Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Report That the Change In Management
Will Occur Host Week ,
Sidney Dillon to lie President nnd n
nnd Active Man to Bo
Made General Manager
nt OiMiihii.
Nnw YORK , Nov. 21. It is authoritatively
fitntcd today Mnong the principal stockhold
ers of the Union Poclllc railway company
thatn meeting for reorganizing the board of
directors will bo held next wet-It. It Is un
derstood that nt this meeting Chnrloi
Francis Adams will retire and bo
succeeded by Sidney Dillon. The
HOW board of directors will Include Russell
Sage , Jay Gould , Alex E. Orr and Henry B.
Hyde. The new nonrd Intends to appoint
i.omo'young and active railroad man as vice
president and general manager , whoso head
quarters will bo at Omaha. This person has
not yet been determined upon.
A dispatch from Boston says that Presi
dent Adams , Director iVmai and others de
cline to say anything about the proposed
transfer of Union Pacific to the Gould iti-
An Interview with Oould.
NBW YOIIK , Nov. 21. To a reporter for the
Kvcnlng Post Jay Gould this afternoon said :
"I know nothing ns to whether or not
.Adams has placed his resignation In the
liands of Ames. I may say , however , that
.Adntns and Ames visited mo yesterday , and
the former expressed a deslro to bo relieved
lieved from the ofllco of president. .Ho
dUggestcd that bo should resign and a meet
ing of the stockholders upon his resignation
Balled. I presume , if it h > true
lia has entrusted his resignation
to Ames , this ' meeting will bo held.
3t Is likely , also , that any vacancies
occurring in the management of the road
will bolllled nt this meeting. Dillon has
bwn mentioned as a successor to Adams.
Dillon's Interest would keep him here , where ,
us president , lie would only have to look
nftcr the linances of the road. "
To the question how the reported Impend
ing changes would affect the relations be
tween his interests and the Union Pacific ,
Gould replied :
"Our relations , you know , are close now ,
pml the now arrangements would tend to
inalto them closer. "
The IllK Combine.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 21. It is stated this after
noon that an alliance has been formed be
tween the interests represented by
George Magoon of Kiddcr , Peabody &
Co. , Jay Gould. C. P. Huntlngton ,
nnd the Standard ell company party , by
ivhlch all railroads owned or controlled by
them Individually or Jointly will be operated
together practically under Gould's direction.
"This nllianco includes tno Southern Pacific ,
tlnion Pacific , Missouri Pacific , Northern Pa
cific , Atchlson , Wabasli , Kansas & Texas ,
Texas Pneltlo and many other roads , It is
lilso snld Gould Is trying to force the stock-
lioldors of the Kock Island to either
nell their stock around its present
price or join bauds witn thO' ' other roads
in the alliance. The Burlington and Chicago
& Alton will act with the allied roads in
whatever steps may hereafter bo taken , but
they fear the Tandcrbilts may bo angry at
the loss of their trafllc contract or the Union
Pacillc may < refuse to Join. If
the Vandcrbilts and the roads con
trolled by C. Pierropont Morgan
can bo brought In a meeting of the bankers
und railroad prcsldpnts of till the roads in
the country will be called , the new asso
ciation formed , nnd then an advance in all
railroad rates will be ordered.
Chauncoy Depew , president of the New
"i'orU , Central , was seen tonight and asked
vliat the Vnnderbllts would do about tlio al-
"Well , ns I don't ' know anything about this
nlllanco , I could not say. Come around again
nd I may tell you. "
An Attack on Mlleutre Rooks.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram to
TTiiK Biu. : ] Chairman Flnloy of tbo West-
cm Passenger association , has boldly tackled
the greatest source of trouble in the passenger
business , viz. mileage books. Today ho
f.cnt out a notice which contained tbo follow
ing :
"Tho apparently Indiscriminate use of
Hilleago books by parties other tnan those
named thereon has grown to such proportions
that I believe tbo matter should have con
sideration on the part of the association. I
liavo therefore docketed it for the next meet
ing on December 2. "
Said a general oassengcr agent in regard to
the above : "Mileage books , both commercial
nnd editorial , are a source of everlasting tor
ment to railroad rcen. It is within bounds
to say that DO per centof them fall into
tno hands of illegal holders. Almost any
local rate can bo cut by them. For instance ,
the rule between St. Paul and Chicago Is
U.fiO. The short line distance Is 402 miles ,
eo of course it costs the holder o . a mileage
Look but * 8.04. The consequence isthat Iho
rato. Is scalped right ulougto JS. The same
Htato of uTuIra ( is , everywhere prevalent.
Practically , the mileage books make the rate.
IfChairmun Flnloy can adjust this trouble
lie will certainly ho our Moses. The editorial
mileage book is worse thau the commercial.
Country editors sell th .m and it is within
'bounds to say that Chicago scalpers now
Jiold a million miles of this kind of transpor
tation. "
Omaha. KUIIHHH & RalvcHton.
Toi-EKA , Kan. , Nov. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim DUE. ] The charter of the
Omaha , Kansas Central Ss Galveston rail
road company was flled today with the secre
tary of state' The capital stock is placed at
$18,000,000 , , and the estimated length of the
proposed road Is 000 miles. The charter was
Hied by C , M. Uawlings of Lyons , Kim. ,
who has just returned from .Now York ,
where ho has been for the past two months
making financial arrangements for the pro
ject. Ho says that his efforts In this direc
tion has proved successful mid that nil neces
sary funds have been pledged. Ho declares
that us soon as all preliminary arrangements
nro perfected work will commence on the
road at Superior , Neb. , the terminus of a
branch of tno Chicago & Northwestern. The
cllractors of the now company are Valdemo
SIllo , Custavus A. Buck , Jacob Nnwborger
and George U. Bailey of New York and D.
IM. Bell , Alonzo Jones and C , M. Hawllngs
ot Lyons , Kan.
IThi ) Alolilsou lionised to' Kcdccm.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 21. Some time ago the
Hock Island road purchased from scalpers
1)1,000 ) miles of transportation over the Atchl
son , Topckn ifc Santa Fo road In the shnpo of
editorial tickets. These were turned over to
the Western Passenger association for re
demption by the Atchlson , but that company
Is not Inclined to redeem them. OntcerH
claim they had notified the conductors to
take them up nnd cancel them when pre
sented. This , they claim , milliaod their re
sponsibility. The Ilock Island , however , In
sists that it doca not , and trouble Is likely to
( mild and the AtohlHou ,
NBW YOIIK , Nov. 21. Gould was asked
this morning In reference to the report that
ho had secured control of it ho Atchlson. Ho
said the report was erroneous , although ho
owned u considerable portion of the stock of
that company. Ho said the Missouri Paclilo
nnd Atchison had entered into an agreement
with reference to the future business policy
of the two roads so that they would not con-
Jllct *
Congressman Ilitt fe'orionMy III.
U.U.ENA , 111. , Nov. 21. A telegram received
liero announces the serious Illness of Con
gressman llltt , who is suffering from pneu
monia At his homo in Mount Morris.
The Sugar Trust.
NKW YOHK , Nov. 21. The committee on
reorganization of the sugar trust announces
today that a majority ot certificates have al-
fcadjr boon deposited.
Adoption of a Constitution by tlio
Hoard oCI.ntly Mounters.
CHICAGO , Kov. St. The board of lady
managers of the world's fair today adopted n
constitution similar to that of the national
commission. Miss Sur.ili Hnllowcll of Chi *
eago was recommended to the national com
mission for appointment to the position of
director of the department o ( line arts. Mrs ,
LAicai of Pennsylvania Introduced n resolu
tion n King tlio closing of the world's fair on
tlie Sabbath day so fnr as It was nftcctcd by
barter mid exchange. After considerable de-
bnto thta went over.
At the meeting of the national commission
the report of the committee on foreign nf-
fairs was adopted with a resolution author
izing the committee to expend $20,000
In sending ugents abroad its provided
In the net of congress , no expenditure to bo
tnndo until tlio president shall have Issued a
proclamation to the imtlons. At the uftor-
noon session the special committee on the vo
lutions of the commission ntid local board
and the powers nnd duties of the director
general undo Its report. It says that all the
powers of the commission should bo exer
cised In a large measure through the director
general. The report reproduces section 0 of
the national-act , defining the powers of the
commission to have Intercourse with all
exhibitors , uml says it is the opinion of the
committee that Its power. ) arc In no way
abridged by reason of thy fact that u larger
portion of the funds are to bo raised througn
the Instrumentality of the local Illinois cor
poration. It Is the opinion of thoconunltteq
that this fund , when raised , Is a public
fund dedicated by the act of congress and
with the consent of the Illinois corporation tea
a specific purpose-ami to bo controlled and ex
pended In the execution of that purpose by
the agencies named by said act of congress.
Kegardliif : the director poucral the renoit
says that under the existing organization of
tlio commission ho la the ofllccr through
whom space Is to bo allotted to exhibitors.
classification determined upon nnd executed
and tli rough whom the commission is gener
ally to have charge of Intercourse
with all exhibitors nnd representatives
of foreign nations. Another paragraph
concedes tlmt v'o rules , and regulations of
the exposition rvo to originate with thu local
board , but adds that they are to bo approved
by the national commission and undar the
supervision of Its director general. Tlio re
port also , recommends a conference with the
local board. It was adopted.
The National Live Stock association com
mittee today adopted the action of the world's
fair commission in deciding that no cash
prizes shall bo offered for live stock. U was
decided lhat PJOO.OOO should be appropriated
for premiums , cither by the commission or
the local board , to bo divided as follows ;
Horses , 41 per cent ; cattle , 25 ; swine , 15 ;
Sheep , 13 ; poultry , 7.
A communication was received from the
national commission informing the committed
that the money would have to como from the
local directory or congress.
There was another exciting debate before
adjournment over the report of the committee -
tee on flnancc. Commissioner Waller spoke
of the general Impression among the pconlo
at largo that most of ttic salaries fixed by the
commission were outrageously largo. White
of New Mexico piescntcd a resolution calling
lor the cutting in two of all salaries except
director general. Mr. Martiudalo wanted to
cut all except director general to $0.000 a
year. After a hot dcbato and any number of
amendments the matter was referred to the
committee on Judiciary and finance.
Cash Prizes or No Show , the National
AsHoulntinn Says.
CHICAGO , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bun. ] The National Live Stock asso
ciation opened its meeting today with a vol
ley of objections and disapproval to tnoaction
of the world's fair commission In deciding
that no cash prizes shall bo offered. In the
dlscusion the president said : "Wo will ask
for cash prizes , and if wo don't get thora wo
can stay at homo with our' stock. Let's nsk
for $10,000. and if we don't got itvo don't '
show. " ,
Mr. Pickrcll of Illinois said ; "Wo must
have $200,000. Why , St. Louis gives $ .10,000
at its Ilttlo state fair. I move wo demand
$ ' 200,000. ' ' The motion was carried.
' 'Now. " asks the chairman , "what are you
going to do if you don't get it ! "
"I am like the Ilttlo boy after the woodchuck -
chuck , " answered Mr. Pickrell. "Wo are
going to cet It. "
"I don't ' believe you'll get a cent , " the
chairman retorted , "but if wo don't tlio
world's fair people can get up their own
show. "
Then came a long wrangling as to
the division of the perccntaco "of the
money they haven't got. " The original
notion was to give the horses 45 per cent of
the premiums , cattle i5 ! , swine 15 , sheep 10
and poultry 3. Mr. Berry was a good shep
herd and would not allow the wolves to walk
nxvay with his "sheep percentagp. " Mr.
Cass of Illinois thoughts per cent for poul
try was ridiculously low. "Why , geutlo-
mee , " ho excitedly exclaimed , "tbero is no
live stock Interest so great to this country as
poultry , The greater part of the smaller
provisions throughout the west and south
comes from the old woman going to market
with her basket of eggs. " Mr. Cass claims
to have hens that lay -JOO eggs a year , and by
n calculation consuming a few million figures
tried to make the revenue from eggs sustain
his claims.
Mr. Todd of Ohio said : "Tho hogs and
sheep should get a good percentage of the
premiums , for they commenced with the
pioneers of this country. They give us our
homes our nation , and I believe if wo
ignore the hogs and sheep wo ignore what
this world's fair was proposed for. "
The following distribution was finally
reached : Horses , 41 percent ; cattle , 25 per
cent ; swine , 15 percent ; sheep , 12 percent ,
and poultry 7 per cent.
Mr. Pickrcd introduced a lone resolution
to the effect that unless the commissioners
rescinded their action offering no cash pre
miums lhat this committee withdraw nnd
wish the commissioners godspeed in their
own behalf. The committee thought the
commissioners had bettor bo handled gently
on the start and the resolution was laid on
the table.
_ _
The IVonl .Haricot.
BOSTON , Nov. 21 , [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] There has been a very dull
market for wool of all kinds and the sales
were only Ii8i,000 ! pounds. Prices were
fairly firm , hut in some cases , ns usual on a
quiet market , there was some pressure to
sell. Small sales of Ohio wool have been
made nt 32a3kj ( : for X and X and above , and
at fllftllV'c for XX and XX and above. For
Michigan it is hard to get over 80c. Comb
ing nnd delnlno Hceccs have been in fair re
quest and small stock with sales of not comb
ing at 40(24 ( 0. of Ohio line delaino at ! ? 7c. and
of Michigan line dolalno at ilSu. Territory
wools have been slow ntOO(20iJc ( for fine , fiS ®
ffla for line medium and Mtir ) ! > c for medium.
In Texas , California and Oreuon wools there
has been a quiet trade at unchanged prices.
Pulled , wools have been in fulr demand with
sales of choice super at 40al5o ( , of fair to
.good super at30@Sc ! and of extra nt 2. > ( J30c ,
foreign wools have been qulot but tirra.
Another Attaok on I'aruell.
Loxnox , Nov. 21. [ Special Cablegram to
THE JJEE.J The Pall Mull Uazetto today
makes another attack upon I'amell. In the
course of the article it says that some persons
will bo turned against the Irish cause , not so
much by the divorce case itself as by the
side lights thrown upon Paruell'a trust
worthiness. It controverts the statement
made by Mr. Suxton that the divorce bos no
connection with politics by quoting from the
letter written by Mrs , O'Shea to Captain
O'Shea , In which sbo accused Healy of pub
lishing the fact of Parnell's presence nt
Kltham , and concluding with the words : "I
was sure their splto would bo endless after
your Galway success , "
All the Kngllsh weekly Cathollo papers are
unanimous in their condemnation of Mr. Par-
neil in conscrmeuco of the outcome of the
O'Shea divorce suit.
McGlynn Still u Heretic.
NEW YOHK , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram
toTiiK HKK.J Dr. McOlyuu said in regard
to the story that ha U ROOD to be reluctated
as n priest , which will bo equivalent to a re
cantation of the Henry Oeorgodoctrines , that
the story was news to him. "I have no
reason , " ho added , "to believe that I am to
'bo reinstated. "
Legitimate Business Hardly Affected by the
Shock and Strain in Finance.
The Volume ol * Trndo BUM Ahead of
Previous Venrs Tlio Stringency
lit AInney Itoports from
Various Centers.
Nuw YOHK , Nov. 21. [ SpecialTelegram to
TIIP. Hin.J : 11. 0. Duu & Co.'s ' Weekly Uc-
view of Trade ssys :
The marvel today Is that the business
world has been able to stand with so Ilttlo
disturbance thus far. Such shock and strain
ns the past two weeks have brought , with
the assets of the largest commercial banking
house In Great Britain turned over to the
Bank of England , with several stock failures
hero nnd ono at Philadelphia nnd some sav
ings banks besieged by Ignorant depositors
iu a panic , the legitimate business of the
country has hardly been affected nt all as
yet. The stringency has affected some buy
ing , the diniculty of making foreign cx
change threatens to retard the movement of
cotton , and a moro conservative temper is
scon in trading , but everything thus fur indi
cates n sounder condition of legitimate busi
ness than many supposed. The collapse of
many great speculations has brought heavy
losses , but tbo public has not been taking
much part in such operations. It may
Ira hoped that the financial institutions ,
forced at last to drop speculations which ab
sorbed enormous capital , will have beoomo
more available after the storm has passed for
the u o of Indus'trv ' nnd commerce. British
losses by the shrinkage In South American
stocks , nitrates , cedillas and South African
securities are estimated -139,000,000 ; the
depression in American stocks since last
spring has involved a loss of moro than 200-
000,000. nnd in wheat and other products
losses have been heavy ; but tbo number of
failures up to this Umo has been smaller than
was apprehended.Vhilo the money markets
are generally tight , thcro is still no unusual
complaint as to collections , though renewals
and rediscounts have been lartro.
The volume of business continues to ex
ceed that of any previous year at all clearing
houses outsldo of Now York about 18J per
cent for the month thus far. Exports have
been checked at New York , falling 0 per
cent below last year's for the month , but
the imports here In half of November exceed
last year's by S3 per cent. Prices are yield
ing , which will help exports of products.
Wheat has fallen 4 cents during tbo week ,
corn about 'J cents and oats zyt cents. Sales
of 4o,000,000 bushels of wheat hero indicate
largo liquidation. Cotton has fallen } cent ,
coffee a , J < J cent , oil 4J cents , i > ork 75 cents
per barrel and hogs HO cents per 100 pouuds.
Sugar Is also } & cent lower , tin Is demoral
ized , lead weaker , and no takers are reported
for copper at llijf cents. The general aver
age of prices has fallen 1) ) per cent this
month , but is still about 7 per cunt above
that of the same date last year.
Yet neither the shrinkage in prices nor the
stringency in the money market can bo at
tributed to the operations of the treasury ,
which has put out duringl the WCCK ? 200- , ! ! ,
000 mere of the new silver notes whllo taking
in only $200,000 of other forms of money.
The volume of currency In circulation
outside the treasury is now over $1,500,000,000
against $1,415.000,000 a year ego , but there
are very few interior markets at which moro
or less stringency is not reported. Baltimore ,
I'ittsburg and Galveston are exceptions ,
being well supplied ; but Chicago and most
other points , whllo the demand is sharp , no
trouble is reported.
Reports of trade from other states are en
couraging. The south is moving the largest
crop of cotton over grown , and wnllo ex
change cause ? some embarrassment , the
movement Is'rapid. Sugar comes in largely
at good prices , nnd the receipts of molasses
at Now Orleans arc liberal at some decline ,
with moderate receipts of rice. Trade is
healthy at Memphis , Louisville , Atlanta nnd
Galvt-ston , although in Texas lower prices
cause some country failures. Baltimore notes
no disturbance because of eastern trouble ,
and at St. Louis trade in all lines is good with
bright prospects. Trade ut Denver and
Kansas City is fair ; nt St. Paul , active ,
though a money pressure is felt ; at Milwaukee
and Detroit , good , except that mild weather
checks retail trade and the same cause cfleets
tno shoo trade at Cleveland ; Cincinnati reports -
ports manufacturers busy , dry goods fairly
active , and the carriage trade closing a very
profitable season ; PlUsburg notes fair busi
ness a * the mills , no change in Iron or steel ,
and a good trade In glass. Of tbo crcat cen
ters , Chicago fares tlio best , feeling eastern
troubles littlo. The movement of wheat and
corn is slightly less than for the same week
last year ; cured meats , lard , butter and
cheese larger , and oats nearly double , but In
dressed beef and hides thcro is a heavy decline.
The dry goods trade enimU last year and the
trade ir clothing and shoes is ending a prollt-
able season.
Even at Boston and Philadelphia the qrcat
failures are felt less in commercial circles
than might have been expected. At Phila
delphia money is tight nnd commercial paper
almost unsaleable , but the trade In wool im-
'proves. In groceries trade is goou , though
in tea and coffee dull ; in "produce trade is
fair , though collections arc slow ,
Boston notes a very qulot wool market.
Lumber Is in very fair demand , and prices of
boots and shoes are firm , though some grades
of leather are lower nnd hides ere depressed.
On the whole , the commercial outlook is de
cidedly moro favorable than might have been
expected , and while tlio demand for Icon and
rails is slack , buyers holding off as far ns
possible , the producers of the finished form
of iron and steel nro generally well occupied
and prices do not decline.
The business failures occurring throughout
the country diiring the past seven days num
ber 274 , as compared with 'JfXi last week. For
the corresponding week of last year the
figures were 277.
Nebraska , lowii and Dale oa ! I'ciiHlons
WASHINGTON. Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram
to Tun BEB.I The following pensions \vero
granted Nebraskans today : Original
William P. Watts , Pawnee. Increase
Joseph U. Fox , Geneva ; John W. Stropper ,
Lincoln ; Mathews Austin , Arizona ; SVihlain
Scars , deceased , Hastings.
Iowa : Original Samuel Campbell , deceased -
ceased , North English ; Hiram Potter , Quas-
queton ; .Tolm Leo , Stuart ; Peter II. Lenon ,
Guthrie Center ; James T. Snyder , Lebanon ;
Shadrach Williams , Dos Molnes ; William J.
Wiloy , Sheldon ; Robert E. Osboru , Sheldon ;
Uzekll Graham , Soldier's homo.Marsualltown.
Increase frauds M. ICerr , Ottumwa ; Lewis
U. Lang , DCS Molnes ; Henry Stahl , Marshall-
town ; Enrich Davis , Iowa' City ; John Q.
Hamilton. Albln ; Daniel Names , Grand
Mound ; John Perry , Woodward ; Edward
Streopesey , Unionvillo ; David II. Veacti ,
Centervlllo ; Snnford M. Boltng , Fairlleld.
Helssuo John W. Snooner , Luvorne. Hols-
sue and increase Kdwln B. Blair , Grand
View. Original widows , etc. Lydia , widow
of Samuel Campbell , North English.
South Dakota : Original William A.
Twist , Colcman , Marcus M. IConny , St. Law-
rence. Increase James I lot man , Arlington.
A Now York Hank Statement.
NEW YOHK , Nov. 21. The board of direc
tors of tbo Fourth National bank today
adopted a resolution setting forth the facts
of the present financial stringency nnd stat
ing that during the present month the bank
has bad SJ,2S5,000 of commercial paper to fall
duo , all of which has been promptly met at
maturity , showing the merchants to bo In a
prosperous condition ; that the stringency iu
the money market bus stopped the purchase
of commercial bills and deprived the mer
cantile community of Its facilities , and
authorizing the onlcers of the bank to buy
freely of first class commercial paper nnd
take out , If necessary , a liberal amount of
clearing house certificates for that purpose.
Fatal Missouri Cattle Disease.
KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , Nov. 31 , Information
has been received here of a peculiar and fatal
disease among cattle and horses In Oregon
nnd adjoining counties of the stato. Over
ono thousand head are said to have already
AnrutoTHrW'tb Plnoo n ailntrcsi In
n IjMi Jlollic.
OTSTKH DATj > .J. , Nov. 21. fSpeclal Telegram -
gram to Tar. Iten < J IIonry C. Baker , n ell-
known politician who keeps n road house on
the Cove road , SV W committed to the Queen's
couuty Jail last , .of-cnlng. Ho went homo
Tuesday evening accompanied by a .strange
young woman. ( tt was Intoxicated , and hu-
mediately begairtanbuso hlauwlfo nnd or
dered her to leave po that ho might install
the newcomer ) u bis place. When Mrs.
Baker demurred , tyr husband acted llko a
maniac , assaulting her and inflicting serious
injuries , and finally , drove her and her daugh
ter from the houso'at the mouth of a pistol.
Ho also smashed everything of value in the
house , the interior of which was badly
Mrs. IJaker sought refuge with her bus-
band's brother , who resides n6ar by. There
she was soon followed by Baker , who nour
ished a murderous-looking knlfo in his hand
nnd swore ho would kill her. She was com
pelled to leave the brother's house nnd hide
in the woods near by , remaining there for
nearly twenty.four hours , her only shelter
being a dilapidated outhouse , and she was
suffering greatly from exposure and hunger
when her friends found her yesterday noon ,
Baker was arrested after a hard struggle by
two deputy shorilTs , who had been sent for
from this vilhiee. The young woman whom
ho had intended should supplant Ills wife , es
rjtoiiATKit SOJIK ciivnt'ii ji.tirs.
The Archbishop uf Canterbury Hen-
dor * J iidRincnt on Dr. King.
LO.VDOJJ , Nov. 21. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB BKB. ] The archbishop of Canterbury
has delivered Judgment against Hev. Dr. Edward -
ward King , blshbp of Lincoln , who was
was charged with ritualistic practices regardIng -
Ing the Jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical court
and his obligation to obey the rubicnl direc
tions in the prayer book. The archbishop
suspended Judgment In regard to the bishop's
rublcal irregularities. Tlio mixing of water
with wine used in the act of consecration ,
the archbishop holds , Infringed the law of
the church , but the use of mixed chalices pre
pared beforehand did not off end the ecclesias
tical law. The charges against the bishop
regarding ablution was dismissed , it not
being supported byevldcnco. The archbishop
decided that Dr. King's notion In turning his
face to the east durltur the communion and
thus making his manual acts invisible was
illegal. The acts must bo visible to the con
gregation. The singing of the hymn "Agnus
Del" during communion was not illegal.
Surgeon General Hamilton' Recom
mendations Houardlntj Immigrants.
WASHIXOTO.V , Nov. 2-1. Surgeon. General
Hamilton , who has returned from a visit to
the principal foreign ports of em
barkation of emigrants bound for
the United States , reports that ho
found no systematic medical examination of
persons wishing to como to this country. In
his report to the secretary of the treasury ho
makes "the suggestion that strin
gent immigration , laws bo made
and enforced po as to guarrt
against the coming to this country of any per
son not quc'itled ' to become a citi/on or wno
may bo suffering from any contagious dis
ease and would bo likely to become a public
_ _
Morn Comment on 1'arimll.
tiosnox , Nov. ,31. [ Special Cablegram to
THE BEE , ! The Tablet says : In itself the
conduct of Mr. Paruoll cannot prejudice the
Irish cause in either land , but it will bo a
different thing if his followers persist in re
taining him in the teeth of the abhorrence of
their liberal allies' i co-leader with Glad
stone. Intercourse with Mr. Gladstone will
bo especially difllcult , ! . There ought to bo no
hesitation on the part of the nationalists. In
the interest of ele.rnehtnry morality Catholics
are bound to sever tHelr Connection with Mr.
Parnell. They nta'graofully remember his
services , but as a' loader he ought to bo im
possible iu the futuro.
Dunking Gossip.
LONDON , Nov. 21. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun Ben. ] The publication of the names of
the candidates for the governorship and dep
uty governorship of the Bank of England has
been postponed owing to the probabilities of
a change in the bank's relation with the gov
ernment. The names nro usually announced
In November , and the election is held in
April. It is probable that the present of-
llcials will bo asked to continue in ofllco
another year.
The feeling ampng the brokers against the
two banks that caused Wednesday's panic is
very strong , nnd it is probable that many ac
counts will bo withdrawn from them.
Bringing Out Hidden AVcnlth.
NEW Yomc , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram to
THIS BKK. ] Jay Gould talked last evening
with a reporter about the financial situation.
"Tho financial situation is Improving , " said
Mr , Gould. ' 'Money that has been Hidden
away in old stockings is being brought out to
take advantage of the bargains in stocks.
The effect of these purchases must soon bo
felt Not only Is money brought Into Wall
street by thc'm , but stocks are at the same
time taken out of the street Confidence is
being r.cstorcd , and holders of securities are
beginning to sea that it is foolish to sacrifice
them at existing prices. "
General ScllverNkoff's Murder.
PAHIS , Nov. 21 , [ Special Cablegram to
TUB BnE.J Mendelssohn , the nihilist , who
had several interviews with PadlowisKi , the
Russian polo who is suspected of the murder
of General Seliverskoff prior to Padlowiski's
disappearance from Paris , and who , it Is
known , furnished him with the money , has
been expelled from the country. It is be
lieved that Padlowiskl escaped to London.
Prince Dolgoranki , governor of Moscow , has
arrived In Paris. His visit is duo to the
murder of General Scllvershoff , who was the
representative In Franco of the Kusslan
Miss Wlllaril's rtcquest Denied.
PiTTsncno , Pa , , Nov. 21. When the na
tional convention of the non-partisan W. C.
T. U. reassembled this morning' a telegram
from Miss Francis Willard was read asking
that tho' name of the organization bo
changed as it was not legal. The
executive committee had considered the tele
gram and decided that as It was not officially
aduicssed to the president , nnd as the associ
ation could not oil unco the name for a year
anyhow , no action jje taken. Now York was
selected as the nextpluco of meeting ,
For CoutluulngJIarlitg Brothers.
. LONDON , Nov. 21it is oftlclatly an
nounced that the subscription for continuing
the business of Iho Baring * has been con
cluded. A. UmltedVolrtpany has been formed
with a subscribed capTtal exceeding 1,000-
000. Thomas Barlfrg/W. P. , becomes chair
man of the companynnd devotes his fortune
to the tirni's credits j
Hanged Ibr Vlfo Murder.
YAZOO CITV , MIs\Nov. , ' ! 11. Dorsey Ed
wards , colored , hancod hero today for the
murder of his wtfd'Sfcptombpr ' 5 last.
, Nov. 21. Barker Bros. &
Co.'s banking house was open this morning
although no business WAS done. Ono
of the employes stated that no state
ment of the Jlrm's condition would bo
made this morning , although ono might bo
made later in the day , The Investment com
pany of Philadelphia , of which Wnurton Bar-
Iter is ono of the directors , is jxsrfoctly
solvent , it is assorted , and unaffected by the
failure of Barker Brothers.
Cloned Strong In London.
Losnos , Nov. 21. Prices cm the stock cx
change this morning , as compared with yoi-
terday's closing , showed slight advaneos for
American securities , and the market closed
The llllDBCOIltlllUPH ,
NBW YOIIK , Noy. 21.-Tlio run on the Citi
zens * savings bank still continues.
Last Night's Formal Opening anil Banquet
nt tlio Qallcries ,
A. .Statement ol'the Objects and Alms
of the Association nnd How
They Arc to Ue Achieved
The Addresses.
The formal opcnlnp nnd banquet of the
Omaha Art Exhibition association at the
gallerlos , corner of Thirteenth nnd llnrnoy
streets , was a most enjoyable and auspicious
affair ,
A number of representative cltl/cns nc-
copied Invitations to dohonor to the occasion ,
Among the notables prcsnnt were .Itidgcs
Wakclcy nnd Clarkson , Dr. George L , Miller -
lor , Hon. J. L. Webster , ,1 , N. II. Patrick ,
Hon. K. Kosewater , Hobert W. Patrick ,
CJcneral Ilmvley , Uoss Hammond of Fre
mont , nnd H. C. Lehman of Sewtird.
The tables wore arranged on throe sides of
a hollow square in the largo gallery on the
second floor , nuct wore artistically decorated1
The flood of thrown * the
light 03 powerful re-
Hectors behind scores of Incandescent electric
lamps , glittering upon the heavy , rich frames
of the paintings and on the silver on the
tables , made the scene a brilllaut'ouo. Flow
ers In elegant profusion added to the richness
of the tables , and tasty Ilttlo boutonnicres
daintily poised on the corner nf a napkin before
fore each plate enhanced the general effect.
Covers were laid for 150 persons , but hi the
spacious banquet hall there was ample room
for nil.
The banquet was to have begun at S o'clock ,
but the guests of tlio evening were so deeply
Interested In viewing the beautiful palntines
that it was nearly nn hour later when the
goodly company assembled around the
banqueting board. The following excellent
menu was served :
Mock Turtle.
Boiled Whllo Fish.
Sweet Bread Cioquctlos French Poas.
. . Quail Water Cresses.
Individual leo Cream.
Assorted Cake.
A large corps of waiters rendered excellent
When the coffee was served and the cigars
were lighted , Mr. J. N" . II. Patrick , president
of the association , made a short speech ,
setting forth the alms nnd purposes of the
orpuii/atloti. He stated that the association
intended to erect a'fine building in this city ,
devoted to nrt , muslo and literature. The
llrst floor is to bo occupied by
the frco public library , and on
the second floor will be a gallery
in which it is designed to establish a , police-
tiou of the finest paintings to be scoured.
The speaker said that some of the works of
art would bo secured by purchase , but far
more by gift , as there are scores of Omaha
citizens who would contribute to this end.
and inany of the loading artists of
the country would willingly give
ono or moro of their works.
he said that It was desired to foster and ad
vance n higher nnd nobler civilization. The
time has come when the citizens are not so
completely engrossed in the nock and neck
struggle for Individual weal'.h , and moro time
can be devoted to the advancement of art , seas
as to put Omaha oven in this respect on a
plane with the largest cities of the countrv.
The enterprise is Intended to benefit not only
Omaha , but the whole state ns well , so that
the citizens of this commonwealth may hu\o
a place , when they visit the metropolis. In
which to pleasantly and profitably pass bomu
of their leisure moments.
Dr. George L. Miller was introduced as the
first speaker of the evening. Ho bald :
"This occasion demands no introduction or
instructions. It found its origin on the part
of the needs of the city In the train of the
gentleman who has just addressed you. He
has taken up this work andthero is no one in
this city better able to make it the grand suc
cess that we all hope to see it. I am glad to
pay this personal tribute to my friend of
thirty-five years. His IIOTCO is the home
of the modest and the beautiful. He
has traveled extensively and can thoioughly
judge'and appreciate art Ho has honored
this city and himself in this splendid demon
stration hero tonight. In order to percei\
tlio highest points in sculpture and art , we
must bo In constant contact with It. In Italy
even the peasants are educated to It. It Is in
the atmosphere. Art brings us nearer to that
great power that makes all things beautiful ,
The fathers and mothers of this city owe it
to their sons and daughters not to allow this
occasion to pass without seuilig to it that its
betu'llts and refining influences are perma
nently assured for Omaha. The voice of
ever/ man bore ought to bo raised in praise
of this project , which was seme tlmo ago so
auspiciously inaugurated by Mr. George W.
"I want to refer hero to thefact that tonight
ono of our mostdistlnguishedcitl/.cns is lying
on his death bed. Judge Savage Is a man of
culture and all that Is true and pure in man
hood. When such men die n city should go
into mourning. Ho began organisation
with his neighbors , that he will not live to
even see through its incipiency. I want to
renew my expression of hope that the citi
zens of Omaha will push this enterprise until
the fondest hopes of my friend Patrick are
realised , "
Judge Wakeloy was Introduced"not ns nn
artist of the brush , but of the law. " Ho
said :
' ' 1 don't itnow why you call on mo unless It
Is because you want short speeches , because
it would only take a very short time for mete
to tell all I know about art. All men nro born
with moro or less of aa inspiration for
art , but I have never been
quite certain how it was with myself.
by an untowayd circumstance my aspirations
were chilled and discouraccd early in life.
My memory takes me back to a longtime ago ,
when I attended school In a primitive school
house in western Now York. I undertook to
cultivate art. I had a slight knowledge of it
and r slate and pencil , and I practiced nrt
when the master was not looking. I once
worked for three or four days of ono week
drawing the picture of a celebrated race
horse , which I did not know personally , but
by reputation. I worked him up to n high
state of perfection , nnd then I finally showed
my work to the teacher. When 1 saw nis
smile of satisfaction I made up my mind not
to bo too muctt elated by prabo , nnd ho then
told mo it was a llrst rate camel , but the
hump ought to have been a little larger.
But for the cniel remark of that unappreciative -
appreciative critic the world might
have gained a great artist and
been saved a pool1 lawyer. After that time I
gave my full time nnd attention to mathe
matics , law and whist.
"Tho lawyers ought to bo good artists.
They draw largely on their imaginations.
Sometimes I am compelled to listen to aerial
flights of imaginary law , but the soberness of
the decision about ovens that up.
"It is Indeed true that what wo see hero is
a demonstration of the evolution of tbo
human race and of municipalities , states and
nations. Wo know Ilttlo of primitive man ,
yet wo know that when ho first came on this
planet of o'urs ho largely followed the In-
sllncls of animal passion. Next It was his
physical ucccssllics , then his physical
comforts , next physical luxuries nnd
later and last the cultivation of
the aesthetic phaio of human nature.
Wo have only to go back thirty-live years to
see the difference In this city and In Its homos
to oppcclnto what you have hero , and see tbo
change from a rude primitive state to a pros
perous , growing city. The names of the per
sons interested in this association are a sulll-
cleat guaranty that it Is not intended for per
sonal aggrandizement , but to el ova to the tone
ot sentiment of the community , and give an
opportunity to exercise tastes for thu devel
opment of art. it is n philanthropic purpose ,
and should bo an artistic and aesthetic suc
cess. " *
.ludgo Clarkson spoke In a humorous strain
for several minute * . Ho said : "Tlmo hero ,
tofore has been too much Unvoted to building ,
paving und bank clearances and lee Ilttlo to
the development of man und the better things
of the soul. True art represents the artist himself -
self mid bla means of communicating with
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IOO Doses Ono Dollar
his follow men , These gentlemen have done
more for the better part of Omaha's society
than anything else that they could
have conceived. So long ns the
theory continues that man is nil
restlessness nnd activity , so long will civil
ization bo ret arced. This project should bo
made a success tills year nnd years to come. "
lion. E. Kosowater was then introduced nt
the oldest editor and editor of the leading
paper of the state. Ilosald :
"As i listened to the Icurncu Judge who pre
ceded mo it struck mo that n prophet Is not
without honor In his own country. The
author of the burlesque on Ital
ian and German opera that bo so
humorously rendered was written bv a former
Omaha ma'n and editor , Mr. t'Yod Nyc. Ho
had to go away from homo to Hud thu artist ,
A year ago next Thursday I In Mr. Lin-
Inger'.s gallery in company with a large num
ber of prominent and not all rosncctablo citi
zens. They were- there to partnlw of a din
ner nt the expcnso of Mr. Linlu-
ger , who was honored with the
nomination for mayor of this cltv.
The guests wore the members of tlio republi
can city convention. My wife asked mo ,
when 1 returned home how I had enjoyed my
self , and I replied , 'N ' ot exactly ivs I could
wish.1 Two pictures hung In front of mo
one of David slaying Cioliah , nnd the other of
the young head of St. John on n plate , being
presented to Horodlns. It was an omen o
what was to follow.
"Tonight I see In front of mo a picture of a
beautiful woman with a babe before her
about to awake. It may bo another onion.
Omaha Is the woman and the babe is this
new art association. I trust as the years go
by"thc babe will prosper and bo n credit to
the mother. The genius of art Is all right ,
but where you want genius you want the
public spirit that will plank down $10.000
to encourage an Institution like this.
The interest in increasing bank clearings
should take crystallized form in the shape of
artworks from abroad , and the works of the
fricat American artists who are now com
manding attention abroad. It hat taken but
u short time to pass through the phase of the
increase In tills city's population from n few
thousands to IfiU.OX ) , and many of us will
bo hero when this new art nnd
music hall will bo conplutcd. The
counterpart of the Springer who gave to
Cincinnati its greatest encouragement in art
making it the second art city iu the country ,
will bo found hero in Omah'a. I hope more
editors from abroad will bo here then to
recognize the fact that Omaha citizens live
for something moru than merely what they
shuli eat and drink. "
Hon. J. L. Webster made an excellent
speech , In which ho-advocntod throwing open
the exhibit on Sunday to the masses. Holding
that it would hoof as great benefit to visit it
iis anything that the pconlo could do on that
day of rest.
Koss Hammond of Fremont made a witty
speech and regretted that moro of thu coun
try editors did not bring their cor
rugated appetites along. He M\id
their appetites were highly culti
vated , but seldom satiated , and they
cnjoj-ed Inserting the tempting viands , giv
ing one Insertion on patent Insides.
In the mystic relation between porlc nnd
pictures ho found reason to hope for his own
little city , as they have a .small packing
house , and hope in the fullness of tlmo to
have an art gallery and develop a higher cul
General Ilawlcy said that although a com
parative new-comer ho took as much pride In
Omaha and Nebraska as anybody , and would
rather Hvo bora than iu any city ho over saw ,
uiyjXK TO NA ru TJU : .r.i/ .
Argument Itofiiro the Supreme Court
Against Kleulr < Uuticm. !
WASiciNdTON" , Nov. 21. The case 6f the
Japanese murderer , Jugiro , sentenced to
death by electricity in New York , was
argued before the United States supreme
court today , Roger M , Sherman , who was
counsel for Kommlor , represented
Jugiro , basing the application for a
writ of habeas corpus on the ground
that the execution of Kcnimlor demonstrated
that electrocution was not im instantaneous
and painless method of death ; that it violates
the provision of the federal constitution for
bidding cruel nnd unusual punishment , etc.
Sherman spoke at length , leading
newspaper rcporU about the death of
Ktmuilcr. Ho asserts that there is
grave doubt whether artificial electricity
generated under the present scientific condi
tions will invariably cause death. Sherman
was frequently Interrupted with questions
bv .Tustico Field and Justice 1rawer.
When the former suggested that in New
York persons had been killed In a
snort time by accidental contact with
electrlo light wires Sherman narrated the
case of a lineman who did not die for some
tlmo after receiving the shock.
Attorney General Tabor , for Now York
state , replied , Ho declared that the trial of
the Kommlcr case and the practical execution
of the law had nettled the whole question of
constitutionality , As ho understood it , either
hanging or electricity had too inucli cruelly
In it to suit counsel.
The Weather Forecast.
Foi Omaha anil Vicinity Fair ; colder.
For Nebraska Fair ; warmer ; winds be
coming southerly.
For Iowa Fair ; cooler ; northwesterly
For South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; winds
becoming southerly.
.Provisional Government
Rio JAXKIHO , Nov. 21. The constituent
assembly , by a vote of 175 to 17 , has recog
nized the legality of the provisional govern
ment and adopted a resolution requesting the
eovornmcnt to continue Its fauctions until
a vote Is taken upon the fcdgrat constitution.
Absolutely Puro.
A oream of tartar baking powder. Illghoil
of loaYoiiInz itreiiKlu U. H , Qovorctucut Be-
vort Aut. 17,1MU
coats ,
That'll Fit Any
And Prices That'll Suit -
We have a cork
er. 2 lines in chin
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beaver coats for
the coldest day in
the year.
. W e'll give you a
durable chinchilla -
la , or if you prefer ,
a good storm uls
At this figure we
show some extra
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the beaver or com _
fortable chinchil
la , plain or fancy
T he .popular _
price. The assort
ment at this liter
ally includes ev
ery thing.Beavers ,
meltons , ehinchil.
las , kerseys and
all the fainousfab
rics. Plain & fancy
lined , make & fit
perfection. -Jf-
please any taste
Th e cheviot , the
beaver , the chin
chilla arid many
others. Then for
$12 we have the
Eureka- ulster for
men exposed to
the weather , an
ideal storm coat.
Now we can
please the stylish
dressers. We will
show you every
style and fabric.
The box coat , the
top coat ( now so
stylish ) , the gen
teel kersey and'
many more.
120- -The perfection
TO of the tailor's art
$ oO. is here. .See our
best overcoats &
compare with
custom tailors'
make. Our over
coats in the very
fin e s t kerseys ,
meltons and chin
chillas at $2O can.
not be matched
by any tailor un
der $4O ; and ours
at $3O are better t
than most made \
to measure gar
ments at$8O , yes !
Hellmaris ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam