THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SAJHJBDAY. NOVEMBER 15 , 1890. SPEGIKL NOTICES , HITUATIOXa AV ANTED. _ _ fttraltt , etc. , tee top ofIrnt column oi Uitt page , ENOAHKMHNTS to On drevimaldnn In fam ilies f ollcltod , MM Sturdy , 2(110 ( Ilnrnrv at. _ _ . M8B7-im "V\rANTKI-Sltuatlnn in stenographer nnd ' typowrltor by nn lionest , Industrious young limn of peed habits : has oxnorlenco nnd can furnish references. Address Via. lice. Ma3-15 ! ) I'osltlon ns book-keeper or slm- llnrworkby n man ! 14 ynars of BROS 3 years' experience In cuiuTitl mdso. nnil Syears' In hardware. llest of references. Would pre fer Colorado \YyoirIni ? . Address , V.v > . lloo. 777 10 * T)09ITION wanted by oxporloncpil lady JL. bookkeeper. A1 references. Address V KI , euro Heft. MKS-18 * BAKKIl wnnts situation. Is first-class on bread or cakes. Will go In the country. Addrcws V Cl , Hco. _ M 838-15 * \\fANTKn-Hltntitlnn In a small family by * ' n young girl (1 ( ! ) ; , German. Address 111 IS , 13 til Ht. 7S515 * _ OS I T ION by yonnif lady , "blorklnir or light ofllcn work. Good wfltor. Speaks acriimn , Address II. I ) . Walker , 701 S. Kith st. M2.VM6 * _ _ WAM'El ) lly mrirrled man of experience. position In general store. Speaks Kni- llfli nnil Oerman. Itest references. Address B. J. box70. Urotna. Nell. 074-1(1 ( * _ WANTED T For rat tt , etc. , tee ton of frrt rolumn on this jtage. \\rANTKI > -Mon and women' ability In T ? every city , town and vitiate to. net nn n gents for the Ladles' Home Journal. Wo > vmit the best attainable class of agents , nnd to Biicb ninisiml terms will bo offered. The Journal Is the handsomest periodical tor la- oles and I ho family over Issued , nnd has nearly ) inlf n million subscribe . It will bo adver tised the criming autumn and winter on a larger calo than over before , creating a de mand that aKCtits should bo ready In fill. UiirllH ViibHshliiK Oo. . I'hlladblpliln. MKtl 37 * " \A7'ANTEn-Snlesmcnon Salary orrornmls- " ' slon to hiindlutho new patent chemical Ink ornsliiK pencil. Tlio urcatast sollliiR nov elty over produced. Krases Ink thorouKhly In two seconds : no abrasion of paper. LOO toMO per cent profit. Ono agent's Miles amounted to MM In slxslays ; another $ .12 In two hours. Wo want ono cnerRi'tlo general IIRO nt for each Btato and territory. Hample by mnlKtSctn. I'orteimsnnd full particulars address the Monroe Lruaor Mfg. Co. , La Orosso , WIs. Jl 8.10-17 * $7r .rotoriO.OO u m tith can bo made work Ing for us. I'arsnnq preferred who can fiir- tilsh a liorso and filvo tllolr whole time to the buslnens. Spire : moments may bo profitably employed also. A fuw vacancies In to ns and cities H. P. Johnson ft Co. , 2000 fllalii st. , Rlch- inoml Viu _ \l > ANTKD First-class tlnnor for liuwllns , > Wyo. ; steady job and B" > d wagos. Apply to Ileutorfe Wllholiny Co. . elty. 1KI g ) _ " \\rANTKD A carpenter and cabinetmaker. Tt Oallataioa Fariiutu at. MBM-ir * ' \\rANTKD-A younR man to take care of a ' loam of horses and make himself useful around tno house. 0. I , , Erlckbon.'OO N. IGthst. fetC-lS _ " \7lfANTKD Dry poods salesman , acompo- T tout and expoMenced salosnmn nt oneo In londhiR dry poods house. Address , with references , O. A. Iloboln , Cedar Uaplds. la. - "VA7 ANTKD An onglneorj yomiK man pre- TT ferred. Apply at Frontier Steam Lnun- dry. iniallowanlst. 811-14 * tsu > _ " \\J A NTKD Local and travelling salesmen to sell Lubricating Oils. Apply for terms 'o Tlio Dlntcrlchs Ull Ci > . .Uloveliinil. O. 811-11 * \XTANTKI ) A first class plumber nt once , VY ira ) Capitol a\c. . M. i ; . Free. M 701-15. W A NTKD A flist-class oxporlcncoil sales man In Rents' furnishing Roods dcpt. J , i. Ilramlola & Son. BO'J to filO S. 13tli. 717 WANTKD A young man who ean furnish about J3.000 and services In ollleo work. In a highly respectable anil well established 1ms- Incs3. Address V 51 Ueoolllco. 774 15 * WANTKU A boot and shoo salesman with an established trade In nortbein and northwestern Nebraska. Audreys , with refer ences , salary expected , &o. , ll. 11. 11. , St. Jo- Boph , Mo. 713 10 _ ANTKD-Fourboys , iiRolO , to distribute bills. Call at Hotel Uarkor , 7 u. in. MC01 _ _ A TKW tracklayers and shovolers wanted. Apply at the boarding cars near the now Whlto lead lyorks , Kast Omaha. Wood & nan- croft. M CU3-iiO _ AOl'NTS niakttiR bid money canvassing our now book , "Beautiful Gems. " for holiday delivery. Send 70 cents for outfit Immediate ly and got best terms. J. M. French fc Co. , 1'nxton block , Omaha. _ M OC5-10 WANTED-200 laborers forstono and crude work. Apply to 1' . II. Johnson , Union > passe n e rnopot. Omaha. _ . 203 W Jr ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian nursorlcs.StonoJtWolllngtoii.Madlson.Wls TVf KN or women wanttnR work , or persons J--lneedhiK help of kind , v - - any city or country , v > ran always bo supplied at Keith's odlcc , 3laJ ) 8. IStli st. Satisfaction guaranteed. /-UNVASSnitS Wiinted-Corrospondeneo so- V lloltcd with competent canvasser * to s > ell paper elothlnsr. Good wanes can bo earned , Write Taper Clothing Co. , Tort Huron. Mich , ODO-n'a _ ANTEIt-Mon with good reference at Metropolitan MfR ; Co. . 1009 Howard Bt. _ 211-nCT \\7ANTKD-At once , bovcral good city canT - T T viis crs. 1510 Douglus st , 87.iu21 - wanted throuKhoilt Nn- braska. Bond stamp for reply. Jos. V , Mcgeath , Omaha. 773 T\7ANTED A live , enorROtlo party In ovorv T ? nlaco to In trod uod our Roods.Voliaven now line that will soil at every house ant ! agents ran reap a harvest between now ant the holidays , will pay a salary of J75 poi month If preferred and furnish a team free Address at onco. Standard Bllvorwaro Oo. Mass. Jl 032-U 15 WANl'EP-FEMAljE HI3tiI\ Foriattf etc. . tee top of fnt column on thli i IWII Ij pay ladles a salary of flu per weol to work fo' mo In their locality at home light work.gnoil pay for part time. Write will Btamp. Mrs. II. K FarrliiKton. box ? Chicago J ANTED Ladles and young men. recelvi f T Instructions aud keep books. J , It. Smith 0 * " X.uw Yorlc klfo 817 II Xl'EIUENOED salesladies and salesmen SlonelilU'B. b'-'O 14 IT ANTED-Cook fur party of young women i T no washing. 1'lrs.t-olasH Gorman girl fo family of two. Colored cook for family of t c > good pay. 12 girls for general work In and ou of elty. Now Kmp. Agency , bank bide. Ifltl and Dodge B1511 * V\7ANTIvD-Flrst-class gl'rl for genera , TJ houxowork , no washing or ironing. Ann ! ' southwest corner Kind and Uodgo uts , , on' block north from Fin mini st. H13 15 \\7ANTBU-A llrst-class girl for genera TT housework : also u iiursu girl about 1 years ot ago. 601 a.Mth. 733 "T\7ANTnD A saleslady who understand T > thu orookory business nnd bus city refer ences. Address Omaha , I' . OKB. TC715 \\7ANTED-A Rlrl for housework. Mr ; Dmiiout , 1)0)2 ) ) Lafayette avo. , formorl1 Panl al. 77U ' \X7ANTEn-q6od girl for general house T work , : S18 I.cuvonworth. 743 BHIOIIT young lady wanted to got sut bcrlbors. for the Umaha Excelsior ; 50 pe ccntcommlsaloii. Apply 113 a luth sU Mlfa V 7ANTKn-aiil for kltchcu aud luunar f > work , 1I ° 0 S Stlth st. Kl ! UOHSIOS t'oi iate , ctc.tte lop ttfflrst column OHill HOltSKH taken for the winter with ono fu feed of grain per day nnd plenty of hay , ] nor month. Uoodearn will bo taken of then I.euvo horse with N , E , Illllranco , stables 41 South 17th st. Telephone bOI. il&il HOUSK3 wintered , Vi'o have the best nc ) cominodatloiis In the state for wlnterln ) iorse.s. llox or Bliiislu Btivlli , with puddool Apply to Windsor. Kunip St Co. , 203 Now Vor Llfo bldg. , or to Chris Kevins , at the stable : Irvlngton , Neb. MKU H OUSTS wintered No better place to winter tor liorsci than the Htlllwater stock farn 1't. Oalhoun , 1'rlccs low. best euro. II. . Kendall , pro ) 'M , llrown bldtc.Oinalu 674 du WANTKIHorses to winter 7 with grul and M without ! Rood care will bo take of tnom at Uouiuun 1'urk farm. Leave horse with N. K. Ulllruncv , Btublua 414 8.17th st. Tel vphona WI. M g > s HUIWKa wlntuMMj at Oinulm fair urouiul- lean winter200horses , eaoh horse has i large warm boxstall , feed all the grain Hi owner want * , largo yards for uxcrclio In fin weather. A , Thouisou. M'.Ml N'.M FOR nKNT HOUSES. Fnr rate * , etc. , tee tap of fnt column on thtt jxifl * . . IlENNKrT , moving oxpros ? onico with . Ncal & Uonrad , 1413 Uodgo st. Tel. 127. G -IIOOM cottaso. 802 S. 30th st. FOR KENT Smntl house on Emmet st. , west of SHh , M tier month. Also " -room hnnso , city water , bath , on Onldwell , between 2fth mid 27lh , &JS | ior month , 0. Ii. Orecu , lloom U9 , llurkor block. M7H7 " 171011 lUNT-4-n : > oin house , Mil Center st j 3 J3 rooms , Wi X. intli st. 7J.VI5 * H'dUFK for rent ! ten rooms , inodorii con venience , Kll So. 10th st , 4W 10 * FOK IlENT-i-room house , 1917 California at. BU4 "I710U KKNT-SSZl Muplo street. Dcnlso ndil. J. Rood fi-room house with unllnlslicd ! i Htory nbcno , well , cistern , ! i Mock from Slth at motor , $17.00 nor month. O , O. Wallace. 310 llrown oik. 781 15 TjlOll HUNT My fifltio brick dwelling , some J. HnlMicii , othursto.ho finished Insldo 11 dnyn. r.icli ; liouso 7 rooms besides pantry , bath room , laundry , furnace nnd all modern con veniences. They ui o worth } .V.00 ) each , but I want to tent them and It Is latu In thu season. They will bo rented for jn.oi ) , These dopant houses aru situated nn With tuid Izmd , ono block from the Walnut HIM motor. 31 minutes walk to 1' . O. Thoo. Olscn , COI N. V. Life. 731-10 TT10II HKNT-'KloirantS-room house , nil mod- J2 orn Improvements , nlsu laundry room , cor ner 23d nuil Chicago. Apply at I'M rnrmun bt WI1ft T71OK Itr.NT Nicely furnished cottage of sir J rooms , with modern conveniences , liuiuho 5209 Douxlas st. 710 17 T/lOK lir.NT-l Hat. II rooms. In Lluton block , -I ? on tliocornetof 13th and Mn on six. ; steam boat : In Eood lopalr ! &tt | > cr month , liuiulro of John llamllu. HIT , In thu block. MRW FLATS of five rooms to rent In now brlclc block. No. 15ii : IHirlst. Klmball. Champ & Kyan , 1305 Karnnin at. MTOO-a ) rillir. Iliown building , CumliiR and ' 'Ith sts. .L families desiring now , \\arm homo for wlntorshoitld not miss these elegant npuit- mcnls of eight and nine room * . Including bath room. Kitchen nuieo and window shades. All ready for house keeping. Apply ( 'Ill/ens bank. KM-lfi * K YOU wish to rent a liouso or store see II. 11 Cole , Continental block. S7I ) FOIt lirNT To rcspmislblo paitles only , these II iii ( now brlok and stone houses on Georgia avenue ; flfteon rooms and alcoves ; more conveniences and better finished than any house for rent In.tho elty , 11. H. Hender son , 400 i'axtan block , city. 27 * 7-llOOM house with barn ; nominal rent. 0 , IMlarrlsoii.OllN. f. Life. i.75 _ T71O" lU'NT 9 room house , all modern conJ - J vcnlences. Ineluillng a cooil staide. Capitol avenue , near the blgli school ; rant moderate. 1) . J.O'Domilioo. 1001 Furnaiu st. 270 HUNT The beautiful 7 room cottages. Just llnl-tlied. Ilatb and modern Improvement ment- ! . Only 2 loft. C. S. lilgutter , 407 Klrat Niit'lb-ink. 458 _ FOH UENT- peed C-room house , city water , south front lot , near Lake and Sher man ave. ; at expiration of 3 years will give you warranty deed , subject to mortgage. Look this up. C. P. fchiiw , : 8 Shcoley bile. "J FOH KKNT 8 room house , all modern Im provements. lilUIChlciib'O St. , { I1.U7. Klug- witlt Uros. . llarkur block. 3J > _ FOK UKNT 7-Toom cottage , convenient to wholesale district und business. Apuly 1113 s. mtii at. _ ; _ ia : WOK KENT S-room modern honso with nice JL ? biini , 17M ( N 'Jlst ; also 8-roont liouso nnd nice barn , 2201) ) .Miami , by Orum & Bishop. U 51 , Hoard of Trade. 120 _ "I71OH KENT Seven-room cottage , cor. 2Sth -I ? uvu. and Uqp. avo.liuiulroifJlS liitgo. M-000 OK UUNT-5-room bouse. 112 S. 28th st. cert Nrt * VOK HKNT FUUMSHIOD KOOMS. Forrnle. ' ' . III . . tee lop of fist cofiimii on Will jxto Twp rooms for rent , furnished or unfitr nlshed. far llirht housekeeping. Also par- lor biulroom with use of parlor. Inqulro ut r.'IG l Capitol avenue M83 , 17 * PUUNISHED rooms , near two motor lines , splendid location. 11 ! ) S. 23th st. 81018- FKONT room , modern convenience' ! . f > 21i } S.lOth. 40U10 * FOR KENT I'urlor ; back parlor und bed room , first floor , modern conveniences , for gentlemen only. Address V M , lice.M M 789-10. inOH UENT-Koonn , 2017 Harney. 70916 * DE9IUAHLE room , modern conveniences 171)1 ) Capitol avo. 775 furnished rooms , light housekeop- JL Ing for man and wlfo. Call at 617 N 17th st. 77215 * NEWLY furnished front rooms , steam heat. gas , bath , 711 3.10th , 2d lloor. 4K1-10 * \S7AKM room , private family , S13 S. 25th Y > avo. Jl 754-19 * FOK UENT Comfortable houtli room , mod ern conveniences , private family. 2015 DouRlfts. 742 17 * UOOMS light housekeeping. 1228 N 20th. SI523 T7IOH KENT Very pleasant furnlshea front JL ? loom with all modern conveniences. 1915 Chicago ht. MCSs furnished room with all modern Ncoi conveniences , 2013 ( Jass st. 6U314 TTlOHNISHKI ) or unfurnished rooms , steam JJ heat. 2315 Douglas. 501 U * _ TJAOK KENT Furnished rooms ; pas.buth and J steam. 1510 Howard. 270 _ TT1 OK KENT Furnished rooms , 1009 DouRlas. J : 260 FOIt KENT TWO nicely furpUhcd front rooms. SulO Davenport st , 207 FOHKENT-ROOMS UNKUUSISHKD I'vrtatrt , < ( < „ tee top ot flnl column un tlitspaoc. K O SjUghrhousekcoping ! SirHarnoy" J1838 10 > FIHST floor , private residence. Newly pa- iiurcd und painted. Qooil location. 012 , South Ittth. . 020-18 * it fllWO unfurnished rooms , 10011'unmm. . _ . 70S1S Ii TFOlt FOlt UENT Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms to family without children. l'rlcoilO.20. 1701 Webster bt. JI757 TTIOH KENT 3 unfurnished rooms for housn- JkcopliiR to family without chlldien : also2 basement rooms , at 112J N. 17lb at. M 753 blTKENi' 3unfurnished rooms,2ION. 13th , st. M 730 r , 2UNKUKN1SI1ED rooms. 1013 Kiirnam st.Q t r o-is * 1 liUHE rooms light housekeeping. 1223 N. soth. ,1 a.N : the Drawn building , Cumins nnd 21th sts. , a. elegant apartments of seven and eight rooms , with hath , kitchen raugo for hot and cold w atcr. shades to windows. Ladles should ECO tlicsn handsome modern homes. Apply Citizens bank. Cumins nnd 21th sts. G29-1G * KUUMSIIUD JCOOMS AND HOYH1 > . For rates , rlr. , tee top of Jlnt column on thlt page , TDRIVATEfnmlly.nonr business centor.would J- board two gentlemen. Address YUt , llco. 814 10 * "VTIOKLY furnished front parlor with good i.i board ; all-modern conveniences. 010 N JTtli 540 NICELY furnished rooms with all conveni ences ! also llrst class table board ; terms reasonable. 2UO N 18th bt. 050-13 * ANDSOMKIA' furnished largo , warm room , wlthsutlsfautory board and pleas ant home ; modern conveniences. li ! : ) llarn'ey. ilfift'i-10 * ESI UAIILE Hooms with strictly first dust table board at the MorrtainHh anil 11W lo l go btrcots. Jl 71W-2U * i. TnUKNIKllIvU rooms with gas , bath and fur- 14L unco heat. Hoard It duslrod , B. K. cor 5th avo. aud llarnoy. M7M-1U * - TTIOIt KENT Nicely- furnished rooiis , steam J-1 gas and bath , with or without board. IK Daveuport. COtl * 'All NOKTII Iflth-Ueslrablo rooms with boird M Can uocommoduto a number ot tublt boarders. CK-15 * s : . OLAIIl European hotol.wlth dining room 'steam ' heat in all rooms , 13th and Dodge Special rates by week or mouth , LM1 FOltaoodliourd , nlco rooms , modern con veniences , rates nnd location , the I'ullmuc house , 1310 Uodgo St. , cannot bo excelled. TT1UKNI8HEO rooms , parlor and alnove foi 4. 2 or 3 pcntlomun. back parlor for - . Heat BBS , bath , with baard. ' 'laUarney. M 474-17' N'EWLY furnished rooms , single or on suite with board , heat , gas and bath , 203 nnd si : M , 17th , opposite now postotllco situ 02J N HOOMB AXH nOAItD. for ratrg , ttr , , tee topnf fnteiilttm nim IhUi JLJL caRe U M 7i'2l > FOJt'itONT-STOtlEH AND OI''F1C139 For rate * , itt , , tee fop uf/inl column on t/if " wnroliouse two stores lilzh , busomcnU liydnilillc elevator , track- ago ; best location In the city , A. U. Powell. 807 ST011R loom Roo.l onnnlng for .druir store. Imiulro lear . ' 101 X. 27th. i M7U7-10 * _ inLKdANToniCf.lC.thand Douclas Bt.sult- Ji nblo for architect , teal estate , doctor * . dentist ; large , light hulls nnd best locution lu Omaha , llutchlnson A : Wead , 1524 Douttlas. . 791 15 _ _ C1T011E to rent In new brlcK block. No. I.M1 D Hurt st. Klmball , Champ & Kyan. 1203 I'limam st. MOS'J-SO ' ISENT-In Iliown buildlnt. ( X1 OumliiR and 21th sts. Double store 4lxliWeot. Hlnnlcstoro ? 'xl ( feet. Il.TH-nu'iit 2.CI feet. Eight eleuant apartments for families on second and third floors , goo tlioso before do- cldlni , ' whpro you will locate In Omaha. Ap ply tu Citizens bank , Cumlng aud 21th sw. ( tll-lfi * A FINE corner basement In the Iliown build * ( ihiit. . Riiltable f < ir plumber or barbershop , loom 'J"i\ll ( feat. Citizens bank , corner Uum- ng nnd'JIth Htq. 027-16 * llrown building , Cumins nnd 21th sts. To rent , double store 4lxGD feet , single store 22x04 feet. Apply Citizens bank. 032-10 * TOOK KENT The 4-story brick bulldins.wlth -L or without power , formerly occupied by the lieu Publishing Co. , OKI Farniimst , Thobulld- 'nu has a lire proof cement bascmont.eompleto team he.-itliiff lixtnre. " , watcrnn nil thelloors : ns , etc. Apply at tlio ollleo of The Hoc. IU5 1 STOHESat 700Slflth. 20x00 each , larco show windows , steam heat furnished , Tims. F , Iallitl : Paxtonblk. 2tl r1HE llrown building , corner Oumlni ; nnd JL 24th sts. will bo ready for occupancy In a 'ow days. Parties wishing to rent stores or 'nmlly apartments In this new substantial nilldlni , ' .should apply at once to CHI/un'j Kin It , Cumlmc and 24th sts. .KW-1G * IOOIC lir.HE Winter is coming , there are a MOW Rood offices for rent In the Kam o lild'R , with Ilrst class heatliiK and best of olc- atorsorvlcea. Inqulro Frank J , WANTED ' 10 HUNT KOO.MS. For rate * , etc , fee top of flrsl column onf/if WANTED To rent , by gentleman , com fortable furnished roam.homoprlvIlcKos , lirlvato family. Give terms. Address V 05 , 'lee. MK101C * J-'OIl UI-JNT WAKKIIOUSKS. For talcs , etc. , fee topof flrl column on Iht * pans OlTliENT ilrloic warehouse. two storfcs J- and basement. 27,000 square foot , with 100 feetof double track on U. P. Kailwav. South 20th aud Pierce streets. Address 0. O kntnp , Omaha , Neb. 244 te'lOKAUK. Fornitfc , etc. , rerAopnf flntt column nnlhts pctas. rpUAOICAOEalorago at lowest rates. W. M. llushmnn , 1311 Lcavenworth , "H. ) 3TOUAGK anU Trackage David fJolo. 815- S17 Howard st. 713 IIUNXAL AGKNUi. For rates , etc. , fie top of fltsl column on this iiage. LIST your houses with the Heal Estate In formation bureau , 17 Hoard Trade. 3.11 n 20 Hll.IKEY & Bro..rontal ngeuls.SOJ N.Y.Llfo 237 . Cole , rental agcnt.Contlnuutul blk. 273 1ST your house ? to sell or rent with 0. F. J Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life , aOD LOST. For rates , etc. , sec lop of Jtnt column on f/if txio . LOST A long purse containing pair of gold eye glasses. The finder will bo awarded by returning same to E. E. Naugle1702 Fur- iiam st. M790-15 * LOST 1'ug dog. I'loaso return to "The 1'rcnzor , " 114 N. 23th st and recelvo rowardj 722-ii : * LOST Liver-colored pointer hitch , very thin nnd bony. Hoturn to 1 lltt Douglas street. Suitable reward , M374 FOH SAL.U FUKN1TUKE KTO. Forrates. etc , , feetopof Jint roiiimn on lhl < pig. NEW furniture and stoves of a nlno room house for f550 ; n bargain. House tents for J25. 2IOG Farnam. 700 10 * "IT1OII SALE A largo parlor stove and 2 JL' small stoves. J. W. Harris , 39th and Cnss. K18-23 FOU BALK HOUHK8VAGONSETC3 , Ferrates , off. , fee top ot fir A column on l/ii / fcuje. FOK SALE Span ol Iron grav marcs , 4 and 5 years old , or will exchange for city prop erty , Inqulro n. w. cor. ! l5th und Jones. Win. Jloinlne. M.701-13 * AT A bargain , good.sound and kind family horse ; nt Stephenson's , btablo. E. U. French , New York Life bldR. M 70U-10 WOItK horse $00. two horse wagon J20 , dou- blo work harness $15. Or will tiado for a good llghtsldo bar uuggy. II. E. Oole , Conti nental block. 273 TTOHSES * 50 and up. II. E. Colo. 273 "I7IOII SALE 2 uood work teams. Inquire at J2 018 Paxton blk. 2SU FOlt Forrates. etc. , tee top of flrtt column on thli pays ' . m 800-1)13 * T71OKSALE Two cash registers In peed re- J ? pair , at 111 S. 14th st. M700-10 * TT10R SALB A National cash register at n Jbargain. . Used 1 year ; good as now Ad dress V KJ , lice olllee. JI7C5-1B T71OU SALE Cheap. 25-horso-power cnlno , JL1 Apply to G. W. Oray , Oth and Hondas. Sl-701-17 TT1OK SALE A flno now Stewart banlo and JL1 caBO for < 30 nt Oil N. 17th. C73 10g "VTEW cullgritph , prlco reasonable , U C5 , llec JL.1 olllce. 772 "WANTK1) TO HUX. For rates , etc. , fee top of flnt column on fht page. \\7ANTED-At once , store shelving am' ' II couiuers ; give description , prlco urn location. J.b. Williams , llco ollleo. M 832-15' ' \\TANTEI ) Immediately , for cash , a vacant I lot lu vicinity of Hanscom Place. Ownei reply. Jl. a. Macfcod.015 N. Y. L. lllds. 602-18 WANTED To buy corn In carload lots de livered on track at Central Olty , Nub.ol < l corn prefened. Send lowest cash ) > rico , nls < would buy Koine chop feed , shorts , bran , etc Address box 20. Central Olty , Neb. 72014 T71U11N1TUUE. household goods , etc , Hichcsl JL' cnxli prlco. Wells , , 1111 Farnam. 'Mi SECOND hand typewriters. J. P. JleRcath , JG07 Farnam st , , Omaha , 772 WANTED Horses , wagons , etc. . to sell al auction every Tuesday and Friday , 10 n m. Pioneer stables , 13th , between Hurney nut Howard. 307-1)1 ) _ ECOND-HANI ) books bought for spot eupl at the Antiquarian bookstore , 1413 Farnarj Ol5n 14 * _ WANTED-IIorso and buggy , W J. Paul ICOi ) Farnam. 34b For mtt' , etc. , K.C tup of first column on ( nt > LADIES & gouts to buy the Plumor recllnlnj chair ; unsurpassed for comfort. 'Jil N. 15th 818 D13 _ _ myPEWUITEHS for rent or sale. StenoK JL raphera supplies. JP.MeguuthlG07 Furnnm 1115 ON'T forgot Jos. P. JMegeath , 1C07 Furnan at. , when you waut to buy , rent or hell i typewriter. 77J _ Til IBS Amy Grand all , proprietress of tin -Lli-Omaha Purchasing agency , room 40 , DOUR las block. Orders from all parts of country promptly Oiled. Holiday goods u specialty OMAHA Fencing Academy , basement N , Y Llfo bulldlns. room "O. " Ladles 0-12 u. in. gentlemen 3-ti and 7:30 : to 11 p. m. Prof. Hun Kol. Clasto * now forming ; prlrato lessons 1 desired ] TOii-15 _ ANTED-To borrow 12.500 , a months , at i : per cent , on 17,000 worth ot chattels. Ad dross. V 67 , Hoe. 778 14 * _ PHOLSTEKING nnd mattresses renovatc < UaONlSth. K. Peterson. ? l3-dl _ SHOPPING of all kinds attended to f rco o charge. Address Clara Street. Woman'i Exchange. BU75 17 * Fvrralts , tie , , ttt lop ofjirtt column on Wits pagt ASSAUE.iMaduia ufzier , over Old 8 iiitli T , , 4C ! d2 * MoNkY i'c/noAN. Fur rates , rtc. , see top < t tfi rroliimii on this pace Loans- , BUILDING onolco ojyj- property nt lowest rates. Hutnsof f. " > ,000a d .upwards pcrferred , Klmball. Chnittty'.v ' Kynn , Iii05 fr' haiii htrcot. 809-D13 MONEV to loan on W | < uid mortijaffo. W. S Wytin , Itoom 324 Oia/tha / Nat. Uk. HIM * . - j 4 , il 724 BUILDING loans , 0 m * ? per cent ; no addi tional charges forcdnvmhsionornttorney's foes. W. 1) . Molklc , First National bank blilg. U07 LOWEST rates on choice city loans ot 11.000 to J50.000. Ocntral Loan & Trust Co. , 1205 Fnrnam st. 070 10 MONEY to loan by II. F. Masters on chattel and collateral securities for any tlmo from one to six months In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans made on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , etc. . at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. My loans are so arranged that you can make apuymcntof any amount at any tlmo und ro- dueo both principle and Interest. If you ewe a balance on your property or have a loan you wish chaiisod.1 will pay It o IT and carry It for you. If you find it moru con venient , call up telephone No. 18JI and your business will bo arranged nt homo. Money always on hand. No delay , Nopub- llclty. Lowest rates. II. P. Masters. Itoora 4Wltlmoll blk. , l.'th nnd Hiirnuy sts , SJH MONEY .TO.HOorOOdayson furniturepianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , CIS Paxton blk. a WANTED First-class Insiilo loans. Lowest rates. Call nnd scu us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , irx ) ! Farnam. : M1 TrKYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to JLviooO ; get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loans on horses , furniture or any approved security without publicity ; notes ) bought ! for now loans , renewal of old and low est U. 203 , 8hcolyblk.,13lh &Hownrd. SO ! CHEAP eastern money- Philadelphia MurtRago and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first mortgages wanted. OoorneV. . P. Coatcs , rep resentative , room 7 , board of trade. 2JO "IjEAIj Estate Loans Oash on hand. Globe Jll Loan & Trust Co. . 307 S. 10th st. No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list. aoo' OE. & O. M. ANTHONY , 318 N. Y. Llfo hulld- . Inp , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on good Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no dol'iy : mouoy ready. Titles aud values passed on here. 'Ml MONEY to loan on any security for short , time at low rales. Lowest rates on personal property. , The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com pany , room 400 , Paxton blk. 2U7 /"IIIATTELbanlc , IllOS. 15th St. , loans money vAm chattels or collateral at reasonable rates T7IIK9T& second mortgages on vacant & Im- J- proved city prop. County warrants bought. Money on hand. F. Jl. KIchardson.BlsN.Y. . Life. u.k money to loan on elty properly ; bought. ll.HIroyN.Y.ljfe. | / 1I1ATTKL loans at lowest rates. Koinovcd \J to 024 N. Y. Life bldir. J. JJ. Einmlngur. MONEY loaned at lowratcs on furniture , horses ; da. , without publicity. Hawkeye Investment Co , ! J Douglas Ulk,10lu und Dodgo. MONEY to loan on rlty and farm property. W. M. Harris , H 20,1'renzor Illlf , opp. 1 * . O 3s2 MONEY to loan. Correspondents of Lom bard Investment company. Shrlver & Iturns. I'ronzor block. b9l "VX7ANTED < ! per cent real estate loans. O. V > R Harrison , 012 N. Y.-Llfo. M7 "JTJlAIlM Loans Ilest ratbs and option In the JL ? west. Interest annually. Ilorroworsonn pay part or all of principle at and of any year , and stop Interest. U. K. 8tlwc ( , 810 N. Y. Llfo bldg. 6'JOn'n * TT'ISIBALL , Champ & Ityan , AV 1205 I'arnum st , make loans on real estate , personal and collateral IsoourltT. Notes and bonds bought. Ilulldlng loans at lowest rates. 005 N14 BUSINKSS CHANCES. Forralet , etc. , fee- top of Jlrst column nn IMa \\7 ANTED a Iluslnoss Chance An Interest In TI Mime good paying and legitimate busi ness withoutnlght work by u young man of good business qualifications nnd the best of rofeiencos. Havofrom J300 to $ > , OlO capital and peed bucking. Address , In eonfldenec , V no , lice olllce , giving full particulars , and in case your proposition sultb , will call. C,000 { stock of clothing , now. soasrmnblo goods Pfor this winter's traito , miiiiufacUiti'd withIn - . In the past ninety days. Will take $ .1,000 , bal ance uiilncumbored real estate. Williamson & King , chamber of commerce , Chlenco. 111. - M 8.1. > -1C TTIOIiSALE An cstamlshod book and .sta- JL tlonory business , best trade and best lo cation In city : stock and fixtures Invoice about H'-MtUO ; asnup for any man ; mnstHOll at onto. Address W. I ) . Wln enrlcd , 7ff Com. st , . Atchl- son , Kan. Bl fcll-lti1 FOH SALE Ono steam power grain clovator building with brlclc addition and otllco building , complete , und all personal property therein , situated nt Hastings , Nebraska ; ono frame horse power grain clovator building , complete , and all personal property therein , ana four corn cribs , sitnulcd at Inland , Ne braska ; ono finnio horse power elevator build ing with frame ofllcc , complete , with all per sonal property therein , und four corn cribs and the land on which the Mime are situated , being about ono acre , nioio or les , situated at lirleton. Nebraska ; this property Is sold under order of the court ; bids to bo made for cash and may bo made for ono , two or all ( it said elevators ; must bo addressed to llobort E. Foot , receiver , Denver , Colorado , bo\S209 ; all bids to bo ouenod December 8 , and to bo sub ject to the approval of the court. Itoburt E. Foot , receiver. Dated , Denver , November 8 , 1MX ) . 8121)4 TirANUKAOTintlNa establishment , 87.500 , J-ti-pnylng well , hut owned by non-resident who can't give attention to Ft ; will sell on good terms or tnko Omaha property and pay rush difference , llutchlnson & * Wead , 1524 Douglas. 810 10 TT10U BALI ) The furniture , fixtures nnd 4 -L' voiirs' lease of a IK-room hotel , with bar and billiard rooms connected , all In good order ; price , 1.500 , Address V 59 , lloo ollleo. A1788-20 * TT\OUSALE \ A largo dry oods nnd carpet -L ? establishment , established thirty-live years In a flourishing western city , can use 425,000 , S.l.1,000 or KIO.&OO capltol doing a valu able business. Address. V & 0 lloo ofllcc , Omaha 77318 $5,000 spot cash nnd J10.000 In oloiir western lands to exchange for-a first class stock of dry goods or general ltndsc. Address with particulars , Henry OlinHiborluIn , Wood Itlvor , Nob. ' 778 20 FOU SALE A goodlTobil lease with com plete furniture , etc. "Will Sell cheap. Ad- drcssUS2. Hoc. " 3 .M 7M-10 * TTIOK SALE-nr. barrel steam roller mill. JL' Thos. Grouch , Tokuiaah , Nebraska. 7JU dll * T\7ANTED A partnor/.wlth W.OOO or more. TI An excellent opportunity ; u line of busi ness represented by no other firm In Omaha. Full particulars on application. Address V 40 Hoc. „ . 70710 FOU SALE l-'lrst-olofs bar and restaurant ; long lease. Addrtii'H , HornberKCr , 1321 Douglas street , Omaha ? , C SI C'.rJ-24 ' TTtOU SALE OlKar. t'/ittaoco , confectionery , JJ fruit stand ; mustselL' ' 200 S. 12th st. f ' n en-is * MEAT JIARKET for 'laio. Fitted up first- class In every partloular. Good business. Will boar the strictest Investigation. Address lock box 400.Council lllulfs. la. loi-d 3 TT10K SALE Ono of the most desirable hotel J-1 properties In theatatosltuated In llancroft , OumlnKcounty.Neb. The liouso has a Rood payIng - Ing patronagu and hai an excellent livery stock and feed stable in connection. The town is the end ot n imsteiiRcr division of the Chicago , tit. 1'aul , Minneapolis < k Omaha rail way. It Is a , centering point for hunters from all over the state , as falio l surrounded by lakes , mnrslics nnd vast pralrles.whoro ducks. Reese , pralro chickens and other game birds abound In great numbers during thnlr season. For further roforouco1 apply to U . Dohsey. Uancrott. Neb. MI80-NJ7 ESTAUKANT for rent or sale. T. Hurray 1)77 ) WANTED A competent newspaper man with liveor alx thousand dollars in cuth or security , to take charge of tlio Democrat , as I have Important business that will require my time east and south for the coming year , wu will pay the rlKlit kind of n man a nice ii&Ury. Unnoinmvndatlons required. Ad dress \V. U. Vuuxluu. Omaha , Nob. M W N 3 IIVSINHSH OUANCKS. fbr rntti , tie. , tee top offrtt rutiimn on tht * TJ1OK HA Li : Harbor hop | ono of the best JL.1 locations In Omaha ; good furnltiiro ; will sell cheap to good party. Address V n ) . llco pnico. i eoc--M Ton lixoiiAXOK. Ftoratr * . ttc. , tfc tnp\of \ first foiimn on JM < r > iga. have elty property to oxi'liatiBofor land , Addicss. Western Exchange Co. , Columbus. Nob. blO-lG * \\rANTKD-To trade finely npiiolntod IB- ii room hotel , located In Omuba , for clear Omaha ptoperty. 1'rlcc , W.OW. J. Jj , Hlce , tri ! N.V Life , solo n Kent. 7SO U * GOOD , clear , inside osldonco lots to ex change for encumbered desirable Im proved business or residence property. Also Block farm to exchange for dcsfruhlnrcildenco or business property. Address " \V , " boxBOS Oinalui. M7ill-l * WANTHD-To trndo 0.000 worth of llvo slock und furniture for clear Omaha properly. J.L. Klco , llox 670 or Its N. V. Llfo , solo iiRi-iit , 77V ll * " " "OU KXCIIANOE Wrt aero rnnchc. wltn stock , forRoneral tnsdo , gioccrles orhurd- waro. Addicas V.40. lleo. 7I.V27' VVANTVD-llo trade clenr real emalo anil TI mortKiiROnotes forOninlia Impro\ed residence property or penural tnerchiuidNu or stocks of hardware. AddressDCO N 21th St. , Omaha. Nob. f/M 17 FOH 8ALiU-HK < YIi KSTATH. , tic , tec top of fnt ctiltimn on Wit * piys. "NJEAT 5-ioom cottage facing lOtliHt.ou Ohio , Elesant clnulda front on 1'arnnin , cast of Lowe live. , $ ; iWO. I'ull lot on Georgia ave. ( pavement ) . $ JC50. East front In Windsor I'lnee , $ l.r0. lliitchliisoii & Wead. 1.V.M Jloimlas. 810 10 WE can offer for a few days ut a sroat bar- Inln , 7.\ii2 : ft. on Farnam Bt. , near 20th. Also 103 > J\142 ft. at cor. 21th and 1'arnam. Theio Is no better property In the city than this , and there IH no belter Investment than this property at the price. Ilnrtman & Itub- blns.sole agents. 2M N. V. Llfo building. 747 10 SNA I' will nlcoS-room house A $2,750 buy n - and lot , with cellar , cistern , city water sewer nnil barn , centrally located ; terms easy. J. 1)/.Ittle , 914 N. Y. Ufo. bOSdlU EIiEOANT residence In Kountzo 1'luco ; 0 rooms finely llnlshed and nil modern con veniences ; \Vlrt Bt. , near 20th. Ouu sell on one-uiirtur | cash tiaymcnt and balance time to rlRht party. This Is no cheap alTalr of a house , but a comforulilo homo In every KCII O nnd a big snap bargain. F. 1C. Darling , llnrkur lllock. ' .M.71K1 "lilOU SALE Trade orront.cboap , flue house , JU 4M and Pass st. Inqulro ut house. M.Vil ! 20 * 1J10U SALE-Lot23. block 5 , Pnddook Place , JU and lot 15 , block 111. South Omaha. Will soil cheap. Address L. K.ijclmcnleber.Cer'isco , Neb. TIM 2.- > * FOK SALR-On easy monthly payments , 0- room liouso nnd Hotith front lot , near Luke andbherman avo. ; Just like paying rent ; no Interest. O. F. Shaw , IHSShoeloy blk : . ) OHOLE3 to the front , f liavo slv elegant Oluiises on 41th nii't Kariinin , with every iioilcrn convenience , Including gas and cas lljaures. now nearly reudv foroeciipancy. Hou hem and make your choice. I'rlco , $ .1.750 to .4.2.V ) , t'.KH ) to iJOJ cash , balance to suit at 7 per cent Interest. Kverj-'purchasor before Novembers gels a lekot to the drawlngof a $500 nluno. Oarrlapo always iciuly to hliow eustomers. Farnam street motor within four blocks. Ituy a lionco ijulck , and take a hand In the prand shullld. This ls tnilght goods. D. V. Bholes. 213 First National bank. M WW. $9,500 buys the Dr. Chambers residence nnd veterinary barn on 10th and llurdetto EH This Is H ) less than eosU 1) . V. Shales , solo , 213 First Nat. bank. MOJO tTAUUII& 710U SALE An elegant now residence , 0 L ? rooms , cherry and oak finish , largo stable and every convenience for comfort ; location. the best In the cltv ; price low. Terms easy. D. J. O'Donahoo. 1001 Farnam st. H12 "V YOU have anything to bdl or exchange , -cull at ( US 1'axton block. Ulll $ ; 0.000 for homo on Chicago st. noar25th. C.V , Harrison. 013 N. Y. Life. Kl7 ASM ALL payment down and 815 per month will buy a 4-room house and lot on IGtli , 2 blocks from motor ; first class ohanco to uo- qtilrea homo on easy terms. Apply toll. C. Cole , Continental block. 2"J EIGHT acres about two miles of U. P. depot , with pure spring water and track age suitable for brewery , also a number of largo trackage lots. L. Waterman , 1'axton bile. $0,500 Only $ ' ) .500 Dr. Chambers' residence on lull nnd llurdetto St. , owner soln ? to leave city. Host bargain In Omaha. I ) . V. Shules. bole agent , 213 First Nat. bank. M 030 T1OR SALE 100 acres , city limits. O. M - Power , solo agent , room 1& Chamber of Commerce. 782 1 * FOR SALE or ront-Sl feet front with build- Ing of'JO rooms. Apply at the promises 318 S. 12th St. Also ' . ' J feet on eor of Chicago and 13th. Apply - ply at 318 South 18th Bt. 210-n27 rilHEbcst lot on Hamilton and Lowe a\enue. JL Eiuiuhe nt 40J8 Hamilton sU OsO (19 * Darker block 17 UOOM ootta o , full lot , lluusoom Plaoo , east front and a great bargain for a few days. Small cash payment and balnnco on longtime , F. K. Darling. Hurkor blook. : t04 CLAIIIVOYTANT. Forratea , etc. , ftt tnpnf first rolumn nn tM vxat. M US STEVEli Is giving best success of any fortune teller In the city. Hbo docs not deal In uny fraud. Her terms are the lowest. 40 N. 10th , 3d floor. , 585 10 * AHUtVED Clairvoyant , naturally gifted , tolls past and future , love troubles , ub- scnt friends , changes , travelsbusiness. Satis faction given , Mrs. Wallace , 1308 1'nrnam bt. M-70T.-17 * MUS. NANNIE V. WAUUHN. clairvoyant trance , speaking , writing and reliable bus iness medium , 4 years In Oiuuliu. 110 N. 10th. 310 MASSAGE , Madam Bclzlor , over OlOSinth. 4l ! d' liATHS E1C. Forratet , etc. , tee topof fiat column onih jxjoe , MASSAOE bath at Mud am Smith's parlors. U07 S. 13th st. , next Darker hotel. 175 10 T\rASSAaEtrflatmontolectio-thormal baths. -L'-Lscalpand hair treatment , inunlcuri ) iilul chiropodist. Sirs. Post , K 20-21 , Wltlmoll blk. TyrASSAOE , Madam Uelzler. over 010 S 13th. BUOKTliANU AND For rate * , ttc. . tee top of Jltst colunut on lm paw. rpYl'UWKlTEUS. all uiakcs.bouKht. sold.o.x- JL changed , routed. J. 1' . Megoatb , 1007 Knr- nam street. - 3lli BQ. WIIEEIjEH.Riincral stcnoKraphcr anil notary. Depositions and court work a specialty. Tol.lCOl , room KXr. , N , V. Llfo llldg ' MUSIC AIIT AND LANGUAGE. Formica , etc tee lop otMrst cnlmn onlMt Blll'OUr buying a piano examine the new scale Klmball plano.A.Hospe , 1513 Douglas 'i2J EO. K. UKLLENIlUUK.touchor ottho banja with Hospe. 1513 Douglns. 2JO _ PllOK. Olins. Potoi-son , piano , organ , violin zltner , vocal instructions. W3 tiheoly blk. 170-n28 J1AIU GOODS \VlfiS. KTC. Foriates.ete. , tu lop of finl column on tlilt BKST Line hair goods In west ; hair drcsslni wlirs , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. , i specialty , Davlcs , hair goods and mllllne opposltu postolllco. 111 H l.'itli Ht. Omaha. 2UO DllliSSMAICINO. For 'i ' atestte. , nee top of fint coin on thlt page NOAGnMKNTStododrosarnakl'nj lies solicited. Miss bturdy , 2010 llnrnoy at. MKUN15 * PAWNIUtOltKHH. t rra ef , > Iny [ otflnl column oil tMt age , * T7\KED \ MOIlLnionns money ondlamonda ant E watchu3Jowolryctc.,3.i.cor : , FurimniMlth aio PENSION AGEIS'C * . For rat * * , etc. , teetnpif first column oniLipiae. ( . RN's 21 1'rcntcr blook. Information f rco 1'ATKNT HOMCITOIIS. _ For rates , etc , ttt lop ofnt column on ( > if page PATENT lawyers & solicitors , d , W. Hues , Co. , 11 eo building , Omitlm. llrunch olllce at I ) . U. Conaultutlou frco. UU "E want you to Wi bear this fact in mind , when your eye lights on this announcement : Any man with , brains can write a catchy ad vertisement , but to beef of any value to you it iiust be true ; the goods must be therenot alone empty words. "We in vite you to put all and any of our assertions to the most severe test and you will not find them wanting. in the line of Clothing ; hat has ever been shown comes any where near equaling the "display-of fall and winter goods that is being shown at JVI. Hellman & Go's. , Cor. 13th and Farnam. Our consignments for the past few days have been very largeand we can safely say that no matter how hard you are to please or fit , we can satisfy you , as our line in catching the most fastidious. In order to do a large business and sell goods in a clothing store in Omaha as low as sold in the same class store in New York , we found it nec essary to establish a purchasing agent there and now we have the result of that experi ment upon us. We would LIKE to have you favor us with a call , if only to gratify your curiosity. We will accord you as much , attention as if you came in to make a purchase. If we can do you no good we will will guarantee to .at least post you in prices , and show you nonest made clothing at the lowest prices in the city. The great we have had so far this fall and which we shall labor to retain , is due to the old , well found ed maxim , "Well Bought is Half Sold. " We have the largest line of $3 , $3.BO and $ " 4 dress pants in the city , all wool goods and the latest styles Our new lines of Aus tralian Lamb's Wool Winter Underwear regular $1.5O values , now only 78c. If we owned this paper we would give you a com plete bill of fare , but we don't. Buy or no buy , come and see us and we will guarantee to interest you anc treat you courteously At the old stand of S PREFERS OMAHA TO CHICAGO , loruous Which Impelled Mike Oitdahy to Retire from Armour & Oo , A GLORIOUS PACKING TRADE PROSPECT , Tlio I'.onl Kfllnto K.\clinnio Orcnntxc * for tlio Season llcnult of the Late Vote in DOUR- . lua County. Tun Bni : of Thursilay contained a t lcgrnia nnoiincing tiiat Mr. M. Cutlnhy ot the pnck- IIR firm of Armour & Co. of Cliicnifo uul disposed of his interest in that con * era to . devote Ms tiino niul ability lOloly to the liauso In Hits city n wlilch he lias boon for some yeurd inter. stoii. Mr. 1C. A. Ciulnliy hoBUiirriiitcndcnt f the Armour-Uirdaliy pliuitln thh cltywa4 poken to regarding the | imiu3ud chiinga ami aid : "Tnr. BEC'S iDlcRrnphlo report from Chicn. ; o in regard to \vltiidn\\val of rav brother llrlincl from the packing concern of Armour fe Co. , is correct. "Korsomo tlmo my brother hns been con- emplating this change. Ills reason for so oliiR is partly his doslro to retire from the ctlvo innnaKcment ) f the Chlenco houses , after a continuous cAtcor of n iiuurtcr of u cntury , und partly because of the Increasing msinc-is of thopluntin this city. "Tlio business of this liouso Ims Incrcascil ully ttl per cout during tlio lnt year , niut it requires tnoro tlmn ono person to attotnl to II , "Tlio dissolution of the Hrm of Armour ft Co. will innlco no pivticulnr chungo in this > lant. Tlio inannponientl \ \ remain the auio. Of coureo tlio nnnio will sooner or ntor bo cliangod , Mr. Micliiicl Cud nhy will cnialn in Chicago with Ills ollleo nnd head quarters there to attend to the business of ho llrm in Unit city while 1 slrill remain hum vlthout change. "Last year \ve did n bushiest of ncarly$12 , . KX,1XR ) ) in tills house , nnd were surprised nt Us growth tuid iiiagnlUiclb , but this year it vlll he inoro thiiu ? HM)0,000. ( Tlio necessity for my brother concentrating Ms abilities nnd of having more help here iiro very apparent. " "Will you then iiialco the proposed enlarge- uciitof your plant in this city so ns todoublo Is .slro und capacity as herctoforo contain- ilatcdl" "O , no , not that mucli , " lauglilngly snid dr. Cudahy ; "but wo shall cnlurgo to moot nil business demands. Our plant now is quite largo , hns been growing rapidly durlin ? lie past two years , and the outlook Is Unit his cily will warrant some very largo pack- iig plants. " l l-'OU TUB SEASON. 'I ho Heal Instate ICxyhnuifO Huvlvod \vilh MDIIIO I iitlmslasiii. At n business lucotlng of tlio real estate ox- chungoThursdiiy nftcrnonu action was taken oolcing to the reorganization ot the assocla- lou and * the adoption of a plan 'or active \vorlc and an organized iffort for tlio nuYniiceiucnt of the city's ' in- crests. Secretary W. II. Crary tendered his rasig- intion , which was accepted and a vote of thanks was extended to him for his active work during the past year. It was decided to hereafter hold three meet ings of the oxchanijo weekly , on Tuesday , Thursday nnd StitunUy , mid the annual dues of the members llxcd at $ . " > ! ) . Frank M. Wilson , Into secretary of tlio Denver ICxjiosition society , was elected secretary rotary , A committee appointed to nrrango fern n banquet for the members of the exchange at carl ' date. un j' _ - * THEY IjKD IN THE RACE. The Majorities of tlio Candidates In the Ijnto ICIcotlou. Ofllclal returns from every prcclnot aiul'dlstrict in th's county of the vote in tlio late election elves the following results : Majority for anti-prohibition , 22,30,1 ; ttoyd's plurality , 11,853 , ; Bryan , fi,51) ) ) ! Bear , 0,180 ; . MflJ\/K f IJUl lillliUl IftUUf * * L * Cntnp , 2K5I ( ! ) Maiioney , (1,019. The following uro the assessors elected in the sovei-al wards and precincts of the county and the vote which they received : OMMIA , First Wnrd Henry Elircnpfort , 1,514 votes. Second Ward-MulcliiorLois , lttifl. Third Ward Domliilclc ( Josgrovo , 73U. Fourth " \Vard-.Tames (1 , Cnrpontor. 1,155 , Fifth Ward Schuylor WuUollold , l.ttW. Sixth Ward F. W. MauvlUe , 1,12) ) . SevcutU Wnrd-H. B. HaU , Ml. EiBhtli Wird-S. B. Lake , 81U. Ninth Ward George Smiley , 500. SOUTH OMAHA. lilchard Harrigan , 1317 votes , COUXTIIV I'ltKCINTS. R , Nick Hoickon , 175. Clontarf , 0. P. Hanson , W ) . Douglas , John Hiuimor , 104. Kll horn -George O. Sharp. 00. Forcnco-B. ! H. Walker , 1W. ( JolTcrson A. Nelson , 8 l. AlcAl-dlo-F1. J. Blccok , 138. Millard ERgert Speck , 181. Platte Vnllov " I. N. ICsmay , 110. Union J. D" . Ellis , 14. Waterloo-Otto Boght , 200. Seriously III. Dr. Dinsmoor has been coullncd to his bed for several days and Ills condition has boon such as to cause alarm among hlu friends. The conilltloii of Judge Savngo wus re ported unchanged yesterday. The distinguished patient in still in a precarious condition nnd while the symptoms uro favor- ublo the danger point has not bcon p.wsoil. Both nlr and wntor abound In microbes , or germs of disease , ready to infect the debili tated system. To impart that strength und vigor necessary to resist the effect of these pernicious atoms , no tonlo blood purifier equals Aycr' Snnaparilla. Tin : MAIIICGT. TN3TRUMENTS pluood on rooorJ Novotn- JL borll. Memo In vestment company to OIITon- cray. o4t ft In lot 0 and w 15 ft In lot ? . bk | 101 , Omaha , wd . 5flfi73 ? Mary COY and luisbund to K K l.utson , lot 8 , bllcH , Sludl'sSnil add. w d . 7,000 Huns JnrironsGii and wlfo to O M Illcc- , low. lot Ublic 2. West Hldo nild. w < l . . 1,0)0 F A IJrowii to V H lllgclow , lot U.rruyn's sub. wd . 2,500 AV Sclbv and wlfo to .1 It I'arrutt. o lf.O ft lotfi , blk7 , Ootu llillllnnto , ( | od , . . 1 D McCarthy to Thomas Jones , lot 2-J , 2nd add toWcstBldo , nod . 250 K Ulurbowcr , iiwoial tnnstor , to A II O'omstook.o yt lut 0. blk 0 , 1'acrlok'aSnd add , deed . 8JO MJ Jones and wlfu to R J IJuvls , lot 7 , blk 1 , Muyno 1'laoc , wd . 1,003 Kunlien U < > 8 to W FII 1'lorro , lots 18 , 25 and 26 , blk I , lots 2. 4 , SI , S und 25 , blk 4 , May no Place , io \ d . , . 3 \ \ K H i'lerco and wlfo to E A llcnson , lots 18 , 25 and 20. blk 1. lot st : , 4 , 23 , 2 J and 23blli , Mayno 1'lace ' , w d , . . . 10,000 J U Ilri'iuncr und wlfo to A 1' Tukoy , ut al , lots , biu 10 , uiirtonMiiii. a ed . 1 Tlicodoro Miller to Anna Uliiavm , n U lot 13 , blk C , I'oltor Ht , Uobb's 2nd add , wd . , . Theodore Miller to M W CJlcuson , H ,4 lot 15. blk 0 , I'oltor k Uobb'H ' 'lid mid , wd. . 430 ' \VllllnmCuburn , special muster , to W J Wol.sluins , lot U , blk K , lluiibol k Stub- uiiiH. uecu. . . . 1,000 Potter k Cobb to ( J O Jackson , lot U , blk 21314. Uniuhu , wd . . . . . 15,000 K A llcnson nnd wlfo to AM William * . ii. lot H.blkWl. llcnson wd . 200 J H tlolllns and wlfo Ui William Pitch. triiHluo , undivided 1-7 lut In I.lnwood 1'url' , nod . , . . . , . 1 J 1' Hay and wife to William Kltch , trus tee. undivided 1-7 hit lu Unwood I'ark , ( i o d . . . . . . . * . . . , . . . , , . . . . . . 1 J P llcllii nnd wlfo to Wllllatn Kltcli. triiHtcts mull vlduil 1-7 lut In Mnwood I'urlt.nod . 1 ItSIIullHiidwifoto Wllllainl-'lUh , trus tee. wu BW bo a-il-ia , 4 o U . _ i Total . $108,233 n o only railroad tram out of Ornohn run expressly for the accommodation of Omixhn , Council BluiTH , Dos Molnos ( md Clilciigo business IH the Hock iBlnml vos- tlbuleullmllod , lonvlng Omaha nt 4:15 : ] ) . in. dully. Ticket ofHco , 1C02 Sixteenth und Farnura sta. , Omaha ,