0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , 1890 - - - - - - - - - . _ THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , An Active Day in All Pite with a Gen eral Advance in Prices. "HUTCH" THE BUOYANT FORCE IN WHEAT Corn UiiHcttlcd nnd IrrcKitlnr and Oftts StrotiRcr Incrcasctl Ac tivity In Provisions Mvo Block niul rlnnncinl. Nov. 25. fppcclal Tclcsrnm to THE Itittl-Ilualncss : In ( train ami provMons wns decidedly actl\e , with considerable Inter est nml frequent fliictuntlons. Ilio wheat crowd wustlin centre of nctlvlly nnd llutchln- con wns a protnlncnt figure In sustaining prices there The uvernRO of the day will show some adriinco In nil the murUots , I'or- clgn advices wcro of n favorable tenor , mul thcicwns nolhlng demoralizing or londliiK toward that undesirable condition In Now York advices or In the financial horlrmi , The market for wheat was very nervous nnd Irregular , but \ory active. At tbo opening the imukct wns quite firm. The news from the northwest was firm , nnd decidedly strong on ( tour , reporting loading ahead of capacity , Light receipts at Hoiithwostorn points and the favorable lunor of Knropcuii ad vices wore also stimulating. Tlio Kicutest and most vigorous Bllnmliitnr , lio\\u\cr , was Ilittchlnson , who Knl fairly under the market anil gave It great support. Mltehull nUo helped , hut ( leer trad ers 01 o play Ing for reaction. Theru w as no cxpott Inquiry , however , as the recent nd- vnni'o hud raised the margin so thato\portcr < do not wiint It. The recent heavy cover ing of I'artrldgo and other shorts , the failure of the Oregon Trancontliicntiil company , and the rumored closing of the liucnos Ay res Mock exchange ) caused uchaiiRO of front , and heavy selling by McCormlck nnd others wtartcd a doun-ttun , and the tidvnnco Rallied early was wholly lost , the final closing being lielow the opening. Muy options opened atU.02'S ' , sold lo ll.Ol'i , back to tl.ie ? ; , to 11.01 % , then on a boom to $1.03 , broke to $1,01 , ° ; and closed nttl.Ol'.i. December sold a IP/ion ml back to OlMc. Puts on May wheat sold on the curb rudny from DO'iO to W.'i'c , and calls fiom 11.02J ! toll.03't. Corn was unsettled and Irregular , being moioorless In sympathy with the leading cereal. There was a number of largo Belling orders fiom the country and no small amount' of realizing orgnrneilng of profits. The stock of contract corn In store Is light and advices generally were favorable. May opened ut 65 ! je , sold to Me , bioko to SIlTe , reacted under free , buying toM.'ioaml finally closed ntfiSiic. Puts on May conl today wco We , wlillo calls wcro Kittc. Outs wcro stronger , chiefly as a result of the strength displayed In wheat and corn. There was some buying for account of shorts , and speculative offerings weto not oxccsilvc , with trnilo confined to Slay delivery , which nt one tlmo was ? o higher with tlio earlier trcngth eventually lost. May opened atWjo , Bojd at4ri ! ® l81io loWlSc , to 4i > ! tC and later at 40ioi ! December , about/2o ! ( discount. Ilccclpts wore fulr and withdrawals for shipment un important. Provisions for future delivery vcrp moro active , principally on local trading account. Armour wns n seller and Holoson the principal buyer. Theiowus also a good many Inlying orders from the outside. The market for scot delivery waH In much tlio same condition'as yosteiduv. December pork. W.l&&ua ; Jan uary pork , tlUiiK to 111.30 to fll.40 to$11.50. and When wheat nnd corn broke the market , fell oir to (11.23. May pork lluotuntcd between $ l2.or and 112.25. hard Tor December. $ j.H.5 ! ' ; Jan uary , W.20ian.a : May.i.7X2n.7r ( . lUbs-for Januaryt5.C5Sr..C71/j ; forMuy(0.12 Qu.l3. WIIKAT. Mo. Open , lllch. Low. Oloip. Vest. Hoe t IWA J 1x115 $ MJ ! I fM'iA * 0H May 102'j i oii : ! 1 01 ; ; 1 OIJJA i 02 ? ; CO UN. May Ki'f M M4 5S C5J May. . . 4G > , 1'OMK , Jan. . . . . .11 45 3145 11 22V4 11 25 11 42U Muy . . .12 25 3223 1200 1202 12 17 } , I/A III ) . Jan. . . , n 22ii C25 0 20 0 22(5 ( May. . . . U 75 0 70 070 Off 111 us. Jan. . . . .170 n 70 n or n cr r. C7 Muy. . . . u 15 U15 0 12U e 17 } , CHICAGO 1,11'JB STOCK. CHICAGO. Nov. 23. [ Speolal Telegram to TUB BEE. ] OATTI.K IJuslness slow and values on best only barely steady , and on other classes the turn was rather downward than otherwise. ' There wns a light rim of Toxans. and valueson uch ruled rather firmer. No rangers In sight and none expected. There Is llttlo or no chnngo In prices or condition of the inarl.ct In butchers' stock nnd low prices continued lo bo the rule. J < lht ( ntockcr ? and feeders nro plcntlffil and selling nt nearly the lowest prices for the year , CO per cent prices , tl.gojj fi.M for good prlinn extra steers ; cholpp , Jl.noffl 4.75 ! medium , } X7. < ; ji. „ ' . - , ; Toxiins , $2,1oijftll5. lions HuHltiess opened actlvo nnd stiong. a few earlv Bales showing up as high us yester day , I ut Inleron , and especially after shln- plng nrilurH worn out of the way , In bon'o cases iiu to 10a lower , sustained breaks , and then buyeiH for packers wont In ntul business again becnino acllvo and so continued to tl-u close , but the mineral murkest closed u Bnod fid lower than the tucniKO yesterday. Itouuli and eoinmon. W.70 < a3.bl ) ; mixed and packers. (3.H.V < yi.ioj ! iirlmo heaw nnd buteheis' weights. f4.00it4.alight : mixed. ; iloi.h5 ( : ; regulat on assorted light , fc.80 ! < S3.00j plus , JJ.loa3.5o. FJXAXCI.t.1 , , NEW YOIIK , Nov. 23.-LPpoolal Telegram to TUB nrE.l BTOCKS The market has boon very Irregular and peculiar nil day. There wcro no very staitllng rumors , although cot ton failures nnd some gossip concerning the Aigcntlno situation were not conducive to strength. The Irregular opening , tlio changes fiom last nlglit'scloslng and the later positive weakness lit Atohlson , Northern 1'aclIIo and one or two other specialties started u break ull along Ilio lino. There was considerable realising and collecting of profits made dur ing the past few days. When the loss of 1 to 1ft points hud been sustained the fine Italian linnd of Jay Oould and other largo brokers wns felt and the decline wan not only fully re- cou'iod , but an additional improvement us wt'll , Uiangois generally . lending . . . . , . _ . wlthlilm- . , . .1 _ * ltifttviilii t t n fXI S ' < l nf.i 4 I t. t. ill : jcl iiinrhci ueeiimo less actlvo on lliu belief that the rally WIIH too btrong to lust , and prices BKiiln fell below the opening figures. Gns KO. lnglo.ili. or 155 below the opening. The last hours of the session were cjiilet. The following were the closing quotations : . H. < n rriiular , . . . . .I2I Nor I hern 1'ncllic SJ I ) , H I * coupon' j.'ij U. H. 4V4s ri'KUlar liil IJ.H. 4M < coupon 101 ( lo vreferred ri7U acinciisot ' 115. 112 Now York Cenlra,100 ) Ci'Mlrnl 1'iiclllo 2U Clilrano .1 Alton I.'J " ! . ! ! ! | ( * vj ClilcaKO , Burlington ( i , M. 4 St. PMI | SlU .V ( Julnor BS ) Uo pieferrvil 10 ( M I ) . . I * AW 114 St. I'nul \ Omaha. . , , is Illinois rentrul m dp iiroforrcil . .i. . . ( ,0 I * . II. AW Union I'lielllo Wrt , Kunsaii A/t'oxas , . . , , 10 i' . iinj JjvVi'Sliuro loti do preferred ! , . Wj Mlclilirnn Cvnlrat. . . , 01 Western Union , TS.Hi Missouri 1'aclllc. . . . . U MosKV-Kasy ut 4S5 per cent. PIIIMK MEIUUNTILK I'APKit-tiiiffiOnor cent Shares. NF.W YORK. Nov. 25.-lSpcdat Telegram to THE IUK.-Tho followlns uro the mining Block quotations ; .V.lltKETS. Ciuc.\no , Nov. 2\-i D. m. elose. Wlicat Btoailyi cubli , Ule ; December , OlfJo ; Way , t'oni-Sleaily ; cnsli , 53J,0 ! December , 52'i'o : Slny , 6Se , cnsl1' ; cash , ' , \ll3/o'"lyi"ca li1 J3,02Ji ! January , W.225 ] A ] ay , ) rii.tO. liye l'lrm nt caaoOo. llurley Quiet at 7ilu. ) ' 'lax-iuny : at f | .3U | , Timothy Unsettled t II.2t > ai.27. \Vhlbkr-tl.U. fjouv Uucbaugcdj luring patcuts , W-50 C14.75 ! winter patents , KCMW.OOj bnkcrs' , IMS 4W.w. Unix Slmu-Hhonlilors , H.87Q-.00 } ( | sliort clrnr. * .V80W .IX ) : short ribs , I3.40UAM. Huttcr-Stcadyi creamery , 2u < 323c | dairy , 10 < 3Jle. Uliceso-Dtilll full crcnm Cheddar * , S'J'SOC ' ' ! flnti,8 itt < { oi Vonnit Ainorlcai,0 > 4@9.Uc. EURI llrni ! fiesli,2U < 32lc. Tallow UnclmiiKcdt No. I. solid packed , IO 4Ucl No. 2. auc ) ciikv , 4'i'JHip. ' llldct Uimlmiiiiodi lioiivy frccn salted , K o : llttlitRroni milted , 5'cgrcoii,4Uc ; ! pallc < l hull ) illcs,4Uci RTPCII BUllcil cnlf , 7. O8olry ! ( Hint , F30cdry ; salted hides , OO7cj dry calf , 3'JOi ' dcncons , each , 23o. liccolnts. Sliliimcnt , T'lour , bWs . 19.WW iooo Wheat , bit . K , WK ) ao,000 Corn , uit . U7KX ( ) ftiono Outs , bu . . 173,000 313,000 Nn\r YoriK , Nov. S3. Wheat Hocclpt * . f-D.OOO buMiols ; oxiiortfl. - : spot , dull nnd bpiiryt No , a rod. Jl.oi : ? { In oluvutor , Jl.W'i al'o.it , ll 'i'iil.Otl ' f. o. h. Options ruled wuuk , rarly oloslnp , with a decline of V < ai'o as ftgaliist ycsturuayi No. 2 red , No\uinuur closing lit fl.Wi , Corn Kccclpt * . 100,000 Imshols ; exo. 51,000 biislii'lnt spot closed lowi-r and fiuet | ; No. 2 , COUH.nl 't In L'luvutor , fll'iu ulloat : unxrailod inl\edl.Vi07i ( ! ontluns , lowuri November clos- li utWJ'o . OnU Hecclpl . 17,000 buslioli ! oxports. 8UO liiisliuN ; Npoi , dull and lower ; options lower ; No , 2 wlilk' , M'lWiIci ' mixed westerly ISSJ'-'O ' ! whlto western , & 257c. SiiKar Haw tMiHlurt niflncd quiet. I'ctiolouin Sluadyi United closed for De cember atC7'1Jc. Kwt I'lrmi wcstorn. SWXc. fork I'lMiij moss , JlO.lXXTsr..OO. Liinl Knsleri wustcin stuuni , $ O.S7i ! , lliittor About sto.idy. Clicuse-tituady ; llfflitililiiis , 4J'3.To. ! ST. Louis , Nov. 2. " > . Wlicat Cash , firm at KIWtHo : futures , lower : May. OJJie. ( 'orn Illfflirri cnsh , BJiii'i May , f > 3c , O.its HlKliur ; fusli , 45c ; Jluy 40Sio. 1'ork rirmurtfll.oj. Lurd Steady ! 5.87 ! { . \VlilsUy-Stoadyi $1.14. Hulter Weaker ; creamery , 220c ! dalry,20 CINCINNATI , Nov. 21. Wheat Nominal1 No. 2 red. 05o. Corn Firm ! No. 9 mixed , 53JJe. O.its I'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , 4Su. Whlsky-SU4. _ MlMVAUKKK , Nov. 25. Wlioat-Qulet ; No , 2 spring , cash , h'83e ! No. 1 northern , We. Coin ririiij No. ! ) , 55C. Outs-Dull ; No. \vhltc , I JilVK STOCIi. ' CiiiCAno , Nov. 2"i. Cuttle Ilceelpts , 0,000 ; inarkotslow ; baruly steady : good to i ; irlnio o\ ] iit Htoors , H.&fitTi.Ti ; niodluiii to cl lolcc : , J3.73ttl.73j TUxans , $ . ' .10E.40. : ) IteoeipU40,006'rmarket active and fie lower than yostonlay ; roiiKh and eoniinon , t > I.TU'l.bUi im\i > ( l and packers , JM.S.VftUK ; ) : i > rlme IRMVV and butcher wulalits. JI.OOHI.O" > ; llKlit. inl\0l ( , WfioaaSSi assorted Hslit.SJ.bOi6 : i.KllKStl.40J.rpO. ! ) ! ) hliccp Uucolpts 5,000 ; market dull , unsettled - tlod and \MMk : natives , SJ/JoSJ-SJi/fcMina , W.ao ; westerns , 11.75 1.70. ST. Louis , Nov. Uuttlo-Uocctpts , 4,000 ; slilpnu'iitM , i market hlKhcriiiitlva : steers , II.OOSo.IO ; stocuers and feodcrs , $ , ' .2lK2aiO : ; Ttixas und Indian steers , t. Ott..o'J. UORS Itoeolpts , 7WO ; shlpnienls. ; market easier : heavy , f.l.SKi4.00 ( ; mixed grades , JJ 002X75 ; light , J3.5tMW.70. Ltvniii'oor , . Nov. 25. .Wheat-Firm : do main ! peers red western , spring , 7s OiJd < a7s 7d ; red western , whiter , 7s 4dB7s ( 4JSd. Corn I'lrui : mixed western , 63 15Jd per con- OJl.tll.l JI.l/tKETS. Tuesday , Nov. 25. OATrr.K Kstlinatod receipts of cattle. 1,500 , as comu.uI'd with 1.0)0 yesterday and 2ilti : Tuesday of last week. Thoeattlo market was active and fully steady on both beuves and butcher stock with feeders active and stronger. Hods Ksllmated receipts of lie s. 0.400 , as compared wIlhiUt5yesterday : nnd (1.359 ( Tues day of last wuek , .Market opened fully steady , butlalorduollned 5c to lOc. The ransn of the prices was $ ) .2Ji.85 : ; the bulk sclllns at JJ.W&W.70. 1'lus , JI.'iXiM.23 ( : Unlit , $1.2051350 ; heavy. M.S'xail.SJ ' ; ml\eal.503.70. The avor- acoof the prices paid witsSMU ! ! as compared with ? .I.i41i ( yesterday and $3.57 Tuesday of lust week. tfiiKiKstlmntccl : ! reelpts of sheep. 1,080 as compared with 141 yesterday and 2 , . > 2I Tues day of last week. Natives , SJ.3M&4.93 ; west- ei us is.oo < ai.uo. DlHposttlon of Stock , Showing the number of he.id of stock pur chased on this market as reportol by the wolKluiiustur of the Stockyards company for November 25 : CATTLE. Bwltt&Ro MO OcorKoll. Iliunmond paeklnp company. . . 311 The Annonr-Ouduby packing company. . 453 Leo Hotlischlld 13U llainllton .t Stephen 2 Ni'ls Morris 13 Shippers and feeUors 578 lions. The Arnionr-Citdahy packing company . 3,392 Omaha packing company 2.39S Swift ft t'o 1,095 GeorKO II. llunimond packlns company. . 30 ! Shippers and fccder-t 103 SHEEP. Swlt&0o 100 George II. Hammond packing company. . 11)0 ) Representative Sales. BTKEIIS. No. Av . Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. , I'r. 7. . 1008 J2UO 21..1110 340 18..11411 9170 ia.107" 300 80..124S 345 2..1090 375 : iHIU 300 411..1107 343 23..1220 360 ! . . 012 310 29. . ( HI 330 SO. . 1124 4 l > 0 4. . 11XO 3 I.0 4..1.M5 3 fiO 22. . 1300 41.1 4 : > . .IO' > 1 323 IB..1151 370 10..1153 415 COWB. 2. . 070 75 a..1010 1 CO 23. . 80S 1. . 8.V3 1 00 11.,1017 1 SO 2..1150 il ; CC1 1 IX ) 21. .1008 2 00 21) ) . . ( ) .M " L' . . lltffi 110 10. . 003 200 14. . 1152 SS" r. . . wo IM 1 .1100 200 21. . Ota 23.1 1. . 1KW 125 5. . 592 2 03 ( t.,1127 la. . G87 225 8. . 741) 203 24. . UK ) a. ! M7 1 25 4..1000 2 10 11 1218 240 4. . 072 1 : 21. . 1175 2 12 ! , a..li : 240 y. . ! Kkr 1 110 M3..10C3 2 15 24. . 807 240 1. . 8.V ) SCO 17. . 0.11 2 15 17. . 8JO 240 1..1150 1 50 SI. . 871 2 15 14..1135 240 o. . o : > i to O..110li 2 15 14..1213 28,1 a. . GOO ICO 22..1050 2 15 XI. . 1135 28.1 21. . U51 100 10..1015 220 2..133 310 STOCKEI1S AND FKEDEIIS. n. . Tnn s oo i. 770 2 40 o , . 050 245 S. . ICO 2 2S B. . 090 2 40 25. . 010 245 4. ( .00 225 8. . 010 840 1. . ROO 250 1. . 730 2M 75. . On 245 8. . GOi 250 UtJLI.S. 1..1IGO 125 1..1740 200 1..1510 250 y..iiou : 150 i. iiuo 200 a. .1733 255 1..1570 1 8S 1..1370 200 1..1740 3GO 1..1400 iua BTAr.S. 1. . STO 203 1..1270 200 1..1570 250 3.1177 , 2 Ot ) OXEN. 2..1760 2 83 S..1525 3 00 OAT.VEM. 4. . 2H3 1 MS 13. . 4U3 1 05 5. . 342 225 8. . 230 1 50 . t : jr.utKEis. Grouoflco. A. complete grocery list Is published on Tuesdays' Tbursdavs and 1'rldays , 1'rovlflioiiH. HMOKKD MKATS Sugar cured. Hams. 14 to 1(111)average. ( UiJui hums , 20 to Si Hi nvciaiio. UUcsliaiiis , I21L avi-rge. uyus .sKluned hams lOc : hams ( No. 'i ) , HUu ; Mhouldcrs , Oc ; clear brenkfastbacon , Ho ; boneless bicakfasl bacon backs , ii > ioi famous boned hum , 80 ; California , or pit-nit ! hnnis. C'4i' ' ! boneless hum HKc ; ill leu beef hums ( sets ) , 7'4oj iiiied beef clods , Oo ; short spiced rolls or ham roulette , 7 c sniolii'd beet tongues , per doz , } J.ra ; epcclul brand bam" , 12 to 15 Hi average , ll'jc ' ! special brand boneless bieakfast biicon.HJJoselected ; tli led beef hams Insliles nnd knuckles , lOo ; selected \ > luo cle.ir breaUfast bacon. Olle1. Inv SAI/C MtHTS rancy lightweight short clears , ( i5c ! ! long clears , fi' c ; short cloari , lie ; short ribs , r > yc : shoulders , 6c : clear bellies , 0liC ! clonr bucks , tic. SMOKKU MKATH Dry salt cured 1'anoy lightweight bacon short cleais. 7c ; bacon fihort ribs , Oljc ; bacon short elcais G'ic ; bacon long clears , ( \ > io ; bacon clear backs < > Kcj bacon clear bullies , 7c ; Unenn shoulileis , 5aC. ? SWKKT PirKi.Kn MIHTS Uams , tluices. DC ; Nlioiiklors.Nu\\ cut , tiercesfi'Se ; Califor nia liiiins , tierces , r > ci beef h.ims , bbls , lfl2.UOi I'ICKI.KU HuiH' To.Mlis-Half ( ) bands , 100 Jus , J10.50 ! < mtutor bariclu , 50 IDs. , $ O.OQj eighth barn-Is , : i' > lbs. , $ . ) . . HvtKtir I'lCKi.KD Si'AllB Htns-Tlerpcs , IMO Ibs. . net weight , $111.51) ) ; bands , 203 Ibs. . not weight , S3.UO ; half banels , 100 Ibs. , net weight. l. 15. L\KD Pure leaf , per Ib. tlorco basis , G'ic : compound , per Ib. tlou-o bash , 5'Jcj puio loaf lurd , per Ib. tloreo basis , G c' succlul Kettle rendered leaf laid , per 11) . tlercn basis , 7c. KAiutKi.Kii I'oinc AMI llr.iu1 Mess nork , new , $ II.5J | family pork , ? ll,2' > ; shortcut clear porlf , tll.2vai2.f > 0 ; boneless pla pork , fancy , $14.00 ; vxtrii mess beef , t < UM : iilutu beef , * 7.UO ; o.\tra Pluto beof. W.Ol ) : ovtia family beef , boneless , | s.oo ; rolled beef , boneless , Js. . " > 0 : rump butts , I'lfl Point Honoless llbls. 200 Ibs , each tU.OO ; " , lihK 100 Ibs. each ft.50 ; 'i bbls. 50 Ibs. eachjl.in ; 'i bbls , 25 Ibs , eaeh JJ.25. UANSKD MKATS Coiniid beef , 1-lb square cans , 2 do ; pur ease , f 1.10 ; 2-lb , 1 or 2 doper case , ? 1.8J : ( Mb , K doz per case , $ . " > .7.'i : lunch tongues. 1-Ib round onus , 2 doper case , * 2.i > . ' ) ; brawn , 1-lb square cans , 2 doz per ease , SI.'Os o\-tongues. I1 i-lb round cans 1 doz per case , J5.25 ! ehlppcd beef , M-lb round cans. 2do7 per case , JI.2 , ) ! roust , beef , l-ll ) round cans , 2 iloz per ease , tl , 10 ; pottodham , 'i-lb loiind can , 1 dozpurcase. UOo , iluvlleil hum , 'i-lb round cans , 4lo ? per case , GOo ; potted ox tongue , ' 4- Ib lomitl cans , 4 do/.percuso , ( Me ; eompri-ssed ham , 1-lb siiaro cans , 2 doz per case , tt.M ) ; tripe , 2-ltiioiinil cans , 1 doz per ease , * l.r4) ) ; minced collopv--lb round cans , Ido/ per case. J2.20 ! bonolebS plirs' feet , 2-lb sqnnro cuns , 1 doz per ease , 5J.W ; roast beef ( Alexandra brand ) , 1-lb. 2 doper ease , $1.00. R Itologna. 4e ; sinoked hausago , 7o ; blood sausagi' , 4'ic ' ; ll\er MUSIIRC. 4 c ; bend- cheese. 4Kc ; fresh pork sausage , links. Oc : fresh pork saus.igc , bulk , 3'4u ; smoked poilt sausage , do ; frjnkfurt sausage , 7c : smoked hondchoese. Ou : Polish sausugo , 7c : Knob- lanch sausage , 7c : tongue sausuge.Sc : sumiiicr sausage , 13e. Country Protluoe. nUTTF.i--Thomurkot Is dull nlth heavier receipts. Good country lolls , Hffillic ; choice , 10.iSlflo ; Inferior , Bftlio ; good country sollil packed , LVTOim1 : choice dairy , loa''Oe ; good oronmory , 2IO.2'lc ; fancy , 2. > c. I'outa-nv Thu Thaiiksglvlni ? demand has stllTenod pi lees very materially. The cooler weather Is also a decided help , as It enables dealers to hold for good pi Ices. Dressed turkeys - keys , 1413o ; chickens , 7 < at > o ; Jncks uudgcose , Knns Uccolpts inodornto and market tcady OAMK The warm weather Intel feres to a very considerable extent with the handling of game , Some stock arrives In poor condition uiidiiceoullngly tbo range in prlcos Is veiy wide. Prattle chickens , per doxon , $ .1.001..V ! ) : duckH , nonilnally , * 2.75 1.00 ; leal ducks. 1.0IW4 1.25 ; mixed ducks. ? ! . : > < > : quail. tl.00l.25 ; Jack rabbits. K.OOiOO : ; niiinll rabbits. 75o : deer and antelope carcasses , 7Q8CJ saddles , 11(2120. ( I'ldEoss Tliero Is no demand. Flour , ( Iran , Etc. . .P-ivIs' high patontNq. l.and Oroam. iniiic wheat , patent. i2.G ( ) . S. r. Ulliiiait'8 Kold medal , $2.80 ; Snow White , $ . . ' .40 ! Snow I'lake , i-MO ; low ciadu , 81.80. Uroken How Holler Mills' Cream , $ . ' .kV Myr tle. f.40 ; Ulalin , 12.20 ; Kldellty , tS.iU ; Miniie- hotnUhlof. 82.45 ; Patent , l.70. tJskainp's ready to raise , buckwheat flour. $ l.5Qiorease < ifW2-lhp.iekaees ; bnekwhoiit In bblM. N.Y. . $0.00 ; Excelsior biiuul , $5.50 ; Map Jack meal , $4.00 per case of 50 2-lb packages. Ilran , Hacked , per ton , $18.00 ; cliopued feed , IlAv On tinck ut Onmha Upland. No. 1 , SN.OO iior ton ; eoarso bluestem , $7.00 ; oats btraw , $0.00 per Ion. I'niiits anil Oils. WIIITK IN Oiir-Carlor. In 500-11) lels. ots , J7.SO ; In l.OOO-lli lots , jor CH t , $7.20. WIIITB Duv-OIIdoi's Whltlus , per 11) . Vic ; Connnorcliil Whltlnp , per Ib , lo ; Kngllsh C , S , Paris \Vliltc , per Ib , IMo. HED liitv Ainerlcaii Venotlnn red , Va ; Chattnnoiitfa. 2c ; KiiKllsh Venetian , bairel TW Ibs , 2Ju { ; Indian , No. 1 , 12o ; Tiisuan , EnglMi , 20o. 20o.YEtio --Clironio i yellow , 0 to lOc ; ochcr , Kouhcllo. 2 > 4u : ocher , washed Dutch , 4e : ochcr , vriislicd rront-h , 2'4c. PUTTV Pure , In barrels , kegs nnd tubs 2'iC ; In bladders , 2iu ! ; lu 50-lb tins , 2Uc. VEOKTAIILK Uii.s Linseed , domcstlo raw , In barrels , per Ration , G2o ; lliiiced , dom estlo boiled , In barrels , pur Kallon. il'io. ANIMAI , AND KISII Oii.s-Whale. Weaehod winter , per Ration , 5" > o ; whiilo , extra bleached winter , liOei Hperm , bleached winter , $ IOJ. ENOINKOH.S Dlamonu eresecnt engine oil , per gallon , lOo ; perfection eu lno oil , Vic ; stiir- llni ; ensliio oil , 4. > c ; Iliireulos uiiKlno oil , 50o. VAUNISIIKS 1'urnlture , No. i.uoo ; fiirnltuio , nxtia , il.oo ; oonch. No. 1 , (1. 10 ; coach , extra , $1.20 ; Hard oil finish , light , Jl.20. ( JI.ASS 75 and 10 per eont from list of March lolKJ. KlKil. KHERII Per Ih I'nreh , 60 ; buffalo , diessod , 7o ; ( ilckorul , Oo ; plki0 ! white , lOceiopple ; , lie ; cattish , lie ; cod steak , l-'c ; flouniU-is , Klo ; Oregon salmon , 15eblaek ; bass , 18o ; lobsters , IBC ; blnu llsh , lie. Salt and pickled Codfish , extra OporKCS iiow.O'ii-iKranil bank. now. 4Je ! ; sliver , 2-lb blocks , 5 > ' , a ; biuiw white. 2-lb bricks , new , 75e ! ; turkey cod , liirKO middle bricks , 9o ; snow whites , ciatcs , 12-5 Ib boxes , ' 'i : mcdliiin sealed horrliin , 25oj No. 1 scaled hcnlnc. 2no ; domestic .Holland hnrrlnc , 40c ; Ilambiiigor Rplci'd herring , OOo : Russian sardines , spiced , nnc : llusstiiu sardines , plain. 50a ; Imported Holland liorrlng , Crown lirand , KOo ; do fancy milkers , 11.00 ; maokcrol. No. 1 shore , half hhl , fr..Sfl ; bloaters , imlf bbls. $18.00 ? whlto llsh , half bills , $0.75 ; trout , half bbls , * 5.fiO ; family whltu llsh , $ .1.00 ; sulinoii. $8.50 nor half lib 1 ; 2-lb broiled mackerel , $2.00 ; a-lb Inmnstaid , $ i.ffl ; 3-lb In tomato sauce , J2.CO ; 5-lb Jlavo iiipss innuk-otol , $ i\00 ; 1-lb brook trout. Jl.il i a-lb brook trout , $ -.2,1 ; 1-lb salmon. $1.25 ; 2-lb white llsh , $2.25 ; 1-lb white llsh , $1.3.1 ; 2-lb lob sters , $ . ' . : )0 ) ; 2-lb oysters , li oz. $ . ' .50 ; 2-lb ov&- tprs. 1007 , $2.25 ; 1-lb oysters , f. oz , $1.25 ; 2-lb llaintarlu , 10 oz , $2.10 ; 1-lb llaratnria , 5oz , $1.10 ; 1-lb clams , little nooks , S1.35 ; 2-lb clams , llttlo nooks. $1.7.1 ; a-lb olnm chowder , $2.00 ; 1-lb crabs , $2.25 ; 2-lb crabs. $ . ' .50. Slctuls. _ KoOFiNa-Olmrooal , I. 0. , J4.\20 , 112 , tfl.OO ; I. A , 17,50 KlIEtT IlION No. 2(1 ( , 13.50 ; No. 27. $ .1.60. roi.iKii-Strlctly ! Imlf and half 17c. STEKF , WIIIK NAiLS-UubO , $2.B ( ; btcel nails , base , $ .M5. Tis Pf.ATE-I. O. . 10x24 , $7.00 ; I. X. , 10x14 , $9.2.1 ; coke , 4x130 , 112 , $0.73. SlIEKT 7.INO Be. Coi-i-Kit-KlanUhed holler Hlzes , 3Ho per Ib ; cold rolled. 30o per Ib ; sheeting , 28o perlb ; pit and Mats , IWo porlb. WIIIE Jap. barb. $3.2.1 ; gal , $ a85. lliCK TIN Small pig , UOo per Ib ; bar , OOo per Ib. GALVANIZED SHEET Iiioif Discount 50-10 per eont ; pat , plan. Iron , Nos , ' . ' ! ami 27 A , lOJioi H Oiio. Qiilnlno per oz. , P , It W. , 44c ; Gorman. 31o ; IndlRo , per 11) , 75o ; Insect iiowdor , 21c ; opluru , 11.10 ! morphine , per oz , $ -.K5 ; hops , per Ib , 3Uc ; Klycorltie , Ibo ; dextrine , 10o ; outtlobono , 35ct cronm tartar , pure. 32o ; conmicrclal , Ifo ; cam- phnr.nOet am. carb , llo ; blue vltrol , 7iu ( ; car- bolluauld , aiS30o ( ; cltrlo , 45 o48ci tartarlo. 3G < 3 auo ; sulphuric , per Ib , lo ; Hperm oil , 11,10 ; turpentine , 48ot Tonka beans , II.8.V3'X ( ) ; bal sam toulo , UU15o | oaloniel , Wa97c | cunthu- _ I' ' iir.'iC ! niiiiii.211. . co ] salt , l ci Klubef VAljt , l ! o. FI-OHII I'm Its. -rioi'lrla ' " ( took , tl.M AIMM.Brer " bbl ( CI.8SQI.0. occonllng to tin kind and variety. CiiANiiiiiiiin-i'nnoy : Capo Cod , 112.00. OAuniusiA rutni Quinces , l..OO ; smal wlntor Nulls. . ( pBr haif hot. \ NAScllqw , J.V..vaa.oo per hunch. I.KMONSnioli0 StOCk. J7.fiOfl8.50. - Mnlaca , J7.0038.00 per bbl ' ' I lien , Tnlloiv , 1C I c. . lln' " AND Pr.i.TS-arcen sailed hide * . No. 1 4 / , iifi ( No. 2. S'iWtoi dry Hint hlilei. 74Sc cnlt hides. 8c : dnfiimKOd hides , l > ic less " TAI.MHV A No. | , nuair" No. 2 , He : prcaso white , UViQIc ; yellow , 2Ji'a'loi steiluc , tie. arc for delivery In Cht caio-lry ) hnllalo. per ton. JKUKliilH.oo ; dn country , uU-nclicil , $ io.ooaia.oo ; country , daini nnd mt-aly , { S.OOQIO.OO. IiunibL-r. Qugtatloni are for ear lots on board cars a Onmlm : DI.MKNSIONI 12 ft u ft in ft m rt so ft es ft 24 f Sx4. . $ i 00 $11 0 , ) } ! ! 00 (1,1 M ! lll ( X ) J17 00 (18 III SxH. . i W ) MOO 1.1 ( H ) H 50 Jfi 00 1800 18 ui 2\8. . ,00 11(10 ( 1500 MM 1(100 ( 17 W ) 1801 5v 0. 1.1 00 MO ) MOO 15 M 1(500 ( 17 M 1801 2v 2. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 M 17 00 19 CO 10 01 4x4 to S\8 1(1 ( 00 Ifi On 10 00 17 00 1R 00 10 00 10 Cl IloAiiDS Xo. 1 com 118.50 ; No. 2 com , $15.00 No. : i com. $1,1.50 ; Xo. 4 com , Jll.tiO. iKNijiNd-No. l.C-ln. 12 and 14 ft. rf , JIO.OO No. 1 , tl-ln. 10 ft. J 10.00. 4-ln. JIIM10 ; 4In , l9.00j Xo. 2G.n | , 12 nnd 14 ft. rf , $14.00 4ii14.00 ! ; No. 2n-ln , 18 ft. $1(1.00 ( , 4-ln. JldOO ; No. a , ll-ln , 12 and 14 ft. $1.10) ) . 4-ln , $13.00 ; No. aG-ln , lft.rl.l.OO. ( ) 4-ll > . $13.00. HlliNn-A. 11 , 14 and 18 ft. S.-J.OO ; 0,817.50 : U 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft. S2J..10 ; I ) . $14.50. 1'f.ooiiiNn-A , Mil. wlilto pine. W3.00 ; P to.50 ; i. o-in , wiiiio ntiio. f.w.oo : i ) . RUM : K C-lii. whlto nlno ( sel. fenchiB ) . $17.CO ; drop sla- ineDUoporMuxtra. HTonc HOAUIK-A. 12 In. sis , tlS.OO ; n. 13 In. , 8l , J15.00 ; t ) . $10.00 ; I ) , $ r > .DO ; No I , common , 1' In , sis 10 , 12 and IS ft. $21.00 ; No. 2. $18.5' ) ; Xo , J , common , 12 In. nil , 14 ft , $ . ' 0.Xj ( ) No. 2 , $17.50 ! No , 1 , common , 12 In , sis , 1(1 ( ft. JIli&O ; No. 2. $17.00 ; No. 1 , common , 12 In , sis , 20 ft , 5J1.UO ; No. S , iflH.nO. SjiirrAi'-Xo. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 In , $10 00 ; No , S , $1(1.00 ( : No. I , C ) . ( I. , 8 in. $ I1).OJ ) ; No. 2. 810.50 ; 10 ln..Kruovi < d roofing , 12. 14 and 10 ft. $10.50. I' ' iNisiiiNn-lst nnd 2d el. . 1 In , six , flD.OO ; 1't ' , A , H or U select all 18 ft. M.OOnxtrn. bnUTiiiiitx VKI.I.OW PiNH-lst and 2d el. Hoorlns ia-W. 2.HX ) star , 13-10 , rlO.Oj ; com. lloor- 2d cle.ir , llnlshh2H , from l i In , jao.OO ; 1st and Sd clear , llnlsn,2s , from IVJ nnd 2 In , $ :10,00 : ; 1st and 2d clear , y pc.isln.ii , J.U.OO ; b.isc , $ : o.X ( ) . I'oitit IUMinu-8 : In nnd up. lit and 2d cl , 1 In , s-.M , * . ! . ) ; 8 In and up , Island 2d ol , U III. paiH'l.MO.Oil. HAITE.VS. WnriTinixn. ; TTO. O. G. . 25 ! In. Me , ! i\3 , mnci : : iln well ttihlns. 1) ) . & M. and \ > u\ . $ 'l.ot ) ; pickets , 1) . & 11. , llni , J20.5J : U.&ll. , si ] , t jo.n. Siu.MJi.r.s. LATH r.stni "A , " nine. 82.SO ; standaid "A , " $ . ' .41 ; extra "A , " i-eilar. ? . ' , " , ; t In cl pine , f 1,1X1 ; clo.ir redwood , $1.2,1 ; Jath.r-.SO , I'osrs Whlto cedar , il In , ( is. lie ; ll lu , itrs , lie ; whlto cedar , ,1'J ' In. ' , } , IH8 In , nrs. 8 ; white cedar , 4 In , round , l.lu ; splitoak. Sc ; Ten nessee ; ii'd cedar , split , llo. I.IMH. l5TO.I.liincar lots , 80e ; Louisville crmcnt , ? l.43 ; hnh,25u ; plaster , $ , ' .00 ; tarboaid , 11.50 ; sash , 5.1 per el ; doors , 5) ) per el : bllnda 50 poret : mouldings , no nor ot ; tuned felt , per cwt , $ . ' .10 ; straw hoard , Jl.20. . Mlsotsllancous. HIACK WAI.NHT < Per bushel , " .IcSH.OO. HICKOIIV NIT-M lurn'e , per bushel , $1.25 ; small , { I.7.V32.00. POP CoilN-Ohoieo lust season's slock , 222' ' c ) )0 ) r Ib. CociUNfTS I'er hundied , sacucd , $1.00. It illan , 18o per Ib. Coal. On. Hoard Cms tit Omaha Anthracite Clipstniit. r.uiL'e und 04 ? . f s.tx ) per ton ; jirate , $7.75. Soft co.il Walnut , block , $ J.5o ; Iowa lump , tJ.50 ; Iowa nut , $ . ) 00. MIIIP , bcmciit , 10 to. On lioaid Cms at Onmha Per hbl Ash Giove lime. OOo ; Champion lime. 81e ; Qulncy white , Mo ; I.oulsvlllo ceniont , $1 , r > ( ) j Milwaukee eemoiit , JI.41 ; Ullcii. cement , $1,40 ; English Portland commit , St,4l : New Yoik plaster , $ ' . ' .2.1 ; Michigan plaster , $2.00 $ ; Kort Iodia ) Jilas- tcr. $1.75 ; whlto band. $ , ' .00 ; P. P. hair , per hale , $1.00. _ Vegetables. POTATOI : * Onrlotsof potatoes nro quoted at b.ViKo ( ! ) with elinlcu stock selllni : In u small way from stern al Die. Uoloiado stock. $1.13. Osio.sx Choice stock , $ l.uV2.1..V ) ; Spanish , } l.7.r > per c-iate. hwixr POTATOES Good stock. $ J.3oa4.50 pei bbl. bbl.HEA.NS HEA.NS Desirable stock , $2.401(12.73. ( CKI.KIIV ryTj40c per do/ . GAiuiAni : Porlh. , Il5ffi2e. TIIIINIPS Hutabassas , choice , C373o poi bushel. . I.r.TtUCE Per doz. , : tV340e. WANTED Total Issues of CITIES. ' COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R.COMPANIES.ctc. Oorri'Miondcneo snllcltcd. N.W.HARRIS & COMPANYBankers , 103-165 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. IS Wall Street , NEW YORK. 70 State St. , BOSTON. Indianapolis Journal : A correspondent wants to know ) f "flts tire hereditary. " Any small boy compelled to wear out hla f utuer's old clothes could tell him they are uot. Stated liyll. 13. Coehran , ilragRlst , Lancas ter , Pa. Hnvo guaranteed : over : IM ) bottles of. Burdock Dlooil Bitters for dyspepsia , soiu stomach , bilious attacks , liver and kidnuy trouble. TUB ItlMLiTY MAltKBT. TNSTKUMENTa plaood on ruoord Novcm- jbui " 5. WAIIMANTV OO Jlurton and wlfo to JcssJo I ) Itolllns , lot 1 , JolU'i-soii I'lncc . $ 1 rMlliiniur andwlfo tnV I' H Wilt-ox. und It u 411 ft o [ w ' , : and w 40 f L of u > S lot I , IlinrOalc . C.UOO 0 O CoinstoL-l ; toUK Muyiuilil , lots 4 ; uid ft. 1)11 ) ; II , llcdford 1'liit-o . l.T,2 ( ! J V I'lnck and \\ifo to Ann Kain , lot in , blk 0 , 1'ottur & Cohb's tuhl to South Oimiha . GOO Mrs It K Hayes to oil .Mnymiril. lots G IUH17 , blk 5 , llcdford I'lncn . l.K'j S.uno to Hume , lot 8. blk II , Hertford . Too Mrs'1 ! liuttlnr und husband to Sloan , Johnson A. Uo , lots U ami II , blU 1 , ( < ate Ultyl'aik . 1,000 I ) 11 I.cdwloh to Duncan I'lnltiyson , n ! J lot 'J , Yntos & Heed's sub In lot 7 , ItiiRiin's udd . 500 11 1' Milesto 11 U DoM'Ips , lot J , bll ; 1 , lot Ki , bile 3. Uoillulc 1'ailcaild . 2,700 G W Masson and wlfo lo M A Moil Is. lot 4. rrcamiin's sub In blk Ul , South Omaha . 700 J A I'liimiiiortol ! J 1'owlor , lot 5 , bile 1 , Maryvlllo udd . 1 HO 1'nttoison anil wlfo to Itiisiiius Nol- soii , lots 15 auil-10 , 1)1 Ic - , 1'ntterhOii'H sub . w.i- . MO M O Hohnitmmd wlfo to Kniniu AValler , lotu , Winurly adil . 000 Ilyion Heed ct al to J P UarUon , e ! j lot It. blk2. Campbell ! * ad K S A Illicit to llrlrji Mori 111. 030 ft. of nw ioJ ) blkMilnn'h 3d add 2,000 W L St-lby tr ID Jullu * Krnu < se. Iot5 , bile I , \V li nelliy's l Vlo , South Omaha . . . 330 IjSchroedortr tu Jacob Uolezallot 4 , bllc4 , Ulovelandl'lnco 1,000 W IjSelby and wife to J M Hwotnam , w U lot 3 , blk ID. Isaacs Seliluu's add. . . S.tiOQ A 1' TuKoy ct til to .lohn Slnmnok , lot 4 , blk 14 , lot2blVu' , Oliflon lllll 2.00C Michael Donovan und wlfo to J H Willis , bll > 4 , Uonovun'o sub . 500 J K lloyrt shrf lo m O .Hobble , lots 7 and I' ' , lilkU. HoiitliKvehiingo 1'laoo . W. T > A It Klllott to Mtt-r Kisliol ct al , und yt lot 14 , blk b7 , South Omaha . 1 Sainu to Miuiio , n i , lotU , HUino . . . 1 Total amount transfers. . . . . . $20,010 Some remarkable cures of deafness nro re corded of Dr. Thomas' Electrlo OH , Never falls to cure earache. _ = = a " " "NEBRASKA. National Bank XT. . DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - B7OOO OBJCtraanil Directors IKntr W. Tatti , Preildent ) ptwu. d , Vlorre Went ! J m i W , j , W. VTllorit. John H. ColllDi , K. a Cutblaf , J. N. rui k , w. u , a. iiugbci , c > uiir. THE ! IRON BANK. Corner 12tb and ITatoam SU. A Q Df ill Banking Biulneu Tr nsaot \ IIOW MANUFACTORIES THRIVE , TLoso of Omaha in the Enjoyment of a Surplus of Orders , REMARKABLE PROGRESS IN A FEW YEARS , TIiotiRunils oflJn s Turned ,0m In n Buy Crackers nml Itt-cnd Mnmi- rnutiu-cd will * Knyldlty-Othcr Intci'cstini ; l caturcs. The Domls bng company Is comparatU'cly n new inanufnctory , which Is one of ttio city's most extensive industries. Their Immense warehouse ami factory Is located on Soulh Klevcnth street , between Jones and Jacltson , It Is a brick structure , Hvo stories ntul buso- mcnt , ntul Is to receive two mlilltlonnl stories the coming your , The plant Is valued nt ? IOOUOO and cotillned exclusively to tlio manu facture of bags cotton Hour bags , the burlap craln bag and sundry other varieties. The Hoinls company employs nearly one hundred hands , two-thirds of whom lire female * , und the annual sales ot the company exceed WOO- 01)0. The sales nio nrndo principally between this point and the coast. The burlap bag Is used principally for grain , chopped feed and vegetables , and Is inado from the Lurlap cloth , which tills fac- Jory Imports direct from Calcutta , Indln , and Dundee. Scotland. It Is said to bo the best bug of the kind made In this country. The bags at the Bcmls factory are llrst cut the desired sl/.cs and then sowed OH machines ran by steam , the engines bclntr 73-horso with 100-horso boiler. The- power , a - power . seams arc turned on the inside- mid arc strane and durable , I'tic Hour bags aroall marked and stamped before leaving the factory , where a complete printing establishment is to bo seen , It embraces four compositors and three helpers , and ten presses ute kept running dally. The company was incor porated In ls.- in St. Louts and the brunch established In Omaha In 1833. M. G. Peters Is the local inunaifoi1. and a very enterprising mid clUelent ono uttimt. J , M. Dcmls , Is the president , ivith headquarters nt Boston , while S. A. Ucnila , the secretary , holds lortu at St. Louis. _ Gnrnonu'H Factory. The Garneau cracker factory Is not only recognised as a mammoth institution locally. , but Is known to bo such in all parts of the country. The style of this house Is the Garneau bakery and the American biscuit manufacturing company , but for sliort Is called the Garneau crnckor factory. It stands at the comer of Twelfth and Jackson streets , a commodious hrlclc structure. It measures Oixi : feet and Is three stories high. At present there are over ono hundred and lorty-Avo employes on the Oarncau pay roll , thai Is including both the local branches. The women and girls and there nro seventy * live or eighty of thoni employed hero icceivo rom 51 to 5 > par woalt , wiillo the male work ers average $13 per capita. The bread bakery Is situated at the south- cast corner of Thirteenth and Mason streets , and Is a very ex tensive institution within itself. Four lingo ovens nro kept In constant use , and llfty bar rels of Hour are turned into tha staff of life ually , making a few over seven thousand loaves. This bakery building is 50xl)0 : ) , ono story , but Is to bo materially enlarged in 18'Jl. The Oarncau cracker Is known the country over. The business this year is much in ex cess of tlmt of last and is increasing right along. The annual pay roll roaches nearly $00,000. The ofllecrs tire Joseph Gar neau , sr. , president , St. Louis , while Joseph Garncanjr. , is the manager and superintend- . cut of the Omaha business , with Pierre Gur- ncau as his very able assistant. Art The Omaha art. stained glass works estab lished on Sixteenth street , this city , in 18SS , nnd removed to 1012 Fa-mam street in Feb ruary , aim in a most nourishing conOition and uro growing in magnitude right along. The manufacture of art stained glass , for residences , halls , churches and public buildings Is carried on hero , the work comparing favorably with that turne/d / out by any works in the country. The company consists of G. II. Hcckerinun and T. T. Wil son , and the llnu occupy the second and third Doors of r. neat brick structure. " 0x70 feet , a * , the foot of lAinuun street. The plant is valued at $ ! 0,0t)0. They employ thirteen hands , who average in wages $15 per week , and reel oft (3.1,000 worth of work yearly. The process of the manufacture ot art stained glass is quite Intricate ) and interest ing. Designs are llrst made by an expert artist. Prof. Fey N ichols , who has hail largo experience In this particular line of draughts manship. The designs nro then passed to other hands , where the work Is laid in draw- I ngs enlarged to the si/cs desired. A dupli cate of each figure or device is then cut and handed over to the glass cutters. These pieces are then properly adjusted bv adept bauds , put together , soldered and cemented , so as to make them water tight , and turned over to the finisher , at whoso hands they rccoivo the last delicate touches , in the way of finishing , etc. Mr. llccker- man says that he anticipates a f > 0 per cent In crease of work uuring the coming year. Making Overalls. The Katz-Novcns company , Nos. OlO-l'J-H South Eleventh street , this city , arc the sue ccssors ot the old Canlleld company , which name is still used by them to some extent. Since they purchased the Canlleld business , something less than three years ago , their plant has increased more than two-fold. They ere now running 100 steam sowing mnclilncs and employ ono hundred and twenty-Hvo girls and fifteen men , and have at present an Investment of $50,000 , which is to bo materially increased within the comUig year. They inako n specialty of common and medium grades of clothing , and are the only oxcluwrc manufacturers m their line west of the Missouri river , and Tun Bm : is confering n favor upon the commercial nnd und industrial world of the middle western states , in showing up Omaha's manufactur ing interests. The Kutz-Novens company annually put into local circulation at least PROSPE1DS HelenaMontana , , The proipcrlty of Montana ti not subject to the Tlcittltudei n * nuccess or failure ot crepe , to drouth ortlooO.to Onanclitl nirliiKciiclea or panlci. 1UT crop or precious melula Is llluJ out ot the ground with hourly regularity and Increatlnitbulli , Insuring business opportunities based upon loundatlous -lability and endurance. The tulnea noiv tipened produce nnnnnlly In Hold , Hllver , Copper uml J.cud , 841- ouo.ooo , nlnelr percent of which la dliburved in the State. Thtro are thousand ! raorcequitllr as promising , awaiting capital lor development. There is Iron , Coal , Building Slono , Clay and Timber in Abundance. Investment * In Clnttle , Hor-ei tint ! Sheep , with Rood management , avoruue a profit , of more thnn lorljr per cent , a year. 'J'no T t bunds of tock ro m tlirouiiUout tlio entire year , In excellent coridl- lion , mpportod by tbo cured grasses on the ground. Tue business la managed by Associations In sucli a manner that every i > erson' possessions nro as Bate on the ranao us If confined to an Inclosed pasture. The clly of Holenu Is the political , unanclal , social , railroad , business , and educational center of tbo entire Btato. For full Information , uMross , L. Q. PHELPS , Scc'y Cilizons Committee , Helena , Montana. _ SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK I YARDS CO. , LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. OMAHA ' (111(1 ( ( DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BOXE9. The Brunswick-Balko John L , Oollondor Oo. Billiard mcrclmndlio , Omnlinpni'tr box fnctorr , Hnlnon fixtures. 1317-W1D Oouiilai. a 407. 4001 . 10th Mroot , Omnli.i. Orilors promptly nllo I , BOOK BINDBRg & 3TATIONBR9. Omaha Eopublicau Printing Oo. , L.IIT briefs , bank supplier , nnil crcrytlilmr In the Iirlntliiu line , loth nml Douul.li ntrecK Aokcrnmnn Bros. & Heintzc , i binders , clotrutjrpors , blunk book manu facturers , llliUIonnrl utroot , Omilm. BOOTS AND SHOES. Charles A , Ooo & Oo , , Kirkondall , Jones & 0o , Munufocliirori anil Job \Vholosiilo Mnnufncltir'B bers. AgontR for Ho'lon Hub- terSlH.oCo. , lll . 11UI , 1109 Howard street. nnd llUilljiiriioyHt. Williams , Van Aor- W. V. Morse & Oo. , r nam & Hatte , fihoo Knclnrr. Corner lllh and DoiiKlai i > U , Oma 1ZI2 llarnoy street , ha. Merchants Invited Oiualm , Kcb. tocnil nml ovnniliio. BUTOHEBS' SUPPLIES. Louis Holler , IJutclior1 nnd Packers' Tool.i A S t > plloi. Ilcef , lioif A slici'i , cn lnci. lllil-lllSJnckion HI , OABBIAOES , BUGGIES , ETO. Ooluinbus Buggy Oo , , Carriages , ends "eiilklo ) , cto. Q. I ) . Kdwnrds , Mnnngor. 313-'llJ Boutll ICth. OABPBTS. | CLOTHING. Omaha Oarpst Oo. , Oilmoro & Buhl , Cnrpets , oil cloths , mnt- Mnnufncliireri.V Whole- tliiKs , curtain KOOI | , etc. Bnlo Clothiers , 1511 nousliu slroct. er St. .OIOABS. West & Fritscher , Deaii , ArmstroDc ; & Jtnnufnclurera ( IneclKnrs Oo. , Jobbers of Icnftobnccos. 402 M. ICth Stroat. 1011 Fnrnnm street. "Hello ! " 39. GOAL , COKE , ETC. Omaha Coal , Coke and Ooutont & Squires , Lima Oo. II d nnd soft coal slilp- Hard and noftronl. S. H. Cor. Itith nml Doug 13031'iiriiani reet , las streets. Onmha Hulbert & Blum , Harmon & Weoth , Ohio Imnp.Hork Sprlniri , Acme lump , Knglo lump , Etcelslor , Walnut block , \VnlnntDlockiindAn- scrennod nut , nnthracllo , tUmclteconl. araltlilnv. stonni. Onico HON. 16th . OIUcoSUH. lithit. street. American Fuel Oo. P , H. Mahoney & Oo. Shipper * and rtoalors In Hnrd-Conl-Soft. anthrnrlti ) nnd bltu- iiilnoufi coal. . 1 (5th ( and cor. 2158. l ! > th street. 10th and Douglas nts. Nebraska Fuel Oo , , Howell & Oo. , 213 S. 13th street , 217S.llth street , Om.ilm , Neb. Omaha , Neb. J , J. Johnson & Oo. , Johnson Bros. , 218 S. 13th atrcot , ON Fnrnam street , Omahn , Xcb. Omahn , Kcb. Mount & Griffin , 0. B. Havens k Oo. , 213 S. nth street , 1W2 Farnam street , Omahn , Nob. Omaha. OOBNIOB. Eagle Cornice Works , F. Buemping Manuracturor ofanlvan. Galvanized Iron cornices. lied Iron Cornice. Dormer windows , Uoor \Vlnaowcap .nietn1loskr- rnps , flnlnli , etc. Tin elc. 1110 und 1113 Iron anil sliito roofer. Karnnm St. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry Dry Kooil. ' , furnlshlnir Goods Co. , , notions. Dry irooila , notions , Kcnts' , Cor. II Hi and llonnrd sts. Corner Iltli and Hnrnejr ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated Catalogue free. 1CU Cnplto Avenue. FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , OrendorfF & T. 0. Northwall , Martin Oo , , Gcnornl wentorn ngcnt Cornci Jonci nnd llth sts. Sknniltn Plow Co , Oninliu , Neb. 1349-1311 Hhormnn nvo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Eollor K. T. Davis Mill Co. , Milling Co. . Ml at St. Joseph. Oniconncl warehouse , Omahn House , 1012 N. llith street. Cor. Bth mill Jackson ta. S. F. Gilinan , Clemens Oskamp , M'f'l , ' of rcmlr to rnlso 1014 N. 10th ( "trout. hhip Jack Meal , Hnc t ( aku < In the world. C.K. lllnck , - Mnnnsor. 1.1JT-12I5 S. 20tli street. FUBNITUBB AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiverick & Oo , niture Oo , , . Kurnltnro and Carpets. I'umlture am ) carpets , Ills-Ill ! ) Kiirnnm nlrcot , 120tl2IO > Karnam Et. GENTS' PUBNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Looinis , J , T. Eobinson Notion Co. , Jobbers unil Importers of fcnt ! ' fiirnliihlnc KOO < I . notions and furnishing m't'ti rrlotiratcil brand MiiikHkhi" ovornlh , pnntn , elilrta , coat , etc. Ull Howard street. Cur. 12th ami Howard sts. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kennard Glass and J. A. Fuller & Co. , Paint Oa. , HQ2 nouulru street , H03-H13 Hnrncjr street. , Neb , Omaha. William Oummings , Blako. Bmco&Oo. , GUnmlGlD South ICth St.- I.cavcnirortli st. Omahn , Xcb , Omaha , Kcb. Hugh G. Olark. Aucnl Dupont'i liunpowder , llnnlInK caps , fuse , clo. 121B Hurnojr Btreot. HARDWABB. Eeotor&WilhelmyOo Loe-Olark - Andreeson Hardware Oo. Cor. lOtb and Jackioa it , 1109-1110 llarnoy ctreet , Omah > . Om > UaNl b. ( A "I I1.llr.-"nlf ! ± 5erm0if ' > ' " > " " " -"I OennlnoNe. nnd lfcnnortli HM , vada 1'rlco lifts on application direct , L. Kirsohtfc Oo , , A , Friok & Oo , , Wholcinlc LlquorDcnlera Wholesale I.lijuorDculcr * 407 nml 09 8. 10th St. 601 BOS B 10th St. LUMBER. GW , Douglass & 0o. , John A. Wakefiolil , llara oed Lumber , linporlrd.Anirrlriin laiidCuniunt.Mtln ukca 'ort * .4 I3JO North 16th Street. llydrnilllr yulncy Wliltn IVinent l.tmo. nuti , . Oharlos R. Lee , Vrytitt-BuHaril Lumber Hardwood lumber , wood curjicts nnd parquet . ber Oo. Oth and lloorlnu. Douglas. 20th anil Iiard Streets , Tred W , Gray , Louis Bradford , Mine , Cement , Klc , Ito Lumber , lime , cementot3 Cor. till nnd MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stoneliill , I , Oborfeldcr & Oo. , Millinery , Notion * Importers . nnd Jobbers la Cloaks , Ktc .Millinery 110-118 S. ICth St. , Onmlm a trfol 212 South , llth MUSIOAL INSTBITMBNTS , BTO. Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Eospe , Jr. , < Mveler , dealers In 1'lanoi , Organ * . Artists * musical ote. Imtruincnts , , Materlnl" , Ktc , Farnam and lUth. I..n DoiiKlns Street. OIL3. Oonsolidatod Tank Line Oo. Itrflncil oiliii , axle nnd Rroaie Iiibrlratlm , etc. ; A. H. lll liOi | , Mannxor. OYSTERS. A. Booth PaokiiigOo. , Platt & ; Co , , Oyster * , fii li nnd canned "TlRerbrnnd , " . fre < li07 . tern. goods. , 1303 Lcavonworth. 815 Omntiabrnnrh nnd Si ; Howard. PAPER. PLATING. Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'k3 ' Carry a full utock of ( loid , silver nnd rdck I , nnd plntlnK on all metnM , printing wrapping , . . . Uililc > vnroelc..roihiled. | writing paper , caril pa rnll hlnubrn < > H .tohan * per , cto. dcllerwork , Ull Dodco. PRODUCE , OOMMISSION. Eibbol & Smith , Schroeder & Oo , , Denlcra In country proaCruih buyers linttor nnd uce , fruits , vcKctalilcs , CKK * , nml Kenernlcoin * etc. luliflon tiuMTlmnts , 12U7 Howard street. 4-.1 South llth street b."I Orane Company , IIoso beltlnz , pn' ' . . . , , . btenm pumpi uoodi plr.niblnK , . IC2-3I Farnam streot. TOYS. I TYPE. H. Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typo Toys , dolls , nlburasfnno7 , Foundry. ROOlihouicfurnlihlnK ( Nun and > c'cunil-bajl4 Koodi , chlMron't cnr- nmclilncry , rlncei. 1319 Karnnm U 1118 lluwnrd ulrcet. j JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE MOST PERFEOT OF PEN8.J LADIES O LY MllUllj and Cirtslotoa diy or monoy' r lundtrt. lljr mail t ) . Sroureljr teikled from ottt r cyotf HK KQJf cy. , r