1 THE OKAHA. DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DEOEMBEE 3 , 1890 8PK01BL NOTICES. * " \ DV7KIITI9KWESTS for thcio colunifflll . /Vbotnkcti until 13UO p. m. , for theercnlnf edit Ion nnd until t:3O : p.m. , for tli * morning fdltlfll1 filld BUN riT BlI , H Cash lutdYtmeo. i T > ATK9 AdreTtl'PmenlB on thl * pine will b J.clinrsroil ( or at tlin rate of Hi cent per wnrd tor tlio first Insertion and 1 cent , per word foi inch subsequent Insertion. and tl.Mper tint y r tnnnlli. No Rdverllsomtnt tlkon for Itii than 21 cent * { or tin first Insertion. INITIALS , figure ) , aynibols , etc. , count each J-an ono word. rTUIKSH ndrcrtlscmonln mint runconjecn- J. tlvely ! rnd under no circumstances will they IK ) till.in or discontinued by telephone. pAUTIKSmlvcrtlilnf ? In tliMo cotumn and 4. linvlnfs tliclr nmwenniddri"iaocl loa "mini" l > er d lf > itnr"ln cnro of TUB HER will receive f. numbered chock to enable thorn to got tliolr letters , Answers trill bo delivered only on presentation of this check. Cnuloso unswert la envelopes proprly addressed. advertisement * under the h > a < 1 of AUi ! | > cInlNotlfM" nro published In hotli tlio roomltiz nndorcnlnjr edition ? of 'THE Ilr.li.t1ii ) circulation of vlilch ngisri'zatrs more than 20,000 pipprsdnlly , nnd cl\es the advertiser tlio lenetltnot only of tlio larjo olrciilntlnn of Tnp. HKK hi Uinahn , butulsu In Council llliitTrt , Llmviln n ndiithfrrltlfsninl low ns hit tin wp > 4t " BRA NT JCHTbF'F ICES. ' 'XflvfrtUIni for these column * will bo taken on tlio nbovo conditions , at tlnfollowlr * busl * man houses nhnare untliorl/cd totakoripeolnl notices , ut the rjarao raleu an can had ut tha main ofilop. OMAHA B1UNCII OITlOU-No. SOUTH Street , l.lstor Dlock. 31IN W.IIELM'harinaalst,820 , South Tenth strict. HASH It r.DDY , Btatloncm and Printers , 0 113 South lOthstroet , 0s Tf. KAIINSWOIITH , t'hannaclst,2115 Cum- s , Inn HtrtiQt. _ _ _ J. IIUOI1ESPharmacist , 024 North ICth street , GKO."wri'ARB , riinrmnclst , 171J Lcaron- worth street. irruaFlE < > THAl.MAOY" . 121th and Purnatn. 8 M'UA'JIOXH For i air * , etc. , net top of fnt tulumn on Uil ' , ANork for board. A li WrAN'Prll E" ! refiitonco will do llslit or Inside work for his hoard. Address "X IK. " lice ofllcc. M"l" J * "POSITION wanted by young man of e\perl- J- once us bookkeeper or salesman ; best of rofercncos. Aildrcss X'U , Ilco olllce. 61704 A Keducnled. iloincstlciitcd , Christian lady , xV-vrlth vnrlcil cxporleni-p. wishes for em ployment In a high class school , academy or colivKo wlii'rn lierdtiuphtcrof 17 could beodu- catod. Address X13 , ilco. NTOTjtJ . 10 yonrs' pxnorl- ence , lilitlicst reforonci' : can niuiiace olllcni wants position with Joblilnir. luaiiufacturliie or othur Koodflrmi falrsaliiiy oxpceto'l. ' Lot in call on you. Address .XiM. Hco. MitO * ' \\f ANT1ID Position In clruit store by a mir : * of tvrn ypar's oxporlenco. best of refer- cncc , salary no object. AtldreasXlll , lleiMfiTOl' MfiTO-l' ' ofUco work of any kind oreopv- ' OASIlIKUor Ibt. Address WTa , Ilco. K > 1-A < WANTKI ) House cleatiliu by YOUIIK man , Biich nscarpct laylnsr : \vtndo\rpolUu Ing. Add ien X 17. Hec. . 687 U BY Han and vdfo lth Alroforenccs. post tloiiH nslHt and "dcoolo. AddrussVi. r > T B. 18th street. Cii2" : WANTl'D Position na two U-Keeper , llrv cl.iss elty references , XTHeu. 09 : WAN'TIU ) In Viholi' ale house by u man oi many yetiisexporloiicoas lioiiso nrtraV' olliiK sali'sman In inlllnery , fancy coeds , hati oto. Aadress W , room 831. N. Y. Llto bide. WASTED J1ULI * . ' * ' fet ( op \ onNTS-t.1 totlO per flay collecting snial J3- pictures foru to nnlargo. Satlsfactloi nuaranteedand nt4 outllt froo. A UtiimnJ Co. , fiOltoudo street , Now York. N71U a WANTIID-r-llookUoi'por. Address ivlth fill particulars , look box 811 , Omuba. JIG9T-4 WANTKI ) Jlen to tiavol for our Oaniidla ! numeric * . titoue&VolllngtonMucllsonAYl N W want a feir bright Tounj IJ men In Nebraska , to hniulle HOinothinsc en tlrolynow. Soils In nil ilacos ot business Pay salary or commission. Address wit ttiitnp. l.lcgtilo Supply Company , Wcbstc City , la. &M2' "IXTANTIID Exiiorlciiced Rrocery clerk , on T who ls iicnualntfd In north partot cllj hujulio coinur ' . ' 4lh andOlailt htreets. CM ; \7tTANTIID 3Un with good reference n v T T JletropotltanJIfc. Co. , IBM ) Howard st. st.cooj \ GENT wanted In every town. Pnnipl XXotttllt frc . Address Drowcr D. . Krcmoni Kea ctsu * I ) AKtnts wanted throiiRliout Nc bniBlca , Send stamp for reply. Jos. F Mogoath. Upiqhj. iy WANTKI ) Salpsincu on salary or comnili slon to banalo tlio mm patent clu'inlcr lnker.isini ; onell. 'llu > Kreatpst soiling nov elty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroiiKlilv I IwcisecoiuUi 110 uhruslon of paper ; .MtoM percent piollt. One aKontN sales arnouiite tnGJOItiblx dnys : nnollier K ! In tvolioiu > V o want one Giicrgatlc general ngent for enu ntiituimd territory. Vainplohy mall Iticeiit lor terms and full jiartlenlars address. Tl jilonroo Krnsor Mfg Co. , l aC'rosao. Wla , 671 ! WANT 100 men for Klralfy llrothoi "Around tha\Vorld. " Apply Btajo tloi Doyd'fl opera housa Wednesday 11 n. in. ran WANTKI ) Salesmen to moot tlio grocer trade to curry a BIICOhilly on comiuls-loi Oood coiuiiilsslons , rlenso state trrrltor1 also leformico. W. O. Doorman , 103-105 I'liitd street , Cnlca o. TiOI-i \\7ANTKI ) ? Ien for railroad work. A > brlBhl's Lauor Agency , 1120 b'arnarn st. K / J-EXKUAIj auents selllutr the patrn tailjusi V7 nblo * hoe uruniaklni ; finiii $ .1,003 to & > ,0 : poryear. Oaiivii8prsM to IT per day. K < elusive territory elvcii. Address \rlth ! J-cei flalnp , Consolidated Adjust nblo Hhoo Oo BaU'iu , Muss. Jl 171-dU' ETKCTIVE-Wo ant a man In every li eallty to net as private daloctlMinmli our lust riictlous. Sendfor pirtlcularaVnsl InKton Uutcctlvo AKency , box 787 , AYushlni ton , Iowa , K.xpcrionconot nocessarv. 118 D18 * WANTKI ) A live , enprKOtlo pnrtv Inovei place to Introd iicnour Rood * . \Vo have nevf line thut will sell at every house at BKentsi-an reiip a hanest between now ar tl o holidays. Will pay u salaiy of 875 ] n "TT.onth If preferred nnd furnish a team fre Address nt ouce , Standard Silverware O ( IMnss. JIKK-D15' HKL1' . ForinlrA , cte. , trtlnp nf fiivtetJutnii nn thin txni V\7ANTin ; Oood Rlri for poneral IIOIH work , Oood vraKeaand sninll funillv. clilldien. Inaulro at Postal U'eleuraph Ci j MT1S \ \ ANTKD Uiporloncod sileslidie , cs t T Now VorkSi lOoStore.Ulii N , loth st. st.MCO Ty ANTKD A coinpctent Rlrl for gontn , \\7ANTii : ) KxporlencocI cook with rofe > t rnc M and girl forgenerul housework. ' . N. U" AN'WD : iil7orTcneoTl : girls to fnUT bin d cry. Mono but experienced help nei * apply. HITS Pruitins company , corner II and llowuril. 6'\ \7rrANTKU OooU Blrl for penerul houi work , Mrs. A I'.Vukoy , SMI Chicago i WANTHIdlrl for ccnoral housework liSSa. . . V\7ANTii ; ) A nurse plrl. peed wases ' rlif lit party , S-K cor. ysth niidJont's. ( \ \ * ANTKD flood Klrl for Koncral hous V work. tX13 So. Sfltli st. _ . . ! ) Olrlji for Koneral hoiwcwoi Mrs. W , K.UaUahaB. U'iS.-'Jtli street _ . \\TANTni > A Rlrl for liomowork. 51 T i Uuinont , 3MJ I.atayctto ave. ( fornici VXrANTKD Oood Blrl for general houi * ' APP'-11-l ' " ! tstr ot , Kounl Pin ANTIID- ' cli dron i , eil K. Kth slroet. 01U _ \X7ANTK1) Good KlrlforRfnerftlliousewoi T T Mrs. A. 1' , Tukey , ss i Uhlcajo street . WANTED Olrl In family of four , derm pioterred. 1818Vnb tor strtct. MUii : W ANTED Oood ulrl for uencrul houi work it tMU Leaven worth strwU M T\7AN'i'EU An experienced liouv mu T > Call at 005 St. Mary's uvounc , roit RUNT ForraUltleKttopnf Jlnl cotumil on l > it O IlulCKdwolllniliousr , lBtli hntl Mnnon for - 115 per month. Thomas & Itocho , iCI and ica .Now Vork Life. MG93- & * _ "IjlOlt UKNT To responsible p.'irtlos only. JU those line now brick nnd stone hotmos on Georgia avenue ! flftcon rooms andnlooves ; tnorn coiiTPnlcnces nnd bettor finished than any house for tent In the city. II. ll.llonder- t.nii , 4Wl'iiMoii block , ( 'lly , _ 41)1 ) " house ! .r.3 "I710R KENT A Rood flro-room , JL1 Oharlc-i street. Inquire ntSOll Chnrfo * street. UVi i * _ _ rilOroadiictorsandKnulneors ( luno JL ten newr and complete Hats with nil modern conveniences , situated two blocks from llm now Truth ctreet depot ! they liavo several ru'Waiid roinmcndnblo foatuicsnnd rent for only tSTitX ) per inotitli.U nndT.iooniH each with largo bath and romriilunt closets. Call nnd nro tli nn , Tlio Mead Investment Co. . room 44Zl.ouLu.Ullia. Ml _ i"7-lOOM ( house with bn nil nominal rent. 0. l V , i Harrison , nrj N. V. I.lfp. 405 _ _ TpOIl HUNT Thpleautlful7-ioom ) cottaso ? JU Just finished. Until and modern Improve ments. only 8 loft. O. S. Kliutter , 40 , 1'lrst Nal'l bank. _ 4JHIH YOP wish to rent a house or store sco H. IV K.Colo , riiitliiciital block. 4 ! PIKST floor ( itrnttygp. film Ishcd for honso- ' . ( ! ' ) 2 * keepliiir.l' Howard st. > l lOUbKfor rent : 10rooms , modern conven- Jo"coimi | . ii'th ' Ht. r > v < t * rpHK new nnd liondsoino four room flats JL with bath and sloam heat In the dowry building on ChloiiRn street west oMGtli are nearly 'ready for nci'up.iitfy. Kuch Hat Is separate ami completp Inllsclf. Tlic o nuurt- tniMits can be secured by small families only \vlthiiorooinri8. Ui > iuc8tloiiabli | > iclercncos irqulrcd. A few of these Hats Mill not cii- axed. Apply to II , K. Koberts at tlio linllil- ijr.lGlS-li C'lilcaitONticct. ffi'-fi * IIHNT ft room steam heated flat. Roberts , iU'JN. lOlli st G.Ti-M A mt-fleo..I. IVi IIoiiscs and stores for rtuU Kcnts enl- leclcd. M7 _ EOIt RKNT-8-rootn lieu o. all modern Im- prooinonts0iilciigost ( | , tll.07. KltiR- \vdlt Uros. . liarkor block. _ JWO rpo J1KNT Modern desirable liouv. $ 'J. per JLmontli. O.V. tlnrriion. 13 N. V. Kite. 177 . HKNXKrT. moving express ofl'ce ' with SO. Ncal & Conrud , H13 Dodge st. Tel. 127. FOIt KP.NT riats , 4 rooms cacti , city water and sewer conncotioii ] . O , It. K. and T. Co 4 Ilco bldjr. BJJ HOUSn for lent ut 021 Plerco Mrcot , con- vcnli'tit to depot. Klco cottago. Inquire ot T. J. I.oAT i y. 131 T710R llKNT-Sniall house on Emmet St. , -U west of 24lli. $ per month. AlsoT-rootu house , city water , lul n , on Caldwell , bctnooii .f > th uud 27th. Sli'i per month. Q. L. ( Irccn , Itoom ' > , lturl > cr blouk. M787 T710U HUNT-l-room lOlTCullforiilabt - - house. J3 S04 1 0UUnNT-2 ZIJIapio Bt , < , , block cast 2ltl JL1 st. motor , 6 rooms nnil iiiiflnlslird 'i story nbovr , full lot. well , cl"tern and cellar , coot nclRlilxjihood , 517.M per inonlh. G. O. Wal lace , llrown block , lOth and UotiRlns. Pb8 HOUSK of 8 rooms , nicely papered , wntor , Fovror and eas , H3rtl anil Ouinlng , $30por mo. O , T. lliinlson.om M. V. Life. : 7 FOU JUCNT FUitxisiiKii nooais. For rate * , etc. , trr. fo/i of fnl column n ihfa t oe LAHRE front rooms , two or three en suite ; Hood location , modern house , strictly Ihst- clas3. aj ) so. iioth st. MTO-T ' furnished front room with nlcovo. $8fornleo hc.it , Kas and ninill'm linprovenienta , on motor line. 1-19 S. 3id near llaiikcom park. M703-1 ; _ _ IIUIINISHKD rroins In any part of city foi rent at I ) . J. Wilson's rental aguncy. room SBN. Y.Mfo. M701-I)1 _ liiiniUoinoly furnished room , suita ble foi- two , excellent bnntil , modern con- vrnlonccs. pilvato family , llrst-clusa In every Tcspout : teiins , J-'J a mouth oach. Ailthos ? X 13. lice. m 8' _ TTIOll UKNT I argo furnNlieil front room JL1 with buy window , for gentleman only , JIO.fK per month. K18 Lcavenvrorth. JlOTt LAUOH neatly furnished front jooni. $ spoi month , 18IC Kurnam. Jlii7-a UENT l'loasiint fiirnlsheil rooms private hou&e , location central , illO N.'Ott street. ] \H31-- \ _ 11 ItKNT-Soven-rooin cottage , cor. 2Stli ave. nnd Cap. ave. TiiiiulroSJia IhxlKO. llt'J' T\7ANTKl-i'l furnished rooms suitable foi Tl light housekeeping. Address tlvlnj ; loca tion , rent wanted , J. K. Terrence , Oiuaba.Nob O ROOMS , light housekeeping , SuSOSt. Jlary'i Aivcnuo. C4Q 7 FOIl KENT Pleasant furnished rooms heat , KUS and bath. References required No. 202 Karnam , Hat II. ( fa 2 IOlt 1U-3NT Handsome furnished rooms steam heat , 1V-M Davenport st. CU E 0H IJENT-Kuriilshed rooms ; gas , lutl qnJ sluain , 1510 llowaid. 4f > if OK IlEXT-Furnlshed rooms , 1GOO Douglas TJ10II ItKNT-Two nicely furnished fron JL' roomS , I'OIO Davenport st. f > 0 TWO I'linilshea front rooms In private fain liy , tlS.Cp nnd tl'i.OO. 11 ! ) So. SStli st. fllfl-2 TTIUHNISIIKD rooms , steani heat. 917H Soutl JL1 liith street. fjTfi-7 DKSIltA HI.K room with nil convciuoiices hot water hoat.128. . L'5tb su M ITlOn IlKNT-Furnlshcd rooms. 1908 Onplto V avo. JM4U-S IJ'Olt UKNT One south , one north room JL1 modern conveniences , prlvato fatully.201 UonglaH. .Vvl I ! " | \KSIlAliLR ! room , modern convenience JL/1701 Capitol ave. 775 NICEW furnished rooms , first-class tabl board , The Merrliuii.inh and Dodge. ! > B 3 HOOMS ANI > IIO.XUU For ratet , etr , , ice foji of frit colum'i on ihtr pnat MIAVO front ftirnlshod rooms , with hoard , 1 J-prtvuK ) family can lie hud by manaiid wlf or ! ! tientliuuen ; location pleasant , Addres X 10 , Ueu. ( * 6J ST.rijAIIJDiropcan hotel , wtli dlnlnjr rooir stfiiin heat In all moms , nth and DoJc < Speolal intiMby wcolc or month. X NEWIA" furnlslicd rooms for Kontlomcn , 1 modern house , elo-,0 to r.irnam niotoi good table , homo coir forts. "J73 llunioy st now I'aul block , JU8J- : T71OH 1IKNT Two large pleasant rooms , wit -1- board , Datli , gas and furnace heat. Kxcol lent nelrhhorhood. Call at or address rV South 2Jlh avenue , C16- ' . "I5OOM3 for runt , wither without board , 11 THOU HKNT-Second story front room wit JL' hoard llist-class. 1W1& 25th avenue. 507- < furnished rooms with board an o lic.il , IBI'J lloilne street. &JU- : ' ' I JOOild and board at 010 S. 17th street. ll it JJOOMand boardH.OO , 1712 Douglas street. Fortotei , ctt. , tec tvyof fint roaiMii un i/ita | xw rp\VO flue larso unfurnished rooms. W.OO Jj-month. ll S. 21 t street. flJ- . d rnwo Very desirable unfurnUhed froi ; .h J. rooms cheap. Central part city. Tw i motor linos. Address \ li. llee. C5I : Foil liKNT-Sujtof 4 unfurnished rooms family without children. I'rlco tltK'.U 17C \Yobstor t.t. M757 its KEN l'-3 unfurnished riKmsSIO N. Hit s St. U 7,50 o i 'o ii FtToN r 'iu 11 us AN i ) OFF ioiis il ) . fVr twte , erf , , re ( up ofjt \ column nn I/id / ; 3ii ii ! wlndows , sleam heat furnUbod , Tlioi. I Hull ail 1'axton , blk. fy I ! IO11 HKNT-Tlio4-story brick bulldlnc.wlt s. JL ur without power formorlyoeoupled hytl Ilco I'ubllshliiK Co.,01C Parnamst. Tlio buih InKhnsix IIreproof cement busoiuont.uoinplel bteam hcatliiR Uxtures , water on all the Iluoi 0It gas , cto , Apply at the ollleo ot The lice. . 1) ) Itt 'H ' UKNT-Bs Januurv 1,4-story bulldln ; I. BS.MO wiuaro feet : suitable for any kin I.s of wholesaling , nt Tenth and Jones street , < I.it A , LiiidiUL' tHt ; ! Bouth l-'lftcunth btreet. 5 it ! I O H UKNT Corner tuTro nn d basemen JL' s > 7th nnd N atn. , South Omaha , U bloc from depot , Mrs. llrega,3144 S , 15th , Tel , f , ' 5 ina1 rilO Itr.NT After January 1 , store nmllii JlntUiO H. 16tn st. Kuuulro at UW 11 row 0' > JlJe * U. J. Kendall. .W71) U Tj/lUlt HKlM'orSale Fine , heavy brlok uTi - JL' story corner warehouse with most centr d , I tmckiKo In city : lloorsaro 13,500 oquaro fee 34 I Htrlnjcri I'cauy , Uarker block. 1 ! ron UBNTvAnRirousEs. . ? orratii , tie , , tee tup of frft foliimn on t7il ixij < FOH UKNT Ilrlck wnrehouso , two stories and biineinent , 87,000 xqtiaro feat , with U cot of double track on U. I1 , railway , Hotit It "Otb nnd I'lerco streets , AddrosiO. Oikami ) . ) mohii , Neh. _ f < M iftoirittitfT Krlok warchiniso. two Morloi J-1 hlali , ba emi'iit , hyilraullo elevator , track- ago ; best location lu the city. A. U. l'o\toll. 807 For mlrr , etc. , K * ( op ot first column on Will P < i7 * f .1ST your homes to sell or rent with C. V. JUllnrrlsoii , IMJ N. V. Llfo. U. IIlUV&llro.Tcntaln : H. i : . COI < K , tcntal ngcnt , Continental blk. s I.nnd .V Loan Co. Itcal estate , lontw und Insurance-rental uiicacy , " For rol'Ji , tte , , tte top of fnt coliimn on tht you liavo horce" ! , carrlascs or liousos to TV undo see l < \ II. Jerome , room 317. First Nil- tloiialbutikbuildlnjr. M71U J ; JAPIEd &KIMIU to buy tlioPlnmor rccllnlnif chair ; uiminusscd for comfort. 321 N. l. > lh , 818 lij : DON'T forpotJns. I'.MoRcatli , 100 ? Farnam HI. , when oou wutit to buy , font or bell a typewriter. MAbSAOr.trcatniont.olectro-tlicrinalbiitli ! " , sculp nnd hair treatment , nnmleuro unit chlrniioilUt Mis. Test , USM1Vltlindl ! bll > . US for tent or Hale. raphojs supplies. J.I' . JIcgcuth,1007rarnnin , 4'j. 'ASSAUi : , Madaiu Ilolzicr , over 010 S nth. 4M dS Forrolf * , elt. , Kttap ot fn-l enlumnon tMi IOST Vas dog Tuesdiiy aftornoon. with 1 new collar nnd bellun , ninrUeil on his rlKht foroletr. Ituwaril by returning same lo ir.il Doilgostreet. 0 , II. Niinmn. M 715-3 * LOST Hunch of Uoys striinB on wire , l.oavo ut Ilco onico and ct rowaril. < > l'i 2 * ' TOIiKK from Dili anil Doilrfp , 1 lilnck mo rocco incillclno elirst nnd 1 obstetrical case with full net of Instruments , also sin nil pocket , c'uso of Instruments. Howntil for rot urn to IS Arlington block and uo questions asked.Jl Jl 031-11 reST Ono icd und ono loan cow. Ilolhdp- l horned. Klnilor will bo lowarded , A. Jl. Olarko. M17 Ilurnoy. 6J5-U3 * POll HAhl'J HOUSES U AGON'SliTG. , rtt. , ret top nt flr l column on thli WOHKIiorso WO , two-horse wagon } ! ! ) . clnu- bio work burners $15. Ur will tinilo for a poodIhzhtfililo bar buggy. II. E.ColoConti nental block. 1 F2S 8ALK Knt'l cabli resistor , In good re- palr. : ul No. Ill S. Hill st. W12-7 * POH SAL13 S good work teams , Inmitrv at 0181'aMon block. KM TT OKSAbK Horse , bugcy and harness , A p- J-J ply toMeCord.llraily &Co. IJI.l TICK SALK 50 horses and mares , cash or - time. Trices from tl5 to * . ' ! 00. Would en hance some ot them for Oinulia rclil estate. V. T , camaiiOmaha'slarict ! ! variety wagons ndc.irrlages. : i47 FOIt -MI8OKhtANEOUS. . . etc. , eec tap nf Jltvl rnliunn on. this j , < ( < j POll BAKK No. 2 cnllgraph , nearly new. Call or address , 0. II. . KXM Farnam. rim- : * P > UU puppies for sale. Hoom 47 , Ilarkcr bile. OKCOND hand tyoewrlters. J. P. Megcath , C31G07 Parnam street , Omaha. 4IK ) eallgraph , prlco reasonable. U05 , Hco POll SALE cheap A 10 horse power NIIW York safety steam onBlno in first UMI \ ondltlon. I'estnor Printing Co. , iao Howard t , M1L-7 AVANTKD 'JtO liUV. trot-rate * , etc. , eeetnp of firtltnlumn on ( Mi TjlUIlNlTUUKJiouBchold Roods , etc. HlRhixt. -t-cash prleo. Wells , 1111 I'.irnam. ' iHO WANTKI ) At once , an W.OOO toSr..fldOstock of mdic. foreashand property. Addiuss X 9 lice. Ua4 MONEY' TO LOAN Vor tatu , tie. , tte tovnf column on l/iuj / 'ONUV to loan on Jewelry and ehattoln. I ) . M J. : Wilson , room K N. Y. I.Ifo. M7tC-.r ' MONEY ; m , GO or 0) ) days , on hoiisohnld-fiir- nlture.etc. CIS I'uxton block , J. J.AVIlkln- on. MliTV-1'1 MONI3Y to loan by II. Masters onchnttcl and collatoial ceourltlcs for any time from to 0 months , In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans i.iado on household coeds , plnnns , or gans , horseM , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , etc. . at the lowest possible ratts , .rlthoitt . publicity or removal of property. JMy loans are so arranged Unit you can ina1 > e n. payment of any amount at nny t line and re duce both principal aad Interest. If you owe a balance on your property erin in Mm loan you wish changed , I will pay Hull ind carry It for you , If you find It 111010 con venient , call up telephone No. 1631 and your business will bn arranged at home. Money ulwayson hand. No dolay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. 11. P. Masters , Hoom 4 , Wlthnoll bile , l. > tb and llarney sis.M4 M4 MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture , homos , oto. , without publicity. llawloyc InvesliiientCo.,33 Douslas bllc,16th nndDodijc , WA'NTr.I ) 6 per cent real estate loans. 0 , F. Harrison , 012 N , V. Life. SI' WANTED l < 'lr.st-clnss Insldnloans. Lowest rates. Call and sco us. Mutual In vent- mont Uo. , 1V3I 1'arnnm. Sir UILTINa loans. 6to 7pcr cent : no nilill- tlonal chariies forcominlisalonor attornej't foes , \V. 11. Mclkte , First National bank bids , 31 ! REAIj Kslato Loans Cash on hand , Globe Loan \Trust Uo. , 110" S. Kith st. No delay , no extra charges. House ? ) for rent , good list OH. & 0. M.ANT110NY.SIS N. Y. Life build- \I\K \ , lend money on farms In choice enmi ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on pond Omaha ie-.ldoiico property ! lowest intcs ; besl tons : no ilelnr : money icady , Titles am : values passed on here , Ml MONEY to 'nan on any security forshort tlnioat , low rates. Lovvcit ratui on personal property. The hendcrson MoilviiRn Investment Conipi- ny , room 400. I'axton Ullc , - flit /"IHATTKL , bank , il9 ! S Kith St. , loans imitiej V-/OH chattolsorcollatcrulat rujhonablu rale- fu PIUST & second mortsaces on vacant & Im proved city prop. County v. nrrauts bouslit Money on hand , I'.M. ltiohardson,818 N.Y.I/ I to fii EASTEHN money to loan on city property inortsajo paper bought. lI.H.lrcyN.Y.M/n / M ON KY to loan on city and farm property W. M , Harris , It 30,1ronzor blk. , onu. 1' . ( ) sa OI1RA11 eastern money I'hlladolphla Mort nco and Trust Co. always ready to loan and pav promptly ; Urn mortgages vanti'd. ( Jeoruo . 1' . Ooates , rep rosentutlve. room 7. board ot trade. it T T.VSTOSE Mortpncu Co. Loans of SIO t < JLXII.OOO ! Rotour r.-iteb bofoio borrowlns inn save money ; loans on horses , fiirnlturoor anj approved soeurlty without punllelty ; note bought ; for new loans , i enewal of old and low cstratos.call 11.20s , tfheoly bllr , 15th > t Howard fit MON KV to lonn on Improved city properlj at current rates ; funds oa liana ; no unlay tloo. ! ' Illust A Co. , L'U'I UamKH bldg. 1MI-U15 S' 1TAU ' Land & Loan Co. Houl estate , loan ami Insurance rental agency. U75-dl7 BUILDINO Loans- made on cholue city property at lowe * ratea. Hums otl\UOO ami upwards porforretl Klmball , Champ & Ryan , 1S05 1'arnam streot. S09-D1 MONKVtoloanonsoconil mortgacn. W , I Wynn , KoomXt Omaha Nat. Ilk. Dl'de , T.M MONKV to loan ou Improved and vacua iropirly. ) Lowest rato. O. J. Cuswoll , Hi N. V. Kite. a.vil-j ) STAU Land k Loan Co. Heal estate , loan and Insurance rental agency , 975-U17 _ f\tr rattfelt , , _ net top of flrri rolu on Hits jxio n fij ° 0n cutter , fitter and draper from I'hlcair n vJIdOAlres worlc In families by the day. Ad a dress X fL . Ili-p. . ion. * ENUACIKMKNT3 todo dressmaking In fnml llti tolloltect. llm Sturdy , 2010 Harnor > | M8JJD15 * For rtittt , etc. , M * tcp p/yl'l ' coiurnu T710II HALR-Hnltlntotmt In furnlturo and J'fixtures ' of 4.Vroomihutol. Oood . nrat locution In olir.ot i , ooo. Kent 170. Per ternii ndcl rx' t ( Ino. W. ( Lrlulow , euro New 1'a- clllo. Council inulU. J JI7K14 \'aloi _ _ Slrcot IlaHway Oo.aniMveotVlo I.lnlit Co. Ad dress W , U.Gerard , carqXord & Tliomnx , I'hl- case , 111. i M 7lt-3 * _ AltllKUshop for sale cheap , In the Tactile house ( best hotel lUilho ulty ) : Hue furni ture. ( rood business , oaVV , payments. Chatico otcllmntn for wlfo'shetlti ( | my reason for ou- InR. Tor paitlculnrscajl on or addressO.lt. lllioa. SI. .Joseph , Mo. M700 ft * A STUD NO company' ileilres to meet a spcc- Inlaecntof rc'pomlblllty with capital , to represent. Its business In a laraoway ln.St. I'nul. Addrv-s f. II. M..ctito Now Vork Ad vertising Agency , 0 > Vnll street , New York Ulty. M 7M-i' : _ TflOIlSALK Hotel and saloon , centrally lo- 1 oiiteil. KmiHlro II. Jlunwhellor , y. 1C. cor ner isiu and Douulas. , _ M074 * FOKSAIjK-rA flut-clnM Hloro repair busi ness In LoadUllo , Colo. ! Rood jinilltahlo busluosa for money Invested , Inferences Itlvoii for Kelllmt out. Oharii i Adam , 111 and lUKiiataixth street. Load vlllc. ( Jolj ( X''l . ) ' , HOTrLfor8alo-If ; you want to Ret In a uood bii lni's < buy the Conuneiclal at. llrokt'ii How , Nub , 4'll 4 * naj _ - , - , - _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ LJ - - - _ r. "I71OH SALE Oood paying eroccry storn. -I-1 Only p'irtlos who whh toeiiBago In laino need huiutie nt-lS. Uth street. _ CVi 7 * MKAT MAHIvKT for Mlo. I'lttnl up fli-st- ola s In every partlculnr. Oood busluoss. Will hear the strictest Investigation. Aildii'ss" lock box 4Xi. ( found ! HlulK la. ui4-d U rOK PAI.EA rotHU steel * of boots and shoos ; would take In p.irtpiy half section nfKood land with fair Improvements. Ad- thcHs. U'oi : , lieu Ollleo. 48 ? r , TJAOH SALrr-JBlmrrel steam rollur mlir JTh03. . Uiouch , Tekamah , Ncbrask'i. Tl" dll' _ _ "ITIOH SAIjK--Oncfltoninpo\Tercraln elevator JL' hulldlni ! with lirlck addition and ollleo Imllfllns. complete , 'mil all personal property thercMil , Hltuatcd at IlnstltiKH , Nebiaska ; ono frame horse power craln elevator bulhllni ; , cumnlt'to , and all liursoiml propertv thcrrlii , and four corn crll)3 ) , situiited at Inland , Ne braska ! ono f rtitno horse power elevator Iiulld- Inir , with framu olllce , eompli'to , with all ppr- sonal pixiperty therein , n ml four corn cilhs nnd tlu > land on which the name arc Hltiiu'en , holiiKalxmtuno icro. more or less , sllualed at llrletoti. Nebrnska ; this properly Nsold under order at the court i bids to heinndo for casli nnd may bo made for ono. two or all of said elevators ; must bn Htidrossed to Hobert K. 1'oot , lecelver , IJenvcr , ( 'olorado , hox'JSOJ ! all bids to bo oni'ned DcccnihorH. and to bo sub ject to the npproval of the court. UobiTt E. root , rei'ul cr. Dated , Denver , No\ umber 8 , bOO. HI2114 Toil KXOIl/VNOE- For rate * , etc. , tff lop of fr l column nn thtx 11117 * ! . VN cnorgcllo nnd responsible man of busi ness experience wishes to trade choice Im proved property nn motor line iioar llnnseom iiark tor an Interest In .some maniifacturliur , joliblm ! or other llvu business. Oan Klvu all refurcnues rcaulrcd. Address X Zi lice. SITO7 rpo I'ontnictoisVunls to trade equity JI.WIO JL lu lot nour Ilunscom place toward m-w building of about EMMO. iainkcd. : M7IM-7 XTIC'niot to trade for driving horse and IN biijtiry. Address Xl , IJeo. SI 7oi5 LOT In South Omnha t'lvt ' rndo for household Hoods ; will pay fronijlO'J to $153 cash. Ad clreasXai , Hoc. - WANTUD To exchangesomo valiiableteal estate for goods , trade must bo made quick. AddicssXl" . lltr. M 70J-'Jt * OH THADR A flilo fat cow lor a fiosh milch co\v. \ iS'J7 Hi-fatal t.t. H7 ! | I71OU l-ixciIANOIC iv'nll lot In Albright's JL Choice for hoiscs anrt'iivagon. Alex Jlooro , Ml Shccly hlouk. i MC71-4 * f AN'TKD-Stockofmorcliandlso , for wliloh I will tradnclty lots nnd farm property. Address George II. Mosbnr. ( Jiand I.slaiul. Neb. TTIOU EXCHANGE aMiiuifsof land In Illl- -L nols. eloar ; IGUacresVlf land , Illinois , clear ; G40 acies of luud , Ncbua.slii. eleai * ; 100 acres of land. Nebraska , clear.vjWIll trade nny of the above for Umoha residence properly and as- siiniu reiinou.Milo luoiunbrance. ' ' 11. 1-3. Cole , Continental block. f ( KO-1. 171OH TRADE , rent or fiulo Two modern 7- Jloom hoimcs on paved street and two blocKs from stri'ot cural nr > second mt s ' H , Arnold. Kn 1'axton block , Omaha. & ' > 9-2' { WIATTI3L loans at lowest latos. Hemoveil V/to tt.4 N. Y. I lfe bldg. J. I ! . EinmhiKcr. 52J ANTED The nddiess of men eapabln ol leadership , with omo capital , who an K , or would io , with exceptional Induce ments to thu new state of Washington. Ad dress W. C. Uorard , care Lord & Thomas , Chi- cuBO , 111. C/U 2' ' W ANTKD-Equlty In small reslilonco , well located , for ciear Nobraslca farm , lllnsci & _ Ilradli y , 1511) l'arnamst. S.KI-S1 W ANTED Stock of merchandise for clcai Nebraska land. Address , W 01 , Ilei > . M 4s4' WANTED A horse or mnro In part pay ment toward a wiijrnn or carriage. W. T. . Soniniin , Omaha's largest variety waKens am ciii'i'liigo. . ! UI T71OK EXCHANGE 1GO acres wollunprovoil -Ll lund and two unships * lots forstouk of iron cral iacroliaiKll.se ; hardware piofcrrt'd , W 4' ) Hoe. ; il74Iri FOU TUAD13 1'or Omaha property , fhe 0- room all modern framed houses In Coun ell HiutT-s. ( Or sale. ) J. II. Ainold,535 1'nxtot block , Omaha , Neb , GJO-2 rpOoxcliamro Impro\ed pronorty ncarPhi-r JL man o.vc. , for land or lots. Shaw , BOS Hlicolj blk. 074 FOH KAliK IlHYIj ESTATK. For rnlt , ftc. , see top cif fivrl nrliimn un f/i ( < pioi FOR SAKK llllarjiln ( [ ) ( ! : 7room house nni full lot In Baker I'Jnctv.iositlianli'Ost. 11,9)0 Knsy terms. Inqiilro of owner , K. 0 , Merrill j.'nil anil t'iissstre'ila. ( J3 A MI'S riat'O t liii bust.for the money , lioth fo locution , price , t turns iiKd future value. 51 17 UOOM cottaRC , full lot. Ilanscom I'hico I oust front and a Rreut hniRaln for it fo\ day.s. Small cnsli pajmcnt and balance oi long ( lino. 1' . K. Darling , lliirkor block. r > : ! g AH Lnnd tVLonn Co. real eslato. linn and Insurance rental agency. 1)7. ) * > -I17 rplTIH perfect , location first class , price JL reasonable , terms within your reach , milk M-root lots In Amc.s I'laoo today : i safe , sur aiitlpHlitiiblo _ _ iivcstiiiout. 64 5 mom liousp. lotU.\S2,11,700. : it-room house , stable , lot : il'Jx82,12.000. ' Hr'.ck house , and American house , lot UtixBiN n corner lOtli und Douglas. ICnqtilro UI21 , \Hl\ \ 111 : FOH PAI.n At a bnrnaln. C5\120 on nnvcn poll near J7th , ono block from now post olllce. very cliiuiu , J20.W.O : C0xia2 corner .Mtl and rarnam , $ ; ' .0,000 , ( J , 1Urccn , 10.1111 : t ! llarker block. O'J /CMKS I'laco Inis alMhn rpriuisltes to tnnk -tXIt a Rood InvostinuilU It Is property tlm you can sen miy duv lllat you will cull at on ntllce. whoiuovorjr fnifllffy will boRlvouyo to Invc-tUiitu the incrllrbf tlio property. 51 WirbTiy. Mill tiiid.pjulnuijo real rstutt llar alns ulwayy.on Inud. Improvoi uiiliiilirovcu or aorcliRu , Houses hold o monthly paymontd. Aituaton & Allun , Ilk ruriiuin , ' M llil-l- < ; TK .oil do not think tfli are sollInK lolH I Anmt I'laco atil.OOO Utno and JI.ViiO. pious stt p liiourotllco and-satl fy ) ours > elf of nhn S9areiloliig. . I''i ru 1 20 iicros line farm laniUidjolnlns good Nc J. braska town : noiirlrpteur , ICO iicros tlnaly lnipri\ ! l land 2V5 mllci fret county sout In NcbraxUili lightly cncumbiirci 1"0 in.'ic-i good land IiiNbbntska , Smllosdoi county bout ; 2,500 InhaVKaiiti. House and lot In tovrnTIn Kansas ; clear , Clear lot In good NcbHtHka town. 4 room house und lotluni | , null and cUteri ICth struct. Omaha ; alfditly Inuirmboicd ; wl trade for Omaha properly anil UKSUIUU Inciini briinci . _ , K. CoIe.JJotil iiental liloek. Oi "VTOWIs the tlmo to Invest In real estate , W Jliavo n largo Hut of elty property. In proved and vacant ; lots fromSSOO.uo and ui Kasy terms. Housed nuillotson monthly pav mcnts. GPO. J. 1'iiul , 1UOU 1'arnam st , l-l' pur property at thlsiilllcn. MS T IOOEhTbnraaln In Omaha. Only thretrc J- * these elegant houses on 41th and I'arnai loft out of ( , lx ; other thrco occupied liy llrsl class parlli'H. Houses am open all day for li spoctlou. Kvory coiivcnlt'iico In ttio lic InohulliiR uas and gas Hxturcj. Take a look nt them during thin fir weather : buy one and take llto comfortabl durinst the winter. Only taken from KOO to S3QO oaah , Sco the : without fall for they will please you. I ) . ' SliolcsSt31''lrstNttflbank. K FOH BAIK On 5 years time ; some cliolc lots. No payment required if Improvei Itlngor < b llradloy , 13101'imiani st. 558- ' HAVK you any Idea where Ames Place and what the Iota are that you can buy t < day at ton , eleven and twelve hundred do mra ? If not it will pay you to como and BI tU m. 6 FOU BAIiB TIBAI. BSTATE. Forml/n , tie , , ftt lop of < r t tJlumn on t/ih pt7i TOIIN M. Clarke , oldest rent estate , neont , W notary puhllo und tiionoy to loan.fotitlnon- tal block , nilrntii'o on Douglas itroot , first lloor , no elevator , has a lonnlUt of business nnd ncro properly , houses and lots nnd vacant lots for snlo Alto solo agent for lots inVest Knd nildltloii. 048 7 A ME9 I'lnco Iota at the prices wr > nsk , nro -t-Vthc best value today In that part of Umaha. S\TO man who will loolt o\crourW-foot lots i > In Amps Plncc , for whlt'li no askton.rluveii and twelve hundrud dollar * , can deny tho. Rrcut value and desirability uf tliu properly.Ml Ml ASS1AP f..T.viwIll buy u nlcc.Vrnom bouse nnd lot. with cellar , cistern , city water newer and luirn , cenlrntly locati'd : terms easy. J. I ) . X.lttle , 014 X. Y. Ufo. Mtfdia nrror'frnilo-A nice lot miassouth fiotit on grade , city water , IK blocks south- m of iMIli nnd Vlnton sti. , for sale or trade for n coed borsn and phnoton : prlco tl'J- > Oi en- cuinbviinccJIlK ) , Address X 8 lloo Mil 7 * LOT In Ames place , great b.irpiiln , Iotwtli : ami Hunlrllc. J.Vfl. Creat corner onVst Karnam , $ JriOO. Threu lots In Dundee place , ono a corner , no drier lots in the whole addition , Call for prices , AlcMiudor Jlooro , Ml Shocly lUoelt. "Ol.sT bargain oll' reil In ( .Iniahn today Is S IJticio.s S mllvH from 1' . O. on It. It. track , KI.MW per acre ; S'AUOO. Down-lowii POIIIIT Mxllll for.TnCOO. 40acios5mlle9frotu 1' . O. J1V ) : M.OOO. I'ttll lot : nd anil DaviMitiort , i9l.ll ) ] . Nratcottauo nnd half lot Utth and Douglas (2,000 , } 'M ) eash. lialiiiin ) l-'O per month. llutchtn oiiYeul : , IJ''l Douglas. fQ8-2 F Oil THADK or sailI well built 7100111 fr.imo IIOUSI-K , only 100 feel frnm'JItliMrcot motor. hi\lntr : a frontage on Kmmet street of 4W ) foot byM foot : property lildi and dry n Hpleudld loi'iit Ion for a row of llxts.VI1I take unimproved or Improved elc.ir city property In part trade , , , - . , . . „ Ames Heal l.slatp Aiicncy. 150 ? rarnum street. street.Ml Ml AMHf Place has paved ptn-cts to and fioin II , motor cats and o\cry convenience. t > ll Q KliKUANT homos In Ivotint/o plnco fioin Of,0U ! ) totlif.M ) : fi l cash , balnnuu 4 years S.li permonth , (1 ( per cent Interest. Other Rood homes In same addition to c\c > li nia ; for city properly , fc-rooin niodi-rn house. ! ! ! i blocks westof Slth , nn Oalclwcll St. , for RfXH ) ! J.OJ cash , hnlanco $ . ' 10 per month , tl per cunt Interest - est , J. J. Utbson , sole agent , Kouutze place. h )7 V7AUGII k AVcstoillcld.realestatc.S.Omaha Y rte : "IT IiKOANT resldonco In Kouut/o 1'laoo ; U U rooms llnely Iliilshed and all modern cou- onlenci's ! \VIrt \ St. . near SOtli. C.ui sell on no-quarter cash payment and lialnnce tlmo o right p.trty. This Is no uhoap titTulrof n ousc. but a comforablo homo lu titery sense nil a hlg snap harealn. V. K. DarlhiXv Barker Hock. M/iUt VAN HKUUKN. 14ni Donslas st. . sells ICth at. addition lots , $100 ! Van lloiiren Heights. 'WO. Termi. W. cash. 110 monthly. KJxISO , well tnproved , t'allforulasl. J7jUO , will tuko'somo rode. OIt SAIittorLcatiu 7 feet east front by 01 feet di'op. alloy cornel , iNth and Ciinilng treutH. Address Jean Schous , Bco bulldlni : . IlIU U24 O 70 acres for s'llo seven miles north-east of > Tollns , Sallno ounty at $ l'J.50 per acic. 'Ino Mill , good noljjhbor.s. and pcrfeet ( Itlo. 'Chool ' , eliurch and poitnlllco hundy. I'orty icros under plow ; 240 In pasture. No build ups. II. M. Wead , 1502 0 street , Tiieoma , iViish. IT does not pay to advortKe poor property nnd that Is wliy your attention Is ropeated- y called to no-fnot Ipts In Ames I'laco at ten , levcn and twelve hundicd uolluis per lot , \ DVEHriSIXd Is not done for glory but bc- Licanso It pays to advertise when yon have first class goods to ollVr. Ames I'laco Is ad- 'eilKeil becnuse It Isllrst class In every ro- pcct and huuaitw wo are now selling lots In hat addition lust as fust. asMP euro to and the -'aster the } bell , the sooner prices \\111 fcol the udvaiiee. C4I DDN'T you full to heoAme-'l'lacu lotn boforc you buy , if yon want togot uhoino with every condition about It , favorable to a steady ind sure Increase In value. 541 best lot on Hamilton and Lowe avenue Kniiiilru at 40J3 Hamilton st. < aO d ! ) * ALKS are being made In Ames 1'lacc nro- Jporty beenuvciprices aie low , location Is l rst class and the valtinK them. Ml AMES f'liico 50 ft. lots * I , W. S1.IOO and Jl.'JOO , torniboaHy nnd good time given on de ferred payments. 541 rfMin beatcoinor on tipper Karnam street -L frontage on II stroolsi splendid corner on Kainam street , close tocourt house.a bargain corner with trackage In S , 13. part of city KoodresldeiiPfsand low-priced cottayes , gooc lots for building , some as low as $100 , Inside ri" . . farms and unimproved land. Wo will soli any of this property , of whlol wo have entire control , at pi Ices way below what you can buy at elspwbuio. StrhiKer& 1'enny , Darker block , liith am Karnam. ibii OLA.1JIVOVANX. Ferrules , clc. , see top of flrxt column on this vie > . LKIL Clayton , olalr\oyant , can by her will power grant nny rcijucst. 5U N. inth. M GMN4' MMR. llurrougli Palmist tells the past , pres ent and future from thu lines of the hand , In tin-old Gypsy way. l-'euc. 81 : ladles only. IblT Izaid .street , Onialia. 443 7 * MRS. STI3VI3U Is Klvlnw host success of any foi tune teller In the city , hho docs not deal In any fraud. Her U-rms aie tlio lowest. 400 N. 10th , Brd Moor. 410 a < ri1III3 MUses Ilddys are through with their - - vacation and ready for business. The only sister clairvoyant and franco medium In the city : massaxo treatment a spoulnlty , U 7 , Crounse blU. 500-a' MKB. Nannie V.Warren , olalrvoynnt trance , spcaldiiK. wiltlnK and rcllablo business nicdliiin , four years In Omaha , no N. 10th. KK AUUIVEU Ulalrvoyunt. naturallj Rlftoa , tellH past and future , lorn troubles , ab- wont friends , chunKeB , travels , biislne-ss. HatlS' faction given. Mrs. Wallace , l.'WJ Karnam bt 70.VS * MASts Jladam Dolzlor , over CIO S Kith 4iJ ( ir > * 1IOHSKS tci rattf , tic. , * lo of fret cnluinnim ilili HOKHr.SwIntorpd \ have the best ac > ronunoitatlons In the state for wintering horses. Box or slnslo Ntalls , with paddock Apply to Windsor. Kemp & C'o. , 201 New Yorl Iif IUIK. . or to Chris Nevlns. at ( ho Mahlca Irylngton , Neb. MCU1 HOltSEij wintered No bettor place to win tcr hoiK's than the Htlllwiiler stock farm Vt. Onlhoun. 1'rlcoa low , best eare. It. J Kendall , piopr.room 3A Drown bhlK.Omahu r > 74 ( Hi MUS1U AKT AM ) Fnrtntea , etc fee foj ) of ! > ' rnlinn oi f/ilj ) > a7i tr. buying a planooxamlnn the nuv scale Kttubull piano. ' G HO. K.oni-LKMtroiC.teaelierof tliobunli wliu llospi > , r notiKiiy. _ ui " " IRS"II. . J. "Miles , o\porlcncid toaehers o volco culture , pniiH of Miiilam K < lnu Hall M.ISS. Itoorn fiOli , llrowu bulldliie , cor Kitn anil DoiiKlas streets. L' ± J 1WI * For mint , itr. . ret tup of Jml culunui nn tltti rilUAOKAnHstoraKoat lowest rates. W. M JL Ihisliiniin , 1UI1 Ruavcnuorth. K STOKAOr and trackago. David Cole , 815-81 llownrcl st. M STOKAOK The best In oily , clean , dry , safe and prlvntHr st < rcd at rcasouublo term Uiuiiha btovu Kepulr Works , 1307 Douglas. Tel SIIOHTIIAND AND TV1VK1 UNO F < irtaK . dr. , ttttnp nf first roliininoK thu pagt iis , , rented. J.I' . Jlon'on.tlilWTraruui streot. _ 41 PA\VNIIKOIUKS. ] 'r > rralei.ttt. , uilnp ofir t column on IMt in ? ' ' ' ' ' ' ; wutohes.Jowely.ote.SJ. K.cor. 1'urnam 4 : lit 5. I'.VJ'liXT For mtf * , ttf , itt top of / nl column on thti r-au < ATENT luwvors und sollcltora.a.W. Sues I CO. , Doe building , Omaha , liranoh ofllco a Wa hlnston. D. C. Consultation free , fi. forrn ( , ttf , itclop offrt tolumn otitMspug LADIES and jentlcmou can rent rnasniiei adosulU atfCSN , 10th st. 4aln'.1 1'KNHION AGKNOV. t'vrmtft , de , uttop vf flrat column on KN 21 C reator bleok. Inform tlou free 317 / orrui > , fA m ( oj > nfIml column on Mi pn0 . TJKHSONATi A younir gentleman of itnod , J moral charactir and eiutaKPil In a luera * tlvo business \\Nhcs to cceure the nciiilalnt- nncp of a modest , red neil lady of good family , l-'ortuno not nocpimary. Addresi li. Wll - hlto , hlttlulon , Uulo. MTua 3 * 1NPOUMATION 'wanted Anyone know- Inn \\hcicabouts of William W. I'ltrse. jr. , will confer a fauiroti the undoralitno'i hy Klvlnit siicli luformntlon. Ho Is n plasterer hy tradn and wa last liuurd from about August II' ' . 1MM. while In Omaha , at which tlmo I HI was ttorkliiK for n brick contractor whose name Is unknown.VUlliini \V. Purse , r , , lluthrle , O. T. M71I 4" For 'tiff. * . . ttf'rt tiip uf Jiiil riitnmnnn thl NAW.wn ioy h , the best place In Uimilm to Und help or slt- tlntlous. male or femah' . Tel Ml. 5.V. D.'J JIAIU Fen atr . BI'S'P line hair Koodi In wp < < t ; Inilr nresslup , WRS ! , snitches , banRs , hair clmliis , olo. , a specialty. Dnvlos. li.ilr 1:001 in anil milliner. opposite pobttolllce , 111 S. IMh street , Omaha.Ml Ml MNs7di - . , nATiis * i-Tfc. For ( tiff . ftr , ft' _ * _ " _ J L U' ' * ' ' * ' " " " ' " _ ( / ' ( ? . ' ' " 'Uf' ASSArtn hath at Minium Pmith's parlors , ll07 ! S , 13th ct. . ne\t Ilarl.t-r hotel. IIIO-7' ASs Mudiiii Uolzlur. ovortipsith : 4t. ( d'J > MISt UI.IMNI3OUS WANTS. Fur rate * , tie , , fee tiiiiol nrt tulitmnnitjlii ( Piitf SMAIIj SIZKl ) Conn pulleys and fixtures wanted. Addle * ? , stating price. Dimmer , Smith Omaha. MC77-3 * RHILWflYTlMBGflRD I.orwoi I CI1HAI.O. IIUIll.l.WrON A IJ. I Arrtrci Omnha. | Dupot 10th niul Mmon tioi' . Oinalin. _ 1.30 p m I'hlc.ito ICipruM . . Sen n m DM n ml ClilcaKO Kxpriiii. . . . 6.70 p m V.IOp in' ' Cbtcnvn llxprou . , . tiu'j n m S.60p ) . . . . . . . Local ll.'tu m taimu fllUllinNiTl'O.S' A > tO. Atrlroi Uuaba. | Depot 10th Hint Maion ' jitrovli. _ jpm.ili * . 10.'S ni ! Denver Uny'KM'ro" I 4 IB n in 10.M n lu Denver Exiunst | 0.15 p m 6.10 p nil Donvt-r Mulit Viprcii 'J.3o n ni _ 8J5ji MI ] _ Lincoln Ixiral . „ . „ . . . . | t'OO ' pin Lmiat J RUr , rti1. J. * U 11. TArnvoT Onuli . | Dopol 10th miJ Maion lr at . | Oni-tli-t. I n in.Kiin | aj Cllr Oar Kniren. . . . : ( IK ) p m i p m'K. ' C. Nlirlit Ktv. via U.J' . Tr.ms.j t.U n m 'ACtMfc. - TArrlvi-T Uapot lUth aiut Mnrcir ntrlHitl Ooitiliq. 2W p m Overltnrt Klfar | UOJ p ra 7.30 p nil I'aclflcKxprim IMi nni 10.-AJ ra Denror p ra r.UJ a in KaliniMClt7 U ir > H in 10.13 n mL..Fnlrflclil KID. ( , TB T CniCKttG.n. I.SIAtflJTC. TArrlvoi Onml . | U. 1' . depot , I0tlinn.l _ Mnrcr 8ts. | Otunliiw 6.10 p in . . Nillit K ,1005 n m II03 n in Atlantic Kxpraii . ( ! : * ) p m .Ji ) p m Umlttnl . ± ] .et < es | SlOt/X cl'l'i .x VATJluL , iXrVPr * " Onialipi. ItJV _ dapot , VHIi nn.l Mnrer Stn | Onnhy " " T."l5"n"m | . iTloux CltjT riunennor . . . ] . ; M p m ! gt. Pnui Kipreis. . . . .MOJO n in TtareTT SlOTi-YUlTrA FA CiI lO. f XrrTv s _ Onif.bri. | Depot litli KndVftnti'rBli.pinah } | _ CJIOji inj. , . . . . . .fit , t'jiiil Llmltnil . j..l " .21 iun Lemus 11'fuuAUO A .sTohFltVv HSl'KlOs I Arfivui" Uionlir. . 'U ' _ P.iloiot. _ | 10th unit Mnrer Sis | Omali 8.15ft mi 1'hlcaBO iixpr I k.W P m 4 30 pin i Veitlbule l.lniltoil 950 a m Mi p m Iowa Accommodation IKxo. Sum , T.U.I p m g.lOp in Kft tcrn Kljrer 2.45 p la 11.45ft nije\nS | > mFn ] ) tKiiiiiK < . ( oxc.Miiiil ) 7 ( Un _ m Jj6 forTlTlluA(707"Mrij. ( , * "HI- . 1'AtJlj.i Amve " " Oninli * . | U. I * , dupot. 10th jRnil Inrrjr fHs. I Omaha. "C.IO p ml . . . . . . .ClilcnKO Kxpros . ! tlla n lu ll.M i nil. . . . , . . . .riilfnito Binren ! b.aoo ju "Xe ve "i o\rAliA'ST nOur5 ! ( Trrfvoi" Oimlia. | t ) , t * . ( lopot. IQtb. niiJ jlrtrcyStt. | Onmli * . . " 4 XJ "p ui . , u t.Jl : . uU .Cf nni'Jl-llftUi ' ± ii . - ll' i yj11 l.cmfe- I „ B. ft MO VAtljY\ I Arrlvoi Ora Un. | Depot I5tli iin 1 Wolmer Mti. | Omnht , _ . ncaln I'm ( KT.Sund'y ) Oinulia."P. . . 3T. P. . Oinulia. Deoot 15til and Wub tor Htl. 8.10 a nii .Kloui I'lty AcitiuiuKidntlon. . . | 3UJ p ra 1.00 p niLstouintr Rinra ( Kx. Sun. ) . . 12.10 p m 1W p m . Bt. Pdul Umttod . .W n m 6.15 p in | llnncoU I'lxmmicr ( Br. Siinl..ll tUi o jn. cr a5r i " jirasriimrrAoiVR ; . TA"frT ? r COnintm. | DcpoUfttli nnd WeMlur Sti. I Omah > . iOJOirmr.7 St. I-ouTi A K. (1 KxpresiT. . . ! 4 5'J p m yii p tn | . . .Bt..I > ut'AJ < 1 1iPI'J"JL.Jloa ! : m oTKT f. S I'Ail'iU./fri ( [ e7 Trnn rcr | Union Depot. Cnnnrii llljir i. lTron fern 680 p m Ntatl Kxpre n iu 980 n m Atlnnlls Kipreji. . . . , 655 p ra 600 p m Vestlliulo I.hnlttnl | 10.W nm "linvei iCl7Tt Trimiforl Union Depot , nonncll llludn. 10 R III Chicago Kipras U IU p in 6.00 p ID Vollbulo Limited. . . . 8-J ) n ra 10.00 p m ISnitorn Klrcr 200 p in ! 1,10 ' p m . . .Atlantic Mall , . . . 'M u. m J'-JLP mJowi Acconiniojnllnn ( Kic. Sun ) ,0. < Q nju "i : aTe. iClfiT'AUDT > fllA bT. .fXrrlv- U'rsn fer | Union DoooU Council Ilium. | Trnn for C' P ml . . . ( 'litcARO JJiprow . I u.15 Tnm p.ml. . . ' K - . iuijU 'MPJ ' It ! 10 p. . . .CUIi'nyo lie ! . . iuij - -PJ "LetTv6 > J 7 K. C. , ST " JOE * A " ; U. II. | Arflvm Trnn'torl Un.cr Hjppt. Council Hl'g ' Transfer ItJoTn raj T KdnJus"tr ' > 'T Kxpresi. . . ! 6.1.1 p m 1U pm.j.l'.iiiiiiiiC'ltT _ | Nlnht r. rj ii..l KM.nm "KSsvoTl D KT1 A S STr."irt OlH7 ' , - "M Trimifcrl Union jjepot Cuundl HlnBi rfrnnsfo. SCOp in ! , % l g l < ' ano.n Hull , . JLzJJU'i 'i.iiTBT"TcirfCATro.nuunfN v oniNcr i sfTiM. Triniforl Union Depot , Council HluiTi. iTrpn for 'VUl a nil- " . .ChToaKO "KiprBM I 6'JO p ra 10C4 p in Chlcufo Kipron H 10 n iu 7 .05 p ml. . . . . _ . . .CrBiton l ) cal I1I.W a ra gTOUXCiTV A fAOU-llJ. Tl i B.IOUX | Armoif Trmufrr Union Depot , Cuiincll lllug . 7.4a mi..SlouxJ r Accomraoilatloa. . . ! ii.lO am UOi p mi . . . . i irI1)rB > i. . . . . . . ' . . llOQU p m M ISSOUlll T'flAItlS. EfK n" C' i Orjo Westward. S M SH & IP a m a.m n m. rtcrSt .10 0.4-1 7fiO fl.w : Chikthum. . . S.M ( I & 7 B.W 4.01 4.57 6.42 . uld lllll i U 7.00 8.01 4.W 0.00 8..1 1.00 nke Street B.M 7.1W S.07 4.W ii. m H.4B i.oa Walnut Hill. . . . U.OO 7.U5 8.0) 4.10 fl.OTi 8.60 1,0 Dunduo I'lico. . . li.OI 7.08 e.n 4.1.1 II.O.H S.M 1.0) \Voit Bide 0.017.10 B.lt 4.IS 0.10 8.M I.It ) l.nwn ' tl.lS 4.19 8. . " > 9 1.11 Maicot. . . , 8.W 4.20 9. in ur Bermour Park. . 8.JI ! I.O 1.21 I'ortnl. . . . . .L. - 8,110 II 15 I.M E-utn/inl. / p.m p.mi n m. Portal . 4.4J . . . U.'JJ tiojruiOU 8.41 4.W ' . . . 1.41 Moicot rt.lli 4.Ml . . . 1.17 Lnirn , 8.49 4.53 . . . . I.M \Vo.U Hl.lc IST.n U.M .I.Ui 11.15 I'.IO ' 1.55 Dundee t'l.ico. . li. 7.18 S.f.7 .1.07 H.17 1.57 Walnut lllll li.n.so iM j.10 ( t M 2.00 Ijiko Stroot. . . . n.soM 7.V5 K.ttl s.i i li at 9.4S S.01 Druid lllll. . . . ii. M : 7 11.05 ft l'i U.Si J.Oa Oak Chatliim. . U.M 7 3.1 O.Oi S.l H.-JS tl.M 2.01 \YebstorBtreot. H.40 7.4) It.SU S.iO fl.40 ID.Ut 2.2U PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 Fnrnnm Stroot. Harry P. Deuel. City PassoiiRcr unil TlcUot , Accu't. otluj to Grading anil Tlnib r Cnn Irnctors , Wo are prepared to receive bids for n Inrsi nmoiint ot worlc wrst of the iuniniltof tin Uocl.y nioiintiilns on the line of thu Urea Nortnorn railway , Ineludlni ; Kradlni ; , whlol conslbts of roeU , earth work mid tunnnllnii and a luruo umnunt of timber ; also a InrK nmimntof liowod timber for Htrticturcn. 1'i.r lies who nro prepared toco Into thu woods nni take out timber and who hnvo gnullnn outllt for rock worlc , will tlnd this a desirable npixir tnnlty. 1 ho work Is located , timl thofiilpiilln forcurrylnu It on mo on the ciound. nnil th work IH icauy to commcnco at onco. Tor fur thur Information Inaulru ut roomX' , Nutlonu Oernuui-Ainorlcan umik building , r > t. I'au ! Minn , fehopard. Hlema fc. C/o. _ XatHliU Rn . .Acontd to soil llm IMnlcs ( j0tBS | | rlno : Iho mil line ever In von ted tlmt holdH thnolothes with out plnJl a purfoct biiccossj patent locontl Isiuedi Ma only by ugonU , to whom thu ox elusive rlolit b u I ven , Onreculpt of M aunts w will sona a namplo line by mulls also c-licu Urai prlco list and tornis to UK'unt. your territory at once. Addri'M TIIH 1'IN IEBB CLOTHES UNE oo. . IT iicnnou t Worcester M\ti POLISH. " * SAVING LABOR , CLEANLINESS. DUGADiuTYei CHEAPHESS.UKEQUAIJLED , No ODOD WHEN HEATED. AMUWMMKNTW. mf 1 rWs / Wcdiiesiluj' Matinee and THEY g Evening. R R E Everbotly Deli.htcd. Laifgh" ing YRT I j AnitOrcnl OomodjCo In IVBX SR Straight Tip < r-j J ' R Js < ilOT"l/rVt'C K ) ° y&5' * t SATURDAY MATINbb. OOMMKN01NG T"\ - _ ST Tmmt > ij\y. , J-'OO. - Jb jri < n i > lt < nit ili'liirn of IiyiRE KIRALFY'S A'oir rtiiif IXnnunite I'i-intiirttini , .Sin- . ' nil f'rrr/oiiM AroundMWorld t'ndortlio 1'orsonal Direction of Y UKOTl-IIilRS- Cr.unlSienery ! ( lorsooilsCo tumo * . . ( Irrnt Cnunm- ni nf Tcr"lr | < > rcnii .ArlM * . Tliu Sum Cnnul Tut Mlknclo lllllct , llm llaynl Xpertipnlllliiinc of Ilia .Mlkailn. 'Iliii lilant htalrnnr The \Vieck of llm lion * rli-lt.i Tiio Krrontrlo I'nlnctTlin 1.1 u Klopliiinti ii Vi > ( [ ii ( < < ljifjit rritulnr prlci'i Nl'XHA V , Mcrfintirr 7. Tlio Shooting Star , Famous Scout , Actor ami Champion Rifle Shot of the World , MRIZQNfl - JOE Supported by a Specially Selected Dramatic Company in the Ecalostio Drama , T"Ac ' K "H A w ks " | " See tli iroatcst acting ilogs In the world. Jumbo , the largest St. Bernard clog. Two horseaon thehtauo. Popular Erlce" . _ 13 p xSh _ oct O pa UH Saturday Mornl n K. DIME EDEN MUSEE. WILL LAWI.Klt , Mnnaitcr. rornsrllthnnil stri'iM ! ( Inuih.iSTokof Doo. Int The Peivlllorumlly 0. Tnu Oimili.i lira voi. 'J'ho Itiilliui Gypsy Hand. Artlnp. I'a nor yiii'cn. Sidney , tliolilttlur , A brlslit , olivury oiitorliilninunti rullncil and full of fun , ON1J D1MK ADMIT ? TO ALIi Tot * 1'iitilid I STATK or NIIIIUASKA , I Ofllcpof Stuto Hoaril of I'rlntli.A . . [ , 1SIX ) . I NdTICBTO IIIIIDDIK. Sealed proposal * \\l\l \ Lu ri'colvi'il at uny tiiim on ( ir liufoio two o'clock p. in , of the nth day of Dcconilior , A. I ) . 1SIKJ , ( or tlio iii'lntlnn dtull bill for tlio IcKlHliitiiro with t-ncli inut- tvrus niiiy liuordurnil by ultlierlmusu thi'ieof to lie prlntod In "bill form"vlilen h Bho n and dcslciKiH'd at clii H ( HioilMiiuieitlicprlnt - Inr III H of the Htnlo of NcbruxUii. i'or tlio printing nnd binding In rmporcovuro or onu tlionsuil : ( ( l.utw copies u.ivli of tin * hlfii- nliil rojiorn of thu auditor ot public accounts , tronnmer. Hoerotury of .stnto. and OIIIIIIIH | | IIII- or of public laiuN anil bulldlng-i ; nnclllvo hun dred ( , " > 00) ) coplus each of tliu biennial u'portsot the attorney K noi l , KUporlnlendiint of pub lic Inslruutlon. htntu llliiauan , mill udjntiiiit Kumsral ; and nil otlici' iciKirlrt nnd ilociiniciili tlmt iimv bo ordered iirinleil lij * tliuluKHIn * tine , tncnpt euuli its nmy enter Into and form a paitof tin ) jou mills , \\hluli eliihi nfvurk U Icnown nnd clrslKiiatod nb eltsstliteu3i : | under tliu printing laws ot NclunsUa. Tlio bill work , cM'Cuted nnilur class OIH > , shall bo printed In small pk'u typo on paper fonrti'L'ii ( II ) Inches loiK ) by ulRlitand onu-liiilf ( SVil Inches \\nlu , single \ > xu. paper to ho twenty-eUht ( " 8) pouiuls dotiblo cap to tin ) ream , and ou'upt the lltlu pito : ; each PIIKD shnll coutiiln not loss thuii twoiity-llvo ( S3) ) llnpi of bollil inaltiir of si vi > n 17) ) Inelics In length nnd the llni'x shall bn Hiiccusslvi'ly numlH'rctlvllli u bl.inU only In eaeh ipacn bu- tuoeii the lines , Thu title piiu ; ot said bills shall contain not less than olchti'en ( IS ) lines an nhou > . with thrcM- ( ) Indies additional spiieo ttllowablo for display tlilo inalti'r. Kncli bid shall stntu wlint thobldilerts wlll- iii ! to do the wo i U complete for. per IIIIKO , for two iiuiidlO'l ( " 00) ) ennlus of ouch bill ; also tin ) [ iilco fornldltioi..i ! I'liniltodh tbat limy bo nr Icii'il of the sumo bill at i ! : " Manio tlinu as Hi original CJOO ) , InuluilliiK ooinpusltlan , pppor' [ > U'ssoik , stllulilnir , folding , and nil work or. mail-rial entering Into the woik ti < iiiliol. | ( All worU oxueuli'd undoi' ulass ono slutll uu ilollveiod In ( rood ordpr by thovontructnrtn the ollleo of the lecrntnry of stnto wllldii three days uftur the receipt of the order by Bald contractor from tlio uhnlrman of tha committed on urlntlng. In either brunch oftliu lolalcbturo. All woil ; uxecutea under cluti tluonp ) Hhal l > n printed In long pilmor , biovlo.r and noiiua- rlcl typn , on napi-r to bn nlno Inclioi longny sl\ ( ( ! ) Ineltos w lilo , slnslu puso , paper to bo forty-flvo (4f ( > ) pounds to the roam , of twenty- four liy tblrty-slv , white book , Kiich bid undorclnss tbieosball Htato wlint tlmblddnr Is wllllnis to do the work complete for , pur IKIKH. on ynoli i ] iiirl orltrm Inlho class. ln- cludliiK composition , pnpor , press woik , slltcliln ? , fold I n | { , mill all woik or malcilal ontorlnz Into the work required , ( inllety nnd tie pioof must bo furnished wlii'ii reijulied iy tlmolllceisof tlino\ccutlvoiipitttiiii ( ) > nt or tlm uhnlimnnof the eomndttro on prlntfnclii elthur brinch : of the Iimlhlatuve.ork \vlien completed tobo dcllveied ftcuof o\punaoat lliu htalc house , l'ion ] < > nln for work on each of tlio nbnvo classes will not bo fonMdore.il nnlcssllio Hninii boacconipiinlud by a bond In thornim of Ihn tliiiiisiinil ( K > , < JOOI dollars with two or nunvsuu- tles : thut In cnso tlio p.irty pioposlng for suet cent raethhall be uwardeilthos.imp such jituty will , within llvo < S ) days nflcr the nward to him of such conliaut outer Into bonds for thu faithful pnrformnnoc theicof , ut provided by law unil llm torn.h of thesii pi oposals , 1'roposalK hliall ho inarkod , " 1'ropiis.als for Public I'rhtlliiK" anil uddiesseil to tliu htatu lxaril of prlnllns. Incaruof tlio sucretury ot fctnto , Lincoln. Neb. Coiitriu'tson class ono ( I ) , us almvo spoullled , will bo nwurdod ns a whole. Continetson class tliienODi AS ulioro r > ucol > fled , will lit ! awi.rded \\holoor In pail lit tliu boi : ul may oleut. Samples of tliu wnik to bo cxoentcil tilnlor class ono < ! ; , and llin-o ( li , nmy bo M-CII ut tin ) ollleo of llic MVI duty ot state. t'ontrnets on aliovo classes ono (1) ( , nnrt three Ch. to inn two p yeur.s fioin December Thoht'alo ptlntliiR board rvsctvcs the light to rejec any or till bids * HUN It. CowtiKiiv. Bi'Oiornry of Stuto T. II. HKMrt.s , Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts. J. E. HIM- . Treasurer. Stuto Hoard of I'rlntlntr. ii \/1 i < > \y r AXO * - . Nervous System ) " InclndliiK Nenmljilo. ' I'anilrdi , Kpllcpny , ' , < - \ Cut iluiijr | , llfvu-ru Kpllopir. I'onvu I - glims , Hiilnul In tin- lion , Ulieiiinitltin. Chronic Aluoliollnni , .NVrrnui llonilacho , Mtrroni I'riMtrnliun unit nil dltcBiei ol HOOIIII CIU to 8JO , BEE BUILDING , OMAHA. Notice. To tlio Stockholders ot tlio O ulallu InuU and Cuttlo C'o.i Notice la hereby RVOII | that the luinnul moutliiK of tlio stovkholiloH of the Ogalulla Lunil nnd Uuttlo Coninany will beheld held at tlio company's olllco , No. JlQHniith Hth Htroot. In the city of Ointilm , Nub. , onVolnca - day , DocornborUrd , isiw , at U o'clook p. in , , for tbo election ot directors for thuunsuliiK yu.ir , nnd the transaction of such oilier business in may como before tliu luodtlna. NnvoniDur 17,18JO. nlSdltit JOiKm I'liANK , Secretary.