Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    r THE
Bulls nnd Bears Alternately Control the
Wheat Pit.
Ilcntr Ituylnc by Hiitclitnnon n Hull
Influence M Iit Trmlo In Ontn
lininciiHO Ktockn ol Provisions
Cnltlc nml HORS.
CinrAoo , Dec. 2. [ Special TolcRrain to Tun
Hir.'Thn : ] when ! m irl < ot did not net mitnr-
nlly nil tiny. Tlioriiwpro too tunny outside
rutiiorH niul toollttlo nttoiitloiiKlventoleKltl-
mutiMicws. liiillNh Inlliiencos controlled the
tnnrkol inrly mid the bcnn took a tutu Intnr
when n prospect for further financial IrouliU
liolpid to rluprivi the market. Tlin mnrknt
Ktnrted stronger under thefollonlng conditions
I'rom Lhirpuolcnlilciof ndccrcusoof l.t0. X )
bushels on octtin pa siiRo , nn up-turn In the
prlcisof stocks lit New York , buy Ing uy for-
rlBii houses on private c.ihles nnd prctly need
bujliiK tj ) local operators , suvetnl ofhon \
nro utunlly Lours. After n small nl-
vance \\M \ stiirtcd , I.ognn & Oo. had
n inessaiio siyliiR thut 8.,000 bushels
of wheat loading at ll.iltlmoro ,
Dunhnni k Co. , nnd ntliors had tllspatclios
nbotitsomu'-00,000 or 300,000 bushels ordered
fi oin store at St. I.onls , a p.irt for inllleis and
l > nrt for export.Vithtlils sortofnotts May
wheat , whleh opened atfl.Ol'i tol.OtUnndsold
ll.0i' < to l.OI'J to 1.0."i with sales of Decem
ber around nui4c. Toward noon It wasloarnid
that west side railway Htock hud sold ort to
00'4c. Attlmsiine hour thuro were further
riiiiiors about thn Keystone. (1'hll.idelphln ( )
bunk. THO or three- local houtcs threw a
largo ntnoutit oflicnt , on the market and
prices went off sharply. Jay ! to Jl 004 and Ic- )
ci'inljcr toil'dc | , with a inlly rit once to W'iu
for December nnd fl Ol'j for Mny. On the
curl ) \\lifiit win llnncr. I'uta on M.iy sold ut
II roy nnd ealh attl.W'i.
Three things helped corn earlier In the day.
Cables utro'id higher , the stocic of contract
corn licio is reduced to 3S'J,000 ' buslii'ls.
IlntchlHon was under the market.
The prlco of May started at KHSc ,
rose to Kfc , sold at .Miio and
up to&l'cnt the end of thu first hour. Thn
Rtmigth did not hold nnd at 1 o'clock the
jirleo was back to 51'4e. At tlio close corn was
; c up for thp ( luv at tl\a for May. Hiokcrs
In the pit diclurcd that there \\asbutono
bull Influence all day and that was the buy
ing by llutchlnson of over 1,000,000 bushels
Ecattercd all through tlio session. December
was quoted Wif , up to Wj''f , to 50c ut tlio
close. January was quoted at M * o to file , to
fJO'ie at tlioch > o. PrlvlU'Ros on May corn for
Wednesday sold atSj'ic and ulUc.
Tlieio was light trade In oats most of the
nrsslon The stioiigth In wheat audcorn early
anil light local stocks of contract oats , now
reduced to 10.1,000 bushels , KIVU : the market u
little iidvanco , May opened Uo up ntfVUc.
Bold up to 4 'io and closuil at J'l'ic or ? ; o up
for thu day. December was quoted at 4Wto to
< ( c to 4JV > Junumy was ? , u nndoi Dectmbei
all day.
The stocks of provisions as Riven
out this morning proxtd surprisingly
hirie. Itccent estimates were liberal
but stocks as published exceeded ex
pectations , she lnK l.V.UOO birrols of now
nnd 0" ,0oo bariols of old pork , 33.000,000 pounds
of ribs and 110,000 tlercs of lard. Tlio opening
of the market was heavy. Pork felt the bear
Ish Inllncneo most and opened with a decline
of 12'io ' for January and lOo for May. A
further decline carried January to JIO.OO , 2T'5e
under last nlKht nnd May to $11.70 , ISVJc from
lastnlKht. Later hi the day touch of the
prisMiiucaiiMd by tlio placing of Deeembei
etuir was relieved and prices ieco\eicd to
f 1007Kami tll.TiH at the close. Iird : sold
clown tof'iOO for December , $ < ! 00 for January
nnd W.M for Mny , ttcovorliiK to ! ' > .70 , JC.Oj and
I0r > 5. Itlbshold but Co lower and ricovcicd a
part of that. n STOCK.
Cnicuio , ficc. " . ISpeelal Telosram to TIIE
IlF.r.l OATTi.h llecelptsbliowalnrgo Increase
im-r tlio sumo tlino last week and pi lees tire
iH'KlniilnK to break under the iinoxiiccted big
run. AltlioiiKli n few loads of prlmo steers
Bolilcuily nt sloady prices us compared with
jrtsteiiluy. the \sres\l \ Utillc hold siilist-intliilly
lower and tlio ccncinl in.trKet elosud weak ,
\\ltli n Iniso iiiiniljerlpft tui'-old. Tevanssold
tte.uly and niitlxo butcliois' stuek also sold
tteady. Thuio Is u fair business In Htockora
and feeders with prleos about like tlioso of
labt week , The top pi lee was $ \00 to Jl 40 for
jirlino I'Xtra steer , and } l.7. > to Jl 8"i for ROOI ! to
cluileo shipping steuiifi others 14 w to M.Mi
cniiiiniiii. M 00 to il.5. ( ) no in two lots of feed
Tit < ciuiHM > lil at f 4. HI toIU ) .
lions The inaiKet opened netlvc ,
with prices nilbcr stroiu-cr tlinn at the close
yestt'rduv , hut Ititor tin % allies Kriulunlly
weal > eiud. closing fully Co loner than nt the
oicMliip. Itouu'li and eoiiiinon IlKlit nil\cd t-olil
nt * .l : ! ' < to $ J ' > ( > und KOOI ! int\ed at M 53 to H w ,
with pilnio hea\y and liutehvr w lilil at.lfi.'i
ti t.1.75 KeKiilutlon ll 'ht. elo uly us ortud ,
M 41 to JJ.50 ; | | Blit light , J.1.00 to $ .1 J5 ; pigs , W.7.r
to K'.b3.
Nrw Voitn. Dec. ' . ' . [ gposlit Telegram to
TUB HKK.-SrocKS | Tliociikncss In stocks
atthocliHo on Monday wits not reflected this
inornliiK. London ononed dull and tutor prices
0,11110 higher. The threatened conunorclal
trouble discussed so much last night did not
npiiourto dlstuib.ihics todny. The activity
at the opening > vi\s In St. I'niil , LticUauanna
nnd Atehlson. Huston sold Atchlson , First
prices , i\s compared with the final llKiircs of
last uvenlnR , \ > uro Irregular hut higher , In the
majority of the list the extending to
ii either \vnv. There wn un lnllntlon to to\- \
low thoiiioxciiicnt of yebtcrday hho\\nliionrly
tr.ulliiK and prices generally shu ed coucos-
clous otsnnill fraetlons from thooponhiK UK-
ure , but ustroiiR tone \MISMIOII deiulopul und
snnlurlnl niUuuecssioied In sonio Instances ,
l.uokauuiiiin , after a lots of 1 per cent , rose : . " ,
toU ! 'iNow ' I.tiKlniiil lost' ' { uud rose 1 and
lliirllnstori nml Itook Island each lost U anil
rose 1 , The general ] | bt in ovoiy easu rose
email fractious uliovo the opcnuiR figures.
The iniirUot became u.utQ ! dull In tholatohniir
nnd the best price ? were not fully matutalned ,
During the hour to noon there ucro no ma
terial changes In the list. Closing hours In
toeKsorl.ed a cluuiKo In the situation
from tlio sumo hours yesterday. Money was
eocasy hero and In London It was no
longer a benr fnctiii , Mrotlnus of railroad
inauaKCrs and ptisldontsuaiisotl the t > ors to
Im very timid. Xo\-s fro i WashliiKton le-
gftnlliiR the proapool of hll\or was bullish ,
'llio ncr\oiisiiL'Hs enusid by the break lit inld-
( Iny In Northern I'aullle preferred and others
was nil forvotton , Uenornl biijlni ; lieeanio
thooidorof the hour , Shorts und IOIIKS w ro
ro.uallv oncnr. L.ieUananna rose tn ] jo niiti
Northern I'uelllo proferrtil to.M. UriuiKors bo-
ertiuo Mry slronir and llurlliicton nonttoK )
HiH'k Ulaud to78 , St. Paul to f > J ( . with only
lllKht coneessloiis before the closo. Sale
were ; tra , ooo bluiii-i.
The follnuliiK were the closing quotntlons !
OntCAno , Dec. li 1 p , in. cloie. Wheat
Kasyicath.Ol o ! 7vnimryW'ic1 ' ! Mayll.o < W >
Corn Steady ; cus'x. i ct Jtiiittary , ffljoi
May. 51'iO.
OnM-blcady ; cash , vVUii Jao-mry , 41Xoi
May , Ti'tc.
Hyo-Qulet at Cflo.
Hurley Nominal at'Sc.
I'rlmo Tlmothyl.'JI01.23. .
riax-Slcady at J1.20.
Mom I'ork StMilyi cash , tS.3 | January
o.u ; ' | ! May , $ II.77'J '
l.urd-Steady ! eath. f.1.72'i ' Deceinber , tO.OJi
iiiiuury , K.O'i : May , W.55.
I Intir UnuliniiRudi sprlnK pttcnts. W. > 0
O ; 4.7ri' , whiter patPiits , tl 11033.00 ; bakois' , fc.23
nt-l ( M.
IlilIK Meats tihoiiMers , $ l.7r > 3l S7V5 ! short
clear , W G.v . ' > .70 ! slinrt rllit , W.liHl'iSO.
llutter I.aalcr ; creamery , lyaJ7oi ( dairy , U
Cheoic ' 'loadyj full cream Cheddars and
llntHS'Jiiin'io ' ' ; VOIIIIR AmericasO'itt'JUe. '
"Tullow tTnelmtiRed ! Xa 1 , solid pacltcil ,
S iJtluj No ! . ' , U'SJJiOi uako. 4 < { c.
Kccolpts. Shipments
Plour.bbls . W.ww . ai.OJO
W hcut. bu . 1IOW1 2no
Coin , Oil . 0\003 KI.OOO
Oats , bu . 2W.UOO 105,000
NKW YOIIK. Deo. 8 Wheat - Ilccelpts ,
70,000 hushols ! exports , 4nWK ) ; spot , dull mid
unsettled ; No 2 red , tl.Ki'i In elevator , ll.Oi'i '
alloit. Jl.0l'tf6l.0fl's ( ' f. o. b s tinsradcd rcli ,
Jl.ooJ4ttl.n'i Options uneliangcU December
closing nt { LO-ft , , _ . . -
Corn Kici'lpt" , 2,000 buthcls ; exports , 47.00) )
bushels : spot strain ; and higher ! No. 2 , OO'Sa
ClUc In t > lo\iitor. GPiQOS'iC ; ungradea
mixed , ri7CtOlc. Optlcinstsenoially strongor.
O.its Hecelpts , 1MK)0 ) Imslu-Ul exports.
i.OJd bushels ; spot ilimurt outluns stionyer ;
December. 49 ic ; spot No. 2 white , 52 < jci May ,
Sl o ; ml\il westeu , I7)0c.
Sugar KeflniMl steady and uulct.
I'etrolouin United tlos > ed for January at
n s-rirmor ; western. SSiWIOc.
I'ork-Stcady at$10.7120J. .
Ij'ird J.ower ; western btcam , Ki.ti'j.
llutteiriini for cholco at lia-'SJic ! Elgin.
Ohccso-rirm ; light skims 4V'iGCc.
ST. I.oois , Dec. 2 Wheat Higher ; cash ,
OJ'ti options loner ; Dccomher , 01. , . . , ,
Corn-HtroiiKcr ; cash , 4S5i4'J'a'c ! May , Cl bid. Hi'lter ; c.ish. 45c ; May 45'4u.
Tork Weaker ! JII.OO.
IirdK.islei ! ft ( .2Ji.
Whlsky-atoady ; tl.H.
MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 2. Wheat In less de
mand ! iniukot steady ; close ! No. 1 bird , lo- )
eembei , ( Me ; ontinck.Uc : No. 1 nnrtliern , De
cember , 8 ! > e ; on track , Wl'ic ' ; o. 2 northern ,
December , bbo ; on track , t-oo.
rtvi.ui'oor , , Dec. -Wheat-Steady ; Call-
foinli , No. 1 , 7s UlB'cGlic. . , , ,
Coin rirtn ; ml\ctl western , Csld'/J per
cent d ,
CINPINNATI. Deo. 2. I'lrm ; No. 2
Curn Klnn : . < o. 2 mlxed.52VSQ.Vlc.
Oats baiely steady ! No.2iulxcd , 4749c.
MttAVAUKKn , Doe. 2. Wheat Easy ; No.
2 swing , cash , SSQ'KJc ; No 1 northern , Uic.
C/orn riim ; No. J , t.iab , 40o.
Oats Qulut ; No. iMvhlte.4r -3tCe.
; mo VK ,
CHICAOO , Doc. 2.-Cattlo-JRecolpts , J-'WOO ;
iiuuket steady , l'i line export steers tROm
5.40 ; coiinnon to cholio shipping steers $ J.OO < >
! plRsJ.7Mi. S > 3
Sheep Ileculpts 1WOO ; market stronR with
full dunuiid ; nathus , J.I7r > t.S5 ! ) ( ; westerns.
J4. ; Texans , lambs , JJ.SU ®
ST Loofs , Dec. 2. Uattle Itccolpts , 5/)70 ;
shipments , , ! 00 : market hlKher ; fair to fnncy
native ritcers , $ i'X > &i20 ; stuuKais and feeders ,
{ .VJuOJ-OijToMiiis and Indian steers , $ .VM@
J.GO.llozs llcrolpts , 0.V)0 ) ! shipments. 700 ; mar
ket louer ; liiMvy , USJ JJOo ; mixed , $ J 10 ®
3.45 ; light , $3.20 < iW. SO. M.lltKETS.
Tuesday. Doc. 2.
CVcrt.E Estimated receipts of onttlo. 11,000.
as conio.ired with 2,0 ( > 0 Mituiday and 1.079
Tuesday of last \i < ? ok. The market on the best
grades of beeves unsaclho ui.d opened about
ste.idy , Slowing weaker and 'closed fie
to l. > o loner. There were fifty car
loads of butchers' slock among the receipts ,
nml the market dropped lOo to 20c. Little Is
d ilng In fo'lurs
llor.s Kstlm.ited receipts of hogs 7.SOO , as
compared u Itb 4.S.'u' yesteidav and 8.7S8 Tues
day of last week. Market active and
ste.idv. The r.mguof the prices paid wns $ . ) 007ft , tfio bulk solllnu at $ .1.40 ® t.Y > . PlRs , $ l.7' > a
2.7.1 ! light , $ , I.OU.U" > ; heavy. W-JOSl-'l.W mixed.
1.1.3j0.'l.5J. The averaKO of the juices paid was
UIH us compared with { I.-IJ jisteuluy uud
J1MJ4 Tiusdny of last week.
biiHKi- Estimated receipts of sheep , 178 , as
eomp.iicd wltbl.llO yesterday and l.Osd Tucs-
lay of last noek. Tlio market Is flrm.
Natl > e , , SJ.J53I25 ; westerns. J.1 00 ® 1.00.
Disposition of Stocic ,
Showlni the numborof head of stocic pur-
chasid on this in irket ns i oporto 1 by the
uelKbmastoi of the Stockyards comp.iny for
Snlft&Cn . CIO
The ( J. 11. Hammond Co . MU
ThoOiidahy pioklnx Lomp.iny . 441
Omului I'ai-klni ! Co . 41
Leo Koth-ohlhl . 7"
llenton & . Underwood . 07
> cls Morris . 41.1
Shippers mid focdcis . 8 1
ThoCud.ihy packing comp.iny . 2,70.1
Omaha ] i loklng company . 1U70
Snlft&Oo . lKi4
'I hoi ! U. Hammond ft Co . 1)71 )
Shipper * and feeders . 54
Koprencuuulvo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr
i ijo7ioo a rj-'o $ .1 M ) an 1121 $4 is
10.M II2.T 10 1127 ah ( ) 18 1408 420
8 1112 : i2.- 4 1075 UN ) 8 1114 425
OS .1 I'M : ia > 20 1205 3h5 3S. . 1BO 430
21 lusj 1135 81 120.1 400 10. . 122.J 440
17 1043 340 U 110.1 400 20. 1115 440
10. VJi 3 Kl 17 H'i7 4 0" 20 IStl 445
M .10s2 300 17 1411 4 0 > 7. . 11S3 450
31. . 1100 ,175 20.1191 415 15. , 1507 455
12. 1010 3 75 4 1117 4 15
1 . 005 1 01 1 , 1210 1 RO 28. OT 3 230
lr > 1000 1 00 3 1070 1 bO 20 . 058 2 JO
1 000 125 10 1041 1 M 17 8S.I 230
2. . 040 125 20 Itti 105 10 1047 2.12J
1 1100 12" . 1 I CM 200 14 10.M SM
I ! 078 12.1 2 10T > 0 200 IS 10'iJ 2ir O
5. tXi2 125 1 1020 20J 12 . 680 2J.1
El 820 125 22 1170 201 24 1105 235
Si 7l > 9 1 W 18n5 210 . ' 1 1100 235
I.I KiO 1 30 8 ICO 2 IS 20 Us235
U l i 1 : 1 1053 2 15 2-J 1097 2 40
o-1 10 w i : i5 in 1040 2 20 2 ' ia\t 2 40
t.1 001 140 17 021 220 30 100S 240
23 700 150 21 yr.225 \ 30I. . 1180 250
.3 1000 150 0. HW 225 1 K'V ) 250
1 l\l \ < 0 175 1 1.-00 225 15S 1070 250
1 1140 1 75 18 . 1158 2 25 S 10.V ) 260
19 ON ) 175. 3 ION ) 225 8 10.M1 2V >
2 1210 175 4 841 225 1 1110 200
1 1 100 1 75 12 9 0 2 . ' 5 1 OiU ) 2 GO
10 7.175 19 1101 230 15 104S 281
Ifl 070 171 81 Old 2 10 a. 1215 300
17 . 7J5 1 75 8..1J15 3 10
1 FM 1 21 2 1101 200 3. 1HQ 22 %
1 101.0 1 ) 1 1470 2 00 1 1170 230
1 MM 170 1.1070 2(10 ( 1. 1VJO 233
2 0.15 1 70 1. 1700 2 10 3 12s7 235
1 I5UI 175 1..1J40 211 8 170.1 240
1 1520 175 2 14SO 225 1. 10JO 240
1 l.tO 1 M 12 14 0 225 1. 11.10 860
1 1JOO 1 00 1 14JO 285 1. .1170 250
1 " 010 1 fiO 1 fiJO 2 25 42 000 2 85
u"7N ! 2 10 U-l . WJ 240 88. .1018 300
37'bS > 4 8 05 I 070 2 SO
4 ! 00 2T.O 1. . 100 240 4. . 207 4 CO
2. 14t > 3 50 1. . 110 3 50
7. . 173 230 14 . S75 240 21. .1051 300
1. IfiOfl II 25 8 .1410 3 23 1S50 23
I..12JU 383
2 , 1705 2 00
No. AT. Pr.
4COWS . H45 f.1 .1
lOfecders . 045 2 ai
10 HtOtTH . I1SJ 2M
\V. s. llubbaul
32 steers . 1003 850
A. M , bagor
B2Bteci-s . 1031 250
J. btephens
2 steers . 10U 8 60
.1. lllt'bor-
2 hteers . OA3 2 ro
2 bulls . Uo > 1 23
10 hti'i'i-s . 1)79 ) 2 60
It. II. c'niuior
32 cnniior * . MS 133
' 'I ' mixed . .740 220
HO canners , , . . 735 1 IS
J. N , rioendls
1 steer , tailings . 7U1 2 10
W feelers . 605 5J
Oliiirlos llcck
76 UOHI. . 10Q a
tOOMcers l f 3 W
101 cows 1074 4 W )
4Jstocrs ll t rf'-W
No. AT. Ph. t'r. No. AT. Sli. Vt.
re iru 200 i oj 0 350 $ J
S4 . . iij y to 1 . . , . ,308 341
78 1J7 - II 10 8 aTO 343
0-J . . . .171) ) 210 : i 13 3 40J 341
M . . . . ! IfiO II 10 21 ail 40 H41
71 10.1 80 : i K , 74 , , . .270 241) 341
5.1 181 M H Ji "I a.11 240 341
101 H7 iv ) , i n GO 243 N ) 343
104 1C1 - Jl 15 41 231 8U II41
8 iv , - n n M 201 .141
CO I'll ' 120 3 13 C.J . . 2-0 3rtO 341
ion K8 r.i ) : t 13 77 . . . .271 410 .U" ,
71 151 200 : i 11 CS a07 2SJ 341
w 107 400 ; i 2) f'J 2SJ 10) ,14,1
7fl 209 M : i 20 Oi . . . 270 ! .0 ( ) ,141
M . . . . ' 'M : va aa 78 . . . .2.11 HU ) 341
81 . . . .MCI 120 3 20 CO S-J 18) 341
711 . . . .Ml 200 It 20 07 . . .241 150 341
71 . . . 221 4'fl II 20 07 . .2llt Va 241
iixi 107 w : i : n 75 . 2M 120 3 4 } ,
vi sn 120 a M ' ' '
ai . . . , ! S2 240 'I 23 M . . . . 'Ml 200 , 'l4h !
i 220 M : i 2' . RI . . . ,247 120 350
7:1 : sai - a a 71) . . .251 SO 3W )
! 8 ! l 210 a 21 M . . .aofl 20) ) 350
72 . . . . 2lfi 11,0 , It 2. ' > fiS . , . .221 'JM 350
71) ) 207 240 a 2.- . 41 . . . .2 7 350
M . . . .iii M a 21 ill . . . .2IS 40 353
72 210 100 a 25 M . . .271 bO ' 150
74 208 100 a 23 1,0' . . .2lU 120 350
l . . . .ISO 210 a 23 7J . . .200 120 35J
7J . . . 21)8 ) 2W ) a i' 70 . 200 240 350
71 . . . .231 I2if a ; io 1,2 . .air , 400 : i5o
m . . .iu7 - a : CO . . .371 40 350
71 . . . , i9i 200 a : io Cl . . .2fil 40 1150
' ' ' 57 . . . 27H 240 350
C * . . . 20S 40 Va-J'J ' 75 , . . .2Wi SO 350
: i . . ; ii7 - a : c'i ' C4 2 < W 80 350
00 . . . 2is ? o a : u 03 .Ml 1150 350
ci . . .2J3 2vo a : r > II5 . .2 0 201 350
( / ) . . 2:10 : so a : r > 51 2-iO 35T.
M svs ijo a ; ra ; M ) . . . .2sd 121) ) SKi
71 . . .23.1 - a 41) ) til . . . . : wo so a55
o 'in a 40 05 . . . 281 40 U 55
78 . . 2211 to a 40 55 aiO 80 355
67 2GI 2 < W a 40 U ) 2J bO 355
0 . . . 4'I3 8) a 10 50 . . . , S)7 ) 357i !
fiS . . . 230 100 a 40 51 im 123 3V ( )
77 . . . 2111 1120 II 40 51 : W ) 120 3(10 (
8) ) . . . . 211 2110 a 40 Ki aifl 300
4 4-2 200 a 40 05 . . . . : ui 80 ace
7i 2:11 : 100 a 40 10 M4 40 AM
111 . . . . 200 1U ) a 40 4 ) . . : EH 40 3 co
01 . . . . 231 24) ) a 40 5' ) . . . . 2sS > 3 no
71 . . . . 21,1 K-0 a 4) 51. . . . : :44 : 240 UOO
W . . . .22.1 IM a 40 ns . . . . an 3co
71 . . . 221 110 a 40 54 . . . : io9 300
( a 231 M a 40 ( ,2. . : i"l 3 OS
Gl 2Ti ) 400 a 4.y M . . . . ' 171 3(55 (
71 2.V , 200 a 4.'ii 54. . . . : ? 100 3C5
M U20 a 11 (5U. ( . . . 'ID ' 40 3C5
i-ins AND nouniis.
1 410 - 1 50 61. .112 245
n r > j 80 200 8 ! ) 245
47 12il 1"0 " OJ 42 260
II. . . . 77 - 23) ) 54 1IJ 25'J
: n no - 2 40 . . . . " 275
70 73 40 2 43 03 317 280
Vo. Av. I'.r
Unnthcs , mixed HI 300
11 nnthes , mixed OS 4 OJ
5 names 115 4 OJ
Yearly Stnlenuiiit.
Shotting the ofllclal receipts and shipments
of livestock diirins the year ending Novem
ber : iO , 1WK ) . and the number of head consumed
at iouth Onuhu :
IIAIIIIOAII3. Cattle IlOgs Sheep and
0. M.AHt. 1' . . 41
. 10IVJ ! 47.8 01
illasoiirl 1'aclllc. . 28 , J 51WO 1,8 , * 111
' " ' 170'W ' 37 ? , 1W 101,108 , ' 'IS
i'SIS ' U07U 1'J
I AM . . . . ITU.UiS 1X14,717 23,730 6. . '
0 , II &y . . . . 24 K.9 507.1
f , K. 1 A 1' , 9flJ 257
B.St ! „ M J 69,744 871
F.K AM. V. VW.'Jil 21.MI
Driven In. . . .
Grnnit total (0,1,1719 lC71.tU , r,3I3
HAHHOADS. C.lttlC. Sheep nuil
C M Aht. 1' IHj S4U ( k)0 )
0 ASt Ii 4.171 t..Vjl ( 4IS
MI'sourl I'acllle 1 , > ! 4'I70 141
Union 1'ncllio 11.115 0,011 1U >
. ' . A.N W ( -'Oil ) Sj,70'J 017
II , t M IS Ml SOU 1U !
3,11 , VQ tin , mo 11 281 892
3 , It. I.A 1' C.5.W 1,824
a , st. p , xi. A o . . , 2. Ml
' ' . , 13 , v .xi. v 9'M I > ,4I1 !
TotnlshtpmentJ. , . 71.0M 4,0.11
Consumed In S. U . .
Graml Total ( .07,801 lMjtM > 4 1U.810
Grouorlc ! ) .
A. complete grocery list Is published on
Tuesdays' Thursdai s and 1'rldnys.
SuoAli-Orannlatod , USiO ? cilbot , 0Jo : cut
loaf , 7'Bo ' ; powdered , standard. B'io ; AXX.\
powdered , 7'ios yellow O , 5ci cuuuy 5Jic :
Jlplit Kx. O.SUSOc ; confectioners' A. dUc.
MOLtsm s-Hbls. N. O. fiinoy , per Vie
choice. 45l7c ; Kood. 30.J2o ; Cuba , bai < lns. ' 'S
CWOc ; blackstrap , 202''o ; syrup. 10 Krudc , obis ,
27c ; ! ibbl,8Ua ; 4-gal. Itoss , 8133 ; 8-311 ! kitts ,
MAIT.E SunAii Per Hi 5o cakes , 30-ib boxes , ; lOo cakes , 30-lb boscs , l.'iju ; l-lb hileks ,
Jl Ibs In foot , pure , 14c.
linonxis-V-tlo parlor , $ .1.00 ; 4-tlo , K.r ; 3-tle ,
U.81j ,1-tle , plain , $ l.hOj.irolioiiso , W.lOj toy.
11.81 ; whisk $1.01X01.85.
SOAIItasttle , mottled , peril ) , lOc ; do white
per Ib 14e ; l.iundry soap , per 100 bars. J.I.115J
6 00 : shaving so.ip. 505Ji3o poi do/ ; toilet boup ,
J cukes per box , tier do/ , , ' . ' .
Uini'ii I'er lbl , roflned , $ .lriO ; half bbl , J.'LOO ;
bard cldor , pure , per bbl , 43.00 ; or.ingo older ,
half bbl , W.30 : older , half bbl. | ii.50.
NUTS 1'cr lu , Almonds , ISc ; Ilr.ulls , 2lc ;
Illbeits , i.ioi pecans , lJ14c ; walnuts I5e ; pea
nuts , fancy white , 80 ; lonstrd lOo.
OM\hs ( Junils. per doIIOJ ; pints , pwrcio/ ,
K.M ; bulk , per nil. ttlu. Olho oil , ! i pints. 8
0.07 per case , JI/iOiK-V-'O
SALT Duliy. 2-0 Ibs In bbl , bulkJ2.10 ; host , tJ.ii : ) ; best Riade , 100.1s , $ . ' .41 ; best
Bindr , 2S10tJ.23 ! ; rock salt , crushed , Jl.bO.
Sonv l'k ( ! . ( fllhs to boN-,5'ic ; Ii03s.4'ic. '
SALSODO- s , i ; oporlb ; bbls , l"ao ; granu
lated , lOJ-lb boxes. 8e.
< JAN si i ) VJ-OKTAIIMS Tomatoes a-lb , 81.00
CJ1.IO. Corn Veiy line , 11.2.1 ® 1. 33 ; 2-lb sugar ,
$1.11 ; 2-1D Btandaid postern brands. $1.10.
Muslnooins 1-11) ) French , extia Hue , 8J@t2.1c ;
1-lbl'rench , line , IbiJtJio ; l-lb rrencli , oidl-
n.\ry , Kxttltc. 1' 8-lb enily Juno. Sl.2,1 ; 2-
Ib M.iriow , standard brands Jl. 10 ; 2-lb8oaKcd ,
70c. rrencb pois 1'er case of 100 , IH.OOni
22.00. String be.vns-2-lb high glade , OOc ;
2lbnibeans , 85o ; 2-lb stiliu beans , 80u.
Lima bonus 8-11) so iked , 85o. lloston bukid
beans il-lb , tl.Wil.M. iswoot potatooi 3-lb
Now Jeiscy. < 1. " > ) ; 3-lb okr.i and tomatoes ,
ll.iklj 3-lb * I.Pkj ) nspiragus , a-lb , $ , ' 8.1
® ; ) .75 | rhub.ub , 3-lb , $1.40 ; succotash , $1.80 ©
'VwiNBS. OoiinAOK , ETC. Cotton twine ,
lilbbcry line , 'J-lb bales , 82cj cotton
twine. XX bnind , 'i-lb bales , ISc ; hemp twlno ,
llb buU-s , ibu : salt twine , 80o ; candle wlclc ,
2.'u ; 40-foot cotton clothes lines , J1.40 ; W-foot
cotton olothes lines. $1.05 ; CD-foot sisal line- ,
$1.7.1 ; US- foot Jute , $1.8.1 ; wool tu lues , 8 > } e. Ma
nilla ropu All sizes from 7-1(1 ( to ; slstl
lope , all sizes from 7-lt ! to 1-Inch. , OJic ; "now
processes , " all sizes from 7-10 to 1 lu. , ec ; cotton
rope , H-ln , IGo ,
AMMUNITION Ulflo powder , per ICCR , $3.50 ;
purWkcR. lUi-Slbs. , * IOO ; illle , per } J kojr. O'i
Ibs , , ti.0.1 ; blasting ; , A , per keg , J-'OTi ; blasting ,
11 , per keg , JJ. I1Shot Drop , per bae , Jl.ft.1 ;
buck , JI.'K ) , chilled , * 100. O.ips-31t5o per 51 ,
lUKl.vd l'o\MKH ' ) loyildliiiocann ! , per doz. ,
0 e ; 'i-lb cans , $1.45 ; ( J-lb c.iutC tJ W. l-lb onus.
W.OOi Pilco's dlina cans , Oio ) ; 'i-lb cans. # 1.3.1 ;
Ii-lbc.ins.f2r > 0 ; l-lb cans , J4.75 ; other kinds
l-lb cans , per doz. , $1.1 03 83.
Wiuiu'ivn 1''or Ib , best straw , 15x13
to .f.'xll , 1'jo ; dry goods , 4'4'e ; extra quality
manllla , O'ie ; mantllateu , 12x18 , Oo ; dark ra ; ,
luuiiwiiro. J'/io.
UniK-iK-r. 0. twin flats , per Ib , 10'o { ; P. 0. ,
Yonn ; Ameile.i , llo ! ; domestic fawlss , 15 ! c ;
brick , 14c ; Kdam , In foil , each SUM ,
rtniN actions GOODS Jlat ley , * 4o ; farina ,
kens , J5.1X ) ; split pens , 3o ; Ercou nousSc : out-
iiieal , bbK JoSiifiilS ) ; hilt bbls , } )21&.1. ) ' > 0 ;
mnc.uonl , 12oeiinloolll ; , Uo ; sago and tapl-
fioii.irVni'ic ' ; Llm.i beans , , S' c ; coreallne , $ J2I ;
llakod hominy , 3 < e.
Diiihii 1'nuiTS Tuiklsh prune1" , less than
lidils , IM ) . bo ; apples e > aporated , iuv ring
choice , 14'iu ; nprleoU , fanoy , hi hacks , lUJio ;
blackboriles , now. lUo ; raspbeir2es , 23 Ibs to
box , ; ,4e ; currants , new , 5'c } ; Votl77ii currants ;
extra In bo\es , U tc ; peaches , Oalit , choice ,
17'ic ; U.illfornU tilled grapes , In bags , Co ;
seedle-s bultans , sacks 10Jo ! ; niuso.itels , SSJc ;
now Valencia , 8c ; Undura layer , Oo ; llgs , lay
ers , I5iila ; dntcs. I'cruln. 1Mb box , 7o ; cit
ron , Leghorn , 2'c ; lemon peel , 15o.
CotfLb-dreen Hlo , 2.fii(32lic ( ! ; Ja a , 2l > c ;
Moeb.i. Sflc. Hosted Arosla , 25oi ! ; llunoln.
8j'ie ' ; ( iormau,2V4cllllHorth'u ; , S.vje ; Man ,
' . ' 'iIK'i Mullpouch , - ' " > ! ic : Curdovln,2jliui Mocha ,
: i2c ; O. 0. .Itna , 30. Colfeo 1 iscnco JJ gro
boxes , Jl.'jai..i ; chlckory. 71Jt < JS'J(3.
ViNhOAn Aiiploclddr , lOc ; iloublu cider , 12c ;
xvhltc , wine , I''c ; trlpplo stumuth , lOc ,
Oit.s 1W pi line xvhlte. Oljo ; IV ) water white.
11' , c ; hoadllKht , IJc ; 74 gasoline , llljc. Oil
eans-l RU ) , JJOOOJ-V-'Ji 2 gal , MTMtl 60 ; 5 cul ,
'lotiACtos rine cut. per Ib , S5Q70o ; ping , 2J
SiTfo ; HinoklUg' , 828.G3u ; lancy brands , txio
TE \ & Japan , basket flrod,20iJ5.1o ( : sun dried ,
SWJillc ; Bii'on. 2XiiMio ; Uunponder , 80 < 3.\0o ;
Kn lUn breakfast , .ll 'Sc ; VUUIIB lhson,20 < &
D3c ; Oolong , 8Vill1o ; 2-lb nieknEodubt. I5o.
OAMJV-illxed , JO-lb pulls. b'SUs 'c ; stick.
8'C ! twist stli-k.Oci French mixed , It'ic ; hoar-
liouiul Btlck , 8)c ) ( ; Jar and case eitmllcs , 5-1 b
bims , l.vifjic ; extra line Roods. 5.V2aio.
AXI.B OUB ASK 1'er gross rr.i ler's larco
tins , moo ; nmllum tins , ( -7.00 ; small , $15.50 ;
other makea , wood , M.50 < U8 50.
n 3 doz Ip box , lO7So ; ladles' shoo
45cGl,00 ! ; bto\o jiollsb , nor gross ,
Mould , 4 oz. 3 doz. In box , 00211.7'rj
fioz,3 doz. In box , Jl,50 3J75j dry , baiaM , 23t ;
llllKO. 410 ,
lliit'Siits Phop , per doz. , fl.S3Q.lSO ) daubers.
75ouI.OO ; Bcrnb bruthob , Woiil..OO.
t'HACKfcita fcodu , Co ; oyster , 5Jc ! ; cream.
6'iC ' ; KliiKur Minips , 64o. }
OAN. N tn KiiuiT8 - tfallforula Apricots. 1220
G.JW ; pooled uprlcols. 14.25 ; pcuoboi. . ' ,7Ui5
uuars , KJ.iij UutloUpaar.05j griuius ,
l.flOi ohcrrlpq , white. f3.Wt2.Tri | cherries ,
black , f3.SVit3.fiOi riulnrcs , J..OO : blackbctrles ,
tt.83 ! raupborrles 11.90 : strawberries , J..Wt
eitrrnnts , l./r , ; Eooi olierrlc , K.81 ! pltitiK ,
tl.ftCCSl.OO ; plums. Rtvrti Rage" , JI.S'VBl.W ' , Hx-
trn line nooiN Aprkhts MW : jcllovr Orii'vv-
ford peuolies $100 ; ttllrpil peachta for crenin ,
21.2.1) ) llartlett pi-nrs. 2-J6S ) CKK plmu . U50 ;
itrecn ttaite , 2.1 W. Hasten ) catincil fruit
roaches , seconds. 2r , < > r'Si > .OJ ! apples. il-lb.2l.20i , , ' 4 iltv In case , in. ' * ) ; gooseberries , Haiti *
morn Mtnniliird,2-ll , Jl.1.1 ; strawberries. tl'M\ \
raspberries , $ i.40blu ! > bcrrle , JI.3.1i red rusp.
berries , 8l.f < 0 ; blnchln'rrles , tl U ! cherries ,
fl.IKXitl 0.11 pineapple * , Mlccd , 2l.23ft2.40.
CIIOCOMTI : . r.TC. 1Mb boxes , 24Wl3fli Oer-
man swoct , S2tp2li > ; cocp.i , .TWOc ; Hroino. it2c.
CocoAM'T IVlb tint's , > * , and W-lli pack-
ase , nor II ) , 20.0.270 . ; blilk. tVlb li ills , 23c.
r.XTliArT' * . Jemoii. 2faz. Meal.W > ! 4 117 , $1.00
ffVI53 ! vatlllln , 2 OMto ( ! .gj | 4 21.2.Va$5.50 |
JnmnK'ii Klnsrr , 4 07. II.SV
JlATCitm-l'arlor , 2UU and flM per bov , I1.G5Q
1.70 pot- gloss ; sulphur , { l.flVdl.40.
1'itiKi.F.s-Mpdltim. bbls. ti.oo ; small , I9.31 |
gherkinslli.oo ; lloston mixed , $ l o.
KICK Java , be ; choice , Dot fancy , OUc ) licnii ,
04e ! ,
Hi'iCKs-roiincr Singapore , sifted. IIVijMJei
shot , 2'c ; allspice. lOo : cloves , I'onang , se
lected , 20ct enssl i , Ohina , 4-lb units. Del nut-
ineg . No. 1,75ci niauassor , U3c ; I'lcUlng spice ,
10-11) boxes. 2T > e.
STAiicii-l'cr II ) , GUfiV'c.
* IIllti > StED Mheil bird , l-lb pkg ,5ccatiury. ;
4'Sn ! hump , 4'5cs .misc. l" > c.
WonmNWAiiK I'urdoz. Tiihs , No. I , JS.t3 : !
No. 2 , * 7.ll ! .No. ,1 , Jl.'Llj Krolers , onk ( train , fi-ln ,
bcit , il.'iOs white cedar , 4-ln. best , Jl.2,1 : palls ,
a-hoop. odk Kr.tlned , Jl.7.1 ; 2-hoopl.50 ; syrup ,
fl.Hli dowell , JI.71 ; paper , metal hoopi , $ . ' .50 , , a brass huojis , No. 1 nil red , J3 5) ) ! cedar ,
a bias * hoops , No , 2 led , } 30J ; cedur , .1 brass
hoops No. 1 striped , 1,100 , ; cidar,3tiiis4hoops )
No.2sttlped. $1 V ) ; borso , extra heavy , No. 1 ,
tJ.71 ; well biicKets. } J.23. iluttenviiro Tubs ,
u.sli , D-lii , | ior nest , TOJI nsh,2-in , 2 lurBO sl/es ,
per nest , do ; butter ladles , haul wood , 70c !
butter paddles or spades. "Uc1. Washlio.inls
Bltin'lo. * l.loa203 ; double , J.5D < 3J23. Clothes
pins 5 Ktoii lioxes , we.
UANDMU 401bstobox,0'ic ; milling ,
wax , lie.
riir.sit HKI-P CifTS. Hells , 7e ; beef ton-
clcrlolns. He ; Mi loin butts , d'jo ; boneless -
loss strips , o'Se ' ; strip loin" , f > Sc ; rounds ,
rump oir , Re ; i on mis , run p on , 3ci
round * * , shank ofT. 5'Je ; boneless rumps , 4oi
olineks , , lo : platii , 2'5e ; back huUes. 4cj
shoulder clods. 41i' | beef loins No. 1. steer ,
lOTI4u ; beef loins No. 2 , lOMlle ; lieof loins No.
a,7c ; beef rlbs5'iffJSe ; licet tlbs No. 1.10 ille !
s eet breads , iicrdor , H5o ; KIdne > s , eneh , lie ;
ox tails , each , .le ; llvers.paih.I1e ; beef hearts
oaeh , 4u ; beuf tongues , eaeli , 40c.
ruiisii 1'oitK Pork loinsCc ; tondcrlolns , lie ;
spaie rlbs5e ! ; shoulders5o ; hocks , ; ! e ; trhn-
inlnKS 5c ; buck bones , 2ct dressctl lioiji. B ci
cleaned plis' fept ( jiei dorcn , ) : Wc ; rough tin-
cleaned pljts' ( ( per du/cn. ) 20e.
MUTTOV Uholco iiiesscd mutton , 8'5e ! rack ;
of mutton , 14c ; saddles of mutton , Do ; breubls
of mutton. ; tc ; le ? of mutton. lOo.
I'ltusit MiiArs rr-sh Hams , 2J Ibs avoiuije ,
710 ; 1(5 ( His a\ei.iKo , So ; 12 His n\oriiKP , BUc ;
fresh shoilldcis. 43o ! pork loins7e ; jiork ten-
( Jetloins ; leaf lard , not icndureU , G e ,
slum ilbs , r > < ' .
Pome AMI lln.11 In barrels Mess pork , now ,
$11.00 ; clear pork bucks heavy. JI--OO ; medium ,
fll r > 0 ; short cut clear pork , JIO.'iO ; family poi k ,
lean. $10 23 ; pU liork , $1,150 ; new uMr.i IIILSS
beef , W,21 ; o\tia pinto beef , JS21 ; plate beef ,
87.00 ; lolled lioncless beef , Ji > .r)0 ; boneless
rumps , S .Ml ; shoulder clods , JS 50.
IHV-SAIT MEAT 1'at b icks , fiVc : lean
hacks , 5'c : cxtia short elenis , 5'e ; belllis.
1(1 ( to 20 Ib a\B , fl e ; short ribs , 5'io ; short
cleats , fie : lone ele.irs , 5Te ; shoulilers , r > c.
Oli.s llro.Puro ne.itsfoot oil. per Ral , In
bbls , We ; A 1 tallow. BUc ; stcarlne , O'ic.
SMOKHI MK .TH llest siicnr cured Hums ,
extra light U to 10 lba\oraKc. lOUe ; 11'lit. 12 to
141b ai.or.icc.'J'.fu : inedlum , lIlollilLatariiKc.
O'Je ; licivy , 20 to 22 Ibavernge , D'jc ; oMra
heavy , 211 to231b u\01 agedo : sklnntd Mle-
liiK , Id to 20 Ib avuriui * . O' e ; ( Jallfoinla hams ,
( if ! N. Y. shoulders. IM ; Io-lon ! shoulders , 0 to
S Ha\eiaKe , le ; boneless ham , R'e ' ; breakfast
bacon , ( clear ) 5 to 7 Ib stilpi , 7'ic ; bteakfast
bacon ( ill ) ) ? > ic ; dried beef hams ( sets ) 7'Ju ;
icgulnr , Oo ; clods. s { c ; fancy lean backs , 7e.
bpeelul lluiiis , 12 to 1J Ib average , lie ; break
fast lincon , I0i c.
IlhKflONOi'ES Suuct 1'icklcdSupar fined
llbls , 20i ) Ibs , 7'0 ; hulf hbls , 100 Ibs JO.OO ;
beef toiiRiios , Hinokedperil ) , lOUe ,
I'ouK'IOMiui'i S iot 1'lukled , HucarCiiied
Half hbls , 100Ibs , } 7.:0 ; ijuaitei bbls , 50 Ibs ,
$1 00.
00.LAMiiTONOUFS Uncooked , Mild Cure Half
bills , 100 Ibs. J7.00 ; quarter hbls , SO Ibs , JI.OO.
Sl'tcm I'ifis' ToMiUhs Cooked Half bbls ,
80Ills , 11150 ; ( ] iiartcrbbls,40 Ibs , WO ; kits , 13
Ibs , f J V ) .
hi'icrn LAMPS' Totou Half bbls ,
60 Ibs , U1I.50 ; quarter barrels , 40 Ibs. 40 00 ; kits ,
15 Ibs , $ , ' 50.
Country Produce.
Hurrra Receipts continue quite largo and
prices are weak. Good coutitiy rolls , ll@lic ! ;
choice , IWJilRe ; Infoilor , 7@Uo ; ifood country
bolld packed , 15toe ; ehuleo "dairy , 18-0o ;
peed ereaniory. 2ia2'lu ; fanov , 23c.
I'ouiymv The market Is about steady.
Dressed ehlukens sold generally at 7Wc , and
turkov eeso and ducks at lOc. Live poultry
Is slow and out of teason.
I'oos A KI K | iiiiuiy cold storage cgci are
belli ) ; thrown upon the market , which helps to
keep prices down. Strictly fa'bh gathered
country stools commands better prices. It Is
s.ifo to quote the inatkot at21@i.c.
UAMF.I'rahlo olilckmis , tier do/en , $3.25f&
350 ; mallard duuks , nominally. U7.Vi6l.00 ; teal
ducks. Jl.00 < 3i23 ; nilxod duoUs , $1.5J ; quail ,
iino0il.ll ; Jack rabbits , $ ; .ri'loi : small r.ib-
blls , 7. > eQ { 1.00 ; deer and antelope carcasses ,
g'io ' ; saddles , 12HiUo. (
I'JCICONS There Is no demand.
POTATOBS There are not many homo grown
on the murUct , but such as there aio sell at
uboutOOe. ThodiMiibiid Issupplltd ptlnolpally
by Colorado stocic at 31.1001.1 > .
O.vioNS-Cboleo stojk , Jl.aj l.53 ; Spanish
$1.75 per crate.
SwuKTl'OTAToKS Good stock , Jt.OOSI.23 per
HEANS Doslrablo stock , $2.4032.75.
OKM.HV isaico per do ? .
0\niiAo.i ; I'er Ib. , l'i'e.
TuitMrs Ilutabugas , choice , 03S75o per
l.r.i TUCK I'cr dor , , 35IOc.
I'er doz. JJ.50.
Fresh Fruits.
OiiA.vnis : I'lot Ida stock , 21,50 ; MoAlcar
crates. f4.r 0.
Ai't'i.fS I'er bbl , I3.25QI.13 , according to the
kind and variety.
CUANIIMIIIIIS Kiuioy C.ino Cod , $12.00.
OAi.ifOitMA riiuiT ( Jnlneloi , $2,00 ; small
wlntoi Nells , JiflO per half box ,
HANAVAB Yellow , 12.2.VFM 00 per bunch.
hhMONs Choice stock. K.W SS V ) .
UitAi'hS Malaga , J7.001 * OU pot bbl.
I'liFSH peril ) . Ial.o Troiit.incdlum.small
Do ; trout , largo , 80 ; white , 10a ; perch , 7o ; pike.
Ho ; plckeiul , tie ; black b.iis. 15o ; croppte , lee
Hua , fish steak cod. l.'c ; lloun-Iers , Ho ; ret
snapper , 14o : blue llsh , 17e ; cols , ISo ; lobsters
180 ; scollops , per uiil. , $1.40 ; mackeiel , laigo ,
30o each. Itlver ifsh-Cat , llu ; bullalo , 7iJc.
OIIIIKII Ili.iuiiNH-Crown brand , dark hoop
CSo : full white hnop , 73 : ; full while hoop
Mllchner's. IXIo ; domestic , Hollnnd. 40e ; Hus-
slan sardines , spiced , ( i3o ; Ku slaii sardines
nlaln,50o ; HHcillsli folwillS."ic ; 1 lainliur Hjilcfi
herring , IXo ) ; Norway spiced herrlnsr. SI 00
Codllsn Uxtra Gtornos , white , per Ib , O c-
extra Urand bank , lame , 4e ! Doneless cod-
llsh Turkey cod , middles , Oo ; snow white , 5-Ib
boxes. 1. In crate , 7Vo : snow white. 2-lbbr cks
7'o ; silver brand , 2-lb bricks,5V4c. Smokc (
llsh Extra thick halibut , strips. ll"c-
bloaters , ( Jromarty , 50 In box , ? l..r >
scaled herring , strictly iiiedlnin , 25c
scaled horrlntr. No. 1 medium , 20c
stock llsh. 7'/Jo. Mackerel Or bbls of 40 Ibs
I'.xtra bloutoM , $7.23extr.v ; No 1 shore , large
$1.1)1 ) ; medium shori" INO. 1 , 24.3.1 ; No. 1 bay
$3.15 ; medium No. 2 , $4.10. White llsli , luicho-
vies , etc. Or. bblsof 401bs. nxtrii No. 1 white
llsh. large , $1.03 ; No.l while llsh , medium. W01
No. 2whlto llsh , lar o , $1.03 ; o\tra family
straight white llsh , flJNol ( ) ; Mnoklniw trout
$2.25OallfornlaNaliion ; | , lilood red. $ .1.25Splcec ;
auehovlos , $ J23 ; brU lIugS $ .100 ,
Flour , Dran , Klc.
, 'hl hpilont No. 1
I ) , full pitint. * J50
U'tO ; 11 , 'K. Davis1 si
0 , fJ.8.1 ; Minnesota i
, . , , . , , , , , . . , J wheat- patent * $ * .5w , .luutuauu
spring wheat patent00. ) .
S. I\ailman'H uoldincdal , $1.80 ; Snow White ,
I ) LACK WAI NUTS 1'or bushel , f 1.00.
HtCKOiiv NiiTS-Uarjo , per bushel , f25 ! ;
small , 11.75 2.00. i
I'oiJOHN ( Uholco last season's stock , JMWJJo
per Ib ,
OOCOANUTS I'cr hundred , sacked J1.00.
OiiesTMirs l.iir o Italian. | t-o peril ) ,
KHAN Hacked , per ton , $11) ) Wj ; chopped feed ,
llAV-On trnok at Omaha-Upland. No. I.
HOD per ton ; coaibo blue stem , (7.00 ; oats
btravv , $0.00 per ton.
HIIIMANII I'KLTH Green salted hides. No II ,
4U 5 o : No. 8 , 2'4' < 33c ; ( hy Hint hides. TSJfisu ;
calf hides , 80 : damaged hides. I' o less ;
sheep pelts , xrccn , each , 3Jc < $ I,23 ; sheep
pelts , drv. per Ib , loiiSIIe ,
hK tTiiKU-IIomlook slaushter sole. JSMMOo
per Ib. ; hemlock dry hide solo , 2i/a24o ; oak
solo , 80(3310 ( ; French kip skiiiH , Wc < ( Jll.lO :
Trench oulf skin , J1.2.Vti2.00 ; American oalc
calf , SSedtJI.IS ; American homlnolc calf. 75c < &
fl.lOi American oak kip , 75s.1o ) American
hcmlook kip , bOUTJc : bhecp skins , W
goat skins , per foot , 8-c0.tOo. )
hiMP.CUMEST. Era On board oars , at Omaha ,
I'er bbl , Ash Uravu lime , IMo ; Ohnmplon
lime. 85a ; Qiilncy wblto , too ; Louisville co-
montI.W ) ! Mllwaukeo coiiant , $1.11 ; Utlca
cement , $1.40 ; KnvlMi Portland comont. M41 ;
Now York plaster , f2-8' ! lllchlgan nlustor ,
$ J.OO ; Fort Iodgo pbihtnr , tl,75 ; vvhlto sand ,
$ , ' .00 ; I1. 1' , hair , per bale , 11.00.
TALLOIV-A No , 1 , u Uio ; No. 2 , So : firoase ,
while , il'JiHle ' ; jellow , JH'ffJlci utontlnn. fl'C. ' (
llnNis-Qnotiitlonsaru for delivery In'hi ( -
cngo Dry bulTulo. m-r ton , $100 ( IIS.O ) ) dry
countrv , btpnchpd. mOO < aKWO : country , damp
und meaty , .ooft m.oo.
OOAIOn bonrd earn at Oinaha Antlirnclto
- Chest nut , range nnd OJIB , f < * s.ipcrtoiu Kratc ,
ff.oo. Soft coal-Ohm , $ ' > . ! M ; Southern Illinois ,
f4,73) ) walnut block , f-J-50 ! Iowa lump , $ .1.50) )
Iowa n lit , $ .1.00.
Dry Goodn.
OISOIUMI Amoskenc , 7cl AtiimkcaR(1ro ,
R'C ! Hates r\vi Warwick ; l.aiieasti-r ,
OVe ; aicnalre. d'ie ' ; Mhllti ndon dress , Ho.
lll.KAVlltli CoiTONS-lluikcloy t'ambrlc-No.
CO , PUe : Best Yet , < ict lliltteicloth X.\ , 4'c ;
'abot.TVc ; Flistl'nll.O'to ; fruit of the Loom ,
i1 ! Hill Semper Idem , 8e : llousupoiM > i-r , S'tci '
ing 1'lillllp cnmbrk' , lOo ; l.anudon O II , li'ic ;
< onsdiilo.Pc : l.ousdalo cambric. lO' ' c ) Now
i"orU milts , Hc | Oak l.iivvn. 7e.
Wl(1AN Net-Thistle , tl'td KedPross , 7J.c.
t'liAsn Slovens' It , Id-Inch , fls4C ! fctovtns' 1) ) ,
8-Inch , C e ; Moveiis' A , 10-Inch , 7'4C ' ! Stevens'
l' . l"-lncli , w ; Sflinous' M. -lnebtM l ; htcvcns'
\ , 20-Inch. Oo ; Muvcns' NN , 22-Inch , 10c ; fcto-
ciis' Sl'lt , 20-Inch , l.'o ; blotched , Ic oxlr.i. D C Miuiios-fioun , 4'4o ; Red Htnr ,
'Si ; ! Hollcd Clover , 5c ) Slitter , f. c ; lilEliuul-
ir * , Ic extra.
1'itiNM ' Fancv Tddystono , C'c ' { ; Stool
Slvcr , Co Itiuniino. 4'je ' ; St. Ledger , fiijo
'lilrtlnBMarthaVnsbIngton.41 5c ; .Merrlmnc ,
' c. Turkey Ked roiintaln.O'io ; Uainer , 7c ;
C'li-nflpld , 8 > , c ; lliMlln. o'ie.
SiiKiTlNls AM ) I'H.I.OW OAstNds llrown
S'et 1'eiipcrcll , 41-ln , lU'to ; 1'eppeiell. 8-4. Iho ;
' 'eiiperell , 0-4 , We ; 1'eppcrell. lo-4,2. " i' ! Utloa ,
8-ln , 1.1 ; Utlcn , 5S-ln , I7'tc ! t'llca , 88-lu , 84c ;
i'tlji , M-lii. 2Ce ; Utlen. w-ln. 8Mc. Illrnchcd
Net IVppvri'll , 40-ln , 10'U'I ' lVppercll,4H-In ,
ll'lc ' ; IVppcrcll. 0-4 , Met 1'opputell , 8-4 , 80c ;
ripncrell. lt-4We ; I'epiierell. lU-4,25c ; Ltlea ,
l.24e ; Utlon.U-4 , 2w ; Utlen. 10-4 Wo.
lllue Nit Martha Wash-
iiElonliic : American , Ol4c ; Ainold , o' ' ol Ar
uild H , lone cloth. IOC ) Stlllo A , H , p ; Meirl-
inc , 7-8. lOc ; ( lold Leaf , 8'ic ' ; Hamilton , 5' ' , c ;
Allen 1'lnks , O'ie ' ; Allen Chambray , Ce ; Olott-
chester , fitio ; llartel,5'4o.
HUAVI Itiiow.v UOTTDNHAtlantic. . 7'5c ' ; At-
, ; uitkII , 7c ; Atlantic I ) , O'a'c ; Atlantle 1' , fin )
AuroiaO. 4 o : buck's liond. 7' c ; Unbot W.
'i'ie ' ; Darlliuton , ip4c ; rnrmciV , No. I , 43 ®
I'Jc ' : I lees ei 1,1 , . r.'ic : Indian hold , 7'jC ! Law
rinco I , I64o | Henrietta 1,1 ; . 5'aC.
1'iNi : lluo\vt > UuiiiiNH Atlantic LT > , Co ; Au
rora II , li'ic ; Aurora li , O'.c. Atlas ( > N II 7Ve ;
u'heesotlotb , Je ; Clinton IT , 5'ic ; 1'eppeiell 11 ,
li'jc ; Langdond H , 7c.
DI.NIVIS Nct-Amoskoag , 0 oz , Ifi'Jci York
; 'unilotlJc ; Kvorelt , Ktiindnrd , U'ie ' ; liny-
inakois' , 7'e ; Old YiiiK , XX , lU c ) Liiwii-nuo ,
"JO , 12'ic ; Lavvrenuo , Do15jc ! ; fancy stripes ,
and checks , ll'ie.
t'orro\AiKS-\ , nniikln , 10'e ' ; Kvetott ,
oz , Ibc ; Lovvlston , loo/ , 2.'licorKlnniiinn ; ,
STCKI , Winn NAILS llasc , JJ.jO ( ; stools nulls ,
Jise. JJ.11.
HooriNd-Chareo-il , I. C , , 14x70,118 , HOO ; I.
X. , 7 50.
HIII.T lltos-No 2J , } 3 53 ; No. 27 , ! J.(10. (
Soi.nni Strictly halt anil half , 17c.
TIN l'MTK-1. U . 10x84 , $ ' .50 ; 1. X. , 10x14 ,
SJ.25 ; cile , 4x1.10,11 JJ.75.
Mnir/.iNr : te.
Coi'iTK Fhinlshecl boiler s/e ! , lie per Ib ;
cold rolled. : tOo pi-r Ib ; sliLctlnK'ac per Ib ; pit
nnd Hats , : iOo per Ib.
\Vlin-.Iiip. ; barb. $125 ; Hal. . UA" > .
lliocitTi ; . fcmtill pig : , 3Uc per Ib ; bir , 3)c )
per Ib.
0\MMM/.riSlir.ETli ox Discount 50-10 per
cent ; pat. plan , lion , Nos. " 4 and 27 A , 10'iC , II ,
O'ulnlno pet 07 , 1 * . A , AV' . , 44c ; Grrman , 2fc ;
nilIKO , per Ib , 75c ; Insect powder , 21o ; opium ,
' 110 ; moiphlne , per or , $ . ' . TO- hops , per Ib , | Wc ;
glycerine , ISc ; do.Mrlne , I0e ; euttlobono , 35o ;
cicam t irtar. pure , 3-'o ; commercial , 18e ; cam-
ihor. 50c ; tun , cm b , He ; blue vitriol , 7'ic ' ; oat-
jollo acid , J.1WJtie : ilti K' , 4VM8c ! ; tin turlc. 30 ®
, ! 9e ; suhihiiilc , per Ib , 2e : spoim oil , tl.lO ; till-
lirutliip , 47v ; Tonkii bcann. J1.SV32.W ) ; baKam
: iilil , 4l5J4' > o ; calomel , if 1.02iil.03 ( ; cantharldes ,
fl. WiI.3 ! ; cassia buds , 'O'ii ' c : chloroform. 57
ftiooc ; eiuot , 17Tt2c ( ; gum aiablc , 53j < Ji } | ui ; ly-
ciipodlnm , 404e ! mercury , U2o ; sulphur , 21tc ;
alum , 2\c ; coppcias , IMo ; epsom salt , l'4c ;
glaubei suit , I'eo ; iint Ipv line , fl.40 per o/ ;
aulstol , $1 SO net07 ; antlkania , JI.W ) per oz ;
crjst. strychnia , J1.001.13per o s licorice loot ,
per 1 b , iGc.
I'll I n IH and Oils.
i Blntnoiid crescent engliip oil ,
per gallon , 40c ; potfoctlon oiulno oil , . " > 0c ;
stoilliDToucliio ( ill , l"ic : herculeseniliieoll. 'KJc ,
VAHMSIII-S riiiiiltuio.No. lKc ) ; fuinltiuc.
pxtra , 21.00 ; coieh , No. 1,21,10 ; coach , extra ,
! f20 ; hiid oil llnlsli. Unlit , * l.2t ) .
OLhS75 and 10 per cent from list of Muich ,
l.r.AnVIIITB IN Oii Cartcr , In 500-lb lots ,
$7.50 ; In 1,000-lb lots , per cut. 17.20 ; Southern
Co. , bt. Louis , In SOJllilolH.$7rflln ; lH-lb ( )
Paris white , per Ib. life.
Kt.t ) Diiv American Venetian red , me :
Chattanooga,2c : 1'ngllsh Venetian , bniel : u >
Ibs , 2 > c ; Indian No. 1 , 12c ; 'luscau , L'ngllsh ,
20e.YKLIOWR Chrome yellnvv , 0 to lOc ; other ,
Kocholle. 2Uc ; ouher.ushcd Dutch , 4e ; ouhei ,
n ashed ricncn , S'je.
I'UTTV I'ure , In harrcln.kcKS and tubs , 2'io ' :
In bladders , ! i'io ; InW-lbtlns , " . < ic.
VEOfcTAiiLBOim Linseed. < lopiestlo raxv , In
barrels. PCI gallon , C2e : linseed , domestic
boiled. In barrels , per nallon , li3c.
ANIMAL AMI FISH On.s AVhale. bloachrd
winter , per gallon , 53c ; whale , extra hlcnchul
wlntoi , b'Jo ' ; bpoi in , blenched Inter. $100 ,
Quotations arc for car lots on boaid cars at
Omaha :
1J ft 14 ft 16 ft 18 ft 10 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4..f 1100 1100 1100 1.150 1600 1700 1300
2x0 11 00 11 00 11 03 1.130 Hi ( V ) 18 00 18 00
2x8. 11 00II 00 15 00 15 fO 111 UO 17 .10 18 00
2x10.1500 1100 1100 1,150 1(100 ( 17V ) 1800
2x12.1000 1000 1600 1050 1700 1850 19 CO
4x4 to
8\8 10 00 1C , 00 10 03 17 00 18 00 19 00 10 00
HoMiliS No. 1 com , ? I8.50 ; No 3 com , $1503 ;
No. U coin , SU50 ; No. 1 com. tll.10.
ri ! > ri ! o No. 1 , C-ln , IJaiulH ft , if , TIOOO ;
No. 1 , O-lii , 10 ft , $19 fOj 4-In , f l < ) .0u ;
No. 2 , 0-ln , 12 and IJ ft , if , $1400 : 4-ln. J14.00 ;
No. 2 , 8-ln , 10 ft. $1000 ; 4-ln. $10.03 ; No 3 , ( , -ln ,
U and 14 ft , $1 LOO ; 4-ln , $ H.OO ; No. 3 , U-ln , 1C ft ,
$13.00 ; 4-ln. $11.00.
biiusn A , 18. 14 and in ft. JSJ.COj O , $17.50 ; 11 ,
12,14 and 1C ft , $2050 ; I ) , * I4 50.
riOOltNO ( A , li-ln , wbltoplni'.KlS.OO ; P.$2 < 10 > ;
It , 0-ln , while ) ) Ine , if.lGOO : I ) , J20.5J ! II , 0-ln ,
white tiliiofsel. fcnclus ) , $17.00 ; drop biding 30u
per M extra ,
STOCK HoAlins A , 12 In , sis , J49.00 ; It , 12-ln ,
sis , J1300 ; C , JIO.CO ; 1) ) , J..IUO ; No. 1 common , 1J
III , his , 10 , li and 18 ft , $ . ' ! 00 ; No 2 , $1810 ; No I
common , 12 In , sis , 14 ft. J2I.OO ; No. 2. i 17.50 ; No.
1 , common , 1J hi. sis , 10 ft. J1IMO ; No. 2 , J17.W ;
No 1 , common , 12 In , sis , 20 ft , $21.00 ; No.8 ,
huiriAi * No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 In. $ | | ) .00 ; No.
2 , $10 00 ; No. 1 , O. 0 , 8 In , W 00 ; No. 2 , $10.50 ; 10
In. Kroov ed rooting , 12. 14 and Ki ft. $1 ! ) V ) .
TlMSIllNO-lst and 2d tl , 1 In , s2s , $49 dO ; li { ,
t'4 IIIKI2 , $4000 ; 3deleailln , 8'Js , $4500 ; 1M , 1'i
and 2 , J17.00 ; A , beb-et , 11n , s2s , 11.00 ; l > i , lij
and 2 In , * 4100 ; Ii , select. 1 lu , s.'s , $ J1 00 ; 1 4 , i ) {
and 2 tn , 49.00 ; O , select , 1 In , s2s , SJ7.00 ; l i , H ,
and 2 In , f.ti.OO.
A. Ilor O select all 10 ft , $ l,00o\trn.
bOUTIIBHN YlJLIOW 1'I.NB 1st Ullll 2d el.
flooring ii-10. : 2,10(1 ( star. 1,1-1(1. ( $1000 ; com. Iloor-
In ? . 1.1-10 , I.WO. riftcl. 11-10 , Pill00) ) 1st nnd 2d
clear , \ coilhiK , $14.50 ; 1st and 8 < 1 e'.onr , ?
culling , ilO.50 : 1st ( .nil 2d clear , colllns SJ.1 Ol ) ;
1st nnd 2d clear , llnlsh , s''st , from 1 In , { 27.00 ;
1st niul 2d clear , llnlsli , s2s , from 1'i In , JJOOfl ;
1st anil 8d clear , finish , sjs , fiom 1' iinil'J In ,
U.03 ; 1st and 2d clear , y p cusln a , & 10.00 ;
'SASH , looiif > , ITC. Tarboar.l , $1.50 ; snsh , 55
per ct ; doors , 50 per et ; blinds , M per ct ;
moniaings , .Uiiorct ; tailed folt.porcivt , * J,10 ;
bt raw boa id , $1.80.
1'ot'iAit LtiMiiKii 8 In nnd tip , 1st nnd 2d el ,
1 In , ss. ; 8 In uud up , 1st and 2d el , ' /t In
panel , WJ.OO
HAITKNS.IILL Tuiusn , FTO.-O. : 0.n.y In ,
B5c. ' 4\3 , sis. : o ; 3 In well tublnc , 11. A. Jl. and
bov.J-t 00 ; Pickets , 1) . A. II. , Hat , J20.50 ; D. &
H. , sn , $2050.
bniNQLLB , IMTII Ijxtra "A , " pine , JS'-O ' ;
stand ird "A , " * J.41 ; extra "A , " cedar. $ V > 5 ; 0
hi cl plno ( I 'U ; clear redwood , $1.25 ; lath t-'bO.
1'osm Whlto cedar , 0 In , Vis , lluUln ; , t\u \ ,
lie ; vvhlto cedar 5'5 ' in , ' s , 0 < : ; 8 in , qrs. 80 ;
whltii collar , 4 In , loiinil , 13u ; split oiUSc ; ; Ten-
uebbco rod cedai , spl't ' , lie.
Totnl Uauci of CITIES ,
Correspondence ollcllcil.
163-163 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
15 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 StotO St. , BOSTON.
Boyer & Truitt , Martin Bros. ,
( I-M KiclmnKO llullilln ; ,
tS-50 Kiclianco llulldlnv ,
Kxi'luiiiie llulldln ; ,
Eonta Omnha. BoutU Omalm ,
S. J.Ooffrain , Smiley Hunter & Qreen ,
AT tt
' 80 iichani0llulldlnz : ,
0 Kiclinnjo llulldtnir ,
South Omitho. South Oiaana ,
Wood Brothers ,
Kiclmnso IlulldlnK ,
EoutU Omoli
i and JobbcB1
The Briinswiok-Balko John L , Wilklo ,
Oollentlor Do ,
HlllUrd inprrlmmlt'O , Umnhiimportiov fnctorr ,
Saloon fltturos 13IM319 DoiiRln.
107.1011 H Itlth Mroot ,
Umnlin. Orders promptly Dlldt ,
Omaha Eopublicau Priutiug Oo. ,
Law trlofj , bank iuppllo < , nnl cver/tlilnu la the
lirlntlim lino.
lOtli nml Doual is
Ackorniftim Bros. & Hointze ,
I'rlntCM blmlers , dotrotrper , blank kuoU
fni tutors ,
Iliailownrl flrcot , Omihi.
Qco , Oborna & Oo , , J , 8 , Smith & Oi ) , ,
tllS. Uth direct ,
HOS-MI3 I-cntcnwoflhiit
Orofibi. OnuliA.
Paxton & Vicrllng Omnha Sitfo & Iron
Iron Work ? , Works
\Vroiislit iiml cft < l Iron ,
tiulllliiK vrork , pnslno" . Mrtmif'r flroimil biirjlnr
lirn work , Knnvrnl prouf ! ifo , TnnlK , jiill
foundry , ninelilni ) mil work Iron Mmttpri anil
MnciMiillliwork. U. I' tire t"eapc . ( I , An-
Itr nml nth st. drei nl I tli\Jack90nsu
Acuio Iron ruitl Wire Wilson & Drnko ,
, M'fK tubular HUM ftra
ron , wlro nnd bra w'k * . box boilers , truiki , oto.
{ .US. Uthxtroct
V. llochl , l'roi > rlotor. t'terronnl I'tli
Eccs Printing Oo.
< Uhiritthliur ( , 1'Mntliu
niul lllnnk Hookl.
HtlinndltcmnrdSt * .
Ilor & Oo , , William Darst ,
Ilqunr Mrrrlinnti. Wind" , Liquors ami Cl-
llli 1 limey tm > t. .
Mnnnfnc tur r * Kennedy's pir *
InsMii.ll.i . Hitters. 1313 Knnniii St. Oinnht
R. B , Grotto , Frank Dellouo & Oo , ,
mill .lubber of
nmt ( lunulno No
Vine * iiml l.liiuun Vlli
niul I.eiiu'imorlli bt * viuln C'lKnrs
'rice lints un application > Duimhs Strict.
L , Kirsoht& Oo. , A , Frick & Oo , ,
Vliolo'nlo fJquoiIHmlors
7 nmUOlB . 10th St. MlW38 10th St.
J. W. Douglas ? & Oo. John A. WnkeGold ,
Imported American Port *
Hardwood Lumber , InndCtMtiiMilMilwaukee
IlxUniullo I'oiiiriit and
1,110 North liUli Slroot. Qulncylilli ) 1.1 mo ,
Charles R. Los , Wyatt-Billiard Lumbar
Innlnnnil lumber , wool
larpotManit p.trqiiot bar Oo ,
I > tli niul DoiiKlni. SOtliandliard Streets ,
Fred V. Gray , Louis BmilforJ ,
r.lmc , Couiont , llto , Kto Lumber , limp cemontct < J
Cor Otli ntul Vil DotiBla * Bluet.
0 , A , Stonohill , I. Oborfeldor & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notions Importernnd .loMcrs la
Climk , nto .Mlllllierr'l ; youth IHh
1H-II3SKthSt , O.niilia . Uriel
Max Meyer &Bro. Oo , A. Hospo , Jr. ,
M f Kjo cli r , ilonlon In I'lnnoj , Oriiann , Artlati1
musical Instruments ,
( to , MntcrlaN , lite ,
Knrnain nnd ICIh. 1M1 DoiiKlM Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo ,
Hcflnml nnd lubrlc.itlnt
oih. nxlo Krone , < le
A II lIMiop , Manager
HlltUlU and Certain to a duj ut inonty
fuiWeij. M mall.M _ atoui f MJiom