1 01 icon 8PE01HL NOTICES. ADVEHTISEMENTS for thov > colum * will ilK ) taken until 12iO p. in. , for the evening edition and until S:2O : p.m. , for lha mornlnj edition nnd BCHIMT Ilic. : rpUIlMS Cash In adrnnco. . "I7 'I1'Tol'tl8Cnicn'nonthlJpaBo ' ' will bs JLlclinrecd for at tlio r tn of 1H cent per word for tlio first Insertion nnd Iccnt per word for each itibscqucnt Insertion , ind II.0 per Una \ tier month. No advertisement taken for leu Minn 'Jl ccnta for the II rat Insertion. INITIALS , figures , symbol * , etc. , count each naono word. nilinsn ndvcrtlscmonti must run coniocu- JLtlvoly nml under no clrcumitanci'i nlll they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. TAUTir.S ndvortUlnif In thMo column nnd X Imvlntt their nnweri nddre ed to ft "num. * bornl Icttiir" In care of Tin : HEK will recolvo a tiuinberrd cheek to cimblo thorn to pel tliclr JcttuM. Answer ? will Iio delivered only on nresontfitlonof thU check. Kncloso nm\vcr In onx-clops : properly addressed. Alili ndvcrtlscments tinclcr the licnd of "Special NolleiV nro published In both tlio tnoriilnii nnd evonlnc editions ot THE HKK. the circulation of which nRRrozatrs inoro than 20,000 pipen dally , nnd B' ' CS the udvirttsBr the brnellt not only of llio larjjo circulation of THE HKt : In Omaha , lint uNo In Council lUulTs , Lincoln and other cities und townsln the west r- Ad vcrtlslnc for thimo colnmnsi will betaken on the nlnivo conditions i t the followlru biinl. nesi hoiiies who arc nutliorl/cd totakoipuclal notlccn. at tlio Ha mo rates as cnn had ut the inaln oHU'n. SOTTTII OMAHA IIRANOII 20'ji : N Street , MHtor Illock. TOIIN W. HELL , 1'haniiaolst , 820 South Tenth v street. fi A HP & r.niY ) , Btatloners and Printers , 113 Son thlCth street. SlI. MUNSWOIITH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- In ? Direct. , , Jijnurmaclst | C3t North lctn street. GKO. W. 1'AIin , rhnrmnolst , 1718 Leaven- worth street. ' I'lIAIlMAUV , 21th and Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTKD. For > alit , cte. , tec ( op of jlml column on this SITUATION wanted by youtiK man todrlvn parrhie | , with A 1 icforeiicus. Address \V 20 lice. M 1IK-22 * WANTED S For t ale , tic. , tee lop of fnt folumn on thti i o . "VyANTCD-Husltiess man of ability nud l with Inrgo favorable acquaintance. With nnacthe , encrRetlo- man a liberal arrange ment will bo made. Only tboso of bUbest business btandlnu uecd answer. Addioss W _ Si lieu. M 100-21 * WANTED A voung married man , exper ienced In delivering uioecrles and ac quainted lu the city.Vm. . Homing .S : Co. , HOf Douglas , M 170-22 * Gi.Vii : : A L agents soiling the patrntadlust- nbluNhooaro making f mm J 1,000 to $5,000 poryenr. Cinvnssi'rs4 ; to $7 per clny. Kx- elusive Icrrltory ( 'lveti. Address vlthS-ci'iit stamp , Consolidated AdJustaUo Shoo Co. , Kultiii. ; Jlass. SI 171-da . . _ T class painters. 1 . Ohllnz. 21BJ How- Oanl st. Jl 12U-'J1 * "T\ETrOTIVn Wo want a man lu every Io- JL/callty to act as private doteetlvounder our Instructions. J > end for particulars. Wash- liiKton Duteetlvo AKeney , box 7B7 , Wabhlng- ton , Iowa. Kxpencnco not nccet-bary. 118 Dls * "V\rANTKD Cicntlonicn or lady salesmen. Vt Call or nddicss Wm.Ilruuk. 1113 N. 17th st. 120 B5 * "ISfANTKD A thorouKhly oxporlcnccd nnd 1 > nraetlc.il carpet lajer : no other need ap 1B ply ; fjood salary and iiornianoiit position to right party. Address W li > . llco olllcu. l.JS 21 "WANTED A first cla s experienced dress Roods salesman at The Fair , J. L. I'rau- flols A : SOIIM. ' " .4 "V\7"ANTKI-A11 ) parties dcslrlpn Snfor.-iia- Vr tlon about the nowslato of AVaphhiMton , Itsollmate , neil , productions , resojroes. lands unentered , wasos , etc , , send Jl for larue , book 1o State Iliueau of CurrcspoiidenCM , Tacoma , AVnsli. Letters of liiiilry ( | of all kinds promptly nnsiit-ied for Mo each. 14 : iOC3 ! D Ashotol clerk or clerk In Mine htmo. have had experience , best refcr- cnccf ) , will doanytbliiK , Address 17 Hoc. ANTED Oooil nicclumlcal dentist. Dr. A. MattliewH. llco building. 1GU 22 "V\rANTICD At One , practical watchmaker , TI Bond WIIRCS , steadv cmploynioiit , Ad- a ss. A. Halm. Albion , frob. _ 11551 * GENTS wanted to sell ono of the best specialties m the market. Address , for Icims anil toirltory , li. T. KecdS01lghst. ! , Co- lumbiisj : ) . _ UTi 20 * WANTED-5 Hist class galvanized Iron cor nice workers. K. Knonnjlng , 811 Karniini st. 070 20 * If ANTED Ton corulco makers at Knglo t cornlco works , 1110 und 1112 Dodge st , U4I2I ) \l fANTKD-A registered pharmacist , Address - dress J. H. Shepherd , Sterling , Nob. _ I _ P.-.2 50 * "VVANTKO-Mon nnd women of ability In TT oveiy city , town and vlllngo to act as agents for tlm Ladles' Homo Journal. Wo want the best attalnaulo class of agents , and to such unusual terms will bo offered. The Journal Is the handsomest periodical for la- olcBuiut the family over Issued , and has nearly linlt a million subscribers. It will buadvur- tlncd the coining autumn nnd winter on a larger hcale than over before , creating a de mand that niroiits fdmnlii bo ready to 1111. Curtis 1'ubllslilng Co. . Philadelphia. MHO 27 > " \\7ANTni ) A ( Irst class experienced shoo T siilcsiiiatiatTlio Kalr. None other need apply. J. L. llrnndols tc Sons , _ lit AI'RW trneklnyers nnd sbovolois wanted. Auily | at the luiaidlng cars near the new Wilto lead works , Kust Omaha , Wootl .V Man- croft. it uai-30 _ WANTnn-200 laborers for stone and cnulo work. Apply to I1. II. Johnson , Union passoiiKOr tiepot. Omaha. US \\l ANTED Men to travel for our Uaniullan ' uutsorlcs.Stonc&\Velllii touMadl ! > onWl8 2u'J VriiNor women wanting work , or persons -l.1-iipedlnK help ot any kind , elty or country , oan always be supplied at Keith's olllcc , olsjj 6 , 15th Bt , Satisfaction guaranteed. JI.'IH N30 CANVASSERS Wanlfd-Correspnndenco so licited with competent canvassers to sell ! imper olothln ; : . Rood wages can bo earned , Wrlto I'apor Clothing Co. . 1'ort Huron. Mlou. 0'Kn25 ' > rl > Mon with good reference at Alctropolltan MX. Co. . J6VJ llowaid st. SII-n3J fANTED ARvntH wanted throughout Nn- biasUa. Pond utamp fur reply. Jos. 1 * . i , Omaha. 77:1 : AN 1 1.U A live , energetic party In o % > ry place to Intrndticuour goods. Wohavoa new lluo that will sull at every house nnd agents can reap u Impost between now and the hominy * . Will pny a salary of J75 per Month If preferred and furnish a team free. Addtess ut ouco. Standard Silverware Co. , Itoston Jlass. MKK-P15 * tr rates cte. , tee tap of frst column on thti pcigi. ) AnexperlPiiocd lady eonitKisl- tor ; must bu llrhtcl.iss. Oall iilw In the rnornliig or SiUO lu the evening , at room 412 , llco bu lid Ing. 141) ) a * _ " \\ANUTO Ladles wanting light easy cm- > nloyment uu uxcullent terms , cull ilat 1704 Uapltol avenue , from U a. m. to 4 p. m , FtldaySut. 111-20 * "V\rANTI'n A strong woman for laundress T nnd ehambermald In faml' of ; i crown people , Irish putfcired , .Mrs , J. U. llrooke , S. Jcor. . M. .Mary's aio and 24th st. 14I-2.1 AltQi : front room with board. 407 N. 10th ' 150-22 * \\7ANThn-Iliilii * room girls , nurse girls , good gills for general housework ! best wanes : cooks for flrst-class fatiilllcc. : strong Swedish ( -Irl for wt'ht , small family , tii Thn Now nniployniciitugeucy.bunk bldg. , lltthund Dod o. 1J1U20 * "IVA NTH I ) Two ladies and ono Roiitloiiuin M to learn uliortliand , Oiuxl position when competent. Call 1515 Farnnm t. 137 21 * ANTKD A first class cook and laumiress , Irish preferred. SUM Uouglaa at. t 0 20 * T717ANTKD An experienced liouneniaul ; V > call at 200581. Mary's uvc. M IW "WTANTUD At once , snvoral good elty canT - T > TiUivrs. 1510 Uouglai t.t. 87511' . ' ! _ T"\7 ANTED A couipntent girl for irrneral TI hutisowork Intmall fumlly. OallTliurs- d ay,2 p , m. to8 p. in , . & 13 b. 26th at. Mil rsrh rASTED-Qood cook and second girl : Rood wages. Call 200 N. 18th. Hl-l \VANTEIJ-A jlrl for housoworlc. Mrs f r Dumont , U042 Lafayctt * ave. , formerly Taul , it 770 BRIOUT yoiinr lady wanted to get iler icrlbers for tlio Omalui KieeUlar ; M per > M t eoiuuihulou. Apiily 1U B Utu it. Mln FOH For ratet , tie , , tee tnjtof first column < mM ( / inOK.'E corner residence , 10th and Pacific , 0 W rooms , nil conveniences ; rent 145. Hinenton A Allen , inoT Karimm st. MllM-87 THOU HUNT A detached olaht-rr om house , JL utmost now , with every modern conven ience nnd within walking dlstuncc. nt a oheap rental , Smcatou k Allen , ICO7 tuinum st , Al lQl-g7 ) _ TjlOll HI'.NT CottiiRpon motor line. Lnnfo Jgrounds. . tX ) lor inoiith. H. 0. 1'attersnn , N , Y. Llfo. 1W 20 1J1OH Hr.NT Jiennntfl-room lininc. nil inod- * - ern liiipioveiiii'tits ; aKo.laiindry room ; cor ner KM uiul Chicago. Apply utliiw Knrimin st , 151 2j ; "I7 ANTED A mnnll family to rent n nowO- i ' room house and board Rciillcmnn and llt- tlo lioyi references rcqtilied. Address 18 , lieu office. UQgt * _ SO. IIENNHTT. movliipt pjtiurs ? nrtlco with . Neat & Conrad , 14IJ IJotlgo st T ( 1. 127. ) ? 12 Cnn. ailSrooin cottage , nud west half i 2511 IJav'pt. at. , 3 rooms , luqulro SS1H Cap. ive. M1UOO-S1' "jjlOU UKNT 7-room house on inth st. near J Vlnton , All coinoiilonee * ) ! tJO.CO Mo.id invt , Co. . iico nidg. aiioa-i. ' . ! - UKNT-A Sl-rixitn house Vor. of llth ntid Jonoi. siiltubln for u liotol or Inr o dluc housn. All now and In llrst eluss order. Cnllon Miimnuvli tc I'ltuliott , rinilcs- tate nijciils , cor IJth mill lloivurdsts. IfiT-ai 'IJ1OI1 lliNT : Ono the mimcottacoou North X1 Mtli st. , No. 1JU > . $15 per month. month.M M ( C.0-24 * HOU HE NT A 5-room house. 202 ! Charles st liifliilruntgul4Charius9t.Oil ) 21' TpOH KENT One block suitable for a larsro - boarding house within live minutes'walk of the post olllco. O. r. Davis Co. , l.VT 1'ar- nnm si. 1.15 20 HOUSE for rent at 021 Tlcrco btroet , con- vcnli-ntto depot. Nlco eottago. Inquire of T. J. Lowry. 131 FOK KENT 7loom furnished cottage ; all modern conveniences , Apply nt room 3 , Chamber of fomnioice. 002-2J TI1OK I ENT Small house on Emmot St. , -l-1 west of "Itli , J3 per month. Also7-room house , olty water , bath , on Ualdwoll , betiu-on With and 27th. Ji'i per mouth. U. L. Orecn , Itooin ; i9 , llnrker block. M7ti7 "TJIOU KENT 4-rooni house , lOlTOaliroinln st. TTIOUKENT-222iMapio ; st , H block east 21th -L st. motor , 0 rooms and unllnlshed ! l story above , full lot , well , cistern and cellar , coed nclghboihood , { 17.50 per month. 0.0. Wal lace , llrown block , Kith and Douglas. 083 IV YOU wish to rent a house or store see II. E. Cole , Continental block. * 7J T71OIJ RENT To responsible parties only , J. those Hub new brlcic nnd stone houses on Georgia nvcnuo ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ; morn conveniences and hotter finished than any house for rent In the city. II. H. Hender son , 4001'axton block , city. 274 iT-IJOO.M IIOIIBO with barn ; nominal rent. 0. ' 1\ Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 275 "T7IOU HUNT Tim beautiful 7 room pottages. -L1 Just llnlsliod. Hath and modern Improve ments. Only 2 left. 0. S. Elguttor , 407 Klrst ' Nat'Ibink. 453 "TT'OH ' ItENT S room lionsc , all modern Im- -L' proicnienls. 2220Olilcngo St. , M1.07. Ulng- walt llros , . Darker block. 31 TflOH KENT 7-room cottage , convenient to J. whole.salo district and business. Apuly 1112 S. lllth st , U'i T71OH ItF NT S-room mo < lern house with nlco Jbarn. . 17H1 N 21st ; also R-room housu nnd ntee ham , 2200 Miami , by Uriim & HIsliop , H 54 , Hoard of Trade. 120 TTIon RENT Seven-room cottairo. cor. 2 ith J-1 avo. and ( Jap. avo.Inqulro 2018 Dodge. M-UH > FOlt HKNT I'UUMSHISI ) 11OO3IS. For rattr , etc. , fee lop of Jljst column nn thli UHNT Nicely furnished front room , ' JL' gas , bath and Mtuun hunt , 1817 Loin en worth st , , third lloor , east Hat. J11W-21 * "I71OH UHNT A largo furnished front room , -I-1 down stair , south front. In private house. Cheap rental. 1510 llowaid st. MIGtJ-'JO SCVKUALdesirable fiont rooms , furnished , very near to business eontor , In private houses. Smeaton & Allen , 1007 Farniini stk IM105-23 TJIUHMBHIU ) rooms , also n unfurnished , J- ' center ot city , with convenience 1XI ! Oap- Itol ave. KJD21 * O rUKNlSIIEIJ front rooms with ens , hot -J and cold water In the rooms , prlco tin. 1013 Douglas. 1)70-21' ) TTANDSOMELY furnished front roomjsteam Jl heat , gas , batli. 711 S. Ibth. 2d lloor. or unfurnished rooms for rent , Jsultubln to sm ill families , ono block and a half f i oiu I'lirnam. 4(5 b. 24th ate. U.U 211 * ELEOANT npirtments of 8 and 9 rooms , IncludliiK bath loom , ranges In kitchen. mantles , hlrides. oaipots on htalrs. electric bolls. Nowieady for ocomiany In tholirown hulldlnsr , corner 24th and Cumins s > ts. Apply ' Ultl76ns'bank. JS2 20 * LAI ! < ! ' ' / furnished room ; modern cou- vunlcncci. KMMIiirnuy. 1,1 21 * I7-OK KENT Ono elegant furnished front JJ room , 2nd lloor with steam heat. bath , gas nnd all modern conveniences , only 810 ; must have references. Mrs. 11. 0. Moses , No. 221)8 ) Famum st. at8 21 * T71OK ' KENT rurnlshcd looms , 1003 Capitol > JL' avc. 018 2.1' T71OK KENT Larpo pleasantly furnished JL1 front room , IDKI Dodge st. & 93-20 * " 7OR KENT rurnlshi'd looms , with gns and . bath ; nrst-olass table board. 200 N. 18th st. H4'21 * FOR HENT Nicely furnished largo front ' roomall coincidences. Apply lalllUhleago. MO 21 * TmURNISUEDrooms , steam lieat.-Jir ! nougaa. DESIltAHIjE room , modern conveniences ! 1701 Capitol ave. 77.r O ROOMS light housekeeping. 12M N Mtb. TOR KENT rurnlshcd looms ; gas.bnth nnd JL1 stoam. 1519 Howard. 270 TT1OR J- KENT Furnlblicd rooms , 1009 Douglas. - 20 " 171OR HUNT TWO nicely fnruUhcd front J-1 rooms. 2010 Datenport st. 207 FOniUSNT-UOOMS For rojet , c tc. , tee top or fiat column mi thttjiagt , TIWO unfurnished bouth rooms , Ol'l H , 10th st. S1105-2I * "IjlOlt KENT tiiilt of I unfurnished rooms to JL1 family without children. 1'rlco JIU..O. 1701 Webster st. SI7M _ I " "I7HJU ItENT tl iiiifurnlsbed rooms for liouso- JL' keeping tofniully without children ; also o2 basement rooms , at 1122 N. 17th st. M 75U irfOH ItiCNT a unTTrriiUTieorrooms/JloN. 13th JL st. it 750 FUUNISlIiU : H00.1IS AND IJOV11D. I'oriatet , etc. , tee lap of Jfi < roliioin on thtr jvio / , 77\UUNlSllii \ : ) loom with bo.ird , Miltublo for J-1 two , laiN , 19th bt. M " ' HAN'DSOMHLY furnished looms with without boaul. 2201) ) Dodgo. 148-2 ! * n ) rooms with board ; rofoionces iiiU rurmim. i ; 2u * XTIOLtA furnished room , east fiont , Mlth JLi good board , modern convenience : terms reasonable. TlHls , Kith st. WJ'J-22 ' * usm "VyANTED Two yoniitt Kcutlnmcn to room > * nnd boaul atlo7 Dodge. Modern eonven- lences tiui-ai * nid "VTIOIII.Y fiirnlhhed fiont p.irlor with good - > board ; all modern coneiilcnccs. . ( HQ N 17th 1 OR HKNT Nicely furnlsbed roons , steam , J ; gns and bath , with or without board. 172J Davenport. trti * ST. OljAIKhuiopcanliotul.irlthdlnlnsrnxini teiim heat In all rooniH , 13th and Dodge Special rates bycok or mouth. 2sl "OOR good board , nlc rooms , modern con- H > onlt > nei's , rates und location , the I'ullmau house , UIO Dodge bt. , cannot bo oxeollnl. _ - _ Jl 2M N W NEWLY furnished rooms , slnglo or en suite. with board , heat , gas and bath , 208 anil VU N. 17th. opposite new po > tolllce alto Ita N22 * AND.-OMK Koomii with board. 1 < C ! Cht- pqgost. M TUi-81 ) _ da. fBJloTlTllANO ANiTTYrKWlllTlNO. For rattt , ttc. , tee top of Jlnt folumn yi > Dm pt g Ml Vi'l W HIT Eii § . all makos.bousht. siild.ox. J-c-lmi gaJ , rented , J , I' , Megonth , 1007 1'ar- tiamhtri'ot. 315 B U. WHKKLKIt , general .stonoxrnplier and uotury. Uupo ltioiM and court work IM l ltr. TM. ail , ro L4 KWi N. Y. LIfo UId ron nn.VT STOIIES AND OFPICIJS. Vor rates , ere , , fee top ofjlnt cotmnnon tliltfagt. fpOlUlENT-the 4-story"brtcit buildinj.wHh JL' or without power , formerly occupied by the lieu Publishing Co.UIO It'iirnaniBt , Thobulld- Ing hat n flroproxif ccnioiitbascment.t'oiiiplcto utontn heating fixtures , walcron nil thclloors Rns , cte. Apply tit tlio oflleo of The Mee , 015 J MKAT market , cheap to responsible party , ll. N ISth < t. 125 2J OOHNKH store and basement , together or separate , In brlek bnlldlni : corner of N and 27th st , South Omaha , Mrs. llresa , UlUi S. IMh , ! Sl * STOIinSatTDOSlClli. 20xW ( each , larce show windows , Kteam bent furnished. Thos , K llnll,311 Taxtonblk. 2X1 LOGIC Ill'Un Winter is coming , tlore are n few good olllecs for rout In the Itamgo blil'g , with llrst clnss heating and best of ele vator sort Ices. Inquire I'rauk J. II n in go. 2J-n28 ! ) KIXT ; Tor ratn , etc. , tee top of flrst column on thti inyt Ill'NT Hrlck wnrohotiso , two stories L' hhth , basement , hydratillo elevator , tiaok- agoj best location In the city. A. 0. 1'oucll. E07 TilOIl ItKNT llrlok warehouse , two stories JU and bafmncnt. 27,00i , ) squnro feet , with 100 feptof double track on U. 1' . Unllwav , South 20th nnd I'lerco streets. Address 0 , OHkamp , Omaha. . I'onntrf. rtc. , rrtttifiof Jlitl column < mtht * STOUAOn The best In city , clean , drysafe , und privately atuied at reasonable terms. Omaha Steve Itopalr Worlis , 1207 Douglas. Tul. oco. ixia rpUAOKAGEstoraRo nt lowest rates. W. : JL Iliisbman , 1311 Loavoiiworth. 235 STORAGE nnit TrncktiRo iJ.ivld Colo. 815- > dl7 Howard st. LOST. Forrates , ttc. , tretnitt > r JinAcolumnnn f/ihpnga IO3T By Trauk IvorkholT , nt the Union 'slookvards on tlio loth , apockctboolccou- talnlnsr S10 In noli ! nud .1 notes amniintlne to JJ-'B. KutimiloJ.il , liulla at h-culo house ; liberal reward. M J01-21' KEWAUU I will Rlvo twcnty-flvo dollars for the recovery of the followlug articles ( no questions asked ) : 105 Ibs. wining solder. 78 Ibs. lead pipe ' { -Inch , XX strontc. 17 Ibs. 'J'lnoh stop-coeks for load plpo , 17 Ibs. couplings for W , C. , and some scrap lend. The alrora articles were stolen from the Oodgo Htreot school house on tlio night of Nov. 18. Call oa or address Uoburt D. Diuicuu , 2023 Davenport st. , city , or telephone llKl 12120 * LOST lletwcen Howard and Douglas on Iflth st. , a pocketbouk containing about $15. rindor return Biiino to Nubrusku otentn Inun- dry and rccoho reward. 153 1.M * STUAYED Monday. Nov. 17 , a light blown Koldlne il years old , 15 bauds hlKh , black mane and tall , left car split 1 Incli , speck of white on bauk. Any Information suitably re warded. Uco. llryiuit , 2H blocks south of Vluton on20th , Ud house from Cash grocery , 111) ) 20 * RENTAL- For tale * , etc. , nt top of first column nn Mih vnac. S TAU Land & Loan Co. Itcnl estate , loans and Insurance rcutiil agency , 073-dl" JIST your houses with the Ueal Hstato In formation unreal ) , 17 Doard Trade. ICIl n 2D 'R BlI1'Ei" ' & Nro.rental , ugcnts.'JOj N.Y.LIfo T-T E. Cole , rental agent.Contluontal bile. JTlL. 27:1 : T , IST your house * to sell or runt with 0. L" . Ullurrlson. oil N. V , Life. FOll SAIiK PUIINITUIIB KTO. Forrutcs. fir , , cwfojio/ first cnlumn tintMi T7/1 / OU SALE 1 Art Oarhind base Inirnor htovo. nearly new ; 1 cherry mantlu fold- . . . „ bed ; 1 square piano ; 2 small pallor stoves , good heaters. bJJ Park Avenue. 5I.IOO-21 * POU 9ALR A now Emerson piano , first class Inoveivpartlcular , lirlcoerylow. . Heat of reasons for selling. Address W C , Hoc , P19-2.-I * FOll SALE A largo parlor sto o nud 2 .small stoves. J.V. . Harris , UOth and Uass. 0:13-22 : FOll HAljlS HOl'.SKS WAGONS ETO. For rates , etc. . M top of finl tolumn on lli'u pant. FOH SALi : . ortrado for lot , splendid iliiriiiK horse , harness und phauton. K. U. Merrill , 4.'nd und C'ass bts. Itl IM-'JO FOUSALH Cheap. Elegant lady's driving horse , live years old ; sound , ueiitle. safe and handsome. A. W. Scrtbncr , U. P. head quarters. M 00823 * FOU SALK Delivery wagon. 1507 N. 11th st M 800-IU WORK liorso WO , two horse wairon ? 20 , dou ble work harnessil ! > . Or will trade for n good ( llpht side bar uugay. II. E. Cole , Conti nental ' block. 27U H 53 and up. II. K. Colo. 273 FOH SALK 2 uood work teams. Imjulro at (118 ( Paxton bile. 280 FOK Forralts. cc. , tee top of fir i column on tint jags FOll SALE Two Iron safes , also two stoves and g.is fixtures at our old olllco. llomu I'lro Ins. Co. , Now York Life Uldg. , 2d lloor. lfv-23 FOU SALE cheap A 10 ( horse power Now York safety ste.un engine In first class condition , rcstiior Printing Co. , 1307 Howard St. M 137 _ FOU SALE 2 milk cows , prlco $25 and JuO ' Apply foreman , rannlng & Co. , 27th and C'orby. 1)73-23 ) * NLiV callgrapa , price reasonable , K 05 , Itoe ! olllce. 772 WANTIil ) TO For rattt , ete , , ter top of first column on thti \\7ANTIII ) to Uuy A good piano us ourt T piyment on eholoo lot at Thirty-sixth and Leavenworth. Price lower than any adJoining - Joining property , Address W 15 , Uoo. W n IIAVH a cash buyer for n lot , or house and lot In good residence locality Co Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. IGtli st. WO 20 UltNITUnE.household goods , etc. Highest cash price. Wells , 1111 1 arnani. Jgu Qjr.CONi ) hand typewriters. J. 1 > . Megeath , OlUO * i'arnam St. , Omaha. 772 WANTED Hordes , WIIKOIIS , etc . to soil nt auction every Tuesday and frldny.io a. in. 1'loneerstables , 13th , between Hiirnuv nnd Howard. UW7-1) ! WANTED-Horso and buggy. W J.l'aul , 1UM I'arnam. aid CIjAlUVOYANT. Ferrates , ttc. , tec top ofiiirt column nnthiti page. US. STHVEH Is giving best suocess of any- fortune teller In the city , blio does not deal In any fraud , Hcrtormsaro the low- eat. 400 N. Kith , 3d lloor. Al lu'l-SI * LEIL CLAYTON , Clairvoyant Can by lier ? will power grant any reiiuest. Oil ) N. Ititli street. 101-21 * \ lUUVr.D-Clalrvoynnt. naturally gifted , . /-V. tells past and future , love troubles , ab ' sent friends , changes , travels , business. Satis faction glen. . Mrs. Wallace , I'M rarnam st. MRS , NANNIE Y. WAItlJEN. clairvoyant trancespeaking.wrlthi ; and reliable bus iness medium , 4 years In Omaha. Ill ) N , liitli. MAsiSAOK , Madam DeUlor , over UIO S 13thl 41W d. JIOIISHS lei tatcs , ttc. , * ( < > ) > of fret column on tnti I OUSIJS taken for tbo winter with one full 43 1)01 . l.i > n.U JJ OHSKS wintered. Wo have tho' best'ae- J-L commomitlons In the slate for wintering horbcs. Hex or silicic stalls , with paddock. Apply \Mndnor. . Kemp A Co. , % U Now York Llfn bldK. , or to Ohrli Nevlns , at cho stables , Irvlncton , Neb. II OH.sF.3 winteredNo boiler place toln < - .1 Ltcr horses than tlio Stlllwator block farm , IX Calhoun. 1'rlces low. bust caru. 11. J. Kendall , propr. , room 30(1 , llrown bldg.Omahu. 174 (10 K OUSEd wintered ut Omaha fair k'rounds. Icau wlntorSyo horxeH , each here has a largo warm lioxstall , fond all tlio grain the owner wuuU , larce yards for cxeroUo la fiim weather. A , Thomson , M201 N2J For ratti , tte tee top of j/r $ column on thtt pagt. OMAllA rcnclns fciilctny Nr Y. Lite building. bnsemoiHuKxitn " 0. " Health nnd pleasure combined .Exorcise advNed by the medical fraternity. ' Now In the time to arrninto for lessons. , f ItUly _ . or In pairs. , l'asclMatliie port. I'tof. Kngel. TTIOlTuENT-Good bar\ | \ , ono box nnd tw JL1 common stalls. Apply. 1310 Chlcncn st. . . [ , . , 80081 * TI ASPAGKlroatnientKlnctio-thermnl baths , Jlilseiill ) and hair treatntent , nmnluurn and chiropodist. MM. I'o tJH 20-21 , Wlthnoll blk. _ _ ; _ M 201 T ADIlvS A RiMitstobtW thol'liitnpr rrcllnlng JLJchalr ; uiisiii p.'sect ( wr comfort. : rjt N. Ifith. . 818 DI3 rnYlT.WIUTEItS fOr n > nt or sale. Htenojt- JLiapbcrs supplies. J.l'.Mcgeath.lOOT I'ajiuim. DON'T forgot Jos. I' . Mogeath. ICO" rarnnm st. , when you nant to buy , rent or ell a typewriter. 772 TTrilOLSTI'.HINO and mattresses renovated UliaaN Ibth. K. Peterson. 713-dl AfaSJAOE , Madam Dolzier , over UIO S inth. MONI3Y TO IjOAN rr Kor ( ratn , cte , , ttc tinint rolnmn nti l/iu / page MONKV to loan on limirmed elty property ut current lutes : iiindson Imnifi no delay. Oco. I'1 lllust & Co. , 2 l UaniKO bldR. OOI-dl5 STAll Lnnd & Loan Co. Heal estate , loana and Inatiraiico rental agency. U73-dl7 TDUILDINO Loans- JJ mailo on rhnleo city nropcity nt lowest rates. Sums of $ . " > , co < ) u d upwards pcrferred. Klmball. Champ A. Ilynn , ia)5 ) Farnutn Mtrcot. 800-D13 _ MONKV loaned at low rates on furniture , horses , tVe. , without publicity , llnwkoyo InvestmentUo , : Douglas bllc.lGtli and Dotlgo. Ul'J ' WANTED 0 per cent ri"il estate loans. 0. V. Harrison. 1)13 ) N. V. Llfo. JJ7 ONEY to loan on second mortgage , W.3 Vymi , Itoom itl ! Omaha Nat. Ilk. lll'dg. M 721 WANTED FJrst-olns * inwao loans. Lowest rates. Call and sou us. Mutual Invest ment Co , 1501 Varnain. yo.1 KONI5V to loan by 11. 1' . .Masters on chattel nnd collateral securities for nny time from one to six months In any amount tosultbor- towor. iiB Loans made on household goods , pianos , or- Bans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse * receipts , etc. , nt the lowest possible rates. without publicity or rcmovalof property. Jly lo.uis are so airanged that you can maKe a payment of nny amount nt any tlmo and ro- dueu both principle and Interest. If you ewe a balance on your property or have n loanyoti nlsh chanuod.l will pay. n , oft' and enrry it for you. If yon find It more con venient , call up telephone No. 10J1 and your business will bo arranged at home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. n , I . Masters , Koom 4 , Wltlinoll blk , , 15th and Harnoy its. _ _ _ | _ 2W OIIEA1' eastern money Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Oo. , always ready to loan and pav promptly ; llrst mortgages wanted , Georno \ . I' Coated , rep resentative , room 7 , board ot trail c. SU ! ) _ QTA1J Land * : Loan Co. Heat estate , loans kJ and Insurance rental agency. 05-dl7 TrnYSTONE Mortpngo CO.-LOIIIS of J10 to 4-ViooOj Rotour rates before boriowhiB and save money ; loana on horses , furniture or nny approved security without publicity ; notes , bought ; for now loans , renewal of old nnd low est ratcs.call It. 208 , Shcety blk. , 15th & Howard. * uoj BUILDING loans , 0 to 7 per cent ; no addi tional chnwes for commission or attorney's fees. W. U. Slelkle , First National bnnkbldg. _ 307 MONEY ' . 10GOorOOdayson furniturepliinns. horses , houses , etc. J , J. Wilkinson. C18 1'axton blk. 20C line EAL Kstato Loans Cash on baud. Olobo Loaiut Trust Co. , 37 K 10th st. No delay , no extra charges. IIou&ps for rent , good list" . * 'win 0 E. & 0. M. ANTIIONY , 31S N. Y. LIfo build ing , lend money onfarms , In choice coun ties nf Nebraska and lowi ; also on good Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best tprms ; no dcluy : money ready. Titles and values passed on here. 301 MONEY" to loan on niV ( security v for lioi t Uino at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Ilondorson Mortgage Investment Com pany , room 400 , Paxton blk. i."J7 /CHATTEL bank , IIIUS. r > tli St. , loans money vyonchattclsor collateral nt icasomiblo rates _ 21M "I71IRST& second mortgages on vacant ti 1m- - * proved city prop. County warrants boucht. Money on hand. F.M. Hkhardson.SlSN.Y. Llfo. g _ "TT'ASTEIIN ' tiionoy to loan on olty nroneriy ; J-Uiiiotts.ige paper bought. ILH.Irey.N.v.Llfe. _ Mt /"IHATTEL loans at lowest rnti'S. licmovcd O to M4 N. Y. LIfo bids. J. U. Emmluser. iiUJ _ MONEY to loan on city and farm property. W. M. Harris , H20.rionzor lllk , opp. P. O _ Ml MONEY to loan. Correspondents of Lom bard Investment company. Shrlvcr & Hums. 1'renzer block. bfll "fjlAHM Loans Host rates and option In tno J-1 west. Intrnst annually. Horrowerscan pay parlor all of principle at end of nny year , and stop Interest R. K. Stowc , 810 N. Y. LIfo bldg. * IIUSINKSS OHANOKS. For intes , etc. , tee top of first column < wil < TjlIKST-OLASS cigar btoro on rainnm St. , J- stock and fixtures , only * IXX ! ) . Must bo sold. I Suitable terms ghcu. SmoatonA Alien , 16071'aruamst. 1 ai 107-27 ILLIAHI ) hall for sale , cost 81,400 , for $400 $ , JlOO casn , balance on monthly pavmcnts ; rent $10 per month. Hull consists of 1 Itrnns- wlck billiard table. 2 Hrunswlck ( l-pocket pool tables , 1 Match billiard and pool combination table , together with all cues- cue racks , balls , chairs , t > to\e , pictures , n-filgciator , cigar case , lamps , clooK , and all otherurtiolcs u&ual to a llist-olass billiard hall. Party took prop- city In cancellation of a chattel loan and will s ll at this price ( tlOO ) If sold at onro. A great bargain ; Investigate It. Address lock bo\07fl , York , Neb. , for particulars. No trades. 117 23 * T7l6u SALE Or exchange , clean general J- stock of merchandise , ( Joins ; good business. Good reasons for sell Ing. Will take part In good ro.il estate and some money. Address , llox 70 , Frankfort. I tut. 145 2. . ' OR SALE-llllllard outfit. THO billiard and two pool tables , Hnmswluk-Hiilke it Co. manufacture ; line finish of Inlaid work ; standaul Nl7e ; will bo sold at a bargain. Ad dress 07J Union , S. D. 14722 * T710R SALE ilnrbcr shop at Central Olty , J Nob. . P. O. box-KX ) . 110iil * T71OK KENT A furnished hotel , or will buy -L furniture by Installments. Address W u , Heoolllce , 1)70-2U ) TXfEAT MAHKETfor sale. 1'lttod upHrst- J--L clasj In every particular , Good business. Will bear the strictest Investigation. Address lock box 400.Council lllulfs. In. 104-cl 'I 7710K SALE nrst-olasstiar , and restauiaiit ; -I- long lease. AddrpgHl. Honiberccr. 1.BI Uouglusstreot , Otnahu , , , M UK'S I TTIOIt SALl > tt } barrul.sloam roller mill. ' -L' Thos. Crouch , Tukanljih , Nebraska. WO dll * FOKSALE-Atabarg.iTn , 00x120 on D.ivon- port , near 17th , ono block from new post- office , very cheap , f-0,0 ! j MxlJ2 corner 20th nnd rarnam , JJu.Ow. UJ'L. Urocn. room M , HarKer block UVr \\7ANTED-A compoUwt nowspipor man ' r with live or six tht > immi dollars In cash orfieourlty , to tuko clifuvp ot the Democrat , as I liavolii.portant biiSiilijsn that will rofiulro my tlmo cast nnd HoutlOwr the comlngyour , We will pay the right liltirt ot a man a nice salary. Kflcommendatinai * required. Ad dress W. It. Vaiighan , aiifiha. Neb , M3I3N30' T710K SALE--OnosteariWiowerBraln elevator J- building with bri > KAddltlou and ofllco building , complote. und'itl ( personal property therein , situated at Hastings , Nebraska ; nuo frame horse power grain elevator building , cninulote , and all personal property thcieln , and four corn cribs , Mtuattd ut inland , Hio braska ; ono framu hone poworoluwitorlmlld- Ing with frame oilier , complete , with all per- HOtial property theruln , and four corn cribs and the land on which the tame nro situated , being about ono icro. morn or loss , situated id.at llrlcton. Nohrunka ; this property Is sold under order ot the court ; bdsto ) baiimdn for cush and may bo made for one , two or nil of said nlovators ' ; must bo addressed to Ilohort E. 1'oot , receiver , Denver. Colorado , box 2200 ; all bids to bo oounnd December 8 , and to ho tiub- ' ' Ject to the approval of the court. Robert E. Foot , receiver , Dated , Denver , Novombur 8 , 1EDO. bl''lU $5,000 spot cash anA (10,000 In clour western lauds to exchange for u llrnt class Block rnof dry goods or general milso. Address with imrtlculars , llcnry Uhuiubcrluln , Wood 11 Ivor , Nob. 770 iifl Al'AHTY with 110,000 cun buy a controlling Interest In u bank paying 2. > to ; u per ceut , In ono of tlio host townt. In thn state. Pur chaser to 1111 the , onioc , . If oanliler. Address irV VO llco , J HUSINKSS For rattt , tte. , tetloptifbut column onttyi FOR SALE Ilnrbfr shop ; ono of the best locations In Omaha ; good furqlturci will sell cheap to good party. Address Y no. Hco Oflloo. 606-2J _ _ _ _ It T ESTAUilANT for rent or sale. T. Murray 077 I71OU SALE Ono of the most desirable hotel JL ? properties Inthrstntc.sltuated In llancroft , Gumlngeoiinty.Neb. 1 ho house has n good payIng - Ing patronage nnd has nn excellent livery stock and feed stable In connection. The town Is the end of a passenger division of the Chicago. Ht. I'mil , Minneapolis li Omaha rail way. It Is a centering point for hunters from all over the state , ns she N surrounded by lakes , marshes and vast pialrles.whore ducks , goose , pralre chickens and other game birds abound hi great number * during their reason. Tor further rufetcnco apply to U i Dolncy , llancroft. Neb. MISN7 roil FiOr rate * , t If , , rrt mi ot fttl rnlumii on (7il ( < M1O EXCIIANGE rnrm In Harrison couniy , X Iowa , for homo In Omnhai will assume 13,000 inortgnRc. O. Harrison,018 N , Y. Life. likO * L OLRAK farm near Clarlnda , la. , worth JI2.- 000 , for good vacant lots or housn nnd lot lu Omaha. 0.1' . Harilson , 012N. Y. Life. IWS-SO I OH TXOlIANOILots : for brlrk. O. O. Wallace , Diowu block , IDtli and Douglas , rilO cxchanif o l in proi ed property noarSlicr- J. man avc. , for land or lots , shaiv , JOS Sliecly blk. 074 WANTED A clean stock of merchandise. , for t ( to } $ cash , balance property. Ad- di ess Vw lice. tilO-2l FOU KXOHANOE PGO aero rnncho , wltn stock , for general msdo , gi-ocorlos 'or h.ird- ware. AddicssV.4C.llco , 715-27 * Foit BAiaUB.U.I HSTATB. VorratfK , tte. , feetopnf tlrtt column on ilili pi7 v3full lot nt Ouss and 42nd sN for 11,500. Teims very easy , luqulie of owner , 1" , O. Mm rill , 42ml and Casa bts. M 153-20 "UlOU SALE 3 acres on paved street uud car 10 nure's on N. JOth st , , very flue , but ono block lium electric lluo and paved St. , per acre. $ JToft ) Numerous other tracts west und southwest Truckage Nicholas st. , 4 corncru. A fine cottage , full 3 story. 7 mis. bath , w. o. , pantry , hard oil llnMi throughout ! East and N , front In Hanscom 1'lace , only M.500. Kendy for oo- cupunuy Dec. 1 , Another 0-rni , cast front , bath , etc. , only $ .1.000. Terms easy worth In vestigating. J.U. Evans , 308 N. Y. Llf bldg. AN HEUUEN. 1401 Douglas St. . sells 18th st. addltjon lotH , { 400 ; Van Itoitrcu Heights. $ .100. Terms , * 25casli , $10 monthly. WxlSO , well Improved , California st. $7,000 , will take sumo tiadt ) . 143-30 ALUKIGtIT'S Choice. Mioa OLIKTONIUIl and linker 1'laeo have the motor , but If you want n $ .1,000 house and full eor. lot for JJ.IOO and a & .MX)0 ) house and full lot for SLAW you can pot It on very easy trrmnby callliiKon oraddrussliiB the owner. E. O. Merrill , 4L'iid and Cuss sts. JI15S-D 20 5 room house , lot 03x82 , $1,700. G-iooni house , stable , lot , ' 'J\82 , $2.000. Brick hoii'-e , and Amct lean house , lot 6G\VJN. ( H corucr 10th and Douglas. Enquire 21.1 K lltli. 111 FOK SALE At a great Haerlllce. the flno 2- story frame house , with all modern Im provements , No. 1818 Douglas st. Knqulie of A. J , llauseiim , 1500 Faiuum St. , 2d floor. 11J 28 * ALIIUIGIIT'S Choice. M105 S TAU Land & Loan Co. real estate , loans and Insurance leutiil ascncy. 075-dl7 FOK KALE Clifton Hill lot * , on the military road , nt the teimlmis of the extension of Walnut Hill motor Hue. The boom Is In this property. Got pi Ices. Wallace & Hlnyney , llrown block , Kith und Douglas. 067 21 "I71OH SALE General store , bargain H cash , -L1 } J real estate. Lock box 17 , Henry. S. I ) . 1122. "OU6INESS Property I have concluded to JJolTer the building and lot between the N. Y. Life and Blorso's for sain nt the low prlco of J , " > 0,000 , now jiaylnc over 0 per cent on this with front half of 3rd lloor vacant. This property 13 worth JCO.OOO. David O. Pat- teisoii. asiaraiimiii. i 2 20 _ FOH SALE Hest south front on Fnrnam , In HrlRss > ' place , $ -VK)0 , easy terms. O. G. Wallace , llrowu block , Kith and Douclus. 17 21 ALIIl'.IOUT'S Choice. M106 EAL ESTATE-Wnnted to build a house and taKe hose | nnd buggy , vacant lot , or piano for pay. E. C , Merrill , contractor. 4'nd and CassstS. | M 158 1)20 OK SALE Lot 3 , I'cllmm place , 81,200 , worth $ . ' ,000. Wallace & Illayney. Iliowii block. ICth and Douglas. M721 rpHE best lot on Hamilton and Loun avenue. -L Knonlio at 40J8 Hamilton st. IM dl ) ' LilUIGIIT'S Choice. Mioa GUKAT Ilargaln AM.OOO residence and lot onChlcairo nnil42nd for Halo fur tbo liicum- hrance. Jl.iiOO. I'ortoiius. etc. , see W. W. Ma- baiiKh , at tornoy.OlO N. Y. Life. ( Ml 28 S HOLES to the front , f have alx elegant houses on 44th nnd Karnam , with every modern convenience. Including gas and gas llxtun'S. now nearly roadv for oeciipniioy. See thorn and make your choice. Price , W,7M ! to f 1,830. t.WO to MOO cash , balance to suit at 7 per cent Intoi oat Oarrlago always ready to show customers. Farinim street motor within four blocks. Uuy a hoiiho quick , and take a hand In thn grand Hhufllo. Thlslsstr.ilght goods. D. V. clioles. 213 I'lrst National bank. M1W. . LilUIGIIT'S Choice. Mioa 120 acres fine farm laud adjoining good No- JL briiska town ; nearly clear. 100 acres finely Improved land 34 ! miles from county seat In NelirnsKa ; lightly cneiimbered. 120 acres good I land hi Nobr.iska , 5miles from county seat ; 2r > ofl Inhabitants. House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear. Clear lot In good Nebraska town , 4 room house anil lot , bain , well nnd cistern , IGth hlreut. Omaha ; slightly Incumlicrrd ; will trade for Omaha propeity and assume Incurii- brunces. 11. E. Cole , Continental blook. 900 LilUIGIIT'S Choice. M108 FOU HALE or trade a nlco lot 4U\l.'t2. south fiont , on grade , city watur , 1J ! blocks southeast of 20th and Vlnton sis. , for bale or trade fora good horse and phaeton. 1'rlco , $1350.00 ; encumbiancu $400.00. Address. W 1 , Hco. 005-22 * TjlOR SALE Cheap , fine Ci-rooin cottage , with .C barn , ou ijpauldlng St. , Diuld Hill ; full lot. I'llottifV-'OO ; eash Jluu. balance monthly pay- .ments , G. T. Hulls , 220 S. 15th St. 855-21 * A LHUIOIlT'a Choice. M100 $ [ O.WWbnys ' the Dr. Oliambors residence and P veterinary barn on 10th and lluidotto sts. This UiWW loss than cost , D. V. Sholes , Mile agent13 1'irnt Nat , bunk. M OJO AUOH A.Wolerneld.icalcstate.B.Omnlia. I COD 17 ROOM eolta-je. full lot , Hanscom I'laco , east front and a great bargain for a tow dayx. bmall easli payment and balance on long tlmo. 1' . K. Darling , llarkor blook. 'Ml LilUIGIIT'S Choice. E1103 A 8NAI * JJ.750 will buy a nlcoB-room house . . . and lot. with collar , cistern , cltv water bevsor and barn , centrally located ; toims easy. J. I ) . Xlttle , 014 N. Y.LIfo. 603dl3 ELKOANT resldenco In ICountzo I'luco ; I ) rooms llnoly llnishcd and all modern cun- vt'iilencusVlrt ; \ st. , near 201 h. Unu boll on , i-quartercnsh jKiyment und balance time right party. This Is no cheap affair of a hiHisi"but _ a cbmfarnblu honiojn evejyhrnco _ und a big snap bargain. 1' . K. Darling , llarker lllook. .M JIM choice. M100 171OK HALE-Lot 28. blocks , I'uddock Place. J.1 and lot 15 , block 111. .South Omalia. Will HO | | cheap. Address K.bchoonlcbor.Ceri-sco , Nob. 730 ay TI' YOU have anything to sell or exchange , call at Cia I'lixtoii blook. fllC.OOO for homo nn Uhloago st. near 25th. O.1T. t llarrlsoii. 013 N. Y. Life. 037 $0,500 Only f,500 Dr. Chambors' residence on ICth and Hurdotto BU , owner going to leave olty. Host bargain In Omaha. D. Y. Bholes. solo agent , 2iarirst Nat , bank. MftTQ O ELEGANT homos In Kountzo place from tJ.V > 00 to J6..100 : 500 cash , balance 4 i ears , ( ,15 per month , 0 per cent Interest. Other good liomei In aamo addition to exchange for city property. 8-room modern house.ll block * west of 24th , on Caldwcll at. , for HMO ; $500 cash , balance * 00 per mouth , o per cent Inter- e > t. J , J. Gibson , solo agent , Kouutzo pluee , 657 roit BAtiK nKAii KSTATI : . For rate * , tte. , fop af Jlnrt ftitimw n n Ui ( i ALIU IKUIT'S , Cholc * . Mioa \ \ nbuy. . sell ntid pxchutiRo real rstnto. ' Ilnritnlni ulwuyi on liniul. Improved , unlninrovod or ncrunRn , llontci weld on monthly payments. Smcatou & Allen , 1CV7 rarimiii. M IQMM _ TPOU HA U < or rent -3 } foot front with build- Init ofcii rooms. Apply ut tlio prt'inlsM H. l tli S Al n ss feet on cor of Clilcngo nnu 13th , Apply - ply utMlS bout h lit hbt. iilO-niT _ MUHIO Alt ! ' AN It 77/V N U if AO K. t\irml.i , etc tee frp nt hint tfilnin on thin tni'j. ) > UFO UK buying n plann oxiinihio tlio now Jsoalo Ivlniball plano.A.Hoapo , 1M3 Dotialas 1 GEO. r , UlllitiKN'IllUiK.lonoUor ottlio banjo With 110110.1513 Dotmliis. i'Jll PHor , Ohas. t'oturscn , pnno. : nrcnnlollu , tlthur , vocal initnmtloiiH. Wj fchorly blk. MAHSAlli ; , 1IATI1H lilC. , ttc. , tee toi > < \ 007 S. Kith M. , novt llarkor hotel. 175 i. ' : ! * MAS3AUE , Madam Dclzler. over 010Sl'Uh. 4C ! d'J * Forrateetf. , tee inof \ unt roiuiim nil thLi jxtat BEST Line hnlr goods lu viest ; hair diesslug Hies , snitches , bangs , hair chains , etc. , a specialty , Dnvlos , hair goods ami milliner opposite postolllee , III t ? 15th st. Omaliu. 21K ) DRESSMAKING. Tor raf , c/c. , ttt toi > of firtt ealu on thl * JMO' . ENOAOEMENTStododrcssmaklua In fami lies solicited. Miss fatuidy. 2010 Hnrney st , Mh271 > 15 * PATENT SOLICITOUS. for rate * , ttc , tec fop of fitl column on tMi raae. P ATKNT lawyers & solicitors , 0.V , Sues .t Co. , llro building , Omaha , llrnnch ofllco ut \Vanhlnfton \ , 1) . U. Consultation free , ills \\NIUlOKhltS. . for rates , ttc. ; , tei Inv of r > st column on t/i / ( r ( W. TT1HE D.MOIILE loans money on diamonds and JJ watohcsJowolryelo.,8.E.eor. 1'anuinuUIUi. 1'KNSION AtJlSNO * . i. etc. , tee toji of fnt colitmn on f/ilip. _ _ . I Krcuzer block. Information fii-it ' )17 To euro Blllou no s. Sick Headache Constipation. M 'arla. ' Llrcr Complaints. toKe tlio aafo and certain remedy , SJIlTll'8 BILE nso the SMALL 81215(40 ( llttlo bcnns to fho bet tle ) . Thcr nrolho raost convenient ; EultallagcA. i'rlcoof cither Blio , 26 cenu per bottle. Bt 7 770s > \7- \ Photo-imiTura panel Blio or Uila iilcturo for 4 cents ( coppers or stumps ) . J. P. BSlITn&CO. Mnkora of "llllo llcons. ' St. Louis. Mo. MANHOOD "SANATIVO , " tun IVunduiful Spanish Hemidy , cniea nil T4er\oii8 Ulecnscs , such as Weak Mem ory , Lees of Drain Power , Headache. U'nkefulncRfl , Loet Manhood , Nenomall all drains anil loss ol power of tbo Generative Ornans , In cither eer , cunucd by ovcr-cicrtloo , youthful lndltcretlonioi the exccjulvo uieof tobaico , opium , or Ptlmiilo.its , which ultimately lend to Infirmity , Consumption and Insanity. I'utnnln convenient form to carry In the vctt pocket. I'rlcn $1 n package , or C for 85 Sent ! by mall to any address. Ulicularfrec. Hen tlon I this paper , AddrctR HiDKlIicmaiULCO. , ilj Vcart > oroSt..Clic&c ! ° , nL tOH SALi : IN OMAllA. Nhlt. . Ill Kulia & Co , Cor , 15th ft FKninlan Strrctf J. A. Kuller & Co. . Cnr , I4tli < b Dungta * Street } . A I ) FH-ICT * . Co. . Council Illufl * . Inwa. UlK J 13 thi1 arknowiedgpd IcuilliiK remeily ( or nil thn unimturnl dlnclmrKea and private dlArnscMof men. A certain cure for the debili tatingveukncS3 peculiar to women. I prescribe It nnd feel safe In roconiracudlnc It to nil nuflererg. 7J.8TONER , 0Otc Tin.lLU ) Molil liy Itriiccltta. rrtU'i : 81.00. ovi.Y-.nr. I.ei1no' rcrlodlcal I'llli tholreiichremoily , net on tlio menntrmil system and euro uppro nlon from nhatoror cnnso. I'romulo monstriintlon. 'llieso iillU should not be tnkcn dur- nKpreitnnncr. Am. rill Co. , llojrnlty I'ropi. , Bpen- cor. CIny Co , In. Uamilno by Blianimn & McConnell , DodKUBt .near P.O. , Oinahai C. A. MelcMer , South Onmli i : M. r. Kllu. Council III u Its. ti. or.I for Si. THE im.ll/rv MAKKKT. INSTUUMENT5 plaood on record Novcm- bor20. WAUHANTV John Ansflcld ct nl to Alfred Johanson , lot 13. Anlslleld add $ 550 A E Hryson toI V Hryson. o 40 feet of vv IX ) feet of lot 4 , nnd o 40 fretofw Un feet of lot D , blk 1 , lst add to South Omaha 1,200 H S Drown and wlfo to J II Evans1 , lots 11 nnd 12. blk 7 , IlltHicock's 1st add 1,200 Anna Corrlgun to T M Dwyor. lots , blk 1,1st add to Missouri nvo nark GOO J T Comstock nnd husband to JT Hull , lot 11 , blk 1. Win llitKodoru'tiiidri 1,400 Jacob Uworkaud wife to Anna and John I'udll , nli of lot 13 , blk 12 , KouiiUo 3d add 1,050 , E N 1'nller to Philip Kwlcuol , sJ ! sw 20- 15-10 2,000 S E Gardner and husband to Omaha I'lanlng mill company , tot 11 , blk 12 , I'atrick's 2d add 2,30d Malthas .letter and wife to Anna Kolm , lot 11. blk 12 , .letter's add to i-uutli Omaha 000 A V Larimer to Mrs Nellie Woodward , lotSiJ. Tcriacoadd 10,030 G W Masson and wlfo to Itortb.i Jasku- lelt. lot 1'J , Kiceman's subdlv 000 T FJIoNamaia to M L Doivnuy , lot 10 , 00i bile 17 , Central Park 1 M H Sturgeon to A M Kitchen , lot 1 , Mot- ' tor's Mibdlv 1,000 W L Solby and wife to M S Sturgeon , lot 1 , Mottcr'ssubdlv C50 Minnie Mintham and husband to H A Klrcholl et al , lot ' 'I , Hr.wloy Terrace. 400 A PTnkey et al to 11 A Hnow , lot 2J , blk f , Clifton Hill 2.500 Union stockyards enmpanv to hteven , Klelne k Jermun , lot 0 , blk 10 , lt add to i-oulli Omaha 300 0 D Woodworth and ulfo toSEOaid- ncr , lot SI , blk 12 , Patrick's 2d add 2,300 QUITCLAIM PK.UD3. JT Comstock to 0V H Uorsoy. lot 15 toi0 ! , Ulktf. Mayno's add 1 O FWoyimiller ot al to Vlrslnla Suonf- fcr , so' * of n 20 , u Kovcinmeut , lot 2 In 2-15-U. 1 linens. Joseph Colcrann. Biicelal admlnUtrator , to J II Hohmldt , lots 17. IS und 1 , Itcd- loUPark I.KU 0V Mai tin , speelul administrator , to J Al Oroluli , Inls 2 uniU , blk.'l , Tljiton rnm I'lacc , JJoo each COO Total amount of ti.insfurs $ Sl.daS The naw ofTicos o ( the Great Rook Inland route , 1002 Sixteenth and Fur mi skm Btreot.s , Omaha , nro the finest in tlio city. Call and see thoin. Tickets to all points onat nt lowest mtos. nulldlnij iermiti. Tbo folloivlnff perfnlts were Issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : J. K , Potty , ono-.slory brlek cottage. Fowler avenue and I'lorcnco stieot. . . . ! 1,000 J. K. Lund , ono-story frumu cottage , Joliusoii and PleiiKant stieotN 1,500 J. K , Lund , onu-story fiamo cottage , Johnson und Pleasant i > treats 1,500 , . J. A. Peterson , onn-stoiy frame cottage - tage , Twonty-Kovonth and Duidettu COO Iliiyden UIOH. , four-Htory" brick"Htoio building , 1007,0 und 11 Dodge btrvuts. . 45.000 Clatllln A Andrews , two-story brick dwelling , Twenty-ninth street nnd Holt line. , 1.500 Claftlln & Andruw , two-btoiy brluk warehouse , Twonty-nluth Htroet und Bcitilne H.OCO > Total ICIOO fcyrup of Fi Produced from the laxative and nutritious Juice of California tlk's , combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to bo most bcnnflclal to the human system , acts gently on the kidneys , llvornnd bowels , olToctually cleansing the system , dispelling colds and beadachas , uud curing Hf Jltual constlpatlou > RfflLWflY TIME OflRD "i > Yoi j fllll'AIIO. lllMtl.lNUltvST Ay. I ArrlTO * " _ Omfth ! _ l ) pot lOtli nml Mmon lreli _ _ | Omahxi 13D p ra . . . . .T.T.I'lilcneo Ktprois. . , , , . . , . ' ! W a m WM n m . , .ChlcaKO KiprJn. . . I W p m IOp m . . . . . . . .Chicago Ktproii . . „ , . . . 1UO.S am C.Hp in . . , , , lown l-owil . . , . , . . , lUUI m IrfVc intlllLlNilTo.V A MOT. ItlVKTl. Arritoi1 OMtthn. I _ lypot ) lOtti niiilMnson lrcU. . i Ouimi ! . _ 1D.I4 a ra . . . .Dunfor l r K i > rc . . . . ( OipiiT 1025 n ni ' DcnT ( > r Kxrre' . . . . . , 0 IJ p m &IU pin' OotiTorNUlii Kipro 5JV , a ut a 13 a in' . , . . . .Llncola I.UCAI . . . . VOOptu " lwt i " K.0 ; , Bll 3. A U. 11. | Arrfroi * Omihik I r ) pol I0tli ni1 lft iin 8lr lii _ _ "f SO nnT' ' . , Ki Virfir n lny Kxprcsi MO p m 9li p m K C Miilit KIM. Tilt U. P. Tr ii Ml n in : I.CHTPI l I'MONI'ACIHO. ArrlToi Jnmh i llopot luth mill MKrey tre t . UniKlm. ZWpiu OTcrlnmt Klcr 90i p in TTUpni Piicino Kiproi. . . . II 4V a m lO'.Vnm IKMiTrr Kipre ) ' . . . . . . . ,1VS p in CUUnni Kaniiu Cltr Kiprem ,13Ui n ni 10 15 n ni . . .FalrtlolU KID , ( except Sun ) I IIO p m ' ' ] 'TlUt'AfltT.lf. I , A l L'IFia , Ar/lvi iJ OnmtiA | ll l rtopot. loth nn < l Mnrcjr Sti Oiimha. ' (10 p ml . Nluht Ktpre Iii05 n in W n tu . AltaiuloKiprci . S.JO p m ( TO p m | . Voitlhulo I.lmllO'l ' 10 45 n in T n\vi ( MoTj.t TI'l'V S WilVSi. Arrir.iJ Omaha III. I' , ilopot , lOlli niul Mirer ft' Omnli * ° ? .IS n m , . , . .Hlmix Cllr 4 W ii mi . St. rniil 1010 n m Lvi > v ( . 'I'll \ IMClMU | . \rrl t'i - r niati JepotlMli ) niul Wobilor Sti , -R m' ' . . f I'mil l.lmjlntl IAHTOJ llllTl AtfUA N'OllTli Tls TKli ; , ArrtVAi Oniaho. | U P ilnpol , 10th nnd Mnrcjf it i. ' Omnfm Vl n'inK I'lilrniro Kxproit . . . . . . I 6'Jii p m 4TO p in Vpitlblilo I.liultoil ' : o a m 6.15 pm Iowa Accommodation ( Kxo Sun > TOS p m Vlop 111 K.Mtcrn Flyer 215 p m 1H3 u iu | . .i'nt Knstorp KtpreM . 8W n li ) "i"/onvp ii iiuA"riO ; viru7 A 1 I'Afil * ArriTi-i" O'nalm 'U. I1 , ilopot , luth nml Mnrrr Htn Omnlin. 6.10 p Ui' ' 9 ti n m 11U u m1 tlilcnini K > nrr I , .10 D m Ti\vui i " O vi XTA "S 1.7.TTUia" i Amvt Om h .JjT.J' . iletiot IOtli jinrt _ .vUrcrSti _ ' Orailin. 7h ) | > Hi ! . . _ . . i-t. 1/tiulj JjiniiniiJInlL * . , K. A MO jArrlroP Omfihn Depot llth niul Wubitor Hti I Oniihi. VW n. in ; . lllnck Kills Kxprvti. . , 65U p m 8l ) n m . . .lln tlnui Kxp. ( Kx. Sunilnr ) . J 630 p m (10 p nihS'nhuoAI.Inrolnrns ( iSiln.rr : . ) 10 'M n m 610 p m | .Vurk A .NnrfolMKi. SiniUar ) .ilO'M n ni I iivut I i..7 r"i' . , M AO. i7Vrrlvm" " Onmhn | l _ Tjopot litli luirt Wulnlor Sti | Unmlii. "s.IOfiiii ; .Sioux Clljr AcouiiiTiiniTntlon ioS p m 100 P in . .bloux City Kxpruss ( Hi. tjun ) . . .H.40 p m U ) p m . St. I'nul Llniltflit . 92i n m JilSnmJ llmicoft I'n siTijjiir dCr Hun ) > ' 84iniu CfSSu l MIBsOUItr'1'AtTlYnj : I Arrlvof1 CUnmlin. | _ pepot IMh imil Wiilntof Hti. _ I Omnln WMn mi . , ht7lxUl > AK.O. Kxprvii . i 4W p ni JUS p ml . .81. Ixiuls A K. C. Kxpron . | ( l.'U n in "i KToi 1 CllICATiOi H. 1. A l'ACl > i& I ArrlTBi" Tmnifcrj Dnliin lox ) | > t"nncii lllugi. ITrapnfor M p m | . NlKht Kxprcit . I SS m 930 n nil . Atlantic Kxpren . 5.V > P m 600 I p tn | . Vcitlbnle Imlteil. ( . . . . . n in | OinTAUTlA ) NOlirlIWIi-41 nU yArrlvci" Tr n ferlUnlqn _ _ Depot , 1'uiiiicll llluffi. ( Trnmtcr 1 Vtu a in ( 'lilcnKO Kiprus MO p ra 1li 600 p m .Vc < tlbula Limited. O.U n ra 10 DO p m .Ka turn Fl > cr. 5W p ra l.fOp m .Atlnnllc Mnll. . . 7 50 n m ( i J.iO _ _ C10 | i ii | "LenToI iDllR'ACiorilirj. S sK 1'ATTij.i ArrfTM * Tmniftrl Unlun Donot. Council llluffa. [ Trnnif r 6.10 p nil ( MilcnKO Kxpron IM5 n ni 12 , p in' ' Ohlrnitci Kxin" | < itOO p ra t.BivoT 1f-"t".ST.30l5 AlTliT TArrfv TrnniJorl _ Unlon _ l ) polC'iiuiicllHliiiI _ _ | Tr 1007 a nif . . .Knnsns Cltr D'ir Kxpro i TTffiTp m 1015 p m' ' . luinvn Clly Mclit Kxproii l < envus OMAllA A Si' UUTA ) TrHn fc Union DDiot Ciiiindl Ulnffi MX ) p nil "I-envoi feillKVT.ff.llOni..V A QlllN'Or ] Arrives" Trnnsfor ! Union Jlcpot , Council llluBa I'l'mnattif 40 n niTT..T. | . . . < 'lilcnuo Kxprosa OSO p m 10CO p ia ClilcnKO Kxprcx 11.40 n ra T , 05 p m jjf'ri.'ston l icnl 'II.31) ) n ra Tonvcs STOUXCITV A I'AUIHO. .Arrives" To the Stockholders of the Ogalalln Laud and Cattle Co. ; Notlro Is hcroby given that the annual mcollnsof the stockholders ot the Ogalalla Laud and L'.iltlo ( 'onnianv will bu held at tint company's olllro. No. 2111 South llth street. In the chv of Omaha , Neb. , on Wednes day , December Ilrd , IS'.W , at U o'clock p. in. , for tbo . election of directors for tlio ensuing your , and the trnimctlnu of such other business as may cnmo bufnrci the meeting. Novrinlior 17,1890 nlHdldt Jnsr.i'ii I'IIANK. Secretary DlHtrlct Court. Yesterday afternoon the ease of George AV. Kennedy against Sorcn Joutiscu was com menced before Judge Doauo. Kennedy wants f3)00 ( ) fora damaged reputation , which damage cnmo about hi tills way : During tlio month of November , 1840 , Kennedy strucic the town , representing that ho was a diamond merchant from Denver. As ho walked up and down the streets the thought entered his mind that one of his diamonds nhould bo ro- sot. Ho visited a number ol the Jewelry stores for the purpose of limiting n deal , ninoup them bclni ? that of Joimscn , which nt that tlmo was nt the corner of Fifteenth and Harnoy. Jonascn could not do the job , and so informed Ken nedy , who at ouco departed. Soon nf tor- wards Jonascn discovered that ono of the diamonds hud disappeared and ho remain- boiod llmtlio compared bema of his precious stones with these of the Denver mbrchunt. The cnso was turned over to the pollen and two days later Kennedy was arrested whllo ho was lu VauCott's ' utoro talking diamonds nnd diamond sotting. Tlio man wustnkcn to the station and a charge of lurcuuy Hied against bun. The case went to U-lul nud was dismissed because Jonnscn coi Id not identify any of the stones ns being his property. The case of C. B. JJeckol & Sons nealnst the city of Omaha was heard in Judge Hopu- well's court yesterday nnd n verdict rendered for the plaintiffs In the sum of * 75'J , Tim Bockels were the owners of n brickyard on South Tenth street and during the summer of 1S3 ! > , during n Mown , the sewer ivas Insuf- llclent to carry off the water , and as n result one of their kilns of newly made brick was washed down. They sued forSt.no : ) , alleging that the city was at fault in not constructing a larger sower. Today In .fudge Hopowell's court the case of the stiiUi against Kd H. Howeii will bo called for trial. Howeii Is charged with hav- inp biirglari/ed Henry Winston's nuldcnco at WJ3 Howard street otjo year ago , The Thinly Oodlva must have had exception ally long hair since It completely concealed her lovely person. Since Ayer's Hnlr Vigor cnmo Into use such oxnmplus nro not so ruiu us formerly. It notonly promotes the growth of the hair , but gives it u rich , silken texture. Army Not OH. Captain Uheoin , Twenty-first Infantry , on leave of absence waiting retirement , dlud at York , Pa. , November 11. I'll vale Lewis , company B. Twenty-first Infantry , has been transferred to light but tery D , Fifth artillery , stationed ut 1'rc- sldlo. Cal. Private Suites , company A , Second Infan try , well known among Grand Armv men In this city , has been placed on the retired list nnd ordcicd to bis homu , Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years. Since T started using Dr. Thomas' ' ICcloctrio Oil have not had an attack. The Oil cures HOIO thioat atonco. Mrs. Lcttu Conrad. Stand- jsh , Mich. , Oct. 3-1 , ' 83. 's Now fitoro. Hoyden Brothers took out a permit yi stor- day afternoon to build a largo brick addition to their store ou North Sixteenth street. The now building will bo erected at n cost of $1.1,000. It will front n Dodge etroot nnd run back to the alloy. The structure will ou four stories high nlid will bo faced with light colored sandstone. 1002. Sixteenth nnd Fnrnum streets Is the now Kook laliind ticket olllcu. Tick ets to all polnla east al lowest niton.