Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    f > THIS OMAHA DAILY BKB ( MttDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1890. \
Thrco Atlantic Boys Meet n Horrible Fate la
a Oaving Sandbank ,
A 1'ro'mbly Tatal Acoldcnt Which
Jlcf'cll nit Intoxicated Man at
Ct'tlnr Jtnpldfl-Othnr Hawk
ey o Stnto
Am STIC , In. , Nov. 27. [ Special Telegram
to TJIK nii.J : : Willie nnd Mlllard Tally , sons
of Jade Tally , aged respectively nine and six
years , and Fred Hnivlcy , aged six , son of Dr.
Huwlcy , wore. Killed today by the caving In
of n tmnflbank in the west part of the city.
Five or six small boys wcro using the sand
bank lo play in , and had tunnelled a cavern
several fcot and wcro digging sllll further in
when the bank caved in , burying the three
boys named under three feet of sand.
Iho alarm was given by the other boys , and
willing hands were soon at workdlgglnir out
the unfortunate victims. The bodies were
recovered after twenty minutes. Llfo was
not qylto extinct , but the boys died in a few
minutes , The sad affair has cost a gloom over
the entire community.
ThntikHglvIng at Hod Oak.
Ilini OAK , la. , Nov. 27. [ Special to rim
\ Bir. : ] At the union Thanksgiving day ser
vices hero today a collection amounting to
$ . ' 12.75 was laken fora fund for relief of the
worthy poor of the town. A subscription of
f 17 by the Knights of Pythias lodge , the re
sult of a benelltentcrtnlninentrcccntly given
under the auspices of the lodge , together
with $17.83 on hand from last year's fund ,
swells the fund for the coming season to
$07.78. A committee of nine ladles constitute
the relief committee. The sermon was by"
Hov. W. U. Shlpninn of the Methodist Epis
copal church. The attendance upon the ser-
Vlcoe was largo. The Hcd Oak gun club baa
n shooting tournament today and a banquet
this evening. The Knights of Pythias also
had a banquet , entertaining a number of
visiting gentlemen from Villisca , Shcnati-
doah , Hamburg mid Malvcru.
for lawn's Hullroail TJIIW.
DCS Mnixns , la. , Nov. 20. [ Special to Tun
Br.K. | Hon. Frank D. Jackson , secretary of
state , is in receipt of the following from n
member-elect of the Nebraska legislature :
Noimi PJ.ATTI * , Npb. , Nov. 22 , 1890. Secre
tary of State , Des Monies ; My Dear Sir
The legislature of Nebraska ( of which I am a
mcmbor ) will this winter abolish our state
board of transportation and will enact a
maximum freight law similar to that now in
force in your state , and for that purpose I
would ho pleajed to have you forward to my
address a copy of the law now in force on
that subject in Iowa. Any expense you may
have to bear will bo promptly remitted by
mo , Hcspeotfullv , , r. If. STIVERS ,
Senator of the Thirtieth District of the Com
monwealth of Nebraska.
AConsignment ol1 llrooil Mnres. > r.iT.xiixcK : , la. , Nov. 27. [ Special to
TIID Hi : ' : . ] Messrs. H. B. and H. D. Allen
of Bast Park stock farm have sold to Do
Ynruian Brothers of O'Neill , Neb. , a number
of brood marcs. The consignment was made
up.of Nelllo Boyle , by Mnmbrlno Ilamblo-
Ionian ; Crazy Jane , by the Hopkins horse ,
by Happy Medium ; Lady Eagle by Bourbon
Joe , nnd Floss , Velvet and Lone. All the
animals wcro In foal to Uunton Wilkcs or
Dictator Wilhes. They will form the nu
cleus for n stock farm which tbo purchasers
t will establish at O'Neill.
Collided with n lluiuiwny Team.
ATLANTIC , Ia. , Nov. 27. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BKn.J P. H. Crombioaad wife while
driving this morning wcro run into by a run
away team nnd thrown out of the carriage lu
\vhich they were riding. Mrs. CrombiO'wns
rendered unconscious by the shock uud was
thought to bo seriously Injured , but will
cscapo with several bruises nntt n severe
nervous shock. Mr. Crombio escaped unin
jured with the exception of u few bruises.
Acquitted or the Charge.
Sioux CITV , la. , Nov. 27. | Special Tele-
'grnin ' to THE BEI : . ] Captain William Reed ,
an old resident nnd for ninny years a promi
nent railroad man , was today acquitted of the
charge of criminal assault after a trial lasting
nnnrly n week. The alleged victim was a
twelve-year-old girl named May McGaun ,
nud the defense was that the whole thing was
a deep laid sehemo lo rulu defendant and ex
tort monoy.
District Y. P. S. C. K.
S , la. , Nov. 27. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKE.J The district convention of the
Young Peoples Society of Christian Kn-
deavor begin a meeting in the First
Congregational church tonight. About one
hundred and fifty delegates from towns
throughout the district nro expected , nnd the
committee in charge have made every effort
to make the meeting n success.
Fell and Fractured Ills Skull.
CUDAII lUrios , la. , Nov. 27. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ben. ] William Hanlon of Iowa"
City , while intoxicated , fell over a railing
into a basement last night nnd sustained a
f rneturo of the skull. Ho lias a slim chance
of recovery.
Hypnotized Agniiint Opium.
SAX FHAXCISCO , Cnl. , Nov. 27. Frank Ed-
wnnls , a young onium Hcud now la the house
of correction , claims to bo cured of the vice
by hypnotism , excited by Dr. Brown , the jail
physician. Brown is a man with attlngu-
larly largo eye and great niesmoilc force.
Ho determined to try to hyuotizo Edwards -
wards because ho feared the prisoner
would become Insane from cravings
for the drug. Ho obtained such com
plete control over Edwards that the llend
enjoyed the llrst refreshing sleep ho lias
known for years. He gained flesh and lost
nil desire for "dope , " which had been neces
sary to his existence for sixteen years. A
fellow-prisoner who did not bcliovo in his re
form offered him some gum opium , but it
mode Edwards sick , although before being
byphotlzrd ho would have enjoyed it. Phy-
sldians nro undecided about the permanency
of the effect , but Dr. Brown will niako ex
periments on other llcuds and test bis theory.
A IMff Debt.
PARIS , Nov. 27. Polletan presented the
budget committee report on the financial sit
uation of France , showing the estimated debt
of the country to bo30500SUlr ! , > Ot francs nom-
innl capital , nnd 22,824,01.1,009 francs actual
capital ; the nominal rnto of inlerest is JUS
per cent , nnd the actual rate is (1.03 ( per cent.
"This , " contliuios the report , "Is the largest
public deut in the world , but the French
credit is HUftlclontly solid to allow French
stock being reckoned at ! ) per cent ,
Over Dxtumlcd Suffrage.
BncssEis , Nov. 27. The prime minister
today Introduced a bill providing for the ex
tension of JUo franchise. This action is a
complete surprise. The radicals are greatly
I doled and workmen , who intended to inau
gurate u general strike ns part of the univer
sal Biiffmga movement decided to remain at
work. The streets tonight urij thronged with
people and rejoicing is general.
To Wind Up n Newspaper.
CuiCAdO , Nov. 37. Frank Drake has filed
n bill In the circuit court to wind up the af
fairs of the Chicago Olobo company nud for
the appointment of a receiver on a Judgment
Which remains unsatistled.
Alllo WllkeH Hold.
y , Ky. , Nov. 27. W. C. France
& Son of this county have bought of Stan
hope Bros , of Kinsman , O. . tbo eight-year old
bay stallion Alllo Wllkos for 1 0,000.
Strayed or Stolen.
Nox * . 27 , batwoon 0 nnd 7 p. in. from
Bll N. 25th etroet , lurgo gray horse
UKched to old plmotoii , owner's name on
lout cover. Suitable rownnl for return
lo 0V. . Dlson , 8017 California street.
The Irish Question in Argued In Its
Vnrlonn 1'linscH.
Lo.voox , Nov. 27. In the commons today
Spencer nikod the government , In view of
the recent financial crisis , to introduce n , bill
to amend the bank net by providing for the
issue of 1 notes. Bnlfour Introduced
the Irish hind bill. Ho said the government's
policy wiw the samons InlSSObut for sim
plicity the bill had been cut In half. Both
portions , however , nro practically the samoa
a in the bill of ISS'J. One variation of the
present bill from thnt of last year was that
it met In some dcgrco Pnrncll's views la re
gard to the privilege ot puwliaso. It ex
cluded all p'-clv grazing farms and farms
whoso tcnaii > . < i did not reside on them. A
limit of twenty years purchase , objected to
last session , lias been removed. In regard to
increasing the power of tlio local authorities
ilnlfour said it would be absurd to
leave the communities under the incite
ment of ngltntors to .determine whether
they should adopt a remedy X'olng to the root
of the ngm-iau discontent. If they were to
glvo local control In nny form It ought to bo
by the plcbcsclto of the rate payers , enabling
tunm , under safeguards of thu ballot , to vote
upon the question of granting a contingent
Itortlon of the guarantee fund for each
Labouclicro moved an amendment against
pledging the imperial crodlt for the purchase
of land until the country should eivo consent
nt the general election , l-abouchere's
amendment was rejected ' . ' ( if to 117.
Gladstone , Harcourt nnd Morley walked
out before the vote was taken.
Pnnicli nnd all the I'arnelllto members
voted with the government. The bill was
then glvcu a llrst reading timid cheers for the
government supporters.
Of TIIK JtKEl' .
The Cnptaiii'8 Story of the Wreck of
the Steamer Kntuon.
Pinr.Anur.t'AiA , Pa. , Nov. 27. [ Special Tel-
Cfram to THU Br.n. ] The steamship Penn
sylvania arrived nt her docic today and re
ports that the British steamer Falcon , from
New York to Glasgow with a cargo of
stoves , was abandoned on the 10th Inst. in a
sin King condition , with her bow stove
and bulwarks and sails gone , having encoun
tered very heavy gales. The captain nnd
crew of fourteen wcro taken off with difll-
culty by the Pennsylvania and landed hero.
Captain McMillan of tuo Falcon told the fol
lowing story :
"Wo sailed from New York on
Sunday , November 2. From the
the start wo had bad weather ,
which gradually increased to heavy gales.
Wo stood the blow until the morning of No
vember 15 , when wo sprang n serious leak.
Heavy seas continually washed over
the vessel , smashing tbo forecastle ,
carrying away tbo ventilators nnd
crushing the decks. One enormous sea
struck the engine room nnd skylight , smash
ing it. Through this tons of water poured ,
putting out the llrcs. A fresh fire was
started by burning loose boards and wood ,
but the water soon extinguished this also.
Wo were now In serious danger from the
water rapidly gaining in the hold , nnd with
no steam to work the
donkey-pump our ves
sel was liable to 1111 and sink at any moment.
All our llfo boats had either been washed
overboard or damaged to such an ex
tent that no hope was left us in that
quarter. The only resource left us was to
keep the vessel afloat until wo could bo
token off by some passing ship. Accordingly ,
the hnud-pumps were tnnuneu nnd an attempt
made to keep the water down. At mid
night , after hours of hard work , the discour
aging discovery was made that the
water had gained on us. The fact that the
steering gear was useless left the vessel un
manageable and she lay in the trough of the
sea , where she wallowed and dove into each
succeeding wave at. such a furious rate that
it was almost impossible for the men to
keep their feet. In the face of this
perilous state of affairs tho. men continued
their work at the pumps. The vessel rolled
and plunged in n way that threatened to send
her to the bottom. Sea upon fcca swept over
her decks , ono monster wave seeming to
literally bury her under water. "
, T.hp crew of the Falcon had almost-given
up hopb of being rescued when the lights of
the Pennsylvania attracted their attention.
Ho Characterize * the letter's Address
an Arcry Unhandsome.
NEwYonK , Nov. 27. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEB.J it Is quito evident that the
Gould-Sngo party which yesterday went into
power in Union Pacific affairs did not enjoy
the farewell address of Charles Francis
Adams. Mr. Sago was seen last night after
his return from Boston nnd said :
"Tho tenor of Mr. Adams' address was al
most uncalled for. There had been no public
criticism ot his management made by any of
the directors , notwithstanding the fact that
ho was running the road to ruin.
A change in the management was
simply a necessity to save the
property , and Mr. Adams' speech was a
piece of spite work. I did not hear it myself ,
as I was not then a member of the board , but
some of those who had been his own directors
denounced it as a most unhandsome thing and
wcro disgusted at the display Mr. Adams made
of himself. Ono of them said to mo : 'It is a
shameful fact that Mr. Adams has been try
ing to run this great property by means of a
lot of women typewriters uud a dozen or so
of Harvard graduates who knew no more
about railroads than a backwoodsman.
The now members of the board were
a necessity to envo the road from a ruin that
must have como within a year. ' "
"Mr. Adams says in his address , " con
tinued Mr. Sage , "that ho bos been
president of the road for seven
years , nnd that during that time
the actions of the board of
directors have been in every case unanimous.
That is simply saying that Mr. Adams has
been the Union Pacific ana is responsible for
Its condition. It thnt case bo should Just
explain how It comes that the pay
roll was Increased by 4,000 names
In nine months ; what personal
Interest ho had in the Kansas smelting
works , In favor of which a discrimination
was made in the rates for shipping bullion ,
nnd a half-dozen other matters that might bo
inquired into. Wo are not taking hold of
tbo Union Pacific for the fun of
the thing. I am in it , not for
pleasure or financial profit , but to help to
save the property. The condition of affairs
was such that wo had to take hold. Now nil
the directors are in sympathy with the plans
laid down by Mr. Gould. "
"What docs Mr. Adams mean by bis1 fre
quent reference to the political connections
of the Union Pncillc } "
"That was another plcco of splto work.
Mr. Adams saw that ho could not maintain
the system and ho does not seem to want any
body else to. That is the only construction
I can put upon the several passages of his ad
dress that relate to the political aspects of f
the rights and relations of the Union Paulllo
Gould on Adams.
NKW Ypitir , Nov. 27. Tomorrow the Trlb-
uno will print an interview with Jay Gould ,
In which ho says ex-President Adams of the
Union Pacific is a theorist who conducted
many affairs of the Union Pacific without -
out the knowledge of the directors.
Gould said ho learned when last In Kansas
City , that Adams personally owned control
of the stock yards there , and while the railroad -
road was carrying In their llvo stock ot bare
cost of transportation , the stockvards earned
$1,000,000 the past yoar. Such action as this ,
ho said , would never bo permitted under the
now management. Ho believes the Burling
ton and Hock Island will both come Into the
plan for securing bettor results from western
railway business. No farther changes , tie
said , wore lo bo niado hi the Union Pacific ,
Their Thankoglvlng.
Cou'MiiL's , O. , Nov. 27. Henry Popp ,
Stark county , nnd Isaac Smith , Pike county ,
murderers who were to have been executed
tonight , have been granted a respite to December -
comber 19.
linhenr A Von.
Srnsi'.v , Nov. 27. Bubear of England and
Mattcrsou of Australia today rowed a scull
ing race for a hundred , pounds a side. Bu-
bear wou.
Senator Fassott Thinks Hill Can Hftvo
Whatever Ho May Ask ,
New York Not Yet to He Ignored The
Itillticnco of Imllnnn Mr. I'ns-
sett's Smile Conddnnoo
of Speaker Hecil.
OUA.Hi BBS , |
Senator Fassettof Now York , whc Is hereon
on his way south , tells some Interesting gos
sip about politics in New York stnto. Ho says
that Governor Hill can bo United States sen
ator or can bo re-elected governor or can Imvo
the Now Yorlt delegation nt the democratic
presidential convention in ISOJ.nnd no thinks
that ho will decide to take the senatorslup
with a view t ( having something permanent
In case ho foils to Do elected president. If
Hill itccides not to take the scnatorshlp ho
will elect Smith M. Weed In his place.
Weed , Fassett says , is a Knmlall democrat , a
high tariff man , nnd Hill ugrecs with him
on this issue. Cleveland has the following of
the better class of democrats and the busi
ness men of _ New York , but Hill
controls every democratic organization from
Tammany to the township clubs throughout
the state nnd will control the convention that
names the delegates to the next presidential
convention. "Now York nnd Indiana , " said
Mr. Fassett in conclusion , "will send III11
delegations to the convention. The time 1ms
not como when Now York can he Ignored by
cither party and Indiana is also u great
doubtful sta'to. These two delegations maybe
bo able to swing the convention their way.
They certainly will Imvo great weight. The
only way in which Mr. Cleveland's friends
can break the force of u solid delegation is to
send to the convention ii.OCOor { 1,000 of the
best democratic doctors , lawyers nnd busi
ness men , the cleanest , most respectable men
in all New York , and let them loudly pro
claim : 'Wo are Ihe people , and wo iiro for
"I do not know , " said Mr. Fnssett with a
smile , "that this would bo of any effect , but
the experiment might bo tried. "
Sl'EAKKIl llEnil Wir.I. SEB.
Kepresentativo Dutmcll of Minnesota , who
is the chairman of the apportloumont com
mittee of the house of representatives , lias
reached Washington , nnd declares thnt the
republicans will pass n reupporlioumout bill
ut the coming session , no matter what the
democrats may think or do. Ho docs not in
tend to increase the ratio of population , but
rather the number of representatives , nnd
suggests from " 150 to 305 as the probable num
ber of the next house , instead of. HM , us nt
present. This number would allow the older
states to retain their present representation
nnd give the now states the additional con
gressmen that they are entitled to because of
their Increase of population. Speaker Reed ,
in conversation today , endorsed what Mr.
Dunnell said , and spoKO with great emphasis
with regard to the passage of the apportion
ment bill. When Informed ihat the demo
crats intended to pursue a policy of dcsper.lto
resistance , ho replied : "Well , we'll see to
that. "
Colonel Thomas M. Vincent , assistant ad
jutant general , United States army , now on
duty nt army headquarters in this city , was
for many years stationed on the frontier nnd
among the Indians who are now giving so
much trouble at Standing Rock and Pine
Ridge agencies. "My experience with our
red brethren , " remarked Colonel Vincent ,
"demonstrated pretty clearly that the In
dians nro fond of bragging , and especially
when they see thnt It has any effect upon the
pale face. Agent lioycr nt Pine Rldgo seems
to have boon somewhat demoralized by the
exciting scones which transpired In the vi
cinity of the agency nnd allowed himself to
b'o victimized by the Indians and hence his
telegrams to the Indian department. For
ray part 1 was Inclined to treat
the matter , pretty much , us the usual
score until reports were received
from Agent McLaughlin and then matters
begun to assume a more serious aspect , owing
to his experience and long residence among
them. McLaughlin is a pretty good judge of
the Indian character , and when ho sounded
an alarm it was time to heed it. But ho had
a remedy , as was shown in the appointment
of GOO good Indians as scouts , for like his
white brethren , an Indian is pretty apt to bo
impressed with a brief show or badge of au
thority. These now men will bo invaluable
not only lu ferreting out and preventing any
trouble , but will set-a good example to the
other Indians who have not been so fortunate
as to bo awarded a uniform and brass buttons
by the government. " Punitv S. HEATH.
The following was the score at the close of
the race at the Coliseum last evening :
Miles. Laps.
Koss 2I ! > o
Plnlsteil 20 ! ) 2
Kennedy i'05 1
Wise 203 0
Largan 77 101 n
lingers 188 B
Leo ISO 0
Castcllar Sunday School Scholars.
The Sunday school scholars of the Castel-
Inr street Presbyterian church gave expres
sion to their thankfulness last night ia a pro-
Krainmo of song nnd recitation over tno par
tial completion of the new church which
stands at the corner of Sixteenth and Cnstol-
lar. The new odlflco Is about forty fcot
square and the old building is Joined to the
south side , forming a very convenient nnd
commodious Sunday school room. The out
side work on the building is finished and the
llrst two coats of plastering are on but it is
not finished'on the inside. Temporary scats.
and a rough platform wore provided last
night for the accommodation of the first audi
ence and the llrst singers and speakers iu
the new building' . The house was packed to
the doors with people and thoprogrnmmo was
heartily enjoyed by nil. The Sunday school
had pledged the payment of the funds neces
sary to pay for the gas fixtures of the church ,
and a collection was taken up which made up
the amount needed to liquidate the bill.
Kov. J. M. Wilson , the pastor , was present
and aided in the direction of the evening's
exercises. This now building will cost when
completed about $ a,500 , , and will bo practically
free from debt.
nev. Wilson lias been with the congregation
five years , and is very popular. Ho has been
very energetic in Iho building of the now
church. The structure will bo fully com
pleted and ready for dedication about Christ
A Homo Stolen.
A fine , largo gray horse belonging to E. Wk
Dixon , who lives nt U317 California street ;
was stolen from the residence of II. A. Dowd
at ! )11 ) North Twenty-fifth street last night
about 7 o'clock. Ho was bitched to an old
bugpy nnd was securely tied by a strong
strap about his neck to a ring In the sidewalk.
The animal is valued at $ l K ) . The letter "D"
is In the rosette of the brullo nnd Mr , Dixon's
name is upon the seat of the bupgy. The
horse will weigh about tea hundred pounds.
There was a fine afghan robe In the buggy.
A. O. U. AV. Party.
The members of the North Omaha lodge
No. im. Ancient Order of United \Vorkmen ,
gave a very pleasant party at Goodrich hall
last evening , which was attended by 125
couples. At inldulL'ht u supncr was served
in the spacious dining hull , after which
dancing was continued uutil curly this morn-
Ing. '
The special feature of last night's party
was that it was for the pur ) > ese of cclobrut-
im ; the llrst anniversary of the lodge.
JCiMimliiK ol' Dnnlul Lynch.
The remains of Daniel 1,3'ncb , ono of >
Omaha's pioneers , were brought from Wyo
ming to this city for interment , by his
brother , County Jailer Patrick Lyiicb , and
sister , Mrs.Mlnnio Mlchnelsou. The remains
will bo hurried from the reilileiu-e of Mrs.
MIchuelsou , Twenty-first nnd lioulovanl
streets , .Saturday morning , the u'OUi Inst. , at
U a.m.
Albrlght'o Choice , uionoy mudo fast.
IIJH ii'tTri A
An Atolildon .Man .ntmlcrfl Hla Wife
In n Terrible Manner.
ATCUISO.V , Kan. , .Nov. 27. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Writ. | George Woslon , nn En
glish express ifilVJr aged fifty-live , murdered
Ids young wife , aged twenty , by boating her
on the head with a hammer some time this
morning. IftHTippeared in the city mar
shal's ofllco about 3 o'clock and said
bo had hud trouble with his wlfo and wanted
protection. Tncbfnccr , supposing It to bo
only a family rowtypald Httlo attention to it.
\Vcston \ then left and another ex press driver
drove him out to Ids homo west of town ,
where they wcro met by Woston's two sons ,
who , tinned with * shotguns , refused
him admission to the house and
threatened to kill him. Wcston was then
brought back to town and turned over to the
sheriff. Ho says he wout homo yesterday
mid found a negro cook named George Onniis
concealed In his Wife's room. The pair es
caped , but the woman came back last night.
She attacked him with a hatchet unit ho
killed her with n hammer. She was his suc-
end wlfo. The coroner Is investigating the
iH Kit.
PIIYSICK November 37 , after n long 111-
neso , George Parker i'hyslck.
Remains will bo taken to bt. Louis for in
terment this afternoon nt ! t p. m. Brief ser
vice lit Maul's ' undertaking rooms , 1417 Fnr-
nom street , nt 2l0 : ! p. m.
Hoyt's satire on the thousand and one petty
superstitions of the time , which everybody
pooh-poohs , but believes In moro or less , "A
Brass Monkey , " was the Thanksgiving nt-
trnctlon ntthcBoyd , and the screaming farce
was welcomed back to Omalui by crowded
houses both afternoon and evening.
A number of now faces appeared In the
various roles , and iu the main , quito merited
the enthusiasm they called out during the
course of the play. George H. Mnrlon ns
Jonah displayed n versatility which was the
equal If not superior to nny of the other
coineeians who have been identified with the
part. Ho has a singularly expressive face
and is as truly delightful In the
touches of pathos which Mr. Hoyt
has surrounded the part , as In the boisterous
Hashes of merriment winch constantly como
to the surface , requiring the nctdr to bo an
athlete as well as a clever farceur. His Imi
tation of an Italian fruiterer delivering nn
after dinner speech upon George Washington
was nn exceedingly charming bit of work
and won the audience because of Its faithful
ness in dialect and the inimitable manner of
its delivery.
M. L. Hecket plays Dodge Work In'n thor
oughly artistic manner nnd Is his original
character. Martin Hayden Is the Doolittlo
Work , and while not particularly strong in
the part , still makes considerable out of it.
Miss Alice Kvans as Baggage is weak.
Thcro nro a number of pretty girls in the
cast , nnd their dances and inarches nro very
delightfully done.
As a whole , the performance Is quite up to
the standard of Hovt's otnor companies ,
which generally contain the best people in
the farce comedy line.
The Two Dakota * .
The Black Hills country has been flooded
with counterfeit silver dollars.
North Dakota lias l,2 l old soldiers who
draw pensions and South Dakota has ! ) ,017.
Four saloons nro running openly nt Tyn-
dull , paying the city n license of Sio each per
month for the privilege.
The tie on sheriff ia Brown county between
Messrs. Elscnhobd.and Bowler was recently
decided by lot in Ja\'or of the first named , the
republican candidate.
A golden eagle oighing thirty-five pounds
was killed a short. time ace on the Sissoton
reservation. Th'o. bird stood three and a half
feet high and mdasured'nino Icct from tip to
tip. ' '
Sturgl's citizens'feel that the death of A. H.
Harris , the representative of the syndicate of
capitalists wba waco to haw nut iu a. system
of waterworks nnU a inotci line to Fout.Mcaae ,
arrangements for oil of which have been per
fected , will "indctinitnlynostnouo their con
struction. " '
A few weeks ngo Burt Skinner , up In the
BurleigU county part of the Olcncoo neigh
borhood , met with a big streak of good luck ,
says thoEmmons County Record. Ho started
in to die u well. After gottinc down about
llvo feet a Httlo water came In and ho went
to the house to get a pall with which to bail
it out. When he returned a heavy flow of
water was running over the too , and it is
still flowing , furnishing water to all the slock
in the neighborhood.
Denver Wilson , a lad sixteen years old , was
again in police court , says the Sioux Palls
Press. Young Wilson has the reputation of
being tbo toughest lud in town of his age.
A month ago ho was arrested for stealing
fifty-five grain sacks from a farmer's wagon.
This tlmo ho took a hay rack and carted itout
north of Central Park addition , where ho
loaded up on hay belonging to Jiuncs Jame
son , brought it to town and sold it to D. L
Jpnes , the liaukman. A complaint of petit
larceny was lodced against both Jones and
Wllsou. Jones was lined § 15 aud young Wil
son ordered to appear before County Judge
Parlleman to see whether ho was a lit sub
ject for the reform school.
M. McGregor of Idaho is at the Pnxton.
J. M. Roberts of Baltimore is ut the Casey.
R. A. Simson of Blue Hill 'is at the Barker.
F. J. McKenna of Portland Is at the Mer
F. D. Hyde of Colorado Springs Is at the
J. M. Scott of Denver is In the city , at the
S. Brownston of San Francisco is nt the
J. H. Baxter of Detroit Is in the city , at the
J. B. Mullen of Pocatello , Idaho , is at the
B. II. Case of Boston was at the Mlllard
last night.
J. L. Kelso of Akron , O. , Is in the city , at
the Casey.
E. E. Mark of Salt Lake Is registered at
the Barker.
W. S. Bullock of Boston Is registered at
the Murray.
R. A. Fleming of Dos Molnes Is registered
at the Casey.
O. S. Weeks of Portland was at the Mur
ray yesterday.
William Tisch of Crawford was at the Bar
ker lust night.
J. W. Dolcn of Indjanola is in the city , nt
the merchants. , [ ; . ,
.T. G. Gwyn and wife , of Pueblo , Colo. , are
at the Millard ; ,
John F. Nolan o ? pan-Francisco was at the
Paxton last nlcht , , OJ
J. A. Ilurtman of , } ; iucoln was at the Mer
chants last nlght.rj
| ( } ,
F. F. Turner of Deadwoed , S. D. , Is lu the
city , at the Barke .
f j
Gcorgo H. Jackson of Minneapolis is in tbo
city , at
Alex Peterson of Kearney was in the city
yesterday , nt the
Frank J. Morrow qf Mncoin was In the city
last night , nt the Merchants.
T. K. Sudborou-nrrof the Pacific express
company , loft Wednesday on a business trip t <
St. t.ouls , Kansas-Wry a'nd Chicago.
Mr. C. T. IJrainord , a son of Landlort
Brainerd of the Paxton , is homo from Bos
ton on u vacation. He Is a student at liar
Viml college.
Mr. C , C. Paconn'd.wjfo of Lincoln , NeK
spent Thanksgiving day In visiting Omalii
and Council Bluffs. . They wcro showi
through THE BKE buihllng nud exprossei
great delight and Interest in nil they saw.
Bcm.iN , Nov. 27. The 1'oit publishes a
statement by Dr. Uanolius , colleague of Dr
Levy , In which ho admits that 500 marks wa
asked and paid for a single injection o
Koch's lymph. Tne money was paid to Drs
Cornet and Dengul. Koch has declined t
supply either Levy or Denglu further.
"Aren't you ever going to grow oldlike the
best of us ; " asked n man of an acquaintance
ho hadn't seen for some time. ' 'Woll , tiot s <
long as I can purify my blood with Ayor'
Sarsaparilla , " was the apt reply. This inuu
knew what ho was taking about.
V Man Who Founil IMno niello Alto
gether Too rttanotonoiiH.
"Pino Hldgo was too monotonous for nip , "
aid 11. V , Goodrich , who returned to Omohn
rom the scene ot the Indian trouble lost
evening. "I went up there expecting sonic
excitement , but I was woefully disappointed ,
i'hcro wcro lots of Indians nud plenty of
ioldlers , but nothing occurred In the week
hat I was on the ground to stir a man's
blood , If one could have believed all the
lories heard , though , his Imlr would have
toed on cud every day and his sculp would
mvo been raised every night. A gang of the
nest picturesque liars I over saw was gath
ered at the agency , nnd each man tried to
ell n little tougnor yarn than anybody else.
Many of Hiuso prevaricators wcro Indians
nid a few were whites , titul It was hard for
in Inexperienced man to recognize the true
rom the false. The nowsp.ipor correspond-
Mils have simply given Iho news ns thov
uivagathered It from various sources , but
hey have not given the sensational reports
inlf tholurldiiess with which the alleged
acts wcro reported lo Ihom.
" 1 hardly think there will bo any trouble
n the near future , but there may bo. I have
mil no previous experience with the Indians ,
but those ut Pine Rldpo certainly do not talk
ir act warlike. If all the liars would leave
ho agency I expect the exuct truth would
eon bo known in regard to the situation. "
Will SiiNtnin Pnriiell.
LO.VDONNov. , . 27. Timothy Hcaly and
? arncll had a conference today. The feeling
.mong . the nationalist members is more
nvoroblo to Purnell than yesterday and the
ipinlnn ' prevails that they will sustain him.
Hcaloy Is very reticent and refuses to sny
inylhing about the Irish loader's intentions ,
'arncll appears to bo in buoyant spirits and
plcndid health. A notlceablo incident oc-
3urr l iu the commons when Purnell went to
otoou Lnboucheru's amend incut. Parnell
md to pass the liberal benches nnd his Into
lilies studiously Ignored him. It is stated
lint If Parnell remains in the leadership
Sexton and other Irish members will offer
hcmsolvos for re-election in order to test the
ccling of the electors.
AVII1 Auk Him to Uoslgn.
Loxno.v , Nov. 27. It is understood that at
londny's meeting of the Parnolllte members
i resolution will bo proposed recognizing Par-
noil's great services , hut calling upon him lo
resign the leadership.
Pnrnell's Views.
Lo.vnox.Nov. 27. Ono of Parnoll's ' closest
icrsonnl friends declares IhatParucll regards
ho movement to expel him as a radical ro-
eugo for his support of ro'al grants last
> ummcr , and Unit ho will resist to the last
his attempt to destroy the independence of
ho Irish party nnd make them a mere up-
londage to the liberal party.
I'nrnell and Gladstone.
_ , LOXDO.V , ! Nov. 27. [ Special Cablegram to
THE Ben. ] Sir William Marriott , a con
servative < , speaking at Brighton , sitid that the
rumors of a speedy dissolution of parliament
wcro baseless. Lord Salisbury , ho declared ,
would never take advantage of social srandal
or a domestic quarrel among his opponents.
VIr. Shaw Lefevre , speaking at Maryleboiio
tonight , said that Englishmen had no right to
dictate to the Parncllitcs , who , ho declared ,
md gained their present position rather by
defying than by submitting to English opln-
on ; but Mr. Gladstone felt thnt Parnell's
continuance In the leadership of his party
would defeat the home rule movement aud
practically end his own work.
I3nton by Wolves.
SALT LAKH , Utah , Nov. 27. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIR Bnu.J A horrible case of sui
cide was discovered at Eureka about 5
o'clock last evening. Mrs. Hannafiln and
: icr little daughter wore returning homo
from a visit nnd when near the grave
yard , just north of town , came sud
denly1 upon the terribly mutilated
atid ' decomposed 'body "of a man.
The remains wcro brought to town nnd nn
inquest held. At the Inquest was brought
out the fact that ho remains worn thoso'of a
man named Harrington , who had been missed
from tbocamp forsix weeks. Eighty-live del
lars In cash was found in the pockets of
the clothes and a knlfo covered with
dried blood was found near where the
body lay. This was considered evidence of
suicide. The body was so mutilated by
wolves that it was only recognized by the
clothing. A brother of the unfortunate man
who Is now working lu camp testified to the
Identity of the remains.
Pnrm-ll ComplnliiB.
LOXOON , Nov. 27. The Press association
says Parnell considers ho has been unfairly
treated by some of his colleagues who prac
tically owe their position to him. Ho also
feels strongly about Gladstone's attitude and
is moro determined than ever to remain. If
Monday's meeting opposes him ho will appeal
to the Irish people. The Dublin Freeman's
Journal says Parnell will issue a manifesto to
the Irish people and meanwhile asus them to
suspend judgment.
lUrviu-E , La. , Nov. 27. Fire this mom-
ing consumed all Iho main business block of
the town north of the Vlcksburg , Shreveport
& PacUlo railroad. Loss , $50,000 ; insurance
about one-half.
The Division in the IH-ltiHli Parliament
LONDON , Nov. 27. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin ; IJi'.E.l The Chronicle , commenting on
the division in parliament on Mr. Lnbouch-
cr's amendment , says that Mr. Pamoll has
speedily given Iho Gladstonlans a Holnnd for
their Oliver. Hognrdlng the now Irish land
bill Iho Chronicle says : ' 'It is probable that
Mr. Bnlfour will prove more squeezable iu
committee. "
Have used Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for
coup nnd colds , nnd declare it a positive cure.
Contributed by Wm. ICay , 570 Plymouth av
enue , Buffalo , N. Y.
A French Ilnnlc'H I'alliire.
PAIIIS , Nov. 27. Thf > commercial tribunal
has 'ordered the Banquo d'etat to go into
liquidation. Deputy Ruynuud , managing
director , absconded and is reported to have
committed suicide. He is reported to have
gambled heavily in stocks and offered 20 per
cent interest on deposits. The bank's liabili
ties are -100,000 francs.
Albright's Choice , junction nil U. R
The Quarrel In the IJohonilnn Diet.
PitAQUK , Nov. 27. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim Bni.J : Further quarrel has taken place
in the Bohemian diet between the Czechs and
the Germans. The trouolo has resulted In
tbo Germans withdrawing from the proposed
Bohemian national exhibition. A reconcilia
tion between the two parties Is postponed In
A N'oblo Fraud.
TunxTON , N. J. , Nov. 27. A man claiming
to bo Henry Elders , the eldest son of Lord
Elders , of the Strand , London , Is locked 111
hero on suspicion of being a bogux chccK ma
nipulator , who has been wanted for some
time by the Trenton police.
Dr. Dirnoy euros catarrh , lleo bids'
The Servian I'nrllniiinnt Opened.
BiciTAW : T , Nov. 27. [ Special Cablegram
to TIIK Bun. ] The king opened parliament
today in parson. In his opening address ho
expressed confidence in the maintenance of
peace in Kurope , said the country's flnangci
wcro In a favorable condition nndoinphaslzet
the necessity for an extension of inaustria
and agricultural exports.
The Italian Parliament.
KOMK , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
TIIK BEI : . ] The Kiforina says the new par
liament will have both anccbnomlc and socla
character , Lord Salisbury , Chancellor Von
Caprlvi and other leading European states
men have congratulated Signer Crisp ! upon
the result of the elections.
linker's Grnli.
WESTCHESTEH , Pa. , Nov. 27. Suit has been
brought against John K. linker , the stock op "
erator who disappeared Thursday last , to re
cover f IIU.OOO peloiiRlag to the cstuto of
Charles II. linker , which hu U alleged to have
Unhesitatingly recommends
Sodcn Mineral Pnstilcs ( tro
ches ) for all throat , lung and
catarrhal diseases. Dr. Koch
said : "A cough for which I
tried many other medicines ,
which had not the slightest
effect , soon became better and
las now entirely disappeared. "
If you are suffering from a
cougha , coldasthma , bronchial
catarrh , or any throat trouble ,
the Soden Mineral Troches will
positively relieve where all else
" "ails.
Be sure to obtain the genu-
ne imported article , which
must have the signature and
. ccommcndation of Sir Morrell
Mackenzie with each box.
Mono other are genuine.
mil Vamlrrvoort and ClinfTco liar-
nngiin llm Alerting ,
Ofcat chunks of perspiration dropped from
.ho bloated and Irregular features of Paul
Vandervoort's red face as ho stood tip and
ddrussed n inucting of Seventh ward ropub-
leans at No. 1S13 Park uvcnuc lost night.
Tills wns the llrst meeting of the council-
nnnlc campaign that Vuudcrvoort has attend
ed and ho evidently attended last night for
he express purpose of saying BOIIIO
thing real menu about the editor of 'I'm : BKB.
After hu luul said It , Van apologi/.eU for not
mending any of the previous meetings for
Vnr ho would loose his temper. He admitted
, hat be did not support Llnlnger for mayor
IH | excuse being tfiat Llnlnger had told1
ot of blonr-eycd saloonkeepers thnt ho would
not enforce the Slocumb law by clos-
up the saloons on Sunday , and at
midnight. " Ho would not support Koeder
because ho had taken part inn meeting of
antl-problbitionists to arrange fora rally ,
and furthermore , because Hoeilor had been
endorsed by the independent mon who were
responsible for the election of a governor
who would not enforce the Slocum law. This
last statement ( lid not meet with the hearty
endorsement of the assemblage.
The committee which had been appointed
to loolc UP ChalTco's cotincllmanle record and
mnt it in pamphlet form , submitted its re-
wt , which was adopted. Owing to the nb-
ionco of Mr. Hoeder tbo secretary's books
were not at hand , and the speeches began.
Messrs. EdVulsh , C. K. Wcolcy , Nelson ,
Kennedy , John T. Bell. E. M. Bartlctt , A. 1 .
Larson , Stevenson , McLcod and others held
i lively debate until midnight.
ChiilTcourged all the republicans to bo at
-ho polls today , which they undoubtedly will
to his sorrow.
Fourth AVitrd Independent ) * .
The Fourth ward independents will hold
a mass meeting this ( Friday ) evening at 8
o.clock. Good speakers will explain the
principles of the party , and all citizens of the
ward are invited to attend.
Slxtli AVuril Uopnl > llcann.
At a meeting of the Sixth ward republican
club last evening the sentiment scorned to be
in favor of Christ Specht an the choice for
councilman. The meeting adjourned to this
morning between 9 and 11 o'clock.
JJnld heads are too many when they may
bo covered with a luxuriant growth of hair
by using the host of nil restorers , Hall's '
Hair Hcnowor. _ _
The Ilrnzlllnn'a Token.
WASIHSCITON , Nov. 27. Admiral Dasilvolra
and staff of the Brazilian navy reached Wash
ington this afternoon in company with Rear
Admiral Walker and other United States
naval ofllcers. Tomorrow afternoon Admiral
Dasllvclra will bo entertained at lunch by
the president and Mrs. Harrison and will
present to the president the gold incdul sent
by the Brazilian government ns a token of its
appreciation of the recognition of the Brazil
ian republic ; by the United States.
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething relieves the child from pain. 23
cents u bottle.
A. Steamer lliiriicd.
NKW Onuujjs , Nov. 27. The steamer T. P.
Leathers was burned this morning near Fort
Adams , Miss. The boat and cargo is a total
loss. The chambermaid and four roust
abouts , nil colored , wcro lost. The vessel
cost $ -10,000. , _
Albright's ChoieoAlbright B & L Co.
Thrown from HI *
WYMOHE , Nob. , Nov. 27. fSj eclal Tele
gram to THE Bun. ] As John McLaughlln
was storting to get out of hisjmpgy in front
of the postofllco today his team became
frightened and ran uway , throwing him to
the ground and bruising and cutting him
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bco bluer.
Hallway Conductors' Kail.
WVMOIIE , Neb , , Nov. 27. [ Special Tele
gram to Tan Bin : . ] The Order of Railway
Conductors have a grand ball nt the opera
house in this city this evening. Fully four
Hundred people wcro in attendrnce , A splen
did banquet was served at the Touzalin hotel.
Church and State.
PAIIIS , Nov. 27. The Solr states the pope
will shortly malco a dollulta .statement in
favor of Cardinal Lavigerio's policy of the
union of church and state and a papal nuncio
will bo requested. Bishop Froppcl will cease
his extreme opposition to the republic.
Killed by u AVIialc.
SAX FIUNCISCO. Nov. 27. The whaling
Bark , Ocean , which arrived today , reports
thnt while a boat containing six soldiers was
chasing 'a wounded whulo they approached
too close and the whale struck the boat , Kill
ing all six men.
Dr. Blrnoy euro * ) catarrh , Iloo bldjj
Atero In New York.
SIHAXAC LAKI : , M. Y. , Nov. 27. There is
zero weather hero. All the Jakes nnd ponds
in the AdlrondiicUs nro frozen over.
Dr. Blrncy cured catarrh , Bco bldg.
Thrown from Her Carriage.
Mrs. Charles N. Haley of No. 4023 lliinill
ton street met with a painful accident on
Tuesday , She was thrown from her car
riage , breaking the right shoulder blade.
Absolutely Puro.
A orf sm of tartar baking ponder. Highest
of loavBiilnKitiencth U.H. Government Ito-
port Aug. 17 , IE33 ,
i !
Tills is
Old Iowa
Writes About Us.
The world's full of shoddy poocl9nm
And every now year brings
Schemes which should be squelched
by luw ;
Cheap imitations of genuine
Cheap Clothing sold by cheaper
mon ,
To catch the wn es of the poor.
Circulars from the tricksters' pen ,
Are loft at evojy person's door.
The "bankrupt sale" and auction
Catch many a hnrd-anrnod dollar
They'll sell a laundrled shirt ( on
the boom , )
For loss than you could buy a dozen -
on collars.
By throwing1 ono bait to Iho human
fish ,
They'll catch a hundred suckers ;
Later , you'll kick yoursolfand wlfili
You hadn't , when the shoddy
draws nnd puckers.
Your cants , creep up , yoor coat's
too short ,
You { ? ivo'om to your Httlo brother
But tlvcn it's no use to rave and
snort ,
But show moro sen so when you
buy unothor.
It's a perfect-puzzlo to mo , ma ;
ITow people can bo such fools ,
There's less sense now than there
use to bo ,
When we hadn't so many schools.
Most nlolhlors , I am loth to say ,
For the salco of greater ffain ,
Carry the shoddy goods today ,
"Compolled , " their claim.
So skillful is the countorflt
That not ono man in every five ;
Can toll ( the way the rooms are lit ) .
Whether its "dead" cloth or
"alive. '
A few houses , I am nlonsod to say ,
Have reputations which defy ,
The shoddy goods man of today.
And none but HONEST goods
Then if you want a suit thnts
My friendly reader , its very
plain ;
That you must go to some store
where ,
When a house has hold a business
down ,
Until It's the OhDKST IX TUB
And dealt " "
"SQUAItK" with every
man in town ,
They DON'T iiAVis TO
So como along and see us friends ,
You'll bo satisfied I Know ;
You'll ' lind us wlioro 13th and Far-
nam blonds ,
Look for the sign of M.