THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 2 , ISiX ) . 8PEG1RL NOTICES. * 'Ti'pVEnTISEJIENTS for tUc o colum "wlll xVbo taken until 12:30 : p. in. , ( or the evening edition nml until 8:3 : < i p. m. , for > the morning Oltlon nnd SUNIIAY HKH. rpKUMB-Cashln adranco. i BATES-AdTcrtlHomcntion this page trill bo charged for at I he rate of IVi cent per word lor tlio llmt Insertion nml 1 cent per word for V ch dubsoquent Insertion. undtLMpor line Cjr month. No advertisement taken for j * i thnn 21 cents for the first Iniortlon. INITIALS , figures , symbols , etc. , count each Biono word. fTlllESE advertlspniontJi mint runconsccra- JLlively nnd under no circumstances will they bo taken or dlKOtitlnuud by telephone , TJARTIKH advertising In thr-so columnj and JL having their answers ncldressnd to a nutn- berid ltt r" In enr of TUB HUB will rccplvo numbered check tnnnnulo thorn to get their n sttors. Answers will bn delivered only on presontntlon of tliMcheck. Enclose answers In envelopes properly nddtosscd. ALT * nilvcrH'omnnts under the head of "Special Notlees" are published In both the morning nnd evening editions of Tin : HEF. . the circulation of which ngirrognti-H mqru than 20.000 papers dally , nnd gives the advertiser the benefit not only of tlio large circulation of Tin RKBln Omnha.but also In Council IllufTs , I.tncolri anil other cities nnd towns Intlin went BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thoBo columns will ho taken on the nhovo conditions , at thnfollowirq html- nen houses who nro authorized to take notices , at the Bamu rales as can had ut the main often. 10UTI1 OMAHA HUANOIl On'IOE-No. ' s 2G23 N Street , Mstor Illock. rOUN . BELL , l'hurinaolst,820 South Tenth ' street. IIABE ft EDDY , fitatloneri and Printers , o 11.1 South ICtli street. . FARNSWORTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cunv s Ingstroot. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , KM North 16th street. riEO.y. . PARH , Pharmacist , 1718 Loaren- worth street. [ TUQUES' FIIAUMAOY , 24th and Farnam. SITUATIONS WANT13D. _ For rntn , etc. , tee.lopof frit column on Uito WANTED-Posltlon In iirug store by a man of two year's experience , best of refer ence , na'ary no object. Address X13 , Hoe. Jl 1)70-1 * " \\rANTED-Posltlon by an experienced T Gorman engineer totakcchurueof nn en- plnn nnd the supervision of tlio boilers. Address John Hliiiiinn , Enioponii hotol. fili - G24 B. 10th Ht. MCTI-S * In wholesale house by a innti of innny years experience as house or trav eling salesman In inlllncry , fancy goods. hats , oto. Address W , room SJl. N. V. Life bids.n XPERIENOED book-keeper wants sltua"- lion In Nebraska. references. AdihossO. D , M. . CM Knrnam St. . Davenport , la. COfl-l * " 117 ANTED 1'osltlon ns housekeeper or nurse. by mlddlo aged lady of export- lonoo. Address 71 , Ilco olllco. 68 M _ flASHIERoroIllco work of any kind orcopy- VJIst. Address W72. Hee. K3 * _ BV Man and wife with Al ref orcnces. posi tions us 1st nnd 2d cooks. Address \V. M4 B. 18th street. Oli 1 * _ PRINTER A young man of three years' ox- porlenco lit. job ollluo wants situation as ap prentice In a reliable Job olllco. Will Huckloy. 812 Eolith 12th St. , Lincoln. Neb. _ 540J' BYn boy of 17 , who understands oinco work ! four years experience. Address VV45. Ilco. 33 Dl * AVANTKli f errata , rlc. , ter. top of fitt column on this page. W ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian nurserics.Stonc&Yclllugton , Mad I son , Win 4H ! ) _ . i Young man assistant book keeper. Address X 11 , cure Uco oulco.HO ( HO 1 * SALESMEN We want u few bright voung men In Nebraska to handle something en tirely now. bolls In nil places of business , 1'ny salary or commission. Address with stamp. Kloctrlo Supply Company , Webster Olty. la. ceo 2 * TIT'ANTKD Experienced grocery clerk , ono " " who Is acquainted In north part of city. Inqulro corner " 4th und Clark streets. CM 2 * AGENT wanted In every town. Bamplo oiitllt free. Address Drawer D. , Fremont , NBD. GGSll * \\7"ANTED Agents wanted throughou t No- TT brnska. Bend stump for reply. Jos. P. Mogcath. Omaha. . 4M ! WANTED Salesmen on salary or commis sion to handle the now patent chemical Jlik ornslng pencil. The greatest selling noy- illF-oyor producoil. Erases Ink thoroughly In > ? o seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 to OOfl per oont prollt. Ono ngent's sales amounted ioSmoln six days ; another J.B in t\\n hours Wo want one oncrgctle general agent for each Rtato and territory. Bamplo by mail 33 cents , Kor terms and full particulars address. Tin Monroe Eraser Mfg Co. , LaCiosso. Wls. 5712' * S "CVTANTED Salesmen to moot the grocery T trade to carry a specialty on commission. . Good commissions. Please state teirltory , ftlso reference. W. O. Doorman , 103-103 Kulton street , Chicago. MM-0' \\7ANTKD-Men for railroad work. AT T T brlght's Labor Agcnoy , 1120 Parnnm st. GUNKRAL agents .selling the iiatcn t nil just' able shoo are making from $ .1,000 to * 5,0 poryenr. Canvassers * ! to $7 per day. Ex- cluslYO territory given. Address with 2-ceui rtnmp , Consolidated Adjustable Shoo Co. Ealom. Mass. M 171da * WANTED 2 Sntnrdny nnd Sunday barben at the N. K. Coi. lltli nnd Kurnum. 4 : 2 BETEOT1VE Wo want a man In every lo : callty to act as private detectiveundoi our Instructions. Send for particulars. Wash' Ington Detective Agency , box 787 , Washing ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary. . 118 PIS * MEN or women wanting work , or person : needing help of any kind , elty or country ran always bo Riipplled nt Keith's olllce , U18i H , 10th Bt. Satisfaction guaranteed. guaranteed.M.H8N30 M.H8-N30 : WANTED A live , cnorgctlo party In over ; place to Introducooiir goods , \Vo have i new line thut will sell at ovury house am intents can reap u harvest between now am the holidays , will pay a salary of 75 po month If preferred and furnish n tontu free Address nt once. Standard Sllvorwiiro Co. Host on Mass. M KK-1) 15 * WANTKF ) " 1S > IATJI3 IIJHM * . Forratft , < te. , fftii ) > of fitt fulmnnon thlx nngt W ANTED A girl for general housework li Wt family of two. US ! Avo. D. t ANTED Girl for general housework a ITS 8. 20th. MC74-S _ _ _ WANTED Gixid girl for general house rk. C05 So , 20th bt . M08I-3 WANTED Lady bookkcoper. Addres X 10. 1 care Itee olllco. G.V ) 1 O5 cooks and girls for general housework * JNew Employiuont Agenoy , liank bldg. Itltl nnd Dodgo. Ml-l WAN'TED Ilotel cook wants position , nls Rceond Klrls , also young girl , also uurs girl , also gixxl drushinitkur. New Employinen Agency , Hunk bldg , , IGth and Dodge , ocu-1 1 WANTED Girls for general houseworl His. W. li-.Oallulmn. rJ7S.2Mh street. 037' WANTED A girl for housework. Mn Dumont , 3i > ! 2 Lafayette nvo. ( former ! Paul st. ) W WANTEI > GiHiil girl for general house work. Apply " 112 Emmet street , Kountz T\7ANTED-Good girl for general houct IT work ; small family. Call ISIS Corby st.C C ) WANTED A smnjl girl to take care of chl il2 dron.CIl N , ITtlfHlu-et. 019-i G IRL wanted In family ot two ; 1718 Donsln street. D7U- WANTED A competent girl for genera housework nt SliOS. iHtli avpnuc. 4J7 1 WANTED-A IliHt-elasa girl for gonen house work. Mljj.aitlj. 4 ] ANTED Gixxl glrffor general housoworl Mrs. A. I * . Tukey , 'J541 Chlcugo stieet. In family of four , Gonna preferred. 1818 Webster street. MIHK a 7 ANTED Good girl for general IIOUBI work ut22l8 Loavonworth street. Ma- W ANTED An experienced house inali Cull ut2005tiU Mury'u uveiiuo. FOU KIUNT WA.1UJUOUSIW. Forratta.tle. , feetop offlnt column oit thtt faa FOK KENT llrlck warehouse , two storle and busoment , 27,000 scjuuru feet , with K f oo t of double truck uu U , P. rullway , foul Nth and Pierce ilroets. Address O. Onkumi UmnliaNeb. _ H "iTvOir HENTlfrlok warchousu , two stofl < J3 hkh , bascuicnt , bydraullo ulovator , trncli ago ; Cost locatloa lu the city. A. O. Powell. J'OIt UKNT IIOUSK- ) . for wf , ttc. , tei tnp of fnteoliimnon tlitiinge. nillOKdwollTnn houses , 10th hndMnsonfor 3 IIS per month. Thomiis & Roche. i(2t and 322 Now York Life. MCftt-5 * TllOrt RENT-To responsible parties only. JU those Hue new brick and stone houses on Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ; more conveniences and bettor finished than nnyhoiifto for trnt In the city , H. II , llcnder- bon , 400 1'q.xton block , city. 4J > 1 T710R.RENTA . good live-room house , 2J23 JLJ Churle.s street. Inquire nt2014 dairies strert. 632 5 * rilOCoiiduetorsninl Engineers WootTcr these JL tea now and complete Mats with nil modern conveniences , situated two blocks from the now Tenth stieet depot ! they have several new and lommcndiible features and rent for only fjsno per month , ( iand 7 looms each with largo hutli nnd eonxenlcnt closets. Call and Ken them. The Mend Investment Co. , room 412. Hop building. Wl _ 'T-KOOM home with barn : nominal rent. O. I V. IInrrlsimUI2N. V. Mfo. 4U3 _ " ' Tj1UTtK"NT--T'hi'boiiuTifHl7-noin ( ) eotlngos J- ? Just Iliilshcd. Hatband modern Imtirove- mcnts. Only 2 left. 0. S. Elguttcr. 407 1'lrst Nat'Miunk. _ I' YOU wish I o rent n house or store see II. E. Cole. Continental block. 4IU PIRSTIIoorof eottiiKo , fuinlshed for house keeping. 2)22 ) lluwaul St. 2 * 7710R RENT-Oood new house of six rooms JU for HOO a year ; clly water fieo and no taxes to nay. Apply to W. S. Cooper and Leonard Everett. rilllE new and hondsomo four room Hats JL with bath and Ht earn heat In the dowry building on Chicago street west of 10th nro nearly ready for occupancy. Each Hat Is separate and complete In Itself , These aunrt- iniMilH can beseemed by small families only with no roomers. Unquestionable inferences reiulred. | Afowoftheso Huts still not en gaged. Apply to II. E. Robcits nt thobnlld- Iiig.lOlMH Chicago street. U27-0 * 171OR RENT n room steam boated lint. JC Roberts. 403 N. IBtb st. C20-31 EENTAL Agent-Oco.J. Paul , loon Enrnam , Houses and stores for rent. Rents col lected. 5Si " 1710R KENT 8-room house , all modern Im- JL' provoments , 22Ji ) Chicago st , , tll.UT. Ring- wait Uros. , Iturker block , 4M1 ! T RENT Modern deslrablo house. { 23 per mouth. 0. K. Hnrrlson. 912 N. Y. Life. 17" S O. HENNETT , moving express ofllco will , Ncal & Conrad , 1413 Dodge st. Tel. 127. M82S-DU * FOU RENT Flats , 4 rootns each , city watc and sewer connections. U. U. I ) , and T. Co 4 Hop bldg. 51 HOUSE for rents 10 rooms modern conven lenccs. 6218. lUthiSt. 5. > 1 HOUSE for rent at 021 pierce street , con vcnltmtto depot. Nice cottaKO. Iniilro | ot T. J. Lowry. 131 "I710U KENT Snmll bouso on Eminnt St. J- west of ! ! 4th , $ S per month. AIsoT-roon house , city water , biitu , on Ualdwcll , betweci aith and 27th , } i" > per month. O. L. Orccn Hoom ai ) , llarkcr block. M787 POH KENT 4-room house , 11)17 California st. 804 FOR RENT Three deslrablo houses , one furnished , at reasonable terms. Within live minutes'walk of the 1' . 0. Immiro IMori- dny and Tuesday between 10 and 4 , at IIX'.I UodBO st. CI2-1 TT1OH KENT 2S3 Maple Bt , ' / , block cast 24th JL1 st. motor , 0 lonins and unfinished 4 story above , full lot , well , cistern and cellar , iroo'l ni'lRliborhood , $ l".r > 0 per month. G. 0.Val - Incc , llrown block , lUth and Douglas. OSS H'Ol'HE ' of fi roonm. nicely papered , water , . Miworund eai , : cird nnd C/'umln ; ; , J30 per mo. U , ! ' . Harrison , 013 N. V. Lite. _ JJJ7 I/1OK HEM' A low of three Hats suitable JL fora larco boarding house or family hotel ; within flvo minutes' walk of the I1. O. Toiwi reasonable. Iniiilin | Monday nud Tuesday between 10 and 4 at IK'.l Dodge st. MM _ KOll lUiN'J KUIINISUKI ) 11OOMS. Fortatex , tic. , < l | ) of tlrl column nn thl roll KENT l.nruo furnlshea front roon with bay window , forKciitleinniionly , f 10.01 per month. 221S Leavcnworth. SI C7f LA neatly furnished front room. J8 pei onth , IblG rarnam. MOTi- : ! FOR RENT l'leusant furnished rooms i private house , location central , 310 N. 2011 street. M481- POR RENT Seven-room cottage , cor. 2Stli ' ave. and Cap. ave. Inqulro 8918 Dodge. M4T ( O ROOMS , light housekeeping , 2020St. Mary'i Javcniio , , WO 7 FOR KENT Pleasant furnished rooms bent , sas and bath. References required No. 20211 Knrnam , Hat II. G332 FOR RENT Haadsomo furnished rooms steam heat , 17J3 Davcuport nt. M ) OR RENT KarnIsliod rooms ; gas , batl and steam , 1311) ) Howard. , . 40 , T71OK KENT Furnished rooms , J ; 1TIOR IlENT Two nleoly furnished fron JL' rooms , 3)10 ) D.ivenport st. to rp\VO I'unilslioii front rooms In private fam JIly , JI2.CO and JIS.OO. 119 So , ath st. Ulfl-'J TTIUIINISIIED rooms , steam heat. 017i ! Soutl JLJ 13th street. 678-7 DESI1CA1ILE room with all conveniences hot water heat. 212 S. 25th st. W 17\OK \ KENT Furnished rooms , 1008 Capita 13 avo. M-144-5 IT OK KENT Koom with all modern Improve JL' monts ; no other roomers. 40U N. I4t ! stroot. NEWIA' furnished rooms for Rontlomon , li modern house , close to Karnnm motoi good table , homo eon-forts. 2578 llnrnoy ht now Paul blook , Jfa85-'J ANUSOMELV furnished rooms , 2209 DodRi 300 1)1 ) TPOK HEM' One south , ono noith roon JU' modern conveniences , private family. 201 Douglas , ( xi3'J DESIUAIltjE room , modern couvcntoncc 1701 Capitol ave. 775 ICEIA' furnished rooms , first-class tabl board , The Merrlam , 25th and Dodgo. 220 f FU11N1S1IK1) 1COUMS AND ilOVHli For tales , etc , , tee ( op of fint folnmi on ( Mr pant ST.OIA IK European hotel , wth dliim | ; roon steam heat In all rooms , 13th and Dodgi Special rates by week or month. y FOK KENT Two larKO pleasant rooms , wit board , bath , gas and furnace hoat. Excel lent neighborhood. Call at or address K South 25th avenue. tilS- ' . ROOMS for rent , with or without board , 11 So. 25th st. ( OH FOK IlENT Second story front room wit board-IIrat-olass. 201 S 25th avenue. 597-1 TEWLY furnished rooms with board nn lieut , 1S12 Dodge street , 500- : ROOMS nnd board ut 010 S. J7tli street. W4 ROOM and board HOO , 1712 Douglas street. MHM : 10 it FOIl IIKNT--KOOMS * Fur raf , etc. , fte ( eji ut Jlrtt com/mi m I/its p-w ri WO flue largo unfurnlshod rooms , Jfl.OO > JL month , s us.1st street. C7p- rp\VO Very desirable un furnished froi JL rooms cheap. Central part city. TH motor lines. Addicss X 12. Hee , C31 ; 3 NICE , pleasant , south front rooms , llgl housekeeping. 2.112 llnrnuy. Kn . OR RENT .Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms 1 family without children. Price (10.20.17i 13 Wobstorst. M757 il- 1T1OR HUNT a unfurnished rooms,210N. 13t 2 * J st , Jl 7M IS 1 * KOHlllSNT STOHK8AND OFF I OK ! lr rate * , m. , sec fop offlret roliuniion OiU TOR at7WSHWxOench larco slio wluilows , steam heat , furnished. Thus. ' , Hull. ! ill I'uxtou blk. 6 k. _ TTIOR RENT The 4-story brick bnildlnc.wll 27 J orwltbout power formerly occupied by tl lleo Publishing ( "o. , DIG Karnam st. The baili ina Ing has u fireproof cement basoment.complo * btonni heating fixtures , water on nil the llooi gas , oto , Apply at tho'oiilcoof Tholieo. d ) 41 T7AOR RENT-lls Jonuarv 1. 4-story biilldln , 41d. JU as.MOefinaro feet ; suitable for any kli of wholesaling , at Tenth andJones street , i A. Luidqiicsi , Uia South I'lftcenth street. & Ti OR RENT Corner store and basemen JO 27th und N bts. , South Omaha , ( , bloc fromdupou Sirs. Hrcgaai44S , 15th , Tol.K6 00 mo RENT After January 1 , store und fli thp. L ut 020 S , 10th ht. Enquire at 'JM Hrov 02 p. bldg. H. J. Kendall. HOT I ) OS 17IOR RENT or Salo-l'liio. houvy brlek Qvi i- JL ? story corner warehouse with most eotitr trackage In city ; lloorsuro 13MO&quaro foe Htrluijer4 I'euny , Uarkur block , li Tor rat' * , rtc , . He dtp of Jint commn on fftf * pays , LADIES fc gents tobuy the I'lumcr reellnlnn chair ) unsurpassed for comfort. 1'21 N , 13th. 818 1)13 PRIVATE Detective Agraey. All workdono conlldeiitlally. Address WCS. Ilco. 640 ! DON'T forgot Jo * . P. Mi'gcnth , 1007 Knrnam st. . when oou want to buy , rent or sell n ypewrltcr. < ) TA1APSAOE treatment.elect ro-thcrnml baths. Jl scalp and hair treatment , manicure nnd clilroptHllst Mrs. I'ost , R20-21 , Withncll blk. lAYPKWltlTERS for rent or sale. Stcnog- JL riihers | supplies , J. 1' . Mege.ith.lGO * Parnam. TTI'llOI.STERINd and mattresses renovated U 11110Nlsth. E. Peterson. 712-dl T\T AS A 0 E , Mad urn U drier , over BIOi S ntli. 402 il2 * LOST. Ferrate * , etc , , tee In ) } of fitl foltimit nntlih ' OST Ranch of kovs strung on wire. Leave Jut Itec olllco and get luwaul , W.'i S' LOST Wednesday , on or ne.'ir Lcavenwortli M tree I , a laeo ImailkeiThlef. A reward will bo paid by return of same to 122(3 ( S.'iOtli avenue. K l 1 * STOLEN from Oth nnd Dodge , 1 black mo- loccu medicine chest nnd 1 obstetrical ease with fall sot of Instruments , nlso small pocket ease of Instruments. Reward for return to 18 Arlington block und no questions asked.Jl Jl fj.11-3 TOST One red and ono roan cow. Holh do- t horned. I'lnder will be rewarded. A. Mi Clarke. 2317 Hartley. 013-1)2' IOST-'Oold thimble ; sultnblo reward will Jbi ! paid If returned ut Onitiha Rubber Co. or 21111 Locust st. MO 1 FOUND. Iorratti , etc , , > ff tnp of fwt r/diiinii on thti TJIOUNI ) A purse containing some change. JL1 The owner can have same by calling at room U , Cattleman's bank , nnd proving prop erty. ; rilAKl'N I'p Nov. 2ti , one hay mare 13 or 10 X hands , right bind footwhlte , left eye blind. Owner can have by paying charges. George H , Muugravc , : i420 lloyd st. , Omaha , Neb. FOUND Gold pin ; owner can have siiino bj calling and paying for advertisement. S-o Rergmua & Co. . l.ilG-i" > lS rainam stieut. ! I31- FOU 8Al > i ; IIOKSHS XVACiUNSKTO. Fonatet , fte. , nf tnp nf fnl column oa this "IT1OR KALE Team of hoises , harness and JL1 wagon ; purchaser can pay for same lu hauling dirt. Apply to Leonard Everett. WOH 1C horse W ) . two-horso wagon $2)dou- blii work harness $13. Or will luuio for a good llsht side bar buggy. H. E. Cole , Conti nental bloeU. 410 J1OR 9 A Id'-- Nat'l cash register , In good le- 1 pair , at No. Ill S. Utlist. _ J2-7' 7J1OR SALE 2 good work teams. Inqulro at -L' niH 1'axton block. _ 509 FOR KALE Nice boise , or will trade for small house on leased ground. 500 S. 1011 , t. . room 0. iS. I1 [ jlORSALK-llorse , buggy und harness , Ap- JU ply to McCord .Itrudy & Co. : m I71OR SALK SO horses and mares , eash or J-1 time. Prices from $15 to K00. ! Would o\- haugcsomeof them for Omaha real estate. V. T. hcamaUiOiuaha's largest variety wagons mil CUM luges. at" FOR B rorratet , etc. , tee tnp of fin column on Mils fxiat TTIOR SALE No. 2 cnllgraph , nearly new. J- ' Call or nildrcss , O. 11. . JOOS ruinatn filO-S * it'U puppies for sale. Room 47 , llurko blk hand tyocwrlteis. J. P. Megeatb OlCOT 1'ai'nam slicet , Cmahii. 41K \ \ ' callgrajh , price reasonable. RC3 , lie 4 Jl 7IOR SALE chea | > A 10 hors-o power Now o J York safety steam engine In tlrst clnsi condition. 1'estncr 1'rlntlng Co. , 1307 Howard Bt. 31127 AVAM'lil ) TO HUV. , li For rates , tie. , see tup nf .Hi ft column.on tMi 4'I TT\UUNITIJRK. \ household goods , etc. Highc' 'I JL1 cash price. Wells , 1111 I'limam. B : 7s ANTED Atoneo , an Jii.OOO to $12,000 stool s of mdsc , forcush and propetty. Addres X 0 lice. 04. ) ANTED Horses , wagons , etc . to soil at auction every Tuesday and 1'rldny , 10 a. m. Pioneer stables , 13th , between Harney and Howard. IilF-Dl WANTKIJ TO HUNT. : For nitre , etc. , fee top nffmt tijlumn nn tlii * ANTED First-class room nnd board for VV gentleman nnd wife la prhuto family. Address X 14 , Hcc. JMONKY TO LOAN For rates , tie. , ret top of culninn nn Ilia MONEY . ' , GO or 00 days , on household fur niture , etc. 0181'uxton block , J. J. AVIlkln- son. MOTO-n MONEY to loan by 11. K. Masters on chattel and collateral securities for any time from 1 to 0 months , lu any amount to suit hoi- rower. Loans made on household goods , plonos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. My loans are so arranged thatyou can make a payment of any amount at nny time nnd re duce both principal nnd Interest. If you owe a balance on your property or have a loan you wish changed , I will pay It oil" and carry It for you. If you ( hid It inoro con venient , call up telephone No. 1(121 ( and your business will be arranged at home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. H. Musters , Room 4 , Wlthnellblk , 15th and llaincy sts. ss M4 MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture , horses , ote. , without publicity. Hnwkeyo InvcstmontCo.,3 : ! Douglas blk.lOlh and Dutlee. * " \A7ANTED 0 percent real estate loans. C. VV V , Harrison , urJ N. Y. Life. 612 WANTED I-'Irst-ehiBS Inside loans. Lowest rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , 1301 Karnam. SKI B IMLDINO loans. ( Ho 7 per cent ; no addi tional chargosforcommlssloaor attornoy'H fees.V. . ii. MelUe , First National bank bldg. REAL Estate Loans Cash on hand. Globq Loan & Trust Co. . M7 fJ. 15th st. No delay , no extra charges. llonsc- > for rent , good list. r.ia OE. k C. M.ANTHONY.ilS : N , YLlfohulld- Ing , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha residence propelty ; lowest rates ; best terms : no delay ; money ready , Titles nnd values passed on heie. BID MONEY tu 'nan on any security forshort time at low 8 rates. Lowest rates 8D ou personal nropeity. The Henderson Mortsugn Investment Compa- D ny. loom 400. PnMon lilk. KO /-1HATTEL bank , HI ! ) H 15th HI. , loans money V/oii chattels or collateral at reasonable ratert a 521 4 * TTUKST k second moitsagos on vacant & lin- iit X ? proved city prop. County warrants boaght. VI Money on hand. 1\M. Itlehartlson.SlS N.\Milfo. VIa * 633 iit EASTERN money to loan on elty prnnorty ; mortgage paper bought. ILU.ircy.XV.LIfe. MONEV to loan on city and farm property. W , M , Ilarrh , R 20,1'ruiuur blk. , opp. I' . O. OHEAP eastern money I'hlliididphla ' Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; llrst S , mortgages wanted , ( ieorgo \ \ . 1' . l.'outcs , rop- resentatl\o , room 7. board of tiade. 5l.ri 1C. . EVSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of # 10 to 1C."f } 1,000 ; got our rnti'H before borronlng und "fOi save nionoy ; loans on horses , f arnlturo or nny Oi approved security without puollelty ; notes Oiu bought ; for new loans , lonewal of old and low u est rates , call It. 208 , bhcely blk , nth & Howard. he 510 hed _ to MONEY to loan on Immoved city property rs at current rales : funds on 11111111 ; no ilolay. )1. Geo. I'1 Hlust & Co. . 2IH Rqingi ) bldg. KJIrdlJ )1.ff STAR Land & Loan Co. Real catatp , loans ff and Insurance rental ogeucy. U75-dl7 inH U1LDINO I ans- " H made on tholeo city property nt lowest it rates. Sums of $5,000 ami upwards perferred , itul Klmbiill , Clinmp & Ryan , 54 120r L1arnum'btreot. 800-D13 MONEY to loan on second mortgage. W , S Wynn , RoomU24 Omulu Nut , Ilk. lll'du- . _ _ JJ M 724 MONEY to loan oa Improved and vacant property. Lowest rate. O. J. Caswtill , Hltl o N. Y , Lite. 350 p.- a ot. STAR Land A Loan Co. Real estate , loans ot.Si and iuiurunce luutal ageuoy , D73-dl7 or t , , . it FOR SALK Hotel ntul 'IfMToon ' , centrally lo cated. Enquire II. MKUwliolior , S. E. co s ner 13th and Douglas.9 . , . . _ M07.V4 * OR SAI.E-Coal Imshlb'rtin ' South Oinnlint doing good baslncH-sMjood reason for sell- Ing. Addresx , .X. 1 , lice. ' . _ fvjl-1 * 1710R PALE A nrst-clnrsti stove repair bnsl- -L ness la Leadvllle , Uotui : good iirolltablu business for money luvoMted , Heforences given forFelllnit out , Charles Adam , 111 nnd 1U East Sixth street , LendVHle , C'oli CU7U * ITlOUSAIiKor oxcliiuiAn- deslrablo retail -L Block of boots and shpMj , , Improvcit unen cumbered Omaha properly would bo looked iipiin with favor. Addrui ) , ) ) 61 , lleo olllee _ , for Salc-Ifybil' want to get In'a HOTEI business buy the Commercial at lliokeji How , cb. ' 4U 4 _ _ 'l Olti-AM' Uood'clean drug stock In otuui f JO best towns In Nebraska. An unusual op portunity nnd llrst-elass location. Terms fu- vorablo. Might trade for good uneneumbeted Omaha property. Addicss 1' . O. bo.x 001. Col umbus , Neb. GKI1 * " 1710 U SALE Good paying croeery store. JL1 Only parties who wish to engage In sanui nurdlnqulic nt 217 S , 14th street , O.Vi 7 * MT.AT MARKET for sale. Pitted up flrst- i < lns.slti oxurr pnrtlcular. Good business. Will bear tbo strictest Investlgirtlon. Address lock box 400. Connell HlulTs , la. U'4-d a TTIOR SALV.-A ictall stoek of boots nnd JL' shoes ; would take In part pay half section of good land with fair Improvements. Address - dress , WEI , llcojjnico. _ _ 4j8 ft T710R SAIl > 53 biirrel Rtejim roller inllU JL1 Thos. Crouch , Tckamuh , Nubraskn. AN uniTgetlc man having about $1,000 to In vest can learn of a good opening by ad dressing X ' . ' . lleo olllce. > 1 * "TTIOR SA LE--One steam power grain olovntor JLA . building with brick addition and olllco building , complete , und nil personal proper ! v therein , situated nt Hastings , Nebraska ; olio fnnne horsepower grain elevator building , complete , and all personal property therein , and four corn cribs , sitnatvd at Inland , Ne braska ; one finiiiu horse power elevntor build ing with frame olllce , complete , with all per sonal property therein , and four corn cribs and the land on which the same are sltua'ed , being about one ucie. mote or less , situated at Hrleton. Nebraska ; this property Is sold under order of the court : bids to be made for casli and may be made for one. two or all of said elevators ; must bo nddtossed to Robert K. I'oot , receiver , Ion\or ) , Colorado , box22011 ; all bids to bo oncned December ? , and to be sub ject to thu approval nf the t'uiirt. Robert E. root , receiver. Dated , Denxer , November 8 , 1MK ) . . HI2D4 KOll KXCHANGK. Farmta , etc. . rtr top nf first column on M/s / FOR EXCIIANOi : I'all lot In Albright' * Choice for horses und wagon. Alu.x Mnoie. Ml ijbeely block. MB71-4 * " \A7ANTED-Stockof mcivliaiidlse , for which 1 will trudn city lots und farm piopert v. Addressicorgc II. Jloshcr. Grand Islaail , Neb. MU09-8 * WANTED To trade a good Impiovcd furin for a'stookof boots and shocsorgioccrles. Address X. 3. lleo. 021-1 * FOR EXCHANOE-Clear lots in "Peerless I'lci re , " the cnpltal of south Dakota , for dear farms In Nebraska , gooil equities In Omaha pioueity orseeuicd paper , They are Kit wild-cut , but nro well located lots within > ne mile circle , town all around you , glowing fast and only one block from ear line , Wright Lasbury , 1001 IIoHiird sliect. 02J-1 FOR TRADE A fine f&V cow for n fresh milch cow. 2.V7llrIstorsft. 017 : OR EXOIIANOE-art'iign'snf land In II1I- mils , clear ; 1U ) nc'ies\if lilnd. Illinois , clear : MOneresof hind. Ni'br\ska. : clear ; lOOaciusnf land. Nebraska , clear. Will tiiide any of the jiiiove for Omoha irsldcnvO'ihoporty and ns- same leasoaable Ineumbrttnce. II. E. Cole. Continental block. 1 v BJ WANTED-Laud nm RKiln elovalor in exclinnge for full-paid , iioa-iisse sable ncorpoiatlon Htocks ; fall Jiifdiiiuillun on ap- ileatlon. Addiess bojlij ( Oiiialia. LOI-1 * T71OR TRADE , rent or" BtfU'-Two modern 7- JL1 room huuhos ou puViAf street and two blocks fiom street cais ; no'sccond mtgs .1. 11. Ainold.aa.-i Paxton block. Oliaiha. Kiil-2 * loans at loVoM rates. Removed CHATTEL to IC4 N. Y. Life bids' . ' Mi'II. ro WANTED-Eqally InMii'all rertldenee , well located , for e > ar Nalu'rtskn. farm , lllimer & llradley , 1511) ) l''nrnam it , f 0-2 * W ANTKD Stock of merchandise for clear Nebraska land. Address , W 01 , Iteo.M . M 4K4 TT1OR EXCIIANOE I'or a Ilrst-class piano , J-1 eoulty In "lot 5. block ? , linker place.1' Ad dress box 481 , Central City , Neb. , MIKI-S * "W7ANTKD City propeitylu u\chaiiKO for good Incorporation stoelis. Investigation solicited. Addres box fil8. Omaha. OD2 1 * "V\7ANTK1) ) A her > o ortmiro In pait "pny- T i meat toward a wugon or ravrluge. w. T. Seaman , Oiuaha's large-it variety wagons und carriages. U " 171OU KXCIIANOE NX ) acres well improved J-1 land and two business lots for stork of gen eral ; hardware piefeired , W 41) ) . lice. 1174 1)8 * " 171011 TRADE Kor Omaha property , fixe 0- JL room all modern framed houses in Cotin- cll IMulN. ( Or sale. ) J. II. ArnoldK)3 ) 1'nvtun blook , Om aha. Neb , GTO-'J' TPO cxchungo Improved property near&her- -1 man ave. , for land or lots , Shaw , 'JOSSIieely blk. UT4 FOIl HA.IJK HKAL JWTATH. For ratu , fte.nee lop af finlcnlmnn nil f/i / ! pnys FOR SAljE Hip bargain ; 7 room house nnd full lot In Rakur IMnc'cMlc-Htlmn/i'oM.fI.'JUO. Easv terms. Imiulru of owner , E. G. Meirlll , 4'nd and Cassstreets. USl AMES 1'Iaco the best for the money , both for location , price , tei ms ugd future value. 541 A LHKIGIIT'S Choice , 10 cent pur cash.M . M 1175 "VTO man who will look over our fiO-foot lots JIn Ames I'litccfor which \\o askten.cleven and tnelvo liiiinlred dollars , ean deny tbo great value and desirability of the property.Ml Ml STAlt I.nnd & Loan Co. real estate , loans : and Insurance rental uqeney. K7.dl7 TP1TLE perfect , location ( list class , prices JL reasonable , terms within year reach , make no-foot lots In Ames 1'laco today a safe , Burn and ptolltublo Invostinent. 41 K room house , lotinxtt ! . JI.700. J U-ioom house , stable , lot : tlJ.\82 ! , $2.000. Itr'.ck house , and Ainerlean houselotlKixfiON. r. corner 10th and Douglas. Enquire 2121 S lltli. Ill LLllRIOHT'S Choice , money made rapidly. M > t7r > A SNA I' fc.V ! will buy a nice .Vioom house and lot , with cellar , cistern , city water sewer and barn , centrally located ; terms easy. J. U. Kittle. 014 N. V. Mfo. bOSdKt AMHS I'luco bus all th'i ieo.uisltcs to make It a good Investiiiont , It Is property that you can see any da v that you will call at oar olllce. where every facility will bn given you to Investigate the merits of the property , Till \\/E buy , sell and oxcltuingo real estate. I' llargalns always m > jmnd , Impiovcd , untniDroveu or aereagv , i illuuses sold oa monthly payments. Swcutoa & Allen , 1007 rarnani , | , r.-t M 1U1-D-4 A"MIS Place M ft. lot * ll'.ttx ) , J1.100 and 11.200 , terms easy and good thiiogl\eu on de ferred payments. in'f' " C4I "I 20 acres line farm laiuTulolulii3 ( good No- bMskatown ; noarlycloar , 1 ( > 0 acres llnely Iniprotpd Jand 2i ! mHcs from county scat In N'i'bniskn : lightly enoumbored. 120 acres good land InM'bhtsku , fiiuilesfrom county beat ; 2flOO InhalilJnHt.s. HOUMI and lot In towijin. nansasj clear. Clear lot In good Nebraska town. 4 loom house and lot.imru. well and cistern , 10th street. Omiilia ; sllg'hm'.liipiimhorcd ; will trade for Omaha proportyfili < | assume Incuiii- branecs. _ l , _ K. Cole , Co ljieiijiiil bUcj ) , _ 100 "VTOWls the time to Intn Uln leal estale , Wo -l- > have a largo list lofnolty propeity. Im proved and vacant ; Imaafrom J.Vio.oii and up. KiiHy terms , llouses aiutliitson monthly pay- moiitx. Geo. J , 1'uul , 'IftH rarnam ht. List your properly at this olliyiV f > ss U BIliOEbT bargain In Omaha , Only three of those elegant houses un 41th nnd 1'uraam left out of six ; other three occupied by llrst- class parties. Houses are open all day for In spection. I'.vcry eimvenlonce lu the houses , Including pus and gas II x Hires. Take u look at them during this ( Ino weather ; buy ono and take life comfortable daring the winter. Only takes from WOO to f. > 00 cash , See them without fall for they " 111 please yon , I ) , V. Sholos , 213 1'list Nat'l bank. tet FOR SALE OH 0 years time : some choice lots ; No payment required if Improved. Ithigcr & llrudluy , 1510 rariiaiii st. _ & 5M-0 ; AT A N ltnUUEN. 1401 Douglas st. , sells lath st. > itddltlou lots , $400 : Van Ilcuren Heights. l.tOO. Terms , } i1 cash , tlO monthly , b2xlOO , well Improved , Uullforulast , J7.500 , will takosoiuu trade. _ _ FOU SALE or Lease-47 foot east front by 201 feet deep , alloy corner , 24th and Cumins sr recta. Address Jeuu Suhons , Uea building. W WU " FOIl HAIji : UKAIj liSTATK. _ For mt' > , tie. , trt tup nf tut tiAttmnuntAH p 7 " " i JOHN M , notary public und money to loan , Continen tal block , eiitranci ) oa Douglas street , lint floor , no elevator , has a long list of business nnd acre property , hou > es and lots and ' " ; ' . ' , lots for sale Also solo agent for lots la West Knd addition. 048 7 AMl'.S I'lace lots at the prices we ask , urn the best value today lu that part of Unialia. LIIHiailT'S Choice , Junction all railroads. Mjtni \\7AUGII it Wc3torllcldro.iestate.i-.0maha 7 KOOM cottage , fall lot , llanscom I'laee. < cast front and a great Imrgulu for a few days. Sm.ill ensh pnyment and balance on lout ; time. I'.K. Darling , llnrker block. Kll "IjlOU SALE At a bari'aln.0rt\120 on Daven- Jjiorl nearl'th , one blook from now post- ollleeerychean. . S20.TOO ; 50M.T. coiner 20th and 1 arnam , $ . ' ! 0,000 , U , L. Ureca. loim If , jlarkor block. M | 7 01tSALnorTrade-A nice lot I'KIIG ' , south Jfumt on grade , eltywntor. Hi blocks south east of 20th and Vlnton st . , for sale or Hade for a good horse and phaeton : price { 1,2301 encumbrance - cumbrance ? IOO. Addicss X 8 lleo 010 < * LOT In Ames place , gieat bargain , Lot.Ulli : : nnd Hurdette. } . " > V ) . ( Ircnt coiner on West I'anmm , $ . ' , fiOO. Three lots lu Dundee place , one a corner , no llnur lots in the \vholo addition. Call .for Alexander Mooio , HOI Shcoly lllook. | fas s OLIKTONIIlll nnd linker 1'laco have the motor , but If you want n $ .1,0 < X > house anil full cor. lot for f.MOO and a { 2.00J house and full lot for 11.500 you can get It on very easy terms by L'.illlnu'on oraddrcsslng the owner , E. U. Merrill , 42nd and Cass sU. M l-Vvl ) 20 LDRIGIlT'd Choice , great bargains ! M tifi ? BE&T bargain otTored In Omaha today Is H acres 2 miles from P. O. on U. It. track , KfcWKI per acre ; } .M.OOO. Down-town corner ( Jflxl.'G for SXI.OOO. 40 acres s miles from 1' . O. Jl.v > : $0,000. Full lot : itd and Davenport. JI.10J. Neat eottage ami half lot 27th and Douglas $2,000 , J20J cash , balance la ) per month. lliitchlnsoaVead , 1.VJ4 Douglas. 003-2 FOU PALE Got the best lots la 1'otter fc Cobb's 2d add to South Omaha. M. C. " .laclfod . , 013 N. V. Life. C07-1 3 0 aeies for sale seven miles north-rust ot Tobias , alliio county at * 12.fiO per neie. ' 'Inesoil , good nelghbois , and perfect title , 'ebool , ehurch and poslnlllce liiiudy. 1'orly cies under plow ; 240 la pasture. No bulhl- nus. II. M.Vcad , 1302 C stiect , Tncoma , iVnsh. COI f > * IT does not piy : to adveitlso poor pioperty and that Is why your attention Is rcucntoil- y called to 50-foot lots In Ames I'lace at ten , levca and twelve hundred dollars per lot. fill LIlllIUlIT'SCholco , oasyatorms. A M H75 HAVE you any Idea where Ames I'luce Is and what the lots are that you can buy to- lay at ten , eleven nnd twelve handled dol- ais ? If not It will pay you to come and sen hem , 511 ALltlllOHT'S Choice , sine advance. . M 375 LMES I'lneo has paved streets to and fioiu It , motor cais and ovury convenience. 511 O KI-EGANT homes In Knunt/o place from OfroO ( ) toWr > ou : 500 cash , balance 4 years , $ Ti lormonth , U per cent Interest. Other Rood ionics In same addition to e.xehaiuo for oily ) ropetty , h-rooin modern house. 25J blocks west of'lib , on CaldHoll st. , for W.500 : J.VH cash , balance CT per month. 0 per cent Inter- st. J. J. Cllb.son , solo a cnt , Kouut/e plaec. B. > 7 I poll TltADi : or sale 4 well built 7-room frame houses , only 100 feet f 10111 'J4th street motor , havlnc a frontaio on Kmmet stieetof 4IKfrct ) byfS feet : property hlKh and dry a bplendld iooiitlon for a row of Hats. Will take inlmprovcd or Imptoved clear city pioperty in pait Hade. Ames Heal l.stato Adoncy. 1507 Farnam street. 511 ELEGANT residence hi Kuuntro I'laoi ; U rooms llnely llnlslicd and nil modern conveniences veniencesWlrt St. . near 20th. Can tell on one-quarter easli payment and balance time to right party. This Is no cheap affair of a house , but a eomfoiablo homo In every sen'-o and a big snap bargain. K. K. Darling , darker lllock. M.70.1 ADVEKI'ISINO Is not done for glory but he- eaiiholt pays to advei tlso when you have first class goods to oiler. Ames 1'lnco Is ad- voitlsed heeauso It Is llrst class In every io- spect and because wo arn now selling lots In that addition last as fastitswocaro to and the faster thcj hell , the sooner prices will feel the advance. 541 A IIHUGIIT'S Choice. Albright L. & 1 , . M : "ION'T you fall to see Ames 1'laco lots befoio J-/you buv. if you want to got a homo with every condition about It.favorable to a steady and sure Increase In value. Oil ALBRIGHT'S Choice , payments to suit. M U75 best lot on Hamilton nnd Lowe avenue. TUllO KiHinlro at 40J8 Hamilton st. ( ISO dO * inado In Amos 1'laco pro perty becniiMj jprlces nro low , location Is llrst class and the valun Is there. fill A LHRIOHT'S Choice- 521-2-'t , N. Y. I/ife. M H75 EEAL KSTATK Wanted to build a hon o and take horse nnd buggy , vacant lot , or piano for pay. K. Q. Merrill , contractor , 4''nd IK you do not think wo are selling lots hi Ames I'lace at $1,000 , $1,100 and 11'JOO , please step In our olllco and satisfy yourself of uliat Wo nro doing. fill rpIIH best coiner on appor Varnam street , JLfioi.tiigo on 3 streets ; splendid corner oa Farnaniblreet , close to court house.a bargain ; corner with trackage la H. E. part of city ; good lesldenccsaiid low-priced cottages , good lots for building , borne as low as $100 , Inside acres , farms und unimproved land. \Vowlllsellaiiy of this property , of which wo have entire control , at prices way below what you can buy at olsnwhero. Strlngcr& Penny , Harkor block , 15th and Kariium. IhS LHUIGHT S Choice , tlio best trackage CLiiVlIlVOVAN'r. Fcr rattt , etc. , ce top of flat rnlitum on mla imae , T EIL Clayton , olulrvoynnt , can by hor'wlll JL. power grant any request. OU N. Kith. M WO-4 * HRS. STEVHR Is giving best success of nny fortune teller In thu city , hho does not deal In any fraud. Her terms ate the lowest. 40UN. loth , Hidlloor. 4102 * rPlinMlssos Eddys are through with their .1. vacation anil ready for buslarsso Thu only sister clairvoyant nnd trance medium In the city : massage tioutmcnt a .specialty. It 7 , f'rounso bile. DiKKI * HRS. Nnnnlo V.Warren , clairvoyant trance , speaking , writing and reliable business medium , fouryoaio In Onuilia , 110 N. tuth. MRS Hurrough will give leading In pulm- Istiy , tolllni : the past , present and futuie from thu lines ot the baud : feotl ; ladles only ; no biihlncss on Sunday. Ibl ? 1/ard ht. , Omaha. 41.17' ARUlVED-Clalrvoyant , naturally Kitted , tells past and future , lovn troubles , nb- heiit friends , changes , tra\ols , business , Satis faction given , Mrs. Wallace , 1HOJ I'arnnrn st. TVrASSAGK , Madam DeUior , over CIO S mil. I'cr tatci , etc. , $ ie top vJlrtt column nil I'll ) wintered.V ave the best uc HotSES conimodutlons In the state for wlaterliig horses , llox or Hlnglu Nlalls , with paddouk. Aiiply to Windsor , Kemp k Co. , 2JJ Now York Life bldg. , or to Chris NevliiH , nt ( ho stables , Irvlimton , Ncli. _ MOUI _ I.IORSES wintered No better place to win- .1 Lter horses than the Still wutor Btook farm , 1't. C'nlhoiin. Prices low. best earo. 11. .1 , Kendall , propr. , room ( SM , Drown bldg.Omnha , Wl dii 7usTo AitT "AND EANGUAGU. For i attt , etc tee t < ip nt fii"t foluin on tliti > iaaj BEl'ORE buying a piano OMimlno thunov scale Klmball piano. A.IIo > pc,13l3Douglns G EO. r. OEI.LENHKCK.toneherof tliubanU with llospc , 15iilouglas. : ) 211 MISS H. J. Miles , oNporlenccd tonchers ol voice culture , pupil of Madam Edna Hull lloston , Mass. Room son , llrown building , eor intn and Douglas . ! 1)21 * ItTiiiffi. rfc. , nt lop of flrtt column on l/if / IKIO . I 1ST your houses to soil or rent with C. F Harrison. t > 12 N. Y. Life. M _ _ U. IRKY&Hrorontal ugcnts.'JOON.Y.Idfi DO H.E , COLE , rental agent , Continental blk S' 1TAR ' Land Ic Loan Co. Real estate , loun und lasuruuce-rental aecnoy , U75-dl7 WANTH. I'nr rates , elf , , tee tnpnf flnt coltim M im thts IMQ UMALIi-Sl/ED Conr pulleys nud \turci nwantod , Address silting prlco , Himiuor. South Omaha. S1077-l ! IHtUHSMAKINC. For mtefrtc. , tre timnf flnl coin ml this I JOOI ) cutter , litter and draper from Chicago VI desires work In families by the day. Ad- Iri-ss X 0 Hee. ' , _ _ _ _ r' ! r ! 17IA8HIONARLE dressmaking bythodnyor V week. Address Mrs. II. Mo A rtor. Nn. llttl Loavonworth street , 6741" T\f A NTETiDressmaklng laTamllles. WfA Hcoonke. _ MII7-2 * ENaAOE.MKNTStododressmaklm : In fami lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2010 llnrncv at. M 827 1)1. _ KIIOHTHAM ) AND TYI'l-JWUl 1 1NC3. I M 'nitct , ctf , , rtc tnp nf fitl rntiiiiiM on ( Jim vge , rppE\lUTElsaliunko \ .lK JL changed , icated. J. P. Mugcuthli07 ( I'aruam street. 4li2 " \\rANTEU-llyexportleacher. 2 persons to ' tt'.irn shorthaail and typewriting ; posi tions sure when competent. Cull or address 2211 California HI CM 1' O. \ \ 11 El. LEIt , general Monographer nnd notary. Depositions and court work a poclalty. Tel. lo'JI , room 10U2 , N , Y , Life HUlg b'JOUAUK. For rain , etc. , ter < < > p of frtl column oil this \v\ae. rpRAOKAOE storage nt lowest rates. W. M. Rushman , 13111.eavennorth , 50u CTORAGK and trackago. David Cole , 815-fil ? Ollowiird Nt. M7 STORAOE-Tho best In city , eloan. dry.safo , and privately stiirod at reasonable terms. Omaha Stove Repair Works , I'M" Douglas. Tel. Ptt ) . K12 KAUMiOYMlONT AOKNCV. Ferrates , etc. , tup of Jnit roiiniiiiin/i ( ( . < ) M < J . rplIE now employment agency , bank bldg. , .1 10th and Dodge. References , Women's Christian association , Omahn. uv.i-l OANADI AN employment olllce. 314' ; S. inth , ( be best place ( n Omnha to Ibid help or sit- nations , male or female. Tel. Ml. .V > 2 D2J IIAIU GOOUS-\\ ! . KTC. roriato , etc. , tee t > \ > n.r list rotii"k > i nnthti B EST Hue hair goods la west ; hnlritresslng , wigs , switches , bangs , hair chains , te. , a sueelalty. Davles , hair goods and milliner , opposite postolllce , HI S. 15t street , Omaha.flXI flXI MAKSACK' , I1ATIIS KIC. I'or rater , etc. ter top of MTt ciiliiMiu na ifa i . . .ii Smith's parlors , S ? (107 ( H. lllth St. , no\t llarker hotel. ; ilO-7 M ASSACJE , Madam Dol/.ler , over OlUSiath. 40d2 * \\MIHOKKKS. . 1 nrraltf , etc. , nitj tap nf trit coliinni on tliti lETPSloido fiiii'ns money on diamonds ami watches , jewoly.etc.S. E.cor. Farnam & llth KI4 I'ATKNT SOIjlOl'l'OUS. 1'or rales , etc , fen ( op of fisl column oi tMi rnge. PATENT lawyers and sollcltors.O.W. ? ues k JL Co. , lire building. Omaha. Branch olllco at Washington. I ) . C. Consultation free. 5'I3 CUSTUMIOS. /"or ratff , etc , fee fop nf lint column oii/ilj / pa-jj LADIKS nnd pentlomen can rent ina iiuer- ado salts at U22N. Idthst. 4'lll7 * 1'KNSION AUl'JNOi. For rat' * , etc. , pcclap nf jitnl eiiliiinn an ( AM p 171 , 1) EN a"ioi N S-TI ci 0 lliTciTii ailVo 11 s lo a Agoiicyi 21 Fren/er block. Information fieo ' 117 llltls lolIMibllo Printing. STATE op NEIIHASICA , 1 Offlco of State Hoard of I'rlntlne , > LINCOLN , November Kith , iSUO. ) NOIICR TO HIPIIK.H.S. Sealed proposals will bo received at any lime on or before two o'clouk p. in , of thu ntli day of December , A. I ) . IS'JO , for the printing of all bill for the legislature with such mat ter as may bo ordered by either hoasu thereof to In ) printed In "bill form" which Is shown and designated asclassonolUanuorthcprlnt- Ing laws of the state of Nebraska. For the printing and binding In pnpcrcovors of ono thousand ( I.UOJ ) copies each of the bien nial icportsof the auditor of public accounts , tieasiucr. secietary of state , and commission er of public lands and buildings ; and ll\e hun dred ( ViOO ) copies each of the biennial lepoitsof the attorney general , superintendent of pab- llo Instruction , htuto llbraiian , and adjutant general ; and all other leports and documents that may bo ordered printed by the legisla ting , except Mich as may enter Into nnd form a paitof the joarnals , whleh elass of work Is known and designated as class three ( II ) under the printing laws of Nebraska. The bill work , e.\cculed under class one , shall be printed In small plea typo on paper fourteen (14) ( ) Inches long by eight and one-half (8'.j ( ) Inches wide , single page , paper to bo twenty-eight (28) ( ) pounds double cap to the ream , anil except the title page ; each page shall contain not loss than twenty-live (25) ( ) llnea of bolld matter of seven (7) ( ) Inches In length and the lines hhall be successively numbered , with a blank only In each space be tween the Hues. Thu title pagu of said bills shall contain not less than eighteen (18) ( ) lines as above , with throe (3) ( ) Inches additional space allowable for display tltlo matter. Each bid shall state what the bidder Is willIng - Ing to do the work complete for , per page , for two hundred (200) ( ) conies of each bill ; also the price for additional hundreds that may bo or. derud of the sniuoblll at the same tlnui as th original (2UO ( ) , Including composition , papero press workbtltchlng , folding , and all woilc or. material entering Into the work reiuliou. | All work executed , under class ono shall bo delivered In peed order by the contractorto the olllco of the secretary of state within three days after the receipt ot the order by said contractor from the chairman of the committee oa iirlntlng , In cither blanch ofthc lulalgsturc. All work executed underclass three (3) ( ) shal bo printed in long primer , brovicr and IIOMIKI- rlcl typo , on paper to bo nine Inchei longny sit ( ft ) Inches wide , single page , paper to I/O forty-five (15) ( ) pounds to the ream , of twontv- fear liy thlrty-slv , white book. Each bid underclass three shall state what the bidder Is willing to do the work complete for , per page , oa each report , or Item In thu class. In cluding composition , pnper , press woik , stitching , folding , and all work or material entering Into the work required. Unlley anil nnKii pioof must be furnished \\hea teijulrcd by thnotlleeis of the uvecallvo depaitment or thu chahman of the committee on minting In either branch of the legislature , \\ork when completed lobe delivered fieo of o.xponsout lh state house. Proposals for work on oioh of the above elassrawlll nothoconsldoiod unless the same he accompanied by a bond lathcsiimof ( ho thousand ( ? . " > ,0&0)dollarsvt ) ith two or moiu sure ties : that Incasotlie par ! v proposing for such contractNhall boawnrdcd thos.imosuch puny will , within live (5) ( ) days nfler the award to him of such contract enter Into bonds for the faithful performance thereof , as provided by law and the tern.s of these pioposals. I'ropnsalsshall bo marUcd , " 1'ioposals for 1'abllo Printing" and addiessed to the state board of printing. In care of the secretary of state , Lincoln. Neb. Conlractson class one (1) ( ) , as above specified , will bo awarded as a whole. L'onli acts on class tin on ( 'It , as above speci fied , will be awi.rdod In whole or In pait as the bourd'may elect. Hninptes nt thu work to ho executed under class ono ( I ) , and three (3) ( ) , may bo seen at the olllco of thu hcciotaiy of st'tto. Contracts on above classes ono (1) ( ) , nnn thread ) , to run two (2) ( ) years from December Bth. 1MJ. The state printing hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 11K.V H. COWDKHV. Seciorary of State T. II. IlKivroN , Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts. J. E. HIM. Treasurer. State Hoard of Printing , ) Notice to Grading und Tlnili r Con- irnotoi'N. Wo nro prepared to receive bids for a largo amount ot work west of the summit of the Rocky mountains ou tlio line of the Orrat Nortnern railway , Including grading , which consists of rock , earth work anil tunneling , and u largo amount ot timber ! also a largo manual of hewed timber for structures , Pur- ties who are prepared to go Into the woods and takeout timber and who huvo grading outllts for rock work , will find this a deal ruble oppor tunity. The work Is located , and thu supplies for I'urryliu ; It on are ou thu giound , and the work Is rcudy to commence ) atonco. I'or fur ther Information Innnlro at room .el. National Ouimaa-Amerlean bunk building , Hi. Puiil. Minn , fahepard , blems k. Co. N2d7IM ! ) Notion. To the Stockholders of the Ogulullu Lund and Cattle Co. : Notlco Is liuroby given that Ilio iinnuul moetlim of the stockholders of the Ogalullu bund and Cattlu Company will beheld held ut the company' ) ) olllco , No. 210 South lltli street , In the elty nf Omuhu , Nob. , on Wednes day , December 3rd , Ib'.W ' , at a o'elook p. m. , lot thu election ot dliectorx for the ensuing year , und the transaction of such other buslne ui may come before thu meeting. NoYomDcr 17 , IB'JO. nlSdlUt JOSKIMI I'uiNK , Socrotary. TJIW AVOI11C OP UlU'lllON'Oll.M 1CNT , Heduocs the NiiinlKir of Slon mill Hours at tbo Union I'aulllo Shops , It Is learned from n nrotnlnont onk-lal n\ Union I'nolllo hoailqunrters that Mr , Middle- ton , the superintendent of inoUvo jiowor , 1ms onlctvd a furtlicr reduction In the nmnliii ; expenses of the Nebraska illvlslon. Ho has ordered that the shops boclo-scd on K.ittinlny afternoons and that a cut bo inado In every possible Olroctlon In onlor to the very lowest , point. Sulil tl'ls oniclal : "I nm Informed that UKJ worUltip ; time will bo rcitticoil unothcr li.tU lioiii'coniinondnKnt otice , nml more men will bo iHselmrtfed. It will not bo po.sslblo to re * duce the force nny further without rripptlnir it. The shops are dolni ? n deal of won < for other divisions of the ro.ul mid It will now bo necessary for those other divisions tu ilo their own work orsuiTer tlio eonscuuences. There is cnotiKli work on thn Nohr.isku dlvl < slou to keep the force sit the shops employed nil the time. " "Do you know what caused Ilio ivduetlott In tlio force ! " was nsUed. "Well , I'll tell you what I think , but don't sny anything about It. 1 urn of the opinion Unit the inotlvo power department has boon spending altogether ton inauh nionoy and is now coinpolle , ! to eul down oxponscs on ac count of lack of funds. Tlicio is certainly no IncU of work and the report In a certain paper that the now engines received would lessen the woik Is very funny. These en- nines have to he 'east up. ' and tills , of Itself , causes a fireat of extr.i workinoro than enough to ollset any other considera tion. tion."Another "Another cut may bo expected soon , " hn continued. "Mlddleton Is determined to ro- liticu oxiH'iises nt any cost in oiiletto inako a Rood showing , undue wilt not stop until ho thinks ho bus succeeded , " "Is it a fact that there are more men in the ) shop * now than there were In the sprinp ! " "yes , there were about nineteen hundred men employed in the shops in Miiv , nud these were reduced In Juno by tlio discharge of about two hundred men. Tno force wiw aflerwai'ds incronseil gradually , and last month there were nearly two thous.uul men 011 the rolls. Last week thuio wore liV ) moil let out , so that there are now more itiea em ployed in tlio shops than there were in May lust. " COUNGIIjMiYNlO HIjHC It Will no Hold Toilny In All tlio \Vanls oT the City. Today successors will bo elected to Ilio followlnp councilmen whoso terms shortly expire : Lowry In tlio First , Kusptir In the Kocotid , Ford in the Third , Wheeler In the Fourth , O'Connor ' in the Fifth , Shviver In tlio Sltlh ChnlTeo in the Seventh , Sander in thoKightb , nnd Davis in the Ninth. Tbo nominous are as follows : First Wurd-J. H. McCoy , republican ; J. . ' . Kennedy and Thomas Lowry cucb clai'n- tig to be the deinocratio nmninee. Second Ward M. II. Kedlleld , i-cpubUeati ; , Klsusscr , democratic , and I. S. Hascall , lulepcadent. Third N aril Sol Prince , republican ; Dlolc lurdish , ilemocr.itie ; .lolin U'Cotmcll and M Leader. Indopendoat. Fourth Ward D. 1 1. Wheeler , republican ; T. F. Tuttle , democratic , and D. U. Denver , indopenucnt. Fifth Ward W. A. S.umders , rcpublirnn ; T. J. Casey , democratic ; T. U. ICelsoy , itide- KJlldOllt. Sixth Ward C. Sneclit , republican ; K. 'autscti ' , democratic ; Thomas lluinllton , m- ilcicndeiTt. [ Soventli Wnru-C. L. Chnljeo , republloan ; 'cterStiiith ' , demoenitie , and M. L. Koodor , tidepcndeiit. Klthth Word 0. Brunei' , icpubltcua ; .1. ' . Connolly , democratic , F. G. Urlau unii St. iO. . Dtdcoinbe , independent. Ninth \Vniil E. 1' . Davis , republican ; Icorgo J. Paul , democratic , and John Thomas , independent. The polls will bo held at the following ilnces and will bo open Irom 8 o'clock in tlio uorniug until 0 o'clock at night. VIHbT WAUIl. First District K. U. Nelson , No. T01 South Seventh street. Sei.-ond District . ! . H. Davis , No.SOTSouth Tenth stivct. Third District G. Zimmerman , Eleventh and Picrco streets. Fourth District II. G. Uauman'R harbor shop. Sixth street , between Pacific and Pierce streets. Fi fth District ICrug's gi-ocery store , Tliir- t couth and Vintoii streets. Sixth District -M. Uhorow , No. T0'2 linn- croft street. First district No. 712 South Thirteenth street. Second district John D. Murphy , No. ' .1Wi : Pierce street. Third district J. C. Muilcndor , No , I'.HU ' ioutli Twentieth street. Fourth district John Lomley , No. 12(5' ' ) South Sixteenth street. Fifth district-John T. Hast , No. 20A ) South Sixteenth slrcot. Sixth districtHenecht Uros. , No. 10'J3 A'iiitoli street. Tiiiun WAUII. First District J , .r. Doiiovan.No. , ' )3 ) North Tenth street Second District Derby hotel , No. ll.'l North Thirteenth. Third District 11. Ulerhaugh , No. I Hi South Fourteenth street. Fourth Dlstrlct-F. Percy & Co. , No. lll'J Soutn Eleventh street. rouiiTitvvur > . First District-S. H. Cooke Ss Co. , south west corner Sixteenth and Chicago street * . Second District-No. lliOJ DoJiro street. Third District-No. Ill'i ' South Sixteeath street. Fourth District-Uustav Halm , No. lU St. Mary's avenue. Fifth District- 1707 St. Mary's nvcmio. FIFTH WAUP. First District UonrylJrown , NoJtSOl Sher man avenue. Second Distrlut-JounMullcr.No.lSlUHhnr- man aveiuio. Third District-E.C. ErllitibNo , HDD Slier- man avenue. Fourth District John Halbori ; , No .VJ1 North Sixteenth street. BlVflt WAII > . First District Lyceum hall , Twenty-fourth street and Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Val ley Aillwav crossing. Hecond District A. D. Drown , Thirtieth street and Ames ftvonuo. Third DlMrict-John J. Deal , 1810 Military avenue. Fourth District MM. Anna Mojor.s , "lit North Twenty -fourth street. Fifth District Sixth ward clue room , Twenty-fourth ami I-iako streets. Sixth District -Mrs. 10 , IHaelc , ill I North Twenty-fourth .street. sr.VKXllt WA1ID. First District-J. W. Martin , No. li)9 : ) Park avenue. Second District Seventh ward rlub room , No. 1'1'J Park uventio. Third DiUrict-J. II. HuolIT , Twenty. ninth and Dupout streets , HKillTIl W.VIIII , First dlstrict-H. Kalin , No. 'J.nj ! Ciuaint ? street. Second dlstrict-C. B. Ilorton , No. ' .MtSlJ Cuming street. Third district-O. L , Hang , No. 250 1 fjum. ing street. .NINTH WAllP. First Distrlct-J. T : IIopo , No. ill 15 Gum- Ing street , Second District Vclo Pascalo's barber shop , corner Lowe avenue and ( Jtiming street , Third District -Ninth ward club room , No 2003 Faruuin street. "At last , I can oat a good square meal without its distressing me 1" was the grateful exclamation of one whose appetite lm < l been restored by the use of Avcr'u Saisaparllla ] after yours of dysjioptlo misery. A teaspoonful - ful of the extract before each meal sharpc'in the appetite. Injured at South Oninliii. Xicorgo Glllncr , residing at Ninth nud Far * nam streets , in tills city , u teamster for D , II. Mahoney , whllo delivering lumber tit tha Cudnhy packing houses In South Omaha , at , noon yostenlay fell under thu loal hU ribs und mushing ids left foot. Throuph coaches Pullman pultico bloupurd , ( lining cars , free rucllnln ulitilr cai'H to Chlciiifo und Intervening noitila vlu the ffroulltock Inland route. Ticku Illcu 1U012 , Sixtounth und Fur num.