Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1890, Image 5

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    e a HI B Hi B i MHH B a L B HKJ BHB e B a HBMBBH M l BB le HHMiMB O
Cole Agcnta for Dr. JncRcr'u Under-
\vcnr Special Clonk Sale Tomorrow.
\fo litivo Botno special bargains in
underwear /or / men ; It Is hard todo-
Bcrlbo them In nn ad.vortlsctne.nt.
MCII'H tmlur/il gray wool undershirts ,
7Gc , positively worth and sold ovcry-
\vlioro for SI.
JMou's extra heavy warm gray wool
underwear , 81 , worth fully $1.60.
Alcn'b gray underwear , $1.60 , worth
Men's gray underwear , $2.50 , worth
Men's Vicuna underwear , $4 , worth
Men's merino underwear , SI.2-3 , worth
Men's sox , collars , gloves , shirts.
Men's smoking jacketslounging coats ,
Men's Ii'dk'/a. / , suspenders , etc. , otc.
Won't ) JAEGER underwear.
Men's neckwear , h'dk'fs. ' , jowolry.
A complete now men's furnifihing de
partment on the main floor occupying
nearly the entire Furnam etrcot wing.
Ladles' merino vests , 60c , worth 76c.
Ladles' union suits , gray hosiery.
Hoys' black school hose , 10c.
Girls' hose 35c , worth Vfic.
Ladies'combination suitsnlght gowns.
! ! d Hoot1 , 10th street wing ; wo arc solo
ixgonts for the Dr. Jaeger underwear ,
ladles' hoao , skirts , vesta , drawers , night
gowns , corsets , etc. , the genuine JJr.
flnogcr system poods.
This department Is growing very rap-
tlly and wo are giving the people great
Hoys' p'intB , 47c , C9o , 89c.
Hoys' pants , 81 , 81.2-3 , $1.50.
Hoys' biiits , 82.00 , 8-1 , 95 , $0.50.
Bovs' overcoats , 90c , $2.501.00. .
Mon'a and boys' furnishings.
Boys' tweed suits , 82.00 , worth $1.
Boys' twccd suits , $ : t , worth 81.50.
Boys1 twccd suits , $ l.50 ! , worth $ o.
Boys' ' tweed suits , $4.60 , worth $0.
Boys' twccd suits , $5.50 , worth $0.
Boys' tweed suits , $0 , worth 810.
Boys' blouse waists , kilts , otc.
A specialty of ladies' shoes , children's
phoes , and boys' school shoes , all new ;
GOO our
Ploth top , handworked eyelets , Plccadll-
y last. lOfjulivr price $0.50.
Boys' shoes from 81.18 up.
Wo liavo a complete now stock.
Infants' shoes 20c a pair.
Infanta' shoos 38c a pair.
Children's shoes 65o a pair.
Children's shoes 72c a pair.
Children's shoes 87c a pair.
Misics' shoos 81.20 a pair.
MisbCH1 shoos $1.08 a pair.
All from 25c to 60c a pair less than
( hoc store prices.
Ladies' shoos $1.58 , wo'-th ' $2.
Ladies' shoes $2.46 , worth $3. ,
Ladies' shoes 83.-15 , worth $1.50.
Ladies' shoes $3.05 , wortli $5.
Ladles' shoes 81.00 , worth $0.
Don't fail to visit this department.
Just revolved , 5 cases older down com
forts , on sale tomorrow , $5.50 , worth
{ 88.50.
' Entiio basement salesroom COxllO
( feet devoted to the sale of every article
In dishes , liouso furnishings , tinware ,
'woodenwaro ' , wash tubs , etc. , etc. Wo
liavo also some bargains in Haviland
China , in earthenware , in Royal Worcester -
cester vases.
The following low prices are quoted on
To introduce [ .thorn wo have marked
every piece at iWl per cent less than
regular price.
Soup tureens , complete , 32.05 ; sauce
tureens , complete , 70c ; covered dishes ,
60c ; tea pots , 42c ; sugars , 85c ; eronins ,
15c ; dinner plates , per act , 45c ; breakfast
plates , per sot , 89c ; tea plates , 33c ; plo
plates , per sot , 27c ; tea cups and saucers ,
per sol , 50e ; coffee cups and saucers , per
sot , OOo.
Other pieces equally as cheap.
English tea sots , handsome shapes and
decorations , 50 pieces , regular price
W.15. For this sale $2.99.
Toilet sots , 12 pieces , regular price
85.50. For this sale $3.99.
Dinner sots , 100 pieces , regular price
$ a49. For this sale $5.99.
All other goods at the same low fig
ures in this department.
Nutmop graters , Ic. Japanned pep
per boxes , 2e. Poarlino , 3c. 15,000
pieces hardware , tinwarevoodonwaro ,
china , glassware. 4o to 15c each. Worth
and usually sold for double.
The champions of high license , such as
lion. K. Hosowator and Hon. John L , Web
bler , huvo been characterized by leading
citizens of tbo state , tire the subject of a num
ber of eloquent echoes from the Into dlnuor
in honor of ttiosa gentlemen at the Omaba
club , which are reproduced In TUB SUNDAY
BKK. _
We know that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is
on infallible remedy for all lung nnd
broncklnl disorders. It Is pleasant to take
nnd costs only twenty-tlvo cents a bottle.
Without a drawback is Salvation Oil , the
greatest euro on earth for pain. Price 25
cents. _ _ _ _ _ _
The laying of the corner stone of the new
hospital of St Joseph , tomorrow , furnishes
the occasion for a history of the old familiar
structure , as well as n description of tbo
building now in course of erection at Tenth
" ' -jlnd Caste-liar streets , both of which will ap
pear In Tun SUNDAT BEE of tomorrow.
For Dyspepsia
Uuso Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr.Lorenzo Waite , PittsUold , Mass. , says :
"From its use for a period of about eight
weeks , to the exclusion of all other remedies ,
I attribute the restoration to health of a pa
tient who was emaciated to the last degree ,
in consequence of nervous prostration nnd
dyspepsia , .Tuls patient's stomach was in
ouch an irrltuolo condition that ho could not I
bear cither liquid or solid food. Aa accom
plished physician of nmny years experience ,
whom I called In consultation , pronounced his
case an Incurable one. At this stage I decided
to use Horsford's Acid Phosphate , which re
sulted as ubovo mentioned.
Dr. Duryca , the crudlto pastor of the First
Cqngregutionnl church o'f this city , contrib
utes a most Interesting article to Ttio SOX-
DAT But ; on the origin of Thanksgiving , how
tbo day has descended to the present and
the thoughts which It should suggest to these
who it.
The Lady Godlva must havohad exception
ally long hair slnco it completely concealed
her lovely person , Slnco Ayor's Hair Vigor
came into use such examples uro not so rura
as formerly. Itnotouly promotes the growth
of the huir , but gives it a rich , silken toxturo.
Under the heading of the "Modern Wood
men's Big Camp" will bo fauna in THE SUN'-
DAT Bcu the result of the Into session of that
order , which selected Omaha as the place
for holding Its next session. It Is accompa
nied with a resume of secret society news
from all parts of tbo country.
Through conches Pullman pnlaco
iloopors , dlnlngcars , free reclining chair
curs to Chicago and intervening points
rla the great Hook Island route. Tlbkut
Afllce 1G02 , Sixteenth ana Furrum.
A. Cattleman' * Claim of $5,000 'for a
Ijont llnud Oilier Case ; .
Two jury cases were token up in the United
States court yesterday morning.
Judge Caldwcll , sitting In the largo court
room , took up the case of A. J. Snowdcn
against the Travelers' Insurance company for
f 3 , < X > 0 on an accident policy.
Mr. Snowdcn Is a largo cattle dealer and
shipper , with a ranch in Custcr county. Ho
was Insured in the Travelers and lost his
hand in an accident in September , 18S9. The
company offered to settle with him for 0110-
third of the amount of the policy , but ho re
fused the offer and brought suit tor tbo full
Judge Dundy and a Jury took up the CJMO of
M. P. Barbco , n resident of Iowa , ngalnst
Samuel Freeman , a resident of Franklin
county , In this state. The suit is a compli
cated one growing out of n real estate deal ,
wherein it is alleged that Barbco was to glvo
up certain notes ho held ngalnst Freeman
and pay off certain Indebtedness on the land
within a specified time. It w claimed tlio
indebtedness was not cancelled within the
time sot , and Freciran claims the notes. Bar-
boo sued on the notm nnd Freeman has set
up a counter claim of damages for non-ful
fillment of contract.
In the United States court Judge Caldwcll
yesterday rendered a decision in the case of
tbo Edward P. Allls manufacturing company
ngalnst the State bank of Crete. In 1WO
George W. Bridges was In the machine busi
ness at Crete , nnd wishing to purchase some
Implements from the Allls company , referred
that institution to the Crete bank. In reply
the bank , through its cashier , George L ) .
Stevens , replied by letter that Bridges wits
good for SoO.OUO or more. On the strength of
Una letter the company sold Bridges a largo
amount of goods. Payment was not made
whoa the paper became duo , ami later on the
Allis company brought suit against Stevens
on his guarantee that Bridges was good. At
the lost term of the United States court the
machine company secured a. verdict against
the bank for the amount of the claim. Yes
terday the attorney for Allis moved
for judgment on the verdict ren
dered , while the attorney for the bank
moved for Judgment for the defendant.
In passing upon the case. Judge Caldwcll
sold : "Tho province of this court is simply
to determine if the facts nnd findings in the
former or special veidict nro suftlclcnt on
whlcn to base n judgment. The court cannot
amend n verdict. The verdict must bo'con
sidered as it is found. This verdict in ques
tion does not show that Bridges was insolv
ent , or that the plumtilT had exhausted nil
means of recovering tbo amount from
Bridges. la view of this fact judgment Is
rendered for tbo defendant , the Bank of
County Court.
In the county court John S. Mullen has
brought suit to recover $900 from the State
insurance company of DCS Molnes. Muller
was In business nt Albright whou his prop
erty was Insuial with this company. On the
night of August 31 , 1800. It was destroyed by
fiio and now the company refuses to way the
loss.Seavoy & Florshcltn have brought suit
against I ) . M. Steclo & Co. seeking to recover
a bill of goods.
The South Omaha National bank is suing
\V. T. P. Wood to recover 200 duo on a
promissory note executed October 7 , 1889.
In the Courts.
The Kcnncdy-Jonason libel suit Is on trial
In Judge Doaue's court. A raft of witnesses
In Judge IIopowcll's court a suit to re
plevin personal property , entitled Desmond
'Vs Burgess , occupied the greater portion of
the day.
The Tony Frankinurder casobos been con
tinued until December 11. Frank Is charged
with IdUhicr a man munod Chronlster. The
case was tried once when the Jury disagreed.
James Reynolds , charged with the murder
of William Nestle , will bo tried in Judge
Clarkson's court on Monday.
On Tuesday the case of John S. Mullen ,
who is accused of assaulting and resisting an
ofllcor In South Omaha , will bo called.
Uobecca M. White , a minor , by her next
friend , Byron Rccd , secured an injunction in
Judge Clarkson's court yesterday afternoon ,
preventing D. R. Edwards from soiling nt
chattel mortgage saio the annex to the Hue-
gen steam laundry. The case has been sot for
hearing November "U. The Winto child
owns the building at CIS South Thirteenth
street and leased it to Hacgon , who put in n
lot of machinery. Subsequently the annex
nnd machinery was mortgaged to Edwards ,
who is now seeking to sell under chattel
Julia Thomas has brought proceedings to
foreclosure npon a real estate mortgage ex
ecuted by John P. Thomas to secure the nny-
mcnt of f 1,500.
In tbo case of the state against John S.
O'Ncll , charged with obtaining property
under false pretenses , the Jury last night
returned a verdict of guilty and fixed the
value of the property fraudulently obtained
at rm
At the opening of court this morning Judge
Wakelev will hand down bis decision in the
case of Wlthnell against the city of Omaha.
Rliciiiuntlani or Gout ?
Go to Excelsior Springs , Mo.
Mr. John Mulvany , the eminent American
artist who painted "Custcr s .Last Rally , "
will relate in TUB Suviur Ecu some inci
dents of the dreadful massacre on the Little
Big Horn that came to his notice while gath
ering material for his celebrated picture.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg.
Frank G. Carpenter will toll In his most
interesting stj lo In" Tun SCNDAT BEB how
terrapin are caught and how this seductive
dish was Introduced to the British nalato by
Roverdy Johnson.
Albright's Choice , beautiful lots.
rfow manufactories thrive in Omaha w ill
bo told In Tun SUXUA.T BEB by Interesting
chapters , describing tbo rise , progress nnd
present standing and work of some well
known Institutions.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg
Rose Terry Cooke will look at Thanksgiv
ing day from n woman's standpoint in TUB
BEU tomorrow. She tlnds a great many
things for which her sox has reason to bo
Albright's Choice , sure money ,
In Tuc SuxDiYBiic will bo found some
very useful suggestions in regard to Thanks
giving dinners together with much other In
teresting matter appropriate to the day.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bld < *
The spotting world , always cared for by
THE BRE , will bo found particularly interest
ing tomorrow , all the departments being
both full and Interesting.
Albright's Choice , line of development.
THE SCNDAT Beis will tell about the origin
of Thanksgiving and how It was first cele
brated by the Puritans at a feast of deer.
Dr.Blrnoy cures catarrh. Boo bld.g
The most Interesting fcatuooa of the great
dailies will bo well represented in the mU-
cellany columns of THE SCSDAY BEE.
Albright's Choice , Albright I * L. Co.
"My Husband's Mother" is the title of a
very interesting Thanksgiving1 story which
will appear In THE Su.\t > ir BEE.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg.
The now ofllcoa ot the Great Rock
Island route , 1602 Sixteenth and Farnam
streets , Omaha , are the ilnost in the city.
Call nnd see them. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
Gorcrnor-Elcct Hoyil No tilled that Ills
Election Is Contested.
Governor-elect Boyd yesterday received
official notice that his election Is to bo con
tested nnd the grounds on which tbo contest
,3 based. Tbo notice was not served on him
personally , but was left at his oftlcc.
Pears' is the purest and best soap ever made
Thejr Meet Judge Helsloy nnd are
Sorry Tor It.
Suspicious appearing individuals without
duly authenticated credentials fared hard
when token before Judge Helsloy yesterday
morning. *
Charles Baxter was sent up for ninety
days because of his Inability to glvo a satis
factory account of himself.
Thomas Seward was given sixty days on
general principles and sent over the hill to
Pat Lynch.
James Manyon was given a similar dose
because of his tough looks and past record.
Manyan'fl name when hero six years ago
was Bill Dowd , nnd ho was tried for stealing
n lot of goods from Shrcve , Jnrvis < & Co.
Although the goods were found in his posses
sion ho was acquitted , but before ho got out
side the court room ho was arrested by Dep
uty Sheriff Crowell for burglarizing the resi
dence of Dr. Dinsinoor. To that
charge hp pleaded guilty and was
sent to the penitentiary for two years.
Since his rcleaso from prison ho puuctuatod
the history of an eventful lifo by killing a
man in Now York , and it is said that bo is
noiv wanted there for murder. Such tlmo as
ho Is disposed to remain In Omaha will bo
spent in Jail. '
William D. Padgett faced the court and
the usual highly cultured audience with a
pair of blood-shot 03-03 nnd the tattered re
mains of a magnificent jng. Ho was arraigned
on the charge of disturbing the peace and
carrying concealed weapons. Ho stopped T.
C. Henry , a Missouri Pacific engineer , on
Sixteenth street yesterday and demanded
an Introduction , ifeurv was not particularly
desirous of cultivating his acquaintance , and
so expressed himself. This enraged Padgett
nnd after abusing Henry with all the vile
language that lie could muster , ho pulled a
slungshot irom bis pocket and announced his
intention of pounding the engineer into the
earth. At this interestine Juncture Ofllcor
Henderson appeared and Padgett ilcil. Ho
boarded a motor car , going into one ciul and
out at the other nnd dropping his weapon on
tbo Inside. Ho was captured , howcvo'r , nnd
his murderous slungshot recovered. The
weapon was a deadly one , consisting of a
pleco of rubber garden hose about fifteen
inches long , filled with sand nnd shot , and
tied at each end. Padgett said ho was a
printer from Nebraska City.
Albright's Choice , in South Omaha.
Hotter Shipping Facilities.
The efforts of Manager W. N. Babcocic of
the stockyards have been again crowned with
success and another shipping obstacle has
been removed. HorcafterthoMissouri Puolilc
bolt line will handle thostock coin lug In from
the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
road , effecting a saving of from two to four
hours. Formerly the freight came over the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
via Brigos. The stock now will nil bo ro-
colvcd before the market opens la the morn-
' Positively cured by
these Little Tills.
They also relieve Dls
tress from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
IVER Eatlnf * . A perfect rcnv
edy tor Dizziness , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Baa , Taste
In the Mouth , Coated
Tongue. Fain In the Side ,
regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
LieMi Bompanp
V 1 +
Tor improved and economic cook-
cry , use It for fioni > H > Htuicfn and
.fltnlc. VialiCH. In flu\or fncom-
fxiraWe , tmd dissolves perfectly
clear In water. Mako-i dullulo u
- Ueof Tea nnd htepn in all climates for
any length of tlmo. 1 Ib equal to
40 Ibs of lean beef. Only sort
guaranteed genuine
by Justus YOU Lleblg
and bears hli stgna-
turo lu blue , thus :
Advice to the Aged.
AKO brings Infirmities , mich us Blue-
SUbbonclv. wcnU kidney * and blud-
or and torpid liver.
lull's Pills
hare n npeclf lo ef fccton theve organ * ,
Httiniilutlncr tbo boHolM. giving natur
al dlncharirvtt without straining or
t and
to the kidneys , bladder and liver.
Tney are adopted to old or younjr.
Oures Coughs , Colds and
Both the method and results vrlieu
Syrup of Figs is token ; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and nct
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
"Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the ays *
tern effectually , dispels colds , head
aches nnd fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of PigB is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tneto and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agrceablo substances , iU
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the moot
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50o
and 81 bottles Dy all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try itDo not accept any
lowsviue. M. . . NEW WHK. tt.r.
DR. IICMrim&Yt'Srt'Cii'ica are scientifically nnd
Cftrcfulljr prepared prescription | used for many
years In i > rlTntoprnctlcowJtli urcCTsnml form IT
thirty yiareusrd by tliopcot > lo. Kvcry PltiRloSpo-
clflo Is a special euro for the dlsca-io named.
These t > pcclllc euro without ilruKHlnit , purg
ing or reducing tno Kystcm.nnd nrn In fuel nnd
UmlthoHOTOi-elgn rent i-illetuf Hi u "World.
UsrotrrRivcirAliKOS. CURKS.
1 FcTcra. ConRcstlon. Inflammation. , , .VI.T
WarniN. Wormlcver , Worm Colic. . " "
7 CiiuullH , Cold , Urouchltl * as
ftNeurnlitln , Toollmchiraceacho . . .as
0 llciiiliiclipn.Hlckllcnilaclii- ) .liS
10 IfyapCpNIII , DlllmiK ouiiimuu. . . . . . . _ *
II Hiipprcniioilnr I'ntnfiil 1'erlodH. . 'J5
1'J Wliltcn , too 1'rofiuio I'orlod.i ' 25
lit Croup , CoiiRli. Dlfllcultlrcnthln ! a.5
J I Hnlt Ithoiliii , Ijy8licla | , Knintlons. .ii.1
In RbcuiniitlNin , KbciunntloralnR \ H
III KoTeraml Anc , ChUI , ilalarla 5O
17 Tiles , Illliid or liiccdliif .to
111 ( 'iitnrrli. Iiillticnzn , CnMlntbellcail < .tO
UK Wlioni > lni { C'tniffli. Vlolcntfotmln. .5(1 (
iil ( Srnernl Drblllty.l'IOBlculWiaknefS . ; ) (
Ii7 Klilucy Hlftpnup S ! !
VtH NorviiusDflillltr l.O0
: IO llrlunry WcnUiiMH , Woltlnpllcd. . "SO
UJ DiseuHCBorthuIlenrt.l'alpllatloul.UU
Sold by Drugging , or sent tKMtpald on receipt
of rrlco. Dn. lICMpiinK\sf MAIIIAL , (144 ( pages )
richly bound In cloth and gold , mailed free.
Cor. William and John Streets , New York.
More thnn 15 yrors' pxporlcncaln the troatmontot
AciirORimr.intced In 3 to are days without the Ion
oflan hour's tlmo.
1'ornmnently cured without pain or Instrumental no
cutting : no Ullatlnir. Tha mojt romarlcablo remedy
known to modern fclnnca Wrlto for circular' .
Dr. McUren'a treatment for this terrlblo blood dls.
cnia has been pronounced the moit powerful and
lucceaifnl remedy overdlacoTerod for the abiolulo
cure of this disease. Ills miure s with this dlscasa
has noTor been equalled A complete CI/IIE QUAii-
ANTIED. Write for circulars.
nnd nil weakness of the sexual organs , nervousness ,
timidity and despondency absolutely cured. Thorn-
llof U Immediate and complete.
Catarrh , rlicumatUm , nnd all diseases of the blool
liver , kidneys and bliuMcrrcrmincntly cured.
and neuralgia , nervousness and diseases of the atom ,
nch curud. The Doctor' ! * "Homo Treatment" for
ladles Is pronounced by nil who liava used It. to b >
tliomost comp eto and convenient remedy ever of.
fered for the treatment of female diseases. It Is
truly a wonderful remedy. No Instruments ; no
pain. Houits roll LADIES ntoM 2TO 4 ONLY.
marvelous success lias won for him a reputation
which Is truly national In character , nnd his
nrmy of pntlonts ranches from the Atlantic to the
I'ucltlc , The Doctor Is n graduate of "iiEdULAii"
madlclno nnd has hnd lonirntxl careful experience In
hospital practice , nnd t * classed amonw the le.idlnx
specialists In mmlern science. Treatment by corre
spondence Wrlto for circulars about each of the
nbovo diseases , niKE.
Office , 14th and Farnam Sts
Entrance on either street.
Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing.
Having a peculiarly delicious flavor a food" and drink
combined at a half cent a cup and fit for a fhn'ce.
yVAf IIOUTETrS COCOA , ( "oice tried , nvrny uted" ) 7 > , Invented and ;
patented and U made In Holland. It U acknowledged br th momlnent \ doctors
and analjit. that by the pccliil treatment YAH HOOTEX'S Oocoi bu .undergone , th
volubility of the deitfCormlur cuii.tltueitU ! InereiMCil fifty per cent. .
while the ifbola of the flbrie are eoltened * nd rendered .jore palatalito tilJ dlgeitlble.
"rwgeit uU la the world. " JUk ( or VAN HoUTiWenna tuke no attar. 67
Colds Sore Throat Bronchitis Rheumatism
, , , , Neuralgia ,
Inflammation of the I.ung * , Kldnora and lloweli , Sciatica , Chilblains , Froit Illto , Tooth&cha. lloadnch * ,
1'alna to tbo Hack , t'hoit and Umt , aua 11 the uiual
Tha application of IIADWAY'S Hli.vnV UKUKF , to tbo pmrtf nITeolad. will Initintlr rolleia and | < eon
cure tbo tuITf tor Internally In it men of from Iblrtr tu ilxtjr drops , In half a tumbler of watar , It Kill euro In
a taw momenu. Cramp * , Hpaimi , Hour Htomacli , c'ollo , K ° Utulunc , Heart barn. Diarrhoea , Slckllondache ,
Nauaaa , Vomiting , Cold Chilli , Nerrouene , Bleeuluiiueu. and all Internal palna. M centi a bottle , for
Ml * at Drugjim. I1ADWAY It Co. , EJ Warren tit. ,
Express and Mail Orders-
We send Goods to any address C. O. D. with privilege of examina
tion-and if they are not satisfactory , may bo returned at our expense
In every case where goods are paid for by money order and are not
found satisfactory , money will be promptly refunded and all express
charges paid by us. This method of doing business is very satisfactory
to our out-of-town , customers. Be careful to state definitely what you
want and we will spare no pains in filling your order.
Sxoecial Bargain Lines from which your orders will be filled until
they are closed. Don't wait two or three days and then order. Order
now. These lots are special values and will not last long.
"We will sell this week IBO Men's Sack and Frock Suits , made from
a neat brown checked cassimere thoroughly reliable neat in appear
ance , perfect-fitting , at $ S.OO per suit , We know their value as an ad
vertising medium. They will make friends for the Continental wher
ever they are sent. We advertised them on Sunday and the orders for
out of town are coming in every mail. These goods can only be sold at
this price for the reason that we manufacture them in large quantities.
The usual retail .price for this suit is $12 to SIB. Remember , sacks and
frocks at $8.OO. If not as represented , return to us and have the price
promptly returned. Sizes 34 to 42. Samples of the cloth will be sent
before you order if you prefer.
$10.50. Lot No. 2 , Black Cheviot Frock Suits , Price $10.50.
We will sell this week 1BO Men's Black Cheviot Frock Suits at
$1O.SO. This style of goods has been worn this season almost exclu
sively. We guaranted this lotto be strictly all-wool and fast color , and
properly made and trimmed. We will not sell clothing at any price
which is not properly made. "We do not sell shoddy.
This is a suit of lothes which cannot be owned by the average dealer
at $1O.BO. It is the quantity that makes the price. Samples of the cloth
will be sent to any address , but you can tell very little about it unless
you see the complete suit and examine it in every particular. We are ,
satisfied what the verdict will be when you see it. We don't have one
package in twenty returned and with care in sending measurements ,
we have no trouble about fitting. The sizes on this line run from 34 to
42. Measurement blanks will be sent on application.
& 2.YQ. LOT NO. 3.
Men's All Wool Cheviot.Pantaloons. Price $2.75.
Men's strictly all wool Cheviot Pants , full winter weight , made well and to fit at $2.75 per pair
cannot be bought'every day. We will fill orders for $2.75 from this lot just as described , but if you
prefer , send for samples of the cloth : We make them up to 42 waist. The style of the goods is a neat
check , looks just like a Scotch Cheviot apd wears better than any other domestic goods in the market ,
This style was made for the Continental and not a yard of this goods is owned by any other firm in
the country , Remember the price , $2.75 , sizes 32 to 42 waist ,
Children's Dept. Lot No.4 , Children's Knee Pant Suits , $3.50
We will place on sale beginning Wednesday morning , 250 pure all wool cheviot knee pant suits ,
size 6 to 12at $3.5 0 per suit , made without belts , small sizes plaited and large sizes plain. You can't du
plicate this line outside of our store for less than $5 : Remember they are knee pant suits for ages
from 6 to 12 years , strictly all wool , Send money order and goods will be promptly shipped with the
understanding that you need not keep them if they are not satisfactory.
Boy's ' Long Pant Suits , Price
Lot No , 5 is a special line of high cost long pant suits , strictly all wool , to fit boys'Iajjes 13 to 17 ,
at $7. Many suits in this lot sold for $10 and $12 , but the sizes are broken and we have made one
bargain lot at $7.
Boy's Oape Overcoats.
Lot No. 6. Special Bargain Lines , at $3.OO , $3.5O and $4.00.
Nobby styles and neat fitting garments at this price are scarce. . We
take the same care in manufacturing this priced goods aswe do with
the finer grades. The sizes are from 4 to 12 , with full length capes.
Prices from $3 to $4.6O. At $4.8O we will send you as good a garment
as is needed for service. We have never offered a better line of Child
ren's Overcoats than we have this season.
To live up to all that you make is an error.
Not to carefully consider where to buy and why you should buy is an error.
To pay a big price for clothing because the store advertises heavily and charges big rates in
order to maintain big expenses is worse than an error.
To suppose that you can do better than you can at the Misfit Parlors is an error.
To pay $35.00 for a ready-made suit when the Misfit Parlors will sell you a $45 custom-mado
suit for $20.00 is an error.
To pay $6 and $8 for poorer pants than the Misfit Parlors will sell you $3 and $4 is an error
that costs.
© E.E1 YOU CAM © A.VR.
$70 custom inndo suit fur $3.uO $05 custom wade en crawl fur. . $ ! 12.00 $10 custom made pants for $8.25
$00 custom nimlc suit for $ ! JO.OO $00 custom made overcoat for. . $28.50 $15 custom made pants for $7.50
$55 custom nmilo fcult for $27.50 $50 custom made oiercoal for. . $2J.50 $1.1 custom made pants for $ (1,50 (
$50 custom made suit for $25.00 $45 custom made overcoat for. . $20.00 $12 custom iniide for $0.00
$45 custom mmlo suit for $20.00 $40 custom made overcoat for. . $17.50 $10 custom made pants for $5.00
$40 custom made suit fur $18.50 $85 custom made overcoat for. . $14.00 $ 8 custom made pants for $1.50
$85 custom made suit for $15.00 $28 custom made overcoat for. . $12.25 $ 7 custom made pmils for $ U.
Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock ,
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309
Old Mon , Wenk Middle need won , Prema
turely ola YounK Wen , brlriB bsok springy
stcp.brlKlitoyc , strength , ambition and dot
Biro by use of Norvu Iloiuis. Tlioy correct
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MzboxuiitX Nerve llcan Co. , HulTiilo , N. Y-
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General Agent for State or County
Kor Ilpcontly patented , Valuubln Invention ,
ud In ovcry hoiiMiliolil , Apply for pum-
and tornm
Room HO AibaoUleBulldlug.
371 Fulton Street , Uuilalo , K. TC