THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTIETH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 17 , ' 1890. NUMBER 153. * ASSAULTED WITH A HATCHET Tanner Stone's ' Desperate Fight with His Grazed Hired Man , 'A BLOODY STRUGGLE FOR TWO LIVES , Unexpected Onfiliumlit on and Wife Hacked at Their Heads with JIlH Weapon Tlio AH- ' Hiillunt Arrested. MAnstuu.Towx , la , , Nov. 10. fSpccal ! Telegram to Tin : UKB. ] The farm house of Ma'rccrm Stone , four miles from this city , was the sccno of a bloody tragedy this morn ing that has caused great excitement. At nn early hour , Stone and a hired man named F. L. Polbcnm returned to the house from chorework at the barn and sat down to await breakfast. Stone was soon absorbed in n newspaper , vhcu Pclbeara drew a small hatchet from under his coat and suddenly assaulted Stone , felling him to the floor. He was hacking at his head whoa Mrs. Stone came , hnd Pclhcam turned upon her , striking at her viciously and cutting her head as she warded off the blows. Stone had partially recovered by this tlmo and grabbed the throat of the assailant and a torrlblo struggle ensued , Stone maintaining his grip until both got out of the house and fell oft tlio porch titonc held on till loss of blood and weakness caused him to relax , when I'clbcam Jumped up and got nway. llio outcries of Stone and Ins two children roused the neighbors , who pursued the assailant with guns and soon captured and lodged him in Jail here , but not until Pelbeam had attempted suicldu bv nearly severing Ills wldopipo with a dull knife. Mr. Stone was struck on the head seven times , and his wife llvo times , with the hatchet , which was Email und dull , and though the wounds of both are dangerous they are not necessarily fatal. No cause for the attack except Insanity is known , a ! , they were on good terms. Pelbcam's cut was uowcd up and ho may recover. Mr. Stone and his wlfo are very estimable and wealthy people. Atlatitiu Notes. ATLANTIC , la. , Nov. 10. [ Special to THE Bin.J ; It Is said that the Diagonal will ex tend Its railroad from DCS Molnes to Omaha in the spring. Atlantic citizens are making an effort to have this road build via Atlantic and their efforts , will probably bo successful , ns Atlantic Is almost directly ou the bee line route proposed. Sugur beets raised here nnd sent to Grand Island , Neb , , for anallzatlon were found to contain 14.0 per cent pure sugar. This la a very high perccntnuo imd if the sugar manu factory nt Grand Inland proves successful , steps will undo btedly bo taken to establish n factory In this city. C The Stnto Kircmen'a Association. CEDAII UAI'IDS , In. , Nov. 10. [ Special to Tin : Bni : . ] Dig preparations are being made for the coming annual business meeting or convention of the Iowa Firemen's ' associa tion , which Is , to bo hold hero on tlio Hlth and "Oth lnstv The meeting is nn important ono , and at least ono hundred and fifty delegates will bo la attendance. The programme for the next annual tournament will bo prepared ; also the place for holding the tournament will bo selected. Cadar Kapids and Ies Moitics want the tournament. Alleged Slayer * of Chief llonncssy at New Orleans Kmtnlly llcarrn. NEW Oiu.nANs , La. , Nov. 10. Signer Pns- qualo Corto , the Italian consul in this city , has addressed a communication to tha grand Jury now Investigating the murder of Chief \ of Police Ilenncssy protesting ngninst the ill- treatment of the Italian prisoners conllnod in the parish prison , Sl nor Corto was ques tioned today about the contents of his letter to the grand Jury. Ho said that some time ago ho wrote to Mayor Shakespeare - pearo complaining of the Ill-treatment of the Italian prisoner. ' In the parish prison und received a reply that his complaints were unfounded. A few days ngo the consul vis ited the prison ' " "I was' astonished by sev eral of the prisoners showing marks of violence lence upon their bodies. Ho said the men were terribly bruised and ninny of them claimed to hnro been robbed of the rings worn on their fingers nnd of other valuables. .It wus on this testimony that Sig. Corto informed the grand jury of the status of things and culled attention to the treaty ex isting between Italy nnd tbo United States , whereby the Italian prisoners are entitled to the same treatment as those of other nation alities. The sheriff is very much chagrined at the matter becoming published , he having Issued an order some weeks ago excluding newspaper reporters from the building and forbidding the Italians from communicating with their friends on the outside. UMG HUOItIK. Bcnaatloiinl Chargo-i AgaliiHt trie Ca nadian Public WorkH Department. Qur.nco , Nov. 10.fSpoclal Telegram to Tun BCE.J Nearly $1,500,000 of boodle , ac cording to formal accusation ; made ngalust the department of public works of Canada , Is nt the bottom of a huge- scandal thai threatens to ocllpso the Canadian I'udflo rail road scandal which swept Sir John A. Mc Donald and the government out of power In 1873. The boodle Is said to have been paid tc Hon. Thomas McClrcevy by contractors foi thoQuobeu and Ksqulmtuilt docks for fur uUking them information respecting tenders , etc. , from the public works department , ol which Sir Hector Lnngofln , his bosom friend , Is minister. The opposition leader , Mr. Laurler , Is credited with the statemenl that ho is rininnred with documentarj proofs to establish , when parliament inccth , charges of wholesale cor ruption and fraud In connection with the granting of the contracts. It Is saU the knowledge that the opposition have these proofs causes the dominion government t ( postpone the meeting of parliament till the latest possible date. Friends of the government - mont urge the ministers to dissolve pnrlln nient before Mr. Laurler cnnofllclally prcsenl and prove his charges. Unless this is dom Mr. LnngovInandMr. Grecvy will probablj bo expelled from the house when purliamcui meets. Iteooptlon by the Kinprror. r BEUUK , Nov. 10 , [ Special Cablegram to Tun BEH.I The emperor pave a rocoptlot to Itho president and vice president of tin Prussian diet yesterday. In n speech the emperor referred to the heavy work bofon the diet nnd said ho honed that nn early un dcrstunding regarding mils would bo reached Ho was confident that the member would devote their energies to tha * 'end. Ho was further assured that tin outlook warranted the decided belief tun peace would bo maintained. His recent visit to the foreign sovereigns were solely dcslguei to strengthen paclflo tendencies. In conclud Injj ho. referred to the growth of the Gcrinni nuvy ns very gratifying. They could bulli vessels In Germany , ho said , aud need not gi to foreign building yard. The president and vice presidents won afterward received by the empress , Hound , Gagged and Robbed , MnnniLiaxVfc. . , Nov. fo. About mid night last night us Jay Trumbull , who keep a drug store bore , entered his bedroom lu tb rcarof his store after closing up , ho faced i brace of revolvers In the bands of two do tcrmlncd men. They greooted him with i command to throw up his hands and keci mill. Ho was then compelled to optn hi fe , uf Mr which Uo was bound and gttfgc- - nnd thrown on the bed , Mr. Trumbull lay in thli condition for about nn hour , when Dr. McMillan , who nUo roams in tba store , en tno in nnd released him. The burglars In the mcnntlino had taken everything out of the safe nnd departed bv a back door , through which It Is supposed they first gained en trance. Mr. Truinhull has charge of the money order department of the express com- pnny , tsvlllneo treasurer , and had several items on deposit for other parlies besides his own cash , making an ngprcgato of f 1,000 or more. The robbers were masked and 110 duo has so ar been discovered ns to their identity. THE ClKCVliAK ItEFJEHItED. I. Plcrrcpnnt Morgan's Scheme Post poned for n Few Days. Nnw Yonir , Nov. 10. The Times says : "Tho publication of the circular Inviting In- fluoutlal representatives of western nnd southwestern railroads to a conference at the residence of J. Plorrepont Morgan , In this city , lias been deferred to some of the managers - . agors of the railroads affected. They think they can effect the neccssnry agreement anil reforms without the interference of Now Jfork scuroclynooJubo said that that Now York capitalists whoso Invest ments are at stake regard that notion with a good deal of scepticism. Mr. George Magonn chairman of the board of directors of the Atchlson , Topcka and Santa Fo rail road , nnd a member of the llrm of Kidder. Pcabody & Co. , said yesterday that the whole matter of vho proposed agreement be tween the great railroad systems west of Chicago was In statu quo. Something might bo done at nny moment. Colonel Cook , coun sel for the Atchlson , explained that the delay wus duo to the expressed wishes of the west ern rullronl managers. Ho - long the delay would last ho could -not soy. Little doubt Is felt on. the part of the New York railroad men wnd capitalists that Air. Morgan's cir cular will soon bo issued , mid that n meeting of men capable of making an agreement and sticking jo It will behold at no distant day. Certainly the men who represent a control ling Interest In the western and southwest ern roads uro very much In earnest In their ueslrcs to nut a stop to rate cutting , and W lop off needless ofllco expenses at competitive points. " A SA\CTI3IOXIOV8 S I IMXD / / ? / ? . He Realizes a llcspcutablo Income nt the Expense ol'lllsPartners. Nnw YOIIK , Nov. 10. Albert H. Smith , Junior partner of the brokerage firm of-Mills , Kobeson & Smith , Is lu prison , charged with over seventy forglngs , aggregating $350,000. Smith acknowledged his guilt and turned over nil his property for the benefit of cred itors. The discovery of the forgeries , which' cover a period of six years , was accidentally made Saturday morning by a clerk la the employ of the llrm. In his confession , Smith says ho used the money to reimburse cus tomers who had lost money on Ins sugges tions. The loss 'resulting frorh Smith's mis doings will full upon his llrm , which has been In cxistenco slnco 1S72 , nnd which has been held in the highest repute. Smith's plan was simple. Ho would buy eight or nine shares of llrst class stock and by adding , a cipher or tbo letter "Y" raised It to eighty or ninety shares , These ho deposited with the llrm is a private account and thus made the par t ners responsible. The discovery was acci dentally made br the stock clerk , and Smith then conllncd everything to the partners. Smith Is a prominent churchman nnd n mem ber of several clubs. Ho Is forty-five years old and a childless widower. All the for geries are not u total loss to tbo firm , as about ono fourth cau ho recovered. Siill Unsettled. LONDON , Nov. 10. The distrust In finan cial circle * was not entirely dispelled by yes terday's relief of Barings. The general feelIng - Ing Is still too uneasy to conclude that all U right. It is known that a number of minor firms have been under a heavy strain. It Is nls Improbable that confidence will bo re stored until the position of the Barings tow ard Argentine financial matters becomes clearer , Stnanmhlp Arrivals. At New York The Umbrla , Britannic nnd City of Berlin , from Liverpool ; the State of Georgia , from Glasgow ; the Normannla , from Hamburg. At Ouoenslown The British Princess , from Philadelphia. At Havre La Champagne , from New York. A $ nOOO Burglary. SAX A.XTONU , Tex. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tel egram to Tim BEE. ] Burglars entered the largo dry goods establishment of Josko Brothers hero last night and secured (3,000 in cash by blowing open the sufo. Hail I'roluht Wreck , HiOTixanox , Ind. , Nov. 10. Abad freight wreck was caused on the Chicago & Kno ncur hero lost nlpht , presumably by a mis placed switch. The engineer , flroiaau and brakeuiau were fatally Injured. , . . Nn Ceremony. LA LiuniiT-U ) , Nov. 1R. General Sanchez and Huci of hie fcllowcrs that survived the list battte with President IJogrand's forces yesterday wore taken to a publio sijuuro and shot without carvuiouy , TIDE OF PUBLIC OPINION , Tt Will Determine Whether or Not Harrison Will Run Again , HE WILL MAKE NO PERSONAL EFFORT , The Vnco of the Mnu from Mnlno Looming Up Through the Mlsta ThoOhliiBHo WlllBo Watched , WISUIKOTON Dimmu TUB OMVUI BSB , 513 FOUnTBEMTII STllEBT . V WASHINGTON , D. O , , Nov . 10. For some reason'probably the disappoint ment growing out 9f tbo recent election , an Impression prevails among politicians In Washington that President Harrison Is con templating an early nunouncomontthat ho will not ho a candidate for rcnotninatlon. The president has given no indication to anyone ono , not oven to his most Intimate friends , as to what ho intends to do In regard to the submission of his name for a renomln atlon , nnd the belief prevails among those Imme diately around him that ho Intends to take no direct stop toward furthering his own political interests , but will do the best ho can ns a president for the people and trust to the tides of public oplnian as they may form nt the tlmo a nomination is to bo mndo. In other words , the president believes that if his administration has proven satis factory to his party it will bring about his rcnomlnatlon without any effort of his own. Tbo prominence of Mr. Blalno , as n politician and ns a moving spirit in the present admin istration , is beginning to grow und is develop ing us rapidly ns the belief that Harrison will announce himself out of the Held for a renomlnatlon. Thcro can scarcely bo found a politician in Washington , in any part , not even' excepting the most ardent friend of tlio present administration , but that contributes the unsolicited belief that the iCcretnry of state will bo ns prominent If not moro conspicuous in the convention of 1893 , than ho was hi 1SSS , notwithstanding the fact : hat ho ha ) not done and is not doing any nero to promote his own prominence than ho did two or throe years ago. Ai-TEii TUB oiu.vnsn. The congressional commlttco appointed to nvcstigato the.condition of foreign immi grants in the United States consisting of Congressman Owen of Indiana , chairman ; Congressmen Stump. Lohlbach und Senator Squire , loft hero today eiirouto to Spokane Falls , where their Investigations begin. "The object of this investigation , " said hatrnmn Owen , "Is to collect evidence which may warrant the reporting of nu ex clusion bill , having for Its object the elimina tion of all foreign elements which tend to In jure the interest of honest labor nnd the country at largo. " They are to report the facts ns to the extent to which foreign pau per convicts nnd other objectionable emi grants are allowed to 'enter the borders. The Chinese will bo the llrst object of inves tigation. HE WIM. nn MISSED. The unseemly nnd Indelicate scfafiiblo on the part of rooubllcon senators for the chair now occupied by Senator lugulls , upon the resumption thnthisrc-clcctionls notussured , C as caused a good deal of comment In Wash ington upon the probability of tbo senator succeeding himself. Surely no republican would bo so greatly missed In the senate as the gentleman from Kansas , not oven except ing "Honest John" Sherman or the venerable nnd able .Edmunds of Vermont or Mr. Alll- sonTvof Iowa""ns''woCld'bo ' SenatorIricalls : ' The Kansas statesman Is always reserved for emergencies Mn debate and general scalping work In all kinds of political action on the floor of the senate or in the causus. Ho Is beyond all question , the ablest debater In congress , nnd probably tbo strongest repub lican orator that can bo placed upon the stump and among his colleagues nnd In administration circles It is not believed that his services nnd worth could bo so greatly un appreciated In his own state as to leave his succcsilon hi doubt. The senators who have telegraphed to bo recorded as desiring his chair in the event of his failure of re-election have been answered by theoQh'cr.s of the sen ate that no ono here believes Senator Ingalls will not be re-elected. Yiaimixa AND BICKKIIIXO. "Figuring and dickering on both sides , " says Colonel William II. Morrison , interstate commerce commissioner , "will bo < the order from this time until the Illi nois legislature meets In January , 1S91 , nnd somebody's calculations may receive an upset. One thing is certain that , save for his tariff record , General Paltnor will not prove entirely acceptable to the three legislators , outside the breastworks , who are holding the balance of power In the pending senatorial contest. Undoubtedly an attempt will bo made to trade the speaker- ship for a United States senutorshlp as was done in the case of Pnine's and there may bo a similar outcome to such a transaction as that which resulted In sending Senator Far- well to Washington , It is incumbent upon him to obtain all turco votes of the legislat ors who do not train with his partv , whereas the best two out of thrco will do for General Palmer. All the democratic members of the Illinois legislature are pledged to General Palmer , having been committed to his cause in the nominating conventions and the same is true in the case of Senator Palmer so that for the tlmo being a llkclihood.of but two names being placed before the legislature to compote for thu United States senatorial prize. ThereIs nn anomalous condition of affairs in politics when three men are so situated that they can control a couple of hundred , and yet such Is the exact situation in Illinois today. What the o'utcomo will bo , Is a mutter of the merest conjecture , but ono thing Is certain , there are lively times ahead at Springfield. Such a contingency may arise as that which wrecked my prospects to the time when the legislature was tied between the two great parties , ono hundred and two men being on each side. Death came to the assistance of the repub lican party by removing n democratic legislator later , nnd a member of the opposite political faith was chosed as nls successor , " m : I'lir.Dicis lujiMONr. Congressman Springer , of Illinois , who is In the city , Is out in nn interview today in which ho says that Mr. Cleveland will be the nominee of the democracy in 1892 , and thai there will be harmony within the rnnks ol the party In New York stato. Mr. Spr.ngor believes that Governor Palmer will succeed Senator Farwcll and predicts that the reap- portlonmont bill , which will bo adoptcu this winter , will not increase the present mem bership of the house , as the ratio of represen tation will bo increased. ! ! ! proportion to the growth of population. THEIR i.rrri.K nonac. A number of democratic congressman in the city , notably Mr. Springer of Illinois , are try ing to foroitnll nn extra session of the Fifty- second congress by saying that the election bill will bo resisted in the senate nnd again in the house during the coming session to an extent' which will defeat necessary leglsla tlon und make nn extra session necessary. This step will undoubtedly bo taken with n view to forcing the president to call an extra session. The democrats know us well as re publicans that extra sessions of congress nnd legislatures nro generally disastrous to the executive convening thorn , as in the Instance of the recent special session of the Ohio Icgls Ittture , which is proving tb unfortunate not of Governor Campbell's rsr. Jt may bo said upon as good authority ns It Is possl bio to secure and with t much cerUduty as llfo furnishes that there will bo no extra session , of the FUty-stcoca congress , unless thcro is some unfcfflcon commercial or otbor calamity. Sfo ordinary demand for legislation or eraerg- ncy , llko tno failure of the uppronriatlon or other bills , which may bo 'resented , will in duce President Harrison to coavcuo an extra session. IIC IS XQT DEAD. Ohio republicans say there Is no foundation whatever for the report that Major McKinley is to ho sent to St. Petersburg to succeed Minister Charles Emory Smith. Iteptescnta- Ivo Uoothninn says MclCmloy will bo Ohio's cxt candidate for governor , and that , barr- ng windfalls , ho wiH bo elected. "Should ilnjor McKinley btf clectckl governor of ,0hto ext year , " says Mr. Boottiman , "I do not sco low wo can get out of pjacinij his name bo- ore the nominating convention of 1892. You enow ho could have been nominated n 1883 , had it not been that ho latly refused to suffer'his name to ho used. ilcKlnloy is much stroURcr than his party In Ohio , and mndo n camimlpn which gives him additional strength , not only hi the state , but hroughout tbo country. This is true , not- vithstandlng the fact that tno adoption of ho McKinley tariff bill defeated the rcpub- ican ticket in Ohio. The measure was mis represented nnd had a vtru telling uffcctunon ho republican candidates. I understand that 'resident Harrison debs not Intend to bo a candidate for rcnomlnatlon nnd McKinley an- icars to bo the most available man for the loraluatlon , unless , of course , Mr. Blalno comes to the front. " i A. IUNKCll'8 "J10MA.XCE. There was quite n stir in social circles nt ' ho capltol todnv , wh'eii the announcement vas made that KlnntUan P. Snrdor of Wash- ngton had been united In matrimony vlth Miss Laura Moore of the "Merry Monarch" company of Chicago. For several rears ycung Snydcrhas noon connected with ho National Savings bank of this city , his 'athcr being president of the institution , which is an offshoot of Utggs & Co. , bankers. Miss Moore was also pretty and well mown hero , having , Diailo her appearance with the Americanopera company under Theodore Thomas , her most famous role being .hat of Amor , in Orpheus and Eurydlco. President Snydcr of the savings bank has n magnificent county seat near the national ramtol and is quite lltvly ( that the groom brings his bridohomowlth him as shawlll sever her connection With tbo stage In defer ence to the wishes ofilib Snydcr family , Elnatlmn Snydcr is about twenty-six years of age. a member oftljo leading clubs nt Washington nnd Is receiving teller in his father's bank. His rotbuutio marnlago was not even dreamed of by his most intimate associates , his confidant in the matter having been Hubbard T. " Smith , composer of the music for "Listen to AJy Tale of Woo. " . " MISOEt.t.ANT.OU.s' . There nro quiet rumors In treasury circles that Mr. Lacv , comptroller of the currency , and Captain Meredith-chief of the bureau of engraving nnd 'printing ' , will retire from Lheir positions before spring , both to accept more lucrative positions. The second and last session of the Fifty- flrst congress convenes ut It ! o'clock , noon , on Monday , two weeks from tomorrow , Decem ber 1. Tlio session closes with the explra- Llon of the terms of membership In that con gress , at noon on March i next. Pcituv S. HEATII. i\GLisn. fornics. The Tories Afraid Their Pnck AVI11 Not Turn Up. Nov. 10. Mr. Balfour , having an opportune cold In the head , loft Ireland a week ago , and has since 'open engaged In curIng - Ing himself by golf-playing In England. But although absent from Dublin Castle , ho has not ceasedto * take a deep Interest in Ire land , as is proved by a proslamation sup pressing' the National league in fifty-four town lands in County' Fermanagh , thirty- thrco in MonagTian and two la Watorford. The proclamation of- course Is a moro farce and the league will..pursue Us business ns usual , but It wlU.pleaso the tories in England and the landlords -In Ireland. 'Meanwhile nothing Is heard of thd famous railways and relief \york. , . . Lord Randolph1Churchllljhosgouo to Monte Carlo and thottory whfrs are beginning to fear that their political pack will not turn up in sufllcicnt force for the work of the parlia mentary session , 'which will commence a week from.nitHJuesday. Ministers and fol- ] owershllkd IfavoiUtlo- stomach for"tho fight which they know to b'o before them. The tory spirit is depressed' und tlio press mon itors can give the government no moro cheer ing advice than to avoid "an ambitious pro gramme" in the coming session. The final attempt to iufuso enthusiasm Into the rank and file will ho made .next week , when the annual tory caucus will bo held at Liverpool , and Balfour , if Ills cold will permit , will tell once more tbo oft-told tale of the pacification of Ireland. A regiment of policemen have boon en caged in Donegal helping the sheriffs to evict fifty wretched families pa Mr. Olphort's es tates. Since the plan or campaign , has been In force on his property Olphort has been helped by the Associated Landlords of Ire land , ant' ho has enjoyed an Income almost equal to his entire rent rolls , Ho could , therefore have postponed the evictions until spring without subjecting himself to personal discomfiture , but such a humane course would not suit the designs of tbo landlords In general , and so the evictions have pro ceeded qrlskly. Despite the fact that nil the week a tempest of wind and rain has raged in the aflllctcd district no mercy has been shown by the landlord's agents. Old men , sick women nnd babies have been ruthlessly turned out sf the houses which their own hands built'upon the land which they tqem- sclvcs reclaimed Jrom the wilder ness , nnd they would have remained out on the wild roadsldo had It not been for the core of the lenguo nnd the kindness of English sympa thizers who made their way to the remote district In response to the pitiful appeals re ferred to hero last week. Thanks to the presence of English men and women , the brutal work was carried out with compara tive absence of brutal violence , butthero was enough brutality in the mere process of evic tion to move tha women to tears nnd to make the men In the strength of their indignant protests almost forgot the presence of ladles. ' Sir John Swinburne , M < P. , a'wealthy En glish land owner and a good homo ruler nnd liberal , found an ovlcfed widow , Mrs. Her- rachty , her son and daughter-in-law nnd eight llttlo children , vnluly seeking shelter from the poarlng ruin near the house from which they had been evicted , and the sight moved him to declare that if no had perpe trated on his own estates In England but one- tenth of the cruelty which ho had witnessed that day , his tenants would have strung him up ut his own door and the country would have said ' -Served him rlpht. " Eva Catherine Clapp's Spit. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Nov. 10. Eva Cather ine Cl-ipp of Athol , Moss ) , who is said to bo a handsome woman , thlcty ears of age , and an authoress of national repute , yesterday be gan a suit in the United Statct circuit , court against her divorced husband , Tllghman H. Mink , for 17,000 , which'was ' awarded her in the Chicago divorce coilrt In May last. Thir teen years ago Mrs. Mink , who was then fresh from , a Now England female ( college , mot and laved Mr. Mink in Chicago and afterward marrloc him. Soon after Mluk was sued tor breach of promise by a fanner housekeeper to whom the Jury gave & 1UOO damages , Mrs Mink and her husband.llVod together sovora years and then separated , She alleged that ho had abused her nnd her confidence. She went back to her AthoV homo and dovotct herself to literature ana wrote lier first novel "Mlsmated. " Lost spring ; however , she be gan proceedings for divorce from her hus band lu Chicago , nnd tha records of the Cook county courts show that a docrco was granted on the ground of cruel and barbarous treat ment , and Mink's intimacy with his present housekeeper. Mink , It U said , is worth $30,000 , and belongs to ono of Allcntown's leading families. In awarding tbo divorce the Chicago court decreed $7,00 * damages to Mrs ; Mink in lien of a weekly alimony , it being the custom of the Chlcagi .courts to decree lump sums of alimony , ant permitted Mrs. Mink to resume her inaldoi namo. Mra. Mink , or Miss Eva ICntherint Clapp , then resumed her literary work , nm has Just completed her latest nuvol , "A Brlgh Future. " Both of these novels , her counse suld yesterday , \yill bo offered in cvldcnco it the suit to show the condition of her mini before and after tbo divorce. Kagusta'H ItptiiYn. MADHIP , Nov. 10 , [ Special Cablegram to TUB BkE. ] Ex-Premier Sugastu returnee today , Sixty thousand liberals escorted him home , shouting , "Long live liberty I" CASH BOX OF THE TREASURY , ) emands to Bo Mnilo Upon it by tie State of Nebraska. APPROPRIATIONS STILL LOOKED FOR , * Various Bulldluga Unitor AVny for Which Congress May Make Appro * priatloiiB Two Cities Still Ask- In K Norfolk's Claims. WASHINGTON' , Nov. 10. Special to TUB BEK.J The department otlldnls hnvo been mnhlng up the annual estimates upon which vlll bo bused the congressional npproprln- Ions for the next fiscal year. Thcsu cstl- nntes are sent to congress on the opening day I tlio session. So far us Nebraska is con- crned , thcro nvo no Inrgo demands nindo upon the cashbox of the treasury , a tiling that niniot bo said of nil the states. But it will > o of interest to gtvo the fo\v that propose mprovcinenls hi the stnto , or rather tlio ap- > roprlntlons to carry them out. In the public building an appropriation of 000,000 , Is desired for the completion of the Omaha postofllco mid court house. As Is rtnown , the limit of cost of this Improvement s $1,1200,000 , , and half of this amount has al- cndy been appropriated. For the completion of the now postoftlco illulng nt Fremont there Is required ' .OOO. The limit of cost of this Improve ment Is Hxed nt $00,000. \Vhllo there Is llttlo in tlio estimates for Yobraska , us can bo seen , there nro other Im provements needed In tlio state for which congress may ho Induced to mnlto appropri ations. Two cities hnvo a stronp supiwrt for public buildings , Hastings and Norfolk. The ncnsuros making auch provision for both cit es nro In an eligible position for consider ation this winter , and Rood nriruments will jo brought forward in their support. Tlio friends of unstintrs started in for a 200,000 appropriation , but the committee on nibllo buildings caino to the conclusion Unit = 75,01)0 ) would uo sulllelent to nrovido adc- junto quarters for the government oillclals , ilenco the ilijht must bo made over this Ijit- ter sum. The scMnto lira already passed fav orably upon the measure. Many good rea sons will bo urged for giving Hastings a pub- lo building , among which nro the facts that _ t Is the third , city in conuner- mcrclal importance Hi the state , and the necessities of the government it this place arc increased because terms of the United Statcs'court nro held there. Norfolk has also luckily got its measure through the senate. Tlio appropriation de sired was $100,000. and the senate allowed : ulssuin , but the house committee on public tiulldinirs says that $75,000 Is enough. Hero , too , the United States courts as well the postal business must bo accommodated. The 3lty , it Is argued , is entitled to n government building because It Is n brisk business place and is the center of a flourishing and enter prising section of the state.- Sidney does not want an appropriation of money so much as it wants an appropriation of land. Congress Is to bo asked to pass thb necessary legislation donating to the city twenty acres of land from the Fort Sidney military reservation , which Is desired for cemetery purposes. Thcro will bo no trouble " ' In passing" this measure when rcache'd on the calendar , as Fort Biduoy bus been ordered to bo abandoned. It cau bo'seen , although Nebraska Is n big state , that comparatively llttlo is nsked- of the general government. Of course the people of the state are Inter ested In the general legislation of congress , ns llko nil other communities , but the aim in this article has been to give only such mat ters as nro especially designed for Nebraska. While on this subjectof public buildings It may bo worth while to givea statement of what the government has already expended for such improvements in the stato. The amounts tire as follows : Omaha couvt hauso and postofllco ( old ) : Cost of site , nothing ; actual cost of construc tion of building , $ : JOOfl.WJ ; cost of altera tions and reialr,313WH.70 ; total , 305,971.73. Nebraska City court tiouso and postolllco : Costof site , 5OlL'.50 ; cost of building , $10- : 00(1.71 ( ; total , $107,057,21. Lincoln court house anil postoftlco : Cost of site , W.'W.So , the site was donated , but In cidental expenses nro covered by the amount stilted ; actual cost of construction of build ing , 81US,2ii.OS : ; cost of alterations aud re pairs , $7a07.5 j total , $ 05,977.89. TJIE-IXltTAX MESSIAH. Serious Trouble Supposed to Bo Brew- Inn on the KcRorvatloii. MIXNBAPOUS , Minn. , Nov. 10. A Mandan , N. D. , special says that tbo settlers living on the border of the Sioux reservation bring stories of the arming of the Indians , which is borne out by Joseph Buckley , who speaks their language. Buckley came in today and says that every Indian on the reservation will shortly go on a warpath , and that they liavo got possession of. Ouster's rifles , which the United States army never found. The local hardware men have in the last few days sold their entire stocks of ammunition to In dians. The Indians say if they arc unsuc cessful in the raid they will got double ra tions and they have nothing to lose. The citizens hero and settler's who are un protected bcllovo GcneralUugerand the In dian authorities are harbojlng a feeling of false security. The mayor of Mandan 1ms called a meeting and the war department will bo asked to furnish citizens puns If not with soldiers. Many settlers between Mandan and the reservation arc abandoning tholr farms and ranches because of the lack of pro tection afforded them b. the government. The most conservative look gloomy nt the outlook. The Indians appear moro and more crazy over tno Merrlah story. Serious trouble Is anticipated. nt the agencies over the coming ' 'ghost ' dance. " The agent has endeavored to Induce. them to forego it but they nro doflant and refuse fuseto obey hla orders. A woman was brought before the 'agency at Standing Ilock a few days ago whom the Indians said was the mother of the Messiah. The agent Inter rogated her but got no satisfaction , as the Identity of who is to bo- ' the Messiah , she contenting herself with repeating the stories about the millenlum and how the whitepco - plo would bo wiped out entirely. Several of the leading Sioux chiefs seemed to bo as 11 rm believers in the story as the young bucks. The Weather Forecast. Foi Omaha and Vicinity Rain ; slightly cooler. r For Nebraska Fair ; slightly warmer ; variable winds. ' ' For Iowa lluln ; slightly warmer ; variable winds. For South Dakota Fair : no change la temperature ; southerly winds. Jiuko of Clarence at Ilcrlln , ICopi/rfflht tSMbt/ James Gordon Hcniiclt.l BEIILIX , Nov. 10. [ New York Horoli ! Cable Special to Tun Bnn. ] The Duke of Clarence arrived Iioro today to attend tha wedding of Princess Victoria. Ho was inel at tbo station by .Prince Leopold ou bo half of the. emperor , _ A Medical Mecca. nr.iti.ix , vNov. 10. There nro 1,500 foreign doctors already boro. The supply of Koch's lymph Is temporarily exhausted. Kooh sug costs that the remedy bo called "parataloid1 in prescriptions. TrniiBt'crro'l to I ho Chamber * . llio MB JANKIKO , Nov. 10. Congress mo yesterday , The president's message , after reviewing the work of the provisional E ° V eminent , formally transferred the powers o government to the Ivorsnryproclamnt clcbrated with fetcA ( I'ntikliiK Oput-ntl . .i Suspended. NrmusKA Cur , Nob. , Nov. KV [ Special toTitnBixl Mr. 1' . \VaroofChlcngo ) , president of the Nobrnika City paekhiR com pany , has announced that for the present the house In this city would remain Idle , M the other house hero coulil take care of nil the hogs shipped to this point and keen the mar ket price up to that of Omaha. Mr. Ware , however , suld that as soon us the receipts of hogs hero would Justify It his company would ttisumo operations , but which would proba bly not bo this season. Ho expressed the opinion that with the defeat of piohlbltlon Nebraska City would prosper wondeifully within the next few years. Hulldlna nt Notion. Niu : > ox , Neb. , Nov. 15. [ Special to Tin : Bin : . ] The sixth church has Just been com pleted In this city , tlio Gorman Congregation- nl. It Is n neat structure , ! W by ! fj. feet , and is in the 11. &M. addition , The other churches nro the Christian , the Presbyterian , the Hup- tlst , the Evangelical aud the Methodist Epis copal. The now court house will bo occupied In two weeks , though it may not ho finished entirely for a few days longer. Itndtls considerably to the appearance of the town. Two quite pietcntlous houses nro being built ] ust nt the edge of town , one by Miss M. Bmyiniui nnd the other by Mrs. Shank. They will bo ready for occupancy this winter. Death ol'u It inker. HASTING ; ? , Nob. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUG Br.E. ] > Abraham Yoazel , founder of the Exchange National bank of this city and cashier of the same for the past fourteen years , died last night at 11 o'clock after a brief attack of peritonitis. Ho was recognized as enc , of Hastings1 most substan tial nud wcalth'y citizens. Ho was identified nt tiio time of his death as a part owner In banks nt Cozud , liiutlott and Broken How , Nub. Ho leaves a wife and ono child. Ho was a member of the Knights of Pythias. The CiilbcrtHoii Ouiitil. CUI.HCKTSON , Neb. , Nov. 10. fSpoclal to Tim Dec. ] Work on the big Culbortson c.innl Is being pushed with an possible vigor , nothwlthstnndlnpr false reports circulated by rival towns thnt the contractors hud failed. The word fail is not found in the vocabulary of Baffalo Jones , \v1iois hero in person super intending the work. Sixteen miles of thu ditch are completed and a quiirtor of a milo uoro Is being llnished up each day. AllinnuR Julllfluntlnn. Niii/sox , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ Special to Tun Bin. : ] The alliance held a jollification Wed- icsday evening over the olnctlon of McKuig- mil. It was expected thatMcKeiglian would bo there In person , nnd the farmers were allen on hand , hut for some unknown reason Me- Cclglmn failed to materialize. Judge Bach of Lincoln , 111. , who happened to bo present , iddressed the audience for ow'r an hour. Newspaper Consolidation. NtmtAsiu Crrv , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ Special , o Tin : Bin. : ] L , E. Sewers , publisher of the Saturday Budget , has purchased the Weekly limes of this city an alliance and labor inner and the two will bo consolidated. The lolicy of the paper will remain independent. A dully , evening Budget will soon make its appearance. All ) FOR TJIK It.lJtlXGS. Tlio Whole Financial World COIIIOH to Thulr Assistance. LONDON , Nov. 10. The Scotch banks will javo n meeting today for the purpose of aid- ng In the Baring guarantee fund. The whole banking world has shown alac rity in subscribing mid when all Jio provincial and other subscriptions lave arrived the total will bo such a sum as tvill make the whole incident n brilliant triumph for the organizers of the fund , Besides - sides three millions of surplus , the partners estates represent immense resources. Another Urge 11 rm called n meeting of Its chlof connections Saturday mid submitted a statement , which effectually removed any grounds of suspicion. There are rumors of a radical change in the personnel of thu firm of Baring Brothers. Villni-d In Germany. [ Copirfpif ) JMO liu Jamcn Gonlnn HenncUA , BCUMK , Nov. 10 , [ Now York Herald Cabla-Spccinl toTun : Biiis.J Mr. Vlllard left Berlin for Frieberg yesterday , where bis daughter , Helen , a young lady of nineteen , Is lying dangerously ill. Vlllard was accom panied by Mr. Krclsman , formerly United States consul general and a well known Ber lin financier. Ho sails In a few days for New York , but ho Is far from Uolng Insolvent. The Deutsche bati it hero Is n heavy loser. Last Sunday night Vlllurd received tlio first Intimation from his brokers , Becker , Wilson & Co. , that they were insolvent. They ca bled that they must have $323,000 , or go to the wall. Hospeiit Monday morning telegraph ing and raising money , and before 3 o'clock transferred the amount asked for to his brok ers , but the money arrived half an hour too lato. Villard , however , Is credited hero with hftvlng made a generous attempt to save them. It Is not generally known that Villard's real name is Hllgnrd , Ho Is the son of a chief Justice In Bavvarinn palatinate. Ho changed his name and wont to America on account of some pranks whuu ho was a student at Heid elberg. The Wrecked Sorpoiit. 1SOO liu Jama fJimfrm Ilti\nctl.\ \ \ . Nov. 10. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tan Biu.l : The evidence of the survivors of tlio wrecked cruiser Serpent - pont goes to show that the light of the village light house had not boon seen by the lookout on the Serpent , although the light Is usually visible for fourteen miles. It Is bcllovccl that the Serpent's compass" was affected by the. iron in the reef and that astronomical observations were Impossible owing to tbo had state of the weather. A Spanish gun boat , which yesterday passed the scene of the disaster , found no trace of the Serpent A body washed ashore today Is supposed to bo that of the commander of the Serpent , * Koch's First Foreign Pntlcut. [ Copi/rt0ht ISOOlJU Jama Giinlnn ltmnelt.\ \ BERLIN , Nov. 10. | Now York Herald Cablo-Spoclal to Tim Bun. ] An Engllsl gentleman who has been suffering flv'o years with terrible skin tuberculosis arrived yes day and was Immediately admitted to Clinlo and successfully inoculated by Koch. Ho is the firstforeign patient treated. Woman litirncd to Donth. ATCHISOX , ICan. , Nov1. 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BKB ] . Mrs , Mary Herring was burned to death In her houso'near Hlglilam station , Uonlphan county , at midnight las night. She was seventy-eight years old helpless and nearly blind , and was overcome before her son , who llved'a few rods dlstan could rescue her. The origin of the lire Is not known , . OHO Million Marks to Kooh. ICopifrJaMed tSOO In Jama OonJou Jkiuifft.1 BniiLi.v , Nov. 10. [ Now York Hernia Cable Special to TUB BKB. | U Is stated that a bill will bo presented to the relchstog to grant 1UOOXWO marks to Professor Koch. A Itonmii Denial. noME , Nov. 10. The Hlforma glvcd a for nml denial to the statement that Crispi and Caprlvl at a recent interview arranged fo the formation of an interstate league la op position to tbo now United States tariff. IT 'IS A MODEL INSTITUTION , ilanngernont nml System of tbo Genoa School for Indians , i VARIOUS POINTS IN WHICH IT EXCELS , or Immense Vuluo to tlio Country nml Popular Amongtliu luillniiH Sumo Fnutri or Value to WAJIIIXOTOS , Nov. 1C. [ Special Telegram o TUB Br.r..J The Indliiu school system , ustalncd in whole or lu p trt by llio national lovormnont , consists nf day or ramp schools , csorvntlon boarding schools , tuul non-roser- atlon tr.ilniiig schools , Of the reservation cliools , eleven nro wholly maintained at the ixpcnsoof the government and are conducted > y government employes. Tlioy nro ns fol- ows : . AlbiKiucniuc , N. M , ; Carlisle , Pa. ; Cm-son , Nov. ; Cltlloceo , I. T. ; Port Tottcu , * > ' . IOoHoa \ , Nob. : Orand .lunctton , Colo. ; Lawrence , Kan. ; Pierre , S. T > . ; Salem , Oro. , and Simla Fo , N. M. Carson , Fort Tot ten , Merro and Santa F"o are now schools Just bo ng opened. Of the others , Carlisle Is the oldest , largest and most famous. It necom- nodntes over 000 pupils. Lawrence , Kan. , Is ho next In fllzovlth I'D , ami ( > onoa stiuub -hlrd - with accommodations for WO , to bo In creased to nt least 1100. The Genoa school Is n moJel lu Its manage- nent , and Is noted for the special care ) given to Instruction in English ; 'or its excellent industrial training mil for the hcaUhfulno'is of its location. In ndlan school circles It Is generally conceded hat the future will plnco the ( Jenoi : school at the head of the column , ft has all the ad- antngoi of location enjoyed by the other ion-reservation schools , but is at tlio sama line near enough to the reservation to avoid ho climatic disadvantages which so seri ously effect Indian children who are removed o eastern schools. In the matter of profit- ahlo Industrial training the exhibit of the iroscnt superintendent has called forth the commendation of Ida superior ofllcors , The chool Is of Immense value to the .service and s very popular ainomr the Indians. Superintendent Bnckus has submitted Ins annual report to the commission and It will bo published in the forthcoming annual ro * tort of the Indian oftlco. I'Yom It the following facts are obtained ami will bo road with interest by Nolmishans inrtlcularly and the friends of Indian cduca- , ion generally : The Lcnon school Is located nn the slto of the old Pawnco Indian agency and was orlplnaliy' opened In the abandoned agency Buildings after tno removal of the Pawnees , o Indian Territory. The school was opened February 'JO. 18SI , with 74 pupils from Hose- uud agency , Dakota. Before the cloiO of the year the number was increased to 11HJ of whom Sil we're boys mm IW were girls , aged from seven to twonty-lwoycuraund nearly all fresh from tlio twees , the blankets and the camps. Tlio. school has boon maintained with a quota of about ono hundred and sev enty from year to year until IbVK ) when con gress made nn opproarlatlnn sulllelent to jarry not less- than iiJ5 and it ; is expected that 2JU will bo la attendance before the close of ( lie year. The following tribes wore represented last year : Sioux , Omahns , Wlnnobngos , Poncas. Arlckarces , Muuc'laus , Arupahocs mid Sou- tecs. tecs.Tho school farm proper consists of .120 acres owned by tbo government , but an additional 120 acres is rented and cultivated. The school campns , buildings , orchard , pasture and meadow occupy 100 acues , but nil the re mainder of the land is actually under tlio plow and ns will ho seen below has beeu a source not only of Instruction but of profit. The school was opened in 18S4 In a single building , three stories In height. Improve ments have been mndo from year to year until " til now there is a largo and" well arranged plant comprising capacious dormitories , suit- nblc shops , a hospital and all the necessary outbuildings representing a valtio of not less than SiVi.OlX ) . Last year a two storv brick costing fiOO was completed and this year ono moro will bo built at a cost of about § 10,000. In ISSU-'JO grcnt activity was main tained , and In addition to the brick building nbovo referred tc a line wire fence was erected enclosing the farm and orchard , frames were placed in tlio vineyard for the support of the vines , two coal houses , ono water closet and two liny racks were built , while the barns and sheds were enlarged and ten-acres were fenced for stock yards. On Arbor day : JOO trees were planted by the pu pils and employes. A large fish pond has bscii excavated , which Is to bo stocked by the fish commission. This pond will also ho utilized for llshlng mid skating , The sum mer's supply of Ice will bo cut from it. Superintendent Bnckus entered upon his duties ns superintendent April 1 , ISS'J. The former superintendent had been suspended and the school was In a chaotic condition. Thcro wore nearly two humlreu pupils en rolled , but no attempt to gruilo them had been mndo. The farm was neglected. "Tho harness shop and printing onico were both closed , Everything was in disorder consequent quent upon the unsettled conditions resulting from the suspension of the heai of the Institution. The employes hud not been paid for some months. The pupils employed from time to tlmo had not received any pay for a year and they were discouraged. Mr , Backus took hold of affairs with a firm hand and today the farm , the shops , the school and the promises are In ex cellent order ; the employes are competent , faithful and earnest ; tlio pupils are contented and great progress Is being inadu. The harness shop was reopened last January. The printing oftico was put in order and the "Pino of Peace , " the school paper , resinned publication. The school Is graded and every employe and pupil knows his duty. The school needs now a school building In which thcro shall bo flvoor.sU recitation rooms inul a largo assembly hall or cliupol. It is expected Unit this building will bo pro vided before the end of the fiscal yea'r , The scholastic or literary work of the school is not much different from that in n white school , cxeupt that pupils of all ages are received and the complete course Is not .equal to thogrnuimarcouraoof publloschools. It fulls something llko two years short. However , Indian pupils who have been educated at Genoa uro ublo to compete with whlto children having no better oppor tunities , and are pretty well lilted for the ordinary walks and vocation * of civilized 11 fo. fo.Tho The Industrial work at this school Is ox- coptlonully gopd. lu addition to thu larger farm , * the orchard , garden and vineyard In ono or nil sf which everybody spends u part of his time , there are cuttle , hor.sos , hogs and chickens to euro for and all the details of successful farming , stock growing and dairy ing. The trades of Bhocmaklng , tailoring , broom mnking , carpentering and painting included the manual department. Black- smltlilng and prlntlm : are to bo added this year. In thu various shops no "team work" Is allowod. Kadi boy In the shoo shop , for Instance , completes a boot or ulioo , making nil its parts. In the other shops the boys likewise malco complete articles , and when they leave school understand their trades and nro capable of independently conducting a business. In the shoo shop an avorngo do- tall of I'i boys has been at work mid H''O shoos were mudu In addition to avast amount of repairing , Six boys were sent homo Juno SO who could lit , cut and make an entlro pair of shoes. In the tailor shop the pupils made U77 coats , U77 vests and 351 pairs uf pants. In the harness shop they produced CO sots of tloubio harness besides repairing and strap- work. The school was awarded a govern- , mcnt contract for ! MO sots of double harness and the tmporlutondcnt exproascs the hope , that a contract for twice as many will Lo , awarded him next year. In the broom foe- ' lory which U a new enterprise- the credit of the m-e.sent superintendent the boys nro taught the tru < lo of broom making in IU CB