THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , J<UBDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1890. THE OMAHA UEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE ! NO. 12 1'KAIIL ST. \y \ Cnrrlor In any part of Iho City , H. W. Tll/roN. MANAGER'lIONKJl HiiftinrM Office , No , 41 Night Killtur , No. 23. anxon .nwriv.v. K Y. P. Cc. Couiull Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Tlio bonds of the incoming county crucial ? Imvo been flxeil us follows i County clerk , f'JO.OOO ; luuoruor , > ,000 ; iillorncy , > , UOO. The county'bo aril of supervisors ycstcrlnj visltcil at. JicrnnM'a hospital lo see the ar rangement tliero being Imvelo for Iho care ol the liis.ine. The funeral of Mrs. Flora Harmer will occur from Iho residence Stmdiiy aftornoor nt S:30 : o'clock. Intcrinont will bo lu Wulnul Illll cuinutcrjr. J. Saffonl , an itinerant retailer of maps , wits run In yesterday under the piovlslom of tlio ordinance that rcijutics nil peddlers te take out a license. . County Clerk-elect Campbell will on Mon day enter thoonicons a , deputy In order tc fnmllinrlra lilm.sclf thoroughly with the du ties which ho Is to assumes on January 1. The wild report that llfty moro injunctlor cases hail been started against the aloonc caused n llttlo Hurry nmoiiR those jvho nrn ii the business , It proved to bo only a scare. There Is little of public Interest in the dls trlrt or superior courts these days , although both courts nro Huppojcd to ho in session dally , jlqulty cases , motions for contlnu nnre.s anil like matters furnUhvliut business there Is. . There was a plonsnnt surprise party nt th < resilience of Miss Kate ICuhlo on Tenth live line Wednesday evening , the nartlrlpanu being a number of younp Indies belonging tt n society lately orguubcd hi that pnttot the city.A . A number of the friends of Mrs , Annr Dnlicn , tlio matron of the Christian homo Ir this city , surprised her lust night hy tnklnp advantage of her llftlcth blithdny mini versnry. A hnndsoino dress anil several olo- gnnt and practical presents were presented te her. her.Hon. Hon. L. 0. Horrof Michigan has boor called to a responsible editorial positioner the New York Tribune. The grout- stales man and wltt\ orator Is n witty brothi'r-ln law of Dr C. II. I'lnncy ol this city , nnd the doctor is receiving from tils own mill the ex- f congressman's filcnds a hirgo number ol j clnlornto coinplimcutary notices of his tits 1 tlngillshcd relative. J Charlie Palmer , brotlicr of .Too Palmer , tin t well known confectioner , Is lying uttho resl- - dcnco of nls brother on the corner of Scoti Btrcet nnd Wasblngton nvcnuo , In the last stages of U right's disease. His friends lasi [ iilnt | had but llttlo bopo of Ills survival 01 { the night. Ho Is a bright young man , Just in J the first Hush of early manhood , nmlhissai ( condition will eauso universal sorrow. The members of the council were out yes- lerdny as a cor.imlttuo of the \vholo looking into the eondltlon of the levco nortli antl"\vcs' ' of the city In compliance with the petition ol Mr. Evans mid otlicts nsldng to have tin | S bank strengthened und douhlcit In thtclcnesi IS so that it could bo used us a driveway. While 1 they wcro out they also visllod Lincoln ave nue , where a vexatious grade problem is un solved. F. A. Weston , the fellow who has boon en dcavoritig to convince Iho public by the gen crotis distribution of a cunningly worded clr cular that the government had mndo n , l.iv compelling all people to purchase letter mat boxes , was run in yesterday by Marshal Tern plctou and Deputy Haihytoupon the charge of puddlinglthout a license. Later in tin day ho p.iid bis license and will continue hi : canvass of the city for orders for mail boxes D , Shewunl , ono of the old time pioneers o Council Bluffs , arrived in the city yesterday from California after an absence of elgbtcoi years. Ho was the editor of the old Bugli newspaper , published hy Colonel L. W. Hub bltt , and has seen some of the most cxcltinf times Council ItlulTs kno'v In her early his ' tory. Ho is accompanied by his son , 'H. L Showurd. They will remain m the clt' several days and renew old pioneer acquaint nn ccs. The tlmo has very nearly passed when th < new gas company can complv with the flrs part of Its charter. A provision of the ordt I , [ naneo requires the company to fllo its accent | nnco of the charter within ten ilays fi-orn it l.i passage. Up to last night the company hai not complice ! with this requirement , but r ' was understood that they were arranging te go ahead with the work of construction am I ! would begin the erection of tholr plant bj Monday at least. For a long tlmo past the county board ha followed the policy of rejecting all claims fo fees on the part of the city marshal , on th grouml that ho was a salaried ofllcor nnd hai no right to fees. The ox.tnarshul has suit ; pending now to recover his fees. Yosterdiv a small hill for fees claimed by Deputy Mnr Blml White ramo up for allowance A Ilk objection wns inudo to this 'on tlio sam grounds. Some of the members of the bean Bccincd Inclined to.mnlto the sumo rule In re pard to the deputies us Is sought tp been Iorcen In regard to the marshal. The school board is still receiving applies lions for the position of superintendent of th city schools. Some of them nro from llrsl class cranks. The amount of literature , doc unients anil ether stuff supposed to bo of Interest torest to the hoard in arrivingntn concluslo concerning their Illness for the place , sent I by them , has cost several dollars for the pav incut of additional postage. Ono follow send an Immense lot of books ami pamphlets h 1ms gathered up and which ho wants thi boanl to kindly look over nnd rc.illzo If possl bio that ho has read nnd studied them all an fitted himself by the arduous labor for th position ho seeks. The St. Andrews' society had a royal tlm last evening at their hall on South Mai street. Mr. A. C. Graham , president , dcll\ ercd a brio ! address of welcome , after whic literary nnd musicalcnteitaininontfollowc In the order named : Inslrumenta1 music piano nnd violin , Miss Mary and Wilson Dui can ; Ronp , "Hotter Bide Awec. " Misses Ker and Van Ilruut , accompanied by Miss Camj bell ; violin solo , "Annlo Laurie , " by Wllso Duncan ; recitation , "Mark Twain Curln n Cold , " by W. It. Stewart sonp , "Within a MHo of Edlnlmr Town " Miss Oliver "Th , by Mary ; essay , Doctor's Story. " hy Dr. Montgomery ; sout "My First Hawheo > ' by A. C. Graham Scotch recitation hy Jiunos Johnson , entitle "Tho Vision11 ; song , "Inglesldo,11 by Mrs Henry Stevenson ; song , "O1 n1 the Alrts th Wind Can HIow , " by J. It. Mol'horson Closed by all singing "Auld Lang Syne. Thcro wcro numerous encores which calle the parties out n > second nnd third tlmo. I was ono of the most enjoyable occasions e the season. Uoforo adjournment the sociot decided to huvo u banquet on St. Andruw' ' day."The "The article In Tin : BBK yestordny inert Ing about the frequent appeals of cases to th district court from the police tribunal an there , allowed to die for want of prosecutloi calls attention to something of n good deal e public interest , " Biiid n city oftlclnl last cvci Ing. "Thoro Is really no ono to blame for i but It seems to bo the result of n defect SOUK where la our oiganlo law. The majorlt of the cases nro offenses again ! the Bttto law , like disturbing th pence nnd such offenses , and it is proper ! the duty of the county attorney ' to prosccui them both In the police court a'nd in the dli trlct court when they are appealed , but If b wcro to attempt to ao so bo would have n tlmo for anything clst > . It would occup nnout every minute of his tlmo ami lie woul huvo to neglect the moro Important cnmlni business which bo is constituted to look nfte Boino of the cases como properly undo ? tt ' city solicitor's care , but ho Is 'In the sail ituatlon , nnd cannot rilvo them the attcntlc thoysould have without neglecting impo taut city business. City Attornov Stown 1ms prosecuted n. largo number of cases in tl Justice and police courts , and linn arranged 1 follow up sown of the recent appeals and si that then-nro not dismissed in the distn court , The only way I BOO to remedy tl matter is to crc to a now ofllco and have tl . council appoint a police prosecutor. Tl | v- amount ho would save to the city In flu . would uiucU moro than pay his salary. " J'flltSO\AL l'l/f.4 lM Mr. Scotia Stevenson of Ansley , Neb. . Is i the city visiting with his brother , Mr , Ilcni Stevenson of the Council Bluffs lumber cot pnny , A fresh Invoice of Hue cheviot suits f oung men , just received at Model Clot THE-NWS IN THE BLUFFS , Two Bad Boys That Kindness and Goot Olothes Gould Not Reform , BARNETT SETTLES A KNOTTY CASE , After OcuupyliiR ttio Attention of tin Court all Hummer a Huinurknblo Vurcllut Is Jtcaolictl A MlnHlicr Hound Over. A week ngo ycslcrxlny a mnn nnmoil ferguson - guson caused the nrrost of Joseph Ollinon mid Fred Hanson , two small boys , upon the charRO of sto.illng u couple of whlto rabbits , When obtaining the warrant ho explained that not on uccount of the vitltio of the -ibblts that ho desired to Uavo the boys irosccuted , but to stop them from carrying m a systomatlo practice of petty thieving , Che boys were taken Into custody nnd when Judge McGee enquired into their case ho concluded that a seven days' conlliiement It : .ho city jnll was nbout tlio best sentence tc innoso upon them. After speiultng two ot .hreo days In the jail one of them at traded the attention of Manager Loincn of the Christian homo and begged pltcously .hrough the bars of the grated window to be nkcu out. The Kcntlemnn was driving alonp , ho street past the jail when the boys called to him. Ho stopped , talked to them n feu nomcnts and then wont Itisldo nnd maOo ln < lulrlei of Marshal Tompleton. After n Uriel iKjulry ho found the boys were lit subjects 'or the charity of the Institution , and by con sent of the officers ho took the urchins home with him. They iniulu cxtiava uit nromlsca nnd wcro Kind to got out of jail. They were liken to the home , cleaned up and cloihod > ln low suits of comfortable clothlnir and started o school at the Washlntrton avcnuo bulldlnjr. All went merrily until yesterday mdrnlntf. The urchins were on the way to school , Ircsscil In their now clothes , and with sov- : rnl dollars of money In their 'pockets that iiul been K\\'cn them as mi encouragement jy several charitable ncopld who bad taken an Interest In them since they attempted tc reform , They went Into the school bouse yard and near enough to the school room door to uttrnct the attention of their teacher , a'ul then with an originality of profanity mil vulgarity that was almost brilliant , they nformed her that they had pot now clothes , plenty of money and everything else they wanted by being good n fo\v days , nnd now irojiDsed to have some fun. They then ran Iowa Main street and reached the BurliiiK- on depot In time to catch the 0 o'clock train 'or tlio bouth. It is supposed they have gone to St , Joseph , An effort will bo iniulo to capture them , anil when they are returned they will probably be bent to the reform school. MAKING THU FUJI PLY. Henry Klseiimn & Co. . Council Have made the biggest fur und cloik deal over consummated in the west , and they , at their store in Council muffs , will deal them out to the consumers 'of the northwest at suet prices that will give them the trade of the money-savin ! ; public. Furs are in favor thl" season. Capes nnd muffs uro immense. Hen HIT our best sellers : Black and colored hare capes $3.23 , $1.23 , $5.00 and M.Ofl. Black Coney capes from $1,05 to Sfl.OO. Silver hare rapes , roll collar * , point fronts , special bargain lit ? 5.00 for capo and muff. Astragan fur capes and nmiTs nt all prices. Wool seal capos from SIS.OO upwards. M al monkey capes very cheap. Natural oposum capes. Nutria and beaver c.ipes and muffs. Black nstragan cloth capos. Silk plush imitation and real. muffs -collars and boas. Every kind of fur known In setts , single pieces or Oy the yard will bo offered during this week's sale at about one-half what other houses ask' for them. Childrcns" fur sets white Coney , graj Coney , white Coney with blick spots , snow hnro , whlto tlbbits , astragan cloth , white nnpora. Imitation lynx , nutria , beaver anc seal the greatest variety of chlldrens' furs over shown , at surprisingly low prices. Fur trimmings by the yard. Swan's down In all widths. ( Jet our prices before pur chasing. chasing.CLOAKS CLOAKS PLUSH CLOAKS. ItlUll WIUT WK DO. \Vo soil you a plush cloak for $18.00 that nro sold by ether houses for $ ' 20.00. Oar flt.Y ) ) nro sold elsewhere for $25.03 , our $ ' 22.00 cloaus would bo called cheap by other dealers for $ ) . > .00 , and our better grade ; In proportion. Wo plve an elegant mult will every plush cloak we sell during this week ; sale. CLOTH JACKETS AND NEWMARKETS at from $1.50 up to the llnest initdo. Thou sands to select from. UijM. hero let us say that our variety ' .s so complete that wo are sure to suit everybody no matter how chea ] or how Jino n garment they wish. Wo have cloaks for the rich , wo have cloaks for the medium class and poorer people. Come to us for a cloak for a dollat up to live hundred dollars and wo can suit you. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS and jackets from $1 each up to the lines made. A great variety to select from. JJov novelties just received. Mothers who wcr not able heretofore to got suited In misses o children's garments nro especially Invited t call and see our new line just received. W will surprise you in our elegant nssortinen and the low prices. Kemember wo pivo i nice doll free during this week's halo will every child's cloak between the ngcs of 2 am 12 years. Also please notice that Honr Elsemun & Co. Is the only house In thl western country that has these bargains Call and see us. llu.Mir EISKMANCo. . , Council Bluffs , Ia. Mall orders promptly filled. Motor faro refunded by Henry Elsemnn i1 Co. , Couocil Uluffs , to all Omaha customers Boohs made with special rulings for whole sale and letail trade by Jiloorchouso & Co , Council Bluffs , la. Dr. Soybert. lies. Ogden houso. Tel. 14 ( J , C. Blxby , steam heating , sanitary en glnccr , SU3 Llfo building , Omihaj 20J Mot rlam block , Council Bluffs. A AVIdow'H Homo Burned. When Mrs. James Casey had tucucd he little brood of five young children Into thel beds In the lower rooms of nn old tumbli down frame building at 810South Malnstrcc last night she did not dream that u demon c destruction was lurking In a closet under th stairway that would swallow up nnil utterl , destroy the few rude comforts with wine she had surrounded herself. She Is a wldo\ whoso husband died a year ago , and she hr been struggling to Iceen , her little Hock t ( gethcr. She tucked them in her llttl beds at 9 o'clock last night and sat down t her sowing machine to lengthen the day1 toll. The whirr of the sowing ma chin drowned other noises , nnd ttio first thing tht apprised her of any danger was n burst < flame from n closet by the side of n cot uno which two of her children wcro sleeping. Tt Humes came almost lllto nn explosion , and b fore she could roach the bed the coverings < her children \voro nblazo. A few soconi later sheets of flame wore rolling tnrough 111 room nnd the old building was bhulng llerei ly. The woman snatched her babies fret the IIro and carried them out upon the ski walk before they were burned , but bv tli tlmo the last ono was out the room hud hi COIMO a furnaco. No. 1 hose house was across tlio street on less than ono hundred yards nway , and a en for the department was turned in from U box In trout of the station , nnd In loss thn two minutes n stream of water had bee turned on the blazing rookory. Companies U nnd 4 , and the big truck responded. Tl : lire was confined entirely to the lower part c the building. The upstairs apartments wei occupied as a residence by n family nnmt iiouck , and they wore driven out wituoi having an opportunity of carrying out air thing. Their household goodi were enl damaged by smoke and water. The building is owned by Chris Larson , South Main street grocer. Ho has un insu anco policy for ? 100 planed with Corey & Coi over. The amount will nbout cover the lo : sustained upon the building. Everything that Mrs. Casey had Is a con plcte loss , with the exception of a cook stov uud im old table , > vbich stood la a she kitchen used by nor M a laundry. The com- plcto destruction leaves the poor woman In u perfectly destitute condition , and if It had not been for the assistance rendered by kind neighbors last night slio nnd her llttlo brood would Imvo suffered , as not oven an luticlo of clothing except what they had on was saved. The origin of the lire U unknown , but Is supposed to have been smouldering In the closet for some time. 1IIOH GUADK. Low Prices. An nblllty to produce everything as ndvcr- Used has been iho "Boston Store motto , " hence the phcnomcnnl success attending the special clearing Hales at nil times. Tlio Bos ton Store Is having n clearing sale for this week In order to inako room for holiday goods. The marked success attending this great sale Is highly satisfactory , nnd shows the general appreciation of this public. Note n few of the prices for the week : 2.MX ) pieces all silk , satin edge nnd moire ribbons In Fos. U , 12 and 10 , nil to go nt thu wonderful price of lOc n yard. Immense se lection. Mow is the time to buy ribbons for fnuey work. Our $1.00 undressed kid gloves nnd glace In hooks and buttons nt O'Jc. . ! ) cases prints nnd challlcs , 0 and To goods , all In nt lu n yard. 50 pieces seersucker In checks nnd stripes woith 8 and lOc , all in nt fie. Gents' heavy gray shirts nnd drawers worth ! 13o nt lOc. Gents' nil wool shirts nnd drawers , sold everywhere for ? 1.00 , sale price 75c. Lndle'3' cream Jersey ribbed vests , long sleeves , Me. Ladles' all wool gray vests and pants , regu lar * l.OO goods for 7fic. Bargains in furs , cloaks , shawls , blankets , comforters , table linens , nil hi at sale prices. Sale continues all thh week. BOSTON STOKB , Fotherlnghnin. Whltolnw &Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Gents' underwear in great variety nt prices to suit all nt Model Clothing Co. , L. II. Mossier Mgr. Scott House. Best ? 1.00 per day house In the city. _ A Knotty ( nso Settled. The attention of Justice * Darnell's court has been occupied nt Intervals for the past two months with n civil case that lias at tracted a good deal of attention and got Into n very knotty condition. The c.iso grow out oC a landlord and tenant controversy nnd is of Interstate Importance in the fact that the plaintiff is an Omaha man nnd thu defendants are Council Bluffs psoplo. Some tlmo last spring E. J. Taylor , nn Ornahti real estate dealer nnd the owner of a number of houses in this city , executed n lease with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holtmnn fern n little cottage m Ferry addition. The * lease specified the lot and block number nnd the number of the houso. When tlio tenants went to take possession of It they found it already occupied by a family of squatters , who had broken Into It nnd occupied it by vir tue of their nomadic license. Tuo fact was reported to Taylor and ho requested the Heltmans to take another house of the saino style nnd char acter located In the same block until ho could throw out the intruders. They consented and went Into the other cottage. Vexatious delays were experienced In ejecting tlio squat ters , and when the house was finally vacated the llcltmans concluded to stay where they were , but neglected to pay any rent. They remained tbcio until September , when Tay lor instituted an attachment suit to secure tlio delinquent rout by seizing their house hold goods. The suit was brought In Bur nett's court and the original lease was Intro duced. Hcltmnn employed nn attorney and Taylor was also represented by nls legal ad viser. The claim was for $03. The Council Bluffs attorney quickly discovered the fact that the lease did not cover the property oc cupied by his client , and moved to dismiss. The case was continued , und when it was re called the prosecuting attorney filed nn amended petition to euro ttio defect in the leaso. The defendant's attorney demurred , nnd the case rapidly got into such n judicial tangle that both sides Hnallv agreed to submit some of thb problems to Judge Macov , and agree to ubldo by his decision. His opinion sustained the rulings of Justice Burnett , and the case was withdrawn , but to speedily appear again upon verbal showin ; that the premises had been occupied by the Qefcndunt. The linal hearing of the case occurred yesterday , nnd a Jury of fclx good and true men oeeupled chairs in front of the justice to decide the vexed questions. The defendants brought in a counter-claim of $ T.5 damages for the wrong ful seizure of their goods in the attachment case. The case occupied almost the entire day , and the mud in the street was inado to tremblo'wlth the eloquence that thundered around the llttlo court room. The Jury re tired nt I o'clock , and very shortly after ward returned n verdict of $1.29 forth 3 de fendants' damages they wcro supposed to have suttcrcd In the previous suits. The costs in the case will amount to a great deal more than the original claim , and have been taxed up to Taylor. The Heltmans still occupy the cottage ; und arc holding the fort with Hying colors. Are you interested In hrst class heaters ! If you are , then buy the famous Peninsular heaters. They orb highly recommended by these who use them ; they nro the linest fin ished and the prices are lower than nil imita tions. Our stock of cook stoves from $7.50 to $ 1(1.00 gives you the greatest variety to select from. Our line of furnlturo , carpets , hang inglamps , Window shades , parlor suits , lounges in lurgo variety. Come and see us , wo will treat you right. iMANDit , & KIT.IN , _ 820 Broadway. For hoys' and children's suits durably made and at lowest prices , call nt the Model Clothing Co. _ For stout men's clothing call nt Model Clothing Co. , L. ll. Mossier , Mgr. IlotTor Hnutul Over. In the morning session of the police court yesterday the case of Harry Hotter was called Hoffer is the murderous blacksmith who attacked Mrs. William Bohnlng on Wednes day evening with a Icnlfo and indicted some very painful wounds upon her hands nnd face whllo she was endeavoring to hold him until an o nicer could bo called to take hln into custody on a charge of taking groceries without paying for them. Mrs. Bohnlng and hcrlittlo daughter were the prosecuting witnesses , They made c strong case against the fellow and Judge McGee bound him ovcr , to await the action ol the grand Jury. Ho could not give the $ ; ! OC bond required nnd was taken to the count ; jail , where ho will remain until next terra ol court , the grand Jury for the present tern : having been discharged , HelTer claimed to have come from DCS Molnos , but the police ofllccrs have discov ered that ho C.UIIQ from Shelby , a short ills- t tin co cast on the Hock Island railway , They have also discovered that ho Is n chronic sneak thief , and was run out of Shelby foi that reason. The Shelby authorities founel that ho had made duplicate keys for every store in the village. Thcso were taken from him , nnd It was supposed that the best mean ? of dealing with him was to run him out ol town , although ho has n wife and family there. When ho left ho cauiq direct to Coun cil Bluffs. If it were not for the fact thai the man had a largo number of pasteboard patterns of skeleton keys in the hag of tools found In his possession wlion nrrosted niul that no had shown consummate skill In forg < ing keys , the belief would bo created from his actions that ho Is insane. Buy your coal nnd wood of C. B , Fuel Co. , 53'J Broadway. Telephone 130. An elegant line of Molten overcoats at reduced ducod rate sat Model Clothnig Co. Tlio Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41 ! Broadway. _ Scott Houso. 35 ut , meals , 25c. A rilranxu Cnnc , Covering n period of several m onths Tl BKU has received periodical und nnonyinou ! letters from a lady bearing the postmark Deer Creek , Nob. No munition , of course was paid to thorn. A few days ago a niossen Kor brought an unsigned letter to this ofllco the penmanship showing it to have boon writ ten by thu Deer Creek lady. It contained r request upon the "editor of THE HUB" for nn Interview nt the Pax ton hotel. A reporter was sent In response to the Invita tion , but ba was unceremoniously refused nn Interview , tholndy'tlbdnrlnKthatho ' was not the editor whom sluuvutitod to meet. An other attache of the.qnicewas then sentwith llttlo better success. ' * The lady , who by the way wns registered , us Mrs. Hey t , was plainly dressed , large of stature , of dark complexion nnd pleasant manners. She dcminded that the editor of Tin : Wrniav Hr.n call upijji her ut once , but was unliblo to give his name. The message llnj ) uiy had sent to THJ : Br.B wns turned over to the hotel people , with the request , If tluilnd.vptxned to bo Insane that the proper nulhoHtlcs bo notified. This morning Inquiry at the hotel elicited the In formation that Mra. Hoytlind paid her bill and taken a dummy train for Council lUuffs , where she claimed to hare relatives. Nothing Is known of the lady beyond the facts given nbovo. Her hallucination with icforcnco to Tun Bun Is n mystery. She may for years Imvo been n reader of TUB \Vr.KKi.v BBB , but that paper has been known for years ns nn effective nntidoto for Insanity. Th o combination of ingredients found In Ayer's 1'llls renders them tonlo and curative ns well ns cathartic. For this reason they nro the best mcdlclno for people of costlvo hnblt , ns they restore the natural action of the bowels , without debilitating. * sovrn OMAH < I. SparrlnjCoiitosiH. . The Black Pearl , or Nonpareil , of Minne apolis , who defeated Denny Kelllhcr of St. Paul , Minn. , nnd .Tamos Hlghtower are matched for a contest to a linlsh In Gor- nmnla hall , Tuesday evening , the 18th. Each of the men has put up $ T)0 and the winner Is to take the purse nnd the gate receipts. Ef forts nro being iniulo to have the light before the Magic City uthletio club , but owing to other exhibitions arranged It Is doubtful nbout arranging a dnto suitable for all part ies. ies.Tho fight between Prof. Michael J. Mooney and Henry Allen of St. Louis , before fore the Athletic club , will take tilaeo In Blumo's opera house on the 2.ith. The club has offered , " > 00'and the friends of each have put up $500 more , making n purse ot 1,500. , Tommy White of Chicago nnd Dan Dally of Maine will light In Uurmanla ballon the 20th for a 85UO purse. The Magic City Athletic club has tele graphed George Godfrey and Ed Smith , whoso light in Providence has been post poned , it Is supposed on account of police * in terference , offering a ? ' . ' , UOO purse to have the light take place in tills city. Word Is ex pected today and the members feel conlldeut that the offer will bo accepted. Should this contest take place bore , It will give local sports nn opportunity to see ono of the llnest exhibitions of science , endurance and ring generalship ever exhibited In the west. o Tickets at lowest rates tvnd su perlor nccoimnoilntloriH via the grent Rock Island route Ticket olllco , 1002 Six teenth und Ftinmm streets Oiuuhd. Army Notes. Private Brooks , hand Seventeenth Infantry stationed at Fort D. A. Husscll , has been granted a furlough for otic month to visit Salt Lake City. Corporal Johnson , troop C , Ninth cavalry , on duty with troop 13 nt Fort Washnhle , has been transforicd to troop F and ordered sent to Fort Hoblnson. The secretary of war has authori/cel the de tail of Sergeant Ogilvle , company C , Eighth Infantry , at Fort Hohinson , ns school teacher at that post until April SO , IbOl. Sergeant Elwcll , coinpany C , Second Infan try , stationed nt Foil Omaha , has been granted a furlough fpr six months ou his reenlistment - enlistment In his prpsent company. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething produces natural , quiet sk-op- 25 cents a bottle. A Scnninu Familiar with Disaster , LOKDOX , Nov. II. [ Special Cablegram to Tun Bnu.l Among the three survivors of the Serpent disaster Is a seaman named Freder ick Gould. This is not his first anpearanco In a shipwreck nnd ho booms to hear a charmed llfo. Ho lias bton In the naval ser vice for many years and was ono of these who were saved at the tlmo H. M. S. Wnsp was lost. Ho Is also a survivor of the disaster that occurred to H. M. S. Lily. 1002. Sixteenth and Farnam streets Is the now Rock Islanel ticket olllce. Tick ets to all points cast at lowest rates. Shot the .Man. Cn.iMiiKnr.Aix , S , D. , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB UEn.l Ed Hamilton was held under $750 bonds for shooting n young man named Smltli on the evening of Novem ber 3 at Klmball. The shot was probably in tended for the saloonkeeper , but missed its mark and bit another man. Smith is in a precarious condition. o HorHfnrcl'A Acid Phosphate Relieves mental and physical exhaustion A Saloon Uiildcd. , S. D. , Nov. 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB BF.K. ] Today Constable Franklin , armed with a search warrant , raided Koss' shloon in Kimball and seized thlttv barrels of bottled beer. An Injunction was issued against Koss lust summer. lie has skipped. The carbonic acid In-Cook's Extra Dry Im perial Champagne Is one , of the best remedies for colic or diarrhcea. * Ilntcs on Ore. ST. Louis , Mo. , Npv. 14. At a racetlns ol the Southwestern Hallway nnd Steamship association today , rates on ore from Hie Grande crossing to St. Louis , Omuhn , etc. , on n basis of ' > cents per 100 were adopted. To Nervous Debilitated Slonf If you will send us vour address wo will send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltalo Bell nnd Appliances on trial They will quleklj restore you to vigor , manhood and health , Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich. A Now Hoail. r SruiKflnr.u ) , 111. , Nov. 14. Articles of in corporation were tiled today for the Chicago Pnxton is Cayuga railroad , which proposes tt build a line from Paxton , Ford county , Illi nois , to Cayuga , Ind. Prostration or Insomnia ? Go to Excelsior Springs , Mo. Cleared the Doctor. CHICAGO , Nov. 14. The coroner's Jury to day decided thn Aunlo Tillable , or Trim- mons , died from peritonitis following natural causes , nnd Dr. Ely was honornbly dis charged. nnd [ Coldn. These who are suffering from coughs , colds , sore throat , etc. , should try Brown's Bronchial Troches , Sold only in boxes. ' ' ' DavoUovo UIIJ-H the Miiooln Club. Lixcoi.vNeb. , Nqyvl4. ; [ Special Telegram to Tan BEE. ] Dave uowo has bought the Lincoln base ball club nnd franchUo and will have whole control inyct season. i A Light Ip Kvitry north. To the ChlcagopMllwaukoo & St. Paul railway belongs the credit of halnij the Hrst in the coutil'ry to retduco the matter of electric lighting of trains to scientific perfection. Ono pf the novel features introduced in tW Blooplng1 cars is a patent electric reaOlnglnmp iu each tec- tion. With this luxurious provision , reading ut night before und tutor retir ing boeomos ns comfortable ns by day , and when retiring the toilet may be miulo in comfort and sochiblon. The berth rending lamp in the Pullmiu sleeping cars run on the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul railway , between Omnhn nnd Chicago , Is patented niul cannot ho used bv any other railwnj coinpany. It is the greatest improve ment of the ago. Try It mid bo con vinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Onuiha , at 0:10 : p. in. dully , arriv ing at Chicago at l:30 ) : a. m. Se6ure tickets nnd Bleeping cur berths at Union Tickotolllco , 1601 Fai'nam sti-oot ( Uurkoi block ) , Omahiu J. K. PUKSTO.V , F. A. NASH , Pass. Agent , Oon'l ' Agent DIM'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Despite the Depression in Stocks , Legiti mate Business ia the Largest Known , NO LIKELIHOOD OF SERIOUS RESULTS , Reports From the Various Centers of Industry and Commerce and a Itcvlmr ofTrmlu Tito 1 < M. nnnuial Situation , Nc\v YOIIK , Nov. 14. f Special Tclepratn to Tin : HKK.J-U. O. Bun tc Co.'a Weekly Hovlow of Trade says : Those who Imvo long expected n severe re action on the stock market have now scon the average of prices thrown back to a lower point than has been touched nt nny ether time for moro than four yo-irs. It ronmliis the fact that the legitimate business through out the country Is the largest ever known , not much inflated or endangered by specula tion , nnd so for sound that complaints In re gard to collections have been much fewer than usual. The check now sustained may , not Improbably , produce some shrinlmga in transactions nnd diminution of prollts , but the Industrial and commercial conditions have boon so favorable that speculative dis turbances nro the less likely to nllect general business seriously. Kcports from other cities show that nt most points the events in Wall street have had llttlo or no effect ns yet. At Boston transactions havt { boon somewhat limited and money is linn nt high rates. Wool sales are smaller , but more activity is expected \vltli the opening of the heavy gools se.ison In De cember. Leather Is quiet anil easy ami hide ? dull nntl lower , but because hark and othoi materials nro strong. It is thought ncitlici cannot recede much. Boot nnd shoo nianu fncturera are Kettlnp tlio recentudvanco h prices , with shipments exceeding last year's , Lumber Is nulot. At Philadelphia money is tight nnd little eommercial paper offered or selling. SVoo manufacturers uro buylne , moro liberally , with n slight ailvt nco In some grades Leather Is strong nnd the shoo trade Inrgei than last year , though loss brisk than of late At Cliie.iRO money is active iitTper cent but country banks ale sending In funds foi Investment nnd eastern disturbances me little felt. Grain und cured meats equal lasi year's. A slight loss Is soon in dressed bcof butter nnd cheese , and a heavy loss In hides , but a liberal gain In wool nnd lard , while the tradoin dry goods , clothing and shoes is mud larger with satisfactory collections. No ether western point shows disturbance In trade , though money Is generally close. A1 St. Louis the rate is 7 to8 per cent mid the volume of trade Inreo. At Cincinnati it Is ti ht. but collections nro very fair. The clothing season exceeds expectations and tlie grocery trade is very good. At Detroit monoj U close nt 7 , collections very fair and tnnnu fncturlng active. Tlio Michigan wheat aroc shows 4 per cent Increase. At Cleveland money is tight , collections satisfactory ant trade good except clothing. i\t Milwaukee money is close at 7 , collections satisfactory , and eastern troubles do not check trado. Al Omaha , St. Paul and Kansas City money IE In strong demand , collections healthy nnC business good. Southctn cities make much the same report. Baltimore reports nil busi ness healthy , mills running full uml trade brisk with satisfactory collect- lions. New Orleans finds money active , cotton receipts below last your , but sugar nnd rice liberal with good demand for all. At lanta reports easy money and good trade , and Savannah reports money tight but trade active. At Jacksonville earlier travel than usual causes activity. The accounts show n remarkably encourag ing condition of business , but more than the usual scarcity of money , In splto of good collections. The Iron output November 1 was 17,177,958 , tons weekly , against 170'J03 , Octeuor 1 , nnd considerable decrease in production Is ex pected if prices yield. The demand for manufactured products is now distinctly smaller and a railway supplies du- crcaso Is foreshadowed by llnanclal troubles. The commercial trade is dull , holders trying to realize October prices nnd the high price of coke causes complaint. Tin Is % cent lower , copper steady anil lead weak , because of considerable Importations. India rubber is lower. Both the method mid results Syrup of Figs is taken j it is pleasant and refreshing lo tlio taste , and acts fjently yet promptly on the KielueyB , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures hahitunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tneto and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , iU many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs IB for Bale in 50c and § 1 bottles oy p.ll leading drug gists. Any reliahlo druggist who may not have it on Land will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to tiy it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SWUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. IOUISVIUE , Kf , /vfiv / ronK. V.Y. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $4OOOOC SURPLUS 8OOO'OC Accounts of Banks , IJanlteri and Corporations ia < llcltcil. Our facllltlot for COUiKCTlONS are excellent , and wo rc-dlacount for bantu when bnlancoi warrant It lloston U n lleiervo City , anil bulnncoi vrltli in from Imnkn ( not located la oilier llujcrvu Cltlui ] count ai nrosorve. Wo draw our own cicrnnio on J < on < 1on and thu Continent , anil make cablu transfer * undplncoiuonoj ly telegraph throughout tlio United Htului unil Cua < ail a. a.Woharo Woharo market forprlmo llrst-clnm liiTCUmtnl Securltlo , and India proposal * front blaluj , Cuuu < ties nnd Clllcn when Issuing bonds. Wo ill ) n itvnurul tmnklnu business , anil Injlto cor respondence. ASA P. POTTER , PJIHSIWISNT. JOS. W. WORK , CAbHUJii. TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS fORTE 01 ? CONTKAOr WOIIK Is being tulvurtlsrul In K.MUNrKiiiNf ] Niwa : AMI AMKIIIOAN KAII.WAY JOUHNAL ; publWifil n Trlbiinu lluIUIlng , Now York Clty.nua foreul" " Ly ull uowidealora. Price , ISconli. Judgement nlioulit bo displayed In buying medi cine nbovo all things. In selecting n remedy for any disease , you .shouldbo positive tlint It contains nothing Inju- iluus to the health. .Many rumudius ou tlio tnnrkcl lo.ivo the patient In a much woiso cundltlon , tlmn bufuro taking thum. oo - o- Is purely vegetable , and perfectly linnnlcHs ; tlio most deltcnto child can take It with absolute safety. It contains no inctcuiy or minerals of any kind , and yet It never fulls to euro the dis eases It la recommended for. Hook on lilood and Sklu diseases free. Swift Siiuclllo Co. , Atlanta. G. DrsBetts&B8tts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. DOUGLAS OMAHA , NfcD. The moat widely rind fnrornMr known spco Inllsts In the Unltoit States. Their lonit ox- porlence. re'rmrkablo ' u'dtl ' und unlrornal sue- com In Ihe trcatnmnt nnd euro of Norvom , Lhnmlc and HurRlcnl DISOIIKUH , entitle thiuo eminent physician * to tlio full conOdenco of the atlllctotl ovcryxvhero. They cimrantro : A OKHTAIN AN ! ) I'OSITIVR OUHE for the ixwful effects of oiirly vlco und tko numer ous uvlla that follow In its train , 1'HIVATK. IU.OOD AND HldN DI8EASE9 BpeoullT.oonmlotclv nnd iiornmneutlr oumd. NERVOUS I > EHIUTV ANM ) BKXUATJ 1)13- OUDKIIS yield roadlly to tholr skillful trout- innnt. t'lLna , FISTULA. AND UEOTAL ULOEI19 Runrantccd cured without pain or dotoutloa from builiiOTi. HVDKOOEUC AND VAIUOOOELB permanently - nontly nnd luccctsfully cured In every caso. BYl'HILIM. UONOltUllUA. OI..EET. Spur- m.itorrhon , Seminal Weakness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions. Decayed Kacultles , i'cinalo Wciilcnosi and till dcllcnto disorders peculiar to uithor sex positively cured , ns well no nil functional disorders that result from youth ful follies or the excess of mature yean. TRHTIIRP Uuirantced ponnanontlr O11V1U1 U1VU , cuiod , removal covnploto. without outtlnff , caustlo or dilatation. Cures > oled at homo by patlimt without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND 'MIDDLE-AGED MbN. fTTPl ? The awful efToct3 of AQITttT < OUftL , UUIU. , oiriy vlco ATlilch brlnRi prpnnlo weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded Ills , porrnuncnty cuied. DRS RFTTS Address these who have Im- Ui\O. lLl 1O paired tliomselvei by Im proper Indulgence and solitary hiulta. which ruin both mind and body , unfitting thorn for bimlnosi , stwlv ormurrluse. . MAKKIKl ) MEN or those ftntorln ? on that happy llfo , avmroof physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is Imsed upon facts. Flnt-l'raotloM enporl- once. Second Every case la Bpeelally studied , tlnii startln ! ? rlshf. Thlrd-Modlclnes are prepared In our laboratory exactly to sull each case , thus cffcctlug cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA. NEE PARKER HOUSE , BOSTON. J. REED WHIFFLE & CO. , Proprietors YOUNG'S HOTEL , BOSTON. J. REED WHIFFLE &c CO. , Proprietors. EU11OPI3AN Cooking nnd Service I'ncolloil liy nono. Complete In nil appointments lien louillon In tliucltjr Tlio lloatoii Trai arlit | siiys. " .Mr.Yhlpplu tin prlncu of lumlluriti. anil p.itruni of riirkurn' tmr nntlclpnto a return to thu KOOJ old tlmas of Its founder , Hnrvoy 1) . I'nrkcr. Mr. WIIIl'l'I.I ! will coiituHio the tunuairoracn t o in liorctouiru. lurly Decay nml Abmp , Imuottacr , Lost Vigor , Mid beilth fully restored. Virlcoctle cured. F&rtitnlngtd , itrinitbenid. K w Home Trtatlie lent free and leilid. Booreiy. I'ruf. II. H. IIUT'IB , 171 I'ulluu bl. , . " , ! . ' . 27 MAIN STREET. Over O. 11. .Turquemlu & Cos Jewelry Store SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. H'OUSK to rout , No. 017 Third iivo. . at $10 per month. > h'e > . L. M. Shuiruilcn. FOIl lUONT A ( U'slniblolirlok rosldoncn of ii : rooms , plcnsainiy Mtuateil on hlxh Kiouiul. ImrKo yaid nnd oichuid. Convenient to motor. Apply to N. I' . Mod BO It Uo. _ W ANTI'll I'nprKOtlo yoims lady or Kent. Will liny f 1.1 per week to rlnhtparty , K. 0. S. , (107 ( Willow H vi' . . Council MInlTs. FOIl SAI < K Ticnsn nnd Jurnlliiro of Scott House , ( Jonnull Illuns. ! M rooms. l'hoa | > : a buigaln. Address J. H. Jordan , Council It hill's. \\7 ANTHD Neat Rlrl for lioiibo- I work , ( prufciiou , Mrs. Jacob Blins , inul'luntur t. _ OR 11KNT 'I ho MoMuhan thruo-blory brlulc block , No. : i. > S. Main st , with elovatar J. W. b'qnlro. _ _ "Ij Oll ItENT A fhok'o plcoo of ciirdon land * ? near Council Illiills , with i > oo < l now build- Inunedlatu possession If deslicd. J.V , _ _ _ Fol KENT -Good ( Ivo-rooni housoi SIO.Ol ; other hotisos dllTercnt piluus ; ono slu lo room over stonj court house ; IIOUMH ami lots for snlu on monthly p.mmmU ; onu house and lot J.'OO ; doslr.iblo business lots on Saun- dcis Htri'ot. Noith Omahii , for Iciibu or ualu cjiuap. J. H. D.ivUlbon.Uii 1'lfth .i > t'liuo. Foil 9AIr/-Comioto ) ! sot of thiuurs tools nnd siiiiill Ktocic of tlnuaru at a bargain. liuinlro at room : i8 ! aiutrlntn block. _ 50 stoves nt cost to oloso out. Ileadrmartors for haul maple house niovhi ; lollors and jacKa. It. I ) . Amy & Co. CM Maliihtreet. _ rp\VO 80-auro farms for sale near-thn olty lit X n Imrgitlii. W. A. Wood & Co. , fi'M Main at , FOll SALE or Uont-Qardon land , with hoiuun , Uy J. It. lllco. Vft Main it. , ( Jouuoll Blulli. RfflLWflY TIME CARD i/rmvui i I'liicAiiu , in1 iit.iNtu'iiN * y. Oraalm.J _ l ) ( pot loth imij Mmim troeli. _ Omaha. , , 1.10 p m . , . . , , Chicane ) Ki'rc i . . . . . , u ) a m | i 15 R tn , , , , , . . , , Kiprcii , 070 p ra 910 p m ] Chicago Kiprcn B.V ) urn e.Wp ni | , , , , . , , Clilciiito l-ocit 805 rr Leriifi iUUUMNil'n'W \ MtT ItlVKIf ArrlrM Depot loth mul Miuna ilrnntt. 10 lilt in I Ot'iiTt-r Ttnr KspreM . , , , lUjpm IU lift in I Duiitor Kipmei 6.15pm ( It J p in I . . . .IxmvorMuhl xsn 813 n m | , . . , . Lincoln U > CM K. 0. , 3lJ. . * < T. H. I ArrlTOi l ) < poMOtlijuiiiMnton ulroell. | OinMi . " | > 3S a ml . . .Kanins t'lljr DAJT K > i > r ii , , . , | ilia p ram .S4S p inKM1. , Night Kip. Tin U. P. Tram , ! 045 i m 01 | l/.S ION I'Al'U'lC. , . . . Omaha. | laput lytli and Marclro t . I Uniahit. "iMjini Ovrrlnnil Flyer. . . . UOS p ra 7.SO p in , , , , i.rnollo ( Kipron , 11X5 p inDenter lOVU a in . .Denter Kiiro | i Dju p i f. . W * in .K n n Cllr Kxiroi | < I205 i 10I& n in . . .Knlrilolil i P3 U > ni I 1. A I'AVmtJ ; | Arrl Onmhn. | U.r. ilvpot , loth nnil M rcrM _ < .I Oiimln. (110 p ml Nlxfit KM > re ! | luw n lit IIU ( n in Atl.liillc Hiprcsl . ' . .I 6.'U p ra 4 W p m | Veitttmlo Miultoit 11045 n ni li\f i I rildUX VI IT A I'At'lKiiJ. ' | Arrlrot Oiimli * . llf. P. dppot lOth nnd Mirer SM.I liii ti > TTlS ml . * . . .Slum Cllr I'msengor . . . . { 4..W p ml . . .j.Ht. l' nl K pjv < ' 1010 n in I.I T I I - SllTuX T'l'H A I'AtUiU i.\rrlvo7T UniithAJ l > oKn | thMul _ Webiler ati _ | Uinnha , AMI p nit . . .Tr. St. I'mtl llinlt l..r . . . I'Sl ' nij 'I.IMIVOI iTTiKArio A"SriIU1i\vK.s'l'RUN ) , Armef Omnlin. I V.I' , depot , luth niul Mnrcjrjit * . MnnU _ 9IS IN nil , , , Clilcnuo Kiprnn . , (12u ( p m ( .10 p m Vuitttmlo 1,1 milo l | i.'O a m 615 p m Iowa Aceoinmuilntlnn ( Hto. Hun ) 705 p m Vt ( > p in . . .ICnslurn r'lror 545 p m 1.15 j ) inj Kmt Hmtorp BxprM f.05 n nj Umnha. | ir.J\ilt > put , lOtli jiml Mnrcy St Omnli . _ ieODpinl ClilcflKn Kipri'ji 4 i a ra I24S p | . . . . . . . , . ( ' i > HjjircMuj . .j , * . Ml j > in TxnT i I O > IATTA * al' . i .Oil i it. j Arrive ? " Umnhx | II. r. ilupot , llllli nnd .Morcy Stt.Mmnh . _ I.iu : p ml . .sT.TAHITI rmijiiin jiKi.T..jjl ! > < w ] m l7r IIT e j" 1 F , K. A .M'oTVALTTi'Tv ' ! [ "Arrl v T" invj | Diiimtisi l ) | itnilYobitor _ _ St _ ; < , "vfDU n ml . . . .rilloclTllllTi Kxiro | t > 'M p m 9110 n m . . .IlnftliiKi Kip. ( Cr. Hnndnjr ) . . 520 p m 10 p \Vi\liuo.VI.lnroln I'm ( Kt t > tind 10'M n m DIU | > ml. orkA Norfolk ( K . Suiiilixr ) . III M n in I , , 8T , I * . . M AU. Arrival Onmlui t | Depot liitli Atul Wcbitflr Sti. O mill * 7.UO n ml . Sioux Clljr AcvuimnmlHtlon. . J O.V p m 10U p m' .Hluuxl'lty Ktpti'si ( III. aim ) . . I."i0 p ia 5I I p m' Ht. 1'aul LlniltiM IIU n m 610 u m IliiiPiift l'ntiiietir.KrLHiinl ( , . ) 8 15 a in I Arrl ui Omnlift. I Depot lAtli nndVub ti > rSt4. _ I einiih fo. ' > 0 n ml ht.TAiuli A KfC , Kxpn-iii. ' . 4 r > 'J p m li 10 p ml .St. Uiuli A 1C. ( ! . Kiiirtinn , . < " > 0 nw lBnvn i C'ltlllATlU. H. I , * I'AT'll 10. Arrlvoi 1'miiMi'r I liiilnii l ) | int. Cniinrii Illulli. rropml .Slfl-l Kj | > ro3i . . . . U.1& a ra VIOnml Atlnntl3 niprcni , , 6&j p ra iUJ p nil . . _ . . . .Vottlbiilp l.linllcil 11030 am LOIVVCJ iCirftiATlO A NOUTIlWlis1 ! i.llN Arrive ? Trnnnfirl Union Ihrot. Cmindl Mutlf 'I'mlister V4U n m ( ilciidn Kxpri * § i e > lu p ra BIO p m . . . . . .Yi'Kilbiilo Miiilli'il i vu a m 10JW p , u Kn l rn Kljcr 2W p in I'JO p m .ArlantloMnll I 7 10 n ra Ji.n ! p m lown Arpornmoilntlnii ( Kxc. Sun * ( i(0 p trj Ix'nvei iUI \ rrnMfcr _ | Union Depot. Cqiincll " Uli'.Ha. Trimfer CW p ml riilonto Ksprois H15 n ra I i ! OU p in 'Lenro * T K . C. , STrjOK" f C."lt. 1 ArrlveT" Tramterllnlon | _ l ) pot. Cuuncll Hindi | Transfer iBofVinl. .Knninii Cllr Dnr Exproii p ra VJ1S p mj . . .knnijit. .tiy Jljflit K prn , I , S ) a m ' ArrivoP Tmmferl Union Depot , Cuunrll lllulta Trnnifor 5IXJ p m"T.L.J-.StiI.piili | 4'jiiion. jljill 13 IS p m lnvt-s TCIIlCAllO. Uirul.'N A OIHNCY ArrT f1 Trniufcr ) Unlnn Depot , C'jiitirll Illutli. Trnr.sfor Vtu n in . .Chicago Rxpreii < CM p ra 1UW p m . .Chlcnk'O litprcii 1MI ) o m J.SO jp ra . , 11.30 n m 8IOU.VC1TV A I'ACIHO. lArrlvoi Trnnsfc Union Depot , Council lllnffi , iTraiiifar 7 45 > m TTTBloux'Cltr Accommodation , .i IUO am p m Bt. I'aul Klpr B 1000 p m MISSODltt I'ACIKIC HUHUIllIAN THAIMS. jf t ) ra. s ATTEND Strlctlrlo Imslnosj" 11 n uplemllil mottn. The III nh- cntnuo.049 In OVCIT line of liuiniiiicncivy l ru-iclial by 111 in who liohb to coino mloiitoJ npo Ultj. . r * f * * w * r v WESTERN Po pie nro proKrosilvo , full of oiior y , nnd moiior unking Kclieinoi Thor nooJ training for business. . IOWA J.cicin in popular oclucillon. Her public KO'ionll nro rtolnirt'nvml i\ork fur licr ncroailn ; tulllloui. Wi'aloni lowi. COLLEGE , evmimonco * full tor.n Hpt. . Nt , She solSJli tb.9 really practical for liar dtnlonti. Normxl lltnN no < 9tiliartliim < t uni I'J.irui iililiro irioi. wall or , unnliu.l niul curofiilty cmiliatol tUiiIoUi mar iMilorntuny tlmo. Wilto for Mrllior pirtloali t W. S , I'julson. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc " AGENTS WASTED , DR , C. B , JODD. < 30O Broadway , Council Bluffe , Iq CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. * PAID UP CAPITAL . $1 50,009 SURPLUS AN D PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 350,000 niMRUTrins I. A. Mlllur. V , 0. Glcnqcvi. II r * Similar ! , l.i : . Hurt , . ! , I ) , Kdimimlsim , ( Jliiuloi C. IhuuiHM. Transact ( jonoral bunkliu biihl- ni'HS. l.urzpst capltil and mirjilna of uny liunk lu tioulhwcslurn Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , 'OFFICER & PUSEY ! BANKERS. Corner Main ami Hrovlwiiv , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Healers In furolxn and ilcimustlo o\olrm ? Collodion niuclu uml Inlurcat l > uld on tim D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' aid Packers' Sup.ilias , Market Fixtures , Casing , Splcos anil PUIISIKO : ) liiki > ri' Mnulilnory SM. ( & Mulii tit. . I'liiinull ' lllulls. Ia. Also dualor ' Inllldiauna READ THIS , On or after January 1 , I will make a change in business , con sequently my entire stock of Pictures , Hasels , Bamboo Novelties and my holfdiiy goods in general must be closed out at greatly reduced prices. A cash discount of 20 per cent will be given on all frames made to order. . A new and cheap line of fine screens just received. For $1.50 you can buy a Picture Nicely framed , formpr price $3.00 ; Bamboo Hasels , 75 cents , W. W. Chapman , 16 Mam st. , Council Bluffs la ,