Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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r ) llvcrcd by Ciirrler In uny part of the City.
p , No. 4V
Nl bt Editor. No. la
N. V , P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Chief of Police Carey Is still bothering tlio
reporters by remaining out of the city nnd
Ms subordinates refusing to give u hint ns to
character or extent of his mission.
A llttlo boy named Hughes wns nrrcstcd
ntternoon for Jumping on n motor train whllo
It was in motion and attempting to steal n
ride. Judge McUco will give him a mild Ice-
turn this morn Ing ,
Prom Mnrch 1 up to lost night there hnvo
brcn ltl ( ) arrests mndo by tno police nnd
marshal's force In this city. This I.I almost
us great ns the number of nrrcsts made dur
ing the entire year last year.
In the city marshal' ' * ofllcc there Is posted
n list comprising the names mid description of
llfty-llvo deserters from the regular army In
tbo department of the Plntto. Thodatnof
Iho desertion Is plven , together with the
term of enlistment of tbo private , and thu
name of bis company and regiment. A stnntl-
Ing reward of $ ; o Is offered for the urrcst of
nny of thesomcn ,
A volley of 11 vo or six shots evidently from
n revolver , followed nfter an interval of a fmv
Bcconds by another similar volley , attracted
attention Init evening , The shots apparently
came from Washington avenue , between
Sixth nnd Seventh street' ! , Several ofllcers
heard them , lint the most diligent Inquiry
failed hi throw nny light upon their origin or
the that required tbo fusilade.
Cbniles U Palmer died at an early hour
yesterday morning at the residence of his
brother , II. .1 , Palmer , Ml , Washington
nvciiuo. Ho had for tome time been In 111
health , ranking n bravo light against Itrlght's
disease. Ho wns a young man that mndc
none hut friends of these with whom he
rnmo In contact , being of n goniel , sunshiny
disposition , even when long llliiDSs had sadly
broken his youthful disposition.
WbcnSheriflDclnMimtt , of Mills county ,
came up to get Toll Toltes yesterday morning
nnd biought with Hm the two boys , Joseph
ullnioro nnd Fred Hanseti , who ran away
from the Ciirlstlnn home. They were cap
tured nt Pacific Junction nnd held thereuntil
the cfllror mtido arrangements to como to the
city. They were given quarters In ono of the
upper rooms of the city Jnli last night. They
will bo examined by Judgeo McGco this
The many friends of Cbnrlcs L. Palmer will
bo pained to hear the nnnounpcniont of hla
death , which occurred at the residence of his
btotlicr , H. J. Palmer , f/lt Washington ave
nue , at 1 :40 : o'clock yesterday morning. Mr.
Pulmcr was ono of the brightest young men
of the city. 1'or tbo past two years ho has
been afflicted with Bright's ' uisenso of the
kidney's , nnd it was this that caused Ids
death. Ho was around and about the streets
during the early and middle parts of the
week. He wns scarcely twcnty-ono years
old. The arrangements for the funeral 'have
not been announced.
Tbo work of excavating the lower end ol
the Indlon creek ditch has been almost com
pleted , nnd by the end of this week Conta-ac-
tor lluber will hnvo his men at work on the
ditch nlong the line ot tbo county road. The
question of the right-of-way through the wil
lows from the point wbcro the ditch leave ?
the public highway until It reaches tlio river
has not been settled , but the work has been
imlshcd nnd the settlement can bo mndo at
the leisure of the city. If the weather tsnt
all favorable the contractor will got bis work
finished ready for ncecptanco before the
expiration of the thirty days given him , ami
before tbo ground frco/.cs up Indian creoli
Will bo flowing directly into ths rivor.
Contractor Moore Is still pushing the brick
paving ns rapidly ns the obstacles presented
by insufficient brick will let him. If ho had
purchased brick ont-sido bo would have bad
ms contracts neatly finished but $15,000 , OL
120,000 of the pcaplo's money would have been
sent out of town. Ho has used only home
made brick , nnd designs to use nothing else ,
The council will grant an extension of time
for the completion of the work nnd next
Bplngnn immense modern brick-making plant
will bo erected , capnbln of turning out 50,000
paving brick n dap. This will give employ
ment to a largo number of men , keep all the
money paid out for paving at home , and reduce -
duce the cost of paying.
Young MIddleton , the victim of a serious
case of blood poisoning is still suffering ser
iously , Young Middioton cares for the doc
tor's stock , buggies nnd barn , and also at
tends to other chores about Uo | house. A few
days ago ho washed out tbo bowl used by Dr.
Plniioy in his operating room. There was on
Middlcton's hand at the tlmo a small pimple
which bad been opened on tbo pre
vious day. Bo thought nothing of
the matter at tbo tlmo , but
noticed u stinging sensation shortly after
ward. By nlghtbls band nnrt arm hail begun
to swell , nnd were very painful. As soon as
Dr. Plnnoy discovered the circumstance he
administered remedies promptly , but It Is vet
u question whether Mlddletou will ho able to
keep his arm or not , though the chances are
that ho will recover.
Sheriff Dclashmnttof Mills county came
up ydstcrdny and took away A. C. To'lles the
man wW was arrested ns n fugitive from justice -
tico on Saturday afternoon , Tollos is wanted
nt Glcnwood to answer n clmrgo of illegally
selling beer and whisky. Ho was running
ningan original package house there
some tlmo ngo , and continued to run It
after the supreme court decisions had de
clared it to bo a violation of the state pro
hibitory law. Ho was nlso mixed up In
1 Borne sort of n difficulty thar occurred In hH
snlonn when a stranger was assaulted and
badly boated. A warrant wns Issued for his
arrest , but bo got out of town before it could
bo served and wont over into Nebraska.
When ho supposed tlio trouble had nil blown
over ho returned to Council Bluffs. The
Wills county authorities wore apprised of
the fact that ho was hero and thov doomed
the offense with which ho was charged ol
sufficient importance to warrant his arrest
und prosecution.
The city council will ngaln bo asked to pass
n now ordinance grunting to Marie Mvnstcr
the right to construct nnd operate a'motor
line to Mynstor Springs vlaBonton nnd Ilnr-
rlson streets nnd returning via Eighth and
ovoral other streets to Broadway. The or
dinance asked for was passed by the , council
several months ngo and the interested part
ies supposed it was all right. Recently Mr.
W. A. Mynstcr has completed his arrange
ments to begin work on the line , but when
ho went to the city clerk's ofticc
to look over the ordinance again
nnd acquaint himself once moro with Its pro
visions It could not bo found. An inquiry re-
vcalod tbo fact that It had not been signed or
recorded , and wns ns thoroughly lost ns'If the
council had revoked It. The mysterious dis
appearance of .tho document has occasioned n
good deal of talk , and It has been darkly hi-
ilnunted that some rival company has been
responsible for Its disappearance. Pew of
the councllmon , however , entertain such an
idea , but bcllovo It has been lost In the shuf
fle somewhere accidentally , nnd look upon
It as another small incident , emphasizing the
fact that the city -should provide bettor se
curity for its vnlunhlo books and papers.
Mrs. Mynstor will apply for a now charter ,
and there Is no reason to bollovo tbo council
Will refuse to grant It.
Gents' underwear In great variety nt prices
to suit nil at Model Clothing Co. . L. H.
Mossier Mgr.
Got your books ready for the now- year al
Morchousofc Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
T. B. Baldwin , land register nt Pulsooj , N ,
M. , is again in the city.
Cougrcssuian-clect Bowman expects to gc
to Washington la January.
Prank Chambers , who hss served so lonf
nnd well as deputy county clerk , is going ti
Texas , expecting to locate In business them
Dr. S. S. Stewart has returned from the
meeting of tbo Iowa Veterinary Medical as.
Delation at DCS Mollies , Ho was rcolocted
ccrotnry of the organization , with Ur ,
Thomas of Atlantic as president ,
Buy your conl anil wood of C. B. Fuel Co. .
KW Broadway. Telephone lUO.
For boys' and children's suits dumbly
rnado and at lowest prices , call ut the Model
A Council Bluffs Reporter is Ileld Up By
Footpads and Sees a Ghost ,
Boinetlitni ; About Justices' Foci The
I'osttiinstcr'N Coiifliis-iV Quiet Sunday -
day in tlio IHufTri Minor rvicn-
tloti arid 1'ci'Honnl ,
A few evenings ngo a cotcrlo or newspaper
reporters ivcra silting In the police station
waiting for something to tuin up nnd dis
cussing matters that pertained to the profu
sion. Ohlof of Police Cnroy niul sovcral offi
cers wnro prcucnt , nntl they were adding
their reminiscences to the fund of reporters'
stories. Ono of the reporters of n city paper
who Im3 enjoyed the novel experience of
being "held up" by footpads was recounting
n recent midnight which ho bad suc
cessfully kept from his brother nowsjiath-
crcrs ,
"It wns Saturday night , " ho continued ,
"tho last tlmo I was held up. The llttlo
Incident occurred between 113 nnd 1 o'clock
not far from Bayllss park. Two fellows ac
costed mo , unit suggested that I better hold
lip my hands n llttlo whllo to lot tbo blood ,
circulate a llttlo nioro freely through my
body. The request was emphasized by two
cold revolver muz/loa pressed close to my
head. My arm ! ) went up ns straight and
quick as these of a jumping Jack , and I kept
thuiii up as perpendicular ns two oxuhmmtlou
point ! whllo these fellows made 11
careful oxiunlnntlon of my pockets.
Of course they didn't find anything , and
apologised so nicely nud explained so-plausl-
bly Hint they were desperately hungry and
only wanted to got money enough to get
something to eat that I Invited them to ac
company mo to n restaurant nud offered to
stand good for their suppers. They \vcro
nfrald of a trap , however , uiul left. When I
pot niy unns down again my legs felt n llttlo
slmUy , lint I tnado good tlmo through , tbo
park and down Sixth street.
"I wns pretty badly scared , but that scare
wns nothing to wnutlgot u few moments
Liter. I saw n ghost , n real ghost , and nil the
pooh-poohing that you can do won't sha > to my
conviction that my senses were In a condition
to be trusted. I went on down the street nt a
lively guit. The court house tower lights
were making everything In tlio vicinity as
distinct as the sunshine. The houses on both
tides of the street loomed up big and silent ,
and there wns not a glimmer of light coining
from ono of them. If I had been going
through the nlslcs of a graveyard I
could not Imvo been surrounded
by inoro intense stillness , or less
evidences of life. .Tust as I got la front of a
residence you till know I was somewhat re
lieved by tno appearance of tlio well known
contractor himself who has lived there for
years. Ilocnmoout of the front door , stood
a moment looking up and down the street nntl
then turned and looked mo square In tbo
fac-o. I was Just on the point of speaking
when ho turned slowly nnd walked around
the house. My experience with two tramps
had obliterated for the instant all recollec
tions of recent events , and the familiar
form of the gcnliil contractor , who was ono of
my best friends , had disappeared around the
corner of the house before I recalled the fact
that ho hud died and was , buried some time
ngo. Then I became frightened. I stopped
to think and tried to assure myself that it
must hnvo been some other member of the
family that looked like tbo contractor , but
the inoro I thought about it the nioro 1 wns
convinced that It was none other than the
gentleman himself. I had observed the mi
nutest details of his dross , his benignant
smile , and Uio quiver of the hand
that had for years been shaken with palsy.
Then I Hew. and you may laugh at ino all
you plenso , but It will not shako my tlrm con
viction tbut I saw tlio well known form of
the former member of the school board wlio
died a month or inoro ago. I do not bollcvo
In ghosts , but I believe in this ono. "
The laughing and twitting of the reporters
did not relieve the younp man's mind , nnd no
amount of arguing could convince him that
tbotaprmrltlon of the dead man had not
walked past him and saluted him with a
kindly smile.
A fresh Invoice of tine cheviot suits for
young men , just received at Model Cloth
ing Co.
For stout men's clothing call at Model
Clothing Co. , L. U. Mossier , Mgr.
Continuation of the great clearing sale at
room for holiday goods.
I'ho phenomenal success attending the
11 f clearing sale nt the Boston store , Coun
cil Bluffs , has boon so encouraging that they
have concluded to continue it for ono week
Note I'ho following prices for the week.
Indian head m.islltis ( remnants , D to 12
yards ) worth'.H1 , during snlo fie.
Our lie nnble.ichcd muslin during sale 3 } c ;
20 yards to a customer.
Two makes of our unbleached muslin sold
for TQ and 8c , to go at Cc.
Five makes of popular brands of bleached
muslins , including lonsdnio , family choice ,
Hercules , Fruit of the Loom and Casco ; also
half bleached muslin ; the same goods are
sold for Sc , ! o and lOc ; price during sale To-
limited to 'JO yards to a customer.
Wo will continue our ribbon sale at the old
prices for Ibis week.
Nos. T , 1) and 12 all silk ribbons , beautiful
line of shades , In molro with satin edge and
Bros grain with satin cdga ; sale prlco lOe a
75 pieces llnon dnnmk and Turkey reds wo
will put on sale Monday morning , sale prlco
4So a yard j some of tbo above goods sold for
f > 0c , 5So , t2Jfc } , G7c , Too all to go during sale
at 43o.
150 dozen towels in buck , momio nnd da
mask , worth Hoe , to ire at 19c ; 3 for 50o. '
UNllIlHCIlii : > SIIEKT1XQ9.
42-Inch pillow case muslin , Oc ; 45-Inch pil
low case muslin , lie : 4S-ineh pillow case
muslin , liij e ; T-l sheeting , lOo ; 8-1 sheeting ,
18c ; 0-1 sheeting , 20o ; 10-4 shoaling , 2'c.
nr.KAUiii'.n SHEETINGS ,
42-Inch pillow case muslin , Oc ; 45-Intih pil
low case muslin , l"o50Inch \ pillow case
muslin , ir e ; 8-4 sheeting , 20c ; 0-4 sheeting ,
We : 10-4 hhcoting , iioc.
1 Half bleached muslins same prlco as above.
Wo guarantee Iho sheeting to bo of the best
make , and prices far below inferior goons.
Fothorlnghnra , Wkltolaw t Co. ,
Council Bluffs.
J. C , Blxfoy , steam boating , sanitary en
gineer , 013 Life building , Omani ; 203 Merriam
riam block , Council Bluffs.
See our new full patterns of carpets , rugs ,
shades at all prices. At M. & K.'s ' , 3iO Broad
way. _
Scott IIouso. 3T > ct , meals , 2oo.
This week will bo n memorable ono In the
heating stove trade. Wo Just received another
car load of tbo Peninsular stoves and will
quote bottom figures to purchasers. At M. &
K.'s , 820 Broadway.
Tlio Postmastor'N Census.
Postmaster Troynorls compiling u directory
containing the names and addresses of nil who
get mall in this city. It will bo completed by
tbo middle of December. The Hit of names
will reach over twelve thousand , which would
at a. fair estimate make the population of the
city from thirty thousand to thirty-five thou
sand ,
Scott Houso. Best 11.00 per day house In
the city. _
Great bargains in bedroom suits at Mundol
it Klein , KO Broadway.
An elegant line of Molten overcoats at reduced -
duced rutcsat Model Clothing Co.
Dr. Soybort , ROJ , . Ogden houso. Tel. HO.
A Good Itoonl Grain Marker.
The Uutoii elevator in this city , which
recently leased to the Brown Brothers
prnln compnnh , being run to Its fullest
capacity the first tlmo In anumbar of years.
The great elevator has a capacity of 1,000,000
bushels nnd Is ono of the latgest In the \vcjt.
It employs n largo forcu of men , nnd the com
pany , under whoso lease ills now beingopcr-
ntcd , proposed to tnnko tliH elevator one of
the most Important In Its possession ,
Tlio well known grain man , II , O. Cook. 01
this cltj. Is superintendent of the elevator ,
nnd ho is exerting every energy to build up
Council Bluffs ns n great Krnlii center. Ho
has established lioro n local grain market ,
and this U something never before attempted
In the city. Ths company has employed two
romiictcut grain men to look after the local
market exclusively. Their duties are to
keep close watch of all tbo grain which comes
to the Bluffs from the surrounding country
and to buy the best grades of it up for eleva
tor use.
Tbo farmer * have got wind of this now
schctnt ) . and they are taking advantage of tno
liberality of the elevator compiny by soiling
It their grain. The company pays the blith
est market prices for corn , oats , wheat , rvo ,
barley , nnd In fact all kinds of grain. This
Is thusourco of big gain for tbo farmers , nud
they are bringing their grain to the city every
llV.Tho !
The elevator company Is satisfied with the
bcncllcinl results of the local market nnd the
Interest the farmers are taking In building it
up. Superintendent Cook says tbers is no
leason why Council Bluffs should not Imvo n
peed grain market and ho Is convinced that
In tlmo It will exceed that of any city in this
The Brown Brothers' grain company Is a
largo and reliable corporation. Its ofllcers
nro 0. T. Brown , president nud general
manager , U , 1C. Brown , sccrotrry , nnd W. B.
Klsker , vice president and treasurer. The
company operates elevators nnd warehouses
on the Union Pacific road and all Us branches.
Its principal olllco Is In Omaha. Every
elevator is operated for the benefit It can
bo to the company , nnd the town In
which it is located. The elevator hero Is
n Council Bluffs concern. All the help cm-
ployed resides in this city and all the bank
ing of this branch is done here. By this
means the company finds that it succeeds
better in the management of its elevators and
warehouses , and gives better satisfaction
to all ,
The Council Bluffs elevator has been leased
fora period of twenty years , .audit will bo
operated every day in the year.
Our line of cook stoves and ranges , from
$7.50 to § 15 gives you the greatest variety to
select from , at Maudol & Klein's , 320 Bro ad-
way. _
Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent per
annum. 1C. S. Barnett , ngcut.
Tho'grcat blow about beaters our would-bo
competitors nro making , Iltivo you scon a
better stock of heaters and lower prices than
at M. & K.'s ' , . ' 320 Broadway.
A. Special Opportunity to Oet n Fine
Imported Gariumit at Hall' Import
er's f'ciNt Only I'oiThis Week.
Every lady who is posted inio \ styles and
values of cloaks knows that Eisomnn's ' is the
place to look for them , They nro also a wnro
that If there is anything now and stylish to
bo scon they hnvo to come to Elscman's to
tlnd it.
Ladles como from a distance of hundreds
of miles to see our styles nnd wo always
please them , and send them away happy.
This week wo are in better shape than ever
to sell yon cloalcs , wr.xps , jackets cheaper
than ever before. "Wo have closed out from
the Manhattan cloak and suit company , and
the well known lirmof A. Frlendhmder &
Co. , of Berlin , nud Blutncnthnll Brothers of
Paris , their entire importation of stylish
sample garments , only one garment of a Icind.
Over 500 styles at n discount of one-half from
Importer's cost , and in order to mnko things
llvolv wo purpose to give our customers tbo
benefit of our purchases. Tills Is tbo grand -
est opportunity for you to got the latest Im
ported llncst garments for less than the prlco
of ordinary made clonks.
Don't ' miss this opportunity.
Plush cloaks for $12.50 worth $20.
Plush cloaks for 15 , worth $25.
Plush cloaks for $10.50 , worth $28.
Wo save you fully ono-half on plush cloaks
or Jackets ,
Great sale of misses' and children's cloaks ,
Juckcjts and nowmarketo. Prices way down ,
and a line doll given away with every child's
cloak sold duVlng this week at Henry Else-
man & Co's. greatest cloak bouse in the west.
Corner Broadway and Pearl sts. , Council
Bluffs , la.
Mall orders receive careful and prompt at
John Kelly's Slioew.
Those shoes have been sold In Council
Bluffs for ten years for f.00 and $3.50 , and
HAND TUIltfS nnd welts for $1.00. They
have no equal for the prices.I warrant
every pair , ana will glvo anew pair for every
pair not wearing as represented.
If you hnvo never tried them como and sco
them ana you will wear no others. HEMEM-
BElt I make n specialty of LADIES' shoes
from tl 00 to $5.00 , and I can sell you bettor
shoes In those prices than any other house in
tbe city. Try mo and seo. SAUCIEST ,
The Old Phillips Store , 413 Broaaway.
Ofllclal Keen.
Tbo Justices of the pence nnd constables
have not been making of Into any such big
fees a formerly characterized these ofllcos.
Justice Schurz , who has done the most busi
ness of any , had a bill against the county for
J2.Y7 for three months. This was the largest
bill of any , nnd was allowed to a cent , ho
being very accurate nnd Just in his accounts
nnd never claiming inoro than his right. The
claim of Justice Barnctt for tbo same time
was IS3.CO and that of Justice Ilendrlcks
{ 07.50.
Constable Forman's fees for three months
were frtS.ilO. Constable Covnlt's $17,40 , and
Constable Wesley's $17.20.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413
Broadway. _
' Stylish Shot-H ,
I have thorn. Wright It Pctors have no
equal for nobby shoes for ludlos. Patent
tips , patent vatnps , patent quarters , cloth
tops , ntcadllly , opera , Grecian , Philadelphia ,
Now York , medium French , FrJnch , Kholor
lasts , from a. n. to o. o. Como and sco them.
Every pair warranted , in welts and'turns ,
from lace anil button , and fo > to at Sargent's ,
the old Phillips shog store.
A Christmas Pu//.lo.
What shall wo buy for the holidays 1 If
this puzzles you como In and sco our holiday
attractions : brilliant diamonds ; gold nnd
silver watches and chains ; quaint , novel , now
patterned Jewelry , I'lngs , bracelets , necklaces ,
lockets ; gold-headed canes ; solid silver and
plated wnro : too many novelties to nnmo ;
you must see them to appreciate them , they
nro so nrtlstlo nnd beautiful ; visitors wel
come to sco our display. C. B , Jucnuemin &
Co. , No. Ur Main st.
Hiibbaiid \ViroAcciiHoIOnoli Other
of AVroii-r Doing. '
Mrs. L. J , Blysloy , who shot hnr husband
three times Sunday morning about 1 o'clock ,
Jlatly denied having ha'd anything to do with
the shooting when Captain Mostya and
Sergeant Graves entered her bouso at
Twenty-second and Yin ton streets to urrcst
"What do you take mo for ! " slio said. "Do
j ou suppose I Imvo nerve enough to shoot u
"I don't know whether you have ncrvo
enough or not , but Is It not a fact , " said Cap
tain Mostyn. "that you shot your husband
about an hour ago ! "
"No sir , I did not , " she said very thinly ,
She denied having seen her bus-
band that night , eaylng that lie
had not como homo. When Sergeant
Graves found his gloves and the lap robe and
whip In another room , Mm. BIgsloy then
admitted that Mr. Bigsloy had been homo
but bad gene out again , but she know not
Yesterday , before she loft the Jail , however -
over , Mrs. BIgsloy admitted having shot her
husband and told OlUcer Haze whcro bo
could find the revolver hid in the muiiuro
hoap. Ho followed hdr directions and found
the revolver. The woman says that
BIgsloy bad been very cruel to
her , but she ' loved him to
( losjwrntlon. She has followed him several
nights when bo was out with other woman ,
and was convlncod that ha was habitually
committing adultery , In fact , ho had told
her so In a taunting manner several times.
Saturday night she Avcnt to the California
chop house , where n girl named Frnnldo
works , with whom she Bald Hlgsloy had been
intimate for some llhic. She did not find
him , anil went homo.1Vhoa Blgsley went
homo ho created a disturbance and begun to
abuse her. Knowing his habits , nml being
stung by his 111 treatment. B IO became dcs-
pernto and decided to shoot him. *
Mr , Bigsloy says that ho wont hotno'in a
perfectly orderly nlAniier nnd went in the
house to get the Inutcrn. Ills wlfo pot out of
bed to help him Una it , nml when ho had it
llgtited nnd started out of tbo door sliponcned
llro on him with n revolver. She shot four
times nnd proved to bo u good iimvksnmn , for
three orthe shots took effect. Ho received
ono bullet In the buck part of the shoulder
blndo. another in tbo thigh' , nnd an
other in the right hand. Ho wns
taken completely by surprlso nnd
started to run for his life , never stopping
until ho reached his moat shop nt 72J South
Thirteenth strait. Tbo woundi nro not dan-
Rorous nnd Blgsley will bo able to appear In
court todny.
Both Hlgsloy nnd his wlfo were released on
their own recognizance to appear today be
fore Judge Helsloy. Mrs. BlKsloy is n nno
looking .woman , but admits that she has he-
cotno rather desperate on account of the Ill-
treatment and dissipation of her husband.
Mr , Bigslcy denies the charges of adultery
and cruel treatment , and says that bis wlfo
has neb been faithful to him and that some
of tbo young 'bloods'1 she has been having a
high tlmo with have persuaded her to kill
M'EJtSOS.l f / ' , ! It A ( S ll.l M'JilS.
William L. . Uosa of Chicago ls at the Mur
A , C. McCorlclo of Superior Is at the
' A. C. Sheldon of Portland , Oro. , is at the
Ml Hard.
E. S. Hoot of Chicago Sundayed nttbo
A. J. Norman of Boston Is registered nt tbo
George II. Amos of Lusk. Wyo. , is nt tbo
I'll x ton.
II. E. Owen of Stanton was at the Casey
last night.
E. C. Betes of Boston was nt the Pnxtou
F. F. Fluid of Schuyler was at the Casey
Andrew Lottoar of Bolso City is at Uio
D. A. "Waldln of Beatrice Is stopping at tbo
G. W. Hunt ot Walla Walla , Wasb. , is at
II. B , Boty of Now York is registered at
the Millard.
J. H. Hamilton of Kearney Is stopping at
the Pnxton ,
K. L. Tracy of Cheyenne was at the Millard -
lard last night.
W. B. Carter ot Minneapolis is in the city ,
at the Murray.
Henry E. Prey of Ponder is In the city , at
the Merchants.
C. P. Kosa and Seymour Blair of Denver
ore ntthoCacoy.
James : Hannibal ef Denver was in the city
yesterday , at the Caoy.
R. T. Ilayncs nnd wlfo of Sllby , In. , was at
the Merchants last night.
J. G. Keith , proprietor of the Wcntworth
house , Deadwood , S. D. , Is nt the Paxton.
R. H. Moore , editor of the Ottumwa , la , ,
Dally Democrat , is In the city , at the Par-
ISebrnsku I'coplo Abroad ,
Torr.KA. Kan. , ICov. 10. E. M. Spotes of
Pawnee City is at the Chestcrllold. J. N.
Woods of Hustings tlio National.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Nov. 10.--B. L. Bosscr-
mnn. a prominent cattle buyer and stockman
of Superior , Neb. , spent yesterday in tUo
KCNOSHA , % Vls. , Nov. 10. Mrs. Baker of
Omaha , who was visiting Mrs. N. U. Allen
has gone to Chicago.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. < Nov. 10. H. J. Dnrrcll
of Omaha Isnt the Coates.
AUSTIN , 111. , Nov. Ifl. Miss Nellie Ander
son of Lincoln is visiting nor cousin Miss
Mattlo Husted.
Cmctoo , Nov. 10. C. C. Belden of Omaha
Is nt the Lcland. F. M. Phillips of Omaha la
at tbo Trcmont. T. W. Rtloy of Omaha is at
iho Wellington.
Bnrnoy Miller of Wicblta. Kan. , was
brought to St. Joseph's hospital yesterday
very sick with fovcr. There is a great run
upon the hospital now , sick people coming
from Dakota , Kansas and Wyoming.
Dr. Dinsmoor was considerably Improved
last night , having spent a comparatively comfortable -
fortablo day.
If you suffer from any affection caused by
Impure blood , such as scrofula , salt rheum ,
sores , bolls , pimples , tetter , ringworm , taljo
Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsapurilln.
Judge Savage's Condition.
Judge Savage was reported lost night nt
midnight as having passed a comparatively
comfortable day and was In ns favorable a
condition as could bo hoped for considering
Iho ordeal through which bo has had to pass
durinp the past woek.
Swift's ' Specific is the great
developer , of delicate child
ren. It regulates the secre
tions ; it stimulates the skin to
healthy action , and assists
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to , o * O-
Send for our treatise on Hlood and.
Skin Diseases.
SWIFT SPECIFIC Co , , Atlanta , Qfc
SlrMorell Mnokcntlo nnd I'rofos'or Koch ,
tlio highest utitlioiltles In Kuropo or tlio
world , uuhosltntliiKly rceomineiul FmlciiMlii.
orall'astlllo iTroelieg ( ) for nit Thtoit , JmnR
ntul t'atnrrhnl diseaseDr. . Koch salill "A
cough for which I tried ninny other medicines
which hud not the slightest effect , coon bo *
catno better nnd hiis now entirely disappear
ed. " If j < ru tire sulTorlng from n Cough , n
Cold , Asthma , llrunchlal Cutarrh , or uny
Throat Ircuble , tbo Sodcn Troches
will positively rolo\o ! where nil else falls.
llosurolo obtain the ncnulno Imported ar
ticle , which must have the slgnaturo and ro-
conuiicndatlonof Sir Moroll Miiokonzlo with
ouch box , None other are tcnulno.
I'EOIAb IIAKOAIXS liilinn < oi for sale or
rent ) nHo two HatinuaM street lots , N
Omaha. J , U , DavUKon. tuvnih avc.
" HTTMVAN. Marcus Mock ,
Notary I'nbllc.colleetlcn'i ' , tyiiowrltln g.
OUSKto rent , No. 017 Third avo. , at $10 per
month. Sirs. li. M. bherrailcii.
Oil HKNT-A desirable brick rcsldonco ot
VI rooms. ntcMii'intly Hltuatod on high
ground. UirKoyard iinci nicliuid. Cnnvonlont
to motor , Atiply toN. I' . l > odiu& ; Co.
WANTHD Knuritctloyniiiii ; lady or Rent.
Will pay (15 per week to rlithl parly. V ,
0. 8 , , HOT'Willow ave. , Council MlnlTa.
Foil SAI/E-I.oaso and fiirnltitro of Scott
HouseCouncil twiil'M. 'J5 rooniH. Chi'iiii : a
bargain. Address J..H. .Ionian , Conncll Illuira.
WANTED Neat girl for RCIIOM ! house
work. Gorman protcrroil. firs. Jacob
Situs : tll ( I'lanter Ht ,
OR HKNT-'lho .MdMahali throe-story
lirloU block , No. MS. Maltist , wltholovator
J. W.S < | iilri' .
FOR HUNT A cholco nlcco of pardon laud
near Council lllnlfs , with good now Imild-
IIIR. Immediate possession If deshed. JV ,
FOIt 9AM3 Conipluto pot of tinners tools ,
iind small stoou ot llnware at a bargain.
Inqiilio at room ilia MuTrlam blooIf.
PTO stovciat cost tTOloaoout , Hoadniinrtcri
'J for hard maple house moving rolfora and
jacks. U. I ) . Amy &C < > . C'-'O Main Htrcol- .
rilWO M-aoro fnrins for sale near the city at
JL a bargain. W. A. Wood & Co. , .W ) Main st.
FOR SAMS or Rent Garden land , with
house ] , by J. It. Itloo. 1U Mulu st. , Uouuoll
Of Council Bluffs.
PAID UP CAPITAL . . . $150,003
DlitECTOiis I. A. Jlllliir , P. 0. Oloason , T . U
SInisart , H. E. Hurt , . ) . D , Edrotmdson , Uliurlc ]
U. Hannun. TnuiHuct general liunklir busi
ness. J.anrost capital und surplus of utiy
bunk In Southwestern Iowa.
Corner Main antl Broadway ,
Poalors In forolgii nnd iloincstlo oxohan-
Collection uiado and Interest paid on tlmo
D. li. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies ,
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Pplcos and Sausaso Makers' Machinery. 820-
HSJ Mnln st. . Council Ulults , In. Also dealers
In Hides iind Furs.
W Cphllf ? Justice of the Peace. Oflloo over
11. Oliliuu , Amorlciin Hxincsd. No. 421
Droadway , Council HlulTs , Iowa.
. . . „
federal courts. Knonis 3 , 4 nnd
lieno block , Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Strictly to basinet ! " nn splonrttil motto. Thjhlitti.
c tiucco5 ln o crr line of liumnncnerxrU roiclioj
byblm who lioldi to > oma a'loptoil ipolult/ .
To plo nroproifroulve , fullof onorrjr , nml monsr
mnklnu rchcmei. Ther ncej Bpoolil training for
Ixsnrts In popular education. Jlcr pulillo m'looli
nrudolnKErunU work for her ncroasln ; million * .
\ \ cateru loirn.
Commences fall form Supt. Ht , Sim J3loti tlio
rcnllr prnctlonl for lior rftuloiti. Normil. Uuil-
nuMs.siiorth.'inil . n'l.l ' Poniujin'il > rojr < oi , troll or.
Knnlic , ! nnd carefully conductol Stulo'iti m-iy
ontornt nnj tlmo. Wrlto for further partlo.lU to
\v. a , riuiiiun.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Tcoplo wlio have Invixtlicutcd tlio hoitlnK ;
problem the most nro these who como the
nearest sol vlnx It. This U the n n of Invun-
tlcmuiitl dlbonu'ry. Appllmiccs for Kcnpriit-
\i\K \ IUH ! ( list rlliutins hout today c-niisuino lows
than luilUlm fuel used hy thuolil oMuiviiciiut
inothotH. Aliiiiiifautiirois of I'hamuter , llko
thuinukorsot tlio ART UAUI/ANI ) Htovcs ,
wholiavovustsums Invvslud In tlieli111:111 -
ufnctory , initiiotliliiK tlpon tliointuKot until
Uio principle nvolvca husroui'lioil Iliehlttlio-it
stngoof dovoloneincnt. Tliculhoy t'liiirnnioo
the poods to bin list wliutj * olulnu'il for tliuiu.
rcnllzu tlio lilxhcHt purfoctlou In tlio slovo
maker's tii't , and gcnoruto mill distribute tlio
Krcntfst niuount ot hunt for tlio fuul cou-
biinird nfiiny steve in the world. This Is
obtained by tlio now system olhot nlr duett
and rovolvln , ' llrepot that provent.s the
accumulation of ushoi hctwoeu tlio llro and
thohcatlnK Btirfiicoa. Ojnio und MIO cnu of
them In operation nt my hardw.iro sloro ,
W)4 llrondwiiy. Jnves'tlKiitlon will convince
you that It in the licst asvull as t ho handsom
est steve over miulo.
the thlnit for lio.'ithiK bed chainbocH uiul
looms seldom used ; clean , quick and or
namental. P.O. DuVOI *
504 Broadway , Council UlufTa.
Wholesale and ReLail Dealers In
The nbovo cut shows our newr self-dumping retail delivery
wnfjon , by wjilch three tons of cool can be unloaded In a minute
and carried into the collar or coal house If il Is 2O feet away. Nc
coal left in the wogon. None scattered on the ground. Used ex
clusively by us.
OFFICE , 1O PEA.BL ST , Yard , IGth Ave & Fourth St ,
-J. 1-J , m. OIiA-llK , Matangor , COU > J OIL BLxUFL S , In.
* Telephones : Olflco , 800. Yftrtl,310- ,
The Bninswlck-Balko JohuTTwilkie ,
Oollemlfit Oo ,
lllllhnl inrr.-lun.llii' , Oinaliapnier box fftftorr ,
jtitnnn fixture * . 1317-1.119 I > ou ln .
107. 409 8. loth street ,
Onmliu. Onltrs jiromplty llllo > l.
Onmbn Republican Priuting Oj , ,
I.rr briefs , bank siipi > ! lc < , nmt orcrilhtni In the
printing line ,
lOlli niul Doiulis ilrcct * .
Ackermntm Pros. & Hointzo ,
Printer. , btmlcm , clectrolJi > or < , blank bouk ninnil-
( ncturcrn ,
lllHUonur.l ilrout , Oninlm.
Qco , Obomo & Oo , , Ji 8. Bmitb & Co. , a
(13 3.13th Mreot , llM-KIl I.ontcnworlli ib
Omnlm. Om film.
Pniton & "Vlorliug Omaha Snfo & Iron
Iron Work' , Works ,
\Vroimlit unit cant Iron
InilMlncrwnrk , rnKlnrt. Mftmif'r * mound MirttMJ
bin < work. | fonorn ( | I'rooMnnn , viililti. Jnl
foumlry , mntlilna nml I rorMron hutt.r ; "
lilnekMiiHi work. U , t1. I nro e ; ciii e ' . . 'J' An '
. . .
_ . . . - . . . _ I il rcciUltlUJncVuon ftll
Uy.nndtitli st.
Acnio Iron and V/iro / Wilson & Drake ,
Work" , M f' r tubular flue * , ilia
Iron , wlro nnd bi w'lu. ! > ox tidier * , tiuik' , oto.
611 H. IGlh Mrrot.
Vi' . lloehl , I'rorirlctor. t'lorconn 1 IJthltcrl ,
Eces Priuting Oo ,
Mtlictruphlna , Printing
iimrllhnk llooln.
llthnndllovrnriim * .
Her & Oo , , "William DatBt ,
l.lqnor Mrrclmnts.
1111 llnrnojr ulroot.
Mnnurnrtnr'rn Kcntioitr's
l.'nit liKlhi IWti'ru. 13m t'nnmin HI . Ouuiln
, B , Grotto ,
Impoitor nnd Jobber of
\Vlin' ' nml llitn | > rn fill
IllUlI.cnvemvOrtll SK.
I'tltollnti on mipllcatluu.
I. Oborfehler & Oo , , 0. A. Btonchill ,
IliipollLTRnnil .lobbors In
Milliner- . )
Clonk1C I a
IfF.imd 212 South lllli
ill ) tlicnt. llli-118 ? . ICtli HI. , ( InialiA ,
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
MT'Kjowclcri , ilealon In 1'Iaiioj , Orcniu.illsti *
musical InitrumcnU ,
etc. , Slnlcrlnl" , KIP ,
Knrnnni nnd Kill. l&l.'l lloiinliK Mivot.
Ooiisolidatetl Tank
Line Oo.
Itnnnod nml lulirlcntlnj ?
oili , axle Kri'nse , etc.
A. It. JtlMiop , Miiiuucr.
A. Booth Packing Co , , Platt & Co. ,
Oytftcrx , tl li nnd cannot ! iiid , " fresh ny
lH. tern
Omiilinlirniuh ,
1:103 : l.cavonuortli. , SI. ' ) nml KIT llonjid.
Carpenter Paper Co. , Western Plating W'ks
Curry R full Block of liotil , tllvcr uml nlel-el
l > rliillni , ' , wrnpplnt ; anil plntlw on nil ini'tal ! ,
wrltlnff pnpcr , card | - I'ollvlilii.thiii' ' " Aolinn-
jior , eto. ilt'llerwork. IIIIDuilgo.
Bates & Oo. ,
Country produce , fruit ) .
vi ( iotaliFo < , Krucjors *
Hpuolnltltii. toin , KnlroJ.
etc. 417-41'JS. ' Illli tit.
. .Omaha Bub her Oo , ,
Mnnnfncturlni ; nnd job-
bursiill klnils rubber
1003 FnriiHin Dtrcat.
A. L. Deaua & Go , , Emerson Saeil Oo. ,
( Joneral nt'cnt-i for Hull's Seed croworj , doilerv In
Hnfon. farili'ii. urii'i , uralnnul
S.'l nnil3-iHoutli : 10th St. , tree fed ,
Unvdin. 4'H-lil South 1Mb.
II. A , Dishrow& Oo , , Bohn Sash. & Door Oo.
MaiiiifnctiircrH ot nnMi , Mnniifnotiirpri of mould'
iloorn. lillniU unit '
Mo.iMliiKJ. Unuioliof- etc.
Uco , I''tli and linr.I ti. lOtli nml ClirkMlrceti.
Farrell & Company , DuffyTrowbridge > - .
Wholcsnlo mnnfaet-irOH Stove Manufao'g ' Oo. ,
ByrupH , inolas oi nml '
' " unl
vlm'Kixra , Ma'uifn"tiir'ft Htovoi
tCIVfllllpt' .
J17-l'J South Sth street. 1111-1311 Uiau'iinmth ptJ _ - . *
_ -J H
Oonsolidated OofTeo
Company ,
llUiuid 1110 Ilnrnoy t.
Oinalm , Neb.
H , Hardy & Oo , , The Omaha Typo
ToyMolliall > umifnney
'Suj > illei.
l rlntor |
housu f urnlslilni
KOOdJ , Now and recmnl'lmn
Kooili , children's car- iiinoliliurr ,
rhinos. 1110 Karnrtmit. lliailowiinl Ktrort.
U. S , Wind Eiigino & A , L , Stranj & Sons ,
Pump Oo. ,
KMMOOt Kiiriiruu itroei
Ilnlllilny wind mlllH. 013
unit WU Jonoi it ( J , V. Omnlm , Neb.
Uu , ucthiic inunnKvr ,
Orono Company ,
HOKII Ixtltlnff ,
otunni piiiiii .
Hood * .
Ofi 21 Varnnin ttrrot.
Boyer & Truitt , Martin Bros , ,
< I'W Kichuniio
W-M Kxolmniio llulldlmr , Clil.'nuo.
B KxdiaiiKe lliillillntf ,
Bontli Omnho. Houtll Uaialiu ,
B. J.OofTroan , Smiley Hunter k Greou ,
80 Kichnnge HullOln *
0 Kxcliawu
fiuuthOmiiliii , Sou til Omnlia ,
"Wood Brothers ,
K Kichano IIullilliiu ,
Sou til