Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1890, Image 7

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A DVEHTIBEMXNTfl for tlicio colum wlU
* iVt ? ukrn until 12:30 : p. in. , for the evening
edition and until 8 : ; p. in. , ( or thn morning
edition neil BUNIUT Hut ,
Oftnh luaaranco. .
"TATES Adrertl eTn > nt on this pane lllbo
JVehnriri'd for nt Iho rate of m cent par word
for thn llrsl Insertion and 1 cent per word for
rjich subsequent Insertion , nnd 11.60 per Una
car month. No advertisement taken for
Iris tlmn 21 cents for tiu first Insertion.
TNITIALS. figures , symbols , do. , count each
4 n ono word.
aitlKSK ndvertlncmpnls muit run eonsccn-
. tl ely nml umlor no circumstances Trill
they bn taken or discontinued by telephone.
"PAHTI KS advertising In thcso columns and
JL linvltm their answers add reused to a "nnm-
lerMl Inttnr" In euro of THE HUB -will receive
n numburrd check to rnabln them to got their
letters. Answers will bo delivered only on
presentation of this chock. Enclose answers
5n envelopes properly addressed.
AM < advertisements under the bond of
"Hpcclul Notices" urn tmlillOird In both the
tnomlng ntiil nvpnlnc editions of THE Urn. the
rlrculatloti nf willed aggregates more tlmn
Sn.OOO papers dally , Hnil Rlvci thq ndvcrtlsor
the benefit tint only of tlin liirzn circulation of
'J'MK IH.K In Omaha , but also In Council IHufTH ,
Lincoln nnd other cities mid towns In Mm est
Advertising for thwie column" will bo taken
on the nhovo conditions , at thn following bust-
cm * IIOIIKPR \ ho are authorized to take special
notices , nt the same rates ns can had ut the
malnnfflra. _ _ _ _ _ _
O 2C2IN Btreot. .Lister lllock.
Von W. 1IELL , I'hsirmaolst , 820 South Tenth
O Btrcet.
OHA8R A KDDy , Otatloncr * and Prlnlern ,
V 11,1 South IGth street.
II. FAUNSWOHTH , Vharnmclit , 2115 Cum
ins otrcet.
J. II110IIKS , Pharmacist , G-4 North 16th
. street.
T.O. W. I'AIin , Pharmacist , 1718 Lcavon-
worth street.
UOIIES' l'HAK&IACy,24th nnd Farnam.
Jorrnfn , lie. , irt toj > nf frtt column
SITUATION wanted by a first-clans bread
and cake baker and cand v maker : capable
to take cure of shop If necessary. Address II
JO. lieu olllco. M'OO 7"
QtTUATION wanted by stenographer and
( J bookkeeper. Four years' oxporlonco In
law r.nd court reportlnp. Dost of reference.
Address bet l.'iOfl. Crcston , Tn. * M77i : 5 *
WANTED Hy respectable yotins man po
sition InKrocery orotlierstcrn ! can take
cnro of horses If necessary nnd willing to
make himself useful at anything , Hood elty
references. Joseph Paul , 3411 Pass at. TOO *
WANTIjD lly a youiiB man ( German ) posi
tion In a meat market. Address X 27 , Dee.
Tirr-a *
T\7 ANTED \Vork for board. A business
T man with good reference will do llpht or
1nsldwoik ( ! for his board. Addro s "X 2.V
Uco olllco. M7177 *
_ _
"POSITION wanted by youiiK man of oxperl-
4 < enco us iKJokkcoperor salesman ; host of
references. Address X 22 , Uco olllce. M701 5
WANTI'D Steady winter work to run
steam linatoror Janitor work ! ] .r > years'
nxnerlenround licensed 11 reman. Address X
2 llee ollleo. TM ll\ \
BY blacksmith , rood Ri-ncral workman nnd
hoiseslmer. Address M. It. MeMullen.Hlb-
Ijon , HiitTald Co. , Neb. _ 7B7 4 *
WANTKP lly a woman refined and clever ,
to take charge of sotno cent Ionian's
houstir The nppllcant a lady and homeless.
Address X a ) lice. 74S-fi
f " \XTANTnn Situations for good waiting
W glrlsj my looms aio full from 0 u. in. toNe
6 p. in. No need of nolng out of help a d.ty.
Mm. llreh'tt. Ill Hi S. J5th. Tel. 881. 7M J1
TTTANTI'D Position as book-kecpur , first
T class city references , X 7 Hoe. COJ
For intrs , etc. , ret top of fiivt ctilumni nn thl rvt ft
bjIKTlVlNOnow "jLOO im houreasily
mudo by ngcuts , male or fomalc. B.implo
and fill ! pnrtlfiilarH fice. Chua H. Marshall ,
Lockport , N. Y. > 177B-r > '
WAN'I'KI ) Tlio address of men capable of
icndcrshlp who are coins or would KO.
with n\ceitlonal | inducements , to the new
state of Washington. Address . 0. Gerard ,
care Lord k Thomas , Chicago , 111. 11770-5 *
WANTED Two coed solicitors for city
work. K. II. Gurney. room 18. Wlthnoll
lilook. i-or. ISlli and Ilnrner. M742-5 *
"VX7 ANTED A good cunvassar ; cnll at room
T T ll , Chamberof Commurco.bel. 11 & 13 a.m.
7M 0
WANTIID Blacksmith : mnst bo n Rood
one. Apply ut once to Sol Spangler.
Bcrllmcr. Nub. V'g-C'
1 000 men for now R. It. work In
WANTKD und Washington Ten , between
Portland and Seattle ; Ions job nnd good
wnptM. Albrights Labor Agency , ll'JO Parnum i
street. J17IW Jll iI I
TirAN'ITP Two coat makers nt once. O.
VMudscii , Norfolk , Nub. 701-7'
ANTl'D Men to travel for our Cnnadlan
nur.erles.Stoiic& WellingtonJladlson.Wls
AVANTIID Three younc men to receive In-
structlons and Keep hooks : good Hltua-
tlons. J. n. Smith , 1)40 Now York Llfo building.
T rANTCD Man with peed reference nt
> > Mutiopoiltnn JIfg. Co. , IUOU Uowurdht.
AOHNT wanted In every town. Sample
outllt fro . Address Drower U. . Kremont ,
Nob. Cffi 11 *
WAN'IT.P Agents wnntod throughout Nn.
briiska. Bend stamp for reply. Jos. P.
Mcgi-nth. Omaha. 4CO
WANTI'D Snlesmen to moot the grocery
trade to carry n specialty on commission.
Good coiiiinlsslons. 1'louso state territory ,
also refcrenco. W. G lloormun , 103-103 Fulton
Street , Chicago. 5iM-0'
DKT ROT IVB Wo want niniiii In every lo-
enllty to net ns private detective under
our Instructions. Send for particulars. Wash
ington Detect Ivo Agonoy , box 7B7 , Washing ,
ton , Iowa. Kxperlenco not necessary.
118 1)13 *
\\7ANTni ) A live , energetic party In ovorj
iilncu to Introd uco our goods , Wohavoii
now line that will neil ut every nouso am !
nKOiitrt can reap n harvest between now nm
the holidays , will nay n salary of 175 poi
month If preferred nnd furnish a team free
Addles * at once. Standard tillvorwurn Co.
lloston Mass. M KK-I ) 15 *
For rflfe * , ttc. , ft ! < > ) > nf JIITI rxminn on thtt mat.
"Vi\7ANTr.n ( ilrl forgonornlliouiowork. lu.
< inlroutC40S. 28th su M708
Klrl for il
housework. 1113 Ueorgla avo. M77471
/AN'Tln-SS cooks mid clrls for KeiiTriiii
Ti i housework. The Now Kmploymenl
Agency , hunk bids , IGth und Dodge. M7SJ-5
TITHE Now Employment Auonoy. 10th ami
JL Dodge. Kef. onion's Christian iissooia
tlun , Omaha. & 17VJ-7
WANTI'D Young lady for olllco work. N <
experience necessary If good pun man
Call after 1 1 > . m. Itoom 10 , Continental block
\VANTKD-At once , girl. Miss E.-II
> > Turrlll. 3UH ) Dougl as Ht. rjdC
V\7ANTii : ) Oood cook and laundress Ii
> > family of tlireo. 1 ! 8.17th st , 74
" \\rANTli ; > Oood girl for general house
TT work , small family. Inciulro 1818 Corbi
street. TO
G IHL for general housework. 60S 8 18th.
. 7298
_ _
AV 7ANTKD-A competent Klrl for guner.i
housework nt SOU 8. 23tli avonuo. 4B7 1
\ \ ; : ANTK Kxporionci'd girls to foia
bindery. Nona but experienced help neoc
apply , itei's Printing company , corne'r lltl
und Howard. < HX1
" \VANTKl > tllrl for genorul lionsonork a
, < 11 IKS S. ait It. M074-J
VrANTKl > A nurbo girl , good wages ti
rlsht party , S-i : cor. Mth und Jones. 09
7ANTIM ) Qlrls for general houscworl
Mrs. W. P. Oallalinn , 1S7 8. SStU streat.
ANTEDOoodRlrlforgenoral housework
Mrs. A. P , Tukey , ll Chicago street.
For rate * , tie , ut tap of Jut rolumn on Uift rage
MASgAQEJ Madam Ucliler. over 010 8 lutli
Tit ) Jl
AS8AHI3 bath at Madam Smith's parlor
< 47 8.13th 11 , n xt Unrker hotel. 31&-7
Uor roMt. tlc fte too nf first tolumn ion thtt i paflt.
rnoilUENT nftccnToom house , .
JJ 17th atrcet ; bath , heat und Kas | ono block
from biislnew editor , near postofnco site , See
Jumel NcTlllc , III B. 17th. M77S-11 *
"IjlOK KENT A good ten-room house , No.1818
-L ? Douelan , nil modrrn , Including Inrgo now
range. Ttent J.W.OO tosmnll family If taken
( ( nick. Imiulre , II. 11. Itoblson , room nit :
Omnha National bank building. 11 "ty 7
O llltK'K dwelling houses , 10th und Mason for
- > ill per month. Thomas ft llocho. ; cl ! and
! C2 New York Life. MGSjI-i *
1TI Z. - dwelllnij , eonvcnlentl/
loeati'd , furnlihod or unfurnished. Itofcr-
cnccs renulred Inmilro room 1 , 213 S ifith
street. Netlicrton flail , agent. 7T.l 0
7/1011 ItnNT To responsible p'irtlos only.
JL1 those line new nrlck nnd stone houses on
Gwirgln IIMMUIC ; fifteen IOOIIIB nnd alcoves ;
more ronTOtlloncvs and bettor finished tlmn
nny IIOUMI for lent In the city. H. U. Hender
son , 410 1'nMon block , city. 4 l
" 171011 TIEST Steam heated flats In now
JL' building , Iipavnnwortli nnd 19th st. Apply
Kolkcnncy k Co. No. 11) ) Continental bldg.
OltOO.M Imiisoto rent , near 5hcrniui a\o , 3M
fthecly blk. 7.VI
IJ OII : houie 20JJ
KINT-A good flve-room ,
JL ? Charles street. Inqulro ntSOll Charles
( .troot. IV > 2 0 *
rpo Conductors nnd IlnRlncers Wo offer these
JL. ten now and complnto flats with all modern
convenience's , situated tno blocks from thu
now Tenth htreet depot : they have several
new and commendable features and rent for
only $ " . ' > .00 per month , U nnd 7 rooms ouch with
largo bath nnd cnnu'iilent closets. Call nnd
xee thorn , The Mead Investment Co. , room
442. lieu building. Oil
rr-ltOOM house with barn : nominal rent. C.
K. Harrison , 911 ! N. Y. Life. 493
TK YOU wish to rent n house or store see 11.
E. Cole. Continental block. 4U3
H OUSE for rent : 10 rooms , modern conven-
lenecs. O'Jl H. lllth nt. KO 4 *
"I710R KENT Elegant two iloor house , all
JL ? modern Improvements , also laundry 'room ,
corner of M and Chicago sts. Apply at. 1110 ! )
Fnrnam st. 7M7
now und hondsomo four room flat ?
with bath and Htoaiu heat In the dowry
building on Chicago street west of Ifith nio
Hourly ready for occupancy. Each lint Is
separate nncf complete Inltsolf , These apart
ments can bo secured by nmnll families only
with no roomers. Uminestloiinblo references
required. A few nf these Hats still not en-
Kagcd. Apply to II. K. Jtoberts nt tbpbiilld-
Ing , 1012-13 Chicagogtrcot. C37.-C *
ENTAL Agent Oeo. J. Paul , 1GOO Huriiatn ,
Houses and stores for rent , llcnts col
lected. M7
T710II KENT 8- room house , all odern 1m-
JU prnvoinunt < i.S ± Chicago st , Jil.OT. lllng-
walt llros. , Marker block. 4'JO '
o KENT Modern dcslrablo house , K5 per
- month. O. P. Harrison , OfN , Y. Llfo. 177
SO. HKNNKTT , moving express onlce. with
Ncul & Conrad , 1113 Dodge st. Tol. Ii7.
MK28-D14 *
FOH KENT Finis , 4 rooms each , city water
and sewer connections. O. 11. E. and T. Co.
4 lice bldg. f > H
HOUSn for rent at < BI Plcrco street , con
venient to depot. Nice cottage. Innnlro
ot T. J. Lowry. iai
T710H KENT Small house on Eramot St. ,
JL1 west of Slth , * S nor month , Also7-room
house , city water , batn , on Onldwoll , between
Uitli and 27th , * i per month. Q. L. Oreen ,
Itoom 110 , IturKcr block. M787
FOll KENT 1-room house , 1017California st.
FOR IIENT-2223M&P10 st , Vi hlXkeast 24th
st. motor , 0 rooms and unllnlbhed H atory
above , full lot , well , cistern and collar , miod
neighborhood , $17.riO per month. O. tJ.Val -
Inco , Itrown block , 10th and Douglas. 038
TT USE of 8 rooms , nicely papered , water.
sewer nnd KiisICIrd and C'umlnR , $ JO per
O V. Harrison , 012 M. V. Llfo. . :07 :
For rain , rtc. , ret fop nf J\rn \ column n
T Furnished room , all cnnvon-
loncos. 222 N. lllth street. M771-8 *
LAIIGI/ front rooms , twoorthroo en suite ;
good location , modern house , strictly llrst-
clahs. : gfl Bo. 20th Ht. MCM-5 *
$8 for nloo furnished front room with alcove.
bent , [ CHS and modern Improvements , on
motor-line , 1219 S. il''d near Ilunscoin park.M7037
TilUIlNIHHEII rooms In any part of city for
-L ? rent at l > . J. Wilson's rental agoucy. room
838 N. Y. Llfo. _ _ M 701-9"
"TT1 0H KENT Nicely furnished room with
J heat. 6-r > H. 2Qth street. 745-10 *
LARGE hundsomcly furnished room , snlta-
blo for two , excellent board , modern con
veniences , private family , Urs > t-class In every
respect ; terms , $23 a month each. Address
XJ5. llee. < M38
TjlOU KENT Sovon-room cottajro , cor. IMh
J. ave. and Cap , ave. Inquire Sill8 Dodge. JI4'J7 '
O ROOMS , light housekeeping , SO.
< aavuiiuo , ( J40 7 *
EOU KENT Ilnndsomo furnished looms.
bt am jieat. 1723 Davenport st. _ WKJ
TJIOK KENT KurnMied rooms ; gas , bath
JL' and sleum , 151U Howard. _ 493
TT1O11 UENT-Furnlshod rooms , 1C09 Douglas ,
Jj _ _ 4 ! > U
171UKNISIIKI ) rooms , steam heat. 017.4 South
-U KUhbticct. 578-7
lllOn ItENT-Kurnlshod rooms. 100S Oapltol
K ave. M444-5 *
DERIIiABLK room , modern conveniences
1701 Capitol avo. 773
"VTICEIiY furnished rooms , first-class table
-J-i board , The Merrliun , 25th and Dodge.SS9R
SS9R *
For rattf , etc. , tte tnp nf fnl coliimi on tfttr ( xio ,
TJOOMS With board ; can nconmnioduto a
JLXnumbcr of table boarders. 411 N , tt ! ) b.
M 770-11'
NIOELY furnished room , all modern con-
vcnleucoa , W4th or without board. 2017
Loavcnworth. TZi 10 *
XTEWIiY furnished rooms In modern house
- 1close to I'anuim motor , good table , home
comforts , L' . " > T8 Ilainoy street , nuw Paul block
_ 747-10 *
EOOJ1S und board at CIO S. 17th street.
rilWO front furnished rooms , with board , In
J- private family can be hud byumuand wife
or 2 gMitleincn ; locution pleasant. Addre
X 10 , Ilco. Ut.Q 4'
_ _ _
"iTooiltf a iid" board , 1010 Ohlcago btrcet.
IV 191
ST.CLAIlt European hotel , wth dlnlnir room
steam heat In all rooms , nth and Dodge
Special latosby week or month , _ fiOJ
"IJOOMS for rant , wither without board , ll <
J.ttjo.aitii Bt. q.v-0'
THOll KENT Second story front room will
J-1 board lint-clubs , 201 S , 2.5th avenue. 007-0' I
" | > OOM und board $4.00,1712 Douglas street.
J-l M31S-8' '
1'nrmlen , tie. , tee top ot flat coitr/in ml IMajuqs.
4KOOM oottauo. 2011 Center street ; B room'
UOSN.jatbHtreet. M77 8'
rp\VO flno Inrgo unfiirnUhud rooms. Sfl.OO i
JL month. 6,11 B. Ist street. C71M
T7U > KKENT-Sultof4 nnfurnlsliod rooms u
JL1 family without children. Price J1U.-0. 170 ,
Webster U M737
T OIl HICK f 3 unfurnished room s , 210 N. I3tt
" J-1 bt. u 730
terrain , etc. , tee top of first r/ilmim OH thu > aa >
17IOII RKNT Hrlck warehouse , two storlo
J-'nnd biiMiim'tit , J7,000 ! sqimro feet , with in
font of double truck on U. P , railway , Houtl
i.'Oth nnd Plorcu streots. Address 0 , Oskumu
Omaha , Neb. W
TTtOR UKNT Hrlok warehouse , two storlo
JL' high , basement , hydraulic elevator , track
ago ; best location In the city , A. O , Powell.
Formteff rre tap nf frit column mi tMi jxigt
nil. IIlEYi llro.rontal agontaaWN.YLlf W
[ IX COLE , rental agent , Contluoutal bll
JT 41) )
STAK Land & 1/oun Co. Heal estate , loan
und Insurunco rental agency , U75-dl7
_ _
TbrrotM. rtf. . tee top of flnt . culuian nlM _ jaqt
LADIP.S and gentlemen cuu rent laasquer
ado tulU ut KU K. J6th U
Forratf , tlf. , tee top of Jlrtt column on f/it 7x159 ,
TTIOK. nNT-3-story : "lirick Vtorb7 No. " 1310
JL' Ilnrncy st..nultnblo for nny jobbing bull-
IIPM , fora term of yoara , . ,
On Hurilotto it. , between 2Sth nnd SHli vrry
dralrnble 8-room hou o and bum. in perfect
HIS N. ITtli Ht. , very dcslrablo 3-rootn flat , In
perfect order , , , . , ,
On SOth nnd Woolworth , very dcslrablo
inodorn houso.
Aino * Iloal rotate Ajronoy
1507 Furnntn Strt-ot ,
Solo Agents.
OITIcoopon ovonlnit . 7.3
nt TOO S. Kti. ! steam boat furnished.
Thos. IMInll.illlPuxton blk , CUJ
1T10H HENT-Tlio 4-story brick bnlldlnc , with
JL' HP without power formerly occupied l > y tlio
lice I'ubllshlni ? Co. , OIC I'nrniim 3t. The build-
Ins Inn a fireproof cement basemoiit.eoinplelo
xtentu hnilliift llxturci , wntor on all the lloorn.
lint , etc. Apply ut the ofllco uf The lleo. Cl. >
l buiJBNf Us .Tnnnnrv 1. 4-itory btillilltiK ,
JO aa-MOmiunro feet ; nultablu for nny kind
of whiilcsnllnit , nt Tutith wid JOIIUH street. 0.
A. I.tndiiicst | , aiO South fifteenth street. WW
llENT-Corner store und basement ,
srtli und N sti. , South Oinalia , 4 block
from deiKit , Mrs. llresa , 314 V4 S. 15th , Tol. Ml.
o TU'NT After January 1 , store and flat
JLatfUO H , intti st. Kmiulro at M llronn
blilg. 11. J. Kendall. UM IKS
iOH KENT or Salo-Klno. hoiivy brlclc Ovo-
J- story corner warehouse w Ith most central
trackage In city ; lloorsnro LViOOMjuaro feet.
HtrliiBcrA ; Penny , llurkorblock. 1SS
Fnr ratrt , etc. , HG top of fitt column on f/itu pifl .
WANTKD-To Itent-lly RPiitlcrann nnd
wife , .1or4 tinfiirnlshcd rooms In denlr-
able roaldonco neighborhood , convenient to
peed boiiiil.orHnltabUi fortieth ! bousckconlni : .
J. P. , cnro Hector & Wllhclmy Co. J17J7 0
Forrntet. rtr. , tre tnpo' fnt column on this
mUAOICAOE itorasc nt lowest rates. W. M.
-L Hnshmnn , lllll Lcnvenwortli. fiW
CJTOUAOKnnd trackugo. David Cole , 813-817
Oiliiward st. 607
STOHAO K The best In city , clonn. dry , R.ifo.
und privately stored at reasonable tcrnm.
Omaha Stove Hepiilr Works , I'M Douglas. Tel.
W. t-52 .
Forrattteic.tcetnflt > f first column nnthtu ftnit.
T OST Or stolen , two solltnlro diamond Roll !
JJrlncsat the 1st rrosbvtorlnn church , or on
Dodjso between 17th and iOth , A llbcnil reward
will bo paid for their return to Jlai Meyer's
store. fil 5 *
LOST Ono rod and ono roan cow. both de
horned. Tinder rewarded. A. M. Olarko.
2517 11 urimy struct. M TitMi *
TTIOUND A necklace , owner cnn hnvo Biimo
- . ' bycullniz at 1)11 ) N. V. Life , doborlblng
property nnd paying for this ad. 749-4
'orratei , flt. . u tn nf flrtl coluim on Out pi ;
PKUSONAL-lf the party \\lio cnlleil at 218
N. 19th for rooms \\pdiiesdny ovenliiK Dec.
jrd will cull UKU.IU will Oud rooms to salt them.
701-4 *
lr raleclt. , ttc tiiu of Jlnl olu on till *
TTIOK SAIji : Two hcatliiK stoves , hnnl or
JL1 soft coal , In lirst-olass order unil will bo
sold cheap. Unll ut l.M 9 X. 18th st.
QKCONO hnnd tyDowrlto . J. P. Mcgcath.
VJ1U07 Parnam street. Omaha. 4W >
"M"EW callgraph , prlco rcasonnble. II 03 , lloo
FOU SALE cheap A ID horse power Now
York snfcty stuam cnfrlno In Hrst vlnss
condition. Pcstuur Prlntlns Co. , I'M Howard
Kor mlex , rtr. , vtf. tt'p offavt column on tnts puts
Foil SALE Hay mare , 13 i bunds , 8 years
old ; record SsMVii trotted third hunt In
raeo In-"l)1ii : ) sound. Ulnd : uil all right ; war-
rnnty ; can be driven by woi.iau or child , llox
171 , Onawn , In. SI77C7 *
WOUIC hoisu $ C9 , tivo-horso wngonWdou
ble work hiirness $13. ( Jrwlll trauo for a
good lights lilu bar buggy. II. E. t'olo , Conti
nental bloc. * 41
FOK SALK Nnt'l cnsb register. In Rood re
pair , ut No. Ill S. 14th st. WJ-1 ; *
Foil PAL1I 2 good work tcnma. Inqulro nt
018 1'axton block. GOO
POR SALS Horse , "bugcy and harness , Ap
ply to ilet'ord , Urudy & Co. yi8
FOR SALE fiO horses nnd mares , cnsh or
time. Prlri'H from 115 to SWO. Would ex
change some of them for Otniilut real ubtntc.
W. T. foaman.Omulm'blarKest variety wagons
nnd cnn luges. ' : H7
Foriatet , etcreetopnf fnt oniuinn nil thli
POJl BALE A flno uprlcht piano , used but
u short tlmo , at u sacrifice. . Inquire at 2410
Caldwell btreot. Jl-7 : < t-ll
A MKHIOAN und foreign coins bought and
bold. Koom 11 Chamber of Uomnlor eo.
, rtr. , fee tup of fnnl rmiiiiiii < m t'inis
FUHNITlUI3liouseliold ! Roods , otc. Highest
cash prlco , Wells , mi Karnum , f > 10
WANTKD-Atonco , : m 88.UOO to JlS.OOOslouk
of mdso , for cash und property. Adilri'ss
X 0 Dec. GIJ 4
Forrates , etc. , tec top of Jim column on f/ifci jttgt
IV you hnvo horses , carriages or houses tn
trade see K. 11. Joiome , room U17 , Klrit Na
tional bank building. 1U710 Jy
_ _
, i\HAGL' Madam DoUIor , over 010 Sl'Ith.
T ADIES k gnnti to buy the I'liimer reollnlnc
J-Jclmlr ; unsurpassed for comfort. .Si N. nth ,
818 1)1.1
ON''T forgot Jos , P. Magonth , 1007 Barnaul
St. , when oou want to buy , rent or boll n
MASSAOntrcatniont.oloctro-tliormalliath *
scalp nml hair treatment , ninnlciiro nnd
chiropodist Mis. Post , UiO-Sl , Wlthnoll blk
rpYPEWItlTEUS for rent or sale. Stenos-
JL. raphers supplies. J.I1. Mcgeath,1007 Vaiuuin
* For rote * , rtc. . tee tnonr rolnmii on thu
$1.COO priva to money lo loan at 6 per cent. 0
K. Harrlion. ills N. V. Llfo , 7i'4 J
" \TONEY to loan on jewelry and chattels , D
l > Lj. Wilson , room 833 N. Y. Llfo. M702-91
MONEY Si ) , 00 or 03 days , on hoiHohold fur
niture , etc. 018Paxton block , J. J..WIlkln.
MONEY to loan by II , K. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any tlmof ron
1 to 0 months. In any amount lo suit bor
rower. \
Loans i.inilo on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mutes , homos , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , ut the lowest possible rates
without publicity or removal of propctly.
Jly loans are M arranged that you can tnnUi
a iiaymcnt of any amount nt any tlmo and re
dneo both pHnclpal and interest.
If you ewe u balance on your property o :
have a loan yon wish changed. I will pay It ot
and carry It for you. If you mid It more con
vonlent , call up telephone No. 1CJ1 and you :
business will l > u arranged at homo ,
Money always on hand. No delay. " No pub
llolty. LpHest rules.
B. P. Masters.
15ooin 4 , Wltlmcll blk , 15th and Harnoy sts.
MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture
horses , etc. , without publicity , llnwkoyi
InvcBtmontCo..33 Douglas blk.lGthand Dodge
WANTED per cent real ostata loans. C
P. Harrison. 012 N. Y. Life. 61
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of (10 ti
tl.OOO ; got our rates before Irarrowlug am
save money ; lo&ns on horses , furniture or an' '
approved security without puulldtyi notn'
bought : for now loans , renewal of old and low
eat ratea , call It 203 , Shcoly Uk ,
"J Tl/TONBYtoloan / on Improved city pronort'
l-TJt-at eurrcnt rates ; funds on hand ; no ilohij
Qoo , I'1 lllust & Co. , .03 Karugo bldg , ( XM-dlS
STAH Land & Ix > an Co. Heal ettate , loan
and Insurance rental agency , tff5-dl7
UlLDINQ iKjans-
raado on choice city Bropetty at lowed
rate * . Sunn of \ooo a d upwards pcrferrud
Klmball , Champ & Ryan ,
UOi Farnara itrost. 6W-D1
lot raltt , etc * tee top o//tNtucoIumn > on mil
roNKY K ) loan on somnxl tnortcnsp W. S
LWjrnn , KootuBM Omahii Nat. Ilk. lll' < ] _ .
nt ) M 724
MOMEY to loan on Iniurovod and vnennt
lirojierty. Lowest r u , a J. Canwell , 810
N , , Lifo. , . . m ) DM
STA1 ! Laml & I.onn Optical otate , loans
nml Insurance iQiitgllnBoncy. 0j-dl7
011ATTKLbunk , 310 HJStli St. , loans money
on chattels or collatorM'at reasonable rates
"T(1IKT & second mortRiiKfcs on vacant A Itn-
- tproed city prop. Oollhty warranu bouRlit.
Money on hand. F.M. H ' Ujtrdson.SlBN.Y.LIfn.
EASTKKN moner < lAdnon city property !
niorlBiigo paper bought.
ONKY to loan on city and farm property ,
w. M , Hurrls , U W , Trunior blk. , opu. 1' . 6.
IDHIVATH funds to loan on short time , Ad-
X dress XW Uco. 753
WANTKD-I'lrst-olrm Inslilo loans. I/o est
rntcs. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1.VH Kurnatn. D13
BUIMJING loans , 0 to 7 per cent ! no addi
tional charges for commission or attorney'H
fees. W. 11. MolUlo , First National bank bldir.
"OKAI * 1 > tnto Ioans-0ash nn hand. Globe
J.VOHn A.TrustUi > . .yo7S. Ifith at. No delay ,
no extra clitirges. Houses for rent , good list.
_ _ _ _ 018
On k G. M.ANTHOXYilS : N. V. Mfolmlld-
IiiR , lend money onfarjnsln choice coun
ties of Ki > bnmka und IOVH , also on coed
Omaha rcsldcneo property : lowest rates ) best
terms ! no dclar ; mouoy ready. Titles and
values passed on hero. 619
ea tein money
riilladelphla MortsiiRO nnrt Trust Co. ,
nlwnys rend > to loan mid piv : promptly ; llrst
niortRtiKcs ranted. ( Jeorpo W. P. Coutos , rep-
lesentntlvo , room T. board of trade. CIS
MONEY to loan on nnv secnr ty
forshort tlmout low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal tiroporty ,
Tlio IiCMilorson Mortgucn Investment Compa
ny , loom 400 , I'nxton titk. fvJO
Formic * , etc nee to of tlrt enlmn an thli
IP you hnvo any lots In Omaha to sell at a
blc bargain for spot cnsh call and sen mo.
Alexander Mnore. 301 Slieolv block , M780-7 *
inOK SAIiE Half Interest In a meat market
liiOmuhanlll : bear Imosttgntlon. Ad
dress X 31. Hoc. MT77"
POH SAUA live county seat alllatico
newspaper In the southern part of No-
hrnst < ai reason for selling , death of editor.
Address box 124 , Nelson , Neb , 7Kl-4
B hAllHKi : shop for sale chcnp. In the Pacific
hoti o ( best hotel In the city ) ! line furni
ture , good business , easy payments. Change
nf climate for wlfo'shenlth my reason for soil-
IIIK. 1'or pnrtlculnrs uull on or nddressO. II.
Ithea , St. Joseph , Mo. M70.J ft'
Foil SALE A Hr it-class stove repair-busi
ness In Leadvllle , Oolo. ; ) * ooil profitable
business for money Invested , Kefeionccs
given for Belling out. Charles Ailnm. Ill nnd
lii : Sixth street , Lundvlllo. Golf ( .07 U *
HOTEL for Sale If you want to cut In n
good business buy the Commercial ut
liroken Itow , Nob. 431 4
POH SALH Good paying crocery store.
Only p.irtles who wish to engage In same
. ed Inqulie. at 517 S. 14th street. Kfi 7 *
Foil SALE A retaliTstoi-k of boots and
shop ; itould tike : Irfpnit pay half section
of Kood innn with fnr Improvements. Ad-
Iress , W tVI , lice " " - v ' - *
ir barrel 'steam roller mill.
JL Tlios. Crouch , TukamaU , Nebraska.
' ' ' WJdll *
Foil SALE--Ono steam poncr Brain elevator
building with brlcto addition nnd olllco
nilldliiK. complete , und Jill personal property
hi'i-eIn. situated at Hastings , Nebraska ; one
frame liorso power grnljii elevator building ,
complete , und ull personal property therein ,
met four corn cribs , situated at Inland , Nu-
iris1 > ; i ; one frame lioisc power elevatorhulld-
ns with frame olllee , cou'iploto , with all per
sonal pioputty therein , and four corn cribs
ind tbo land on whlchTho same are situated ,
> png | about ono icro. more or less , situated at
Hrluton. Nebraska ; tbl unoiicrty Is sold umlcr
irtlcrof tliocouit : bljU lobe nmdo for casli
and mn.y bo inailu for IUIP , two or all 01 said
'lovntors ; lust bo aiiilriihoil to Hubert Ii
pool , leculvor , Denvory/fiMorado. I ibqS'.VJ ; all
"lids' trt boODcned DlecDinbanB , and to ho sub-
it > pt to the approval of the court. Hubert H ,
J'oot , rceclvei- . Dated , Denver , November 8 ,
IhDO. 8I2D4
for rate * , rtc. , rttt vvf flnt column on fhft
Tj > OH THADE or > , ale 4 well built 7-roim (
A ? frame houses , only 100 feet from 24th st reel
motor , havlnjr a frontnco on Eniinet street of
4l0 ! feet by 83 feet : | irow | rty high and dry a
splendid locution fora row of Hats. Will take
unimproved or Improved clear city property
In part trade.
Ames Heal I-stato Agency ,
13U7 I'liniaiu blreet.
N enerRotlo and responsible man of liusl-
.jie'ss experience wishes to trade choice Im
proved property on motor line near llanscom
iiurk for an Inteiest In xomo manufacturlne ,
Jobblns or other llvu business. Can Rlvo all
references required. Address X 11 Hoc.
FOR KXCHANOK-Ssections western land ,
clear. What huvo you to offer ? ItlMjly ,
Sheuando.ili , la. 7ti < i 11T
o contractors Want * to trade equity $1,500
In lot near llan eom plncotuwurd now
bulldliiR of about S2.0UO. 12ID a. It'd. J17i l-7
"VTK'Elot to trade for driving horse ntid
1 > buKsy. Address X 21 , lloo. Jl 7UO-D
T OT In South Omaha to trade for household
JLJKoods ; will pay from $100 to $1M cash. Ad
cliess , XLO , Hoc. M 709-5
FOH EXOHANGE-15.000 stock hardware !
\vunt lowu land , llox 080 , Shenundoab , la.
70510 *
WANTED To oxehatittosomo valnabloreal
estate for eoods , trade must bo made
quick. Address X 1 , line. M 703-21 *
WANTED Stock of merchandise , for which
I will trade city lots and farm property.
Address ( Scorco II. MoshurGrand Islanif. Neb.
/ 1IIATTEL loans ut lowest rates. Itumoved
V-'to ' 021 N. V. Llfo bldg. J. 11. Uiuiiilngor.
621 I
WANTED A horse or mare In part pay
ment toward a wapon or carriage , w , T.
Seaman , Omaha's largest variety wagons and I
carriages. WS
, JHOll UXOHANOB 160 acres well improved
- * - land and two business lots for stock of sen-
, ernl inerchatullso ! hardware preferred.V 49.
llee. 74 DS *
rpo oxchaiiKO Improved property nearSher-
, JU man ave. , for land or lots , ijhaw , aOS Sheely
blk. 074
Ferrate * , etc. , ttttop yf fr > t ctilnninoii l/us / pact.
"V7AN ItnUIlEN. 1401 , iiiKlas at'soils 10th st.
> addition lots. JlTn Yim llourun IIoiKlits.
$ . ' ! 00. Tenns. gSJciinli , tlo/nionthly , tf-'xIW , well
, Improved , California Bt. 17,000 , will take sonio
trade , _ < > JU-yo
HAV "Voit any Idoa'JWhero Ames I'luuo Is
and what the lots arc'that ' you can buy to
day at ten , eleven and twelve hundred del
lars ? If not It wfll pdr you toeomu and boo
them. J" " 541
1710R SALE orTradBtiA-'inlco lot ( OxlXi. south
J- ? fronton Krade. cltyAviitor. IH blocks touth-
eastof 'JOth and Vlntoiritti. . for sale or trudo
furauood linrsoand phaeton : prlco llifi < ) ; rn-
uunibruuco$40a AdUiiisiXS Jleo 1110 i *
AUGIIYe = , tcrflvl < ) .roacstntoS.Omnlui
n ,1 Kta
TTIOH SALE Oholcoicre property at the
JL1 city limits ; clcctrla'mrs running nourtlde
property at the present time.
60 acres on Ames uvenne.
20 acres near 1hu llcUUi.e. {
l.Vacru fruit farm nctamo9 ; avo.
210-acro tracts , llcnswnaddition.
B-aorcs Solomon's addition.
09 acres near r > outhhyjiha. .
10 acres In Kensington.
U. M. Power , Bole Agent ,
Boom 33 Chamber of Commerce.
rpHE following property mint bo sold at
JL. once : CornerI'Jtn ' and Mnson , Improved ,
IH.OOO , paying 10 per cent. Full lot , 23th , neat
woolworth. Full lot. slit and llurdetto , onlj
J2aoo. Also corner Shi nnd Laird , only $1,500
Terms eaiy. These bargains worth mvcstl
eating , timeatou & Allen , 1607 1'arnam htrect
A MES Place the best for the money , both foi
locution , prlco. terms agd future value. f > 4 !
ELEGANT east front on 'JOth st , , botweer
I'oppleton and Woolwnrth , I2.SW , wortl
IJ.700. C.r. Harrison , U13 N.Y. Life. Mil
O KLUQANT home * In Kountza ptaoo frorr
Oooo toiO,5u > t ( jOOcasiU , balance 4 years , tt
per month , 0 per cent Intoron. Other good
Homes In same addition to exchange foroltj
property , H-room modern house. 'M blocki
west of 24tli. on Onldwell nt _ for KU > 00 : t.'f *
cash , balance tw per mouth. Oi > er cent Inter
est. J. J , Gibson , uole agent , Uountze plnoe.
for nil Miff OH ' < " J of frit columa on thti Tape ,
AMES Itcnl EstntA Agpnoy.
VAfl b'uruam streetHole
Hole ngonti.
> o. B7. Kid it , bet Davenport and
CAMS full lot . . . . . , l 1,075 00
No.f . N. W , Cor. ICtn and Wrt , full
lot . 5,00000
? io.5.V Oor. Xkland Lcnv. t . , S4fecton
U < aT. . per ftxrt , . 10000
No.KJ. Ooteo'H add. , 133 feet. , running
from Onsslus nt. to Hcnton , very
cheap nt . 0,00000
No.W. Oak lllll , full lot , easy terms. , 00
No.fil. Oak lllll. full lot , JIOO cash ,
balnnrn to suit purchaser . . . . . 750 00
Nn , no , th st. . bet. Uuractto and
Yate. . full lot . 8.KH ) 00
No. 40. Half Howard , bet , SSil and 23d
Hts. , full lot. . . . . , . 10,50000
No. 4 * . Two lots on Locust St. , bet. 17th
.nmllSth sts . 2,00000
No , 44 , Pull lot. Dn-lght & : Lyman' ,
nenrllclt lino. . . . . . 7.V ) 00
No.4U. Pull lot. AVoiilor 1'lnce . COO 00
Mo,40. Various lols 111 Ambler's Place
No.rt' ' ) . Kull Jot. IKIil nnd Laird . l.TOO 00
No.i7. : Two lots on D7th Bt. , bet. Oasa
nnd Davenport . 4,00009
ISO * . 30 , a. % IM. Various lots In Orchard
No. : . ftld HV.'noVt'h of'U'ii v.f ulViot" . ' . S.OOO 00
No.K. Two lots , N. W. for. Wth und
.Grant . 0,30000 Various lots In Moo's snbdlvl-
.slon. . north of Ames ave . . . . . .
No , JO , On Dodeo dt. , bet. Lnvy house
and dnrllch's house , liO foot nf
ground by 110 feet deep ; presout
.price per foot . 17S 00
No. ai. On 2 th St. , nonr Lea v. . lot 73.x
.110. nil tuxes paid In full , p-rfoot. . . 123 00
No. 'J7. Lincoln Place , corners on Dav-
.onport , full lot . 1.BOO 00
No. S)4. ) Ives nnd 3 th st , , with thrco
fronlneos , two full lots , each . J.MO 00
No , 53. Pnrimm. bet. frith and 40th Us. .
.south fiiint , two full lots , each . 3.BOO 00
No.J. . I'arinun sL.cor. 40lh , threu full
.lots . , 41st . ,
- st. bot. Dodge and Daven
port , full lot . 2,000 00
NCI. IMI. Cor. 2'ith and Jones sts , with
Lea onwortli st. motor , elegant
sight for Hats or houses to rent , lot
( yixKB.nml vcrycheapat . C.COO 00
No. 10. Snumlers st , near Oddfcl-
low's hall , 2-\80 feet . 6,00000
No , 15. Plorenco add. . nnSHth ave. , lot
dlxl.'P , very desirable property for
Improvement . 5.1W ) 00
Nn. 14. Hutdctto nnd 30th sts , tuo
lots . 3,300 00
No. 13. 10th St. , north of Nicholas , a
cheap truckage lot . . . 2,100 00
No. 11 ! On Mnson St. , bet. 31st and ICid
sts. , fJOxM8 ! $ , orlSi\14SK. ono of the.
most deslrablo bullilins sites In
Omnha .
No. 10. Cor. llurclotto mul ! Sth , lot
SOxSfl feet , very desirable , and cheap
at . S.OOO 00
No. B. 41st st. . bet. Parnnm anil Doug
las , full lot . 1.SOOOO
No. 7. South ; IMIh st , bet. Jackson and
Jones.full lot . 2,000 00
No. 0. 2Clh st. bet , Woolworth nnd
Hickory , full lot . 2,200 00
No. ft. Lot 4i\-l70. : on Kith st. and 15th
ave. , n bargain at . 4 , MO 00
No. 4. Cor. Jlarev and 'fid sti , , south
and west finnt . t 5,500 00
No. 3. East front , lllth st , hot. Fnrnam
and Dodee. very choice . 3.00000
No. 2. Oil liSth St. , lot S2xIIO. per foot. . l' 00
Houses and Lots.
No. 23 , Jlaln St. , Kloronco . JI.SOO 00
No. 22 , North 15th .t. . bet Corny and
Locust , two-sU/ry frnmo house and
barn . 4,500 00
No 21. Chicago , bet. BGlli nnd 27th sts. .
two houses . 4,00000
No. 20. ( Jh lost , , sk rooms , good re
pairs , $ -MO cash , balance monthly ;
prleo . 1.500 00
No. IK Dlonilo St. , bet aith und 20th.
.eljrht rooms uood order . 3 , COD 00
No , IT. rintiiott St. . thliu house cast
of2thst. ; , Srooms . 4,000 CO
No. ID. On Corbvst..bpi2nd | and ; nr.l
sU.,7 riKiins , wull built , fruit and
sliailo ti 'cs . 3,000 00
No , lf > . fieoigla ave. near Shirley st. ,
small houM1 and burn . 3 , . ,00 00
No. 14. North ISth fivc.S houses , each
U rooms , now rented , price . 2,600 00
No. l.t. Special bursnln , full lot on
Moore iivu. , south of CiimliiR , 2
blocks fiom motor , 2-story il-room
house , street grailcd , very cheap , at 4,000 00
No. 12. 33rd st. noith of Leaven woith
St. . full lot.3-room house . 2.00000
No. 11. I4th St. . bet. Center and l > or-
cas.2sm.ill houses . 3,30000
No. 10. Loivunvo. and Hamilton St. ,
5-room modern house . 4,000 00
No. i ) , 7-room house and barn , In
first-class order.a very neat and de
sirable plnco , und very cheap 'it
price quoted. Reward Bt. . bet. 2'th
and27th , CIRV : terms , pileo . 4,20000
No. fl. South front Huidetto St. , bet.
Mth and 20th , very neat 8- room
house and burn , In pctfcct order , on
easy terms . . . 4,00000
No. f > . On Parker nt. , bet. 2Jth and
2fltli , 4-rootn house and barn , all In
perfect order , prlco . 3,10000
No. f . 3 , 2. Various hoiisns and lotfl
In Moo's subdlv. , north of Amos'
Other Residences.
No. 30. Cor. 30th and Woolworth , fac
ing park , 8-room brick , modern , and
8-room frame , modern , with barn . . 20,000 00
No. 29. On Farnam St. , west of 4''nd.
B-room moJern , good barn , easy
terms , deslrablo . 7,50000
No. 23. Full lot. fronts east on 7th
St. , with four 7-room houses , all
rented. iHJlng first-class rental prop
erty and will grow In value . 12,000 00
No. 27. South fiont , Eintnott t. near
24th , lot 100 ft , front , 7-roorn house. . 5,000 00
No.2fi. llthst. south of Pierce , st , , 5-
room house . 0,00000
No. 2.1. Cor , of 18th nnd Lonv. sts..wlth
97 ft. fronton Lcav..l2-room modem
house . 30,00000
No. 24. 17th st. near Leav. St. , 4 houses
now icntert . 20,000 00
No. 2.1 N. W. cor. I'Jth nnd Mason , 4
houses , modern Improvements , now
rented . 0,00000
No. 22. Pull lot , 4 houses 8 rooms each.
one house fi rooms und barn , room
for more . 20,000 00
No. 21. Stewart Place , Lowe avo. . 10-
rooni brick modern . 8,000 00
No. 20. 30th Ht. , 2 full lots , radii with
press brick modern houses and b-irn ,
each . 6,50000
No. 13. 8 rooms , full lot , 25th st. near
Popploton ave . 0,00000 ,
No. 17. On 2tth ) st , close to I'ariiain. 8-
rooui modern houftowlth half lot.
price . C.OOOOO
Will take clear lot In part payment
or make very easy terms.
I\o. 10. On park am. , u-rooin modern
house , lot 37ixl40 , very desirable ,
will tnki > tluon cash , price . 7,50000
No. 14. Lake st , near : tOth , C-room
house nnd 3-room house . 5,00000
No. 1J. 17th st , north of Nicholas , 2
houses ( i rooms each , ono house. 4
rooms . . . 12,003 00
No. 12. On Park ave , B-room house ,
half lot. price . C.OOO 00
No. 10. Farnam st. bot. 41st and 42nd ,
full lot , 10-rooni house , modern ap
pliances , m > od barn , prlco . 9,00300
No. 7 , On Park ave. , b-rooni frame
house , half lot. promises In purfuct
order . 5,50000
No. 6. 2ith ! st. near Hickory , very
cliolco 7-room cottiice , price . 7,00000
No. fi. .lonessU westof ffind , lot 47x177 ,
7-room frnmo house and barn . 0,00000
N'bo.4 , 10-room brick modern , with
nru , Kountro Place . 11,50000
Aniosllcal Estate Agency ,
1507 li'urnnm street.
Sole ugcnt.s.
Office open evenings , _ 753
IT ROOM cottaBC , full lot , Hanscom Plnco ,
' east front and u great bargain for u few
days. Small cnsh puymcmt nnd balance on
lone tlmo , F. K. Darling. Darker block , 531
gant aero lots In Itcnson ; will sell In
- - a body or divide , llcnson ft Carmlchuel ,
412JS. V..L. bldg. _ 754 10
"A Ml'.S I'laeo ' has all tlw requisites to maUu a good Investment. It Is property that
yon cnn see liny duv that you will call at our
oHIco , whtTO every ( nullity will bo given yon
to investigate the merits of thn property , Ml
IF you do not think wo are selling lots In
Ames Place ut (1,0(10,11.100 ( nnd tl.SOO. please
Mop In our ollleo nnd satisfy your-olf of what
wo nro doing. . 511
-f .0 acres fine farm land luljolnlnj good No-
JL lirusku town ; nearly clear. .
100 acres finely Improved land 215 mllci from
county wwt In Nobiiis > Kn : lightly encurnberod.
120 uuri'S sooa land In Nebraska , 5 miles from
county sent ; " .MX ) Inhabitants ,
House and lot In town in Kansas ; clear.
Oleur lot In yood Nebraska town.
4 room house and lot , burn , well and cistern ,
ICth street. Omaha ; slightly Incumbored ; will
trudo for Omaha property and assume Incum-
liraiicos. 11 ; K. Cole , Continental bloek. 000
"OIOOKhT bniKaln In Omaha. Only thrco nf
J-J those eleiiiuit houses on 4 It h and Funmm
loft out of six ; other thrco occupied t > y Ilr t-
clusa parties. Houses are open all day for In
spection. Every convenient ! ) In the houses ,
Including gas nml gas Ilxturcs.
Take u look at them during this fine
weather : buy one and tuko life comfortable
during the winter-
Only taken from (300 to J-WO cash. Bee them
without fall for they will please you. D. V.
Slioles , 313 1'lrst Nat'l bank. KO
17IOR SALE On 5 years time ! some cholca
JL' lots. Ho payment recjulrod If Improved.
lllnger & llriidluy , 1511) ) I'urnaiii st. tv > 8-f > *
rpHN aero block In licnson for sale at an ut
JL tractive prloe. llensou & Carmtulmel.
754 10
BljEOANT rcsldonco In Uountto I'luoo ; 9
rooms finely finished and all modem con
veniences ; Wlrt at. , near 20th. Oun sell on
one-n.uartor ca h payme and balnnco tlmo
to rlKht purty , Thfs U no cbeup affair ot a
bouiu , but a couifornble homo In every hontu
nd H bin snap bargain. I. K. Darling. Darker
lllook , M.7UJ
il1,100 ; for cliolco corner In Orchard lllll , on
'PJCt&ut. O. F. HarrikOuM2 K. V. LifeTit
Tit a
Par , tie. , u top /Irtrtcdluinii nnf/iU [ nig
"filOK SALE Ono of tlio flno tstook farms in
-L1 the west. Cl mlles southwest , of Kansas
Clly , In tlio garden part of Kanftas. Tha fnrm
consists of POJ acres. nil first class land , fenced
and cross-fenced. An rli > Rant II-room hotixn
nnd other line Improvements. A K'-ncro
orchard , artificial lake , etc. , otc. To any ono
wanting n nllt cdgo stock mill crnln fnrm
nothing run bo found tlmt will rnlroly fill tlio
bill hotter tlmn thlsi ! W ) head of cattle , .Too
tons of liny. loan bornirchascd ulth the f ram If
desired.Vo will sell for cash or purl cash
nndnotps. OIH eilgo Inconio property would
bo considered In pxchuugo. Address M. At
Union Co. , Omnha , Neb. _ 7ICJ
* | ilOll HAl < K HlRTmrRuIni 7 room IIOIIHO nnd
JL1 full lot In llakur rinctMlessthnnJoost. lm
T.nxy terms. Inqulro of owner , 1C. U. Morrlll ,
4'Jnii niidCiissMivuU. .
_ _ ( .81
V OT on I'nrniiiii. near city hall , J.WO porfoofT
JLJan investment. 0 , 1' . lIurrl on.l'U'N. ' Y.LIfp.
. _ ? ' ! fi
llj.VUOU cash buysonp-linlf Interest , or sonnr-
PttU Interest , In ' 'I M-fo ) < ) t lots , rllslbly locat
ed | ucccMlhln to motor , whercfi nnd C-rooni
cottages i'ii ii lie built nnd fold for from JI..MX )
to JI.SOO K supply o.xIMIiiK demand. Tltln
perfect. Urnnil otinnrtmiltv for pnrson of
menu * . No Incumbrancu. Inqulro lit once
818 N. Y. Life. 75fl
_ _
JOHN M. Clarke. oldest ronl estalo ngcnt.
notary publlo mid money to lonn.Contlncn-
tiu bJoeK. entmneo on HiniKlns slrcct , llrst
11 oor , no cluviitor , lins n lonp list nf huslnuss
nnd aero properly , lionsrs nnd loin nnd mount
lots for siilo Also solo agent for lota in Wnst
Kndnddltlon. ( MS 7
AMES 1'laco luU lit tlio prices \TO nslc , mo
the best valuotodiiy Inthatpurtof Uniiiha ,
, onst front , on I < ewe nvu. for 91,703 ,
v/worth $1,1100. 0. 1' . llarrison , BIS N. Y. Ufa.
_ gM 5
Foil HAMior I.enso 47 foot east front by
Kl ) feet deep , alley corner , .Mill and ( 'i
streets. Addivas Juiin Schons , lieu bulldlnit.
a 10 IW4
M neres forsalo sovpn miles north-east of
Tobias , Sallno rotinty at { ( ' . ' .no per neio.
Kino soil , Rood neighbors , and perfect title.
chool , chiiruh and postnniuo linndy , 1'orty
ctei under pliiw ; 210 In pasture. > 'n bulld-
. II , M. Wcad IMS Tncninn
nps. . . . . , U struct , . ,
: \.nl. f / t f.
IT does not pay to mlvrrtlso poor property
nnd that Is why your attention IH repeated-
* y called to no-foot lots In Amoi I'lnco at ten ,
ilovcn and t\\elvo hundred dollurs uor lot.
ADVERTISING- not done for glory but be
cause It pays to advertise whiMi yon have
"rst eliihs goods to olTer. Ames Place Is nd-
ertlsod bofnuso It Is llrst class In every ro-
prut anil because MO are now Belling lots In
hat addition lust as fast as wo care to and the
aster thej sell , the sooner prices will feel the
.dvntico. S4t
T"\ON'Tyou fall to RCO Ames Place lots bcforo
JL/you buy , if you want to get a lioinii with
very condition about Itfavorable to u steady
and sure Increase In value. 541
" \TO man who will look ovorour fifl-foot lots
JIn Ames Place , for which wo ask tencloven
ind twelve hundred dollarn , can deny the
reat vuluo and desirability of the property.Ml
A SNA ! ' $2,750 will buy a nice5room IIOIIHO
and lot , with cellar , cistern , city water
lowur nnd barn , centrallv located ; terms
iasy. J. D. Xlttlo , 014 N. Y. Llfo. bOSdIJ
A SNAP C-rooin house , city wntorlnkltchen
and lot , 1 mIlo fiom P. O. . worth t'J.OOO , enn
)0 hud for one wceit nt $ I..V ( ) ) . $ .V > J i-nslis only 2
jloeksfiom tuo motors ; this Is a genuine bar-
Rain : owner wants money at once ; teimscan-
lot bn changed , Uutehlnsou & Wcad , IV.4
Douglitsxt. 7225
LIIIE best lot on Hamilton and Lowe avenue.
Eniiulie at40.'H ' Hamilton st. USO d'J ' *
SALKS are being made In Ames Place pro
perty because > prices are low , location Is
'Irst class nnd the valun Is there. Ml
AMES 1'lacoM ft. lots. $1,000 , JI.100 nnd $1,200 ,
tcrjnsciisy and good tlmo given on de
ferred payments. 641
STAH fund it Loan Co. real estate , loans
and Insurance rental a tnc'y , U7rdl7
rplTLK perfect , location llrst class , prices
rcahonable , terms within your reach , make
jO-foot lots In Ames Place today a safe , biiro
and prolltnbln Investment. 541
room house , lot : ilx82 , $1,700. '
C-ronm hoiihe , stable , lot Sl'ixSt ' ! , $2.000.
llr'.ok house , and American IIOILSO. lotOOxWlN.
R. corner 10th and Douglas. Enquire 2121 3
itn. ill
TjlOll SALE-At a bargain , CIKi''O on Ilaren-
J port near 17th , ono bloek fiom now po t/-
olllee. . very choao , KO.tKJO ; BOxlIU corner 20th
and Kjiniatn , $30,000. G , L. Orecn , 100111 ; ta.
lldrker bloek. 527
TITHE bestcomer on upper Parnam street ,
Xfixir.tago on a streets ; splendid corner on
Fnrnam street , close to court house.a bargain ;
corner with trackage In S. K. part of city :
good residences and low-priced cottages , good
lots for building , some us low as $100 , Insldo
neres. farms and unimproved land.
Wo will sell any of this property , of which
we hnvecntlro control , nt prices way below
what you can buy nt elsewhere.
r-trlnger & Penny , llarkcr block , 15th and
I'uriiam. 188
LMES Place has paved streets to and from
It , motorcars and every convenience. 541
Fvrralai , ftc , trctnpof Krsl enltunn on tlilip
M ASSAGE-Mndani Dolzlcr. ovurtilO S. Wth.
7J.O J2 _ *
MME.IturrouKh Palmist tells the past , pres
ent and fut lire from thn lines of tlio hand.
In theold Oypsy way. I'cee. II : ladles only.
1817 Izard btreot , Omaha , 413 "
MRS. STEVEIl Is giving best success of any
fortunes teller In tlio city. Shu does not
dent In any fraud. Her tarms are the lowest.
400 N. Ifith , ! Jrd Iloor. 410 lr
MltS. Nannie V.Warren , clairvoyant trance.
siwakiiiR , writing and reliable business
medium , four years In Omaha , 110 N. lOtb.
A KRIVED-CIalrvoyant , naturally Kitted ,
X tells past and future , IOTO troubles , ab
sent friends , chances , travels , business. Hatls-
fucllon given , Airs.Vutlacc , 1303 I'arnniu bU
T0.b *
Fcrratte , ttc. , tte top of first rolumn on fhfj wme.
HOIUES wintered. AVe have the best ao-
commortatlonsIn thontato for wlnterlns
horses. llox or slniilo stalls , with puddouk.
Apply to Windsor. Komp& Co. , oi ; Now Vork
Llfo bUlg. , or to Chris Novlns , at thu Atablcs ,
Irvlnuton , Nob. JIC'll '
ifOKSES wintered Nn better plaeo to win-
Liter her es than the .Hllllwalur ktool ; farm ,
V't. Ua houn. Prices low. best unto. . It. J.
KendallIpropr. . room U06 , llrowu bldK.Omaha.
f,7l U5
/orrnlf * . etc. KCtoi > nf flu'.coliiinn nnt'ifi ' | ) tj5.
) E1'OKK buying n. plnno oxamlnn the now
'scale Klmbiill piano. A.IIusiio,15131Jouilns. ;
G EO. RGELLENIlECIC.toacherof the ban lo
with Hospe , ir.ii : Douglas , ' . ' 4 ! )
MISS II. J , Miles , experienced teachers of
volro ciiltuie. pupil of Madam Edna Hall ,
lloston , Muss. IloomiiOli , Itronn building , cor.
lOtn and IXmglas stii'ots. L"J2 D.'l *
Forrotet , ttc. . fee top nf Jmt totumn itn f/ili j > rt < ; .
"OEST line hair goods la wosti hair dressing ,
JLJwIgs , switches , bangs , hair chains , nte. , a
BDeclnlty. Davlcs , hair Kooas and mtlllner ,
opposlt u postofltcc , 111 S. 15th street , Omaha.
For ratrt , etr. , * ec top of frt column on tliti I'
E HKI ) Molilo louiiH money on diamonds and
watclipgJowoly.utc.S , U.cor. Farniim & llth
* MI
f or/ntu , etc. , tee. nitof 'irat column nntht *
TIYI > K\VIHTKHSa1lVn oMrbousht.Void , ex-
ehanged , icntca. J , P. MoguuthlGU7 Kurnnm
street , 4W
Tor rate * , etc , tee lop of tint rolumn nn
PATP.NT lawyers and ollcllorsfl.W. Hues &
Co. , line building , Omaha , llrunuh olllce at
Washington. D. O. Consultation freu. & >
For raid , ere. , tee f j > cf first column on Uik j.nye.
T7NUAaKMENTH tododrcssniHUInR In fntnl-
XJltes solicited. Miss bturdy , VOIO lluriiny st
1'ur rates , tie. , tee top of fret column nn t/ito /
t lie- best pliicn In Umuhato find holiiorHlt-
uutlouk , juule or fotiialo. Tel. HS4. 552 1K3
1002. Sixteenth and Farnum ntroots ia
the now Hock Island ticket olllco. Tick *
ots to all -points otvst ut lowest rate *
ett. . .
TKNSION9 The Cllnsman Pension Ajonoy ,
J. ! il Krcnter block. Information fren 17
Ix < nr i I UlllCAtiO. llUltMNlirOX Ay. I ArrtTM
OmiA * . | Depot loth unit JU.on trce . | OmtiU
T.SO p in . Chicago K pren. . . . . . . . . I IIU n m
8-VJ m . Chleaiiu Ktpr . . . - . . ' CM p m
9.10 p m . . . , , . . . . ( .Tilonuo Kxpren . . . . . . . . II005 n m
( .Up m . . . , .j . loir * l.nciil. . . . , . , , , , ; UW m
1 itTii IlitinUNdVON k MO. lUVintT
. | It pot lUlli nml Mmun tr ti. _ |
ior li > r Kimus | 10) p n
Dtnrrr 6.14 p m
l ) nier _ . . . HJi a nt
Lincoln I-oonl l > 00 ptm
. . . _ ; THTrA ; an. 1 Arrt i
j ) pot 10th nnijMiuun [ trc ti. | Uinnhi , _
. . .KnniiiCUy Day Kinrvsi . .i C.10 p ra
jj" Nluht Kip. Tin U. I1. Tram I 15 jx IB.
H pot 10th"itriii Mure ; ulrooli. _ J Oiualia
. " .Ori'rlnn.i Klyor I lillj p"m
l'.cinoK > l > r ,11 , Ii n m
Denvur Kipron 3M p ra
KnniiuCltr Kipwts in.Ui n ra
. . .Knlrllolil Kin , iuxci' | > l8nn ) . . ) 4:0 : p ra
* li nto > I TIUl'AllO" , It. I. > \ I'AlUWlS . Ar/lrui'
Oiualin. | U. 1" . tlopot , loih nnd Mnrcy8ts _ Uiualia. )
6.10 p ml 7 .T.Ti'lcht KTprwii Tow n ra
1)05 ) n ml All.-xiillo Kii'rcn I CM p ra
4.TO p . . . . . . . . l.liuHoJ 110 15 n ra.
_ Om lii ( ll \V \ , iilcpot. 10th f > nJ ' .Marey Sts. | Omixht
7. IS ( i ml , Blnui Cltr I'micnKor. . . |
_ 4.iiO t > ml ± _ i.-.St. I'uni Kiprfta ' 1010 ra ,
' "KIOuX CI'l A VMilt 10. TArrlTot"
mntift. | Depot IMh anil Wcbitur Hti. { Unmlm
icfiTLAtio , \ K roi
Omnliiv. | U. 1' . depot , lOlli nnU Mnrrr HU.I Onmht.
0.15 lIII ChlrnKO Kiprax i * J pm
4..10 p m Vi'ittbula UralttM i BW ra
0.15 p m . Accommodation ( Uxo. SunM 703 p n
V.lOp in Rnatcrn Klrgr J U p n
lj.4iiraH ( oSiinKn ) tKii1 < t lit ( I'xo.Mpnl ij [ 7.40 a m
T nvoi . . _ . . . . . . "
UmMin. I11.J1 , ili'iwt , luili jiml Marcjr Ht .i Omnli - _
6.IU p in | 10 KiiTi-n. . . .I P45 m
ll..V > n ml ro Ki itres . . . . . . b.tO ! D n
. . .S r. iSJliiM. lArrivdT"
) nmhA. | U , P. dcjHit. 10th ftn MixrcySti. \ OiuahiL _
SU ( < iuli4'Bnn7jn ljnTl..JJtillll | p ra
llfiicl TTilli l irrei . . .
DUOnm . .Ihmtlim Kip. ( Ki. Suiulfty ) .
.10 p mlVnhooM.liicoln I'm ( Ki.Huud'r ) 10'M n m
. .10 p mJ . .Jljixl ANnrfoU _ ( Id. HuniUjrt..ilUTO a 51
( ; i I 0" ; M"All. . lArrlvor
n. | nnil Webiter Pt . | Om tiv
"I Aiigsouur XrrTvei
Omnh ral"I I nopotlith nn.t . WuhiUir 'll , Ojnihv _
_ 0.30 n inl 7St7TxiiT A'K.Ui"KiprMi..T < U p ra
) .J * p ral tuujtj { . C. Knireii.iiil Wll am _
i OltlUAUU. H. 1. A" I'ACiTitr fArr r
Tranifpr | Union Depot , fonnti ! lllugi. ITrnn f r
6.30 p ml NlKlt : Kxprc I 9rtS m
8.30 * ml AtlHiitle Kxprtu I 6U p
6.00 pm Voitlliule l.lmllBil " .0,10 -
S'l-llN.i Arrl i"
Trnn fur | Union Depot , Council Illullt , ITrnn ror
> .4Unml Chlenxo Kipross OOJ pm
. .00 pui1 Vi' llliilo Limited t > : a ra
) .OU p ml Knitvrn Klj-or 2U ) p m
I.HOp ml Allantlo Mull ! . : W n m
i.'iO p m'town AmunniiHlnllon ( K e.Hunj ) C.40 p m
LeftT > | ( JifIOAfoT Min A'H'F. I'AUjTi ArrTvm"
'rnnnferl Union lieuot. Coillicll lllugi. [ Transfer
" "
; .Mp ni7.T..ChlcnKo"KirMi ! | , K1S n m
.SOj ) . . . . . . . . . : ; Bfjirm- , . , . CW ) p ra
Learui T * KT'C.'MT. 3(5H A IS ll. TArrlv < ii"
'rnmferl Union Dopot. Ciiiinclljll'ig _ | Tr nsfer
OuTVml . "Knniirclly DaylSxprwir . , 6.4-f p ra
IKp ni.KBniM.rUj | NMKlitKxpr _ _ .jJ nzi ) n m
I.Buroi I OMAHAArVP RlUlH. TA'rrnei"
rnniforl Union Uoput , Counrli llliiffi iTrnnifor
Union Pepo C'inncIl Illulta , Trannfor
'Blo'U.t C1TV \ I'AOl K1U. Arrlv i
Union Depot , Council llluir .
n . . .Sioux City Acc ininodntlon. . . 94U ara
SU 1'nul Kiprcu 10.00 p m
< J > P1 O
Weitwaril. PI *
am n.u p.m am.
.VcbMcr fit A.41) ) r > .45 7.H ) U'i 8.TO [ 3.IS
Onk Cliathnm. . 5.M II 67 8.1K 5.S7 8.42 I2.S7
mild Hill M 7.01) ) 8.04 ll.lK ) SM.'i l.W
.nXo Htroot. . . . fi.5S7.On 8.lrt 4.OS C.UI.US 8.43 1.01
Wnlnut lltll. . . ; . ( 7.UA H.ITJ ,10 G .US B.M l.OS
Diiiideo I'lico. . fl.M 7.0H 8.11 4. n 8.6.1 1.03
West Hldo 0.057.10 B.I : > 4.15 6.10 8.SS 1.10
> n n. ain 4. 8.59 1.14
Maicot S.2- ) 9.UJ LIT
Boyinour l' rk. 821 4. : U.Ui 1,31
s.ra 4.U II. 15 I.JO
n.m n.m n in p.ui'n ' m.
orUt 4.4i 0.20
taymour Park. . 8,41 4.&I 1.44
Joicot l.M 1.47
> awe 8.49 4.W 0.35 l.W
v > : suic K.15 7. 8.M (1.15 ( 0.40 l.M
> undeo I'lace. . C.1T7.1H 8.67 5 07 11.171 2 1.97
Walnut lllll. . . . ci.2U7.2l 9M . 10 B. .M' K.45 i.ia
Ako Hlrmt. . . . . 1 li. .il' D.IS 3.03
DrulJ till ! 'J.lti 15U. .ij ! I.6I ) 2.0. >
) nk Chuttiatn. . . tl.28 T. l a.w 16i. ( ! .U3
iVobitor Htruet , . G.40 7.4S t.'fl
INSTRUMENTS placed on rooorcl Dooom-
J 1 ? Itlatterloln to Kanny llolovtscjilnor
lot 7. blkS , Hhliin'is2il add .
II Ohapln and wife to 0 11 Jlct'rary ,
northwest part of lotf > , .loliiison's add.
A P Drake et al to Jens Nielsen , lot - " - ,
blk 7 , Drake's add .
A Kouritzuut al to Alfred Thomas , lot
22 , blk II , Druid lllll .
Robert Major to A li Ward , lot I , blk 7 ,
Kendall's ncld .
Miles > V Thompson to Alex Dunskln , lot
17 , Id Ic 2 , Uotnur & Arcliur'H add to
South Omaha .
GK.McCraryto EN Chapman , noilli-
west wart of lot 5. Johnson's add .
TheoOlBcn and wife to HA Nuweomb ,
lotr > . blki. : South Omaha park .
P O Qulst lo Josephine Oak , lot G. bll ; 1 ,
Hprlngdalo udd .
Arthur Itothorynnd wlfo to llenrr Moli-
ler , lot 1 1. blk l.UoveU's add to Orolgh-
1on Heights .
Alvln Huunders.ti usti' Jaines.stook-
dale , lots I ) and 10 , blk L , Saundoriut
lllmebaugh'sadd .
AlfieflThomnstoOH Antler oii , lot2J ,
blk : ) , Druid lllll .
W J Wnuonor et al toV O Sloune et al ,
Iot2 , blk5 , Missouri nark .
O E Allen to ME Cameron , lot 2 , blk 24 ,
Carthnpoadd .
Hoggs t lllll to IIV Vates , west 145 feet
IoL7 , ! inl OILS ! half east half lot 4 ( e.\-
eept.r > ixl20 ) feet ) llagan'.s add .
II II Grllllth toV U Uhapln nanhwest
part , of lot n , . foil nion's mid .
G II Payne and wife to ri P llostulclc , lot
4. llnlmi square . . . . . .
J W ItobliiKon to O A Koohrlg ot al , lotO ,
blk l.r > l. lots S and ( iblk Ibii , lots I und K ,
blk 201M , Omaha .
For December Intllctitions point to
cold , frosty wonlhor. That , liowover ,
will malco no dilToronca to these who
travel in the Htoam-hoiilotl und olcctrlc-
lig ted , limited vostilmlo train whioh
is run only bv the Ohiu.i o , MlhvuuUoo
& St. I'aul lly. bsCwo'jn Otnjlui mill
Chiciigo. This ologaiit train lenvns
Oinnlni at 0:10 : p. m. tirrivint , ' in C'liic\ : : [ , ' < >
nt 0:30 : a. in. , in time to tnnko till etiBtoni
conncotiono. For furlhor infontititloii
ttjiplv it citjf ticket ollluo , 1501 J' arnitm
Ht. , Oniuhiu R A. NAHII ,
J. E. PUKSTON. General Agont.
City Piissongor . '
rtnlUHiii ;
Tlio following pormltsvora ISBUO ! by tin
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
M. E. M. Wlnstanley. ono and ohc-half
blory fruinii dwelling , Urchurd lllll. . . IWO
M. E. \Vlnstnnly , one iindoiuvhilf
story fnimodwdlllng. Orchard lllll . . IWO
M. K. M. Wliibtiinloy , ono und unu-half
story framedwnlllng. Orohnrd lllll . . lf.OO
Vllllnm Lulmrskv , DIIR story Inluk
dnelllng , Twelfth und AtliiHKtreotii . IMO
l > . V. Kliolcs , thruu Mory lirlck Hurr and
llatH , Sixteenth nnil HIclioryUrfDU , . . 13,000
One minor permit : > ou
Total. . 2lw6 :
only railroad tram out of Omnhn ,
run expressly for the accommodation ot
Omaha , Council HlulTs , Dos Molno.s and
Chicago buslnoBB is the Hook Island VOH-
tlbulud liinltod , luaving Omaha ut ! : . ' ! ( )
1) . m. dully. Ticket olllco , 1002 Slxtoonth
and Farnum sta. , Omaha.
The following inarrlafro licoasos were Is-
sued by Judeo Shields yoitorday ;
Nnmoand address , Aa ,
I AuRiiat linlllric. Harpy county in
I Mary ICnysor. barpy county ,21
I John Nlelhon , Omnlni , , , , .ICJ
I AnnaMehebon | , Uulahii U3
i Thoinaa Mead , Omaha , . . . , , ,23
| I'lla Garmun , Omaha . , 23
Dr.Blrney euros catarrh. Dee bld.r (