber Co. . coal.
In the district court yesterday the CMC of
Dulchcr VH ( Inllnghcr wus still on trial.
t.cavc to wed wns yoitorday plven to .lohn
Illloy nntl Lizzie Johnson , both otOinalia.
A Krand conceit nnil ball is to be tflven
Saturday evening In Peterson's bull by Trou-
butu ] lodge No. fi'J. '
Jltn O'HiI'tn , ono ot tlio prisoners on the
rlmlii gani' , made hix cscuno on Monday and
outrun OniccrVyult in u- clean fair foot
race.On Friday night tlio Royal Arcanum will
clvo tlio concluding party of this series which
lias been so cn-atly enjoyed. The occasion
will bo thoroughly enjoyable , us the Koyal Ar
canum pnrtloi always nro.
Halph Wnlkor Is the niune of n twelve-year.
old Ind wlio rnn away from his homo In Oska- la. , ami Is believed to Imvo comu In
this direction. The police liavo licuu notllled
to Keep a sharp \viitcii for him.
Olllcor McDonald last nlpht arrested Char
lie Youi % alias "Hutch , " on the charge of
holding up a man named .1. .M. DahlborB.
The latter claims that ho was met uy YOUIIK
In the rear of Klsman.'s store and compelled
to glvo up $1 at the point of a gun.
Them is nn absurd rumor in circulation
thnt some fellow alleging himself to bo a
physician is trying to work the city and llnd
snmo people of sufficient credulity to believe
that ho Is un agent of 1'rof. Koch and is nu-
thorl/.ed to sell his celebrated lymph.
Charles Hrandon and .1. Smith were run in
last night by Ofllcor I'ctcrson and locked tit :
on the charge of Intoxication. Smith is not
tno.mimo of the latter party. Ho is a , well
Known cltl/.en , worth about $10,000 , , but his
protestations did not save him from goliiB
Into the hole.
The fourveinoM "daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Ferguson , who formarly resided
here , died of diphtheria in Omaha on Moil'
day. A telephone message received bv
friends licro yesterday noon stated thnt tbeli
other child , a two-year-old son , was stricken
with the disease on Sunday and Is not ox
pcctcd to live.
.John ICnierson , foreman of ono of the Hoc !
Island switching crow sustained a painful
but not serious accident hut evening. WhlU
making a coupling his right arm was caught
between the bumpers of an old-fnshlonci
man killer freight car. No bones were
broken , but the arm was severely wreiiohci
nnd strained , making it necessary for Mr
Emerson to lay off a few days.
The diamond replevin rase will ho hcan
today , according to the oilglnal programme
An agreement has boon nrndo that the diamonds
mends shnll remain in the bunds of Chief o
Police Carey for thirty days. In the hope thn
their owner can bo found. Numerous claim
ants hnvo already appeared , but none of then
hove been able to prove their title to tin
baubles. It is a very handsome lady's bo
and wore evidently stolen.
The city council will moot in regula
weekly hcsion this evening. It is prob.ibli
thnt they will have another wresUo with tin
Twin Uity street railway ordinance. Tin
company perfected ill organt/ntion by Illini
its articles of incorporation with the score
tnry of state atDes Moincs on Monday , inn
promise to go ahead with their enterprise
believing that the council will not put ohstn
clesin their wnynnd intentionally delay HUM :
In their efforts to reduce street car fares be
twecn the two cities.
A patent nicJIcino vender who attracts th
multitude with a brass band and a lot of mh
Btrol performers by giving street parades an
nightly performances in ono of the halls , hn
come out as the protector of Innocence. Corr
plnllit was nmOo to the police authentic. ! tlui
Homo of Ills crowd had been offering insult
to young school girls on the streets. Th
man of medicine notllled Chief Carey las
nljrht that ho would pay nil expenses if nn
ono would detect and prosecute any of hi
men guilty of such piacticcs.
Two morning papers are endeavoring t
work up a sensation over the discovery t
sorno Indian bones near Mynstcr springs
claiming that the discovery was made las
Bunday by parties who are apocryphal style
"two young men , " As the fuel has Ion
been known that an old Indian buryin
ground existed on nno of the hills In that v
dully , and ns II. II. Field and other exhume
j cart load of the bones In the summer (
I8b5 , and they have been carried nround fc
the past five yeursjiy small boys , the succc ?
of these wldoiiwnko journals In getting llv
news is remarkable.
Bertha Ilurko , a slxteon-ycar-old girl
whoso homo has been somewhere in Sout
Dukotn , became frightened at the prospect <
an Indian uprising and suddenly loft her pa
cuts and friends. Investigation showed tin
n traveling 111,111 named Evans seize
with the enmo klndofnscaro nnd loft I
company with the young girl. They wei
traced to Sioux city , where they roslstorc
ns man and wif > , nnd tliouco to this city. I
A. IHirko. tlio father of the girl , Is here looli
ing after her. lie ascertained yesterday tin
they liad stopped at the Transfer betel an
had taken the Union Pneiilc train west.
The heaviest bond ever put up to guarai
tco the appearance of any of the victims tin
nro dully and nightly rounded"1 up by the p
lice and tnlcon to the central station wi
lllcd with Deputy Marshal White lu-,1 nigh
Tlio victim was Pat Hopkins , an old ho
carrier. lie was carried to the station du
Ing the afternoon by tlio patrol wagon ai
deposited behind the bars to recover fro
the effects ot a protracted drunk. Win
searched certificates of deposit for 521) ) we
found on his person. About 9 o'clock ho wi
permitted to go homo after depositing h
certlilcatcs ns nn appearance bond. Ho w
toll Judge McOco how It happened that 1
wns carrying around the evidences of
much wealth at T o'clock this morning.
Chief Carey was called upon to assist yc
tcrduy in finding nn erring young girl. Tl
request wns made by u woman who gave tl
name of Mrs. Hitchio of Lincoln. She to
the chief she had traced the girl hero m
believed Hho was nn inmatn of a house
prostitution. The right name of the youi
girl was given , and n reference to tl'O inn
shut's list showed that she wns known 1
the sumo name hero and wasan inmate of o
. . of tUo houses on the row. An oftlccr w
detailed to bring her to the static
whore she met her sister in the seclusion
the chief's privatu ofllce nnd a very affectii
Intervlfiw took place. The erring girl's mu
is May Uphani. Her homo is DCS Moinc
where her parents , who uro working jiojj :
still reside. She is sixteen years old , ui
has been leading a life of shame for the p.i
two years. Sliu claims that she was drfvi
to It by the harshness of her father. Aftei
long nnd tearful entreaty she consented
accompany her married sister to Lincoln , ui
they loft yesterday afternoon.
"I liellovo our generous invitation to t
moneyless pilgrims to como to the city in
nnd stay nil ntght when they can't llnd b <
tor quarters has prevented many hlghw
robberies , " said an nttncho of the si
lien lust night. "Not a night passes that \
do nothavo men callers hero whoarorodue
to the verge of desperation , nnd If they h
no pluco to stay they would wander nroui
the streoU and hold up the llrst man th
encountered. Wo have men como bore who u
physically and mentally prepared for su
work. Wo pivo them u place to sleep n
then turn the key upon thorn and thus pi
vent them being driven to su
deeds. Wo let them out nt
o'clock each morning nnd they im
rustle for something to eat. If they do a
stealing It must bo done in davlight. 0
frco entertainment of these pilgrims costs t
city nothing , nnd I am confident the c !
rcnii/cs a linndsomo return for the lit
trouble wo nro put to by searching nnd lot
ing up those unfortunates every night. Tli
como regularly , and very seldomly do wo s
n fnco that wo hnvo ever seen before. Tli
appear to me Una little specks on the surft
of the great ocean of humanity , nnd the lit
eddy made by the walls of the city jail in I
mighty current attracts them and holds tin
for an Instant nnd then they drift ou oguli
Ht HOIIHJ In ttioVost. .
Being the largest house in the west
cheerfully Invite the public to compare r
stock and prices with ihoso of other hous
knowing that wo arc in position to not 01
glvo you tlio very largest variety to sell
from but also to save you equal to ouo-hiilf
ether houses' prices. Try us.
IlENllT ElBKMiN ft CO. ,
Broadway and Pearl itrtot , Council Bluff *
Cupid find n Deputy Sheriff Brin * an Un
willing Bridegroom to the Altar ,
A Ten Per Con I Itciluutlon Ordered
'i'lio Atkins Failure Complete
Modem Wood men Tonight
Minor Mention ,
A unique wedding took place yesterday af
ternoon nt Kiel's ' hotel , the bridegroom being
0. II , Martin of City nnd the brldo
Hlrd llonnctt of 1'nclllo Junotlon. Justice
I lend ricks ofilolate' ' . There was little in the
ceremony itself which would have nttr.ieted
any unusual interest la the looker on , unless
Informed as to the peculiar relation of the
parties. The bridegroom was uiulor arrest on
the charge of having ruthlessly toyed
with the affections of the young
lady , and then it-fusing to matte good his
promise ot marriage. Ho had been arrested
at Hcd Oaic last Sunday night nnd was
brought hero by naofilecr. lie concluded
that marriage to a pretty girl was after nil
preferable to solltudo and bars , nnd so a
license wus secured and a magistrate sum
moned to tie the knot. Then a writ of
habeas corpus was sued out In the district
court and In a few minutes Judge Carson had
hot the man free from the power of the law.
The nowlv wedded ones left on the evening
train for Pacific Junction.
Tlio wedJing revives interest in another
ease , now pending In the federal courts.
Miss Hennett , now Mrs. Martin , nnd her
mother have been keeping a small hotel in
1'nclllo Junction. They claim that a dectec-
tlvo mimed Dovlnc , claiming to bo actinc In
the Interests of snino medical association ,
chnrircd the girl with having been guilty of an
abortion , and threatened to proseeuto her.
The girl admitted that she had been to a
hospital for treatment , but for nn entirely
different and perfectly legitimate purpose.
It is said that the detective refused to bo con
vinced unless 1m niinle a personal examina
tion , which demand was granted rather than
to bo arrested , as ho thruatenod. Later De-
vine was niTP.tted for Ills notion in the mat
ter , hut was discharged by the I'aeillc Junc
tion Justice , hoforo whom the c.iso was
brought. Then n civil suit was brought
ngalnst him tor $1.091) ) , this odd amount being
claimed in order to bring it 1 cent less than
Is the limit of cases which can bo tried In the
federal court , thus piovciitlug Us transfer
from the state court. Dcvluo being a resi
dent of Ohio , secured a transfer of the case
to the federal courts , however , and H Is there
pending. _
Grand Holiday Display.
At the
The Boston store's grand Christmas open
ing display takes place Thursday , Friday
and Saturday , llth , 12th nnd lllth. The
store having been recently enlarged and re
modelled to double Its lormer capacity , mak
ing It ono of the best lighted , best ventilated
stores in the west. Now occupying store
rooms 40110i , ; and -I0"i Broadway. Oui
thousands of patrons llnd it a pleas
ure to trade at the Boston
Store , where they receive courteous
treatment , pollto clerks , ono prlco to every-
boJy nnd that nlvnys \ the very lowest mar
ket price , everything purchased will be
found W ) times' out of 100 lower than they can
bo found elsewhere. Our aim , standare
goods , our prices always the the lowest. The
display of holiday goods excells all oui
former efforts , consisting of dolls , china to ;
sets , children's books , rocking horses , glass
ware , baskets , plush goods , leather goods
rocking horses , blackboards , etc. We shov
thousands of bargains in our dry coeds de
unrtment for this week well worthy of youi
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In.
FoTiniii > aiiAM , Wmrni.AWit Co.
N. B. See show windows for holiday dis
, -
A. Ton Per Cent Itc'duutlon In
Information was received hero yestcrda ;
by the employes of the Chicago , Milwauhc
& St. Paul railway company that n cut of li
per cent would bo made In their wages , t
take effect on the IBth Inst.
But little doflnilo information could bo oh
tnlncd yesterday concerning the nature o
the cut , but It was learned that It would no
apply to the yardmen , engineers , firemen o :
conductors , but exclusively to the static ]
men , operators and warehouse men.
"The station men are not organized , " sal
a railway man yesterday evening , "and tha
is about the only reason that I can assign fo
the cut being made upon their wages. Ther
nro none of them gottlnij suddenly and vie
lently rich upon thotr salaries , but I suppos
the company thinks it will bo sufo to start
general reduction by commencing upon them
I do not believe that It will ho followed by ai
immediate attempt to rcduco the wages o
other employes , oven if the station men tak
their mculciuo without much fuss , but 1 an
satlslied that the company contemplate sue
a reduction. "
Only a few men In Council Bluffs ar
affected by the reduction , but the numbc
will aggregate a small army throughout th
entire system. The men most serious !
affected are the freight handlers and elorks
Their wages arc only about $ D per month , an
they cannot well bland n reduction of M. T\\
ofllco men gave notice last night that the
would not submit to the reduction and woul
leave as soon ns their places could bo lllleil
It Is probable that a good ninny others wi
follow unless the order is rescinded.
Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent pu
annum. E. S. Burnett , iigcnt.
Buy from Eiscman direct nnd get you
goods at wliolubiilu prlco.
A stock of over ? 250UOO , to select from , tli
best that life-long experience ! can gather tc
guthercau bo found at Elsomans' , corner c
Broadway and Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Kverylioily Is Invited.
The second entertainment of Uev. Thoni [
son's magic lantern performance will tat
place at Eisonnin's store tomorrow , Monda
evening. The scones of the Johnstown lloo
will bo fully exhibited , also many other hi ;
torlcal and comic pictures. It costs yo
nothing to see it. Como und bring your chi
dren alone. Tlmo of performance , 7:151 :
8iO : ! Monday and Friday evenings , nnd du :
ing all of the holiday evenings. Hoom ft
10,000 , people. _ era
A Charity Iviiterlnl-ununt.
By n misapprehension of dates the ell
papers were led to announce last week thi
the entertainment to bo given by the Model
' Woodmen for the bonerit of the Cbristia
home would occur on Wednesday , Dccombe
2. Many pcoplo were disappointed whc
they visited the opera house and found tlu
the date originally llxed was December Ii
0 The cntertiiinmont will bo given tonight , an
h should draw a fall hnuso. Some of Iho mo
, j talented loc.d performers In the city lm >
volunteered their services and have bee
pr.ictlcing for weeks past. Ainon
the lUtaroMlbsSophiaGernor , Messrs. Wcs
it cottOKdon , Allen and Cook , M r , Ed F. Coglo
ity Miss lOrnestluo Stephan. Messrs. Hndolli
it- and Murphy , Miss Ma io Llddoll , Mw. 1
W. Lyons , Messrs. F. K. nnd F. J. Ron ar
ity Mrs.V. . W. Sherman mill Mrai F. 'lllKsvan
lo All these people are so well known that U
unnecessary tosav they will give n first ela.
entertainment. Dulby's orchestra has al
been secured for the occasion.
Wanted Room and board for two in prlva
family. Uuoiun : W , Ilnwrrr ,
Urown Building.
J.C. Blxby , steam hoatlnj , sanitary 01
plneer , | J Llfo building , Oauav SJJ Mo
rlam block , Council Hlufh.
It WIIH a Complete Failure.
Yesterday's developments In the coi
mcrcial fuiluruof Kcubcn Atkins , a Midd
llroadway ponenil morcimndlso dealer , she
that the failure Is probably a complete o :
ami will Involve a greater amount than w
at first supposed. It also developed that t :
firm name was Jensen it Atkins , Mr Jensen
having been formerly connected with 1 * . 0.
Miller In the wall paper business In this i-lty.
After the eloso of business Saturday even
ing Jensen & Atkins executed n chattel
mortgage to P. Peterson of this city for &XX ) .
It was not put upon record until yesterday ,
but wns in tltno to shut out n largo number
of small claims. A number of attachments
to secure small amounts were Hied yesterday ,
among them the Davis inllllnir company of
Omaha lor $ 'JO , nnd W. A. Maurcr nnd
Duquetto & Co. of this city for small
amounts ,
Manager Peterson , for H. O. Dun & Co. ,
tuld ye.stcrdny that ho Iind Intimations that a
large number of claims would bo placed upon
the goods by dealer * in Kansas C'lty , and
several llrms in iCnnsns towns. The claims
were scattered nnd It would require time to
pet them nil together. The total amount of
claims already lllcd by Council lllutTs dealers
already approximates $1,500.
Manager I'eterson snya that Aldus refused
to furnish quotations for commercial pur-
loscs.niut ordered him out of the store when
10 called upon him for that purpose. Atkins
amc hero a short time ago from a small town
n Missouri , nnd Dun's reports ilnco < \ his
otal capital ntfcWO. The same agency quotes
is present stocK at between $ 1,000 nud fT , OJO.
ForclothltiK nnd furnishing goods , try Ot-
enhclmer's , 411 Broadway.
Scott House. 8T > ct. meal , 2T > cts ,
The Attraction 'fills Wo > lc.
The attraction of the pcoplo looking for
lOliday goods is entirely centered nt Elso-
imn's'storc. It calls nut thousands of ladles
nd children to visit their holiday depart
ment. People are astonished when they sco
ur Immense variety , The question of every
> no is , how could they get such nn nssort-
nunt together ! and how c.m they sell their
oods so cheap ! The renion la , becausn wo
my them cheap enough and don't ' believe in
ho largo profit system that other houses do.
i\'c sell them close and sell lots of them.
Every market of the world Ins contributed
to our display for this Imlldav season. It
mutters not what you want to buy como to
ur store and you will find It.
\Vo have goods for the poor , the medium
nd the richest , nnd goods lor all classes of
radc , inid cheaper than yon can find them
Isowhoro. Therefore , inako no inlstaKo , call
t Klsomans' store before you think of in-
cstlng a cent , for the purchasing power of
1 at our store is equal to $ U clsowliere. A
vord to the wise is suftlclent.
Broadway and Pearl streets ,
Council Bluffs , la.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 418
A stock of over SJSO.OOO to select from at
liseiimns' .
1'1KSO\A1 , JVSH.I tttti I'JIS.
Dr. O. n. Judd has cone to Chicago on n
hort business trip.
Mrs. Prof. McNtiughton loft last evening
ivith her daughter for California , where they
, vill spend the winter , in the hope of better-
ng Mrs. McNaughton's honlth.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Sapp have returned
rom their sad Journey to Mt. Ycrnon , O. ,
ivhero they laid at rest the remains of Colonel
3npp , which were placed beside these of bis
Lieutenant Uallaphor has been ordered to
proceed with his repimeift from New Mexico
LoFortMoadu , S. D. Mrs. Gallagher and
tier children arrived hero Sunday and will
remain for n time with her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Paschol.
The Council Bluffs nnd Omaha transfer
company has purchased a largo invoice of
baled hay , which will bo sold nt thu lowest
market price , nnd In quantities to suit pur
chasers. Orders addressed thorn from parties -
ties in this city and outlying towns will be
given prompt attention.
Buy your coal nnd wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
D3'J Broadway. Telephone 133.
Chinese goods , Japanese novelties at No , 88C
Broadway. Odd Christmas gifts. Jim Long
Scott House. Best $1.00 per day house IE
the city. _
An opportunity for the money saving pub
lie , largo and small buyers , to get goods nl
away down prices is at Eisenmus' .
C. A. Bcebo & Co. nro going out of the r (
tail trade und will close out their fine llnool
ladies' writing and onico desks , hook cases
chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chambei
suits , folding beds , plain and fancy rockers
cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less tbac
cost. _
Wanted Boys nt American District Tel
egraph ofllco.
TIi3 lilnohaii Perry Company ofDu
lulluc ] vs K. \\ciseiinrilor ,
The taking of testimony In the suit of thi
Linehan ferry company of Dubuque , la.
against Edward W. Weiscnerdcr of Aspln
wall was commenced before Special Mustc :
in Chancery F. C. Sbafer in the largo cour
room In tuo government building yesterday
The cuso is ono with a history of more thai
usual importance. During tbo summer o
1SSO the ferry company put a steamer , th <
Vice President , on the river to do n genera
business between Nebraska City and St. Joe
Captain John Consoles was in command am
had maue several profitable trips. Durini
the month of Juno the boat made an u privet
trip , and after unloading at this point sin
started down the river with a fair load. Tbj
llrct stop was made tit Nebraska City
where supplies were taken on , nnd during tin
night of Juno 21 the boat weighed anchor am
started for St. Joseph. During the time tha
the boat was in this vicinity Welscnerdei
had conceived the idea of operating a ropi
ferry at Asplnwall and had stretched a wlr
from the Nebraska to the Iowa shore of th
river. The oftlcers of tbo boat knew nothini
of this , and at 0 o'clock on the morning o
Juno 23 , going nt full speed , the boat strucl
the rope. It slipped over the bow , swept th
deck nnd carried away the pilot houso.
Captain Consollas was on watch , nnu ns th >
rope came over the dock ho tried to run , bu
before ho could tnko half a dozen steps h
was caught and nearly cut in two. The shl
surgeon wns called , but before ho could gc
out of the cabin the captain was dead ,
The boat was at once run nshoro and re
pairs inude , after which it went out of th
river trade.
An effort was made to settle with th
owner of the ferry , but bo rot using to ontei
tain any propopostion. suit for glO.OOO ha
been brought , ? . " > ,000 for damages snstainc
by the ferry company nnd the ether 5,00
for tlio life of the man who was killed.
S. B. Durfoy , mate of steamer Ari7onuhm
his foot badly inmined. Thomas' Electrl
oil cured It. Nothing equal to it for a quic
pain reliever.
from n Steam Pine.
At 5 o'clock last evening the llro dopar
ment was called to tbo William Decrin
warehouse , ut Eighth and Capitol avenue
The oftlce'on the llrst lloor was lllled wit
smoke and the llro was located between th
board * of the double lloor and was easily cj
tinguishcd. It scorned to have caught froi
a steam plpo that passed through tlio Hoc
and was not properly encased in flroproc
The harsh , drastic purgatives , oncodeeme
so indispensable , have given place to milde
and more skillfully prepared laxatives ; hoiu
the great and growing demand for Aycr
Pills. Physicians cverywncro rccommen
thorn for costlvencss , Indigestion nnd live
complaints ,
Tlio Now V lad net.
The floor of the now Tenth street vindui
is completed , the painting is finished and tl
structure is nuout ready to bo tendered to tl
city. Work on the new depot is progress ! ! :
rapidly. The walls are up about ten feet ar
already begin to give some hints as to tt
rich and handsome appearance of the stru
tuio whoa completed.
Tickets at lowest rntos ana su perk
accommodations via the great Roc
Island route Ticket olflco , 1U02 Si :
tceiith and Fiirniun Btrcots Omaha ,
Rlmt by nn Ollicer.
Oflleer John Follon , stationed nt Albrlph
last night discovered MatthewEvcrland uji
ing out of n house earring nwuy propert ,
llo called on him to stop , tut Evcrland start )
to run. The ofllccr proinptlyVought his re
volver Into effective playrVirtid put n bullet
through Everland's ' l"ft thlfeh. The wounded
mun was taken to police" headquarters nt
South Omaha , wllcra SUnjcwis dressed his
wounds.'t 't '
Dr. Blrnov euros culorrji , Bso bltlg.
Western Art Amnlutl ; ( > ii.
About thirty members of ( he Western Art
association were present at the meeting last
night nt Mr Llnlngor's gallery. Dining the
business part of the meeting resolutions were
adopted thanklnj ! Dr. Duryca , F. V. Day
nnd W. L. Anams , who actcxl ns Judges In
the reran t exhibition , for their fnlrnuss and
good Judgment displayed in awarding the
pronmnns ,
The following were made honorary mem
bers ; Cr. Durvo.i , W. L. Adams , F. 1' . Day ,
CScoi-RP W. Hicits and C. t1. Catlln.
Mr. Mulvnncy , tno Chicago artists who is
doing some work m the city , wns expected to
bo present nnd nddross the meeting ,
but ho sent a letter of regrets on
account of other engagements nnd
xpressed a willingness to bo jirosent nnd nd-
ress the association ntsomo future mooting.
Some general discussion then followed ro-
IIIR the worl : of the association , the ndvlsa-
illlty of making some effort to establish
( ranch associations in Lincoln , flratal Island ,
lastliiKS , Beatrice nnd other good towns of
Nebraska. The subject of having a national
ichool of art , with stnto schools as branch
ircutilzatlons was also discussed by Mr.
Meld , Mr. LlnliiKcr , Mrs. Catlln and others.
The association then adjourned the busU
ess part of the programme and indulged In a
oclublo of half an hour.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
un expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Counell BlufTs , Dos Moines and
"jhicngo business is the Rock Island vos-
ibuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4iO : !
i. in. daily. Ticket ollko , 1002 Sixteenth
nd Farnatn bts. , Omnhu ,
Tony Fi-nnk's Trial.
The trial of tlio state against Tony Frank ,
vho Is charged with having murdered Chro-
Ister , the German peddler , near Elkhorn
ist spring , will bo commenced before Ju'lgo
'Iffanv tomorrow. This case was triedsomo
iionths uco , when tbo Jury failed to agree.
Tlio now oflicos of the Great Rock
slnnd route , 1002 Sixteenth and Fnrnnm
treots , Omaha , are the finest in the city ,
/all und sbo thorn. Tickets to all points
last at lowest rates.
b I'.l K.USMIAM'H * .
F. S. Lusk of Wyoming is at the Paxton.
F. M. Abbott of Uulo Is at the Merchants.
S. A. ytratton of Denver is at the Murray.
Ed Holss of Pueblo , Colo. , is at the Barker.
O. M. Lambcrtson of Lincoln is nt the Mil-
H. C. Bottsford was at tbo Mlllard last
Xj. S. Walker of Pocatcllo , Idaho , is at the
A. G. Howard of Wayne is In the city , nt
, ho Casey.
John M. Putnam of Oalvcston , Tex. , is at
, ho Casey.
T. S. Garrett of O'Neill was at the Casey
ast night.
K. W. King of Falls City wns at the Barker
ast night.
A. A. Sweet of Chicago was nt the Pnxton
ast night.
M M. Mason and wife of Cheyenne arc nl
the Paxton.
N. W. Wells of Schuyler is in tbo city , nt
ho Millard.
J. S. Stewart of Scota , Me. , Is In the city
at the Barker.
L. II. Brooks of New York is in the city ,
at the Murray.
J. A. Graham of Chicago Is in the city , at
the Merchants.
C. S. Taylor of David City was at the Merchants
chants last night. , ,
L. O. Mahew of Louisville , Ky. , is In tin
city , at the Paxton.
H. J. Halls of Llncolp was in tbo city las' '
night , nt the Murray.
C. G. Hoyt and wlfo of Beatrice were a
the Murray last night.
W. J. Abbott of Whitman wns in the city
last night , nt tbo Baslccr.
W. H. Edwards of Chicago is In tbo city
registered at the Murray.
W. C. Brooks of Beatrice was In the citj
last nightr , at the Mlllard.
J. W. ICnapp , business manager of thi
Salt Lake Tribune , Is In the city.
0. E. Cowman nnd wife of Glenwooi
Springs , Colo. , are nt tbo Merchants.
Willis L. Tracy of Chicago , division super
intondentof the railway mail service , is ii
the city on a business tiip. Hois the gucs
of Chief Clerk Cramer.
Pcoplo Abroad.
CHICAGO , Dec. 9. E. It. Norris and E
Connerton of Omaha are at the Auditorium
TOIT.KA , Kan. , Dec. 0. W. N. Perry o
Pawnee Citp is at the Dutton. Lyman Browi
of Fairbury Is at the Chesterfield.
KANSIS Cm : , Mo. , Dec. 9 , H. A. Cralgli
of Omaha is In the city. W. II. Hurray o
Omaha is registered at the Midland.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Dee. 9. J. S. Pollard am
C. E. Phillips of Omaha are at the St. James
S. Mayer of Lincoln is at the Lindell. Ii
Benedict of Omaha is at tbo Southern.
ST. JOSKI-H , Mo. , Doe. 9. N. C. Toltnan o
Lincoln is at tbo Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. W
A. Greenwald of Falls City , nnd S. W
Loekwood of Hubbell nro at tlio Bacon.
Van Houtou's Cocoas-Largest sale in th
Judge "WaUoloy spent most of ycstoi
day listening to the injunction case i
which ono branch of the iron moulder
union is suing to prevent the oxpellin ,
of members.
The funeral of Mrs. Grace Withnol
Leonard will tnko phico nt 2 o'clock thi
afternoon from the First Congregation ! !
church. A telegram from Mr. R. K
Withnoll states that ho will nrrivo i :
Omaha this morning.
The funeral services ever the remain
of the late Matthew C. Wilbor will tak
place today at the family residence , 201
California street , at 2:30 : p. m. and at
p. m. nt Trinity cathedral. The BOI
vices will bo conducted by Dean Gar (
nor , assisted by Rev. Williams.
Dr Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg
Democratic Jloston.
BOSTON , Muss. , DeciO. Complete rcturi
of tbo city election ishow that Matthov
( dom. ) has bcoa elected mayor by a Inri
majority. The board gf aldermen compris <
seven regular democrats nnd three repub
cans , with two members whoso names we :
on both tickets.
A llRiiinrknfilo Dividend.
, Dec. 9. Tho'board , of directors i
the American llvo s bck commission cor
pany tonight voted n dividend of 15J per cc
to the stockholders , payable January 1. Tl
declaration of this roilmrlcnblo dividend w
the only business transacted.
Itroko Ilia Arm.
W. M. Ferguson , wljlfts getting oft a mot
tram on South Sixteenth street , ncarVlnto
last night , slipped and fell , hrcaklncr his an
Ho wus t a It on to his homo at Ninth ai
Hickory streets , were ho wus cared for by
Fort Worth's Finances.
FOIITVOHTII , Tex. , Deo. 9. The annu
statement of the Forth Worth & Denver ra
ChcNs Champions.
Nr.vv YOIIK , Dec. 9. The contest bctwe
Stelnitz nud Ounsberp for tbo chesschn' ' > of the world commenced today
tbo Manhattan Chess club , The match end
in a draw.
r u. j u.i.-d ,
DANUUIIV , Conn. , Dec. 9. ' ho hattci
strl'tu iiua been settled in luvor 01 ih man
fuctarew ,
, .
llo Ijcnvcn n Fortuna tu Wife anil
NEW YOIIK , Dee. 8. The will of August
Bclmont was opened today. The first clause
provides for tlio selling of nil horses used for
racing and breeding purposes and all breed
ing establishments owned by the deceased.
Walter Lttttgen is given $ lf > , OOJ in lieu of
commissions as executor , To Allen Cole is
Riven $10,1)00 ) nnd to every clerk nnd omplovo
of August Bclmont .t Co. who has been thcYo
llvo years , a sum ctiunl to one year's salary.
All the household furniture and town and
country houses are given absolutely to Mrs.
Uelmont , who nlso receives nn income of
S.V.,000 yearly. The principal of this is
to bo divided among the children after
her death. To liU dnuifliter , Fredorlka ,
Is Riven an minimi Income of S''fKX ( ) , the
principal of which goes to her children nt
deatli. Securities producing nn income of
$19,100 nro left In trust to Perry llclinont's
heirs , The same amounts uro set nsldu for
Oliver 11. nnd August Dclmont. jr. All the
remainder of all his property is to be con
verted Into cash , the proceeds to bo divided
equally between his three sons.
Iicnve fie C'liNiiliiLt House.
Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 9. The llrst step has ap
parently been taken looking to the retire
ment of trust companies from the bank clear
ing bouso. The Farmers' loan and trust com
pany issued a circular nnnoinclng thnt the
company was determined to discontinue hav
ing Its checks p.isscd through the New York
clearinghouse from January 1. President
Holston said : "Wo have no need of ttio clear
ing house. Wo don't tie a banking business.
Wo were never members of the clearing
house , hut let our chocks go through. Now
wo stop. That Is all there Is to it. " AVells ,
Fargo & Co. also announced that they had
discontinued making clearances through the
banks on December 1.
Found Trouble.
Giiccswoon , Miss. , Dec. 0. Thcro wns an
other lynching nt Roebuck as a sequel to the
Aron murder , Ono Moses Lemon , colored ,
became Indignant at tlio lynching of Miirtin
for killing Aron , and it was learned thnt ho
was circulating ainone the negroes trying to
get up a mob and go to Aron's store to mur
der the clerks and flro the bulldlnp. Tlio
people ot the neighborhood , both white and
black , formed an organization and swung
Lemon to a tree.
Kndcd In n JCow.
Cmcino , Dec. 0. A meeting of the Chicago
cage stockholders of the National building ,
loan and protective union of Minneapolis
broke up tonight in confusion after General
John McDonald , ono of the Chicago managers
of the union , had been knocked down by At
torney C. B. Elliott of Minneapolis , repre
senting tbo president of tbo organization , Mr.
Cotco. The trouble arose over charges of
mismanagement preferred by General Mc
Donald ,
LONDONDec. . 9. Tbo Times , In n financial
article , says that another 1,000,000 In gold
will soon bo sent to Now York. It repeats
that Pnrls , Berlin , nnd in a minor degree
Amsterdam , ought to recognize their reipo.-
slbillty in this matter. It urges Berlin hank
ers to send gold to America and points out
that suoh action is called for as much In the
Interests of Gorman Investors as to prevent
the difficulties In New York becoming over
_ _
A Crooked Cashier ,
MF.ADVIU.E , Pa. . Dec. 9. The statement of
the assignees of the Dclamatcr bank nro not
satisfactory and give no great degree of
hopes to tbo depositors. It is said a warrant
has been issued for the arrest offictor Del-
ninnter. late cashier of tlio bank , lie being
charged with act-opting money from deposi
tors after banking hours and with the full
knowledge that the assignment was to bo an
nounced in less than twenty-four hours.
Poniirlnj ; the Country.
K nn Cur , S. D. , Dec. 9. General Can-
with ten companies of the Sixth cavalry ar
rived hero this morning1 from Fort 'Wingato.
Small bands of Indians from tbo bad lands
have boon running oft stock and burning de
serted ranches on French and Buttle creeks ,
coming within twenty miles of this city.
Two hundred stands of arms , received from
the governor , have been dlstrlbutem among
the settlers.
A Desperate Illvnl ,
PAIUS , Deo. 9. A terrlhlo tragedy is re
ported from Clormont Ferrnnct today. A
wedding procession was leaving the church
when suddenly two shots were heard and the
bride and bridegroom fell dead. The assas
sin escaped undetected and is supposed to bo
a rival suitor for the brido.
An Expected ollsatlotl.
ST. PKTKIISHUUO , Deo. 9. A woman now on
trial for connection with nihilist conspira
cies is the niece of Privy Counsellor lllinsky ,
director of the holy synod. Her name is
Olga Ivnnomksy. Several high ecclesiasti
cal ofllcials are Involved nud startling devel
opments are expected.
AVnll's Kovnlver.
Cium.oTTn , N. C. , Dec. 9. In Rutherford
county today Holloway Wall shot and killed
bis wife , dangerously wounded her brother
and then commlttecd suicide. Ho deserted
his wife several months ago and bad not since
been heard of until today , when ho appeared
at the house and began shooting without
Not Ijooklng for a
Four Ci'STCii , Mout. , Dec. 0. The work of
the Crow commission was successfully con
cluded at Crow agency yesterday , the Indi
ans selling to the government nearly two
million acres on the western side of their res
ervation on n consideration of $910,000. The
Crows take HO Interest in the Messiah crazo.
WASIIIXGTOV , Dee. 0 Walker Johnson
surveyor of customs , Hock Island , 111 , ; E. B ,
Sanders , register of the land oftlcc , Wausaw ,
\Vis. ; J , M. Fitzpatrick , postmaster ai
Hebron , Nob. ; Joseph Tenters , receiver ol
public moneys at Lincoln , Neb. j Ii. II. John'
son , receiver at Wausaw , W Is.
A Powder
HALIFAX , Dec. 0. Tno powder rnagazino o :
the dominion steamer Nowfiold , at Yar
mouth , exploded today , partly wrecking tlu
vessel. It is reported that four men wen
killed , but the marina agents say only OIK
was killed and six injured. The cause of thi
explosion is n mystery.
SlenniBlilp Arrival" .
AtPhlladolpbla The Missouri , from Lon
At New York The Persian Monarch , fron
London ; the Kins , from Bremen.
At Hamburg -Tho llugia and ( Jellcrt , fron
Now York.
Two Were Killed.
DouoiiKinr , I. T , , Deo. 9. Joseph Brown
who lived with n stepdaughter in a smal
cabin near hero , was called to bis door las
night by unknown parties , who tired upo
and killed him. His stepjuughter , who wu
standing behind him , was also killed ,
A Thread Strike.
Kr.Aiisnv , N. J. , Dec. P. Three thousan
employes of the Clark thread mills will strlk
tomorrow because ono of their follow worl
men was discharged without cuuso bcln
. A Dakota ' 111aw.
HUIIOK , S. D. . Dec , 9. A verltnhlo chmoo
has prevailed since daylight thli mondii )
f causing tlio snow to melt rapidly. The thei
momoter rose from six to thlrty-nlno uhov
They Voted Ijieonsn.
Woitcp.STKii , Muss. , Dec. 9. The rcpubl
cans elected the mayor nnd n largo majorlt
of the common council today , Llccnso we
also voted by u largo majority ,
Sprlngllclil , , III , , Dec. u.-JudKO Phllllr
In the Snngamon circuit court today issue
( au order allowing Uccclvcr Dlvksou ot tl
Many Clergymen ,
HhiRcrt , notorj , nnd public speakers IKO
Ajer's Clii'rry IVctornl. It Is thp fa\orlto
lomtdy for honrsencM nnd nil nllcctloiu of
the vocal organ ) , 1111(1.11 ( , and lungs , Ai tin
anodyne and cxpccloianl , the effects ot
till * preparation are promptly realized.
"Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has done mo great
good. It Is n . ' 1'lcinllil ' icinody for nil ills-
cases ot the throat and IIIIIKS , ami I
much pleasure In ! eitltlng lo Its merits , "
( Itov. ) 0. X. Nichols , No. Tlshnry , Mass.
"In my profession of nn auctioneer , any
nfU-ctlon of the \olceor throat Is .1 scrlotu
nutter , hut , at each attack , 1 ha\e been re.
llcu-d by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry This remedy , wllli ordinary rare ,
lias w 01 krd such a nianh-al i-lfcct I liao
siifforcdcry little liiroiruiileni-c. 1 have
nlso used It In my family , with very excel ,
lent results , In coughs , cohl < , Ac.-Win. U.
Quartlj , Mlnlaton , So. Australia ,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
I'llKrAIIItt ) tlV
3JH. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Maoa.
tiolJ by ll UruKlns. 1'iicc Jl ; BULoltlc.i.
A Fine Line of
At prices that will surprise you. The
"best goods ert lowest prices in the 'city.
Consult youi' own interest uncl buy your
Winter Footwear at
LiBJii Eonipanit'u '
For Imuvuvud nnd ecoiiomlo cook-
cry , nso It for NoitiiH , Net HI-CM and
Jflmlc JIlHln's. Ill lluvoi-liicom-
j > araUe , and dl.s < ol\os perfectly
clear In water. Miikoa dullelo u
Hccf Ton and / . jn in all cflmilfoi for
any k-nith of time. 1 11) equal lo
40 Ibs of lean beof. Only sort
cunrnnteod genuine
by Justus von Lleblg
nnd beiir ) , his sl nature -
turo In bine , thus :
: . L. Erio.kson , Local Ajrt.200 N.lGthSt
\\7 A NTT-Cn Agents to soil tin ) I'lnlcns
WAiM JiU C7tcs | | , J.lno ; the only
, ! no ever In vented Unit linlds tin1 clothes with
out pins ! a perfect success ; piitont roecntly
ssiii'd ; soln only l > y agiMits , to whom the ex
clusive rlijht Is given. OnrccolDtof W cents wo
will send a sample Una by mall ; aNu cilrcu-
lns : ; prlco list and torius ti > agent. Secure
vonr territory nt once. Addiess Tlin 1'IN-
MMS OLOTllES LINK CO. . 17 Ilormon t-t. ,
Worcester Miss
Justli'o of the Peace. Oftlco over
Aineilcitn I'vpross , No. 4-M
llrondwuy , Council HlulTs. Iowa.
Attornoysat l < aw. I'rae-
tlce in the state und
[ oderal courts , linoins 'I , 4 and 5 Hhugnrt ,
licii'j block. Council HI u Its. low.i.
Corner Main and Hro.ulway ,
Dealers In forolfin and domostto otohanxt
Collection made and Interest putd on thao
deposits. J
St. Louis , Alton & Springilold to issue f.00- !
000 receiver s uoriiilcutcs for tlio pressing
needs of the company.
The state urango convened today. Two
secret sessions nnd a public incutliiK were
held In tlio afternoon , with addresses by
Governor Flfer , Worthy Muster J. AI.
Thompson of .lollct and others.
At the conference of representatives of the
Farmers' Alutunl Benefit association , KrmiKO ,
farmers' ' alliance and Knights of Ijiihor , u
resolution was passed commending to ( lov-
ornor Fifor the name of GcorRo Ball Girard ,
secretary of the stnto grange , for railroad
and warehouse commissioner.
Ho lUHH HullCIH.
CINCIKSATI , O. , Deo. 0. Old Chief , a
vicious elephant that lias been several years
In the Cincinnati zoological garden , broke
his chains tonight and began a general work
of destruction , lie toro Ids house to splinters
tors and was proceeding to nmko general ruin
of the garden when sharpshooter wore
broucht In and began ( ii'Insr at him with
muskets. The llrst shot brought him to his
haunches nnd ten other shots were fired Into
him without apparent effect. At 10 o'clock
onight tlio killing was given up to ho re
sumed in the morning , The elephant is bel
lowing in a fearful manner.
They nro
OUIHV , IN-DIAX Aar.xov , Gnr.Etf RIVKII ,
Utah , Doc. 9. Southern Utcs are greatly ex
cited over the news from Dakota regarding
the coming of Shln-Oh ( Christ ) ami have
commenced dancing und painting themselves.
Dutelilinlmllls. .
You scairoly can htmid iinywhoro in
Holland witliout scoing from ono to
twenty windmills. Many of thorn tire
built In the form of a two story tower ,
the second story boiiitf Hinnllor than the , with $ i bnluony nt its base from
which it lapora upward until the cip- :
like top IB rcitchud , writes Mary
Mnpos Dodge In St. Nioliolny ,
High up , near the roof , the great
axit ) jutH from the wall ; and to tills arc
fiiHlenod itwo prodigious arms , formed
boinowhat like Inddors , boariny great
Bheots of canvnss , whoso litisinefas la tn
catcli the inihchlof-mnlioi- sot him at
work. ThcHO inillH btniul like hugu
fjiantH guardinyr the country. Tliolt
bed Ion are guita rally of a dark rod ; and
their hciulH , or roots , are iiindo to turn
this way and that , according tr
the direction of tliq wind. Tholi
round eyed window Is always star
ing. Altogether , they Boom tc
bo keeping a vigilant watch in every
direction. SomotimcB they stand clus'
tercil togollioisomotliuos ; alone , like
silent sontinuls ; Bomotiiucs in long rowu
like rankH of buldlut-B. You KCO tluiin
rising from the midst of factory build
ings , by the cottages , on the poldorn
( the poldot-H are lakes pmnpml dry anil
turned Into farms ) ; on Iho wharves ; by
the r Ivors ; along the canals ; on the
dykes ; in tlio cities everywhere ! Hol
land wouldn't bo Holland without ilf
windmills , any more than It could bu
i Holland. without Ha Uykus and ita Dutch-
) uion.
All kinds of Drill ! ; nnd Clciuilns done In tha
llU-lu-st blyloof tlui Art. 1'nded and i-t'ilmul
I'n rlcsmado to Ionium KOCH ! M iu w Work
liro.nptly dom-nnd delivered In all irirls ot
lluu'ountry. K-nil fur pHcti list.
o. A. MAIMIAN. I'M . .
JOU llroiidwnVi Near Northwestern
Council ItlufTM , I own.
M North Main Street.
I'uncral Dlrootor nnd Kmhnlnicr.
TTIOU UKNT.-Kurnlslicil front room. Sitting
Jniidliod roinn c'lisultc. ii.51'lfth .ivt-inif.
UI ANTICD-A Rood Kill to do general liouso.
work : lll pay llrnt class wages. Apply
ntl05 t , Till -.troi. ' ! .
M iFllt'lTANIISK--iri,000 slock cTiioral wort
chuiullsu to uvuhniiKU for clear Iruiil Iq
onsti-rn NobrusUa or Iowa and cash. Adilrosj
JS , ltuuiMK > i > , Council llhilV.s.
Tilt TiTxisTf ill > rooms atvry le-isoiiahli
L tornis , iMisulluor slnglo ; baths und stcutiS
heal ; new house , nowlvfurnlslii-d. Mrs. fctCK
phcnson , IKII'iirlc uvoinio , Oouncll lllutVu.
lj > AKMS I'orSali' Ions list , ninny of thi'tj
JL' ut low | irlct"i ) also vo acres line utfrilon
and fiull land near tlic city lliulls , house ,
bin n and other liiirov | > > niunts ; iilso .M ncroi
frultf-and Kanh-ii land lust outsldo the city ivi
< JMki.V. . A. Wociil k Co. . RiJ Main htrci-1.
A\7 ANTKD-OllIco boy at dc.if und dumb IiZ
M Mitiitloii , t'nuncll Illnll'a. A itunil boy.1
must como well rocoininoiKlod , WngcH , $2 and.
board pi'r wi-i'lc. Apply In pcrston to llcnrjf
W Iciilliort , tuporliitondcnt.
WANTKD-LndrorRrnl wllllnir to nnrkil
Duiinanont position ; i'l : to $ .MM ) u iluyj1
I1. C. S. , 007 Willow IIVLMIUU. Counell lllnlVs.
ir\0ll \ uNT : 'jTir MojFahon"throosfor ?
J1 Inlok block. No. II3 9. Maln t , wltholevulo ?
J.V. . Hqnlru. _
WANTKD A yontii ? clrl toholn nt liouioi' '
work. Mrs. I' . M. I'ryor. 010 lllulT Htroet.
ItS. AMlHilA NIKliiON , M.I.8pcclalmia
wife , iy.11-8 iivo , Coiinoll lllulfa. Ta.
JALTKH S. HTILLMAN , Mnrcni bloclt.1
Notary 1'iibllccolloatlons , typowrltlnif.
FOIISALK Lpimn and furnlturo of Scott
House , Council IllulTu. " 5 rooms. OhPnptd
Addri'ss.l. y. Jorduii , Council IllulT
FOK SAhE or Kent Qardon land , with
homos , by J. K. Rico. tOJ Main lU , UounolT
Or Council Bluffs.
IlniECTOiis I. A. Miller , K. 0. Olcason , E. I *
liu urt , i : . K. Hurt , J. D. Ediimiidson , ( Jhiirloll
0. llunnan , Transaet buuklin busUl
ness , hardest capital und surplus ot uny
liankln Soutliwostorn Iowa ,
15liln for I'uullu
Odlco of Pinto Hoard of I'llntlng . V
li.Nt'oN , Novombur 1511) . ItfVO. )
Nonci : TO HinnKitH.
Sealed proposals will bo rueulu-d nt any
tlmuon or bofoio I wo o'clock p. in , of lliu lltu
day ( if December , A. I ) . IS'.Xi , fur the printing
of all hill for the liiKMiituro with such mat
ter ns niny bo ordered by oltlior bouse tlieroo
to tin iirfntod In "hill form" whlcli Is Bhowl ,
and ilchlKimtcd ns class DUD ( I ) u iiner t ho print *
Inir law s of the state of Nubruska.
For the printing and binding In piper covers
of ono thousand (1,000) ( ) copies each of t he blent
nlal reports of thu audllor of public accounts ,
treasurer , secretary of state , and commission *
or of pnlillu lands and buildings ; and flvuhuni
drcd ( MO } copies each of thn bleiinlul loporlsof
tlm attorney Kenonil , superintendent of pith *
He Instruction , slnto llbrailiin. nnd adjutant
general ; anil all other lepoils mill dueiiinenti
that may bo ordered printed by the luglslti *
tureexcept , such as niny enter Into nnrt form
a part ot the journals , which eluss of work II
known and designated as class three (11) ( ) mulct
the printing linisof Nebraska.
Thu 1)111 work , executed underclass ono.
shnll ho piloted In emu ! ! pica typo on paper
fourteen ( H ) Inches , Inn ; ; by olKlitnnd line-half
( H' { ) Inches wide , Hlnclu pnjjo. paiier ID ba
twiwty-olifht C.'K ) pounds douhlu cap to tha
ream , anil u.\ci < pt tlm tltlo piiKo ; each pn e
hlinll contiiln nut less Hum twonty-llvo ( Si
HIIIM of Killil luntlur of Mivi-n (7) ( ) inches In
luiiKth and thu line" shall lie siiccesilvnlf
niiinhorcd , with a blank only In each HJKICO between
tweon thu lines ,
Thu tltlo pat-'uof said bills sliall contain no )
less than nlKhtcon ( IS ) lines as nhme. with
linen ( II ) Indies iiddltlunul space ullowublo tot
display title nnitler.
KiiclT 1)1(1 ) ( shall stuto what the bidder Is will.
liiK to do thn Hoik complete for , per paiti' . foj
two hundred C.HXl ) copies of each hill ; also th
prlco for additional hundreds thnt may be of
dert'd of tlio sanui bill nt the sumo tlnui an th
original C.MU ) . Inaliidlnj ; composition , pnpur
press work , stltclilnir , folding , anil all work or
inntiirlnlentorlii ! ; Into the worlt reiiuheil.
All work executed under uliiNsono shall h *
dullvorrd In pi'Jd older by thiu'ontiiictorto
thu olllco of Ilio Bi'Crotary of slate wlthld
threudnyh after the receipt ot thu older by
sahl conductor from thu chairman of tha
coiunil ( led on DilntliiK , Inclthurbntncli of thi
All worlt tixecntoa nndrrcliiHs three P ) shal
l > o printed In Inn , ; primer , hrovloriind nonnii *
rlul type , on iinptir to ho nine lmh : < n IOMK ny
hl\ii ( ; ini'lii'-i wide , slnijlc ) ] ) .IKI' , ] > aper to-ba
forly-ll\o(4ri ( ) pounds-to ttiu 10,1111 , , of twuntV *
four by thlif hl.whltu book , I'ucli bid
iinuur class three Hhull wtiito wlnit tliolilduor
Is ivlllln1 , ' to do thn work cninplutfi fur , net
piK : > i , on each teport or Horn In the cla s , In.
elnillii ! ; composition , pnpor , presn worlr ,
stltohlim' , foldln ; ; , nnd all work or niiitnrla ]
< ; nU'iIiiL' Into thu work required , Unlley nna
pu u pinof must he furiilsliuilhon n > iiilrua |
by thu olllcers of t Im oxciontl vo ( Inpiirtiiiiint of
t no chairman of the coininltteo un prlntlneln
cltbur biiineliof thuluKlshitnro. Wor whoh
complete ) : ! toliu delivered freu of oxponsuut
thn stale house.
I'loposulx for work on o.ioh of the ubova
classes will nut bo conslilorcd unless Ilio Himft
liDiiccoinpanlcil l > y a bond In Ihusiini of live
tliiisuinl ( ! . " > , 'iWlollars ) with t.woor IIKIU ; nuro
ties : IhiiVIn casotlioparty proposing forbucu
contniut hluill ho awarded the HIIIIIO Hiicli putty
\ vlll.llhln ll\o ( fl ) iln.VH lifter the award to
lihn of siieli contract cnlor Into bonds for tlii
faithful piirforinancR t hereof , uij pmi-ldcd by
law and the ICIII.H of tht-sa proposals.
I'lopnsnlH shull bu inarkod , "I'ropusalH fo *
I'lihllurilntlnx" nii'l ' addiunsiMl to Iho htata
lionrd of prlnllnK. In euro of the hccrutaryos
htiitf , Lincoln , Neb.
Cunt nii-th on class one ( I ) , as above speelllciL
will bo ii\vardo > l as u whole.
font iicts on eluss tlncoO1. ns nliovn .spool *
( lull , will Im awarded In wholoorla part until *
board nuiy elect.
K.uuplesof Iho work to ho oxceuluil iindof
elusH onn (1) ( ) , anil three < : , muy bo been at thfe
ollleo of the Bcorotnry of stutu. ,
( 'ontr.ictH on nbovo cliih > * os-oiin ( n. nnq
three ( : i ) , to run two ( ' - ' ) yeaft from Dojoinbo *
Tliohl'iito printing : bonrd cesorvc-slho
to reject any or all bldn.
Hocrurary of Matoi
Auditor of 1'ulillu Accounts.
J. E. 1IIU- .
TroiiHiiror ,
Btato IJoard of '