Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Tliis is
Old Iowa Friend
.Writes About Us.
The world's full of shoddy goodsma
And ovcry now year brings
Schemes which should bo squelched
by law ;
Cheap Imitations of genuine
Chonp Clothing sold by cheaper
To catoh the wages of the poor.
Circulars from the tricl-stors' pen ,
Arc loft at ovoJy person's door.
The "bankrupt sale" and auction
Cntch many n hnrd-oirnod : dollar
They'll soil a Inunilrlod shirt ( on
the boom , )
For loss limn you could buy a doz
en collars.
By throwing- ono bait to the human
fish ,
They'll catch a hundred suckers ;
Later , you'll kick yoursolfand wis'u
Vou hadn't , when the shoddy
draws and nuclcars.
Your nan Is creep up , yoor coat's
too short ,
You givo'om to your llttlo brother
But then it's no use to rnvo and
snort ,
But show moro sense when you
buy another.
It's n. perfect ] ) ii//lo to mo , ma ;
How people can ho such fools ,
Thoro'a loss KOHSO now thun there
use to bo ,
When wo hadn't so many schools.
Moat clothlors , I nm loth to say ,
For the siiko of greater gnln ,
Carry the shoddy poods toduy ,
"Compelled to , " is tholr claim.
So skillful Is the countorflt
That not ono man lit every five ;
Can toll ( the way the roomsnre lit ) .
Whether Its "
"dead11 cloth or
"alive. ' ,
A few houses , I nm oloasod to say ,
Have reputations which defy ,
The shoddy goods man of today.
Andnonobut HONEST goods
Then if you want n suit thats
My frlondly reader , its very
plain ;
That you must go to some store
where ,
When a house has hold a business
down ,
Until It's the OLDIiST IN THE
And dcnlt " "
"SQUARE" with every
man in town ,
So como along and see us friends ,
You'll bo satisfied I know ;
You'll ' find us where 18th and Far-
nnin blonds ,
Look for the sign of M.
Ho Asks the House to Cause an Invcstiga
tion of the Silver Pool ,
Wlint Mr. William Sanders Saw In the
Satitli General Itutun IMny SHU
Cntiso n ScnsaiIon After
r'roo Silver.
R13 FoUltTKr.XTIl BTIlBBTi . >
WAHIIISOTOS , D. 0. . I5ce . 1.1
Representative Doclwry of Missouri threw
what Is ordinarily called a bombshell Into
the house today by offering n resolution call
ing for nn Investigation hitotho alleged all-
vcr pool In which various senators nnd repre
sentatives are said to have been Interested
during the silver legislation last year. This
matter has been the subject of common
rumor , but that portion of Mr. Doekery's ' resolution
elution which Intimates thnt these gentlemen
inndau profit of 11,000,000 will cause many of
them to smile bitterly. It Is generally bo-
Ilovcd that there was a pool of very considerable -
able size which Invo-itcd in margins on sliver
bullion before tlio passage of the bill last ses
sion , and that nn attempt was inado to unload
the holding when the price of the ineUl ran
up to 110 and 120. But the brokers
In Wow York were n llttlo too spry for thu
statesmen and when they learned Unit the
latter wcro going to sell they unloaded so
rapidly that the price ran to about where it
was when the legislation was commenced ,
and remains there In the most soggy nnd un
pleasant condition. The pool fins not un
loaded. Ills now supposed to bo carrying
many million dollars' worth of silver , the in
terest upon which Is such-n heavy burden
that It will very soon cat up all the profits.
Mr. LJocuery could get some Interesting in
formation en this subject if ho would press
his Inquiry ,
SuporintcndentPorter has prepared a table
showing the population of each state and the
apportionment of members of the house of
representatives to bo from three hundred and
thirty-two to three hundred and seventy-live.
In nny of these cases Nebraska will have six
members in the house. '
Mr. William Sanders , the veteran superln2
tcndent of the propagating gardens of the
agricultural department ami the founder of
the famous order known ns the Patrons of
Husbandry , has Just returned from a some
what extended trip through the south , and
says that ho is nnm/tcd over the growth and
prosperity of that section.
"Around the old-tlmo centers of popula
tion , " he says , "thoro hnvo been revolution
ary changes' . Material advancement is noted
everywhere , and is generally duo to the
Yankee leaven , which has leavened the
whole lump. Great cotton factories anil iron
mills have sprung up In unexpected places' ,
and around nro comfortable homes of thou
sands of employes. The population of ninny
of the towns is made up exclusively of those
who labor in the mills and fuu'orics , nnd they
are mostly Iir migrants from New England.
The Important result of this development is
to impress the white people of the south with
the dignity of labor which they have not ul-
ways recognUed , "
It is understood that there will bo another
investigation of General Ilnum , it being
charged that ho used the pension bureau very
extensively during the late campaign for po
litical purposes and particularly In Indiana.
Hcprcsentatlvcs Bynum and Cooper nre de
termined to renew the attack upon him nnd
resolutions may bo looked for any day. The
committee which investigated General Ilaum
during the last session has never made a re
port although the minoritv gave a false and
sensational statement to the x > ubllc Just be
fore adjournment.
ALL WANT Flini ! SlI.VHIt.
Free silver colnngu SCOIIH to bo very popu
lar as a result of the election. Conger's bad
hardly got under way when four now bills
for free coinage were Introduced. Two nro
by republicans , I'leklor and Bnrtlno and tbo
others by democrats , Townsend nnd Cle
ments , Indicating that the free coinage senti
ment is not confined to party lines.
There was a very funny Incident In the
sonata today. It is not an IrNh bull to say
that the dele started to read the president's
message before that document arrived. It is
customary to SCIHI the message from the Gov
ernment printing ofllco in pamphlet form nnd
hnvo copies upon the desks of tbo senators ns
soon us the ollleial manuscript is received
from the president. Today the copies were
distributed as usual , but owing to a misun
derstanding they got into the hunits of the
senators before the commltteo appointed to
wnit upon the president had returned , The
clerk hnd only gotten as far ns the words ,
' To the senate and the house of representa
tives , " when somebody directed the vice
president's ' attention to the fact that the
message had not been officially received. A
moment later the committee appeared to an-
nouco that the president would communicate
with the scnnto In writing and were shortly
after followed by the executive clerk who
delivered a package containing the mnnu-
script message and tbo reading was renewed.
There was a paragraph of news In the
president's message which was the announce
ment that Mr. Mlzncr , the United States
minister to Guatamala , had been recalled be
cause of bis action In surrendering General
Barrundla to the Guatnmalan authorities.
Tills stop was taken several weeks ago , but
the first Intimation that the public has ro-
reived of it was in the message that wont to
congress today , nml the shock of surprise
was so great that all the newspaper corre
spondents In Washington have read the mos-
snpo through carefully hunting for other
news , although they are not in the habit of
perusing such documents.
On the recommendation of the regimental
commander Second Lieutenant Edward L.
Butts , twenty-first infantry , is transferred
from company 1 to company II of that regi
ment , and will proceed to Join the latter com
pany without delay. The travel enjoined Is
necessary for tbo public service.
Among the estimates supplied to congress
today nro the expenses of the federal service
In Nebraska , JM.OOO. Fremont , Nob. , for the
completion of the building under the present
government , fcrt.OUO : for tlio work on now
Fort Omaha , $11)0,000 ) ; for the commence
ment of the federnl building nt Omaha , fliOO-
000 ; for the support of the Indian school In
Genoa , JCS.OOO.
Senator Manderson and Paddock nrn very
ninth Interested now la a schema for helping
out the sufferers by drouth In western
Nebraska. They will visit the agri i-
cultural department Immediately nnd
ask that tin extra supply of seed :
bo Issued to the pcoplo In that
section. This may require a special session ,
nnd If this bo the cnso they will try to get an
appropriation inserted In ono of the regular
appropriation bills , A great many resolu
tions have been sent to the Nebraska delega
tion In congress asking that some legislation
bo enacted for the disarmament of tlio Indi
ans , nnd thnt it shall also bo a crlmo to sup-
p.y Indians with nrms , The entire delega
tion were In their seats today. Every ono
wns surrounded by a crowd of colleagues
warmly greeting them. I'KHIIY S. HKITII.
Your Wlfo's Duty.
Every nttornoy's wife In Omaha ,
Every bankers \ifo in Omahu ,
Every railroad man's wlfo In Omaha ,
Every doctor's wife In Omnha ,
Every architect's wlfo in Omaha ,
Every morclitvnt's wlfo in Omaha ,
In fnct
Every man's wlfo in Omaha
Who can nITord it should purchnso .
tholr husband n set of the Encyclopedia
Brltnnnlca now being offered bv tlio
Morse Dry Goods Co. nt S38.GO for HoS
full unabridged and uncurtnllcd edition
of 25 volumes ; every word anil ovcry
picture that IB in the original edition ? :
in this. Toi-ms :
1st volume , UOc.
ItouinlnUor$1.60a voliuno ,
Taken as you want thom , ono , two , or
four n month ,
1'loplnjr l/ovora Arrontcd.
NBHIUSKA Cirr , Neb. , Dec. 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tun DRB. | For some tlmo Lee
Moivtnn , an employe of the B , & M. railroad
In this city , has been paying loving atton1
tlons to Agnes llcsslltig , n matter thnt xvai
looked upon with great disfavor by the girl's
parents , especially by her mother. The
ufTiilro u'ntnour ' came to a focus today nnd
IrCOtind A cues packed their earthly belongi
ings and this morning bled themselves hence ,
Mater Hcssllng struck the trail later In the
day and found that it led to Hamburg , la.
She declares that young Morgan Is not yet
old enough to vote and that the girl In the
case Is llttlo more than sweet sixteen , conse-
qui'ittly the mother Induced the chief of
police tovlro tbomarahal nt Hamburg to
urrcst Morgan on the charge of kidnapping ,
while she followed on the train this evening ,
nnd the next clnpter in the affair will bo en-
ncted In Iowa. ,
Coiiifi-ngiitlnniil Cliurnh Doillontloii.
NELSOX , Nob. , Doc. 1. [ Special to Tin :
HEB.Jr'riio Oorman Congroif.ittonal church
was .dedicated yesterday. The scrvlco nt
iJiiW p. in. was participated in by Hev. W. H <
Kills of the Prnsbytorlnn church and Uov. J.
W. Hoyso of the MethoJist Episcopal church ,
in English , whllo Itov. M. Nownmn preached
u sermon in German. The Presbyterian
choir furnished the music , nnd the long
meter doxology was sung In Oorman and Kn-
gllsh at the same tlmo. The new church is
very neat ana cost about $ ti)0. ( ) Hov. M. Kv-
erct , the supcrlntondont of the Gennun Con-
gregntlonnl work In the state , was present
nnd delivered n line sermon in lOngllsh in thu
evening , The pastor of thu church , Uov. Mr.
Illlkcnbauumer , hat reason to foul encour
Jji-Ufinnty Olllclaln Umlcl1 l'roopn .
IlKATiiit'K , Nob. , Uec. 1.--Special [ Tclii-
grain to Tin : Bui ; . ] Proceedings In man
damus wcro begun today by I'rosecnl.u / At
torney Dobbj , to coinnel certain ex-county
oftlcials to refund to tlio county certain foes
withheld by thorn during their term of olllco
nnd which , according to an export employed
for the purpose , properly belong to the
county. The amounts aggregate several
thousands of dollars. Tno cases "were argued
nnd submitted and are now held under ad-
vlsemcnt by Judge Apiilegatc. The defend
ants have retained the leading lugal talent of
the city in their behalf. Thooutcomo will bo
awaited with much Interest. TlilovcH nt llontrlee.
IlHATiunn , Nob. , Dec. 1. ( Special Tolo-
gr.un to Tin : UKK. ] A team of mules and a
spring waKen belonging to Mrs. B. E. Hart-
zell , a pony belonging to Dale Elliott nnd a
buffalo 1 robe belonging to Harry Kwlng wcro
stolen from In front of tno Presbyterian
church last evening while the owners were
attending divlno service. The pony subse
quently strayed back to its owner's borne ,
north of the city , but minus the suddlo and
bridle. The team , wagon and robe nro still
missing , though it is thought that some trail
pf them has been found about llftccu miles
this side of Lincoln.
Klcvntnr and Grain Burned.
Neb. , Doc. 1. [ Special to
Tun BKB. ] The elevator owned by Peter
Drcsscn of Crcichton , Neb. , nnd run by J.
G. Blnlcsleo of this place , took lire last night
nt":30 : o'clock and burned to the ground to
gether with about three thousand busncls of
grill n. The general bellof Is that the tire
originated , in the building , caused by hot
boxes. j Insurance.'on elevator $ "J.r > 00 ; no in
surance on grain. Total loss , about $0,000.
Died or ItlicitmiitlNiii of tliu Heart.
COVINGTON- , Neb , , Deo. 1. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tim BKK , ] An inquest held to
day on the body of Samuel Gajtton , aged
eighty-five , who was found dead in bed yes
terday , revealed the fact that ho died of rheu
matism of tbo heart. Ho wns in Indigent cir
Kearney's New Packing : House.
KBAIINKV , Nob. , Dec. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKB.J A parade this afternoon
announced the completion of the now packing
house and work will bo begun tomorrow.
Proposed. Advnnoo in Freight Rates.
CHICAGO , Dec. 1. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BBK. ] Much Interest is manifested in
the meeting of executive ofllecrs of the west
ern railroads to bo hold hero tomorrow , pur
suant to the call of Chairman Midgeloy of the
Western Froluht association. Ono of the ob
jects of the meeting is to bring about an curl ) *
atlvanco in westbound rates to the former
basis of 75 cents per 100 pounds , ilrst class ,
between Chicago and ttio Missouri river. The
present tariff. . Is based on 70 cents , first class ,
but flow that tliu old per cent scale is in ef
fect between ht ro and St. Paul it is believed
to bo possible to get Missouri river rates up
to the level of last year. An attempt will
also bo made to advance grain rates between
Kansas and Nebraska points , notwithstand
ing tlio fact the present basis was lixed by
the Interstate Commcrclo association. No
attempt will bo inado to form the nucleus of anew
now association at this meeting , that hoing
ioft to tlio presidents and bankers , who arc
now arranging fora conference in Now York ,
Arbitration on Dressed Beef Rates.
CIIIOAOO , Doc. 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bun. ] Arbitrators George M. Boguo
and Henry H. Stone , appointed to settle the
dispute between the Lake Shore and the
Chicago & Grand Trunk In regard to differ
ential rates on dressed beef between Chicago
and Now Kngland seaboard points , met today
with the managers of nil the mtoroited lines
and beard testimony and arguments on both
sldes'oftho question. They will meet-again
next wcolc to consider the evidence and pre
pare n decision.
"Will Sue tlio Atclilson ,
CHICAGO , Dec. 1. It Is stated that the
Hock Island will begin suit against tbo
Atchison to recover $2,250 , expended in pur
chasing editorial tickets which the Atchison
has refused to redeem.
A I'osslh'c Ooill-nil Manager.
CHICAGO , Deo. 1. A local paper says a
rumor Is current hero connecting the name
of S. K. Callaway with the general manage
ment of the Union Pnclllc once more.
they Want Snmlny
CmcAaotDec. 1 , A joint meeting of min
isters of various denominations todoy adopted
resolutions calling on the world's ' fair com
missioners not to open the fair on Sunday
and not to allow any work on buildings on
that day ; also requesting the president of the
United States to use his iutlucnco to ihcso
Ilurlnl of n
THE HAGUE , Dee , 1. The body of the late
king of Holland was convoyed by train today
to this city , whence It was followed by an im
posing procession to Noord Elude palace.
Interment will bo at Delft ou Thursday.
A BcrkHhlro Tragedy.
Losnos , Dec. 1 , A terrible tragedy is re
ported at Sandhurt Itoynl military college
in Berkshire. The wlfo of Major CJregg , In
structor in the college , became insane , and
murdered her mother and suicided.
Five Negroes Drowned.
EVANSVIU.E , Ind , , Doc. 1. By the capsiz
ing of a sUlfC la the Ohio river this afternoon
llvo negroes wcro drowned. They were
crossing tbo river from this sldo with a load
of broom corn.
For Nrulcet ol' Duty.
WASHINGTONDec. . 1. The president has
directed the removal of Joseph II. Wilson ,
United States district attorney for the east
ern dlstrlctof Texas , on the ground of neglect :
of duty ,
An ICscapod Murdorcr Captured.
SOMEHSUT , Pa. , Dec. 1. David Nicely , the
condemned murderer who escaped from Jail
with his brother Sunday , has boon recap
tured. Posses are still searching for Joseph
N"c *
Tlio Umitli Iloll.
SAN FHANCISCO , Cal. , Doe 1. Charles H.
Livingstone , president of the Alia publishing
company , dleu today.
'JTlio TlthcH Kill
x , Doc. 1. The tlthos bill passed the
second reading In the commons tonight.
A County Trowujor In Trouble.
Sioux CITT , la. , , J3e.c. , 1.-Special ( Tclo-
gmm to TiiRHnB.J-Tro.lsurcrlvlfor of this
county Is In trounie. On nppllcatlonot A. G.
Ilooto an Injunction nils been granted by
.Judga Lewis ng.ilnst'Utd ' sale of certain land
i at tax sale advertised to Xiloma off today. J.
B. Jcrman , the ex-county supervisor , who
skipped out n few wc k dgo , formerly owned
the . land , nnd just before he went ho trans
ferred . It to Hoolcjjndin pnvmentof tbo
i tn.xw gnvo the treasurcrhl * individiinl check
, , nnd took a receipt In' ' regular form. The
check . wns protested uid | ICIfer is charged
| ,
; with erasing the entry on thu books nnd de
stroying the diiplleaw receipt. An abstract
| made immediately niter the taxes wcro paid
shows n clear title , whlln one made last week
shows the above defects. The treasurer's ef
fort to save himself from loss will Involve n
delicate law point.
A AVonltby Farmer
Pr.intv. la. . Doc. li fSpeclnl Telegram to
Tins BiiK.l On the night of November 23
Levl McMullcn , n highly respected nnd
wealthy farmer living southwest of town ,
loft homo. Since then hundreds of people
hnvo been scouring the country In search of
him without success. Sheriff Diddy has of
fered u reward of $50 for Information leadhiK
to his discovery. Ho Is supposed to have
wandered away while temporarily Insane.
l-'niiernl of Captain Itnaly.
AVOCA , la. , Dec. 1. fSpccInl Telegram to
Tun BBK.J The fuucrnl of Captain C. Ilealy ,
an old-time resident of this place , whoso
death was announced on the 29th instant ,
took pined nt 10 n. m. today , nt the Catholic
church , of which ho was a member.
Tlint of the Itnard of Appeal * of the
American Trotting ANsiioiatloit ,
CHICAGO , Doe. 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bin.j : Tomorrow the board of appeals
of the American Trotting association will
hold nn Important session at the Auditorium. "
Chairman J. 1C. Stein of Detroit and C. L.
Benjamin nnd W. 1' . Ijnins nro nt present
located at the hotel. Last season was prolific
in disputes and protests. Owners of trot
ting horses have boon lined for falsifying
cliis ) entries , Judges throughout the domain
of the American Trotting association have
been accused of discriminating , and alto
gether over eiphty cases will bo decided by
this boarl of appeals ,
"We will hear some of the cases in open
meeting , " said Mr. Stciner , "while others
will bo discussed In executive session. "
When into , rogatcd ns to the question of the
validity of August Dclmont's next season's
entries , Mr. Stcincrsairt ho wns not familiar
enough with the rules of the National Trot
ting association to state whether or not the
dead banker's horses woula bo permitted to
trot under the provisions of the entries.
Hniml of Indication.
Every member of the board of education
was present at the regular meeting last
The committee on claims presented bills
and claims to the amount of $ & ) , Ot > O.C2 which
hnd been oxnmlncd and approved. The re
port wns adopted nnd the bills ordered paid.
The same commltteo recommended that a
sinking fund warrant bo drawn in favor of
City Treasurer Itush for S300 : ! to cover pur
chase Of (5 ( per cent curbing bonds to that
amount , which have been placed to the credit
of the board. >
The committee on supplies was authorized
to purchase 100 sots of writing slips for the
use of tbo penmanship class of the high
The commltteo on' supplies was given
authority to purchase 1(500 ( square feet of
slate for use in the seliool rooms of the city as
a substitute for the old style plastered "black
board. " The now article comes in the shape
of slabs of slate one-fourth of an inch in
thickness nnd will bo set Into the walls of the
rooms. This order , is in the nature of un
The piano at the hleh school was ordered
placed In the gymnasium for the use of the
'classes in calisthenics.
The secretary , on motion of Mr. Wehrcr ,
was authorized to sepuro. bids for placing a
small furnacu la 'the hallway of the Izard
On motion of Dr. Olbbs , Quick's ' Kducn-
tional Uoformcr was made the olllcial text
book for the training school.
Dr. Glbbs presented a resolution providing
for the employment of a teacher in nennian-
ship for the schools , other than the high
seliool , nt a salary not to exceed f'JOO per
annum. Hoferrod to the committee on
special teachers.
Messrs , Popploton , Points , Smyth , McDon
nell and Martin were appointed a special
commltteo to report on change * , etc. , iu the
metropolitan school law to bo presented to
the legislature for actiou.
A Horne T/ilr-f's / Matrimonial Career.
DIJNVKH , Colo. , Doo. 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BBK.J Governor Cooper began his
ofllclal duties this morning by signing the
requisition papers of II. G , Whoelock , who is
wanted in North Platte , Web. , for horse steal
ing. Sheriff Baker of , Lincoln county , Nob. ,
will leave Denver tonight for Durango ,
where Wheelock is nt present confined.
Whoelock's career in the west has boeu soino-
wtiat eventful. Ho was formerly from Loclc-
port , N. V' . , which ho left some years ago for
Illinois , where ho married two women in dif
ferent parts of the state. Three years ago
ho brought up In North Platte , Nob. Hero
ho also married Miss Mary Upson , and after
seven or eight months stole a horse and saddle
and moved to Monte Vista , Colo. , where ho
continued his matrimonial career by marry
ing a daughter of Hichmond Caiilo. lie
lived hero a year , but in some way his last
father-in-law got wind of his career In North
Platte , nnd this led to the investigation ,
which resulted in his collapse and arrest.
An Incorrigible Youth ,
Deputy Sheriff. Spencer of Pcoria , 111. ,
passed through Omaha last night with Frank
Lannlng , the thirtcen-yoar-old lad who was
taken into custody in Omaha a month ago
with $500 in his pockets. Young Lnnning
was found in Lusk , Wyo. , where ho was
rapidly acquiring the habits land customs of
the cowboys. The boy stele the J.WO from a
lady with whom ho had been stopping but a
few days at ICIrklnnd , III , Ho had run away
from his homo In Pcoria and drooped Into the
homo of a well-to-do family atlCirkland and
told the good pcoplo that he was a homeless
wanderer nnd disconsolate orphan , The lad v
of the house was moved by the lad's distress
ing tale of privation , so slio took him in nnd
gave him a homo. Ono week later ho stele
$500 and lied. Ills going to Lusk , Wyo. ,
socms to have been nothing but a moro whim.
Ho had no relatives or friends there , but
seemed to bo making good headway among
the cowboys.
Kllloa on , iho Ilrldtrc.
PonTSMotrrir , la , , Dec. I. [ Special to Tim
BKB. ] A young German named Kramer was
struck and killed by a fcolght train on the
Chicago , Milwaukee & S $ . Paul , on the long
bridge just west of this.placo yesterday. His
father and brother weru taking the bridge
route with him as belnetho shorter ono by
which to walk homo. ' Tile two got over the
bridge nil right , but this''thlrd ono , being behind -
hind , was struck by tho'trnln hoforo ho was
nblo to got off the bridge , which Is about MO
feet long. Ilo was horribly mangled , nnd
death was instantaneous. His father wns
quite cool about it , nnd .himself removed the
body from tbo trade ; taking it down the
dump , and laying It ) dawn , and leaving it
there whllo ho and hist little son wont two
miles after a team wlttt- which to move the
Oflloer Cox HiiHlnlnnil ,
The board of fire and police commissioners
held a lengthy session last night unon the
charges preferred against Ofllcer Cox by J.
J. O'Connor. Tno board passed n resolution ,
after hearing nil the testimony , giving Olilcer
Cox credit with having performed bis duty
when ho arrested O'Connor , but with falling
to using thu proper discretion in the exercise
of his duty , The charges wore then di.s-
missed ,
Sergeant SIgwart , Patrolman IClrk nnd
Flroinan Wuyinun wcro given leaves of ub-
senco. The slew report showed only flf ty-two
sick the past month , us.agulnU 105 for Octo
Resolutions of condolence with tin family
of Oftlccr Leo were adopted oy the board.
low tliol'rlniitrlcBVeroMitilpulntoil
In III * Intercut.
Later developments go to show thnt
halTeo's plnns for carrying' the Seventh
nnl nt the primaries wcro concocted nnd
nrrlfd out to tlio loiter. William Fnrr , who
t-as appointed Judge by the republican ecu-
rnl committee , In speaking of the outrages
xjrpetrntod by the Chafleo hirelings , last
tght said :
"It Is well known tlint the central com
mittee appointed P. .T. Quealley Inspector ,
"I. 1'J Cocbran clerk nnd myself Judge , On
ho day tlio primaries wcro held wonll ussom-
iled nt the polling plnco , and ns soon ns wo
ntcrcd tlm room Air. Quonlluv took the bnl-
ot box nnd nid thnt ho proH | > scd to net ns
ndge. 1 remonstrated , telliii ) . ' him that I
vas the Judge nnd ho the inspector. Ilo then
aid that it made no illffercnco ; that ho
mow his business and would act In the in-
orest of fairness niul nn honest count. The
.uestlon was argued for some time , nml ivs
he majority of the board was against me , 1
ad to yield.
"I want to say also that when wo reached
ho polling plnco , ono Charles W. Thomas
vas In the room and remained there , acting
n the capacity of clerk , though repeatedly
equesteu to leave.
' Kegimling the methods of the Chaffer
men , they wcro most disgraceful. George
iSabliio and J. W. Eller tided us challengers
'or ' Chaffeo , nnd constantly stood before the
vlndows obstructing the voters. The tickets
ssucd by Itoeilcr were smaller than those
ised by Clmffee , nnd when these men saw n
loeder voter step up to tlio ] wlls they
ould challenge his vote , nnd without wnlt-
; ig for him to bo sworn , would turn 'around
.o Soavoy's ' cloven policemen who wcro there
> n duty and suy , 'Take this man nway.1 The
fllcera would at once obey , unil 1 amcnnfi-
lent that from ono hundred to ono hundred
nd fifty republicans , ninny of whom have
Ivod in the ward for years , were thus do-
> rlvcd of their votes , simply to carry the
vnnl for ChalTeo.
"Lato In the afternoon nearly one hundred
grndors , led by Ed Cnllahnn , wore innrcliod
p to the polls with ChalTeo tickets in their
niuls , Sam MacLeod , who was challenging
'or Uoeiler , objected to their votes being re-
oivcd , mid challenged them. He was pushed
nit of Iho way , and all of the votes were
aken without any questions being asked. "
Mr. MncLcod , who was n listener to Mr.
. ' 'nrr's statement , corroborated what ho said ,
nd then added ;
"I know of my own knowledge that 201 re-
ittbllcans wcro deprived of their rights nt
.lint primary by the Infamous course pursued
jy ChafTeo and his guiig. aided by the police ,
, vho were doing his bidding nnd obeying his
nstructlons. It win n systematic plan , nnd
ivas carried out to the Jettor , so mucli so that
vhen Ed Walsh or myself nskcd for fair
day wo-woro told to keep quiet or wo would
10 locked up. Even after the polls were
loscd two of these minions of the law on-
.crod the room nnd stayed there until the
'oto wns counted , whllo the citizens on the
idc.vnlk were driven nway. "
A mnn should never allow himself to bo
.vithoutabottloof . Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup ,
'for no man knoweth what the morrow may
-ring forth. "
Have yon over tried Salvation Oil , the
roiitest euro on earth for pain ) It has cured
nany and will euro you. Price 25 eeuts a
_ _
Voters , llovvnro
Of the citizens' ' candidate rot1 councilman In
.ho Eighth ward. If St. A. D. Halcomb had
omo out for the ofllco at the primaries last
Friday ho might have been chosen there for
.ho republican nominee , and. might liavo been
looted , and no doubt would mnlco nn excel-
, ont representative of the people ; hut since
: io did not announce himself a candidate until
ho eleventh hour , after all nominations are
nnde , tils chances for election are so slim
lint nny ono voting for him tomorrow will
only rob C. E. Bruneiot possibly enough
votes to defeat him and elect Pat Connelly ,
the democrat nominee. As n good republican
I would have been too glad to support Mr.
Balcombo had ho been nominated.
EIGHTH WAIID Ur.ruuuc.w.
Killed by an
sKan. . , Dec. 1. [ Special Tolo-
rum toTim Bne. ] Otto Ling , n well-to-do
stoo maker , aged thirty-eight , wns struck by
a Missouri Pacific engine in the western
part of town last iilght and will die. Whisky
caused It ,
Both the method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant
nnd refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnatc nnd ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd ngreenmo substances , ita
many excellent qualities coramend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by nil leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
IOUI3V/UE. AY. - t/EW YORK. tt.1.
C. L. Erlohson , Local Apt.200 N.lGth St
"IT. S. Moll , " nn nmlnbto sattro ( in the pos
tal service , will bo presented next Friday nml
Saturday , December 5 raid 0 , nt the Urixml
opera licuso. This Is tlio flnt iurr.orinunco .
In tlio city of this sUlt , wlilch bM iwelvoit
considerable notoriety in the cast because
ono of the proprietors Is married to Mrs ,
Unrrlson's iilceo. It hns met witU success
wherever protontod niul Is now on Its wny
civit after u liijjhly prolltublo tour of tlio .1'u-
clllc coii'U Us nilrtli , tiioloJi tiuJ sutlro II.-H
innilo n strong impression. Tlio company Is
exceptionally stronir.
The deck of the stcnmshlp , the Itcnrlottn ,
on which Plilitpa Keg ls tti inulco tlio jour
ney to Liverpool In Imrc Klwlfy's Rrcnt
spcctucle , "Around the World , " which opei.s
nn cnc goiuent of four nljht nd y.itintlny
tiintlnca on Thuwdny evening next lit the
Iloytl , Is n perfect siHtlnrcof u now dps'ti ! ,
ovurvtliitig perfectly hullt up to Ilio sniaUcst
details , but the principal feature Is tlint thH
steamer sln1s ( In view of HIP nntlloncp , wlileli
has never boon Uono before on any BtUo | In
nny pi-oiluotloii over Riven In this country.
\Vllllnni Jerome's ' iiuiusinn pnrodlD-t on
popular songs to bo heard In "U. S. Muir'aro
nlRlitlv received with much hllnrlty. They
lire sold to lie Intensely funny , AIIIOIIR thn
scones shown In the comedy are thu Interior
of n country m-ltitliiR shop , the Interior of a
postofllco niul n rural cilltor's siinctutn. The
opportnnllios for uiillinltvd fun tlint these
scenes present liuvo liciui seized with Krcnt
success. "Tho U. S. Midi" will bo seen nt
the Grand on Kridny nud Saturday next , nnd
at n Saturday matlnoc ,
Th'j Eden Musco has n very creilitublo
troupe playinK nt tlint popular homo this
xveclc. The grant Dcrvlllo family of niiisl-
clans dosomo wonderful work. Their dex
terity on the musical Instruments Is womlor-
ful , whllo their songs , ballads nml melodies
tire genuine gums , sparkling , pathetic nmt
xvontlorful as the selection mi ht bo. Ar-
Uctte , tlio fairy mictiii , nnd Syaney , the
xvhlstlcr , are novelties ,
"I nso Ayer's Cherry Pectoral freely In tny
nrnctlce.nnd rocoiniiicnd It in cases of whoop-
inc coiih | aiuoiiB chllilron , havlifg found It
inoro certain to euro tlint troublesome disease
tbnn any other inudlclun I know of. " So says
Dr. BartloU of Concoril , Mnss.
AlnioHt Asphyxiated.
J , A Itccdcr , better known ns "Scotty , " a
conductor on the Snermnn avenue motor
line , had * n narrow escape from do.ith by
asphyxiation last Frlilny night and wa * only
nblo to resume his run yesterday. Ho went
to bed early on the niRlit in question , nnd by
some mistake a draft In the steve W.H left
open , aihnltthiiT coal mis into the room.
About Ha. in. Mrs. Uccdor nwolco. nlinost suf
focated by the deadly pisses , and sprang out
of bed xrlthn stilted sliriuk mul fell Insensi
ble to the lloor. "Hcotty" was aroused from
rajildly approachlnj- Insensibility by his
wifo's X'olco , and rcalt/iui * ' the danger , tried
to reach the door but fell nnd hnd only
strcn gth enough to craxvl on his hands and
knees in search of fresh air. The door onre
open ho caincd strength enough to draf * his
\\ife to the door , mid after muuh dlfllculty ro-
suatutcd hex. Uoth Mr. and Mrs Itecder
have been very 111 since the event , and had It
not been for the furtunato nwakunlii of the
lady both would have undoubtedly perished.
Positively cured byn
these J.ittlc Tills. T
They also relieve Dis
tress trom Dyspepsia , In-l
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty !
Eating. A perfect rcm-f
edy for Dizziness , Nausea , !
Drowsiness , Dad Tastri
In the Mouth , Contedl
Tongue , Pain In tlio Side , !
regulate tlio Bowels , Purely Vegetable.
Dr. F. C. Wemer'3
Are highly rocoinmondcd after uovcn
years of successful experience by the
solo manufacturers ,
Kopp , Dreibus & Co. ,
1106 FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , Co per package.
Send for samples.
"lly n tliorniicli knowlO'lRo ' of tlio natural Intr *
which govern llu * oppnttliiii * of Olifoitlon und nntrl-
tlun , nuil by a curuf ul application of tlm line propur
lies of wcllBulectfill'oouii , Mr. Ki | | " lina pro v tiled
our brcnkfnxt nilullentuly tlnvoruil licvor-
iwo which innj save us ninny heavy iluctor'nbllN. " It
li liy the JuUlcluiiK ut > o < if aiich nrtlclua of illct that n
cunstlliUlon may i > OKrm1nnlly Imllt Hi | mull slroni ;
rnoUKh ta roiht tiveiy tcnduncf tn dlsrusu. Hun *
ilrnN of Biibtlo ninlnalci nro tlontlnK ri > iiiiilu rcailr
t nttnck wlicrovor HICTO l ! i wcnk pnlnt. Wo inn
i'KiMliiny ! | ; a futnl 8hiH by koc' | > ln i > nrsclruH Hi'l
furtltk'il with pure blooO , nntl a properly nourished
frnnio. " CivilHorvlcu Oazctto
.Mndo ilmi'ly with bolllno wnlcr or milk. Solil only
In half I'OiiuU ' tlnM. by Kroeorx , Inbcli-
i'S If I'K ' Xr Pfi Iloiiiosopalilu ChomlsU
jO LI 10 U IAI. , London , Knulimil ,
UK. .
etu AKO suipfiuom
trliKUMwSV. . , mow , , le tor llilnp clll < ! pur
Ke , Curi > nl ( IrnvrallTi l > raknr , Klflng frtr\yt \ 31114. Sooth.
, Cnnltnuoui CiirrviiU r > r Kl etrlcllr Ihrouith ill WKAK
J'AKTS.rc.t.irlnj thjmto IIUiLTII . .tl rililllllirHRTRKXuni
mmrk lurreil F ll liiUitl ; , or vfxu , In euH
IIKLTftnil IfotpraBorr l'onil > lpf f & . M ! op. Woritcncir r-
nan rllr Can , ) In . .
tnre * tuADIhi. KvnlrO t'kniphtcl ' Kre.
\UDENELJ-.OTRIOC0..10UUS.lUfl.CHICAnD.ll ! | ,
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
business and Invites Ills old friends nnd pat
rons , ns well as tlio Ki'imral publlto call and
Inspect his now stock of Imported cd domestic
woolens. Evor.vtlilu' ' {
" 1 wn nntntilo torte mjr lioniowork for IS j-pnrn ,
fnTMSl' ) Nlrliulnn WilsonT83H. lllvlilnnHt. , HiiRnlii ,
N. V. ' 'I ' > t > ctnro < l with umn7 | thyHlcl'iiih ' fur limmlo
wo.ikitcBiiniliiHpiliimnjr ! ri'iniMllej wltlumthuuutlt. .1
IPUXOH.NKUVK IIIIA.SS curuil mo : 1 inn lniii in uror :
ill ) iilltnr own work. " fl nor Inn. hit IIOXM fur HI.
AiMruii. NIIltVK IIKAN 1X1. . III/KKAI.O. / N V.
Sold LrHooilmiui DrmrUii. , llioruniiiin St. , Uiiiaim
Ilarkor lllock , Kti mul farniim Telephone O.M.
its manufacturers are drawing the attention of
the American public to this/fr.r/andever / since its invention ,
the best of all cocoasit will soon be appreciated here as well
as elsewhere all over the world. All that the manufactur
ers request is simply ono trial , or , still better , a. compara
tive test with whatever other cocoa it may be ; then VAN
HOUTEN'S COCOA itself will convince every one of its great
superiority. Itis because of this superiority that the
English paper Wealth , 533-5 : "Once tried , always used. "
SJ-To mold the evil ( ITocUor Te tnJ OTe ( , uia oorutnutly VAN HOUTEN'H ' COCOA ,
whlcliU HTIUiNrriliNKIUtli ( ; [ NiilVE.S : iiJl Mfrethlnmnd nourishing beverage. [ U
-The Majority
Ot sMMllcil congh-curts < ln little more than
Impair the digestive lunclloin Mid cicala
tiilo , Aycr's ' Cherry , on the con.
trary , while It cures the cough , docs not In-
tcrfcio with the tutictluii.4 ntcither stomacher
or Ihcr. No oilier medicine Is 50 sate mul
cnicaclouj In diseases of Ilio throat and
"i'otir years ORO I took n severerolil , hlclt
was followed by a torrllilo conph. I wn.i
very sick , mid confined to my licit about four
montlu. 1 I'UH'loyeil iilisk-l ) ii most of
the fine , \\lio finally said I was In consmnp-
( Ion , nnd lliat lie could not help me. One ot
my nelgliliois nilvlgiM mo to try Ajcr'j
Cherry 1'ecloml. I dM so , anil , before I had
Imlslicd Inking ttio first liolllu nl > Ki to
sit up nil Ihu time , nml to go out. lly tlio
tlrno I had linlsliod tlio bottle I m well , and
have remained soever since. " I. . 1 > . lllxby ,
llartons > I lie , Vt.
Ayor's Cherry Pectoral ,
1 > K. J. O. AYKR & CO. , Lov/olt , MooB.
BoliU > ) | ( | * * . rrlcafl ; ll'bottl.'l.f 5.
Till * pnnnlnr rcmocly noror falls
rr cti nlly euro
Dyspepsia , Constipation , Sick
Headache , Biliousness
Ami nil diseases nrlslnff from n
Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion.
Tlio nuiuritl result in good uiipotlto
nml NOlld ricftll. HOMO niunlll olr ; ant
ly aiinr foutcil uml cutty to MUil
KIIV Auunrnll-
Inn ) \Vrnknoo ,
Inuiotvncy nnil
nil ill'cnsui tlint
follow n a o-
tiniMioo of Holf-
nbiiKU. im of '
' '
I'aln Intliii llnek , lliniu' nf X'Mon.l'romntiiro CM )
AIIH , niiiliuuuy olInirill CBWs tlint lend to llurtllllr
urnin uiiiitluH aiulii | iri'iunturuiirn\ .
liyKiill imrllciil'im In our t > nniilrict | , which wo
slro to ( pnil fn'O lij mull lonrory uno tSTTlio Spf-
rlHeMcillrlnaliiiiitilatflH | > r | inckiiK , ur "It | > Bck-
nsuii rorK > , or will ticxMit froutij lunllon receipt of
tlio money , lj nililrc < lnit
On ncconnt of countorfplls o luito mloptcil Iho
jolluw wraiipor. tlio only ueiiiilnoi
" " ( "WATERS ' ! ' . ! &
Niluro'i Tonic , Diuretic and Uric Solvent.
C 0. MOORE & CO. , Agu. 1515 Dodge St.
Moro tlinn 15 ynnrs' o.xporlenco In tlio trpntmpntof
A ' euro KimriuiteiHl In 3 to Uvo ihiyjnltliout tliolJH
Df'unhuiir'H tlmo.
rcrmnnontly cured without pnln or luitriimantsi na
cutting ; no rtlhitlnii. The mint romnrknlj'io roinoJy
known to luodurn iclonru Wrltu fur
Dr. Mrdruw'a trr.ilnicnt fur thin lerrllilnlilnoililli *
onxo ! iai lition prunirmircit the nmtt powiTf nl nnd
Kuecottiifiil ri'iuoily DVIT ilhcovi'riHl for tliu iiliMolutu
euro of tills disease , llu HurrmH wllli tlilj cIMi'ai *
IIIIK nnvar boon uiiu.illuil. A fuinplole CUIIK ( jttAUj
KEiVrlto lur clrciilara.
nnd nil wonknoin of tlio pcxunl orunm ,
timidity iiml dospntrloncy nbsotutuly t'uroJ >
llef Is tiiiiiiCHlliitu nml cotnplctu
Cntarrh. rhounmtlsin , niul nil illnofi GJ of tlio blo > t
liver , kMnoyi nnd L > liultltir pormitu'ntly : ctimt.
nml liiMiriilfln , nonrouinvm ainldljon-UH of tie ! atom.
ach curcil. Tlio Ilurtur't "Homo Troutmonl" for
Inilles li prone jnci',1 liy nil who liavo mi'il U. lo bj
Iho moil corup oto nml convtmlnnt romoiljr uvoruC-
furtKl for the truntmunt of funmlo illHoaiat. Itti
truly n wonderful remedy. No Instruinontti H3
mnrvclon.i BUCCOSI lini won for him n reputation
which l < truly natlniml In character , and hit grant
nrmyof rntlcnts ronclioi fnim the Atlnntla to tli'j
1'Hclilo. The Doctor li n crnduntn of 'lUDlH.Ait"
uifdlclno nml has liiul Innziind careful ux | > erlonco In
hoHpltnl prnctlci' . niul li rln ed iitminK the Icmdlni
tpcclnllit * In modern Hclorino. I'runtniunt br oorro-
tponilcnco. tVrltn for circular ! ubout uacu of til *
ol > ovodUiuic < , I'ntK.
Ofiicc , 1 4th and Farnam Sts
ICntriincaoi oltliir itni-
leal anil Sui'iical lustitiili
Coruor Oth and Haruoy Btroat3 , Omahi.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A , T. MoliAUGHLIN , Proaldont
Foundodby Dr. J. W. MoMonamy.
National Bank
Capital. . . . - - $40OOOO
Surplus Jan. ist , 180O - 07OOO
Officer * Ma Dlroctori-IIenrr W , Totei , I'roiWonti
KwliS. lUed , Vlcu-PreilJunlj Jamit W. BBTBUO , W ,
V. llono. Johu H. Cuillnt , U. O. Cunhlaj , J. N. K
W. 1L H. llunbei , o iUUr.
Corner Ulli and Faronra BU.
AOenoral Uanklnit UuilnumTrunsaotoAi