pHiHH riC 1 V CMAB1 CAILT BEE , TUESDAY , 18 , SPEB1HL NOTICES. A IVKRTSEMENT9 ) ! for UIM columi will tal < rn until 12:30 : p , m. , for th evening dltlon nnd until 8W : p , m. , for Vh morning ( ditlon and BUHDA.Y HKE rpEHMS Cash la adianco. , l , | j\ttftf. ! \ ] ' t T7ATES AflTertliwinenUon lhlip l Tilllbfl ,1 Vclinrucd for at the rate ot i K cent per word for the Hint Iniortlon and 1 Acntper word for ticb lubseiiuent Insertion. andll-Mpor lln \Mt \ month , No ndrortltement Ukon fo IMS than 21 conti for tlm flrnt Iniertloa. TNlTIALS , figures , symbols , eto. , count each J-naono word. fpllESE ndvcrtldPmcntd mtut runcmucen- JL lively and tinder no circumstances will Ihrj bo taken ordlscontlnued by telephone. T > AltTIKSadvertlsln ( ? In thcso columns and. X having their answers nddrpssod to * "num- bortdlottnr" Incnro of Tun 1 ! will receive k numbarcd check lo enable them togcttliolr letter * . Answers will lie dollvored only on tirencntatlon of this chock. Enclose answcri In cntclopos properly addressed. adrcTtl'tmonts / under the head of A " .Special Notices" are publlshpd In Ixjth th mbmltiBHnd ovcnlnitcdltloiiiiof TnKUr.E.tho circulation of which aggregate * more thin M.OOO papers dally , nnd gives the advertiser uo btnollt not only of the large circulation ot TUB IIBK In Omaha , but aim In Council IllufTn , Lincoln nnd other oltle * anil townRlntno wnat BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thcso column ! will he taken m the aljoro conditions. lit the following Iniil- DOIS lioutci wlioaro authorized to take special notlcon. at the lane rntua ai can bad at th ninhiolllcp. . CSQUTII OMAIIA _ BKANOJI OFFIOB-No. 1 2GKI N Street , IJiter Itlouk. TOIIN IViBKLL , I'h-irjuaolst , 820 South Tenth itn-ot. EnDY , Otatlonert and Prlntorfl , 113 South 10th street. Ci II. FAUNmYOKTU , l'karmaoUt,211SOur. Ing Btrcot. WJ. HUOIIE9 , 1'liarmaclst , 024 North 18th Btrtot. GEO. W , PATltt , I'harniaclat , 1718 worth street. " H UO1JE3' J'llAn&IAOY,2Hhand Farnam. Hl'rVATION'H WANTED. Ferttlr ( , ( tc. , tcttofnf Jlift cnlnmn onthto page. AI/AI Y who understands drcssmiiklnc wishes to go out nv the day or week : J3 porvcuk. Address W 0 , llco qnico. MC6I-1Q * WANTED 1'oMltloii us housekeeper for nldowor ) none but first-class accented. 1343 H. 27th Ht. OM 18 * POHlTtON wanted liy experienced ladv iMxiUkcoper , A 1 references. Address V on , enio iko. M8aj-i8 miii . fcriattt , tlc.ttr fop of flit foliunn S HN nnd sulculadles wanttd. Htotm- lilll. MOG5-10 WANI'lin T < > n cornlto innkcra nt Haglo curnlco works , 1110 and 1112 Dodge st. 041 SO WA NTH ! ) A boy of 13 to 17 years of tigo at 13UO I'nrnam st. KI7 17 TX7"ANTnn A registered pharmacist. Ad- > 1 dress J. H. Shepherd , Sterling , Neb. 052 M * T'lTANTHI' ) Cash boys ; must npplv aceoni- 'T piuiu'd ' by parent or guaidian. Nebraska Plot hi n g Co. a 17 ENEROiyriOiind rollalilo local , special and conoral iisnnts to rcpiescnt tbo Guaranty sounding nnd Loan nssoulatlon. onoof tliv old- vrstnational associations In America. Ilnsi- ness nnd reputation well established. Will muUo llbcrnl contract with men who have ability nnd mnbltlan to make something more than a living. Insurance solicitors are very successful , descriptive circulars sent on ap plication. Address Guaranty llulldlnc and Loan association. Minneapolis , Minn. 8711-17 * i In a bakory. Cor. t. 8.)0-17J WANTED Men and women of ability In every city , town and village to act aa agents for the Ladles' Homo Journal. AVe want the beat attainable clnss of ngonts , nnd to mob unusual terms will bo offered , The Journal Is the hnndsoinrst periodical for la- nits and the finally over Usuod , and has neatly half a million subscribers. It will bondvcr- tjsrdtho comliiK ailtiiim | and winter on a InrRer woalo than qvur before , erentlns a do- Tnnnd that n conti Rhould bo ready to flit. Ourtls Publishing Co. . I'hllndclphln. MS 27 * TTI7ANTiD-FIrst-class ; tinner for Rawllns , ' \V.vo.i steady lob nnd peed wages. Apply toRcetorfc Wllbolmy Co. elty. 1C3 29 WANTED A first-class oxporloncod sales - man In penti' furnlshliiR goods dcpt. J , Ii. llrandols A feon , 002 to 510 a. 13th. 717 W ANTED rourboys.ajin 15 , to distribute bills. Call at Hotel Darker , 7 a. m. m.M001 1'EW traoklayers nnd shovolors wanted. . A.pply nt Ibo lionrdliiR cars near the new /hlto lead works , East Omaha. Wood & Ban croft , M OfM-M TX7ANTED 200 laborers for atone and crude T" work. Apply to P. II. Johnson , Union pttBsomjor uopot. Omaha. ! .1M \\t ANTED Men tn trin'ol for our Onnadtan TT nurscrles.Stoue&M'ellliitonMadlsoii.A\l3 ! 21.9 MEN or women waiitine work , or persons needing help of any kind , city or country , can always bo supplied at Keith's olllce , 31SJ1 B. 16th st. Satisfaction guaranteed. JI.3I8 N : CANVASSERS Wanted Cormsponddnco so licited with competent canvassers to sell paper vlotlilng. Uood WUKOS can ba earned. Wrltu 1'npor Clothing Co. , 1'ort Huron , M lob. WANTED Men with good reference at Metropolitan Mrs. Cu1000 Jlowanl st. \I7ANTKD-AKCnls wanted throughout Nc- VT br ska. Send stump for reply. Jos. 1' , Mepeutli , Omaha- 773 " \X7ANTED-A live. cnerRCtlo party In every TT nlueo to introdnooour goods , we liavo a new line that will soil nt every house and nKoiitHfan roan a lmr\est. between now and tbo holidays. Will pay a salary of g5 per month If preferred and furnish a team free , AdOiosH at once. Standard Bllvorwara Co , Uoslou Mass. M C32-1) 15 * M'ANTnD-PKMALK IlKLil' . For rate * rte.tftnpnf' _ [ frit column011 thhi } xia , \17ANTBn An oxporlenced kouscinaid ; TT call at 2003 St , iitiry'it live , III OG3 _ „ room clrlsiit the Wind- T T bor hotel. Schlank & 1'rlhcc , Props , 1XJ017 GIRL wanted for general liouso work at 120 .S.il8tavo. : HI14 10 * yyANTED A nrst-elnss girl for general " " TT house work , small family , 005S. Slth st. 035 ID * r'\17ANTlCP Competent for Rcneral TT houaoworl' . 601)8 , a > lh avenue AniHI ( for second work In small fnmllv.lffij WIrt st. , Uountro I'laco. WO 111 * "V17ANTKI-airl for general housework. 603 \V S. IStb. 1)45 ) 10 * " \X7ANTED At once , snvoral good , city canT - T T vnssers. 1M6 Douglas st. b"oa21 _ \\TAXTKIl-Urlsht , Intelllcont lady , work c TT light and In the elty. Thirteen weeks 117 , Aililroxa with stump and rofcroncc.E. rkP P Dee olllco. Omaha MftU-lU \\TA . girl for housework Ta TT family of two ; must have good rofor- CllCOfl. Oil North 18th , IHW-17 * HTANTED Kxporleneod Halesladv for TT orockory department , , ; lasswaro depart- uicnt. toy ( U'liartiiu'iit : good salary : statu rot- erpncc' . Address. V 7'J. Hoe. 007-18 lliL Wnntoo-In family of throe. Mrs. It If. Williams , 3103 . Kith st 8hO-17 7 ANTED A competent clrl for concral boiisoworU In small family. OullTliurs- day.g p.m. top p. m. . Mi S.2Hh st. t-.n \\7ANTED-OrcMiuakors. Apply 1717 " "T son. oio-n " \\rANTEI ) A nurno girl about liiyoarsol * T UKO. Inquire , Mr . Meyer , 1S.VJ Howard st 17 about 15 years Ot MIS. 20th st. WO \VANTKn-aooil cook and second Klrl 1 T good wage * . Call 2uO N. ISth. bll-2l * WANTED-A jlrl for housework. Mrs Diimont , UG42 Lafuyetto are. , formcrl ly ) Paul at. 770 UIGHT youiie lady wanted to get sut Hcrlbora for tiio Omaha Uxcehlor ; CO pei centcoimnllUon. Apply 113Slith ) st. 1U K1 - . for kitchen aud lauiulrj , 119) ) H * Hh st. &S1 aiAB8A.CH , LilO. tVf 'rattti r ue ? topof Jiitt folumu on Oita TV * 'ABSAQfi ' bath at Madam I Smith's parlorsi , OUfcoTt ) . rJtliiU.noxtllarkut hotel. 175 SI1 Mudaui Deltlor , over 0108 Mtli U2 * FOIl URNT-HOUSKS. For ratti. etc ) . , lee ( ou of flnt column on Uib page , "inMiUNISIlEn llouc for tcnt'ntli 'Sopt1 JL ; lit next my ro.sltloneo , furnlshcil , 11 rooms , ens , newer , batli room , furnace , stnblo for four horses and carriage room , Win. t'rcston , Slstnnrt llovrnta sit. M.t ) ' 7-ao * _ IjlOliT RKNT-Nice furnished house of , li JL ; rooms for tlio winters one blook from motor. 1C2J Corby st. _ M OG'-50 "T710H KENT Ono flvo roitn cottauo oil North JU aotli t.No. mi. Ii5permontli. M "T710H IinNr-Kurnlshcd six room cottnRO JU for winter , JZ100 a month. lUifcrcncci. Oco. M.Cooncr , 811 > N. Y.Llfe. M UCO-20 * T710U RHNT-A flat of 4 roomnln biilldlnjt , JU on 8. W. corner.lGth and Loavcnworth sts , Qjiia * _ _ _ FOR IIKN'C Ti-motn houses , 110 per mouth only. K. V. Cook. N. Y. Llfo bulling. 8K-W T71011 Itr.NT-A r.-room homo , 20-aOharlo-tst JL1 Inquire ntiOU Charles st. _ UIJ 31 * T710II IlTNT-7 : loom furnished Cottaso ; nil JU modern conveniences. Apply at room 3 , Chamber otl'oiiiiiicrci- . HU1.-- _ SO. IIKNNIITT , inovlng rxpressnnico with Ncalfc Conrad , H12 Dodge st , To 1. 127 ; TTIOH UKNT Sinnll house on Iluunot ( „ JL'wost of 24th , ti per month. Also 7-rooni bouse , pity water , bath , on Oaldwoll , between With ami 871 li , Ji'i per month. 0. LOrocn , ISoom III ) , Iturkor block , MT87 " 1710K RENT 8-roorn bou e. at J10 , on car JL' line ; city yatel. , IuquucC3t 1'uxton Hlk. 812-17 * POU III T J-room house , 2011 Contei st ; rooms , ( KM N. Uth st. 7IIVII ) * TT10U lliNr-l-room house , 1917CalWornla Bt. JL1 b04 TilOU IllNT-My 0 line hi Ick ilwcUliiR * . some X flnlsbod.olhersito.beflnlslicd Insldnll days. Kucli IIOUHO 7 looms besides pantry , bath room , laundry , fiitnaco nnd nil modern con- ( 'Mlencls. They aio worth $ V.0 ) ( ) each , but I want to mnt thorn and It Is Into In the sctisou. They will bo rented for { -.100. These oloRant lioiiHcs arosttunlcd on Uflth and Izard , ono block from the Wnlnnt Illll motor , 20 minutes walk to 1' . O. TLoo. Olsen , 201 N. Y. Life. , 751-10 "TOOK HENT-1 lint. ( I rooms. In Lliiton block , JU on the corner of Illth nnd Mason sis. : steam hoit * In cond repair ; MS per mouth. Inqulru of John lluinlln , 017 , In the block. J1CU8 "filLATS of five rooms to rent in new brick -T block. No. i ; > 13 Hurt st. IClmball , Champ & Ryan , t'-TC I'nrnntn st. Mil'HJ-'O ' r YOU wish to rent a house or itoro BOO II , E. Uolc , Oontlnentul block. 2TJ "TjlOU RENT To responsible parties only , JD these line now brlol ; and stone houses on Georgia axunue ; nttcoii rooms und alcoves ; morn coincidences nnd better finished tliiin nny house for rout In tbo city , II. II. Heridcr- hon , 400 l'iv\ton block , city- -7i rr-ROOM house with barn ; nominal rent. 0. t V. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Mfo. 275 "TT1OK 11ENT 0 room house , all modern con JU vcnlcnccs , tiioludlngn irood staole. C'apltol avoiiue , near the high school ; rout moderate. D. J.O'Dori'ihoe. 1W)1 ) Karnam st. 270 "TT1OH UKNT The beautiful 7 room coltuscs. JO Just finished. Hath and modern Improve ment" . Only a left. 0. S. L'lgutlor.JW First Naflbank. -158 "tjlOH KENT A good 0-ioom house , city JU wnt r , south front lot , near Luke and Shcr- tnan JIM : . : at oxplratlon of a years will gl\o you warranty dicdMlbrctto | mortsago. Look this up. 0.1\ Shaw , 308 Shetiloy blk. 320 I7Olt KENT 8 room hoii'iC , all modern Im- JD princmcnts. 2220C'hlcago bt. , JI1.GT. King- wait Itios , . Darker block. TilOR KENT 7-rootn cottage , convenient to JD whole-sale district uud business. Apnly 1112 S. 10th st , iiT : > TTlon ItENT 8-room modern house with nlco JU burn , 1704 N ' . ' 1st ! also 8-1 iioni house nnd nlco b.irn , 2209 Miami , by C'rum & . Illshop. R 51 , Hoard of Trade. 120 TJ1OR ItENT Poven-room cottape. cor. 2 tb JO avo. and Dap. avo.liuulro2yi8 ] Doilgo. 5I-CM FOlt ItiiNT FUUN1SHI3 UOOMS. Formtri , cle.rtetopo' first column f rrillUNISlir.D or unfurnished rooms for rent , JU suitable to small families , ono block and a half from 1'nrnnm. 4r > P. JMth a\e. Oil 21 * FOR RENT Ono elegant furnished fiont room , 2nd Hour with steam heat. Inth , gas and alt modern conveniences , only $10 ; must have references. Mrs. II. 0. Hoses , No. 2238 Fariliim st. 1U8 21 * _ TTIOR RENT furnished rooms , 1008 C'apltol JU ave , ftl8 83 * _ FOU KENT Lurtro ] ) Ieasantly furnished front room. 1C1I Podge bt. _ bU3-18 * TTIUUNISIinD ltoorns-2030 IJuitst. Modern JL' convonlt-nees. Jlolur and cable. QIC-IT * FOK KENT Neatly furnished front room , 810S Douglua St. 695-13 * _ _ POIl RENT Turnlhlied rooms , with Kit nnd I bath ; first-class table board , 20 ! ) M.lSlli st. . 845-31 * _ _ OU RENT Nicely furnished largo front rojin.iill conveniences , ApplyliilUChlcngo. TmUUMSlinUiooms ,'inouKas. ? C91 20' FURNISHED rooms , near two motor lines , splendid location. Ill ) S. ' ! Ui st. 810 18 * TVKSIItAUIiE room , modern convcnlontts JL/17dlUaiiltolnvo. 775 NEWLY furnished front rooms , steam heat. gas , bath. 711 S. lllth , 2d lloor. 4U.1-10' AIIM room , private family , .113 S. 23th a > e. M 754-10 * FOR RENT Comfortable south room , mod orn conveniences , private family. 2015 Douglas. 74i 17 * q ROOMS light housekeeping. 1223 NSOth. FOR RENT Ycry pleasant furnished front room with all modern conveniences. 1915 Chicago t , Mfi88 " 171 OR REST furnished rooms'gasbath ; and JD atonm. 1510 Howard. 878 nOU RENT furnished rooms , 1600 Douglas. 171 OK RENT Two nicely furnished frout JL'rooms. 2U10 Davenport st. 207 FOllKKNT--IIOOMS UNFURNISHED 1'or rates , etc , , xee top ot jtrtt column n this pnjt. "ITUnSiT floor , pilvnte residence. Newly pa- X pcrud and painted. Good location. 012 South loth. ' ail-IB * rrVWOuufmulshed rooms , 1904 Farnam. J. 7CS1S * T71ORRENT Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms to JL1 family without children. Trice tld.20.1701 Webster Ht. B1757 FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms for house keeping to-family without children ; nlso2 basement robins , at 1122 N. Itth bt. it 753 T7IOK RENr 3 unfurnished rooms,210 N. 13th JU st. M 730 f ) TJNTORNISHED roomi. lOlS.Fnrnam st.D TUP-IS * riTIiREE rooms light housokcoplng. 1223 N. 1 20th. M523 , , rUUNI.SHED KOO91S AM ) HO.\ItL > . for tales , etc. , nee Inp of flnt column on Ihlr page. VT10KLY furnished room , oust front , with JLl good board ; modern eonvonloncc ; terms reiisonable. 70S N. 10th at. - ILY furnished front parlor with JN \ board ; ull modern convculcuccs. GjON 1'tli , BKSIRAIlLn Rooms with strictly first class tjiDlo board at the Mcrrluni , "Hli mill Dodge streets. M 7l - ) URNI8IIED rooms with gas , bath nnd fur- nnco lieat. Hoard it desired. S. C. cor 23th uve. and Hurnoy. MTW-lli * TTlOIt UKNT Nicely furnished rooiis , steaw J-1 KIIS anil bull ) , with or without hoard , ! ? Davenport. S T. OLAIH Kuropcanhotel.wlthdtnlni ; room : _ ati'iim heat In all rooms , 13tb and Dodge Special rates by week or month. 231 FOR peed bonrd , nice rooms , modern con- ! venuuicixs , rules uud location , tlio I'nllmuu hoiibc , 1310 Dodge st. , cannot ba cvcollcd. N'EWLY furnished rooms , sln lo or en suite with bonrd , heat , gas und buth , 2UJ and : rJ : N. 17th , opposlto now postonico silo 023 NS. ANDSOMU Itooms wltli board. 18J3 C'hi CHRP st. M71M-21 il9. rOIlUKNT-STOKKS AND OFFICES , For rates , ete , , tte top offlrtt colimin ot fits TfilORRKNT the 4-story krlok ; building wUl JL1 AT without power , formerly occupied by tin llco Publishing Co. , 010 Kurimm st. The build ( I- lint bus u flio proof coiuont basement , coinplet < , stuum huiithif ; Uxturos , wntiT on all the Iloora BUS , etc , Apply at tlio otUooot The llee. raU TOn RENT For mlM , ere , , tet top o/flrrt tolunmpn STOHE to mnt in now brlcK block , No. 1MI Ilurtst , Klinball , Champ & HvAh. 1TO Varnamst. M689-M _ _ STOlindnt70081rtth.2ixfiO ) each , liinp slmw windows , steam hent furnlahoa. Thos. IT , Han. 311 1'AUonblk. U l _ IOOK HKRE Winter is commit , thorn nro n Uowgood onlco.4 for mnt In , the Hiiineo bld'Ki with flrst class boitlnx ana belt ot olu- vator services. Inquire Frank J , ItittnffO.2 . -2 _ _ For rate * , ete , tte tnp affrst tnlumii on ( M * p < t(7 ( . ANTi-A : ) 7irr"nlsliPdVooin.wlth or with out bonrd , fur n pontlomiin. 1'rlvato family proforrcil. Address , statins locution and terms , W 11 , Hoe. fll.uM-lO' _ \\7ANTnD Two or three unfurnished rooms M for housekeeping. Address AV 3. llco onico. MOMi-20 * ) Two or three unfurnished rooms for hoiisckeoplng , Address lllcoof- Hce. WJ-17 * _ \\rAXTnil To rent ft and 0 room houses TT north of Cuss and cast of 2fltn , ToniuiU waiting for them. Larmon 1' . 1'ruyn Co. , 2110 CiiininK st. 8'iO-17 * RKNTvxiuiiousi.s. : : . J'or niltn , tie. , FCC ( op nfflrtt cnlnmii nu this FOlt RCNT IlrlclcMirehouso , two.Btorlps . hlili ; , basement , hydraulic olovntor , track- ago ; best location in the city. A , O. 1'onnll , . 807 TJ1OH RENT llrlok warehouse , two Rtorlos JL1 and basement , 87,009 iiiimro feet , with KW fret of doiiblo track on U. I1. Railway , Soillli 20th and I'lerco streets. Addiosi O. Oikump , Omaha , Nob. 2SJ b'JLUKAUU. For rates , tit. , tee. lop of flint ciilumn nit thto Oiindprlvutoly stored at reasonable terms , Omaha S > to\o Repair Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel. MO. KVJ rnUACIvAOE storage at lowest rutc3 W.M. JL Itushniiin , 1311 LoaNcnuorth. 285' ' STOUAOE nivl Trackago-niivld Cole. 815- 817 Howard st. " , 713 IjOST. Formic * , etc. , see lav of flr l rblitmnon. IM * LOST I'ockutlKXJkcoiitalnlnK about $17 in money and check for $ \ puyablo to JIIss r. O. Morrcll. $7 reward paid for thurctuui of above to llco olllco. M 037 19 * LOST Liver-colored pointer bitch , \orythln nnd bony. Return to 1110 Douglas street. Sultalilo reward. M 374 RENTAL AOENO1. Fin- rates , etc. , Ht- lop ot flrst column on ( M LlfaT your houses with the Uoal Estate lu- formatlou burouil , 17 Hoard Trado. : ill n 29 B.IREV & Hro.rcntal agonts,203 N.JiM.lto . Cole , rental agcnt.Contluontal blk. 273 T.1ST your house * to sell or rent with C. i Harrlson , Oil N. V. Life. 3D.I . l01l SAL.1C KUKN1TUKI2 ETC. For ratai. ett , . rec lo ; > of Jit-st cotuiiia on 1/iU / ) ) t < j. F OH SALU Cheap for cash or Its equiva lent , rurnlturo ( all new ) of a six-room Hat centrally looated ; rooms all occupied by good tenants. Address W10 , Beoofllce. 4 FOK PALE Anew Emoison piano , flrst class lu every particular , orlcocry low. llcst of masons for soiling. Address W 0 , lice. Ullo FOR SALE Pine new furniture of 8 room houso. suuhtis npilght piano , parlor and bed loom suits , dlnlnir loom furniture , sllvor- ware , dishes , velvet carpets , range , etc. will < .oll part or all. II. II. Iroy & liro. , 200 N. Y. Life. 013-18 FUUNITURE of 10-room housq. comen- leutlv located for taking roomers , cheap Icaso. Owner has position that tukcs family out of the elty. llutchlnsoix & Wead. 1524 Douglas. b'8-13 TT1OH SALE Two flist-class 'heatlnp stovvs. JL1 in good condition. Apply room iiDouglus lilock. 831-17J "Vrn\V \ furniture und stoves of a nine room -L > house for $550 ! a bargain. House rents for IJ5. 2IOU 1'arnani. 7U1 ID * FOU SALE A largo parlor steve and 2 small stoves. J.V. . Harris , 39th and CIIFB. ( i.lS-23 FOlt MALU 1JOII8ES WAGONS ETC. Ffirratat , ctt. . Me Inpof Jlntt column onDifa pane- T71OR SALE Cheap. Elegant lady's driving -L horse , 11 vo years old ; sound , irentlo. safe and handsome. A. W. Scrlbnor , U. 1' . head quarters. M1H)853 * TTIOU SALE Delivery wagon. 1507 N. IDth st. IE MBOO-D13 * WORK liorso * ( > 0. two horse waion fJO. dou ble work harness$15. Or will trade for a good light sldo bar buggy , 11. E. Cole , Contl- nciital block. , ' 27J HOUSES$50 and up , 11. E. Colo. ' 73 T71OIESALE Seooduork loams. Imiulro ut J3 018 I'axton blk. 28) ) FOU -MI8C13LiIjA.NTOU3. : ! . Forrata , etc. . etc top of first cnlitmn on this pag * FINK larn > : nllk cow , cheap ; also a coni- poultry outfit Splendid chance for man with small capital. Addicss V ( iC , lioo olllee. 830-17' j TfOU SALE Two cash registers In good rc- JS pair , at 111 S. Uth st. M700-19 * Xn'W callgraph , prlco reasonable , B 05 , Iloo IN oflleo. 7J2 = WAM'KD . ' 10 For " , tff , tie , , rcttirp of flrtt column oilfhM page. WANTED At once , S or 3 acres of high trackage property , close to center of city. State price. Amos Itcal Kstato ucency. 1507 i rarnam , M.95j-2) WE II AVE a cash buyer for a lot , or house and lot In good resilience locality. Co Operative Land and Lot Co. , " 05 N. 19th Ht , 1)4020 ) fjlUUNITUKE. household goods , etc. Highest JU cash price. Wulls , ill ! Karnam. a orcOND hand typowrlters. J. 1 . JloRoath , OltX ) " Knrnam St. , Omaha. 77a WANTED Horses , wagons , etc. to sell at auction every Tuesday and Friday , 10 a. m. Pioneer stables , Uth , between Harney and Howard. -JU7-D1 WANTKD Horse und buggy. 'V J. Paul 1GOO Farnam. 340 tllSCULIjANKOIIS. , etc. , rcetopof Jit ft column on this page. TT\0\l \ RENT Good barn , ono box and t w JU common stalls. Apply , 1810Chreazo st. 8 0 2l . * l\TASSAGEtreatmciitolcctto-thorinal baths J.TAcoiip and hair treatment , manlcurn and chiropodist. MM. Post , It 20-21 , Wlthnoll bite. ORSE to let for Unlit driving to good pirtji for lu feed , H. E , Cole , Continental bliK ) .p MIIS. S. K. IIOUTON , professional nurse 18U Cass bt. 811-17 * LADIES&Rnnt8 tohuy the riunier reollnliif chair ; uusiupusscd for comfort. 321 N. 13tb m rpVl'EWUITEKS for rout or sale. Stcnojc- rauhora suppllCB. Jl'.McgeathlC07 rarnam 315 DON'T forget Jos , 1' . Mesoath , 1007 Farnan st. , when you want to buy , runt or sell i . typewriter. 773 TTl'llOLSTERING and mattresses renovatci UllJGNlSth , E. 1'eterbon. 71211 . Tyr , Madam Delzior , over 010 S13th BIONbY 'IO LOAN. Kor rates , elc. , fte ! " ) ' " ' , n > 'Huilutnn ontliU | vie , \\rASJTEn-Opor tent runl estate loans. O > > T. Harrison , 013 N. V. Life. " 337 , BL'ILDINO Ixians- niiido on rholco city property at lowca lutes , tiiiiiis ott5,000ai < d upwards uurforrcd Klmball. Champ & . Ityan , - 1205 rarnam utreot , 8UO-D1 MONKVloantnl nt low < is on furniture horses , &o. , without publicity , llawkoy * . Investment Co , 21 Douglas blklath aod Dodge MONKY to loan on second mortgage. W.I Wynu , Room 32 * Omaha Nut , Ilk. lll'dg. M 721 - WANTED-rirst-class Inside ioujil wes rates. Call and see us. Mutual InVi-bt uiont Co. . 1501 raruaia. Ml For ratai. etc. , tos ( opteolnnui on thu pagt " " " M otoY"to lo n on n\6roveiclt \ property at current rates ) fntwi on hand ) no uolay , Oeo. I'1 must ft Co. , 80 lUmgp bldg. DQ4-dl5 ONEY lo loan by Bft Masters on ohattol and collateral secy wtlos for nny time from ono to six months In any amount losultbor * lower , Loans made on hoiisc'hnld poods , pianos , or gans , horses , mule1 * , litnistw , Ion es , warehouse receipt * , etc. . nt the -tfiwost nosslblo rates. without piibllolty or roiuoviilot property. My loans are so nrrangod that you can mnko n payment of nny iitnolimnt any tlmo nnd ro- duoo both prlni'lplo nn.d Interest. If you owe a bnlano 'nti your property or have a loan you wish ohitimud.I will pay H o It nnd carry It for you. .J-f you find H moro con venient , cult up telephone No. 10t ! aud your business will bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand. Nodolny , Noimb- llclty. Lowcstrntos. II. P. Masters , Room .J.WItlincH blk. , 1Mb and llarney.sti , 0 II I ! A V eastern money 1'hlladolphla JlortRiso and Trust Co. , always ready to loau and pav promptly ) first mortgages wanted. Qeonu W , P. Coates , rep resent utlyg , room 7. board ot trado. _ 2'M ' KKVSTONE MorlgaRo Co.-Lonns of 110 to { 1,000 ; gotour rates before borrowing anil save money ; loans on hordes , furniture or any approved security without publicity ; notes bought ; for new loans , renewal of old nnd low est ratos.ciill R.208Bheclyblk.tjth&Uoward. BUILDINO loans , B to" nor cunt ) no addi tional chnntos forcoininl'isioiiorattornt'y's fees.V , II. Mulklo , 1'lrst National bank bldg , ao7 . . _ TOWHST rates on choice city loans of $ IOOJ Jto JOOl)0. ) Central Loan & Trust Co , 120J , G70 19 MONEV liO.nOorWilayson furniture , pianos , horses , IIOUSCH , otu. J. J , Wilkinson. 018 UKAL I > tatoljonns Cash on hand. ( llol > o Loan A. Trust Co , U07S 10th st. No delay , no oxti a charges. Houses fur rent , good list. 300 OK. & 0. M. ANTHONY , : tl8 N. V. 1,1 fo hulld- IniC , lend nionuyon farms In oliolco conn- ttos of Nebraska nnd low * ; also on eood Oinnlni reslilunco propurty ; lowest r.itos ; tiost terms ! no doliy : money ruady. Titles and values passed on hero. 'Ml ONEYto loan on any security for short tlmo at low rates. Lowest rail's on uorsonnlprnporty. The Henderson MorlRnao Iiucsttnoiit Com pany , room 400 , I'axton bile. 207 , SlOS.'ntli St. , loani innnoy Wou chattels or collateral at reasonable rates second niort ai < eson vacant * lin- JL ? provodclty prop. County warrants hoiicht , Moneyonhand.I. ' . k Ulch.ircIsuii,813N.Y. iTlfo. EASTERN money to lo in on otty proneriy ! inortgugo pnpor bought. II. Il.lrcy.N..lilfe. . loan1 * at lowest ratos. Uomovod toK > 4N.Y. Life bills. J. U. EnmiliiKor. MONEY to loan on olty and farm property. W. M. Harris , Uai.fronzor lilk , opi ) . } ' . O MONEY to loan. Correspondents of Lorn bard Investment company. Shrlver Ic Burns. Krcnzer block. B'Jt PARXI Loans Host rates nnd option In tiio west. Interest annually. Dorrowerscan pay part or ull of prlnulpto at end of any year , and stop Interest. R. K. Stowo , 810 N. Y. LI f o bldg. 11USINKSS OJIANCIOS. For rates , etc. , nee top affirtl colimni on tnlimiit \ Newspaper men desirous of selling out should communicate with M. 0. Perkins , Atucrlcnif Press Association , Omaha , iv SI 0-18-50 * FOR SALE A good ( stock of hardware.doliig agood business , li > AVelllleot , Neb.j only hardware In town. 1'or particulars address P. M. , Welllleot , Neb. 051 18 * WANTKD Ladypjtrtnor In well paying , long-established irctall business in Omaha ; object , to enlarge 'business. Kxcol- lent opportunity. Address. WB. Heo. 047 18 T7KK RENT Hotel and hoarding house. 20 12 sleep : g rooms coululutoly furnished for only Mo per month to reliable parties. II. li Cole. Continental blk. , f Cr0-10 ! FOUSALK Lease and furniture of a S.t-room hotel , luilf block frtoni/ live banks , ticket , express and tolecraph'-olllcesidoing , good bus iness. Ajio nnd Impaired health reason for soiling. Address J 15 , Heo olllce , Council II luffs. 027-17 MEAT MA1UCET for sale. Kitted up Ilrst- class In ovury particular. Gootl business. Will boar the strictest tin estimation. Address leek box 400. Council DlylTs. la. 304-d a Foil SALE rirst-class bar and restaurant ; long lease. Address H. HornborRcr , l.'ill Douglas street , Omaha. SI 832-24 10R SALC-a5 barrel steam roller mill. Thos. Orouch , Tekamah , Nebraska. 7J'l ' (111 ( * A comnutont newspaper man with live or six thousand dollars In casher or security , to take charge of the Democrat , as I have In.portant business that will rciiilro | my tlmo cast and south for tlio coniln ; ; your. Wo will pay the right kind of a man a nluo salary. Uocomniendatlons rritilrod. Address - dross W. U. Vausliim. Omaha , Nob. SI 12 N : iO * FOR SALE Onofetcanipowi'rcraln olovntor building with brick addition and olllco building , eomplote , und all personal property therein , situated nt Hustings , Nubrasku ; ono frame horse power grain elevator building , complete , and all iiorsotml property thoro'n , ana four corn cribs , situated at Inland INC- braskn : ono fr.imo horse power olovntor build ing with frame olllce , complete , with ull per sonal property therein , anil four ecrn cribs nnd the Und on which tlio same are situated , being about ono acre , tnnro or loss , sltuutbd at Ilrlcton. Nebraska ; this property Is sold under order ot the court ; bids to bo made for cash and may bo made for ono , two or nil of suM elevators ; must bo addressed to Robert E. Foot , receiver , Denver. Colorado , box 220 ! ) all bids to booDpned Decembers , and to bo sub ject to the approval of the court. Robert E , root , receiver. Dated , Denver , November 8 , [ T\OR \ SALE The furniture , fixtures and 4 JL1 veutV lease of a Ill-room hotel , with bar and billiard rooms connected , nil In good onlcr ; price , $3,500. Address V 59 , Hep pflflcu. " | T\OR \ SALE A largo dry goods nnd carnet E cstnbllshnient. established thlrty-llvo voars In a flourishing , . western city , can UHO to.OOO , S.W.OOO or J50.000 cnpltol ( lloB | | a Vftlll. able business. Address Y 50 Dee office , Omaha " 7318 SlJS.OOO spot cash and 810,000 in clear western Plands to exchange fora first oluss stock of dry goods or general mdsp. Address with particulars , Henry Chamberlain , Wood River , Neb. 770 28 FOR SALK A good hotel louse with oom- 4 ploto furniture , oto. Will soli cheap. Ad- drcaaOS. . lieu. H 7.V.-10 * FOR BALE Harbor shop ; ono of the best locations In Omaha ; good furniture ; will sell cheap to good party. Address V GO. Dee , Otllce. ; 806-2J A PARTY" with $10,000 can buy a controlling Interest In a bunk paying 5 to 30 per cent la ono of tbo best towns In the state. Pur chaser to fill the oflloo of cushion Address V 70 lieu. 84'J-iil ' "RESTAURANT for rent or salo. T. Murray JL\ \ 1)77 ) 1710R SALE-Onoof tM'tuost desirable hotel JL' propcrtlcstntlfostutoMtiiutcdln Uanoroft , Cumlngcounty.Neb. Thbhouso has a good pay . ing patronage und baa an excellent livery stock and feed stabiirtn connection , The town Is the end of a paWengor division of the Chicago , bt. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha rail < way. It Is a centering point for hunters from all over the state , aa , ho Is surrounded by lakes , marshes and vas.1. prnlrloswhore ducUs gocso , pralrocliloken9 il other game birds abound In great mmtbcrs during limit season. 1'or further rOKronco apply to U Dohsoy , llancrof t. Nob. I M180-N-J7 FOR EXGHANGK. - Flprratattc.Me tppofj'rtt ' c < ilumuon ( hit rxioe. O20 acio farm rO'WuUl to trade for oitj " " This la .a .cjoslrablo farm , ani a O'Neill "Is rapidly g W5nK"lnto""a"oit"y. ndo ! Opor nth o Land and 1M Co. , 205 N. inth . . . . 03 ! ) IB "O1NE Farm , 85 ncre < n.f.ur Omaha forOninhi I , property , Alex. Moore,301 Slieoly block . 8 9-17 * WANTED-A clean stock of morulmiidlsc forUtoHouah , balance property. Ad dress V ta Bee. 8lO-'Jl GOOD , clear. Inside c.sldenco lots to 01 change for encumbered desirable 1m proved business or residence property , Alsi Htock farm tooxebango fordesirahlnrcsldonn or business property. Address "W , " box ( V. Omahn. AI7G1-10 * . TT OR EXOIIANOE OTO aero rnnohe , will ' ! . JU stock , for general nibdo , groceries or hard ware. Address V. 4U. llco. 715-27 * WANTPD-To trade clear real estate nd , first mortgage notes for Omaha Improve ! . resilience property or general merchandise edor stocks of hardware. AddrcEiOOti N 24th Bt Omaha. Nob. 50017 8 ' FOU SiVLlO-ItKiVti ESTA'l'K. Forrate * , ttc. tec taji of fnt mluinn on tlilt pagi itUiT.'iOO for corner 2Jid ar.J Cass sts. O. V. liar Prison. 012 N. V. Life. 054 lo FOU SAIjH-nKATi RSTATR. For'rat ft.etc.KA top of fnt colutmn on tMi TT B. IllfeV & UHO.-Sncclal Ilnrgaliu. Vine .modern 10-rootn house nnd barn , fin ished In hard wood , finest view In the city , paved st. . 31st near Hnnscom Ptirk. 7-room home , Hist ncarl'oppleton , $1,100. 8-roora house , lot face * . 18th und IHtb , 3 blocks court bongo , pared streets , M ft on Saumlers , opp Hamilton , very cheap. I'lno 2-story 7-room house , nil modern Im provements , Oooigm nP , nrur I'nrlflcKi.fiW. G-r cottage and barn , llrlstot near24th , tiooo. fmith ( run tlnt.s.-'jib nnd Hamilton nnd2ith nnd llurdctto , both clear. No rash required If puruhnsnr will build. Long tlmo given , bovornl N. Omnha add lots , trackage , cheap. 141 ft frontage. 21it nnd Hariiey. lloautlfut o trout lot. 32d , near Popploton , M.m linrgalns In all parts of the city , COON. Y. IIfc. 1)14-18 ) tj > 7. i0 for corner Sid nnd California sts. O. I' . Pllarrl oii , OK N. V. Llfo. Ml 18 BUSINESS Property I have concluded to olTor the hulldlnz nnd lot between the N , Y. Llfo nnd Morse's for sale nt the low prloo of IW.OOO , now paying o\er n per cent on this figure with front half of 3rd flour vacant. This property U worth { 00,000. David ( ' . Pat terson. I'll ) fnriiain. 1)12 28 ; ITIOR SALE-Well built , plonsantly JL' located 8-room house and burn , good Miluc , faces south , on Hurdutto at. , for < . „ , . , t 4,000 On Howard st-A very deslrnblo 7-rooin bouso , excellent order , for 4,220 On Uth street , near Center 2 houses on ! i lot ; will take a vacant lot In part payment ; prlco 4.000 Luwo nvo. and Hamilton st-.Vroom , modorii house , for 4,000 On Sid nt. , north of Loavonworth-A 3- room house , lot 4iKl23 ; price 20,000 _ On 1'ark Avoiiue. Norlh of Lcavonnnrth st J-story , 8- iniiin fftime , In perfect order , modern , chnnp at r , r > 00 Corner 2iith nnd lliilf-llo\Miid 7-room limispmodern ; prlco onlv 12,503 On ! Mth st. , between Woolworth and lllcltorj Ono ot the pleiis.uitest rosl- ( lenco locations lu Omaha 7-room modern house , for , , COO On 23th St. nnd Jlarcy 2-story frame and barn G.500 I'nrnau , near 41st st A perfectly modern well built lesldcnco , with all electric- nppllaiiccs , Including call to barn , all In perfect order nndery ehoco ! . . . . 10,000 I'lno brick lesldonce. niodurn , nlthbarn , In Ivount/o- Place ; prU'o 11,500 On Hanioy st. , near 2llh st AO-room house , bath , etc. , b.irn , for 11,000 i Will make nnsy forms If desired , Lnko sU nonr30th Kino lot with ono 6- room house and ouo 3-room house , n bargain , ut 5,000 It-room house ou Ilutncy St. . near 2ith , for . . 11.000 Ames Real ICstato Aconey. l.V > 7 rarnam. Office open openings. Solo Aitonta. GOrl27 on Sniindors st. , 2collages renting for * 25 uaeh. 811,000. U. 1' . Llurrlson , Wi N. V. Life. 03110 T7\OK8ALK \ Two houses , four rooms , well. J } etc * ItOt hand Charles , JI.SW.OO each , Ji" > .00 eash , bulancoon niouthly payments. LarROClFTht-rootu Iioii'-e , No.U11701arkst , or will trade ftjrclty pioperty or farms. House of four rooms , well , e.storn , collar , do. . Hltlu nnd I'atrlok nvc. , u bargain at if 1,700.00 , Jli.OO cash and the balance $15.00 per month. A largo list of business property. Houses forront. Ueo. J. Paul , 1001 L'arnam. 831-17 ri IIR best lot on Hamilton and Lowe avenue. JLKniiuIre at 4tWS Hamilton st. foO dU * ! I'oralot wlthsomo „ cash , a nlco dwelling pronorty near motor line In'north part of city. Altai-gain forsomo one. W. A. Spencer , IJ. 7 , Chamber Conrmerce. 601-13 GREAT nargaln A. $8,000 lesldcnco and lot on ChlcnKo and 42nd for silo for the Incum- br.inoo. J4.000. Kor terms , ote. , BOO W. W. Sla- baugh , attorney , U10 N. V. Llfo. OJ1 20 T71OU SALE-Euat front on.'lltli st be- Jt twccn Knmain and Dodge , no finer residence situ In this city , cheap at. . . $ 3,000 Lot on 10th st. near Locust , a busi ness location 43x170 for 4,500 This Is well worth Investigation. On 4Ist st. between Ilouglas aud I'arnam desirable for a residence nt 1,800 Corner llurdctto and 28th sts. lotSOxSD , good business location or for dwelling lionsoor lints at 3,000 AVont Omaha , frontlnircast " " th st. an usuollont location for line house , prlco , 12,000 East fionfc on 26th st. bot. Woolworth and lllokory , 50 foot lot for 2,200 On Allison st. bet : ilst and 3Id sts. ono of the spots Mr residence In UmahaGOX14S 'or20xl48 per foot 50 Tenth st , north of Nicholas , good track- auo lot-tor , 2,100 On'-lit 11 ave. Clark's add lot 64 * 138 for. . . . 0,150 OnHaundors st. (24th ( st , ) near Odd Fel lows hall , business lot22x80 prlco 5.000 Splendid lot for houses to rout or for Hats , near motor , pnved streets &c. ( ifix 1.12. corner of Jones nml"Hlist. will soil low. as owner wishes to use money In business , . , 0,000 Very choice. On 41st st. bot. Davenport aud Dodge , lotGOx25 ! , 2,000 fornor rarmun nu < 14Uth st 4,000 1 nsldo lots on 40th st 3,000 Two lots cast front on 39th bt. between Dodge nnu rarnam. ondi 3,500 Corner rnrnilm and.Ullist. facing on .1 street * ! with south north and west fronts , per lot , 4.500 1-ora business lot. wo offer the best In Omaha , with 00ft. front i/o l.Bft. dopthto an alley , situated on Dodge st. between nth and Ibth sts. facing south , pays a good rental now with present frame buildIngs - Ings , r rice 70,000 Tor trackage , see corner of Oth ano Jones formerly use by the Consolidated Tank Line Co. prlco 30,000 On easy terms. Ames Real Estate Agency , 15J7 Ij'nniain St. , s > ole agents , Olllco open ovim- Ings. OOJ-23 $7,000 for 8-rooni honso 23th st- near I'oppl * ton. will take part In trade , iilaco Is clear , C' F. Harrison. 012 N. Y. Life. 85110 T71OR SALE or trade a nlco lot 40vl32 , soutli JL' front , on crrado. city water , 1H block1 southeast of 20th and Vint on sts , for sale 01 tradu for n good horse nnd phaeton , L'rlco , jl2.-iO.OOj oncumhranco $400.00. Address , W 1 , Heo. ' 005-23 * VTIOBbulKlliiK lot , 27th near Spauldlng , on 1.1 grade. $400. tltlo perfect. Housd"a d"fiiiriotVn"Siau"idlngst. , J1.500 , cash , balance , Alox. Moore , 301 Shcoly blook. 8S3-17 * 3ELTOANT homes In Kount/o place from f. > ,000 to $ flSOO : 500 cash , balance 4 years , SlTi per month , 0 per cent Interest. Other good Homes In same addition to oxohango for olty property. S-room modnrii IIOUHO. 'JS-5 blocks west ofLMtli.on Caldwell st. , for M.500 : .V)0 ) cash , bilanco KiO per month. Oner cent Inter' cat. J. J. Ulbson , solo agent , Kount/o place. 857 0 Monthly Payments Beautiful 8-room modern'bilok house , on motor lino. J. L. Hlce , OS N. V. L-lfe. 8i I-17J fjlORSALE Ohoap. Duo C-room cottago. with JJ barn , onbpauldlng St. , Druid Hill ; full lot. Prleo $ . ' ,200 ; cash $100 , balance monthly pay- incnta , U. T , Butts , 220 B. 10th St. 855-21 * A SNAP $2,750 will buy n nlco 5-room house and lot , with cellar , olstorn , city water sewer nnd bam , centrally located ; terms onsy. J. U.ZIttle , OU N. y.Llfe. 803413 , TTiLEOANT rcsldenco In ICountzo Place ; 0 JH rooms finely finished and all modern con veniences ; \Virt \ st. . near SOth. Can sell on ono-quartcrcash payment and balance tlmo to right party. This Is 110 cheap affair of a house , hut a comforablo homo In every son o nnd n big snap bargain. V. 1C. Darling. Darker Ulook. M.7U3 I 1OH SALE Trade or rent , cheap , flno house. 42d and Pass st. Inquire at houso. aitai 20 * T71OR BALE-Lot28. blocks , Paddock Place , X1 and lot } 5. block 111. South Omaha. Will sell cheap. Address L. K.Schocnlobcr.Coresco , Neb. TOO as * , HOLES to the front , f have six elegant houses ou 44th and Fnrnam , with ovury modern convenience. Including gas and gas Uxtiues , uowiiuurly rcadv foroociipanoy. Saa them and make your eholco. Prlco , & .7.M ) to tl,2.V ) . MOO to OOcash , balance to suit ut 7 par cent interest. Every purchaser before November 5 gets a . ticket to the drawing of u Kilo pluuo. Oarrlago always ready to show customers , , rarnam street motor within four blocks. liny a housu quick ; and take a hand In the - grand shulllo. This U straight goods. P. Y. holes. 213 I'lrst National bank. M 1X10. . 120 acres flno farm land adjoining good No- J. b rusk a town ; nearly clear. 100 acres flniily Improved laud 2i ! miles from county bunt In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered. , 120 uctos good land In Nebraska , 6 miles from - county neat ! 2.50Q Inhabitants. House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear. Clear lot In good Nebraska town. 4 room house and lot , barn , well and olEtorn , - 10th street. Omuhn ; slightly Incumborcd ; will trade for Omahn property ana ussunio Inoum- braneea. H. 11 Colu , Continental block. 1)00 ) flJO.500 buys the Dr. Chambers residence- and 'P veterinary barn on Ifith and llurdette its. ' IMa h KI.OX ) lass than cost D. V. Sholos , solo agent , 21J 1'irst Nat. bank. U 0.10 'VVTAGIliWencrUeld.iealcdUte.ri.Omalia. TT1OR BALK An eleRant now residence , 0 . , J-1 roomcherry and oalc finish , large stable mid OTury convenience for comfort ; location , the best In the cltv ; Prlco low. Terms easy , I ) , J. O'Uonahoe. 1001 Farnam at. 312 17 HOOM uottaxn , full lot , tlmuoom 1'laco , I oivHt front nnd a great bargain for n few daya. Small cash payment und balance on IOIIK tlmo , ! ' . K. Durllns. Ilarker blook. 'Ml roit sArjK-nEATi ESTATK. fVr rnttt , tte. , K topof fnt rolimin n ( ftU rvio& IV YOU liaro nnytlitint to sail or cxchnnge , call nt Ola fax ton.block. 313 $1X000 for homo on dhlcngo st , near 2)lh , O.I' , jlarrl-on. 1)18 ) N. V. Llfo. 037 _ < n,500 Only W.IWO Dr. Oliiuubrrs' residence P on ICth niul Iturdctto St. , owner Rolnn to leave city , llcst bargain tn Omaha. D. V , Bholoa. solo nKunt. 2U Vlrst Nut , bank. M RM TJ10R SALK lOO acres , oily limits. 0. M JU Tower , solo agent , room 38 Chamber of Commerce. 78J lu * TJ1OR SALUor rent-in feet front with build- JL'ing of 20 rooms. Apply at the premises 31ft S. 12th St. AlsoSJ foot on cor of Chicago and l-lth , Ap plyat3 aoutUlgtliau _ 210-H27 TTIORSALK-AtnharKaln , 60x120 on Davon- JL1 port , near 17th , ono block from now post- ofllco , very cheap , * 20OX ) ; DOtl.O corner 80th nnd rarnam , ' 5JO.OOO. 0. L , Urccn , room If ) , Ilarkcr block r 4 HOKSIOHVlNTKltl3l > . Fcuatei , etc. , tee tup of Jlitt column on tnli olVsnSlnk n for tho" winter lth ouo full feed ot grain nor day and plenty of hay , J5 per month. Unoucnrn will bo taken of Ilium , Leave horse with N. K , Dlllranue , stables 414 South 17th st. Telephone 804. M3J1 _ HORSrS wintered. Wo Jiavo the best up- commonatloiis In the state for wlnterlmt horses , lln-c or Blnglo stalls , with paddook. Apply to Windsor. Kemp .t Co. , 80,1 , Now York Life bldg. , or to Chris Novlus , at ( ho stables , Inlngton , Neb. MOO | _ _ ORHKS wlntored Nohrtter place to winter - tor horses than the Stlllwator stock farm , n. Oalboiin. I'rlces low. best c.iro. II. J. Kendall , propr. , room 300 , Brown bldg.Omalia. f,7l dl ) HORSRS wintered at Omuha fair grounds , lean winter 200 horses , each hoiso has n largo warm bo\stall , feed all the strain the ownur wants , largo ynids for oxcrolsu In line wontlu-r. A , Thomson. JI2U1 N2J ULiAIKVOVANT. Forratei , etc. , tee top i > f flrst rnlunin on thlt ti . MRS. STEVKR 13 giving best success ot any nnv fortune teller lu the city , t-lio docs not deal In unv fraud. Her terms are the low est. 40G N. lilth , M floor. MRS. NANNIE V. WARRKN , clairvoyant trance , apeakln ; , writing and reliable bus iness medium , 4 years In Omaha. Ill ) N , Kith. AfcSAdi : , Madam Deizlcr , over GlOSliithl 402 (12 * MIJH1CJ AIM AN1 > IjANOUAOK. Far robs , etc tee top ottUr/tt cnlmn onUiti pans B ni'ORK buying a piano examine the now , bcalo Kliubull plaua.A.lIospc , 1M3 Douglas. ICJ G KO. P. OKLLKNnEOK.toachcr of the banjo with llospo , 15U Douglas. 24 ! ) PUOK.Chas. Peterson , piano , organ , violin , zither , vocal instructions. 505 fclieely blk. JTO-n''fi * BllUUXHANU ANJJ Korrafw. etc. , fee lop oflist column on lns ) IKIO * . all makosbouehU cold.ox- changed , rented. J. 1 * . Slegoatb , 1007 Far- mini street. BO. Rcnoral stenographer nnd notary. Depositions and court work a specialty. Tel. 10'JI , room lOtC. N. Y. Llfo IlUlg : iss-iiM HAIH GOODS-WIGS. 13TC. Forratetete. , tee uip of f rat column nil t/iU / ft KST Line hair goods In west ; hair dressing -IJwIgs , RHltclii-9. bangs , hair chains , etc. , a specialty. Davlos , hair Roods and milliner opposite postolllce. 111 S inth st. Omaha , 200 DRESSMAKING. For ratesetc. , tec top of flrst coin on thin ENGAGEMENTS tododrcssrnaklnu ; li faml- lies solicited. Miss Sturdy. 2U10 arnoy st. MRL 7 D15 * PA U NI1HOKI.HS. etc ret top of Jirtt cojitnin an thti "TTtHED MO1ILK loans money on diamonds nnd JwatchosJowolryetc.S.E.cor. . I'uniuin&lltli. urn PATENT SOLICITOUS. For rates , etc , tee top of fill column on thti T > ATENT lawyers & solicitors , O. W. Sues & 1. Co. , Dee building. Omaha , llranoli olllco at Washington , 1) . C. Consultation free. 31B TENSION AGENO * . Forratn , etc. , ree tap t < f fnt column on pENSIONS-Tho Cllngman 1'enslon Agency , JU 21 li'rciuor block. Infoiinatlon fieo ' 117 THE IlEALiTY MAUKGT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Novoin- bor 17. WAitnAwrr DEEDS. X O Hartley and husband to Waugh & Wcstorllold , loU7aud8 , hlk 12J. , outli Omaha 12,000 V U Cortinan and wife to KS II Houghton - ton , lot 3 , blk 2 , Cleveland I'laco 1,500 E J Cinrny and wlfo to W AI Wood , lot 1) ) , blk IS , Patrick's second add 3,100 Mrn 1 A Doano to William Genlty , lot 1 , blul4 , Manhattan add 100 'John Onrvey and wlfo to William Nllos , lot fl , ulk 8 , PattorHon Park 750 0 I ) HnluhliiHon to W 11 Townscnt , lot 1 , blk 2 , IlydoPnrk 500 J O Harrier and wlfo to J M Johnson , lot 2 , blk 2. Harrier's first add to Valloy. . . 51 Louis lloadstrom and wlfo to J U Thomas , lot1) ; ) . blk 121) ) , South Om.iha. . . 850 TJ Kaspor and wife to Ignao llorak , so HlotX ! , Hurr Oak r.25 S T King and husband to A P Andoisou , lot 13. hlk 2 , Wakcleyadd 1,000 J it Mllca to P E White ct al , Iot22 , blk 12 , lots 18 and 20. blk 40. and lot II ) , blk 7 , Orolmrd Hill 2.GOO A P Tukcy ot al to Ilenno Kuukel , lot 1 , blkBClifton Hill ! 1,000 Qymcr.AiM neeos. Pn Armour and wlfo to MIohaolCudnliy , 2,607 acres and tfOI7 acres In s H BW 4-14-U 1 UKKDS. J P Boyd , sheriff , to J I Roddick , lot 4 , blk m , lot 1 , blk I'-- ' , lots 3. 0 and 10 , bikllEI , loin 2 , II. 18 and 20. blk I'M. lots 7 and 20 , blk iil. : lot 10 , blk 141 , lots U and U ) , blk 145. lots 10 nnil 15. blk 116 , lot 40 , blk 147 , lot 10. blk 148 , lots 1. U and I' ' , hlk 1M ) , lots 0.10. 22 and IS , blk 153 , and lot 10 , bllt 157 , Kloronco CI4 Total amount of transfers S 12.044 For Uuso Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. Lorenzo "Walto , Pittslleld , Mass. , says : "From Its use for a period of ubout eight weeks , to tlin oxcluslon of all other remedies , I attribute the restoration to health of a pa tient who was emaciated to the last degree , in consequence ot nervous prostration mid dyspepsia. This patient's stomach was In such an Irrltuolo condition that ho could not boar cither liquid or solid food. An accom plished physician of many years experience , whom I called lu consultation , pronounced his case an Infumblo one. At this stage I decided to use Horsford's ' Acid Phosphate , which re sulted as above uientlgnoil. Mnrrlngo Licenses. * The following man-lago licenses were Is sued by Judge Shields yesterday ; Nunionna address. Ago. ( Jens Honrlckson , Iowa , 34 1 Dora Dlbbcn , Omaha 20 I Fred C. IlurgbolT , Omaha 20 1 Julia Hnzcr. Omaha 25 j William .L.O'IIrlon , Omaha T. . .K I Allco V. rcrguson , Omaha 1'J j Albert J. Ovorhi'Iser. Viilloy 28 1 Kttlo J. Oroeii , Valley 88 IKred W. Ilerokman , Valley. . . . , 2:1 : I Anna 81. Alenqulat , Vulloy. , 23 j Oncar H. Nlms , Oalusburg , III 41 ] Eva Poorman Omuhu , 21 Hall's Hair Rcnowcr is free from alcohol and dyes Unit Injure the skin. It is sdenUfl- cally prepared and will restore gray hulr to its original color and vigor. Building Penults. The following permits were isiuoilby the superintendent ot buildings yesterday ; Arohor Hko , one-story brick dwelling , Nineteenth and Dorcas streets 11,501 Union Paclllo depot company , one-story frame addition to depot. Ninth und Mason st roots W. William Mnlor , one-story frame cottage 00m tago , Twonty-feccond street und Ames avemio * flTX Four minor permits. . . 4m Total W,20 < 100k The new ofllces ol the Great Rooli ) Inland route , ICOSlxtoonth und Fnrnnn : fltroots , Oiniihn , uro the ( Inost Iti tlio city . Call and HOO thorn. Tickets to ull point * oust at lowcut rutos. RHILWHY TIME OHRD Ix > aT ii I CIUUAUO , llimiilNlliON A If I Arrlroi Uppot loth ( iml .Mix-in iirafH. | Omaha. IM p ml Chlrairo Kiprcii . . , W n m Hi n n.Chlcauo { Riproii , , . . , 6W p n OlOp ra . , , , , , , Chicago KipriiK , , , , C' > 0 a ra ( . ( Op ml . ( . 'lilrnKO lo itl . . . . M am onWtWttNnTiW A TitO. 1I1VKIU Arrlror Oualia. | Depot luth unit Manon ilro li. _ I Umah * . I0i | im . . . . . .DonrtFTJar KjproisT 4M p ra 10 IJ n m Ihinffr Ktprou , B.IJ p ta 8.41) p ra IXnrcr Night kiiiruu 9M n ra ( IJ j m , . . _ , . . . . .Lincoln . . . . . . . l i > ra " " " " - , ( "XrrlYoi _ Omaha. | Dtpot 10th anil Mimin tro H J Omahs Vsi ft lii , . . .Kansas Clir Par "K frt'ss . . .I sTo p 3 p ra'K. ' C. NlKht Kli > . tla U. P Tranv1 841 a m UNION 1'ACIFHX Onmtia. l ) pot loth nnd Marer tlrooli. Omaha Yw p m . . . .Oti-rlnniTKfyor. 7 90) p"n 7.W p ui Pacific Kipr s II4J am 10W n m . . . . . .DenTvr Kxpreis. , . , * .1W p m BOJ n ui . . . . . . .Kniiiu Otr Krprcss. , , , , , , ltU ( n ra 1013 n m . . .Kaljtlpld Kin. ( rzcor-t Hun I. . . < 0 p li ] LfftTvi T VIlinATJOriV l..t l'A"Cll4fl 1 Xrrlro' ' Uniaha. | U.l\dBpot _ _ , ipthana ilarej Sts. I Omnhn. VtO pml NI. _ . 1016 n nil 9OJ n tut. . . . . , . . , Atlatitlo Kz ' ' I C.30 p m tM p Dij Veitlbnfo l.l'iiille.lil'.il.f . ! Id ti n 1,1 i UIVTUI"WlOUA 1'ITV.v I'AiMk'lli iXrrlToT Ojnahn. | ll.Jilj > oNJIOth Mill jllarcr 8U.1 Omsh " " ' " " " "j.lS n ml" . . .Bl ui CltT I'amentter , . , . . . * J.t ) p ml . . . . . . . .ft. I'nul Krpreiv. . , 11010 n n l nroi ( " " " "Sfffuyni'i J"lA"nVICi. " T Arriroi Omaha. I _ _ l * | > t Ulh nd Webstar 8t . _ J Oraaha. ? W p m1 HI I'nul T.linllinl..jTl.r | Ml'nm < A KOai-ri\V \ KaTIUlN.I Arrive ? Omnhn. U. I'-jlopot. lOlh unit Marcr Hit. I IJ n in1 Chicago Ktprcxi Atu ( > m I H p m Vestibule l.liulto-l nf ) n m e U p m lowaAccommoilallouUia. ( Sun ) "M p m VII ) p 111 Kantprn Klrcr. . 241 p m _ l .fi l > ID 803 a in 3 TAMWOI It'IllC'Mlu , MTu , A Si' . VAffii. I Arfmis" Ojnntia. I tj. I * , depot. lOlli jiml Marcr ( . I Omnha. ' ' tAai'p ml . . , . . , , , Oilcatfo Kipicis I Uti a m "LBa > ss"j U\fAfiArt S11. I.OUT ! } . I XtnvoT" IT. P. itcpot , 10th ami Marey .Sti. I ( > . . k. AJto. VTt.TTu v. Oniabn Depot 13th nnil WalntorHti. _ _ 0ai lin "pT)0 ) a ni lllnck llllls Eiire | . , ( J0i m 9 no n in . . .llnstlnm Kip. ( Kr. Mm ' 63J p ra 610 p m Wnhoo.Vl.lncoln l'a ( Kt i lOMa m 610 p ui . .York * Norfolk ( Kr. f li ) M n m TX.Til'.T. . M Arrtvm" lV > potllttijinit Wetiitqr . Omnhn. H 10 n m . . . CUT Accommodation. .1 M p ra 1 OU p m . .Hlouz ntr Kztireai ( Kr. Sun. ) , . l..w p m 510 p ra MU t'aul I .lull luil . ai a ra 61fl ti < a .Itmicoft I'aiiuuKi-r ( Kr. Hunt. 11 8 IS n in COirmlia. I Depot I.MIi nnl Wnlistar StJ I Ooxaln. JOS ) a ml. . .St. lAiiili A'K.C. ICiprosirrTTj 4 Tp in JM p mL-i Ht. Ixiila il KiC. Kiprois. . . . ! 638 a in TTenTM rOHIO'Auo , lu l. tt l'A"Dirij. ( | ArrTros1 nforj Union Depot. Coimuii Hindi. iTranatef 6 30 p 10 .Nlnht ICsprcsi .S"a ra X > a ni . , . . Atlnntlo nxprnis . . i 460 p ra ( U pjn -i-iiiity Ml110 ! I'lraltojI.i.yji.tllpJWi m Transfer ! Union Depot. Cuunell mugs , llrnnater Noliuo. To the BtockhoUors of the Opaltilla T.uiiil and L'nttlo Co : mulro Is hereby clrcn that the annual meeting ; of the stock holder * of the ORalalla Land and CattUt Company will beheld hold at the company's ortlco. No. 211) Smith 14th Bti-eot , In the city of Onrilui. Neb.on Wednes day , Decoinborllrd , Ih'W. ' at 'J o'olonk p.m. , for tto uleotldii ot directors for tlm ensulni ? yoir , and the t rans'iutlon of Mich other buslines a ) may come before the meeting. November 17 , If'JO. niedlfit JoHEPir riiASK.Eocrelary. The Miiiinlnu Iloirri. Mrs. F. W. Leroy of 1111 North Twenty- fourth street called nt this ofilco Sunday , and stated that slio was the niece of the late Joseph Manning , who died November 0 , nnd she-desired to have the list of the heirs of the deceased published. Mr. Mnnnlng was ono of the early settlers In Omaha , having located hero in 1855. FOB the past flvo years Mrs. Leroy claimed ho had been insnnu and had maao his homo at her residence. Mi-s. Lorov believes that ho loft consldera * bio pronorty , and the following are the heirs : Mrs. Julia Manning , Worcester , Mass. ; Miss Delia Manning , Worcester , Mass. ; Dun- lei Manning , Now York : Miss Julia Man. nlup , Worcester , Mass. ; Mrs. P. W. Leroy , Omaha , Nob. ; Mrs. Helen SulIivan.New ven , Conn. ; Mike Munulup , NehrasUa ; Mrs , Murv J. Brcnnan , Lincoln , Nob. ; Mrs. Mary E. Miller , Chicago , III. ; Klfrnboth Itoscrs , Chicago , 111. ; Miss Mng io Morribon , Chica go , III. ! Mike ) Morrlssoy , Denver , Colo. ; John Morrisoy , Omaha , Nob. , uud I1 , II. Morrlssoy , Omahn , Neb. The Lady GoJlvn must Imvoliad exception ally long hulr since it completely concealed her lovely person. Slnco Ayor's If nlr Vigor cumo Into use such examples are not so niro us formerly. It not only promotes the growth of the hair , hut gives it u rich , silken tcxtuio. \Vrstcrn Art AHKociation Hxhlblr. The exhibit of the Western Art association continues to draw many citizens to the rooms in the Now York llfo building , nmldeservedly so , for no exhibition of the homo artists can compare with it either in variety of subjects or the work done. Mr. Mulvony's Justly celebrated hattlo picture , "McPhcrson und Ilovcngc , " was placed In position yesterday nnd will bo a greater inducement than over for art lovers to see it uud the rest of the exhibit. Interest ouKht to crystalllzu upon the work ijf the artists who are represented , for It is only through encouragement tnat the association will amount to anything In bring- lug about a now order of things iu tUo local ait world. The exhibit Is open day and nlcrhtaud as this is the last week , these who have not seen the collodion ought to do so now und help the CMU30 of art along. A Light in Kvory liertli. To the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ' railway belongs' the credit of bolnp ; the first in the count ry to reduce the matter ot oloctrle lighting of t rid us to oclontiflu porfcctlon. Ono of the novel features Introduced in the Bluoping earn is a patent electric rending lump in each sec tion. With thla luxurious provision , reading ut night before nnd niter retir ing becomes OH coiuforUblo us by day , nnd when retiring the tollot may bo miiuo in comfort and BccltiHion , The berth reading lump in the Pullman sleeping cars run on the Ghlcngo , Mil- WIIUKOO & St. Paul railway , boUveon Omahn and Chicago , is ptitontod und cnnnot bo used bv nny other railway company. It is tfio greatest improve * niont of. 'tho ago. Try it and bo con vinced. Bleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Oinahu , at 0:10 : p. m. dally , arriv ing nt Chicago at 0:80 : a. m. Boouro tickets nnd Rlcunlng car boi-tlia nt Union Tlckotolllco , 1601 Fnrnam street ( Burkor block ) , Omahiu J. li. PilKSTON , P. A. NABU , 1'iiHB. Agent. Gon'l Agent