Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1890, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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"W ith a good Assortment of Useful Toys. No Children Admitted Without Their Parents.
iB Opening
' The holiday season is now open ; our stock is about all in , and the assortment this year is more
applicable than ever to the 'wants of the people. . It comprises that which no other house in Omaha
can boast of. i , e. , anything you want. If we haven't it we will get it for you at the same rate we sell
goods now in stock. Remember this , we allow no house in Omaha to undersell us. Toy heel < s for
children will be found in the Ma c Case.
Biiltiililo for Xmas presents : Under the
Open Sky. Large qtinrto. This Is with
out < im" tlou tlio finest art work
of tno pitKontycar. Tlin demand ( or It bus
already i > xucdcl tliat of tiny other sliallur
nork. t.n.
Irene E. Jerome's Worts
In rv full' rniintry. I
Natures' Hiillolnlah , > < tl/L QQ
> * * . WO
One ears Md-tcli llnok. j ?
A bunch of VlolotiKl.33.
Courtship of Miles Standish
Tlilu l a hnndsonin work of nrt , continuing
IlluM rations from designs by Itougliton , Mer
rill , HulnlinrM'oiklns , Hitchcock , Slio iilelgh
und other * . 11,75.
Days Serene
Illustrated from tlio original designs ot
Margaret MnoDonnlcl rtilliiian , cngrnvrd on
wood nwl printed under tlio illroctlon of
OeorpoT. Andrews. &UW.
Off the Weather Bow
Tills 1 < | a most exquisite woik of art. $1.03.
The Magazine of Art
In this work you can Uml most anything
pertnl nine to urt. 14. UB ,
National Somrs of America
I'rof Illustrated In colors
usoly and In mono
tints will , the music. I1.US.
Flowers of the Field and Forest
1'rom original water-color drawings after
nnturo by Isaac Spra gue.
"Wild Flowers of the
Rocky Mountains.
I'rnni original wntcr-color sketches , 12.08.
America Illustrated )
Eu rope Illustrated |
Idylls of the King
By Alfred Tennyson. Illustrated by Oustavc
Pore. K.P8.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
By Coleridge , with Illustrations l > y Gustavo
Pole und Jotvpli Noel I'liton. 1.94.
Alice's Adventures in Wonde rland
Without qucst'on the most fascinating Ju-
vonllo boolc over published. A Jiow edition ,
With enlarged lllustrjitloi.H. in haiulso nio
phromo lithograph covers , on flno payer , pub
lished atJI.50. For75o.
pan racing men make very amusing reading.
Perhaps ho will llnd when "Wlndlo and Ucrlo
visit England next year that they will "be iu
It" once in n whilo.
The friends of Chlof Consi'l Emery of Mas
sachusetts have announced their Intention of
lirglng that gentleman's nnmo for nomina
tion to iho League of American Wheelmen
presidency at the next convention.
If there is anybody on earth who can enjoy
ThunhsgiviiiK turkey In the propcr'splrit it
3 the bicycle rider. And they nro a thank-
'ul lot , too , and are not backward about ex
pressing their appreciation of favors both
> ast and present.
E. J. Keeler , a well known bicyclist , rode
ivor a trestle over a mile und a-half in length
.t Blrmtnghnni , Conn. , on November 17 , on a
I lately blcyclo , the wheels of the machine
unnliiK on the tics of the trcstlo and the
ios boinrf nearly a foot apart. It was a dan
gerous feat nnd caused much comment.
A hundred inllo championship race , with awe
wo day limit , would make an Interesting fea-
uro of the next indoor tournamant. The uu-
Hence could bo informed by the dally papers
fvhcn to expect the llnlsh nnd thus obviate
3io nocostlty of witnessing the pnlnfulstrug-
; lo of some of our future flyers iu their flight
ealust time such time.
Prom away down in Columbus. Ga. , comes
ho startling- news that tM. . Boll of Jlont-
romery , Ala. , Is the only rider in the south-
ast or west who ever broke a world's record ,
t Bcoms too bad after all those years of re-
lord breaking at the Coliseum thut there is a
pot on earth where the people nro so deluded ,
nek Prince should put them on the right
rack without delav.
Ills an old maxira "whatever h worth dong -
ng is worth doing well , " und no ono should
mprcciiito it more than the man who seeks to
Ido his way to fame on a race track. The
oily of entering' a race without previous
.raining . regardless of condition was demon-
tratod In tlio solely events at the recent
L.polio tournament. The spectators were in-
ulh'out and showed a great daal of lorboar-
wee , hut they budn't much time for a "slow
ace. " .
Local Wheel Notes.
Schnell is thankful tlmt ho Is alive.
Uus Kjiioncter is thankful because ho is not
Terrigo Is thankful Ixcauso his competitors
Uro going up.
6Iofl < iils ) thankful for Fifteenth and Far-
Bain street * .
Lyttle is thankful that cottage rents are
Coining down.
lr , Helt is thankful becnuso the wind is
tempered to the shorn lamb.
Gould Diotz Is thankful bccausa Christmas
( Iocs not come of toner thnu once u year.
Captain Kmiirson is thankful for the ox-
IMlent mall scrvico between Omaua and
The whole club was a pretty Joyous outfit
Thursday und flavored their turkey with a
Eldo to Council Bluffs.
.Board is thankful becnuso the prospects
Ire good for a decrease in our army oa ac-
fount of the Indian war.
, Miscellaneous hoonl Hport.
f Kousas City has the fever nnd is talking
football. The wave is going ever the entire
P. J. Klrby'has opened a band ball court
In the IllufTs , and b preparing for a tories
01 matches.
The I'alaco billiard pnriors are being put
In readiness for a grand tournament to come
fcfl along about the holidays.
Both Carter and Muggloll , who are now in
Eeuvor , are expected hero nt the approach-
g Pulaco billiard tournament ,
i Chnrllo Kostors owns the champion rat
killing foK terrier of Nebraska Ho has
jfclmkeu off lift ; rodents in 8 > minutes.
A Chicago bicycle organization Is called
* The Two Fifty club , " and it has but ono
HMcor , who U called "tho chief scorcher. "
President Harrf UcCorinack bos donated
o ball park taino foot balllsts for the
printer , ana aomo good games are on the tab ,
It U a sad commentary on the enterprise of
obrusku poultry raisers that the late oxhibl-
on at Exposition hall under the auspices of
l V .lie state association was anything but a gilt-
rliiff success.
Tl era is no longer any doubt about the
nth of H. M. Johnson , the printer. Ills
"In T > nrl < Cit England , " by General Ilooth of
thnSnhatlnn Army , ropercover. 4Cc.
lluuschuia Cook Hook , by Miss E. Nelll.
1'apercover , He.
St. Christopher ,
n companion to St.Nlcliolus.lenutlfully bound
In cloth , HSc.
Eleven Books for Childrem.
Illnmlii.'itrcl linnrd Covers nnd thoroughly
Illustrated. This N , by ii 11 IIHMIIIS , tlio most
Iiouular edition of Jmcnllo Works over imb
ll hed , L'Oo each , Uixl cs. Kosobuds , Tattle
Tuts , IHluiilci , Day , Druiuiilrnid , Iliippy
Children , Hootry nnd Pictures. Anlnmlsnnd
Illrdq , 1'uAoiltu 1'alry Talcs , Sunshine nnd
Choicest Instrumental Music ,
Nicely Hound India Volumennd Entitled.
"Homo KatoHti-V for ! 3c. Loss than i c for
each piece. Hero nrutlio titles : Artist's F.lfe
\Vult7es , Ilattlu of Waterloo. Beautiful llluo
DiiiiuliflVnltrps. . Holla of tlio Convent. Ca-
nrlpo. Bird \Vultc.ltluck Iliiwk Waltz , llluo
Violet , Urndlo Sing , Danube Waves Waltz ,
fifth Noctutnc , I'lrst lleni-t Tlirolx. Flower
Soim. l-'ly A uy Oalop. Kjollo of tlio FroKs ,
Smith's GmnU Ninth. ( H-rtrudo's Drcum
Waltz , llrlilitlJuil ( > Haunts Mo Still. If X
\Vero a lllrd Prtl'ly to Thee. 11 Bnclo Walt/ .
Ijii Orncc. I.nsl , Wiiltz of a Mminimi , I.aM-y
( Jlcn. ffchnttlsulio , Love's Golden Drciiin ,
Maiden's I'ravcr. Mundolna Mexican Sore-
tmdo. May Hells I'cnl , Jlelody In K , J1yo otls ,
Waltz , Ono Heart. Ono Houl , OrmiKO lllossoni
\Valtz , O ctir Wlhlo Onion , IVnrly Dcwdrop.
1'lzzlcutl ' I'roni Sylvln. I'rlnco InipoilalGnlup.
PantliiKoAViilticliubert's Perenado. Siirliitr
SOUR , Sultun'-i Hand March , Thlno Owu Mel
ody , Tulip , Alplno Glow.
All of our other music folios wo will sell for
Ward McAllister's Great Sensa
tion :
If you want eometlitne Irmtruotlve for a
clillflyou liaiie It In tin ? rollowlng : Ono-Syila-
blo llHtorlcs of the States. 4So pueh. Vlr-
clnln , New Vorlc , Ohio , Jllehlnnn. Now Eng-
lund , Illinois , I'cnnsylvanla , Missouri.
.The Prince of Juvenile Books.
Ilolford's Annual , formerly called the Cbat-
tcruox. 4Sc.
Sultalle ( or holiday jircsonts , your choice of
tlio following for 15c :
A Sea f-oiii-i Ilnppy Amy Tliy Xmns Be. Old
and New. licretliu Snowilukea 1'luttcr Low ,
wife lias received the insurance ho bad on bis
Scull , the Fifteenth strc6t tnxldermlst , has
one of the largest and most Interesting collec
tions of mounted Raiuo birds to x seen in the
Ko dash races for horses three years old
nnd upward at a less distance than one mile
will bo permitted In the west after May 15
The Young Mens Christian Association
nnd Patrick foot ball teams will meet , In iv
llnlsh tight at the ball grounds next Satur
day afternoon.
Frank Bandlo , the old ox-ball player and
umpire , in connection with tno cigar business
lias opened up u bascoall bureau at 801 South
Fifteenth , street.
The larpest trotttnc-bred horse in. the world
is owned by J. G. Miller of Sioux City. Ho
is 13 hands IK Inches high , and can , It is
said , show a 2:40 gait
About every Winchester rlflo ownqd in
Oniutm has been .shipped to the scone of the
Carl Smith and Charlie Cressy Indian vr&e ,
so say tbo gun dealers.
John Petty , Joe Lnngdon , S. W. Campbell
and John Pnge are anxious to shoot any four
men in the suitu a ride match , 100 feet with
u 23 ride , for any reasonable stake.
This is the season when prize lighters sit
around the saloon steve and toll how they
knocked out the Spider , the Mouse or tbo
Chicken in so many rounds a couple of years
The Omaha Bun club nfjaln failed to pet olt
their decisive shoot on Thanksgiving day. If
tbls fine weather continues , however , tbcro
are hopes that the two sides may yet coiuo
Denver's now athletic club asks an Initia
tion fee of fjO , und as there are nearly ono
thousand on the membership list. It is safe
to rank that the Colorado city is O. K. iu a
sporting sense.
The Twin City athletic club of Minneapolis
is tlshliig for both the Cal. McCarthy-George
Dixon and the Pete McCoy-Pluck Pearl
lights. Hera's a great opportunity for tbo
South Omaha club.
Gunners may at last make up their minds
that they will see but precious llttlo wild
fowl shooting for the bitlanco of tbo fall.
Despite all signs tno season has been an ex
ceptionally poor ono , '
Tommy Millertho ex-Omahog , only lasted
three roends before Tommy "Wnrrcn at Now
Orleans the other night. As TUB BBR pre
viously remarked Miller is not in sight with
men o Warren's callbro.
John S. IJarnes , late of St. Paul and later
of Spokane , Is to bo made manager of the
new Portland athletic chib. linrnos is an
old fighter himself , and id more at homo
among pugilists than ball players.
The University foot ball team of Lincoln is
undoubtedly the champion team of tlio state.
The porno they put up hero Thanksgiving day
was ot a superior order. The Young Mcns
Christian association was la it , but that
was all.
The wrestlers Qulnn , McMahon , Toraplo ,
Christol , the Jnii and the wbolo faking outfit
have left by the gravel train route. 'Xheir
oxblDltlons herewero of the order that would
huvo made Pollux take to the woods In
J. II. Dumoiit and Howard Clarke spent
the week past with E. S. Clarke at Satonlo ,
this state. They put la the bulk of the tiino
in the stubbles and com Holds and bagged In
the neighborhood of thrco hundred quail
and chicken.
The Godfrey-Smith light , which the South
Omulin club offered a purse of taCX)0 for ,
would have boea an unsatisfactory Invest
ment , Smith disappointed every ono und
was n 11101-0 plaything In the hands ot the dex
trous darkey ,
Wilbur V. ICtapp , who U undoubtedly
the fastest long distance bicycle rider la the
world , wants to come to Omahn nnd give
Ned Heading , Jack Prmco or any of the
other championship clalmorti a chose. Wilbur
Will not lack backers if such a race is made.
Jim S. McCord , one ot Omaha's old time
sports , Is un tlio lookout's pedestal In Jack
Dempsoy'a saloon in Seattle , Wash. Jim
writes the sporting editor for a copy of TUB
HKK containing ( iu account ot the Lindsay-
WilUes tight. II o was always a staunch be-
llovor in Lindsay's ability to do most any ouo.
"Siip'1 Dundy and Harvey McUrow made
a fine bag of quail over McUrow's famous
Imported pointer on Wednesday last , Duudy
tays ho Intends to use buck shot on quail
XnuisKu' , Winter Moonlight , A Xnms Morn'
Message , Wlillo the Ycnr Is Growing Old.
{ rotnbuwn to Midnight. 1'ho-SIilo Thought * ,
} V hutovcr the Year lia < HroiiRlit Thco. A ica
Ifjyl.ChrhtniaiTinie , In Winter's Haiti. Hone
of the Seasons' , TImt Wondrous Night of
Hells' XDmS Ue"S < Volc ° ° f th ° Xma3
The Royal Favorites
A series of elcht hymns. Printed on heavy
paper , nt the University Press , Oatulirldae.
bound In unlmio covers , at once attractIvn
and substantial. Imitation leather barks and
( orncrx , with decorative designs In colors on
front nnd buck covers , presenting a unique
"i'dattiacUeapi > enrince. ! Trice 4Sc each.
J neclglitpocnm selected urei
rsearer , My God. to Theos llpmo. Sweet
Home ; Alildo with Mo ; Curfew Must Not King
Tonight ; Horn , by Tennyson ! Hook of Ages ;
My Faith Looks Up to Theo : O , Why Should
the Spirit of Mortal Do Proud.
The Lovely Ivoiines.
In Orcntn White Covers , adorned with sold
and silver decorations , ullt cdfjos. Iloxcd. A
very henutlf ul stylo. Pi lee , 73o ouch. Com
prising tlio following : Deserted Village. Hells ,
Ludy Uliiro , Lhumuli.luno.Night Ileforo Xmas.
Grandma's Attic Treasures-
Round In Jnpancso Onlf. Price , f 1.18.
Poems Bound in Imitation "Wopd.
Choice 98c.
Mnssa's In the Cold , Cold Ground ! Marching
Through Georgia ; Swrtnoo Jilvor ; Tramp.
Trump. Tramp ; Nelly Was a Ladyi Uly Old
Kentucky Homo.
Ella \ Vheeler'ilcox's \ ' Poems.
Poems ofl'nsslon ,
i'lTu'rlne ! 1 > lea8Ur ° '
Poems of Passion. '
Beautifully Illustrated.cloth , J2.78
By Gen. Lew Wallace.
Bonlliir ! Fair God. $1.13.
Mark Twain's last and greatest -work ,
A. Yankee in King Arthur's Court ,
Another Brownie Book , -
By Palmer Cox ; a companion to "Tha
Brownies. " J1.35.
Orders by mail will le. ) given
prompt attention. .
after this , as No. Os don't RO fast enough ,
and yet ho prassed twelve birds outof ciRhty-
slx shots. Pretty good for nu old field shot ,
wasn't It ?
II. T. Clarke , , Chat Rodlck and Bert Cooke
put in Tlinnksglvinc day down below Bcllovuo
chasing wolves. They had n pack of seven
teen hounds owned by Mr. Clarke end re
ported n thrilling time. The first wnlf hogged
was a rabbit , and the second , some farmer's
house cat , which bad a brass collar round her
neck , benvitiR hieroglyphics , showing thi\t
she cnmo to this country on the Mayflower.
Dos Molnes and St. Joe sporting men are
anxious to see Jimmy Lindsay and Billy
Hawkins matched. They say they will
guarantee the South Omaha club nn attend
ance of 200 at ono V a head it they will hang
up a purse and bring- about a mill between
these two men. DOS Momes will back Haw
kins for any amount , while the St. Joe sports
will bank their last slmoloon on the- Omaha
The OctOKon club , with headquarters at
23 Capitol avenue is a boomlnp institution.
The organization was portootcd November 12 ,
bv eight of the Omaha Wheel club boys.
They had growa tired of guttancrcha flannel
cukes and rhinosccros tenderloin and decide J
to launch out for themselves on the Bellamy
plan , The rosier embraces , F. E. Pearce ,
VV. G. Protect , W. P. Braddt , A. M. Conio ,
C. E. Epouotor and H. H.'Uhodos. At whist ,
hlgh.flvo , sevenup or craps they challenge
the world.
Jack Prince is at the head of a coliseum
cntoiprlso at Denver , and the press down
there la extremely enthusiastic over the
scheme. The News says ; The space will bo
largo enough for horse shows and fat stock
shows , and oven if Barnum's circus came to
town it could bo scon there as well as in Mad
ison Square Oarden , New York. Buffalo
Bill mifibt come with his Wild West and not
exhaust the resources of the Coliseum. And
when the lovers of nthlotlc sports pedestrl-
anlsm , sprinting , wrestling , foot ball , polo ,
roller skntlnp , lawn tennis , bicycling and
what-not wanted a place for exhibitions and
matches , Denver could odor thorn accommo
dations that could not bo equalled in the
United States , not even In Madison Square
garden. The building could bo made hand
some with $200,000 nnd could bo made to pay
a largo Interest on the investment.
Questions nnd Answers.
There are letters In this ofilco for Wallle
Andrews , Patsy Tebeau , Jack Carkeek and
Frank Leonard.
To decide nbot please answer in Sunday's '
columns the question : \Vhoro and when was
Jack Deaipsoy bora I Pcnlnla , Ogalalla , Neb.
Ans. In Ireland In 1SG2.
Charles E. Moore , Nebraska City Wo
questions belonging to this department are
answered by n-ail. Your series ot questions
will receive attention in next Sunday's Issuo.
Will you please answer in SuxnAt's ' BEF
whether the buyer In a game of high-five Is
compelled to lead trumps I Short Card ,
Council Bluffs.
Ans. There arc no authorized rules on
hlKh-llvc. In some games Ills obligatory for
the buyer to load trumps , In others he can tie
i\s ho pleases. Till * Is Konerally agrned upon
by the contestants before a Kamo begins.
Will you please inform an Interested
reader of Tin : lip.Esportlng columns whether
old Tom ICellev , the man who was behind
young Mooney in his flght with Harry Allen
at the South Oaiaha club last Tuesday night
ever fought Mike McGool , if so which wont
Is Harry Allen a son of old Tom Allen , ana
is Pat Allen a brother ? Flstiana , Omaha.
Aiw. { N Ivclley never fought McOool. but
old Tom Allen did , twice , n Inning dourly both
times , but the 11 rat flght was rewarded to Mc
Oool. (2 | No. f ) > No.
Will you please send mo a copy of the South
Omaha Athlotlo club's rules , by-laws nnd
constitution I Wu Arthur Chauibera , now
a celebrated Philadelphia flstlc mentor , over
the light weight champion I Did ho ever
whin John H. Clurk. who was nt the top of
the light-weight ladder In the * 70's. Count
N. , Denver , Col.
Am. W Wrlto to the secretary , ho will
doubtless comply with your requuat , ( - . ' ) Ves.
fJos. > . t'liumliorsbotit Ulurk , Muix-h 27,1K7U ,
at t'hlpncway 1 alls , Uunadu , In 1JH rdunds In
two hours and twenty minutes.
Will THK BKE please Inform n number of
Iowa nmateur oarsmen whether Wallace
Hoss. who was engaged la last week's rood-
seulllug inatcn at tlw Coliseum , over rowed
William IJeacht White Cap. IJurlmgtou , la.
Am. Vet. IloachbeuthliuforJ.OOO and the
cuuniploushlu , TUaiuob , Eusiauu. September
The ribbons which wo offer at the extraordinary prices naflorncnth , are all silk and the fiisi quality , The ladies' ' embroidered bndketohhfs , aio n fico manufacturer's ' sleek that
we bought ont at 60o on the dollar. Wo had to rjurchasa the wbolo lot to get them nt these nricca , nnd have to lot them out chqap to more such R qv utility , The pjclotfooks and
puisoi are very beautiful and wore purchased unuer the market. The silks and velvets are nil now gcods this ecnson , nnd the lotfeit prices ever innCe , Wo bought our blankets and
Unnnols nt extraordinarily low prices , during the summer , nnd as the nson is BO mild and donjnud limited , wo arc forcinc them nt the oxtmoidluBiy prices underneath , Wo Cud our
drcra goods Block too large and liavo abandoned our _ profits on many of them to induoo a lapid sale and rcduco tko stock. Wo desire also to call attention to the spcrinl bargains wo
offer in ladies' ' and gout's ' uudorweir nnd men's ' furnishing goods. Unr linen stock is also tco heavy mid wo nro forcing it nt the prices underneath , \Vo \ orcn the Magic cave on Mon
day with the most brilliant assortment of toys wo have over shown , all strong nud tolid nnd mt easily broken , We have carefully avoided all cheap trasti , and will show nothing but
good and useful toys. No children will ho admitted to the toy department without their jarenla ,
Silk Department.
Best brands American gros grains.
Best brands American failles.
Best brands American armuros nnd
satin rhndninns.
Very fine grailo French gros grains.
Vary Hno prndo Froneh failles.
Very flno grade French armuros and
satin rhndnmas.
For Ihc best trade.
Every yard Kuarnnteod.
Mndo for the London market.
3 pieces English made pros grain.
3 plccos English made satin do Lyon.
3 pieces English in ado failles and
almn royals.
Also n full Hno 'of colored French
failles and surahs , iu the very latest
Cheney Bros , best China silks , in
black and colors , 31.
A good assortment of crepe do chono
in evening shades , $1.25.
Wo ulso carry the largest stock of
black and colored velvets west of
Special at 3c , Bold at lOo.
Cic , sold at 121o.
Oo sold at 15c.
12csold at 17lc.
16c , sold at lOc.
19c , sold at 22o. }
Ladies Hg&dkerchief
100 dozen at.fic. worth 8lo.
60 dozen at Sic , worth 121o.
60 dozen at 15c , worth 20o.
75 dozen at 25c , worth 35c.
We call attention to our extensive-
line of embroidered hankorchlef s at 35c ,
55c , G5o , 75o , Boo , $1 up to 82.60. None
like thorn in the city.
Special for the holidays , Wo have a
fine assortment of French embroidered
sheer linen , silk embroidered , silk mull
A large assortment ol souvenir hand
kerchief boxes , ono handkerchief in-
each box.
a' ,1880. Time , twenty.thrco minutes and five
bcoond.o , . * . -
Please give the name and da to of the organ
ization of the first regular baseball club In
America. Bid "Walter Wilmot ever play la
Omaha , and how does Joe Walsh's shortstop
record compare with that of Herman Long
and Llttlo OoonoyI Nonpareil , Omaha.
Ans. (1) ( ) The Knickerbocker liusoli.ill club
was tbp ilrst orKimlied In America. The
Olympic club ot 1'lilladelplila pliijrcd "round
ers" In 13XJ , hut they did not pluy uaooball un
til 1800. (3) ( WHmot never iiliiycd In Omaha ,
but was once a inembur of tliu St. 1'aul team.
(3) ( ) Joe Walsh' * ahortstop work tlio past season
surpassed that of Long and was quite up to
Coouoy's mark.
Please lot me know in next Sunday's BEE
the Nebraska game law for chicUoa and quail.
P. M. FisVo , Exeter , Nob.
Ann. Untckon. open reason from September
Ito Junuary It quuil , Goto tori to January ! .
Please give this space ia the question and
answer column : In a game of high-five , A
is 20 , B is 30 , O Is IT. A. makes trump und
loads an off card. B ploys down low and
claims ho la out. A and O object * so he picks
up low and plays the game out. A gets set
up , B makes low , and C makes high-flvo and
Jack. Who wins ! A Citizen.
Will you please state la Sunday morning's
BEE If Clark , now of the boron club , over
played In the Chicago National League club ,
On wlmt d ate and d ay was ex-prcsldont Olovo-
luna In Oiimlui ? Constant Header , Houth
Omaha , Nebraska.
Ans. First , yes. Second , Oct. 13,1883.
Dining with Victoria.
Dining : with the queen is a great honor. Of
course , full court dress must DO worn by the
ladles ; the gentlemen cither wear their court
dress or the Windsor uniform , which is really
an ordinary dress coat , faced and cuffed with
red silk , and adorned with gilt buttons in
stead of the ordinary black ones.
The guests assemble beforehand In a wait
ing-room ; at Balmoral this is called tbo ante
room , but at Windsor the grand corridor is
used for this purpose. They range thorn-
selves ia two rows , says The Lady , the ladies
on ouo side and the gentlemen on the other ,
and the persons of higher rank are placed
furthest from the door at which tbo queea
will enter. About 0 o'clock the queen ap
pears , and ivhen she has received the salu
tations of her guests she passes down be
tween the two rows to the door of tbo state
dining-room , and goes straight la to dinner.
Thu guests Join in couples and follow hor.
During dinner there Is very little talking.
Tbo guests converse among themselves in
whispers , for it is not according to etiquette
to spcah loud. From tlrao to tiino the queen
speaks to some ono of hfjrj guests ; hut as it is
not proper to disagree "with her. there is
naturally not very inucji.dono In the way ot
conversation between her majesty and her
subjects. Dinner usually1 lasts for an hour
or so , after which the whole party adjourns
to the drawing-room. Here the queen makes
n few remarks to caoh guest In turn , which
the latter reply to sultaWy , and without the
smallest rnco of originautv.
This ended , the queen retires to her private
apartments and tbo diua'er party is ended. It
must bo added , however' , ' ' that dull as these
entertainments are , thehVis not a single per
son wno would BonouBlipwish never to bo
present at ono , for an Invitation to dine atone
ono of the royal pulacoVJwlth the queen is
the highest social honontlut can bo conferred
on a sobjcct. jrn
Tlio Vocabulary pf Fowls.
Fowls have undoubtedly a larger vo
cabulary than any of .the other domestic
nnlmalu ; yet In half a day you will prob
ably hoar from thora all the sounds that
they nso in ordinary life. But anything
out of the ordinary is instantly expressed
in unusual sounds.
Drunkenness In Glasgow.
Sheriff Alison is authority for the
statement that , in the city of Glasgow
alone , 1)0,000 ) people pot druiik'ovory Sat
urday night nnd crime lias increubod six
times faster than population. *
Heach camp is doing a great deal of work
in the Oriental degree , A class of nearly
sixty received this degree recently nnd au-
ether class of thirty is ready to bo victimized.
The degree will bo conferred on Decem
ber IS.
A correspondent , of THK HUB reports seeing
three crows with white spots on their bodies
chasing little I.IKS iu u Held ueur Kluo , Mo.
Leather Goods ,
Wo have just received a line of poclc-
othooks , purses , card cases nnd combi
nation pocketbook and card case , in all
grades of leather. Imitation ucal , real
seal , kangaroo , alligator and dongola.
Blanket Department.
Wo keep the finest assortment of
blankets In the city ; can sell you a good
full siza
10-1 whlto blanket at 87jc , regular
10-4 white hlankcts at $1.50. nspular
10-4 white blankets at 82.25 , regular
10-4 whlto blanket , wool , at S1.2o ,
ropular $5.60.
10-4 white blanket , wool at $0 , rocu-
lar $7.60.
Assorted crrays , scarlet and browns
at equally low margins.
Comfort Department.
In this stock wo kcop the best la the
marKet for the prlco , from 76c to $5 ,
filled with white rose cotton. Our
eiderdowns are remarkably low , in
plain or fancy French saloon , from
$0.50 , worth.$8.50 , to $35 , regular $40. A
great bargain at 310 , our former price
was $15 and $18.
Flannel Department.
The assortment is the host to bo found
in tlio west , comprising plain and fancy
stripe in French twill at GOc , C5o and
Also nlain and fancy in domestic
goods , from 25c to 75c.
White , cream , grays , navy and scar
let in all of the loading brands. Em
broidered in all stylos.
Men's Furnishings.
Just received a full line of Pull Dress
Shirts , which wo offer nt $1 , $1.50 and
$2 each.
Flannel Nocligo Shirts , nil sizo9from
$1.50 to $3.75.
v Black Flannel and- Broadcloth Neg
lige Shirts at $2.25 and $3.
An Artist's Tribute to the Notable Works
in the Omaha Exhibit.
John Slulvanr Writes of tha Good ,
Bad , Indifferent and Glorious
Canvasses In the Steele
On Saturday , the 22d inst. , the most re
markable exhibition of paintings that has
ever boon opened to the public west of the
Missouri' river invited the attention of the
citizens of Omaha. It Is nn exhibition
voluminous In numbers and supreme in ex
cellence , with a few exceptions. The building
selected for the exhibition , at Thirteenth nud
Harnoy streets , is probably the best that
could bo obtained for the purpose in Omaha ,
and yet is the worst for that purpose. It was
built nnd used for a wholesale grocery house
for many years , nnd It has In every part not
merely the suggestion but the grime of com
mercial uso. Countless packages of gro
ceries that have left their stain everywhere
had passed through its portals , and the ghost
like cdlllco seemed doomed to silence and its
memory of grease.
The rubbing of Aladdin's lamp , however ,
transformed it into a palace of artistic won
der , nnd the chaos of groceries and troubles
of our daily existence are forgotten in bric-a-
brac , good , bad , indifferent nnd plorlous can
vases , as we wander for hours through this
improvised Aladdin's palace.
The canvases of great sUe in this remark
able exhibition , and which command the vis
itor's first attention from the color blotches
and historic poetical composition , are the
copies of Gustuv pore's masterly originals ,
now fn the Dore gallery in Now Bond street ,
London *
Jesus , the simple and beautiful character ,
has been tbo theme for ages ; the great poets ,
the great painters , the great sculptors of iho
past have been Inspired to do their greatest
work by their faith iu the simple and God-
llko Christ , Mighty cathedrals , whoso spires
reach heavenward with their inllnito wealth
of tracery , sprung , ai 'twere , from earth ,
through the belief of man that Christ was
the S on of God. The organ was Invented as
nn aid to worship , and the greatest composers
of the modern ago wrote their holiest oratorios
tories and soul-thrilling masses for those won
derful edifices. The world was thrilled into
a profound bcltof , through tongue und pen.
through paint and stone , that this Inspired
personage was none other than the Son of
This great central figure In the world's his
tory was crucified , as wo all know , hut oven
Calvary did not witness such a crucillctlon of
Jesus as these canvasses exhibit. Tbo draw
ing of the head of what they cull Christ in ouo
of these pictures is monstrusly bad , Tbo
"Christ Before Pilato" in Mnncackzy's great
picture is the Christ of history , of calm tre
mendous force , but thcso beostlv copies of
Doro's masterpieces present Christ to us as a
personage without force nnd us ono who
could only have sustained 11 fo by suction for
the malformation in drawing precludes the
idea that ho oven could have eaten as other
There are n few other wretchedly drawn
and badly painted canvases presented In this
collection , with splendidly /painted trom.s
sandwiched butwcen them. Instinctively ,
however , the visitors to the gallery are
enthralled In the mashcs of tlio creator
works and they nro held by the witchery of
pain , where genius nnd splendid education In
art gives It mental direction.
Among Iho notable works to bo seriously
neglected in anything of u critical mood anil
which glvo color to the hundreds of smaller
pictures , gems of the most urtUtlo weaving
and worthy of a place in nay homo In fair
America , Is number 1150 , II , Humphrey
Mooro's 'Mnpanoso Musician. " This is ouo
of the daintiest hits of color on the continent ,
by any American artist , living or i dead. II.
Humphrey Moore is a deaf mute , nn Anicrl-
can , llviirg Iu I'uris , who N married toil
charaiui * SfivnisU beauty of Madrid , lie
A full line ol "Whiter Underwotir In
white , scnrlotand natural gray wool , nt
$1 , 31.50 mid $2.60 n Ramie nt.
An extra heavy Monlno Underwear
which wo arc soiling at $1 tx suit , worth
Our line of Men's ' Tlos is complete ,
comprising the Intcst styles nnd pat
terns in PufTs , Tocks and Four-ln-IIund
Our 3-inoh Pour-ln-llaiul at 7oo mid
$1.50 nro beauties.
White Twill Windsors nt 7 < " > c , also a
full line of Black , "Whito and Plnitl
Windsors at fiOc nnd 76c.
All tlio now shapes in the 12. Si W.
Collars and Culls just received.
Handkerchiefs and Mulllors Inenciloss
variety and to suit the taste of ovcry-
on o.
Silk Handkerchiefs in plain white
and colored borders Irom oOc to $ . " .
Silk and Cashmere Muflle'rs from $1
to1. .
received a manufacturer's entire hnoof
samples of Underwear and' Hosiery
which wo will oITor at about 23 per cent
of tlioir value.
Ladies' Underwear and
Ladies' Black Onyx Dye Cotton IIoso ,
at 25o , 35c , COc to OOc.
Black Wool and Ciishmoro Hose , at
45c , 50c , 05c , 7Cc tol.
Children's Wool IIoso , all sizes , lOjc ,
worth 25c.
Just received a shipment of the Cele
brated Jonnes3 Miller Divided Skirts
and. Combination Suits , all grades and
A full line of Dr. .laojror's Sanitary
Underwear for ladles , misses tuid chil
dren , at 25 per cent less than they can
bo boughtolsowhoro in the city.
Colored Dress Goods
Wo oiler some extra special induce
ments , during this month in order tn
redueo our stock.
0 pieces 54 inch Scotch suituipr , a
splendid material for stormy weather ,
only 62Jc.
10 pieces cheviot pln\ds \ , an excellent
warm cloth for school wear , only 50c.
51 piooas 42 inch Scotch wood , invls-
W03 a pupil andfrieml of the lamented For-
turry , one of the most illustrious of modern
This picture of Moore's is moro darlriR in
technique , stronger and bolder in color than
' " of
ncuugorcau's masterly "Awakening
Sprint ? , " tender anil exquisitely pure in flesh
tones , brilliant in the draperies of the figures
nnd such knowledge of tlelicnto pearl
shading in the half tones that only tlio eye
of taste nud the finest feeling for color could
have painted the matchless background and
cleverly painted accessories are something to
ho remembered hy painters who would emu
late this study of harmonious color.
Alongside to the loft is a little sunset with
out a number , but bearing the signature :
Druco Krone , whlcli is proat as
a bit of broad harmonious painting.
It should bo owned in Omaha. Ncsn' thiso
masterpieces hangs a pretentious Brldgninn ,
353 , entitled "Famines d'AlKiors au Cinie-
tnlno. " which la remarkable for its serious
laclc of study. Though containing light ,
good composition and breadth of treatment ,
tbo Hosh is shaky , hard , and the drawing of
lingers and toes shows a carelessness that is
not excusable in comparison with other woiks
of his in this collection. IkidKmaii Is a noted
American painter , living in Paris , who was a
pupil of Gcroino and has distinguished lihn-
self only as an apt absorber of that great
painter's style of composition and manner
isms , without ono .scintilla of his genius.
In contrast with No. ! ! (58 ( may DO mentioned
340 , the boy of Constantine receiving guests ,
another picture by tbo sumo painter , which
in all respects is very beautiful iu composi
tion , neatly and clofj.Mitly drawn , charmingly
lighted , with admirable perspective , full of
architectural detail and altogether a work
quite worthy of Gorome.
Hero is Van Mark. No , 187 , "Cattle , " a
wonderfully clever picture , with all his
strength , breadth and massive painting cat
tle that live and without the conventional
composition which all tha cattle painters of
England und their American imitators hare
adopted nnd established as n rule in this line
of painting. The simplicity in composition of
this picture shows what u ducp thinker
this great cattle painter Is. The drawing ,
foreshortening ana painting of thcso cattle
are , if that wore possible , bevond anything
wnich Van Mark has over done. Scattered
through the background are a few groups of
cattle nnd a few masterly touches of light
and color that thoroughly sustain the groups
in the foreground. The landscape is wet , the
sky somewhat stormy nnd yet the scrubby
trees are cut in so sharply against the clouds
nnd sky that they do not Iwlong to the wet
landscape or the cloudy sky. 11 is nn artist's
trick to throw in sharp touches llko thcso
distant trees for effect and sometimes to
strengthen a foreground , hut air should al
ways permeate the landscape of the artist , as
it does the landscape of nature.
No. 218 reveals a George Washington.
This picture is entitled ' 'Start for the Hunt ,
Algeria. " \Vnshhigtonls living- Paris ;
so also is tha Inimitable , illustrious S'jhroyor.
Mr. Washington is a close copyist of
Bchrcyoi * and atTccts his style as iJildgman
does tnat of Ooroino. They are not living
very far apart in Paris , This picture Is very
leasing iu color , but lacking in that Him
§ rawing and intelligent modeling whlcli
make Schroyer's canvases almost priceless ,
and shows the painter George Washington
to bo as far removed from the artist whom
ho Imitates as ho is chronologically from the
grout man wboso nnmo ho bears.
On the opposite wall Is a picture
by Flameng , "Target Practice ut
Dieppe. " This is ono of those rare pic
tures that is incidentally met with Iu n genera
tion. ThogroupliiK'Oftliollgurei , notably on
the higher ground in thovleinlty of tlio artist
who Is sketching , is unsurpassed la mod
ern gt'nro painting. Tno foinalo figure ro-
cllning ou the grass mid the one with the pir-
aiol sitting by her side , with all the uonclm-
Icnco of u Parisian belle , the grouping of the
llgurcs above the artist , looking on so curi
ously , the llttlo tot of a child and her parent ,
are all so admirably done , both In techniiiuo
mill color that they will live for nil tiino ns
choice bita among the grout canvass * There
Is considerable distance between ( he figures
on the hichcr ground and those shooting at a
target on the lower ground , and this ulstanco
Is admirably drawn in the perspective of the
picture , wlillo the grouping In both liistuncas
is in the highest degree artUtle. The walls
of the old fortress of Dieppe built of brick ,
rise Into the hluo air above , Thu ono singu
lar mar to this otherwlso great picture , l.s tlio
razor-IIko sharpness ot the turrets , walls nud
gables against the sky ,
Number W ) , "Oasis at Blscra , " Algiers , by
ihlo chccus with Douclo effects , only
8 pieces 33 inch plaid , something
cheap and durable for fixing ever ,
only 4lc. )
0 pieces 42 inch plaids specially adap
ted for child roll's wear , only 5Cc. ,
pieces fit inch all wool llannol , usu
ally retailed for 7oc , only G5c ,
pieces 54 inch penuino Gilbert ilan
nol In pray nnd dark colors , usually eold
for $1 , only 87lc.
4G Inch Henrietta in all the new and
desirable shades , only 03c. '
64 Ini'h waterproof suiting , made to
toll : it 31.75 , just thrco pieces loft , only
54 Inch hnportod Broadcloths , this
season's HlmtliH. Hoducod to $1,50.
5 ilnuh hnportod liroiidcloths , In tlio
best quality iimnufnuturcd. only ! . / > 0.
Take ndvautngo of thoabovo prices on
Uroadcluth , ns they nro becoming the
favorite for tallor-nuido suits.
Combination Suits.
We have only a few loft , but do not
care to carry them ever ; will mnka
special low prices to close them out. this
Conio early nnd cot first choice.
\Vo have n few very hlph novelties ,
which wo will close out cheap.
Linen Table Sets.
Monday morning wo bofrin a glfruntlo
sale of line Duninsk Table Sots. Wo
must have moro room for our children's
goods , consequently , must reduce stock.
Wo have just received a larjjo ship
ment of the ( roods which has boon de
layed over throe months beyond the
time of shipment. Wo bought these
sots to Bell from S3 to $15 nor sot.
Not the prlco wo have now marked
15 sets Cloths and Napkins to match ,
for this great sale , $5.50 per sot.
15 sots Cloths and Napkins to match ,
$6 per sot.
1C nets Cloths and Napkins to match ,
$6.50 pop cent.
Wo have finer poods that wo will sell
at $7.60 , $3 , $10 and $15 per sot.
No moro useful present can bo given
any person than u nice Damask Satand
at the above prices you cannot afford to
lot the opportunity slip past.
HuRuet , is un immensely clever picture , wor
thy of being discussed at length and worthy
of tiny collection.
Leon 1'crrault's ' 'Mother ' Wntchlng Her
Sleeping ClilUl" Is so hung anu llglituil kttmt
In absence of number it arrests the attention
of every visitor who ascends the
stairs. .livery sturdy father , every tender
loving mother will halt and stand in fervent
ndtnlmtiun before the theme of motlicr-lovo
painted on thin The painting and
drawing of this picture need no criticism
from anyone. The artist has so pointed this
work that the child Is In a semi-transparent
shade and the mother , with table , window
sill nud flowers nro in full light so deftly In
woven as hardly to bo noticed by the casual
observers. Fathers nud mothers of Omaha
fihould sco this excellent picture , with other *
llko It In thli pi-out collection. The child Is
n poem _ , the mother is devotion personified.
Bierstaitt has painted a few very Hue can
vases. His "Yosomlto "Valloy" was , artisti
cally , the greatest liu hns painted. It had
breadth of handling nnd strong , glorious
color. It was full of nntuio und a delightful
iioom. His "Last of the UufTnlo , " u con-
tralUcd ilurc | In this collection , Is one of Its
most remarkable features. Not from the
standpoint of the grcitcst painting , but bo-
r.iuso tnere are so few American artists of-
the higher class who huvc painted distinc
tively American subjects. And ho who at
tempts anything of na ambitious character Iu
that lluld and paints it in a way com *
moiiKimxto with the elements of great art
should be commended to his countrymen and
sustained by voice und pen. Not from the
fuct that ho is sin American , hut becnuso
ho can produce r. work ivitli ideas und poctio
imagination equal to the grandeur of hU sub
'This picture Is called "Tho Lust of the
Buffalo , " nnd yet there nro counties' ' ! thou
sands of these noble beasts shown in the pic-
lure , from those strongly Individualized iu
the foreground to these dimly suggested in
the hiize of distance. The drumntlu ele
ment of the work H n rniniunt stood holng
pored hy a furious bull , while the Indian
rider is iu tha act of spearing his gumc.
Tbore is great and picturesque power in this
croup. Ko ono who lookn at the picture can
have any doubt as to the outcome of tliu en
counter , The splendidly formed pony is on
the horns of the bull , nud the noble creature
will bo a ( Hscinbowclod thlng-of the past in a
llttlo while , and jtosslbly the suulcy Indian
will bo astride of the bulTnlo.
Li. 1'Hermltto , a strong painter of French
peasants , with sabots on , who has n very
ugly hut powerfully palnUul picture in the
Luxembourg , Paris , is represented Iu
tbis collection by another picture
us ugly in form but as strong
ly painted , called "Tho Haymakers. "
It is realistic to n decree , broad and splen
didly painted nnd masterly In drawing. Tlio
especially strong feature of the picture Is the
peasant repairing his scythe. Theio is ab
solutely nothing bolter , if nnvthini ? so good ,
in thuwbolu collection. The brawny arms
with rnusules standing out like whip cords
nnd the earnest , rugKed fnco present u won
derful study of nature.
Spring With its showers , its flowers and Its
Iwautles is represented most exquisitely hy
lluugercau In n matchless nuuo tctmilo figure ,
suemlngly awakening from a long slumber
Into a now life , into a newer incarnation.
Hcnutlfully drawn , exuuUItoly und tenderly
julntcd , eco feels that this younp creature
has anew soul embalmed within her which
ha * boon kissed Into life by the most tender
lips the ideal of love , end summoned by
Cupids which lloat on wings , throwing nn
aureole around the awakening of this lovely
suggestion of the most charming of all the
seasons. Everywhere ttivru iu Iciiulcrness In
the air , harsh lines aataironlzo ono nowhere.
In all the lovely picture which Bougcroau
linn created from his "Nymphs nnd Satyr"
to tlili ' 'Awakening of Spring" nothing moro
tender In color or moio beautiful In drawing
has ever left hU casrl , Joix MCLVANV.
The now olllcos of the ( ireat RoIck
Island route , 10012 Sixteenth and r'arnuui 4
nt roots , Omaha , are thollnostln the city.
Call and BOO thorn. Tickets to all points
mist at lowest rates.
Albright's C'liolce's-21.M ! { N. Y. Life.
Couldn't Scnml tlin Hun.
Dmnrii , Mluu. , Nov. 29 , The private
bank of Hull & Co. closed Its doors this
morning tomi > orarlly. In the run yesterday
130.000 of tbo $70,000 of deposits was drawn
nut. No runs wore made on tbo other bauk * .
The bauk expocti to pay in full.