Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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rATVrnTISKMENTFfor ) llioso colunis"wlll
TVlio taken until 12K : ) p. tit , , for the evening
dltloti mid until 8iHOp. in. , ( or ths
( lltllll Blld 8USIIAY 1IBK
nilranco , .
'llATTS'-Adverttsproentson ' thlspsj ( will 1)
JUchnrgcil forat thorn toot tV4 cent per word
Inrtho first insertion nncl Icctit per woril for
< jacli sulfct ) ; iuent Insertion , nnd I1.W ) per lint
or monlli , No ndvertlsnnont tauon for
. , Ir tian21 ) cents furtlm fit-it insertion.
TNITIAI.S , flgurcs , irnibols , oto. ( count each
J mono word.
fllllKSR ntlvcrtlspmcntn muBt tun consocw ;
JLllvoly and unilrr no clroiinntnnces will
tlity bo taken or aiscontlniioit liy telephone.
rTjAIlTinH nilvcrtlslnit In tlio ! 0 columns nnd
JL liuvliii ; tliclr unsworn nildrosscd to a"ntitn-
licrxl lolfnr'Mnciiroof TUB BEB will rccolvo
li niunbcri'il clieck tnennblotliuinto get their
jpttorx. Ans or will l ) dolhpred only on
jiresontntlon o ( thl < chock. Kndoso answer !
in envelopes properly aiUlrwoil ,
Alii * Bdvcrll'ornt'iits ilmtor tlm liciwl nl
" Nutlet'i" nro puMlHlinlln holli tin )
morn 1 nit nnd cvcnnttc < lltloni of Tim llu : . tlio
circulation of which nRRrcKatPS more llinti
211,000 pnpora ilnlly , nnd Rhci tlie uclvprtMar
the benefit not nnly nf tlin lurcn circulation of
S'IIR ItKKln Oinnlm , Ijilt lilsiiln Council ItliilTs ,
_ ilni' ( > lii nnd othnr cltli" mill townsln tlin west
' ' '
Adx-rrtlsliiBfor tlicio columns will betnlton
en tlionliovo conditions , iitlho followlrbits | .
nc hoii ( " 4 who tire atltliorliud totivkospcclnl
notlcuR. ia tlio sumo ralou us can had ut the
main olllcg. _ _ _
O2ffi lN Street , T.lstor llloek. _
UEtL , I'luriuiiclst , 820SouthTcnth
OHASR fc riI ) > Y , Htatloncrs and Printer ! ,
lin South MliHtrcet. _ _ _ _ _
SII. KAIINSWOHTII , 1'harmacUt , 'JllSCum.
' jTITrailES. PlarinncUt. ffi * North 10th
Mrcot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FoTTv , I > ARIl , I'lmriiiaclBt , 1718 Leaven-
worth strut.
' IMIAHMACY.SIth and Farnam.
/"IT ittfictc. , Kttopnf flnt column tin < M <
tulor rrstaiirnntdetkiuxneiloiiccd ; best
ofiecomniendallona. Address \ W , Itee.
M 4.Vg--JO
\\rANTiU-Slttiatlon" hv ludy as boolt-
> T Ueeper. rash lor or ollleo clerk. Kxpo-
rlcncod , aoodrerercnccs. Address V ? B" ) , Hoc.
M 4Q7 IIP'
ANTED Position iiselorkln store.
store preferred , Can keep ot of bol < s.
Cnixl "references. Address Lockobox os , Hi ne-
4 ict , yeii. Mm-M' :
" _
ANTKTJ-Constant work by an Knsllsh-
in.iii o.xpi'rlcnceil In ii-onnouso find out
door cnrdeiilns. Address Win. 0 irrntt. \ ost-
cm. Nou. Saline county. MIKl-Dl'
BY a Inly bookkeeper , with Al rcfcrpnces
And i ess AVM , llco. Ul i.t ) *
Vuboyof 18 , who understands all ofTlcc
worl < | four yoari cxpcrlonce. Aildn-s"
. . llee. V > t 1)1'
, netoj > of .flintcolumn 071 tlilt JKIO&
\\7ANTnn-Itoy iiliout 17 years old , Kreil
Kern , BlOSoutli lOtlistreot. M 480-i.1)1 ! )
_ _
ANTKD Two competent salesmen fet
dress K"oils department ; iilso K good
clean ymiiiKini'n for bunillo wrnppoiN anil to
leain the dry Koods business. The Morse Dry
Goods ( Jo. M t -i1.
WANrniJ Traveling Biile.smnn :
tlaipnyliuSiroto * iV ) nor month. Allh
- . son k Co , ICi'i Dearborn St. , Chicago.
' "IITANTKO llellablo salesman at once foi
TT Iowa und Nebraska. IiiKciaoll &t'o.t' :
. . . Cliluago. _ 4US ' 'j
' \ \ 7ANTRD-Mon for railroad work. Al
Ui Iglit's I.ttbor Agency , llil ) 1'arnam st.w
GENI1KA Ij agents soil Inp the inte
able shoo ate making from Jt.000 to & > , OOI
jioryoiir. Clanvtihscr'j'fl to $7 pur day. K\
ohl1 lvo c rltory el\un. Adiliess vlti2-ci-n )
stamp , Consolidated Adjustable Shoe Co.
y and Sunthiy barber
ut the IS' . 11 Cor.lUli nnd FiniiiUii , 43D
T\nTKOTtA'l-Wo ! want a ninn In o ory lo
X/callty to act as private detective undoi
our Instrnetlons. Send for partlculaH.Vusli
Injton Dctcctho Agcnoy , box 787 , Washlnj ;
ton , Iowa. Uipcricncu not necessary.
_ J _ _ _ Its HIS *
WANTED A peed innn to take care o
lior u undeownud worlc In storo. Apjily
With refirence. lillS rarnaiii. _ 441) ) L
$7.V ( > OlofJ5a.ODii iiniitti can bo made worl
hi ) ; for us. Persons pri-ferrod who can fur
nlsb u horse nml Klvo tlielrwliolo tlmo to th
bUsliii-sH. Spare moments may bo piofltabl'
employed also. A few vaeiinolosln towns am
elllcH II. Johnsoiut Co. , .TOO Main St. , Uich
linnul Vn.
\\7"ANTE1)-A11 purtles deslrltut Informii
1 I Ion about the now stale \VnshliiKtor
ItscUinale. holl. prnduotlons , resources liinil
utionleied , wiiues. olo. , Honil tl for larco boo )
< loBluto lluio.iu of CiirrespDiidcneo , Taeomn
AYnsb. Letteisof Inquiry ofnll kinds promptl
niisvvcrfd for Mo each. I4i ( M *
A KK\V tracklayers and shovelera wanted
-tV. APl'ly ' at thu board IIIR earslieartho ne\
Mlilto lead works , Kust Unialiu. Wood & I tan
cruft. MMTO (
ANTEn-500 laborers fur stone and erail
work. Apply lo I' . U , Johnson , I'nlo
jis : onger ctopot. Unmliii , _ 5M8 _
\ \ / ANTKD Men to tra\el for our Uuniitlla
IT iiuriierlcs.Stone.WellliiKton.Miidlson.W
MI2N or women wanting work , or person
iiccilltiR help of any kind , city or cuuntrj
can always bo supplied nt ICulth'tt ofllce. lilb
H , 15th st. Satisfaction guaranteed.
_ l.348-NtO ;
" 11 ANTED AKonts minted throughout N <
M lini'.ka. bend btuinp for reply. Jos. I
tlegoatli , O ni ah 11. Ti'J
WANTED-A live , onoruetio party In O'vci
iilnci ) to Introilneo our uoeuVc ha o
now line that will toll at every .liouio an
fiKOiitHiaii reap a harvest between now an
tlio luillila.vs. will pay a salary of 173 pi
month If preferred and furnish a team fie
Address nt , once. Standard tillvorwnro Oi '
M CR-l ) 15 *
WANIKI > l''Ka
For rattt , ete. , tre tnti of jimtcolwnn nn thin rxio
J VIllb pay ladles a mihiry of $10 per wc - <
to work fo-1110 In their locality at hotn
light ttork.Kocdijay for part time.Vrllo -\vll
Bin inn. Mrs. 11. V. 1'urrliiKlun. uo70J Clilcag
OOK and SecondOIrl Wanted Gooil win ;
paid. Apply at SOU X , 18th st. M 451'-
" \\7-ASTKn-A nrst-class girl for goner
house work. TOlij. i.'Otli. i
ly ANTRD-Irmnedlately , Irish or Certnt
i f Klrl nt 710 N. 'iul nt. , must bu coiapitei
cook nnd imiiidross. 4ci ; i
" \rc > U O Klrl , ir or 1(1 ( , forsceoud work nnd
i takecuro of a child 0 years old , ls.II \ \ ' \
st , Jvonntxc place. 441 I
ANTKn-GoodKlrlfnrKonoralhoii'Stnvor '
Mrs. A. 1' . TuKey , ail Ohlc.ib'o btrcot.
ANTKIV-Imtncdliiti-lr. iiiio lady , tv
youne nieu receive lint ructions and Kei
Lookf. J. H. Snillh.WO Nuw YorkU'
\\7ANTED-airlln family of four , Onii
iircfericd. 1813 Wubilor ttreut. MUtJ'
"l\7ANTEI-Ooo < l Klrl for Kdieral bous
work ul2318 Louvonworlh streot. Jl :
WAM'BD An experienced homo inn
Call at ai)5 ) St. Mary'suvonne. ' .
TIT AM'KI-Cotnietent | nurse Klrl at oni
Jlra. U A. atirner , 'J.v7 ! Oallfon
slreot. Jl
ANTKD-A Ki" > d , rellablo nur.OKlrl. Ot
nian preforreil , aooH'arnaiu streot.
WANTKD-OIrl for geniiral honsewoi
Apply H , E. cor. IHUIO avenue nml 1 In
nrdstreet. Jlrs. If. li Itltclile.
l'i > rtiitt , etc tit top nt nnt ( enlinn on tl\li \ im
TiriSS H. J , Mllv.s , oxporleiiceil tcacbors
voice uulturu , pupil of Miuluni Kdna Hn
Huston , Muss. Hoom&Oil , llrowu bulldlnir. ci :
Jttn nnd Donjliis ittreots. ' H-'l *
, . . . „ a jilaiio o.xamlue the in
iJaouloKliubull plano.A.lIospe , 1M3 UoiiKli
AJCO.l' . OKMENnicK.touchcr oftho bni "
j iOllTilA'N'l > "AXI > IM
frit column on tha pat
l' * iimiiiTKita. all nmVos.bouKht. lolil.o
J-chiinKuV-tiimoa , J. P.Mcuoatb. 10U7 Vt
tin atn-Bt/\ ata
I O.U'JIElJI'Elt.Botioral stenoRrutihor a
' notary , \eposltiona and courl work
r-isitr/Tei li&Jl.rooiii liXKi. N , Y. Life HU
roil HUNT
, ( lc. , Mntil ( flrtleolii in 11014 ( hti r > d/ ( ,
.A 0 'room liouio nt 2237rnrnam
ntri-nt wltliull tinhorn IniprovomoMM : nlin
afltoroont cotlnzb with city wltteratKWi Vat-
I i intuit reel. Apply to W. 0. Donno. DI1N. I ;
I.lfo bldK. M : 0-31
"FTOU IKNT-D-rnnin ( lious ' . modem 1m
JU provciiiunt. Enquire 'A15 0111)1101 ) livfeo
Modern ilcslrnbln Imuc.t25 jicr
_ .Lmonth. O. t' . llnrrNoii.Dl'J X. V. I ltc. 177
S 0. IIKSNTTT. inovliKjcxpfCMoniw with
Ncnl i Cotirnd , Itl I IJoilgo l.r'l'I2T . ;
"WOK liENT-niezant 8-ioom benne , two
JU floors , all "modern Improvements ! nl o
laundry room , cornerKlrd and Uhlcatto , Altjdv
allKW rartiaiusU JK > - ' ' > >
TrOUSK for rent at r,2l 1'li-rcc street , conJ -
J Lvciilent to depot. Nice cottage. Inquho
of T. J , Ixjwry , K
H/IOR HENT-Srnnll house on Ktmnnt st , ,
JU west of Sllli , : M per month. Alsn'-room
liniivc. city water , bain , onOnldwell. between
iwtli and 27th , $ i" per month. U. flroen ,
Kouin au , Darker block. MT87
HUNT-1-room house , 1017 Uali torn In st.
IjlOH HIINT-T-roora house , 2001 Decatur st.l
JL ! modern convenlctK'e.s.gui ' and gas llxturesi
owner reserves two iwnmon second floor , in I
X.Y. I-lfo ItulldltiK. ' 'aigj
f7VIl lir.NT-nicgaiit 10-room UrlcK reil ;
JL1 deticcMM ) Oeorj-li avc. ! will tout for $ ! >
inontli until Mnyl. llennlson llros. 4fi : M
T7AOK unNT-iM Mapio Bt , m > 2Jth
-1 ? ft. motor , fi rooms and tinlhilHliod ' 4 storv
above , full lot , well , cistern and collar. Kooil
nclnlilmrhond , J17.50 pi r inonth. O.O. Wal
lace , liionn block. lOlh uml ioulas. lSd )
11' VOU wish to rentu house or store oo II.
- ! _ p. Cole. Conlliintil , block. ' . ' ? : > . _
HOUi-F. of 8 room . nicely p-iporod , water ,
sewer nnd enstlrd : nnd Cumins$30 , per
mo. 0,1' , . Uiirilson. 01' ' M. Y. Mfc. W
1710K UKNT-To.rtfupoinlblo purtlcs only ,
J ? those fine new hrlolc and xtono houses on
„ . . . avenue : flflcou rooms and alcoves ;
more ci > n\anlcnoos imci heller llnlslir'l ' than
any hou < u font-lit In thoclty. II. 11. llencler-
tnti , 100 i'.txlim ' block , uity. -Tt
rr.ltooM house with burnt nominal rent , 0.
i 1' . HarrisonOil N. Y. Ufe. 273
'T71OU ItUXT-Tlio beautiful 7 room cottases.
JL1 Just finished , llath and modern Improve
ments. Only 3 left. O. S. Elsuller , 407 Klrst
Nnt'l bank. 4-
* TTOlt IIHNT-S room houie , all modern Im-
JL1 provciiients , 22200lilcftgo st. , M1.07 , Hhij-
- wull llros. . llarker block. Sit
. EOll ItENT-S-room uiotlorti house with nleo
' barn , 1704 N Hist ! also 8-rootn boiibo and
nice barn , iTJOO Miami , by Criiin & IJlsbop , H 31 ,
lluard t Trade. 120
- FOR HiNT-Scren-room : cottaeo. cor. 28th
' ave. und l.ip. ) ave.lnqulro a)13 ) Dodge. M-dii )
- KOlt UICNT rUllMSIIiai ) ItOOaiS.
- ' Formtet , etc. , ttc tnunf Jir l rutiiinn nn ( M < Txiff
T10K ItKNT Nicely ftlrnlsbi-d front parlor
, J \\ltli liont bi-dtooin inlloliiliiK ; northeast
cor..Vithiuul Hamilton : 1 block from motor ;
jtntlonmu picforruii. _ M 41-1 *
" Oil UKNT-Pleasarit furnlshert rooin ,
' private liotibo. locution , 310 N. sntli
slreot. M 191-1 *
llicm linNT-rurnUhoil rooms , 1009 Capitol
13 ave , M 4-H-5 *
1OR KENT Itniiilsoino furnished rooms.
I htc.iin heat. 17gma\cnporl htrcct. EDO *
IjlOK HUNT Itoonrwlthnll modern Imjirove-
, -13 iiients ; no other roomers , 4OJ N. 14th
street. Mir- ' . ' *
. rn\VO \ furnished rooms , contra ! louiitlon ,
JL modern eonvenleneox prleea rcasonnble ,
lailloa or gonla. 1C1J llarnoy at. -'liS-JO *
" \TEWIiY f uinlslied rooms for gentlemen. In
i- > modern , house , close to I'arnam motor ,
good table , homo eon-forts. U178 llarney si , .
' new I'uiil block. AfaSV. ! *
HANSOMEIiY fuinlsboil front room ; stcnin
boat , gagbatli. 711 H , liltli , M lloor.
TTANlJSOJIELY furnished rooms. SiJO Dodie
XL UOO 1)1 ) *
W TvESlIliVOLE room , modern coiivenfonees
JL/1701 Capltolavc. _ 77.'i
. TTIOU lir.NT-rurnlshed tootiisj gas.batb and
JJatuam. 1519 Howard. 70
TTltJUMHllKU rooms , steam heat. fl7'i ' South
! I1 lllthht. _ i.117-a'
> FOK UENT-Furnlshcd rooms , 1009 DoiiKhis.
"ITIOU KE > T-Two nicely furnlalied front
J3 rooms. aiOUavcnportst. _ S07
rUltMSUEl ) rooms , steutn heat , J5I15 Dous-
lua. .nii-yj
_ _
ATIOKIA' furnished rooms , flrst-cl.tss table
l > boaid , The Mcrrltiui , iith ami
lia TTOll ltiNT-A : Inrso t umlsbed front room ,
' - * - ' dowa stnlr , south front , In prlvnto house.
Cheap rental , ifilll Houard st , MlUtXW
„ J'or rattf , 11 c. , ita t op of flrsl column an thl-
ilsk "IjlUltNlSHED rooniH foi rent , sltiulo or In
ilsfy ! Jsuit with board. Homo coiiifoiti ! xti-am
fy heat ; ri'fei-eiu'cs. 1731-Dodge at , M417-S ) *
IT1OH KHNT-To seiilU'iiion , suite of nleoly
X1 fiirnlshud rooms hi prlvnin family. All i
nmlorncoii\cnioiiccs. Hoard If desired , car
\ IhinHcom nark motor. No , U22GcorKla avenue
( S. Llltli St. ) . 41 10 *
TIUltNISIlEI ) front room for rentmodern
JL' conveniences ; bo.irdj 'JiO ? Uouglasst.
l > OOMiiid board 81.00.171'J Koupjlas street.
U .Mi4M :
pOOMaiid board , also tables hoard. SOI gouth
JA'J.'ilh avenue. 2JU 28 *
NICI'.IA' furnished front parlor with Kood
) board ; till modern conveniences. 610 N 17th
T71OH UHNT Nicely furnished roons , steam
- iKIIS and bath , with or without board. 17JJ
Davenport. liQ ! ) *
S ? P. OLArUKuropean hotel.\\ltlidlnlnit room
jstc-am boat In all rooms , Kith and Dodge
I Bfoialr.iU3 | ) by ueck oriiunitli. 'Ml
nil T Olt ooit < l , nloo rooms , modern eon-
icr L' vonlencearates and location , the I'nllniaii
ec , house , 1.110 Doduo at , , cannot bo ovcellcd.
'o. , M 2M N 29 *
Kor tit , etc. , rcc ti'ftot Jlnt cmuum mi Wil < jxw
-ofe Ii'OIl ItKNT-Ilorliuifuinlftliedroonwstoan
1 lioated. isil Leaven worth ; . 400 IV
ne ,
nit I1O1 ! UKNT-Sultof 1 unrumlshod rooms n
fumllv wIlhoutchililMii. Price JW.'Jt ) . 1TO
AVobstcrst. M757
' * TTIO11 UF.Nl'-J unturnlslied rooms , 210 X. mi
JL1 st. U 7JO
For i ate , etc. , tee top of Jli-st column on Hits jxijt
to F OIt UIINT-Urlck warehouse , two storle1
hluh , basetuent , liytlranllo elevator , track
U ) * ugo ; licit location in the city. A. O. 1'iiwoll.
UENT Ilrlok warehouse. t o Htotle
127 ement. 27,000 square feet , with KX
feet of ilmibibYruok'on I ) . 1 * . itallw'ay , Soull
'Mnnd \ > I'lurce streets. Address O , Oslcnmp l
Uinii liu , Null.
inn i.e.
1'ur raits , crc.we tnpof Jlnt culumuou till *
sp HUNT After January 1 , store and IIn
Kilt ulttii ) H. l u st. Knimli-o at 1XXJ Hroui
tld " 'JtfJJu'utlull. ! ' . a J7 Pi
HK.S'Tor Sale I-'luo.Jionry brick ( ho
story eorner wnti'liouso with most contra :
ll'O. traokngo Incltv : ii&uObUtiro : ] feet
nla Slrlii cTit 1'cntiy , llarUorhloek , b-
Foil IlEN'S-Tlio 1-story brle"k hulldinR.wltl
ur without power , foimorlyocuupled by tin
lleo l > ublInhiCo.,01u ! I'arnaiust. Thubulhl
Ini ; liaaa iireproof ceiuontbaiuinent.roiiiplcti
hteain heatliu lixtnro- . . water on nil the lloor :
n..1W . Kiis , etc , Apply ut tlio olllco of Tlio lice. 1)1 ) }
; *
STOIis ! : at 700 S Uth. 20x00 each , lame ilio\ \
windows , fctoaiii heat ( uriilsliou. Thin. 1
Hall. Ull I'ailim blK. 2K1
LOOK HKHE > Ylntor icoming , them urm
for Rood ofllcoa for lent In the Kani ;
lot bld'K , with llrst elani heating and lie t of cle
all , Tutor services. Inqulru Frank J. ItaniKo.
itnv A010TVUX.
Forrcttteteria top of flit column onlht * mpt
"J ° QTA'li I/and & ; JUoani Ca-ltear cslate , liiiin
O n nil Insurance rental ugcnoy , 075-di7
T 1ST your liousos with the Heal Estate In
JUforinatiou bureau , IT Hoard Trade.
- - "
ax- H U.lUKVi Uru.routal agents.-JO ] N.V.LIf
HK. Cole , rental agant.C'ontlaoiital bit
* 7U
idg house * to sell or rout with 0. t
N. V. Lift M
ytrrotttttc.Metof > _ nfJlnltolttmnnnthlt _ _
STOltAOE > Tlin best In city , ck'un.dry , safe.
and privately toted at reasonable turns.
OmautiStovoJiopuIr lSC7louglao. ) Tel.
nMlAOKAORitornite al lowest rates AV. M.
J-llushntan , 1111 Lcavenvrorth , 28.1
s ; TOltAOE anu 'frackngc-Uavld Colo. f
J17 llowanlit. 713
For rate , etc. , tee fop of ftitl tHlnmnniitht *
" AsmshtaAinuam'Snilth'sparlor
007 ij. Jiltli m. . iiott Barker hotel. : UQ : ) t
IXrAS AGKtrc.ainent.eleetio-tlioriniilljath' .
Ill Bcalnaiid hair treatmenU liiunlciiro null
chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , 11 S8--JI , Wlthnoll blk.
& smts toliuy tlio riumor recllnliur ,
TADIE3 uniiirpasscd for comfort. : ! 31N. Ulh.
81S O13
rPYL'KWUITF.KS for rent or sale. Steuo -
JL rauhcrs auupllcs. J.l'.Mcgentli.ltxn 1 i rnam.
T\ON'Tforjjct.Tos. P. Iklownth , 1W
JL/st. . when you want lo buy , rent or ell a
typewriter. 7TJ
UlMIOI.STr.UINOnnil iiiiittiuwos renovated
liaiNlStii. K. 1'ctotKUii. 712-dl
AfedAGK , Madam Uolzior , o\cr GIO S nth.
4KJ d'
For ) nlft. etf. , He fop of Jlnl column on Hit *
I OST Nov. 57 A small diamond | > ! n,1 utwceii
J llth and Wllllniiis and the 1' . O. tto.OJfnr
Itsroturu loCIl H. llth street.
H6Tl6R Lnst-lilnek pony horse with halter.
weln'h-7."ppoiiiiils ) : seiittchesonhlnd lees :
lost Thursday nlsht. IJeward. Hoturii to Jo
seph Douol , 2.M undQ Btrcots fouth Oninlia.
STItAYKI ) or stolen A Jersey cow
pay suitable n-ward for hcriututn to Oco.
II. I103K ? , aa ) No. 20th Btrcct. M43I-2H
Icrratti , etc. , lie topof fnl cnlumn on thta pnge.
TT1OUNI ) Oold nhii owner eiiu have siitno by
JL' eallliiK mid paying for advertisement. Sol
IlerRiutui & Co , IrilO-l.MH I'm iiuni st tect. ; i'l-I
'i irrd.
ForrulM , ctrtee topuf Jlnl rniumii on l/it / < JIB/ .
OKI-'IOK fiirnlturo forialo cheap , leaving
the city ; also an olejtnnt mink overcoat ,
otter trim ined , ( K3Xo\v Vork Ufo. mi 88 *
I or ratal , et c , , fee top of Jlnt column an l/iis /
OISAr H-IIi > rsii , bugiry and harness , Apply -
ply to McCord .llrady . Co. _ jtUJ
"TJ1OH SAT lv-M horses and niari-a , or
-LUlinc. 1'rlees from 815 to S W. Would ov-
them for Uniaha real estate.
W , T. i-e.iinan.Oinalia's largest variety wagmis
and earrlagca. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii"
T71OH SiYTvR-Flno horse for fnmily'canl.iKo .
A or ladles' driving ; not afraid of anything.
lais UoiiKins st. _ iiaiau *
TjlOll SAI U-Dolbery wagon. 1507 N. inthit.
J : jMwi-nu *
_ _
\\rOHIC horse SCO. two horse wiitron WO. doii-
' bio work harness $13. Or will trade fora
Rood lUhL Hide bar DUKKJ' , 11 , ! ' Cule , Cimtl-
ncntal block. 27,1
"I71OnSA.T > i ; Dcood\vork tuuina. Inqniro at
-L'uiHl'axtonblk. 2rt )
Forrnftt , cfc. , tec tup nf ftm coltimrt n
\ Kn\V \ largo round hasu biirm-rs ,
il-i , Rood as new. must bouloscd out In
next ten dajs , HCO them at once. 1'rlorsetit. '
but little ll ure. Omaha Sto vo UepalrVnrks ,
1207 Douglas. il.lll-l
FOIl SAli ; clieap A 10 luirse po crXow
Vork safety steam eiiKine In flr.fc class
condltlou. I'esluer Printing Co , 1 07 Houard
VrKWctillKiJiili , price reabouablc. U Ci , lleo
IN oflloc. 77J
Forrattt , etc. . f < J lop of ( i xt > Itiniit imlhfx
ANTlOn-To my"
shop with two fires In a ll\e town lu M\v : L
or Xobi.iska. Addiess. IMward Durkoo. Ie- )
llanuo , la. M44J- ; . *
TTlURXITUliE. hoiisoliold poods , cte. Highest
J cash price. Wells. 1111 rarnam. 2UJ
SECOND hand typowiltcra. J. P. Mosuath.
KJ07 I'lirnnni st. , Oinalia 77'J
WANTICO-llorso * , \\nsoiis , etcto sell nt and Krlilay , 10 n.
in. Pioneer utablts , Kith , between llarney and
llowatd. ii)7-IU )
\SrANTKD-Horso und busgy. W J. Paul.
> r 1GOO Furnain. ai8
For rn/fi. / rtc , , * ee l i > of column on thin
MON1.V toloan on Improved elty propetty
at iiirront nltei : f mills on hand ; no delay.
( Jeo. rBlust & Co , ' 'OM U.UIIKU bldB. UOI-ill'i
STAli l.aml & loan 4'i.-Kenl ' estate , liuns
r.'i l)75-ill" )
made on choice city property at lowest
rates , Sninsof ! 55riJ ) a 'd upwaids pcrfuued.
IClmbalL , Chaiuiut Hyaii.
ian raniain hiicot. 809-nit :
MONKV loaned nt jew rates on fiirultttro ,
horses , A.C. , without publicity. Hawhcvo
Invostmeutt'o , XI Douglas blk.lOth and lludjo.
T\7"ANTEn-0 per cent real estate loans , C.
V > 1' . Harrison. 013 N. V. Mfo. M7
MONKV to loan on second mortRaire. W , S
\Vjnn , ItoomWIOmaha Kat. Hk. Ill'di.
M T.'t
- - iUo loans. Lowest
, WAXTED-Klrst-elasslii . Mutual Invest
ment Co. . Kfli I'uriiain. : tu
MONP.V to loan on Improved and vacant
inonerty , rate. 0. J. Cas\vc-ll,81M
N. V. IJfo.
MONFA * tnloan by n. P , Masters on ohaltol
aiiiluolluteral seourltlos for any time from
ono to sK months lu anyamount tusultbor-
Ionus made on household goods , pianos , or-
Rans. harso1 ; , mules , houses , leaser , warehouse
receipt * , etc. . at the lowest possible rates.
\vlthoulnuhllcttyorreiiiovalot property.
, My foans aru to arraiiRCil that you can nnko
a payment of any nmomitat any tlmu and ro-
iluci ) both prlnelphiand Interest.
If you o\vou bulaiicoen your property or
ImvHnUmii ; on wish uhaneeiUl will pay It o It
„ nnd curry It for you. Ifyoii find It morocon-
II ; vcnlrnt , iallup ti'lophono No. IffJl and your
business will ho arrunsi'il at. homo.
Money always oithtiud. Nodelay. Noimb-
lloll.v. Lo e trates.
n. V. Masters ,
lloom4AVIthnoll bllt. , litli and Uarnoy sti.
OIIHAl * eastern money
1'hlladolphla Mortgnso and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pa v promptly ;
mortgases wanted. Geor < o Vf. V. Coates , rop-
rebcntattve , room 7 , board of trade. 2.M
STAH Land k Loan Co. Ueal estate , loam
and Insurance toiital a oucy. tt73-IIT
3h : EYbTONn AIortKimo Co. Loans of $10 tc
h IVutH | ; KCtourratos bofoioboriowliiK nnil
. a.ivo money ; loans on hnries , ftirnltiiru ornnj
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought ; fornnw loans , renewal of oldaiidlow-
cst rutescalll ( . 208Sheelyblk.l5tb&Howard , ,
i. 30 , '
e. BUILDI2K1 loans , Oto7 percent ! no addt- ehnrizos for ouniiulisioii or attorney1'
itn fees. 'W. H. Melklc , First National batik bldg.
KEAI < Estate Loans Oitah on hand. Globe
Ivoan & Trust Oo. : t07 S. mill Ht. No dehy ,
iit. no c.Mi'.i cbar os. HoiibM for rent , good Hut
t. : ioo
OE. k O. M. AM1IONY , : U8 N. V.LIfo build-
Ji IIIK , lend money on farms In olioluo coun
10 ties nf Nebraska and lowi ; also ou EOOI !
Omaha residence properly ; lowest rates ; best
lo terms ; no del-iy ; money ready. Titles" ant
valued passed on licro. 'M
MONEV to loan on any security
for short tlmo allow
ITr. rates , Lowest rates
r. oiinnrhonnlproiiiTty.
Tlio Henderson MortKiiro Iinostmcnt
panyrooming. Paxlonllk.
OIIATTELbauk , : it | ) y. nth st. , loins inonoy
oncuuttcUor collateral acre asoaablo ratua
FIIIST& xecoud mortxaxos on vacant & Im
protudclty prop. County warrants bouulit
Monoyonhatid. I ? . M. Ulchardson.SlSN. V. Llfu
je.ns EA8TEHN money to Inuu onolty properiv
ns inert agopu.t > erbought. H.ll.Ircy.N.V.l.lft
/"IIIATTKIjloans at lowest rates. Remove )
\J told N. Y. Life bid * . J. U , Eiitmtniier.
MONB V to loan on oily und farm property
\Y. M. Harris. llia.Frcnzer lllk. opp. P. O
MONKV to loan. Correspondents of Ix > m
banl Investment compaujr. Ehrlver i
Bums. 1'rcuicr blwlc. til
. de , , fcttiy offrfMiluinncn thb
bTKONO compnnyr desires to meet n
pedal aKoiit of , > rcMxiiislljIlity , with
capltnlAo represent lt .ntMisliio < i In a \nrgo \
wny In St. Paul. Addrcnu . IJ. M , . onto New
York Ad\allslng AlfciKvy , 0 Wall St. , Now
York City. ' M 410-ai *
ITIOHBAXKor oxclinngo , a desirable retail
-L1 stock of hooti anil nlox | < A , Improved tinea-
cniiibcri'd Otnah.ipronoFiy , ttiiuM bo looked
upon with favor , Adilrcv W 61 , llco ofllee ,
171O SA1K A saloon Justoutslilo 1110.1111111 %
i. ' cheap totculi. Adtjty/M / \ \ M llco. u iS
HOTKOforSido-lf Von wiint to net In u
peed bti lni"f9 buytlio Commercial at
lltoken Ho\r , Neb. Uf 4UJ 4
171OU HALH or Trnde'Kor ' cleat Nebraska
JInnd , f uinttnro and ICUM' of oncof the bes
. 'ti-rooiii hotels In Oniahu : line locution ) price
JI.BOO. H. iUoleci ; : Continentalhlouli. 403M
Hotel men Inventlijato. A three-
- story brick hotel of Al room. . Inn 4.COJ live
town In enslcrti Knma , 1ms inado acornpo-
lence for present owner. Address Hotel , box
IK ) , Iliirllimlon , Kim. : iG3 :
TV/fKAT / MAItKKT for sale. I'ltled upllrsU
ItJL olass Inovury ptirtloiilar , Good business.
Will lienr the Mildest hivwtlgtitlon. Addtesj
look bo v 4W.C'onti ( ll llhilVs. In. ] U4-d U
O IAHA lltislnesq Clmnep-fafiOO pnih fur
fund lure nnd lease of a first cliiss il.W nnd
tJ.OOdav hotel ; choice location , hrlck liulldliiK
and reasonable rent. J. L. Klee. 9u : N. V. lille ,
402 ! N
171OU SAIiH J3 btirrul steain teller mill ,
JL Tlios. Cruueh , Tokamah , Nebraska.
7119 nil *
POHHAIilr-Atabttrsaln , MvIM on D.ivou-
port , near 17th. otii ) bloeU from now pott-
olllee , very c heap. * 'JOJO ) ; Mum corner aoth
nnd rnrnuin , JJJ.OOU. a. IUreon , room ' ) ,
llnrker Vilni'k ( Al
W ANTKD A competent newspaper man
with live oi'Slv thiiusnud dollars In cash
orsei-tirlty , to take charge of the Democrat ,
us I hive Important biHtness thnt will rcciulro
my tlmo cast nnd south for the eonilngyoar ,
We will pnvtho rUlit kind of a innn a nleo
salary. lti > < ? onuiieiilalloin reiitilrod. Ad-
ilross\\f. \ \ It. VaiuliitiiiUmalio. Neb. M3 y : *
JlliiiTslness ClianOo-tl.WO cnh will
pun-base fiitiiltiiroiind lease ef aU'-rooni
inoilcrii Hut ! tlneloeiitlini ; looms all rented !
evliuchanco for boinoone. J , Ij , Itlee , l < 2 .
V. Life. 40 J M *
F PALI ; One steam power Brain elevator
- building vltli brick addition anil ollleo
building , complete , -indnll personal properly
thoreln , situated at Hastings , Nebraska ; one
frame horse power grain elevator building ,
coinnlelo , und all perwmal property therein ,
and font- corn cribs , Mtuntul at Inltrnd , . Ne
braska ; one frame horse power ult-tntorhtilhl-
ln ulth fr.unu olllee , conipleto , with all per
sonal jiroperty thurelii , nnd four corn cribs
and the land on which the MIIIU are .sltua'cd ,
liolng about one-icro. inoroor loss , situated at
Ilrleton. Kcbfuskn ; tliUprcipi-rty is sold under
orderof thccoiiit ; bids to bo iiuido for ctish
and inayhe made for one , t o orall nt said
elevators ; must bo nudressed to Uobert K.
1'oot , receher , Denver , Colorado , hoxJtl'J ' ; all
bids lo boonoiicd OcccinburS , and tobo null-
li-etto theappioval of. the court. Kobcrt K.
Tool , roochcr. Dated , lX'n\er , No\rmbi'r 8 ,
MW. 'JIt
R 'r for rent or Mile. T. Jlurray
For rate * , etc. . fee tnp i > t f'-xi rnlumiion Old nine.
W ANTF.H Ptoek of moH-handlse for clear
Nebraska hind. Address , \v 01 , Ucc.M .
M 4a
/ Block of merchandise to trade
AOI/EAN and ! $ otish-V ddresV \ .v ' , lleo.
POIi EXOHANOE-Vor-a llrst-class piano
cinilty In li > tfi. block ? ) ll.ikcr place. Ad-
ilressliox 4S1. CeiitialOty. Nelji. , 31ilS.-a *
\X7ANTr.D A horse or mare In part pay-
T T inoiit toward a v\ai > iiiioi carrliiKiV. . T.
Seumnn , Onuiha'a largeit iurlety wasons nnd
carrlagi'si. i S43
POU EXCHANGE 100 acres well improved
land and two husliii'frt."lils ) for slock of Ken-
eral tuerdiandlse ; hauhvaro pieferrci } , w 49 ,
lleo. ! < * J > S *
n \ ( ) exchange Improved property ncarPher-
JL mtm a > c. , for land on lots. Sbaiv , 1108 Shc-ely
bile. 074
For talcs , tlf. , set loj > afr ] ) lcalnmniin tills
"fc" " " " * * * * " * " " " " ' ' ' -
7 TT" 'ir
ALllUIOIlT'ri Cbolae , Wocnt per cash.
. M 'Si'i
Land A Loan Cd.-real estate , loans
1 uud luijiiriiiico rental a.cue } * . 97dl"
T HAVE In MaViio Plnco. on IHtli and : Btli
L fcK , between Leaven worth and I'aclllosts ,
for sale , with no cnsh payment , to responsible
parties who will build. It Is a tine location
KlL-aiint lots with libumlnnoo of shade trees
IJ.X llenson , 112 N. V. Uf . MOT )
X room house , lolimn ! . 8I.T01.
O H-toom house , stable. lot.IU.x83 , $2.000.
llr'.ck house , and AmericanIiotisc , lotCOvflON ,
E corner 10th anil DotiRlaa , Enquire 2iai H
lltn. Ill
A MIUIGHT'S Choice , money made rapidly.
A8XA11,7.V1wlllliiy ) a niceB-room house
und lot , with cullnr. cistern , city water
si-wer and burn , centrally located ; teuns
easy. J. D./.ltlle. U14 N. Y.Llfo. BOM 13
rif'in'ONHlll and Itaker Place have the
Wmotor. but if you want a 8'J.OIX ) house and
fill I cor. lotfor2liJ and a J2.000 house and
full lot forjl , ! > 00yod set It on very easy
toniMby cdllliunn oriiddrossIiiB the owner ,
K. fl. Merrill , U'ud and Oims Hts. M 158-D 20
AMIUIOHT'S diolcc , sreut bargains.M
M -TT.7
QJO.VJbiiystbo ) Dr. Chambers residence nnd
'P veterinary barn on 10th and Uuidetto sts ,
Thlslifi.ciOless : ) than cost. U. V.Sholos. KOO
tgl'Jl'irstNat. hanlc. MOM
terllold.ioal ostatc.S.Om-aha.
ALIIKIGIIT'S Choice , oasyJtorins.
M 375
7IIOOM cotta u. full lot , llanscom Place ,
east front anil a Kfult barRiiln for a few
days , Small cish o'lyniont anil babinco on
long time , r. K. Uftrllint. Burkor block. Ml
$0r 00 Only $ ) .WO Dr. Chamhor * ' resldonco
on ICth iincl Iturdolto st , owner goln to
loaveclty. Hesl bnrgiilii In Omaha. I ) . V.
Sliolcs. - ole nKt'nt , 2131'lr.-U Nat. bank. M OH )
A1 LUItLGHT'S Choice , surpadvunco.
Jl ! 17. >
Q I'.U'GANT liomosln Knuntzo place from
Ofsoi)0 ) to > 5,500 : WJ cash , balance 4 years , $ .li
porinonth , b per cent Interest , Other Rood
Homes In sumo addition to exchange for city
property. 8-room modern homo , UV { blocks
west of Utth , on Caldwell St. , for O.MX ) : VW
cash , hilanco $ ! 0 per month. G nor rent Intor-
ust. J. .1. ( JHson , solo asont , Kouutzo place.
EMOAM' : resldonco In Konntzo IMtiOii 0
rooms llnoly HnlBbed and all modera con-
\Vlrt st. , near 20th. ( Jan sell oa
one-quarter cash payment and bahrico llmo
to light pirry , Tills Is no clieap affair of a
house , but a uomforahlu homo tn every HOIII-O
and iibltrhiian bargain. I" . K , Uirllne , Darker
Ulock. _ M.71U
I RAK ESTATr. Wuntoil to build a house
-L.ind take horse und hiiKgy , vncaut lot. or
pianofofpiy. U U , MuullI , contiaclor , 4''ml ' '
and Cuss its. , M * MI.VIUSU
ri IIR bust coiner on ujiflor Furnain street ,
-L fnir.tuRo on 3 street : yplendlU uarner on
Karnain stn-cteloso tocAimhouse.a barKaln ;
corner with traekmi ) 'lnr > . K.part of city ;
peed resldenoes and low-nrlcod eottaKcs , Rood
lota for bulldliiu" , soiuo > Al low as $1UO , insldo
no res. farms iinil iinlniir | ) V 'il lund ,
\Vewillscll any of tliTs properly , of which
. we have entire controlJalprlcoa wuy below
what you can liuyat I'lsmjliero.
StrhiBcrdt 1'enny , HaVkor block , ] 5th and
raniain. ' " 188
. A IllKiailT-S Choice , . < nb best traolairov (
V71TR buy , sell and cbedUango real estata
T T jirgaliis always .on liuml , Imura ed ,
ilnlnilii-OM'it or Houses sold on
monthly luymeats. Smfatou ft Allen , 1001
1'arnam , ' . M lCl-l-4
01IOLE3 to tlio front'l : f-hav9 six olosiuit
Ohouses on 14th * aii4'virtrimm , with every
modern convenience , Inotild'im ' gas uml gin
llxtiues. now nearly roildvl r jacupauey Ken
t bom and make your eholot , Price , tW..M K
JJ.'JM.J.lootoSiO'Jcash , balance Jo suit ut 7 poi
cent Interest
OarrltiKo always ready to show onttomer ] ,
riirnam streetmoUir within four hlooks.
lluy a lioiiso ( jnlck , and take a hand In the
grin,3 Hluilllo. This Is Ht Might goodi. I ) . V
Bholcs. S 1'lrst National bank. M u.ti
1 iSucros One farm luntl adjoining good Ko-
JL braslcalowii ! uoarly elcar.
ICO acres llnoly liniirovo : ! lands1 ; miles from
comity seat In Nebraska : lightly enouniherod
o. 13)itemsgooil land inr ehraskafimiles frun
county scat ; , 'M ) liilmbltanla.
Iloti80 and lot la town In Kiinsns ; clear.
id Clear lot In food Nebraska town.
4 room house and lot , burn , well and cistern
10th stroet. Omaha ; ilUhtly Ineumbered ; irll
trudo for Omiiha property una nsiumo Incum
brnnces. H. K Cole , Continental block , tw
VAN llEUKiNT4oTloiilas : ( [ sU , soils inth it
uddlbju lots , MM ! Vun liouren Ilolgats
it300. . 'forms , * 25 cash , 111) ) monthly. ftt ! 150 , wcl
Sc Improved , California it. flW ) , will takuKotm
trade. 1U-UO
For rat't , rtc. , trt flip of Jlnt nijiinm on t/it <
riHKAT llAUOAtN-A J5.000 resilience nnd
VJfull lot at Cuss and 42nil sts for ja,500.
Term ivery cn y. liKiittro of owner. K. u ,
Jlorrlll. < 'nd nnd Cms als. M lDi )
A Militant's Choice , pnyiiciiU to sit MTO It.
$11000 for lionic nn ClitcnRO st. neiir'tli. . 0 ,
Iliirrlson. I'l.'N. ' V. Ufu. C37
T7IOKPALKorI.enMi-47 fi-et nnst front bv
-i 201 ( cot deep , alloy corner , "tth anil Cntnltin
httccts. Address Jtitti Schons , Ileobiilldlni ; .
mi ) 1)31
_ _ _
ALIlltinirrS C'holcc , Junction all rnllrniils.
M 37 ?
lot on llntnllton nml Lowe iivonuo.
Kiiiiulrc iiUO-H Hamilton it. ftso ill ) '
, ffc. , nee l < i ) > / . /lint / column nnf/ita / i > ue.
MHH , llnrrnuclt will give rendliic lu tiiilin-
Istry , telling tl'f ' pint , prcM'iit nnd ( uttiro
from tiiu lines tit tlin liunil ; fco til ladles only i
no business on Sunday. ] jl7 Iziird st , , Uin.ilm ,
4ii7 : *
rrilE.MIiso-i ICOilys tire through \\ltli thnlr
JL vaeidlon nnd rcnily for business. Tlio
only sister clnlrvoyiuit and trance mod Him In
the cltys mti nin ) trentincnt n sjinclnlty.
U 7 , Crouiuublk. 1411-30 *
AHlUVKD-Olalrvoyant , nnturnliy RlTtort ,
tells past uiul future , lovn ttonole , nb-
iput friends chiniKC" . tinvols , business. Halls-
faction given. Mrs , Walluce , IMS Kitrnum bt ,
T niljdlayton , clairvoyant , can bylierwlll
XJpovcr gnint liny reiiucst. 511 N. loth street.
W7 'Jd *
HS. NANNIH V. WAKKF.N. clidrvoyant
tr nco , HpcuUInK , wrltlni ; nnd rcllnblo lius-
Inc'-s mud 1 inn , 4 years liiOinnba. 119 N. Kith.
MASSAGK , Militant Ucl/.lcr , over CIO H nth.
40' ' (12 ( *
lei tatet , etc. , tee foj ) of frti column on tlilt
HUIiHCH taken for tlin winter with nnofiill
feed of griilu tier dny uul tilcnty of liay , $5
m'rmofilli. Ooouciirn " 111 hu taken or them.
U"ivolmrso ulth N.I ? , Dlllrunco , staliles 411
HU Tulcphono804 , MS''l
KOKSF.S wintered. Wo have Iho best ac
commodations In the state for wintering
horses. Itox or single stalls , with paddock ,
Apply \Yliulftnr , Co. , 203 Now York
Ufo blilK. , or to Chrla Kevins , at the stables ,
IrvliiKtou. Neb. JlfWI
H U1SES ! wlntoicd No heller place lo win
ter hor-es tlinn the Sllllwater stoek firm ,
l"t. C.illionu. 1'rlccs low. best cute. II. .J ,
Kendall , propr. . room DJti , liionu bldg.Omihn.
f > 71 (13
HdltbKS wintered at Oinnliii fnlr Rroitnils.
lean wlntopyWImrsei , each horse has a
largo wnnn lioxslall , leed all tlio eraln the
owner wants , hirjio yards for uxcrclso In flno
weather. A. Thomson. MJG1 MJJ
1'or ratcctc. , tee tail of fiist coin on this pine.
U g In famlllos. W 00.
7NOACil.MiXTatododrcs : > , iimkliis In fami-
1103 ! > oHilted. Miss Sturdy , -010 Humor st.
M - > Tni- ,
HA.IK G001 > S-\V1GS. 13TC.
t , etc. , tee itjinf Knl column nntlili jtaae
no hair goods In west ; Imlr dressing
, svvltclms , banitH , hair chains , i > lc. , u
spcoinlty. Davlcs , balr coeds nnd inlllluor
ojiposlto postofllce. 111 H IHh st. Omaha. IX )
1 > A\\NUKOI { . lulls.
frnr ratct. etc. , scy tap nf ] itt column on tlid i age.
TfUlEDMOl 1LE loans money on diamonds and
E watcliesjewelryuti.S.L.cor. , ; FarnanuVllth.
PAT15N1' BOljIClTOllS.
For ratet , etc , tec ( op of ftsl column on thts i agt.
PA-TEN'T lawyers & solloltors. 0. W. Sues &
Co , llco bulUllnff , Oinnliii. llratich otlleo at
. 1) . O , Consultation frco. ! lb
For role , cr , , tee loj ) of flivt toliimn mi f/if n"O6
" "
4ft } (12 *
Korrnto , etc. , ice tup ofirni column on WiJspjvs.
PRNSIONS-Tho Ullimnmn 1'onilon Agonoy ,
Jl Frenzorblock. Infoiin.itlon frmi ' ( IT
For ratet , etr , tec top nf frit column oil Utti | j < /
LADIES and poiitloincn can rent mnsiiior )
ado suits nt 0-M N. Hit ) ) St. .iilD-7 :
liidslbr 1'ulilli !
OfJlccof State Hoard of L'llntlr , J-
LINCOLN , November 15th , , 1600. )
NOTICE TO Hiimnts.
Sealed proposals will bo received at any
time on or befote two o'clock p. ni. of the nth
iluy of December , A. 1) ) . Ih'H ) , for tlio printing
nfall 1)111 ) fort ho legislature ) with such mut
ter asniay be ordered by either house thereof
to bo printed In "hill form" which Is shown
nnd designated ns class otieIunaoi ( ) Ihoprlnt-
Inpr liiHbof the state of Nebraska.
1'or ' the prlntlm ; and binding In paporcovors
ot one thousand ( I.OOll ) copies each of the bien
nial reports of tlio auditor of public accounts ,
treasurer , secretary of state , und comnilsslon-
orof public lands and buildings ; and live hun
dred ( WO ) coplef * each of the biennial reports of
the attorney goneial , superintendent of pub
lic instruction. Htato llbruiinn , and adjutant
Kcnoi.U ; and all other reports and documents
that inn v bo ordered printed by the legisla
ture , c\copt sucb as may enter Into and form
11 part of tbo journals , which of work In
known and designated ns class three (3) ( under
the printing lawsof Nobronkn ,
The bill work , executed iinilor class one ,
shall he printed In small pica typo on paper
fourteen (1-4) ( ) Inches long by eight and otio-luilf
( Hi ) ) Inches wide , single page , paper to bu
twenty-eight t28) ) pounds donblo cap to the
ream , and except the tlllo page ; caoh paso
shall contain not less than twenty-live (23) ( )
lines of solid ninttor of sa\cn (7) ( ) Inches In
length and the Hues sball bo successively
nuintiorcd , with u blank only In eauli space be
tween thu lines.
The tltlo puzo of said hills shall contain not
less than eighteen (19) ( ) lines ns above , with
t li r ou ( ID Inches additional buacu allowable for
tllsplny tlilo matter.
Each bid shall state what the bidder Is will
ing todo the work complete for , per page , for
t o liundred ( SOU ) copies of each bill ; also the
prloe for additional hundreds Hint may bo or
dered of the same bill al IhoHaine tlmo as th
original r.'OO ) , Inuludln'g composition , paper
press work , .stitching , folding , and ull woik or
material entering Into thu work required.
AH work executed under class one shall bo
delivered Ingood order by thu contractor to
the ollleo ot the secretary ot state within
threedays after Iho receipt ot the order by
said contractor from the chairman of the
i-omnilttco on printing , In either branch oftho
All work executed under class three ( Tl ) shall
bo printed lulong primer , hrovlormid nonmi-
rlel type , on paper to ho nine li-ohiM long oy
nlv ( U ! inches wide , slnglu page , paper to hu
forty-five ( IW pounds to the ro.un , of twoutv-
four by thirty-six , whltu book. Each bid
under class three shall Mate what the bidder
IK willing to do the work complete for , per
pigis. on eaoh report , or Item In thu class , in
cluding composition , paper , press woik.
htltoldng , folding , and all \\ork or material
unterliu into the work required. ( lalloy and
page proof miibt he furnished when required
l > y thu otllecis of the executive department or
the chairman of the connnltteo on printing In
cither branch of the legislature , \\ork \ when
completed to bo delivered free of expo use at
the htutu house.
Proposals for work on oieh of the above
classes will not bo considered unless the same
ho accompanied by aboiid lu the sum ot live
thimsiiiid ( l.'i.OWdollars ) with two or nioresure-
tles : that IncaHethuparty ptoposlng forhiiuh
con tract .shall bo awarded the sa me Hneh parly
will , within live ( fl ) clays after the award to
him of such contract cuter Into bonds for tlio
faithful performance Iheicof , us provided by
law : uid tliuteriisof these * proposals.
Proposals shall bo marked , "Proposals for
Public Prlntlm"und utldrrnsod to the stuto
board of printing. In cart ) ot the bocretary of
Htutu , Mnooln , Neb.
Contriict.son class onol ( ) , as above specified ,
will baawarded ana whole.
Contracts on cliiss thiuo CD , as above snoel-
llcil. will bo awarded in wbuloor In p.irlus tha
iKiurd may olcct. ,
Humpies of the work tn ho executed nncloi
cliissimu ( I ) , und three ( ill. may bu been at the
oltlco of iho seoietury of Htate.
Contracts on above classes one (1) ( ) , ana
tlirun CD. to run two W years f rom Deccmbci
( ) th. 1601) ) .
The htuto pilnllng board reserves tlio rigid
toroJeclanyorall lilH.
„ „ „ „ „ „ „
T. H. .
Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts ,
J. B. HIMTreasurer.
Btato Doard of Printing.
CIIH'AH ( ) , 111)111.INHTOX ) * VJ. Arrlroi
ili i iil Amen mr _ eti. I Omiln.
1.30 p m tnicnio Kiprou i , fdo a m
0 4) m . . . . . . . . .ChlrnKO Kipreit , . , „ , . . , ' 073 p m
B.10 p m , Clllc ito Kiproii . , , ,111 , u.i n lu
_ 8.Wp ni , j , . , low I.DCIII. _ , . . . . . | m _ ,
. MlT. UTVTMtT Arrlroj'
IXliot lot li ami Mn on etroel * . | Omalit.
l > nrcr li r Kipr u , . . . 40) p m
ju..o it , 111 . . . . . .tiri'nver mrrwss ( l. 14 p ni
0.41 p tn IXnror MUlil Kipr n m
S IJ a m Lincoln Kocal . l > W ) p m
TCIVb f. f.AK. II. '
U m ft ha. | DapolKHli nJMn' nlrotti.
P.SOaiu.Knmamt | ; Dar II , . . _ r . . .
9 44 p mK | , C. Nllht Kip. Tin I ! , iV 'rrnrn.j. | * * m
" " "
lai > ot IDlli iiml Mnrof troct .
ISO p m . . . .OvtrlMul t'ljsr. . . , 9 0 i p m
7.30 p m . . .rncincKTrr i . .r. 11.45 n ni
IO.W a in . . . . . .bun-rer Kproi , , L J 53 p m
0) a in Kalian * L'ltj Kipruu II l a m a in . . .FnltfleM Kxn. ( eicv'pt dun. ) . . . O p m
rnreX 0U ; 1. A MclUtt r I Arir
Uiunhn. | U. 1 * . ilopot , I0tlinmt _ .Murcf atlOmnlin. .
" "
a.10 p ml " . . . . .NlKlitKTi.rc . | ll.UA ) a ra
905 t ml Atlantic Ki | > roi * . , . . . . . . . (1.30 ( i p m
4.iJ p raj .Votlbuln l.linlto.l ] I04 : > in _ in
"Bir u.x : xim * rxoiriu
Omftliv IJI.J' . depot , lUth nnil MureHts.l Ounlit
7Tl& a ml ' -
4Upra | Ht. I'mil Kjipross. . , 110.10 a m
Lonrei I tflfiuX L'l'U A 1'ALlHO.
Omaha. | lloputlfitlmml
Bl j ) m\ \ . .jj . ( ! . I'nnl Mnitunt
Oninlia. | U. 1 * . depot. 10lh _
U 11 iv m7 | , . OiTcnifO Ktp"re.
4..1) ) p m ! . Veitlbulo l.lmltoil
6.14 p m Iowa Accommodation ( Kxc. Sun ) " .OS p m
y.lij p in . Eastern Flyer. . . , . . .43pm
" J'iA mU0 15tn ! ) ! _ l Kn U . ( o\p Mon ) 7.4Uji in
"lionToi"iC'lfTtAOOT Mlu , A S'r. " 1'A'dT.I ArTTro * "
Omahn. I IMJ.jJpppJ , 10th nnil Mt\rer St. | Onmlii.
8.10 pm * | . rriilcniii ) ICiprcsi. . 1)45 ) it ra
IJLM j iiM-jjAiiir .J'lilejimJCtprf _ . ! i. . i.j
| Arriv6T
_ _ P. depot , 10th nml MnrcySU. | Onmh .t
4.ajpjni..iit.Uuij | ( nnnim Unll . . . . .II2.HU.J m
PMlit m ! lllnck Hills Kiprost 1420pm
DO ) m . . .IliuttniH Rip. ( Kz. Sunilur.I ) 6K ) p m
B 10 p \VMiooAl.lnciiln I'm ( Kx.tfiiniVy ) I0.3U n m
t > . \0 \ p nil..York A Norfolk ( Ki. SmiiUyj JlOSO ft m ! 'l l 'MTri1. . ! A Ol TArrlroi *
Onmlin l ! ' Depot l.'illi nml Wubslur ? ti. I Oinnlil.
MO . . .Blouz Cltjr Aciuiunio(1ntlon. . .
1.00 p ra . .Sioux ntr KiprojJlKx.Hun. ) .
3 ID p ni 8U 1'nill I.lmltoil
C.5 p ni .llniimft ro OM-rcr ( Kr. Hunj.O
cptunhrv , Iopoll&tlmml W < iliit4 rSti. _
lO.iu'ii m "Aic.i-r
W.15 p ni , . _ .8t. l/onl A K. 0. KrproM. . . .
i.OflTOl | L'lIlcTOiT. K"l. A 1'ALIriO. i/ <
Trnnsforl Union Depot , ( "onnun lllutTi. ITrnmfar
6.80 p nil NU-Lt Kxprci 9 S& n ni
gSO n m . . .Attnntla Kinross ( & 3 p m
C00 p rnj . . . .VmtUMilu l.tmltetl 10.10 n m
c TOI nj\TrS"NUIlTI ( I\V \ KsTEllN.rArrlvci"
' riin fer | Union Depot. < Xiincll lllulTn. ITrnmter
li U a m , .1'lilcnKO Kiprou , . I1.IO p in
fi.CO p m .Vcatlbulo Limited. 9.'M a m
10.0U p m Knitern Kir IT. 200pm
" , Atl litIc Mull. 7.IK ) n ra
a0 i > rn iown"jVeMinimnilMlnn ( Kir. Sun ) n 40 p m
. -
Trannfffl Union Depot. Council . ITrninfur
"esb"pm ! . .Trhlcii o Kipru s . I I'.IS u m
12 _ _ . . _ . . . ) RiprcM . . . .I COO p m
HonrSVl jf."C.rSTr.01fS G. 11. n\rr"l r
Transfer ! Union llgpni. Council Illai7 ITrnnitof
10 bTli ml , . .Knnia CHr l > ny"KiI > ro s. . . . | 6 U p m
laJ5p ml.iKii.i ai CltjNIuli Kjpron. _ . | 0 ) nni
LfloioV" ! - OMAlfAA'hT. rour * TTTrriTpr
Tranifcfl Union Dmmt , ( 'uiini'jl lllufTi | Trnn fir
MJij ml . Hi. IxiTHiJ , nm > B _ UM j . [ W-1&J1 in
" '
Trnnnfor ] UiiInnJcpotCoiinoil Kluffa. | Tnin for
.Clilcnuo Ripre i G2Jp m
. .Chlcneo Kipro.i , . < i.40 „ m
. . .Cri'StonLocal ll.a ) njn
"Eonyir I S1UUX ClTlf A I'ACIKIU I Arrlroi
TmnarurJ Uulon Doiiot. Council Uluffi ITrnnalor
T 4 a mlTTTstour CUT Accommodation. . . ! lull am
0.0.p mi . 6t. I'aul Kjrrcjj. . . | 10IJO u m
Mtasotuu THAIMB.
Bnoclrla for Jtyiterla , ll lnn < .3.FtgIirarnlgla ! , Wuko-
Iuln m , Itcntal Dtproiilon , Holtriilnir or tlio lirnln , ro-
LultliiK 1 IntanltyaaJ liadlnfr to intioiy decav uml
UeAth , Prernaturo Old Afro , Uairenncsx. LotB of l-o\er
Inoltnor POX , Invcluntar/ ev , anil HpurmatoThwa
' '
VTIIQ cncu oruer lur m nujt-9 , win renii purchaser
fniarantra to refund wenoy If the treatmentfaltatQ
euro. Guarantee * isnueU aiul treQUlno sold uuly by
UlOiraruumStroot , - * Omaha Neb ,
Notice to Oracling anil Tlmb r Con-
l motors.
Wo are prepared to receive bids fora larKo
amount ot work west of the Huinmltof tlio
liocl.y mountains on the line of the Great
Noitnern railway , Inolndliip grading , which
consists of rock , earth work anil ttinnellni ; ,
Hilda lurKO amount of timber ; also a largo
amount ot hewed timber for strtiutnres. Put"
tics who are prcpaird to go Into the uoodsuml
take out timber and who have grading outlltH
for rock work , will find this a desirable oppor
tunity , The work Is located , nnd thoBuppllcH
for carrying It on are on the ground , and the
work Isit-acly to commence ntonee , Kor fur
ther Information Inquire nt room National )
( Jorniau-Aiiierlcati bank hulldlu , SI. 1'aiil ,
Slliui. Hhcpard , Steins & Co. NSUd'tM
To tlio Stocltholdnr.s of the O alalla Land
mid Cattle Co. : Notice Is hereby given t hut
the anntiiil meeting of tlioHtockholdcrs of the
Ogalalln Lund and Cuttlo Company will beheld
held at the company's ollke , No. JlDt-oiith Uth
Htivct. In the city of Omaha , Keli. , on Wednes
day , Uccimiborllrd , Ib'JO ' , at U o'clock p. in. , for
the election of directors for the ensuing year ,
and the transact Ion nf such other business as
may come before the meeting.
Nuvouinur 17lbH ) .
ulSdlUt JOSEPH TIIANK , Secretary.
onu Certtln to & uuy or money r
y mall $3. Seouroly e led from ol > -
COOK IIKUKDY CO , , Omaha.Nek ,
nulldlntr Permits.
Tlio following permits wcro Issuoi by the
auperlntcnUeiitoE bulltlliigi yesterday :
A , TJ. Meyer , nno nnd ono-lialf story
fruino dwolllnic , Thlrly-slMli and Fat-
nam streets , . . . . $ 11,001
linns Herman , one-story frumo cottage ,
X'll Calif ornlii Ktrcot 1,001
Jaroh Keller , ono-story fruino cottage ,
Twentieth and Arbor streets , . f > 0 <
Two minor permits " > <
Total 8 4.7.V
A. Note\vorthy Kxcnptlon.
From the Klmbnll ( S. I ) . ) Graphic : While
the columns of tbollranhlo arc open to nn ;
and nil unobjectionable advertisements , yet 1
Is quite Impossible for us to speak knowing
of the merits of tlio various article * of mor
ctiandlsoudvcitlsctl. Particularly Isthistrui ,
of patent medicines. But thoio aio oxcep
lions ocfasionally. anil a noteworthy oxrup
tlon IH the i-elcbratcd Ch.tmlicrlalu'H COUK- iI
llcmcdy. This now universally known medl I
cl tin lias bcc'ii nil vcrtlsud In the Graphic fo
four or flvo ycaro , but not until i-eceiitly hm
ivoany vorsonal knowledKO of Its wonderfii
cfflrncy which has come about throuKli th' '
provallliitf liilluen ? ! und the stubborn coupl
that has so often Attended It , In ttio writer'
family this medicluo has on several occasion
this winter cured u cough that bullied an ;
nnd oil other rcinodtoit ; ami the number n
families In KlmbiiH und vicinity , luvhlc
this remedy has been usoil with like effect *
attests to Its value as u spcciilu for coughs an
colds of every nature.
The follovvliifr rmrrlnjo liootiao wa ? h
sued by Judge Shields yoatorJay ; ,
NamoauU addross. Ati
I .lohu l''rank , Omaha . !
( Annlo Adltir . . . . . . . . . . , , :
Keep a bottle of Cook's ' Kxtra Dry Chan
1 paguu In your ice chest to cntortaln you
friends. It u splendid ,
A QUI2ST10XVttlili ANS 'nilii : > r
In AVIint Itonpoot Is Cliainborlnln'a
Couch Ucmody Ilcttt-r Tlinn
Any Ottiot-7
It Is tlio only remedy thnt will Hvuofy tha
touch , tcnnelouA mucus Incident to colds nnd
render It easy to expectorate.
It Is the only remedy Hint tt-lll cause the
expulsion of the mucus from the air cells of
tlio lungs ,
It is the only remedy thnt will countcrnct
tlio effect of u severe cold nnd Rreatly mill-
K to. If not cfTccttmlly euro the cold \vlthlti
ono ilny's time. To 6 th Is It must bo used
ns noon us the lint symptoms of the colil tip.
It will euro n sovcro colil In less tlmo tlinn
any oilier treatment.
It Is the only remedy thnt will prevent
croup ,
It lst the only remedy that 1ms eurod thnu-
satids'ot cases of croup without a slnglo
( allure. .
It is the only remedy that will prevent all
ilniurrrous consequences from whooplnir
It Is pleasant nnil snfo to tnUo. Thcro Ii
not the least danger in giving It to rhlldron
In lui'KO and frciiieilt ilososvhluli tire always
ivipilreil In cases ol croup nnd sometimes for
uhooplnir cough.
It is put up in Inrpo bottles for tlio prico.
Many poi-soiis who have usi-d it foryunn und
know from experience Its true value , snv
that n iVl-cciit botllo of Chiiiuberlalu's Connh
Itcn\eily \ will KO further towards curing so
vcro colds , nnil do mow , real peed than a dol-
Jar bottle of any other cough medicine they"
have over used.
DlntrliH Court.
John A. Fuller nml John C. Howard liavo
brauglit suit In the district court to compel
James Bonncr nndvlfo lo dofil them certain
lots in the western part of the city. The
trouble grows out of a real osUto iloal , nud
as the ilofenilnnts failed to carry out thotr
p.tvt ot the contract the plaintiffs propose to
force them Into line.
On April 13 last Mary O. Hlngwalt started
from tills city on a visit to Loxlngion , ICy.
She bought a ticket over the Wauash , and
Insti-ad of wearing her dlnmoads on her per
son , put them Into u trunk and then checked
thuvliolo outllt. Upon reudiiiifr. her ilestl-
natloti she discovered Unit the trunk had
been unlocked nnd the precious stones stolen.
Klio nnw that the basjpipenmn wai
Iho tnlef , nnd asks the ralli-oad company to
pay her JTiOl , the market pneo of the sp.ifk-
.01 R.
The case of William Rtnrtolman npalnst
Pnnnlni ; it Sluvcn was cotnmcucod in
Judge Doaue's court ycaturday nfter-
4011. Stadlemnn is suing to obtain
n iiilgnieiit of $ r ,000. On the mornlnn
of July 22 , 1SSO , ono of Fanning & Slnveus1
wagons , out at Twenty-eighth and Fiinmm
streets , was Katherlngup tlio street sweep-
inps. Dy&omo unm-oountablo means , CeorRO
Btndelman , the ciRht-yenr-old son of the
plaintiff , crossed the street In front of the
teum that was attached to tlio wagon. Ho
was knocked down and lustniitly killed by ono
of tlio wheels passing over his uodv. The
driver , instead of stopping to tiscut Uilu the
Injuries ho had wrought , whipped
up his horse and hurried awav. Ho was sub-
sequcntly arrested , but was discharged after
thu case had been tried In police court. The
father now alleges carelessness upon the part
of the Hired man and nsks damages for his
son's death.
In Judge Clarlcson's court , In the case of
the state against George Whiting , cltnrgeil
with burglary , the Jury returned a verdict ol
guilty , nuil fixed tlio vnluo of the stolen prop
County Court.
In the county court ycstorifay William E ,
Hedly brought suit against M. S. Lindsay to
recover f MS duo on contract.
William Decrlng it Co. have sued Jphn
1'fluR. The defendant bought 8725 worth ol
twine nnd now refuses to pay for the a .
When , from nny cause , the digestive and
secretory organs become disordered , they
may bo stimulated to healthy notion by the
iiso of Aycr's Ciithnrtlo Pills. Those pills
are prescribed by the physicians , und are for
snlo at all the drug stores.
Hurt on the Viaduct.
Gus Grotn laborer employed on the
Tenth street viaduct had his left knca
crushed yesterday morning by boiug caught
between two heavy timbers.
Grotzis ono of tlio gang- employed in hoist
ing the lumber for the lloor of the structure ,
and ono of the heavy sticks swung around seas
as to citch him.
The Injured man \vas removed to his homo ,
1200 South Thirteenth street , where ho was
given medical attendance. Ills Injuries nro
not necessarily fatal , although such 113 may
deprive him of the usool his leg.
For rheumatism and neuralgia you cannot
get a better remedy than Salvation Oil , It is
a sure euro and uover falls. I'rico 25 cents a
The great popularity of Dr. Hull's Cough
Syrup is accounted for in the millions of
cures it annually makes. It Uus no equal ,
Prieo 25 cents.
TNBTRUMENT3 pltiooU on rooord'Novoiu-
1 bor S.
0 II nnd E 0 lliulou to TK I'rico , lots 0
audio , blkl , Kverott Plnco . $ 1,000
1 (1 Itarlghtand wife to J K Hack , lot 11) ) ,
blkfl , lot 12. blk 4 , I'otter & Oobb'aM
add to South Omahn . 1,500
H A llenson , trustee , toQ O Todd , lot 20 ,
Ink IB , m-nson . 250
SJ Clianibnra aivl wife to Henry Itolln ,
lolH , Ludwlch 1'laco . 1100
Duncan I'lnlnysoii und wlfo to A J
Nurse , n I'.lotl' , Vntes.t Heed's nub. . . 8.1. TO
J \V UillUtli , trustee. toOO Labuab , lot
15. hlk-7. ConkllnK I'lnce . 8UO
J W lirinith , Irnsti-o , to Mrs P S Labaph ,
lotlO , UonkUiijr I'luoo . 800
W II llulshl/er nnd wlfo to Urant llul-
Hhl/cr , com Ht ft w of no cor lot I ,
Iteoil's 1st add , w ! ft s Ui f t o > ft n
! ) S fl . 9,500
J 1C Hamilton und wlfo to 1 * 0 Jennings ,
H ii lot 'Jit , Het-d'sU'dudd . J.500
Wlllliini Iv.itowsky and wife to Henry
r Itolln. oX ft loin , blttlin. Oiuulm .
Kiln K JjiUROii to N V Urnvos , lot ft , bile
14 , West lawn add . 200
nuKcnu O'Neill and wlfo to .Tamos Ilon-
ner. lots 15 and in , bllcll. O'Neill's sub U.OOO
J J O'ltoiirUo nnd wlfuto Michael ( iiu-
vt > ylat3blk Id , llurrl'liiro . 300
Hd Pliolan unil wlfo tol'J King , lot 0.
hlk' ' , Missouri II\H I'nrk . 500
T T UniiMirn and wlfo to W V Hlco , lot 17 ,
blkfl , Ilunseoml'luce . 2,400
Nathan Sheltoti und wlfo to 0 A I'uioti-
plle. I t5llk 5 , Hwoe y's add . 10,000
M V Solomon to M ft Hums , lots 11 and
12. blkH , Soloinoii'H add . 1,000
G Ktovensto K K rrcnch , lot 0 , blk ! > ,
Kiiyrttu I'urk . fiOO
W 1'hteviMis lo K H I'runeh , lot 10. blk 8 ,
Sto\oni' 1'liico . POO
William II Austin nnd wife to H n
Fiench , iotO , hlk 7. Central Park . 5
.1 11 U llrowu to I ) Ii Si-liver , und > / lot f ,
undo' ' , Iot7 , blk iu : , Oiniilni . S
Kllsla Benson , by guardian , to KnuPd
Martin , lots l.SandU , blk "IV
n < ld . ,
R iarltchs ( to M M Van Horn , o ' , w
100 fl of n Yi lot 7 , blki , Oicliurd I III ! . .
8 K Johnson and wlfotn M M Van Horn ,
o ' , i w 100 ft of n H lot 7. blk 1 , Orchard
' ' ' ' ' " " '
0 W Jay'iVmf w'l'fVt'o'liK Proiich."iot"s ! ,
blk4 , Central I'nrU 5
0 O Woods , special mailer , to O 0 Wal
lace , trustee , lots 21 and 2. , blk 4. Jlon-
y niouth Park GIG
Q Total amount transfers
Cliolco , casyjlornis.
"Weather I'roltalilllties.
r For Noviitnuor Indications point to
id coltl , frosty weather. Thnt , however ,
ill will inaUo no illlTnronco to thono wlo )
10 travel In the Btoam-heutcil and ok'ctrlu *
8 lighted , llmitvd vestibule trnlnsvhlcli
is are run only by the Chicngo , Mllwuukoo
IV it St. 1'uul Jty. between Omaha und
nf ChlcuRO. City ticket ollico , 1501 Far-
niun t. , Omaha. P. A. NASII ,
J. E. PuKfiTON , General Agent.
City Paasougor Agent.
Dr , Bhnov cures caturrh , Bco bltlff.
Tickets at lowest rates nnd BU parlor
accommodation ) ! via the great Hoek
Island wuto Ticket oulco , 1002 Sixteenth -
ist toonth und Far mi in streets Omivlut
inur Albright's GliolcoL 10 per cent cash.
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Dee