Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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The llnains : of the Late Judge Savage
Buried with Honors.
A * Ij.'irjio Number of tlio Friends of
the I > eccnncil View tlio llrinnlim
Itcncntti a Canopy of Stnra
niul Stripes.
The funeral of Judge James W. Savngo
took place from Ills Into residence. 412 North
Twenty-second street , ( it L o'clock yesterday
There was n very large attendance of the
frlotiils of the deceased , and the Loyal Legion
and Douglas county bar association wore
present In respective bodies ,
Therutnalns rested Ilia heavy red codnr
casket , covered with black broadcloth.
The heavy silver plato > vitli tbo name of the
deceased nnd the date of bis birth and death
wns the only metal In view , the trimmings nil
beliii ; covered -with texttlo fabric. The cas
ket niul the pedestals on which it rested wore
almost hidden under a profusion of flornl
tribute : ) . A largo shield wns the offering of
the Harvntd cluband tbo Omaha club ten
dered a beautiful pillow ,
A. liu KO pair of llornl scales wns the tribute
of the bar association , and ttio Loyal Legion
offered a very beautiful shield. Countless
other niTerlngs were these of personal frlctiils.
and Jlllctl the spaa ) nrailnblo both on and
around IliociLskct.
The house wns entirely too small to admit
the hmiilredg who pnthorcd to pay tholr last
tributes of respect to the deceased , nnd but
n very small percentage-of them could secure
ndml'islnri. They filled the laxvn , nud ox-
tendwl to the sidewalk. The Loyal Legion
was drawn up In double file from tlio.side-
\vnlk to tlio entrance , nnd only the guard of
honor en to red.
Kov. Dr. Harsha opened the service * with
Iho reading of. several passages of scripture ,
and wns followed by Dr. N. M. Mann.
Rov. N. M. Mann , pastor of the Unitarian
church spoke as follows : ' 'Our city mourns
todiiyono of hormost distinguished citizens ,
n m nn greatly beloved and honored. As wo
gather reverently about his dust and think
that wo shall nevermore look Into his living
face , or receive his gladsome greeting , n painful -
ful sense of personal loss comes over us , and
llfo booms sensibly the poorer. Tliute are
many tilings to bo suld of him which cannot
bofitild now. Of tils patriotic nnil civic ser
vices , of his honorable profcssionnl cnreer.of
his knowledge of letters and of art. of his
rare soclnl gifts , wo shall bo told , I trust , In
the flttliiK tlmo and place. He was one of
the men whom the world cannot afford to
forget n man of resources , not found want-
In" ? when tlio occasion called. If ho liad any
wcitlt snots , they were not npnarent. Ap-
pronch him on which ever side you would ,
you found him ready nnd responsive.
"But my thought of .Indue Suvago now Is
of the upright citizen , the kindly friend and
nclKliuor. I recall tlio manly presence s.o
gracious to behold the generous , liberal
spirit thnt struck names In realities , nnd suf
fered no freed tiling to pass without Ilia fym-
pathv. ills wns tlio kind of Christianity
which wo nil delight to honor. Where lie
was wo nil were brethren , for , with ono hand
upon thu old , with tlio other -welcomed the
now. Ills face was set forward , and bathed
over In tlio sunlight. No one who know him
stopped to ask whnt church ho wns of , but
deep down In our hearts there WHS a feclinp
that ho was of the church universal. There
li no sect but that would have been proud to
count him among its adherents , and none
that respected him the less for not being
able to count him , I have seldom known a
man who s > ecmcd to mo so little of n sectar
ian nud ut the same time so much of a ChrU-
"Noblo ns was the style of tills man before
the world , I more than suspect that the finest
side of him was seen In the privacy of his
home , reserved to the eyes of the Innermost
circle of all. Into that horac-circlo it has
been given to some of us to look , and to per-
colvo something of the sweetness and light
ho shed about him in this sanctuary of his
dovotlon. It bos been good to see nnd it is
blessed to remember. At this moment , as I
think of 'tho exuberant cheerfulness of tbo
matt as I have known him , of his ouoynnt
heart and ready , unfullnit : wit , Isocin to see
all this swelling up through a burden of
physical suffering tbntnobody know anything
about. Of this intimate revelation of Ills
character his own pastor can speak hotter
than I , but I must say to mo it seems in Hue
keeping with the spirit of the old preccnt in
which the Master enjoins upon the disciples
' that they should not in fasting disfigure their
faces tuid indicate their suffering ,
but ruthor nssumo a cheerful
air , that they might not
appear unto men to bo fasting. Blessed do-
? i _ coptlon which thosainta of aliases haveprac-
| LJ tlcotl upon the world , unwilling that any [
* > * should suffer in their woes I
"Tlio time is short nnd our words are nec
essarily few. Death was kindly : It took cir
fricud , but only when disease had so cruelly
dealt with him thatbo was glad to go. lie has
done his work , and it has been a work full of
slgiiillcancc. Ho has left a fair .sample which :
wo shall do well to emulate , but which few
Will bo able to equal. Ho has won a place In
many , many hparts , whore , though dead , ho
will live la perpetual and hallowed remem
brance. I have hoard his requlum sung nly
young und old nnd in unexpected places as I
have passed up and down tbo city. And this
word I can bear to her who sorrows most and
whoso long watchlnprs nt that bedside of puln
nro now over : 'This is a public bereave
ment ; the general sorrow is only toss than
your own , and hearts are not wanting that
would glitdly share the acutcr anguish. ' "
Kov. Mr. Hurshu spoke foeJInglv ns fol
lows : "It is u provi.tlou of nature , because
It is an arrangement of providence , that souls
stayed upon God should die la peace. When
n man hns foupht his battle nobly , and tin-
Uhcd his course triumphantly , and kept bis
faith sincerely , It is not so much to clew his
eyes to earthly scenes as wo sometimes im
agine , it is only to opca them to the brighter
pconi's of the bolter world. It is but to Jay
tiff the armor and take the diadem and the :
' crown. It Is but to heave tbo sigh at the
B ] i evening hour , that full breath may bo taken
I for the singing of the eternal morning. The
* llfo of the man is everything , his death fol
lows as simply nnd cogently as rest follows
toll. Twenty pages are needed to tell of
Abraham's llfo. hut one verso is sufficient ton
. describe his death. Solomon's ' career eon-
Bumes thirty chapters , but his decease nis
noted In a single lino. So will it over bowith
Uod'n noblemen of faith uud endeavor.
"You will nil aprco with me that ono of
these lies In silence , so far us his bodily part
Is concerned , before us today , Omaha's old
gunrd has another vacant place. Out of nor
galaxy of legal lights a bright star has faded.
Humanity has lost nn ndvlsor , the state a
counsellor , the poor n ready helper , you and
I a wiirni-hoartod friend nnd brother. Iu
public llfo ho was. wise , consistent aud Incor
ruptible ; in social lifoponial , and eminently ]
courteous ; In private llfo , unaffected nnd
affectionate , Wo all loved him , nnd out ot
our loves wo would need to form a composite
photograph to have u complete plcturo ot hla
multiform diameter. Ho was much to those
who knew him slightly , ho was moro and
more to those who canio within tha Inner nntl
holier rings of his loving soul. How lilting
that ono so tmo and K < x > d should die in per
fect peace. Ho wrapped , himself more and
moro fn the quiet , saintly dovotlon of his
father , who was a minister of the blessed pos
pel , nnd laid Himself down to plea nnl
dreams. "Wo nil lovetl him , and wo may love
him still. Ho is not lost to us. Out of the
calm , blissful life of the future ho Is saying
with bis old tlmo heartiness , "coma uj
hither. " Lotus follow In his footsteps as tu
walked In those of Christ. His last words
were words of love to the partner of hU life.
Ills lust words were these * : 'I shall go , trust
ug for moroy Iu Christ our Lord. ' "
The exercises were close with a fervent !
pruycr by Dr. Hnisha.
On account of the lack of room in the :
house , the casket was borne outside , where t
liajr bad t > ocn raised to form a canopy , ud
under that fitting covering It was placed
while the hundreds by whom the deceasot
Intel been beloved In llfo , Hied slowly by It tt
to tuko their lost view of the romalns. Tlu
silken colors of the Loyal Legion were ion
thrown over the casket by Commander Clark
eon ttml It was borne to thu hearse.
The cert go wound its way to ITorcst Lawn
whore the tuna " ! torvlco of the Legion wo :
The gitunloC honor was selected from the
military order of the Loyal Legion , aud wtu
composed us follows : 'U3M.
Captain \V. J. Uroatcb. Captain G , M
Humphrey , Major T. B. Clwksoa , Ucncru
Amasn Cobb. Lieutenant 8. D. Mt-rccr , C p-
taln 1'ranlc K , Mooros , Lieutenant J. T. Doll
Colonel John U. Summers.
A hunter imd firing squad from Tort
Omaha nilisted In the exorcises , sounding
"tapV1 mid tiling the lost volley , Icavint ? tlio
deceased to sleep the Inst sleep of the br ve
Holdicr. the dUtlnculsucd Jurist nnd the gen
erous citizen in tha breast of mother earth ,
In Wlint Ilcipcct I * Clinmberlnln'a
itciiicily Ilettrr Tlmit
Any OllicrV
His the only remedy that will liquetlio
tough , tcnnulous mucus Incident to colds and
render it cujy to expectorate.
Ills the only remedy that will cause the
expulsion of the mucus from the nlr cells of
tbo lungs.
It is the only remedy that will coun tcract
the effect of a severe cold nnd greatly mltl-
guto , if not effectually euro the cold wlthlu
ono day's ' time. To do this It must bo used
as soon as tbcllrst symptoms of the cold np > -
pcar ,
It will cure A severe cold in less tlmo than
auv other treatment.
It Is the only remedy that will prevent
It ( s the only remedy that has cured thou
sands of cases of croup without n single
It Is the only remedy that will prevent all
dangerous eonsetpjcuccs from whooplti } ?
It Is pleasant nnd safe to tnko. There is
not the least danger in Klvln * ? It to children
in lartfe and frequent doses which are always
required In cases of croup aud sometimes for
whooping cough.
It Is put irp In largo bottles for the price.
Many persons who have used it for years and
know from experience Us true vuluo , say
that n Mi-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Hcmctly will go further towards curing HC-
voro cold * , nud do moro real good than n dol-
lur bottle of any other cough medicine they
have over used.
ItC'iUUN Ol < " iTlK OIjU DAYS. '
Probability Tlmt Mr. K. f. VI nine AVill
Soon Itetiirn to Oinnlin.
"There is iiultoa probability that E. P.
Vlylnp , formerly frulRht trnfllo manager of
the Union Pacific railroad , will tigaln soon
become proiplnctit in western railroad
circles , " observed a well Known railroad tnnu
yesterday. "Mr. Vinlng ; was known ns
ono of .lay Gould's most trusted officersnot- , ,
withstaniliiifr tbo fact that ho was probably
tr\.o \ most unpopular ofticlal in the west. 'He-
is totlny unquestionably the ablest tralllc
manager In the country , and no doubt would
do more to increase the , earning capacity of
the Union Pnrlllc than any other matt who
could be mimed. Ho has also been on Intl-
mnto personal terms with Mr. Gould , nud It
will bo surprising If ho Is not called Into
some prominent position with the now man
agement. "
They Will Km. Hereafter.
\V. U. Peck , representing the passenger
department of tlio Denver & Rte Grnndo
railroad , Is in the city. Ho Is occupying pro
tcm the position of the venerable Captain
Tehbltts. Mr. Peck says the Denver & Klo
Grande , taking effect Sunday , November 30.
will inaugurate n dinlnp car service between
Denver mid Ogilen on their fast trains Nos.
! J nnd 4 , serving breakfast at Jcndvilla west
and suppcrivt Green lilvor coming east. They
now have three through trains each way
from Denver to Ocdcn , dally , the p.monftcrs
bavliiR the choice of two routes , the broad or
narrow gauge , to view the picturesque
scenery of the far-famed Ko | Grande.
Goinc Across Tor the Holidays.
Harry E. Aloores , agent of all the trans
continental steamship lines , with headquar
ters at the Wabash corner , reports unusual
activity In the stccrngo line , having sold a
single bunch of tickets to twenty-five Italians
last week , who are KoitiR hack to Naples for
the holidays. Many Swedes , Danes and
Germans are also leaving over the Cunard
nnd North German Lloyd lines almost daily.
The rates are so very low now that this tilp
Is actually cheaper than staying at home , and
hundreds of homesick foreigners nro tnkliiK
advantage of them. The trip only consumes
about nine days each way.
OfT Tor tlm Florldas.
Agent Clayton at the " \VabasU Is disposing
of a goodly number ot tickets for Sutherland ,
the Omaha town in Florida. S. A. Orchard
anil daughter , Mias Mabel. wio Is now in St.
, will leave for Florida for the winter
Friday next. Tom MuCaguo and family are
also at Sutherland for the winter. The
Wabash has jiut on Its fust schedule for the
south , consuming only fifty-two hours for
.racknonville and sixty-three to Tampa , twelve
hours in udvanco of nny other line.
_ _ Steamers.
Steamship Agent Moons has Just received
a line steel emtraving of tbo great German
mail steamer "Spree , " also a hanusomo plc- '
turo of the City of Homo of the Anchor line.
ItnilronU Brlo-a-Hrno.
L. A. Pease , superintendent of dining cars
of the Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul rail
way , is in tbo city.
Superintendent Potter , of the American
express company , reports a rush of business
13. Li. MuClaln , traveling passonRor agenfi
of the ChlctiRO St Alton , with headquarters
at Kansas City , is circulating among Omaha
The city-ticket ofllco of the Union Pacific
utCoundl Bluff * la to bo moved to 4:21 :
Broadway , with C. A. Mitchell , city ticket
agent , December 1.
Mr. T. L. Klmbal ! says that the now union
depot is progressing finely and that a bettor
job could not 1)0 ) found in the country.Vo
intend to have , " ho added , "tho depot in
keeping with the viaduct a year later , and
are bound to got thcro good and solid iu
- titiio. "
Wilt Crary left yesterday via the
Fremont it Klkkoni for the scene of the In
dian uprising. Ho tuUcs with liiin u brau
now tomahawk and scalplnc Unite , and Little
Wound , Ultr lioad , Wounded Knee. Jack Ited
Cloud and the rest of the vernitllloii-hued
myrmidons had better ship for the bush.
Pears' soap secures a beautiful complexion
- Tlio C. , H. I. & I * . Holding the I ) . & H
G. to a Traolc Contract.
Juilpro Dundy appointed the following com
mlttoo to prepare nnd report resolutions on
the denth of Judge Savage : '
C. S. Montgomery , Henry EstabrooU
R. Kclloy , C. A. Baldwin , E. M. Bnttlctt and
. A. C. U.'rbup.
Judsco CalUwell held court In the smaller
court room on tbo second floor and took up
the case l > ct .voeit the Chicago , Itoolr Island &
Pacific railroad company anil the Denver A.
; Kio Cirandc.
Both bides were represented by eminent at
torneys , those for the Ilock Island beiiifr
Thomas V , Wlthrow , Thomas S. Wright ami
M. A. Law of Chlcnpo , nnd tlio Ulo Urtintlo
by Senator KdwnrdO.VoIcottand his law
partner. J. F. Yallo , botli of Denver.
The case rnmo up for linal ttrsunient on the
g granting of n permanent Injunction restrain
- ing tha Hlo ( Jraudo from abrogating u con i-
tract with the Kock Island , whereby the lat
ter was granted the use ot the linen of the
- former In Denver.
The records In the case were very voluminous
inous nnd counsel for ttio plaintiff -.vent into
a lenRthy and intnuto statement of the condi
tions loading up to the contract.
TDO case bid * fair to occupy the attention
of the court for several days.
Judges Untidy and Caldwell heard nru-
. in en la on a motion i to remand the case of I'.il-
- mor against the St. Joseph & Umud Island
railway company to the district court. This
cuso comes from Adams county and Is ono In
volving a contract for the transportation of
freight from Hastings to a i > oliU in Oragon.
a The Union Pnrtflw Is Interested In this case.
The plnlntlft holds that the contract conies
. under the interstate commerce act and the
trial must coma In the United States court ,
as evervtliliifr hi ttio contract Is subject to
the United States laws.
The nrtfuincnts in this case consumed the
- time of tlio court until adjournment and no
docUlon was glrcu.
Van Houtou's Cocoa Largest sale in
Clilncao IC
. A unique entertainment will bo given by
tbo puplU ot tuo Chiueso Sunday school
Tuesday ovonlog Dcccmbfr 2 , at the Vlrst
l rcsbytorlan church. Tlio funds of the en
tertainment Will bo devoted to the education
of Christian boys for missionary work.
The entertainment will botinliiuo in tlo
ntiiuscincnt line , the participants being tha
Chlnwo residents of the city , \\ho will plvo
rccltatloni nnd rtlnff songs In Uhlneso and
KiiRllsb. Scenes of Chinese botnes llfo will
bo icprcscntcdbv men , women and children
In costume. Iuslo will bo furnlshod by
Chinese inuslcons nnd ovcrythlnt ? wIll'lMiw
excdlctit as the best native talent cnn
make it.
Everybody Is Invited to the entertainment
and especially all the missionary societies in
the city.
Tilnldad , Col , , Is a city whoso marvelous
prosperity docs not depend upon crops or
rainfall to miy great extent , The ( treat In
dustry thcro now is the mining of the coal ,
nnd the payrolls of that place from this source
alone tigRrc atcs $123,000 per month In n city
of nbont 10,000 people. In the meantime the
production of coal anil cone iabclnecxpniideil
very rapidly , while Iron worki , Btncltcrs an3
other manufncturini ? estnbllsbincuts of kin
dred nature tire rapidly bclnp added. For full
iuformatlou address Trinidad Land aud Im
provement Co. , Trinidad , Col.
A. Itctitnrlcnlily tmrgo Collcctlidi ot *
rino 1'lcliiroB.
It Is exceedingly unusual that two such art
exhibitions nt nro now open in this city
should bo open at the same time , anil attract
ing virtually the same class of people to both
exhibits. In the "Western art association
art loving people have au excellent- opportun
ity to appreciate the work being done by our
homo artists , ia the other oxhlblt.crltlcs , con
noisseurs and art lovers may Judge of the
work of the world's greatest nrtlsts of mod
ern times.
Never has thcro been sucli a collection of
paintings exhibited west of the Missouri
river , and It will DO a very long time before
as complete n collection is placed on display
iu Omaha , It has been selected witli dis
criminating cnro , n number of the canvasses
being masterpieces of tcclinlquerl vailing the
work of the anclcut worthies whoso nnincs
are high upon the role of fame , upon whom
kings and queens have conferred their most
famed literary orders.
The present exhibition deserves patronage ,
nnd It will bo a reflection upon the Hbcrnllty
of Omaha people If they fail to do what Is
clearly their duty , In patronizing so remark
able a collection of paintings.
ThoD. M. Steele building has been beauti
fully fitted up for the occasion and makes
ono of the neatest galleries in the country.
The Burdock Plant is onu of the lest diu
retics or kidney regulators In the vegetable
world , and thucompouud knouu ns Burdock
Blood Bitters Is unsurpassed ia all cases of
the kidneys , liver and blood.
It Sustains tlio Mayor's Veto of
Street Sweeping Claim.
President Cliaffco was absent from last
night's meeting of the council.
Mr. Bcchol was made temporary chairman ,
and us n result of bis prompt method of dis
posing of matters offered for consideration
the business of the session was concluded at
9aO : o'clock , about two hours earlier than is
Mayor Gushing presented a veto to the
item in the appropriation ordinance paying
tho,00fl claim of C. E. Squires for sticet
sweeping , over which the council had a light
last week. The veto was offered on tbo
ground that the report of tbo committee rec
ommending the payment of the claim , con
tained a confession that the work had not
been properly done. The veto was unani
mously sustained , and the claim referred to
tlio committee on claims and the city attor
ney.Tho memorial of the real estates exchange
urging tlio council to substitute stone for
galvanized iron in the cornice work of the
new city hall was received and referred to
the committee on public property nnd build
ings , to report the cost of the proposed ,
.For sick headache , female troubles , neural
gic pains In the head take Dr. J. H. McLean's
Little Liver and Kidney Plllets. 5 cents a
Tlio Grandest Exposition Ever Held Iu
the AVcst.
The exhibition now in. progress at Exposi
tion hall under the auspices of the Nebraska
State Poultry nnd Pet Stock association , is
ono of the most attractive and meritorious
affairs of the Itind ever hold In the west.
The citizens of Omaha must not
labor uador the idea that this
Is nny catch-penny affair , because
it is not but on the contrary one of the grand
est shows of poultry , fancy pigeons , Birds and
dogs ever hold In the country , and Is every
way worthy of the most liberal patronage.
J. I ? . Muhaijan. , the Secretary of the
association , has worked hard nnd
assiduously to make tbo exhibi
tion a success , and in return should
receive the fullest recognition at the hands of
not only tko citizens of Omaha but these of
the whole state.
The display of thoroughbred poultry is
truly n magniuccnt one , and of such magni
tude as to command the attention and inter
est of the most indifferent beholder.
Every variety of thoroughbred nnd
valuable chickens , from the rarest to the most
common , are hero in great profusion , nnd the
display in fancy birds nnd pigeons ( s really
au extraordinary one. It should bo an irre-
slstnblo attraction for ladles nnd children ,
while nll'thoso Interested In the development
of line poultry will find n world of Informa
tion by a call or two nt Exposition ball.
The dog show , too , is ono of great merit ,
and includes all the best known strains of
thoroughbred canlnPs. Mastiffs , rough-
contud St. Bernards , Newfoundlands , deerhounds -
hounds , grayhounds. pointer , setters , spani
els , foxhounds , beagles , fox terriers , coolies ,
bulldogs , bull terriers , toy dogs , pugs ,
poodles nnd dogs of every known color ,
size , stripe nnd variety nro on the bench ,
making things merry with their multifarious
tongues. It is the only first-class dog show
ever held In Omaha , nud lovers of the dog in
his perfect state should not tall to take It In.
The exhibition continues throughout the
week , nnd all enterprising citizens should
contribute their mlto toward malting it a
glorious success.
Dr. BIrnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldg
Uii I neil by I'lrc , Smoke and \Vntcr ,
At 9:30 : last night flro was discovered in
the basermit of Prank Lmchiingor's general
store at the corner of Twentieth and Pierce
streets. The basement contained a quantity
of holiday goods , consisting of toys nnd fancy
nrtlcles , valued nt about { COO or $800 In all.
Thofiro depnrtment responded promptly and
the hlnzo wns cxtinguisncd before having
tltnotn spread to the room nbovo , Very little
damage was done by fire , but the smoke nnd
water practically destroyed the stock liithe
basement and damaged the goods lu the room
above quite materially.
Mr , I-iUchslngor left a Inmp burning in the
basement when ho went to supper and forgot
nboutlt. In some way it Is supposed the
lamp got overturned , or It exploded and sot
lire to the Roods. Tbo outiro stock was in
sured for tl.500.
W , .1. Mettlon , clerk in the ofllco o ( Joseph
Crnmoroftho railwayman sorvlco. has gone
to Pueblo and other Colorado points for a
short visit , accompanied by Mrs , Mcttlcu.
A mooting : of the Oinnha club hits
boon called for Friday night to tnko ;
appropriate action on tuo death of ono
'of its distinguished members , the Into
Judge J. W. Savage.
Tlio union tinners of Otnnlm ttro mak
ing preparations for lidding thoh * an
nual bull at "Washington hall on Friday
eve , December 12. A jjeuorul invitation
IB c.xtcudcd to the public.
Albright's Choice , 10 par cent cash ,
1602. Sixteenth nnd Furnnra streets in
the now Hock Island ticket olllco. Tick *
eta to all points oust at lowest rules.
Albright's Choice , the bcsttrncknga
w\NOT.'iun wimpijijiNo FIASCO.
The JIM ) Nenrlr OlMkctl to Death by
Ills OtMVtiont | | ,
Professional wrestling Is not growing In
popularity In. Omaha , and last night's ' fiasco
at the Grand will slmlttysorvo to exaggerate
the previous condition ot things ,
It was the match boUvreen Mntsada Sora-
klcbl and T. .1 , Mediation , best two In three
falh , Gra'co-Itomnn , forfjOO aside , the win
ner to take tliostolicSjand 75 per cent of the
gate receipts.
The Jnp wasn't in it.
O-Andy Moynlhan wai chosen referee , and
Billy Hnwloy mnnii.uIdM tlio broke on the
stopwatch. Mr. Baldwin hold McMnhon's
towel and Mr. Kane worked the fan over the
Jan ,
The rcfcrco rend the articles , which con
tained a proviso that "all holds go. " They
did KO , nnd that Is why tin Jan is wishing
thatit wasn't ( [ iilto so much or acatch-ns-
cntch-cnn affair.
The men got to-wortt nt 0:30 , and after n
few 1 clever imitations of two Innocent urchins
progressing 1 through the cinbryonio stacc ? of
a 1I I game of leap frog , tha Jap tried to get u
strangle 1I hold on his adversary. RIcMahon
slipped I out , nnd for the next few minutes
the I Celestial wns kept busy shifting
shoulders I ou the carpet. lie made aomo
wonderfully 1 clover turns , nud slipped
through tbo dangerous places llko ft prohibi
tionist gcttln g around nn election bot. Every
body said the Jap was nil right , but , na usual
in such cases , everybody was wrong. Al
though bo shot in and out , up and down ,
around nud about like a meteor , it only mo
mentarily delayed the inevitable. There was
a lightning likb move , nnd RIcMuhoit's arm
contracted lllto a boa constrictor around the
throat of the Jap.
It was a deadly strangle hold , and M It
tighten ed on the .Tap's ' oo/to It was obvious
what the end would bo. The hold could not
bo broken , and after standing It ns long M he
could thoJnp's band went up nnd MqMuhon
released him nndvcnt to his chair.
The Jap remained on nil fours for nearly
two minutes , gazing Intently ut the figures In
the carpet und allowing hugo gobs of dust
streaked atmosphere to famblo Joyously down
ills thront ,
"When ho arose , it was to tell the audience
why lie wished ho hadn't come. Ho said that
if ho wns evenly matched ho would regard
strangling as all right , but ns ho weighed
only ISO pounds ho did not think It fulr for
Ills -pound adversary to try to choke blm
to death.
The crowd agreed with him , anQMoMnhon
was vociferously branded ns n coward of the
first water. The Jap snld ho would forfeit
his money , and refused to continue the llcht.
Then the crowd got up and howled. They
charged on the stage , and a pollcuaian lind to
draw his club and keep thoni back. Excited
sports besieged the dressing rooms , and urged
tuo contestants to go on again , if only to ap
pease the crowd. Neither was m an niipons-
ing mood , however , nnd it was not until nil
thollgbts were turned out that the crowd
made up ils mind that the fun was over , and
wont homo.
33llly Hawlcy offered to back Baldwin , the
local amateur , against the Jap , and an effort
will bo made to arrange a match. Moynihan ,
however , will not boroforco. Ho gave it out
cold to the howling nudlenco that ho know
when ha had enough , ami announced his in
tention of permanently retiring from tbo
refcreoiKg business.
It was n great fake , all around , nnd nobody
can bo found this morning who will acknowl
edge that ho was thcro.
the Wooncy-Alleti Pfjrlit.
TUo Jtloonoy-Allcn fight in South Omaha
lost night was a long drawn out but very
tame affair. The men. fought forty-five
rounds , atthocnd of which time Allen re
fused to continue , claiming that his loft arm
was broken , A fair sized crowd of tired
spectators wns present. 4
The Road Scullers.
The road race at the Collslum was not as well
attended last night as on the previous night.
The Impression seems to have obtained among1
the feminine portion oT'tho population that
the entertainment is not ono suited to the
tastes of the fair sex. In order to correct
this Impression and to give the ladies an op
portunity of seeing for themselves that the
entertainment Is not only an eminently pro
per one , but n highly interesting athletic ex
hibition , the management has decided to na-
mit ladies free on Thanksgiving afternoon ,
when accompanied by escorts. Tills also In
cludes admission to tbo reserved scats. The
clergy aw also invited to witness the exhibi
tion at that time on the same terms as these
offered the ladles.
The racers Icept up a good pace Inst nipht ,
with Ross In the lead. Several spurts added
Interest to tlio race , and during ono of these ,
about 8 : UO o'clock , wise ran into's wheel
when the whole crowd was hunched , and wns
thrown to the track , sustaining severe
brulaes. Ilia machine was overturned and
one of the drive wheels badly buckled. Ho
retired from the track for the evening :
At the close the ofllciol score stood as fol
lows !
Mile ? . Laps.
Rogers B5 It
Koss 85 1
I.irg ; ii 84 1
1'laUed 81 1
ICunncdy 73 3
Wise 50 2
Lee 3
Tlio I3nso Dull Situation.
LOUISVIU.E , Ky. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tele-
grain to THE. BEE. ] The members of the Ball association and other
base ball men who came to the annual meet
ing hero were entertained last night at a
lunch at the Pcndonnlf club Dy ox-President
Phelps and President Parsons of Louisville.
All loft today , and there was
no further meeting of any kind. It :
was generally ittntcd last night
that the formation of tbo confcrencoMommit-
tco to make up the circuit for next year was
largely for the purpose of ousting the
Rochester , Syracuse and Toledo clubs , and
ono paper pu bllshed u wild siory that Roches i-
ter and Syracuse -would bo excluded on the
ground tliat in failing to play Sunday games
they had fai'ed ' to play games scheduled in
the articles of agreement. Then with two
now clubs. Toledo could bo excluded for
business reasons. There was a general cry
that three clubshad been trapped and induced
to vote for the conference committee , which
meant their certain exclusion. This is denied
by the association oflloials , who say that the : r
conference committee will not attempt to
forco'out Rochester , Toledo nnd Syracuse ,
but will try to make n friendly settlement
wlththom by purchasing their franchise , or
other methods satisfactory to all. It is be
lieved that clubs having less money will
readily enter upon this arrangement. The
coufcienco committee -will go to Chicago ,
Itoston and other larco cities nnd make efforts
to arrange a much bettor circuit than last
An Ill'Omen Ml'Sleeting.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 25HSpoclnl Telegram to
TIIK BEE. ] Only thirteen out of the thtrty-
three western Hues Intotested attended to
day's meeting to conslder'plaiis for lessening
the number of passes granted. The hoodoo
number nnd the apparent lack of interest put
n damper on thu meeting and it was ad
journed until next Tuesday , when It Is hoped
there will bo'a larger naiiiDor of roads repre
sented , ij , i-i
Chalrmnn Pinloy of Uuijwestflrn passenger
association has expert 'accountants on the
books oC the roads in hM association. The
object is toloarn whcthbv : nny of thorn are
paying illegal commissbns.
"Aren't you over going to grow old.llko the
best of us ; " ashed a man of au acquaintance
ho hudti'tsccn for some time. ' 'Well , not so
Ion gas I nan purify my blood with Ayer's
Sarsapavlllu , " was the apt reply. This man
know what he was taking about.
Mr , Frank Squires , n switchman on the
kMissouri Pacific , was married last night to
nMiss Kate Muher iu the St. Phlloinenn ca
thedral , A. very delightful reception was
tendered the couple after the weddlng'at
Forest boll , -Airelegant and sumptuous sup
per was given by .fames Urosuan at IdH resi
lience , near the corner of Sixth und Pacific ,
In honor of the event. For the present Mr.
and Mrs. Squint * will make their homo with
Mr. and J.Irs. Alaher , parents of the bride.
Gessler'sMaglo Headache Wafers. Cure nil
headaches Iu UO minute * . At all druggists.
, JT.I it.mnA < sim.
A. II. Wolf of Chicago Is nt the Murray.
L. O. Dyes , jr. , of Denver h at the Mlllnrd.
H. D. Nuckolls of Lcadvllto Is at the Casey.
II , Hirnos of Cheycnno was nt the Casey
last night.
II. O. ConMIng of Canton , O. , is at the
J. P. Lucas of Topckn Is in Iho city , nt the
Merchants. .
K. O. Wolcott of Denver 1 In the city , nt
the Mlllurd.
N. Preweclt of Salt Lake wns nt the Millard -
lard last night.
C. E. Chandler of Chicago was at the Mer
chants last night.
\V. II. Sceydan und wife of San Francisco
nro at the Cusoy.
T. J. Wliltlesoy of Xew York wns at the
PiKtoii last night.
George C. Lunt ot St. Louis was at the
Mtlliu-a last night.
M. II. llowley of Mitchell , S. D. , Is In the
city , at tbo Pnxton.
Thomas Smith and daughter ot Geneva , N.
Y. , are at the Paxton.
Jonu C. 0. Fletcher of New York wni at
tlio Murray last night.
A. S. Campbell of Hnstluca wns registered
at the Casey last night.
flcorgo W. Seeversof Oskaloosa , Ia. , was
at the 1'iutou last night.
M. P. Ohlman , a wholesale liquor dealer of
Ynnkton , S. D , , is nt the Murray.
J. C. .Tohos of Whltoxvooil , S. D. , wns In the
city Inst ulgtit , at the Merchant.1) ,
H. T. Carson , a prominent hotel nnn of
Sioux Fulls , S. D. , Is ut the Murray ,
J. G. P. Hllderbraiul of the St. Paul Press
wns In the city Inst night and called a' TIIK
Brisoflicc ,
Nebraska 1'ooplo Abroad.
TornicA , ICan. , Hov. 25.J. . T. Stauhopo of
Omaha Is nt the National.
Cmcuon , Nov. US. C. C. Treat of Omaha
Is nt the Lclomi. William Mendelssohn of
Omaha Is at ( Joro's hotel. .T. M. Thurston of
Oinnbn Is nt the Grand Pilelie. ! J. N. Bald
win of Oinnha Is nt the auditorium.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Xov. 25. L. J. Drake
Omaha is at tlio Coatcs , Dr. H. 0. Miller of
Nebraska City is registered at tlio Mininml ,
Frang "Vmighn of Omaha Is a guest of C. S.
Grifiln In Kansas City , ICnn. RIlss Itannio
C. Shell of Omaha will spend Thanksgiving
with friends iu KUIH.IS City , Kau ,
.1 1'X.lLTItniEGGAll JT.IIZED.
Peter Mueller Sent to the lirldowoll in
Cinc.vao , Nov. 2"i. ( Special Telegram to
Tim BEE. ] Peter Mueller , worth tht'co- '
quarters of n million , was yesterday sent to
the bridewell for sixty days by a justlco ol
tb o pcaco for begging on tbo streets. The old
man is a queer character. Per years ho and
his wife lived iu a miserable hovel in the
town of Cicero , denying themselves every'
thing except the absolute necessities of life.
They were known to bo the possessors of
great tract of land In that vicinity and many
were tlio stories told by the neighbors of
their store of gold concealed in the hut
Finally ono night , about four years ago , tbeso
stories had their logical sequence. Four
masked men came to the hovel , domandei
"the pot of gold ) " nnd on the old couple pro
testing they had no money , tortured them in
the most awful manner , but in vain. Next
morning the neighbors found Mueller and his
wife almost dead. Their feet bad been ournct
with hot Irons and their bodies covered will
bruises. It was some tlmo before they re
covered , but ns soon as possible Mueller re
sumcd his begging. Finally ono night , about
a year ago , ho was locked up over night.
When ho went to bis mlscrtiblo homo next
day ho found his wife had suicided , probablj
through despondency at his absence , lie
haviutr never beforu been away from homo
over night. Ho made no change in his mod
of life nnd kept up ills mendicity. Sunday
ho made such a nuisance of himself in f run
of a fashionable church that an officer nr
I'csted him. In court ho refused to answer
questions or nny a line and was sent to the
bridewell , lie owns several hundred acres of
land in Cicero and is known to bo the pos
sessor of sovcral hundred thousand dollars'
worth of stocks and bonds.
Tlio Lamp
At six o'clock last evening a lamp exploded
In the residence of George A. Wilcox , nt 1111
Park avenue , and the house was soon on flro.
The flames had found their-way through the
rcof by the tlmo the lire department arrived
on tlio scene , and It became necessary to
flood the liouso with water jit order to over
come the flro. Some of the furniture had
been gotten out of the house before the flro
department arrived , and that much was safe
from damage or destruction. But the furni
ture that remained in the house was very
badly damaged by water and smoke. Tbo
damage will probably nmount to not less than
12,1)00 ) , nnd Is amply covered by insurance.
Itynn "Wan Stubborn.
ST. PACI. , Minn. , Nov. S3. Judge Brill
today filed au order In the district court re
quiring Dennis Ryan , the wealthy proprietor
of the Hotel Ityan to appear November 20 and
show cause why a receiver should not bo ap
pointed to tnko charge of his property and
why ho Should not bo punished for contempt
In violating the injunction previously issued
by the court. Tills was issued on application
of the attorney for John K. Dooley , who has
an unsatisfied judgment against Kyau for
$ .20,000. ,
Boolis nn Blood and SUn diseases frco ,
THE SWIFT Snxll'IC CO. , Art-AiTA , OA.
Joli'i Condon of South Oiunltn llcatrn
Into InncimlMIUy.
John Condon , n grading contractor of South
Onmhr , went to I.oulivlllo yesterday to look
after his men who nro at worlc there. On liU
wny home last ulRht ho was ussnultcd liy two
men , \vho nlupKOtl him brutally and loft him
ylng In the rend In nn unoon clou stixto. Ho
was not found until nftcr inldnlalit , Imvlng
aid In the roml scvornl hours. Ills Injuries
are quite serious , but not considered fatal.
Stllhv.ill's iMttrdofcr.
ST. Lofis , Mo. , Ko35. . Today's ' develop'
uents prove positively that Kendrk-lc , nr.
rested at 1'oorln on susplrlon. Is the juur.
dorerof Amos .T. Hlllhvcll. Ilunnlbal was
lot the rlglit innn.
The Woninn > luy Voto.
aurnitiK , O. T. , Nov. i5. The lumso tod.iy
passed the bill rxtciitllng tlio suflraKO to
women. It will prouably go through the
council also.
/ s
all the painful disorders nnd
clironio wcauncssca peculiar to Uio
fctnnlo sc.v. Thov go , with Ihoiso
of Dr. Piorco'a l-'avorilo Proscrin-
tion. Periodical pnins , weak baoK ,
bearing - down sensations , nervous
prostration , nil "fcm.ilo complaints "
arc cured by it. It is purely vege
table and perfectly harmless a
powerful general , as well as uterine ,
tonio and nervine , imparting vigor
and strength to the whole system.
It costs you nothing if it fails to
give satisfaction. It's ffitarantced
to do so , in every ease , or the money
ia refunded. It can bo guaranteed
for it docs it. No other medicine-
for women is sold on such terms.
That's tlio way its makers prove
their faith in it. Contains no alco
hol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar
to derange- digestion ; a legitimate
medicine , not a leverage. Purely
vegetable and perfectly harmless iu
any condition of the system.
World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation , Proprietors , No. tiC3 Main
Street , Buffalo , N. Y.
To euro Tlllioinnoss. Sick Ilcndacho. Constipation ,
Malaria. LWcr ComrtlalnU , ( Jtko tha cafe
end certain remedy ! SMITH'S
tleotheSSIA'U.BlZnMO little bcnnstodiobot-
tie ) . ' .They nro the most convenient : cult
i'rlcoof cltlier elio. US conu per bottle.
Bf IQ nMrT * " " 17. VO : I'toto
B BVSOIiliatfl panel Blzo of this plcturo for 4
conta ( cuppers or etaupo ) .
Wnkcrsof "lillo Dcand , " SU Loula. Mo.
.Tlio larjcet Hnlnlilislimoutln tha
lUorltl for Ilio Ircnlincnt ot Ilalr
Build Scalp , Kcirnio , Union. Worn ,
S.-ui'crrcouH Ilnlr , lllrthnmrl.8 ,
2Motti. rrccUp8WrlnliliHfUNo80 !
SRcaVtim OilySklu.Acnr.l'lnii.lcs
' lllacthcnrtn. lisrber'gltoh , Sc r
lMttlnc .l'o il'T MarkR , Facial Do
veIopmonthunkcnChccln. etc. Con
enllnllonfrrcnt olllco or by letter. 121
> Ijnok on nil Bkhi nnd trnln nfrrcllfn nnj their
tmentiipnt > i < 'ilcilln an ndclrfK * foriocts.
JOII.V II. AVOOllltUHT , Ilvrmiitolnclili
I \VOJllltUlt\'M I' MilA. ! . t UAH-rarlhc
IKHIn nnt ] Sml | , ntntff fj'f * or 5V ynai * . fi > O mitAr
m& XtlQUOlct H-ft-BIT.
It en be irtvrn In n cap * f roffre or ten. or In * r.
tldu of road , without 1110 knowledge ol tli patient.
Itoecesniry. It Ixbiolutolr barmlm and will effect
a permanent and speedy cure , whether the jpattrnt u
modtr t drinkeror a looholloMTock. ITJVKltU
VAll.N. It oporiLtei o quietly ted with Ruoh o r-
tainty that the patlont uudorffoc * no Uieonvenienot ,
and ore hit awart , hia complete reformation U
elteoted. 48ri zobook orpartlcularifroe. lobc-hailol
KDUN ft CO. , loth & loucUsi. i Uth it CummeSta.
Crr Trade supplied "X UL.A.KH. . I311UCH & CO , and
JwOU At > r > - < nV muff * i * - i - _
VOUS DEIUUTV'VoakntM4 of llody and
Mind ; UffeuUof Krrors or ovrusseslit Old ot
Youni ; . Uolnist. Noble BIANIIOO1) fullv re
stored Wo Rmiranti'o every cuso or money
refunded , Sample course , live days' treat
ment , $1 ; ( nil course , $5. Securely scaled front
bscrvatlon. Cook Humody Co. . Omaha , Nclj
St. ClalrOlllcB.llUoo. itCor. Itli auilDoilgeii
i . . „ ri-MH-cly for all thn
Curfsln iimmliiml UlM-huruci und
.TlToSDAYSA [ VrlMiloilhonseiof moil. A
| tjUHHil < 'I. ° t l ' cortnln turn for tln > dclilll-
u Sultlatt. 1 tuting weakness peculiar
tn women.
EtflTlltEv N8CHMje tCo. In rocommoiiillnt' It to
'CINWi. ° ' JBSTo"NE'RrMODtCAT-JUtU ' : ;
fSol(1 l > y ] > riii& lNIII
Tn4. " ! w4 Hra.r > I'UK'E 8I.OO.
J'lvoycarsago both loajht our
ulilce.Vn euro nil WIAK.
pxplalnsnll. Itsudvlre U Vital. Fro larUmllnl
ttntf. Han't Trllln with Illscaacl KltlK MKD.
CO. , UufTulo , N. V. Don't full to
Cures nil disorders of tlio Btnmnoh , Iilvor , Hownl" , ICltlnoyH , Hlndilor.Nerv-
ous DlHeasos. LIOBS of Appotlto , Hcadaolic , CotiNtlpatlon , Oostlvonns , IndlBi-
tlon , nillousnens , Fever , I'llos , Kto. , itnd renders tlm Hywluiu loss lliiblo to con-
truct ( Ituoaso.
Ituoaso.DYBPE1PSIA. .
nA.nWA.VS PFLLS nru u euro for this complaint. Tlmy Uino up tbo Interim ! secretions to
healthy uctlon. restore strcngllt to the stomucli , mill onitblo It to norfornt IU fiinutloai.
i'rlcoa'io a box. Solu by ull druggists , or mulled by IIADWAY & CO. , Hi Warren atioet. Now
York , on receipt of prleu.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Rercntoen yenn oiMrlonco. A rcirulnrwroduntoln mKllclne , aailliilomas iliotr , Uktlll treating nllli
otcreMott lUtci-M. nil NCTVOUH. Cliruiilouml ITIvatu II ) U4 > . Apurinaiiont tnrouuiiraiitfmt for Catarrh ,
or matiirrlima , Ixnt Jlnnliooil , Wniiilnul Wvaknium , NlxUt , linjiiitunoy , Hililll | , btrluure , and ull illi. l
loiofllio HlooJ.Hkluatiil Urlnurr Orirani , W. M. I iu ! ranUetCO for every easel iinderluko anil fall to
re. Coiuuiu tluti frco. Book iMfitorK'aot UJ ) sent Irve. Onicobour'Jn. . m. tor p. iu. Suudurn IU
m. tu U m.
- , F-em.
BEAUTYorPcrt. . .
Mnro limn 15 your * ' experience In tlio treMniralnl
A cnroininrntiti'od Innto llv ilaranltlioul ( licloi
ofjnn liutir'n time.
1'crninnently ciiroil without ( minor liKtrwniiMiti : no
rultlnc : no illhtlnr. Tlia moil rt > iuurk'il > : i > rttiuoJ/
known to incHlorn tdoncp. dVrlto fur clruul in.
Dr. Jlclro\v' ( trv.'itinunt ( or till * terrible Moot ) ells-
cnroliiK bri'ii pronvunriM tlm inont powerful nncl
'iiccowifiil rvmptly u\t > r dhmvurivl for tlip nl > flluui
oiirn of tlili itl on o. Hlj uoco , swllh tiili Ulnrnit
lia noror IJIMMI ( | iinllcil \ ciiroi'lulo cviuc iM.uij
-ANTF.E1) , \\rltufvrclicuLtri.
nnd nil woakno" or Iho cetiml ortrnti * , nervou-inon ,
llnililltr ami ilutponiloiicr nbujlittoly curi'J. Tliom-
Hot In liimivillntu mid comi'lcto.
Cntnrrli , rlioinnntleni , ftnd nil itlipniai of Iliobloil
llvr > r. Htlncy < nnd blulilcr pernianvntlr enrol.
nnrt uourfiliMn. mTYOiMnesi nntlitlHoa cj ( if tlmntutn-
ncli curcil. The Doctor' " "Homo Treatment" for
Inrtli'S Is pronounced by nil vrlio liavo utoil It. to lia
f lie muntcoiiitiotu nml convwnlimt rcim > ily over of.
foroil fur tlio trontmuiit of fuimilo illsonni. Itli
truly n. wonderful rvmeiljr. No Instruments ; uu
lllllll. HdLMH rOIUAIIIKI Kltoy L'TIX OM.Y.
nnrveloiii miccoiii lim won for him n roinitntton
ulilcli li truly In diameter , nnil his Kroit
nrniyof putlrntn roidioi from tlio Atlantic to tlio
I'ttdtlo. The Doctor Is KnulimUi of "imiUJ.AU"
inotllclne nnil lias hart lununml ciroful uxpL-rltMiroln
lio'l'ltnl prncllrc. niul U rluiu'il union ; ! tlio li'ivlln ?
f l > ccl.ll-ti ! In inoitcrn sclonco. U'runtineut br v rro-
upoiiiluniv. Wrlto for Urculnri ubuut uncuof tha
iibovo ilNciiscs , t'liKi : .
Office , 1 4th and Farnam Sts
Kiitrnncoon cUtur xtroaU
13O2 Parnatn Sfcra i' .
City Paeacmijor and Tlokot
rpai instil
Comer Oth and. Harney Btroot3 , Omahx
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DE. A. T. MoTjA-UGHLIN" , President
Founded by Dr. J. W. HcMenamy.
Wonderful Spanish
Hcmuiljr , ernes nil
Nerycus Dlacoiet ,
such atVcnlt Mem
ory , LOBS of Urn In
1'ower , lleadacbo.
WnkcfulncM , l.oel
Manhood , Nervous-
ncen , I.n Bltnilc , all
m Lilt. clmliiB aud luca ol
power of tbo Ocncrative Orzaus , In eltlKr > er ,
cmucd by OTcr-oxrtloii , yoiilliful lnillecrcloniot |
the oiccpi < lTO\i \ ( > oof tnlincc < inpliimur Btlmnln.ils ,
which nltlmntelr lend tu Iiitlrmltj , CnntumptloD
and Insanity. 1 ut ni > In ciinvenlert fonn to carry
In the vc t iiotket. I'ricojl packaj-c , cr 6 fc > r tf
Sent by mall to any nddrtue. Circular free. llcu >
tlon thin pnrier. Artdrt s
HjtUUlO CUilICi I. cu. , < 17 Dearborn EUChlcacoIU.
Kntm A Co , Cor. Illli A DouKlm btrctln.
J. A. Kuller ft Cu. , Cor. Kill A DimitlM BtrcCtl.
A. I ) . Fiietf r & < ! o. . Council UluHf. lovvo.
Practice limited to
Rooms 316 to 320 JBee Bldg
OTor-lnJulronco. Jfacti boi contalniongmontl'a treau
nent. tlttbol , or ill ( or O. iwit tr iorJIir | t/uliL
WHU ewJ > orii r lur ilJ Ixiit'i. will itnJ iiurehjuor
Buarnntiu to rrfiinu ncn < iir Ulna trotrnentrollnCO
cure u uaraatwu IMUUU tuul iccuuiuu tvld oulr br
1110 rurnuta BtreeU - Omahi Neb.
cer.Olnr Co. , la. Ucnulue br blieniinni Jlc
Dodtio it , near I * . O.i > iualui U. A. Melolier
Omaha ; M. I" , Kill * , Council Ulult. ftor 3 fr