THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , NOVEMBEE 20 , 1890 , I THE 1UDE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OI'TICJ ! , NO. 12 PKARL ST. by dirtier in ui.y part of the City. if , IV. TII.TON. MANAOKU TEUvl'HONCSl nustntu Office. No. 41 Night Editor , No. 23. N. Y. P. Co. Council UlulTs Lumber Co. coal. The Hcrcan Baptist ladles'aid society will meet with Mrs. Thlckstun , Ml Willow ave nue , till ) afternoon , The petit jury In the district court Is being Btiwinoiicd for next Monday , when the trial of l.uv cases will begin. Unity ( jiilld will meet In regular session with Mrs. ( J , II. Jackson , 517 First street , Kilday , N'ovembcrUI , ntl ! o'clock , Ki'gular meeting of Harmony chapter No. 20. Order of the l.astern Star , this evening. Visiting members of llio order cordially wel come. Justice Ilcmlrlcks yesterday tied the knot binding Charles N. Anderson nml Nellie F. Miller us husband and wife , llotli reside In this city. Kx-Oftlcor Tnrnl'ca left for Chicago last night to hnvo a surgical opciution performed on his Jaw , the bone of which has caused him trouble for n long time past. i'ermlt to wed was yesterday given A. Bcrcshi'lin and Clara A. Teal ; also toVIll - lam A. Cbninplln of lltinlson county und Clara lllUlrcth of this county. The Married Ladles' Social society will hold their regular meeting Thursday after noon. November SO. ntlho lusldcnco of Mrs. Kit/ Warren , 7U1 Flftb avenue. Thieves Imvo got away wltu nil the fancy chickens on 11. Shugart's farm In Ilurdln township. Some of them -were very valuable. A few of his bronzed turkeys were ulso stolon. Sneclnl meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union this afternoon at ! ) o'clock in their rooms in the Mcriain building. Itusi- ness of Irnporttince. Let , every member bo picsent. Kidcr II. M. Klvln of Lnmonl , In. , will hold services nt 7-ir : > o'clock ihls evening lit the Latter Day Saints church on Pierce street , west of CJlen avenue. Seals frco and all are welcome. The Council Bluffs chop hoiiso served sup per for the Alpine dancing club on Monday evening , to which the reporters were cordi ally Invited. As usual the llrst class reputa- tatlon of Iho tiouso was sustained on this occasion. The seduction case of fi. 13. Deel will bo called In Justice Schura court today. It is rumored , however , that the case has been settled and will not bo tiled , that Deel hud procured some admissions from the Patter son girl that will overthrow her charge. 'J'hu man Mcltobcrts. who is said to have kicked tip a row on Pierce street , and to have drawn a lovolvcr with Intent to kill , called at 'Inn UIB : olllce yesterday to enter Ids denial. The only declaration concerning the affair that ho saw lit to make was , "I don't know anything about it. " E. K. Deel olTvtod n compromise last night vith Miss Haillo Patterson , who had him ar- iesl ; d ou Iho charge of seduction. She signed a statement drawn up by an attorney employed by Uoel that practically admits that she win attempting to levy blackmail when she had Uoul urustcd. Deol paid tbo costs in tbo case nnd It will go no further. A morning paper . been publishing for the past two or three davs a sensational re- ) iort that nn Insane man Is a guest at ono of Iho leading Main street bolels. Tlio holel people emphatically deny the story , and say that it 1ms caused them and their guests a ( freat deal of annoyance. They say they are not conducting n private Insuno ushim , and have no guests who have lost their mental equilibrium. The Justices nro uol yet through with Mr. Paul's ' sand cases , nnd. It is probable that there will bo other prosecutions. Anew now hatch of warrants were Issued ycstcr- il.iy nnil two arrests were made , ° R 13. Henry and a inun mimed Lindsay were tbo unfortunates. Lindsay's case was set for hearing yesterday afternoon , but ho de manded a Jury trial when arraigned and the hearing was postponed until this afternon. _ Pete Dclh'In , the wretch who wascaught In the outhouse of the llloomcr school building , Inul a partial hearing in the superior couit last night. IIo pleaded not guilty when ar raigned , but afterwards reconsidered the matter and consented to waive examination If the case was continued until tills morning. The continuance \vas granted , and if ho Waives this morning ho will bo sent to the county jail and contlncd until the grand Jury meets for the January term of the district court , Last night nt 10 o'clock llio flro department was called out to tuko euro of a llro that had broken out in the barn of George II. Jackson , at ni" South First street. 'Iho llro had se cured a good start before it was discovered , nnil it was lee Ute to rescue a handsome lit tle Jersey cow slablcd In the barn and highly prbcd by the family. The building wns wrapped In Humes when the department ar rived , bul the llro was quickly extinguished. The loss. Including the cow , will amount to several hundred dollars. Mr. Jackson is a tracer employed by the Union 1'acillo rail road nt the transfer. The board of trade meeting last night was fairly well attended. The various railway rumors and tbo circulation of Iho pctilloh published yesterday was the cause of the un usually largo number of members being present. The union depot question catno u [ when Mr. Pusey stated that the roads Inn decided not lo make a move unlll spring , Ho also stilted that Iho enormous prices askcil for propeity by some of the land owners hail 1.d 1 Its effect In the dolay. The local com mittco had not turned over to the roads the stock as had boon reported , lie urged Unit nolhlng bo ilono lo antagonize the present comliUonof things. A coiiiinltlco composed of Messrs. D , Macrae , J. F. Ivtniball and Judge W C. James , was appointed to confer with the management of the roads , Tim Mnnhattaa sporting headquarters , 413 Bro.ul\viv. For hoys' anil children's suits durably iniulo anil ut lowest prices , call ut the Model ClotliliiRCo. A ( iratel'ulVonnin , Irs. JntncsCusoy , whoso homo was burned , Icnvlntf ucrsvK nnil her live- children desti tute , feels very grateful ut tlio generosity iown in relieving her distresses. Slio has bcoi : promptly supplied with tlio requisites for furnishing her homo , with clothing , pro visions mid money , so that the family U now comparatively Independent , she being n hard , honest worker , oipnbloof supporting herself. Shodeshos Tin : lir.r. to thmilc most he.mlly Uioso who thus contrlbulcd , und says she "cannot tliuiik those noble hearted people enough , " An clcRiint line of Melton ovoreoals at ro duceil ritesut Model Clolluni ; Co , Buy your conl anil wooii of C. II. Fuel Co. , WJ Ii road way , Telephone 13J. For stout men's ' clothing call ot Model Clothing Co. , L. H. Mossier , Mgr. Olijocts to Alimony. In the district court yestonhiy the divorce proceedings of Mrs. Mitchell vs AVIlllan : Lewis , the \vcll known hack line tn.iii , oc. tupled n portion o ( the day. She prescntci ! proof of hlo cniel nnd iiummmu treatment inul no ix'slstaucu was inudoon his part to her obtidnlng it decree on this ground. Ho did however , contest her request for alimony ti the extent of 1,000 , olulmlng that ho was no worth inoru than Unit amount in nil , anil du not feel like giving her everything Judge Ciirson111 , deeido concornlng thl feature o' the cube this morning' . A ClirUtiims rtizzlo. AVhntshalhvo buy for the holidays ! I this puztlcs you como In and sco our holiday kttraclloiis : brilliant diamonds ; gold niu Illvor walches und chains ; quaint , novel , ne\\ patterned jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklaces lockets ; golil-lieudcd cunes ; solid silver anil plated ware : too many novelties to name you mast sco them to appreciate them , thei are so nrllstlo uud beautiful ; visitors welcome como to see our ilUpluy , c. II. Jncnueuiin & . Co. , No. L 7 Main su Money to loan at straight 5 per cent per BUUUIU , K. ii. Uaruett , ugeut. J , O. Ulxbjr , steam noatln ? , sanitary en jlneer. M3 l.lfo bulldmir , Om.itu : 'JJJ Mor daw block , Council Xiluct * . THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , .Merman ( Jasper to bo Galled Upon so De fend Himself in a Libel Salt. UHMANE SOCIETY READY FOR WORK , of Treasurer IMiunor Ob- JeotH to Alimony Itohbcil an Omaha tMiysloIanOotinuil Aldcrmnn Ca pcr Is enjoying the novel ex perience of being made the defendant Inasult for slnndcr. Ills worst enemy has never charged him with belngthoownorof atonguo of slander , and his blunt honesty that has caused him to nunounco his opinions of men and things fearlessly ha ? always been gov- crcd by abundant discretion. Yet notwlth- minding , ho lias been charged with slander ing n fellow cltl/.cu , and a suit has bscn Insti tuted In the superior court claiming heavy damages for the offense. The plnlntlff In the casa Is David Gray , and the alleged slanderous words were tittered In a recent council meeting. Gray , who Is quito well known In various other enterprises , Is ulso a hnrnessinakcr. When the new hose reels were pur chased it became necessary to purchase new harness for the additional earn , and It was the duty of Alderman Cas- > er as riinlrimni of the llro com ml1 too in the council , lo make the purchase. As the har ness was of n special and heavy character , it vns necessary to have the \\ork done lo or- lur. propositions were made by Jouncil DlufTs harness makers , and among hem was a bid from Gray. When the mat- .or was being discussed In Iho committee , Al- lemma Casper objected to Gray's bid and in- ilmated lhat in previous work done for the cltv by Urny bo hud overcharged for Inferior work , aim as the alderman bluntly stated It. lad "robbed , the city. " Alderman Wood ncrrcd with him , mid upon the rcconimenda- .lon of the committee the bid wus not onlcr- .alned. The discussion that bad taken plneo in the committee was reported to Gray and ho engaged - gaged Judge Iloulton to Institute tbo suit. Iiulgo Aylcsworth has also been retained lo assist In the prosecution. The papers were prepared yesterday and will bo liled today. The amount of the damage claimed has not boon stated , but it Is sup posed to bo nbout 10.000. This amount Gray Maims to have sustained by the Injury lo his business as a harncssmakcr and damage to his character as n eili/en since tbo alderman uttered the naughty words. It was also designed to make a defendant of Alilcrnmii Wood , but upon the advice of luilgo Aylesworth his name was omitted in Llio suit at the present time. Alderman Casper does not indicate any im- : iislncss over llio matter and docs not be- llevo IIP will be called upon to part with tiny of his copoks to sooth Mr , Gray's feelings at the present time. Continuation ot the great dealing sale nt TUB BOSTON STOKE. Making mom for holiday goods , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The phenomenal success attending the tea clearing snlo at the Boston store , Coun cil HlufYs , bus been so encouraging Hint they have concluded lo continue it for one week more. LAST WEEK OF SALE. Note the following prices for Iho week. AIL'SUNS AND SHEETINGS. Indian huad in.islins ( icmnants , 3 to 12 yaids ) worth Oe , during sale Be. Our ( ic unbleachedmuslin during sale 3t 20 yards to a customer. Two makes of our unulcachcd muslin sold for 7c nnd Sc , to go nt Cc. Five makes of popular brands of bleached muslins , Including lonsdnte , family choice , Hercules , Fruit of the Loom and Casco ; nbo half bleached muslin ; the same goods are sold forSc , i'e and lOc ; price during sale 7c limited to 110 yards to a customer. RIBBONS. Wo will continue our ribbon sale nt the old prices for this week. Nos. 7 , 0 and 12 all silk ribbons , beautiful line of shade * , In inolro wllh sal In edge and gros grain with satin edge ; sale price lOo a yard. TOWELS. ir pieces linen damask and Turkey reds we will put on sale Monday morning , sale price ISo a yard j some of the above goods bold for TiOc , Gbc , tiJ'jC , 07c , 7.C all to go dining sulo nt 480. 150 dozen towels In huck. momlo and da mask , worth -5c , to go ntvc \ \ ! i for 60o. I'VHI.KACIinil 81IECTINQS. 42-inch pillow case muslin , .icj 45-inch pil low case tnttsllu , lie : 4S-inch pillow case muslin. 12' ' c : 7-1 sheeting , 10cS-l ; sheeting , 18o ; 0-J bheetitig , SOc ; 1M shoaling , 22e. 1II.IMCIIHU SIIECTING4. 12-Inch pillow case muslin , Ocinlnch : pil low case muslin , lS'-c ' ; MMnch pillowcase muslin , Lie ; 8-1 sheeting , L'Ocj U-lsheeting , ! Kc ; KM sheeting , CVic. Half bleached muslins same prlcoas above. Wo guaumteo the sheeting to bo of the best make , and prices far below Inferior goods. I10STON STOKE. Folherlngham , Whilelaw .V Co. , Council Bluffs. Gents' underwear in great variety nt price ; to suit all nt Model Clothing Co. , L. II Mossier Mgr. _ A fresh invoice of line cheviot suits for young men , Just received at Model Cloth ing Co. _ Our line of cook stoves and ranges , fron : f'.W ) to ir gives you the greatest variety to select from , at Mandel & Ivlch.'s , ! MO Broad way. _ Tlio Iliinuuic Society Mcpto. There was a mooting of the Council Bluffs Humana society yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the ofllco of Hon. D. C. Bloomer There was quito a largo attend inco and i great deal of interest manifested in the work : for which the association was organUod , Of tlio ofllciul board thcro was present D. C. Kloomcr , Uuth Faul , Mrs. K. S. Osborn and Mr. S. Stewart. Thomas Ofllcor resigned his position treasurer of the association and A. Overtoil was elected to fill the vacancy , Mrs , II , H. Saekett was elected as a mem ber of the ofllctal board in place of Mrs , E. L Shugart , resigned. The secretary was Instructed to procure the nooossnry hooks for kooplng the records of the association. Various methods wore discussed as to the best means of making the work of the asso elation efftvtivo , and it was llnally agreed to instruct the secretary to have lenllets printeit containing all sections of the Iowa laws ro luting to cruelty to children and luilinnls , ami have them printed in sulllciont quantities for general distribution among the people. In tills way people who were thoughtlessly guilty of nets of cruelty that como under thi provisions of the laws might bo tlotcrroi ! from committing them when they know that they were violating a state law that provide' ' ' a penalty of tine and Imprisonment. The president and secretary were author ized to appoint un usout to solicit now mem hers of the association. The arrangements for the aggressive work of the society were then completed by the ap pointment of special agents who bavo th < power under the lowii laws lo arrest am. prosecute ) any and all persons who nro de tected in the commission , or known to b guilty , of acts of cruelty against women , o children , man or beast. The following are the names of the special otllcors appointed : O. W. Ilnrtupeflr , Henry Faul , U. Wesley and 0. O. St. John , The president was authorized to innka rnngomcnts with the mayor nml the chief o police for special police assistance , Tbo society Is now thoroughly organize ! and equipped and ready for an active crusadi against cruelty , I or Her Daughter. A woman named Johnson , who resides ii Omnhu nt the comer of Thirteenth and Locust streets , near the west end of Cut-Oft Island , was in the city last evening and re quested the oftlccrj to assist her search for her fifteen-year-old daughter , Kosu Morton. It seems that the girl and a chum , Vina Mc- Grudy , who lives on the Inland , loft their homes a week ugoaud 110 oua Uoowa wbcro they hnvo gone. Mrs. Johnson Is firmly of i the belief that the girls have become bad and she is anxious for her daughter to return I home , The McOrady girl was recently be fore Judge McUco on the charge of Incorrlgl- blllty and only escaped being sent to the re form school by promising to reform. This week will bo n memorable ono in the heating stove trade , we Just received another car load of the J'onlnsular stoves and will quote bottom figures to purchasers , At M. & K.'s , HW Broadway. Scott House. 85 ct. meals , 23c. Mynstcr Gets n Charter , The city council held a special session lost evening with the mayor and all the nldcrincn present with the exception of Lacy. The llr. t matter of Importance taken up was the lost Mynstcr Springs motor railway charter , which was mysteriously spirited away or mislaid. W. A. Mynstcr wns present , vlth a substitute ordinance. Ho in- 'orinod the council that ho had en-1 deavorcd to produce the old ordinance Hid the substitute was as near as possible n rarbntnn reproduction of the lost ono , with ho exception that Sixth strceth was In- luded in the streets purposed to bo used. An effort was made to amend the ordinance in some minor respects , but the mayor held that as It was only a substitute for the ordinance already passed , it was not susceptible of amendment. The motion to dccluro it adopted us such substitute was lost and the charter wont through the usual process and was mn end ml slightly , the principal cbango being the lixlng of a 5-ccnt faro. Ono proposed amendment prevented thu company pooling Us earnings with any other company opcrat- Jnos running In the sumo general direction , Mr. Mynstcr objected to this provision , claim ing that It prevented Just what ho dcslrod to establish , check fares , and made It impossible for a passenger from Omaha to reach the end of the Mynstcr line for a single 5-cent faro. The objection was considered good , and after a little wrangling tlio language was changed to make it clear that only a 5-eent faro could bo charged by any pro rating arrangements , and the amendment was accepted. A number of other amendments of minor inportanco were adopted. Aldctnmn Kvor- ett offered as un amendment to section 1 ! ) hat the street car- company pay to the prop erty owners the original cost price of the paving between tlio rails and ono foot on each side of all streets where the paving has been laid prior to the building of the road. Mynstcr objected to this , urging that the company might bo asked to pay dotiblo prices for worn out paving. Alderman Knephcr novod to nmcmUby pinpowrrliig the mayor to appoint three appraisers to determine the iirico to bo paid the property owners. Ivncphcr's amendment was adopted , and the ordinance wi.s put upon Its tlnal passage and Kissed. The city attorney was instructed to pre pare an Improvement resolution for a six-foot urlek sidewalk on the north side of Twelfth street from Avenue B to Broadway. Attorney McCabe and the McOeo brothers submitted a proposition asking the city to vacate an alloy In Morning Side addition aiul accept in lion theicof a ilceu for another alloy that will afford better public facilities , Tlio matter was leferrcd to the committee on streets and alloys. An ordinance was Introduced by Alderman Everett providing for tbo maintenance of gates at railway cros sings. This Is an old problem brought ui > i" a " ° w guise. A dozen resolutions have been passed at various times but tlio railroads have steadily ignored them , and as a hist effort the ordinance , was drawn. It IKcs a heavy penalty for Its violation and provides a daily penalty of fill for each day's delay In erecting the gate within a reason able time after the order has been mado. The ordinance passed. Alderman Smith presented an agreement of the property owners on Fifth avenue for the payment of the sewer tax. The property owners agroa to pay thrce-tifths of tlio tax at once without interest and to pay a sufllcicnt amount next year to make the cost 75 cents per lineal foot. Alderman Knepher moved to accept the proposition with tbo exception of the In terest clause , but it was lost. The proposi tion wns then referred to the llnanco commit tee. tee.Tho The Twin city street car ordinance was called up and read. It was debated by sec tions and amended In many respects , the chief changes being the requirement to have the load in operation to Omaha via a bridge over the river , and providing for the repay ment to property owners of the original cost prlco of paving on streets already paved. Other unimportant changes were made and the ordinance- was passed. Kl&KMAN'S CLOrtlt S.VLIO. A Special Opportunity to Get n Fine ImportedUaminnt at Half Import er's Cost Only for This Week. Every lady who is posted in the styles and values of cloaks knows that Elscmnn's Is the place to look for them. Tiioy nro also aware that If there is anything now and stylish to bo scon they have to como to Elscman's to Hud It. Ladies como from a distance of hundreds of miles to see our styles and wo always please them , and send them away happy. This week wo are in bolter shape than over to sell you cloaks , wraps , Jackets cheaper than ever befoie. Wo have closed out from the Manhattan cloak and suit company , and the well known llrmof A. Frlomllaiidcr & Co. , of Berlin , uud Blumcnthall Brothers of I'uris , their entire importation of stylish sample garments , onlyone garment of n kind. Over SOU styles at aldiscouiit of one-half from importer's cost , and in order to make things Hvelv wo purpose to give our customers the benolit of our purchases. This is the grand est opportunity for you to got tlio latest im- porteil llncst garments for less than the price of i\llnary made cloaks. Don't miss this opportunity. Plush cloaks for $12.50 worth $20. Plush cloaks for $15 , worth 1M5. Plush cloaks for $10.50 , worth ? 28. Wo save you fully one-half on plush cloaks or Jackets. ( Jrcntsaloof misses' and children's cloaks Jackets and nowirmrhots. Prices way down , and a flno doll given away with every child's cloak sold during this week at Henry EisO' man & Go's , greatest cloak house In the west Corner Broadway and Pearl sis. , Counci" Bluffs , In. Mail orders receive careful and prompt at- Icnllon. _ Great bargains In bedroom suits at Mando ! & Klein , 3'0 Broadway. The great blow about heaters our would-bt competitors arc making. Have you seen a better stock of heaters and lower prices tuun at M. & K.'s , y > 0 Broadway. Kobbeil u rh.vsiolrui. Yesterday afternoon Ofllcer Murphy place' ' a young man under arrest whom ho found endeavoring to dispose of some surgical instruments at a second hand storoon Broad way. The arrest was made after the ofllce : had questioned the fellow and discovered llitv ho could not give a very satisfactory oxplann tlon of how tlio doctor's outtlt cumo Into his possession. Ho did not look like a physiclar or talk like ono , although ho had all the char actcrlstlcs of n young man cecdlngly hard up , who would pawn his wife's wedding ring if ho hup pencil to have a wlfo and .she had n ring \VluMi taken to the station the young ma gave , the name of Klchnrd Pnyton , and sal ho wns from Omaha. When searched hown1 found to be penniless. A letter which h had written but not posted to a girl in Lin coin , whom ho addressed as "Dear Bella , ' was found la his pocket without an envelope In It ho told Bella that lie was still withou money but would semi her some cash soon thitt bo was getting desperate i r d would Jim some way of raising it. Ho d vised her t beat her board bill by telling the people will whom sno was living In Lincoln MMJIO pa thello story , and ihcn llytohlm. Ho toh Iho oftlcorsitiiilho had purchased the valtiii bio case of surgical Implements found In hi : possession , but admitted that ho bcllovc they wore stolen. Shortly after his arrest Chief of Polio Carey received Information from Omaha tha a doctor's ofllco had boon robbed tboro and lot of Instruments carried away. The Omah jiollco were advised of the arrest , mid at hour afterward Dr. J , M. McMunigal o ! Omaha was in tlw pollen headquarters nm had fully identified Die casa of Instrument as those having boon stolen from him. Pavton stoutly maintains his Innocence o the theft , and bays ho can proiiucc tlio porroi who sold him the physician's tools , Ho ills Intimates that he has a very pathetic slor , whicli ho would like to give to the world I ho could trust to the press us the mudlnm U convey U. Ho was locked up pending au iu vcstlgatlon. Ho Is n yiljut man of slight build , rather line looklngvnhll jclves evidence , of having seen better days. Huts very reti cent about himself. Dr. Seybert. lies. Os < JC-fSiouse. Tel. HO. Quietly County Treasurer John H. plumor was last evening happily wedded to Miss Harriet Kneppcr. Tbo event has 'been looked for ward to for some time by the many friends of both , so that Its announcement will not como as n surprise , although the' wedding was a modest and quietaffalrcctiii\dcrlngtlio \ promi nence of the happy man nnil the social posi tion of the young Indv. Both nro hlghlv esteemed , and the congratulations and well wishes will bo us i-amest and honest as they will bo many. The newly wedded couple will at once enter upon the occupancy of the elegant new home , ] ust completed by him , nml located on lllcn avenue. In the building and furnishing of the new homo the taste and wishes of tier whom will bo its chief adornment have been culled Into ser vice , the result being manifest In the mater ial beauty of the homo which her presence is now to make still more attractive. See our new fall patterns of carpets , rugs , shades at all prices. AtM. & IC.'s , U.'O Broad way. _ Scott House. Best $1.00 per day house in the city. _ A Oeuorous lltMiicnibruncc. The choir boys of St. Paul's church met for rchcrsal Tuesday evening. On assembling ho boys were surnrlscd to each receive nn envelope containing the card of Mrs. Horace Everett and a $ ' . ' .50 gold piece. The lltllo fel- .ows were moro than delighted at this gener ous gift , Indicative , also of the appreciation of their service of song. It took over twenty gold pieces to supply all. Dr.Dirnoy euros catarrh. Boo blil.g Rend Morso's nilv. on 8th pngo. "Albright's Choice. " IMUMAJUES. The Place * for Holding Tlicin and the Tudfjcn and CIcrlCN , The republicans of the city of Omaha are liercby notllled that Friday , the 23th day of November , 1800 , has been designated by the republican city central committee as the date on which the republican primaries will bo : icld in tlio wards In the city of Omaha , from 12 o'clock at noon till 7 p. in. , nt which candidates for the position of city councilman will bo voted for , and the candi date receiving the highest number of votes will bo tbo regular republican nominee. Tlio central committee located the polling places at the following places : First Ward J. Siemcnson's , Tenth and Pierce. Second Ward Mels' hall , Sixteenth mid Williams street. Third Ward-102 North Twelfth street. Fourth Wnrd-yOo South Sixteenth , M. A. Upton's. Fifth Ward Ei-fling's hall , 1S10 Sherman avenue. Sixth Ward Barber shop , corner Lake and Saumlers. Seventh Ward 1217 Park avenue. Eighth Ward Barber shop , Twenty-first and Cunilng. Ninth Ward 200S Fnrnam street. The commlttco has also appointed the fol lowing Judges and clerics to act at such primaries In the capacity hero designated : First Ward Judges , R 1C. Long and John Muttloson ; clerk , M. Kelloy. Second Ward Judges , T. C. Van Doran r.nd John Tiedemanj clerk , John Schmlnke. Third Ward D. L. Lapsley anil Thomas iioVlttio : clcrlf , Edllamian. Fourth Ward Judges , A. P. Nicholas and JohnS. Wood ; clerk , Bert B. Downs. Fifth Ward Judges , Charles Wllkins and John ICiilght ; clerk , II. 0. Backus. Sixth Ward-Judges , W. A. Grunt and W. Crager ; clerk , Harvey Wells. Seventh Ward Judges , William Fan- ana P. J. Qucaloy : clerk , H.,0. Cochran. Eighth Wurd Judges , A. W. Parker and Sam Bady : clerk , Paul Sword. Ninth Ward Judges , C. J. Johnson and Charles E. Djureon ; clerk , J. V. Patterson. D. II. Mr.itcr.ii , Chairman. JOIIK C. THOMPSON' , Secretary. "Albright's Choice. " Read Morse's mlv. on 8th page. "Albright's Choice. " rho only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council BlulTs , DCS Molnos and Chicago business Is the Rock Island vcs- tlbulcd limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 : p. m. daily. Ticket oDico , 1002 Sixteenth and Farmnn bis. , Omaha. "AIbrlght's Choice. " OHUISTOli QUITS , iast Nlgbt's Wrostllii } * Match Proves The McMnlion-Christol wrestling match nt Exposition hall lut night proved a fiasco and the crowd disguised in anything but angelic humor. After wrestling four min utes MoMahon laid the Frcnchnrm on his back , and that was the whole show. Christo- leaving the platform and refusing to conl tlnuo , claiming that ho had received a fractured rib. As a mailer of course , llio crowd cried fake , but Hint made but litllo difference , ns Chrlslol peremptorily refused lo come back. Ills just such performances as this that throws the wrestling fraternity ialo such disrepute. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldg1 "Albright's Choice. " North Hivcr Dank Kccolvcr. New YOHK , Nov. 10. Judge O'Brien of the supreme court today appointed Francis Illg. gins receiver of the North Hivoibank. . The receiver was required to give a bond of $200 , 000. The Union and State trust companies ore made depositories for the bank's funds. Throat nisenHCH commence with a cough cold , or sere throat. "Brown's ' Bronchial Troches" give Immediate relief , Sold only Iu boxes. Prlco 25 cts. A Grand Simeons. OAi.vnsTo.v , Texas , Nov. 19. The deep water Jubilee In commemoration of UK $0,000,000 nppropilatcd for Galvcston harbo : work was a grand success. Four thousani visitors were present from , nil sections of tb country participating In the Jollification. How to save money is a problem that Inter csts everybody. Ono way to doit is to In vlgorato the system with Aycr'sSarsanarilla Being a highly concon'trftlcd ' blood medlciiioi Is the most powerful nnil economical. It Is sold for a dollar a bottle , but worth live. I'ily amlHlH Convicted. OOHKN' , Utah , Nov. . [ Special Telegram to Tin : IJiin.j The Morpions now bolug trlei in the district court nil pleaded gullied lo tb A Physicians Advice , I Biiffercil for years' ' ? from general cleliillty. Tried other remedies , anil got no relief. My Physician prescribed S. S. S. I increased inlleshj My appetite improved ; I gidned strength ; Ya8 made young again. H U the best ineillclnu 1 know of. MAIIAI.KY Tournx , Oakland City , Ind Send for our book on itlood and Bkin Diseases. SWUT Si-Kcirio Co. , Atlanta , Gn chnrpo of polypamy and were fined ? 200 each. They all took n awcopltiR oath to forever ron - n on n co tlio practice ot Pears' so.ip secures n beautiful complexion TIII3 DISTlljnilY CASIj. It In on Trial Itoforo .InlKOs Dumly nnd Cnldwcll. The trial of the celebrated Nebraska City distillery case was commenced In the United States court yesterday nfternoon , Judges Dumly nnd Caldwcll occupying the bench In the largo court room. The case has , a history. Some years n o the distillery was owned by George L , Wool- soy and other stockholders , but the whisky trust , wanted the planl , and to get it a Joint stoojt company was formed and n number of the members of the trust put In as stockhold ers , with WooUey. the owner of most of the stock , holding a tow shares nnd belni ? elected secretary nt a salary of $ i ) , ! > 00 per yeiir. Ho WHS to servo In Ihls capacity for live years. The trust concluded to shut down the plant , and the Nebraska Ulty people - plo oroso In arms. With their backing , \Voolscy made preparations to niMln put tli ? tilnnt In" working order , when Iho niombors of the iriist slopped In and secured a temporary inluncllou. The case was dismissed and woolsey was given the building for what was duo him on his contract for service * . Ho nt once secured now machinery and prepared - pared lo start another distillery , when an other Injunction was secured on the grounds that when ho llrst sold out ho entered Into an agreement not to cnga o In the business dur ing a period of twoiity-throo years * . At the same tlino Westou Arnold of Iho whisky tnist commenced proceedings before the revenue department nt Washington , In the supreme court and in the Untied Slates court. The question was argued bcforo the com missioner In Washington , and yesterday Col lector 1'utors received llio decision Umt "Woolsoy has a right lo again engage In the business , The case in Iho supreme court Is sllll pend ing and the case In Iho United States court is now on for licurinir. Wonthcr rrobnhllitli's. For Novjiiibor Indications point to cold , frosty weather. That , however , will iniiko no dilTercnco to tliobo who travel In tlio slciun-lioatotl anil electric- lighted , limited vestibule trains which nro run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul l'y- between Omaha , and Chicago. City ticket ofllce , 1601 Far- mun H ( . , Oinaluu R A. NASH , J. 10. 1'UKSTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. IJouk IjaborofH * Strllco. LONDON , Nov. 19. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BUB. " ] A thousand ilook laborers em ployed on the Gar-ston dock struck today owing to the dismissal by the company of a number of men who refused to toad boycotted steamers. Carlsba(1 ( Sprudel Nurse" Salt , ftsy ( IIcnry 1V ) This salt ( In powder form ) Is obtained by rvnporntlunof Iho SpiudulSpiIiiRat L'arlslinil For constipation ( icmpnrury or cluonlo ) , lilll- onsiioss , oliesity.dvtpcpslu.clironlc calntili of tlio stomach , rlioiiniiitlo or gouty iill'c'cllon , and all ( Iprniiitcinunt ot tlio .stoinach , It I" a inoro wondurfnl lonicdy titan uny other In nature or in.ilurla niiMllca. OAUI.SHAI ) si'iiriiKr. FALT Is not a muro piirsativi1 , It Is an nltorntlvo and constinitloiiiil minuily. Thciu Is nothing just us Kood when you can obtain tlio ienu- Inu Imported urtlclu. Do not bo Imposed upon by unscrupulous uoalerf. Tlio cuiiulno must liuvo tliu slunatiires of Klsnor and Miiulelsoa ! Co. t-olu Agenla , Now York , on uvory bottle DrsB6tts&BBtt8 Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 14O9 DOUGLAS 9TH.E1ET OMAHA , NEB. The most widely nnn favorably known epoo- Iftllsta Iu the United H fates. Tliclr lonij ex perience , re'nnrkublo slclll and unlvcrnal xuv- ccss In the treatment und euro of Nervous , Chroulo and Sursleal Diseases , entitle tliesu eminent pbVRlclans to the full confidence of tbe Bdllcted everywhere. They Kunrnntco : A CEUTAIN ANU VOSIT1VK GO HE for the awful effects of curly vice und the numer ous evils that follow In its train , 1'ItlVATE , JII.OOD AND SKIN DISEASES specdllr. completely and permanently cnrod. NKIIVOUS IlEIIir.ITY AND SEXUAL DIS- OUDEU8 yield readily to their skillful trout- 111 Ollt * I'IbES. FISTULA AND UEOTAL ULCERS guaranteed cured without pain or detention ? DliOoeELE AND VAUICOOELE perma nently nnd luccosstully eurcd In every ease. 8VPHILIS. UONOKlillEA , GLEET , Spur- matorrhea , Bemlunl Weakness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions. Decayed Faculties , Female \Venknesiandull ilelluato Ulwrdcra peculiar to either BOX positively cured , as well IKI nil functional dlsoiders that result from youth ful follies or the excess of mature years. CTPirTIIWIJ Guaranteed permanently iJllXlVjt U l\Li oiircd , leinonil co-iiiiloto , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures affected at homo by patient without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A ITRP rilPK The awful effects of /i. OUKD UIXl. , 0ry , | vice which hriiiKS orpanlo weakness , dost roylng both mind and body , with all Its drouded Ills , pormunenty cuied. nUQ RFIT's A(1lrthD3 ; ° wll ° have 1m- Ul\tj. UL , l to palroj themselves by Im proper lnduli ! nee and solitary Iriblti , which ruin both mind und body , unfitting thorn for business , study or marrhiKO. MAKUIEO MEN or tlioso rnterlng on that happy life , awnrool pbyslcaldebllity , quloklr assisted. OtJB SUOOBSS Is based upon facts. First l'raotlo l experi ence , Second Every cmo Isspoclally studied , thiu starting right. Thlrd-.Medlclnos nro prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus offoetliiKcureawliliout Injury , Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. - - OMAHA. NEB. m FiiTTrTiiiinTI r Practice limited to DISEASESniIMSI AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Rooms 316 to 320 J3cc Bldg\ \ Omaha. Notice. To the Stockholders of the Oculiilla I.und niiilC'nttloC'ii. : Notice Is hcrohy given that tliu uiimuil iiieutliiit of the HtuoUholilers of the UKalalla l.und uud Ciittlo ( 'oiiuiniiy will ho held iitthiiciiiniiiuiy'hiilllee , No.jlUHoiith lllh stii'et. In the oltv of Omuhn , Nob. , on Wrdni'H- day , Dccoinuuriinl , 1MM , at ! I o'clock p.m. , for the I'li't'llon or directors for the I'lisuini ; year , and the transictlnu uf such other bii&liiuis us may come before thu nieollns. Noveinuer IT , IbW. ultdliit JOHEIMI litAMC , Secretary. AJit'siytK\Tst : A falr-sl7ed audience a soinblcd In tlio Grand opera hoiuo last evening to witness the first performance : In tills city of "ThntSwedo" by Hull's ' fnrco comedy company. A portlrn of the audience had evidently como for the purpcso of witnessing the dcllnc.Uloti of n natural type of their own , and occasional demonstrations of approval Indicated that they recognUed seine satisfactory points In Mr. Hall's Impersonation of ICuum Knutzcn , an unforluiuilo Swede from Minnesota , A fair comment on tlio whole pcrfotnmnco would tie that it presented n general varlely show , wllh plenty of the boisterous sort of tuinior , nml that It furnishes a lively ontcr- talnment for people who llko It In Unit par ticular form. Both tlio method ntul results Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plonsim and refreshing to the taste , mnl HC' penlly yet promptly on the Kidney Liver and Bowels , cleamea the sy ' .urn eflecttinlly , dispels cohfo , liea nchcs and fevers and cures Imhittu "onstipatioii. % r P of I'igs is thinly i/nly remedy of its kind ever pro 'htced ' , pleasing to tlio tststo nncl nc- ceptiiblo to the stomach , pronit } ii its action and truly beneficial in it < effects , picpnrcd only from the most healthy and ngrecnblo substances , itt ninny excellent qimlitics coniinend it to all and hnvo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who limy not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to tiy it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL , LOUISVILLE. KY. _ . /V IV YORK. N.Y. FOR SEVERE COUGHS OR COLDS Dr. F. C. 'Werner's COUGH DROPS Are highly recommended nftor scvon years of successful experience by the bolo iminufnuturors , Kopp , Dreibus& Co. , STEAM CONPECTIONEUS , 1106 FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb. Sold everywhere. Go per puckagc. Send for sninnloa. FOR MEN ONLY MUMP P1T11H For LOST or PAIUNQ MAN- iUiHilt LUUIJ lUJOl ) ; ( K-nurul nml NKU- VOUS TiniUI.ITY. Weakness or Ilody and Mind ! Klluolbof r.rrors'or iixeosscsln Old ot younir. Uobiibt. Noble JIANIIOUI ) fully 10- Btoiud Wo. K'laraatco uvory case or mouoy refundpd. Paniplo course , live days' treat ment. Jli full course , $3. Secnroly sealed from bkcivntlon. Cook Ituini'dy Oo. . Oinahii , Neb fct.auli Oilltc. Hotel , Cor. 13th und Dod'ioS galifornia9s ! OK. HOMH'S LITTLE VEGETABLE PILLS Coiiotliiallon Jl > yniipl > nln , Inillci'illoii. * BILIOUSNESS , - - * and or illnor- iltrs They .u. Mlgtir routed , tlo mil llrlpr , trry , .niullntj InliiLc. . . nncl purt'lj trKeln. tile , IK.IIIK compound- . . -il of nci'tnljlcs In. illRinous to l'alir > nU In llirni. 45 I'lIU In . acli Mai. Sick Headache is absolutely cured t > y DrJtbb'sllllleVegelat'ePilh ' , vtnli t f ( ) | " 05 cciiU , _ KorsaloliyUiU/glitP ( , or b > mall. AUJK't.8 > HOBB'S MtDICINt CO. , CROP'S. SAN FEAtCISCO ( it , I'OI' SALK IN OMAHA , NKII , UY Kuhn & Co . Cor 15lh A Duuelai Wrrcla. J. A. Tullor & Co , C.or lllh > v Huiiplis Streets. A. D. Kustcr A : Co. . Con mil llluHa , luuu. Alia PRINCIPAL DRUCQISTO CVERVWHCnC. NEBRASKA National Bank U. fl. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - B7.BOO OfflceriimaDlrectori'-Honrj W. Yntci , President ! I ifle8. Keod , VIce-I'rcsldonf J m W. B raK , W. V.MurM , John 8. Colllui , K. C. Cuihlntf , J. M. K l' Uloi , W. H. H. iluKhen , cmhler. THE ! IRON BANK. Corner 12th nnd Farnnra Sts. A Opnoral Ilnnklnz Uuslnuss Tran-iactod. al and Smi'icil Inside Corner Oth and Haruey Streets , Omahi. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , FounJoU bv Dr. J. VMcMonamy. . DR. GLUCK , Kyc and Ear. Iluttcrll ock. ISth and Keri > ain. GRANI Mt Ghapmar Every person wnnts an en ( $5 PlCTTIEE : Only a few more left. Ensels , F halfpr'ice. All these goods mi W. W. CHAPMAN , - - I CURES PEHMANENTLY SCIATICA. LUMBAGO. N. Ogdcn , Mich. , 410 Vcnrncy Pt , , f nil Frnnclno , CA | . M yl7lK > 0. CS IfW. " April , "My brothcr-Ucv. wife nndl I'Olh My ' Runnel Tortcr , MM lime been nntlrtril cured \ > f St. Jacobs with Inmp tmok nml Oil of cxctuclnt'tiR eorr threat , nml lima f inul 1'ormiun ' nt tclntlc pnliis In his cure liy utc of H. thigh. " Jacobs Oil. J. M. L , PonTrn , K , J. I Mil A IT ! S THE BEST. SPECIAL NOT 10 MS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \\MNTii : > -A I'ltruiMiler to build n * mnl | house In Iho country who will tnkii a horse In payment for his work. Apply td l.i'onaid lixort'tt. ' M ANiantoil for Indoor work , I7IA st. II. I ) . ( liiivcs.V fotii OA IlKADof hoisi'slotm'ImnKii fort'lciir luml 'Vorclty puipoity. Joliiifcion& Ynn t'nttcu , l\'H'tt : tlllUM * . soiilliwi'ttrrn limit for sale | t'liiy , A ho sniiill fnimsnml'il hunt mound I'minrll lllulT" . Johnston > v Vun ratten. KviTolt lilo.-l. . IDA IK of mull" ) , Iniinci * and untfnn fur ulo .1 on a yi'iu'4 Mini' . JolmttonX Van I'atton , ii'lt block. _ M IIH. AMKI.IA NIPPON. M. ! > . . Miu-clnl mid. o. ir.v3 : uxc. reunion iiiunV ilt. QI'KCIAI , 11AUOAIXS III hou cn for siiln or i > rent ; iilso two S.iunUors street lots , N ( .liunlm. .1. II. Davidson. IB. " ! . 'Hi uvo. \VA t/nU : H. s'riU.MAV. MIUIMIS lilo.MfI . i i Notary I'ulilU'.oolleelliini. t > \Mltlng. . ifldlt IIKNT-A lieslrublo brli-k icidi | > ucc " ( it I'l unmix. pU'usintly sltuatiMl on lilk'll ground , l.aiau vnid mid orelinid. I'onvriiloue to motor. Apply to N. I' . Dodge > t Co. \\TAN rUD-Km'iKi'tlcyomu lady or gent , Will nay fin pur week to rlithi p.uty. t' ' . C ) . S007 Willow iiMs.JViuinMl 'IliilK 13101 ! S\I.K I.i'iiso and furniture of Scott IllmiM' , ' . ' . ' . " . ' - - llmiM' ( 'outioll IllulVt. > looms. I'hiMipt u bargain. Addii'ssJ. S. Jordan , Coiiui-ll I Hull' * , Kr.NT 'lho Mii.Muhiiu three story .1. luli'U lilooK , Xo. ! I5S. Miilust. wltlielovat jr J. \\.Siinlu- . _ 1/lOlt Itr.NT A I'holco iili'L-n of garden html m'lir t'liuni'll lllutlivlih good iii-w liullil * Ing. linnii'dlato pos esilou 1C dialled. .1 W , FU > Al.K-'oiiiili't ( | i Mil of tliiniM-s teeN , and iiiniill .stoi > K of llnwnio ut a baigutu. Iiiipilruui loom HIS MIM-Ilam hloi'U. i pfO so\cs ut cost D elnso out. IleadcUnrt | < < r < i ' ) for haul nuipln house moiliii : uillon und JacKs. K. I ) . Amy . , L'o , B'.M Malnstreut. _ _ rpWO SOniMifimns for : tlo notir Iho city at J u bargain. W. A. Wood & I'D. , Ml Main st. " OIISAIK or"KiintOardoa html , with homes , by J. U. Kloo. VJi Mala Bt. , Oounoll BlulTs L. G. Knotts PUB ! - Merohant All kinds of tlio best nncl cleanest 1'uel In stock nncl under shads People who desire cheap nncl clenn fuel Tor cooking will Micl it by ordering a load ol'cobs , 1 1m vo n largo supply tlintnt-e clonn nncl whole not broken up. Good hard wood cheap , either in cord wood lengths or stove- wood , delivered promptly. All si es of hnt'd conl , clenn , bi'lghtand well screened , The black peerless lump cotil coninnes to be the favorite for domestic purposes. - : - No. 29 Main Street. Call Telephone 203 : COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds t llyliis and Cleaning done In tha UlKliostStyluof Iliu Art , 1'uili-d and Stained I'abrles iniiilu In look us uooil us now \Vurlc promptly ilnno anil dellvoieil In all ] iuls : ot the country- Send forpileo list. O. A. MAUIIAN , 1'rop. , 101,1 llio.ulwav. Niinr Northwinlurn lopot t'OUM'tfi Ill.Ut'l'S. I A. CTTTZElS STATE BAl Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,003 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,005 DlliKi'TOlK I. A. Mlllur. I1. O. aiousnn. 11 I * Shuiriiil , K. K. Hurt , J. 1) . r.ihiHinilsiiit'hiulo 0. luiiiiian. Tr.insaot bankliU busi ness , Lur/csl , uiipltiil and Hiirjilus of any bank In Houlliwestorn lo\va. IN TEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , _ 27 MAIN STUEliT. Over 0. It. Jiiciiiiuniln k Co s Juwolry Stora Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.1 AGENTS WANTED. DR.C.IUUD1) ) . GOO Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iq OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Pornor Main ami Ilroiilway , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealurs In foreign and dotnostlo ( ] < lruit Colloellnn niudu and lutorost iUil on tlmfe depiislts. DRUSH n's ' Mrt Store , when they can got n FREE OF COST framed Pictui'es , Cablnots , etc. , a | lust bs closed out by January 1st. 1 6 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFK %