Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Charlie , tlio son of C. S , Illggins , Is
tcriounl.v 111.
Dr , mid Mrs. lilnrt deslro to ihnnk
tholrfrlcmlH for tissiHtanco and Byinpu-
thy in tholr rccont bereavement ,
Shorlll Boytl loft yesterday for Lin
coln In custody of William Slilnp , who
will do flvo yearn In the pontlcntiury for
( hooting with In tout to kill ,
The democrats of the Sovontli ward
will moot lit 1212 1'nrk nvonuo tonlirht
to discuss tlm running qualities of the
various candidates for the council.
The democratic central commilloo
has named John McWorry judffo , and
J. J. Sherlock nnd Patrick Burke aa
clerks for the Fifth ward at the coming
primary election.
The cnso of the Sluto n iilnst John S.
Million , the man who hist summer UH-
etuillcd and resisted a South Omaha
policeman will bo culled lu Judge Clurlc-
ton'suoui't today.
In the district court the Omalia Na
tional bunk him biouglit suit in roploviii
agtiltnb John P. lioyd , as HhorilT , to ro-
covcr possession of a quantity of lumber
owned by Wince to & lllloy.
An early morning Ijlu/.o slightly dam-
nfjcd a nuiiiber of sheds at Herman
Deis' ' brickyard , corner of Fourteenth
Locust streets. A still alarm called out
No. 0 hose companywhich oxtlngulbhed
the flumes.
Ed. IIowolls brands the report that ho
IB but of the councllmanlac rueo In the
Seventh ward as n base fabrication. Ho
Bays thai lie is a btnyor , and Islbo
oliolco of a largo number of the demo
crats of the ward.
On last Saturday afternoon Mr. Thud.
\V. Hill , of this city \vtis married to
MihuSuilo Uiico of i'coria , 111. , by Kov.
John Williamson of tlio Central united
Presbyterian church. The happy couple
will reside in this city.
Somehody put a railroad torpedo on
tlio street ear track on Fifteenth street ,
near Farnain , yesterday , and a coal
wagon Hlruckit , exploding it with n re
port aa * loud as that of a cannon. The
noise attruulod a thousand pcoplo to the
Daniel Lynch of Merino , \Vyo. , died
Monday , aged fifty years. IIo was a
brother of P. W. Lynch , jailer of
Douglas county , and Jlrs. M. Mlchaolson
of this city , both of whom huvogono for
the remains , which will bo interred in
this city.
Judge Ilolsloy devoted an hour yes
terday to i hearing1 ovldonco in the case
of tlio state vs Ualsteadwho Is charged
with stealing money and diamonds from
Badlo Jennings. The case Is boln"
tried on the installment plan , and will
bo taken up as judicial patchwork.
.Too Lopard , a Union Pacific brakeman -
man , lost an overcoat yesterday after
noon while taking a Rltiss o ! beer with
eouio friends In Hilly Ilawloy'ti saloon on
Douglys street , near Twelfth. Ho threw
. tbo garment over the ruU of tlio counter
whllo ho chatted for a moment. "When
ho reached for It live minutes later it
was gone.
Articles of Incorporation of the Joseph
Garnoau Cracker company were filed
with the county clerk yesterday. The
incorponxtors arc Joseph Garnoau , Sr. ,
Joseph. Garncn.ii , Jr. , and James W.
Garnoau. The capital stock Is $75,000 ,
divided into 100 shares of $100 each , and
the business of the comgany ia to carry
on the munufaeturo and sulo of broad ,
crackers and pasty.
Complaint has boon made that the
poundmaster frequently leaves the pound
without an attendant at night , and that
parties who go there to recover their
stock are compelled to wait for hours ,
and often have to make another visit.
The chief of pollco has "been requested
to look Into the matter , as the waiting
Block owners make the cuty jail a lounc-
ing place to the annoyance of the olll-
"When , from any cause , tUo diaestlvo nnd
eecrotory organs become disordered , thoj
may bo stimulated to healthy action by Uu
use of Ayor's Cathartic Pills. Those pills
are prescribed by the physicians , and uro foi
sale at all the drugstores.
OinahnTa'kcs tlio xKtim Hontliiunrters
A'wny from I'orkopolls.
The JEtna Insurance company of Hartford
Conn. , is another larfco insurance corporatior
wulch lias bclcctca Oniahaas the place for lli
western headquarters.
For years the agency of this company foi
this section , lias been at Cincinnati , O. , bu
it will soon bo moved to this city.
Mr.V. \ . H. Wyrann has 'already rentci
spacious apartments in this city , and tin
manager's agents and clerks will come on a
once. There will bo about twenty of them
The contract for fitting up the rooms ha :
been let to A. II. Andrews of Chicago.
Do not talco any chnnco of being poisoned o
burned to death with liquid stpvo polish
paints or enamels in bottles. The "Hlsini
Bun Steve Polish'1 is safe , odorless , brilliant
thochcapcst and best stove polish made am
the consumer pays for no expensive tin o
glass package with every purchase.
Students' Aid Society ,
Miss Jesslo P. Smith , chairman , ol th <
committee on the announcement of scholar
ships of Vassar college , announces in a clrcu
lar letter to the press that n scholarship o
1200 Is ofTorcd by tbo Vassar students' all
aocloty to a student who passes wlthou
conditions , all the requirements for admla
nlon to the freshman class of Vassar , at th
examinations to bo held in Juno , IS'Jl. '
TUIs scholarship , llko that awaidcd hy th
society last June , Is offered as a loan , am
covers one-half of all charges mode by Vns
sar college for one year's ooimt and tuition.
Examinations will bo held in Chicago
Denver , Cleveland , Cincinnati , St. Louis
Washington , Louisville , Detroit , Omatu
Baa Francisco , and it necessary , arrange
meats may bo made for examinations In othe
Applications for this scholarship must u
mndo before May 1,1891.
Hero is an opportunity for some 0 in all
Klrl to lay the foundation for a liberal cduci
Children Enjoy
the pleasant flavor , gcntlo action and snotl
lug effects of Syrup of Figs , when lu need (
sa laxative , and it the father ov mother I
costlvo or bilious the roost gratifying result
follow Its xiso , so that It is the best fiunil
remedy known and every family should hav
Closed t.'io Store ,
B. Newman , the clothing man at 11-lSout
Fifteenth , street yesterilay mortgaged h
stock of goods to the Omaha National ban
to secure the payment of live notc < i , amoun
Ingto ? I5,000. immediately after lilinp tl
mortgage the bntik toott possession and close
tbo store.
Albright's Choice , great bargains.
The only railroad train out of Onmli
run o.xprossly lor the accommodation <
Omaha , Council Blurts , Das Molnos an
Chicago business ia the Rook Island ve
tlhulod limited , loiwlng Omaha at 4:1 :
p. m. dally. Ticket olllco , 1002 Slxtoont
and Furnani sta , Omaha.
Dr. Dlrnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldg
The now ofllcos of the Great Roc
Island route , 1G02 Sixteenth and Furuu
streets , Omaha , are the lluost In tUo clt
Call and BOO them. Tickets to all poin
cast at lowest rates.
Albright's ' Choice , junction
Clrnrlng Out llnys' nnd Girls' Itose
At the Morse dry goods company Is
now taking place ; wo olTcr boys' heavy
fast black school hose , Iflo a pair , sizes
7 , 71 , 0 , 01 Inch. Heavy French -Ibbed
hose , till sizes , suitable for girls and
hoys , nt tit 35c a pair , reduced from Goo
and 75e.
Now slock of the Dr. Jaecor'a gray
combination suits just received , also
Boino special good things in boys' all
wool heavy school hose 25c.
Hoys' knitted Scotch caps GOc , our
own Importation , -worth $1.10 a ploco ;
sorno new styles In boys' ' overcoats and
knco punts. Clothing department , first
Albright's Choice , inonoy inndo fast ,
Old Cars AVItliilrii-un nnd New I'ull-
nuiii Dlntnu Guru now an tlio
X'ciitiHjrlvmiln MUCH.
The old "diners" are abandoned and
entirely now dining' cars , embodying tlio
latest improvement1 ! , equipped with
every convenience , finished in oxqulsito
taste and fully up to the incomparable
standard of excellence constantly main-
tallied by the famous Pullman company ,
have been placed la service upon the
Pennsylvania lines between Chicago ,
Columbus , Plttsburg and Now York , on
those quick and popular trains , num
bers four , eight and twenty , leaving
Chlcaco at 10:30 : a. m. , ! i:15n. : m. and
11:30 : p. m. dully. .
Tliio Borvlco Is In addition to the
( Tilling cur running on number two , the
Pennsylvania Limited , a solid Pullman
vcstlbnlo train , composed of dining ,
sleeping , smoking and observation cars ,
on which an extra faro is charged.
No more brief stops for Indifferent
meals ! You can "faro sumptuously every
day , " at your leisure and in comfort
while rolling across the country at forty
miles an hour xipon the vestibule trains
of the Pennsylvania lines , In the new
and luxurious dining cars of the Pull
man company.
Uy u recent decision of the United
States couit , the patent vestibule cannot -
not bo used on other than Pullman cars.
Particular attention is therefore invited
to tlio fact that the Pennsylvania lines
are operating1 Pullman sleeping and
dining cars which are properly fitted
with that convenient and appreciable
device the Pullman perfected safetj
vestibule. *
for special Information please cal !
upon agents of connecting lines , or address
dross G. U. TUBUliiCK , 1'rav. Pass
Ag't ' , Omaha , Tfob.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bee Bldg\
Weather I'robnlillltles.
For November Indications point tt
cold , frosty weather. That , however
will make no difference to these whc
travel in the stoam-heated and electric
lighted , limited vestibule train's which
are run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee
fc St. Paul Hy. between Omaha and
Chicago. City ticket ollico , 1001 Far
nam st. , Omaha R A. NASlf ,
J , E. PKKSTOX , General Agent.
City Passenger Agent.
Albright's ' Choice , payments to suit.
All Munlo at Half Price.
0,000 pieces only lOo a copy at Moln
berg'j , IGth st. bet. Capital ave &lodgo
U. 8. Grant Itollcf Corps
"Will hold a social at the residence o
Mrs. Robt. S. Wilcox , 525 So. 25th avo.
"Wednesday evening. Comrades , Son
of Veteran's and ladles of Belief Corp
Dr. Blmey cures catarrh. Bob bldgr
Under the auspices of a number o
young ladies , a fair will ho hold oil tin
afternoon and evening of Thanksgiviii |
day at the residence oE Andrew Haas
southeast co rnor 25th and Jones stroote
'Tho low price of admission , 10 cents
should insure a largo attcndonco. Th
proceeds aio to bo given to the temple
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh. Bee bids : .
J. n. liny.
Mr. J. P. Day , of the Skttt ward , Is an
nouncetl 'as a candidate for the council. Mt
Bay Is an ice merchant , and has lived li
Omalia for twenty-three years. Ho ha
always been a republican , but never bofori
has he aspired to political ofllco. IIo Is sal
to bo male 1 UK the canvass solely on his ow
merits , without the sympathy or support c
any corporation. _
The Best in the World.
J. B. Loughran , ex-mayor of North DC
AIolnosnnd , the Locust street manufacture
of steam engines and boilers , said : "I had
a severe attack of la grippe. I used Chambei
Iain's Cough Koinody , nnd applied Charnbci
Ma's 1'aln Bairn to my breast. These rcmi
dies were Just the tiling In my case. M
child had croup some years ago , and we use
Chamberlain's Cough Kcmedy with crfc <
success ; since then wo have never bcea will
out thcso medicines In our house. I had
cousin who was a printer and was employe
in this city , where they were printing ciru
lars for Chamberlain. Ho had a dccp-seatc
cold and a terrible cough , and whllo sottln
tip the copy lie made up bis mind to buy
bottle. It cured his con nil , and that was tt
ilrst time I ever know anjthing of Chambc
Iain's remedies. I have boon strongly I
tholr favor over slnco. My own axpcricni
and that of my family convinces mo tin
these remedies are the host In the worli
That may bo strong language , but that
Funeral of Mrs. Loc.
The funeral of Mrs. T. W. Leo , late vrll
of the general traveling passenger agent <
the "Union Pacific , at Portland , Ore. , toe
place at Zanesvlllo. 0. , Monday mornlt
frorn the i-osldenoo of her father , Hon. Job
O'Nell. Mrs. Lee was h most estimable lad
and had innumerable friends among rallroa
people all over tbo country ,
The Inflammation attending a severe co
can bo conquered without fall , and the co
caa bo cured by Dr. Hull's CouRh Syrup , tl
standard remedy of the uqc. Price "Sets , j
all dealers.
A bit ; bonanza for the dealers m Salvntk
Oil , for they soil lots of it. It kills all pal
25 cts.
I'oor People's Dinner.
The turkey and chickens for the basket dl
iiors to bo given on Thanksgiving day inv
bo sent to the mlssioli on Tenth street I
twcun Dodge nnd Capitol avonueby Wccliu
day noon. The committee hopes for i
abundant supply. Mas. JAIIUINB.
Chairman Itellef Committee ,
Iloyt's ' satlro on popular superstitions i
the present day , "A Brass Monkey , " will I
the attraction at Doyd's opera house i
Thanksgiving. " TUo engagement -will op
with a imtlncoon Thursday afternoon ai
continue during the remainder of the week ,
The merry laugh-maker and sweet singe
Cluules A , ( Jiarducr , will appear at tbo Bo ;
for ononlglitonlv , on next Sundav. la his i
mantle coinody , "Fatherland. " The play
laid hi the Tyrol , and is a pretty tnountii
pastoral abounding- the sweet songs of t
natives of that romantio country ,
The first thrco evenings of next week t
stajfo of the Hoydwill to occupied by A
James T. Powers nnd his "Strjilght Tl
company. The ploco Just closed a piotrac !
run nt tlio ColumVIa theater , Chicago , a
tbo pi-ess of that city speak In very hi
terms of the play.
South Omiilia IrlftiincM ! Honor the
I'ntrlotf ) AlloiiInrklnniil O'llrlon.
Ilium's opera house had ns flno and appre
ciative an nudloiico Mondnynlght as a lover of
Ills country could ( lea ire to address. While the
Hibernian cornet baud filled tbo house with
sweet and stirring music , the seats wcro
Ailed with representative citizens , ladles In
particular attending In numbers ,
On the platform wcro Benjamin S. Adam ? ,
the chairman ; the llcv. Fathers D. W. Mori-
nrty and Charles Mungnu of St. Agnes' , nnd
St , Bridget's ' of this city and the Ilov.
I'lithcr J. H. Mcdnitb , nnd Hon. T. F. Mln-
iiclmn of Omaha , orators of the occasion ,
County Commissioners Corrlgan and O'ICccfo
Judges Patrick , , f. Klnp , and Joseph J.
HrecnfCouncllnien James J. Dounhcrty , Jer
emiah Howard , Thomas J. O'Nell , of this
city. 1'atrick C. Hcafoy , Mr. Murphy , nud
others of Omaha ,
In n short and happy address. showliiR his
his hoarl was full of tlio spirit of the meeting ,
Mr. Adams welcomed the large audience , and
feelingly referred to the tragic end oC the
patriotsaad martyrs whoso cruel fa to brought
them together , -praised the national trait and
character that was so fully developed in all
sons ofKrln , to appreciate merit la their fel
low countrymen , remember their virtue * and
commemorate their valorous deeds , and Itcep
fiosh In their inlnils and the minds of their
fellow mon , the fates of the sons of the Island
of Martvrs.
MlssUosoFlnnncryof Omaha tuned every
heart for tbo good things cominc by sinking
in a very acceptable iiuiimor''Dormott ' As-
tore , " with Miss Maggie Swift of Omaha ac
A hearty encore was followed by Hon. T.
r , Minnchnn of Omaha , who graphically pic
tured tbo causes that baa brought them to
gether , paid a merited compliment
to the national character that
stands pro-eminent in Ireland and
was carried with her sons and daughters
wherever they may bo , the world over as
hero tonight , to keep as gtcca in memory the
glorious deeds of her sons us are the Holds of
the Kincruld Islo.
Mr. James P. Murphy saag "Dublin Bay , "
receiving an encore , and Mis Magjilo Swift
rendered a piano solo after which Hov.
Father JH. . ATcOrath of Omaha delivered a
vigorous , polished and patriotic address.
After some happy compliments to tUo mag
nificent audience , tbo successful manage
ment , the successor the meeting , the titling
and solemn occasion for such Interest , the
reverend futher roused his nudlcaco to the
applauding mood. "Tho patriotism and sac-
rmclng devotion of Irishmen Is proverbial
the world over , " said tbo speaker ,
"ami go where you will it
you find n son of tbo Umcrnld
hie , you will meet thesamo evidences of loy
alty ami find ttio sumo spirit of religious and
national patriotism that I see hero tonight.
Nursing her Imported sorrows and mourning
her past and departed greatness , the sons oE
Erin know how to sympathize with the suf
ferers and oppressed In all lands. Appealing
as Ireland ahvays has done and Is doing today
to thn Intelligence and goodness of ( ho peoples
ples of tbo world , one by oao the bulworks
of her oppressors have bcca assaulted with
more or less success till today , backed up by
the fair-minded men of the -world , as evi
denced by tbo reception other representatives
In this country hv o powerful and respectful
following throughout the British empire and
a sol id people at homo , she promises soon to
fill the expectations and the orayorsof every
true-hearted aud loyal son of Ireland and become -
come one of tbo nations of the earth. "
The audience , amidst cheers and music , ad
journed to abamjuotat the Hotel Dclono.
Scnmlliiavinu Hull.
The North Star Scandinavian soclotj- will
gl\ro a bull nnd reception in National hall ,
Twenty-fourth and L streets , Saturday even
ing the 29th inst.
The following committee appointments
have been mndo :
Arrangements Messrs , Peter J. Hanson ,
Charles Cadquoatand , Joseph Anderson.
Reception Messrs. Joseph .Anderson , Mar
tin A. Miutln , Swan Larson , Gustavo Pear
son , Fred Lund aud Gustavo Johnson anc
Mi's. Peter J. Hanson.
Floor Messrs , A. P. Larson , John Ander
son and diaries Carlquest ,
Refreshments Mrs. Peter J. Hanson and
Misses Anna Swansea , Km ma Lutgahonc
and Claru Thor.
Only members and tholr Scandinavian
friends will bo admitted.
levelling Runaway.
Monday evening as Edward Hcafey ane
wife of Onmhn , were driving on Q street th <
horse scared and dashing down the hill rar
over the viaduct and when at Twenty-Sixtl
and Q streets , collided with , a heavy roat
wagon , throwing the occupants out , fortU'
nately without injuring cither of them or tilt
Oddfellows' Election.
South Omaha led go No. 148,1. O. of O. P.
has elected officers 113 follows for thi
ensuing term , commencing tlio Ilrst MOD Jaj
evening in January : N. U. , II. Heyman ; V
G. , J. C. Thomas ; secretary , C'laudo L
Tuluott ; treasurer , John J , Gorman ; trustees
Andrew H , Miller , Elmer Miller and Alber
Notes About tlm City.
Clinton Morgan has lost ono of his valuabl <
William Sanderson of this city has beer
granted a pension.
Edward Dundas of Lhicpln Is visiting hi :
cousin , James A. Hall.
A case of bronze came through the custon
a house for Hoary Graf of this oily.
The next social to bo given by the Soutl
Omaha club will bo a masquerade ball.
William S. Campbell and Miss Maggli
Miles , both of this city , have becu licensed t' '
Tto South Omaha roller mills company a
Albright Is buildiupa largo addition to th' '
Jacob Jlachman of Wlilto Lake , Mich , , i
visiting theclty , the guest of llobertT. Max
} won.
a James M. Doud , formerly at the Ex
o change , now of Boone , la. , caino over to yisi
I' friends.
I'll JolinVilllams fell over a bank nt Albrlgh
llo Monday , receiving painful Injuries on th
Lt bead and shoulders. Coopers' ' union No , 1 of this city will RV' ! '
is evening , TlmultsgiviiiR eve , in Forest hull
Sixth und IMorcostrcots , Omnlia.
The Methodist Episcopal church at Al
bright will hold a social Friday evening a
the residence of Mr , and Mrs. Albert Sloac
A. L. Sutton , Justice ol the peace-elect , hn
hud bis bonds approved by the county coir
mlssloners and will open uu ofllco in Piouce
Tbo quarterly raeotlnff services will b
hold In tlie Motbodlst KpUconal church , coir
racncliiB Friday evcnliiR. The regular chol
practice \\111 uo held Thursday evening.
d Rev. Canon.Vhltmarsh , private secretar
Id to Ulshop % SrorthliiBtonwho has been nj
10 pointed rector of St. Savior's Episcop :
Lt church , will remove from Norfolk tbia wep
and will realdo at 2.M aud J streets.
Frank II. Cintlio has been promoted froi
the homo bouso ofllro at ttio Cudahy packiu
houses to superintend the now p'opsfn depar
inont JJobert A. JleFarlarid has been pn
mo ted to fill the vacancy of Sir. Cantlio.
> f
IOm >
la JO Is Baking
i > "
Home *
* 0 tears the Btanawa.
The i Majority
Of so-failed conpjKiircs do little more than
Impair the dlgcstho functions ntut create
bile. Ajcr's llicrty 1'ectoral , on the con-
tiary , while It anus the cough , docs not In-
tcifcru nlUi tho'functions ' of cither stomacher
or liver. No othci medicine Is so sate and
cfllcnclons In dlieascs of the throat and
"Four ycarsngo-I look a se\cro cold , vblch
vas followed by , ' terrible cougli. I was
\cry sick , ami confined to my bed about four
months. I employed & ph > slclati most ol
tlio time , \\lio finally snld Iis In consump
tion , and that ho could not liclp me. Ono of
my neighbors adtlicd mo to try Ajer's
Cherry 1'cetoral. I did so , ami , bcforo I had
finished taking tlio fust bottle \\ns atilo to
sit up nil tlm time , and to go out. Ity the
time Iliad fii'lshedtheboltlo ' .waswelland ,
ha\e lomalncd so ever since. " L , U. lllxby ,
Ilartoimlllc , Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. 0. AYEH & CO. , Lowell , MasB.
Sold by oil Druutfltti. 1'rlca ' * lj all bouki , * & .
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tie noit wldoly ntm favorably kno-wm iipoo-
lallsts la the United Statci. Their Ion * ex
perience , rmnarknlilo skill und unlrenal suc
cess In the treatment nnd euro of Nervous ,
Chronic anil SurKicut Dlsonsos. entitle thcjo
eminent physicians to tlio full coaSdencoof
the Rflllotnd everywhere. They sunrnntoo :
the awful ofTectn of early vice nnd the numer
ous ovlU thut follow In fM t rain ,
spcortllr.coriiplctdy and permanently cured.
OKUKK8 yield ro&dlly to tholr skillful troat-
Runrantoed cured without pain or dotontlon
from buelnoflt ,
nuntly nnd tuccensfullv cured In ovary caie.
nintorrhea. \Vcnknfi39.LojtMnnhood ,
Night Emlsslniis , Dccnyod Faculties , Ketnalo
Wcukuou anil nil delicate dhonlcr * peculiar
to either sex positively cured , ni well tui all
functional disorders that remit from youth
ful foi lie * or the excess of mature years.
< \TttirTlIl1 ? Guaranteed permanently
kj iivioi UIVLourod , removal complete ,
without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Ouroa
( .ncctod nt homo hy patient without a too-
incut's pain or annoyance.
A TIRF niRP The ttwful Afreets o *
tOUIAC , t-UAL. early vice which brlnRS
orKRnlo weakness. dostroylnR both mind and
body , with all Its dreaded ills , permanonty
nUQ RTJTP Address these who have Im-
JJIVO. DIvllO paired themselves by 1m-
proper Indulgence nntl nolltary hitblti , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
budnoss , study or marrlana
MAItUIED MEN or those entering on that
happy life , awureof physical debility , quickly
Is baisd open faotK First Praotloal znerl-
cnc . tieoond- Every caie laspoolnllyitudled ,
thus ttartliig right. Third Medicines are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each cate , thuft RfTeotlugcurcswlthoutlnjury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , J
BOOTH ( to nook n Treatment of Anlmnll
. and C'hurt Hont Free.
A.A.jgplnnl IlIciiTugltiH.MIIk Kaver.
11.11. HtrnliiB , LumcnvNH , Itlieuuiatlmn.
C.C. inHtcinpcr , rsnsnl Dlschnrjfes.
] ) , Il. Ilal8 or drubs , \Vnrmi.
> : .K.-onBh ! , Heaves , I'nnuuionltt.
J'.K.--Collc or ( JrliiOB , llellyacbo.
( i. < 3. ] ) Il carrinBO < lIcniorrlmBCB.
II. II. Urinary nud Kidney Diseases.
, . - . Krupllvo DlHPiiHCH , niangp.
1,1.- . OiocuHesol" JlgeHtlun , raralyafi.
filngle Bottle ( over Wdosw ) , - - .00
Stable Onie , with Specifies , Manual ,
Veterinary Cure Oil and iledlcator , 87.00
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil , - - l.OO
Bold by DrnutrUUj or Sent Prepaid onywhcro
and in any quantity on Receipt of Price.
Oornn William and John Big. , Now York.
In nw SO jeara. Tlio only enccewfid remedy for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
ind 1'roatratlon. from * over-work or otnor caufccs.
1 p r vial , or 3 > iiils an J large t l powder , lor * 5.
Bom BY DnouoisTS , orient postpaid on receipt
Oar. William and John Sts. , N. Y ,
LieMg Eompnit's '
, I'or liiiurovod and economic cook-
' cry , USD It for NVIIJIH , Simeon and
Illaitc JUtitieH. In flavor incom
paiablc , and dissolves pcrfoctl )
clour In water. Msikodollclo u
Beef Tea and keeps in all climates foi
uny lungth of tltno. 1 Ib equal tc
40 Ibs of Icun boot. Only BOIM
pufirnntcoil Koniilno / )
byJustiiH von WnblR I/ . 0
and bi > nM his nlgnujf K Jt eft
turo In blue , thus ; J o\
finely Maoe : , ' | ljlly ; ' W " r
C. L. ErlBksotMLocal Agt.208 N.lCth S'
Yf * BAKER & CO.'S
I * absolutely ttttrt and
it it * oltwtc.
No Chemicals ,
r u ed In Iti r" p ullon. It ha * curt
linn tkni ( Inn I * . UrmgA ot Cux >
inl d vllli Surch , Arrowroot or Sugu ,
and U tlivrcf ra fu more tcouoinlctl ,
< ntlitg tu IA n on.icinl a tvp. It U
dcllcioui , nourUlilEg. itrcnxthcnlnir , EA.
r in > lU < ai villai ptrwni In htilth.
Sold b ; Groreri titrjnliere.
"W. BAKER & C0.i Dorchester , Masa
, . .
11 un * > i > n * u * mw - ii-.w - i
HIl9T soiid4o In itaiuii torfrcel uiiiuiK > to < '
AUgiictlo UlutU Tru i Co. , tfau FraucUcot t'ai
Is the difference between our
five cent liat the hat usu
ally sold for two dollors ?
$1.OB , that's all ! ,
The prevalent \varm weather throughout the country ; mud
you'd expect snow ; warm where you'd expect cold ; spring , gentle
spring , where you want to look for winter , have combined against the
man who makes clothing and left on his hands great big piles of suits
which should have been sold a month or six weeks ago.
The season is over for the maker , its the wearer's turn now , manufacturers -
urers literally tumble over each other in their efforts to unload thoiy
surplus stock. " Our buyer , ALWAYS ON THE SPOT PICKS" UP
THE "PLUMS. " Every train from the east is bringing us suits bought fop
$2 or $4 or even $6 less than we could buy the same suit a month ago and
I'oday we place on sale thice great lots worthy the attention of any man who needs clothes :
LOT ONE : 150 elegant silk and wool C.issimere Suits' , sack coat , lined with ( PO-cn
excellent quality Fanners satin , good sleeve linings , every stitch cpO.uU
honestly sewed ; well worth a dozen dollars : A SUIT.
LOT 1/5 beautiful fancy silk striped Cassimere Suits , cutaway coat ? , A/r
well made , well lined , well trimmed. Suits no better are sold everyday $11,00
TWO : for dollars.
day eighteen A SUIT.
LOT A magnificent piece of goods , of a neat brown plaid , cutaway
coat , elegant lining's , silk bindings and cut to fit.Yould tempt a $1450
THREE : twenty dollar gold piece from your pocket. A SUIT/
And still there's more to follow.
Open evenings until 8 o'clock ; Saturdays until 10 o'clock.
Woonsooket & Rhode Island Rubber Co
And wo are their western agents and always curry a largo stock.
Address ,
tarn Jtafl Sewed Shoe Bo
1204 and 1206 1-forney Street.
NOV. 24 , 25 , and 26.
Second Edition of
Glorious Ballot Spectacle , tlio
. - -
CirAIII.cs II. YALE , JIauaKor ,
Wllli 100 people enirngpd. The Ornnd Hnllcts. Tlie
IlonltchlnKUnnicrs. llio Lovely 1'romleri. Tlio Won
derful Bpcclalllcs. 'Iho Xdvolty of the Benson.
Tlilrljr-flvo In the llnllet. The Mnaitra Scenorf.
Tlio Oorseous t'oituinof. The CInirniliiB Mnilc.
Tlioniovlnc pnnornina. lllcecat of 8 pcctaclei. tiule
of ( ic t nronowopoii. _
Commencing Thursday
Also Throe Nlulils nnd t-aturdaf Matinee ,
Satlro ou SupomtHlon ,
Mr. George H. Marion
And the ttrontost compnnr orcr ongaiica for tils
IIox sheets open Wodnosilay ,
Thoonlr tulilKatwlfonuil mother with her tiny liabo
ever known ,
Tlioilroneost innnof the contnrjr , Ho rends n nn-
dor lool chains , cablet , rones and wires , nnd bonds
ttf\ \ burn br a itroko of his powerful arm.
SI.ACKKV , Kln tit the Qoldon Thread.
ooun nAviNis onos. onio
Acrobat * la Comical Attitudes. Tuinbllncs and Foots
of Actlltjr.
In tholr orlKlnnl roniody , WASHDAY , Introducing
Novelty Dances , Ojiuto Boucs , UuoU , aud 1'lautntloa
Daavos' noijnl Mnrlonottos.
The GreAloit , ( Irniulcet , Host Hliovr of the Year.
A. 1'ull get ot Tootli
on llulilior , for
A perfect flt guaranteed. Tooth extracted
without pain or daneor. aurt wltLout anaes
thetics. Gold and silver fflllnin ut Icwost
rates , llrlilpo nnd Orown Work. TeothwitU-
ontplatoi All work warranted.
Entrunco , ICth street elevator Opuu evun-
ogsuutllS o'ulook
\\/A"MTT7n Aitcnts to gull the I'lnlosi
VWViMliU oioti,0s , Miiot the only
line over In vcnlocl thut lioklb the clothes with
out pliisj n porfei-t kiiccess ; patent leccntly
iKsui'd ; Mia only hy ucuntH , to whom the ex
clusive right Is Kvon. ! ( Jnrecclit ) f W conls uo
\vllUcniluBinnploliiiohy nmll ; also ulicti *
lafi ! prlro und to rum to uucnt. .eputire
vnui toiiltni-y at once. Address Till : 1'IN-
IjEbS UI.OTI1KS WNK DO. , IT llurnioii t. ,
Worcester Muss.
Eye and Ear.
Durkorll ock Kill Bd FtruHin. Telculiiwe32l
Fill ! Dress SMrt
Pine Neckwear
A complete assorment of
Men's- ' : : Furnishings
Look at our supply of ,
and artistic collection of
"Ward McAllister himself
would take delight in them.
.G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
business and Invites hln old irli > ml and pat-
rniiH. us M'H usHio Konorul piililIK ) call unit
Innpccl lll nuw stuok of Imported ud duiueillo
EvorythliiK Urst elius.un
ESTABLISHED 1374 , 315 S 15TH S
1 Solo Agent in Oraaha > Ior Gorhntn MaU
ufacturinflf Go's
Our Stock of Fine Goods is th&
Largest and Our Prices' the
t'omo nntl see us. * *
Cor. Douglas & 15th 3t
We guarantee to
cure any case of Syph
ilis no matter of how
long standing. And
we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. You have
tried everything else
and wasted your
money , why not now
try us. We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for patient to
come here we agree to
pay railroad fare both.
ways , all hotel bills
and refund 'your mon
ey if we do not cur&
you , 'Write for partic
ulars ; do not be hum
bugged any longer.
We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOJ2
REMEDY Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. , Rooms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts. '