THE OMAHA PAITAr BEE , SAT.UKDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , 1890 , THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS * ' , * * OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. Tcllvtrcd by Carrier In any part of the City , II. W. T1LTON. JIANAOKU flunlnrsn Office , No. 41 NIclil Editor , No , 23. N. V. P. Co. Council IJluffs Lumber Co. coal. The city council at the special session on Thursday nlpht elected Alderman Everett to succeed "hl i father 113 ono of the trustees of the public llbrnry. The mayor has nnpolntcd .7ohn Ilurke , formerly deputy city clerk , ns n regular pntrolman , nnd ho Ims been assigned tonight patrol duty on Washington avenue. A young couple , Gustavo A. Sntzko nnd Annie Sannc , stepped Into the clerk's ofllce ycHtorday aftcmoon mid neeured n license , Justice Burnett chanced to bo sitting there waiting to bo called ns a witness In tlio court above , und ho improved the walling moments by tying the knot right there , The next state tournament of the Firemen' * association Is to bo held nt Ccdnr Kajilds iu Juno. .T. Jj. Tcinp'aton ' , thoex-cblof of Coun cil Bluffs , hiw been chosen superintendent of the hose company contests , It bus been de cided that the next winter meeting of the association will bo held in Council Bin Its. I-.nst nipht Chief Carv received n letter from ono N. L. ( Jroggof Pnrhville , Mo. , ask- Int ; for Information concerning ono W. L. Sherman , for whom ho hud endorsed n draft. As the initials nnd tha methods used nro the same as In the case of the conlldenco game recently plavcd on W. S. Hayncs , it is be lieved ft is the same party. An old Indian who has been going around the city for the past two or throe months sell ing various articles has quit the business nnd pulled out for the west. Yesterday morning he announced that the Messiah had ordered him to put on his "holy Bhlrt" and go and dance , and lie obeyed. Ho visited Fcaron's Grocery during thn forenoon dressed In his "holy shirt" with his fuco elaborately streaked with read paint nnd announced that ho was done working for n living and had enough to keep him until the Messiah cnmo , He took the Union Paclllc train for the west. There were eight full-blooded Indians on the Northwestern train from the north yes terday morning. They wcro a father and his sons coming from Minncsotnnnd going south. They were dressed in citizen's clothes und the old mnn appeared to bo a very Intelligent fellow. Ho tulKCil fre ly to the passengers , nnd told them ho was taking his sons out of the wny of harm , that they had heard of tha promised Messiah nnd were very much affected by tbo news of Ins coming , nnd wore about half inclined to go to Dakota and join tlio ghost dances. Ho said ho had foucht In several cnmpnlgns with the whites and know their strength and the futility of the Indians' hope that tnoy could overcome them , and to prevent his sons' getting Into trouble he was inking them away from temptation. At the last special mooting of tbo city coun cil n new rule was adopted that will do a great deal toward breaking the Interminable tedium of the meeting proceedings and ma terially shorten the sessions. Hereafter all petitions nnd communications will ho referred nt once to the proper committees without reading In full , the clerk only rending the captions. Heretofore thcso communications have been read before the council , and alter being discussed have been referred to the committees. Not ono petition or communica tion In a hundred has over been disposed of by the council without reference to the np- pronriato committee , and sessions have been CN. prolonged for hours that might have been terminated in one hour if this kind of useless discussion had been dispensed with. The examination nnd discussion of this soit of business is properly committee work , and iho committees hereafter will bo required to attend to it without consuming tlio time of the council. Clonk Sale. fiOO samples of the latest fall style in ladies' , misses' and children's cloaks will bo sold nt COST I'ltici : TODAY at the Boston Store be tween a and 8 o'clock , in addition to our own Immense stock , the above being from ono of tbo largest manufacturers in the United States wcth their special agent. Boston Store today , between 2 nnd 8 o'clock. This Is also the last day of our special sale in all depart- niGiits in order to moko room for holiday goods. BOSTON STOIIK , COUNCIL BI.UFFP , U. Motor faro paid both wavs to all our OMAHA PATIIOXH. Avail yourself of this golden op portunity , as u chance lilto this seldom oc curs. J. C. Blxby , steam heating- , sanitary cn- , glncer , 013 L.lfo bulldmsj , O.iialujJJJ Mor rinm block , Council Illufls. Gents' underwear In great variety at prices to suit nil nt Model Clothing Co. , L. II. Mossier Mgr. Dr. Soybcrt. lies , Ogden houso. Tol. HO. For hoys' nnd children's suits durably made and at lowest prices , call at the Model Clothing Co. M'KttSOS.lL , PA H A till A J'HS. F. L. Harden has a new little daughter at his homo , the arrival being yesterday , Theodora Bray , who recently met with Biich a serious accident by bolngthrown from his can lago , was able to cotno down town ycsterdiiv for the first time siuco the acci dent. HU full and speedy recovery , which uccmcd so doubtful at llrst , Is now assured , inuch'to the gratltlcatlon of his manyfrietids. C. II. Converse , the Oakland nttornov , was , in court hero yesterday. Ho Is rapidly re covering from his paralytic stroke , which for weeks threatened to disable him for life. Ills vigorous constitution and his youth helped him along greatly , and If ho docs not Indulge in such overwork ns cam ed his previous at tack , It Is thought by his physicians that ho will almost fully recover his strcnth and health. A fresh Involco of flno cheviot suits for young men , just received at Model Cloth ing Co. _ Our line of cook stoves and rnngos , from fT.fiO to $45 gives you the greatest variety to select from , nt Mandcl & Klein's , JEO Broad way. way.An An elegant line nf Motion overcoats at ro tluced nitosnt Madel Clothing Co. " " Held Up n Woman. Thursday night at half past 10 o'clock ns Mrs. Carrie Wicks was passing along Broad way In the vicinity of the Dunforth block , between IClghth nnd Ninth streets , she was confronted by a footpad and robbed nt the point of a revolver. The lady lives with her husband on Upper Broadway , and wns re turning home after making a visit In the lower ] Kirtlon of tha street , where she stayed later tlinn she anticipated , .Tint ns she approached preached n saloon kept in a little woolen building she noticed a young man enter it f rom the street nnd leave the door open. An Instant after she passed the door some ono sprang out , cither from the door or from a narrow entry way between the two buildings , und thrusting what she supposed to bo a pistol In her face applied a vllo epi thet to her and told her to give up her money ciulck or ho would kill her. Sho. wns too badly frightened to scream , nnd she quickly gave the fellow nil she had , § 1. Ho took the money and disappeared In the saloon. She got u good look at the fellow as ho entered the building , nnd describes him as having n full face , dark mustache and wear ing a slouch hat. She wns afraid to continue her journey homo nlono and went to Justice Scnurz' residence tilio told the nrar by , jus tice her story and gave her description of her assailant. It was supposed to lit Charles Phillips , a son of K. V. Phillips , and ho was placed under arrest by Oftlcor O'Brien. Yesterday afternoon ho was arraigned be fore Schurz , but when Mrs. Wicks was called upon to Identify him she nt once declared that ho was not the man who robbed her , nnd asked for his discharge , lie was accordingly discharged und the ofliccrs are still looking for tno follow with a dark mustache nnd full fuco with poor prospects of tlndlng htm. Scott Houso. 8R ct. meals , Me. The great blow about heaters our would-be competitors nro making. Have you seen a better stJtk of heaters and lower prices tuan tM. & K.'s , K-H ) Broadway , „ The Manhattan sporting headquarter ! , 418 THE SEWS IN THE BLUFFS , A Short "And1' ' Causes a Legal Complication ill the District Court. A WOMAN HELD UP BY THE FOOTPADS , Ifnrtcr'fT Unlmppy Honeymoon Mrs. Kn 111 leu Driven from Homo by Her Iluslmnd HilUlnno's Debt Minor Mention. JudgoDeoracr is not the best of penmen , especially when In his hurried wny ho clashes off a decree with n blunt leadpencll. The failure of the county clerk to clearly make out his panellings In copying the record led yesterday to the temporary abandonment ofn case in the district court. Somotlmo last May W , F. Woodward was appointed guard ian of his aged father , MlJ. . Woodward , who Is In his eighty-ninth year. The deorco was entered In duo form , making the son the gnnrdhm of the person and property , but In the penciling Judge Dccmor wrote It "person & property" In such n hurried manner that the clerk In making up the record took the " & " for an "I , " and mndo the entry to read so as to glvo young Woodward the guardian ship of the old man's "personal property. " Yesterday the case of W. F. Woodward vs Mrs. Bench came up for n hearing. The plaint iff sued ns guardian to have a deed set aside , which the old man had given Mrs. Beach , In examining the record as to nis apnolntmontns guardian it was discovered that it showed simply that ho was the guardian of the "personal property , " mid not the guardian of "tho person ami property. " Of course it was a clerical error , but the case could not bo maintained with this sort of a record. The matter was let go over to the next term , and in tlio meantime steps will betaken taken to correct the record. The case Is a peculiar one. On the part of the pla'ntlff ' It Is claimed that the old man la in his dotage , and tint hu tins become so under the Inllucnco of Mrs. Beach , who ented a house from htm on Madison street , that ho was induced by her to give to lier a deed of the property , without receiving for It my consideration. This deed was given o few days before hi * son wns appointed as his guardian , nnd now the son seeks to have the deed set nsidu as void and procured by fraud. On the other sldo it is chdnifd that the son ias been making an annoying war upon his iged father , and that the only object the ou tig man has is to get possession of the old man's property. It is claimed that the old gentleman was cared for by Mrs. Bench for nonths before this deed was made , and that she is still caring for him. Instead of paying " : icr for this care lie agreed to deed her the property if she would continue to care for dm during his hfo tlmo. This care was the consideration. His further claimed that the father , though old nnd milrin , Is not Incapa ble of entering into a valid contract , or dis posing of his property to his own advantage , nnd that in this case he acted wisely. Last few days of the great clearing sale at the BOSTON STORE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , ends Satuday nipht , the object of this sale jclng to make room for our Immense block of lolidny gooits that are arriving dally. Note n few of the bargains offered In our coat nnd jl.ick goods department. III.AOK coons. English cashmeres , special bargains at lOc , 2 } c , H'c , S.'c a vard. Iti-inch English hcnrlctta , good value at We ; sale price : t'.le. Wo call special attention to our new as sortnicnt of 50c black goods , including India Lwills , German henrietta. Frcnctt cashmcro and serges , which sold for 5Sc , 02 > < fa u ! ' during sale at 50e a yard. All wool French dyed drap do alma , sold for 7f > c ; snlo price Me. Our $1 line of black goods , consisting of French , German and Austrian henriottas , India twills and Frenen serge , sold from $1.10 to $1.39 ; during sale atl. llhACK BRILI.IANT1NCS , Special prices for tnis week : Examine the following bargains at 2."c , IWc , ! Wc , 43e , 50c , 5Sc , OOc , 75c , 9. c nnd $1.25. CllII.DKKN'S COAT3. 4 0 8 10 12 Bargains marked.$1.00 S1.23 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 I ) . K. stripe coat wltheapo 1.75 2.00 2.23 2.50 2.75 D. K. stripe , full Orctchcn mndo. 3.23 2.50 2.75 3.00 8.25 D. K. stripe with larco capo 3.75 8.00 H.25 3.50 3,75 D. 1C. and lipht Elnids , double ) roasted 0.73 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.75 Elegant beaver coats in Scotch plaids , fullUret- chcnmado 4.50 5.00 5.50 0,00 6.50 D. K. brown Bro cade Beaver.l.oO 5.00 fi,50 C.OO . 0.50 A large assortment of Misses' tJarmonts at equally low prices , besides numberless bar gains in every department. BOSTON STORE , FoTiiEiiiNniiAMViimi.xw : k Co. , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. 101 to 405 Broadway , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IA. ftobljcd During Her Honeymoon. Yesterday morning a handsdmo , dark-eyed young woman of slender build nnd stylishly dressed , appealed to Justice Barnett fora personal Interview. The Justice drove out the crowd of loungers In his private ofllco and was closeted with the lady for some tlmo. She told him a very sad story of marital im- hnpplness and asked for a warrant for the arrest of her husband on the charge of steal ing a gold watch that had boon given her by her mother. She signed the necessary la- formation and the warrant wns issued. The woman was Mrs. Clara llartcr. She said she married nor husband , Harry llartcr , in Denver six months a o. She says llartcr won her consent to marriage after a short but ardent courtship , during which ho niado n lavish display of money , and spent it frocly. He was then flying pretty high ns a hotelkeeper - keeper , representing that ho owned a valuable hotel property at Lavator , Colo. After their marriage In Den ver ho announced his Intention of not return ing to .Lavator , but declared that ho has sold the hotel , and was looking around to pur chase something about the slzo of the now Grand In this city or the 1'axton In Omaha. T hey lived pretty well for n short time , nnd then his Junds begun to grow short , nnd ho had numerous Interviews with people who came to see htm from the other Colorado village. Some of them were nceonlpanied by deputy sheriffs and constables , and all of them brought good sized demands for monoy. She soon found that her now husband had good reasons for leaving the town , and hud loft plenty of unpaid bills behind him. Ho Informed his wlfo that there were no hotels in Denver big enough to suit his pile , mid persuaded her to come with him to Omaha , whcra hothougnt ho could buy or build some thing that would suit him. After spending u few days there ho concluded the best oppor tunities to get into a first class hotel business oulil bo found In Council Bluffs , nnd ho brought his wlfo. over hero and procured cheap lodgings for her. Slio remained here about three weeks , but was left nlono nearly all the time , her hus band still Industriously pcrsulng his scheme to buy a full grown hotel. By this time she wns convinced that the stories ho had told her about himself were nil false , that ho was not a relative of a patent inodlclno man of the same name and a half owner In his busi ness , ns ho had frequently told her. After pinning him down closely he finally told nor tie was simply a hotel cook , and hud no re sources to lull hack upon hut the salary no could earn in the kitchen if ho could find somebody willing to biro him , Immediately after coming to Omaha , she says ho tclo- gruphed back ( hut ho had committed suicide , nnd signed a fictitious iinmo to the message. Ills creditors did not believe the story , and 0116 of them came to Omaha and had him arrested and took him buck. Ho Bcrve.l a short sentence for obtaining money under falsa pretenses. When hu got out of jail at Lavator ho came direct to council Bluffs nnd found his wlfo. Ho reached hero Wednesday , und that night ho robbed his wlfo of tier gold ivnlcu and n little money she still bad , Yesterday morn L. ing be concluded to have him arrested , ami procured the warrant from Darnell's court , It was expected that ho would return to this city , nnd Constable Covalt was given tlio warrant. Before ho could bo nrrcitcd , however - over , his wife had visited Omaha and found. 4 the stolen watch in a pawn shop on Farimm , street , where ha had secured $15 on it. She told the pawnbroker that It had been stolen from her. and ho procured the fellow's nrrest by the Omaha police for obtaining money under false pretenses. Ho will ho brought to this sldo nnd prosecuted for larceny. The little woman's handsome fnco nnd fig * \lronnd her evident distress have won the sympathies of the court onicers , and they will do all they can to help her. KISISM/WH OliO/ilt SAI.I3. A 8iccli l Opportunity to Get n Fine Imported Unrincnt at Hull'Import- cr'n Cost Only Tor This Week. Kvcry lady who Is posted In the styles nnd values of cloaks knows that Klsenmirs Is the place to look for them. They are also aware that If there Is anything now and stylish to bo scon they have to coma to Kbcin nil's ' to llnd It. Ladles como from n dlstnnco of hundreds ofmllc.4 to see our styles and wo always please them , and send them away happy. This week wo uro In better shniw than over to sell yon cloaks , wr.ins , Jackets cheaper than over before. We huvo closed out from the Manhattan clo.ik nud suit company , and the well known firm of A. Frlcndlnnuer & Co. , of Berlin , ami Bluincnthall Brothers of Paris , 'their entlro importation of stylish Kumplo garments , only one garment of a kind. Over MO styles at ndlscountof one-half from Importer's cost , and in order to make things livelv wo purpose to glvo our customers the bcncllt of our purchases. This is the grand , est opportunity for you to get the latest im- potted finest garments for less than the price of ordinary made cloaks. Don't miss this opportunity. I'lush cloaks forflU.BO worth $20. Plush cloaks for $15 , worth S'i5. I'lush cloaks for f 10.50 , worth ! S. We save you fully ono-lmlf on plush cloaks or Jackets. ( ircatsuloof misses' and children's cloaks , Jackets and newniarkets. Prices way down , nnd n line doll given away with every child's ' cloak sold during this week at Henry Else- man & Co's. greatest cloak bouse in the west. Corner Broadway and Pearl sts. , Council Bluffs , la. Mall orders receive careful and prompt at tention , Hnldniiu'H Debt. In the superior court yesterday In the case of the Now Hampshire hanking company the plaintiffs' demurrer to the answer of the de fendants was overruled. The suit was brought against C. Ilnldano to recover fG.OOU on a note given by Haldano and his wlfo to A. 1C. Annls. The payment of the note wa-j guaranteed by George I-1. Wright and John N. Baldwin , nnd they were made co-dofcndants with Hnldano. Wright and Baldwin declare in their an swer that the plaintiff had not used proper diligence in collecting tro note from Hal dane , but that , on the contrary , Haldano has been in the city since the beginning of the action and that plaintiff has failed to servo him with notice of the suit , though this might easily have been done. They nssort , more over , that Haldano has sinootiio beginning of the suit taken property away from the city which would , If attached , have been sufll- cicnt to satisfy the note. A Christinas Puzzle. What shall wo buy for the holidays ? If this puzzles you come in and see our holiday nttrnctlons : brilliant diamonds ; gold nnd sliver watches and chains ; quaint , novel , now patterned jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces , lockets ; gold-headed canes ; solid silver and plated ware ; too many novelties to namoj you must see them to appreciate them , they are so artistic and beautiful ; visitors - welcome come to see our display. C. B. Juuquemln & Co. , No. 27 Main st. Money to loan at straight 5 per cent per annum. E. S. Barnctt , agent. Threatened to Kill His Wife. Mrs. Temeranco B. Fulks is temperate by name and nature , but she is married to a man who Is very Intemperate in the abuse of his wife ns well as the products of the dlstll- lerfns. For some time past ho has been making life a burden to her , and lately ho has boon threatening to remove the burden by re moving her from the land of the living. Yes terday morning she appealed to Justice Barnett - nett for protection , and asked to have the panoply of the law cast around her nnd used to suppress her belllgerant husband , Edward A. She says that on Thursday night his acts of cruelty culminated In an attack \ipon her with a pistol. Ho drove \icr \ from her homo with two pistols , one In each hand. One of them she knows was loaded , but she wns not sure about the acontcnts of the other. She escaped from him in the darkness and took refuge with her mother , Airs. Nancy Luman , where she remained during the night. She signed an information charging him with threatening to kill her , and u warrant was Issued for his arrest. The ofllcer to whom it was given had been unable to find Fulks up to last night , and It is thought ho has skipped tho. town for good. Fulks does not bear a very good namo. Ho was arrested last April upon the charge of passing counterfeit money , but was dis charged. His wife says ho passed the coun terfeit money all right , and know It was counterfeit. _ Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 53'J Broadway. Telephone 130. For stout men's clothing call at Model Clothing Co. , L. H. Mossier , Algr. Great bargains In bedroom suits atMandol & Klein. 3'0 Broadway. The School Doarcl Meets Again. The board of education held another special meeting last night. It wns expected that the gentlemen would get together and select a superintendent , hut they did not. The mat ter was not even alluded to. All the mem bers were present with the exception of Mr. Wiillo. " President Stewart came up before the hour for calling the meeting to order had arrived and announced that it would bo im possible for him to attend on account of other important and pressing matters , nnd as the business the board would need to trans act was'simply the approval of the payroll of the teachers and Janitors so that they could get their money It would not bo neces sary for him to remain , ns ho had already ex amined the payrolls , approved and signed them. Ho loft before the boarit convened , nnd the secretary called the meeting to pi-dor. The payrolls were formally presented and approved. The board then adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening , when it is conll- dontly predicted that the deadlock will bo broken and a superintendent will bo selected , nnd ready to send la his acceptance and re port for duty at the regular monthly meeting which occurs next Friday evening. This week will bo a mcmorablo one In the heating stove trado. Wo Just received another car loud of the Peninsular stoves and will quote bottom figures to purchasers. At M. & lC.'s,3'JO , Broadway. See our now fall patterns of carpets , nigs , shades at all prices. AtM. & K.'a ' , U20 Broadway - way , Scott House. Best $1.00 per day house in the city. _ Mcdlonl Comment on Hooli'H Cure. BEUI.IN , Nov. 2 1. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BuB.l This week's number of the Deutsche Medlclnlscuro Wochenschrlft con tains a report by Drs. Bcrgmann , Frantzol and others on Koch's treatment of tubercu losis. The article , which Is written In scien tific language , adds little to what Is already known. Dr. Frant/el believes that advanced cases need a long course of treatment before the cfllcacy of the remedy can bo shown. Ho agrees with the other doctors that the great est value of the remedy Is as a means of diag nosis and In the treatment of tubercular skin discuses. In diseases of tlio internal organs the remedy is of doubtful cfllcacy. Albright's Choice , terms to suit. Didn't Like ( ho Agreement , Denny , Nov. 21 , [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE. ] HerrYohsen , for a number of years Gorman consul at Zanzibar and agent | of the German East Africa company , has withdrawn from the directorate of the com * puny in consequence of th c neluslon of the agreement between the Ueriimn government Ktid the company relative to the sovereignty of the territory in East .AfiHcil recently ccdeil to the company by thosultah of Zanzibar , Albright's Choice , junction nil 11 K. Tlio Cloud on the Irish Caii < * o. LOXDOX , Nov. 81. fSpocJil Cablegram to TUB BKK.J The Saturday "Review expresses surprise at the tactics of tlio unionist jour nals In seeking Mr. Pnniell's ' political head. Their action , It say. . has naturally caused n revulsion of feeling In favor 6f the Parnoll * Ite.x. Ite.x.Mlchncl Davltt , In n speech at South nnnt today , snld that a cloud rested upon the Irish cause at present , but that , with God's help nnd the help of honest liberals tit England , that cuuso would still prevail. Let the lories , ho said , try to surprise them with an election and they would soon bo undeceived. Albright's Cliolco , terms cosy. A ( Jutlirlo Hank Goes Under. GuTiiiitn , Oklahoma , Nov. 21 The Com mercial bank of this city , which Is the largest bunk In the territory , assigned late lust night for the benefit of creditors. The proprietors have all loft town. The collapse was caused by the failure recently of tlio Newton , iCati. , National bank. The liabllltlesand assets can't bo ascertained. A run wns made on the other banks this morning , but It was stopped when nn ample showing of funds was made. The hank belongs to a syndicate , which prac tically controls the banks In Newton , ICnn. , Normal , Kl Keno , Stlllwatcr and White water , The Newton bank failed yesterday , Today the Guthrlo bank suspended and the Whitewater concern is now In the hands of an examiner. Nothing has been heard from the Kl Uono , Normal or Stlllwatcr banks. The Guthrlo bank's capital wus $300,000 , Newton's $100 OCX ) , and the others about the same. It Is believed hero that the assets uro cental to the liabilities. Albright's Choice , special induce ments. The Governor's Order Disregarded , Dns MOINES , In. , Nov. ai. lSpccinl Tele gram to Tun Ben. ] Governor Boles und AVardcn McMillan of the Fort Madison peni tentiary arc having n little controversy over the length of term of ft prisoner. About a year nnd a half ago John Cox , n inombcr of a rcpectnblo family in Monona county , wus caught In the act of committing larceny nnd ivns also indicted for another act of the same nature. Upon the trial in Judge Lewis' ' : ourt In Sioux City ho pleaded guilty and , vas sentenced to one year In the state prison on each charge , both sentences to begin the iutno day. The year was up last August , but lie wns not released , the warden discovering that Uio clerk of the couut had niado n mis- tuko in recording the sentences , and on the full of the record Cox would have to servo another year. Umlerkvil ndvico ho held the boy. The mutter was brought to tlio notice of the governor , who ordered the warden to release the prisoner forthwith , but the order was disregarded , and yesterday the governor , in an angry mood , went down to Investigate , after having received the assurance of Judge Lewis that the sentence was intended to bo but for one year , all told. The governor's argument produced no impression upon the warden , nnd ho will likely interfere In the y of a pardon or remittance of sentence. Albright's Choice , prices nmsonnblo. Almost a Serious Panic. CHICAGO , Nov. 21. A flro'ln ' the basement of the Studebaker building , next to the auditorium , at a late hour this evening cre ated a dcnso smoke , which , going into the corridors of the hotel , created quite n panic among the guests , many of whom hod retired. A number of them gathered their effects and rushed down tlio hallways , hut their fears were soon allayed by tko.ullorts of employes. The sinoko also penetrated the auditorium theater stage , but not In front of the stage , nnd the performers being assured that there was absolutely no danger , the play went on with the audience in' Ignorance of tiio prox imity of the lire , which was soon extin guished with slight loss. Arrival ol * the Serpent Survivors. LONDON , Nov. 21. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BiiE.J-Tho surviving members of the crow of the British cruiser Serpent , which was lost off the Spanish coast on the night of November 10 , have arrived ut Plymouth on the troop-ship Tyno. In an interview , Bur ton , one of the survivors , said ho believed that the sea had extinguished the Serpent's llres , us most 'of tno bodies picked up were covered wltb volumes of dust and ashes. The onicers of the Tyno , however , believe that the SorDcut's boilers burst , as several of the bodies were mutilated. A Suspicious Robbery. NEW YonK , Nov. 21. The Twenty-sixth Ward bunk of Brooklyn , of which Ditmas Jewell is president , was robbed yesterday of a package containing $5,000 In bills. The money was taken from a safe which sat di rectly back of the cashier's desk about noon yesterday , whea the cashlc'r and a cleric named Bookman were alone In the bank. Stnlibetl Each Other Fatally. CHATTANOOGA , Twin. , Nor. 21. Three years ago John 1'Iekott , a mountaineer , killed Ids wlfo , but was afterwards acquitted on the plea that It was accidental. Tonight Tom Allen brought up the matter in an offensive manner and n iighf < ensued , In which both men fatally stabbed each other with knives. fitoaniHlilp Arrivals. At New York The Nederlnud , from Ant werp ; the Kugin , from Hamburg ; the State of Indiana , from Glasgow. At Queenstown The Wyoming , from Now York. Sighted at London The Helvetia. Tlio UcnnOHScy Murder Cnso. New OiUEAXS , Ln. , Nov. 21. In the Hen nessey murder case the grand Jury today found true bills against nine Italians as prin cipals and eight others us accessories to the murder. The accused are how all In prison. Dumb Hell Itcuor * ! Broken. MOXTIIKAINov. . 21. Louis Cyo today broke the dumb bell record , putting up 109 pounds with one hand from the shoulder twenty-seven times against 10J pounds twenty times , the previous record , A Strike ol' Miners. ScormAi.i : , Pa. , Nov. .21. Today the min ers and cokers of the plants of the Frlclc company Inaugurated h strlko against what they term discrimination. About six hun dred men are interested. Tlio Death Itoll , LOUISVIM.I ; , ICy. , > Nov. 12. Herman Hot-hurts , president of the Anderson-Nelson distilling company , diedttoday. Pasteur Congratulate * Kooh. BIIILIK : , Nov. 21. Pasfcur sent congratu lations to Koch , who In return sent a speci men lymph to Pasteuiv The Him Still Continues. NKWAIIK , N. J , , No\.2i , Tuo run on the Howard Savings bank -still continues , The Jap Cor.Too ; Fresh. Mike Burns , a gray-haired but pugilistic Irishman , engaged In a conversation yester day with the "Jap , " the wrestler at the Eden Museo. Mike believes that ho used to be a hard man to har.dlc , and ho told the Jap so. "You couldn't ' wrestle , " said the Tap , dis dainfully. "You couldn't ' wrestle anything but potatoes nnd butter mil K ; . " "And you can rasscl iiotuln1 but rice , " said Mlko In reply. And then the Jan struck Mlko in the chost. Before the Jap had time to think twice Mlko landed , his brawny list square on the Jap's nose nnd laid him out. Tlio Jap came to the conclusion that Mike knew n thing or two about handling his lists , so ho called at the pollco station nud had him arrested for as sault and buttery. Joe Colvillo and. Mrs Flslior wore nr- rcstod yeutorday afternoon charged . with stoaliiiij Bomo goods from , n box cur J IntuoB. &M. yarda. ; 1UlU.lOVOUIC - ) . Sqntrcf ) & Co. Ordered to Secure More Street donning Machinery , The board of public works ho'd ' a session yesterday afternoon with all of the members present. The question of relaying sidewalks that hnuo been toru up whllo improvements nro being mndo was hroughtup nnd discussed. In a letter to the board , Dr , Spatdlng said : "When the motor line was bullion Charles and Twenty-fifth streets the cross walks wcro torn up and have never been relahl. " Tlio board took action nnd decided to see that the walks nro nt once put back in place. In order to have the streets made passable during the coming winter the following reso lution wns adopted f llesolvoil , That 0. K. Sqnlroo , who 1ms the strcut sweeping contract , he iiml N hereby or dered to nt tmcu procure u snow plow nnd one liirito swooping machine for clennlntr the st reels , subject totho iipproval ol the board of public works. Kd Walsh , who Is behind with some of the men who nro working for him , was Instructed to appear at n special meeting that will bo held next Wednesday at 2 o'clock p , m. Ho will bo required to tell why ho tins not paid his men. North Thirtieth street Is being graded and the chairman was instructed to confer with the oflld.ils of the Elkhorn nnd ascertain wlion they will make the grade of their rood- bed nt the Intersection of the street conform to the gnulo that has been established by the city.The The following estimates wcro presented nnd allowed : EdCollahnn , grading Hamil ton , Pleasant nnd Thirty-sixth streets , § 7iMr ; ) grading South Twelfth street from Center to Bancroft streets , $204.53 ; grading Martha street In Clark Place , Mogoath street in Dupont IMnco and Twenty-ninth street from Hickory to Megcath street , ? 1 , 18.50 ; Tcinplcton & Morris , grading Barney street from Smith street to Dexter nvcnuo , $010.75 ; Funning & SJavin , grading Seventh nvcnuo from Williams to Pine street , : i(54.50 ( ; iMclClnnoy ft Hull , grading Kighth street from Douglas to Dodge street , SI5UW ; Ed Pholfin , grading Fifteenth street in Paddock 1'lnco , SGI ) ; Templeton & Morrow , grading Thirty- fourth street -from Fowler avenue to Ames avenue , IK5.04 ! ; Knight Brothers & Barnes , grading Chicago street from Lowe nvcnuo to Pleasant street , Spring street from Chicago to Cnss street niitf CJrovo.&trcet from Chicago to Davcnuort street , ? 1SI'J.44 ; Hugh Mur phy , curbing Sherman avenue from Comnier- lal street to Wirt , f 1,5:11.03 : ; Fanning & Slavln , extension of the North Omnha sewer , 0.33-UKI ; Hnmon & McDonald , sewer In dls- rlct No. ant , fcy.Y.MO ; Graham Park , sewer In ) , ? J10.15i I1. * L. Reeves , sewer n district No. 120 , 8102.80 ; Hugh Murphy , laving Fourteenth street from Webster to Vlcnolas street , $3,29-1 ; paving Sherman nve- IUQ from fil.'l feet south of tlio south hue of Sec. I ) toVlrt street , $0,01 $ : the Barber as- limit company , paving Kightccnth street rom Dodge to California street , $10,000.5' ) ; 1 E. Squires , street sweeping to date , The question of street sweeping was ngaln irought up. The chairman protested against ho work that is now being done , saying that ho streets are left in a wretched condition. Anally arc-solution was adopted Instructing Mr. Squires to purchase ouo four-horse weeper before beginning the work of IS'Jl ' under his contract. Edward Burns , the sidewalk inspector , iresented hi * bill for the two months ending November 15. It amounted to $0,057.00 and vas allowed. Albright's Choice , manufactory sites. AMUNEMJ-lX'fN. The company which opened at the Grand opera house last night In a two night's and nntinee engagement presented "Littlo Lord . ' 'aiintleroy" in a very acceptable manner. The touching and potent points in the popu- ar story and piny were vividly and rnly presented , and wcro not , us jo frequently happens in child clmr- icter plays , spoiled by Doing overdone. Considering the meagre inspiration that can Do drawn from a sparsely Illled hou-io , the work done by Oertlo Homnn , who took the part of Fauntleroy , was quite remarkable. Uut ono criticism might bo justly made upon her work. In n few instances she has been over-trained .upon tho' inflection. Had the child been permitted to suit her own sweet volco to the words In Its natural simplicity the effect would have boon more ngrecablo nnd artistic. But this defect occurs In but few of the lines , and her speaking and actIng - Ing are so excellent in the main that these few Imperfections are scarcely worth men tioning. The company is well balanced and clever " throughout" . This afternoon Georgia Cooper will play the part of Fuuntluroy. Albright's Choice , suburban homes. A BliiRitlnr ] niim'iO Suit. Pmsnuiio , Pa. , Nov. 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Br.n.j Suit was begun to day iu the United States court for $50,000 , damages against Ja'mes Cummiskcyand Ed ward J. Melloy , executors o/ the estate of Dennis O'Hurran. Iho plaintiffs are two Irish girls , nieces of the testator. In the year 1834 Dennis O'Hamn went from his homo in Luzerne county on a visit to his brottier in county Tyrone , Ireland. lie wns very wealthy nnd had no children , He wns also very much pleased with the pretty faces of his nieces , and before ho loft miulo an agreement witn them. Ho snldlf they would go to work und learn the millinery und sales bushiest In a thoroughly good wny lie would bring them to this country at his own ex pense , provide for them while completing their trade hcre.nnd then would furnish them with $ < 0,000 capital to start up In business In any city they might chooso. The girls wont to work , In 18S7 they completed their apprenticeship in Ireland and , true to his promise , their uncle Dennis O'Harran sent for them to como to this country , and in 1880 they finished tholr trade In Now York , .lust then tholr uncle died and his will left no pro vision for them , hence the suit. In the meanwhile the girls nro working In Now York and aro.tliroutcnlng to make It warm for tbo defendants in the case. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bco Bldg. A Mob ItcpnlHcd. HCXTIXOTOX , Tcnn , , Nov. 21. A mob at tacked the Jail at i.n early hour this morning to get AVidis , who n few days ago murdered Constable Uoss nnd nephew. They could not force the inside door , but succeeded in breaking a hole through It. A mnn named Coluter climbed through with n revolver nud a report was heard and Coulter said he was shot. Sam Sellers started In to his assistance , when \Vidis , or ono of thu other prisoners , shot and probably fatally wounded him. The mob then fled. The sheriff smuggled Widls out of town this morning , The people uro wild with excitement. Albright's Choice- best truckage. . .i . . I , . < i * Fined $10O and Costs. "William Peglcr wns fined yesterday $100 and costs for carry Ing concealed weapons. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Bee tililg , Hospitals Neglect I'atlonts. Xioxnnx , Nov. 21 , .The Berlin correspond ent of the Telegraph declares that whllo the treatment of the poor patients in the hos pitals is only half completed , a few favored "Look Here' The results of THOUSAND mercury , oven DOM.AUB Will bo- In the hands of a paid to aiiy corn- skillfull physi potent chemist cian , are to bo who will fliul , on droadod. In the analysis , a part hands of the icle of Mercury , populace It be Potash , or other comes exceed- pqlsons , In Swift'8 Inglydnngerousi Spccillc. It U and when com purely vegetable , pounded Into and never pro-i nostrums by Ig- duccB bad ollects.i norant hands It becomes fatal. Book oa Illood and Skin diseases frco.j Swift Kuw.l On CIL JLUanta _ llaJ pliyslclnns nro t renting fronlouc liutulrcil nnd llfty to 11 vo liuiultxxl ana JHly vntletits dully , chnrRlni ; from 1 to .CJ n imtlcnt. U'ho correspondent - respondent snys tlmt the liospltnl imtlcnts nro only halt trcntoil mid neglected often In n ( IniiKcrous coiullllou. Prof , Koch knows nothing of this. William J. Whltoliousc , the \voll known ilriiRgist ut Sixteenth und \Vob tor streets , died lust night nt his resilience , 2.VT > Ilrlstol fltrcot , nftcr nn tllncssiof thrco nays. The funeral will bo held from the residence to morrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock.Villlnm J. \Vhitcliouso vs'ns born In Fort 1-Mwunl , New York , December ill , 1S.M. llelminoto No- lir.vskn In 1871 uud looted In Saline county , \vliero his father wns engaged In thu prnctlco of medleltio , In 1874 he ix'inovetl to Uninhn , and titter clcrlclni ; two yonrs became n mem ber of the linn of Wlilteiiouso & Co. In IbTlt ho sold out and engaged In the druK busi ness. Ho wns u member of the .Ancient Free nml Accepted Masons and the Independent Order of OJdfollows lodges of this cltr , nnd wns also u member of the volunteer lira de partment. _ Albright's ' Cliolco , 10 pop cent cash. Notion. A special meotltiK of St. Jolin's loilpo , No. 2. " > , A. F. nnd A. M. , will bo hold.on . Sunday , November 23 , 1SXat ! 1 p. m , , for the purpose of attending the funeral of our latu brother , William .T. Whltehouso. Members of Ne braska , Capital und C'nvcrt lodges fraternally invited. T. K. Stmiioitonm , Master. Sir Morrell Mackenzie 11ECO.MMENDS TUB SODRN MINERAL PASTILLES IN Tiirsv : wonus , The Sodon mineral l'iistlllostroches ( ) which ire inoduccd ftom thoSodi-ii Mineral Springs ly evaporation , arc particularly scrvloonblo n Cntarrhiil Iiifliiinnmtkms , f-'oro Throats , Coughs , Hronclillls and Luns Tioublci The .mall . amount.of Iron which thoj contain ren ters them very useful hi the stages of Throat CONSUMPTION , uul they do good In nourly all cases of rolaxn- loa of the mucous membrane. " They moan elegant preparation as well .is inostngrce'ihlo to take , fur abend of chloildo > flpolnsh loongus und other preoaratlons of hulidml. " JOHN' COOPF.ll , M. D. , M. 11. C. S. If RfflLWflYTIMEGRRD I.OHTOJ I Cltll'AliO , lIUIlljlNUTUN A. t ! Arrives Omaha. I Depot IQth nntt Mmon slrcots. Omaha. C.110 pmi Chicago kipiess B.CJO a m O.r > ) a m Clitcnico Kiprcu G.31 p m 9.10pm CblcnKO Kxiirom , . * . IU.UJ a m 6,60p iu I Iowa Locnl. _ 11. . I2.UU m lAJirToTTlluTtT.lNTSTO. Ouialia. I DeiKUHIth a nd .Mason alroeta. I Oiimlix 10.25 A m . . . . . .Denver Uajr Kxpruss. 4.0) p in 10.25 n m Denver Kxpress. . . . ti.15 p ill 6.411 p m DenverMiflit < Cxpr < i. : i.r : > n m 8.15 n m Lincoln Local . . , . . < ' .LOO p nt " K. U. , S'O. A 0. IT rSTrlfoi" _ Onijib , . . I i Depot Will anil Mnion street * ) . | Omaha. 9.30 iml . . . .Knmin Cily IJnjr Brprcu. . . . O.IOp m .4S p ml K. C. Nlnlit Kii. | Tl U. I * . Trnni. li.45 A m , T k..i. > I. , n. . . . . . L' Om XL I p pot 10th and Marcy alroats. I Omiyha. 2.60"p m Ovcrlamt Flrer 9.U3 p m 7.SO p in . . . . . . . . .I'aclflc Kxpre 11.45 a m lO.-XI s m Denver Kiproia f > 5 p m 0.00 m KanaiuCltv Kipresi 12.05 H 111 10.15 a m . . .r'nlrtlekl li p. ( eicfpt sun. ) . 4. ; p 111 Leaves I CinCMTOTTt. LAl-AlMm ; . ArrlToi Omaha. I U.I' , depot , IQlh an ! Marcy Sti. I Omaha. ( .10 p m .Nlttht Ktpres * . lu.Oi A m 0.05 a m . . . . . . . . .Atlcntlo Express. , , 6.30 p m 4.30 p m Vestibule Limited , , 10.45 a m . ATI X i' , Arrive Ornalin. I U.I' , depot. lUtli nnJ Marcy Sti. Onntm 7.16 a ml . . . .Sioux City I'aiienver. 4. Win ml t. 1'aul Kipreis. . . . 10.10 a m "SIOUX Cllt A I Arrive * Omaha. Depot and WebiterHta. I Omaha. 6.00pml at. I'aul Limited I . am I7cnvei ICIiloAClU t NUlt'TilXv hisl'EHN. Arrive * Omnha. | u. I' , depot. IDtU anil Mnrcy iju. Omaha . 9.15 K m Chicago Express. . . (3.2U p m 4.30 p ra Veatltmlo Limited ii.M a m 0.15 p m Iowa Accommortritloii ( liic. Sun ) 7.0o p m V.IO p m Knstera Klrer 2.45 p m 11.45 a in K * .t Knjtarr Exprc's 8.05 ft m l oaroi | CI1ICAIU ( , Mil * . , A 8T7TAUUI Arnros Omaha. JU. 1 * . depot. IQlli anil Marcy 8ti. | Omaha , 6.10 p ml.\.Clilcnico Kipres I i IU5 a m 1I..V. a ml Clilcavo Kipresi I I 6.31) ) D m IJCBTUI I OMAHA * ST. 1.UUI3. Arrives Omaha. | t ) . 1 * . ilcpot. IQtli ami MiucrSli. Omaha. ( 'nnnon llall , , . . , . l.CfiYC- I * . , K. A MO. VAI.ljBV. Arrlvoi Oni hi.J Depot liitli M l Web nor Sti. I Onnlii. 9.00 m . Ulack Hills Kxprosn . I 6.5U p m D.OU a m . . .IlmtliiKS Kip. ( Ex. Munrtay ) . . . 6.20 p ra 6.10 p in Walioo414ncoln 1'as ( Kr.Sumrjr ) nUM a in 6.10 p m . .York A Norfolk ( Kx. Hunilay > . . | lU. > J n. m C , , SI'THTM A ( J. Oinahnll Depot Ifjth unil Wulnter Sti. | Omihi. Arrlvui COnithf. . I DciioUjtli and Wehitqrjiti. Omiht. ml. . .81. l.oul < * K. U Kxprois. . . 4.6'J p m "i.eaToT i "CIlIUMiU 'If. lT4""I'ACii'i Tran fur | Unlcm Depot. rniiniii ; HlulTi. ITrnnsfer 'e.aop'rhl. . Nlnht Kxpr < > . I 0.1)4 ) a ra 9.30 a in . Atlnnllo Kxprni . 5.U p in .UO p jnj jiuVo tlbiilo l.lmltoil. . . IllUU a m "l avei lX'lTli'yA cj A NOlfl'UWEWlvilN.I Arrl7c Trunsfurl Union Depot. Council Ilium. I'l'ranarpr .Chlcavo Kipreis . ( i.iu p ra 6.01) ) p iu I.tmlted . V'M n m 10.IX ) p .11 . L.Kaitern Klyer 3.00 p ra . Atlantic Mall 7.M a in Jlp ! ! | > III Inwit Accoinmiiilnllnn ( 'Leaves'CTliBAllO [ , JilT 4" 8'K l'AUi. _ . | Arrives" Traimfur Union liccot. ( 'oiincll l lUS a in II (10 ( p m "AfrTvui" Tmn ( or | Union liipot. Council Ilium IOW n m . . . .Knnina City l ) r t 6.4.1 p m in.Krin9ns | Pity Night CM n in . . . . . .j ? I < JMA-fiC | * STTlAJlllH. Arrives Truiuforl Union Depot. Cuunrll llliitTi Tnnifer 6.0U p in l..T5l. l iuli fiinnn llnll . . . .T7I12.I5 j > ln rcmcxiroiiitmi N ' * 'QtiiNor i Arrives" Trans for Union Depot , Council lllulTJ , ITrnnafer TT.4U a ml . . . . . . , , CilcaffO ) p m 10.00 p ro , ChlcnKO Ktpron 9.40 n m 7. 05 p m . . O-oitonJjOcnl. ll.M a m ' " "BlD'UXCiTV A Trnnifer Unon lejQt , CouncilMl ' 1'rnnjfor ' 7.45 ra T77Hloux CltT Accummodatlun | I' . I' ' ) n in ftt I'Mltl Krnriia. . 110.00 U.Uj p m u in ' I'Ati'lFlC SUIIUUIIAN TltAINS. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BlUFFS. fPO THA-liK for mortgaged property hiConn- .L ell III n IK farm In uroto county. ICnn.j well Iniro\cc1 ) | fiirtn InPhurlmm county , Kim * .i : store building ) t vro wildi-nee * . In I'onntry town. All dour , Utlu perfect. 1' . J. t-clmurr , IM llroiul\v y. ' \\TANTKD Oltl for ccnorul houvinxdrk. t > Mrs. 1) ) . \ \ \ Archer , WT > Si'uonil aviMino. KS WASTKD-Subialinrt'N nml tvnmolcn for It. 11. work In Wyonilnp : frun Iransiior- tnllon. O. T. Hrny , Scolt st. , Council lllnriH. ' ) ( " \ HKADof liorn-s tooxohnnsofiireh'iirlnnd O\J orc-llyiiroiicrty. Jolu.sUuiA . Viinl'iitlun , Kvorctt hluoK. iin l-'A'-MS ' In southwestern Iowa for salcj land arnitcidl'oiincll HltilTy. Johnston & Van I'nttvn. Kveret t block. r > Alltof limit * * , hnriiPxH nnd wnifon fur KiU ; > on a year's time. Johnston .V Van I'ntU'ii , Kvcrctt block. M"IIS. . ASIKl.'lA NIF.I.SON.M. l,8u-clal ) | mld- \vlfo. KC.Vi-8 uvt > , Council IllullV. In. ITOIAIilJAldAINrf ItilimiMH for lo or rent ; nNo two autuli < rs street lots , N Omaha. J , 1C. Davidson , iEi.VAth HVU. _ W' /Bfu S. STlTiLTlT\vr" " > lai-ou lilocl.- , Notary I'nblle , collect Ions , typewriting. WANTKO Kncrgotlo youn lady or Kont. Will pay * 13por week to rlithl party. R 0. S. , COT Willow avo. , Council MlulVs. 'iTlOKSALK I.pHio nnd furniture of Scott JL House , Council HlulN. ! IS room * . Clionpjii bargain. Address J. S. Jordan , Council Ilium * . IT\OU \ HKNTTho MoMiihun thti-o-story 1 } brick block , No. X > $ . Slnliiit , witholovalor inOH KKXT A choice nliH'o of Kiinlon land -L near Cuuncll HlnlKvltli nooil now liullil- IIIR. liniiioillato possession If dcslrvd. J. W , ! < ! n I ros. FCJU SAIiK t'otnph'tn sol of tinners tools und Hinnll'Hlnou of tlnwnro at u bargain , liiqnlro ut loom 313 Morrliuii block. fpWOM-ncro farina for sulo near DIP city at JL ubiirjjuln.V. \ . A. Wood St Co. , tV.M Mala t. FOK SAI/E or Itont Qarilon land , with hcmsui , by J , H , Uloo. lOJMulu st , , Oouuoll iiiuirj L. G. Knotts Fuel Merchant All kinds of the best nnd clonnost i'uel in stock nnd under shoda People who desire chenp nncl clean fuel for cooking will find It by ordering n lend of cobs , I hnvo n large supply that are clean and whole not broken up. Good hard wood chenp , elthei- in cord wood lengths or stovo- wood , delivered promptly. All sizes of hard conl , clean , bright nnd well screened , The black peerless lump conl eo ni nnes to be the favorite foi * domestic purposes. No. 29 Main Street. Call Telephone 203 : - : - COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dying nnd ClciinlnR done In the Hlgliestrftylo of tlio Art , Faded and Stalnod rubrics niatlo to look aw good ai now. Work promptly doiioiuul delivered la nil parts of the country. Send for prlco list. 0. A. MAO1IAN. I'rop. , 1013 liroailwnv. Near Northwestern Depot. CUNClMU.UT8. IA. ATTEND Strlctlr tobuslncsj" n asplomtlil motto. est ucce s In nvcrr Una of liuiimncnoritvlireaclioJ bvhlm who holds to nome ailoptud cpoclnltr. WESTERN Po plo nreprouroiMve , full of onartr , cinfl moii3y mnklni ; cchoraos. They uooil special tralnln ; fur business. IOWA t.eart In popular education. Her publics o'looli arc dolnKKmna work for licr ncroiulnj ml Illoas. Wcttarn loirn. COLLEGE , Comroencoi fnll torni 9opt. lit , She solasli tha really pracllrnl for her Hliilu.itt. Normil. lliul- uo i,81iurlhnnilaii.l I'jnmaifhlp oiirtoc , well or. Knnl70.1 nnd carefully conlictol Btmlonti enter nt nny time. Write for fiirttior p.irllujlv to \V. U. 1'auhon. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Elfeetric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED. DR.C.IUUDD. 308 Broadway , Council Bluffa , la 27 MAIN STREET. Over O. It. Jiiccnioiiiln k Co a Juwolry Slora CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffa. PAID UP CAPITAL . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 350,000 PlKKCTOits-I. A. Mlllor , K. 0. aiciison , E. h. SlniKiirt , E. E. Hurt , J. I ) , Edinuiulsnn , ( Jlmrlui O. lliuinui. ; Transiiul Kenoril ; bunking IIUH- ! nfst. I.nrKOst capital und surplus of uuy Lanlc InHoiitliwoHlerii loivu. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nnd Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers ) in foreign and domostlo Collodion mudo und liitorebt uald on tlina depoalu , GRAND RUSH Ht Chapman's ' Krt Store , Every person wants an engraving when they can got n $5 PICTURE FREE OF COST Only a few more left. Ensols , Framed Pictures , Cabinets , etc. , at half price. All those goods must be closed out by January 1st. W.Y. . CHAPMAN , - - 16 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS ,