Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Owing to tlio fact Hint the office of the
building ItiHpuutor wits closed for election
purpoprs , Ihcrovoro no ponnlts issued
_ _
The Western Merchant , n trade jour
nal , representing tlio jobbing trndo nnd
manufacturing of the city , has bucn pur-
chtiBcd by Mr. A. II. Comstoek , until ro-
ccnlly butTotnry nnd treasurer of the
Emcrwon Land company. Messrs. Wcam
and Ilalstcnn , who htivo inuimgcd the
pnjior the past year , have connected
themselves with a daily paper In St.
0 n li , Mo.
All Mtiftla nl Half Price.
0,000 pieces only lOc u copy at Moin
jjX llith st. bet. Capital ave & Dodge.
THH IiOOAh Sl'OilTlXG WOUIjl ) .
The 1'ortlntiil Ilykcr Throws Doxvii tlio
I > oiiTi.A\i > , Ore. , Nov. 23. To the Sporting
Editor cf Tin : UM : : My attention 1ms Just
been called to n challenge Issued some tlmo
slnco in Tin : Bin : by Ned Heading of Oimilm ,
to rldo any bicycle rider in llio world , a six ,
clRlit or tweho hourn day race , for from $100
to (1,000 , nnd I hnvothUto suy , briefly : I
will vielo KoaJliin n six-hour n day nice at
nny tinioor any jilnco for $ . " > 00 or upwards ,
nnd If my proposition moots his approval I
will promptly post a forfeit with Tin : Iiii : : or
any other rcsponslblo party , upon the receipt
of n noUllcnilon from you. I iilso extern ! the
sntno coilrtesy to Jaclc 1'rlncn or any other
cyclist who may fcol hko iniilciniJ the race.
U'li.iifu F. K.s'Ai'i' .
Finish Contf HIM Galore.
Danny Daly and Tommy White of
Mo. , anil Chicago , 111 , , respectively , will bnt-
tlo to a finish with four-ounce gloves nt Gcr-
roatila hall , South Omaha , next Saturday
nlfibt , for a purse of KiOO hung up by the
Mnglc City Athletic club. There Is much
speculation rlfomnoiiKthosportlng fraternity
aiicnt this mill , ns both men are considered
cxtrn clever In their class the bnntmn
The club is also ncgotlatltiR for the Pete
McCoy-Hlnck I'earl light , with a Rood iiros-
pcct , it Is said , of success.
The Jack-1'nt Allen contest is booltcd for
the Uennanln on the night of thoKltli.
Hliniinoti ( o Ho Siigrtdli
It Is currently understood that the deal by
which the Omnhn club exports to secure
Danny Shannon for second base and cnptnln
In 1891 is virtually closed , and that Uannv's
contract , duly ornamented nutoirr.inhlcally ,
will bo in the local club's safe Inside of ten
Troxv 'Km Down MoClosky.
The migratory wrestling outfit , Including
Qtilnn , Soroidcbi , Chrlstol , Carlos , Temple
nnd others , have brought up in Denver , nnd
If Dcaver doesn't look out they'll have her
"two points down" before she knows her
A ProNpeotlvo Sl.x-Uny Unco.
The management of the Coliseum h effect
ing arrangements for a big professional blcy-
clo race a threc-hour-a-cluy six-day cliuso.
Will AKaln Pilot the Ilean-Katers.
A letter from Frank Seleo announces that
bo has signed as manager with the Boston
national league club for Ib91.
The Question ol' AHseHsniout to lie
Hot tied lly tlio Courts.
Whether or not tlio property boncflttcd , or
the city at largo , shall pay the cost of the
now Tenth street viaduct is a question that
must bo settled by the courts , The South
Tenth street property owners who bavo been
assessed lor damages and benollts bavo held
n number of meetings to consider what course
to pursue , but not until last night did they
decide upon their course. Just before the
adjournment of court the attorneys for the
citizens appeared bcforo Judge \VuUeley mid
nsltpd for an order testrainlng the city treas
urer from collecting the viaduct tav. The
order was Issued iiud today the date ou which
the case will bo heard -will bo llxcd.
The case of the slate against
Dr. J , J. Solomon was commenced
bcforo Judge Tiffany. Solomon is charged
with having practiced mcdlclno without llrst
having obtained a ccrtilluuto from some
medical college.
In Judge Doano's court the case of the Bank
of Commerce against Kills is on trial. The
suit is brought to recover on a promisory
Now suits wcro commenced as follows :
George T , Iloaglnnd vs Larinon P. Pruyu , io
foreclose a mortgage ; Nowrnjnb lumber com
pany vs Michael Donnelly , to foreclose a
' liCUrVf It. Vauilin vs C , II , SloiiuiH et a ] ,
'to sot aside a sale of real estate made by the
Do not takenny chance of being polsoncdor
burned to death with liquid steve pollsii ,
paints or cnamols lu bottles. The "Kislng
Bun Steve Polish'1 Is safe , odorless , brilliant ,
the cheapest and boat steve polish made anil
the consumer pays for no expensive tin or
glass pickago with every purchase.
A. Pftlr of Straight 'Tips. "
Monday night Mr. Milton It. Uhl of Tan
But' , with bis wife , went to the Boyd , where
they enjoyed "A Straight Tip. "
During their absence from home , 1301
South Twenty-ninth street , somebody made
use of another straight Up which they did
rot enjoy.
Tlio "tip" related to the fact that their
homo was unprotected and was utilized by an
enterprising burglar who , ono of thcso
days , will uppear perfectly irresistible in a
brand now suit of Mr. Uhl's clothes and who ,
perhaps , nt this moment , Is Indltlne the rc-
eult 01 his haul to some distant pal with n
pold pen which ho ulso abstracted from Mr.
Ubl's escritoire.
When Air , and Mrs. Uhl returned homo
they found the doors and windows wide
open. They also discovered that every room
mid repository in the house had been cntctcd
and rilled and that goods valued at about
| 60 had been stolen.
Kiitranco had been secured through a front
parlor window from which ono of the panes
had been cut , thus rendering it possible for
the bolt to bo loosened aud the window to bo
raised ,
There- no clue to thoburglar although the
scoundrel loft a bunch of Uoys which might
have belonged to an expressman or a fanner.
Mrs. Wlnslaw's Soothing Syrup for clill
drcn teething , softens the gums and allays
nil palu. " 5 cents a bottle.
'Ilie Indian War.
Colonel Hughes , chief quartermaster of the
department of the Platte , loft Monday night
for Pine Rldgo agency.
Colonel T. 11. Stanton , chief pay
master of the department of the
Platte , leaves this morning for
the saino place. Tno colonel dur
Ing the Crook campaign against these
Indians la ISTtl carrcd the so
briquet of the "fighting paymaster,1'
nnd if occasion should demand it would
doubtless show the soldiers of those latter
davs that the distinction was a merited ono ,
A number of soldiers from Leavenworth
Imd been ordered to Fort Mcndo and passed
through this city last night ou their way
to that place.
Olio hundred and fifty recruits from Chica
go passed north Monday afternoon on their
way to the front , Sixty of them wore Intended -
tended for the second Infantry ,
The railroad train introduced by the
Kinilfy Bros , in thoirnow revival of "Arouoi
the World , " which will bo produced hero
next Thursday night , Is actually llfo size
Never before has any mechanical effect so
largo been worked on any stago. When 1
arrives on the scene with the steam pufUtif
from the smokestack , nnd bells ringing , am
all the noise pertaining to a real engine , 1
arouses the audlcnco to a pitch of great en
thuslasin. The Kinilty company Is the larg
cst spectacular organization traveling and its
engagement at tuo Iloyd will boonoof th
oveuU of the sopson. The sale of scats open
IMa moruluf ,
Ipccial Bargains In Every Department for
Wednesday !
0 Cases Cotton Hatting 0 1-1 c , Worth
Ifio-StyllBh New All U'ool I'laUls
ll > o Special Lot of
Nut I emu Today.
On the second floor today wo shall
oiler a bargain In cotton butting tit 0 }
cuts a roll.
Largo sl'/otoilet soap , 5c ; machine oil ,
ic ; playing cards , loc.
Whisk brooniH , lOo ; household nmonln ,
8c ; crochet twist , lOc.
IttK'lilng remnants , 6c ; sailor col-
lire , flc.
Ladles'lamb's wool vests $1.25. In
Ills lot wo nhow nn ncaimulntion of odd
Izcs in both white mul scurlot vests ,
hut have sold from $1.75 up. To close
hu lot \vo \ offer them all nt $ J.2o won.
Ladles' natural wool vcs.ts , $1.CO. A
jcautiful quality that v.'c have been soll-
nir for $2.00. Our assortment ol bizes
iclnjr now broken , wo shall soil the bal-
inco til Sl.GOii garment.
Children * ! ) jornoy ribbed wool vests
i'Ju.'o \ nhiH : olTor the balance of this
ot , sizes 21 , i0 ! and 28 , at 6 < Jo a gurincut.
L'lioy huvo always b : en 75c.
Wo have some flue underwear. Vicu-
in wool , Scotch Ininb's woolDr. Jaeger's
fray , black wool that will not rub off ,
bilk striped , etc. , undershirts and draw
ers.This department is now fixed up in
style and \vo have a complete now
Men's ' sox , suspenders , ties , smoking1
ind lounging coats , Mackintosh coats ,
etc. , all on the main floor in the Farnam
Btrcot front.
Tlio largest nnd handsomest men's fur-
lishing dopnrtnicnt in tlio west.
Men's furnishing don't.
Wo ngnin repeat , the invitation ex-
, cndcd to Indies to call and give our cus
tom dressmaking dorwrhnent n trinl.
WERE PURCHASED from us or not
vo nro willing to innko your dressknow-
ng that wo will have gained a cus
tomer when you see the cluss of work wo
ire doing.
It is not by any means nn experiment
with us wo have already turned outwork
work- that for FINISH , FlT and ELE-
3ANCE of style is equal to any done in
.ho world.
For the present wo are MAKING
dre&scs at ONE-HALF the price
charged for similar work in Now York ,
itoston , Philadelphia or Chicago.
Our efforts to establish , with the aid
of the best talent from Paris nnd Berlin ,
i first class dressmaking establishment
In Omaha , has already beOn greeted with
lattering success , and wo hope that
Dmalin Indies will see that it is to their
.ntorost to aid us in currying out such an
Although wo have a complete stock of
dress patterns , trimmings , etc. , brought
'rom Paris by our representative
especially for this department , yet it by
no means follows that you must pur
chase from us in order to have your
; oods made ; bring in your materials wo
will show you what wo can do.
SOUTH O.ri.tll < l XKWS.
Ilnoo After a Wllil Stocr.
At noon Monday a wild steer escaped
'rom ' the Union stockyards , nnd in his mad
rush cleared all the vacant territory north
west of the Exchange. Mnstor Mechanic
J. K. O'llcarn of the stockyards railroad
company , mounted Manager \V. N. Bab-
cock's liorso and fjavo chaso. Ho
iad made a noble effort to
icad off the infuriated beast , and
iust whoa 100 Kxehnngo men were giving him
.ho conquering cheer , tlio beast made n
counter and ciu'i ocl on his pursuer. Mr.
D'IIn ia took a header and landed about
forty feet over the horso's head. The steer
took one way for safety , the horse making a
bee line for the barn , while Mr. O'llcarn took
a 210 : gait for the nearest fence. When Mr.
O'llcarn wns safely perched upon the fence
ho looked for the steer to bo 'immediately
under him , but wns surprised to &eo the ant-
mnl madly rushing after J. Porter , an om-
ployo of the Cudahy packing company , nnd
Air. Porter was srolng over a fence head first
nnd the steer's horns just grazing him. Mr.
Porter landed on his head and hands in a
cattle pen , receiving a painful sprain of the
right wrist.
Held Up for .1557.50.
James Dunn , n young man In the employ of
the stock yards company ns night car checker ,
Monday drew his month's pay nnd went to
Omaha. On his way home that night , when
between Thirteenth street and the Sixteenth
street viaduct , ho was seized by two
men , ono of whom wns masked ,
and holding a revolver nt
his head said : "Kid , you have some money
and wo want it I" Mr. Dunn made nn effort
to breakaway hut the two held him fast and
rilled his pockets of nil tlio money ho had ,
57.50. Mr. Dunn walked to this city to fie
to work , not having a nickel io pay his car
III Iked Out ofO.
Jesse M. Mack went into JnincsM. Schonk's
restaurant Monday to pay nllttlo balance
duo nnd by mistake gave a ? 10 for a $1 bill.
Mr. Schcnk discovered the mistake and nt
once sent ono of his waiters out to gotchanga
for the bill. On his return the waiter In
formed Mr. Schcnk that ho had seen Mr.
Alack and returued the money. The afore
said water had cause to no to Omaha and had
not returned at a late hour.
Cutting Affray at Albright.
Jacob Lewis , Mrs. Hoover , Mlnnto Lewis
and some Amazonlans of Albright , hud a frco-
foi > nll fight Monday. Thocausoof the row
Is enveloped in mystery. Mr. Lewis received
several slushed made with n knife , while sev
eral of the pugilistic women bear evidence ol
having attempted to wrest pugilistic honors
from John L. Sullivan , resulting dlsus
Hoard of Education.
All the members of the board of education
were present at the meeting Monday.ovenmg ,
The following approved bills wcro ordered
paid : Superintendent's and teachers' sal-
.3 .
Used la klUUona ot Hornet
nrlci , $ l,28t IO ) Janitors , $135' onBlncors ,
I'-'Oi Derbyshire St IJonun , fits Drawer A
Sullivan , f W.B08 Hobort Houston , f'tt ; W. A.
Olmslcd , f74.8lj ! Western publishing com-
Miiy , f lO.'Oj Mrs. H. S Pollard , $ T ! KigoM (
is Hock , f1O.V ; John Latonser , toll : D.
'itzpitrlck , ? 17t ) , and Fred Fitch , 50 cents.
'J ho bill of Constable A. A. Donnelly for
. ' )0 ) for playing police ortlcer , scrgcant-at-
inns nnd general peace preserver dnrlnp the
board of education war wns tabled till the
members could ascertain whether or not
'resident Persons had legal authority to con-
ract for such service.
On n favorable coitnilttco report lion Joha
McMillcn was permitted to nmko water con-
icetlons with the Third ward school house
main pipe.
Messrs. Van Akon , Persons nnd Funston
voro appointed n committee with Instructions
o draft a set of rules governing the board
and the examination of teachers.
NotoH About tlio City.
.T. M. Gatlaher , agent of the Missouri Pa-
lllc , is on the invalid list.
Peter Drown of the stock yards force is
ick nt his homo In Albright.
D , II. Knwson of Topolw is visiting his
mother , Mrs. IL Fisher.
Miss Ella Maxwell ot Fremont is the guest
f Mr. and Mrs. Kobert T. Maxwell.
The Live Stock exchange did not bold its
egular monthly meeting Moud.iy ufter-
loon ,
Miss Utelhi Parrish , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Purrish , Albright , Is sick with
A quorum of the city council failed to ma-
crlallzo Monday night nnd aa adjournment
vns tak"n till Thursday night.
Mrs. D. D. Ueach a'td younp daughter
lave returned , nftcr making visits with
ricnJs In Valparaiso nnd Lincoln.
A social will bo given In the Presbyterian
church Thursday evening by the Young Peo-
> les' Society of Christian Endeavor.
Henry Klorsch , an active member of the
'inttdcuschor veroin , is very sick with dlph-
hcrla nnd Is being cared for by the vcrcin.
Howard P. S.ivago has returned from Dav
enport , and stopped fora short visit before
going to his father's ' ranch in Choycnno
Mr. Koscncrans , residing nt Twenty-sev
enth nnd F streets , reports to police head-
luurters that some thief stele a pair of
rousers from him.
Tommy , young son of Superintendent John
G. Irwin of the Cudahv packing force ,
vas kicked by n horse on the loft slue of the
face nnd badly Injured.
Judge King bound Anton Matacko over to
ho district cour' under $ K ) for his share in
the cutting affray Sunday morning , and
Joseph Soupol paid fc > for his fun.
Mrs. AVoodtnansoa nnd son Eddlo of Chey
enne , who have been the guests of Landlord
'nines W. 'Lowry and sister , MM. Ella
'hrist of the Dcltnonlco hotel , have gone to
During November 79 arrest * were made , of
vhlch Ifi wcro for drunkenness for as-
ault and battery , 'J for assault with
ntent to kill , 1 for assault with Intent to
nunler , ! 1 for petit larceny and the others for
nrious minor offenses.
Mr. Frank J. Leo , ono of thopopular young
mslncss men , nnd Miss Mury Arnold wcro
nurrlcd bundny evening nt Auburn. The
ceremony was performed at the resilience of
County Ulerk nnd Mia. Edward Juel , sister
nnd brothor-in-law of Mr. Leo. Mr. and Mrs.
. ,00 have the congratulations of many well-
fishing friends.
nivldcnil Notice.
Tiio dividend duo December 1 , 1890 , on
iroptild shares of the Provident Savings
lioan and Building association will
> o paid at the ollico of the secretary ,
Nos. 038 and 039 Now York Life building ,
Omahn , on and after the above dato.
Holsloy Adjourns for Election.
Juilgo Hclsley disposed of his unsavory
; rlst in short order yesterday morning , and
hen adjourned court while ho went out to
takti a glance nt the situation at the various
polling places.
Tom white , a vag , wns sent up for thirty
days , the lirst and last flvo on bread and
Eugene Towner , John Flt7gorald and F. A.
Parr were run out of the city under sus
pended thirty day sentences.
A feeble woman
is restored to health and strength ,
by Dr. Piercc's Favorite Proscrip
tion. If you're overworked , "run
down , " or debilitated , you need it.
It's an invigorating , restorative
tonic , and a soothing and strength
ening nervine , imparting tone and
vigor to the whole system. It's a
legitimate medicine , too carefully
compounded by an experienced phy
sician , and adapted to woman's deli
cate organization. For all the
chronic- weaknesses , functional de
rangements , and painful disorders
peculiar to the sex , it is nn unfailing
remedy. It's because it is unfail
ing that it can bo sold under a posi
tive guarantee. If it fails to give
satisfaction , in nny case for which
it's recommended , the money paid
for it will bo promptly returned.
It is a legitimate medicine not
a beverage. Contains no alcohol
to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to
sour or ferment in the stomach
and cause distress. As peculiar in
its marvelous , remedial results ai
In its composition.
C. L" . Erlokson , Local Acrt,200 N.lGthSt
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
business and Invites his old friends nnd pat-
runs , nswoll as tliogonoral ptibllto rill mil
Inspect Ills now stock of Imported ud domestic
woolens. Kvcrytliluf
ESTABLISHED 137t. 3165 15THS
A Full Pet of Tooth
on Itubbor , for
1'lVfi UOI.LAHS ,
A perfect fit Kimrnntoeil. Teeth oxtruotod
without pain or dangor. ixml wltLoiit atinfs-
ttetlcs. Gold and Hllver Illllugiut lowest
rates. Ilrldgo nnd Grown Work. Tcotli wlth-
outjilntps. All work wurntnt d.
Kntruice , ICtli street elevator Upcu ovcu-
osn uutll u o'clock.
Each ( Season
Has Its own peculiar malady ; but with tlio
Mood mnlntalncdJii a slate of uniform vigor
nnd purity , uyllieuncof Ayer'jSnmprulllo.
the system rrndliyadnpH Itself tochnngod
conditions. Computed of the best alteratives
nnd tonics , nnd being highly concentrated.
Ayer's Simnparlimit the most effective and
economical ol nil blood medicines.
" 1'or some ycaniJit tlio return of spring ,
1 had sci Ions trouble \\lth my kidneys. I
Mas unable to sleep nights , and snffcicd
greatly with pains in the small of my back.
I wn < also uniluieil with headache , loss of
appetite , and Indlnesttoii. Thcso symptoms
Mere much woisc lust spring , especially the
trouble with my back. A filend pctsuadcd
mo to use Ayer's Snrsapaillla. I began
taking It , ami my trontles all disappeared. "
Mis. Ueiicua llelnngcr , VI UrUlso St. .
Bni liigncIU , Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DR. J , O. AVER & CO , Lowell , Mass.
MVrth $51 bottle.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists *
The moat widely ana favorably knowm spec
ialists In the United Unites. Their longox-
porlunco , remarkable skill and unlvernal suc
cess In the treatment nnd euro of Nervous ,
Chronic and Hurfilcnl Dlsonsei , entitle those
eminent pbyslclnns to tlio full ooafldencoof
tlie amlctad everywhere , Tlioy Kuarantno :
thu awful effects of early vlco nnd the numer
ous ovlln that follow In Its train ,
[ ) cc < lllr. oomniiitoly niul permanently cured.
OKUKKS yield readily totholr skillful troat-
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
from business.
ncntly and auccesadillr cured In every case.
m.itorrhoa , Seminal Weakness , Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions , DcxmyeJ Kacultloa , 1'emalu
Woukne t nnd : ill delicate disorders peculiar
to either BOX positively cured , as well iw nil
functional Ulsordora tunt result from youth
ful follies or tlio oxccsiof mature year * .
T r . If'PI U1VL I ' , cured Guaranteed , removal porroano complete nil y ,
without cuttlnK. cmistlc or dilatation. Ouroa
tfTocted nt homo t > y patient without amo-
incut'spulnor iinnoyance.
A " The awful effects of
TIRP nill"
OUIVL , V/UI\.L. early vlco which brings
prpanlownnknesi , destroying both mind and
body , with ull Its dreaded ills , permanonty
HRS RFTT Address those who have Im-
Ul\0. lLL 13 pjirod tliomsolvos by 1m-
proper lndulj ? ncs Mid BOlltary hiblta , whloh
ruin both mind mid body , unfitting thorn for
business , study or marriage.
MAKHIE1) MEN or those cntorlnj on that
happy life , awaroof physical debility , quickly
Is baaed npon facts.Klrst Vraotlo l rporl.
cne . Second-Ever/ In specially itudlod ,
thus itartlng right. Thlrd-Modlotnea are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
eaubcaia , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
"Grind with every wind. "
( anil tor that day only )
We shall offer an assortment
Cl liilJren ' s
At a reduction which is sure
to surprise everybody.
Our best grades will be mark
ed down from $6 , $8
and $1O , to
Plainer goods from $4 & $5 to
and others Interested in
small folk and small clothes
will take notice that these
prices are less than the cost of
material. The fine work nnd
artistic combinations are our
contribution to the trade.
Monday , December Sth ,
QOIiD MEDAL , PAUI3. 1078.
la abiclutelu iniro
it it tuliible.
No Chemicals
in UK < I la III prfparatloo. It tin men
I r l HCUI Hi iutni/t * ot Coa
I wltli SUrcb , Arrowroot or Bu r ,
II tturefjn ttf more ronoinlcil ,
uj tin Hit > < n ( a cuf. It ll
dcllclaui , nourlAIng , KrtiixlIicnlnB , Kt.
BII.Y IMOSHTtP , ind Jmli bly ilii | ( J
fgr InMlldr nl veil ftrionr. In liralth.
Sold bj fllit'Cr : nerjithtr * .
W. BAKER & CO. . Dorcheoter , Hasa
Barker lllock , I'M and furaam. TulepUoco CS > ,
, , , Proprietors.
Cor. I5th and Douglas Strsets , Omaha.
The sudden change of the weather sharply reminds us of the need
of heavy underwear and Winter Overcoats and naturally directs atten
tion to the best place to obtain these useful articles of dress.
During the past week we have made the largest purchase of Win
ter Underwear , from a large manufacturer in Amsterdam , New "York ,
ever bought by us since we have been in business , and at prices which
enable us to offer the most tempting bargains in the finest quality of
In both white and colored fabrics , ever shown in this city , without ex
ception. The goods included in this purchase are none of them of the
cheaper grades , but are the finest fabrics made by this well known
knittiug mill , in patent and regular shapes , and of fine texture. The
goods will be placed in the Continental Wednesday , December 3 , at
prices as quoted below , and as we wish to distribute the goods included
in this purchase ( which amounts to about lOpO dozen ) as widely as possi
ble , we reserve the right to limit every purchaser to four garments only ,
as , at the prices we offer this underwear , many wholesale dealers would
like to purchase the entire lot. We offer commencing Wednesday ,
December 3 :
Lot i. Is a special lot of 200 dozen natural wool [ no clyestuff used ] Underwear , in reg
ular sizes , made in excellent manner and usually sold at $ i.z5 each garment. We offersnow to
close at this sale at
75 Cents Each. 75 Cents Each. 75 Cents Each. V
These are not coarse goods , but will be found of fine quality and suitable for any gentleman's
wear who appreciates a good article. We repeat , the usual retail price of these goods is not
less than $ i .25.
Lot 2. We offer 200 dozen pure white Australian Wool Underwear in regular sizes , new ,
fresh goods , such as we have sold regularly in our stock for the past year at $1.50 each. Now
offered to close during this sale at the remarkably low price of
$1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment
Lot 3 is 300 dozen of the finest quality Vicuna wool , patent shaped garments , weighing
12 Ibs. per dozen ; a fine narrow stripe , all the color being natural wool , ( no dyestuffs used ) ;
goods that we have sold regularly for the . past two years at $2 per garment , and which are
worth that price today , we offer subject to the same restrictions to each buyer , at exactly ono-
half their real value , viz :
$1.00 Each. $1.00 Each. $1.00 Each. .
Lot 4 is 300 dozen of the finest quality white underwear ever placed on our counters. Ift
is made of pure Australian wool. Regular patent shapes , and for gentlemen who appreciate an
undergarment of the finest , softest texture that is manufactured in this country , these goods
will commend thernselves. They are full heavy weight , 12 Ibs. per dozen , and have been sold
by us for the past two years at $2 per garment. With a view of extending our trade to the fulK\
est extent with gentlemen who appreciate fine underwear and furnishing goods , we will offer this
lot until closed , at precisely one half our former price , viz :
$1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment
With the same limitations in regard to delivering not more than four garments to each
buyer. This is the most attractive bargain ever offered in our Furnishing Goods Department
since we have been in business.
vVe will send samples of this Underwear to any "address , by express , giving the privilegq
of examination and returning at our expense if the goods are not found to be worth , as stated
above , double the price at which we offer them.
Our stock of Overcoats and Ulsters is now complete in the details of this importaci
branch of our business. Our limited space prevents us calling attention to all the different Styles
that we have to offer , but it is sufficient to say , that the stock is by far the largest of any lithe \
the city and the prices were never more favorable for the consideration of buyers who appreciate
style , quality and workmanship at prices guaranteed lower than can be obtained elsewhere for. JL
work of equal merit.
We call especial attention to our large stock of Irish Frieze Uuls-
ters in different shades. For severe weather , this is acknowledged to be
the best garment in the market.
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of tha
WoonsookBt & Rhode Island Rubber Co
And wo are their western nfjonts and always carry a largo stock.
. * . Address ,
HmeriGen Jland Sewed Shoe Bo
12M ( and 1206 Harney Street.
MAGIC - HOOD : Urncrul iiml NHlt-
VOUd DnmidTy. wcnknow of lloily and
Mind : ElTeotsof llrron or ixci s3p | ii Old 01
Youmr. Hobust. Noble MANHOOD tullr re
stored Wu Kimruntcu every case or money
rufumlcd. Humplo course , II vo days truut *
miMit. fli full course , $5. buoiiruly Boulod from
I'tfi-vutlori. Cook itomeily Co. . Omalm , Neb
fctOu | Ir Ilutul.tnitcCur , Mil unUUodiio St
, . . rni
ibdKrcnch reined ) , act on the lueintrunl ifitem nt
cure tuppreiilon ttwin whatever ca i . I'romow
men.uuallon. Tlioio pllla lUoulU not ba takan dur.
, nt proirimncjr. Aui. I'lll Co. , Itoynltr 1'roin , Spon-
ccr , Clar Co. , la. Uoaulueb ; blisriunn 4 McOonnelL
Dodge il. near I' . O..Oinaliat O. A. M lcli r , HouU
OmaLa ; U. 1' . J-llu , Ojuuctl UluDi. Ie > 4 ( or IX
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
( Seventeen yenrieiporlonon. A rottular Rtadiiatoln medicine , nil diplomat ihow , Mttlll troitlntf wlljl
llie ri'M t iiitcu i , nil NtfTutu , Cliruiilcntid I'rUa'u Dhoiioi , Apcnnanunl curiiKuaranteeit ( or Cotarrn ,
i-'licriiiatorrlKrn , I.oit Munliuinl , fpinliml\VeJknu > i , NlullllxmuJ , Irr.iioluncr. SyphlllK , BtrlclurJ , iU nllillli
tain of tlio llluoil. Skin u U Uilnttf Orguiia , N. II. 1 uurnnlce I.VX ) for Oferx caiu I umlurliUo nml fall ta
cure * . Umiullatluorrco. lluok ( M-it rloi o ( LU ) italfrov. OlUcoUoun S * . m. tof p. u. bunUnji W
, m , to U m.