THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , NOVEMBER 20 , 1890 THE OMAHA 3iEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , HO. 12 PEAUL ST. rellvcreit l > y Carrier luunjr pnrt of the City. II. W. T1LTON. - - - MANAOKH TEJ.F.l'HONE3i Iliislnrs * OtTlco , No. 41 \ Night Editor , No. 23. llIXQlt JtKXTJOX. N. Y. 1 . Co. Council IJluffa dumber Co. . coal. Lcnvo to marry was given yesterday to Lewis O , Sines mid Mary A. Cudultlu ! , an Omaha couple , ThoyounB Indies of the Bothnny Dnplist chuirli will servo inpnor In tlio church TlumksKlvltiB evening November 'JT. Special communication of Bluff City lodge , No. 71 , A. P. : A. M , , tills cvenlnf for work in tlio third decree. All Master Masons in- vltcd. Tlio North Second street bridge will bo tin-own OIKJII for traniu today. The stuel handrails wcro ordered from lilrmlugti.ini , Ala. , niul li.ivu not yet arrived. No mooting of tlio InJIcs' gvummium class will bo licld on tomorrow evening , but the next regular meeting will bo held the follow ing Tuesday oveiiliiRnt 8 o'clock. The traveling men nro delighted with the Hotel Gordon , and the citizens talio no tilth ) pr ido In the liotol , for under the management of Mr. Clark It Is becoming a favorite. An extra force of seventeen teams have been put to work on the crcok ditch excavation. This Rlvos Contractor Hubur nearly ono hundred teams , and Insures the completion of the work within the required thirty days If the voatlier docs not seriously interfere. Yostcrday wns tut ) btrtbdny nnnlvcrsory nf Mrs.V. . I ] , Illplisinllh , and last evening the Union Pacific yardmen , over whom Mr. Illplmnltli Is fnroinnn , met ub his residence nnu presented the loily with a hatidiomo sll- UPI- water service. The gift was worthily bottowuil and keenly appreciated. Unusual preparations nro being made for the observance of TlianUsgivlnit tomorrow. It Is becoming one of tha brightest and hap piest festlvltief ot all tlio year , mid people arc looking forward to its coming this year with unusual anticipations of pleasure , for the goncrnl public of Council duffs has much to bo tlmnkiul for. Articles wcro yesterday filed by which W 1) , I'otwfou becomes the adopted son of his grand fat her , Christian Petoraon. The boy' father is said to bo In tlio state of Washing ton , mid his mother In Schuylcr , Neb. Uoth seem to huvu abandoned him and so his gr.mdfuthcrhns taken him up. Ho is a man of property and the boy will have a coed homo and proper euro. At n Into hour last night a man nnmcd Myers , accompanied by his \vlfo , approached Ofllcer O'lirlcn ' and asked for thu nriust of his sou John , aged fonitccn years. " Ho said the Ind would not go to school , run out n nights , sleept In box cars , at depots , etc. Thubov was found and sent to the station , Ho will bo scut to jail for n brief period. Mr. Myers resides at the comer of Avcnuo L and Twenty-second street. IIo stated bis had not been nt homo for over a week. When found the hey fought very hard to mike his escape. Ono of the largest audiences that has path- cm ! in the opera house this season was pres ent last night to liear the presentation of the beautiful little Irish dninin "JCilocii Oge , " by a local company. The work of tlio ninntuers was so well done mid the uudleni-o so highly pleased that an cffoit will bo made today toa.o ] \ the dramu repeated while the Catholic fair is in progress. A generally better pleased audience has not left the onotix house this season than that which reluctantly vacated the chairs last night when the cur tain was Dually rung down. John Kennedy , coloied of Oinahn , was in the city yesterday morning with blood in his e.yes. I faua In search of the destroyer of his happiness , whom ho designated an "a uoithloss coon who loufca about the dives of Omaha. " Ho was nimble to giuo his name , but furnished the po'sco ' with a good descrip tion of the follow. Kennedy stated ho had been suspicious of his wife for some time and wiicn ho returned homo last evening bis worst fears wcro realized. Mrs. Kennedy had down , taking nil her clothing mid tholr little child. She loft word that It would not do to follow her ns Blio hod determined not to return. Kennedy does not want nor , but wants her paramour arrested. Hotel Gordon. The finest hotel la Council fluffs. Every thing strictly first class. Sample room In connection with the house , for commercial men. men.A A grand conceit is to bo given in behalf of the A. M. E. church indebtedness nt Peter- sun's hr.ll this evening. Adinlsnion US conts. Louis Ottcnhelmer has Just removed to 414 Hmadway with a full line of clothing and furulbhing goods. Not Quito HO Hail an llnprcscnteil. The lies Moliies Iloglster of yesterday morning contains nn item concerning the con troversy over the ownership of a portion ol Cut-off island , and notes the llling of the no ] tlco for the Iowa authorities , to appear In the federal supreme court and defend tlio claims nmdo by Pottawattnmlo county of urlsdtctlon over the hind in question. Jn dis cussing the matter the Register asserts that the Island is ' 'inhabited by a lawless crowd Avho tnko advantage of the dispute between the two states to obey neither tlio laws of Iowa nor Nebraska. " This is stating a reputed fact with a little too much vigor. That portion of Council Bluffs Is not Inhabited by a lawless crowd , but , life and property are ns safe there nnd the proper observances of the laws are maintained as thoroughly ns In nuy other portion tion of the city. There was a time , perhaps hut it was many moons ago , before the city government throw the panoply of the low over the territory , tlint some laws wcro not as strictly enforced as they should DO In a Chris tian country. If the territory was ever de signed as a rendezvous for lawless people the proximity of the Omaha police nnd the frequent visits made by thorn prevented any such gathering. Hcforo it was generally known that Omaha had no jurisdiction over the locality the Council Bluffs city author ities bad assumed control and established n thorough government. It the start it was necessary to nmiutnlri two policemen there nil the time , but for the last two or thieo months one man has been nblo to preserve peace , and has had occasion to make less ar rests than any other man on the force. A largo majority of the people who Hvo tlicro are interested llnaneiully In the property The majority of those who do not own prop erty themselves nro employed by the largo manufacturing concerns that are establishing their plants there , and they nil have n direct Interest In good government. The tract Is al most ccrtnln to become the great manufactur ing center of the two cities. Already 81,000,000 hnvo been invested there In manufacturing enterprises nnd the start lias enl v been made. It Is probable that another million will be planted there before another year pusses. Women Qnurrol Over 11 Colt. A frisky colt seems to have been the so of trouble between two families living ar the corner of Twenty-fourth street and Tblnl avenue. The Parker family own tbo.colt which has been quite annoying to t their neighbors , tbo Tracys , The cell Intruding on the Tracy ground Mrs. Tracj Ufocccdcd , to tie tbo animal up to a-post Mrs. Pnrkor ran out with n bread Inilfo mii cut the ropo. Then Mrs. Trucy grabbed thi piccowlth the colt on the end , and in ordei to gain possession Mrs. Parker hit her on lie hand so vend times with the back of thi knife. Such seem the circumstances whlcli led to n charge being illtHl yesterday accusing Mrs. Parker of assault aud battery. Money to loan at straight 5 per cent pet annum , K. S. Burnett , agent. Scott House. 8.1 ct. meals , 23c. tircut bargains In bedroom suits at Mamlo & Klein , SKO Broadway. The great blow about heaters our would-be competitors are making , Have you seen boa better stock of hentura aud lower prices tliiu RtM. & li.'i , 100 Uroadway. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Henry Combs , a Colored Nnpoleon , Wants Heavy Damages for Falno Arrest. THE LAWS OF THE HUMANE SOCIETY , Mrs. McGwire Hunting for Her Mother Women Qnnrrel Over n Colt Cutoff * Misrepresented Minor Mention. Iu the district court yesterday the cnsa of Henry Combs vs Edward Uurbrldgo was on trial. The plaintiff Is a colored man , who has of late hail considerable frco advertising in connection with Cut-Off Island , ho being one of the leading squatters , mid ono of the most responsible financially. In fact , ho has been a sort of leader in tlio numerous exciting contests which , have taken place over the possession of the property. The de fendant is a well known nnd wealthy fanner. This suit Is one in which the plaintiff asks for $10,000 damages on account of luring been arrested for stealing a harness belong ing to the defendant. Combs was arrested In Oinahn , In connection with a white man , named Straight. Tha harness was found upon n horse of which Combs claimed ownership. Combs declined ho hail not scon the harness before , nnd know nothing nbout It. IIo agreed to come over to Council Bluffs without a requisition , protest ing his Innocence. It xvas claimed that the Council Bluffs ofllcerwho had conio over to Omaha after him put the handcuffs upon him , nt the solicitation of Uurbrldgo. Combs was acquitted of the clinrRO and Straight was given u Jail sentence. This was two years ago , nnd soon after that he commenced his suit for damages. The case was called up for trial several terms ago , but it was discovered that coitaln1 depositions were missing , and n continuance was therefore had to permit of the depositions being retaken. The c.iso Is being quite sharply fought. A number ol witnesses fro'ii Omahii wcro over yesterday to testify to the good character and reputa tion of Combs. The defense will probably bo reached today. A IIUSINHSS PIIOI'OSITIOX \VcIl.ivoOncto Talk to Yon About. BUSINESS FOK YOU AND BUSINESS FOR US. Experience has proved to you nud us that the time to make hay is wheu the sun shines , The sun is shining for the buyer this season and the seller has to come to time nnd sell tils goods In the season they are bought for , \Vo have nn overstock of goods and right now is the time to sell it wo know it I The weather is unfavorable for the dry goods trade , but wo propose to sell our stock , if low prices will do it.Vo will offer tomorrow and duiing this week such attractive bargains In cloaks , jackets , wraps , misses' and children's cloaks , underwear , and nil heavy clothing nt such prices that It will pay anyone who studies economy to lay In their goods for the season. OuiMfock Is till fresh and of the latest nnd best styles. Our holiday , department , which is the ac knowledged center of attraction , will bo open to the public after Monday. It takes up our entire third door and consists of the latest , choicest and rarest novelties that the Amer ican and European markets produce , A trip through our house and the various depart ments will convince every loyal citizen of Council Bluffs that our Institution Is not be hind the times , hut the leader of all estab llsluneats In the nortuwest. Everybody cor dinlly Invited. Call and sco us. IlKNicr fiisEMVx & Co. , Broadway and Pearl street , Council Bluffs Tno colored folks have arranged to glvo n very pleasant concert at Peterson's hall or upper Broadway to dlscharRO trio Indebted ness on the A. SI. E. church. Admibsiau ' " cents. The Iliimaiio Society. Tbo recent organization of a uumnno so ciety In Council Bluffs has been quietly ef fected , nnd there has been little outward manifestation of enthusiasm. There seems to bo little general Interest manifest , and tli < remark is frequently heard , "It won't nmoun to anything , " or the query is asked , ' 'Well what can they do I" Those who are In the organisation tall differently. They say it will amount to a peed deal , und that they not only c.m but wil' do a good deal , especially In regard to tin treatment of horses. The btatuto ou the matter5s as follows : "If any person torture , torment , deprive o necessary sustenance , cruelly boat , mutilate , cruelly kill , or deprive any animal , or unueu cssnrily full to provide the same with proper food , drink , shelter or protection from th weather , or cruelly drive or work tHe suui < when unlit for labor ; or cruelly abandon th sumo ; or carry or causa the same to be cnrrici on any vehicle or otherwise in an unnecessarily cruel and In'juniau manner , he shall ha pun ished liy --isoninoiit | In tno county Jnll no : exceeding thirtv clays. 01-by line not exceed lug $100. Another section of the law is ; "If nnj pei-son keep or in any way be connected wither or bo interested In the management of , or re cclvo money for the admission of any persoi to nuj' place kept or used for the purpose o lighting or baiting nuy bull , , dog , cocker or other creature , or engage In , aid , abet , encourage courage , pr assist iu any bull , bear , dog , 01 cock , or a light between any other creatures ho shall bo deemed guilty of n misdemeanor , Scott Houso. Deal $1.00 per day house i the city , _ This week will bo a memorable one in the heating stove trade. AVe Justreecived another carload of the Peninsular stoves and will quote bottom figures to purchasers. At M. & , IC's , S > ' 0 Broadwuy. See our now fall patterns of carpets , rugs , shades at nil prices. AtM. & IC.'s , U20 Broad i " ' < > honkinc for Her Motlier. , Mrs. Jciinlo McOwiro , a young woman of about twenty years of ago with a three- months-old baby In her arms , was tramping wearily nround the streets all day yesterday looking for her mother , Mrs. Eliza Boiler , who is supposed to bo somewhere In the ' city. The young woman visited the post- oftlco repeatedly and madoinqulrles of nearly all tbo employes of Uncle Sam In the big building , but none of thorn knew anything about her mother. Tlio general delivery < -leik at the postolllco recalled the fact that Mrs. Holler hud received mall within a short tlmo but bad tint lelt any orders where her mall should he delivered. Mrs. McGwiro is In destitute circum stances , nnd hud come to the city with her child In compliance with Instructions from her mother who iveently cninu huro. The young woman curao Iu ou onu of the trains troiu the south ycstorday morning from Ham . burg , In. , and she had just $1 left after she reached the city. During her weary tramp around the city looking for her mother .shu encountered some person \\lio took the tlmo to Iciudly direct her to the police station. Hero shu told her btory and enlisted the ofll- cers In the search , but they failed to llnd the parent , Last evening Ofllcer Bcswlclr kindly took , , the woman to his homo nnd cared for her aud will assist her today in her search. Buy your coal nnd wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 63'J Broadway , Telephone 130. fc J. C , Blxby , steam ticating , sanitary en- . glnuer. . , . Uia , . . Ufo . . . buililm ? , Oouhai 20J Mor riam block , Council Bluffs , The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway , _ Urlgt.t Ornolo Corlmley. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock the re mains of little Gruclo Corhaloy were laid to vest In Fnlrvlew cemetery. Many friends gathered to talio u lust view of her who in life had not only been the sunbeam of her home but hud also Avon the love of all with whom she came in contact. It truly seemed that none know her but to love her , nnd this was only vcrlHcd by the many beautiful tloral offerings given by fi lends of the little child. Beautiful indeed was the offering sent by semi of her little friends school mates , A larpo wroatli uoniiXMCd ot smllax nnd Immortelles studded with white and pink roses , pillow of smllax and many dainty white ( lowers , denoting purity and with the nnnia of Oracle. Imbeddi-il were sent to the residence. A card attached announced that the offerings csimo from her little school mates Clifford Cole , Lawrence Word , Mary Huzclton , Mablo and fnnnlo Khoddn.Crwrlov Murphy , MableCook , Inez nud Freddie Dor- land , Chcrrla Wells , Ada and Brusc Hesse , Donald Jeffries , Nellie Harlo. " Dr. Scj'bcrt. lies. . Ogden house , ol. 140. Cur line of cook stoves and ranges , from $ * .M ) to 1 15 gives you the greatest variety to select from , at Matidel & Klein's , 3'0 Broad- way. _ They Elected n Superintendent. The board or education held n meeting last night for the purpose of clcctinir n superin tendent for the city schools , from the re ports that were current on the streets yes terday evening It was understood that a ma jority of the board went into the meeting with the conviction that the deadlock would bo broken , and before an adjournment would bo taken the now superintendent would bo named. It was reported that n conference was hehl In thooftlco ot Mr. Schoentgen yes terilay afternoon , which was attended by Mr. Blaxslm , If not other members , and that nn agreement was effected by which Mr. Dlax- slm was to nominate the winning candidate after a number or fruitless ballots would show that the other members would not con sent to vote for Prof. Leonard , the Youngstown - town , O. , man , who was so highly recom mended for the position , Whether there was any truth In the rumor or not the proceed ings nnd result of the meeting Indicated that a majority of the members had determined to end the controversy , All the mem hers were present , nnd Presi dent Stewart called the members to order in his usual bland and courteous manner , and it Ind avcry mild beginning , Befoic the end was reached the cthcrinl mildness had changed Into some vigorous blasts. As the meeting was called expressly for the pur pose of electing u superintendent it was expected that a large number of citl/ens would turn out and hoar the gentlemen quar rel over the matter , but no ono was present except n fnw interested parties wlio had claims to urge , nud thu reporters. Immediately nftcr assembling the board proceeded to take a formal hallot , nnd the re sult showed that Pro 1. Leonard had re ceived the votes of Messrs. Wells , Hunter und SLlioentgcn , who have so earnestly sup ported him throughout. Prof. F. A. Jackson of Mount Pleasant , la. , received two votes and Prof. Balllngcr received ono. On tbo next vote Leonard received two , Jackson two , Balllngcr ono uud Loioy D. Brown of California ouo. Voting with similar results continued until the fourteenth ballot had been reached. During the time six candidates were voted for , but none of them reached over two votes. Alter tlio result of the fourteenth ballot bad been declared Mr. Wells addressed the chair , or rather , dressed up the chairman , in a very vigorous style in a thirty minute speech.It was a scathing nnd bitter speech , in which Member Wells gave utterance to Ills feelings and admiration of the president in a very free manner. Chair man Stewart sat complacently chawing a paper wad dining its delivery , nnd only in terrupted him once when ho alluded to the piesldcnt having sneered at Prof. Leonard because ho was a Methodist preacher The president warmly contradicted this as sertion , but Mr. Wells reiterated It and called attention to tlio fact that Air , Walto chuckled when the sneering al lusion was made to the preacher. Mr. Stew art again explained his rcinnik nt the previ ous meeting , but Mr. Wells said ho preferred to put his own construction upou it and lot other members do the same. AVhen Mr. Wells concluded , Mr. Blnxsim said ho believed ho held the key that would unlock the problem and ho was going to try it anyhow by nominating a man who had not been placed in nomination , nud if he was not elected on the iirst ballot then ho would make up his mind that the members of the teachers' committee wanted to retain tbo position of superin tcndent which they were filling so creditably , Prof , Sawyer Is not unknown to finno. Ii 188 ? ho was the democratic candidate for su perintondentof public instruction , nominated by tno Iowa state democratic convention , and defeated with the balance of the ticket. Sub sequently ho was located at Hamburg , la. , where ho Is quite well Known , and from whence , ho received some flattering recom mendations. At the present time ho is act ing temporarily in the position of editor o the St. Joseph Gazette. IIo is n man abou. fifty years old and has been identified with public school work during tno greater part o" his life. The public will bo generally satisfied to take Air. Sawyer on trial and will bo delighted - lighted to know that the bone of contention in the school board hn.s been removed. While the controversy has engendered good deal of apparent hard feeling among th _ members it Is not as deep seated as It ap pears to bo. While the remarks of Mr , Wells in the meeting last night were severe and cutting , they were dignified and couiteoui nnd did not awaken any counter bitterness. A Christmas Puzzle. What shall wo buy for the holidays ! I this puzzles you come in and see our holtdaj attractions ; brilliant diamonds ; gold anil silver watches mid chains ; quaint , novel , new nntternod Jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces , lockets ; gold-headed canes ; solid silver anil plated ware : too many novelties to nnmo you must sco them to appreciate them , tho\ nre so artistic , and beautiful ; visitors welcome como to see our display. C. B. Jacqucmln Co. , No. 27 Main st. the Tax. Catharine M. Fulton yesterday secured ai injunction against County Treasurer Bluiucr , icstrutning him from selling certain roa estate for taxes , Iu her petition she ulainv that she purchased the property of O. M Fulton in 1887 , and that the count , treasurer held it liable for the per sonnl property tax for 18S3 of th Boston Tea company of which Q. M , Fu'to ' was a member. She insists that th property at that tlmo was ho own , nnd that she had no interest ii the Boston Tea company , and was in no wa > responsible for taxes on its stock of grocer ies. She claims to hnvo made tender of thi taxes on tha real estate , but that this win refused , the county treasurer insisting on th tux of the Boston Tea company being a" paid. _ Nipped a 1'nlr of Hoots. yesterday afternoon a fellow , unknown present to the police , nipped n pair of hlg priced boots from a line in front of the boot and shoo store of John Grcon , on Upper Broadway. The performance was observed by the proprietor himself , who was In the back room and saw the thief through the win dow. Before ho could get to the door and look around the fellow had disappeared. It was supposed that ho quickly dodged into some of the adjoining store ? , but n bcarch failed to reveal him. Tbo matter was reported to the police and Ofllcer Beswlck wns detailed to look up the thlof. Ho is described as a largo slml man , dirty nnd roughly dressed and Generally re sembling n trump. Ho selected a pair of nines. A Fat , ' tender and luscious , and all the othir accessories for n first class Thanksgiving dinner , can bo found at Kelly & Youuker- man's tbo Upper Broadway grocers and provisloners , They have .Just got nicely located In their new building adjoining thu old stand , and will make an extra elTort to day to make nil of their customers and friends leel doubly thnnliful when they gather nround tha Thanksgiving table tomorrow. thankful that they purchased the material elements for tlio feast at tlio now store. Trust our promises , nnd sco If they will not bo made good , and como nnd see us anyhow , und look nt the bbst display of Thanksgiv ing provender in the city , No high tariff urlces , cither. Wnid Domncrnttj. Schroder's hall , at the corner of Twenty , fourth nnd Cuming streets , was tilled to the doors last night with democrats of the Eighth ward who met to select a candidate for councilman. The meeting was of abort duration.V , E. Hughes was chosen cbulr- man , nnd ho had scarcely iwtton the meeting called to order when Dan U. Honln proposed tbo name of J nines Connolly us the cholco of the caucus , to bo voted linat the primaries next Saturday. The nomination was made unanimous. After the meeting wa * over some of the friends of other aspirant * claimed that the caucus was packed with Connolly's friends from the First nnd Thti-fl wards who had no right in the meeting. It is quite evident that there will bo a bolt from thu caucus nomina tion , but Connolly's friends claim they will elect their man iu spite of bolters anil soreheads heads , Connolly is n saloon keeper nnd Is son-in- law of Councilman banddrs. " Wo democrats of thu Eighth ward ndmlt that Mr. Sanders has m.ulo a good council * man , " said one of Connolly's , friends to TUB But : reporter , "ulthouKli ho Is a republican. And now that ho is going out of the council wo think It is a good thing to elect his son-in- law to his plnco , It keeps the ofllco in safe hands nnd nil in tlio family , you know. " A Cnr < l 1'rom MlO. . DclnilorfT. OMUU , Nov. 2T . To the Editor of Tun Bin : : In your Issue of Thursday , In regard to the city council's activity in connection vlth the competition for city hall plans , jou 'ofcr ' to tno in an unjust manner. Ills your privilege to criticise tlio nets of ubllo ofllclals , but I do not think that you hould nttuck my character iti that criticism vlthout Just grounds , and such you , have not nlcss you would so consider the spiteful .owls ami bitter talk of some of our less ucccssful competitors who , I nm aware. Hive repeatedly culled on you nud several ithrr newspaper men to denounce the action f the council , Insinuating nil sorts of things , iut without daring to muke a specific charge , unong these you will not lluahonorablo.cou- icicntlous architects , but plenty of unnrinel- iled pretenders unable to Miovv capability in heir works .who hesitate nt nothing to gain .heir dirty ends and a few dollars. They Intend to build themselves up on my lownfull , if this they can nccomnllsh , and in his way attempt to explain why the incx- icricnccd voung architect ( as they usually erm mo ) should defeat them in what they mow in their hearts was the fairest cotnpeti- ion over held iu the city of Omaha. If they vho were certainly most interested ) thought hat our plans were not the best presented , , vhy didn't ' they muko some objection then ! The committee brought in a unanimous eport on Friday afternoon and no action was nken by thorn , so as to glvo every member of , ho council an opportunity to carefully com- > are It with the plans. They were placed in .lie comptroller's olllco open to the public. \t this time the scaled envelopes containing the architect's ' names had not been opened. These parties looked over the plans themselves .tut sent a gieat many prominent builders nnd iltizcns to , if possible , detect a single Haw or ibjcctlon. What was iho result ! On Tues day night the council met , and without oven discussion , the report ol the committee was adopted , every member voting aye except r , Hnscnll , who stntcu nftcr the meeting hat ho had no doubt our plan was Iho best , but ho had not had time to examine tlio rest jf the prircs , Now , why , K anything was ivrong , could they not got a single council- nan , to object to our receiving first prize ? Hod I hypnotized them all or would anybody bellovol bought them nlll Now , In reference to my having been a particular friend of Mr. ChnfTeo's , such Is not i fact. I had known him but a very short imo before tlio competition was settled and ; iad never had fifteen minutes' conversation with him nt nuy ono timc.nnd I do not remem ber ever to have talked to or boon with ulin in private nt all. This upplics ns well to inv man in the council. There was not ono whom I could call n personal friend. As to subscribing to the Twcnty-Elght-Broatch club fund , 1 will state positively that J never even knew of such n club until long after the election , llrst reading of it in Tim BKK , This firm has ; iovor subscribed to nnj political fund except that of tno Bankers' and Business Men's as sociation , and personally all I subscribed to the Broatch campaign swas to the republican central committee to help elect Liningcr. Now , Mr. Editor , thisis , nn exact statement of facts. I have tried , its a young man , nnd a son of Omaha , to be successful In my profes sion and gain the approval of our citizens in an honorable manner , and I defy anyone to show u single dishonoi-ablo or mean net iu m. In my practice I have had dealings with lundreds of contractors here and elsewhere and I don't believe you can find ono who will sny ho bos not always'recelved ' fnir trentment at my hands. Do you consider it a crime to bo young , or is it a sin not to hnvo built lire- proof buildings \ Isit not a fact that some of our ? competitors had not built lire-proof buildings ! 1 am satisfiedtolctthobuildlngshowwhether or not the experience is lacking. It is now over three stories hlph nnd most of the fire proof iron work is in place. Unto the pres ent time our plans have proven without de fect , not ono dollar extra being expended for any oversight or omission. As to the pay ments made , wo were entitled to them ne- cordlug to the rules of the American associa tion ot architects , which rules govern nearly nil competitions held in this country. Our plans were done , nil reports to the contrary notwithstanding. In conclusion , I will tell vou why , of all reasons , our plans were superior to all others nresented. Not being sufficiently conceited to imagine that 1 knew all that could bo learned about city halls , I sent for plans of nil the best buildings of this character known , oven to Berlin nnd Leipzig , ana studied them thoroughly. In addition to this , I personally Interviewed every city ofllcial us to the exact floor spucc , counter mid desk room and vault capacity required now , and nlso probable requirements of the future , and wo planned to give them Just what the } ' wanted. This none of our competitors thought necessary. I have answered this personally , because it was , as I took it , for mo intended. Knowing you will sot mo right in the eyes of the public by publishing this , I nm yours respectfully , BKINDOIIFF. A Noteworthy Exception. From the Kimball ( S. D. ) Graphic : While the columns of the Graphic nro open to any and all unobjectionable advertisements , yet it is quite impossible for us to speak knowingly of the merits of the various articles of mer chandise advertised. Particularly is this true of patent medicines. But there are excep tions occasionally , nnd n noteworthy excep tion is the celebrated Chnmberlnin's Coug- Hemedy. This now universally known medl cinu has been advertised iu the Graphic for four or live years , but not until recently had wo any personal knowledge of Its wonderful ofllcacy which has como nbout through the prevailing Influenza nnd the stubborn cough that hns so often attended it. In the writer's family this medicine hns on several occasions this winter cured n cough that baffled any and nil other remedies ; nnd the number of families in Kimball and vicinity , In which this remedy has been used with like effects , attests to its value as a s peel Ho for coughs and colds of every nature. The Pnrncll GladHtniio Split. LONDON , Nov. > . A meeting of national ists was called for 10 o'clock tonight , but nothing was done , and another meeting Is ar ranged for tomorrow. Several liberal candi dates have announced their withdrawal from the campaign , foreseeing defeat. The Par- nellltes openly assort thuy will stick by Pnr ncll even if they delay homo rule llfteen years. ( Gladstone was annoyed because Parnell , at the meeting , did not mention the Interview with Morley nnd results keenly Parneil's disregard for his protest. The conservatives and unionists gleefully 6hnt over the split in the opposition. Liberal newspapers iu many instances comment liv tie ) strongest terms on Parnell , flouting Gladptono mid his contempt for his liberal allies. t , Uald heads nro ted many when they may bo covered with n luxuriant growth of hair by using the heat of nil restorers , Hall's Hnlr Itcnewer. A Tight Hijuoe/o. DCTIIOIT. Mich , , Nov. 2T . Mortgages ng- gregntlng ? f > 00,000 were filed by the Potts salt nnd lumber company today. It is looked upon as a forerunner of nn extensive failure. Attorney Lucking says it is optional for the creditors to sel/su or permit business to con tinue. The assets nt par value are worth twice the liabilities but In case of forced sale the result would bo bad. Mr. Potts wns sick a long tlmo and some embarrassment ol thu company Is attributed to Dad manage , mont during his absence. It is said the lia bilities of the company amount to $1,600,000 and the assets to . ' ,000,000 , , much of which la hard to realize on. Throupli conches Pullman pnlitca card to Chicago nnd itorvonlng jwl via tlio great Hock Island route. Tickut olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Fat-nain. LISTEN TO THEIR TALE OF WOE The Despairing Walls of the Champions of tbo Council Combine. , TWENTY-EIGHTERS IN DESPERATE STRAITS They Declare Tlint Their 1'cta Must bo Kcturnril to tlic Council nnd tlio Combine Must bo ' 'Maintained. A desperate effort Is being made by Iho Twenty-Eight club to bolster up the waning fortunes of Its members iu the council com bine who are seeking rc-elcetlon. Wheeler , Chnffeo und Davis , wheclhorscs of the club nnd general malingers of the com bine , have been driven to despair nt the op position met Iu their wards to their re-election nnd hnvo been tor several weeks sen ding out frantic appeals for help to their fellow Tain- many traitors. The result was n meeting of Broatch'.s bruisers , the Twenty-Eight club , nt Grand Army of the Republic hall , ou Fifteenth street , Monday night. All of the old time members were present. They cnmo singly nnd in pairs never moro than two of them together .sneaking through the alleys nnd along the shadowy side ortliostreet to the place of meeting. Broatch was nu early arrival. IIo loft his coachman on rourtcciith street and caino up through n dhty alley , nnd was closely fol lowed by "Pa's Son" .lohu Clarke. Vnndorvoort , Dan Wheeler , Chaffee , Davis , H. O. Backus , Tom Golden , Councilman Me- Leane , Big John Mulonulii.Eil Taylor mid Henry Dunn of the plumbing inspectors of llco , George Elliott , Simon Kahn , Kd Cone and a dozen or so of the lesser lights wcio thuro. The conspirators were moro than nn hour in assembling , thelrevident aversion to being recognized iu their role making it necessary for them to get into the meeting-room unob served , Frequently when ono of them would bo almost at the entrance to tno hall .somo stranger would suddenly como around the corner from Capitol avenue , heading south on Fifteenth street. The Twonty-Kighter would immediately hurry forward , north on Fifteenth , not deigning to look nt the stair way lending to the hull. Hi ) would go on mill hide nround the corner until the stranger had disappeared. Then ho would hurriedly sneak back , nnd hastening up the stairway join his brethren in the room , At 10 o'clock the str kers wcro nil In line nnd , with Broatch In the chair , held a meet- up that lasted an hour or moro. it was a repeated rehearsal of "Liitcn to My Tnlo of Woo" when reports were called for from members Interested in the coming city election. Wheeler , Chaffeo and Davis all told of the fearfully rocky road they were traveling in search for a rcnoiniuatlon for the 'ouncil in their various wards. Koports vero made of a dozen Chuffco meetings iclu in the Seventh ward und of vain efforts o arouse any enthusiasm. Charley Inskep ind Charley Bcindorf were the only real tmio 'ollowers the combine's president had except OHIO democratic heelers who had been hired , t so much per night to vote with the Chaffeo icn. Hope of help from graders' camps jul been entertained but the ro- , pectablo republicans of the ward ind taken steps to sco that none but genuine esidents of the ward voted at the primaries , ind the outlook was very gloomy unless omcthing desperate was decided upon , and .hat at onco. Ueports from the Fourth and Ninth wards bowed that any of the candidates in the leld could beat Whcclcror Davis , nnd that the 'ouncil combine would bo a thing of the past unless the Twenty-Eight t-lub would employ "ts "purity-in-clectious" policy with a ven geance. The blnmo for this to them unhappy and deplorable state of affairs was charged to n. Kosewater and Tun Ben. Abuse of the vil- jst kind wns heaped upon Mr. Hosowater by a dozen different speakers and after various 'omcdies ' had been suggested for the ixistlng conditions , .Totin Clarke made a poech , winding up with the declaration : "Wo must elect every man we are support- .ug and that by such majorities that Hoso- ivater will think ho has lost his grip. " "Ho hasn't lost his grip yet , " groaned Ed Jono from the secretary's desk , "though I , vish to Christ ho had , " Vandervoort made a speech in which ho mid : "Gentlemen , wo must elect every man .hat Hosewator Is lighting. It Is necessary , o the future of this club and to the succois of Its members. " "That's all right , " grunted Couo again. It's easy enough to say 'wo must' but how are you going to do it ? " After a long talk on the Issues the club de cided to do everything in its power to return Its present members , ChalTee , Davis nnd Wheeler , to the council. If this is found to be nn impossibility as there is no doubt it will bo a representation iu the council must bo had at nil hazards. It is proposed to secure this bv the election of U. O. Backus " in the Fifth ward nnd Simon Kuhii iu thu Eighth. Both of these worthies were at the meeting , Ivnhn being a newly initiated member of the club. Wheeler , Chaffee , and Davis were encour aged to continue their losing light a few days longer , nnd to report to another meeting of the club to bo held before the primaries , the club leaders in the meantime agreeing to see what could bo done to help them iu it last pull for the coveted positions in the council ring. The club adjourned at 11 o'clock , tlio mem bers leaving the hall in pairs and sneaking through the alleys and dark cross streets and appearing on Farnnm and Douglas at various points between Thirteenth aud Seventeenth streets. VIKGIMA I'MJM PUDDING. Some Suggestions of Preparing n Ic Melons llinnkSKivliiu Dinner. Harpers Bazar : From the old domin ion comes the best plum pudding wo have over eaten , that dour holiday dish which some wit caljs the "St. Paul's ' Cathedral of an English Christmas. " A truly rich and spicy daughter is this "specified cannon ball" of the wishy- washy plum porridge over which our forefathers nuido such to-do , and which an old scribe tolls us consisted of "beef or mutton belled with broth and thick ened with brown bread , to which liulf- belled raisins , currents , prunes , cloves , mnco and ginger were added. " Lot my renders but once make their Christmas pudding after our boulhem aunties' ' formula , each ono of the house hold taking a btlr for luck , and I venture to bay they will never us > o any other and will will wish that "Christmas cheer ran round the year. " A small loaf of bread soaked in a pint o : now milk until soft enough to mash with a spoon , eight eggs , ono pound of sugrr , one pound of hoof Bitot chopped line , ono pound of raisins atoned nnd cut iu small pieces , one pound of currants , half pound of citron , half a nutmeg , one teiunoonful of powdered allspice , a very little olovo , ono wineglass of brandy , aud enough Hour to hold the ingredients together , sifted in by de grees. A iint of Hour is generally suf- llciont , and butter may bo used Iu place of suet. Mix the pudding well , and boll either inn cloth or tin mould for eight hours , being careful to till up tlio kettle with hot water ns fust as it bolls awao. For the sauce to bo served with tills dessert beat two eggs , quarter of a pound of butter , and onu pound of sugar to gether , Btlr In a tumbler of wlno and two tablespoonfuls of brandy ; then add half-tumbler of boiling water and a lit- tie nutmeg , and sot the whole over the flro for two minutes , stirring all tlio timo. Docked with holly nnd blazing with n halo of blue Hume , this will prove n worthy cup sheaf to the holiday fouat , round which wo-may well make merry , remembering that "Carols , and not mlno'd meat , make Christ mas pies ; 'TU mirth , not dishes , nets u table off ; Brutes and pliauuticka eat , and never laugh. " 1 S Pattern .Mnktrn Organize. A meeting of the pattern makers of this city aud Council Bluffs was held lost Monday evening nt Arcanum hnll for the purpose of effecting nn association IICIM l-i connection with the National Lcnguo of Pattern Makers of North America. There wns n full attend ance and great Interest was manifested ny all present. Mr. Hen Wood , who wns appointed orgnnlrer by the league , was assisted liy Messrs. J. W. Miller , 0. Hnwkcnson and J. Peterson in the work of organization. The followingofllcers wcro elected : Thomas A. K , Gray , president ; Hobcrt Sanderson , vlco president : W. Musscr , recording .secretary ; I. P. Cronlii , llnnncial sccrotnry ; Charles 1I 1' 1 Una * * , trensurcr. The regular plnro of meet- In I ? hereafter Is to be the Durant cnglno house 1 on the llrst nud third Tuesdays in each month. TIIANKS01VINO 17l.VX Kit. * In America Let It l > o ServeU In Ameri can Stylo. Tlio dinner early became the marked feature of the Thanksgiving festival , BIIJ-H llnrpor's Ua/.ur. Iu the stern I'm- itnn times It was tlio ono day , sanctioned by religion and custom , when ouo might give himself up to tlio pleasures ot thu table , nnd when the frugality nnd Spartan plalnncbs of diet might bo blamelessly relaxed. Until within the lust thirty years TlinnUHglvlnj , ' dliiuor was more or loss an oinorgoncv meal. There were no markets , nnd the Xow England housowlfo shtmoil her skill in making palatable dishes from the best that the farm or garden produced. If eortuin crops of fruit failed , tlio ilinnur wns cooked , from what hud grown well. The spirit of criticism was hold in abey ance , for oaoh one know that the boot tlio home afforded wns placed before him. Two preparations were made far in advance for the tiny : the turkey wns fattened and the pumpkin was eiicour- ngcd to grow freely iu and out of tlio long rows of corn , undisturbed by the modern cultivator. Tlio serving of the dinner was not ac cording to the rules of 'usthotie dining , bo vigorously taught nnd championed during the last dccado ; but In the family of the New England r-cntlomiin the meal was marked by ns high a courtesy nnd i-ollneiucnt ns over accompanied a mod ern dinner with its trained service. Each one presided over some dish veg- ottiblo or fruit nnd dispensed courteous ly , feeling that tlio others' enjoyment depended on his ow.i attention 111 well as on that of the host. Good-will , lo-ing kindness , and tact were the borvantofor the day. Wo have few national customs , and it is foolish as well us unpatriotic to over lay our own Thanksgiving with foreign ways or manners. This applies sigiiill- cnntly to the constant effort to chungo the dishes for Thiuiicsglvine dinner , and to the sarcastic roinarkb about the vul garity of serving everything nt once youp , fish , salad and entrees may bo up proprlnto nnd elegant on 'Hit day's in the year , but on the Moth lot thorn" bo ban ished , and lot the traditional turkey and his vegetable satellites , tha tooths-onio chicken pie , and all the other triumphs of the Yankee housewife reign supreme. Lot the national holiday bo kept with iiationnblo dishes , and lot there bo a joyful and honorable pride in themwith never a twinge of shame that their pal- abloness is not hidden behind French names. Doclnrcd Unconstitutional. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. So. United Stntcs Circuit Judge Nelson , in the cuso of C. E. Oooch , today decided that the Minnesota oleomargarine law , so far as It prohibits the sale of oleoinargnilno in original pncknircs by the importer in Minnesota Is unconstitu tional , The state will appenl to the supreme court. Itobbcd ol $ U,0O. ( ( MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Nov. * . > . * > . William Clark , owner of the electric light plant , came to Milwaukee today nud drew ? ! iO,000 from the bank. When near thn depot ho was Knocked down by two men who had been fol lowing him and relieved of the money. The robbers escaped. Sirs. 1'nrtiiigton Donil. Boso.v , Mass. , Nov. 25. Benjamin Pen- hollow Shlllabcr , familiarly known as "Mrs. Parttngton" died this evening at Chclci aged seventy-six. For many years a victim of rheumatism , ho died of heart disease , having within a short time been prostrated by the latter affliction. Ncelio Alay On Kree. CHICAGO , Nov. 2. . It is reported tonight that Oscar Noebo , the anarchist , is likely to bo 11 beratedfromJoliet. Ills asserted that the man who Identified him ns the distribu tor of tho'Kovongo" circular tins expressed his belief to Governor t'ifor that ho was mis taken. A in on i- Ills Grniul-Cliildi-cn. J , II. Dodds , editor of the ilnily and weekly Arbor State of Wynioro , Nob. , suys : "I hnvo BCOII the magic effect of Chainliorlaiu's Cough Kemedy in cases of croup and colds among my wo would not think of going to bed nt night without n bottle of this remedy in the houso. Chniiiborlnln'.s medi cines nro growing more popular here every day. " Cured by the fiyinph. Loxnox , Noy 25. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BEB.I The clerk of Sofia , who was afflicted with lupus and went to berlln for treatment with Dr. Koch's remedy , has re turned homo apparently quite cured. The medical corps of iho Danish army has re ceived a plentiful supply of lymph. : CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 DniEOTOiis I. A. Miller , P. O. Gloa on. E. U Bhuiart , V" I" Hart , J. D. Edmnmlson , Charles U. lliuinun. banklni * busi ness. Largest capital mid surplus of any bank In Southwestern town. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , SODRM MINERAL PASTILLES ro troches produced by tlio ovnpornt ot the \vntors of the Sod en Mineral Springs of the Tiumus. T1U3 IMPERIAL DOCTOR of tlio German court , and HnyllHh thron specialist , Sir Morrell Mackenzie , endorses thorn most highly. * For Couchs , Coklg , Asthma , Ilrou- chinl Catarrh , and all throat troubles , these troches nro u pot-foot remedy , Obtain tlio genuine nrtiolu only , which must have the signature nnd recom mendation of SIR MOlWKLL MAC- KKNHIK with every box. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. I710U 8 A til ! cheap. A Rood olllro desk , -L new. ItoAm 4. lirown hnlldlnx , \\7ANTii-I.idv : ) ! urgent wIlllmMownrk fo > imrlntrri-sti i > i > riiiiiii'til : position ; J-.ft ! ) In $ UK ) a day , I' . C. H. , 007 Willow mi'iiuo , t'oun- ell Illiiirs. ATTANTI'D Olrl for ci-ni'ral bnii'.nuoilc. > > Mis. 1)V. ) . Archer , W Seeond iivpimo. Ml'N WANTKIIJOOInl'imrs nnd toamMon for It. 1 ! . unrl ; \Vvonilni : : fire tr.m > . | ' < > r * tut inn. O. T. Itiav. Scott Ht , . Council lllullB. OA lir.ADof hnfACHtiH'Vcliiiimu fnrclnnr land O\J on-Uj-propmty. Johnston A. Van I'utteii , Kvoii-tt bloc lc. /I A " PAUMS In iiiiitliui-stnin lo\\n for sulci j. ternmrnsy. hind nround Council Itlulls. Johnston A. Van Patten. Kvurutt block. "OAIItof inuliN , harness nnd wnK'in ' fur Halo X on n yonr's time. Johnston . \ , Van 1'iittuii , Ilyorett liloclv. _ _ _ M"liS. A.MHMA NlibSONrM.1) mid wife. mi-S nvo , Ufiiitiull Illiills. la , 1'F.UIAI , HA ( ? AI\H in IIOUMH for ale or lent ; uNo tun S.iuiulnrs sticut lots , N Omaha. ,1 , I ! . Davidson. ( UVTilh live. _ WAI/f'lTit sT .STlffliMAVrTlnrons lilnolf , Notary I'nhllc , collections , typt-urltlni ; . CM SAM'-U'iiso and fund t mo of Scott House , Council IllulTs. 23 rooms. Clump : a ha rgaln. Aililu'ss .1. S , .Ionian. Unuiit'll lllnlTg. I71OK HUNT Iliu MuMnlmn tlm-e-.story U hilck Mock , JJa UoS. Malnst , wltlielavatur J. W. Sqillu' . _ " 171OII KKNT A choice nlrco of pardon liuid -L near Council lihills , with iood now build- IIIK. 1 m mod Into possession It desired. J , > V , Hiilres | , FOK SAM : Complete ) sot of tinners tools ami small stouit of llinvaro utab.iignlu , IiKjuliu at , loomjlis Mitrrliiin hluol : , SAIfE or Uont Ganlun land , with houses , by J. It. Illca. 101 Mfln ; at. . Council Blult * L. G. Knotts PUB ! Merchant AJl kinds of the best and cleanest fuel in stock and under sheds People who desire cheap nnd clenn fuel for cooking will find it by ordering a load of cobs , I have a large supply that are clean and whole not broken up. Good hard wood cheap , cither in cord wood lengths or stovo- wood , delivered promptly. All sizes of hard coal , clean , bright nnd well screened , The black , peerless lump coal conifines to be the favorite for domestic purposes. - : - No. 29 Main Street , Call Telephone 203 : - : - NC/ > 1iif7 | Justice o ( the Pence. Onlec o\e -dvUUli Kxpiots , .No. m llroadwnyi Council HI nil's , luwu. Sims & S federal comts. Rooms II , 4 und lleno block , Council Bluir-i. lowi. ATTEND Strictly to buslnuiV li.l nplcmll.l motto. Iliolilebf urn-ions In PTPrjr llnpnf Iminnn CIIITKV | i rt'iivliuiv b ) lilrit ttho hnldMto HIMIIU uil < ) | > ttiil Hpeclnllty. WESTERN I'D pin nro prnKroiilvo. full of anortr , nnrt motif I mnklnn HClioiaui Tlio ; nuo.l spucUl tr.ilnlui for bualnusB. IOWA J.emla in popular education , llur public ) noliool ) nrodolnvitrnml work fur her ncroasln ; million * . \Vestoin lomt. COLLEGE , Commence ! full term Sapt. lit. H.n sols Hi tin , really pritrtlrnl for her Mnloiti. Normil. Unit i iioSht > rUimU n'nt l'jinm'Mili ! ; co ircji , vrjll or I Knnl70 > l und carefully uouiliiota 1. HtnUltl iiur I nnter ntnny tlno. : Write for turUiur partlaiU tJ I W. 8. 1'nulson. Council Bluffs , Iowa. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Hroidwny : , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dnalora In fiirntgn und domoitlo o < cchan ? Collection nmdo und paid on tlmfc deposits. ALL COAL UNDER COVER. DRY AND CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. CARBON GOA.LV GO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HARD and SOFT COAL The above cut shows our new self-dumping retail delivery * wagon , by which three tons of coal can bo unloaded In a mlnutis and carried Into the cellar OP coal house If it is 2O foot awny. N < conl left in the wogon. None scattered on the ground. Used ox.- * clusively by us. OFFICE , 1O PEARL ST. Yard , 10th Ave & Fourth St. J. i-I , m. OJaAJBiS. MannfiGf , OOUNOm BUUFL S , la. _ T Offlco.SOO. Yard.aiO- |