H I 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ' FKIDAY , NOYEMBEE 21 , 1890. THE CITY. Cuptnln Donnlgnn arrived yestorclny /nornltitf with n enr loml of llsh which ho will distribute in Nobrnalm rivers. Augustus Lochnor hn.3 withdrawn from tlio rnco for the republican nomi nation for councilman In the Fifth ward. Jens Joneon will ba prosecuted on the charpo of making repairs on a building nt Plorco nnd Twenty-fifth atrcets , with out first taking out n permit. Frank Buckley and a party of frlondu started out yesterday morning loaded down with guns , sheila , boots und blank- otn for Missouri on n hunting trip , Little Gertie Yoho wns painfully bit ten by a vicious dog while on nor way to Bchool at the corner of Plorco and Twenty-fifth streotaycsterdiiy afternoon. A. Splogol , a tctunstor who lives at 2030 Capitol avenue , wns Injured ycater- day on North Eighteenth Htrcot by fall ing from liin wagon upon the curb atone. Ho bustaliicd a severe bruise of the hip. Work 1ms been commenced on the Walnut hill motor line extension , a largo force of men being engaged in ex tending the line west on Hamilton etrcet. The line is to bo completed ns far as the viaduct over the Belt railway by December 1. "JiiHtns Good , " Bay some ilealcw who try to sell a substitute preparation when n customer calls for Hood's ' IBnrsnpnrilln. Do not allow nny such fulso statements as this induce you to buv wlmt you do not wnnt. Ilcmcmbor that thconly reason for making It Is that n few cents moio profit will bo miido on the substitute. Insist upon ImvinK the Lest medicine Hood'a Bar- aaparllln. It is peculiar to Itself. IUUGAINS IN DIRT. Ilicy Are ninplnycd by tlio Members of the Ilcul Kstato KvcliixtiBO. ; ! There was a bltf attendance ne-ilnyesterday > V morning at the meeting of the real estate ex change. A letter was read f lom the secretary of the board of tr.ulo asking the exchange to co-op- eratoin the matter of soliciting help for the needy la the western part of the stato. J. B Evans , P. D. Mutr and W. A. Gardner wcro nprolntcd n committee to work \\lth the soliciting committees appointed by the board of trade. A communication wns received from a citi zen calling attention to the advantages offered by Omaha for the location of n big malt man ufactory. The suggestion was favorably re ceived auO will be given further attention by Interested members. The following property was listed for sale : Summit place , parts of two lots , I'M foot on Uoclgo , OO'tf on Thirty-second avenue , t7f.OO. City , lots 7 and 8 , block W3 , COxJlU , Ninth and Hnrnoy , Ui-room , 4-room and 8-room house , $ 18.000. Lovett & Woodman's addition , lot 2 , 87'- ' ? on Vinton , $7,000. Breimun place , lot 12 , block 1 , W.OOO. Vinton place , lots 1 and ' - > , $7,500. Wilcox1 lirst addition , lots 5 , 0 , 7 and 8 , block 5 , $ $5,000. Kountzo place , lot 10 , block 18 , 50x141 , $7noo. - Boyd's addition , lots 0 , 7 , 8 , 9 nnd 10 , block 15 , STOxliSl , ? 3 , < X)0. ) Hnnseom Place , part of lots 1 and 2 , block 10 , 7-room house , 85,000. City , part lots , block 152 , 14x132two frame Btoro buildings , f5,000. ; ! Washington Square , lot 11 , 45x110. $3,000. $ Hanscom addition , lot 10 , block 17 , 50x130 , 13,000. Bonds , $10,000 , issued by the city of Ponca. Sales wcro reported : By A. l . Tulcoy , three lots in Clifton Hill , one at $ l150'ono ! at $2.520 , and onu at $ ltt)0. ) By J. L. Uico , lots , block 13 , Patrick's'sec- end addition , ? 3),000 ) , nnd half of lot 1 , block 12 , Patrick's ' audition , * O.EOO , and lot 13 , block 12 , Kitchen's subdivision , $100. By Benson & Carmlclwel , three lots in Benson aggregating $3,400. Mount & Griflln's Newcastle coal ; best soft coal in the market. Guaranteed equal to Rock Springs. County Court. The Consolidated Tank Line company has brought suit against the Omnba Paint und Varnish company to recover : n balance of M02 One en n bill of goods sold nnd delivered. The Nebraska savings bank has brought BUitapainst A. L. Strong , S. K. Folton & Co , and Morris Morrison to recover $040 QUO on a promissory note executed last January. The suit brought by S. It. Moss of Lancas ter , Pa. , npalnst Edward Quinn nnd B. C. Folov of this city , which wns tried in Judge Shields' court yesterday , proved n more than usually interesting one. It appears that eomo time ago the defendants purchased of the plaintiff u largo quantity of cigars , the bill amounting to about S025 , and at the time the goods wore ordered it was clearly under- etood that the cigars were to bo of union make , but when they reached the purchasers it was discovered that they wcro non-union , or ns they are termed by tno trade , "scab" cigars , and Messrs. Quinn and Foley then re fused to pay the bill. The plaintiff produced ns xvltnosses several local dealers in cigars who tostllled that in their opinion non-union cigars were of better quality nnd found more rcadr snlo than did union made goods. On the other hand , testimony was introduced that union made cigars were worth from J5 to f 10 per thousand moro than non-union ones. This appeared to be the opinion of the court , ns a decision favorable to the dofandants was rendered. For Colds , Croup , Asthma , Bronchitis and Bore Throat use Dr. Thomas' Kclcctric Oil , nnd get the genuine. Inmtrnnco AgciitH on a Jaunt. T. H. Burch of the Fire association of Philadelphia , A. J. Harding of the Spring field flro and marina Insurance company of Springfield , Mass. , ( George M. Lyon of the Homo Insurance company of Now Yorir , O. F. Blssell of the Hartford lire Insurance com pany of Hartford , Conn. , and Eugene Carey of tno German-American insurance company of Now York , all of Chicago and all general western ngeuts of the companies they represent , arrived in tbo city yesterday afternoon nnd were at once driven to the Paxten , where they lunched. During the afternoon they were met by a committee from the board of Omaha Underwriters' as- Bociation and in carriages driven about the city. city.Tho The gentlemen state that their visit to the city has no significance , but is merely to look over the territory lu which their compaulcs arc doing business. 'Time is money : If you have n bad cola don't ' mope around and half do your work. Get a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; take a close at night and get up the next morning cured. You need not despair 1 Salvation oil will heal your burnt arm without n scar. 25 cents A New 1'astor. The Hillside Congregational church has been fortunate in securing as n loader Kov. II. H , Morse , formerly of Uockford , la. Air. Morse is known to some of the prominent ministers of that city and Is very highly spoken of. Ho Is a young man of marke'd ability and an earnest , active Chrlstiai worker. The Hillside church has been with out a regular pastor for about thrco months duilng which time Interest in tbo work ha : decreased somewhat , but under the leader Bhlp of Mr. Morse , assisted by the corps o earnest workers already in the field , this church will soon bo on a par with other churches in the city. Gesslor'H Mnj"l ( ! Ucntlnches Wnfrra Cure all headaches iu SO minutes. At ol druggists. Pugilists Arrive. Prof. Michael J. Mooney and Jack \\l\\s \ \ nrrlvea from St. Louis yesterday afternoon Prof. Mooney will flght Harry Allen of St. Louis at catch weights next Tuesday ovenin before the Maglo City athletic club for purse of $1,500 , of which f OO was put up bj the club and ( iOO each by the contestants. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chll drcn teething rests the child aud comforts th udlh or. 5o a bottlo. Morse's CiiBtom DroftumnkltiK DC * . pnrttncnt on Fifth Kloor Our dnrk room for the display of oven- ng goods on the fifth floor has bcon hand * omoly decorated with Bomo rich oven- ng and party silks , laces , trimmings , to. , and la brilliantly illuminate J. Wo extend a cordial invitation to nil our rlends to take a look nt the display. imiNG YOUR MATERIALS , No difference where they were pur chased and wo will uiako thotn up na stylish as any first clnss Paris or Now York house. DRESSES MADE FOR $15. Wo are doing first class work in the atcst Paris styles at very low prices ; vo rccelvo fashions and . "models from 'arls every 15 days. Tlioso of Novcm- jcr 1 are now in. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. 'Albright's Choice. " Physicians can always find the most recent parmacouticals at Sherman & McConnolls , 1613 Dodge. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Eeo bldff. Tlio Ajiollos' Tournament. The Apollos nro in high feather over their .ournamcnt wlilih will bo hold at the Coll' scum , Saturday afternoon and evening. Their arrangements have all been perfected and the prospects are bright for a big suc cess. cess.Tbo Tbo afternoon programme will consist of a 00-mllo race forahandsomodlnmond studded ncdaland thochainplonshipof thostato. The entries for this event nro Taggar , Pcabody , Beard , PoUcrDcnmanMucnteferlngSchncll nnd several others. With such a Hold of llycrs .his should bo an interesting race from start .0 finish. In the evening there will bo a card 'nil of good things , principally short races , and among the numerous entries for the vnrl- HIS honors are Fluschcr. Plxloy , Wort/ , Uuentcrfcrlnp , Rhodes , Dickey , Porterlk-ld , I'ownsend and a number of unknowns. The riders nro all in nctlvo training , and Moan , [ ic.'inl , Holton and Dcninau are riding llko Dlrds on the wing , while Pcabody. Flesctier , I'lxloy , "U'ertand Hhodes are fairly malting ; ho track creak. The whole bunch is to jvenly matched that it would ho wonderful for any one to pick a winner. Olio or two of : lie unknowns , so it is claimed by their frlenJs , will make some of the champions lake ! o the woods. A line band will bo in ot- : endinoo and all lovers ol honest blcyclo riding should turn out aud glvo this ambi tious young club a lift. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg Corner Stoiio On next Sunday afternoon nt 3 o'clock the ceremony of the laying of ttio corner stone of the new St. Joseph hospital will bo conducted by lit. Rev. Bishop Scanncl of Concordla , Kans. Great Interest Is being- manifested by the generality of citizens In the erection of this odlllco and ns a token of the apprecia tion of the efforts of the Franciscan Sisters and the liberality of the generous donors , n largo gathering of people will bo present to witness the ceremony. The different Catho lic societies of tbo city have volunteered to bo present and it Is understood among them that they will meet on the corner of South Filtctnth and Martha straots on Sunday at 2iO : ! p. in. and shortly after full In line at St. Patrick's church on Castcllar street , and headed by bniuls of muslo march thcnco to the site of the building on South Tenth street. After the ceremony a lecture will bo delivered by the rector of Crclghton college , Kov. Thomas S. Fitzgerald. "Albright's Choice. " Constable Knno In Trouble. Constable John ICanc , whoso ofllclal do main Is bounded by the confines of the Sixth ward appeared before Judge Ilelsloy to answer to the charge of petit larceny. The complaint alleged that Knno picked up a $10 bill in Holff's saloon on Cuming street , nnd nnd refused to returu It to tlio rightful owner who had dropped it a few minutes before. Kane denied having found the money , al though ho wns scon nicking It up. Ho after ward admitted finding n SI bill , nnd when asked by the court why ho did not return that , said tnut there were so many claimants for It that ho did not know which was enti tled to it. Ho was found guilty and fined $ ; 0 and costs. Ho furnished nn appeal bond and the case will go to tlio district court. "Albright's Choice. " Opening of the Germ-\ Theater , The grand opening of the Gorman theater , which takes place on Sunday evening next in Gcrmauia hall promises to bo a brilliant affair , The play to bo represented Is entitled "Onkol Bressig , " which is founded on the thrilling story of domestic Hfo in Germany by the celebrated novelist , Fritz neuter , the work of dramatization being done by Theo dora Gassmann. The cast of characters is entirely composed of local talcnt.nnd the pro ceeds from this entertainment will bo utilized for the benefit of the building fund of the Turuvercin of this city. "Albright's Choices. " H. A. Orchard. Carpet , furniture and drapery. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg Malloii'H Nerve Is All "I want that five D you've boon holding out on rae , Scavoy , " saucily remarked young Harry Mallon , as ho poked his dirty face Into the door of Chief Seavoy's private ofllco. Mallon wns arrested a short tlmo ago for drunkenness. While in jail ho picked $5 from a drunken man's pocket. Now that Mallon has served out his tlmo ho demands the monoy. The chief however , turned the money nnd facts over to Judge Holsloy who will Investigate the matter. Mallon was not placed under arrest. Never neglect a constipated condition of the bowels , or serious results follow , such as piles , impure blood and many chronic com plaints. Burdock Blood Ulttcrs is the rem edy. g 111(1 ( JJnlclivlu "Wants a Go. Sporting Editor BKE : Seeing the Jap's challenge iu your paper to wrcstlo any one in the country , best two in three falls. I hereby accept his challenge in behalf of D. P. Baldwin of Omaha and will meet the Jap and his backers at any tlmo to arrange a mutch. Yours respect Cully , 1'Kor. BILLT HAWI.EY. Hall's Hair Uenowcr is frco from alcohol and dyes that injure the skin. It Is scientifi cally prepared and will restore gray hair to its original color and vigor. , fny Oould'H lieutenant. General Manager . II. II , Clark of the Missouri Pnclflo Is in the city and will re main several days. Ho refuses to glvo any facts or express any1 opinion on the alleged purchase of the Union Puelllo by Joy Gould. A X * OVXCHJIEXTS. Commencing on Monday next , and continu ing for three nights. William J. Gllmoro's great spectacle , called "Tho Twelve Tempta tions , " will bo given at UioBoyd. The spco- taclo Is said to bo revived in a much moro elaborate manner than when It was first pro duced some twenty years ago by Colonel Jim Pisk , jr. , at the Grand opera house. New York. Mr. Gllmoro's production of "Tho Twelve Temptations" has been well com mented upon by the best newspapers in the country , who claim It to bo the most magnifi cent presentation o ( a spectacle over BCCU. The story is bald to bo very interesting and the comedy features very strong. The com pany Includes sixty-eight people , forty of whom nro ballot dancers. Scats for the en tire engagement will bo put ou sale Saturday morului ; . oiiom OUT oi > ' CHAOS. The Mammoth Oinahn Art Ktlilhlt AI * innat Itcndy for 1'ubllo Inspection. The Oinnlm art exhibition is nearly ready for public Inspection. Another lot of pictures was received yester day rnorninp , and many of them have already bcon hung on the walls , Today will bo artists' day , and the ex hibit will bo open to the oitlstsof tub city and state. There will bo n banquet to the press" of tbo state In the evening. Saturday moinlntr will bo devoted lo the ladles , ana In the afternoon tlio exhibit will bo thrown open to the public. It will remain open for two weeks , and lu that tltno the spacious galleries will accommounto thousands of visitors. It will bo necessary for the public to speedily avail Itself of the opportunity offered to see the finest art collection over on exhi bition In the west , or the pictures will bo boxed and shipped away before it Is realized what a treat Is now offered here. The work of preparation Is by no means completed M yet , ni many yards of draperies nnd mouldings mo to bo put in place before the opening takes placo. Thcro nio over fflJO choice paintings yet to bo hung' , and order has not begun to grow out of tlio clines in the galleries of etchings nnd water colors. The intricate system of wiring for electric lights Is well nigh completed unct the Kullorioa on the first and second floors are partially illuminated. The lloors have been painted in dark colors to absorb the Unlit , and everything conduces to show the pictures to the best advantage. A passenger elevator has been put in to tnko visitors to tlio upper floors , and toilet rooms have bcon nicely furnished for the comfort nnd convenience of the Indies. The exhibi tion company has gone to all this expense and furnished this really wonderful collection and placed It before the public for 25 cents admis sion. Tno exhibit will bo open from 10 a. in. to 10 p. in. , and all of the thirteen galleries will bo constantly lighted. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh. Boo hld.g SOV'fJil OMAHA. A'A'II'S. Cuduliy IJro tilers' Improvements. Cudaliy brothers , successors to the Ar- mour-Cudnhy packing company , Wednesday gave Burncss & Parks the contract to build joveral additions to their packing plant. Six buildings will bo erected this fall. A largo store liouso 00 by 100 foot , of brick nnd four stories high , will bo erected between the old and new buildings ; four sinoko h6uscs with a capacity of 50,000 pounds each , and a bono house 50 by 100 feet. Tlio bono house will bo erected Immediately north of the oflleo build ing , Work was commenced yesterday morn ing. School Ijitcrury Programme. The high school literary programme for this afternoon is as follows ; Chorus . The School llcndins . Miss Alice KnlRlit Mediation A. . Sum Cure. .Miss liiiiua Uarllu Heading A Leap- Year Mlsliaii . _ . Miss Maud Noncomb rXsay-Papcr . Jlr. Orln 1 < \ Mnrrlll Instrumental Solo . MIssMnttlo Mono lloitdliitt A r.o\o Story . Mr. Oeorgo fcinlth Iteoltatloii-ThoOwl Orltlo . . , . . Miss Hand Thomas Heading Two Bootblacks . . Mrs. I'r.ink Salmon Recitation llor hotter . . . Miss Nora faultier Irlo The Ltelitat Homo . Mlssos Mary Soykora , Manllno Lour and JiMinlo ( iruhaia. ulliiK Snobs . Mr. Hobcrt L'rcss ItecU.ition 1'utsy Uobtiovs tlio Paper . . . _ . Miss Sara Opponnan Rending A Mud Teuton . Dee Kilou Ucoltatfon Legend of UHVCM/ . . MlsiMary Mortonson Solo Jnonlta . . . Miss Ktta Krlou K'jsay FliM . MlbsMnulIno J.our ItooltatUin The Ohaigo Uu Lookout Mountain . MIsa Mutlo llono Dialogue ( totting a I'liotoer.iiili . Mlsso.s Allco AcliLinund Muy I'.ikt'iib.irv. Messrs. Albert Tlgho and Louis Mullen. Notes About tlio City. Mrs. 13. O. Mayflcld has returned from Louisville. N. 11. Wood was called to Ohio to attend the funeral of his brother. Mrs. .Tunics C. Corloy has returned from Chimney Hock , Cheyenne county. John Mover nnd Miss Mary Sloano both of this city , have been licensed to wed , Mrs. Frank Goldsborough has KOHO away and left no truces of -whereabouts. . Mrs. Ltolo Vernon of Charter Hill , O. , is visiting her brother , Josepo W. ISdgcrton. A. F. Strieker , of the Union stockyards force , after a visit at his old homo in Galena , III. , has returned. Frank Kcrhoff lost n pocketbook at the stockyards , containing ? 10m gold and thrco notes for sums aggregating 6235. George P. Dean , chief of the police of Grand Island , Is the guest of his old friend , Colonel John S. Mullen of Albright. Mrs. Howard Meyers and daughter , Miss Bessie , who have been visiting- St. Joseph , Mo. , have returned and were accompanied by Mrs. Meyers' mother , Mrs. D. Zlcglcr. MI-.S Anna Bent , the nccomplishca artist , who has been at Beatrice for some tlmo , Is her sliter and brother-in-law . visiting - - , Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lane , on her way to Chicago. James B. Smith , the crack slio'atlst , will go to Shelton next week to participate In the llrst annual tournament of the Shelton gun club , which will bo held on the 27th and 27th. Colonel JohnS. Mullen of Albright , whoso building aud store wcro burned the night of August 81. takes exceptions to an article in last Sunday's World-Herald nnd sues the World-Herald publishing company for$2.000 ! for insinuating ho had set his building on nro. The next meeting of the executive commit tee of the Manchester Martyrs' mijmorlal committee will bo held Saturday evening In Jndgo Bella's office , when the programme will bo completed and final arrangements made for the anniversary memorial exer cises. cises.Manager Manager W. N. Babcock of the Union Stockyards company , has had notices , posted up along the railroad right-of-way , notifying persons that people who walk alongnho track are trespassers. Orders have also been given to prohibit any person except employes rid- Inp on the cars or locomotives. These timely warnings are eminently proper and much needed. _ Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Bee Bldg. Through coaches Pullman palnco sleepers , diningcars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and intervening points via the grout Hock Ibland routo. Tiokot olllco 1001' , Sixteenth and Farnnm. Planta Beatrice preparations Shor- inan & McConnoll's , Ud door west P. 0. At Auction. 2 pool tables and ono billiard table , at 1414 N. 24th Bt. , at 3 o'clpok Saturday afternoon. M. R SKAUS. Edwin S. Thompson , who had been em ployed in the Omaha casket factory t engi neer for several years , died Tuesday and was buried yesterday In Forest Luwm Mr. Thompson was sixty-three years of age nnd cnmo to this city from Now York in 1835i ? Ho was an Odd fellow and left a widow and three children to mourn his loss , Baking faed la kllUlon * ol Homea 40 Yoara the Standard , As ; a Rule , It li best not tomttempt to remedy coMlvo- ness by tlio nmuX anllno or drastic jmrRn- tUcs. When noUinrllc medicine U nucduil , the most l'r ' " .g > t nnil bencflclnl Is dyer's I'llls. Tlicr cfloit Is to restore the ri'fiiilixr action of , ho bdwcls , without ucnkcnlng them. Hclng snfinr-coatcil , these Tills retain tliolrmedlclnallTlrtues ( or a long time , and nro easy to take. "lean lecomrnend Ayer's Pills nbovo till others , lirulni ; long proved their vnluu M a cathartic for rnyscll und family. " J. T. Hess , Leltlisvlllt , 1-a. . " In 1858 , by the advice of n friend , I lie pm tno tuo of Ayofi I'llls ns n remedy for Ml- lousncss , constipation , lilfili fevers , nnil colds , They seneil mo better than imy- tliliig Iliad | n olously tried , and Ihavomcil them lit attacks of that soil over since. " II. > \ . Hersh , Judsonla , Ark. Ayer's Pills , BY DK.J. C.AYEB & CO. , Lowell , Maas. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. Drs.Betts cBetts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O9 DOUGLAS S OMAHA , NER The most wldoly nna favorably knoi a speo- lallstsla the UnltoJ Bmtcu. Their long ox- porlenoo , renarkixblo skill iinrt unlronal suc cess In the treatment nnd euro of Nervous Chrnnlo and Surgical Discuses , oetltlo tlieso eminent physicians to the full conQdencoof the allllctc < ! everywhere. They Rimrixnteo : A. OEUTA1N AND POSITIVE OUIIE for the nwful oltacti of early vlco and the numer ous ovlls that follow in Its train , 1'WVA.TK , 1UODD AND SICtN DISEASES spocmlr , oomiilctfly nnil permanently cured , NKKTOUS nKUIMTY AND SKXUAIi DI3- OUneitS yield readily to their skillful treat ment. PILES. VISTULA. AND 11EOTAL DLOER9 guaranteed ourcd without pain or detention from lmnlnwi. HVDKOOELE AND VAHICOOELE permn- centlyand luccesifully cured In every case. BYl'HILIS. aOXOKHHEA , GLEET , Spor- mntnrrhen , Betr.lniU Weakness , Lost Manhood , NlRht Emissions. Decayed Faculties , 1'omnlo WiMiUness nnd all delicate disorders peculiar to either BOX positively cured , ns well im nil functional disorders that result from youth ful folllos or tlio excess of inuturoyour . STRIPTIIRP Guaranteed permanently Ol l\\\j \Ji\lj \ cured , removal complete , without cutting , catistlo or dilatation. Cures ilTcctcd nt homo by patient without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A I11F TTIPP The awful ottecto of rt. OUr\.L < UftL. curly vlco which brl prpanlo woaknuM , doMroyln , ! both mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , pormanonty curod. DRS RFTTS Address those who hnvo Im- jyi\O. UL/l 1 J paired themselves by Ira- proper lndulR nca nnd solitary Inblts , nhloh ruin both rjlnd and body , unfitting them tot business , stmlvnrmurrluRO. MAKIUKI ) MEN or those entering on that happy life.avraroot nhysloaldobjhty. quloklj "SS " ' ' OTJR SUOOBSS Is baied upon f ACM. First I'ractloal experi ence. Second Every caio In specially studied , Urns itartluR right. Third Medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each CHID , thun effecting cures without Injury , Drs , Betts & Betts , H09 _ DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NER BHRGfflN MY SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , For one day only we will offer [ Heretofore marked from $3 to tlO. ] At the low and uniform price of Como eanly and take your choice , and ! we will verify Webster's dleflnltlon of a Bar gain os "Afjjainful and satis factory transaction. " DR. BA.ILGY GRADUATE DENTIST' A Tull Sot of TootU on Itubbor , ( or I'lVK UOLI.AUH. A perfect fit Rimranteed. Teeth extracted without pain or dunifer. ami without anaes thetics. Gold and silver fllllniM tit lowest rates. Brldeo nnil Crown Work. TcotU with- outplatKB. All work warruntod. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , icth strovt elevator Opeu oven- ngs until 8 o'clock. LADIES ONLY REGULATOR , 8 t o.JJr or mow/ , nul iSeQUMly n lcj from ob- HmtlQB. IXEDY Cg. , Oplh jji . CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HODSEi Express arid. Mail Orders- We send Goods to any address C. O. D. with privilege of examina tion , and if they are not satisfactory , may be returned at our expense ? In every case where goods are paid for by money order and are noj found satisfactory , money will be promptly refunded and all expres $ charges paid by us , This method of doing business is very satisfactory to our out-of-town customers. Be careful to state definitely what you want and we will spare no pains in filling your order , Special Bargain lines , from which your orders will be filled until they are closed. Don't \vait two or three days and then order , Ordetf now. These lots are special values and \vill not last long. A/FPIVI' / TYPPT SPECIAL BARGAIN LINES T ( YT 1 dvQ flfi lYlLlN O JUJLi 1-OF MEN'-S BUSINESS SUITS at $8LU1 1 , vjpO.UU We will sell this week. ISO Men's Sack and Frock Suits , made from" ' a neat brown checked eassimere thoroughly reliable neat in appear- * aiice , perfect-fitting , at $ S.OOper suit , We know their value as an ad * vertising medium. They will make friends for the Continental wher t ever they are sent. "We advertised them on Sunday and the orders fotf out of town are coming in every mail. These goods can only be sold ai this price for the reason that we manufacture them in large quantities * The usual retail price for this suit is $12 to SIB. Remember , sacks and frocks at $8.OO. If not as represented , return to us and have the price promptly returned. Sizes 34 to 42. Samples of the cloth 'will be sent before you order if you prefer. $10.50. Lot No. 2 , Black Cheviot Frock Suits , Price $10.50. : * - We will sell this week 160 Men's Black Cheviot Frock Suits af $1OBO. This style of goods has been worn this se.ason almost exclu-V sively. We guarantee ! this lotto bo strictly all-wool and fast color , and 5 properly made and trimmed. We will not sell clothing at any pried which is not properly made. We do not sell shoddy. This is a suit of clothes which cannot be owned by the average dealep at $10.50. It is the quantity that makes the price. Samples of the clotll will be sent to any address , but you'can tell very little about it unlesd you see the complete suit and examine it in every particular. We are satisfied what the verdict will be when you see it. "We don't have one ) package in twenty returned and with care in sending measurements * we have no trouble about fitting. The sizes on this line run from 34 to } 42. Measurement blanks will be sent on application. S2.Y5. LOT NO. 3. Men's All Wool Cheviot Pantaloons. Price $2.75. Men's strictly all wool Cheviot Pants , full winter weight , made well and to fit at $2.75 per pai ? cannot be bought'every day. We will fill orders for $2.75 $ from this lot just as described , but if yoij prefer , send for samplesof the cloth. We make them up to 42 waist. The style of the goois is a neaV check , looks just like a Scotch Cheviot and wears better than any other domestic goods in the marked This style was made for the Continental and not a yard of this goods is owned by any other firm ity , the country , Remember the price , $2.75 , sizes 32 to12 waist , Children's Dept Lot No.4 , Children's Knee Pant Suits , $3.50' \Vewill \ place on sale beginning Wednesday morning , 250 pure all wool cheviot knee pant suits , , size 6 to 12 , at $3.50 per suit , made without belts , small sizes plaited and large sizes plain. You can't du plicate this line outside of our store for less than $5 : Remember they are knee pant suits for ages from 6 to 12 years , strictly all wool , Send money order and goods will be promptly shipped with the understanding that you need not keep them if they are not satisfactory. ' Pant Suits Price $7 Boy's Long , ; , , Lot No , 5 Is a special line of high cost long pant suits , strictly all wool , to fit boys'ages | 13Ito , # > at $7. Many suits in this lot sold for $10 and $12 $ , but the sizes are broken and we have madeond bargain lot at S7. Boy's Oape Overcoats. r Lot No. 6. Special Bargain Lines , at $3.OO , $3.5O and $4.OO. Nobby styles and neat fitting garments at this price are scarce. Wq take the same care in manufacturing this priced goods as we do witli the finer grades. The sizes are from 4 to 12 , with full length capes. Prices from $3 to $4.5O. At $4.8O we will send you as good a garment as is needed for service. We have never offered a better line of Child-4 ren's Overcoats than we have this season. FREELAND , L'OOMIS & CO , OMAHA. BOSTON , NEW YORK , DES MOINE3 , WOONSOCKET & RHODE ISLAND 4 We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and are 5OO miles nearer you than any other market. Correspondency solicited , American Hand Sewed Shoe Co , , OMAHA - NElB. Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots. NO OXJR.EX ! NO FAY. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Dougla.5 Street , Omaha , Neb. cu . , cure. . k m. to 1 ! ! m. DON'T BE A WORM ! I itturelntendedyouforaMan ! Ifyuuarerilirak N tJ , ho will helpyuu. and b/ualiiK iiruierrnc | > mi. wilfanilHtnywcll. wnruru Worst ' and ii ni 1. . . | Uxilftlii ) all ! Went NEW BOOK \ . \K \ < \ . , / < " . , f < > rnlim . rai-ti uuuix ! . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . . DON'T BE A FOOL ! orglvorcllof llko * Truss. " It liasrun-Jlhuuiiiiclsl joii waii 'I'.BCiid taliivtampa forfrcel'itini hletJVo. K' .Mac tiello liUillp Tru Co , , Bin I'raucl.to , C\ '