THE DAILY. t OMAHA BEfl ; , TUESDAY , 18 , 1890. FATALLY SCALDED HER BABE A. Tort Dodge Woman Overturns a Was Eollor With Terribly Results. SHELB7 * COUNTY PEOPLE EXCITEt An Old Soldier nt DCS Moltics tli Victim of a Brutal AsHanlt by Unknown Parlies luwn Four DODOK , la , , Nov. 17. [ Special Tel gram to Tun BxK.lThe infant child of O Liu-Son was scalded to death in its mother arms today. The woman was trying to lift wash boiler filled with hot water from tt stove , when it was overturned , horribly seal Ing both mother and child. The child live but a few minutes. An Old Mnii lirutally DF.S Motxr.i , In. , Nov. 17. ( Special Tel pram to Tun BIK. { George Scott , an age nnd'harmless veteran , was found in n vacai building yesterday In an unconscious coml tlon , with a deep gash In his face , his boi badly bruised and his clothing covered wll blood. According to his story when ho lir been restored to consciousness , ho was n snultcd Into Saturday night by tin unknow man , who stabbed him la the face and bci him In n brutal manner until ho was uncoi nclout. Ho knows no motive for the dec Ho will recover. _ A. Beet Kn nr Company. Drs MoiNK , In. , Nov. 17 [ Special Tel gram to Tun BP.K. ] Articles of incorporntlc have bcon fllcd by the DCS Mollies beet sugi and preserving factory. The officers an A. O. Ilansmcr , president ; F. A. Perciva vice president ; D. M. Finch , secretary , nr "William J. Van Ovhe , treasurer. Tl nuthori/ed capital stock Is thcd at $100,00 The company has purchased the building mi grounds of tbo Dos Monies stove works I Kastorn place and will start a factory Itmn dlntely. , An Alleged Case of IiRprosy. Uns MOIXKS , la. , Nov. | 7. [ Special Tel gram to THE Bun. ] Eighty citizens of Shell county have petitioned the state boai of health to Investigate a case of suppose leprosy. John O. Smith is said to bo tt victim. The people are greatly excited ovi the matter in that vicinity. Flftpon DiHgtintod Saints Ilcturn t Their Old Pennsylvania iIOIIICH. CiHMiinnsnuna , Pa. , Nov. 17. [ Spceii Telegram to Tun Bun. ] The Mormon prop ganda In the rural districts of Penusylvnn Booms to bo a failure. Last spring and wii tor half a dozen Mormon missionaries mui their appcarnnco in various parts of Fmnl Hn , Fulton and Adams counties and asstdi ously but secretly pursued the work of prosi 'lytiug. They chose the most secluded local ties and at length succeeded In making twei ty-flvo or thirty converts. Shortly after en bracing the new religion these convert * sol their farms and set out for tbo promised Inn Utah. A few days ago ilftocn of then comprising Stephen McPberrcn and seven < his friends with seven children , rcachc AVnyncsuoro , down In the lower end of th countv , penniless , hungry anil ragged , bavin returned fromSaltLaicoon third-classtlckoi with short rations. They have bcon goti lust a year , but in that time their rum hu , been complete. Their hoiros in Utah , the say were in n narrow valley between proclp tous mountains , over whoso tops the su shone for four hours out of the twontj-fou ; Although tbo tana was productive the cost t living was so high that they exhausted n their savings'and they bad become thorough ! Blck of the venture. Accordingly they r turned homo. Doings of the \V. O. T. U. ATLAXTA , Ga. , Nov. 17 The Women Christina Temperance union , at today's se slon , heard reports of different dopartmeir nnd re-elected all the old ofllccrs. A resell tlon endorsing Senator Blair ot New Ham ; shire nnd urging his re-election created son excitement , nnd after considerable dlscussic went to the committee on resolutions. MI ; Willnrd , the president , is confined to IK room by illness , and prayers for her recovoi were offered today. Tlio Union Paciflo Presidency. CHICAGO , Nov. 17. [ Special Telegram t Tnr. Br.n.J It is again reported today o good authority that Sidney Dillon will 1 the next president of the Union Pacific ra way company. Mr. Dillon nnd his frlciu are said to control ! ! 00,000 shares of the cor pony. This would seem to Indicate that thoi was more truth than fiction In the recent r port that Jay Gould and his friends bad o talncd complete control of the road. SteaniHlilp Arrivals. At Glasgow The Stat ? .of Pcnnsylvanl from Now York. At Liverpool The Italy , from Now Yor : At Southampton The "Werra from No York. At Now York The Alaska , from Live pool ; the Normandle , from Ilavro. At Hamburg The AVieland , from No York. _ Ware's Case Continued. The case of the state nguinst a young nit named \Varo , charged with criminal relatloi with Annlo Hoag , a thirteen-year-old gli was called in pollco court yesterday afto noon , The testimony of the girl was voi straight and convincing. The case was co : Unucd until today. 11 The \Ventlicr Forecast. Foi Omaha ana Vicinity Pair ; slight : cooler. i For Nebraska Fair ; no change In temper turo , except slightly warmer in castem po lion ; southeasterly winds. For South Dakota Fair : cooler : nort Hound for tlio Coiijjo Stntp. BncssuLs , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegram ffnis The steamerLuulabaleaves An II wcrp tomorrow fsr Hanzlbar with the ngen of the congo state nnct the Anti-Slavery socl If ! ty on board. The Jesuits have decided to e Jabllsh missions in the cougo state. The IlnrluuH Guarantee Fund. LON-DOX , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegram ( THE Bir.j : It is stated that the guarmitc fund raised for the Barings amounts so far 14,000,010. Telegrams nro being constant : received from homo and forclgn.houses offe ing help. A Glmstljr Find. MMIKID , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegram I'IIE BuK.l A woman's body , cut Intopiece was found in the Rua Ferrocarll today. Tl woman is supposed to have been murderci 3.U.O case has caused a great sensation. hnooossfnlly Inoculated. . BEIH.IX , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegrrm TUB Bnu. ] The first English patient suffc Ing from tuberculosis has been successful Inoculated with the curutlvo lymph. Reported Murder. EnmtooM , Nov. 17. Two French oxplc ersj Dunielly and I'llssou , who were makli a gcogr.iphicnl tour around Lnko Van , are r ported to have been murdered. A VIotorlouB Honllor. Sinsur , Nov. 17. McLean defeated Bta berry lu the sculling race on the Panunctv river today , Ilusslnn Nihilists Sentenced. ST , PBTBUSHUHO , Nov. 17. [ Special Cabl tram to TUB BKE.J-The trial of the nihills who wow accused of bcins Implicated l plot against tbo czar was concluded todftj Sophlo Gucngburg , ono of the prUonors wh was arrested hero after her trial In Paris. I \vliich city she was arrested for havln l > ombs In her possession , togmhor with tw of her accomplices named Btoilanofsky an Frclfcld , were found guilty nnd condoinne to bo banged. Tbo court , however , rccon mended that the czar remit tlio sentence ( death against Stollanofsky and Frclfelil nn that they bo banished to Siberia. Two oil ccrs who were also charged with compllclt in the plot \tcro acquitted , SHOT Cliarles AVIlliclni MnkcH n Dcspcrat Attempt at Hnluldo. "Twelfth and Dodge , qulck.1" The call sent the patrol wagon flyln through the streets at 2 o'clock ycsterda afternoon. It was a case of attempted suicide. Chnrli Wlllielm , njiaporhanuer , bad shot himself i the head at the lodging house , 12) ) Nort Twelfth street , In a lit ot despondency ovi financial troubles. The woulil-bo f-uleldo attempted to take h life in the water closet ou the second tloo using a small 2'i-t-allbcr "Defender" revolve The report of the Shot was not heard I any of the people In the building , nnd disco cry was the result of the merest ehnnco. The porter attempted to open the door nn found it blocked. Ho eouid open it , bov ever , just far enough to sco a foot , and reu Ized that some ono was lying on the floor. Ho reported tbo state of affairs to Mr. Frc A. Fuller , the proprietor , and the door w soon removed from its hinges and entrant elTefled. Wlllielm was found unconscious , hi breathing heavily. Ho was taken from h cramped position nnd laid on the door in tl hall , and thu patrol wagon summoned. When tbo ofllcers arrived they found tht Wlllielmvas still olive. The victim was n moved to the st ntlon. Medical nld was summoned , nnd after stir ulants had been administered an attempt wt made to locate the bullet. Williolm Is thirty-six years of age , nn came this city last March from Wooite Ohio , where ho has n wife an two children. Ills relatives are among tl wealthiest and most influential people in tin section. Ilo is said to have been somothln of n black sliccp , and skipped out as the n suit of a little scrape lu which ho was Imp ] cated. Ho worked during the summer for a pane : linngoron South Thirteenth street , but sine thoclosoof the season has been out of woi and has bcca very despondent , although 1 cave no evidence of au intention to ma Ho u attempt on his life. ts Ho was considerably in arrears forlils rooi rent , and llnally wrote homo for money wit which to go into the commission buslncs The money was not forthcoming , and slin the receipt of a letter from Ida sister two daj ago ho has been particularly blue. Wllhclm has no relatives in this city wll the exception of a nephew , Elmi Ebcrman , of Tin ; " But : news room fore Tbo physician ordered Wllhi'ltn's rcmovi to St. Joseph's hospital , where It was foun that the bullet bad taijcn a slightly doivi ward course from where it had entered , Jus above the right temple , and bad entered th brain. Wlllielm died at 12:10 : this morning. THE Sl'JUKIt ItlXa. NiiHtivillo llnoos. , Tcmi. , Nov. 17. Summary i today's races : Two-year-olds , half mile , Hominy Bill woi Ed Bell second , Laura Doxoy third. Tin K ) . Three-year-olds nnd upward , six furlongs- Billy Plnkcrtonvon. . Pantaletto second , Die Dclancy third. Tlmo l'JOJ : < f. Three-year-olds and upward , seven fu longs Little Crete won. Consignee second Neva C third. Time 1 : S4. Three-year-olds and uoward , mile and so' ' cnty yards Fred Fink won , Gilford sccom John Morris third. Time 1 : & } . Four-year-olds and upward , five furlongs- Miss Francis won , ftluggio B second , Chicai third. Time l:07 : > . Today's Tips. AT I.INUEK. First race Tipstaff , Chesapeake. Second race Major Daly , Young Grace. Third race Raymond G , Demuth. Fourth race Dictum. L'ntlna. Fifth race Lemon Blossom , La Grippe. Sixth race Now or Never , Gun wad. AT NASHVILLE. First race Maud B , Blanche's Last. Second race Polemus , Nova C. Third race Bucklen , Big Three. Fourth race Borcalis , Hart Wallace. Fifth race Mamie Fonso , Miracle. Entries Tor tt'oilay'H Knees. AT MNUES. First race , five-eighths of a mile , handier Tipstaff , Lakcvlew , Prince Howard , Louis Cynosure , Hub S , Clarendon , Chesapeake. Second race , seven-eighths of a mil beaten horses Young Grace , X , Major Dal' ' Ballston , Can Can , Ella T. Third race , one mlle handicap Badgi Nevada , Now-or-Novcr , TipstalT.Glcnmouni Vandal , Domuth , Clarendon , Haymond G Chosupeako. Fourth race , eleven-sixteenths of a mil maidens Dictum , Glenbrlor , Van Dyk Rumpus , Melville , Picket , sjcrapis , Laterl ; Moscotte , Ircno II. , Uopent. Fifth race , live-eighths of n mlle , selling- Mauola , Loinon Blossom , Facial B , Joe Cour doy , Gunshot , Dauicl B , Oarsman , Elmstou Veronica , Houston , La Grippe , Hot Scotcl Hilda , Village Maid , Ruth. Alma. Sixth nice , ono mlle , handicap Mastcrlodi Floodtldo , General , Badge , Lakovlow , Euru Woodcraft , Hub S , Now or Never. AT NAbllVIME. First race , nine-sixteenths of a mile , sol ing Hominy Bill , Valparaiso , Little Midge Blanche's Last , Maud B. Second raco. seven-eighths of a mlle , sol ing Kemp Dillard , Mark S , Pullman. Ma acca , Nova C , Polemus , Billy Pinkcrton. Third -race , ono and onc-aixtccuta mile handicap Gilford , Big Three , Silver Lnk Buckler. Fourth race , eleven-sixteenths of a mil handicap Ed.Bell , Douglass , Hart Wollac Borcalis. Fifth race , live-eighths of a mile- Re Cap , Miracle , Frank Koss , Sullross , Guid Miss Leon , Maggie B , Mamie Fonso , Toi Karl , Bridgeligbt. Rcsubinlsaion in North Dakota. EU.KSDALB , N. D. , Nov. 17. [ Special TUB Ben. . ] The Incoming legislature wl have a hard struggle on the prohibition < jue tlon. The subject has to some extent be < lost sight of In the excitement attending tl senatorial contest. A considerable numb o { the members of both bouses wore clcct < on that Issue , and it is believed that a b : can bo passed rcsubmlttlng the question prohibition. A majority of the Hcd river vt ley member , the Stutsrann delegation , mo of the Missouri slope members ana a fo others scattered over the state are anti-pr hlbltioulsts and will support a bill to rcsu mlt the question. The alliance and the demo racy will clash on this point to some oxtcn Most of the farmers elected on the 4tb ins nro prohibitionists. Senator Kintcr of 7. Mouro. a democratic leader , will not star with his party on the liquor question. Mo of the Independents will vote for rcsubml slon. A careful estimate shows a majority three la the senate and five In the house favor of rcsubmlsslon. The temperance o ganlzatlons are already bringing out the forces for an active campaign at Blsmnrc The battle this winter will bo a decisive on as the legislature will not moot thereafter f two years. Tbo prohibitionists admit th the llcenso men caught them napping in tl recent election nnd almost , If not quite , ca turod the legislature. Result of Smith's Defalcation. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 17. The assignment i Wells , Uobcson & Smith , which was brongl about by the forgeries of tuo Junior mombo was filed in the , county clerk's ofllco toda Albert H. Smith , the guilty member of tl llrm , was arraigned In police court and r nianded until tomorrow. ' Another Itusslau Outrace Iloportci Sr. PETcnsnuiia , Jfov. 17. It Is rcporU that last week , at a place nfteen.milcs fro Moscow , a bc4y of troops shot and wounded hundred peasants and workmen for rcfush to receive the commands of the newly a pointed district oalclalj. SCALPED RAILROAD RATES Ohalrnmn Finloy'a Notice to Interested Line In the St. Paul-Chicago Situation , COKE RVTE JUGGLERY INVESTIGATIONS Southwestern Pool Tonnage nm Itcvrnun Figures Goultl Cap- tlio Santa Foe Beef Differentials. CIIICACIO , Nov. 1" . [ Special Telegram t Tun linn. ] Chairman Iflnley ot the \Vcsi cru Passenger association today sent wor to all the northwestern lines that It the situ ntlon between St. Paul nnd Chicago was nc cleared up by November 'M ho woalcl iiutboi izo a reduction In passenger rates to the rat quoted by St. Paul scnlpors. This doclslo was the result of a complaint of the Burlliif ton Unit Us tralllc was Injured by the HloRi duals of other lines. The $11.50 "rate Is ncn scalped to ? 3 , the rate mudo OH. the rcgulii mileage books of the northwestern. The r < auction , If it comes , will then bo to $3. whlc will also bo made northbound by-tho Knnsn City road. A meeting of the general unit npn-s of the interested lines Is called for t ( morrow to arrange mattOM If possible. SotitliwcHtcrn I'ool Figures. CntCAno , Nov. 13. [ Special TelcKom t Tin : BIK. ] Uclow arc the llgurcB on toming andrevcnuo for the lines in the south wester pool during October. The pooled buslnc ; includes that from Kansas , Nebraska an part of the Indian Territory. The fleim nro of special Interest , as it Is the only siu ccs9ful pool slneo the passage of the Intel state commerce act , and the one now undc consideration for nil western lines will doub loss bo formed on the plan of thin 0110. The total tonnage for October 'was 23(1,11 ! the revenue being $341,54' ' . Of this tli Atclilson took 24.5 nor cent of the tominp nnd ' > . " pur cent of tbo revenue j Alton toi nape , 13 , revenue , 12.0 ; Burlington tonnncti 15.1 , revenue 1(1.4 ( ; Missouri Pacltlo tounafii 12.S , revenue 10.U ; Kock Island tonmigo , 8.1 revenue 9.0 ; Wnbash tonnage , 8.1 , rovonu 7.0 ; St. Paul tonnage , T , revenue 8.1 Ft. Scott tonnageO.U ; revenue 4.i Kansas City tonnage , 4,5 , roydnuo 4. ' Coke Unto Investigation. CniCAdo , Nov. 17. ( Special Telegram t THE BEE. ] The United States grand Jur. today continued the Investigation of cok rate manipulations on the part of the Illlnol Steel company and the Panhandle. It ( li velopcd that the saino manipulation of rate was made by diverting colto billed to tli steel company's works in Milwaukee. Tli original investigations of tno Central tram inspection bureau showed that tbo innnlouli tions had been on about twelve hundred tor of coke. Today's testimony showed tnat tli total was over four thousand tons , involvin a Rain to tbo steel company of about $17,001 Vice President Norman of the Northwester was the only now witness today. Drcnicil Keel Dlffarontjals. CIIICAOO , Nov. 17. [ Special Telegram 1 TUKBKG. ] The arbltratloii on dressed bee differentials will bo held tomorrow In Chali man Blunchard's ofllco. The advanced rate going Into effect November 24 give th Grand Trunks cents differential , and thi will be used mitll the arbitration cotnmittr makes n Him ) decision. The advance will I to a 45-ccnt basis from the present'80-cet ono. Union Pnciflo Statement. BOSTOX , Nov. 17 , [ Special Telegram 1 Tin : BEK.J The statement of the Unlo Pacific's entire , system for September show gross earnings of $4,033,450. an increase < $118i8 ( : ! ; net $1,503,014 , n decrease of141 007. For nlna months ending September 31 gross 12,703,583 , an Increase of 515,100,151 not $10,711,021 , a decrease of $183,893. , Gotiltl Captures tlio Santa Fo. CIIICAOO , Nov. 17. A specialdispatc from Kansas City printed hero this ovenlni asserts that Jay Gould has secured a-contro ling interest in the Atchison , Topcka J Santa Fo railroad. THE ft'A It . Secretary Proctor Makes His liopor to the President. . 'WASIIIXOTON' , Nov. 17. [ Special Telograi toTun BIK. ] The report of Socrotar of War Proctor to the president has bee made public. It reviews the military situ ; tlon of the country nnd the legislation' tb present congress affecting the army. Thl legislation has been unusually Important an embraces provisions for lineal promotion an professional examinations therefor , acts fo the prevention of desertion , for limitations c punishments under the articles , of war an appropriations for additional machinery fo the manufacture of largo guns , and.-for th beginning- system of coast defenses. On the subject of coast defenses the seen tary says : It has been our traditional polic from the flrst to avoid entangling alliance ! Wo are separated by an ocean from'tho pou era which maintain armies. The military sources of the nation have boea 'so rccentl demonstrated and its not work of railways i so adapted to a rapid concentration of troop on any threatened point , that no hostile fore is likely to seek an encounterwith us on ou own soil. A small army sent upon our shore could not hope for success ; it Is not probabl tbat any largo ono will incur the risk. W have , therefore , little to fear from Invasior and are free from the necessity of mulntaii Ing largo standing- armies or of.fortlfym against land attacks. Under the fortification act of last sesslo position for forty-eight mortars In , thrc .groups of sixteen ouch , and for three of tb now long-range guns will bo" prepared in NOT YoiJc harbor ; for ono group of mortars an ono gun in Boston harbor , und forlono grou of mortars and two guns In San Frnnckicx As this Is a matter In which makeshift * froi year to year are both expensive und desirui tivo of the object to bo attained , I Jrust tbu a fixed policy may bo adopted In the line of roasonaulo yearly approprlatloa for-thocon plctlon of the work ou which the nation Js bu just entering. The report shows that desertions from 111 army have decreased " 4 per coat over u you auo. The secretary recommends thttt con Kress consider the subject of throa battalia formation for infantry. The publication c the rebellion records Is progressing1 favoi ably. Forty-five books have boon publlshe and distributed up to Juno 30 , IS'JO. The policy ot the department to cancer truto its troops at larger posts as rapidly a the requirements of the service would poi mlt has been carried out during the year , an sixteen posts have been given up and the re servf.tlons turned over to tbo department c the Interior , In order that they might b taken up by the people for private use. Thl has only been done , however , where it wa felt tbat the presence of tbo troops in thos particular localities was no longer necessary and that their maintenance there was mail ing needless extra expense. The licenses of forty-two post ' trader have boon revolted during the year , loavlni only tblrty-four traders nt present la the ser vice , as tno secretary believes it to her wls policy to discontinue this privileged class. Under the head of exploration of Alask the secretary says : ' In order to obtain exact and trustworth ; information concerning this territory I hnv approved a proposition to organize thoroughly equipped expedition to make aystcmatlu exploration and survey of Aloskc The duty will bo trying and arduous at th best , but It will be cheerfully undertake : both by coini > ctent ofllccrs und by the me ; and with , In my opinion , a fair prospect c .Important results. I recommend that aTiuitl clcnt appropriation bo made by congnm fo currying the plan into effect. Cases Under Kocli's Treatment. BKIILIX , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegram t Tun BBB.I Prof. Borgmunn delivered" lecture last night at tbo Berlin Clinical hoi pltal on thirty-nine cases treated by bin According to Koch's statement his patient were Buffering from various tuhcruclar aTe ( < tlons of JoAh l bones , skins , gland ! throat and mdjitti. 'Ono of thorn was sulTci Ing from n tunfof on the larynx , nnd It wn doubtful wheUiqc the affection was n tubei culnr or cancerous ono. Ho was treated I tbo manner lnia iD\vn by Prof. Koch , nnd n there was no constitutional reaction Pro Uergmann was | ptl to express the opinion the the tumor waiciu-anccrous formation. PreDominant Dominant ! Illustrated the value of Koch' mnthod as an nld In diagnosis , Prof. Berf mannnlsoderMiflitrntcd the Koch cure la ? night before , pr , Von dossier , the Prussia ministers of ecclesiastical affairs , Inttructln medicinal affairs , , nnd many noted plivsicluni Including the celebrated Ur. Kcrehcnstclnc of Munich. u Prof. Koch's Indisposition was the result ( the Injection of > Hio curative lymph nnd we only very sllght.and has no > v p.isscd off. Censni ItntnriiH on tlio Condition o Nebraska mill lown Cities. WASIIIXOTOX , Nov. 17. [ Special Telegrai to TUB BiiK.J This evening the census oilli issued a bulletin showing the llnnnclal coi dltlon of municipalities , from which It n ] pears that Atlantic- and Hcd Oak nro the on ! cities In lown having resources In excess < debt , while Nebraska has none. The bondc debt of Council Bluffs in 1880 was * M7-IO < In 1S90 , $000,400 ; total available resources I 1MO , $17,8401 in 1800 , S3(11,07".J. ( , Sioux City not given , nor is Omaha. Following is n ll : of the Iowa cities named In tbo bullotl which have returned their Indebtedness ! Following is the showing of the Nobrask cities given : Followhip nr,6 the figures for South Di kotn : isoi Dead wood , , $ , i\ni Huron , B4.S ( OF A 1HWAVE. What the Cities Have Accomplice us Shown1 by the CCIISUH. WASIIINOTON , Nov. 17. The flnancial coi dltlon In 1890 of 858 titles and largo towns I shown In bulletin Np. ; 14 issued today by th census ofllce. Within a few days a suppli rnentcd bulletin w411 bo issued showing th same facts In relation to the remaining cltic of this size. Th'ls with the ono publlshe today will represent 05 per cent of the mi nidpal debt of the United States. The gcr end results for thi ) ' STiS/iItlcs and towns coi sldercd nro as Ifpllpivs ; Bonded debt , fc 1890 , shows an iuoreasoi'of 8 percent , con pared with 1SSO. On the other hand thofloatln debt bos increased 17'por cent. The Increase i the total debt in ten years Is 7 per cent. Th amount invested in sinking funds is Increase 28 per cent. Cash In the treasury is increase 81 per cent , and the total available resource are increased 50 per cent since 1880. The ei hlbit is. ns a whole , a most satisfactory nn gratifying ono. During the last ten years tbo 8. > S cities an towns represented in the returns by rcducin the debt or Increasing their resources hav bettered their condition to the amount c $45,777,019. , The southern cities nnd towns have Ir creased their debts by $ : lr > 77a4S , hut ir creased their resources by $ l,4'JOi'J7 ( , The ! net increase In debt is $3tir > 0f > r > l. Western cities and towns , like the soutl orn , have increased both debts and resources The Increase in ilebts amounts to $12.ur > 0,073 resources , $11 , 531 , CS5 : net Increase in debl Tlio Wyoming Scnatorslilp. CnnrENNu , Wyo. , Nov. 17. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BBB. ] The legislature toda ; voted to fill the second place m the Wyomln senatowhlp. There wore no formal nomlna tlons. Eight candidates wore voted for George T. Beck , the defeated democrat ! candidate for congress , received all of th votes of the nine democrats , which was mon than any republicans received. Those vote for included W. T. Ransoy of Albany , Home Merrill of Uawllns , ex-Governor John \ \ Hoyt of Laramlo , Doforrost Richards c Douglas , John McCormick of Sheridan , II , li Mann of Buffalo , and John W. Mcldrum o Cheyenne. Twenty-five votes are necessar to a choice , and the highest vote received b any republican was eight , for Hoyt. Gov ernor Warren's name was not mentioned tc day , but it is confidently predicted it wll c'omo up at the proper time. The British Navy Kxnltcd. LONDON , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegram t Tun BEK , ] Lord George Hamilton , firs lord of the admlrallty , in a speech at Bedfor today , said the British navy was superior t those of the real of Europe or of Amorict He praised the coolness of tbo captain an crow of the lost cruiser Serpent. Such dls alters , ho said , were the price England pal for being mistress of the seas. Ho adde that the admlrallty Intended to pension th widows and remunerate the families of th men who were lost. Boyd's Plurality. Lixcoi.Neb. . , Nov. 17. Official return from every county In. the state give Boy ( dom. ) a plurality ot 1,044. , The balance c the republican state" ticket is elected b pluralities 2,000 to fi.OOO. Th Independents controls both branches of th legislature , with republicans and democrat in about equal proportion. Turkey jAlarmc . EHZEHOUM , Not. 17. [ Special Cablograr to TUB BKE.I Thty Concentration of Uussla troops on the Armenian frontier has cause much uneasiness' " hero. The governor o Erzoroum has sent Sixty wuson loads of air munition for the Turkish troops on th frontier. , , j [ BUFFALO , N. Y.Jov. 17. The griovunn commiUoo of EriejO.niployes hold another sc cret conference Mc6 today. Tbo chairman c tbo meeting doelln'ilrto ay what action wa taken , but asserted that u strike is not though of. i . 'Ibo ItiiBsltm Tariff. ST. PETKIISIIUIIO , Nov. 17. The decisions o the tariff committee so Increase tbo rostrk tion on commerce as to threaten to isolate th Russian trade from the rest of the world Even funning machinery is subject to a hlg tariff. No Law's Dolaj'H. SAVANNAH , Ga. , Nov. 17. A mob lai night surrounded the jail and took Nod Stevens ens fcoloroJ ) , who murdered Sheriff Fraloj and hung him to a tree. Tlio Jury LONDON , Nov. 17. The Jury in the trial o Sladlu and MoAuIlfToo was unabla to agree Slavln and McAullfToo were released lu tb svm of 1750 each. HOARD OP UDUOATION. Normal Kchool Mutters DlficuHseil a Ijiiit Nlfjlit's Mooting. There were thirteen members of tbo boar of education present nt the meeting held las night , The superintendent of buildings reporte the completion of the Central Park , Ilickor ntul Saratoga school annexes ; the seating o tbo room for the normal school , nnd the plat ing of several stores in the various building : Tbo cost of fencing school grounds was n ported to bo tw follows : Lake- school , SMI nrk school , 20. The report was reform On account of sickness. Kmma H. Halter. teacher In the Center school , was granted leave of absence without pay. To accommodate- puplU In tlio vlclnlt of the Sherman school , a cottage at the ro : ner of Sixteenth street nnd Gnrlleld nvcnu was rontetC for school' purposes at $3 pc month. A resolution to erect n two-room fram building nt the U.ivenport school slto wn adopted. The superintendent of building was Instructed to commence work on th building nt once. The report of the committee on tralnln school reported tha opening of tbo school nn presented a sot of rules for llio governing o the school which were adopted. The SMarles of the teachers In the tralnln school wore ilxed as follows : Principal $1 , )0 ) ; assistants , ? IXX ( ) each. Miss Hnttlo Kay was assigned to the pos ! tlonrecently filled by Mrs. Craco Sim but ough. who has been elected principal of th irmnlnir school. On motion , the committee on dUslnlin was abolished and the committee on tralnln school Substituted. On this committee th president appointed Messrs. Oibbs , Popple ton nnd McConnell. The Mason nnd the Jznrd school * wcr designated ns the training schools of this eiti By resolution the president of the boari was inktriK'ttid to appoint a i.-ommlttca o llvo to consider and report the necessar changes that should bo made to the city chni tor , pertaining to school matter.nt the coir ing session of the legislature. The commltte will bo announced at the next session of th board. Superintendent Jninci wai authorized t asslpn Miss Virginia Kcnnedv to the eight grade of ttio Long school and Miss Mary t Bnllantyuo to the position of assistant prin and teacher of the eighth grade at th Bancroft school. The superintendent of buildings will ptx pare plans and figures on the cost of bulldln retaining walls on the north und west side of the high school grounds. A Mysterious Murder. FOSTOHIA , O. , Nov. 17. [ Special Tclcgrai to Tim Bui : . ] Early this morning as a ma named Trumble , living in the north end c town , went out to his barnyard , ho found well dressed man lying on the ground with bullet in his brain. The murdered man wn evidently about forty years of age , with heavy black moustache and black hair sllglil ly sprinkled with gray. On ono arm wa tattooed a woman's picture nnd on the otnu the initials \V. J. O. In his pocket wa found a piece of paper with the address , A Jenkins , Ooodlnnd , Newton county ; anothe with name , Nellie Mejers. Lecuburg , Ind and a piece of the Toledo Price Current c November 7 , on the back of which wn written "Aiieustn. " Ho had nothing else 1 his imckets but a piece of tobacco nnd a fei trinkets. Ho was seen In a cigar store las night with n watch and chain and u good ro ! of money. Koch (11 ( America. ' BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 17. A project to c : tablish In Boston an Institute wlicro cor sumptivo patients may be treated bv Koch' tuberculosis' is to bo put into operatic at once. _ . To IlriilKC tbo I0iiillsh ( Channel. PAIUS , Nov. -Special [ Cablegram to Tn BijBTho ] French engineer , Renault , ha make n report to the minister of works 1 favor of'a bridge across the English channo A. hteamcf Missing. BOSTON , Nov. 17. The Warren line stcamc Kansas , from Liverpool November 1 , is Ion ovcrdilc , ana It H feared has met with a ml ! hup. She can-led ISO steerage passengers. Socialists Defonteil. BKHLIN , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegram t Tun BKE. | The municipal elections at Goth resulted In tbo defeat of the socialist cand dates. Will Not Participate. ROUE , Nov. 17. [ Special Cablegram t TUB BEE. ] The liomun clerical union hn decided to take no part in the coming mcel Ing. H. IL Watts of Chicago Is at tbo Barker. T. IK Anderson of Beatrice is attboCasoj H. S. Darnell of Denver Is nt the Pautoi : R. P. McClure of St. Louis Is at the Mui ray. ray.Governor Governor Tbnyer was In the city ycstoi day.E. . E. P. Mills of Buttc , Mont. , Is at the Mill aru. aru.L. L. F. Andrews of York is in the cityjtn the Casey. Charles Burke ol North Plattc is at th Merchants. W. C. Harrington of Col6rada Springs Is a the Paxton. M. E. Springer of Chicago was at the Mill urd last night. W. P. Noble of Salt Lake was at the Pai ton last night. H , S. Manning of Chicago Is in the city , a the Merchants. C. S. Reynolds of Fremont was at thoMci chants last night. James Holand of Broken Bow Is reglstorc at the Merchants. Ki D Lord of Grand Island was at thi Cusoy lust night. .1. II. Decker of New York was nt thi Barker last night. M. Johnston of San Francisco was at th Murray last night. S. Conaht Parks nnd wlfo of Lander , Wyo. tu-o at the Millard. George A. Heaton of Philadelphia is intb city , nt tho.Murray. " C. G. Mantz of Fort Collier , Colo. , Is In tin city , nt the Barker , W. L. Larklnof the Chicago Times Is 1 | the city , at the Paxton. C. W. Walters of Sutton was la thocltj yesterday at the Casey. F. II. Ilay.i of New York was in the cir lost night , ut the Murray , Joseph O'Conncll , advance agent of "Tha Swede" company , is at the Barker. Ben Paddock of Fort Uoblason is vUltlni friends In this city and returns homo tonight .Tudgo U. N. Eaton of Atchison , ICau , , is ii tbo city , being the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. fcj T. Baron ut the Paxton hotel. Mrs. I. O. Edson and daughter , Miss Id E. , loft for Washington Sunday morning where Miss Edsou will accept u clerkship 11 tbo census department. Mrs. W. H. Calhoun of Marsnalltown wa summoned by telegraph to tbo bedsldo of ho little grandson , Leo Jones , of South Twentl cth street. The little fellow is much bolter Mrs. Calhoun will return homo Wcdnesdir evening. Nebraska People Abroad. ST. JOSKI-JI , Mo. , Nov. 17. W. Hoffmolte of Falls City is stopping In St. Joseph for i few days. , Ben Manger of Beatrice is lu tin city.CHICAGO CHICAGO , Nov. 1" . J , M , Thurston o Omaha piwcd through hero pcstordav on hi : way to New York. J. P. Dlnsmoro of Suttoi and A. J , ' Schcliug of Lincoln are at thi Snormun , KXNIAH CiTVMo.Nov. 17.V. . S. Schuylc of Omaha Is at tha Coates. George It. Davis o Red Cloud Is the guest of friends In Kansa City , Kun. Louis U. Dale of Omaha spcn Sunday ut tha Midland. ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 17.-J. H. King o Omaha U at thu Hotel Baraum. W. A Sharp of Omaha and John Trompen of Hick man uro at the Hotel Moser. Gcorgd A. Jos lyn of Omaha and C , II. Hutchlns of Llncoli are at the Southern , Sioux CITV , la. , Nov. 17. M. F. Soeley o Fremont , Nob. , was in the city yesterday Lpnmn Sholes of Omaha , a railroad man o prominence , is at the Uarrotson. B. R. Cow dory of Lincoln , Neb. , secretary of state , wa lu the city Saturday night. A. Drvdon , o the Chicago Northwestern general onica at Omaha , was la the city yesterday visltlni friends , OMAHA'S NORMAL. It Opens at tlio 1'lnnnnnt Buliool wit nn Attendance of Nliictcmt Iiadln < The new normal school opened ycstcrdn morning In the room on the second lloor of tli Pleasant school. Mrs * . Grace K. Sudborougli U In charge f the new departure , and her clasi tmmbcrc nineteen when school opened , It Is expcctc that this number will bo swelled to fort when tlio school gets in running order. The morning session was taken up by n Informal talk of n general nature , bearln upon the prospective duties of the embry teachers. Later they were given an oppo Utility to visit the different buildings to sc the practical workings of a school. The course of study has not boon fully di elded upon , but It Is probable that piycholog nnd physiology will bo considered first. Of the pupils entered , eleven have been 1 attendance at the Peru normal school , hi have returned to oursuo their studios t home. These will b3 given the first opportunity r actual experience In the prnetli-o schools r tlio Uard and the Long. These schools hav not been supplied by normal pupils , as yet. The pupils already enrolled are iw follows Mlsics Hose Goff , Isabella Rois , MInnie / Lawton , Elizabeth Llddell. Sadie Sclilw Inger. Nettle Wood , Lui-y W , Kvans , Mar E. Latoy , Anna Much , Annlo Wltbrow MtnmDovle , Cordelia Johnson , Marv ' M < Mahoti , Jeanuctto 13. GIbbi , Moll'lo A Conoyer , Ellmbcth Allan , MInnie L. Bur ( hind , Barnclla Brown , Kmello Pearson. D1L.I.ON OHNIKS IT. Says Ho la Not to Dconmu President c tlio Union Paclllo A aln. Sidney Dillon , who has been credited wit being thu prospective successor of Cbarle Francis Adams , the present Incumbent inth presidency of the road , said to a Now Yor reporter on Friday : "There is not a word of truth in the repot so fares I nm concerned , nt least. I am largo bolder of Union Pacific stock nnd have been for a long time , and now am , a d rector In the company ns well. I have no the slightest expectation ot becoming it president again. Mr. Gould may bo buyltij stock for all I know , but that does not men my candidacy for the cxccuth o onlco la th management. " A XAO VXUK3IJKXTS. There nro very few actors who areas popi : lar ns Henry E. Dlxoy. Ho nos played her nearly every season for the past fifteen year and upon each recurring appearance ho hu met with generous receptions. Ho will prt sent next Thursday evening for tbo llrst tiin In Oiiiiilm his now production. "Tho Sovci Ages. " It Is a humorous elaboration o Jacques' famous soliloquy in Shakespeare' "As You Like it. " Mr. Dlxoy's ' vrrsalltlt. is given a very wide range in this , that h plays seven distinct parts , beginning wltl the Infant In Its perambulator nnd prcscntln in turn tlio schoolboy , lover , soldier , justice lean and slippered pantaloon und finally th obllvlouist. The new burlesque bis been re ceivcd with much favor in tlio caat and als on the PaclUc coast. li'lronnd Pollco Matters. The board of flro and police commissioner expected to talto up the charges preferroi against Ofllcor Cox nt the meeting la t night but on account of the fact that thcro wcr but thrco members of the board present , i was decided best to postpone the hearing on week. The following ofllccrs were granted leave of Absence : Sergeant OrmsbjPatrolmai Samuel Du Boise , Sylvester Poole , Georg O'.Gorinan ' , F. D. Mitchell , Firemen Urlal Baker ana Thomas Downing. The Firemen's Aid association requestei the privilege of giving a ball on December ! The request was granted. Peter Shnrky was appointed special bloel watchman for Farnum street , from Tenth t Sixteenth. Mayor Gushing ( submitted the appoint mcnt of Charles. Marcs as special polle ortlcer for the lumber yard district along th Union Paclllo. The appointment was con firmed. The appointment of A. K. Blaufus a special policeman at the Eden Musco wu also confirmed. The board decided to caucus with the clt' council in entering into a contract with th' Holloday company for the rebuilding of tb old chemical engine at a cost of $1,201) ) . NliilR-Poornmil. It was a strictly prlvalo wedding that tool place last evening nt the Jennings hotel 01 the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Oscar H Nlms to Miss Evelyn Poor-man. The groor Is a prominent merchant of Galesburg , ill. and the bride is a daughter of Captain Pil cher , late of the United States navy , and nov senior partner of the Pllchcr coal company Judge Shields lied the- nuptial knot. Amoiij the most noticeable presents was a uift o J',000 lu United States bonOs from the fatlie : of the bride to the groom , and i Uuo amount to his daughter. Thi happy groom presented his charming youni wile with an elegant gold watti inlaid "wit 1 diamonds. The nnxvly married couple loavi today for Gnlesburg , 111. , wlicro ttiev wll make their nome for some time , although th ( groom assured Tin : BIK : representative tha ho felt so charmed with Omaha that In thought it would only bo u matter of a vorj short tlmo before bo would locate hero him self. Thanksgiving Services. The churches In the central part of tin city have arranged fora union service in thi First Presbyterian church nn Thanksgivliif day. nt which Uov. T. J. Turkic of Ivountzi Memorial Lutheran church will preach tin sermon , The congregations nnd pastors o the following churches will bo expected tc attend this service : First Congregational First Baptist , First Presbyterian , Kountzi memorial church and the First MethoJis Episcopal church. ' The churches of tuo north part of the citj will hold a union service and these of tht southwest part of the city will also uiitto. 'Iliu Omaha Presbytery. The Omaha Presbytury met yesterday af tcruoon at the aFlrst Presbyterian church The mooting was well attended by minister ! from ull over the district. Kcv. Atlilsson o tbo Southwest Presbyterian church was ro ceivcd as a member of the synod. \V. A. Robinson , a young'man of Schuylor was received und licensed to preach. Ho wll labor In the vicinity of Sctmyler. Tlio pastorate torato of Rev. Palm at the Lowe avenm Presbyterian cnurch was dissolved , as Rev Puhn has resigned and will soon leave thi city. Tlio McthodlNt Mliilstorw. The Methodist ministers of Omaha me yesterday In their regular weekly mooting a' the ofllco of * ho Christian Advocate , In th < Douglas block. The principal subject ills cussed was "Tho part of the in-eachor in tin conversion ot sinners. " The discussion wa- earnest and profitable to all present. Nexi Monday the subject will be , "How to uulh Methodism In Omaha. " Supreme Court Reporter Campbell was h the city yesterday and called upon Tnc Br.i : POWDER Absolutely Puro. A oroam of tartar bnklntf powdor. ot loaveiilnu itreiiKth U. S , Government llo- liort Aug. 17,1600. E want you i W bear this fact in mind , -when your eye lights on this announcement : Any man with brains can write a catchy ad vertisement , but to beef of any value to you it must be true ; the goods must be therenot alone empty words. We in vite1 you to put all and any of our assertions to the most severe' test and you will not find them , wanting. in the line of Clothing that has ever ' been shown comes any- v/hdre near equaling the display of fall and winter goods 'that is being shown at M. Hellman & Go's. , Cor. 13th and Farnam. Our consignments for the past few days have been very largeand we can safely say that no matter how hard you are to please or fit , we can satisfy you , as our line in cat'ehing the most fastidious. In order to do a large business and sell goods in a clothing store in Omaha as low- as sold in the same class store in New \ York , we found it nec essary to establish a purchasing agent there and now we have the result of that experi ment upon us. We "would LIKE to liaye you favor us with a call , if only to gratify your curiosity. We will accord you as much attention as if you came in , to make a purchase. If-we can do you no good we will will guarantee to at least post you in prices , and show you honest made clothing at the lowest prices in the city. The great we have had so larthis fall and which we shall labor to retain , is due ' to the old , well founded - ed maxim , "Well Bought is Half Sold. " We have the largest line of $3 , $3.80 and $4 dress pants in the city , all wool goods and the latest styles. Our new lines of Aus tralian Lamb's Wool Winter * Underwear regular $1.8O values , now only 7Bc. If we owned this paper we would give you a com plete bill of fare , but we don't. Buy or no buy , come and see us , and we will guarantee to interest you and treat you courteously. At the old stand.of S I ( VP lUI i