Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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    r OMAHA DAILY BE , } MONDAY , DEQEMBEB 1 , 1890.
TF.tttIB or sum-OKI t'TION.
nnd Sunday , Onu Your . Ill 00
HI * inoiillis . ! > 00
3'hrpc months . 2 no
Huiidny Hi I- , One Year . 200
\ \ ccUly lice , Ono Year. . 1X ( )
pmnlin. Tlio Urn Hudcllng.
Houlli Onmlin. t'nrnor N mid Sflth Flrccts.
1'onticll lIlnlTfl , 1'J 1'cnrl Htrcot.
uhlciiKo onici317 Clnunlicr of Commerce. . .
KOB Vork.ltooins 13,11 nnd IS. Tribune Uulldln *
iVaihlngton , Dill roiirtcuntli Street
All communications rplatlnu' to new nnu
ili1c > rlul mutter Mmiild bo nudruiwd to the
Jxlllorhil Drpiirttncnt.
mwNKiis LETTntg. , , ,
All lii lncss letter * anil rpinlttanoos should
1 endilmiiHltiiTliolIca Publishing C'ompnny ,
Oriinlia. Drafts , checks and postoftlco orders
lo bo inado pat able to tlio order of tlio ooiu
The Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
? Tlu Hen iricl'K. rnriiiun uiul Seventeenth Hta
ilcilcof Nobrmkit. I . .
County of Umiclns. i "
floorer II. Trschuclt. jrcrotarv of The neo
rnbllfchlnir coniimnv. aoei solemnly sxrnur
tnnt the nctnnl clrculntion of Til DAILY HK
for tlio IMC * cndlu , : Nov. 'M , 1SOO was as fol-
himUv.Nov.23 ZI.O..I .
IMoiirtnv , Nov.S4 2I.4SO
T ir ! ny.Nov ! 5 r--HQ
iVpdm-Mlnv. Nov. ! M K.ilin
3 Iniisdiiv. Nov.27 1K..T-2
rrltlnv.Nciv.2S 'X.K *
fcuturduv , Nov.SU .5-.t''l ! '
Avcrago . 2UWM >
Growin II. T7 cnucK.
Fnorn to Vcforo mo nnd nnlmoribod In my
UilsBlth dnv of NovcinOcr , A. I.1803
frcsonro ! N , 1' . reiu JSotary 1'ubllo.
fctutPof Nobrn < Ua , I. .
County of DoiiRlnt , I
Oc'orpo II. Triehuck. licltis ( Inly nwnrn , < le-
- nnd i iijstintlio ) li secretary of Tim Hc
rcM-s Company , thnl thn actual nvonice
rliilly ultccilntloii of Tim DAILY HFE for
1Iiu ninntli of r < oveinl > er , 1 0 , wnn Ifl.tllOcopleit
for Jo ) pnilpr ; , 1PM ) . 80,048 conlpi : for January ,
T-W , lP.r V > copies ; for rcnruary , IS'.K ) , 1'J- '
5(11 ( ( opri : for March. JFDO , ro,8lr > copies ;
for Aiirll. 1800 , so.Bfil copies ; forMny , WO,20.1 *
roplos ; fnr.Tiino , Ifi'iO , SO.M1 ropei ! ! for July ,
3Mi > , CO/nj copies ; forAucnstl'X\20EOcoplo9 ! !
ftir hrntrml or. 1810 , 20.S70 copies ; for October ,
5 rn. ; o.7r,2 rniilea , Grnimn It. T/HOIIUCK.
f-nornto bcforn inc. nnd tMibsurllJcd In niv
jTfScnce , tluslstciay of November. A. D. . 1S90
N I1 , run.
Notary I'libllc.
Tlio Impending session of the legist ituio
will be of vital concern to tlio people of this
Mate. It Is of the utmost Importance that
* nritibi > rs of the legislature shall understand
tinw nuts of tliclr constituents nnd bo pro-
i nri'd lo ciupplo Intelligently and ndvKedly
With the issues that must como before them ,
Jl'in : Hi R therefore. Invites Micjjestlons from
those who arc familiar with nuy particular
Miujcut that Is likely toongciiio the attention
nf the legislature. Parties fiu > rlng us , howler -
l-\er , nro requested to timKo tholr comniiiiil
I'iitlonsaH In let as posslblo nnd to the point.
Jt I * to bo understood Tin : HKE will not
iMMi'sponslbloforllic published views of con
1 ilbntors , audit reserves tlio iirlvllfKo of dls
i-usslnu tlicm In Its own way nnd from the
Mamlpolnt which It deems Lett for the lutcr-
i-stsor the pvoplo.
Now Unit Bunulo Bill Is at the front ,
let the war proceed.
SIIAT < L frnnclnsod corporations , the
rrcnlurcs of the people , bo pcrmittod to
tlio town ?
TitKiti : Is a balm in Glload. Six
pronidontial postolllces will bo dis
Irlbutod in Nebraska during1 the next
two months.
VOTI : onli' for Candidates who will ro
quiru all corporations to share equally
vlth Individual property owners the
just burdens of taxation.
"WouKiNCJatnN whoso homes nro
nlrcndy taxed heavily must vototobreal
tip the combine nnd elect men who wil :
not squander the public fundj ,
A VOTI : against Wheeler , .Cliiffoo and
Davis moans that secret committee
mooting ! } and corrupt schemes are no
banctioned and must bo stopped.
OMAHA capital roaches out for a sllc
of South American trade. There art
few things beyond the roach of th
jnclropoliBof the Missouri valley.
HISTOUY repeats itaolf. Every thin
the Irish people wore about to'drinl
from the cup of peace and contentment
it lias been dashed from their lips.
Tin : possible extinction of Gladston
imd liberalism is a source of profoum
joy to thu monarchies of Eurono and In
expressible sorrow to the friends c
liberty and human progress the worl
WITH congress in session , an Indian
war flirting with the troops , and Dicta'
tor Burrows getting ready to tuko
charge of the state government , it is not
Bale to asfeort that the country is pro
foundly peaceful.
souri declares the democrats of the west
"aro wild for Cleveland. Nobody else
will do thom. They will not listen to
the immo" any other candidate. " The
democratic fog horn of the Rocky moun
tains will plojiso take notice and juim > *
into the band wagon before it is too late.
Tin : council combine hopes for success
through the aid of city contractors and
the corporations that food of ! the pee
ple. Secret committee meetings and
htar chamber sessions of the combine in
the Interest of city contractors mean
. that the people are to bo pillaged hi
lirond dayllcrht. Vote to break up this
ring-rule. It Is a menace to the city.
Tun charter governing Omaha ex
pressly declares that a city official can
not participate in any contract for worker
or for furnishing material to the city.
Violation of this law Is punishable by a
heavy pcnality. The council combine
-has wilfully Ignored these provisions
and UH leaders have brazenly entered
' into city contracts. They have betrayed
tholr sucred trusts and should Lo voted
out-of night tomorrow. Turn the ras-
t-uls out.
HASCALL has again "consented" to
enter the race for councilman on his own
Jiook as an Independent , This time ho
halls from the Second ward , where ho
has ro-colonlzed himself within the last
two weeks. Hnscall lias boon in the
council several times , and every time ho
has been elected the pcoplo wished that
they had loft him at homo. Ills per
formances iu the council during the
Holly fight are still memorable , and his
course as an obstructionist on the city
hall building is not entirely forgottou.
There are some very bad men in the
combine , but few of them can hold a
candle to Hascull when it comes to plot
ting nnd star-chamber schemes.
'f'VXDFMtt'niTEttS' E.XC/MW7K. "
An Insurance trust has recently boon
organized In this city which pt eposes
practically to control the entire Insur
ance business of Omaha , South Omnha
and vicinity.
The articles of Incorporation , pub
lished In an Omaha weekly , contain only
an outline of the real alms and objects
of the trust. From reliable private
sources wo learn , however , that the promoters
meters of this now combine expect to
monopolize the ontlro Insurance busi
ness of Onmhti nnd drive every ngent to
the wall who Is outside of the combina
tion. When all the Insurance business
has been concentrated into the hands of
members of the trust and competition
has been driven from the field the "Un
derwriters' Exchange , " as the now trust
Is called , will bo in position to tquec/.o
the hist bottom dollar out of property
owners and business men who are
obliged to Insure tholr houscsnnd wares.
That this so-called exchange Is to bo a
close corporation will be manifest by the
following provision :
Art , 8. Members. The members of this
corporation shall bo the subscribers
borcto , and any person otigapcd principally
In tlio local flro Insurance business In said
city of Omaha and vicinity , bottiR a refill-
larly commissioned apeut or nn onlccr of n ,
local flro insurance company. Any such per
son desirous of becoming a member of this
exchange shall submit n written application
to tbo secretary , who shnll notify nil mem
bers of tbo same at least one week before tlio
meeting at which action shall be taken there
SuiJ applicant , upon receiving a four-fifths
vote of all members present , subscribing and
paying for ten shares of the capital stock , and
subscribing to the articles of this corporation ,
will bo considered a full member and entitled
to the privileges of the same , and sub'Jcct to
nil tbo rules prescribed by these articles and
by-laws of said corporation.
Mark the exclusivcnpss with which
the trust expects to hedge out all com
petitors. It will take the consent of four-
llfths of the members to admit a new
member , and then ho must bo a regularly
appointed agent or olllcor. This shows
that the objects sot forth in the sirtlclcs of
incorporation , namely , "to promote har
mony , correct practices , , prevent careless
endorsements , elevate the business of
fire insurance and promote the creation
of Ji fire uatrol , " are moro pretexts to
cover the real design , vlto : monopolize
uid control the whole flro insurance
business and elevate it to the extent of
aising the rates as high as their pat
rons will stand.
. It Is needless to say that Mr. Wheeler ,
'the watchdog of the city treasury , " is
one of the ring-leadora of this now com-
jlno whoso object Is the "elevation of
the lire insurance business. "
The completion of the Rock Island
short line botwosn Omaha , Lincoln and
Beatrice Is an event of great importance
to the state. From acommerclal point of
view , the great advantage of the line
consists In transferring the main line of
the Rock Island from the northern bor
der of Kansas to the center of eastern
Nebraska nnd giving three populous
cities competing ahort lines for the intor-
ihango of Irafllc. Most of the now roads
constructed in Nebraska in recent year
wore extensions of branches , whereas the
Rock Island short cut becomes at once
the main highway of the company bo-
twcon Chicago nnd the Rocky moun
To Omaha the importance of the road
Is incalculable. The advantage of
now through line to the mountains Is in
significant when compared with the ter
ritory which it brings into closer com
mercial relations with'the metropolis.
The rich and populous Republican val
ley is tapped at a do/.on points by Kan
sas roads , which divert a considerable
portion of trade to the cities of other
states. These southern corporations are
persistent and avaricious and offer
tempting inducements to shippers to
divert the products of that region froir
their natural channels. Every
road which enters this field penetrate
the northern counties of Kansas nnd ac
lively compotes for the trallic of the region
gion , becomes a pillar of home institu
tions and homo industry , and as sucl
must bo recognized as an hnportan
factor in the commercial and in
duHtrial development of the state.
The now road means more for the expanding
panding stock yards and packing Indus
try of Omaha than can bo seen at a
glance. Penotr.iting the vast cattle
ranges of southern Colorado , southerr
and western Kansas and Indian Torrl
tory , it will become one of the mos
prominent contributors to the growth o
the market. In fact , the projects al
ready matured contemplate extensions
of the yards and enlargements of the
packing plants to meet the Inei'eased '
tralllu which the now road is certain to
There are still in the United States
vacant lands enough to constitute a
great empire , if they wore all available
for boUkmont and cultivation. Ex
clusive of Alaska there are nearly six
hundred million acres , about half of
which are surveyed , and with the northwestern -
western territory the total i& nine hun
dred and fifty-five million acres. Ne
braska has a httlo over eleven million
acres of vacant lands , all of wfiich has
boon biireyed. . Leaving Alaska out of
consideration , there remains a vast area
still to bo occupied , so far as it Is availa
ble or can bo made so , and a great part
of which will doubtless within the life
time of another generation betaken
taken up and made to contrib
ute to the wealth of the na
tion. The faccrotary of the Interior , in
his annual report , advocates n continu
ance of the policy of the government re
garding the nubile lands under which
such enormously beneficial results have
boon attained. IIo believes the ropubllo
strengthens permanently Its most sub
stantial resources when It converts Its
wilds into homes , establishes upon the
vacant national domain now territories ,
and maintains tliem until they come
into the union iis prosperous states.
But a great deal of this immense em
pire of .vacant lands is now unavailable
for settlement. There are vast arid
areas that must bo provided with ade
quate molsturo before they will become
of any value. IThoso deserts , In order to
bo made productive , must bo reclaimed
by Irrigation. In Nebraska , Wyoming ,
Idaho , Montana , Utah , Nevada , Cole
rado , Arizona , Now Mexico and the
Dakotns ( hero nro hundreds of thou
sands of acres which will have to bo pro
vided with a supply of water before
the can bo cultivated and made to sus
tain an extensive population. Congress
has taken stops In this direction , but
more liberal and comprehensive legisla
tion will bo necessary , and It must como
In the not very remote future.Vhllo
the figures of the vacant lands of the
nation are large , the amount of such
lands lit for noltlcmont is comparatively
small nnd will meet the demand for only
a few years longer. No additional pro
vision looking to the reclamation of the
arid regions , which constitute PO largo
a part of the vacant InndH , Is to bo ex
pected at once , but within the next ton
years this question will become one of
paramount importance and there will bo
a general demand for the reclamation of
all that portion of the arid region that
can bo made available for Eottlcinontand
a or coxanKss.
The second session of the Fifty-first
congress , which convenes today , will
command hardly loss public interest than
did the flrrit session. Since the election
there has been tin unlimited amount of
speculation tis to what would possibly bo
done at the short session , both in the
way of new legislation and in undoing ,
in part at least , some uf that enacted by
the present congress. Thus public in
terest has been kept active , and It Is
likely to continue bo until this congress
expires. It Is clearly foreshadowed'
the session is to be an exciting as well
as an Interesting one , as all short ses
sions are , particularly when there Is to
bo a transfer of responsibility for future
legislation. The democrats , emboldened
by the result of the late elections , are
expected to show greater persistence
and obstinacy in obstructive tactics than
during the session , and it Is safe to
predict that there will bo numerous sen
sational conflicts. If the republicans are
.bio to maintain a quorum , however , the
lolicy adopted by the majority will bo
Irmly carried out , and while the inn-
ority may delay , they will not bo able
o defeat any legislation desired by the
The question of greatest concern to
the country relates to a modification of
ho now tariff law , and the prospect of
my changes being made is not favorable.
These who are in a position to bo bust
nforined say that turiiT legislation will
play no part in the session ,
nnd while there will bo numer
OIH bills introduced to amend the now
law not ono of them is likely to bo given
any consideration by the committee on
ways and means , without whoso consent
bills of this character cannot even got
upon the house calendar This is the
view of the clerk of the committee , and
It is fortified by expressions of repub
lican members of the committee whoso
influence is likely to bo controlling. It
Is not probable that Mr. McKinley can
bo persuaded to allow the law to bo in
terfered with , and if such is the case ho
will undoubtedly command the support
of the other republican members of the
committee. It is a grave responsibility
for a few men to assume In the face o
the popular judgment so recently ren
dered , but there is every reason lo be
lieve they lire prepared to take it.
A matter of hardly less importance ,
which ought to bo disposed of by this
congress , is that of a rcapportionmont
of representatives. A bill for this
purpose will bo brought forward , and
however fair and unpartlsnn in ohurae
tor it is certain to be vigorously opposed
by the minority. Their intention to do
this has been distinctly declared , and
unless the republicans can maintain the
presence of Ji quorum the chances o
passing this measure , as well as others
will bo small. Another measure whicl
may bring on a sharp party conflict is
the federal election bill , which is on the
calendar of the senate. It Is an opcr
question whether it will bo passed or
not , although it is the intention of it
moro radical supporters to force It to a
vote if possible. It will bo necessary in
order to do this to change the rules of
the senate so that a time may bo fixed
when debate shall cease and voting
begin , and this would bo very difllcult of
accomplishment , because the republic
ans are not unanimous in favor of it.
The chances are largely agaitibt the pas
sage of this measure , not only because
of the difficulties to bo overcome , but for
the equally potent reason that n number
of republican senators are doubtless con
vinced that from the point of view of
party interest such legislation would at
this time be most inexpedient. The
great majority of republicans tit
the north do not desire it , and
the reduced republican represent
ation from the south in the next con
gress is very convincing evidence that
the republicans generally of that section
are not favorable to It.
The importance of the republicans
maintaining the presence of a quorum
during the session Is fully realized , nnd
of tholr ability to do this there Is some
doubt expressed. If they cannot do so
thcro will bo very little legislation be
yond the passage of the appropriation
bill , to which It Is understood the minor
ity will make no serious opposition.
The plan of the democrats contemplates
an extra session of the Fifty-second con
gress , and their ollorts will bo diroclod
to make this necessary.
Till ! franchlsod corporations exist
solely off the privileges granted by the
people. In many cities they are required
to pay a handsome sum annually simply
for the privileges granted them. But In
Omaha they pay nothing and have ma
nipulated city nnd county servants so
that .thoir property is assessed out
rageously low. Not content with such
liberal treatment , they now seek to con
trol the politics of the city and foist
tholr corrupt tools upon this city as
councilmon. Unless the taxpayers rally
and dofund tholr Interests , the corpora
tion cormorants will soon own the whole
THE Indian scare Is not half BO trou
blesome to South Dakota as the problem
of making a quarter of a million of cash
pa } ' half a million of expenses.
Tins republicans of the Klghth ward
have reason to feel satisfied with the
nomination of Mr. Charles Brunor. Mr.
Brunei- has been a resident of
Omaha for more limn twenty years
nnd has ul ' ) } } / ) manifested a warm
interest ln > ctttho growth and
prosperity of" tliis city , For thir
teen years lie''was ' connected with the
postal delivery * svbtuin and for/our / years
was chief of thy carrier delivery depart
ment. In the dltjehargo of the arduous
labors devolving1 on him , Mr. Brunor ex
hibited tjntlrjijrf energy and thor
ough ofllclency. Mr. Bruneihas
always boon" a staunch re
publican anil 'pn political grounds
Is entitled to JIIH undivided party Blip-
port. While Ins true that ho was one
of the twenty-eight delegates who sup
ported Broatch a year ago , ho was one
of the three or four who declined to en
ter Into the plot lo bush\\hackLlnlngcr ,
nnd has not been in any way Identified
with what is known as the Tammany
ijnng. Mr. Brunor knows every man ,
woman and child In the Eighth ward ,
nnd certainly will know the wants of his
constituents as well as any miurtn It.
IT Ai'i'KAits to bo the Intention of the
federal grand jury at Chicago to probe
to the bottom the mutter of rate manip
ulations which lias been submitted toll
by the Intorsttilo commerce commission.
It is announced that when the jury shall
have completed the Investigation of the
alleged rate manipulations it will turn
its attention to passenger affairs and en
deavor to place the responsibility for the
blocks of cut rate tickets that have re
cently boon disturbing the market. It
is also said to bo the Intention of the ju
dicial officers to bring about the Indict-
iiont of as many of tlio law-breakers as
lossiblo. This Indicates a serious pur-
iose on the part of the commission to
nforco the law , nnd If It shall prove
o bo so that body may bo
.ssurcd of hearty public approval. An
nteresting feature of the pending in-
cstigation is the case of Charles Conn-
ohnan , the grain dealer who declined to
nswer the questldns put to him by the
grand jury as to the allegation that ho
received special rates and rebates. Ills
ground for declining to answer was that
o do so would tend to criminate him-
elf , and the case still awaits the opinion
if Judge Grcsham. It will probably bo
'urried ' to the supreme court , as involv-
ng a constitutional question. These
H'oceedings have an interest for the
people of tlio whole country , and par-
icularly so for these of the west , where
ho ofl'octs oi unlawful rate munipula <
tions have been most felt.
Tun Woih1-H < rulda.nCL Mr. Hitchcock
are welcome to all the glory they can get
i'om the triumph of the trinity of
ogues who have carried the republican
primaries under .the gallant leadership
of Llroatch , by the aid of tax-eaters ,
boodllng conlractors , hired hoodlums
nnd the hordes of the corporations who
have their deadly grip upon the throats
of Omaha taxpayers. A few moro such
victories will rouse our clllzcns to a
realization of tlio fact , patent already to
everybody , that the World-Herald and
its proprietor are in league with the
worst gang of .municipal plunderers and
boodlcrs that have .over had control of
our city govorhmcnt. ' i
Mil. Ser , PJIIXCK of the Windsor
hotel has received the unanimous en
dorsement of the republicans of the
Third ward for the seat to bo vacated by
1'at Ford. Mr , Prince is so well known
to nil residents of the waid that it is
hardly necessary for TUB BHK to coin
mend him to their enthusiastic support.
While the Third ward has all the im
provements in the way of paving ant !
grading that can bo made thcro , and the
greater portion of the ward is covorcc :
by business blocks , there is much that
A Prince can and will do for the prop
erty owners and taxpayers by vigilant
exercise of business methods and weed
ing out barnacles.
Mni.virLis , RiiiiriCLD. who has boon
nominated by the republicans of the
Second ward as a candidate for the
council , is a , young man of excellent
character and sterling integrity. IIo
has been raised In this city and all his
Interests tire identified with its growth
and prosperity. IIo is well qualified to
represent the Second ward , and is thor
oughly familiar with ils wants. A bet
ter man could not have been chosen for
the place.
WITH all the lavish expenditure of
corporation money nnd the desperate
exertions of nearly all the city employes
from Blrkhausor down to Major Dennis ,
the " "watchdog of the treasury" failed
to carry the Fourth ward by a majority ,
and only slipped through because his
opposition was divided. It will bo an
other thing for Mr. Wheclor to slip
through next Tuesday.
HON. CHRIST SPKCIIT has after rc-
Itouted solicitations of the best people
of the Sixth ward , consented to servo
them in the city council. IIo Is ono of
our most enterprising and pushing citi
zens , has always been a hirgo employer
of labor and always hasenjoyed tlio good
will of the workingmen. The Sixth
ward will find iu . ] ilm a very active and
useful roprcsonfajivo.
Mil. McCoYjit'ho republican nominee
for the council 'In the Firat ward Is a
workingman who has always had the
confidence of m5 omployos nnd the re
spect of his subordinates. IIo has boon
a resident of tfikfirst ward many years
nnd will if elected dovolo his best ener
gies to promoto-hnprovomonts projected
for or needed by-j no ward.
Mil. Faun , the , plumbing contractor of
the city hall , was the most active worker
for Councilman" ' Davis at the Ninth
ward primariel ' 'Why ' did this contrac
tor tuko such deep interest in Davis if
there was nothing in the charge that
Mr , Rowe has made against the city hall
jobbers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT Is a significant fact that a majority
of the city sinecures worked for Wheeler
hi the Fourth ward. The "watchdog of
the treasury" will see to It that the city
keeps them on the pay roll ,
Tun franchlsod corporations stuck to
tholr friends , the combine , nnd pulled
the leaders through n mighty small hole.
Tmnuc is no mistaking the Issue be
fore the voters. The prosperity of the
city demands the repudiation of the con
spirators , whoso solo ambition is to fatten
themselves nnd lavish public privileges
on corporation ? ,
WK shall presently see whether the
l > coplo or the corporations shall rule
Omaha for the next two years.
In Justice to Mr. Jon OH.
Chltaan 7'r/iinif. (
A Georgia paper compares tbo Her. Sam
Jones to Sitting , Dull. This Is hardly fmr.
Mr. Jones may bo a less polished orator tlma
old Sitting Hull , but ho Is not a coward.
The lOiscnco or Cruelty.
JWie l"oi fc M'orM.
The very essence of cruelty Is practiced
toward tramps In Iowa. "When ono Is Jailed
the law requires that all sporting papers
shall bo kept from lilm. An Incarcerated
tramp without his sporting paper Is a forlorn
spectacle indeed and truly.
A Monaco to 1'nbllc
llotton Olube.
The gigantic railroad trust that Is now bo-
llovod to bo forming under the management
of Gould , lluutlngton and Hockafeller three
men whoso combined wealth Is not less than
$300,000,000-ls clearly n menace to the pub
lic rights mnl public : safety. Neither protec
tion , revenue tariff , nor free trade will curb
n trust of this character. If It Is over to bo
itirboii other means must be found.
St. Joseph News : "I'm feeling groggy , "
is the pugilist said when ho put dowu an
ther cocktail.
St. Joseph News : The miller finds life to
jo ono continual grind.
Now Orleans Picayune : Flattery pats a
tupld younjf man on tbo head aud ho wags
Oil City Dllz/anl : Just think of It-n good
lorso moat dinner can now bo hud In Berlin
'or 5 cents I Yum , yum.
Chicago Times : Her chin being chapped
iho said to her mother : "Please put some
cold cream on my chin , mamuiu , It's so rest
less ! "
Epoch : Young Dolloy I hear , Miss Amy ,
.hat you girls have formed a temperance so-
ioty. Amy Yes , Indeed. Our motto Is ,
'Tho lip * that toucli beer shall never touch
mine.1 Dolloy That lets mo In. I drink
nothing but whisky.
Dotiolt Free Press : Hotel Cleric I can
give you a pleasant room on the top lloor , sir ,
but you will ha\o to pass the servants' quar-
.crs to cot to it.
Guest O , that's nil right. I expect to
pass "em " quarters to get anything.
Now York Sun : "IIo 'is wedded to his art , "
said Hicks , apropos of Slcctchly , the artist.
"You're wrong. Ho pays too much atten
Ion to his art to bo wedded to it. IIo Is en
gaged to It , " retorted Mrs. Hicks , scornfully.
Fllegendo Blaettcr : "Will you think of
mo very o/ten / while you are awav , dearest
John ! "
'But. Emily , you know that this Is to bo a
pleasure trip. "
Now York Sun : Dashaway I had n funny
thing happen last night. 1 was Invited out
o a little poker party , nnd who should
meet there but a man who used to be my
sunday school teacher.
Cloverton Ha , hat Mow did you como
Dasuaway O , I wouldn't play.
Detroit Free Press : Lucy Emma and I
went fishing yesterday and made a very nar-
now escape.
Ada Did you fall in ?
Lucy No ; wo cnmo very near catching n
fish , and there wasn't anyone there to take It
Chicago Inter Ocean : Tomdik-Tho old
god of wino was Minerva , I believe ?
McClammy 0 no ; Bacchus was the god of
Tomdlk Is that so ? Then why does Pee
hi "The Haven" refer to a bust of Pallas ?
"What brought the wrinkles In that man's
face , papal"
"Care. "
"Ohl What brought the wrinkles In his
coat , papal"
"Want of care. "
Wlbblo You may talk against the freaks
of fashion all jou wish , but she has made a
hit for once.
"Wnbblo In what way ?
Wlbble-Why , In making the slim girl
fashionable at a time when provisions are so
Girls wore given the places of flnisncrs In
an Indianapolis desk factory.
Nearly all the mon who managed the sur
face railroad strikes In 18SU are out of the
railroad business , having bocn blacklisted.
A "labor" candidate in Ohio was expelled
from the Knights of Labor while master
workman for being in the employ of tbo
The miners' unions in Great Britain have
doubled In n year. One is S.0,000 ! ahead In
the same time. Advances of 40 per cent in
wages have been won.
A New York paper states that 00 per cent
of the telegraph oper.Uois of the Western
Union nnd Postal telegraph companies have
recently organized to secure increase of
The Brooklyn Workmen's furniture insur-
mifO fund has 0'Jt'J members. The treasur
er's books show total assets to the amount of
$2S,1N.UO. The value insured is given at
The Brooklyn Reliance Labor club is com
posed of nmrblecutters and tholr employers.
An eight-hour dny will begin In February.
The lowesfpuy for cutters Is fixed at $11.50
and carvers f I.
Tuo Carpenter says the United brother
hood now has ir local unions nnd SO , 100 en
rolled members. It also says that hcrcaftor
the United brotherhood will recognl/o the
cards of the Amalgamated society.
According to reports which have lately
been published , CJermany employs 5,000,000 , of
her women In Industrial pursuits ; Knglanil ,
4,000,000 ; France , : iT50,000 ; Italy , 3,500,000 ,
and Austria-Hungary about the same num
President L. L. Polk of the National
Fnrinom' Allmnco nnd Industrial union , is
authority for the st'itomont that thu alliance
is represented in thirty-live states byi. : . > ,000
lodges , which have a total membership of
The minister of the exterior of Franco is
collecting statistics In regard to the condi
tions of labor from all countries for the pur
pose ) of making suiwo-ttloiis how to obviate
pernicious competition of the industries of
the different nations of the world.
ft is not long since that hod-cnrrlcrs were
regarded as qulto unworthy of thu notica of
bosses. Things hava changed , at least in St.
Louis , whorehod-carrlersgetM uday forclgtit
hours , while carpenters receive only tJ-SOfor
the same time , Thn hod-cnrriors orcanliod
nnd had the courage of conviction.
In Manchester , N. II. , a loom flxcr on plain
work receives from ? 1.7fi to $ 'J per day and
f'J.M per day for fancy work. The numbar
of looms under charge of each man is luss
than In Lowell. In Nashua the loom llxor on
plain work receives $1.75 per dny ; In Law
rence , $ li f > on plain work and $ J to 2.25 per
day on fancy work ,
Knglisu mining statlutlca , as given In the
report of the Inspectors of minus for 1880 ,
show -189,170 people employed underground ;
117 , 71 ! abovn ground nndnbout the mines ; out
put of coal , 170,91 ( l.T'-t tons , as compared with
1G0K151U , ( ! ! tons in Ihs8. The output of iron
ere in ISbUvas 8-70MJ tonsngalnst8imoi-J :
tons in 16S8 , on average of lUWM.iM ) tons for
the lifteen years of laTii-Sr. ' During 18TJ5-7T
Inclusive the output was about 12.000,000 tons
per annum. The accident list includes 8 IS
accidents and 1,018 persons killed In 18b9.
Tlio ratio of fatal accidents to persons em
ployed wau ono for ovury 005 persons , against
ono to every 053 persons employed In 188S ) ,
one to KU In 1S37 , and one to ( Hi la 1830.
By Some Smooth Work Ho Secured Neatly
Fire Hundred Dollars.
How n Drunken Howdy Attempted tn
Hun a Tliontrn Onliiliig Time
for Murderer Nell Lin-
coin Notes ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. SO. [ Special to THE
DRB. ] For a number of days Assistant
lounty Attorney Strode has been quietly
ilannlng the arrest of Qeorgo C. Coy , who Is
ivntiteJ hero for forging the tiamos of A. O.
iVllson mid J.V. . Castor to notes aKgrcgat-
ngISO. The whereabouts of the culprit
had been discovered , oxtnulltioa papers were
ecu rod , and all arrangements made quietly
'or arresting him. Yesterday afternoon
Messrs. Wlsou and Castor wcro In the city
at the request of Attorney Strode , who
ivtshcd to begin formulating bis chain of evi
dence. The first thlup Wilson and Castor
did was to hunt up the newspaper men and
give the whole plan of capture away. As a
result , Coy will take alarm and Ily to other
parts. Slrodo Is very nni/ry , and Wilson nnd
Castor nro kicking themselves for bcliiR such
big chumps.
Coy was formerly a young fanner near
taymond , but came to the city to make a llv-
\\S \ by his wits. Ho selected gambling llrst
as a means of livelihood and after his wlfo
died ho turned forger. Just a year r.go ho
iold a team of mules to A. O. Wilson for
$ JIO. Not having tlio money Wilson gave
his note for the amount payable la ono ,
J. W. Carter going his security.
Coy then wrote out two dunlicutes of this
note , and succeeded In KCttiiiK all three notes
cashed. The original note wus cashed at the
First National baukwhilo the forneilcs uoro
sold to the Lincoln National bank and a
farmer named IJell.
A strange part of the story Ii the fact that
Coy , although BO skillful In Mining other
persons' names , has 110 lingers on the hand
with which ho writes , n strap nfilxcd to the
mutilated hand answering the purpose of
those useful members.
After securing the money Coy married a
young woman hero , lived with her two days
and then fled to unkaown parts. The for
geries wcro never discovered until a few clays
ago , w hen three different persons notllled
Wilson of having a note for $240 against him ,
and then the cunning scheme of the fellow
came to light for the llrst time.
STATE or Nhimsillvucwvn DnniiT-
MUM , LINCOLN , Nov. 'J'.l , IS'JO. The duties in
connection with furnishing relief for our
destitute pcoplo have Increased to such an
extent that it becomes necessary to have n
moro perfcotorganization.
I have therefore appointed C. W Mosher ,
president of the Capital National bank of
Lincoln , as treasurer of the state relief com
I have also appointed AV. N. Noson , secre
tary of the board of trade of Omaha : 11. B.
Urccrof Kearney , president of the stnto
boardof agriculture ; John Fitzgerald , C. W.
Mosher and Louis A. Meyer of Lincoln , as
on advisor } ' board to act in conjunction with
Dr. O.V. . Martin and Hev. L. P. Luclden ,
the two latter gentlemen having the entire
distribution of all contributions of provision ,
clothing , fuel and moneys. When notified by
the committees in different cities nud towns
of supplies ready to bo shipped , they inform
the committees where to ship them.
All parties having funds' already collected ,
or that may hereafter bo collected are re
quested to fonvaid the same to C. W.
Mosher , csq. , treasurer of the state relief
committee , who will return receipts for tbo
samo. This course becomes necessary in
order to prevent confusion nnd the doubling
up of supplies nt one point by dlflcrent par
ties sending thorn. Thcro must bo ono cen
tral head to direct whore the different lots
shall bo sent. Moneys collected will bo used
la payment mostly for coal at the mines and
also for provisions. .
contributors \ \ may rest assured that
every precaution has been taken nnd every
safeguard drawn around the distiibutlon of
supplies that intelligence ) and foresight ran
provide. Wo are determined that the gener
ous donations of the pcoplo shall reach the
parties whoso condition requires them. There
will bo a rigid accounting for every dollar of
money contributed , uhoro it goes , to whom
given and for what it was Intended.
Jon.vM. TiiA-\Eit , Governor.
A young man by the name of Ernest Funito
has been making himself a decided nuisance
of late about the , opera house. His father
was the person who constructed that build
ing and the young fellow scorns to think for
that reason that ho owns the bouse and is
manager of it as well. Oidy a short time
shire , it is said , young Fcinko went behind
the scenes and nourishing a revolver declared
Ids Intention of running everything to suit
himself. The chorus girls wcro frightened
almost out of their wits by the would-be cow
boy demonstration and In the confusion
that followed the play was delayed
about half nn hour whllo an opera house full
of pcoplo impatiently waited.Again , night
before last , it Is reportedthatFunkonttcmpt-
cd n repetition of his previous act of rowdy
ism. Ho went behind the scenes drunk , as
before , and proceeded to mnko his presence
felt. The police were called for and In re-
ap.inco thrco stnlwirt ofllcors appeared. Before -
fore Iho drunken fellow could make any re
sistance ho was dragged down the back stair
way by the three policemen and the prepara.
tions for the play proceeded.
The attorneys for Murderer Kd Neil have
not yet mod their briefs in tbosnrpremo
court' , and as a matter of course the case goes
over until the February term. Thus Neil is
given an Indefinite lease of life.
Now that the council has made arrange
inents for nllro and police aiarir electric sy.s
tern , there Is considerable ) conjecture as to
who shall bo appointed supoilntendcnt of the
system. It is urged that such nn ofllcial bo
nn electrical oxpoi land for this reason tbo
friends of Oeorgo H. Shepherd , manager of
the Postal telegraph company , nro presenting
his numo for the position. *
Fire Chief Nowbcrry Is opposed to having
nuy snperiiiteiulentappolnted.and ho believes
that ho can manage the work himself.
Alba Mason , a fifteen-year-old boy , loft
West Lincoln ut it p. in , Saturday to return to
the homo for the friendless , but has not been
seen elneo.
The supreme court has adjourned to moot
Tuesday , December U , when only two cases
will bo tiled , as follows : The state , on bo-
hnlf of Packard , vs Wilson , and the state , on
behalf of Fowlic , VH Painter.
The ladies of the Holy Trinity church will
hold a festival of days at Temple hall on
Wednesday , Thursday atul Friday.
lllshop Boimcum left last evening for Crete
to dedicate today the new Bohemian church
in that city.
Fifteen years ago Mrs. Mary Coffmaii ac-
culcntallv ran a needle into her nldo. Yes
terday thci fragment was extracted from the
palm of her hand by a physician.
DOCH Dim Keillor Sleep ?
CMtatji Kcit'i.
If there be anything that can pnlllnto the
crime of sulcldo , that thing is Insomnia. The
three cases of self murder recently rocordei
as the confessions of defeat of ini'ii Hiifforint
from the malady seem to Indicate that il Is
not by any means dying out among the too-
nervous American people. If piofessldna
prldo ha ? anything to do with the discovery
of preventives and cures , medical men may
vemcmbcr that the man or school that first
liscloses a positive relief for this uhastly ail-
inont will bo npothoosl/ctl as long as the ox
cltiblo Yankee typo exists.
Tbo Pnrablo of tlio Call'
CMcayn Intcr-Octiiit.
The Globe-Democrat thliiki that "tho dem
ocratic party ought to bo strong enough now
to allow n fair vote in the south. " That ro
mhi'ls ono of the story of thu Irishman that
trained his calf to llvo without eating , but
Just us ho perfected bis work the calf died
That la what would happou to democrac-j
wcro "u fair vote and an honest count" nl
Fifty union men nold public ofllco iu Now
York and Urooldya.
A'Rlt'H * ' THK S011TUWKSV ,
Fairmont Hopes to secure nnothcr railroad.
The Klrst Presbyterian church at Urcshaui
vlll ho dedicated next Sunday.
A ramp of Sons of Veterans has lioon orga-
lucil at Llllor wltb twonty-twu members ,
Nlnoty-3ovca converts have Joined the
ilothouist church at Douglas la the past two
The savlnRs bank system In the Schuylor
cbools has resulted In over $100 being dcpos.
ted by the children
Whllo washing windows Mrs. J.V. . Una- ,
nil of Tender lost her balance and fell ,
iroaldtic several ribs.
Tlio old settlers of Stnnton county have
ortfam/cd na association and a banquet will
bo fc'lvcn nt I'clgcr December ! Ti.
A thief broke into a bo < car at Ibincroft
mil stole several boxes of clpavsaiid fur cap- * .
lo was airostcd but nindo his wcnpe.
O'Neill yoiinir men are circulating a paper
around town nnd spcurliiR signatures for the
nirposo of organizing a military company.
Kiirtiiors living Toblus liavo been con-
ildei.ibly oxclled over the uppearanco of a
laiitlioi- , which has killed a number of lie s.
Hoynl lluck , at ono time well known
hroiiKbout Nebraska anil fonnurly editor of
the Nebraska City Press , died at IJrnnch-
vllU > , Md.Nmember , SI.
The Hroivuvllla ferry has to run day and
light to nccoiniiicxlnto the travel on that
onto. The removal of tlio pontoon bridge at
Nebraska City holpi it sonic.
Henry HORRO , a farmer who has lived
Mllford for twenty joars , Is reported to h.ivo
Iccninpocl , tnldtiK with htm eonsldcmblo
nonoy belonijiiif ; to bis nrlithbois and the
wife of Arthur AVIttcnUnnip. Ho leaves a
wife and daughter.
The SprniBVlew Kcpublirau reports that
over ono hundred families have liu't Keya
I'aha county on aciwmt of the Indian scare ,
ind moro will follow. A fort has boon
erected aUSpilnirvlow which has been chris
tened "Fort White Gut. "
The passcnper trains poliiKWOst for several
Jays have boon almost empty , whllo these
golnp east are loaded down to thoboarhiRs ,
says the livening Democrat. If tbo reds post-
) ono their campaign a few days longer tliov
will cxpetlcnco a scarcity of swlps.
The expert who has been examining the -4
joolts of the Stanton county ofllclals for the -
[ > iust ten ycais hns tx'iwrttM two ex-county
[ lorlts and three ex-treasurers short lu
imounta raiiRliiR from fi' > 0 to ? JXK , ( ) . The
county commissioners have approved the re
In an examination of a man charged with r
insanity before the Insauo commission of
Orcclcv county last woclt , says the ( Jrenlov
lirr.ild , a witness who testified that ho
thought the man. iniano Riue , anionp othoi
reasons for this conclusion , that ttio Datlcnt
washed his face three times a day. If this is
a true test of Iho question of sanity wo con
sider this a mighty suno county.
Thcro are US inmates lu the Gerinin orphan
asylum at Duuuquo ,
Atlantic's puddiis ; house will begin opura-
tions in a few days.
The Davenport city council has ordered the
electric light towers in that city to bo taken
down ,
The Western Iowa Horticultural society
will meet in annual s&blon at Atlantic December -
comber 1) ) , 10 and 11.
The Into Mrs. Fcjorvnry of Davenport be-
quoathcd $10,001 for the euro of the siclr poor
people In Mercy hospital , thntcily.
James R Peterson and Miss limillo Cocllio
Laveso Thomluo Sindnhl applied for a mar
riage license at Waterloo the other day.
At tbo September term of court at Oikn-
loosa thcro ucro twenty-four divorce cns > oa
The December ono comes on with t\\cnty
new ones.
Since January 1,1SOO , O. B. Sweet , the
poultry dealer of Kcokulc , has dressed U'J.,150
tiens , 13,607 roosters and 7,7 ttukoys ; the
total weight being 1,012,517 pounds.
John Hanson Craig , the largest man in the
world , Is a native of low.i City. Ho is thlrtv
llvo yuan of ngu and tips thu beam nt DO ?
pounds. IIo now resides at Danville , Ind.
Sometimes streaks of bid luck and good
luck follow each other in quick succession
The other day a Kockwoll City man fell
from the roof of n house and broke his leg
nnd the day follo\vlng hUvifo applied for a
Fifteen years ape Ed Brltton of Wcllman
had a doron photographs tultcn in lown City ,
ordering them to bo forwarded by mall. Then
wcro duly forwarded and have Just been re
colvod by the owner , having been on tbo road
A witness in a Black Hawk county court
the other dny , wlillo giving his testimony ,
chewed tobacco so industriously that the
JudRO informed him his spitting consumed
too much of the time of the court and rs'
quested him to "let up. " '
For some time past D.ivld JolitHon , war
Waterloo , has been losing hogs from what lie
supposed wna hog choleiii. Ho has lost .six
teen which would \\oijihSOO pounds apiece
The other day ho noticed n white worm hang
ing from the mouth of ono of the sick nnlnmlb
The worm was about ten inches Ipng , and
after the hop died cpiito a bunch of the o
worms was found in Its throat. Mr , Johnson
is doctoring the other hogs to see if thu
worms nro not the causa of their sickness.
The Two Dakota * .
The Catholic fair at Grand Forks netted a
llttlo over si,0X ; ( ) .
Worlc U progressing rapldlv ou Chamber
lain's new ? lfi,0 ( > 0 school building.
H. , T. Fowler of Sioux Falls , nn old soldier ,
who has met many reverses of late , is to bu
admitted to the soldiers' homo ,
Four Rapid City hunters snt-nt flvo weeks
north of the I.ittlo Mihsouri In Montana and
killed eljihty-Miven deer and antelopu.
llov. S. M. Wilcox of Alexandria , Minn. ,
has accepted the pastorship of thu Plymouth
Congregational church at Grand Forks
Kumff Urot. have completed their now tow
mill at Madison. It Is twice tlio si/o ol the
old ono and supplied with new machinery.
Llttlo Hurry Smith , the adopted son of Dr
Smith of Bridge water , In a candidate for thn
reform school. Ho bus boon stealing small
sums of money , and recently obtained pos
bosslon of the doctor's pistol and attempted
to shoot him.
Kol Star of Dcadwood , tbo republican can-
dldato for representative , will contest thn
election of MuLooil , the independent c.md1-
duU ) . The four defeated independent candi-
nates for representative from tbo same dis
tiictwill also contest the election of ttio
republicans who hold ccitlllcates of election
John P Holding , administrator of the eV
tate of Merrltt J , I3elding , deceased , lias
commenced nn action in the circuit con it
against the Black Hills and Fort I'ioCru
riiilrond company to recover f.)0,000 damage *
for having caused the doatb of Morritt J.Hol
ding of Lead City , by negligence whllo run
ning Its trains from Lead City to Piedmont ,
on September 11 ! , last.
A young llttlo thing that trips thought fan
tastic in the sawdust nt tlio ( loin nnd ncc-n-
slonallvslngi a sentimental song , entitled
"Mother's Teeth Are Plugged With Tin , "
grew jealous of her lover and poured about n
gallon of laudanum down her swnn-hko
tin oat , savs iho Dead wood Pioneer Hhowas
discovered shortly after by another of the
gills , who rushed off and summoned Ur Pad
dock. WHOM the doctor arrived the maiden
was in a eom.ttosa condition , and it took two
hours' worn to resuscitate her.
Subscribed and Guuranfjod Oapltal..l > 00,000
1'ald InOapltal 3M.CXW
lluys and soils stookn and bonds ! nogntlntns
commurotal paper ! rocolvcn and oxoeutqi
and trusloo of
trusts ; nets us transfer asunl
corporations , taUoi churgo of property , col
lects taxes.
Omaha Loan&TrustCo
S. E. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sta.
1'ald InOunltal I 5).WO
Hubscrlbutl uncl Guaranteed Capital. . . . 100.001
Liability of Stockholders 2UO.CM
6 Per Cent Inloreit I'ald on Depotilts.
1'UANK J. I.A.NOK. Ouililor.
Olllceri ! A . U. Wymun , prfitldoiit. J. J. llrown ,
vlco-pruildent , W. T. Wjrman. treasurer.
Ilruuton-A ) ; , U , Wrniin , J. U , Mlllurd , J. J ,
llrown. Quy O..Iltrton , K. W. Nuiu ,
I , . UlutMOl , Ceorgo II. LUk * .